Geodynamic processes in the Andes of Central Chile and ... · This segment of the Andes is...

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Geodynamic processes in the Andes of Central Chile

and Argentina: an introduction



1Departamento de Geologıa, Universidad de Chile, Plaza Ercilla 803, Santiago, Chile2IANIGLA-CCT Mendoza-CONICET, Av. Ruiz Leal s/n, Parque

Gral San Martin (5500) Mendoza, Argentina3Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Av. Roca 1242,

(8332) Roca, Rıo Negro, Argentina4Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA

*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: The Andes, the world’s largest non-collisional orogen, is considered the paradigm forgeodynamic processes associated with the subduction of an oceanic plate below a continental platemargin. In the framework of UNESCO-sponsored IGCP 586-Y project, this Special Publicationincludes state-of-the-art reviews and original articles from a range of Earth Science disciplinesthat investigate the complex interactions of tectonics and surface processes in the subduction-related orogen of the Andes of central Chile and Argentina (c. 27–398S). This introduction pro-vides the geological context of the transition from flat slab to normal subduction angles, wherethis volume is focused, along with a brief description of the individual contributions rangingfrom internal geodynamics and tectonics, Quaternary tectonics and related geohazards, to land-scape evolution of this particular segment of the Andes.

Convergent continental margins are one of the first-order expressions of the movement of Earth’s tec-tonic plates atop a convecting mantle. The topogra-phy of convergent margins is due to the interactionsof rock uplift, climate and surface processes that aredominantly driven by upper crustal and internallithospheric deformation as well as erosional pro-cesses (e.g. Molnar & Lyon-Caen 1988; Beaumontet al. 2004; Whipple & Meade 2006). The Andesof central Chile and Argentina (c. 32–368S, Figs 1& 2) straddle a potentially important transition ingeodynamic boundary conditions imposed on theupper plate: a drastic change in the geometry of thesubducting Nazca plate from ‘flat’ to normal sub-duction angles, from c. 5–108 to 308 (Cahill & Isacks1992; Fig. 1). This segment of the Andes is there-fore a particularly suitable setting to evaluate theinterplay between constructive deep mechanisms,resulting in rock uplift and lateral expansion of theAndes, and the mechanisms of exhumation anderosion that shape the landscape in an active, con-vergent margin.

The Central Andes are composed of differentmorphostructural units (from west to east; Figs 1& 2): the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, the PrincipalCordillera (spanning Chile and Argentina), theFrontal Cordillera, the Argentine Precordillera andthe Pampean Ranges (Jordan et al. 1983). Although

previous studies attempt to constrain the magnitudesof orogenic shortening for each morphostructuralunit, limited amounts of geochronology complicateattempts to constrain more tightly the rates of short-ening and topographic uplift. There are several out-standing questions regarding the interplay betweendeep and surface processes in the development ofthe Andean Orogen over different timescales, asfollows.

† What is the nature of the interaction betweentectonic and surface processes in this sector ofthe Andes? In particular, are surface and tectonicprocesses part of a strongly coupled system?

† What control does the geometry of the subduct-ing slab exert over the timing and style of defor-mation in the South American plate?

† How do deformation and denudation evolve inspace and time? Are there differences betweenthe flat slab (32–338S), the transitional (33–348S) and normal (34–368S) segments in thisrespect?

† What role do pre-existing crustal and litho-spheric heterogeneities play in the develop-ment of the orogen? In particular, is there a linkbetween heterogeneities in the overriding plateand the geometry of the subducting plate (flatv. normal subduction)?

