Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript

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Transcript of Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 1/782

Ii _

. _ -_ MACCOt"O,NO.c-/t,_'_'

47' NO °· BOOK





i I I I /' : ' ¸f'

"_ SyBtAm: : _tunc_iQa: ,iR..e.aom4D£_-_Gt_ yoga


oondi%_ming: .M_'ED_D!TES DRAFT

missim phaae_ T._T-OFF'_to_,.__, _,.,. _ss_MISSI0!_ELAPS_ :TI_

·" J T _ I '_ r '

Prel!ntedby: MCd_OLj_f_EL, L · FTDDataAu_fsis· · LawbertFieldSt.Louis,Missouri


It. _ /_oms, _,._ _ _.. '__._IP ·

This doCUment con/LorJns'JnformQ%_JS_ Laffectiag th_ nat]onOt defense of the United

States-w_thm _he _ecmmg[o_ the Esplonoge-Laws, Ltle 18, U. $. C., Sections

' - 793 ond 794,, the tYanstnJssion.or reveiatJo_ of which in an),,mc_nner to an _ -

.unauth_rlzed'pe_on_ i_-proh_bitecl by !aw._


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8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 3/782

90 oo O! 3',' Cc 01:40.

',o oo O1 z_O c --II_.

$() 00 Ok _;2 CC Spay a,_in, C_?_f_ni-5.

........ Lost the l-r_3fuel gage. Still have tileAPS.,;,, O0 91 _5 C .,,o_.

O0 O0 01 k_j CC Roger. You lost the i1_.

22 OO O! JO C Roger. That's on stage 2.

L,J :3<'Oi 55 CC qo_er. You lost IfS on stage 2. _---

30 03 Oi 59 C Roger .... lost the IFS on stage 2.

:10 O0 02 10 C RorSer. Ocn_ni-5 GO for sta_[ng. _

_ y; 02 13 CC Roger.

O0 O0 02 26 P s_ + 25 iCS is in.

oO O0 02 2_ Cf' Roger.

03 OO O2 34 " Roger, w_'ve staged. ___

-, +_ _ stage.O0 O0 02 36 _t, R_ger on _...e

OC O0 02 3'/ C Roger.

O) OO 02 45 C Rogc-", got it.

90 O0 02 50 C Roger. We have gui_ance initiate.

O0 '.%,902 5_ CC St,age 2 thrust is looking good, Cem/ni-5.

OC O0 02 60 C Ro6 er.

O000 03 12 CC Gemini-}q, Houston here. Looks like both of your guidance

systems are workin6 fine.

O0 (}0 03 _ C Hoger..Ur

O0 O0 03 25 P ... OO and every%binS looks good.

' OO OO 03 _8 CC RoGer on -_e fairingS.

: t. '

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(0 , ! 3

OO OO 03 i_ p r_,,._aoa beautifu_l view:

OO aa 03 50 CC Roger. 2verfthing's looking fine down here now,

Gemini -:].

OO O00J 57 C Roger. it looks :aighty goal up here.

O0 O0 04 O1 _ ... real ...

O0 O0 Ol_ 13 CC Gemini-5, _ou're GO mown here.

DO O0 04 i6 C Rage:': Gemini-5 is GO here.

00 (kO 05 02 CC Etani by for pohlt 8.

OO aa _r 04 C Ro:?_r. Standing by.,J ?

OO OO 05 OO aC Point 8, Gera!n2-5, point ©

O0 aa 05 il C Roger. bbde 3.

O0 O00J 15 CC Cemlni-5, %his is Houston. You're at point 8.

OO OO 05 16 C Roger. We' re at Mode _._ Thank you.

OO O0 05 -Pi CC Gemini-5_ [{ouston here. You've _ssed throug_h poln_' _ _.

O0 O0 05 26 C 1{agar. We're reading you. Are you read/ng our ...

O0 aa 05 33 CC ca.._nl-5, this is Houston here. I{ow do you rand?

aa aa 05 34 c ...

aa aa O5 43 _ One, seven. We have a 32 here.

'JO O0 05 _6 C ... good. SECO ... [{ouston.

aa _O 0.5 ,5_ CC Oemini-5, you're C_C', you're GO.

OO O0 '35 60 CC Oe,-tini-5: this is iiouston here, do you resd?

_e ...... 5 reaaing you loud and clear.aa aa Oo 03 C Roger, Houston; _ '_;_:-

O0 O0 06 06 CC Okay, n .... 7',_ ';e_n_-_ .... , Lransmitting in tile b_lnd. You

have a GO.

· , [ ' ' _ ?

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O0 CO 06 1_ P One, seven. We have the 32 here.

O0 00 06 23 CC Ge_n_-5, this is Houston here. How do you rs_ ou

this frequency?

00 00 06 38 CC Gemini-5, thl, is Houstc_ here. Eow do 2ou rea4?

OO O0 06 _8 C Houston, this is Omini-5 reading _ma _ and elee_.

How ua_ Over.

00 O0 07 O1 C Roger, 10 plus ll. Our IVI's m forwmm_l00R, right O13,

up OOe. Everything looks good.

O000 07 17 CC Oe_ini-_, you're 65 by 199.

O000 07 b_ CC Geminl-_, Hcawton here. Whmt UH_ set axe you ou?

00 O0 07 55 P Roger. This is Geminl-5. We're on UHF-2. We ha_ ·

perfect _ifft_lon on our computer 2_08.

O0 O0 08 05 CC Roger. Understand you're on LEF-2.

00 00 06 09 P That's a_firmative. We'll _ Back to UHF Mo. I aa_ give

you · try.

O0 O0 08 1_ CC Ohay. _V don't you stay on 2 for awhile.

00000617 ...

00 OO 08 23 CC Gemini-_, Ecuatem here. Why doa't you mae the eOm-

check over Cana_e_.

OO OO 08 29 P This is Gemini-_. Roger, ve'll lake the corm check on

UHF No. 1 over Ce_axiee.

O0 00 06 35 CC Very _. Very _ood.

00 OO 08 _1 P Gmiui-_ commencing its First cheekl_et.

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O0 O0 08 U5 CC Roger, Gemini-5. Be advised the ground is reading

you lou_ and clear now.

OO O0 09 O1 CC Gemini-5, this is Houston here. Your 2-1 time is

i plus 27 !lus 26.

OO OO 0'3 15 P .Roger.... of 2-1 is I plus 27 plus 26.

O000 09 23 CC Roger. That's 16, not 26. 1 plus 27 plus 16.

O000 09 _-_° _o Roger. _ plus 27 plus 16.

O0 O0 09 35 CC Roger. T_t's sffirr_tlve.

O0 O0 10 07 CC Gemini-5, Houston.

OO O0 10 !O ? C_o 8}_ea,fW[{ouston,Gemini-5.

O000 _u]'''13 CC Roger. __ '1! tell you w_hat. We had to switch your

_ Je ,e_e._e_y to tne standby t._ansmitter. We're

picking up a lot of noise _nd we'd like to have you

just lea'_e it thor way.

Ob O0 10 2_ ? Okay. Start ... first stage ... We really had a lot

of ._GO.

O0 O0 10 31 CC Roger. Under'stand you had _ lot of POGO.

O000 iO 3A C Affirmative. We had quite a bit of POGO sta_ting at

about 2: 06.

O0 O0 10 38 CC Roger. 2:06.

_[A_,_,. ' iSLm_DS

O0 O0 19 20 CC Cemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM.

O000 15 _h C Go ahead_Canary, Gemini-5.


bO ,AL

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_'Ui:,.r'C_"-'i[_ !" :T _',-,,,'_, , I r_L Ptlle 6

00 O0 15 27 CC Roger. Have a G}?r of lift-off for you. One zero hours,

wait one - 13 hours 59 m]nutes 9) seconds. _ of

lift -off 13:59:59.

O0 O0 15 S4 C Roger. 13:59:59.

O000 15 43 CC That's affirmative. We're standing by for your U_F

co_nunica tion s check.

O000 15 5_ C Re:--ct. Wait 30 seconds.

OO OO 15 56 CC Roger.

O000 ±6 i;; CC Gumini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. We have a new 2-1

time for you. It will be O! hours 22 minutes 27 seconds.

Lb you copy?.

OO OO 16 27 C Say t[mt a_aln, wouli you?

OO OO 16 30 CC That is el hours 26 minutes 27 seconds.

O0 O0 i6 36 C Roi,;er. We got that.

O0 O0 17 5'7 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM.

OO OO iU O0 C Roger, Canary [PYP COM. Gemini-) on Ir_IF/_o. 1. Row do

you real_ Over.

00 O0 £_JO5 CC Roger, C_m[ni-5. i real you lou_i and clear. We're

snowing that your tape recorcter, Bio-!ica .No. 2, is on.

Flight Plan calls for it to be off.

OO OO i.3 16 C !{o_er. ;,la'il_eL lb off Tromentarily.

O(300 i6 i_ CC P,o,-:er.T:_ank you. Standing b/ for you_' 1_' check.

O000 13 27 C Re,er.

-- OO O0 lJ _- CC itot_cr, 'we're showin{; that t:mt tape recorder is off.

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O0 O0 19 27 CC ...... : ti:is ',;c:,_n_-_, is Canary CAP COM on HF. Do you

rea ti?

O000 19 32 C Roger, Canary. GeminL-5 reads you loud and clear

on _P. Row me?

O0 O0 i9 36 CC Roger. !'m reading ,you loud and clear on t_. Going

back to b_{F.

GO O0 19 _A_ C Gemini-5.

O0 O0 i9 54 CC Gemini-5, this is Caamries on UILm. We're standing by

to report on your Control Moue Cheek.

O0 O0 20 09 C Roger, this is C_mini-5 on Ut{F. We haven't gotten our

Control Mode _ 'C,,ec_. yet.

O0 O0 20 15 CC Roger.

O0 O0 20 l? C We are having the water boiler )_wing us off left.

We're correcting back now,

O0 O0 20 23 CC Roger. Understand.

O0 O0 21 3h CC Geminl-9, this is Canary CAP COM. Would you confirm that

you have your m_in batteries off.

O0 O0 2_1 40 o T'tn sorry. Our _in _...... ' =_ uau_e_le_ are off.

O0 O0 Pl 42 _ R ....

30 O0 >'"_' 21 '_'" '_ ': ' _:_,..... er_._n_-;, Gemini-5.. ti'.is is Ho,aston.

O0 O0 2_ 26 C Roser, Houston. Geminl-5. Reading you loud and clear.

O0 O0 ":' 30 n_ Ro:_e_', ' ' '_ ...., _ , _ we : _ rea_nj_ _._ loud and clear also throu_t our

:emote site. B'c advised t:mt when you perform the

h?/a"oilcn put':? you should ,_e{:a very smell pitch down

!_sfr'_Ji'h app!Je_ 150 hi_' sl'ececruft.

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30 OU 2_ _2 C Roser.

00 00 2_ Oi CC Gemini-% Oemini-_,_ this is }[oustou.

0O 00 20 07 C Roger, tni_ is Oen_ini-_ {o s}_esd.

O0 UO l:_ ]ii CC _qoger, Gemini-% this is Houston here. Be advised

)-our a-_x_geebu_'n will be 10 feet per second st

56 minutes at nominal burn.

00 00 2L 2_ C ... over, thank you.

DO O0 26 33 C Be 8uvise:l our Control ?_ode Cheek is goo&. Over.

00 O0 2_ 3_ CC Roger. Understan4 you completed your Control Mode


00 O0 2_ _1 C Roger'. Wc are in Orbit Rate and going to ;.. Horizon


Of) O0 26 _0 CC Roger' 1 :roL_el'o[

00 O0 2_ _) P t{ous+_on;Gem_ini-_.

00 _ %_ _6 CC Go ahead, 0emini-% [{ouston.

00 00 27 01 P Roger. ,_'elifted of[' with what we thought was a little

lower OA_?, propellant and .we're showing %h_ &t 82 m"4

lif'tcd off with 87. Now do we still have--is that the

proper ammo_mt?

00 00 2_ 1_ CC Roser; _nierstsnd you now nave 82_ showing 8nd--say

a_a_n yo%1_· questioP..

OO 00 2 ,'20 P ;fell, the question -_as that it seemed to us timt we got

off w-t? less than we should have.

dO ¥iA

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O0 O0 2T 25 CC Roser, _e'l_ take a check on that and _nforu you later.

OOOO2729 P Thank you.

O0O0 21' 30 CC A't_ risht.

00 O0 27 110 CC ][our new or_tt, Oe_n_-_, is 8? by 1_. This ia prior

to your burn.

CO 00 27 _0 P Rostr, ST by 188 _rXor to burn.

O0 O0 27 5_ CC Ro_er.

00 O0 28 25 CC Oe_at-5, Houston here. We would Like to reuind _o_

to go to FlOW at 35 on the radiator.

00 00 28 32 P RoKer, FLOW at 35.

oooo 28 3} cc _r.

00 00 36 27 CC _=L-_, _n_-_, tb_e ia Ho_on here.

_ 36 32 P Ro_, _-5.

00 O0 36 _ CC Roger, ye're 3udt checking on c o_uLtcationa here at

z'qeslote. Be &dTJ.led.j, _ w'].3.],hive 10Be ftl..Ft,beF i_fOllAt$OU

for _u ou your C_t8 aituatton on your starlike l_U.

We want _o l_tek up some more da_a over C_ _n.

oo oo 36 b,9 ...

OO O0 38 30 CC Oeaint-5, Oe_n/-5, Houftou here for another radio check.

How 4o y_u read?

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Page 10


O0 O0 _9 3b CC Gemini-5, Camm CAP COM. Would you place your

Quantity Rea_l Switch to ECS 02?

O0 O0 l_9 40 C Roger - ECS 02 ·

O000 50 18 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon. You're GO on the cold IR.

O0 00 50 23 C Roger, understand GO on cold IR. Thaak you.

O0 O0 50 27 CC W_t'a your status on the cold IR?

O000 59 29 C Roger, we're GO up here on our cold IR a/so.

O0 O0 50 32 CC Roger. Would you _lAce your Quantity Re_ Switch to Fuel

Cell 02_

OO O0 50 39 C Roger. Going to FC 02 now.

OO O0 50 44 CC I'll give you a GET time ha_k at 52 minutes in about

1 minute.

00 OO 50 57 C Roger.

OO O0 50 59 CC Be advised you're GO on your radiators. Evaporator

Switch to NO_.

GO GO 51 05 C Roger. Evaporator Switch to NO_.

OO OO 51 12 CC What's your atatus for area 6-4?

00 OO 51 15 C Roger, our status is GO.

O000 51 18 CC Roger.

O0 O0 51 47 CC Stan_ by for your time back in about 10 secoa_.

OO 00 51 51 C Roger.

OO OO 51 53 CC Place your Quantity Read Switch to _ N2.

OO OO 51 57 CC 3, 2, 1.

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P_e ]_l

'%) ,iU i- 0 J, _3".'' :_' c'._Lt ti':C-? ,.S r::i:% o: .

OO OO 52 02 ":: _-:_6<_:,

' '"' - ' _ ' 'Ph__ PLi:)t :;a}s h:. :_.:u .'u [ _ 0[i L, H_JiI,,_ 28 '/l,q.i',Ol;. :Jdt:{l::: -i _12:'i.

.,.. ¢.'7LF _,LY'_.' :._O',.'N ... ... .

,% ao ? _ ' 2C R_,. erj Piiot.

' _ ' ' r,_ i ¢ ,,:,. 30 -.i .... <e':'e (:a._ ;..n_; . ro :_ _ c',r _'-. ":: _,_..._ to trans;&it

- TRyok;r' ¢ - - T !'lC'·

U OC ':1 '- n Arc ;/od l'_r is ¢:'i w:'h tlh.: i": _ rcs:':;,._t:

1':.' U,.: .; ..'. ,_J ..... '-, '" th:Oci:2:.

_;: O{_ :-'- :*' ' "' {]oo_·

'}t O() ' < l:' 02 ,3u::,:nJ-: . _,' S.iV-:;,__i that t::cy':e jo-%. to :_'h8,_.:C the

:i£;;-.')f' ti:: _ ._,_ [ .:'O.:iO

C',;'1() ':,?._;.--:- C No:lc: 5 ' ;:.)0:: .

,}n_ 30 :,_ ! _ Ct;_ Ai'f'i:-:s: .,_,

_)f)G'C;re O0 m T!tg: .iQ 'a :,r _-b,.:,z'.

')0 39 2:' ri': S221 %'::a:._:: a'_'/lsr_li.'_:.

"O0 3:, :l ., Uo:_ *,; ::, nd':s: ;'i- _ *. t:_:t th: _ new Plat f<;:-::: Mode is

t:c: ,:st's _':Ls_f..; £o:' alini::j thc ::!Cli'O:':.,

: O D'.' _- J "_ '{o ,' ',

" - ' - i'* '¢'o.A: L-. ' :G :_,,W :!ow ]uJ'-,,'} '" : ,rd :'¢ ,_;. , '- :,3 :2or:::;:' ¢n t:_c -.qqi}-:. f:_._t

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 13/782

' _i Pa6e 12

O0 '0'_. ',., :';' C S.Low.

G" (X} · 4 %, '_ :,,O,S,:-.

,.",C_J'-0 _,-; il _'_ Wtl ' 'P(_ ,<O:'k- Zi_i ,_z- ;-.

O0 30 ':, .'2 _' "e a:e PL,_::t :_n i.::c ?Li_j:_ Yia::.

U,T UO_ .;-+'";_- ""-,-. Ro6c:'; · i i.22.

)0 :x3, ',! 2.5 _- .;e'?. sll :;: ? _,, 2'ot tn_-' ' cz'r.. :-r'a'_or:':" aa. lne:% and.

,.'c __. ,,:ILL at [2',.

·)0 ..... M_' .....

._,."_'.'OG.Tq. '5-_ r',. Star_i:.;. :_:r: .

a.- CO 56 O1 _'r' ....

Oo 93 )t, OL F ii_,&el'.

')2) 2)0 : ;' ' ' r,_' ._ a_L-:.j-, I . _... i':_C){C"?2'_ ? _' ' '

,_,_ O0 5( hq : ._ar:_az'vor: G_.t; : ':e 8 bzlse.! ':a'-z:_-_ .... ,, we barned p. ,?feet.

O i O0 ';( bO CC Ro_ez', Gc:-2ni-_. ,".

:;0 O0 ),*, [;4 '-;:Z ,;e copy.

,,, r_ ; r ' - 2){: -. . -_" _ 30 :,' .,:_, P Cal'na:'vor:. ,.;_t z,:_-_. 8d;';se:i _'e }-:a,_r· thc !i_hts of a

iaL'tT: tow," i:o :: :; ; n,- on ou_ :'_.¢:_,. .[ k,elLeve it 2s _',:-obanl. y


'" :2)0 ' _',' _" -:(o,,?P_ co-'j.

/re 2 ;_: ,: ,, . {'8 /'_R ,_ \,'011.__ ;;, 8..'.:';v'_..,., *-;'='' 1,DOKS U'28_ jOO_ or: the

:_,."¢R ,,' _. '_e _,.2 [;_3T_*[_F i ':;y.-

. , j,_ ( *,,x) Q" ;j 2" . .....

->0 'w]_ _;, 5;2 : [{<¢_.v:-. C-clair: _r 4 '}_"4 ',' :,..... -,'c. t.--' :?,r"n; -.:!12' ti:hr.

, , > %

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.......... _ _ '- Page 13

00 00 58 37 CC Roger, Gemimi-5.

00 01 13 13 CC _ni-5, Gemini-5. This is Houston here.

OO O1 13 17 P Roger, this is Gemini-5 reading you loud and clear.

OO O1 13 21 CC Roger, Gemini-5, Houston here. I am reading you weak

and · little _rbled but readable. I'd like to give you ·

Little information ·bout your heater switches. We luxt

you to leave your ECS an4 Fuel Cell, those two switches,

heater switches, in AUTO, but put your Fuel Cell R2

Switch to OFF. We _ant you to regulate your fuel cell

H2 pressure on the gage to between 220 ·ad 330, and

I say again those are gage readings - gage readings.

That's all.

00 O1 14 17 P Roger, we understand .... Fuel Cell H2 is OFF and ECS

auld Fuel Cell are in AUTO.

OO O1 14 27 P Be a_vlsed the Fuel Cell H2 reading is 250.

O0 O1 14 38 CC Roger, understand. Be a_lviae_,Gem/nj-5, that on your

lmSS across the St·tee you--we _emt you to make a UBF

No. 6 check.

O0 O1 lB 5_ P Roger.

