Generations by Jamie Hodin. “In an era when men were dominant and women were passive, I stood more...

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Transcript of Generations by Jamie Hodin. “In an era when men were dominant and women were passive, I stood more...

Generationsby Jamie Hodin

“In an era when men were dominant

and women were passive, I stood

more feminine than ever, in love.”

“I stand with my mother, us both

objects of femininity. We are wearing

makeup with fur coats and heels.”

“My true love. I’m his woman,he my man. I do for him,

he for me. I am still feminine.”

“My girlfriends and I still as close

as ever. We are the girly girls

and newlyweds who just giggle.”

“Years later. I am the mother of my

children, the housewife. I don’t workbecause that’s not my job.”

“My mother and me- generations. With 2 of my children.

We’re taking a walk, yet still indresses and heels.”

“A job! I can work in a

cannery- for minimum wage. It’s not

money I’m after though, it’s the job.”

“My mother is my hero. Sheis a woman of strength and dignity.

She is feminine, yet loud-spoken.”

“Generations pass. My granddaughter Jamie

and I pose together. I passed down my mother’s

strength and whole-hearted femininity to her.”

“Two of my sons. They are mommy’s boys

with strength and knowledge. They know

the power of women and respect them.”

“Some of my grandchildren. I am proud.

Boys and girls, all the same in our family.

But society is different.”

“This is our religious palace. My

family joins together here to pray

and rejoice. I’m an active part

here amongst mostly men.”

“My daughter and I bake in my

kitchen. In my family it is not

expected, but I enjoy it.”

“My granddaughter Jamie getting ready to go out. I

think she looks beautiful without makeup but

she won’t listen to me.”

“My son and his wife have abalanced relationship, doing for

each other. He even cleans and his wife also works too!”

“My husband and me 50 years later, still married and

in love. We don’t work anymore

but still do for each other.”

“Me with two of my granddaughters.

They know about working, cleaning, and cooking,

but are also strong leaders in their communities.”

“My family. I have helped create with love and desirefor equality between men and women. Stereotypes although

inevitable, are avoidable.”