Generating Natural Answers by Incorporating Copying · PDF fileGenerating Natural Answers by...

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Transcript of Generating Natural Answers by Incorporating Copying · PDF fileGenerating Natural Answers by...

Generating Natural Answers by IncorporatingCopying and Retrieving Mechanisms in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning

Shizhu He1, Cao Liu1,2, Kang Liu1 and Jun Zhao1,2

1 National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China

2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China{shizhu.he, cao.liu, kliu, jzhao}


Generating answer with natural languagesentence is very important in real-worldquestion answering systems, which need-s to obtain a right answer as well asa coherent natural response. In thispaper, we propose an end-to-end ques-tion answering system called COREQA insequence-to-sequence learning, which in-corporates copying and retrieving mech-anisms to generate natural answers with-in an encoder-decoder framework. Specif-ically, in COREQA, the semantic units(words, phrases and entities) in a naturalanswer are dynamically predicted from thevocabulary, copied from the given ques-tion and/or retrieved from the correspond-ing knowledge base jointly. Our em-pirical study on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrates the efficien-cy of COREQA, which is able to generatecorrect, coherent and natural answers forknowledge inquired questions.

1 Introduction

Question answering (QA) systems devote to pro-viding exact answers, often in the form of phrasesand entities for natural language questions (Wood-s, 1977; Ferrucci et al., 2010; Lopez et al., 2011;Yih et al., 2015), which mainly focus on analyzingquestions, retrieving related facts from text snip-pets or knowledge bases (KBs), and finally pre-dicting the answering semantic units-SU (word-s, phrases and entities) through ranking (Yao andVan Durme, 2014) and reasoning (Kwok et al.,2001).

However, in real-world environments, mostpeople prefer the correct answer replied with amore natural way. For example, most existing





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From Question

From KB

Question Response

Jet Liwhere was Jet Li was born in Beijing. He is now a Singaporean citizen.

Copying and Retrieving


Copying from Question

Retrieving from KB

Question Natural Answer

Do you know from ?


Figure 1: Incorporating copying and retrievingmechanisms in generating a natural answer.

commercial products such as Siri1 will reply a nat-ural answer “Jet Li is 1.64m in height.” for thequestion “How tall is Jet Li?”, rather than onlyanswering one entity “1.64m”. Basic on this ob-servation, we define the “natural answer” as thenatural response in our daily communication forreplying factual questions, which is usually ex-pressed in a complete/partial natural language sen-tence rather than a single entity/phrase. In thiscase, the system needs to not only parse question,retrieve relevant facts from KB but also generate aproper reply. To this end, most previous approach-es employed message-response patterns. Figure 1schematically illustrates the major steps and fea-tures in this process. The system first needs to rec-ognize the topic entity “Jet Li” in the question andthen extract multiple related facts <Jet Li, gender,Male>, <Jet Li, birthplace, Beijing> and <JetLi, nationality, Singapore> from KB. Based onthe chosen facts and the commonly used message-response patterns “where was %entity from?” -“%entity was born in %birthplace, %pronoun is%nationality citizen.”2, the system could finallygenerate the natural answer (McTear et al., 2016).

In order to generate natural answers, typical

1 this pattern, %entity indicates the placeholder of the

topic entity, %property indicates the property value of thetopic entity.

products need lots of Natural Language Process-ing (NLP) tools and pattern engineering (McTearet al., 2016), which not only suffers from highcosts of manual annotations for training data andpatterns, but also have low coverage that cannotflexibly deal with variable linguistic phenomenain different domains. Therefore, this paper de-votes to develop an end-to-end paradigm that gen-erates natural answers without any NLP tools (e.g.POS tagging, parsing, etc.) and pattern engineer-ing. This paradigm tries to consider question an-swering in an end-to-end framework. In this way,the complicated QA process, including analyz-ing question, retrieving relevant facts from KB,and generating correct, coherent, natural answer-s, could be resolved jointly.