O0 O1 24 55 P Okay. This is Gemin/-5 on Recox_lhere, and the G_ time

is 15:2_:00. Standing by for the first lmaS on GuAymas,

an_ we have the D-2 careersequipment all unstowed, ready

to go. The 165e4camera was mounted in time. Our only

problem so far is equilment stooge. And it looks like

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"' ; Page 14

,__ ,t....oY-, 'ou recou.mize tiat. ThisWC '4O,_'L _CL Od_' , .]r. ,,c

is sor:;et.uingthc .7:Y_:in "'" ar(- going to have to think

about. 'fhey",e _Ot more _ u_k than we hsve. [{ow are you

4olr: 0 ir_ you:' footwu_, '_,r4o?

0':) 03. 25 _i C ha..e :iL/ '.,iel'-:et _8 ,{o'_n ti.ere wltL the _'ood !n it.

'- , . 1, , r'.r:3','O L_ 1;8 .... _,k:_ _ C87qt:'3. T :,8'; m. Or,_ b_,_ thSC _ Stal't_ 0

:_>_.-'.'l..nda:-,a:/-:ant i've ]lcKcd up at 'leas_ i0 to i_

'.¢_;_:;:crS _'Ii[1¢::'<!.

_' (_i. /5 4< _ "'° '_, - (;o, WQC.ic_'*J _YlJ %':"<,75,

J'_ J' ") '%; C ... _-_"*' : ..... .... ' ......

t.ii3 ag:iiia:y :'eceat[,:al ii j:_ woul-_n't come out. ric3_t and

'_':'okc or: 4 ._ ' ¢: iC.

'-' * ' ' ci .... t breaker; 'Oh .-b ...c i) Tia_ 's .'.'_.]:c.j and ,Lct'a. _.:_, _ tu-rmd off a ......

o:i the ;L, heater ir.ztall_a; _dqc l_ ca:-ie£a,and we didn't

qi,:. + .... int-i wc.... ,,_ ' - _,- _.he heeter. _-

_!'r:_ ,,...;'-o+-',(......._-n' · _,' uk'_ uc:w'. ' o¢iieve _t is, ._,_:,'-'_. _=.'*'

._ 'F ! . .. ... q V "_ 'FI:Jj' s;o-,' ' '.,.'3/ Iow : ow,::' heat,:rs, thouch. _,F.a"''z,

we,. .%hoLt!: ',r_.__' f:Ori :/: _&<.q',&:'O'.; . -..:_ 8 *'_.llt;_e. "¢c'_e oo_,t_'_r, t.o

?t t:_tJ ,5-t preretro :',.-::; a:::] ioai over the Cape adair;,

',,"....',','. _"o-,' -:a,,c * 'e _,_u , a %load pressu:e at

3¢ :_L 2',' kd, -' ,..::.'.

)' · .

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Page 15

'm.::':xi HORIZON SCANI a::d [ have :o uuis:o:: ]ri:: act. irate ti,,]

',r ,_I : _ ,_6 r _ _--',-: _,_ i n_ :'-, ,': "'_ now. 02.:_._.,,,.

· ' · '-. w: :,_: ',}AL th(:r,- _;,_ next

1_ j: (. ]: [ _ ,_':i:;]( _(= ',, C2%iZ_.qUC t:_ _",'}:2 tS_':'e _)-} *..i'3 Wa" .._i©_L_.


,' - ' . ,I_: _ _ .tot :joinc. to_y, '}'. .'][i _J'?.,'_ ,_ ;..'L :_t : L t. aL :r; '- i":.'hf;% .'/.al't_ ' ='""

; ,: '" ' 'i r 'u: 4 .... -t' :.--

. [' L : _. ,_ _,z .:fl'('; .. ·

_ _ :.0_ ' - : - ;L ;;. .:r_b [h [,_'u:L':_u '_: '.:cc:l :_ 3r. eak-,'_ gtO',;[. _ J.__ _a._:.... m"

[_, _ _.,..''* '_ _2_i1.;';;_'-ti' %!'- :'-:C · Dfcsb,_re Js eO__:it_'; - LC;

)f; ,-_ : ' _ , C ,,,,_n_ , * '2 _ug'- ';att'k it. ',,'c're okay am ionc aa it

,_ ., . . ,j_.[O_,4 .

· )g) i_k [i ' ,. T' ' .... '_- '.._u _,_ ...... '_' -;_ _' ' ]/ta%_21''S O_-._,-r/_,l

%o '-'o -_o_t_ ,_.r'._'; _ t'.!L:ik, :_l';wJ- ¢. _.,_s Lt)cj':_g _oo,,, flm

': [ :':_qLi : ': ....

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,:yo01 S7 a3 P Okay.

00 01 27 46 C Whoever gets our tape recorder, you're just goin_ to

have to put up with me.

O0 O1 27 48 P Yes, i,m going to turn the tel0erecorder off now while

we're at it.


O0 01 28 09 CC Oe__ini-5,Guaymes CAP COM.

OO O1 28 12 P Hello Gua-_s. Gemini-5 here. Read you loud amd clear.

00 01 28 15 CC Roger, read you_loud and clear. _Ioware you doing?.

00 O1 28 17 P Status is GO.

00 01 28 19 CC Okay. You're looking good here on the ground. Stand by

for the Pilot's blood pressure,

00 O1 28 24 P Okay. Pdlot's blood pressure coming down.

O0 01 28 27 CC Roger.

00 O1 28 43 P Coming up - cuff is _ scale.

O0 O1 29 03 CC Okay. We got a _ood blood pressure out of you.

O0 O1 29 11 P Okay. We'll give you our status here w_th re_ard to the

RET. We have the D-2 unstowed. We have the _ camera

installed end we're sitting here _miting - reedy to go.

OO O1 29 23 CC Very good. We will keep the conversation down and let

you get reedy.

00 O1 29 36 CC Now about anotaer try at the Pilot's blood pressure. It

leaked off e little too rapidly on us.

OO 01 29 _0 P Okay, give you another one.

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O0 OX 29 _ CC lk_er.

O0 O1 29 5_ CC 0_7. We _t cuff _ acaleem that _teoA la_u_re.

O0 OX 30 C_ _ w=_e you I_t your aat_ bm%ere ou _ l_aeXCell. 02?

O0 01 30 09 P Yes. We have the _ heater ca. We bled _ to 220, and

are in the process of br_m_r_ it _ to _ _00.

O0 O1 30 17 CC l_r.

oo ol 3o 19 P And _ar gCS 02 ts bulldtng slm_ aha ue wouAa J_t --

eo_ turn that heater off.

O0 O1 30 28 CC Hog about,$Jaefuel cell 02?

ooox3o3o P _ _,_ o2ts h,,.UU__ ,.. _,, pm.

Oo ox 3o 39 oC We_ot a i_1 blood l_msure frou :]ma.

O0 01 _ _1 P Ro_er.

O0 O1 31 O_ CC Give m a ree,d_-t on your fuel eeX1 OR_ ln.emmre.

O0 OX 31 08 p Roser. Fuel cell 02 tank lmeeaureis readinS _8_.

O0 OX 31 16 CC Rc_er, eol_.

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00m. 32_ O0 mCSO,a. Roe.

O0 O1 32 l_i C SaF aa_n, lflt&ht?

O0 OX 32 1T CC Teu ma tura the _ 02 OFt.

O0 OX 32 20 C Turn t he Auto Kester OFF, ri&htr

O0 O1 32 RR CC Thmt's afftmati,_. Ne _ Like _ to tam _ _ 02

A_to imter OFW at th_ tine.

O0 01 32 26 P _far, _ 02 Heater is 0_g, aaa our status than is Fuel

CeLl 02 _ and Fuel Cell _ is tn A_X_.

O0 01 32 36 CC Roser, looks Like _r _ter bettle has $_med hernias

off, aaa w are not showias amy lmv indiesti_ Arum here

00 O1 32 _1 P Roller,le're in iorisoa Scaa aaa we have ftol_ed _vtag also.

O0 O1 32 k5 CC Okay.

O0 O1 _ _9 C We _tol_ _vtn_ &t el_l_edtime of _ uAmrte_.

O0 01 3_ _3 CC Ik_r, ver7 _x_l.

OOO1 32 _6 C Oar _ rates when the rater boX_ea me 1/2 degree per aecond.

00013300 CC l_ht, _tthat.

oo013318 P Bel_..qll._3,_3. Oe_.n_-_hare. _rmA_u_t

naa elet. r. Do ]rout read. _! .

oo ol 33 3_ F WeLt, _'re rtaht on the _t4_t ?lea. We _ a_A the i_r

umrto_d and we' re lookln_ tee.1 _ ... fu,el .... r*J4prt

d,mm the l/ne ...

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O0 O1 33 47 P You'll have to climb pretty high.

OO O1 34 l0 P I ,il bet our flight's more fun than yours.

30 O1 34 17 C Yes.

O0 O1 34 19 P I just changed my mind; space flight's better t_n flying.


O0 O1 35 20 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5. Houston here.

O0 01 35 24 C Roger.

OO O1 35 30 C Roger, it looks like you ha_ a few clouds down there.

O0 O1 35 45 P These i_ei cells are 4.0, buddy, right down the line.

O0 O1 35 50 C Just like advertised.

OO O1 35 54 P We had both Delta P lights on boost ell the way. They

came on shortly after lift-off and the last _e_ the section

2 one, went out about 2 minutes after insertion.

OO O1 36 12 CC Gemini°5, Gemini-5. This is Eoust au'

O0 O1 36 15 C Hello Houston. Geminl-5 here. Read you 5 by 5- Our

status Green.

OO O1 36 20 CC Roger. Be slvised that we'd like to pick up some more T/M

data on your OAMB. We,il get this over this pass and over

Csrnarvon and then update you on · reading for the

mission on the n_ pass across the States.

O0 O1 36 37 C This is Ge_Lini-5.

O0 O1 36 41 CC We'd also like to sdvise you a_ter you've put out the

and you _nt to turn ar°und to look et it, do it slowly so

that you don't put any unwanted Delta V in with the

attitude thrusters.

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O0 O1 39 _l CC Romer. Releuber vh&t I to]A1 you _bout those j_et.s.

O0 OX 39 _ ¢ Y_, we're looking for_rd to that.

O00l _0 08 C 903, _ni-,_. See you guys in 8 da_u.


O0 O1 _1 lO CC Geut_L-5, this is Houston here. _ etill hJv_'t

recel_-d the Comead Pilot bloo4 ]pressure.

O00l _l 1_ P He _ bAv_t_q[· little t_blJ _tJ_l[ it :JLa. _'8

8or it in nov Lnd he'-, IX_; it a3P.

00 OX _1 21 CC OkAy, very

O00l _1 21_ C It oust to _ Plenty h:LSh, 'beeeane 'rwve b44m vorkinG.

0o OL'_l 26 CC Roser. _%'0 one of t].__ _1_ of b fl,talst..

O0 OX _1 _i CC We've _t. te= · I;0o4 blood ]pre_ from 3Kin.

O0 O1 l_l 59 C Ro_er. X'Lt give you m_other one rt4;ht e_ter · re_t


O00l K20_ CC It's o]my dov= hero.

O0 ol _2 O6 o ALT right.

oo OX b.3 09 P Houston, Oee_n:L-_.

O00l k3 13 CC 0o &head Ge_L_IL-5. This is Ro_ton.

O00l _3 1_ · Roi;er. I m_timted the Ii-1 Ex_rimnt _t 1 hour ]plum kO

elal_e_l,eel&it's ...

O0 O1 _3 26 CC Roger. Under_tan_you acti_ted the H-I at 1 I_ _0.

00 O1 _3 31 Y Affirea_tve.

O0 O1 _3 3_ CC How doem it feel?

oo ox _3 36 · Fine.

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t,/_ ' T__.._ _.... _ i i_t _e 2_

O0 O1 54 56 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary _A%PCOM. Be mdvised t?_t all

three accelero_eter readings are GO.

O00l 55 03 _ IRoger. Thank you.

O0 01 55 3_ C Roger. Fuel cell purge is complete. Draw filters off.

OO O1 55 38 CC Roger.

OO 02 13 43 C Record on? Let,s put it on.

O0 02 13 45 P Yes, okay. Let's see; we got the REP oat at abou_ 15

zeeonds late. And we're back on ... at 4 feet a eecond

on our radar. The bi:ggestproblem we have right now is

apparently my addmess 69 does not read. Aw, darn itli

It's reading 80.9. It keeps insisting on reading 80, 9 .

O0 02 14 04 C I'm resdlng--

OO 02 14 07 P 8.09 I mesh.

OO 02 14 09 C 2200 feet out.

OO 02 14 12 P Are you? Well, I'm going to get the recorder on. You

boresighted onto it?

OO 02 14 14 C Pretty well.

O0 02 14 16 P Okay, reeorder is On. And im showing an IR reading here

of about _0 and we got it on at 16:15:O0. I dam't know

whether we're getting anything worthwhile or not. Oh_

I know what I did wrong.

00 02 15 04 C Remember Emil Streuhalling.

00 02 15 07 P Y_s.

00 02 15 21 P _mre we go. Now, look at him. What's our distance?

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O0 02 15 _1 C Distance is about 2500 feet.

O0 02 15 45 P We'Ve l_at you out at 02:07:15.

O0 02 16 16 P You're still getting a signal, aren't _ Yes.

OO 02 16 19 C Yes.

OO 02 16 24 P Okay, CATCE bY, ORB BATE, PULSE, radar ON, e_ees 25.

I k_ow what my big trouble is; I know I'm reading radar

_nge too. Now it's going to read. Yes air' Yes air'

Wasn't in CATCH UP.

OO 02 16 48 C Well, see, there's just another goo4 exam_l_leon _Z, ir

you have a worthwhile exl)e_rlzlent, it oust to be do_ a

couple of orbits later rather than trying to get evex-y-

thing into the first o£bit and a h_3_f.

00 02 t7 02 P Okay. What does you_ Delta V read?

OO 02 17 09 C It's reading 4 feet 1--yes, 3-1/2 feet t_r seconal, right

now, b, bouncing between 3-!/2 and _. D_re we gettizlg

any readlngs on that O_ on the--

OO 02 17 26 P Yes. Look' It's reading high' it's reading 260:

O0 02 17 31 C Hey, that's great, greet:

OO 02 17 _ P You were centere_ rlg_ht on it.

OO 02 17 36 C Yes, I t_-y.

OO 02 t7 38 P After 4 minutes of measurements--The Z Just want you to

keep drifting out here until we don't read any more. And

we can do that for 20 _m!nutes. He's flashing mway just

as easy as he can, isn't he?

:: :_-:_ i!- i'i/It'.,I

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O0 02 20 40 C Yes, I'll cone back on him now.

O0 02 20 58 P Well, I'll tell you, we're really smoking aw_y from him.

O0 02 20 55 C Yes, he's at 3300 feet.

DO 02 20 5_ P Yes, but we ought to slow down. What's your range rate


00 02 21 O0 C About 3.

00 02 21 02 P Yes, wp]] we're slowing down a little _hen.

00 02 21 12 P You notice we haven't c_mnged much on that star background


00 02 21 14 C No.

OD 02 21 16 P Listen, I'm serious. We wsnt to be darn careful he

doesn't run into us. _nis thing is j_ Bt_Z_ght out

of there, you know that?

O0 02 _1 24 C Yes.

O0 02 21 26 P Look at the ... ball. Now there's enough clee_nce, but

I'll bet he goes by pretty close.

O0 02 2! 36 P Okay, he's about 3600 feet; a little bit better than

that, 3720. .Rangerates have started dropping off pretty


O0 02 21 _ C Yes, we stay on him until we get the range, y_w _0t

zero, don't we?

00 02 21 57 P Yes. Now remember, we're going to back 'apon him this


O0 02 22 09 C Yes.


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O0 02 22 07 P i don't understand these scanner limits.

O0 02 22 12 C Well, I think that's where your scanner's the weakest,

when you're .3oln_ into sunset..._.nd I think it w_s

kind of a co:_ir_%ion ...

O000 22 19 P Okay, put it back on you now. %ou've d-_i_ted off a little

bit, haven't you?

OC 02 22 21 C Yes, i'm off just to _he left.

O0 02 22 2J' P Ee's also changing a little bit with that s_ar bsckground.

Boy, those lights are bright.

O0 02 22 38 ? Okay, __ange _ate ought to be under 3 feet now. Ed W'nite

thinks you can s_t _tt to 7.2.

O0 02 23 04 C Ougjnt to check our fuel ceYl hydrogen, I guess, in a

little bit. it's 83-I right.

CO 02 23 19 P Yes. Look at thc oxygen. That fuel cell 02?


O0 02 23 26 C Yes.

O0 02 23 28 P How the heck did that get thst low with the suto heater on?

O0 02 23 30 C i don't know.

O0 02 23 31 P Don't tell me that circuit breaker's off.

O0 02 23 33 'C No?

O0 02 23 36 C Well, it's lower than the--it can go lower--

O0 02 23 ;_) P Yes, should be rij_t here. Think I'd better pu..-rpthat up

a little bit. i'll tell you what it w_s - probably the


O0 02 23 52 P Let me see t_ugt go to 300 now.

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_'._rl:_ _ j _ _,

O0 02 24 O0 C Okay, it w_s reading about 260_ right?

O0 02 24 04 P Yes, put the radar on it; we're not getting--

O0 02 24 05 C O?_y, get back on him.

O0 02 24 14 P Okay.

(_ 02 24 i_ C it seems unusual to have something out there to look at.

O0 02 24 21 P Okay, we're at 70--_-_00 feet right now.

0G 02 24 26 C 2 feet per second is R-dot.

OO 02 24 28 P Okay. Well, we're _oing to get pretty close to--

(_3 02 24 38 C Still got 98 C¢24S?

OO 02 24 _D P Yes, tell you what i'm going to do. You look at black

s._j for 4 minutes.

OO 02 24 h3 C Just a minute, i'm right on him right now.

00 02 24 50 P Okay. It's still reading--well, We're going to start

coming back in.

O0 02 25 OO C Okay, but if I do for 4 minutes, thoug_a--

OO 02 25 02 P Maybe he wants a black sky measurement for 4 minutes

right next to him.

OO 02 _ 07 C Oh, okay.

OO 02 _O9 P That's ri_.t next to him.

O0 02 2_ 10 C All right.

OO 02 2_ 14 P You're ri_lt on him now. _nere he is. He's beginning

to drift quite a bit, isn't he? Beginning to drift a_

and up.

O0 02 L_ 24 C Little bit.

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OO 02 30 0° CC Gem/hi-5, Csrnaz"_on.

OO O2 30 05 C Go aheaS, Carnam_on.

OO 02 30 06 CC Roger, request you i_iaee your _el Cell O_ Eemter ON.

00 02 30 i3 C Roger, it's _ecn in ALri_)ail along.

OO 02 30 i8 CC Roger.

O0 02 30 2 p- CC Standing by for /o'_- reaiouts on tke Delta V station.

'DO 02 30 2_ C We don't here any /et.

OO 02 30 32 CC Roger.

OO 02 30 37 CC is the REP out?

OO 02 _O 3o C Tlaat's afflr:_tive.

O0 02 31 12 P Carnarvon, Oe_ni-_, the preiimirmry look, it's still

drifting in a little bit, looks like it Sot about _.8 feet.

OO 02 31 20 CC Roger, colunting, counted 5.8.

OO 02 31 22 P __nd if you'll wait one second i'll get you a hack and _8,

59 _.d a 69.

O0 02 3i 28 CC Roger.

OO 02 32 57 CC Gemini-.% Carnar,/on. We've got less than a minute to LOS.

O0 02 33 02 P Roger, at 02 plus 32 plus 30; 58 read m_nus 63.8; 59 read

01398; and the mileage was 000_3.

O0 02 33 -05 CC Roger, i co_y. Do you have the Delta lead solution yet?

OO O2 33 30 P .No, it's still drifting a_my from us end i'm looking at

about 6 feet rt_xt mov.

O0 02 33 37 CC Roger.

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O0 02 =_ '^i.' o_ CC Roger.

O0 02 55 36 CC Have "you done any maneuvering at all?

O0 02 55 38 P Nos we ?_ven't touched an3_th_ in thst way.

OO 02 55 42 CC Roger.

O0 02 55 44 P We were right on the Flight Plan up until 2:45 or so.

00 02 55 50 CC Ro_er.

O0 02 98 20 CC Gemini-5, Nm'meii.


O0 03 0° 03 C Houston, Gemini-5.

O0 03 02 _ CC Gemini-Ss Gemini-% this is Houston here. Go ahead.

O0 03 02 36 P Rogers we just wanted to es+_blish contact. Be advised

that the pressure is now 150 and falling slowly.

