george GROW presentation

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of george GROW presentation

Generate Realistic Options Within

The Chris Carlin GROW Foundation C.I.C.

The Chris Carlin Foundation is a registered Community Interest Company, registration number 09408542

Chairman: Mark Carlin. Mark is a systemic psychotherapist who currently works with children with mental health problems.

Director : George Johnson. George is an experienced substance misuse practitioner who specialises in group work and criminal justice clients.

Project Consultant: Dr Donna Mullaney. Donna is a clinical psychologist whose experience has been invaluable.

A wealth of experienced volunteers with individual and specialist skills, an encyclopaedic knowledge of the issues affecting those with addiction and their families and communities and a passion for supporting people on their recovery journey.

Where it all began ...

The Chris Carlin Foundation was originally called GRROW UK which stands for Generate Relevant Realistic Options from Within. The program is asset based revolving around the 5 ways to wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.    

Where it all began ...

The Chris Carlin Foundation was originally called GRROW UK which stands for Generate Relevant Realistic Options from Within. The program is asset based revolving around the 5 ways to wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.The Chris Carlin Foundation came about from GRROW UK which was envisaged by Christopher Carlin and George Johnson. The idea was to create a person orientated course which would assist in helping those who had suffered from addiction take ownership back on their lives. Both Chris and George had been through 20 years of addiction including being in and out of prison, through rehabilitation and treatment both went on to working in the field of substance misuse, George working within treatment services and Chris becoming instrumental in setting up Lancashire User Forum.     

Whilst in rehab it became apparent to both Chris and George that although psychosocial interventions and step programmes address the psychological aspects of addiction they do not however look at the real life issues such as choice, building a life that challenges the issues of the past and other main stream issues around housing, welfare and at later stages work; it is when people leave the bubble of treatment that the hard work starts.

GROW UK is an inclusive programme where, through a person centred approach and peer led work, people’s lives and choices could be changed to fit with the ethos that THEY want. The programme was trialled at EMMAUS and was a roaring success.

However Chris sadly passed away from cancer in November 2014, it was from this that The Chris Carlin Foundation was born.

Hello and welcome to the world of GROW UK, 

an asset based self-management programme endorsing the five ways to wellbeing.

Hello and welcome to the world of GROW UK, 

an asset based self-management programme endorsing the five ways to wellbeing.

After spending over 20 years in the dark, bleak and grim world of substance misuse and being fortunate enough to have listened to and accepted different people’s guidance and support, I’m now in the position I am today to give back.

Hello and welcome to the world of GROW UK, 

an asset based self-management programme endorsing the five ways to wellbeing.

After spending over 20 years in the dark, bleak and grim world of substance misuse and being fortunate enough to have listened to and accepted different people’s guidance and support, I’m now in the position I am today to give back. I am now able to offer the recovery community a different concept in getting people on their feet, to feel more confident within themselves – confident enough to face and tackle life as it is now and deal with what it has in store for them in the future.

Our Mission Statement

We at GROW UK are passionate about creating choices, options and solutions that can co-exist with established recovery models / personal development as well as those that have yet to reach that status. We aim to work alongside these models to achieve a common goal – to help those that are in a vulnerable position in their life.

Our Mission Statement

We at GROW UK are passionate about creating choices, options and solutions that can co-exist with established recovery models / personal development as well as those that have yet to reach that status. We aim to work alongside these models to achieve a common goal – to help those that are in a vulnerable position in their life.

The idea and concept of GROW UK is a simple one; we formulate solutions together, we help generate ideas, we create pathways, in other words, we don’t tell people how to live their lives – that is and always will be their choice. Instead we enable people to live the life they may never have thought possible through key areas of development including family, social, relationships and work. However, top of the tree of development is the person themselves. We look at how people feel right now and look at the truth they see and identify if that is the reality.

Our Mission Statement

We at GROW UK are passionate about creating choices, options and solutions that can co-exist with established recovery models / personal development as well as those that have yet to reach that status. We aim to work alongside these models to achieve a common goal – to help those that are in a vulnerable position in their life.

The idea and concept of GROW UK is a simple one; we formulate solutions together, we help generate ideas, we create pathways, in other words, we don’t tell people how to live their lives – that is and always will be their choice. Instead we enable people to live the life they may never have thought possible through key areas of development including family, social, relationships and work. However, top of the tree of development is the person themselves. We look at how people feel right now and look at the truth they see and identify if that is the reality.

GROW UK will help people to think outside of the box and create free thinking in order to develop and grow and be more ready to deal with life situations.

