General Knowledge Questions

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General Knowledge Questions

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25Facts About HinduismPosted by under India History Quiz

Hinduism is an ancient religion of India and the oldest religion in the world.

Hindus regard the Vedas which was composed around 1500 B.C. as central to the hindu tradition.

Hinduism is like an ocean of the combined knowledge of various rishis, sages, and saints. It was they who gave the religion the depth and complexity for which it is known today

Hinduism is a way of life, there is no fixed name for Hinduism; some call it Sanatana Dharma, some call it Bhagawat Dharma, etc. There was no name “Hindu” in old scriptures but later invaders of India named people here as Hindu because they used to live on the banks of the river Sindhu.

Hinduism is broken into four key denominations, which are Saivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, as well as Smartism.

The Vedas Meaning “knowledge” in Sanskrit, the Vedas are the oldest and most authoritative texts of Hinduism. Composed around 1500 B.C.E., they are among the world’s oldest surviving.

Vedas consist of four parts. The Rig Veda contains verses of praise to the gods; the Yajur Veda discusses the requirements of ritual offerings; the Sama Veda, verses and chants for ritual offerings, and Atharva Veda, magical verses.

The Upanishads Among the principal texts of the Hindu tradition, the Upanishads are

metaphysical treatises that are concerned with the origin and destiny of humanity and the universe.

The hinduism calls for the belief in one Supreme Being, who stands for both the creator, as well as a reality.

Karma, which stands for the cause and effect of an individuals choices and destiny is another main belief of hinduism. The thoughts, actions and words of an individual can affect their karma.

Ongoing cycles of Creation, Preservation and Dissolution within the universe is a main belief of hinduism.Hindus believe that the soul can be reincarnated, undergoing a cycle of rebirth. Hindus believe that a soul is able to undergo numerous lifetimes within a physical body. All of the past lives that you have led, contribute to the person you are today.

The Bhagavad-Gita A section of the immense epic known as the Mahabharata, believed to be about 2000 years old, it is set on the field of the climactic battle of the Mahabharata.

The Puranas The name purana means “ancient,” and these eighteen texts are a compendium of legends and histories dating from the fourth century B.C.E. to 1000 C.E. They address the creation of the universe, its destruction and renovation, the genealogy of gods and patriarchs, and the reigns of ancient rulers.

The science of Ayurveda, and the science of Yoga, was inspired and developed by the great masters and seers of ancient India. The origin of Ayurveda and Yoga are common to play a highly complimentary role in spiritual evolution and the maintenance of physical well-being and vitality.

There are three paths according to hindu believes, karmamarga – path of works and action, jnanamarga – path of knowledge or philosophy, bhaktimarga – path of devotion to God

Hindu believes There are four stages of life brahmacharga – school years – grow and learn, grhastha – marriage, family and career, vanaprastha – turn attention to spiritual things, sanrgasu – abandon world to seek spiritual things

The seven sacred cities of hindus are Ayodhya, Mathura, Gaya (Bodhgaya), Kasi (Varanasi, Benares), Kanci, Avantika (Ujjain), Dvaraka

The ten commitments in hindu dharma is Ahimsa – do no harm, Satya – do not lie, Asteya – do not steal, Brahmacharya – do not overindulge, Aparigraha – do not be greedy, Saucha – be

clean, Santosha – be content, Tapas – be self-disciplined, Svadhyaya – study, Ishvara Pranidhana – surrender to God


25Most Spoken LanguagesPosted by under Most Spoken Languages

1. Mandarin language – China

The highest number of speakers use Mandarin language the number of speakers are crossed 1 billion plus, it is the most widely spoken language on the planet which is based in the most populated country on the planet, China. Speaking Mandarin can be really tough, because each word can be pronounced in four ways (or “tones”), and a beginner will invariably have trouble distinguishing one tone from another.

To say “hello” in Mandarin, say “Ni hao” (Nee HaOW). The “Hao” is pronounced as one syllable, but the tone requires that you let your voice drop midway, and then raise it again at the end.

2. English

While English doesn’t have the most speakers, it is the official language of more countries than any other language. Its speakers hail from all around the world, including the U.S., Australia, England, Zimbabwe, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, South Africa, Canada.

3. Hindustani – Number of speakers: 497 million

Hindustani is the primary language of India’s crowded population, and it encompasses a huge number of dialects of which the most commonly spoken is Hindi. Many predict that the population of India will soon surpass that of China, the prominence of English in India prevents Hindustani from surpassing the most popular language in the world.

To say “hello” in Hindustani, say “Namaste”.

4. Spanish

Spanish is spoken in just about every South American and Central American country, Spain, Cuba, and the U.S. There is a particular interest in Spanish in the U.S., as many English words are borrowed from the language, including: tornado, bonanza, patio, quesadilla, enchilada, and taco grande supreme.

To say “hello” in Spanish, say “Hola”.

5. Russian

One of the six languages in the UN, Russian is spoken not only in the Mother Country, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the U.S.

To say “hello” in Russian, say “Zdravstvuite” (ZDRAST-vet- yah).