Nevertheless, generating natural answers in anend-to-end manner is not an easy task. The keychallenge is that the words in a natural answer maybe generated by different ways, including: 1) thecommon words usually are predicted using a (con-ditional) language model (e.g. “born” in Figure 1);2) the major entities/phrases are selected from thesource question (e.g. “Jet Li”); 3) the answeringentities/phrases are retrieved from the correspond-ing KB (e.g. “Beijing”). In addition, some wordsor phrases even need to be inferred from relatedknowledge (e.g. “He” should be inferred from thevalue of “gender”). And we even need to deal withsome morphological variants (e.g. “Singapore” inKB but “Singaporean” in answer). Although ex-isting end-to-end models for KB-based questionanswering, such as GenQA (Yin et al., 2016), wereable to retrieve facts from KBs with neural mod-els. Unfortunately, they cannot copy SUs fromthe question in generating answers. Moreover,they could not deal with complex questions whichneed to utilize multiple facts. In addition, exist-ing approaches for conversational (Dialogue) sys-tems are able to generate natural utterances (Ser-ban et al., 2016; Li et al., 2016) in sequence-to-sequence learning (Seq2Seq). But they cannot in-teract with KB and answer information-inquiredquestions. For example, CopyNet (Gu et al., 2016)is able to copy words from the original source ingenerating the target through incorporating copy-ing mechanism in conventional Seq2Seq learning,but they cannot retrieve SUs from external memo-ry (e.g. KBs, Texts, etc.).

Therefore, facing the above challenges, this pa-per proposes a neural generative model called

COREQA with Seq2Seq learning, which is able toreply an answer in a natural way for a given ques-tion. Specifically, we incorporate COpying andREtrieving mechanisms within Seq2Seq learning.COREQA is able to analyze the question, retrieverelevant facts and generate a sequence of SUs us-ing a hybrid method with a completely end-to-endlearning framework. We conduct experiments onboth synthetic data sets and real-world datasets,and the experimental results demonstrate the effi-ciency of COREQA compared with existing end-to-end QA/Dialogue methods.

In brief, our main contributions are as follows:

• We propose a new and practical question an-swering task which devotes to generating nat-ural answers for information inquired ques-tions. It can be regarded as a fusion task ofQA and Dialogue.

• We propose a neural network based model,named as COREQA, by incorporating copy-ing and retrieving mechanism in Seq2Seqlearning. In our knowledge, it is the firstend-to-end model that could answer complexquestions in a natural way.

• We implement experiments on both synthet-ic and real-world datasets. The experimentalresults demonstrate that the proposed modelcould be more effective for generating cor-rect, coherent and natural answers for knowl-edge inquired questions compared with exist-ing approaches.

2 Background: Neural Models forSequence-to-Sequence Learning

2.1 RNN Encoder-Decoder

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based Encoder-Decoder is the backbone of Seq2Seq learn-ing (Cho et al., 2014). In the Encoder-Decoderframework, an encoding RNN first transform asource sequential object X = [x1, ..., xLX

] intoan encoded representation c. For example, we canutilize the basic model: ht = f(xt,ht−1); c =φ(h1, ...,hLX

), where {ht} are the RNN hiddenstates, c is the context vector which could be as-sumed as an abstract representation of X . In prac-tice, gated RNN variants such as LSTM (Hochre-iter and Schmidhuber, 1997) and GRU (Chunget al., 2014) are commonly used for learning long-term dependencies. And the another encoding

Do you know where was Jet_Li from ?

𝒉1 𝒉2 𝒉3 𝒉4 𝒉5 𝒉6 𝒉7 𝒉8Subject Property Object

Jet_Li gender Male

Jet_Li birthplace Beijing

Jet_Li nationality Singapore

Jet_Li birthdate 26 April 1963

… … …

Attentive Read from Question

Attentive Read from KB Copying

from QuestionRetrieving from KB







𝑠1 𝑠2 𝑠3 𝑠4 𝑠5

<eos> Jet_Li was born in

Jet_Li was born in Beijing


… … …Softmax

𝑃 Beijing = 𝑃𝑝𝑟(Beijing) + 𝑃𝑐𝑜(Beijing) + 𝑃re(Beijing)

(a) Knowledge (facts) Retrieval

(c) Decoder: Natural Answer Generation

(d) Predicting, Copying (from Question) and Retrieving (from KB)