Our Mission Statement

GROW UK will enable people to look at and view life in a whole new way, a way that will benefit them in all different areas. We will challenge our thinking, our perceptions and our belief system. Life and recovery is unique and diverse for each of us – it’s an individual journey and what works for me, may not work for you.

Our Mission Statement

GROW UK will enable people to look at and view life in a whole new way, a way that will benefit them in all different areas. We will challenge our thinking, our perceptions and our belief system. Life and recovery is unique and diverse for each of us – it’s an individual journey and what works for me, may not work for you.GROW UK is not solely based on drug and alcohol issues – its fundamental values are dealing with the problem, whatever that may be and how it may make you feel and impact on your life. Our main principle aim is to break down the walls of stigma and overcome barriers through an inclusive approach and operational function.

Our Mission Statement

GROW UK will enable people to look at and view life in a whole new way, a way that will benefit them in all different areas. We will challenge our thinking, our perceptions and our belief system. Life and recovery is unique and diverse for each of us – it’s an individual journey and what works for me, may not work for you.GROW UK is not solely based on drug and alcohol issues – its fundamental values are dealing with the problem, whatever that may be and how it may make you feel and impact on your life. Our main principle aim is to break down the walls of stigma and overcome barriers through an inclusive approach and operational function.Choices are a vital part of growth and through mistakes comes growth. We all make mistakes or bad choices at some point in our lives and it is how we deal with this that sets us apart.

Our Mission Statement

GROW UK will enable people to look at and view life in a whole new way, a way that will benefit them in all different areas. We will challenge our thinking, our perceptions and our belief system. Life and recovery is unique and diverse for each of us – it’s an individual journey and what works for me, may not work for you.GROW UK is not solely based on drug and alcohol issues – its fundamental values are dealing with the problem, whatever that may be and how it may make you feel and impact on your life. Our main principle aim is to break down the walls of stigma and overcome barriers through an inclusive approach and operational function.Choices are a vital part of growth and through mistakes comes growth. We all make mistakes or bad choices at some point in our lives and it is how we deal with this that sets us apart.GROW UK is here to tell you that mistakes and bad choices are part of life and life is only here once – so let’s seize the day and grow together!

Our Mission Statement

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person/ organisation

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person/ organisation

If you feel that your life is not going in the right direction, you have the opportunity to develop and change through sharing experiences within a group.

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person/ organisation

If you feel that your life is not going in the right direction, you have the opportunity to develop and change through sharing experiences within a group.

The course aims to:

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person /organisation

If you feel that your life is not going in the right direction, you have the opportunity to develop and change through sharing experiences within a group.

The course aims to:Help you to understand real life situations and the impact of yours and others behaviour.

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person/ organisation

If you feel that your life is not going in the right direction, you have the opportunity to develop and change through sharing experiences within a group.

The course aims to:Help you to understand real life situations and the impact of yours and others behaviour.

Improve your communication skills with a diverse range of people.

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person/ organisation

If you feel that your life is not going in the right direction, you have the opportunity to develop and change through sharing experiences within a group.

The course aims to:Help you to understand real life situations and the impact of yours and others behaviour.

Improve your communication skills with a diverse range of people.

Understand and interpret thoughts and emotions that may be having an impact in your life.

GROW is a development course shaped,designed and led by the person/ organisation

If you feel that your life is not going in the right direction, you have the opportunity to develop and change through sharing experiences within a group.

The course aims to:Help you to understand real life situations and the impact of yours and others behaviour.

Improve your communication skills with a diverse range of people.

Understand and interpret thoughts and emotions that may be having an impact in your life.

Improve your life and social skills to equip you for situations you may find yourself in.

What we do

What we do• Group work

What we do• Group work • Problem solution

What we do• Group work • Problem solution • Person centered approach

What we do• Group work • Problem solution • Person centered approach• One to one work

What we do• Group work • Problem solution • Person centered approach• One to one work• SMART goals

What we do• Group work • Problem solution • Person centered approach• One to one work• SMART goals• Make use of the resources of people who have been there

What we do• Group work • Problem solution • Person centered approach• One to one work• SMART goals• Make use of the resources of people who have been there• Sport

Self, Family and Others. Identify the importance of these areas. Explore where each individual is currently within their life. Plan for change

Positive and negative emotions and behaviours. Identify the difference between emotion and behaviour; identify positive and negative emotions and behaviours; identify the impact these may have on self and others. Identify individual behaviours and emotions and plan for change.

Positive and Negative influences within life. Identify positive and negative influences within own life; identify the impact these may have on self; identify positive and negative body language. Explore the term ‘interpersonal skills’ and what it means.