O0 Oj 02 47 CC Roger, 150 and failing slowly.

O0 03 02 51 P _lat's affizv_tive_ and our hydrogen pressure went do_m

to 220 and we set back into Auto Hester and that circuit's

working and it's filled it back up.

OO 03 03 34 CC Roger.

O0 05 O_ 07 CC Gemini-% Oua_,_-_asCAi_ COM.

OO 03 03 l0 C Ouaymes) Gemini-5. Read you loud and clear.

OO 03 03 13 CC Roger.

OO 03 03 15 CC Give me a readout on your Fuel CeLl 02 .

O0 03 03 18 C Roger: the quantity is 9f;_ and the pressure is 150.

O0 03 03 29 CC Roger_ CAP COM.

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O0 03 05 b7 P Xt'm atilt fallAnC;it's down to _ 1_0 nov, 1_.

00 03 0_ _3 CC Roger.

00 03 07 _7 CC How does it Xook now, Pete?

00 03 06 00 P ... sews to be haa_ rishtthere at 1_0.

00 03 08 07 CC Okay, they rill be 14ekl_ _ou u]p there over the

BoustQa networkhere ehortly. Eeep & eloee vatch ou it;

thaT'lAbe aood _ froa 2ou.

oo o3 o8 l_ P oJ_s.v.


00 03 09 30 CC Ge_ni-_, Gmini-5, _ here.

O0 03 09 31 P Rc_er, Bmultca, GeW_i-_ here.

O0 03 09 3_ CC Bo_r, Gemtni-_,+_- il Boultouhere. On T_ it looks

like the _ _ la7 be 1_ off aroun4 180

or so. Does it look lake that on _our _?

oo 03 o9 k3 P ola.

oo 03 o9 _3 c oa the aline _ob_ ye baA.

00 03 09 _ P _at'e y_ar rule rate_

O0 03 09 k5 C To a foot aaa & half.

O0 03 09 _ P l_a, he ot_trtto w_op now. Oh, he did.

O0 03 09 _0 P It's hol_m_ arou_ lkO acer,_J_.

O0 03 09 _ CC 0]_,, t_t's ou _,mar scale bart the actu_ pressure to

rXt arm xSo.

00 03 09 _8 P X He. Oha2, di_ you _et the iaforlttea ca what we have

_ aaa have nat dome on the Fll_et Flaa!

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O0 03 t6 28 C Yes. Yea, it does, it moves a little bit.

oo 03 16 30 P Emro.

O0 03 16 35 P You want to record all these pictures? You are, huh?

O0 03 16 40 C Yes.

O0 03 16 41 P Good.

oo 03 l_ 42 c 3:.1_.

OO 03 16 45 P I'll bring -_hem up in a lot lster.

OO 03 16 57 P Ah hah:

O0 03 17 09 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston.

OO 03 t! 12 P Go ahead, Houston.

OO 03 17 14 CC On the ground T/M it looks like the pres_Are is stabilized

at 170 and it's held that _y for about 5 minutes now.

oo 03 17 22 p Okay. We're a_nr_ al_xt 130 il here.

OO 03 t7 37 CC Roger, roger.

OO 03 17 45 C _"nmt odd clouds there.

OO 03 20 05 CC ...

O0 03 20 16 CC Gemini-5, Geminl-5_ Houston.

OO 03 20 26 P Go ahead, Houston. Gemini-5. We can barely read you.

O0 03 20 31 CC Ge_ni-5, Houston here. 'Jere your _zim_,th and elevation

indications off, your radar operating properl}_.,

O0 03 20 38 P Affiyu_tive.

O0 03 20 40. CC Roger.


OO 03 20 55 CC Roger.

O0 03 20 58 P T'nis is Gem_ni-5--

O'h ,i Frdrz^i

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Ct,..' rtf].'-_ Till(] _"-:r t 'P Ct'; t ' :'_L _ i13

O0 03 21 53 ...

O0 03 21 5} CC ¥_T _, you It_nd by wXta U!_ )l_ae.

03 _ _8 P 0_. _r.

O0 03 29 30 CC _ILIEL-5; OEI_[Yd-5, %JXIJI ti _OUOIT,_ _1_.

ooo3L,9 39 P ... F_.

O0 03 29 1_. CC _o_r, OmX=t-_, _ hare. _ ts 7_= p_e_u_

O0 03 29 _9 P It mmm to be _1at_ _ 1_; 120.

O0 03 29 ]] CC _r,t ifil hO_ &t 120 to ].

_) o3 29 _9 P Af__.

O0 03 30 02 CC OeB!.,l-_, Lt 7ou el ree.3..1., how ICh eld _

_ _l_at _co_?

O0 03 30 07 P _t o_ej Itl1 _ _ look it WP --.

O0 03 30 1_ CC O_y; _f ]rOUll _ t_Ij f_L_ I if _ot forset it./

O0 03 30 kO P We pt 17 _!.m_tu ee the recorder.

oo 03 3o _3 cc ! _a-.t pt that,

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oo 03 30 a? P l? Etnutam.

O0 o3 30 k9 cc Roller, be aavJ.se4 _ :It looks //Ire the ]ln'emm_

drop ts _ off. let's 3uat holm that :St holds

here _ 1.50or so, _ch :LI _ the &etm-1 lweaenre


O0 03 31 O_ P O_a_.

O0 03 31 O_ CC Zt _ LL_e t_e r&te of dae_e _Ladeerem_ng.

000331.07 P ...

OO 03 31 30 Ce Oe_d_-_, Hou_cu _tn. Be mlvleed t_t we _

_umehed t_e a_e_ into the reeove_r &tee,. Weholm

that _ d_'t h_e to _e th_; b=t'_t will be · 8_1

exerctJe; _ if le 4o _ themj _y w_11 he there for


O0 03 31 _6 P 1th_ehreeo_-y &re& did you

O0 03 31 _'9 CC _ recovm'V _ h., &zouml[!_umLt.

oo 03 33. 53 P A..o_ma'.

OO 03 32 03 P _ILa _iJ OemL_-_. Do you reeaT

O0 03 32 O_ CC Roser, _ reea 7ou.

O0 03 _ L?. ...

OO 03 32 17 CC Omd_-_, ]k_rton. ]_c_were brolum _ ez_ unrmd_le.

0o 03 32 23 P The ]l_eeeu_e _ st_LL_ _. Zt _La_t lo_.

O0 03 32 31 CC _, m_lo_ 1_'1 wit11 dxol_ _ tt'a 1_.

oo 03 33 1.5 CC _-5, Romnam. we h,Te &beet t_ note mm_u on thta

]_e,u cad ve'll ,Just staid by la ease you need uFthtn&.

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TAmmA_TIO003 k:_ 35 CC OeWL_-_j _-_, this t. Houoton here. Do you remit

OO03 1.503 CC Oe.d_-_, Oeet_L-_i, tkts _LBiimmtea here. OeeZ_lL-§,

mowltam. Do you rmat

00 O3 _ 13 P aopr.

O003 _g 18 CC l_iler, Orate-5, th_ _Ls!iouetca here. tith_ ia _ 02

leleeare _ _

O003 _ 29 P Zt'. abo_ 9_ lea.aa.

O003 I_ 3_ CC Railer, umlmwtmul _. Ye _ LILket_ II. ye _ lx_er

dom to · _ la--er emzfi_teu tlL_ your _, 7_zr

z'ece:L_Trm 2 coollmt ]lW.ll_; X m,dLt_ea aaa the De-]lC

converter. We_ Like to have _ turn _ _r

__ off.

oo 03 _7 ce c Ropr.

O003 bT 19 CC OeuL_!.-_j G_uJ._L-5;Koudt,on beta. _ :ILl_ _1 eel1


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s ! T' '_' ' t_.,_;t_.;i _L),...._,_.... i_'.'.._

:!,l,p 11,6

00 O_ 01 07 CC Ge_L_-_, Cambria. _ you bm4 _y Delt& P


00 0_0l 11 C Gmd_-_, _tlve.

00 O_ 01 1:3 CC _oer. 1/!rat's your oQbee_ r_dJ_ of tl_ 02 fool Cell

o2 _mtit_

00 O_ O1 29 C It'. be_ 85 n_l 90 ]p._. Rotler, ve're IDett:L_

8_ .ad 9o _i.!

O00_ 01 32 CC Ro_.

00 Ok 01 _ CC Oent_-_, C_m,-Von, ._r _ qL_a_y, fuel cell 02.

00 Ok 02 26 CC 0e_-_, _. Woal4 7ou _ _ur T/a S_tch

to CClIaldlD _o_LtLon.

000_0230 C l_r, to_

O0 Ok 03 02 CC Oe_f.n/-_, Oe3mL-qra$. _ YOUeD 1_4k to UHFReeeJv_.

ooo_ o3 o'j' c ao_r.

00 O_ 03 2C) CC OeBtn/-_i, _. Flight aA_Le_ ti_t w -_r be luck_,

3est _ bT; _ req_re no _ of t_s

tzlm_Jelon. Ye're fr'ceadJJt8bT.


00 ok 2_ k7 cc 0e_!_-_, _ _ coN. Pl&ce _ T/M S_Lteh to

_4 _ ha4 bra4 u]p yoar l_e tzl_ttero

O0 ok L_ 3? CC ...i_L-._, ihm, JJ. CAP C_ll.

oo_ c Go.b.a4,

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 48/782

_"_' ,=_'_T- _ I' 1¢1'

00'04 20·' 42 '_ Roger, would you pl_ace your O_U_ Heater circuit

breaker to Off.

(kO04 26 46 C Roger, OA_3 Heater circuit breaker $1"f.

O0 04 2$ 49 CC Roger. Wo_ld you give me a fuel cell 02 quantity readout,


O00L: 26 52 C Poger. Fuel cell O2 quantity is reading about 65 quantity,

00 0h 27 03 CC :4o6er,what about tank pressure?

O0 04 27 05 C 65 psia.

00 04 27 07 CC Roger.

O0 Oh _ 09 C Power down.

OO 04 27 12 CC Gemiui-5, Nawsii_ _u cmn power beck down.

O0 Oh _v_, 15 C Roger.

O0 o4 27 47 _'__ Gem_ini-5,_wali. _ae Cape a_ises t_t they'd like to

perform,the same tests %,_just performed, they'll do it

over Canaveral. %_mere'sno reqmirement for you to

acknowledge this contact.


OO 04 40 44 CC C_emini-5, Gemini-5, this is Eouston here. Please bring '

you_ DCS receiver back up. Do not bother ec_-nowl_dging.

O0 04 4_ 33 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston here. Would you

bring up your UttFtransmitter please.

O0 04 45 09 C Roger, go ahead, %his is Gemini-5.


O0 04 45 ll CC Roger, stand by here a minute.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 49/782

1,,_ b,8

00 o_ _5 18 CC Oemtni-5_ w vould like to lmvm ;Yomvw_fy tlmt

tamed tim 02 Rester circuit br_k_ off.

000_5 36 C Mo, I hm_tl_!_mltO__eAremitbrmm_r_. Do

you vmat ii ofl"t

oo ok k5 38 CC Oki, have _ _ the s_,tteh

oo Ok _5 ho C olm_, tbs ntteh_ _ LLI Ct_, tl_4_ e_t tn (X_

00o_ksk3 CC O_,t_*rsaLtt_Orr, m_tts_Bmu_r_nSrillht no_

00 Ok k_ _O C Xt's gO pmm_.

oookk_o3 CC _01{er, _60. Ge,Bt,,i-5, lmaemalp,_,l_ur

t_ back to 8temPer.

00 Ok k9 /2 CC 0_Jad.-5_ tM4 tm Bomrt.m here. liZ2_ you turn _ eire_t

!mmJm_' tmdr m amr, Fbm_.

OOO_ k9 k3 cc Grater-5, Gemiai-5, this is IIomwtembon_. Me'A It. ks to

h_ve lmm 't_ _ l,,Iaee the T_iW,l ,lay.._ 8vi.'teh to R_

Tou am plM. year _S eireait bx_m_mr Imek orr qstB.

O0 Ok 52 23 CC _-5, G4m/nt-5, _/I /_ Kou_ta_ _ _mmmitting

to Imm ia the M_u_. Me _ _ to h_vu _m tUtU the

l_mr w_ttehOFlr m _ t. I mmlrm_n, turn 0FFthe

pom_ hitch m smetiom 2. T_rn Ol_ Pm_ & ce the _eondsry

cc_l_t _ I my afala,tm _F _ A ce _ho seeoudm7

_3mr_ Xoo_.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 50/782


00 04 52 59 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Eouston. I'm transmitting

in the blind a_ain. We wuuld tike to have you tutu

OFF the power switch on section 2 and tarn _ Pump A

on %he I_c_u,_ry eooaant loop.

O0 05 07 O1 P Okay, we have the _P ia sight and the time-.

O0 05 07 03 C 5 hours and 8 minutes.

00 05 07 08 P Yes, it'. 19:09:10,.. twinkling away merrily below us.

Going im the same direction. ,..

00 05 07 2D C _Imm_would you estimate? Several miles below ms, right?

00 05 07 22 P Oh, I d_m't think he's too _d. Two to four miles?

O0 05 07 30 ¢ : Yes, sumething like t_h__t. " '

O0 05 07 32 P Out in front of us and movin_ faster. You're om tape.


00 05 22 17 (_ aem';,_%,59Gemini-5, this is _oust_n CAP C0}4transmitting

in the blind. If you have had a signlfi¢__ntpressure rise

on _mAr Fuel Cell 02, bring up your _ transm/tter and

keep us informed. If not, we'll cai1 you over Oa_=_rvon.

Gemini.5, Gemini-5_ this is l{_U3ton CAP _'_)Mtransmitting

in the blind. If YOu have _ a significant pressure rise

onFuel Sail 02 pmessure, bring up YOmr UHF t-transmitter

and please advise os. If not, we w!31 call you over

Carnarvon. Gemini-5, Gemini-5,_Houston CAP COM_,I would

like _o reiterate that section 2 power switch should be

OAeF. Section 2 power switch should be OF_. The secondary

eoolant loop s_.ould be 0_I_, Secondary coolant loop should

l_e 0_. Houston here standlng by.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 51/782


"_ 'q' L, :_ ,_.... _ _ _/"_ Pulp 50

oo _ _i _ _ _ z,gs_,_.

_,_,,_. w.,r'ptnt.tmn4...;:" t .z_m,s_

= : ._: :=: :

_ t_tds ot us on 'UnobO'F'I'sOLU_ '*_"AnS_i ' =

_ _ktnlth.: 'nMMU._uf_

oo _ __ ._ _,.

oo o5 _ 39 c Ye., :Eme lt.'Lu_.

oo o_ !_ 32 P , _ _ i,_

oo _ :M :_ c _rom.

oo o'.,.5M. _5 c yea.

e-bud _Ue *.o_; me_ ._/=_._

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 52/782


oo o_3_z_ cc vD_a.4_ro__ q,r_r mm,l_mmmm_

oo o_3_29 co omum.t-_,w vo_.d_ a _ of _Mmrl,m.t

lm_ _ the1,rom_ imgO.

°°o5355_ cc ao_r. CoW_mPr,m,m_ml_m_m*._.


,, mini.%bmB_Y_ rl_ktm km_ d_m!_:mmmlmmm__ feetammo.

oo _ 3_ o8 cc RqWr.

oo o_ 36 29 c _ _ om. mmmm_,o_--

J V= =

tmlamtr{, _ ia t_ _ ag,m t '_;_ i _'_-!="we

O00m_37 03. P yam m b.tu _,

o005 3703 c mo.oo o_ 37 o5 1, o_ oh: oh, oh:

oo'o_ 31'o'{' c _t_

O005 3T 3.0 1m I m_ml_--uml_ Dml4_P L4W_am_1_. _ l;_mttt,ve

I did. _ I'Ll ved.t mi see.

_',- , ,, ! r'_ !-_? _,t'?i_R _''L.,.L':._'__,L,[.! !, l/iL

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 53/782


0o 05 37 20 c _ red ._ ]_4h_ there.

O0 05 3T 22 P TeL

O0 05 37 37 P _t's "7 _Izf_, T th_L-k.

00 O_ 37 38 C Yes.

00 0_ 38 15 CC em_zt-5, Cm_ervoL Oki, _ _o_ T/M 8vit_h

bae_ _o 03MMI:Dmd .temM ;mm' beumm _L. X'/1

_viu :mu when to tm'a the _ Gtt_.

oo_ 3827 P _n_-5.

oo o_ 38 _ cc ,Aad_u taa _ _N_t _ Yin' .*dnmo'.

0o 0_ 38 33 P ]tqW:'.

0oo_381_ c _ndar_Mvantt_tLe_te_

OO_ 38 ._6 c '_.z,. emu tae mol

O00_ 39 22 C It _&U7 doeu' t look m_ _Lfr_ _ _IPhe_


oo o5 39 2_ P wo.

O00_ 39 32 P Yes, _ vas m, M't itt%

O00_ 39 37 P B_4ht in _ of us, fioinf umbr the Bose now.

oo o_ _9 _ c _ b.uu.

O00_ 39 39 P _t_t's ao_ ]pl_ out there.

oo o_ t_o 39 cc _ta:t-_i, Om.Mz'vma. PXmN _ ad_ C-_ml 8wltmh

oo o_ _tl 2_ c _ f3_mbe. 4ou the_e, fl_ tha_

O00_ _ 29 p Oh yes.

(_ _ r; ?_.tTIA Ii, : : :; _'4 ? l/il%'" _ _ ' - - J A Y %i...

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 54/782


oo o'j _t _ c Too.

O00,j _ s9 C _bere's tke eut _ _' _\

oo o5 4f f3 P Too.

ooo__ 3a c P_,ml 1beBorum_ eom,r.

oo e_ l_ _ c 1fiM_,so.3,I,ks,...

O00,j l_kB · Tel.

oo o_ ]_ _ c Tee, um'e', mn, elm.a, z*L_t ou_t.w _ tats time,

oo o_ _ 3T P !oqf _sr mmr :Lche, .1,_ :_ th, v_' _,d.m

O00'ji JA i_ C ib, e k1411mi ua.


00 O__ _i_ C eh' bo dm.m't :look l_e he's _ fee ..*mar. :Xd,_'t

tm,v; tt,slm_tto_r. ]_j_t,_t,__ Tou,22

m klmm 3.Mff_mt.md_itt& .E4ali4, i_w_t mtm :Lmmsm.lg.

000_ k_L_ C _ee, tbe_be_Lo. He's_on_m.

oo o5 _6 _ c x.4 8._ he's eb_t 2 to 3O00htr, wHdAm,t 7ou_

ooo_ _ o3 ? Te,.

ooo'jk?k,j · ob, ,_tG,,_.

O00_ I1_ 11_ C 11.3', ]lmm' w_ld°_'m _ oruddtd 4n,_j_ Xmm;% :lLt_

OOB kSJl_) ]P Yes. bi e-lmlm bmo*Htl3JmO.

oo o_ 49 _ c ]:_'m_ rf4drkthere.

O00_ f_ _,_ · _i, m that1"

oo o_ _ _J. c Tel,.

Ch r,,!F_,r'_Ff,,ITIAlUI'_I t I.,;g i l/IR!..

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 55/782

ooo55o:1.5 c Imel,%mmt_'d _ _ _ to rma u i'm* 8 _

1/_ tJa/m!

O0 O5 5O 27 P Ira%, ! don't kmv.

00055039 C I ktmt ef dmdvt it.

O00_ _1 05 C Oh, that um _ Mmkmmmrmint ... r/4pmt over

oo o_ _X X7 P _m_!

oo 05 51 Im c Over the solmmmm mro_, Ou_lemmml md Sum ama...

oo o_ _ ]_ p Oh_.

O00_ 51 39 C let's _, w 're om our fourth o_t* _ me omo

bme_. Ami the_ftho%_lt, _lJ tdmtSamc_

g-k, f_ lmmt4m_!

oo O_ .51 53 P 6..k _ l_--

th/m_ /mt,. m what t/me.

O0 05 _ OX P _, I dot't !mm _ [_-k 'time--ye_, X 4o, _.

oo o9 _ 03 C Z_ _ sot it om t.h_m.

tbst_'m bet: Holdom to that·

oo _'_ 29 c Ye,,.

oo o_ _ 3o %, m,_ ,rt4_ t_Ls.

O0_ _3 37 · 6-_ t_, 8 hours 56 m..m_, 3o ,_,m_.

oo o_ _ _ c mmt_

ooo553ko P 8hoqu*,,56minut.--_seeond,..

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 56/782

CO_t r',,rIDENTIAL ,,,,.

oo o5 53 _ c _.