From: Sepulveda, S. A., Giambiagi, L. B., Moreiras, S. M., Pinto, L., Tunik, M., Hoke, G. D. & Farıas, M. (eds)Geodynamic Processes in the Andes of Central Chile and Argentina. Geological Society, London,Special Publications, 399, The Geological Society of London 2014. Publishing disclaimer:

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Fig. 1. Digital elevation model of the region showing morphologic zones, principal localities and rivers mentionedin this Special Publication. Study areas are indicated by boxes in segmented lines: A, Alvarez et al.; B, Carretier et al.;C, Charrier et al.; D, Cortes et al.; E, Costa et al.: F, Garcıa et al.; G, Giambiagi et al.; H, Godoy; I, Hermannset al.; J, Hoke et al.; K, Jara et al.; L, Moreiras & Paez; M, Moreiras & Sepulveda; N, Nainpauer et al.; O, Rodrıguezet al.; P, Sagripanti et al.; Q, Sanchez et al.; R, Suriano et al.; S, Winocur et al.; T, Zarate et al. The position of theflat-slab segment (Cahill & Isacks 1992) is represented. Red boxes mark the position of the 18-wide swath topographicprofiles shown in Figure 2. Abbreviations: AB, Abanico Basin; PR, Pampean Range.


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† What role do mega-landslides play in shapingthe landscape and erosion rates, and how dothey relate to active tectonics, climate and riverincision?

† How do Andean sedimentary basins evolve inrelation to spatial and temporal variations indeformation and topographic uplift during theMiocene to present?

In the framework of UNESCO-sponsored IGCP586-Y project ‘The tectonics and geomorphologyof the Andes (32–348S): Interplay between short-term and long-term processes’, this collection ofstate-of-the-art reviews and original articles investi-gates the complex interactions between tectonicsand surface processes in the non-collisional AndeanOrogen of central Chile and Argentina (c. 27–398S)with a particular emphasis on the area between 328Sand 348S.

Internal geodynamics and tectonic


The Andes are considered the geodynamic arche-type of a convergent, non-collisional mountainrange and are generated by subduction of the oce-anic lithosphere of the Nazca Plate beneath the con-tinental lithosphere of the South American Plate.Consequently, the present-day architecture of theAndes Mountains is largely the result of con-vergence between the Pacific–Nazca and SouthAmerican plates. However, these mountains pre-serve evidence of previous periods of contractional,extensional and strike-slip deformation along theproto-Pacific margin of southern Gondwana. Thetectonic style of the different morphostructural unitscomprising the orogen is strongly influenced bypre-Andean structures, especially those developed

Fig. 2. Topographic profiles at 318S (a), 338S (b) and 358S (c) showing the maximum (blue), minimum (green) andmean (red) elevations constructed using a 250 m resolution resampling of the SRTM 90 m digital elevations modelavailable from Major topographic features are labelled on the swath profiles for reference.Location of swath profiles is indicated in Fig. 1.


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during the Late Devonian–early CarboniferousChanic Orogeny and the late Carboniferous–earlyPermian San Rafael Orogeny of the Gondwananorogenic cycle (Ramos 1988; Mpodozis & Ramos1989; Giambiagi et al. 2011, 2014a; Heredia et al.2012). The first chapter by Charrier et al. (2014)presents a review of the major geological featuresand tectonic events that occurred in the Andeanregion between 318S and 378S since early Phanero-zoic time and prior to the Neogene Andean defor-mation. The authors synthesize current knowledgeof pre-Andean orogenic cycles, as well as the influ-ence of these cycles over Andean Orogeny sinceNeogene time, while emphasizing the importanceof the relationship between magmatism, metamor-phism, sedimentation and deformation.

Although the Andes have been described as aconsequence of crustal shortening that leads tocrustal thickening and surface uplift (Isacks 1988;Sheffels 1990; Allmendinger et al. 1997), the mech-anisms by which this crustal shortening is achievedremain controversial. Giambiagi et al. (2014b)propose an integrated kinematic-mechanical modelof the Maipo–Tunuyan transect (33840′S) acrossthe Andes, describing the relation between horizon-tal shortening, surface uplift, crustal thickening andactivity of the magmatic arc, while accounting forthe main deep crustal processes that have shapedthe Andes since early Miocene time.

During Eocene–early Miocene time, a protractedextensional event took place with deformation con-centrated in the western sector of the PrincipalCordillera, with the opening of the Abanico exten-sional basin (Charrier et al. 2002; Munoz-Saezet al. 2014). This event has been linked to a segmen-ted rollback-subduction event (Mpodozis & Cornejo2012). Jara et al. (2014) study the role of width vari-ation in the Eocene–lower Miocene Abanico Basin(Fig. 1) on the development of inverted structuresin the Andes between 32 and 338S. They use ana-logue modelling to propose that the basin apertureincreased southwards and was subsequently invertedby homogeneous shortening.