Sessions cover:

Behaviours, Actions and Emotions. Demonstrate interaction and negative non-verbal communication and explore feelings. Demonstrate listening skills. Complete quiz and examine outcomes. Identify meaning of passive, aggressive and assertive responses and situations that may require an assertive response. Demonstrate passive, aggressive and assertive responses through role play.

ConflictTo explore the reasons why conflict occurs and how we can recognise when it is happeningIdentify when conflict is destructive and constructive and the feelings it generates. Identify healthy and unhealthy responses towards conflicts. Identify strategies for dealing with conflict.

Implement skills learned into life events and evaluation of the programme.To watch ‘Raining Stones’ and identify positive and negative behaviours and choices and seek alternatives that could have been made. Complete reflection activity of a situation dealt with negatively and how that could be dealt with more positively in future.Partake in Q & A session with Guest Speaker to show how positive actions can benefit in reality.Evaluate programme and look at progression opportunities.

The GROW programme has been delivered at Emmaus in Burnley and at two children’s homes in Rossendale and was a great success.

We offer something different, a structured program that looks at the aspects affecting recovery and getting clean, whilst building on the tools to stay clean once abstinence is achieved. By helping the people we work with to facilitate their own recovery we will be able to offer choice to people to change their lives for the better.

We are looking to work with youth groups and projects aimed at young people, such as The White Horse Project in Rossendale which works with 11 – 18 year olds.

We are currently working with an educational body in order to have the course accredited as a Level 1 employability skills

Preventative Drug Education

We will talk about both the danger and stigma attached to addiction, be it alcohol, illicit substances, medication and legal highs. Using some of the lessons from GROW we will talk in an open and frank manner letting the young people come to their own conclusions. They will gain knowledge and experience from each other as well as from the facilitator.

Additionally by using references from film and media, this aspect will be both real and honest. Mixing GROW’s ethos of being committed to empowering people to make life affirming choices, we will be able to reach out to young people especially those from deprived backgrounds who living with addiction is a day to day thing.

Education on addiction is paramount at early developmental stages in people’s lives as this will lessen the impact of peer pressure and the aim of The Chris Carlin Foundation is to destroy some of the myths and stigma’s attached to addiction.

The current Government strategy has identified a need for substance misuse education and early prevention / intervention in young people. GROW will address that, equipping young people with the tools and empowering them with the knowledge to positively enhance their lives.

GROW could be rolled out to all educational establishments and fill the gaps in the current curriculum for PSE.

Education and prevention is the way forward for drug services of the future in terms of young people and adults alike and we envisage working in partnership with services to provide an all-encompassing approach to addiction and sustained recovery.


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESSIN PROMOTING RECOVERY WE

• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE• Focus on overcoming not eliminating problems and symptoms


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE• Focus on overcoming not eliminating problems and symptoms• Ensure that all planning, arrangement and delivery of support is driven by the person’s needs


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE• Focus on overcoming not eliminating problems and symptoms• Ensure that all planning, arrangement and delivery of support is driven by the person’s needs•Work flexibly in a way that is responsive to the person’s needs


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE• Focus on overcoming not eliminating problems and symptoms• Ensure that all planning, arrangement and delivery of support is driven by the person’s needs•Work flexibly in a way that is responsive to the person’s needs• Promote positive and non-stigmatising views


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE• Focus on overcoming not eliminating problems and symptoms• Ensure that all planning, arrangement and delivery of support is driven by the persons needs•Work flexibly in a way that is responsive to the person’s needs• Promote positive and non-stigmatising views• Protect the interests and rights of the person’s


• Recognise that recovery is a PROCESS• Understand that integral to recovery is the essential role of HOPE• Focus on overcoming not eliminating problems and symptoms• Ensure that all planning, arrangement and delivery of support is driven by the persons needs•Work flexibly in a way that is responsive to the person’s needs• Promote positive and non-stigmatising views• Protect the interests and rights of the person’s• Facilitate access to community groups and mutual aid



Mutual Aid




Educational Centres Community Learning

Business Funding



ELWRASafe net

Action For

Children Parentin

g CoursesFreedom


Counselling Services

Social Care CMHT





Housing ServicesBenefits Agency


support groups

Treatment Programme





Mutual Aid




Educational Centres Community Learning

Business Funding




Action For

Children Parentin

g CoursesFreedom


Counselling Services

Social Care CMHT





Housing ServicesBenefits Agency


support group

Treatment Programme




Signposting,Advice, Information,Support andGuidance.


