Gerhard Erasmus Workshop - English Australia

Post on 21-Jan-2022

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Transcript of Gerhard Erasmus Workshop - English Australia

Gerhard Erasmus


+ Contextualize the workshop with a story

+ Look at what teacher language in the classroom is

+ Discuss what lower level learners need

+ Link classroom language and learner needs to actionable ideas for development

+ Apply key ideas to your context

+ A discussion of the native vs non-native speaker debate

+ A critique of language tests and language testing

+ A discussion of International or Global English or English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)

+ What did they say?

+ Why are you here?

+ What are you hoping to take away from this session?

+ What do you think teachers with lower English proficiency need?

+ Is it something that can be ‘managed and developed?’

+ What results would you like to see in programs that develop and support teachers with lower English proficiency?

+ Agreeing and disagreeing

+ Suggesting

+ Describing

+ Discourse management

+ Interactive communication

+ Grammatical and Lexical Range and accuracy

+ British Council ETTE+ project Nepal

+ Confidence

+ Pronunciation and Pronunciation knowledge

+ Language/Linguistic knowledge

+ Classroom language

+ Unpacking skills

+ Language proficiency

Does it have to be communicative?

Focus on things we can act on

+ L1/Shared language with students

+ Teach lower levels

+ Are language learners

+ Teach children or teenagers


+ Are lecturers with very strong subject knowledge in EMI environments

+ the instrumental function - cause certain events to happen

+ the regulatory function - the control of events; + the representational function - make statements,

convey facts and knowledge, explain, or report to represent reality as the speaker/writer sees it;

+ the interactional function - social maintenance; + the personal function - express emotions + the heuristic function - acquire knowledge + the imaginative function - create imaginary

systems or ideas.

+ Support and scaffolding

+ Exposure to comprehensible English

+ Confidence using the language

+ Pass exams

+ Grammar as a receptive skill (Lewis)

+ How to model

+ How to set up tasks

+ Language analysis relevant to the level

+ Error correction

+ Classroom language

+ Instructing

+ Modeling

+ Encouraging

+ Praising

+ Nominating

+ Prompting

+ Error correction or giving feedback

+ Teach the way I was taught

+ Observations (What am I looking for?)

+ Observations (What is my manager looking for?)

+ Which is the right course for me?

+ I need a certificate to show I can speak English

+ Which of the ideas from your group today can you apply in your context?

+ What suggestions could you make to improve training programs for teachers with lower English proficiency?

+ How could we follow up on issues these teachers face?


Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, comments or questions