Generic ADE Support - · CityGML ADE...

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Transcript of Generic ADE Support - · CityGML ADE...

Energy ADE Support

for SimStadt

Marcel Bruse, 24th of November 2015


• Enable SimStadt to process the Energy ADE

• Minimize the need to adjust SimStadt to changing XML schema definitions

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What was the initial situation in the SimStadt project before the Energy


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Data Structures

CityGML File

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Data Structures

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CityGML File


• Java library to read, process, write, and validate CityGML

• Generated from the CityGML schema definition via JAXB

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Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc; 2012




Data Structures

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CityGML File


Its main purpose for SimStadt is to provide a simplified representation

of the complex CityGML geometries

Byproduct is an additional level of indirection not

only for geometries but also for

features like buildings and

boundary surfaces

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Data Structures

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CityGML File

How to integrate the Energy ADE into SimStadt?

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Energy ADE Plugin

Data Structures

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CityGML File

citygml4j and ADEs The citygml4j library instantiates DOM nodes for each ADE element

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ade-xjc (1)

ade-xjc expects all schema definitions to be

present in ./schemas relative to energy.xsd

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ade-xjc (2)

Parse the schema with: java –jar ade-xjc.jar –package <package> -output <destination> -b <binding> <schema file>

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ade-xjc (3)

There will be a Java class for each ADE element plus some

useful helper classes.

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Extension Handlers (1)

• Each CityGML feature that is loaded by citygml4j has to be checked for extensions by a special implementation of ExtensionHandler

• Part of CityDoctor plugins

• Has to be implemented manually

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Extension Handlers (2) […]

public abstract class ExtensionHandler {


public abstract ArrayList<ADEComponent> marshal(citydoctor.Building building);

public abstract ArrayList<ADEComponent> marshal(citydoctor.BuildingPart buildingPart);

public abstract ArrayList<ADEComponent> marshal(citydoctor.BoundarySurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.Building building);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.BuildingPart buildingPart);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.WallSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.RoofSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.GroundSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.FloorSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.CeilingSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.OuterFloorSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.OuterCeilingSurface boundarySurface);

public abstract ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(citygml4j.ClosureSurface boundarySurface);



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• Each CityGML feature that is loaded through citygml4j has to be checked for extensions

• marshallers methods of the extension handler have to instantiate the previously generated ADE speicfic Java classes

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• In order to write the (manipulated) DOM back to the data source, an unmarshaller has to be triggered

• These unmarshallers are also methods defined in the extension handler interface

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Associate ADE Elements with City Objects

• CityDoctor has its own representation of city objects

• CityDoctor‘s city objects can be extended

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Energy ADE Plugin

The Energy ADE Plugin consists of …

• EnergyADEHandler

• AbstractBuildingExt

• AbstractBoundarySurfaceExt

• Java classes generated from the XML schema definition

… and is deployed as a JAR.

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Energy ADE Plugin

Data Structures

CityGML File

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Service Provider Interface (SPI)

• CityDoctor will detect provided plugins at runtime by searching for implementations of the SPI ExtensionHandler

• This way CityDoctor can deal with any CityGML ADE

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Extension Registry

• There may be more than one plugin for different CityGML ADEs

• CityDoctor registers all found plugins in its extension registry

• Each loaded CityGML feature will be passed to the registry where it will be tested against every plugin / extension handler

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Energy ADE Support

for SimStadt

Marcel Bruse, 9th of June, 2015


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ADE Example

1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2. <xsd:schema xmlns="" 3. xmlns:xsd="" 4. xmlns:core="" 5. targetNamespace="" 6. elementFormDefault="qualified" 7. attributeFormDefault="unqualified" 8. version="0.3"> 9. <xsd:import namespace="" 10. schemaLocation="./schemas/CityGML/1.0.0/cityGMLBase.xsd" /> 11. <xsd:element name="radiationExposure" type="xsd:double" 12. substitutionGroup="core:_GenericApplicationPropertyOfSite" /> 13. <xsd:element name="distanceToSiteOfAccident" type="xsd:int“ 14. substitutionGroup="core:_GenericApplicationPropertyOfSite" /> 15. <xsd:element name="teardownAndDisposalPlan" type="TeardownAndDisposalPlan" 16. substitutionGroup="core:_GenericApplicationPropertyOfSite" /> 17. <xsd:complexType name="TeardownAndDisposalPlan"> 18. <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0"> 19. <xsd:element name="planDescription" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> 20. <xsd:element name="costs" type="xsd:double" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> 21. </xsd:sequence> 22. </xsd:complexType> 23. </xsd:schema>

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Unmarshaller Example

1. @Override

2. public ArrayList<Extension> unmarshal(Building building)

3. throws JAXBException, SAXException {

4. HashSet<Extension> extensionSet = new HashSet<>();

5. List<ADEComponent> adeComponentList = building.getGenericApplicationPropertyOfSite();

6. SiteExtension siteExtension = new SiteExtension();

7. for (ADEComponent adeComponent : adeComponentList) {

8. if (adeComponent.getNamespaceURI().equals(handlesNamespaceURI())) {

9. JAXBElement<?> element =

10. (JAXBElement<?>) getJAXBUnmarshaller().unmarshal(adeComponent.getContent());

11. switch (adeComponent.getLocalName()) {

12. case "teardownAndDisposalPlan“:

13. extensionSet.add((TeardownAndDisposalPlan) element.getValue()); break;

14. case "radiationExposure“:

15. siteExtension.setRadiationExposure((Double) element.getValue()); break;

16. case "distanceToSiteOfAccident“:

17. siteExtension.setDistanceToSiteOfAccident((Integer) element.getValue()); break;

18. }

19. }

20. }

21. ArrayList<Extension> extensionList = new ArrayList<Extension>(extensionSet);

22. return extensionList;


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Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc; 2012

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Vertex Geometry

Polygon LinearRing







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