6. Arabic

Arabic, one of the world’s oldest languages, is spoken in the Middle East, with speakers found in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt. Because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Moslems in other countries speak Arabic as well. So many people have a working knowledge of Arabic, in 1974 it was made the sixth official language of the United Nations.

To say “hello” in Arabic, say “Al salaam a’alaykum” .

7. Bengali – Number of speakers: 211 million

In Bangladesh, a country of 120+ million people, just about everybody speaks Bengali. And because Bangladesh is virtually surrounded by India, the number of Bengali speakers in the world is much higher than people would expect.

To say “hello” in Bengali, say “Ei Je” (eye-jay).

8. Portuguese

In the 12th Century, Portugal won its independence from Spain and expanded all over the world with the help of its famous explorers like Vasco da Gama and Prince Henry the Navigator. Because Portugal got in so early on the exploring game, the language established itself all over the world, especially in Brazil where it’s the national language, Macau, Angola, Venezuela, and Mozambique.

To say “hello” in Portuguese, say “Bom dia” (bohn dee-ah).

9. Malay – Indonesia

Malay Language is spoken in Malaysia and Indonesia. There are many dialects of Malay, the most popular of which is Indonesian. But they’re all pretty much based on the same root language, which is the ninth most-spoken in the world.

To say “hello” in Indonesian, say “Selamat pagi” (se-la-maht pa-gee).

10. French

French often called the most romantic language in the world, French is spoken in countries like Belgium, Canada, Rwanda, Cameroon, Haiti and France.

To say “hello” in French, say “Bonjour” (bone-joor).


25Solar System QuizPosted by under Solar System Quiz

Our solar system consists of one central star, the Sun

The Solar System have nine planets named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

Our solar system consists of more than 60 moons

Our solar system consists of millions of rocky asteroids

Our solar system consists of billions of icy comets

The solar system is said to be over 5 billion years old.

Planets are different in sizes and colors. The four planets closer to the Sun are called ‘rocky’ planets.

Only two planets have (Earth and Mars) have moons

The asteroid belt is a zone between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can be seen with the naked eye (Without telescope or binoculars)

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called ‘rocky’ or’ terrestial’ planets.

`Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called the gaseous planets.

Jupiter and Saturn contain the largest percentages of hydrogen and helium, while Uranus and Neptune contain largest shares of ices, frozen water, ammonia, methane, and carbon monoxide.

The four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, have rings.

Hubble is one of the worlds most powerful telescopes.

The Sun is too bright for the Hubble Space Telescope to observe.

The sun is 330330 times larger than the earth.

The earth began billions of years ago as a huge ball of swirling dust and gases.

Earth is only known planet where life began on 600 million years ago.


25Animal General Knowledge TestPosted by under Animal General Knowledge Test

The Earth has over 12,00,000 species of animals, 3,00,000 species of plants & 1,00,000 other species.

All polar bears are left handed

A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime

The original name for the butterfly was ‘flutterby

A cheetah does not roar like a lion – it purrs like a cat (meow)

A jellyfish is 95 percent water!

No two zebras have stripes that are exactly alike. There are more than 50 different kinds of kangaroos.

A butterflie have 6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings & has 12,000 eyes.

Human birth control pill works on gorillas.

German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.

Owl is the only bird, which can rotate its head to 270 degrees.

The Swan has over 25,000 feathers in its body.

Elephant teeth can weigh as much as 9 pounds.

Crane sleeps standing on one leg.

Shark cannot see, they are very sensitive to sound.

A cat sees about six times better than a human at night because of the tapetum lucidum , a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

Bears whose brown fur is tipped with lighter-colored hairs are called grizzly bears .

Ants don’t sleep.

A cheetah can run 76 kilometres per hour (46 miles per hour)

Kiwis are the only birds, which hunt by sense of smell.

Cassowary is one of the dangerous birds that can kill a man or animal by tearing off with its dagger like claw.

The largest frog in the world is called Goliath frog.


25Human Body QuizPosted by under Human Body Quiz

In 24 hours, An average human heart beats 1,03,689 times.

In 24 hours, An average human Lungs respire 23,045 times.

In 24 hours, An average human Blood flows 16,80,000 miles.

An average human Nails grow 0.00007 inches in every 24 hours, .

An average human Hair grows 0.01715 inches in 24 hours, .

In 24 hours, An average human Take 2.9 pounds Water (including all liquids).

In 24 hours, An average human Take 3.25 pounds FOOD.

In 24 hours, An average human Breathe 438 cubic feet AIR.

In 24 hours, An average human Lose 85.60, BODY TEMPERATURE.

In 24 hours, An average human Produce 1.43 pints SWEAT.

In 24 hours, An average human Speak 4,800 WORDS.

In 24 hours, An average human During SLEEP move 25.4 times.

The fastest human beings runs only about 30 kilometres per hour (18 miles per hour).

About 10% of the world’s population is left-handed.

A person afflicted with hexadectylism has six fingers or six toes on one or both hands and feet

A human eye blinks over 10,000,000 times a year!

The vocabulary of the average person consists of 5,000 to 6,000 words.

The average person laughs about 15 times a day

Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails!

Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs.

People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain.