KB PositionQuestion PositionVocabulary

DNNQuestion context

KB context

Question Copying History

KB Retrieving History

(e) State Update

“in” embedding

Copying “in” from Question

Retrieving “in” from KB

(b) Encoder: Question and KB Representation

Figure 2: The overall diagram of COREQA.

tricks is Bi-directional RNN, which connect twohidden states of positive time direction and neg-ative time direction. Once the source sequenceis encoded, another decoding RNN model is togenerate a target sequence Y = [y1, ..., yLY

],through the following prediction model: st =f(yt−1, st−1, c); p(yt|y<t, X) = g(yt−1, st, c),where st is the RNN hidden state at time t, thepredicted target word yt at time t is typically per-formed by a softmax classifier over a settled vo-cabulary (e.g. 30,000 words) through function g.

2.2 The Attention Mechanism

The prediction model of classical decoders foreach target word yi share the same context vec-tor c. However, a fixed vector is not enough to ob-tain a better result on generating a long targets.Theattention mechanism in the decoding can dynam-ically choose context ct at each time step (Bah-danau et al., 2014), for example, representing ctas the weighted sum of the source states {ht},

ct =∑LX

i=1αtihi; αti =

eρ(st−1,hi)∑i′ e


where the function ρ use to compute the atten-tive strength with each source state, which usuallyadopts a neural network such as multi-layer per-ceptron (MLP).

2.3 The Copying Mechanism

Seq2Seq learning heavily rely on the “meaning”for each word in source and target sequences, how-ever, some words in sequences are “no-meaning”symbols and it is improper to encode them in en-coding and decoding processes. For example, gen-erating the response “Of course, read” for reply-ing the message “Can you read the word ‘read’?”should not consider the meaning of the second“read”. By incorporating the copying mechanism,the decoder could directly copy the sub-sequencesof source into the target (Vinyals et al., 2015). Thebasic approach is to jointly predict the indexesof the target word in the fixed vocabulary and/ormatched positions in the source sequences (Guet al., 2016; Gulcehre et al., 2016).


To generate natural answers for information in-quired questions, we should first recognize keytopics in the question, then extract related factsfrom KB, and finally fusion those instance-levelknowledge with some global-level “smooth” and“glue” words to generate a coherent reply. In thissection, we present COREQA, a differentiable Se-q2Seq model to generate natural answers, which isable to analyze the question, retrieve relevant fact-s and predict SUs in an end-to-end fashion, andthe predicted SUs may be predicted from the vo-

cabulary, copied from the given question, and/orretrieved from the corresponding KB.

3.1 Model Overview

As illustrated in Figure 2, COREQA is an encoder-decoder framework plugged with a KB engineer.A knowledge retrieval module is firstly employedto retrieve related facts from KB by question anal-ysis (see Section 3.2). And then the input questionand the retrieved facts are transformed into the cor-responding representations by Encoders (see Sec-tion 3.3). Finally, the encoded representations arefeed to Decoder for generating the target naturalanswer (see Section 3.4).

3.2 Knowledge (facts) Retrieval

We mainly focus on answering the information in-quired questions (factual questions, and each ques-tion usually contains one or more topic entities).This paper utilizes the gold topic entities for sim-plifying our design. Given the topic entities, weretrieve the related facts from the correspondingKB. KB consists of many relational data, whichusually are sets of inter-linked subject-property-object (SPO) triple statements. Usually, questioncontains the information used to match the subjectand property parts in a fact triple, and answer in-corporates the object part information.

3.3 Encoder

The encoder transforms all discrete input symbol-s (including words, entities, properties and prop-erties’ values) and their structures into numericalrepresentations which are able to feed into neuralmodels (Weston et al., 2014).

3.3.1 Question Encoding

Following (Gu et al., 2016), a bi-directional RN-N (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997) is used to trans-form the question sequence into a sequence ofconcatenated hidden states with two independentRNNs. The forward and backward RNN respec-tively obtain {−→h 1, ...,

−→h LX} and {←−h LX

, ...,←−h 1}.

The concatenated representation is considered tobe the short-term memory of question (MQ =

{ht},ht = [−→h t,←−h LX−t+1]). q = [

−→h LX

,←−h 1] is

used to represent the entire question, which couldbe used to compute the similarity between thequestion and the retrieved facts.

