General Quiz

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of General Quiz

The Last LessonThe Last Lesson

A General Quiz

By:Nitin Bansal

Shubham Jain

Rules :

30 Questions , All on pounce/bounce +20/-15 on pounce +10/0 on direct

Q1: What did these two

gentlemen inspire in the world of pop-culture?

PINK Anderson FLOYD Council-Pink Floyd

Q2: The name of the company X basically refers to a

position in the game Y when a group of stones is imminently in danger of being taken by one's opponent.

Back in the year 2008 , Paramount Pictures bought the rights to make a movie on X's founder's life , starring Leonardo DiCaprio. However , due to Steve Jobs' death , the focus got shifted and the movie was never made.

Id X.

X- Atari Y - Go


Put Funda.

Original copy of Oscar Schindler's List

Q4: X was founded in 1927 when the founder along

with his wife opened a root beer stand in Washington D.C.

The founder was convinced that in the humid summer in the city , the residents needed a place to get a cool drink.

We know X in a completely different field now, the first of which came into existence in 1957.

Id X.


Q5: The origin of the term lies in the measurement used

in early 35 mm silent movies. Film was expensive and was measured by length in cutting rooms. 16 frames (4-perf film format) of 35 mm film roughly represented 1 second of a silent movie—so its length made for a natural unit of measure for film.

The term then became used figuratively to describe moving image material of any kind. What term?



X was invented in 1818 by William Staub and was used to punish and reform prisoners in England. It required the prisoner to continually step upwards upon a rotating wooden cylinder for about 6-10 hours a day. As the wheels turned , the gears were used to pump water or crush grain.

However , the device was later abandoned for being cruel.

Id X.



Id the blanked out part.

Q8: Maximum Overdrive is a 1986

American science fiction action horror comedy film written and directed by X.

The screenplay was inspired by and loosely based on a short story "Trucks“.

The director himself described the film as a "moron movie" and stated his intention to never direct again soon after and considers the film a learning experience. Whose only directorial venture?

Stephen King

Q9: X is a equestrian event consisting of Speed pattern racing

and also a number of timed speed events such as barrel racing, pole bending, keyhole race and key race.

It also shares its name with an Indian term which originally referred to a “Place of assembly”, afterwards it changed track to a place where skill based contests were held .

Funnily enough, its modern meaning means “Place of assembly of Gentlemen”.




What is the implication of these together , that is of much relevance to us?


“ When they called me up and said would I be interested in being in the X films, they didn't say what part . I worked out what they were thinking and I couldn't . I couldn't take over the part from an actor who I'd known didn't approve of me” , said Y on being asked why he turned down playing Z in the X flims.


X – Harry Potter Y – Ian Mckellen Z- Dumbeldore

Q12: Originally formulated by General Foods Corporation food

scientist William A. Mitchell in 1957, X was first marketed in powdered form in 1959.

X brand is owned by Mondelēz International. Sales of X were poor until NASA used it on John Glenn's

Mercury flight in February 1962, and subsequent Gemini missions. Since then, it was closely associated with the U.S. manned spaceflight program, leading to the misconception X was invented for the space program.



Q13: The company X might face a ban in Hungary because

of its logo which , according to country's government , is a totalitarian symbol related to the years of Nazi occupation.

“ It is a "moral obligation" to ban the commercial use of symbols such as the swastika, arrow cross, hammer and sickle, and the ______ , which obviously has a political content” said Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen.

Id X .

Heineken's red star logo

Q14: Back in the 14th Century, X were the backbone of the agriculture

industry. That is to say, they were the guys who worked on farms. The word X is an old French word that traces it’s etymological

roots to the word Y, which was Latin for “country house”. Over a period of time, the meaning of the word X gradually

changed. Farm workers were generally poor peasants. Peasants, because they were poor, were deemed untrustworthy and suspicious. At that time, it was believed that untrustworthy people committed crimes. Eventually we ended up with the modern day definition of X.

Id X.

Villain (from villa)

Q15: His name is Captain Charles X ,

an English land agent. In the year 1880, when the poor harvests struck, he took the side of the land lords , snubbing even the tenants from his own community. This led to his expulsion from the community.

His expulsion by the local community gave the english language a verb “ to X “ .




The Montevideo convention of 1993 was a united nations conference. The most prominent feature of the conference was the introduction of the declarative theory. Many people have since then made use of this theory. While most have been to fulfil personal ambitions such Vít Jedlickaand of Liberland and Roy Bates of Sealand. Jeremiah Heaton of the Kingdom of North Sudan did this to fulfil his daughter's wish. What is the declarative theory concerned with and what did these men do ?