Sneezing stops heart beat for a second and then continues.

Shape of the backbone is important to have sufficient breathing.

Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.



25True FactsPosted by under True Facts

The Venezuelan brown bat can detect and dodge individual raindrops in mid-flight, arriving safely back at his cave completely dry.

When immersed in liquid, a dead sparrow will make a sound like a crying baby.

Centuries ago, purchasing real estate often required having one or more limbs amputated in order to prevent the purchaser from running away to avoid repayment of the loan. Hence an expensive purchase was said to cost “an arm and a leg.”

If you put a bee in a film canister for two hours, it will go blind and leave behind its weight in honey.

At the first World Cup championship in Uruguay, 1930, the soccer balls were actually monkey skulls wrapped in paper and leather.

Urine from male cape water buffaloes is so flammable that some tribes use it for lantern fuel.

we can get blood from a stone, but only if contains at least 17 percent bauxite.

Polar bears can eat as many as 86 penguins in a single sitting.

Replying more than 100 times to the same piece of spam e-mail will overwhelm the sender’s system and interfere with their ability to send any more spam.

Scuba divers cannot pass gas at depths of 33 feet or below.

Manatees possess vocal chords which give them the ability to speak like humans, but don’t do so because they have no ears with which to hear the sound.

In the weightlessness of space a frozen pea will explode if it comes in contact with Pepsi.

Smearing a small amount of dog feces on an insect bite will relieve the itching and swelling.

The typewriter was invented by Hungarian immigrant Qwert Yuiop, who left his “signature” on the keyboard.

King Henry VIII slept with a gigantic axe.

Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.

Until 1978, Camel cigarettes contained minute particles of real camels.

You can actually sharpen the blades on a pencil sharpener by wrapping your pencils in aluminum foil before inserting them.

When Mahatma Gandhi died, an autopsy revealed five gold Krugerrands in his small intestine.

If you part your hair on the right side, you were born to be carnivorous. If you part it on the left, your physical and psychological make-up is of a vegetarian.

The world’s smartest pig, owned by a mathematics teacher in Madison, WI, memorized the multiplication tables up to 12.

The “nine lives” attributed to cats is probably due to their having nine primary whiskers.

Coca-Cola was the favored drink of Pharaoh Ramses. An inscription found in his tomb, when translated, was found to be almost identical to the recipe used today.

Approximately one-sixth of human life is spent on Wednesdays.


25Swami Vivekananda SpeechPosted by under Swami Vivekananda Speech

Swami Vivekananda’s Speech in Chicago which is till date considered as the best speech given on the ococasion of worlds religions meet specially in indian national language.

Sisters and Brothers of America,

It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world;

I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.

My thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honor of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration.

I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.

I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth.

I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites, who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny.

I am proud to belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by millions of human beings : “As the different streams having their sources in different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee.”

The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita :

“Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me.”

Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair.

Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.


25Indian PresidentsPosted by under Indian Presidents

1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

India’s first president after independence was dr. Rajendra Prasad born on december 3, 1884 in the Saran district of North Bihar. Prasad spent his childhood listening to tales from the Ramayana, and the epic had a profound influence on his life. He was a brilliant student, he studied in the Presidency College, Calcutta, and topped in Master of Arts and Master of Law at the Calcutta University.

He joined the Indian National Congress while practicing Law in Calcutta in 1911. Even though he made his mark as a lawyer, he was deeply influenced by Gandhi, and plunged himself into the freedom struggle. He twice became the president of the Congress in 1934 and 1939.

Prasad emerged as the only choice for presidency after the country became a Republic in 1950. When it came to relinquishing office in 1962, after being the First Citizen of India for 12 long years from January 26, 1950 to May 13, 1962, Dr. Prasad did not bat an eyelid, despite persuasions from all quarters. The nation befittingly awarded him with a Bharat Ratna. He was passed on February 28, 1963.

2. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

The Second President Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan born on September 5, 1888 in a middle class Hindu family in Tirutani in the then Madras State. He best known as a philosopher, statesman, writer, educationist, humanist and administrator, despite being orthodox, his parents had a vision for their son and sent him to Christain missionary schools and colleges, such as Lutheran Mission School, Tirupati; Vellore College, Vellore; and Madras Christian College.

He took up Philosophy at the graduation level in Madras University and went on to master the subject. Throughout his glorious career, Radhakrishnan held numerous important academic, cultural and political posts, both in India and abroad, such as Vice-Chancellor of Andhra University, Spaulding Professor of Eastern Religion and Ethics, Oxford University, Leader of the

Indian Delegation to UNESCO, Ambassador-Extraord inary and Minister-Plenipoten tiary to the U.S.S.R., etc.

Dr. Radhakrishnan became the President after Dr. Rajendra Prasad, his presidency period starts from May 13, 1962 to May 13, 1967. His birthday is celebrated as Teacher’s Day throughout India he passed on April 17, 1975.

3. Dr. Zakir Hussain

Third President an educator, Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in Hyderabad on February 8, 1897. He studied at Islam High School, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, and later at the Anglo-Muhammadan Oriental College (now known as Aligarh Muslim University).