3.3.2 Knowledge Base EncodingWe use s, p and o denote the subject, property andobject (value) of one fact f, and es, ep and eo to de-note its corresponding embeddings. The fact rep-resentation f is then defined as the concatenationof es, ep and eo. The list of all related facts’ repre-sentations, {f} = {f1, ..., fLF

} (refer to MKB , LFdenotes the maximum of candidate facts), is con-sidered to be a short-term memory of KB whileanswering questions about the topic entities.

In addition, given the distributed representationof question and candidate facts, we define thematching scores function between question andfacts as S(q, fj) = DNN1(q, fj) = tanh(W2 ·tanh(W1 ·[q, fj ]+b1)+b2), , whereDNN1 is thematching function defined by a two-layer percep-tron, [·, ·] denotes vector concatenation, and W1,W2, b1 and b2 are the learning parameters. In fac-t, we will make a slight change of the matchingfunction because it will also depend on the state ofdecoding process at different times. The modifiedfunction is S(q, st, fj) = DNN1(q, st, fj) wherest is the hidden state of decoder at time t.

3.4 DecoderThe decoder uses an RNN to generate a naturalanswer based on the short-term memory of ques-tion and retrieved facts which represented as MQ

and MKB , respectively. The decoding processof COREQA have the following differences com-pared with the conventional decoder:Answer words prediction: COREQA predictsSUs based on a mixed probabilistic model of threemodes, namely the predict-mode, the copy-modeand the retrieve-mode, where the first mode pre-dicts words with the vocabulary, and the two lattermodes pick SUs from the questions and matchedfacts, respectively;State update: the predicted word at step t − 1 isused to update st, but COREQA uses not only itsword embedding but also its corresponding posi-tional attention informations in MQ and MKB ;Reading short-Memory MQ and MKB: MQ andMKB are fed into COREQA with two ways, thefirst one is the “meaning” with embeddings andthe second one is the positions of different words(properties’ values).

3.4.1 Answer Words PredictionThe generated words (entities) may come from vo-cabulary, source question and matched KB. Ac-cordingly, our model use three correlative output

layer: shortlist prediction layer, question locationcopying layer and candidate-facts location retriev-ing layer, respectively. And we use the softmaxclassifier of the above three cascaded output lay-ers to pick SUs. We assume a vocabulary V ={v1, ..., vN} ∪ {UNK}, where UNK indicates anyout-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. Therefore, wehave adopted another two set of SUs XQ and XKBwhich cover words/entities in the source questionand the partial KB. That is, we have adopted theinstance-specific vocabulary V ∪ XQ ∪ XKB foreach question. It’s important to note that thesethree vocabularies V , XQ and XKB may overlap.

At each time step t in the decoding process, giv-en the RNN state st together with MQ and MKB ,the probabilistic function for generating any targetSU yt is a “mixture” model as follow

p(yt|st, yt−1,MQ,MKB) =

ppr(yt|st, yt−1, ct) · pm(pr|st, yt−1)+pco(yt|st, yt−1,MQ) · pm(co|st, yt−1)+pre(yt|st, yt−1,MKB) · pm(re|st, yt−1)


where pr, co and re stand for the predict-mode,the copy-mode and the retrieve-mode, respective-ly, pm(·|·) indicates the probability model forchoosing different modes (we use a softmaxclassifier with two-layer MLP). The probability ofthe three modes are given by

ppr(yt|·) =1


pco(yt|·) =1




pre(yt|·) =1





where ψpr(·), ψco(·) and ψre(·) are score func-tions for choosing SUs in predict-mode (from V),copy-mode (from XQ) and retrieve-mode (fromXKB), respectively. And Z is the normaliza-tion term shared by the three modes, Z =eψpr(v) +


eψco(v) +∑


And the three modes could compete with each oth-er through a softmax function in generating tar-get SUs with the shared normalization term (asshown in Figure 2. Specifically, the scoring func-tions of each mode are defined as follows:Predict-mode: Some generated words need rea-soning (e.g. “He” in Figure 1) and morphologicaltransformation (e.g. “Singaporean” in Figure 1).Therefore, we modify the function as ψpr(yt =vi) = vTi Wpr[st, cqt , ckbt ] , where vi ∈ Rdo is the