000_ _;lO C J_t_&lo_vJ[th am_lmom_'f_eelml&mm_

O0 05 55 20 P y_, you better not _ rlth m _ _e_o; ! _rt

be malm_ _.

oo o5 55 a_ c oh, _ _'t _,l re&t_ b_ Z_ m 3,et.

_ mevex- m &t link; I ffamm.

co_ _ 38 _ mo.

_ 05 54110 P Z _ _ eom,14m thel_mlm.

O0 05 56 _.5 C Tee_ _Lt, .z,_m4 the other yew _ _ eo_l.

lle'_m_ m_WWtom tBlm__. mml,_e_m _.]_1,lm

& _ll.

O0 o5 _ 2_ P _ it,m mmotmt _rmmr¥..LmmXov_

ooo_ c m.m_.-ru. _im,_m,,mx.x_,fim_


leu; Ywhoro he Is. _ he is. 3NHm'a { t_ m

_ tl_ m_e _ ixim_t m_. lle'm_ 2 or

310_feet _. See h_mY

oO o_ _W08 P _t 7et.

O0 05 57 39 F OIz_. _ _ Xm19:57:55 md ve !mm the ]REP_ m_ht

:LI dla,2..tl_ _ us. WolM_l,y a .mq,_ o_ nt,._m.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 57/782



00060.3.09 CC _-_, Hma:Li CAP Cal. b_murT/ilev$_to

REAL T/ME & Agq-AXD amd turn on your _ t4rmm:f._.

umm.L-Lbaa 't.el.ouet, ry tm.LSd.

O0 06 O1 32 _ _mn_t-5, ![au_! CAFC01L

O0 06 OX 1+1 P Roler, OeuaM CAP _ 11m-4S CAP _ Oeutn:L-_ bare.


00 O6 01 _7 CC Roger. We'd lAXe you to brtq up ]muz _ 2 Foyer

8v:J.toh t,e Oil 'po_l_ and lu.taC ej _ Aon 'the

8e_:,nZm'7 Coo3.m_ Ioo_

ooo6c_07 P ..._m_ammm_-._. huthemo. 2_wrsv_toh

beck on end eotleethat the A 8oeumle_ Prop bee_ oB.

_otmke aXook a_i_.

00 O6 02 _ P 0k_.

oo o6c_ 2_ cc wou_d_ eTele_ouryu_ Ce3/O2beret S_LtehCST

a_l OI ..a then Xaave it _ 01.

O0 06 O_ 37 P Oa_, it'm _e_ eyelm_ mM it'm _mak ea %0 tho


O00_ O_ _P_ CC Rorer.

00 06 03 0_ CC Gmiul-_, Small 0AP COM. Would Fou e._].e that Feel

Ce33 02 _ 8_teh _]_ree or four ism.

00 06 03 11 P R_ler. _eli_/-_ c_ it three or four t:lL_m_ _ I'm

cy_Linll It Bow, end I get no mlm_ep on tim mr.

r,,"' ,f';r_cr. iT_AI

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 58/782

Fqe 57

00 06 03 26 CC Roger. Would you _ve me & FUeX Cell O2 QumrtXty

an4 tank pressure, plmse!

0o o6 o3 _ P Ropr, tt'e _ &uatt's &bo_t--tt'a _ rl_t at

GO - it's hla_ns rJ_ht betveen _5 ami 60 - it'l been doing

thst pretty 8te_d_.

oo o6 o3 k9 cc _er.

OO O_ O_ X_. CC C_IIJ_L-_, we'd 1Lkl you to turn the _lEmetx"7 SvLtch

to CONJMfDpositLon end turn off your _ tz_usmLtter,

Lesve both _ &u4 both Coolma_ _ l_were4 _p and

they'LL be _ to you over CaLtforn_.

0o o6 o_ 28 c Sopr.

00 06 lO _ CC _-_, Gea_-_, %hii is Goustcu here. Ve'_ l_ke to

brave you turn 7oGr l_S b_ak Off &t thJJ tile. GeudJ_-_j

GeBLnL-_, Houston. We would ILke to bsve you turn

_8ek OWit thee time.

O00_ 1.30_ CC Getd.u't'"5, _'"5, '_M.s :Ls Hourtou bom. Vf_eed,like 'to

bsv_ y_u tub an y_r IG_ powr end _ower uy your

cca_N_r &t this tim.

O0 06 13 31 CC _n_-_, Oenlni-5,_ou_tou here. X a&y a_aiu, _e'_ Like

to hive _u br_ on your XC_ _over _ turn your

comlmter OI &t th_s time. We mat to send up · I_

los4 for the computer.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 59/782


00061_06 F Eourl_ eoatn_-_. MSlmF_ea, 0oa_toe!l, ah

]parAmark, end it om _ o_fj'.

0006X_X2 CC Bo6e_ Oetfm_*_, i_ml_al_ '_atm_obear

you alatL

ooo6_z8 cc _xa_uasve u aYutA_ZOiMur.--, 4Mmm_,_r

00 G6 1_ _ 1_ miel,. 60 m tM b _ lt*$ Idl_ 1sa]MmsSA al_md

it's#mmi _ mmat.mmm_,,l_tlmmt._ _liiMr___,

ol _(4. IllIm beu _ a ]_Lti_ddJMJl_tdta imeell

_ _0 2_ d_. Bv,mTef,x_ 3ooJmn_ Ooe4.

x_beep_ _ _ m _oisA.

ooo6x_ cc R_. U_brs__fo_emls_es_he

3Xne_ mi t_u,mrouoho m_ _,emom YuoXOL3A

on 1dmLllma3Azi411s_-r

_ll ami w,ze ol_mJ4Lqby re_ ]m_ loml.

00 06 _ 3A OC B_eer.


oo 06 x_ _2. cc oemjA-_,Bm YiAed_.

oo o61D _D P 8o ahead,iau_ Yi.IL_tt,Oeula_-Dhere.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 60/782

Pete, ami w'vm been d_Je_mmad,mq__ _z_l_mmmeuo4_.a_,e4 _'Mumt mn,yl_6-_. Seecmlll.Tt_: _ _ w ou

,fia.ommq,, .-_ _-" '"'_ re-,m,_


00 o6:1_ _O CC 'l'h_'m ma'_Zmm_m. If w om ever _ the OR _nmmt&ty_£

to IBvm to p · 1_ _ mttlm 3m_m_m m.41,_t,:ll_

,q,_,m _um _ mrnauM_umt_ ,_m_ t_ _

fmm,t NI_ re,re _ to _m.m_ m4mr tlmme eem_t_

fo_, lm_ lm'L_, bNmm mmdm_ _ bet mo meh


00 06 X7 10 P Im,,_, tim lm Lefirm_vo. We _ _ _ _ D0S


oo o6 IT x5 cc Ver_

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 61/782

; ;{_ _. li_ _


oo o6 17 ao P o_.oo 06 17 22 cc Okay, wbmt do you think_

00 06 17 27 P O14 _a_a. says we .i_t as well try it nov, Ca_e.

00 06 17 33 CC O_, ye'll look At this thing for ea_mther orbit.

Let's immr down _ 2ou were before you c_e ._

over here aaa let's also turn off that 8eetioa 2

Po_r aa4 tarn off the P._ a4ala.

oo o6 17 _7 P WXll d_.

00061?50 CC ]r_Avethe I_S up.

oo o6 17 53 P o_y, 1'11 _t the co_ut_ O_ aaa leave the _CS u_

and secure the eumber 2 Fuel Cell.

/ 00 06 X8 00 CC noeer.


O0 06 21 37 CC _-5, _-5, th_ is _ bsre. Wewcml&

Liketo le_e the _CS reeerlver_ _1 _ _ce

here. Tou nae_*t ae_ t]z_ _, but

a4vise a4_in that w _ lib to leave the _e8 receiver

CZ>06 _0 08 CC f.,ezLn/-5, Oemini-5, th:ts ifs ]$ouwt_ahe__. We'll .Like to

have you bring up 2our _ trm_s_tter at this %_.

oo o6 _o _ c t_is i. _ealai-5.

O0 06 hO k5 OC Rol_r, OeaAni-5, thia is ]_aton here. Can _ give

'tn_r ls_elCell 02 Prealure mad Qmanti_y a_, please?

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 62/782


oo o6 ke ._ c _.ooo6_o6 c B,mar. St_ho_ttnlat(,O. Vs_nJ4.


oo _ _ zo cc n_m'. _ ",,, iss.""n_ ts _m-tz f'Os_m't-

_f,_ tM qa.,_.

oo o6 _. 2.6 e n,_...

oo _ 1_ 23 _ alt_, m_la_t-_,,tAsnlt.vol,,,al _m,_-!l_


O0 _ _' 07 CC,IIm_d.-_l, th.ts :ts _ hm_, _ u_

ooo6_ m= i,-_._, _,_L._, .._,.r.. m'_,_n,--

oo_ _i8'_? · _ amtstt-_.oo 06 _1 ia cc b_._, _Jtsd.-.% _ b_.e. !tl'_ _

wt-_r_ s_tmmk. _m _u __us ynurl_as_c_t

ooo_t_ _, ... _ts_ttns__ ...

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 63/782

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 64/782

bOi ;i-l, ,Li'itl_L _ 63

0oo736_3 cc Ropz. UevouXd3.t_top_Omal, mpon3qmr

Fuel _ !_; ye do no_,_lJm to Ilmlp 0S. Ye vS.11

2gO lm_ _ t.f 4Cimx._:tm · _ _ _,?_,*=_m_mmof

0.3 of avolt. Do you

00073700 O ]moSer. X_. Tonm_'_lm'lpl_b_

o00737o6 cc _. Vem_mtandXnml0_'for_u'tmlmrp_

ee,:C&mmS2 .

0007 _t0 P 01_F. Do 3_uvaat m to _ _aNt_oa2


0O 07 37 l_ CC 'lblrt'a'lg'Ylnmt/ve.

oo o7 _ _ P obr.

oo o7 37 17 cc I'n _ sotng to eol_r Four _ dot.

00 07 37 _. CC Cimin/-_, o_e u vlum 3_d _ _ _.

00 07 37 _ P ! _ f/n/_i_d the O_t_oG I fo_ 13 m_ls.

S'_ad,b_a_mark. Pmq__2, Ilm.k.

00073803 c _mrl/, GeaJJd.-5. l_7ouh&'qmmqrz, etdo_oaeqG.

ooo73806 cc stand _ oee.O00T 3_ 1_ CC Indt-_, tduLt, z_ld/n$ :is I. ]_IN_ 1.

O0 07 38 20 C Roi_z'. ! mml_ it la eom f3_Lt_k Oot, In

gmge. l*'t v&e _ doqm Irt, smro m_lb___--ed up

to &bout ? or 8 eld t_ b_ek do_a. _ it t8 tmek

do_a to zero.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 65/782

o,_' ¢i_'T '___e


O0 07 38 32 CC Oe_al-_, ia_ti CAPCOM. We have _ma OO for 18-1.

We _ul4 like you to _ lmto only Zone 1 areu.

That would eQe_t u. for cae day. I _ ataadimg by

to _te _ _ for 18-L

OO07 38 _ C C_ni-_, roger. We wllX'bri_ it Qa the ec_at_r.

OO07 38 57 CC ee_tive. You don't nee_ the cc_er for TR-

00 07 39 OX CC C_tmt-_, _ma _t the mll_ TR time. Tou're in .yne.

0o o7 39 o_ c R_r.

00 07 39 09 CC Oe_ni-5, we _uld like yoa to Irtay in the preeeat power

_fi_rmtim. Thlt is your _ onj1

c_e suit faa om, your _ ca, 2o_ _F receiver om, your

IX:-to-EC Converter ca, your _ _e_ter eirc_i% breaker

off a_l your Vater _eater circuit _ree_er oa. Do you read?

O0 07 39 _ C T]_t'l e_f2_tive, Ge_m/-_. Do _ _t us to k_ep

the 8ectim 2 po_re4 dc,vn,; il that eorr_mt?

O0 07 39 37 CC _t'm affirmative.

oo o7 39 38 c o_y.

00 07 39 _ CC And we _ld like to pGr_e th_ _ in both meetionaabout

every 6 hoGrm from now on.

0007 _1 C l_r.

00 07 39 _ CC _ you give me a Fuel Cell 02 _itY aa_ · Fuel Cell

02 Ta=_ Preuure?

OOO7 39 ._ C Ro_er. W_ve chaz_ged _, 60.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 66/782



i_)_I "=i I -

ol'_ ._ ___i.

oo _ _ _L c _im!ttm_mm, eIr_L_.

O00"/ _ _6 C _' _ _me.

O00"t'_( _C _r. 1L'_l_,k____,_. Z'_

_ _,.n' imM.t, Walpddri._rumt.t._ Lrj_,j.O.._.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 67/782

. ', .


co o7 k.7 _x c aeler. _ l,a.. _ e.,om.a4 _klet _. _xo_._.

O0 O? _? _ CO TbU's _, m4 es_fi_ 1_ -- 3met 1_.1 Ce3.t

_ SmLteh_ Sa t_ _0 _tXca.

OOCrf_O_ C II, let. _Fae_LCe_t___W_

000711810 C_ !ellz. !t_llt_llst_hllEma. mlmt43_alclltht

Ip e_ll tim I_, to tim I_h-I e_mm, _ ]_iemto me

· _

00 07 _ _/' CC 'l"be_'l _v..

00 07 k8 ]1_ C_ G_eeie I _mSm_t Wr ]me.r Fred.CeLt _ _ earl,

oo_ cc Xm""a3,m]_,_a.maaXm_. c.o,_m4.

oOo_k9_ ? OTmz,-Xem_tm3J_o&_dw_4k_ _. BEt

_ tbst' em'3].erh tho _ bw_sXJ4j_the

--mm, X tdmu4b_X lmld.%ursodLoX'__ _ _

eire_t breeder, beem_ _t .u ot_,_ and ! 1_ it _k

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 68/782

COr, -

X&W (m 3pme_Lt&am;_ :Ill _f, Zeqe_, l_w

oO O? _ _rT P % m_4 t_m,,m_ m3mmt_IO __ _!mm _

.,_-_ mm, z.._ t_.,_im_._._

_ m _qm_'m.l_ _1mm_m _mm _mmm_m_ _

_mmm__ _. -

oo_ _ _ wm_mm_m3.l_.._mm_mm_

ooo"t'_og oo ' __'s_..s'_l.m_____

- _ _ ¢s_,)

oo_ _ ri' o_ ' a_i._ _-li-, _1 cJ,,_e_t,

ooo853_ _ o_l_-5;_l_m_m_OOomt3mmmmm4, wlm_


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 69/782


O008 5J_O_ CC IeaeZ__ _ u & _tE_m_ oa _qmrllffW_0E43,%tlmBt_t;. E[_XM-_.

oo_]_ c ]re_._r_t_, __:_-

ooo8_ _ oc E_r_-5, m _ u w _ &v_ _

oo_ _ ammi,_ _ m._.m.

ooo8_31t e

ap_mml_ 3, ,J, 1, min_

oo08_633 ? {p__m,,z. muum. 8Uuabrf_bMmdlremu_.

oo QO_n cc Beer.,

ooo8_3.2 oc EI_-_, i_{_ Velm_elM6M. fM_lipmmfu_.

oo o8 57 _o c mwi._

,-,',,..,,r-_r t_TiALb'd ;'i,, ,-.,-.,...

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 70/782


_lyryl' P ... _ 1_ii!4_llildl,,iikZlm, liI6

o,,".,.,.,,,,,,,._,,,,_ ,I,..,,k_,,,i,. ,,f..,.,,,r

_,iw _,.,,.],,,.t_ _ ..M,I m_]_ W 'b.,m_:_..

_m__ __-_ _.

__m _ __+N__ _-__./

oooil _ ..Irr x, clmr, immm,d_._

O00901rlt C CIIMW;Z'mii, imoramt'ti_iqmo_mm]rbime_l._mmmm,m

om=,um4mqmm. UWmm4mL.4-tmmd,rJLl__amm__o4 ]mr..,_ams

_ _dmzm4,_mt ma zmn,_4 'Um_]mbmm,. _m_

_00080_ P _mllm_c_be '!m_'to[_mdtMfer

_ - -- : f .

_,_-_ _ _,,_,,_ wo _ bq Ii, +-,,,,,-w

_ p_ _ m _ _ _1_.' Imf mmre4 moMh r_l over

_' _ _ _ _ _ I_ for 2 or 3 dq, m before

L,t_' iDENTIAL,,

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 71/782

.... _ ...... , . A_ Pup 70

ooo9o823 c 'nm.ooo9o826 1, I:q. _bntmothecel,,ye. omeutZima, Temhm_m_'

.emm,, f_ ,.h..t,q_

00o9o83o e Io,_be.lS. ev_smn_ Quoecmat.,thoeefreoastouep

bqm m tbs fd.b a_ an4 too _. 'flu_'re too

bar4 _o jt_ %stand out _r.

oo o9 o8 bo P T_, em af ud,m, s oeudJe qm't d.tes_.

co o9 09 k9 P janath_ msl.,j_ _sd tb_ T Imf &lO_ _ _ _ tho

bmndt dar urbte _ o_ beem_ It fu_ sG.LIres q_ _,,

_boao Mn_s. lbo m*_._ eufi_ _ s4_13.

_ d.t r,_n_m X etdn'_ hurt _s. Zet4 _ sW

s_t, d3._ ulpep_,a, c_tar, ,qm _,_.

ooo92.O1L5 cc emtf,nS.-_;!las_tiCA!'_tt. !U.ln4ui_Tu_re_Pta'ammf, ttor.

000910[,_ P BdJd__-5. ik,e&o:munud_

00 09 33. 00 _{_ BeW_. ReM }_)u louf[ '_ ebb'; We*lo fJtBd_ b_ for

m 0z_t _ on tho ]_1_. pt Qno on the Coaumd


000933,06 P t_U_lmeeeJaoru, lfstlm_ -1 3ustJm_an

ee_ ill, to tim e_ _d ou_ _rt_uetioaf wre for tlM

Oouunml iu,*&1,at'to IG:tveFou · _ lmu. lie's _ot h_

cea Mst,. sfebe _ My.

O0 09 CC 41oo4 dao_ Pore; you em, have h:tm rt,m*t b b2.ood pressu, e.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 72/782

00 09 1X 21 P Oki. Tou rant a blood pressure. Here it oomea.

00 09 IA 25 P Have _ou f_t _our teu_. on htuV

00 09 lA 27 CC _aa_,s agfirmative.

oo o9 3A28 P Sar al_an-

O0 09 Ll29 CC That's _ruative.

OOO9 11 3O P Oki.

00 O9 XI 3} CC I'm Soing to eOl_ a tape dun_.

ooo9 Ll _ P Ok4,.

00 09 12 11 CC OmJ. n_-_, this is Race;ti _ The enff is full sea_e.

oo 09 22 x6 c eeKt_-5.

00 09 13 12 CC We _ a pod blood ]pressure. Clive ne · am'k vlnen

your exercise.

O0 09 13 16 C Rotan', _ exere:Lee Mw.

O0 09 13 _J_ C EndJ.nW the exercisenov.

00 09 13 59 CC kn/nl-_, F1J4PttSerpoa. T_ eu_ is fu/1 smale.

00 09 lk 33 CC _ han,e e.. _ blood ]_essur_. 8ttBdiq by for your food

aaa u_e_ _.

00 09 1_ _X C Ro_er. We I_ave tha_ over CSq, sma it hafa, t ehaaged since

tbe_. Wtre Justpt_ _ to eBf i_ up hd_t amd ee_

& M_ uoalBoy.

(:JO09 l_ _3 CC Ropr, umderstaud. You gave report over esq. You're

beginning, _u're going to .belia UmLt 1 for tim da_.

00 09 1_ 00 C _Lt'. effirua_ive.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 73/782

O009 1.503 aC Oee_l.-'j, !iam_.

oo09x._ok oc E,em_"_ _t eWq_mout.

ooogx.So'j CC eemu_..%Smmt4mUPOm,m,atv:u_*u_w-.,_Elm_

mat _:ov_ !ira,Edt.

e w,.oo o9 z5 _6 cc _*a _Jm xt3m _ mmm,tr _u*w mm tam _ _._


ooog't_x9 c _. _mt'_JrXa_uS_ku. __,,m,_t.l_.

oo 09 x5 2_ cc _qr. ,

oo093._30 c _; _ ,mi,,,,. x,,, _ _ md _or_ _4r_

_:_.. _ _, e3,w,,u,_ 3.,emf,,_ to ,..

oo o9 x.539 oc Rql_.

