Geologic Characteristics of Sediment-and Volcanic-Hosted ...Characteristics of disseminated gold...

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Transcript of Geologic Characteristics of Sediment-and Volcanic-Hosted ...Characteristics of disseminated gold...

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Geologic Characteristics ofSediment-and Volcanic-HostedDisseminated Gold Deposits-Search for an -Occurrence Model

Edwin W. Tooker, Editor

A study of current informationon disseminated gold occurrencesas a basis for developing anempirical occurrence model






Dallas L. Peck, Director


For sale by theSuperintendent of DocumentsU.S. Government Printing OfficeWashington, D.C. 20402

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication bata

Geologic characteristics of sediment- and volcanic-hosted disseminated gotd deposits - search for anoccurrence modet.

(U.S. Geological Survey OutLetin 1646)IncLudes bibliographies.Supt. of Docs. no.: 1 19.3:16461. Cold ores-West (U.S.). .2. Sisseminated deposits-West (U.S.). S. Tooker* Edwin Wilsone 1923- . II.Series: United States. Ceologicat Survey. Bultetin1646.CE75.19 no. 1646 557.3s 85600044CQE390.2.6653 E553.4AI 09783

CONTENTSSummary Iintroduction 2

Characteristics of disseminated gold occurrences 3Field examination of gold deposits and occurrences 3Status of the disseminated gold occurrence model 3

Vein and disseminated gold-silver deposits of the Great Basin through space and time, byDonald E. White 5

Silica minerals as indicators of conditions during gold deposition, by Robert 0. Fournier 15Geochemistry of hydrothermal transport and deposition of gold and sulfide minerals in

Carlin-type gold deposits, by James J. Rytuba 27A model for the formation of carbonate-hosted disseminated gold deposits based on

geologic, fluid-inclusion, geochemical, and stable-isotope studies of the Carlin andCortez deposits, Nevada, by Robert 0. Rye 35

Characteristics of boillng-water-table and carbon dioxide models for epithermal golddeposition, by Charles G. Cunningham 43

Geologic-geochemical features of hot-spring precious-metal deposits, by Byron R. Berger 47Geochronology of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization: Tertiary epithermal

preeious-metal deposits in the Great Basin, by Miles L. Silberman 55Characteristics of bulk-minable gold-silver deposits in Cordilleran and island-are

settings, by Harold F. Bonham, Jr. 71Summary of Steamboat Springs geothermal area, Nevada, with attached road-log

commentary, by Donald L White 79Geologic discussion of the Borealis gold deposit, Mineral County, Nevada, by Donald G.

Strachan 89The geology of the Enfleld Bell mine and the Jerritt Canyon district, Elko County,

Nevada, by Donald J. Birak and Robert J. Hawkins 95Discussion of the disseminated-gold-ore-occurrence model, by Edwin W. Tooker 107


1-11. Maps of Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showing:1. Locations of gold-silver deposits of Cretaceous and early Tertiary age

(older then 44 m.y.) 82. Distribution of miogeosynclinal and secreted terranes 83. Distribution of volcanic rocks that range in age from 34 to 43 m.y. 94. Locations of gold-silver deposits with mineralization ages of 34 to 43 m.y. 95. Distribution of volcanic rocks that range in age from 17 to 34 m.y. 106. Locations of gold-silver deposits with mineralization ages of 17 to 25 m.y. 117. Distribution of volcanic rocks that range in age from 6 to 17 m.y. 128. Locations of gold-silver deposits with mineralization ages of 14 to 17 m.y. 139. Locations of gold-silver deposits that range In age from 6 to about 14

m.y. 1310. Distribution of volcanic rocks that range in age from 0 to 6 m.y. 1311. Location of gold-silver deposits with mineralization ages of 0 to 6 m.y. 14

12-23. Plots of:12. Solubilities of various silica phases in water at the vapor pressure of the

solution 1513. SolubilLties of amorphous silica and quartz at the vapor pressures of the

solutions 1814. Solubility of quartz as a function of enthalpy at the vapor pressure of the

solution 1915. Calculated solubilities of quartz in water as a function of temperature at

various pressures 20


16. Calculated solubilities of quartz in water and Nall solutions at 50-MPapressure and various temperatures 21

17. Gold solubility as AuClj and Au(HS) in relation to the stability fields ofvarious minerals and as afunction if fo and pH 28

18. Isobars for Fe concentration in 1 m NaCor the phasespyrite+pyrrhotite+gold+quartz inthe system Fe-S-SiO2-Au-NaCl-H 20 28

19. Isotherms of Fe concentration In NaCl solution for the phasespyrite+pyrrhottexgoldequartz in the system Fe-S-SiO2-Au-NaCl-H 20 at100-MPa pressure 29

20. Solubility of stibnite in water, and in water and calcite, as a function oftemperature 29

21. Stability of arsenic minerals at 2000C as a function of f and f 3122. Fields of ore deposition as indicated by arsenic-mineral aisembles at

Carlin, Cortez, and Getchell 3223. Sulfide-sulphur concentration established by univariant arsenic-mineral

assemblages, as a function of temperature 3324. Schematic cross section illustrating geologic structures in the Carlin and

Cortez deposits 3725. Plots of mineral paragenesis, temperature, and salinity history of

hydrothermal fluids for the Carlin gold deposit 3826. Plots summarizing carbon- and oxygen-isotope data on altered and

unaltered Roberts Mountains Formation host rocks and calcite veins atthe Carlin and the Cortez deposits 38

27. Plots of hydrogen- and oxygen-isotopic compositions of water in fluids inthe Carlin and Cortez deposits 39

28. Plots of sulfur-isotope data of sulfides and barite from Carlin and Cortezand other disseminated gold deposits in Nevada 40