word vector at the output layer (not the input wordembedding), Wpr ∈ R(dh+di+df )×do (di, dh anddf indicate the size of input word vector, RNN de-coder hidden state and fact representation respec-tively), and cqt and ckbt are the temporary mem-ory of reading MQ and MKB at time t (see Sec-tion 3.4.3).Copy-mode: The score for “copying” the wordxj from question Q is calculated as ψco(yt =xj) = DNN2(hj , st,histQ) , where DNN2 isa neural network function with a two-layer MLPand histQ ∈ RLX is an accumulated vector whichrecord the attentive history for each word in ques-tion (similar with the coverage vector in (Tu et al.,2016)).Retrieve-mode: The score for “retrieving” theentity word vj from retrieval facts (“Objec-t” part) is calculated as ψre(yt = vj) =DNN3(fj , st,histKB) , where DNN3 is also aneural network function and histKB ∈ RLF is anaccumulated vector which record the attentive his-tory for each fact in candidate facts.

3.4.2 State Update

In the generic decoding process, each RNN hid-den state st is updated with the previous statest−1, the word embedding of previous predict-ed symbol yt−1, and an optional context vectorct (with attention mechanism). However, yt−1may not come from vocabulary V and not own-s a word vector. Therefore, we modify the stateupdate process in COREQA. More specifically,yt−1 will be represented as concatenated vector of[e(yt−1), rqt−1 , rkbt−1 ], where e(yt−1) is the wordembedding associated with yt−1, rqt−1 and rkbt−1

are the weighted sum of hidden states in MQ andMKB corresponding to yt−1 respectively.

rqt =∑LX

j=1ρtjhj , rkbt =



ρtj =


K1pco(xj |·), xj = yt

0 otherwise

δtj =


K2pre(fj |·), object(fj) = yt

0 otherwise


where object(f) indicate the “object” part of fac-t f (see Figure 2), and K1 and K2 are the nor-malization terms which equal


pco(x′j |·)


j′:object(f ′j)=ytpre(f

′j |·), respectively, and it

could consider the multiple positions matching ytin source question and KB.

3.4.3 Reading short-Memory MQ and MKB

COREQA employ the attention mechanism at de-coding process. At each decoder time t, we se-lective read the context vector cqt and ckbt fromthe short-term memory of question MQ and re-trieval facts MKB (alike to Formula 1). In addi-tion, the accumulated attentive vectors histQ andhistKB are able to record the positional informa-tion of SUs in the source question and retrievedfacts.

3.5 Training

Although some target SUs in answer are copiedand retrieved from the source question and the ex-ternal KB respectively, COREQA is fully differen-tial and can be optimized in an end-to-end mannerusing back-propagation. Given the batches of thesource questions {X}M and target answers {Y }Mboth expressed with natural language (symbolicsequences), the objective function is to minimizethe negative log-likelihood:

L = − 1




log[p(y(k)t |y

(k)<t , X

(k)] (5)

where the superscript (k) indicates the index ofone question-answer (Q-A) pair. The network isno need for any additional labels for training mod-els, because the three modes sharing the samesoftmax classifier for predicting target words,they can learn to coordinate with each other bymaximizing the likelihood of observed Q-A pairs.

4 Experiments

In this section, we present our main experimentalresults in two datasets. The first one is a small syn-thetic dataset in a restricted domain (only involv-ing four properties of persons) (Section 4.1). Thesecond one is a big dataset in open domain, wherethe Q-A pairs are extracted from community QAwebsite and grounded against a KB with an IntegerLinear Programming (ILP) method (Section 4.2).COREQA and all baseline models are trained on aNVIDIA TITAN X GPU using TensorFlow3 tools,where we used the Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014)learning rule to update gradients in all experimen-tal configures. The sources codes and data will be


released at the personal homepage of the first au-thor4.