O009 3.,5k9 _ Bmm/:l.,EM/J_-,%

oo 09 x_ 5x ce e_ _.

oo 09 15 _ ? _e,_ imm xt both _a th_ _ amd_ _t.

O0O9X_ _ CC _,.

ooo9x_ _9 c xf x(p · aN, _ w eaume _,e _x, re_,. e,e

the _xp_XeaaaevemT_c_,eemit.

o0 09 X6 ct5 cc P_r.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 74/782

i '' _'_'-' ;-_''r_' _''i,- ! :' _,_ _,,!

ooo9325o cc O.mtmm-,%mmrcA_ _ _m_sm_m_m41Oomtkm

mmmL _,_ mnl mot,mmmo_t_iW__ --


o0 %0 O4 3,5 _ _(kmtmL_,tlamij_L_,_ el?_ _ _


o0 zooT _ ce _a_ __.

oo %oO7N C ..;Wmlde_.

t_ _ z_l_lv_ _ _l_a _ vith tam

o_l_o t_ d_ ei_ · i_e o_btt_ _ it ve_ q_e el_.e

to _e_ ole_ _o_h fo_ _ to see t_ _ o_ It _tLe it

· d_ni_ fLt4_t, of eo_.e, Mi _ have mom ver_ _od

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 75/782

oo lo _ _ ce _,, _id_-5. _s ti aoufr_onaAP _I _ Z NI

to z_d pou qu_e _ on _I_ rot _ i_i. Ii_ w'd -_ do_ _i_dm' p_ip :rdk'UmI_

ar_tll _ Ip ]qMir_ji IN_iI_ .io t_Ul_7ou ei

_e kiep St II _ IL_t_.o _ Im'_, re'ri

a_IO _ 9I IIIII b7 Ib_eh 3m_I ILIbt bi Ib_I .

bIm_ _ _. ts_ C_ _ _iL __I_

ms,i_ i4 _ take _t t_ak o_f _

O0:tOO_g co i,,t_t_,S_mu_, m,,,_smazl_outaftast, h:ts. oouza_m

!_veu i _ii _he_ Twr pr_ _ed _ mit _

ap_ to bol O-mr.

O010 09 56 ]P Tees,,mm,2m.{urt _,1,t_ *M.t_ et tlurt,. Wef/&tihoct

t,_l _' s i_Ja_ t,o _ to _q_ Id X,u j_._ to t_dr_t,_

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 76/782



m 14_,__ lm_ t_ _ igm_ _=-.=. =

r_mm_i4 _mmtMv i4;mmm_i maA_mmtim.: Z




oo_ _ _ _ _, mmm_. _ xmOem_-_. em=_,,m,a_'m

Immi4 m_. _ _a X_zAmmAe]mmac.

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0o X048 _1_ CC Roli_, _ _LN4 the _tJeet ia Zl _43L_lg m_IXm3L.

00 _0 k8 kB CC ElaBIJL-5,![ame_t_ COL

00 ZO4 _O ? 4k_karo4.

0o 319_ _L cc Ql_, MN_ _m_Kt _ e_ I_aI__, IrDm; 3_! _ m it

_ 3_t Gll _ m l_k_Lef aZ_i_ (Imw mea 3_

_ Ilt_4_ammi _'4 _Llm'tm _X_. mi t3wm we/

_=s XooicU_for, _e'_$ _ X_ · mli_&ta_4 l_wer

JJ_tm m _wz ¢e_ Ga _=k _.m_ _ _ _kBadT.oo xo _ _3 r el_.

oozok) _$ · ob_.

oo zo _ _,6 cc _ _m-ll_ m · _ Cell O2 _Wm_t,y _a.eEwe?

0010._003 1' 1_,_, ,lwrtt, el_ggmm,, J,tlo,_LtJ_e_boet_.8,

and thle ln_aem, e is _ &_ gO,

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 79/782

CO ID _0 1,5 CC Goo4sho_,Pete.

00 lO _0 X? Y 0_, _ Also_ to hme t_eaaeaal_ _ w

4Wmim_ pove_,_ CeXX!mmkom iatim

oo xo _o _ ee c_, x,_ _ u,at,,,onetol_t.

ooxor, oJ,3 v . omzal--,%oo lo _ _ co lo ebua.

oo lO _lOi,_ p we,sm mm!maXoz'ot% z¢_! _ _ _ oma,I.Xouz

· JJw,. m

oo lo _0 _3 Il, _, tbaa_rou.. £

0o lo 5XI3 CC _._l-'j,l_eati.

00 lO Stlg p _ aaue.

%,__ %2 _ taW. _ coae_rsvitathatldeejtlmS,m _ Iresland

kmw_.a_ Wmt te_tl_toaet_:to abnt _ mpe, rhea

rsmve;t]_eeitemsme thasbriBaWpSasp_.

oo xo _. !tlr co s_ _ c_,..

00 10_l_ CC Q_a_,w'IX tr%to _ 2o_ a tele_la_eathis_ over

O0ZO_t _) p _m_,. I thl_ _ _ _e tetLt_ me vae that you vaat to

1_ am_J_r _-m_ Xe_ Qa the IAaa which vo_ld be the I_

"' _ ye br'in_ the ot_m, _ beck on.

_. . .-

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 80/782

00 l0 _L 58 CC Ropr, I think t!_'s r_ht. I vm't too sure.

00 ;IL0_ 03 C 01_r, ye're haje_ ed elms.

00 X0 _2 2_ CC Em yOUoeen the ]Podreeentl_r, (JeedaKt-_?


o01X0650 CC 0_Lm-tj, II_OAPCGii, OOlepOaW.

oo ;L106 _ p Rol_, R_.

00 ;hi 07 0_ CC _.dzL-_ XltY CA_cc_. x hs_es_B FJA61etFJJa q.ht4.

for jou.

00 lJL 0T l0 P Ro8_; ._J tbooe for _ o_r ,$M oB t)trid4_

FLtd_ mere

oo _ o7 l_ eC mq_-mmt D*_/D-7.

oo L1.o,r 23 p m,,_ ta e,_.

oo _z o7 a_ cc _ D..._7 aak_ _ _ a _ _. ce m

- 0'_ td,mtm :t,sto be del.eted.

002.2.0739 P ]topr.

oo 11 o7 55 P Refer.

CO]..T07 _'7 CC _ verLt_ that ],q_urZB fJeuor e_-_t breaker is eJtooed.

00 LI 08 03 P

o02.2, o8o7 cC _be ld.m th_ _o on _lm fradus.l_ _ bac_ up

_ _er b_k mt_ you rneh · l_t th_ ia equal

to the _ that _a dre_ by the lm_ _a t!_ Seecmla_ Loop,

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 81/782

· __' _ _!___'__%-_._ _ 8{)

ira4 '_m.a _ _ez'yt, tuLmcdou md tm'l the lnmt om_

00 13. 08 26 P %'u _f..t_ 3_m.

O0 l_ 08 28 OC _me 't_d,ml 7ou aa'e '{_oipe_*r _iJ ovem__ om _mm

mmma__j tdw JtC}'mt,mr _ t_mJImlo

O0 %3.08 _ 1" _,m_. AC _mar '_ ZmB.

oo,, o8',3 cc m.,m.,,,ms M,,, _ e,_'d' ,,;_.

_,' _7 m, ,_m'm,_,_m'"'_,,. m_,._-... -t

oo 3t.l.0_ o2 p lmu%mBb{_.

oo_ ce m,_.

oo 11 _) k3 _ {k..:l_-_i, Bi_. !ira {mu e_ timeBI 3{a{{,_1_

oo 2.1.O9 kT P 8ute hmmmm,t.

2.2.o_ _ cc Rop_, _.

_'t _ · o_m_m _m _ook _ {mmm_.i

O0 :i3. 10 O0 CC Ro4_ _.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 82/782

00 11 10 _ CC GeBLnI-§, nV. You e_ turn _ _F traeed_ _ to

8t..4_o We'Ll .tae4 by.

CCU_L sme_ (mm,)

00 12 05 0il CC GeR!_, _ CAPC_lf, _ ba_ _m _ oa tim trem_ lice4

00 12 19 53 CC G_mt,o_-_j imm_f.!CAP_ ]lz'tnC t]_ _ _ trem_Lt_er


00 12 20 0T CC l_r, w'Te fo/ns 'to ,grub it. Zrdl,/:kke fm _ eJ.nnd._,

00 12 20 _k P ]_tle_'_, tbs're clear off _he _ Z ma't elm tm4 the..

00 12 _0 _ CC ,bat _ th_ rea4_

00 lo _0 _ p _ re_ 27.8.

oo _ ao _? cc nopr.OOL_O_ P We_'-t _topmmw _t_e_lB_ /mr__if

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 83/782

vou.]j jq,. bz,,J_ .'jp .U_, JC Fcn'mrkLt_ to _.QO32 _X _ 1" ]boiBwr,JL' ]P_ 8vit,ab, :rdt._iL

O022 2X 08 _ (34r,JTj, 1&'ins urn)tb4J_ Mm J'mmr 8vAt_l_ tK)]F213)!A,_'T.

O0 _ P.3..I._ il' k_m_, it',, _. '

O0 12 g3.2'_ 1, TeL

oo__ _ _ :b'c., v_ t.__Lo,.,,B4.Ur3r_ ,,., -_' ,h,,r,..u..

p,,,r _ _. w .,.2,t _.u.:r_ ,,, sote d_ub

O0 121_:lL_ P Cir., it's on,

l_'d _ 7o. te do a _ amd 1141_& ;bmd_ f*oz*llbo RIp.

_t'3f_ m t.b*_, we z_mmmld_:thl_ 31_qt_rl;4bLIAze ]ro_

rib m m'tb_ _ _.

oo _ 22 06 p OlL_.

O0 ]2 _9 07 O_ Zf ;7_ 4cxm't_mt, hm IRWin,So _ md mtIM_..ILs4:LB

·ha*,ever,_;_Ltmde_,z 1Ai_.

OO1O2222 .P AIA_.

oo 12. 22 _; p !aNAl, gem,aA-5.

00 12 22 .58 CC 0o abee4,Ikmia_-5.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 84/782

;_, ,_;!i_[=_; ft_;_ _

O0 12 23 O0 P _ _ _ _ sut_e_aa where to _ for 1tV

0o 12 23 O_ CC _ to i$ than _e are.

O0 12 23 10 CC _ t_iml,Pete.

O0 12 23 20 CC · lrJLl41htreeo_nde that you _ eou_ fo_ it, d_e south.

oo _ 23_ F Oki.

O0 12 2_ 22 CC Would you _lve us the t_tMe v!_n you p_er dram your

e_t_t,de ooltrol.

O0 12 2_ 26 P T_, m bavem't powered _t don. W,r_ _3 Loa_q

fo_ th_ l_p.

O0 12 2_ 38 CC Oi_, _ _ be over *_- _ _L__ _0 _Laet_, y_u

e_ _ t_e t_e LU_ to t_.

oo 12 2_,b,3 P GSLt_.

O0 32 21__8 p l_a,t _o_ welt us to at_ ia _n.t$ eoart4;_ m :b206

eob]ps, assure doetm't d2_yt

O0 3.2 2k _1_ C_ ']_afd;*· smIM_ve. We vlnl; ]rou to is=star dram ss seen as

oo L_2_ _6 y oa,w.

mov (ea )/

oolo _l_9 cc _-,j, _ c_ _l_,_ u__c-__ %_w,._t-ter.

oo_ _ o6 _ _xvc_ o_, _-_ _u_.

O0 12 _ 09 CC Ro_er, your _ _ O0 on the _rmmd. ,de vould

'to hsnre tho t_tum of' your a_'t.'t_.u4e oom_ol power do_m..

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 85/782

;.;_:_ _;. !, _:_: Pale 8_-

oo 12 _ 16 P _r:2_.

O0 12 _ 23. CC 27:_, -mldez'a't,aa4.

oo 12 _ 2_ P 'JL',m_,w_,x_, _:_'-_.

O0 32 _ R7 CC _d 7ou mm the _ aa a_y tins?

O0 31.2_. 3,1. Y 'that's hq'Ma,rye.

O0 12 i_. 32 CC RoSin, m4m'stend.. Were ],ou able to dele out

rntes lma't_rw_u.7

0012_238 CC Rc_n_,_an4. TouhaveamdleaX_Jeuemtho

P_L;Loteeu:tns u_ ovot tae CISQon'r.M.a rev, the macaw

at · t,Z.e a4'O3hours 3O._Leut.e6 .0..eooed. _:ac_.i.._on.

O0 12. _ _? F' RoI_, umti.u,1, data l_a at 03=30LLtL over the

OO 12 _30_ CC Ropr. _'s the acqu%s_t_oa a_ esq.

_ u_t]mtes O0 oeQondo. That's about two m_u4mo £r_u Bow.

O0 12 _3 22 P Roser, _ ]puree O_._:CO.

O0 12 _3 2_ 6'0, _ CAP_ _ uctd we ean 80 eboad with _t at

th:La Lf you are z._nd_'.

oo 12 _3 31 P _b_ A crossovervalve _s opm; rt_mdby _ W mu_t. I'll

purse nud_or 1-Mark.

00 12 _,3 39 CC Ro_er, we hawe _t on. 'the ground.

O0 12 _3 _2 P That wes ter_n_ted la 13 _. Stand by on u_ m_t. )lark.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 86/782

_,.tLmmt tim esq.

O0 :I2 J_ 39 P O]-W, read ;Four eo_,.

O0 _ kk J_O CC 03 y,o,_ 38 mnm4s _L m_ts.

O0 ]2 kk kO 1' Ok._, _ at t.t_ eSO.ts 03 ]i_.u 38 ]Aus 11.

oo _ kk _ aC lb:_m-.

oo 12 kk 5T P ... _ ]ln_Sm=e.

O0 22 1_ 02 _ llosu_, ! =' ..*'"'"q,

oo 12 _ o6 P ... ]"e1_ _0 ,mow. xt,s .1_ a._ it .._.4 to

frt_s_ dmm _ at kO0.

oo 12 k5 12 cc Roljlr_, .a4.z_tm_.

oo ]2 k5 a3 cC Bolr._.

O0 12 k_ 33 CC O_dLstt-,_,_ mm ]lmU_ 4mm _mu=I_P t_mf_ttt_ a_ ·

frt4m41__rl;th/s tim'/.]L 1_ _r.._U.t_ '1_' ia ewe

oo 22 _ _ P R_.

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· · - - -'7 _ _ _

O0 13 kO 10 CC QoM,n:L-),advise we have reme:Lv_ tlm_m'u.

st,m,uns_ fo_b2ood_.

oo 13 _0 15 C o_W. _bto is GMud_L-5 ...

O0 33 _0 19 CC Sq' that ep_.n. You _ · _L_t3.e baf_ql_und nottm.

O0 13 kO 23 C r mqr ! elm ta3X beetler vi_ the _ probe out.

ooz3_o32, cc a_.a:L-.% cso.8u_eoL _o_,_d_,_,,_,,.U._.

O013kOF1 CO OmtttL-_,wha:vesfoodb_o41mumuro. ttustemua_

ubom_ _ef_Lmm_lmu.

oo23_o57 c Renmr. _by. Sba'It.

oo13kz_ e .,,bZoodl_,om.

oo ]3 kl._ cc e,mf,m.-_'_ mB,mt_mm. You'eurr Zm f'dJ.tm_.

oo 13 kl ,50 c am_tt._.

oo_3_].7 cc O_U_L-5,]pmmq__Z'_e_.n. Wel,*_

oo Z3 _ 22 c ]m:q_-.

:tons enou_a!

oo13 _,3o_ c ! _,t imov ...

0013k308 CC Oki. Itm _&llttZe. !iov Zo_ddal_m_h_e®

oo 13 _,313 c ...

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8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 90/782


oo 15 12 32 C Bol_, CSqCA1,Cell,

00 1_ 12 38 CC I!em_-5; Ceq CAP_ We have you t10 on the 6nm.d.

Request You eo.f_-u fmtenna 8oloet 8_teh 11 tbs

Reeatry ]posit_o_

00 3.,_L_ _0 C .. · Idfdmm8 ... tiLtH youir 8dapte_ q.

oo 1_ 12 _ cc Ropr. aequmrt you f,_teh to RoM_a"f IMltion.

00 15 13 03 CC AZoo; w'd, 1/ke to reed out, tko a3"Jprr4.m_qmatltfN.

O0 L,5Z3 21_ C Bo _ou vamt uo to reed thee oet over tdm _

_15333o ce Ropr. We,__theuotthe_ud. _'].].t.b

the _ r_edout e/fo.

oo ].5 ].3 _ c oae_, Bcs % Is _, 67uo.',

oo ]._ 13 _.:L CC co_.

0o _ _3 _ c ]PM]. ce3._% is _ end 6O ]psi, end ba,d,rose_ _ _,00_end k_.

oo 1_ _ ce cc Ropr, Ceq_.

oo _ 11__7 cc mmin:t-_, coq,

0o 15 1,5 _ CC AIty/oe ldu_r vmlr to do &mOd:teeJ,dadS8ImU Om_ Chnmmnd

FII_ over the _Jq.

00 1_ 19 2,k _C Ce_-oet.t_ oorree___,_. 'lhat,s over the RL'V.

0035]._8 C Ropr. REV.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 91/782

/oo15_, cc ff,mdJcL-5. X_weRl_'dd_*_Lm. A_,dmtrtm,_rr

oox_ 16kt c Roar.

O0 15 16 _ CC a_er, o_:_:_.

oo _ _3 a_ e _:c_ cee, e,i_L-5. ' - ' -

oe 1._ _3 _7 cc !t_._, _-'j, _La X. _ eJIP_ _ _ :_'-- :' -' '- - .-- '

reeel_e lm_-_ t_f_.

._001_ _"__ C _l_r, X':I_ live it to ]ne J_e, mmemJ. _..

oo _ _3 36 ce se_ mtta.

O0 1_ _3 39 C t_r, x'.. ptt_ _t ia nov.

0015 _3kO eC l_or. .-

tm!_, ..a we,re .-t,m_Unf W 1'_- ;rum, _ {feum. e.

O0 1,_ _5 _ CC Ge.L,d.-5, yo_ blood la'e_u_ em'f ia _ .Qir_. {k4A.

'- ,,,0 a mm'k uben Tuu belier _J.r _, ]plome.

, : ,_ _ _r-_,_

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 92/782

O0 15 55 55 C aoger.

O0 _._ _6 O9 C 8tm't_ mmrcLse nm,.

O0 15 56 k2. C ]lxmeet_ .my, M.oo4 :l_'u_ eQmi._ 4om_.

O0 1_ .56.56 CC Oemlml-§, 7mir b.loo4 lmmmeu_'eemff :La frail eee.l.e.

O0 1_ 57 23 C _ te blood. In'umarel'

O0 15 _7 2k CC It Is okeT. We maem*tmdl_ bT* for your feed, velar,

md eU,_, re_:,rt.O0 15 57 30 C Roi_r. The CommmdPilot--this ts t_ Comm_ PI:let e_eekl_--

I _ut wokeu_&ZlttZebit .40. !adlbo.t_hoermof

.mA .e're mt111 e&tl_, I'm emtt_ Ir flr_

em&Z, eetmLl/_ fell reeL. JUt a mommrt, I'Ll. ll:l:ee yml ·

rater _lxn-t,

00 1_ _7 5_ C The Pilot baa had _ l_mda of _ter. _he CO_.B4 Pilot Au

hud $ lmuadm of vaster end pertxqm · 1/'ttl,e Bore vtth 't,hls

11081 Boy.,

00 l_ _8 o7 cc mmdm_m_. _v suqpom apla. _ m the q.&l/t_ of

_ur .lm_, _l_u_, in tatum of

00 1_ 58 1_ C Roar, ! bad 1_o brief Imf/ods, ! Mm about m ho.r each,

_tte _x_ _.

00 1_ _8 28 CC Gem/_L-_, tb/m Is _V CAPCOIL ! _ulA Ltke to _ /f you

or the l_lot have dom either _qm_ce i m_/or 2 of 8-8

or D-13.

O0 1_ _8 k.3 C Roe:er, ve have. We have done Sequence I of 6-8 end I)-13.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 93/782

.... _; i :/?. Pap 92

O0:1._ 58 _'9 CC Ro4m'. Do 7ou h&ve e_, scores to re]pot'S!

O0 2,5 ,_8 ,_. O !bpd_ve. Ve'z_ lm_t_l,nf 't.bou on 'the _ore em,qb emi

doeon't sol es_r,Mq too _jem._u_t..

OO2.558_8 CC i_f_,. UlS_vt, md.

00 .1.600 _ _' aeuS.M.-5, tJt_,, :Is BIT _ _ Tou QIm Ilo _

fF'.m4by oa _ _ '_,&mBEJ,ttez, 8t tats t_m.


