Get Paid To Write - Amazon S3 · •Clients love you to be excited and happy to be working with...

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Transcript of Get Paid To Write - Amazon S3 · •Clients love you to be excited and happy to be working with...

This is Video 4.3

in the course:

Get Paid To Write

Module 4:

Top 15 ways to find copywriting work

10 online copywriting job sites

Learning outcomes:

How to:

• Find copywriting work• Guest blog to build your profile• Keep motivated• Use copywriting job sites

• If you see a need, an opportunity, ask the question or ask for the job

• Trust your instinct - you’ve got nothing to lose

1. Ask! Ask! Ask!:

• If you hear that ‘little voice’ telling you to ask something, obey it. ‘Tip of the tongue’ moments

1. Ask! Ask! Ask!:

• Clients love you to be excited and happy to be working with them

• Tell them you’re excited, that you want the job, that you’re thrilled to get the job

2. Don’t be afraid to be enthusiastic:

• Thank them for their business

• Send them thankyou cards - people remember people who send cards

2. Don’t be afraid to be enthusiastic:

• Building trust takes time - don’t expect overnight miracles

• Getting known for being a copywriter takes time - need to be seen regularly at events

3. Think long term:

• Never get annoyed if you don’t get a job - there can be lots of reasons

3. Think long term:

• Don’t give up if things are not coming in -just get back to the basics - networking, writing blogs, creating content etc.

4. Be consistent:

• If it seems too hard to continue on, consider the alternative - commuting, working for bosses, public transport, office politics

4. Be consistent:

• Keep your visual image/mantra/ sound/cue in view

• Reminds you why you want to become a copywriter

4. Be consistent:

• Having a bad day, got bad feedback, didn’t get the job - remember ‘this too shall pass’

• Take on the 10/10/10

5. Manage your emotional state:

• Get a good night’s sleep

5. Manage your emotional state:

• Recall your visual cues

• Read motivational literature

• It’s like real estate - there’s a great deal just around the corner

6. Get used to rejection:

7. Set up a database early on:

• Be committed to setting up a database of anyone that has expressed any interest in getting copywriting work done

7. Set up a database early on:

• Focus on collecting email details, not social media details - you own their email details but you’ll never fully own their social media details

8. Create a ‘lead magnet’:

• Create an eBook or offer to entice them to give you their email details

9. Follow up:

• Follow up - if someone says they’re interested, ring them

• If they put you off, follow up the following week

9. Follow up:

• Contact them 2-3 times and then put them on your database

10. Set up a website:

• Set up a simple website that promotes you as a copywriter

11. Guest blog for other sites:

• Guest blog for other sites related to copywriting but not in direct competition eg submit a blog for a:

• …

11. Guest blog for other sites:

• printing company

• web design firm

• marketing coach

…about the power of copywriting

12. Write for free:

• Offer to do voluntary or contra copywriting work for your local schools, charities, sporting clubs - letting people in your immediate vicinity know what you do is one of the fastest ways to find paid work

13. Be helpful:

• Send out emails on a regular basis to your database about interesting, newsworthy stories related to how copywriting can help their business

• Don’t promote your service – promote what your service will do for them

• Write a batch of 5-10 emails at once so that you get all your writing done in one sitting

• It’s much easier to write multiple emailers than one

14. Work smarter, not harder:

• Load them up so that they can get sent out once a week or fortnightly

• Investigate auto-responder software that does this for you

14. Work smarter, not harder:

• Look out for the traditional ways to find copywriting work - online jobs sites etc.

• There are dozens of high-quality writing jobs available at any one time…

15. Try online job sites:

…but most people think they’ll never get the job so they don’t even look them up

15. Try online job sites:

10 sites that offer paid copywriting work:

Key words:

• Communications writer

• Technical writer

• Journalist

• Copywriter

10 sites that offer paid copywriting work:

Key words:

• Writer

• Marketing writer

• In-house communications

• Tender writer

10 sites that offer paid copywriting work:






10 sites that offer paid copywriting work:





10 sites that offer paid copywriting work:

• A great way to get your foot in the door and get some experience

• Outsourcing sites don’t pay much

10 sites that offer paid copywriting work:

• Never try to compete with clients who say “I can get it in India for $5 a blog”

This is the end of Video 4.3

in the course:

Get Paid To Write

Module 4:

Top 15 ways to find copywriting work

10 online copywriting job sites