During this extensional regime, Oligocene–lower Miocene retro-arc volcanism developed inthe El Indio Belt. Winocur et al. (2014) shed lighton the age and evolution of this belt where majormining districts are located, based on extensive field-work as well as geochronological and geochemicaldata. After many years of walking and studying theAndes, Godoy (2014) remarks on the along-strikelithological variations of the Neuquen Basin (Fig. 1)during Kimmeridgian–Hauterivian time. He recog-nizes thick Hauterivian andesitic flows in the highCordillera and proposes that a volcanic event couldbe responsible for the isolation of the NeuquenBasin during Aptian–Albian time, despite a world-wide sea-level highstand.

South America, and especially the Andeanregion, are generally characterized by a lack of grav-ity data necessary to describe the crust’s internalstructure. Sanchez et al. (2014) geophysically char-acterize the upper crust of the Andean back-arcbetween 32 and 348S. Their gravimetric studiesallow them to highlight and delineate two NW-trending features in the upper crust: (1) the SanPedro Ridge and the Tunuyan lineament; and (2) alateral density contrast between the basement ofthe Western Sierras Pampeanas and that of the Pre-cordillera, which they interpret as the geophysi-cal expression of the contact between the Cuyaniaand Pampia terrains. Alvarez et al. (2014) presenta new interpretation of Andean crustal structurebetween 32 and 348S from GOCE satellite gravitydata. In addition, they discuss the use of globalgravity models to study the crustal structure at aregional scale.

Late Cenozoic compressional deformation led todevelopment of an extensive retro-arc thrust-belt/foreland basin system (Jordan et al. 1983; Ramoset al. 1996). Knowing the temporal–spatial patternof Neogene orogenic exhumation and its relationto structural deformation, topographic evolution,basin development and sediment dispersal patternsin the southern Central Andes is crucial to recon-struct the geodynamic processes that controlled thebuilding and erosion of the orogen. Suriano et al.(2014) analyse two Quaternary and Oligocene–Miocene piggyback basins along the Precordilleraat 308S; the first is controlled by climatic changes,and the second is related to tectonic activity in thePrecordillera fold–thrust belt (Fig. 1). The authorspostulate that understanding the dynamics of sedi-ment accumulation in piggyback basins and thecontrolling allocyclic changes is essential to under-stand the geodynamics of an evolving orogen.

Sagripanti et al. (2014) explain the presence ofLower Cretaceous marine sedimentary deposits inthe foreland of the Neuquen Basin. These deformeddeposits are 70 km from the Andean orogenic frontand 2 km above sea level due to local uplift on high-angle basement reverse faults that reactivated a pre-vious early Mesozoic rift system. The authors postu-late that the increase in compression could berelated to the decrease in the subduction angle andthe expansion of the magmatic arc during the lateMiocene Payenia flat-slab period.

Provenance studies of coastal facies sedimentsassociated with the uplift of the Andes (Rodrıguezet al. 2012) and the Neuquen Basin (Tunik & Lazo2008; Tunik et al. 2010; Di Giulio et al. 2012) shedlight on the sediment sources necessary for palaeo-geographic reconstructions. Within that framework,Naipauer et al. (2014) present an important contri-bution to the understanding of the tectonic and sedi-mentary history of a main Andean basin through a


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combination of field data, petrography and pro-venance characteristics of detrital zircons from aKimmeridgian lowstand wedge within the TordilloFormation from the Neuquen Basin (Fig. 1), west-central Argentina. They present new U–Pb detritalzircon ages indicating that the most importantsource region of sediment supply to the basin wasthe Jurassic Andean magmatic arc, which has sig-nificant implications for the provenance and absol-ute age of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in theNeuquen Basin.