00 _ _md._t.-_, tleutn:L-5, th:L, :ItsRou_om CAP _ over.

GO3.6_o '28 CC Om_lL-_, e4uin:L-,% 'b_nI[ _o,_ 01_ uaP. 'ALs :Loiota

r.J[P(_il.; br'_Lnf7o_urUH]LP.

. 00:_l.6_L2II6 C ... Houo'con,_-5.

00 _ 22 53 CC 8ud._L-D, 'r hame_ expF4.m_ ,j_4_ ,n_ you.lA

_uz' _ u_ to 'the Jlo4,_, ]p_m.

O0 t6 :!.3OX 0 _qpr, X um4_'r&,m43,ou vmr_ vd 'to try out tho Mm. Xo

oo 2,_23 2.$_ e _ O.m_L=_, do _u pt ue o_ ...T

00 _ 33 38 eC ae,d_-_, .ou,tot CAP_ 4o _u z,fid_

oo ].6 33 _. c _mton, baZ_L-_. Reed_.n__u _,d end eber.

Pr'lBm_ Att:Ltub to _, nBd OAIBA:t.t_L_deFo,_' Oil.

1_o]ro, oo]_r

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 94/782


oo _ l_ oo cc ltel er. _ to eoF/ ez_e_ieutaX

00 16 i_ 11 C_ Gea_ai-_,are you ree_ to eo_ _rtmeataT

oo x6 xh1_ c _, ao oa.

O0 16 lk 16 CC ROtan. 8-8_13 It OX, 06:20:00,8eq,m_e !lo.02,

Cabin ld_lag at 01, G6:kO:00,aaa _e aAvim_, Ill

]_G .oz_ JAr& o_.r the _ _e_ barnaa ag_ltiaz

tiaa of 01, 0g-_6:2.1.. Do 3_a eo]p_

oox6*,k**_ c sa_aam_aequ_oa_. 0x, 06:_6...

oo 16 xk _ cc ol,06:k6:_A.

00XSIS07 CC Roeer.OXda_06_r. k6maates_X,ee_m_.

00 _6 X_ X_ C Roeer.

00 15 1_ 19 CC Aa4 7ou em _r dom _ U!_ on tl_ w_. _'11 gLve

3mua eaX1at the C_.

oo 16 1_ 2_ c Ros,r.

0016 2O _3 cc _l_"A-5,Ge._,t-5,HomtonCAPCC_. _ _outa_ag

00 1_ 21 08 C Homff_a CAP _, Gem/ni-_,VH_ lo ,_.

00 16 21 13 CC G,.Ini-_,_ t_ _mm_oa CAP CGN. Ve'A like to _ive you

· I_rt 1_ om v]_t we tlELnk _ _clUI;uI ti.

oo _ 2x2x c m:ql,r.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 95/782

00 16 21 23 OC We believe 3_u ban a tvo-_aa,eeonditionia the oxTIma

tank mm,, ek_mk),md that the Ireuure vl2A eoBLtUuoto

_,e_. w belXeve ue em b,mie oa m liner.

wt_bo_ ._eopardlE!_S *bXoend w plea to d_ so aradml_y

and alga_ela&e if lpou would keep us lnf_ om _.

0o 2_ ex _8 ¢ ]_ter, ,aAA do.

o0 lg 21 5o CC _Aa PulJe JtMb wilA giu you a little oemthiq _o uozt

wlth _nare for a ehaale.

oo2A _ 55 o Boer.

oox62x_8 cc OeuaLt,eou3A___fTouriseaa_XcXr,,_

00 16 22 10 0 BoOer, _uBa _ la closed.

oo162212 _ A1X_, _kaak Tou.

oo x6_ _ cc eeux.x-_,aou.l_aCAPCCH. Xf7ou_omm setsfAuMX'h,

ve'lX Io M amd turn it off and ve'lA we_-__,it e__

but if' it;'ioIX riiht you et- 8o ahefd and uae it.

oo x6 _ _ c o]_..

oo 16 22 56 CC _Jeu_,,_*_, Houtca bare. You em turn Four

oft _ ye'1.1, be stmd.t.n_ l_j' over 'the

O0 16 23 22 (X_ _4_Lmt-_,Nou_ama. If you eo]_ you em tmea _o_e g_F

_tter off uml _'LX talk to _u over _IM _ .

m_ _'_ mtmmU.n_bz. mm:,mm,d _ a_]mm,_.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 96/782

eot_ .._et (.xt,)

oo 16 _ 02 Ot_ Gw_na-5, _ _ _.

o0 ].6 _ 09 CC aoX. I have &tt.a_ _-aa ut4s_ t_ _. ta'e _u

msmt 'to _in't

00 3.6_,81b, e ]t_, sOnd _ o_.

oo ).6 _ oo c c_, _adt fo3r o.a_t wwaatn.o0 ).6 _ 2_ cc holier, _ _sn _. az'e _ znm_ _ eo]nn

oo ].6 _8 38 c _,,_, _ to _.

oo ].6 _ _ CC lithe. S-6 tam o3.dsWs, crf.._8:_6. 8equenoe 08. Mt_

23 de_L,'m.s doma, _ 90 de_'us _ ... huaT-_omo. 'tiao

.aaaoM 8-6, _ an'", os:aa:_. _ o8. _t_

a_._, 4oa,a,_ 90 cta_z_s _ ... man._L_, ntt


oo 16 _9 _ C a_', _ e,_,.

oo ].6 _9 _.5 cc X have _n'tM_ _ _ u]_. _ Landnm_, tans

aLdfo,e, o_t-33, seqummnol_ _oa 30 ,ansm_ dom,

nqms_ °$. U_e_X,,, X_, s,, _-a_,,a s,_s_.

ox:ann, _:_6::L7. _ a_. xn_ 3o dram. _ 6 d_ ·J_er_. Md ],ou cm:,ln_

oo 16 % _ c ,..

O0 16 _ 21. CO RoSar: _sgaa.t.-.5. 'fiut.t's _ _ has. We_z'estm4.t_S t_r.

oo ).6 5]. 2._ c _to_-.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 97/782


o0 17 27 o6 CC OE_._t-5, m_ CA.PCO11.

0017273.t_ C _, __ GE_.-_. W'mQObrm.

00 17 27 18 _ _lmr, _ 7o- met the _

O0 17 27 21 C _t,/ve, ye ]mawea,tua it,ia qp_e a!h/leaow. J


O0 17 33 53 CC Omrat-5,11_.

00 17 _ 03 CC Eeldru_-5, tbXe is ]R:i_. You elm Ilo _ *k4__ c_

3'm_ lllilf *lrz'mml/_,.E_'.

oo 3.7_0 _,8 OC Elmt_l.-5, _ a,h_..,, _ :fo, om lmx.a tke &m-X_oa

._aMmm_eoa ,,e ,,e aaa la_ emu,ax- _ 1,c,X_,: emAbe.

e.lJm adffime that 3rouoam_met]IB Em_

O0 17 _1 11 ¢ l_ll_r,_mlmmrtaa_em tmm _m.l_ma8eam_n oa.

OOX7_XX6 C le_m_,t.baalr_. ,

O0 17 _ 18 _ (_ra_.Alaohave71/_bt]rAmu_brtefmr _ wkm 3m,,'_'e

- x.ea_ _o oe_f.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 98/782


O0 17 _%2_ CC l_o_r, w barn a I_/D=7 S_l_nm &_=X. Bumrks. If

tm_r%n_ mmulmss elmds ml_tr, un_ I_/D=7 sennn_

vltho_t t!_ laTm-U_

O0 17 _1 1_ C Roger, ! have that,

O0 17 51_9 CC O_m_, and$_ent_at Olda_ 12h_rs lO_aa_e4_Revl_

at l_n_tudm I.].7.6 _ West.

00 X7 _ 15 C IMI_', eoe_[ _ It_a ne that cae m0a_a? I eut omt on


0017_19 CC Re,er, thJt_OldJ_ 12hourwOLm/m%fam. Tbmt la

Rev lk, loaaitu4o 117.6 d_%_ma _t.

oo z7 _ 38 c _amr.

aa _aecrrect nmber. _a_ _as 1_ lm_u_10 _.

0017_3 C l_er, 12ho_rslOud_d_, uae_ataa_

oo 17 _,2 _ Cc _r.

O0 17 _3 0_ C_ Weh_m m_/_ elsefor_ at thin t_. Weare

oo 17 _3 12 c _r, :mm a_h_ _ FAl_ht man that .%_ueeee 08 of

_-g _e I_A no oucc_e ca it. Over.

O0 17 _3 22 CC l_r.

!.[;' :'_ ! !'.. = .

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 99/782

o0 Z9 o7 o3 CC ,trot D_-2.

ooz9o7o6 r 4_._.a4. _uvmmM_.

oo z9 o7 z3 ce zk4, m., _d,3_rf, 9 _zm 33, x5 _ _ _ zat't _z,

l_aL _ 69.\

00190751 P ]_r_ N I._ t_. 0o _amzl_

00 19 crt 53 cc 4mm 15-1., ca, _'toTt_, 2,0 lZ]..a 5_, 15 _ 5z, ,x_u. :]aw_

O0 19 08 22 p O!_', ti.a, go M.

oo19o826 cc _ I_1, ca., 13:_eP., 9 91._ 3_, _ 9lin Ia., re,ti, z,tl_,

co _.9o9 oz ec _ z?-x. co.,,zSzx6:2k. 8 _z.. 37, _L5_ _, x'_,_ Z.ft

oo 19 zom. cc Jm_ zg.,k,_ zgr_o:o_, 9 _o.m3k,_z5_ x_, rOZXr_ _X,

l,o,Ur',a_ _..

0o191029 0C I_ __ J,a_T. t,heR re'eM J4 lIN4.

oo_z3_ cc m,m,m-5, ae.f_ -

oo191,_ ce Imt_,5,,!o_rt_e, tl. cmt. T_meaa!ma_3r_._

I]1_ .la,ma_t-t_, o,nw.

o019135o CC _ !rNiiBr_M-Ir_of_q_d_r_d_4_lA _T_.oef,_i3_Liri

00 19 IJ_01 C :[ .muM,ed 1(_.1m the 1,turko_ /: ll_.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 100/782

00 19 1_ O_ _ Ib_ll_. 0k_, w'11 _ vl_ 17_1_ AU or *bm mm _ ·

_ 1 _ td_ _ ts ip_d ia _r_ Bm_s 1T-1 Llr _m

00 19 Ik 18 g qglmar,_'_ _m_r.

O0 19 lk 19 _C ]]_f. 17_ tl _:1_.2k, 8 ];ams3Y. X,5 _ Ok,

· 9 x7 36 P are 2muzme,tr' Bo tame_

00191737 _ _ m_ z_ee_ tmm _ _ m,_Le.

O0 x9 X? ko z, RQse_.

oo 19 17 k_ p _r,,. tz_.?

oo 19 1T k_ cc _ is m_l_m.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 101/782

oo z9 17 _9 P zoBm..

oo 19 18 ZB CC O_d.a/-S, _ _ _ cat _u i_t_ es _

oo zg.t8 _ ]p voztq_ _ 26.6.

oo19ul38 _ !kWer. Umsdm'ste_m;.6e_dZd3,q,u,:_tb, upt,,_o_

oo z9 z8 _ ]p _ w _.d oM ,re.n, tn.u,e to _ ... m,,t ,m,.ees _

it tt pou meld _ve J,t l;o.u at, tie. __ma__

oox9 z8 _ i, ...

O019 19 O_ O_ _-5, ella pon IgLveu 3touraed_ bee o_tt_/

O0_OaZ p ataw,b,_ I ...

oo z9 a_ zk p efuw. w_:m att beent ,_ t.b um :Ls09_ md ,_e

_ un ]mmm',m e_ _e _s.s_am.

oo X9a3 23 CC _e!z_A-5,_._, _ _ Om. -

oo_.9a3 _o ce _'m_ e_t.,_ _ e,wom'

oo 3.9_ o3 p ,Ma b_u _ W#.&,--_,= immem'namZTmbs.

oo z9 _ 3.z ec e_tat...% _._:out. ·

O0 19 Pk 17 0_' _ am _a gtv4 _ m o_amql z,_.k_ of _mw m_._ 1_

oo19_._3 /_ _oll_r. Jlmnb_em*rw_tsl_._mftlmmSalMm_

t ,,_r

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 102/782

_;'-: _,: _ i _L. X_:3,O3

ro.l_ml41_,e). Toueam't

OO1925 O7 P _qm _.


n_xz_ _j. Toueqo._

O0 2.9 :'_ D5 P _


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 103/782

P_p lc*

00 19 26 k_ (_ 0]m_. BIe_rlaLl s3_cau, it _ ]_m the preoo_e is

hold,ur. We are tz_f[ to l_Te 7m_ lm_ the mo_ umab

fmwLtous u qu:t.ek3j' mi w _a. Ih are tzjdJ_ to a_

· naanJ. I_a_ua opmtti_. _;_-Mm _o

anzt4_ld, nl_lm_. ! lulm;yml_ _1_1J5_

AIFIdtmlo 2_NMLat:I_8vLl_h _ _ :Is aa. Wee_sm_

use'Mmpu,,., we ,o Ise to m ,mmu&u 7

nozuml _ p]Au. We btu oam _ on _Iso _ em4_f

w m _Aus to cook up _ _sib3m _. 1_7ou

M',,,, _m _ eom_ vLtb It &t _ b bm',,,_m lk t.s

ebo_ 7{ _ ebes4 of 7ou.

0019_27 P Iilmm'tseeu_Lt. ao_houFFEfhrJL$_b_ue_.

oo__ _ caw.. l_mn__pn'seUm_Kt3ztj'_:tm.

ye rte M to ]_3r. a't; b _ol'tu_ mm uoTo Qu 'Ut_.

We'_eJ_mS_ ebro4 for e, ... 420/ID._. md, v, _3_ hoe4

to bulb1[ 7oc_ _zr2_rt u_to & lr_,ul _ w Qou3A use tim

oeltpite_, l_s _ M G_ K4_ i_is to i_ b eol_l$.er

on f_ _m_ _dmo. we bop to fo_ _JAe_her ruol ee3_ _

c__. lJo you !_ve m7 o_Mr _ c_ _mm_GeT

00 19 _ _ Y )t7 m3_ mo ms Mmu w v_re imGsS to 8K _ao otaor hel

eoll _.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 104/782

.... _ ,_ 1_ ).05

00 19 28 OT CC I'u _ on it.

OO].928O9 P _bmic.I_, _z_-

o0 19 28 Lt O0 !1_ _q_,

oo z9 28 59 P _r,_, _ t_m _ ... m dws 09 m _'9m_t_.

oo ].9 29 )._ c e__

00].929_5 Oa Oeadil_._!oust_OOIk doyou__

001.92930 P ]lql_. _ sglA], z_md _.

oo z9 29 _ ce !_ i_beut _ &1.xttte _,m]l q_ t]aw_

oo _9 29 _1 cc o]r_'.

00195918 C tm_sOe_L-5,'Cwum'v_C,_OmL ]!a,tsgup]_wOlg

oo 19 59 _ cc ye _)A Z.x_ _ _ &z'm_ fx_ _ or ]_nr o]mu

,_st orr the tc,p of w se&re, rt, s ebove 33 vo.J._s,

ee_md f,he C.-be_ befZ_ em over 0z'md Tu_ rot trmk_.q

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 105/782

00 20 00 35 C_ .A%so _ to veri_ t_mt _be {mC-).exjpe_ _ on _t

th_s time.

002000kl ¢ Bo_. %_'aou.

0020O0 k3 CC !_r.

oo 2o oo k6 c oo _{mm{4 _ to _q_t oa lt.

oo2ooo_ cc _. t'_{U--6ti"'Ol_l?_m,O'{''_Ok_,_,_U,.

r]4_ 3 a,_.,,,% q,,,a _. o_r, _ l, 8-8/_13,

1)-6, _ 01 d_W 13 l_ 58 l_ {{k, _ lumber 053,

oo2oo_k8 oc _m_r. kxt_,,_.k/_-7. Atlk{mom_lk_OOueon_,

s,q,,,,_ _ _. m,_ _/_.? ,_ _ _,0,_.,,i_. _

0_ _ _r 09, l_t_{m_ 30 _, _v left Ii)

dol_. fJ]po_Im 12_. lq_txtfi k_.'t_-l, D-1 alt_L_:23:00.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 106/782


8,qmme. mmber k_. _Rw lut cme _Ls_, 16 Imu_

_6 mJmt_ gk mmem_, _ mmber O_j, :l_a mmber

09, _t_la _ _i0; _m_ left 20, _ _ gO. Do 3_

00200_26 C _pr. _.

oo2oo528 cc _. mma_r_r_.

oo2oo5 32 cc GMmt_j, Cm_ww_lku_. iowt, ouSm'lmuJsa/.ILttle

_ your _ of IIeIj[_ IM_ _ · irtart_d

z_m--t m M of _a wt tills _ _ _

le_el. O_r.

O0 20 O_ k5 C _o_r. ee,_ Jwt btam emmm_d_ _ ko _ m

emi _!mm_ offm_ ko mmeam _ _4[ ko _ off./

_m tryte _ _ _rr _m_lz_ _l_J_ lmz_e_ Xf _m

_en so e4 n_ to ipt beb/n4 ,--- tho _t/iBo e_a,,m.

(_u_tdr_qnA_ cut.

oo2oo6o6 P We tz:Lei '!_obut 7ou _n_s Imel) _vXn6 us Murt. M.n_ '(_odo.

l_Im 8_c_ m the ip_mA.

00 20 06 16 C 0]m_. Cheek tM, o aM D..6 st 01, 13_8.1_k. ']L'bst'8 mode

unber 19 oF 09.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 107/782

1,qe 108

002006L=_ CC, _.

OO2O6O28 c o_0r. m_net,_n.

oo2o_9 cc 0eel.nA-_j_mt_L-%Ho,at__, VmOA],on lo to

_!k_ lfor___ i_nae4t4


0o 20 _0 19 CC Oe.atm_-_, _laa:L-'_, this ia _ CAP_. Go t4

Ca3.t_ ih. 1 foz. 10 ee_la. I_ nee4 1_ _.

!k_,3. elm-.

0020_0_ CC _ ram. W,'_ekyem_owr_

0020_o_ CC Oain_L-_,O4d_[-_,!imart4nCAPL'O_ ilevtlD;_uz'ee_

Ca3J._ !_o.l, _.

00 20 _. 08 P _ is 'Gaed_-_ca our _ !pmun4.ml_nr...

OO 2o _ 13 cc b_ar, _bAer_4a4. _oaA42om _ _a3.t_ !lo.1 for

oo2o_2_6 P Bop_. CuCe//bzwcelo. L

OOaO_2k CC Ve_aCl_. T_a.

oo 20 _2 32 P Calt_m_eI_. 1 off.

O0 20 ,523_ CC _o_r. We _ i_. Fine. _'aaakyou.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 108/782

oo_ _3_ _, _ ... _ _ a, _, _, _ _, _, _'_ -'- '---: --.

_ m_._-'_,,__ _ _- __ -. _:-__-.. -.

4dramm; m _ Im_ __m_ 4_mm4Wammml - .

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 109/782

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oo 21 39 28 cc Roser.

00 21 _0 0_ P Be advised t_at we, re dot_ th_ D-_ e4Nlue_e _10 now°

00 21 _1 23 P C_m_rvoa, Gem/n/-5. Could you tell If $da_ 02 purle

BrouAht that voltage back up

O0 21 41 29 CC We're _ng _c it now, GeeSe. We had co_mter problem

here; we're gol_ back to look at lt. We'// advtfe you



00 W_ 1_ 03 CC Gm_.t-_, Houston CAP COM. Over.

O0 22 1_ 16 CC _a.1.-_, ]immtom CAPCON. Over.

00 22 1_ 33 CC _-_, Ge_-5, Kou_a CAP CC_ If _ou re_d this,

your Adorer C-b_d to _ mM be _vleed

you have a Bed/Ca1 data peas om the P11ot at Canary IeZandB.

Acquttttaon 01, 1R:3_:_?.

00 22 16 15 CC _u/n/-_, Kouton CaP OOM. Over.

O0 22 16 36 CC 9e_l-_, _-_, Hmmton CAP COM. If you read, place

your Ada_cer C-brad to CO_TI21I_,.

O0 PP 16 _7 C Ro_r, read/_ you loud and ele_. Over.