4.1 Natural QA in Restricted Domain

Task: The QA systems need to answer question-s involving 4 concrete properties of birthdate (in-cluding year, month and day) and gender).Through merely involving 4 properties, there areplenty of QA patterns which focus on different as-pects of birthdate, for example, “What year wereyou born?” touches on “year”, but “When is yourbirthday?” touches on “month and day”.Dataset: Firstly, 108 different Q-A pattern-s have been constructed by two annotators, onein charge of raising question patterns and an-other one is responsible for generating corre-sponding suitable answer patterns, e.g. Whenis %e birthday? → She was born in%m %dth. where the variables %e, %y, %m,%d and %g (deciding she or he) indicates the per-son’s name, birth year, birth month, birth day andgender, respectively. Then we randomly generatea KB which contains 80,000 person entities, andeach entity including four facts. Given KB fact-s, we can finally obtain specific Q-A pairs. Andthe sampling KB, patterns, and the generated Q-A pairs are shown in Table 1. In order to main-tain the diversity, we randomly select 6 patternsfor each person. Finally, we totally obtain 239,934sequences pairs (half patterns may be unmatchedbecause of “gender” property).

Q-A PatternsExamples (e.g. KB facts


When is %e birthday? When is e2 birthday?He was born in %m %dth. He was born in June 20th.What year were %e born? What year were e2 born?%e is born in %y year. e2 is born in 1987 year.

Table 1: Sample KB facts, patterns and their gen-erated Q-A pairs.

Experimental Setting: The total 239,934 Q-Apairs are split into training (90%) and testing set(10%). The baseline includes 1) generic RNNEncoder-Decoder (marked as RNN), 2) Seq2Seqwith attention (marked as RNN+atten), 3) Copy-Net, and 4) GenQA. For a fair comparison, we usebi-directional LSTM for encoder and another LST-M for decoder for all Seq2Seq models, with hid-den layer size = 600 and word embedding dimen-


sion = 200. We set LF as 5.Metrics: We adopt (automatic evaluation (AE)to test the effects of different models. AE consid-ers the precisions of the entire predicted answer-s and four specific properties, and the answer iscomplete correct only when all predicted proper-ties’ values is right. To measure the performanceof the proposed method, we select following met-rics, including Pg5, Py, Pm and Pd which denotethe precisions for ‘gender’, ‘year’, ‘month’ and‘day’ properties, respectively. And PA, RA andF1A indicate the precision, recall and F1 in thecomplete way.Experimental Results: The AE experimental re-sults are shown in Table 2. It is very clear from Ta-ble 2 that COREQA significantly outperforms allother compared methods. The reason of the Gen-QA’s poor performance is that all synthetic ques-tions need multiple facts, and GenQA will “safe-ly” choose the most frequent property (“gender”)for all questions. We also found the performanceson “year” and “day” have a little worse than otherproperties such as “gender”, it may because therehave more ways to answer questions about “year”and “day”.

Models Pg Py Pm Pd PA RA F1ARNN 72.2 0 1.1 0.2 0 27.5 0

RNN+atten 55.8 1.1 11.3 9.5 1.7 34 3.2CopyNet 75.2 8.7 28.3 5.8 3.7 32.5 6.7GenQA 73.4 0 0 0 0 27.1 0

COREQA 100 84.8 93.4 81 87.4 94 90.6

Table 2: The AE results (%) on synthetic test data.

Discussion: Because of the feature of directly“hard” copy and retrieve SUs from question andKB, COREQA could answer questions about un-seen entities.To evaluate the effects of answeringquestions about unseen entities, we re-construct2,000 new person entities and their correspond-ing facts about four known properties, and obtain6,081 Q-A pairs through matching the samplingpatterns mentioned above. The experimental re-sults are shown in Table 3, it can be seen that theperformance did not fall too much.

Entities Pg Py Pm Pd PA RA F1ASeen 100 84.8 93.4 81 87.4 94 90.6

Unseen 75.1 84.5 93.5 81.2 63.8 85.1 73.1

Table 3: The AE (%) for seen and unseen entities.

5The “gender” is right when the entity name (e.g. ‘e2’) orthe personal pronoun (e.g. ‘She’) in answer is correct.