He founded the Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi. He held several posts as Chairman, Central Board of Secondary Education, a member of the University Grants Commission and a member of the University Education Commission. Hussain served as the Vice-President from 1962 to 1967 and then went on to grace Rashtrapati Bhavan as the third President. The first President to die while in office on may 3, 1969, he was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 1954 and the Bharat Ratna in 1963.

4. Varahagiri Venkata Giri

Fourth President Varahagiri Venkata Giri was a prolific writer and a good orator, he was born in Berhampur in the Ganjam district(then a part of the Madras Presidency) of Orissa on August 10, 1894.

A Telegu by birth, he went to the University of Dublin, Ireland, for higher studies. He soon got absorbed into the freedom struggle in Ireland. While taking active participation in the freedom movement, Giri joined the Indian National Congress and mobilised the trade unions in support of the freedom struggle. He was elected to the Parliament in 1952. Thereafter, Giri served as Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and Mysore from 1957 to 1967. He became the Vice-President in 1967. Giri had to officiate as President Dr. Zakir Hussain passed away while in office. He was finally elected the President in 1969. Giri received the Bharat Ratna in 1975.

5. Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

The Fifth President Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed man of many abilities, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was born on May 13, 1905 in the Hauz Qazi area of Old Delhi. He received his primary education from Bonda Government High School, Uttar Pradesh, and did his matriculation from the Delhi Government High School, then under the Punjab University. Later, he joined the Catherine College, Cambridge University, and was called to the Bar from Inner Temple of London. Ahmed joined the Indian National Congress in 1931 and took active part in the freedom struggle. He became part of the Central Cabinet after Independence and held important portfolios. He could not complete his term due to a fatal heart attack on February 11, 1977.

6. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

India’s sixth President Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was born in the Anantpur district of Andhra Pradesh on May 18, 1913. After completing his primary education at Theosophical High School at Adyar in Madras, Reddy went to Government’s Arts College at Anantpur for higher studies. He plunged into the freedom movement in 1931, participating in various nationalist activities.

Reddy became the chief minister of the then newly-formed state of Andhra Pradesh in 1956, and later from 1962 to 1964. He served in the cabinet of Prime ministers Lal Bahadur Shastri and Indira Gandhi. Twice elected as the Lok Sabha Speaker (1967 and 1977), Reddy became the President in 1977 after winning the elections hands down as an unopposed candidate.

7. Giani Zail Singh

Giani Zail Singh a man of the masses and the only Sikh President of India till date, Zail Singh was born on May 5, 1916 in an agricultural family in village Sandhwan in the then Faridkot State. Hailing from a humble background, Singh showed remarkable acumen in mastering Sikh history and its scriptures. He acquired the epithet of ‘Giani’ because of his scholarly abilities.

After leading the fight against feudalism and participating actively in the freedom movement in Punjab, Singh went on to become the chief minister of the state in 1972. Punjab enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity under his leadership. He became home minister in Indira Gandhi cabinet in 1980, he utilised his administrative skills to solve many problems that stared in the face of the nation. He was elected to the highest office of India in 1982.

8. Ramaswamy Venkataraman

Eighth President, Ramaswamy Venkataraman was born in village Rajamadam in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu on December 4, 1910. He did his Masters in Economics from Madras University and Law from Law College, Madras. As a practicing lawyer, he became involved with the Quit India Movement in 1942.

Venkataraman was a member of the Constituent Assembly that drafted India`s Constitution. After India became a Republic, he was elected to the Parliament in 1952. He was Governor, International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Asian Development Bank. He was elected Vice-President of India in 1984 and became the President in 1987.

9. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

The Ninth President Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma was born in Bhopal on August 19, 1918, Madhya Pradesh, and studied in St. John’s College, Agra; Allahabad University; Lucknow University; Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University; Lincoln’s Inn, London and Harvard Law School, USA.

He taught Law at Cambridge University in 1946-47. While in Britain, Sharma took active interest in India’s struggle for Independence, and later joined the Indian National Congress. After India became a Republic, Sharma took over as the Chief Minister of Bhopal in 1952 before the state of Madhya Pradesh was formed. He also occupied the posts of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Maharashtra. Sharma was elected the Vice-President in 1987 and eventually the country’s President in 1992. He is credited to have sworn in three prime ministers.

10. Kocheril Raman Narayanan

The tenth president Kocheril Raman Narayanan was a scholar and a writer, Narayanan was born in village Uzhavoor in Kottayam district of Kerala on October 27, 1920. He did his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English Literature from Travancore University, and later went on to study at the London School of Economics.

Narayanan joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1949 and served in Rangoon, Tokyo, London, Canberra and Hanoi. He was India’s Ambassador to Thailand, Turkey, China, and eventually

became Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs in 1976. He was India’s Ambassador to the United States from 1980 to 1984. Elected to the post of Vice-President in 1992, Narayanan became the President in 1997. He was also the first President to cast his vote in the 1998 General Elections. He passed away on November 9, 2005.

11. Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

One of the most distinguished scientists of India, Abdul Kalam is known as the Missile Man of India. He was born at Rameswaram, in Tamil Nadu on October 15, 1931, and studied Aeronautical Engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology.