29. Sketch of model for sulfur-isotope distribution in the Carlin deposit 4130. Schematic cross section illustrating hydrothermal systems and possible

solution paths Inferred for the Carlin gold deposit 4131. Sketch of boiling-water-table model for epithermal gold deposition 4332. Photograph of the Gold Boulder of Summitville 4433. Sketch of carbon dioxide model for epithermal gold deposition 4534. Schematic cross section illustrating geologic features found in hot-spring

precious-metal deposits 4735. Idealized cross section of center of hydrothermal brecciation, showing

alteration and veining features 4936. Map of Round Mountain deposit, Nev., showing distribution of arsenic,

antimony, and thallium in rock samples 5137. Geologic map of -the Bodie Hills and vicinity, California and Nevada,

showing age and dominant compositions of Tertiary volcanic rocks 5738. Generalized geologic map and cross sections of the Bodie mining district,

Mono County, Calif. 5839. Plot of K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks, altered volcanic rocks, and quartz-

adularia veins in the Bodie mining district and vicinity, Mono County,Calif. 59

40. Simplified geologic map of the Goldfield mining district, Esmeralda andNye Counties, Nev. 60

41. Schematic plot summarizing volcanic history and timing of alteration andmineralization at Goldfield, Nev. 61

42. Histograms showing radiometric lifetimes of hydrothermal alteration-mineralization systems 62

43-46. Maps of Nevada and adjacent States, showing distribution of volcanic rocks in theGreat Basin and surrounding regions that are:

43. 34 to 43 m.y. old 6344. 17to34my.old 6445. 6tol1my. old 6546. to6my. old 66

47. Map of Nevada, showing distribution of ore deposits dated by the K-Ar method in theGreat Basin 67

48. Histograms showing dates of formation of ore deposits and host-rock lithology in thecentral and northern Great Basin 67

49. Histograms showing dates of formation of ore deposits and host-rock lithology in theWalker Lane (western Great Basin) 68


50. Generalized geologic map of the Steamboat Springs geothermal area, Washoe County,Nevada 80

51. Idealized cross section illustrating composite stratigraphic relations at SteamboatSprings 82

52. Geologic cross section of the Silica Pit, showing locations of samples and mineralogyof core from drill hole GS-7 84

53. Geologic map of the Fletcher Valley area, Nevada 9054. Photograph showing local unconformity in the Borealis pit 9155. Generalized sketch illustrating geologic relations at the Borealis minesite 9356. Schematic cross section of the Borealis minesite 9457. Sketch map showing location and general geology of the Jerritt Canyon district and

the Enfield Bell mine area, Nevada 9658. Preliminary geologic map of the Enfield Bell mine, Jerritt Canyon district, Elko

County, Nevada 9759. Formational units in the Jerritt Canyon district 9860. Generalized stratigraphic section of lower-plate rocks in the Enfield Bell mine 9961. North-south cross sections through central parts of the Lower North Generator Hill

deposit and the Marlboro Canyon ore body 10162. Geologic map of a typical mine level in the Lower Generator Hill ore body 10263. North-south cross section through western part of the Marlboro Canyon ore body 10364. Map of Nevada and adjacent parts of neighboring States, showing geologic host

terranes and locations of deposits visited or observed, or listed in checklists 108


1. Locations, mineralization ages, salinities, and ore-solution temperatures of gold-silverdeposits of Nevada and adjacent States 6

2. Trace-element data on selected samples from hot-spring precious-metal deposits inNevada 50

3. Trace-element data on selected samples from Steamboat Springs, Nevada so4. Traee-element data on selected samples from carbonate-hosted disseminated precious-

metal deposits in Nevada 525. Trace-element data on selected samples from the Shale Pit and vicinity, Round

Mountain, Nevada 526. Trace-element data on selected samples from quartz veins in the Comstock Lode and

Tonopah mining districts, Nevada 537. Spectrographic analyses of chemical precipitates from the Steamboat Springs

geothermal area, Nevada 838. Summary of critical attributes for disseminated gold deposits 144


-- - -- - 1 1 --

Vein and Disseminated Gold-Silver Deposits of theGreat Basin Through Space and TimeBy Donald E. White


Introduction 5Acknowledgments 7

Ages of ore deposits and their relations to volcanism 7Cretaceous systems 7Evolving trends of mid-Tertiary and younger volcanic and precious-metalsystems 8

Trends from 43 to 34 m.y. B.P. 8Trends from 34 to 17 m.y. B.P. 9Trends from 17 to 6 m.y. B.P. 10Trends from 6 m.y. B.P. to present 11

Enigmas of disseminated gold-silver deposits 11References cited 14


In a recent paper, White and Heropoulos (1983)tabulated all the data currently available on precious-metal deposits of the Great Basin, especially inNevada and the immediately adjacent parts ofsurrounding States. Of these deposits (table 1), 48 areIn Nevada, 2 each are in nearby parts of California,Idaho, and Utah, and 1 Is in Arizona. White andHeropoulos focused on deposits that have been radio-metrically dated (45 districts or deposits) or that hadat least preliminary data on salinities of ore fluids and(or) temperatures of deposition (from temper-atures ofhomogenization and freezing-point depressions of fluidinclusions). Many mineralization ages weredetermined by standard potassium-rgon methods onmineral separates of nearly pure adularia(hydrothermal K-feldspar, mainly by Silberman andMcKee, 1974, and Silberman and others, 1976, 1979).Although such ages should be relatively reliable, theymay not represent the total timespan of ore depositionof a single deposit or a district. Other K-bearingminerals and altered rocks were utilized for datingsome deposits without suitable adularia or alunite;these ages are probably less reliable.