4.2 Natural QA in Open Domain

Task: To test the performance of the proposedapproach in open domains, we modify the task ofGenQA (Yin et al., 2016) for supporting multi-facts (a typical example is shown in Figure 1).That is, a natural QA system should generate asequence of SUs as the natural answer for a giv-en natural language question through interactingwith a KB.Dataset: GenQA have released a corpus6, whichcontains a crawling KB and a set of ground Q-A pairs. However, the original Q-A pairs on-ly matched with just one single fact. In fac-t, we found that a lot of questions need morethan one fact (about 20% based on sampling in-spection). Therefore, we crawl more Q-A pairsfrom Chinese community QA website (Baidu Zhi-dao7). Combined with the originally publishedcorpus, we create a lager and better-quality datafor natural question answering. Specifically, anIntegral Linear Programming (ILP) based methodis employed to automatically construct “ground-ing” Q-A pairs with the facts in KB (inspiredby the work of adopting ILP to parse question-s (Yahya et al., 2012)). In ILP, the main con-straints and considered factors are listed below:1) the “subject” entity and “object” enti-ty of a triple have to match with question word-s/phrases (marked as subject mention) and answerwords/phrases (marked as object mention) respec-tively; 2) any two subject mentions or object men-tions should not overlap; 3) a mention can matchat most one entity; 4) the edit distance be-tween the Q-A pair and the matched candidatefact (use a space to joint three parts) is smaller,they are more relevant. Finally, we totally obtain619,199 instances (an instance contains a ques-tion, an answer, and multiple facts), and the num-ber of instances that can match one and multiplefacts in KB are 499,809 and 119,390, respectively.Through the evaluation of 200 sampling instances,we estimate that approximate 81% matched factsare helpful for the generating answers. However,strictly speaking, only 44% instances are truly cor-rect grounding. In fact, grounding the Q-A pairsfrom community QA website is a very challengeproblem, we will leave it in the future work.Experimental Setting: The dataset is split intotraining (90%) and testing set (10%). The sen-

6 QA7

tences in Chinese are segmented into word se-quences with Jieba8 tool. And we use the word-s with the frequency larger than 3, which cover-ing 98.4% of the word in the corpus. For a faircomparison, we use bi-directional LSTM for theencoder and another LSTM for decoder for al-l Seq2Seq models, with hidden layer size = 1024and word embedding dimension = 300. We selec-t CopyNet (more advanced Seq2Seq model) andGenQA for comparison. We set LF as 10.Metrics: Besides adopting the AE as a met-ric (same as GenQA (Yin et al., 2016)), we ad-ditionally use manual evaluation (ME) as anoth-er metric. ME considers three aspects about thequality of the generated answer (refer to (Asgharet al., 2016)): 1) correctness; 2) syntactical flu-ency; 3) coherence with the question. We employtwo annotators to rate such three aspects of Copy-Net, GenQA and COREQA. Specifically, we sam-ple 100 questions, and conduct C2

3 = 3 pair-wisecomparisons for each question and count the win-ning times of each model (comparisons may bothwin or both lose).Experimental Results: The AE and ME result-s are shown in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively.Meanwhile, we separately present the results ac-cording to the number of the facts which a ques-tion needs in KB, including just one single fac-t (marked as Single), multiple facts (marked asMulti) and all (marked as Mixed). In fact, wetrain two separate models for Single and Multiquestions for the unbalanced data . From Table 4and Table 5, we can clearly observe that CORE-QA significantly outperforms all other baselinemodels. And COREQA could generate a bet-ter natural answer in three aspects: correctness,fluency and coherence. CopyNet cannot interac-t with KB which is important to generate correc-t answers. For example, for “Who is the direc-tor of The Little Chinese Seamstress?”, if withoutthe fact (The Little Chinese Seamstress, director,Dai Siji), QA systems cannot generate a correctanswer.

Models Single Multi MixedCopyNet 9.7 0.8 8.7GenQA 47.2 28.9 45.1

COREQA 58.4 42.7 56.6

Table 4: The AE accuracies (%) on real world testdata.


Models Correctness Fluency CoherenceCopyNet 0 13.3 3.3GenQA 26.7 33.3 20

COREQA 46.7 50 60

Table 5: The ME results (%) on sampled mixedtest data.