O0 _P 16 _0 CC Roger. Re_ you ltv® _lu&re. IH_ you _ on the C-b_d_

00 _P 16 _. C Roger. C-Broad the Adargter to C01T3]K_U_.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 111/782

00 22 ].6 55 CC Roger. _tand. _ you. Ami t_ advised that the

Pilot ham · amd%eel data ]mae over the Cam·tie·. _hat

your aeq_JtttoJ tiae ia lm:_:_7.

00 22 17 12 C l_oser. 12:32:k7.

00 22 17 15 CC Rcier, That'e today.

0o 22 XT 28 cc Good eormAae_ eordo.

00 22 IT 29 c Good nor·lng.

00 22 17 3X CC How're you feelimS?

00 22 IT 33 c mme.

00 22 17 37 CC Ta_k to you abou_ what we're _ot_ to do here with the

computers amd the Fuel Cell.

0022 17_ C Ok_ ...

00 22 17 _7 CC Qe_ini-5, Houston here. Would you put your Fuel C_1 ] 02

Quantity oa l_emee.

O0 22 X7 52 C Roller. W,t!'a do.

00 22 17 58 CC Qox_Io,on the next l_3s over the States, what ye want

to do ia brin_ up the co_puter ·ad give you · DC8 load

for 18-1 ·ad then take · look at the co_er e2Box7

to wake sure we've pt the right n_a_ere in there. We're

· littXe bi_ concerned that the last time we had · poor

telemetry readout of the numbere.

00 22 x8 2o c . 0ka_.

00 22 18 22 CC The· after we've do_ that and we're e_tl_fied that--_at

we'll do before we brie_g this cce_puter u_ is dr_ _ of the

other thinAs off the lane so that the total a_erage is

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_'_i_ _- _ · _

oo _2 20 _ CC _ 02 _ _ very vel1. It b.ilt the t_!ng

oo_z,O_8 c Oh, very_od.

00 _ 33 2_ CC _KL,t-_, _o is C_ CAPCOM. ,ta,_ti_ !_r l'or

'blood presto e_ the Pllot.

O0 22 3_ 10 CC G_rtnl-5; Cmmr_ sutton. _ouT euf_ i8 l_ll seal_.00 22 3k 28 P RoSer. _ have solid C-tmmi _ra_.

O0 22 ]k ]g CC _,lai-_, w hm · 8ood blood l_ensmro. Otve me a =ark

vhm :mu 'bqln ezeret_.

oo -., 3507

00 PP _ _1 C l[ou _t the thing on there_

O0 al 3_ k7 CC ... bloo_ ]pressure.

00 22 3_ _) Y Oki, ret_ for the blood pressers.

00 22 3_ _1 C Ro_er, th_ ... Zoo_s Imetty Ao_l, it's been q_/te cle_ly.

00 22 35 5!_ P _ RtI_ B BOtl2'_ l_rellft_e, _ _llt 1_0. _e':Fe ertl1

.cmmtt_ Z9 on Fuel CeLl. 02.

O0 22 _ 13 C FAther one of _ tvo . .. here, are qufte _xl.

for your v_ter mad aleep _eport.

00 22 _ 2_ P Roser. _8 is Oee/_-_ __lot. _ ts up around 5-1/2

lpounds nov _&t and got _ boar--aa hour md a _ vort_

of _lm_rp. I had & little c_ _u_t & lAttte _e a$o.

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2 O,_ _:r_ _Ti '___-_ · _ . ?'_i _:,_ _-'::_ Pep 13._

O0 22 36 _9 CC Roar, Omia.t.-,5. _,_1_ 2.. _ _ bm.e on

the iromd, wehave abou"_two moremiaateo of

,,,, ,,,,,-,, ,,t,.,,,u_ _'.

QO 22 _ _ C I don't k.c_ if tt w_ that o.4 or _ ot_er c_e.

OO22 38 _ r ,n_ rtSht, the r_v_ _rl_ _ _ ...


oO23 07 o5 cc _d_Ln.t-_, Caraa_on C'_t'C(l. _ ul, _ _m' trmm_tter.

O0 23 07 15 p ao ahead, Car,,.,won. ge.:i._!.-5 here.

O0 23 07 1.8 CC Roger, _L-5. Z have a briefing for you for your

mrtateside l_S %b_. orbit.

oo 23 o7 a_ iD 0_. I- it e_emt_ o_ _u_t br_t_

O0 23 _ 29 CC It' s a br_ef_ on a lx_er do_ ._1 pomer ._ md l_adt_

_oer oo_ter. I'LL give it to _ ._v. li_ at

_th an _ tim et _l_Irt _ b4m_ _ ._Lmjte.,

they _ Fou to usm m _d_tt_ of 000 c_ i_O,

vhi_ y_a prefer. _ off the O_ Llaehe_ters,

_ thel_n_son_ Id tim _ _1_

beacon. Oki, aext.l_m_r ul_ _ _ pc,mr._ the

_ Pre_m_h lir_, J$ _ mq_t_on, _tLehla _bouttwo_t_atee_eter_ eeetaet,tbe_'l_

_u m 3.8-1 ec_ loed. 1_e lire.nd vmt. to 1rake ·

look &t the load. ou T/ii, u4 cheek it md thru they'Ll

h_e _mu l_r _ the _ mdtbe ec. lx_er ca a _rous4

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cue. After *_- I08 emi ec_lmt_ l._or d_m is e_lete,

th_ ._t _ to br_ _ t_ Se_m_r_ e_t _

_! _ the Y_..l. _ _ 2 Fewor 8vlteh

Cir.,,. _ Seet&m 2 is on thJ 1.J.Bo; ]power u_ the

..d SorlZOl 8eaters. They m_t to _ thte before

]_mda I_ to ha_ a l_ok at tba_ _c_on 2.

O0 23 09 1.l. P _. Imt Be see _' X got all tb4a. At 0uq'ums

the O_/4Bheater off, _lm off, the 5em_a-. off,

_helOSoa, _thee_et_ro_ on_ec_m4_

ree_viec a'lo&d Ix_er dovat _ -_ the !_eo"darY Coolmt

the Io. 2 Fue_ C._j br_ the _ back c_a the Ltee

end the _ori_on Scanners.

O0 23 09 _ O_ 0kq,'. 0u _ ]power do_u st Oue_B_, a_o _mce the C_

e4e_ter to Cc_d in .4dlti_ to I._e_, _ .nd

_o_ _rs.

c_ 23 09 _ ], eot it.

00230956 CC 01cq'. dmdontheMeufltbe_er]pouerdmm, _tLt for

a frouma eue.

0023X0_ _' c_qr..._...O0 23 10 LO CC _o .bee4.

oo 23 :LO13 1, I vas _uet l_2k2.nf_ the yl:J._rt here. _'11 hive to

cmcel th_ D-g.

O0 23 ;LO18 CC _hat's _"m,.'_Te. _

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_: _, ....... t_ ]_J_O 337

00 23 lO 22 P We'll hmre to eanceXt_'r.h D-6'o, no, the I)-6 and the

D-_k. No, we_ _?, *he D.-_ and.P-7 at l_.:16 or mo;

whenever that is, or I_:X3.

oo 23 3o 32 cc Rifht. Tour fX_ht aavised to sereb t_e _6 _prAmat at

13 hours 58 uinuteL

O0 23 3.Oilo P OkeT.

O0 23 LO _t CC Okay. We're scheduled also for aa H2 purge over this

here station at this tim. _uld 3_,u _vo tm · mark

vhen you start your purfe.

OO233.O5O P Oke_. Standby.

00'231A0_ F Sta_byl, mll_No. 1. Mark.

O0 23 1X 06 P Just a second; ! didn't Set lt.

O0 23 11 09 P Stand by. Mark.

00 23 lA 23 P lo. X Sectionread_to Imm'se. Couplete.8randby.

Hark. Io. 2 start.

O0 23 11 30 (_ Ro_ar.

co 23 3A 37 c _. 2 e_Aete but ...

()0 23 11 _3 CC Ro6or.

cO 23 12 00 CC _. Are _ Xoo_ _od om the greta, GIiaA.

oO23 L_.03 C O0u_ harm.

O0 23 12 20 O_ OE_X_X,Omllu. eou. Do you have I_ *oma_f,, on the ln'oeodur_

for the s_ide pus o_ this W up sad W dfruU_· d

oo 23 _ 3o p _.f_,. n_u_. _x,k. ]x,q_ __.

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;;i ;!!)ii [i i: i ,.s. u9

10U5_0_, yer_

O0 23 _8 58 CC Omini-], this is Itou_,,on. good m.

00 23 _ 03 C Goo4 uorala_ iiouston, geml4ai_ here.

00 23 _9 O6 CC How are :mu doing;

00 a3 _9 08 c s_A.

O0 23 _ 10 CC aood boy. We're goi_ to be sendlq · eot_r

here ad soon aa ye have real 8ood solid T/M.

O0 23 _9 18 C 0_, w're stam_Lngby.

oo23_ 2o cc Oki.

O0 23 _ 27 · !ow _t_. ve'ze vatttn_ the o_,v thta_ that we've noticed,

we've had the RCS radiator h_ter 1Aaht eom oa twiee a_l

I've lint_ heater on for 3 to _ mmimu'tem,mid it's p_t it


O0 23 1_9 37 CC Okay, have you Been p_tti_ bot_ hoaterm on _ it _m


CO 23 _9 _O P l_es.

O0 23 _00_ CC (i_u_n_-_, you cea l_t _our _/X s_ch to CCmliiD.

O0 23 _ 09 C Ropr, T/N to CO_D.

O0 23 _l X7 CO Oeul_-_, _toa here. _e w,re waAti_ to 8et the

cce_fe_ _ll_te_, GI_ would Xike to have you reeord thai

_ll_leh _ettl_ on your W and _', and reeox_l the tirol

that you eha_e the eqaa_ ae_.A_, if you eha_e them.

O0 23 _X 3_ P We haven'_ cha_ed aa_hi_ since Ltft_ff on oquelch.

! ;Just had the _ L_lht ami lmobed it dovn.

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00 23 51 _2 CC Okay. That was just · _[_ we sent up. We're t_ng to

_et · readout on the load la the cosigner mow, and then

we're joi_ to send up smother oue and reed it out. \

O0 23 51 50 C Oki.

O0 23 51 53 CC: What are your squelch wettlnp, Pete?

O0 23 51 58 P rm_ squelch sett_ is Just a little bit between OFF and

1. Whlr, are we _od or bad?

O0 23 52 13 CC You're oki.

O0 23 52 15 P Okay. Got the I_S light again.

00 23 52 19 CC Okay. That vas the load cowin6 up.

O0 23 52 23 P Roger.

00 23 52 2_ CC Now I want to read it out again, and then we'11 have

you powered down in Just a second.

O0 23 52 27 P Okay.

00 23 _3 3_ CC Gemini-5, Houston here. You can turn your computer power

OFF, and then turn your IGS Power OFF. And when you get

that donet you Callturn the Secondary Coolant Loop ON and

come on with the Section 2 Fuel Cell power. Your load was

a good load there, Ge_ni-5.

00 23 54 00 P Roger, Houston, stead by for bring in Section 2 Power on.

We've got the IO6 shut off, we're over in _&3_, the costumer

is powered down_ aad we're brl_ging the No. 2 Fuel Cell on

the line.

oo 23 5_ l_ CC AU right.

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0023 _ P And it etonon _us_fine.

O0 23 _ 2g P It'. _ · Little low, bet I think it _ll probab_

take a ublte.

O0 23 5k 30 CC ALl r_;kt. We w_ %0 look _t it mow aa you go ca over

Berma_ naa we'lllet 7ou kn_ how it'smett_ out.

0o _3 5k 38 m ok,_. m_e_uv A Coolant _n_ is on_

O0 23 5_ "2 CC OkaW,very_ood. _ are yourread/n&eoaboard,Pete!

00 23 5_ 51 P Oki, I'll _tve yc_ a full mt_ hare. The--oops, l

pt another OCSLt4d_--the re_ ie: lA _ are 5,

XB ie ab_t _.6,1C is _bout5.}, ad seeon4eellia

aowa a 11tile Bit; It's _ 3.0, 3.0, 3-}-

O0 23 5.518 CC Oki, very _.

O023 }} 20 P The _ bas lookslikeabout11-1/2 oa lb. I and about

T.9oa lb. 2.O023 5} 29 CC _r. Ce,u.l.ayou Stye u, your rata 10us,oZt_e al.K,,


00 23 5} _8 p Roar. Main bus voltap 1. 2'7-;L/2, Sq_tb 1 and sq=tb 2

a.,'eabout 26, eont;rols atout 25.8.

O0 23 f,6 06 CC all r_ht. Rsve you turned _ur _ andlbrizon 8can

beck on, Genrtnl-}t

O0 23 56 21 F lbt' we _uSt _tcm_ht the sc_r Ba_k o_ a_l we h_ve the

AC_ eoeverter on, _ l_l.am_ower primary and we're in

the Fulae I_le.

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Pnge 122

O0 23 56 58 CC Oke_, very good.

O0 23 5_ 58 CC Oeatni-5, the Fuel Cell 2 in Just · little bit cold, and

we expect that as soon as it war_ up that it should

come up and start taking its ahare of She load.i

O0 23 57 07 P _aat's what I figure. Yen, it looke good; stack

voltages are higher, stack voltages are the sine as

No. 1 and it's beginning to pick it up; nov it's up

to 8.0.

00 23 57 19 CC Okay, very good.

O0 23 57 37 P Frob_ ema_ they can save some weight and relove the


OO 23 57 _0 CC Yes, looks that way, doesn't .it? I didn't realize that

you were · heater test pilot.

O0 23 57 47 P I didn't either yesterday.

O0 23 57 54 CC We sure got lot of fuel cell expert3 on the ground here

this Nor·lng, Pete.

O0 23 57 59 P I'll bet you do:

O0 23 580_ CC They had to put bare on the wlndowe to keep them out.

00 23 58 13 CC Ge_tni-5, Houston Flight.

O0 23 58 X_ P Good mornXng.

00 23 58 17 CC _ aood Iorning. The morning headlines sa_ your flight aa_

splash dowm in the Pacific on the sixth orbit.

00 23 58 25 P Sorry to dimeqppointthem. I Jmrb told 0ordo · few minutes

ago we'd Just passed · milestone; we only had 7 more days


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oo 23 58 37 cc Roe.

O0 23 _6 _0 CC Pete, '_heT've got a clock &_n here _t gives you

time to end the nisoloa and it'o Mt rumAng right nov,

but yesterda_ it 8ai4 198 hours.

O0 23 58 _5 CC Tour WAves also made the front page this norning. Very

_d pictures, and the_ look vet7 pret_.

O0 23 59 07 P Ropr. md you tell tM ye're _n_ rim end tell _he

doctors ye' re dr_nktnf iota of _ But neither one

of us has been too hungry. We have had two male, but

we haven't eaten all of thcs.

O0 23 59 27 CC How much water have you drunk, Pete? I've sot notes

here from ]Jeal, that's ElJ_Lot, that sa_s your last

drink vas at 01:05, 01:0_.

O0 23 59 _0 P I've alsost had 6 pouads, sad 9ordo hu had about

6-1/2 pounds; and we're being pretty Senerous with the


O0 23 59 _0 CC Oki, you've had 6 and Oordo's had 6-1/2.

O0 23 59 _ P _ha_,s 8_Qa ama, ers.

O1 O0 O0 02 CC Pete, Geu_-_, this is *J_ Sur_pon,

_1 O000 O7 P Go ahead.

01 O0 O0 09 CC Pete, this is Jaek. This 6 pounds _t 6-1/2 - are you

do_ this all _th S_po or do you use the w_ter bag

at all!

01 O0 O0 21 P Except _ we put _ the food.

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: Page 124

O1 O0 O0 24 CC GeElmt-5_ go to Fuel Cell H2 quaatity Read for a minute.

· O1 O0 00 41 CC ECS 02 now for · minute.

O1 O0 00 57 CC Okay, you caa put it back off.

01 OO O1 37 CC Oemml-5, your fuel cells look very, very _ here on

'the grou_. We're ha_y with them.

01 O0 O1 _g V Roger.


O100 10 08 CC Gemini-5, this la Ca_ CAP COM. We have nothl_ for

you on this pass; we are standing by.

O1 O0 10 17 C Roger, Ca_. Gemini-5. We have nomethi_ for you.

At 14 we Crc supposed to make a D-4/_20 measurement,

aad there's nothing around to make it on.

O1 O0 10 30 CC Roger, what do you want _h, next flight?

O1 O0 10 35 P ! don't have any rec_ndatiou.

O1 00 10 43 CC We have no recoumendations for you on that.

O1 O0 10 49 P Eee]_ trying.

O1 O0 10 59 CC What do you read oa uain bus and main a_?

O1 00 11 O_ C Okay. 1_ Bus is reading 10.5 and main bus current is

-- oops, let me check it.

O1 O0 i1 15 P _bLlnbus voltage No. 1 is 27.3. Main bus current 1_o.1

is 10.5. _mte bus current 2 is 8.

O1 00 11 28 CC Roger.

O1 O0 11 33 P The count on the Fuel Cell 02 is still 19.

O1 00 iX 39 CC Rog.

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OX O0 12 50 CC Geuini-St Flight advtoes if you eaanot do _20 t you

ahou_ _ sequeace _.

· O1 O0 12 59 P Roger.

OX O0 13 25 Y Caanry, Gemini-5. Be advised that the ... will tr7 a

OXO0 X3 32 CC Ropr, oopy _01_.


01 00 _2 33 C lello, Carmarvon. Oemini-5here.

G1 O0 _ 35 CC _aint-5, Carurvon. Roger, go ahead.

O1 O0 _ 37 C Would you take our D-4 d_ta at this time; we are doing

_0 axe.

.01 O0 42 _5 CC Roger.

01 O0 _. _? C our wtat, um ts GO.

01 OO _ 52 CC Roger, you are GO on tJmeground.

(1%O0 43 _7 C Carma_ont Gemiml-5. You getti_ a_vthlng on %he D-_

on _he grotmd? I dom't see uorth/ng on the gage up here.

G1 O0 _ 03 CC $a_ agaia about gage read.

O100 _d_06 C Roser. I s_, are you 6ettin_ an_ of our D-4 on the

'growad? I don't show a_ readies up here on the gage.

O1 O0 _ lO CC We see telemetry but we harem't been able to lock on

u yet; It's very mothy.

01 O0 _ 19 C Okay.


G1 O0 _9 _ CC Gemin/_ Carnarvon. We've got about a minute to LO_.


._'_:-, _--_,<

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_ · _ Pa_e 126

01 O0 50 00 P _aini-5, roger.

O1 00 50 02 CC We can't help you on tha_ experiment data. We're

rec_ the FM-FM telu_=---_but we're not rea_ing

out -il the data.

01 00 50 13. P Roger.

O1 O0 _0 14 CC Have you had any luck wi_h the gage readiag?

O1 O0 50 16 P Oh, Im_be a little.


O1 O1 20 14 CC Gemini-5, Oua_mas CAP OOM sta_ing by.

O1 O1 20 36 C Roger, GuaTBas, Ge_lni-5. Oo ahead.

01 01 20 hO CC Roger, we'll stand by if you need az_thtag.

OX O1 20 43 C Okay, very fine.

O1 01 23 32 CC Gmaini-5, OeBlni-5, tb/s is Houstoa here.

O1 O1 23 _ C You're looking mighty pretty down there, Guaymas.

O1 01 23 50 CC Say again.

O1 OX 23 51 C You're looking mighty pretty down there. We're _irectly


01 O1 23 54 CC Oh, it aoun_s !tke you woke up.

O1 O1 23 57 C We've been awake quite awhile.

01 01 2k OO CC Did you hear ua when we cmll-d Pete on that position?

O1 01 24 07 C I don't know whether I did or mot.

O1 O1 24 09 CC Oki, we 3usa wondered whether you stirred, whether or mot

we woke you up.

01 01 24 12 C lo, that's right; we were powering up then for a prime

_ plot ... on eying.

_ _ _i _ _

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"-,_,, Pqe 127

0X 0X _ X8 CC A_ r_h_.

01 G1 2q 21 CC 0em_-_, GeELBL-5, thio is Houston here. How do you remS?

O1 01 2_ 30 CC _-5, OeEJJ_-_, _Lo lo KoGsIMa here. Hov do you read?

OX 01 2_ _? Y Bert, $alk taro the recorder. .

·OXOl 2_ ]0 P At 1_:_ I'm mtmr_JJ_ a little series of _Lc_res, soing

right down across _ao.

O10l 2_ 59 CC _at-_, Ge_-t-5; _uston here. How do you read?

OX OX 2_ 03 P l_o_r, _u_oa. a_atat-_, _ you loud md el_ar.