Salinity data were available for only ninedeposits or districts-far too few to permit reliableconclusions. The fluids of epithermal vein systems aregenerally dilute, mostly ranging from 0.2 to 2 weightpercent NaCl equivalent, but some inclusion fluidsfrom Rochester (Vikre, 1981) and Tenmile (Nash, 1972)range as high as 6 and 7 weight percent Naul

equivalent. For comparison, active geothermalsystems do not exceed 0.8 weight percent NaCl equiv-alent in salinity (Brook and others, 1979; White andHeropoulos, 1984).

Nash (1972) made the most intensive search forsuitable fluid inclusions from disseminated deposits.He concluded that Gold Acres is characterized byinclusion fluids of 5.4 to 7.3 weight-pereent-NaCl-equivalent salinity, with filling temperatures of about1600-185 0C. These temperatures are considerablylower than those of tysical epithermal veins, most ofwhich range from 200 to 3000C and average about2500C (table 1; Buchanan, 1981).

Of the 55 deposits or districts listed in table 1,17 have been called disseminated, Carlin type, bulkmining, or invisible gold, as distinguished from thosethat contain typical precious-metal veins, whichgenerally occur in volcanic rocks. Of these 17deposits, 7 have mineralization ages of less than 40m.y. that probably differ little from those of typicalvolcanic-hosted vein deposits, except for a broaderdispersion of the ore metals in sedimentary rather thanin volcanic rocks.

At least 10 "disseminated" ore districts and,possibly, many unlisted recent discoveries are insedimentary rocks older than the widespreadmid-Tertiary volcanism of the Great Basin. Do thesedeposits differ in significant ways other than age andhost rocks? Were their ore fluids more saline than the2 weight percent NaCl equivalent of most volcanic-hosted veins? Were their temperatures, heat sources,hydrodynamics, and tectonic environments also

Vein and Dsemimted Gold-Oilver Depoits of tee Great Basin Throuh Baee and TIme 5

Table 1. Locations, mineralization ages, ore-fluid salinities, and temperatures of gold-silver deposits of Nevada and adjacent States

[Deposits marked with an asterisk have been variously called disseminated, carbonate hosted,Carlin type, bulk mining, or invisible gold, an differ from classic epithermal-vein deposits;many other sirilar deposits have recently been discovered, but no age or fluid-inclusion data areavailable. Age listed is approximate average of ranige. Aailaria was the mineral most commonlydated (see Silberman and others, 1976. and Buchanan, 19fi1 for summaries of minerals and ages).Salinities were calculated from the freezing-point depression of fluid inclusions. Temperaturesare those of homogenization of fluid inclusions, with no pressure correction; they are probablyvalid for most of these deposits (Buchanan, 1981). References: A R. P. Ashley (written commun.,19H3P; B, Donna- (19a2); Bu; Niuchanan (1981); G. Garside and Schillini (1979); N, Nash (1972); P,Pansze (197S); S. Silberman and otners (1976, 1979) and Silberman (19841; V, Vikre (1981); i, A.B. Wallace (written commun.. 1983)]

District LLt Long Age Sal inity Temperature ReferencesDistrict. i. m .) (wt pct RefreceN. W. ~~~~~NaCI equivi C


Adelaide ------------- 40051 117030' 14 SAurora------------------- 3817' 118°54' 11 .2-1.7 227-255 Bu, N. SBlue Star* - 4054 1161,19, 37.5 --- *.. BBorealis*---------------- 38'40' 118*45 S --- .-- BBuckhorn----------------- 4010' 116'25' 14.6 ... -- Bu, SBuckskin----------------- 3859' 11920' -. . BBullfrog----------------- 36055' 116048' 9 ---. .. Bu, Seullion-' …-------------- 40u23' 116"43' 35 --- --- SCamp Douglas…------------- 3821' 11812' 15 ... ... G, SCarlin*'------------------ 40045' 11618' --. --- 150-200 NCedar Mountain (dell)* --- 38*35' 117047' -.. .2-1.7 w 250 ouComstock Lode------------ 39'03' 119"37' 13 .-- 250-300 Bu. SCornucopia ----------- 4132' 116"16' I ... --- BuCortez*------------------ 4008' 116'37' 35 --- 150-200 B, N, SCuprite-----. ---_ 37l31' 117'13' --- ----- ADivide------------------- 37'59' 117-1S' 16 --- --- Bu SGetchell----------------- 41012' 117'16' 90 --- --- B SGilbert------------------ 38009' 117"40' 8 --- 275 Bu. SGold Acres*--------- 4015 116"45' 94 5.4-7.3 160-185 B, hGold Circle-------------- 41015' 116047' IS ... 175-200 Bu, SGold Strike'…------------- 4059' 116'22' 78.4 --- --- BGoldfield …- - 37043 11713' 20-23 --- 200-300 A, Bu, SHasbrouck* --------------- 37059' 117'16' 16 --- --- BHumboldt----------------- 4036' .118111' 73 --- --- BuJarbidge----------------- 41S52' 115026' 14 --- --- Bu. SManhattan 38033' 117002' 16 .4-1.9 220 N, SNational----------------- 41050' 117"35' 15.5 --- --- Buhorthumberland…---------- 38'57' 116047' 84.6 --- --- BPeavine------------------ 39'36' 1195S --- --- --- APinson'- -------------- 41'10' 117117' 90? --- .. B SPyramid------------------ 39S52' 119'37' 21 --- --- ARamsey (Lyon)------------ 39*27' 119019' 10 --- 221 Bu, SRawhide------------------ 3901' 118020, 16 --- --- Bu. SRochester' -------- .--- 4017' 11'809' 58-79 6 270-310 N, VRound Mountain*---------- 38*42' 117004' 25 .2-1.4 250-260 B8 N, SSearchlight…-------------- 3527' 114e55' --- --- --- BuSeven Troughs------------ 40029' 118046' 14 --- 240-318 SSilver Dike-------------- 38'19' 118'12' 17.3 --- 300 G, SSilver Peak…-------------- 3747' 117043' S --- --- Bu, SStandard*…-------------- 40*31' 118°12' 73 --- --- BSteamboat Springs…-------- 39023' 11945' 3 .2 >90-230 SSulphur------------------ 40053' 118e40' 1.8-2.1 --- --- A, iTalapoosa…--------------- 39027' 119019' 10 --- --- STenmile------------------ 41'02' 117'53 16 .4-7.3 >135-330 N, STonopah------------------ 38004' 117114' 19 <1 140-265 Bu, STuscarora-- … ------------ 41017' 116'14' 38 --- --- Bu, SWidekind----------------- 39'35' 119'45' --- --- --. AWonder------------------- 39'24' 118006' 22 --- -.- Bu. S