• Made their own nations


• Eroom's law refers to the observation that drug discovery is becoming slower and more expensive over time, despite improvements in technology, a trend first observed in the 1980s. Why has it been named so ?

• Opposite of Moore’s law


• At the global citizen festival, Narendra Modi gave a speech. Following is an excerpt from the same :

Come mothers and fathers, throughout the land.

And don't criticise, what you can't understand.

Your sons and your daughters, are beyond your command.

Your old road is rapidly again

Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand,

for _____________________________• FITB with a famous song title which along with the artist was much in

vogue in October 2016.


• What are these symbols pertaining to if adding two more to the list makes it exhaustive ?



• The Shweth Ashwa for the first time in many years changed their vehicle of choice to TVS Apache RTR 180 from a Royal Enfield though it did not change their splendor. The vehicle chosen has to be extremely stable with good speed and control for them to be able to complete their task. Who are the Shweth Ashwa ?


• Ralf Beker is a digital imaging expert with the Bavarian criminal office. In 2016, he used his expertise to create VR models of a certain area. These models had to be made using only the building blueprints as many a records had been hastily burnt by the perpetrators in order to prevent persecution. His models have helped reinitiate an extremely famous series of trials after 71 years as witness accounts based on it are now accepted by courts. What trials have been reignited by his work and what building(s) did he model ?



• Richard from Louisiana was shocked on seeing the size of a check being handed over to the winners of a tournament and thought that this was the best way out of poverty. He then wrote a 78 page plan using only what he had read in books and seen in videos, brought a shopping cart full of balls and started coaching his two pupils. They would go on to become historical figures in sports. Who are the famous pupils of Richard ?


• Oscar Gutierrez was born in Chula Vista, California, though people usually associate him with San Diego, California. Such false info is common in his field. Unlike what most of us might feel in such a situation though, he is proud of the wrongful association and wears it like a badge. How do we better know Oscar Gutierrez (another false info) and how does he put San Diego into prominence with every new height he touches in his field ?


• Nuclear Incidents such as Chernobyl and Fukushima leave the land around unusable for agricultural purposes. Such land causes great damage to economy and rehabilitation chances owing to the presence of toxins and heavy metals in the soil. A natural and organic strategy to rid the soil of toxins, first tried in Chernobyl in 2009 yielded positive results. Rumors of a similar attempt in Fukushima in 2015 caught even more attention. How did the scientists plan on setting the fertility levels high ?


• In November 2010, Apple was attacked by the Yes Men, an activist NGO specializing in high publicity pranks against corporations believed to be "operating unethically". The Yes Men constructed an identical Apple website and launched the iPhone 4 CF, similar to the original iPhone with an internally significant difference. This soon moved from a prank to reality as companies such as Intel started integrating this into their supply chains and marking products as CF. What does CF stand for or what part of their supply chain did intel have to modify to be able to rate products CF.


• NanoRacks was founded in 2009 by Jeffrey Manber, Mike Johnson and Charles Miller. The company had a revenue of more than 3 million dollars in 2012 following which they collaborated with many major players to further increase their footprint in the relatively unexplored territory. They have 5 office locations. However, a google maps search will reveal only 4 of these locations. Why ?

Fifth office located on the ISS


• DeBeer’s famous ad campaigns elevated diamonds to the stature of the official initiator of new love relationships. However, a swiss company ,Algordanza ,is giving them a similar status in the cycle of love relationships although at the other extreme as DeBeer’s.

• How are Algordanza diamonds different from other commercial diamonds ?


• "They didn’t sign a pact, but what they did is, they talked amongst themselves, talked about the burden they’ve had in the background of their lives, and decided that none of them would marry, none of them would have children. And that’s… a pact they’ve kept to this day"

• This was said by David Gardner, author of the book, "the last of X", with regards to a famous urban myth about a certain pact signed by the Stuart Houston brothers. What is the more famous surname that the Stuart Houston brothers chose to hide, or give me X.


The verb X was coined in the aftermath of the 2006 IAU decision. In January 2007, the American Dialect Society chose X as its 2006 Word of the Year, defining X as "to demote or devalue someone or something, as happened to X". Society president Cleveland Evans stated the reason for the organization's selection : "Our members believe the great emotional reaction of the public to the demotion of X shows its importance as a name. We may no longer believe in the Roman god , but we still have a sense of connection with X". What is X ?



• These shadows can be found in some places in X. However, the weird part is that these remain as is even if there is no light and if there is no one standing in front. Their formation can be attributed to effects exactly inverse to how a sunscreen blocks the sun’s rays from reaching the underlying skin. Give me X, and what are these called ?

X : Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Nuclear Shadows