Quaternary tectonics and geohazards

The Andes of central Chile and Argentina is one ofthe most hazardous seismic zones of South America(Holtkamp et al. 2011). The strongest earthquakeever recorded occurred just south of the study areain 1960 (Valdivia, Mw 9.5), and was associatedwith the plate boundary to seismicity. The February2010 Maule earthquake (Mw 8.8) occurred in thisregion, and generated a tsunami as well as shallowlandslides, liquefaction and ground rupture (DIC-UChile 2012). While high-magnitude inter-plateearthquakes predominate in the Pacific coast, intra-plate seismicity related to active Quaternary faults ischaracteristic of the Andean Main Range and fore-land areas (e.g. Barrientos et al. 2004; Alvaradoet al. 2005, 2007; Ahumada & Costa 2009; Farıaset al. 2010). For instance, new findings reveal thatthe San Ramon Fault, which crosses the easternurban area of Santiago, Chile is capable of generat-ing earthquakes of up to Mw c. 7.5 (Vargas et al.2014). Additional sources of seismicity are medium-depth intra-plate earthquakes that mainly affect theChilean central valley area, the Chilean coastal areaand Andes Principal Cordillera (Leyton et al. 2010).

The present active orogenic front is located in thepiedmont of central-western Argentina (Cortes et al.1999; Costa et al. 2000a). This area shows intenseneotectonic activity evidenced by Quaternary fault-ing and seismic activity (Costa et al. 2000a, b;Siame et al. 2006), corresponding to shallow intra-plate earthquakes at depths of ,30 km. This activeorogenic front is composed of a series of east- andwest-verging reverse faults with geomorphologicalevidence of Quaternary displacements (Moreiraset al. 2014). According to geometry of these activefaults, the probable maximum earthquake magni-tudes range from Mw 5.4 to 6.8, depending on thefault (Moreiras et al. 2014).

The contribution by Cortes et al. (2014) presentsa synoptic overview of Quaternary structures acrossthe Precordillera and the low foothills south of thePrecordillera. They document the growing lateralexpansion of deformation and the subsequent cre-ation of topographic highs and depressions, with a

particular emphasis on the Uspallata–CalingastaValley. They attribute this deformation to pre-existing structural elements of the Triassic CuyoBasin.

At the other end of the Barreal–Las Penas defor-mation zone, Costa et al. (2014) analysed the Qua-ternary shortening of the orogenic front of theCentral Andes of Argentina (32815′ –32840′S).The 40 km NNW-trending Las Penas Thrust System,one of the key structures along the Andean orogenicfront, is described in detail. They suggest the LasPenas Thrust System represents the latest stageof the eastwards migration of an imbricated fanstructure, responsible for the neotectonic uplift ofthe Las Penas–Las Higueras range in the SouthernPrecordillera.

Zarate et al. (2014) recognized fluvio-aeoliandeposits fractured and folded by faulting togetherwith some landforms of volcanic origin between33 and 348S. Alluvial fans, related to several Qua-ternary aggradational cycles, are the most remark-able geomorphological units described in this study.Several tectonic features are present and give rise toconspicuous morphological features. Some streamsare structurally controlled by faults, while severaldrainage anomalies indicate active tectonic pro-cesses. Although precise data are still needed, sev-eral episodes of Pleistocene–present-day erosionare identified.

Garcıa & Casa (2014) combine field and sub-surface data in an analysis of neotectonic structuresin the Andean foothills between 33 and 348S lati-tude. They demonstrate a decrease in neotectonicdeformation and seismicity south of the flat-slabtransition and estimate Quaternary rock upliftrates. Based on the estimated uplift rates and faultlengths, the authors infer that earthquakes with Mw

of 6.4–7.25 are responsible for generating the lar-ger faults present with their study area.

There is a necessity for a comprehensiveregional catalogue of historical earthquakes andtheir environmental ground effects, such as lique-faction, ground cracking or landslides, in centralChile and Argentina. Specific palaeo-seismologicalstudies are uncommon, and historic observations inremote mountain areas are extremely rare. Never-theless, a catalogue of environmental effects is fun-damental to understanding and quantifying thedegree of hazard and vulnerability of this region.Moreiras & Paez (2014) provide a comprehensivereview of historic destructive shallow crustal earth-quakes in central-western Argentina and theirrelated hazards associated to both shaking and envi-ronment effects such as liquefaction and landslides.They discuss the shortcomings of seismic hazardassessments, particularly for potential earthquakesrelated to blind faults, in a region of increasingpopulation.


