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Deneen DeFioreSVP, Global Chief

Infor mat ion & Product Secur ity Off icer

GE Aviat ion

Deneen DeFiore currently serves as Senior Vice President, Chief Information and Product Security Officer for GE Aviation in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is responsible for securing GE Aviation's business operations, products, information and assets as well as ensuring global regulatory compliance. Deneen serves as the technical expert and advisor to GE Aviation's most senior leaders on cyber risk related to products, services and ongoing operations.

In May 2019, DeFiore will join IT executives at the American CIO & IT Summit to discuss current trends, strategic insights and best practices in trending technology, cyber-security, risk management and managing talent. She will join other inspirational leaders in IT at the Women in Leadership Roundtable, where the discussion will focus on cyber-security and data management.

We spoke with DeFiore ahead of the American CIO & IT Summit to discuss her career, the changing IT industry and the advice she gives to young women entering tech.

How did you get int o a career in IT?

By accident! I was going to graduate school for health care administration and thought my end goal would be a career in operations. I had an internship with a healthcare system that was changing over from a paper-based process to an integrated medical records system. I found that I was intrigued by the technical transformation and interested the impact of technology on operations through that experience.

What have been som e of t he m ajor challenges and bar r iers you?ve encount ered as a wom an in t ech?

Overcoming stereotypes and biases. I have lost count of how many times people just assume that one of my male colleagues is the leader or decision maker or that someone has made the statement, ?I don?t want do get too technical,? assuming I am not in a technical role. I?ve taken it as a personal challenge to stand taller, speak with more authority and educate those around me. I want them to think twice the next time.

How do you em power ot her wom en in your indust ry?

I am lucky to have some strong, supportive women in my life. And leading in the industry. We?re all busy, but I make the time to mentor and sponsor women. I am active in the tech industry, speaking about women in leadership. I share my story and I gain a lot of insight from other women. Like many other women, I am active with several STEM initiatives in my company and community. Building a talent pipeline is critical and I believe we need to start right now, in our own communities.

"Building a talent pipeline is critical and I believe we need to start right in our own communities."

Have you seen t he indust ry changing for wom en? How so?

There are so many more opportunities for women in technology as the scope of tech has expanded. Women in the field are flourishing and doing amazing things. I personally know so many women that love their jobs, feel deeply satisfied by the work they?re doing and are tremendously successful. There are many more role models to look up to now. We are moving in the right direction, but there is still a lot of work to do.

What advice do you have for young wom en ent er ing careers in IT?

There are so many employment opportunities in technology. Women continue to be underrepresented in every aspect. So, ladies, don?t pass up an opportunity because you don?t check off every requirement for the role. Go for it! If you are passionate, confident and have a willingness to learn you will succeed.

Join Deneen DeFiore at the American CIO & IT Summit! Learn more about her participation in the Women in Leadership Roundtable by visiting the event websit e or event program .

"There are so many more opportunities for women in technology as the scope of tech has expanded. Women in the field are flourishing and doing amazing things."