6 Geologic Characteritle of Sediment- an Volcadc-BHoted Diseminated Gold Deposits

ITable 1. Locations, mineralization ages, ore-fluid salinities, and temperatures of gold-silver deposits of Nevada and adjacent States-Continued

District aLt Long Age So Ilinoity Temperature ReferencesDistrict ~ Id N. W. y)(Wt PCtCI)RfrnefiaCl equiy) (C


Bodie ----- 381t2' 119§00, 7.2-8.0 --- 215-245 SMonitor - -------- 38042' 119040' 5 ..- -.. S

Apt zona

Oatman------------------- 3502' 114-23' --- --. 22n Bu


DeLomar------------------ 43'02' 116@50' --- .-. --- BuSilver City-------------- 43'02' 116044' is --- --- Bu. P


Gold Strike*…-------- 37t23' 113053' 78.4 --- --- SuMercur…------------------ 40019' 11212' --- --- --- Su

similar? These and some other unresolved questionsare considered below.


The concepts proposed in this chapter are theoutgrowth of my efforts to resolve some of thequestions raised during the 1982 U.S. GeologicalSurvey workshop and a subsequent (1983) conference inReno, Nev. (White and Heropoulos, 1983), on activeand fossil hydrothermal-convection systems of theGreat Basin.

Many individuals have provided essential datautilized or reinterpreted by me. Thanks are especiallydue to M. L. Silberman, H. F. Bonham, Jr., J. H.Stewart, L. J. Buchanan, R. P. Ashley, R. 0. Fournier,J. T. Nash, Chris Heropoulos, A. B. Wallace, W. C.Bagby, T. G. Theodore, and Larry Garside. By nomeans is there general agreement among researcherson those "fossil" systems that are tepithermal gold-silver deposits' hosted by mid-Tertiary and youngervolcanic rocks. Many veins in volcanic rocks areunderlain by nonvolcanic rocks, generally of Mesozoicor Paleozoie age. The initial selection of deposits fortable 1 was primarily based on a comparison of produc-tion values from H. F. Bonham's maps of goldproduction (Bonham, 1976) and silver production(Bonham, 1980). To be Included in table 1, a districtmust have had Important production of Au or Ag (4thrank or larger, as categorized on Bonham's maps) but

relatively small production of base and other metals;my Intent was to eliminate districts mined primarilyfor Cu or Pb-Zn, but with total production so largethat minor Au and Ag indicated first-rank precious-metal production from byproduct Au and Ag. Thistentative list was then examined by R. P. Ashley andH. F. Bonham, Jr., or was included in earlier publisheddiscussions of epithermal precious-metal deposits byLindgren (1933), Nolan (1933), or Buchanan (1981). Forthe deposits of table 1 designated with an asterisk as"disseminatedt or "bulk mining," I depended primarilyon the map and brief discussions noted by Bonham(1982).


Cretaceos systems

Nine of the ore systems listed in table 1 haveIndicated mineralization ages older than 44 m.y. (fig.1). The Rochester district (Vikre, 1981) may, in part,be as young as 58 m.y., but all the other districts,Including part of the Rochester, have ages between 73and 94 m.y. Only a few of these districts have beendated reliably by adularia closely associated with ore,and so the true mineralization ages are not yet firmlyestablished.

Most of the older deposits are mined primarilyfor dispersed or "invisible" gold (Bonham, 1982),

Vein W Dkseimted Gold-yver Depoits of the Great BEAn ETrota baee and Time 7

Table 1. Locations, mineralisation ages, ore-fluid salinities, and temperatures of gold-silver deposits of Nevada and adjacent States

(Deposits marked with in asterisk have been variously called disseITonatee. carbonate hosted,Carlin type, bulk mining, or invisible gold, onc difier front classic epittermal-vein deposits;many other similar deposits have recently been discovered, but no age or lluid.inclusion data areavailaDle. Age listed Is approximate average of range. Adjlaria was the mineral most corronlydated (see Silrierman ana others. 1Q76. and Buchanan, lQAJ, for sumnraries of minerals and ayesi.Salinities were calculated from the freezing-point depression of fluid ir:lusions. lemperaturesare tnose of noiogenization of fluid inclusions, with no pressure Correction; they are prota:lyvalid for most of these aeposits (Rucharanr.. 1¶I;. References: A, P. C. Asnley (written COm-un..19P3); B. bo^har (i9k21; 8u; Buchanan (i-ll; G, Garside and Schillin; (19979; h. hasn (1972!; P.Pansze J9708; S. Silberman and others (1976. 1979) and Silberman (19:.4; V. Vikre (19Rl); i, A.B. Wallace (written comrijn., 1983)]