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Landslides inventory maps have been compiledat different scales. In Argentina, the Mendoza rivervalley (Moreiras 2004, 2005, 2009a) has been stud-ied extensively, with many deposits which wereinitially interpreted as glacial in origin reinterpretedas large rock avalanches (Moreiras et al. 2008). Qua-ternary faults have been proposed to trigger manyof the rock avalanches (Moreiras 2006, 2009b). InChile, Antinao & Gosse (2009) prepared a largelandslide inventory and suggested a relationshipwith regional faults and seismicity, yet only one his-toric earthquake in 1958 (Mw 6.3, Alvarado et al.2009) triggered landslides and these were only ofmedium to large size (volume of a few millions ofcubic metres; Sepulveda et al. 2008). In this context,a major question is whether huge palaeo-landslidedeposits observed throughout the Andean regionare linked to seismic activity or climatic events,that is, whether these deposits can be used as unam-biguous indicators of tectonic or climatic forcing.

Mega-landslides (.106 m3) are a common geo-morphic feature of the Central Andes in Chile andArgentina (32–348S). Different types and volumesof landslides are usually present in the uplands,located mainly in glacial valleys (Fig. 3). Moreiras& Sepulveda (2014) revise and integrate an inven-tory of mega palaeo-landslides in this portion ofCentral Andes and discuss traditional hypothesesused to explaining landslide occurrences in the Cen-tral Andes. Whereas earthquakes have been widelyviewed as the main triggering mechanism in Chil-ean collapses, palaeo-climatic conditions are con-sidered as the main cause of mega-landslides inArgentina. The authors identify the necessity offuture multidisciplinary, specific studies focusedon resolving the controversy between seismic- orclimate-landslide-triggering mechanism in the Cen-tral Andes.

Hermanns et al. (2014) determine the origin andages of mass movements in the Aconcagua moun-tain region, Argentina. Deposits previously inter-preted as glacial drifts (Penitentes, Horcones andAlmacenes) along the Las Cuevas–Horcones val-leys are reinterpreted as giant landslides based onmorphological, sedimentological and mineralogicalstudies. A combination of 36Cl terrestrial cosmo-genic nuclide (TCN) and U-series dating indicateslate Pleistocene–early Holocene ages for thesedeposits. These new findings suggest that hillslopecollapse could be more important than glaciationin the landscape evolution of the central Andes,which is still poorly understood.

External geodynamics and landscape


The study of the magnitude and timing of surfaceuplift and its erosional response and relief growth,in conjunction with structural geology and shal-low seismicity studies, has been carried out in theChilean flank of the study region (e.g. Farıas et al.2008). Such studies have determined that the mainstage of uplift occurred during late Miocene timeand that the river incision in response to uplift wasvery slow, taking more than 5 million years to arriveat the present-day Pacific–Atlantic watershed. Thisimplies that exhumation is not co-eval to uplift, butit is delayed because of lithological resistance toerosion and climatic settings. The restricted amountof exhumation allows the preservation of geomor-phical markers of uplift and erosion, which permitthe quantification of this kind of processes. The2 km magnitude of surface uplift deduced byFarıas et al. (2008) at c. 348S on the western flanksof the Andes has been confirmed by a recent sta-ble isotope palaeo-altimetry study on the easternflanks of the range (Hoke et al. 2014a). The link-age between climate and tectonics in the Andesremains unresolved. Some research suggests thatthe development of relief on the western flank ofthe Andes may be linked with the amount of short-ening and precipitation rates (e.g. Farıas et al.2012), while other studies (Carretier et al. 2013,2014) demonstrate that precipitation is negativelycorrelated with millennial-scale erosion rates.