Case Study and Error Analysis: Table 6 givessome examples of generated by COREQA and thegold answers to the questions in test set. It is veryclearly seen that the parts of generating SUs arepredicted from the vocabulary, and other SUs arecopied from the given question (marked as bold)and retrieved from the KB (marked as underline).And we analyze sampled examples and believethat there are several major causes of errors: 1)did not match the right facts (ID 6); 2) the gener-ated answers contain some repetition of meaning-less words (ID 7); 3) the generated answers are notcoherence natural language sentences (ID 8).

5 Related Work

Seq2Seq learning is to maximize the likelihoodof predicting the target sequence Y conditionedon the observed source sequence X (Sutskeveret al., 2014), which has been applied success-fully to a large number of NLP tasks such asMachine Translation (Wu et al., 2016) and Dia-logue (Vinyals and Le, 2015). Our work is par-tially inspired by the recent work of QA andDialogue which have adopted Seq2Seq learning.CopyNet (Gu et al., 2016) and Pointer Network-s (Vinyals et al., 2015; Gulcehre et al., 2016)which could incorporate copying mechanism inconventional Seq2Seq learning. Different fromour application which deals with knowledge in-quired questions and generates natural answers,CopyNet (Gu et al., 2016) and Pointer Network-s (Gulcehre et al., 2016) can only copy words fromthe original input sequence. In contrast, COREQAis able to retrieve SUs from external memory. AndGenQA (Yin et al., 2016) can only deal with thesimple questions which could be answered by onefact, and it also did not incorporate the copyingmechanism in Seq2Seq learning.

Moreover, our work is also inspired by NeuralAbstract Machine (Graves et al., 2016; Yin et al.,2015; Liang et al., 2016) which could retrieve factsfrom KBs with neural models. Unlike natural an-swer, Neural Abstract Machine (Mou et al., 2016)is concentrating on obtaining concrete answer en-

ID Question Gold Answer Generated Natural Answer

1~;�M�pÅd´=I<º =I<�\<�Ñ) \<�<§=I<

Which country did Hargreaves of Bayern comes from? British! born in Canada Canadians, British

2âyx´=�x�º Çxy3´éÜIB�Ö� éÜIB�Ö�§´Çx

Which ethnic groups is Sha Zukang from? Han, now he is the DSG of the UN DSG of the UN, Han

3ÛËA#Óù´Xº ´���[!ÑW[ ÛÛÛËËËAAA###ÓÓÓùùù��[óÆ[

Who is Robert Schumann? a writer, musician Robert Schuhmann is a writer and philosopher.

4êd�.ì´Xº ¦´�¶v¥$Ä ��`D�v¥$Ä

Who is Mascherano? He is a football player An excellent football player

5n�S���à¿��ü´Xº �g# ���üüü´�g#

Who is the director of The Little Chinese Seamstress? Dai Sijie Director Dai Sijie

6>Kcn�´Xû�º M�!�*À!Új¸ ¾�f

Who shot the movie The Iron Triangle? Tsui Hark, Johnny To, Ringo Lam Feng Xiaogang

7X��R6Iù�<���[]�º å�< ´´´

Who knows some details of Xi Murong? poetess yes, yes, yes

8��,´=�úimu�º AT´þ°�� þ°��

Which company developed the game Crazy Arcade? should be the Shanda Group playing Shanda Group

Table 6: Examples of the generated natural answers by COREQA.

tities with neural network based reasoning.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we propose an end-to-end systemto generate natural answers through incorporatingcopying and retrieving mechanisms in sequence-to-sequence learning. Specifically, the sequencesof SUs in the generated answer may be predict-ed from the vocabulary, copied from the givenquestion and retrieved from the corresponding K-B. And the future work includes: a) lots of ques-tions cannot be answered directly by facts in a KB(e.g. “Who is Jet Li’s father-in-law?”), we plan tolearn QA system with latent knowledge (e.g. K-B embedding (Bordes et al., 2013)); b) we plan toadopt memory networks (Sukhbaatar et al., 2015)to encode the temporary KB for each question.


The authors are grateful to anonymous review-ers for their constructive comments. The workwas supported by the Natural Science Foundationof China (No.61533018) and the National HighTechnology Development 863 Program of China(No.2015AA015405).


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