Oistrict Lat Long Aye Salinity Temperature eferencesDistrict. m~.) (Wt pct (SC)RfrneN. W. Or -Y J Nadl equiv)


Adelaide…-------…----- 40'51' 117030 14 --- --- SAurora-------------------- 38017' 118"54' 11 .2-1.7 227-255 au, s, SBlue Star*--------------- 40054. 116'19' 37.5 --. -Borealis…---------------- 38'40' 118'45' 5 --- ..- BBuckhorn----------------- 40010' 116025' 14.6 --- ... Bu, SBuckskin…----------------- 3859' 119@20' ... ... ... EBullfrog----------------- 36'55' 116048' 9 --- *-- Bu, Seullion…----------------- 40*23 116§43 35 --- --- SCamp Douglas …------ 3821' 118@12 15 --- --- G, SCarlin*------------------ 40U45' 116"18' --- --- 150-200 hCedar Mountain (Bell)'--. 38R35' 117?47' --- .2-1.7 250 SuComstock Lode------------ 39#03' 119-37' 13 .-- 250-300 au, SCornucopia…...............41*32' 116'16' IS --- --- BuCortez'------------------ 40008' 116`37' 35 --- 150-200 B, M, SCuprite------------------ 37'31' 11713' --- --- --- ADivide------------------- 37059' 117015' 16 --- --- Ru, SGetchell*' ------------ 41*12' 117016' 90 --- --- B. SGilbert------------------ 38009' 1174a4U 8 ... 275 Bu, SGold Acres*…----------- 40015' 114' 94 5.4-7.3 160-185 B, h..Gold Circle-------------- 41015' 11647' 1S --- 175-200 BS, SGold Strike…-- --- 40';9' 116°22' 76.4 --- --- 6Goldf'eld .-------- __-37043' 117'13' 23-23 --- 203-300 A, Bu, SHasbrouck* ------------- 37'59' 117'16' 16 - --- --- BHumboldt----------------- 40"36' 118@11' 73 .- B) 8.Jarbidge----------------- 41"52' 115'26' 14 _ _ _Bu, SMarhattan…--------------- 38"33' 117002' 16 .4-1.9 220 N. SNational…---------------- 41*50' 117035' 15.5 --- --- 8uNorthumberlandz-----------38'57' 116'47' 84.6 -.. --- BPeavine------------------ 39'36' 119'55' --- --- --- APinson*------------------ 41010' 117)17' 90? ___ _ B, SPyramid _____..----------.39*5?' 119'37' 21 --- --- ARamsey (Lyon)…----------- 39'27' 119°19' 10 ... 221 BJ, SRawhide…----------------- 39'01' 118O20' 16 --- *-- 8u, SRochester*…--------------- 40017 le109' 58-79 6 270-310 N, VRound Mountain*---------- 38'42' 117004' 25 .2-1.4 25;-260 B. N, SSearchlight-------------- 35*27' 114d55' --- --- ..- BuSeven Troughs------------ 40029' 118946' 14 --- 243-318 SSilver Dike…-------------- 3819' I 12' 17.3 300 G. SSilver Peak -------- . 37'47' 117"43' 5 Su , SStandarde -- …----…----- 40*31' 118'12' 73 --- --- BSteamboat Springs…-------39"23' 119@4S' 3 .2 .93-230 SSulphur---------------- 40053' 11840' .-2.1 -- --- A, iTalapoosa…--------------- 39'27' 119'19' 10 --- --- STenmile------------------ 41002' 117'53 16 .4-7.3 135-330 N, STonopah------------------ 38004' 117014' 19 <1 140-265 Bu, STuscarora…---------------- 4117' 116'14' 38 --. ___ Bu, SWidekind…---------------- 39035' 119045' *.. ... --- AWonder------------------- 39'24' 118006' 22 ... ... Su, S

6 Geologc Chamoe~rktlcs of Sediment- azM Volean~c-Hoste Dhmemlnated Gold Depcaits

Tabsle 1. Locations, mineralization ages, ore-fluid salinities, and temperatures of gold-silver deposits of Nevada and adjacent States-Continued

District Lat Long Age Ssl nity TemperatureDistrict 14. W. (m~~y.) 1id equv (CIC References

NaCl equiv) (C


Bodie ------- ---------- 3901?' 119@00' 7.2-8.0 --- 215-245 SMonitor -.--------- 38@4 ' 11940' 5 --. -.-


Oatman ------------ 35OV 114°23' --- --- 22n Bu


DeLamar ----------------- 43'02' 116@50 --- .-- --- BuSilver City-------------- 43"02' 116*44' 15 . --- Bu, P

Ut ah

Gold Strike*------------- 37'23' 113'53' 78.4 .-- ... BuMercur…----------------- 40@19' 112012' --. .-. --- Bu

similar? These and some other unresolved questionsare considered below.


The concepts proposed in this chapter are theoutgrowth of my efforts to resolve some of thequestions raised during the 1982 U.S. GeologicalSurvey workshop and a subsequent (1983) conference inReno, Nev. (White and Heropoulos, 1983), on activeand fossil hydrothermal-convectlon systems of theGreat Basin.