Hoke et al. (2014b) present new apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronology data and a geomorphicanalysis of two large rivers from the Frontal Cordil-lera of Argentina that bear on the timing and originof mountain uplift. Their data demonstrate thatthe Frontal Cordillera was never buried by a thickpackage of foreland basin sediments, as is com-monly assumed; rather, there was always a positiveor near-surface topographic feature since at leastMiocene time. These findings constitute a new viewon the evolution of the proximal parts of the Andeanforeland, demonstrating that sediment depositionwas restricted to relatively small, deep intermontanebasins between the rising ranges and not a continu-ous foreland. Moreover, this contribution providesevidence that uplift of the Frontal Cordillera occur-red during late Miocene time, when exhumationrates increased. These results are important forinvestigators working in a variety of different fieldsin the geosciences, specifically those studying

Fig. 3. (a) Cortaderas mega-landslide (A: Holocene) in the Yeso valley, Chile, reactivated during the 1958 LasMelosas shallow crustal earthquake (B: scarp, C: deposit). (b) the Blanca rock avalanche in Mendoza river basin,Argentina. The deposit running along the Blanca gully reached the valley damming the Cuevas River during latePleistocene time.


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Andean orogenesis and the role of tectonics andclimate.

Carretier et al. (2014) analyse the relationshipbetween erosion and tectonic, climatic and geomor-phical controls (c. 278S and 398S). The catchment-mean decadal and millennial erosion rates forcentral Chile and two sites of Argentina are studiedwith respect to the long-term evolution of the topo-graphy over millions of years. In this paper, theydiscuss why decadal and millennial erosion ratesare negatively correlated with mean runoff southof 328S (Pepin et al. 2010; Carretier et al. 2013)and explore the correlation of these parameterswith vegetation, runoff, lithology and topography.In addition, the north–south pattern of erosion rateswith cumulative erosion estimates is contrastedwith structural and thermochronological data. Theyconsider new data from the Bio-Bıo catchment andpreviously published catchment-mean decadal andmillennial erosion rates (Pepin et al. 2010, 2013;Aguilar et al. 2013; Carretier et al. 2013).

Interplay between tectonic and erosional pro-cesses is also brought to the forefront by Rodrıguezet al. (2014). They combine geomorphologicalanalysis of palaeo-surfaces and U–Pb zircon geo-chronology of overlying tuffs to reconstruct theNeogene landscape evolution of north-central Chile(28–328S). At this latitude, the authors demonstratethe presence of three major uplift stages: (1) easternCoastal Cordillera and the Frontal Cordillera dur-ing early–middle? Miocene time; (2) the CoastalCordillera during late Miocene time; and (3) upliftof a Pleistocene pediplain post-500 ka. These stagescorrelate with episodes of increased deformationthroughout the Central Andes, starting after a lateOligocene–early Miocene episode of increasedplate convergence.

Concluding remarks

The landscape of convergent margins is the result ofthe complex interplay between internal tectonic pro-cesses, surface deformation and erosive processesdriven by the interactions of tectonics and climate.The Andes of central Chile and Argentina, wherea drastic change in the subduction angles and pre-cipitation gradients occur, is a key locality for thestudy of such interactions between internal andexternal geodynamic processes.

This Special Publication aims to improve ourunderstanding of tectonic and landscape evolutionof the Andean range at different timescales, aswell as the mutual relationship between internaland external mechanisms in Cenozoic deforma-tion, mountain building, topographic evolution,basin development and mega-landslides acrossthe flat slab to normal subduction segments. The

geodynamic processes of the Andes of centralChile and Argentina are analysed within a numberof subdisciplines of the Earth Sciences includ-ing tectonics, petrology, geophysics, geochemistry,structural geology, geomorphology, engineeringgeology, stratigraphy and sedimentology.

This book is the result of collaborative work supportedby Unesco IGCP project 586-Y. In addition, the editorsreceived support from projects FONDECYT 11085022,1120272 (M. Farıas), 1090165 (L. Pinto), NSF awardOISE-0601957, ACS-PRF Grant 52480-DNI8 (G. Hoke)and PIP 638 y PICT 1079 (L. Giambiagi).


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