Kalam developed India`s first Satellite Launch Vehicle. He also developed and enabled operationalisation of Agni and Prithvi missiles. It was largely because of his efforts that India became a nuclear weapons country. Befittingly, he has been bestowed with all the three civilian honours of the Nation. The 11th President is also credited with many firsts to his credit. He is the first President to be awarded the Bharat Ratna before he occupied Rashtrapati Bhavan, the first scientist to become the President and the first bachelor to be elected to the highest office of the land. He created history by flying the Sukhoi 30.

12. Smt. Pratibha Patil

The 12th and current president of india, she is the first indian women appointed at the top post of the indian constituency.


25USA General KnowledgePosted by under USA General Knowledge

On 4th July 1776 America declares itself as an independent country

The U.S President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865

According to a theory California State was nbamed by its Spanish settlers after a utopian society described in a popular 16th-century novel called Serged de Esplandian.

The State Georgia named after King George II of England, who charted the colony in 1732.

Louisiana state named after French King Louis XIV.

Washington Named after George Washington.

Wyoming derived from the Algonquin word for “large prairie place”

Rhode Island named by “Roode Eylandt” (Red Island) because of its red clay.

Teaxas word Derived from the Caddo Indian word for “friend,” or “ally.”

North and south Dakota taken from the Sioux word for “friend,” or “ally”.

Virginia and west virginia was Named after Queen Elizabeth I of England, the “virgin” queen, by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584.

Newyork was named after the Duke of York and Albany.

Minnesota was derived from the Sioux word for “sky tinted” or “muddy water”.

New Mexico is the Spanish name for the territory north of the Rio Grande.

Kansas word was taken from the Sioux word for “south wind people,” their name for anyone who lived south of Sioux territory.

Hawaii is an English adaptation of the native word Owyhee, which means “homeland”.

Indiana state was named by English-speaking settlers because the territory was full of Indians.

Kentucky was possibly derived from the Indian word kan-tuk-kee, meaning “dark and bloody ground.” Or kan-tuc-kec, “land of green reeds”, or ken-take, meaning “meadowland”.

Shakespeare invented the word ‘ assassination’ and ‘bump’


25Amazing FactsPosted by under Amazing Facts

Tuesday is considered as the most productive day of the week.

In human body the right lung takes in more air than the left one.

The sun is 330330 times larger than the earth.

Bill gates house was designed using Macintosh computer which is a brand of the microsoft’s rival company.

Almost all varieties of breakfast cereals are made from grass.

In the 1930’s America track star Jesse Owens used to race against horses and dogs to earn a living.

There is a great mushroom in Oregon that is 2,400 years old. It Covers 3.4 square miles of land and is still growing.

Jimmy Carter is the first USA president to have born in hospital.

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.

Cleopatra married two of her brothers.

Human birth control pill works on gorillas.

It is illegal to own a red car in shanghai china.

Tru to spin an egg, Its strange that a hard-boiled egg will spin but an uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.

Astronauts cannot burp in space.

People with blue eyes see better in dark.

The snowiest city in the USA is Blue Canyon, California.

Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only fresh water lake in the world that has sharks.

Kite flying is a professional sport in Thailand.

The gasoline can not freeze no matter how cold the temperature falls.

Human stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.

Every person has a unique tongue print.

Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn’t wear pants.

A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it go mad instantly and sting itself to death.

By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can’t sink in quicksand.

Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.

The Polar Bear can can reach 25 miles / hr of speed.

Leonardo Da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.

Chocolate affects a dog’s heart and nervous system. A few ounces will kill a small sized dog.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

Courtesy : amazing facts website


.Who is the Finance minister in the Achutanandan ministry?

Dr.Thomas Issac

2.Who is the 2nd Indo-Anierican astronaut selected by American Space agency NASA

for a space mission?

Sunita Williams

3.The famous Lucknow pact between the Congress and the Muslim League was

concluded in:


4.Who was the chairman of the two commissions appointed by the British Govt. for

Partition of the provinces of Bengal and Punjab in 1947?

Cyril Radcliff

5.Who is the Vice chairman of Kerala State Planning Board?

Dr. Prabhat Patnaik

6. Who is the Malayalam Film Director recently selected for Dada Saheb Falke award?

Adoor Gopalakrjshnan

7.In which state is the first synagogue built in India?


8.Operation Flood deals with:

Production of milk

9.Who produced the first automobile?Carl Benz10.Who is the president of

Afghanistan?Hamid Karzai

11.Angela Markel is the first woman Chancellor of:


12.Rou’sseaus theories greatly contributed to which one of the following?

French revolution

13.Who is the Malayalam poet recently selected for 'Saraswathy Saman’?

K. Ayyappa Paniker

14.Dengue fever is caused by:


15.Hormones are normally absent in:


16.Which is the largest living bird?


17.Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to the formation of:

Lactic acid

18.Which river feeds Tehri dam?Bhagirithi

19.Who was the founder of Servants of India Society?

G.K. Gokhale

20.Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British parliament?