Many individuals have provided essential datautilized or reinterpreted by me. Thanks are especiallydue to M. L. Silberman, H. F. Donham, Jr., J. H.Stewart, L. J. Buchanan, R. P. Ashley, R. 0. Fournier,J. T. Nash, Chris Heropoulos, A. B. Wallace, W. C.Bagby, T. G. Theodore, and Larry Garside. By nomeans Is there general agreement among researcherson those "fossil" systems that are "epithermal gold-silver deposits" hosted by mid-Tertiary and youngervolcanic rocks. Many veins in volcanic rocks areunderlain by nonvolcanic rocks, generally of Mesozoicor Paleozoic age. The initial selection of deposits fortable 1 was primarily based on a comparison of produe-tion values from H. F. Bonham's maps of goldproduction (Bonham, 1976) and silver production(Bonham, 1980). To be included in table 1, a districtmust have had important production of Au or Ag (4thrank or larger, as categorized on Bonham's maps) but

relatively small production of base and other metals;my intent was to eliminate districts mined primarilyfor Cu or Pb-Zn, but with total production so largethat minor Au and Ag indicated first-rank precious-metal production from byproduct Au and Ag. Thistentative list was then examined by R. P. Ashley andH. F. Bonham, Jr., or was included in earlier publisheddiscussions of epithermal preeious-metal deposits byLindgren (1933), Nolan (1933), or Buchanan (1981). Forthe deposits of table I designated with an asterisk as"disseminated" or "bulk mining," I depended primarilyon the map and brief discussions noted by Bonham(1982).


Cretaceous systems

Nine of the ore systems listed in table 1 haveIndicated mineralization ages older than 44 m.y. (fig.1). The Rochester district (Vikre, 1981) may, in part,be as young as 58 n.y., but all the other districts,including part of the Rochester, have ages between 73and 94 m.y. Only a few of these districts have beendated reliably by adularia closely associated with ore,and so the true mineralization ages are not yet firmlyestablished.

Most of the older deposits are mined primarilyfor dispersed or "invisible" gold (Bonham, 1982),

Vein ad Disminated Gold-Slver Depeets.of the Amt Basin Trotgh Space and Tlime 7

Figure 1. Nevada and puts of adjacent States; largedots denote locations of gold-silver deposits ofCretaceous and early Tertiary age (older than 44 m.y.).Small dots denote all other deposits listed in table 1.

although the Rochester district Is of Interest mainlyfor its silver. Most districts show little obviousrelation to belts of volcanic rocks, although theRochester, again, is an exception because It occurs involcanic rocks of the Koipato Group of Mesozoic age.

The distribution of the older deposits shown infigure 1 shows no coherent pattern. A cluster occursIn north-central Nevada which seems to be associatedwith the acereted Golconda and Roberts Mountainsterranes (fig. 2) and are sharply limited by the eastboundary of the Roberts Mountains terrane.Exceptions are the Gold Strike district of southwesternUtah, and Alligator Ridge, which have not yet beendated.

A long time lapse may have occurred betweenCretaceous and middle Tertiary precious-metal-oregeneration, possibly from about 73 to 38 m.y. B.P.Firm conclusions cannot yet be drawn from the limiteddata; however, many new deposits of the disseminatedtype have been discovered in the past S to 10 years,most of which are not yet reliably dated (or data notyet released). Major thrust faulting and accretion ofterranes from elsewhere had already occurred.Crustal extension and thinning, with consequentincreased conductive heat flow and early stages offormation of the Great Basin, had not yet started.

Evolving trends of mid-Tertiary and younger volcanicand preious-metal systems

The pattern of mid-Tertiary and youngervolcanism and its relations to precious-metal-oredeposits have been Interpreted as belts that developsequentially. Stewart and Carlson (1976) and Stewart

Figure Z. Nevada and parts of adjacett States, showingdistribution of miogeosynchnal and accreted terranes(see fig. 64).

and others (1977) emphasized arcuate, generally east-west-trending belts, each successively younger to thesouth over time. Silberman and others (1976) alsoemphasized an east-westward trend that migratessouthward but rotates Into near-coincidence with thenorthwest-trending Walker Lane (near the commonnorthwest boundary of Nevada and California). North-southward and northeastward trends are not specifi-cally recognized.

Although I depend strongly on the primary datafrom these authors for most of my interpretations, Iprefer to Interpret the pattern of evolving volcanismduring and after mid-Tertiary time as a sharply flexedare consisting of an east-northeast-trending southernarm and a north-northeast-trending northern arm,joining in east-central Nevada (fig. 3); over time, thisare broadens and migrates southward and westward.The gold-silver deposits as a whole (bottom, fig. 1;table 1) show a stronger north-northeastward than aneast-westward or northwestward trend. In thefollowing. sections, I suggest these main trends, withdominance shifting over time. Mineralization trendstend to be short and sharp in space and time, notalways coinciding with the crudely contemporaneousvolcanic trends.

Trends from 43 to 34 m.y. B.P.

Stewart and others (1977) showed the distributionof volcanic rocks that range in age from 34 to 43 m.y.(fig. 3). Although several interpretations of theirgeneralized distributions have been published, I visual-ize figure 3 as a sharply flexed are with west-south-western and north-northeastern limbs that join at an

8 Geologic Caaractersites of Sediment- and Voleanle-Eosted Disseminated Gold Deposits

122o 1200 1180 116° 1 140 1 120

Figure 3. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showing distribution of volcanic rocks that range in age from 34 to43 m.y. (fro= Stewart and others, 1977, fig. WA).

apex in east-central Nevada. Andesitic flows and 120' 11e, 116' 140breccia are dominant In the southern limb, rhyoliticflows are abundant near the sharp flexure, and erhyolitic tuff is most abundant along the north-northe- OREGON IDAHOastern limb. Intrusive rocks are sporadic throughout 420 I.the arc. Only a single caldera, Mount Lewis, wasrecognized by Stewart and others (1977) in north-central Nevada south of Battle Mountain, but all *mapped rhyolitic ash-flow tuff occurs considerably U,northeastward of this caldera. 'he terrane boundaries 40 _shown in figure 2 have no apparent influence on the * UTAHvolcanic arc, the types of volcanism, or the positions * *of calderas. * e

Four precious-metal districts with Indicated ages * *within the same 34-43-m.y.-age range as the volcanic 3 @rocks have been recognized (fig. 4). All four districts W S NEVADAare tightly restricted within a timespan of 4 m.y. from38 to 35 m.y. B.P., are alined along the northeast- CALFORNIAtrending arm of the volcanic are of figure 3, and aresuperposed over the general area of highest concentra- ARIZONAtion of Cretaceous(?) deposits (fig. 1). 36e

Trends from 34 to 17 m.y. B.P. A

The volcanic evolution of southward-migrating FIgure 4. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showingeast-west-trending belts that previous authors have locations of gold-silver deposits with mineralizationemphasized, was most firmly established during ages of 34 to 43 m.y. (large dots).