Mutual Aid




Educational Centres Community Learning

Business Funding



ELWRASafe neth

Action For

Children Parentin

g CoursesFreedom


Counselling Services

Social Care CMHT





Housing ServicesBenefits Agency

Womensupport group

Treatment Programme




Signposting,Advice, Information,Support andGuidance.

Aims to break down barriers,reduce stigma,empower,enable and educate.


Mutual Aid




Educational Centres Community Learning

Business Funding




Action For

Children Parentin

g CoursesFreedom


Counselling Services

Social Care CMHT





Housing ServicesBenefits Agency


support group

Treatment Programme




Signposting,Advice, Information,Support andGuidance.

Aims to break down barriers,reduce stigma,empower,enable and educate.

Reduces social isolation and marginalisation. Promotes inclusion,social reintegration and community participation.


Mutual Aid

Groups Guest Speakers


Educational Centres

Community Learning

Business Funding



ELWRASafe net

Action For

Children Parentin

g Courses

Freedom Programm

e Counselling Services

Social Care CMHT





Housing ServicesBenefits Agency

Women's support group

Signposting,Advice, Information,Support andGuidance.

Aims to break down barriers,reduce stigma,empower,enable and educate.

Reduces social isolation and marginalisation. Promotes inclusion,social reintegration and community participation.

Builds sustained recovery capital.

Much research has gone into the group which will be run to support women, both in meeting the needs of the women and building on their strengths. It has already been run on a trial basis in Nelson and proved to be very effective in reducing isolation, improving perceived mental health and emotional stability and excellent at engaging women in community projects, mutual aid, voluntary work and education.

All of the women in the trial group reported an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence and a reduction in loneliness, depression and anxiety. Many of the women were involved in the development and operation of the group, including an online support group and are able to form a peer led steering group so that they have ownership of their group and are central in decision making. The services provided were tailored specifically to their needs and detailed questionnaires were completed prior to launch and feedback sheets were completed monthly. Many of the women described the group as “a lifeline” in their feedback.

Generate Realistic Options Within

Who Benefits from Recovery?



Who Benefits from Recovery?



Provision of hope, optimism, goals,

aspirations, positive

relationships, confidence,


self-determination and increased

well-being leads to

a valued and meaningful life.

Who Benefits from Recovery?



An improved lifestyle with defined roles and responsibilities create a positive sense of belonging within the community.

Provision of hope, optimism, goals,

aspirations, positive

relationships, confidence,


self-determination and increased

well-being leads to

a valued and meaningful life.

Who Benefits from Recovery?



An improved lifestyle with defined roles and responsibilities create a positive sense of belonging within the community.

Provision of hope, optimism, goals,

aspirations, positive

relationships, confidence,


self-determination and increased

well-being leads to

a valued and meaningful life.

Client can utilise and develop skills becoming an integral, productive and valued member of society.


We have recently been asked to look at a contract by Acorn Care and Education after successfully delivering GROW at two of their care homes on a trail basis .

In addition, we have been asked to run sessions aroundCyber Bullying and TrollingSexting and Unwanted ContactDigital Presence and Offensive / Illegal Context

We have also just been informed that GROW is suitable to be accredited as a qualification at Entry Level and we are working with Accrington and Rossendale College to achieve this.

Our FeesTrainer Fees Course duration Fee per course Daily rate Single half-day course £210 per course £210 per am/pm One day course £350 per course £350 per dayTwo day course £730 per course £365 per dayThree day course £1065 per course £355 per dayFour Day Course £1380 per course £345 per dayOne to one therapy sessions £40 per hourAdditional Fees Tailored courses Up to £150 (depending on level of input) New course development £200 Pre- and post-course client meetings £50 per hour (not including travel time) plus travel expenses

Trainers will meet all 5 criteria below 1. Experience of designing and /or delivering training courses 2. Experience of delivering training courses to a variety of audiences 3. A commitment to and understanding of equal opportunities issues,

particularly in relation to training 4. A commitment to and understanding of The Chris Carlin G.R.O.W Foundation CIC Aims, Visions and Values

G.R.O.W Training is primarily a Substance misuse training and personal development therapy. This can be done on a one to one basis or on a group basis.  Our trainers information will come from a wide range of backgrounds, including barristers, solicitors, outreach workers, housing benefit practitioners, and substance misuse workers in adult and children services. They are all experienced people and experts in their respective fields. Any profits made by G.R.O.W Training will be used to fund the work of The Chris Carlin G.R.O.W Foundation CIC

Our Staff Training Programme

Generate Realistic Options Within


The Chris Carlin GROW Foundation CIC Registration number 09408542

Any Questions?