Dadabhai Naoroji

Disclaimer : E & OE by qblpteam

1. Where is the Punjab Lalit Kala Academy located ?(A) Muktasar(B) Ludhiana(C) Patiala(D) ChandigarhAns : (D)

2. What does happens when water is condensed into ice ?(A) Heat is absorbedB) Heat is released(C) Quantity of heat remains unchanged(D) None of theseAns : (A)

3. Which of the following gases is not a noble gas ?(A) Zenon(B) Argon(C) Helium(D) ChlorineAns : (D)

4. Which of the following diffuses most quickly ?(A) Solid(B) Gas(C) Liquid(D) None of theseAns : (B)

5. Which temperature in Celsius scale is equal to 300 K ?(A) 30°C(B) 27°C(C) 300°C(D) None of theseAns : (B)

6. First Youth Olympic games will be held in—(A) Japan(B) China(C) North Korea(D) SingaporeAns : (D)

7. Where was the capital of Pandya dynasty situated ?(A) Mysore(B) Kanchipuram(C) Madurai(D) DelhiAns : (C)

8. Tripitik is the scripture of—(A) Jain religion(B) Hindu religion(C) Buddhishtha religion(D) Muslim religionAns : (C)

9. Who is the author of ‘Adhe-Adhure’ ?(A) Mohan Rakesh(B) Prem Chand(C) Nirala(D) PantAns : (A)

10. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments has included fundamental duties into the Constitution ?(A) 42nd(B) 43rd(C) 44th(D) 39thAns : (A)

11. Where is the Central Food Technology Research Institute situated ?(A) Delhi(B) Anand(C) Ahmedabad(D) MysoreAns : (D)

12. Which of the following is common in both, Buddhism and Jainism ?(A) Nonviolence(B) Violence(C) Triratna(D) TruthAns : (A)

13. Light-year measures which of the following ?(A) Intensity of light(B) Mass(C) Time(D) DistanceAns : (D)

14. Which of the following gases is used for ripening the fruits ?(A) Methane(B) Ethane(C) Ethylene(D) AcetyleneAns : (C)

15. Who among the following was involved in Alipore bomb case ?(A) Aravind Ghosh(B) P. C. Banerjee(C) Bipin Chandra Paul(D) Chandrashekhar AzadAns : (A)

16. Sikh Guru Arjundev was contemporary to which of the following rulers ?(A) Humayun(B) Akbar(C) Shahjahan

(D) JahangirAns : (D)

17. Besides hydrogen, which of the following elements is common in organic compounds ?(A) Phosphorus(B) Sulphur(C) Nitrogen(D) CarbonAns : (D)

Directions—(Q. 18–21) Find the correct meanings of the words given below :

18. EWE(A) Calf(B) Female sheep(C) Deer(D) None of theseAns : (B)

19. Buffalo(A) Calf(B) Baby box(C) Baby bison(D) Baby cowAns : (C)

20. Veneration—(A) Esteem(B) High respect(C) Devotion(D) WorshipAns : (B)

21. Vicious—(A) Remorseless(B) Ferocious(C) Kind(D) WickedAns : (D)

Directions—(Q. 22–25) Choose the word / phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question :

22. Bizarre(A) Colourful(B) Odd(C) Insipid(D) SmartAns : (B)

23. Innuendo(A) Narration(B) Insinuation(C) Insist(D) InsutaleAns : (B)

24. Salutary(A) Welcome(B) Discharge(C) Promoting(D) RemoveAns : (C)

25. Fictile(A) Fiction(B) Moulded(C) Fictitious(D) SmoothAns : (B)

26. Solid Carbon dioxide is termed as—(A) Soft ice(B) Dry ice(C) White ice(D) None of theseAns : (B)

27. 1 kg of a liquid is converted into its vapour at its boiling point. The heat absorbed in the process is called—(A) Latent heat of vaporisation(B) Latent heat of fusion(C) Latent heat of sublimation(D) None of theseAns : (A)

28. Whether all the universities in the country should start online admission at all levels with immediate effect ?(i) No, since all the students may not have access to the internet easily.(ii) Yes, it may liberate the students and their parents from the long-standing problems of knocking at the doors of different colleges and standing in queue.(A) Only argument (i) is correct(B) Only argument (ii) is correct(C) Neither argument (i) nor argument (ii) is correct(D) Both the arguments, (i) and (ii), are correctAns : (D)

29. The product ‘Fair and Lovely’ is related to—(A) WIPRO(B) I.T.C.(C) P & G(D) H.U.L.Ans : (D)

30. Should the Government make it compulsory for the private medical colleges to join the entrance test conducted by the Government ?(i) No, private institutions should be empowered, so that they may decide their own admission strategy and improve their work-management.(ii) Yes, all medical institutions, whether these are private or government’s, should adopt the same entrance standard.(A) Only argument (i) is correct(B) Only argument (ii) is correct(C) Either argument (i) is correct or argument (ii) is correct(D) Neither argument (i) is correct nor argument (ii) is correctAns : (B)

31. In case the President of India decides to resign, he will address his letter of resignation to—(A) Prime Minister(B) Chief Justice(C) Speaker of Lok Sabha(D) Vice-PresidentAns : (D)