Vein and Disseminated GolM-ver Depults of the Great Basin roh Space Td TIme 9


34-17 m.y. B.P. The southern limb of the are of figure3 advanced slightly westward, while Its east endstrengthened and rotated more rapidly southward thanIts west end. Contemporaneously, the moderatelystrong northern limb of the arc of figure 3 weakenedas It advanced westward (fig. 5). Thus, a strong north-westward trend crudely parallel to the Walker Lane,emphasized by the previously cited authors, becamemost firmly evident. Rhyolitic ash-nlow tuffs were thedominant volcanic rocks in southwestern Nevada andeastern California. Stewart and Carlson (1976, sheet2) identified 11 definite calderas, B probable calderas,and 2 northwest-trending volcanotectonic depressions,the largest approximately 100 km long by 50 kmwide. More calderas probably exist, especially Inwestern and northeastern Nevada, where concealedcalderas seem likely to account for the distribution ofmany ash-now tufts.

Six epithermal gold-silver districts weregenerated within this volcanic period, all of whichformed within the timespan 25-17 m.y. B.P. (fig. 6),approximately parallel to the Walker Lane. Thesedistricts include the important Round Mountain,Tonopah, and Goldfield, Nev., districts, which as a

group trend north-south. These ore districts are norestricted to any one volcanic type but occur mainly irareas of andesitic rocks, commonly with later rhyolitetuff. No recognized epithermal mineralizatioroccurred In the volcanic time Interval 34-25 m.y. B.P.

Trends from 17 to 6 m.y. B.P.

Most students of Great Basin volcanologyconsider that all the volcanic rocks erupted from 17 to6 m.y. B.P. belong to a single broad volcanic period.The volcanic are of figure 3 had expanded westwardand southward during the time interval shown in figure5, as described above, and then expanded farther tothe west (fig. 7). Its southern limb weakenedsomewhat but remained dominantly rhyolitic.Andesite flows and breccia became dominant in thewestern part of the expanding are. In the northern andnortheastern limbs of the are, basalt flows became amajor volcanic component, in part in bimodal associ-ation with rhyolite flows, especially in northernNevada and southern Idaho. Only 2 rhyolitic ealderaswere Identified on the northeast limb of the are, incontrast to 10 mapped and 2 probable calderas shown


, _ _. . .







F3 -amBasaltic flows Andesite flows and breccia Rhyolitic flows Rhyolitic tuff Intrusive rocks

Figure S. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showing distribution of volcanic rocks that range in age from 17 to34 my. (from Stewart and others, 1977, fig. 13; see fig. 3 for key).

10 Geologic aCaraeteristles of Sediment- and Volcanic-tosted Diseminated Gold Deposits

Figure 6. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showinglocations of gold-silver deposits with mineralizationages of 17 to 25 m.y. (large dots).

by Stewart and Carlson (1976, sheet 3) on the southernlimb of the volcanic arc.

Although epithermal gold-silver deposits of thevolcanic period 1746 M.y. B.P. are also generallyconsidered as a single group, the pattern of evolutionsuggests a significant change near 14 m.y. B.P. thatjustifies subdivision into an older and a youngergroup. The climax in ore deposition, as viewed by thenumber of dated ore districts, occurred within theshort period 17-14 m.y. B.P. (fig. 8). A total of 15districts from table I are included in this group, noneof which are of first rank except, possibly, the SilverCity-DeLamar district in southwestern Idaho. TheJarbidge, Manhattan, and National districts are thelargest of the age group in Nevada. Seven districts offigure 8 occur within the general Walker Lane ofsouthwestern Nevada, but a relatively distinct clusterof eight districts are in and near north-central Nevada,within the general region of mineralization shown infigures 1 and 3.

The later part of this volcanic period (approx14-6 m.y. B.P.) was accompanied by a furtherevolution of the mineralization trends (fig. 9). TheWalker Lane trend of ore deposits shifted a littlefarther southwestward to includes the major Comstocklode, as well as the Aurora and Bullfrog districts ofNevada and Bodie, Calif. Seven Troughs (13.7-14 m.y.old) can be viewed either as a westward extension ofthe cluster in figure 8 or as a continued but weakeningnortheastward extension from the apex of ore depositsin figure 9.

Trends from 6 m.y. B.P. to present

During the past 6 m fy., Nevada has been almostdevoid of volcanism except for local basaltnfows (ige.

10), andesite, and a few rhyolite domes nearSteamboat Springs south of Reno. Long Valley calderain California erupted rhyolite ash-flow tuft and,together with Mono Craters just to the north, extrudedsmall rhyolitie domes (G, fig. 10). Figure 10 shows,however, that westward migration and expansion ofvoleanism are still continuing, though declining inintensity.

Epithermal ore deposits formed about 5 m.y. B.P.along the Walker Lane trend (Monitor, Calif., andBorealis and Silver Peak, Nev., fig. 11). SteamboatSprings (S, fig. 11), which has been active during thepast 3 m.y. (Silberman and others, 1979), and Sulphur,Nev., (1.8-2.1 m.y. old, table 1), are the youngestrepresentatives of the epithermal gold-silver group(White, 1981; White and Heropoulos, 1984). Continuingthermal activity in the resurgent dome of Long Valleycaldera, Calif. (G, fig. 10), may also be generating anepithermal ore deposit, as suggested by the presenceof Ag and Au in some hot-spring sinters, along with thecommonly associated "volatile" elements As, Hg, Sb,and TI (White and Heropoulos, 1983).

However, the existence of ore-grade Au and Agin minable amounts (neglecting the problems of miningwater-saturated rocks at high temperatures) has notbeen demonstrated for any active hot-spring system.Sulphur, Nev. (1.8-2.1 m.y. old), continues to exhalesulfur gases and may contain the size and grade of aneconomic ore deposit (A. B. Wallace, oral commun.,1981).

Although Steamboat Springs, Sulphur, and,possibly, Long Valley are examples of active genera-tion of epithermalgold-silver deposits, this type ofmineralization now seems to be declining in frequencyand intensity in the Western United States, thoughpossibly not in New Zealand, Kamchatka, andelsewhere.


In recent years, major attention has been focusedon disseminated precious-metal ore deposits, generallyminable for their dispersed fine-grained or "invisible"gold. Table 1 and the previous discussion suggest thatthe existence of at least two types of ore deposits maybe causing at least part of the confusion. The youngerdeposits (less than 40 m.y. old) may be similar inorigin, composition of ore fluids, hydrodynamics,tectonic environment, and near-surface generation tothe classic "fossil" volcanic-hosted vein deposits,except for differences in physical characteristics ofthe host rocks. All of these younger deposits may be"volcanic centered" and owe their thermal energy and,probably, part of their mineral content and water tounderlying volcanic sources. The distribution of volca-nism and ore generation (figs. 3-11) shows convincinglythat both of these phenomena are broadly related inspace and time, but that ore generation is restricted toshort time intervals requiring some special tectonicand other geologic conditions. Much more abundantdata on the ages of these ore deposits may providemuch new understanding of paleotectonies, for oneexample. A vein represents a fossil open channel that

Vein and Diseminted Gold-lIlve Deposits of the Great Basin 1'rough pace and Time 11




was permeable to upward now of mineralizing fluids.Although this channel was eventually filled with quartzand other "self-sealing" hydrothermal minerals (Keithand others, 1976), the strike of a widening vein was atthat time either in the direction, or close to the direc-tion, of minimum horizontal stress. Probably nomethod other than radiometric dating of K-bearinggangue minerals can provide changes in principal stressdirections through a large area over millions of years.

A second type of disseminated deposit seems todiffer greatly from the first in its reported ages(generally older than 70 m.y.) and in other character-istics. We have only fragmentary data on the tectonicsettings, ages, temperatures of deposition, salinities,and other characteristics of the ore fluids of thisgroup. For many years I assumed that the relativeabundances of As, Sb, Hg, and TI in high-temperatureactive hot-spring systems and some disseminateddeposits (especially Carlin and Getehell) providedstrong evidence for closely related origins. However,figure 1 and table 1 demonstrate that many

disseminated deposits may be pre-Tertiary, theirfluid-inclusion salinities distinctly higher (if GoldAcres and Rochester, Nev., are typical), and theirtemperatures generally lower than those o' many veindeposits and some active hot-spring systems. If theirreported age differences are real, the tectonic andvolcanic environments of these deposits probablydiffered also.

Until more reliable data on these older(?)disseminated deposits are available, we should becareful in reaching any firm conclusions on a commonorigin. My present tendency is to suggest that theolder sediment-hosted deposits were saturated by"evolved connate" waters (White, 1981), possiblyconvectively circulating below a low-permeabilitybarrier that became less permeable over time becauseof self-sealing. These systems could have beengeopressured, with fluids dispersing into surroundingpore water, losing heat by conduction but with little orno venting of fluids directly to the surface, or mixingwith meteoric waters.

Basaltic flows Andesite flows and breccia


Rhyolitic flows Rhyolitic tuff 'inrusive rocks

Figure 7. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showing distribution from volcanic rocks that range in age from 6to 17 m.y. (from Stewart and others, 1977, fig. IC).

12 Geologic Qaracterkties of Sediment- and Voleane-Eiosted Disseminated Gold Deposits

120; l s1180 116t 114' 1200 1130 116' 11ii



X t t j UTAH >UTAH





Figure 8. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showing Figure 9. Nevada and parts of adjacent States, showir

locations of gold-silver deposits with mineralization locations of gold-silver deposits that range in age froi

ages of 14 to 17 m.y. (large dots). 6 to about 14 my. (large dots).

122 120° 1180,' 116_ 114e 1120

~~~\~ t~ _ -- * -* 60 . - -' _ _


; d' t-'\C' I

36°_ . a'\ ARIZONA

,~~ ~~~ C . Q I


~~~~ S

FiueOBasaltic flows Andesite flows and breccia Rhyolitic flows Rhyolitic tuff Intrusive rocks

Figre 0.Nevada and patsu of adjacent States, showing distribution of volcanic rockts that range in age from 0 to

6 m y. (frorn Stewart and others, 1977, fig. ID).


Vein and Dbsemnizted Gold-Slver Deposts of the Great Buin Th= Spaee and fme 13

Figure 11. Nevada and parts of adjacent States,showing locations of gold-silver deposits withmineralization ages of 0 to 6 m.y. (large dots).Steamboat Springs (S) is the only active system, butSulphur (Su) has feeble discharges of warm gases.


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14 Geok~gi Chamteristles of Sediment- wAd Volesnise-Houtad Dissemimted Gold Deposits