32. The metal extracted from Bauxite is—(A) Silver

(B) Copper(C) Manganese(D) AluminiumAns : (D)

33. The Cyclone represents a state of atmosphere in which—(A) Low pressure in the center and high pressure around(B) There is high pressure in the center and low pressure around(C) There is low pressure all around(D) None of theseAns : (A)

34. The ‘Ocean of Storms’ is the name given to—(A) Atlantic Ocean(B) Pacific Ocean(C) A waterless area on moon surface(D) None of theseAns : (C)

35. The capital of Pallavas was—(A) Arcot(B) Kanchi(C) Malkhed(D) BanavasiAns : (B)

36. Which Indian state was ranked as the No. 2 tourist destination in the world by LONELY PLANET?(A) Himachal Pradesh(B) Tamil Nadu(C) Kerala(D) UttarakhandAns : (C)

37. How much water is contained in our body by mass ?(A) 65%(B) 70%(C) 60%(D) None of theseAns : (B)

38. What determines the sex of a child ?(A) Chromosomes of the father(B) Chromosomes of the mother(C) RH factor of the parents(D) Blood group of the fatherAns : (A)

39. The two civilizations which helped in the formation of Gandhara School of Art are—(A) Indian and Roman(B) Indian and Egyptian(C) Greek and Roman(D) Indian and GreekAns : (D)

40. ‘Thinkpad’ is a laptop associated with which among the following companies ?(A) HP(B) TCS(C) Infosys(D) IBMAns : (D)

41. The first summit of SAARC was held at—

(A) Kathmandu(B) Colombo(C) New Delhi(D) DhakaAns : (D)

42. The wire of flash bulb is made of—(A) Copper(B) Barium(C) Magnesium(D) SilverAns : (C)

43. The curves showing the volume pressure behaviour of gases plotted at different fixed temperatures are called—(A) Isochors(B) Isothermals(C) V.T.P. Curves(D) IsocurvesAns : (B)

44. Project Tiger was launched in—(A) 1973(B) 1976(C) 1978(D) 1983Ans : (A)

Directions—(Q. 45 and 46) Attempt the question to the best of your judgement.

45. How many letters in the word TRYST have as many letters between them as in the alpha bet ?(A) None(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4Ans : (B)

46. From the alternatives, select the set which is most like the given set. Given set (23, 29, 31)—(A) (17, 21, 29)(B) (31, 37, 49)(C) (13, 15, 23)(D) (41, 43, 47)Ans : (D)

Directions—What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ?

47. 13 13 65 585 7605 129285 …?…(A) 2456415(B) 2235675(C) 2980565(D) 2714985Ans : (D)

48. If ‘VEHEMENT’ is written as ‘VEHETNEM’ then in that code how will you code ‘MOURNFUL’ ?(A) MOURLUFN(B) MOUNULFR(C) OURMNFUL(D) URNFULMOAns : (A)

49. MOLLIFY is to APPEASE as APPURTENANCE is to ?(A) Gratify

(B) Avarice(C) Accessory(D) AmendAns : (C)

50. Praduman is older than Janaki; Shreshtha is older than Chhama; Ravindra is not as old as Shreshtha but is older than Janaki. Chhama is not as old as Janaki. Who is the youngest ?(A) Praduman(B) Janaki(C) Shreshtha(D) ChhamaAns : (D)

51. In a row of children facing North, Bharat is eleventh from the right end and is third to the right of Samir who is fifteenth from the left end. Total how many children are there in the row ?(A) 29(B) 28(C) 30(D) 27Ans : (B)

52. Which number is missing ?45389, ?, 453, 34(A) 34780(B) 8354(C) 4892(D) 3478Ans : (B)

53. If in the word CALIBRE, the previous letter in the English alphabet replaces each consonant and each vowel is replaced by the next letter and then the order of letters is reversed, which letter will be third from the right end ?(A) A(B) C(C) B(D) KAns : (D)

54. How many such digits are there in the number 57683421, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number, as they will be when arranged in descending order within the number ?(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) More than threeAns : (D)

Directions—(Q. 55 to 57) In the following question there are two words to the left of the sign (::) which are connected in some way. The same relationship obtains between the third word and one of the four alter-natives under it. Find the correct alternative in each case.

55. Medicine : Sickness : : Book : ?(A) Ignorance(B) Knowledge(C) Author(D) TeacherAns : (A)

56. River : Dam : : Traffic : ?(A) Signal(B) Vehicle(C) Motion(D) Lane

Ans : (A)

57. Session : Concludes : : ? : Lapses(A) Leave(B) Permit(C) Agency(D) PolicyAns : (D)

58. If 16 = 11, 25 = 12, 36 = 15, then 49 = ?(A) 14(B) 20(C) 19(D) 17Ans : (B)

59. Pick out the odd in the following—(A) Ashok—Assam(B) Poonam—Punjab(C) Gyanendra—Gujarat(D) Anjana—RajasthanAns : (D)

60. KEATS = 25, SHELLEY = 35, BROWNING = ?(A) 45(B) 37(C) 50(D) 40Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 61 and 62) What approximate value should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following questions ?(You are not expected to calculate the exact value)

61. (9321 + 5406 + 1001) ÷ (498 + 929 + 660) = ?(A) 13•5(B) 4•5(C) 16•5(D) 7•5Ans : (D)

62. 561204 ×58 = ? ×55555(A) 606(B) 646(C) 586(D) 716Ans : (C)

63. The difference between the greatest number and the smallest number of 5 digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 using all but once is—(A) 32976(B) 32679(C) 32769(D) None of theseAns : (A)

64. Area of a parallelogram whose base is 9 cm and height 4 cm is ……… sq cm.(A) 9(B) 4(C) 36(D) 13Ans : (C)

65. The number which is neither prime nor composite is—(A) 0(B) 1(C) 3(D) 2Ans : (B)

66. The length of a room is three times its breadth. If the perimeter of the room is 64 cm, then its breadth is ……… cm.(A) 64(B) 32(C) 16(D) 8Ans : (D)

67. Aditi read 4/5th of Tintin comic book which has 100 pages. How many pages of the book is not yet read by Aditi ?(A) 40(B) 60(C) 80(D) 20Ans : (D)

68. What is the meaning of beckoned ?(A) Summon by sign or gesture(B) Did not signal(C) Did not call(D) InviteAns : (A)

69. A box contains coins (equal no. of every one) of rupee and half rupee, coins of 25 paise, 10 paise, 5 paise value, 2 paise value and one paise value. The total value of coins in the box is Rs. 1158. Find the number of coins of each value.(A) 500(B) 400(C) 700(D) 600Ans : (D)

70. The area of a rhombus with diagonals 12 cm and 20 cm is ……… sq cm.(A) 120(B) 12(C) 20(D) 240Ans : (A)

71. A piece of road is one kilometer in length. We have to supply lamp posts. One post at each end, distance between two consecutive lamp posts is 25 metres. The number of lamp posts required is—(A) 41(B) 51(C) 61(D) 42Ans : (A)

72. There are 800 students in a class. On one particular day, if 1/10th of the students were absent, how many students were present ?(A) 700(B) 650(C) 720(D) 750Ans : (C)

73. The quotient in a division is 403. The divisor is 100 and the remainder is 58, the dividend is—(A) 40458(B) 34058(C) 43058(D) 40358Ans : (D)

74. A labourer was engaged for 25 days on the condition that for every day, he works, he will be paid Rs. 2 and for every day, he is absent he will be fined 50p. If he receives only Rs. 37•50, find the no. of days he was absent—(A) 5(B) 6(C) 7(D) 4Ans : (A)

Directions—(Q. 75 to 77) Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word ?

75. Quixotic(A) Visionary(B) Whimsical(C) Realistic(D) FoolishAns : (C)

76. Rabid(A) Mad(B) Normal(C) Furious(D) FanaticalAns : (B)

77. Scurrilous(A) Inoffensive(B) Vulgar(C) Insulting(D) CoarseAns : (A)

78. Digits of first place and third place are interchanged of the numbers 349, 483, 766, 598, 674 and then the new numbers are arranged in ascending order. Which would be the fourth number ?(A) 483(B) 766(C) 674(D) 598Ans : (D)

79. What least number should be added to 2600 to make it a complete square ?(A) 3(B) 9(C) 1(D) 25Ans : (C)

80. When sun-light passes through a glass prism, which of the following colours refracts the most ?(A) Blue(B) Red(C) Orange(D) GreenAns : (A)

81. If (78)2 is subtracted from the square of a number, we get 6460. What is that number ?(A) 109(B) 112(C) 111(D) 115Ans : (B)

82. The difference between 28% and 42% of a number is 210. What is 59% of this number ?(A) 900(B) 420(C) 885(D) None of theseAns : (C)

83. A–B means A is the father of B. A + B means A is the daughter of B. A ÷ B means A is the son of B. A ×B means A is the wife of B. Then, what is the relation of P with T in the expression P + S – T ?(A) Son(B) Daughter(C) Sister(D) WifeAns : (C)

84. Ellora caves in Maharashtra were built during the rule of which of the following dynasties ?(A) Rashtrakoot(B) Pallav(C) Pala(D) CholaAns : (A)

85. But for the Surgeon’s skill, the patient ……… died.(A) may have(B) must have(C) should have(D) would haveAns : (D)

86. I want to see the Principal, …… I have something to tell him urgently.(A) so(B) for(C) since(D) andAns : (C)

87. I wasn’t really listening and didn’t ……… what he said.(A) catch(B) receive(C) accept(D) takeAns : (A)

88. The first division of Congress took place in—(A) Surat(B) Kolkata(C) Allahabad(D) ChennaiAns : (A)

89. What is ginger ?(A) Flower(B) Root(C) Stem(D) Leaf

Ans : (B)

90. Battle of Kalinga was fought at which of the following places ?(A) Udaigiri(B) Dhauli(C) Balasore(D) BarabakiAns : (B)

91. MIG aircraft manufacturing plant is located at which of the following places of Orissa ?(A) Beharampur(B) Sunabeda(C) Koraput(D) SambalpurAns : (C)