OX O1 25 05 CC Reler. We're having a 1/ttle trouble lrle_ up your

D-_/D-7 sid_als on the ground, and we'd like to check

out the D-_/D-7 tranmitter on *he path _eross the Brutes

here. 8o we'd Like to have you put the l_er switch Om,

l_e IR mdteh OH, and the transmitter switch ON.

01 01 2_ 33 CC Wewould Like to have _u _ust leave them on uatil after

you ec_plete4 the D'-6 over Bermuda and then turn then off

_ eoa_letethe D-_.

O1 01 25 _2 P Oki.

01 O1 2_ _ CC 0ka_, vex,y _ood. Have you had to break any of those little

blue bop yet?

01 01 2_ _O P That's negative.

CO.O1 2_ _3 cc Okay. How about Oordo?

01 01 2_ _ . P That's aegative.

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'/-_ _-"?(:' __ _ _ 128

· O1 O1 25 5g CC Oica_, how ab_g LIOB_ Have you had a_y on your tXe-dovn?

O1 OX26 al P Wo, no, not that we eould deteet.'

OXOX 26 O_ CC Ok_, ve_ Wood. Kov's everfthi_ else gPXn6_

m m 26o8 P _r._ _,a.

01 OX 26 lO CC Very 8_d.

OX 01 26 1X P If we ean boresiteKiadley, I've _ the bis le_ in here,

amd it's reallyfaatutic.

O1 O1 26 16 CC . What did you s_, Pete!

O1 01 26 18 P I maid I've 8mt the big lens ia here, and I ear m tbroufh

it mmmethi_ fantastic. If I could Jumt fM the point


OX OX 26 28 CC Kow are you doiag with the trackinCon that? Ia it l_et_

east or Ia_t_ difficult?

01 Ol 26 33 P Jo, we 3tort started. I Just &or it alX put tofpther.

OX 01 26 37 CC Okay, We've _ot another person here who would like to talk

to you for · eoulple of minutes.

ox 0x 26 _ cc eenini-_, this 4s s_l_._ aordo,telAme about _bt.sleep

'_n_ here for a -ec,oBd. We're ha_iq _u_le tr2in_ to get

8traiAht on the frouad what bot_ of you have done with _leep.

As we figure it frou Four report8 so far, it a_ears fi_t you

have had rou_iy 2 hours apiece. Ia that affirm or have you

had more thaa that?

01 01 27 09 C _at's 'aboutright. _a_be a littXe bit of a catna_ in

addAtioato that.

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O1 OX27 15 CC Garde, what see-- to be botheri_ the sleel_ Are you

havi_ tr_bXe if the other gu_ ts trannmitting? Does

thie seem to be botheri_ the eleep?

01 01 27 23 C FLi4_t l_3ae haven' t been arrae4_d where one _ could

It's beea 2ere both of ul have beea havAl_ to

do some of theae tasks.

OX 0l 27 33 CC Oki, rhea let's cheek the food parts, another area that

we oeem to have trouble getti_ straight records hare.

Pete said on tim 13st pus that you have had at lea_rt

lm_ta of t_ meals, and I take it that's mml A and Beal

2 fraa the first da_. Now is that all you have eaten

0X O1 27 59 C That's affi_ive.

OXOX 28 OX CC Oki, fine. One other question we o_ht to get so_

aUmmre on. Are you using tl_ exerciser for a_ other

times rhea over the Medical Data pas_en? Are you _i_

it 3uat for I_aeral exercise?

OX 01 2816 C We dida't have tim yet.

ol ox 28 x8 cc o_.

O1 OX 28 21 CC Gee, ! thou_t you rowe Just loafing up there. A1X this

eoefort t_e to do nothing.

O1 OX 28 26 C Pete _ to keep _ the foot generator ln_t_ hard.

OXO1 28 32 CC We should have oM aboard.

01 0,1. 28 _ CC Ge_.KI.-_ th.t.s ia HOUStOn here.

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01 01 26 39 c oo atm..

0l 01 28 kO CC aopr, you have a O0 wv fo r 33-1, md we put the 33-1

Tit t:lJe In YO_ coeeputer, Bo you're at/ set.

O1 aZ 28 _8 C Roar, tidily.

01 01 28 k9 CC 0k_, _ luck on _m_u'1)-6.

01 01 28 _ I' _

01 01 28 59 CC Roler, ma Gwlal-5, ye'11 have a _F-6 check _v.

01 01 29 10 C Poller.

0101 29 lb C What ie it they _ust utdT

01 01 29 16 P 1Ave voice golag out on the netvork.

OX 01 29 17 CC _ do_ the _aSJ_r /ook over the _ r/ght nov?

01 O1 29 20 C _; lsflrkl;y laloei the eZouda are ju_ fatatAy scattered.

o.t 01 29 26 CC o]uf.

01 01 29 30 C It's ]_ettTr ehiny.

01 01 29 32 O0 S_ _p_i

01 01 29 3_ O Zt's very mum_i_.

01 at 29 36 cc Rose.

01 01 29 38 ? Z thlmk we _ust l_2sed l_ouj,,on.

01 ol 29 _X CC 8here 8..1.6you pua_

01 01 29 k2 C {_me right over Houston Just _atartly _o.

01 01 29 _ CC Roger.

01 01 29 kg C Z get it nov.

01 01 29 _7 CC Roger.

01.01 29 k? C Look b_k at it _ov.

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01 01 29 50 P _ tt'e real_ clear down there: I cam see ,l_ the

tc_ms md the _a_a and--

01 OX 30 OX C Rc_r, ye're couing la over the Cape nov. We cea Ne

the Cede very clearly.

01 01 30 06 CC Cam you cee the _ ver_ euy?

01 01 30 08 C Ropr, ye cea see the l_ds; you can see the caaoeu_.

OX 01 _0 11 CC Ro_er_ they reall_ 8ta_ out with the eoatrut.

0l ox 30 _ C _ae7 sure do.

G1 0l 30 17 CC Have _u _t the D-6 equl_ent alX ae% ul_

0X 01 30 19 P We're ready to roll.

(IX 30 2k P Joy met to 30-degree _Ltch down. _ wu the time c_

th_ t_

O1 O1 30 _ C Shor_.

01 OX 30 32 CC 0ka_. _w'8 the weather out over the Atla_ic?

ox ox 3o _3 _ _8.

01 01 30 3_ C Very mice. Xt's light scattered elouds, quite aunshim_.

omo_ 3o 37 cc oxy.

olol 3o_o P _._.

Ol (11 30 _8 c I'Ll tell you one th_e_ ye _oticed_ it looks _ our oxyAea

lu_ssure .._ h_ve gone back u_ _ust a little.

O1 01 30 _ CC O_a_, we've had it hoXdiagfor a long time. We've had ·

co_le of extra PC_ counts nov, so we're all 8et.

01 OX 3X 21 p 0k_, yaw right 2 _q_ree,,.

ox_ 3__ c c_.

01013.1.33 C 9et It all dmum here.

01 0.1.31 3_ P Oh, oh_ Oh, oh'

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........... Pqez_

01 OX 31 _o C _aat'w t_e ma_ter?

Ol 01 31 _kl P _ t_e _ lens oR here.

01 01 31 _3 P 1% voa,t make aa_ _*_feremce, though.

0_-31 55 P 0_ _% It's _ 200 mm.

01 OX 31 _ P Oki, cam you xe _ out there m_here!

01 01 ]20_ P Stick _w_ur _isht ri_t om.

OX0.1.32 35 C ... there's ecuet_ 8oi_ on out there.

0_ oz _ _5 P ...

O1 01 32 _5- C I doa't know where it ira; I've _ there but--

O1 01 32 59 P .,. mouthe_ ... Bo, that's · naval statioa.

O[ O1 33 X_ C I doa't believe tha_'e the maim ialand aa_a_, Is it?

oz 33 16 p ...

01 OX33 23 P It's not ,4_ _8; that,s act right.

ol c0. 33 _6 c Io.

OXOX33 28 P _ the heek _s wron_ With m_ clocks!

ol ol 33 3,5 P oh, I e_t the wrong&mm f_ure. Watt a minute. _ the

beck! I fat & 15:33. we ;lust must have Imssed it.

01 01 33 .50 C I d_a'% _ _d_ere _ vould have ]t_sned it.

01 Ol 33 5_ P ! s, it mu_t _ beenunderthatclout.

OXOX3357 C There it $8, there it :tw. _e_; it's off to


01 (113_ _ P . Yes, _mu'rmright om it.

OXOX_ O_ C I wonder mhieh island it iB mc_, I've for_ottem.

O1 O1 _ 07 P The_-e.'a onlF one islam, isn't itt Bermudais ,lust one

l_ See if you em see m airfield.

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01 al 3k I_ c _ ob, 7e,. ! p_ those ar, dark clouds there.

ol 01 3_ 19 1' *! grams we l_s_ it.f

01 Ol 3k 21 ¢ I dom't _ so. Woj right oa _lme. Weabould be on

It _4ht nov.h

O1 01 34 _ P Ye_ it should be rtl_t undor us.

01 013k33 C I c_t mm a_th/ngoutyour_ ...

m m 3k 38 P ...

01 01 3_ 39 C ... r/ght ruder us .... _ on it, rlsht on our yaw

trm_ there.

O1 01 34 k5 C 8_, I be//_e It was u_ler so_ of those cloudl back

_Fe. .

O1 01 3_ 50 P I'll f4]L1 you what; vhen we h/t the cout of Afrlc_ l' 11

try wi pt · Flcture.

olm3k59 P o_u_, _r.

01 OZ 35 02 C Don't %ult 3_t yet. We_L_ht be--

at 01 35 aT 1, Z_, L keow ...

01 01 3.5 28- C l_a wt/Lt b_e that IRC8 heat, er on?

O1 O13_ 31 P _es. ... rt_on.

01 01 35 _0 C V_11; th_'re auto_tle, _rea't theyT

01 01 3_ _'? ¢ ][ ku_e _ _fet_ eufoff om it ...

o.1.ol 3.557 c there's a_e prett7 e.%o_.

01 01 36 O_ C S_, I _m't need _ w/th tr. t got enough b_s

I o_ ]_old oato for tra_]rl_.

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OZ 01 36 _ OC _m/Bl-_, _-5, daon you here _ete4 your D_

exl_Sm_, you esr l_t your pover ou/teh to _Y, your IR

m_Lteh[ to _F end your trmumttter to 0_F on your D-_/D-7


01 O1 37 l.k. C Ropr, resd that. .

o_ ol 37 16 cc xu0r, eood.

01013716 e Ropr, u_erstmd.

01 O1 37 17 C I don't _ ye ought to tell ...

01013719 P 't_, t4.UL ktm ye--

O'10l 37 21 C Oh, this ts oll rigl_t ...

01103. 3T 28 P Tou o_prt to feZ1 th_ th_--

01 01 37 _ P Be edvtoed, iouft_n_ thst ye're Zeavtng our RCS heaters 0H

end th_'re fLuetue_df _ A mid B. T_ey seem to

requlre boaters ell the t/me.

o].o_.37_ cc HourtoL Ropr.

OZ 0_ 38 _0 C Bouton vaa Just out from undor that deck of cZoudf . ..

Muet have entered rlght about 8ira Antonlo.

ol ol 38 _ P z_.

aL al 38 _ o I d/dn, t Imm see it oad ye Just practtetl_ tl/d clear

put lt.

01 01 38 59 C I _ hmrl_tn_ back Ul_the coutLtae nov.

G1 G1 39 O_ C Gee; yo_ elm reoJ_y gee the caumeve_ tode_ re&l _tce - the

cq_ -the _d.

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0101.3923. Y ... yMJ. Toafersattoturat_Reeord.


Ot al. _ _ CC *C_cLm-_, this is eem_ CAI' CCi(. ! ham aothinl for

T_t a_ th_f tiM. We are sVdmdtnW by.

03.OX_3 _7 cc e_ai-5, _Aw _,wcama7 CAPCGm. %ouviA1. have · uedAcoAd

dmte, line om the PAlot st Caruarvon _ai,s time. Ye would

take _o have you lnfert the teupe_ probe _17

3 manu_tO before C_ acquisitioa. Carnfawoa vilX

have aaq,ELeition at L_ hours _ m_Jmt_w.

OXOX _ 19 P _Aea ve_*e hours_

OXOX _ 26 P Cea&TT, ,,er afala acq. time L_ hour, _ -,mates.

OX OX _ 3X CC _b_t'w _ve. Stand by.

OXOX _5 05 CC Gemimi-_, that time for Carnarvon aequi$ition should Be

q_zS]uteXy X6 hours 17 minutes.

ox ox k_ 17 C Ropr, 16:l?.

OX _ _'_ 20 CC _3at' f _ive.


O1 OX _O 1_ CC Seaim_-_,Oeatnx-_,$_ts is Ko.ton.

OXOX _O 37 CC Gemi_-_, GMa_ul-5, thie is Kouoton here. Over.

o.1.OX _o _ e Roser, _his is Geuini-5.

01 O1 _O _ CC ROrer, ! have · Flight Plan update for you. Are you ready

- to eo_r

OXOX _0 _ C Go ahead whenever you nat.


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Co !n{rNTIA/--'!_,t,t........ _ 136

OXOt _0 55 CC 0_. We waBt you _ add, I sar _ · radar tut, radar

reit. _ time ii Ql:AT:04:33. I 8eF f.he _L

OX:XT:O_:_3. m_ mb_. is o8,m_w _J o8:

Zite_ 37del, _iteh 3T down, _n, _O r_4_t, 7w _O ri_t, .

radez _ er_d_ at 16:50:O0, th_'s radar to Stead_ at

Xg:_._O. Radar to _ at'17:00:00. Over.

OiC_ _ lA P Ik_er,.m mot that.

01 01 _2 _ CC Okay, Gealai-_,this 18 Houston acain. We would like to

have you deleteErperlInt D-6 at 01:17:O7:0_,oequence


Ol Ql 52 37 P Okay.

_oi ox _g 38 cc All _e_t.

01 O1 _ _ CC And Gemini-5, this is Houston &gain. Be advised that the

pitch and yaw a_les correspond to the O1:17:0_:33 time.

ox ox 53 o_ ? okez.


O1 _2 17 _ CC Roger. Stand/rigby for your blood pressure,Gemini-5.

O1 0_ 17 i_ . C tk_er, _ seale.

ox o_ IT _ cc ac_er.

ox 02 17 _T CC We have a good blood pressure. Standing by for your

- exeweloe oa your mark.

01 (_ 18 O_ P aoser, mark.

OX _ 18 90 CC - Observe your blood pressure cuff couing UP. I need a little

]pressure on that.


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. Page 137


QI 02 19 15 CC _ dL_hl't quite pt full uale 0emi_i.

G1 02 19 2g _ We'll let 1% p at that. 5taatb_ for CAP COM.

ol 0_ _ 36 cc _ to _Lu _Le aov.

O10_ 1.9 _0 CC _ectat-5,CawaarvoaCAP _CC___.We vat to Bake a 02 purge and

,m _ _ dm.i_ _hia stattom _ oa a_ioa 2. Ye _ll

O_ th_ 8_ 1$411 i_L_, 'this t_Be U we did _ on 'the

02J %b&t is, _ we hawe a Del%a p e_ d_erease ia Fuel

cell02 Preesurewe'LlstoptheO2 _ lmedia%e_v.We'll

et4ad_T for your mu* whea you'rerea_ to 1_ 2our 02.

01 0a 20 lg .P _e_, _ wanttopurse02 &irliM. aadh_ro_en both,

dOa't you?

OX 02 20 18 CC _'a affirmative on section 2.

ox o2 2o 23 P okar.

OX 02 20 27 P Ho&_r,:It4rti_ghymen purse on N_tion 2 nov.

m o__o_9 _ wa_dowa.

O1 02 20 ]3 P Comeaci_ oxy_n purge.

m _ _o _6 cc aoP_.

01 _ 21 12 CC Gemiai-_,Caraarvon, what we're tryimg to do now is set

u_ the regular purge cycle, 6 hours on each purse cycle,

hom_ oo each section, but we're _oin_ to strike over

sectlo_si and 2 at three-hourintervals.

Cll02 21 31 P Ro_,

OXGe 22 _3 P H_LTopn _ cow_le_.

UUl',,iI"tUi"l'_I t/_L

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.,.'ir- m/l_,_ ,_ ,-_/t, __. Pe&e .1.38

01 O_ 22 _k CC _oger.

Ol 02 23 O0 CC Bve_ lookJ real. good on the ground. I would like

_h.* _ ... propel/sat readout.

OX (_ 23 08 p Do _u _ ln'o_l.l.m_ qun'_

01 O2 23 _ CC l_oaer.

ox oe 23 _ · ?_.

01 Oe 23 15 CC Aad the l_ssuz'e.

01 C_ 23 20 C Preesure _s 250 ...

0.1._ 23 27 CC S4W_I._, _nt-5.

OX _ 23 _x) C ...

01 02 23 3k CC _r, ami the l_alaw_tawe.

m. oe 23 _o c car,_r,tatt,s 22:_o:tmm._ of 26.

OILC2 23 _ C_. a:Lllkt. _ about tee_erst, u_e.

ox ce n3 _ · AU.rt_t, t,e.l_-at_u-_.

ol o2 n3 ._ cc sear_ 'taa_r_m'e.

0,1. 02 23 ._) .CC Ropr, be e_viud that the Coat,_ol Center ham worked up

· ]t_P _, _o _e'11.8o on M we _. _ey az'e

the burn over the 8t.&te, this rev to br/a_ down

the emz'_r. _hte wtll be dom _ oa the tim and the

ho_t_o_ for &ttlt_le m_l the Houston CAP COtqwill

__ tM _ aver cm_n.


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OX02 _ _0 C Tou .ilht al well. put that ...

01 On 29 _5 C

oxce2952 P ca_ ...

olo23Ool P ...IBa_ml...

_L 02 30 X3 P Murk.

OX _ 30 16 P Oh, dirR emi What's the mt_t4r!

ol Oe 30 21 P Two.

O10_ 3O 28 P Thru.

OX 02 30 30 P Get b_k in there.

01 O_ 3O 35 C _a=ke_up.

ol Ge 3o 36 P _eo.

O1 02 30 3T P Fo_.

OX _ 30 _1 P ... about this emm_L It wasn't quite right. I doa't

knov .... as_ for the adapter.

O1 OR 30 _2 P All right now, h_ld it on you for 2 ,_-ut.4Dw.


OX G2 30 _§ P J(a_the tim, 2 mimutes.

aL Ge 3o 59 r zt,s i_:3o.

aim]All c o_a7 ...

01 02 31 12 P ...boy,oh boy ...water,_00 ...

at C_ 31 33 C Zee. I lot it.

01 (]231 3] Y ... drABk of wa_er ...

OX 02 22 01 · . Okay,X'u maderlns if the data ...

pN_,irlNCMTIAI, tJ;';[- U:..I_I/I._L

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_ oe 3e ol, l, l_,,=i_-_e_m,,to,i.

O1 Q2 ]_ 09 P OkeW, lookt._ rul, _ _ Are you re._

ol OR 32 18 C lee.q,

O1 OR 32 19 C 1, 2, 3, Il-

O1 0e ]_ 35 C The cemrra _I _t ...

01 _ ]e _2 P AIl rt_t, I &_t _ _ ._f.

m on 33 o_ P ... r._f oft.

_oe_ i, ...

ol oR 33 18 c _, it dida,t tremr_rt the f_ha ..;

oX 02 33 23 P ... :Li _ _men _.

o_ Oa 33 k5 C ... fLU,

01 02 33_7 P Yes.

ol o_ 33 _8 C oki.

ol o2 33 5I_ I' ...

01 02 3_ 16 P ... l_O0, b_, holcl ... for & few ,_nutes ...

o_ o2 3_ 3x P ...

o.t oe 3_ FF I, t_...

o_ 0e _ _? ], ...r,ad_,mt it r_ht oa there.

OlOR 35 06 C Yes.

01 o_ 3

5 33c _ x


01 C_ 35 3_ P l[u ... IR off ... off, ... off.

O1 O_ 35 5T P ... _Lt'- _ enoush ... lo_ Fei.

olo236o_ c ...

O10_ 36 30 P _ l_d, looks cla.=.


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01 _ 39 08 CC Getl_-_, OeIl_-St thiI ts HouItoa here. Over.

01 _ _ 32 C_ CNnm_-_, _id_-_, this ti Horn hire. Over.

01 02 39 37 C l_prj I_toa. e4i_-_.

01 02 39 _0 CC liol_j Gei_t-_, thLs Ii HouItoa here. Be ad_eed tberm

to iIVOUi _$h the _t!P.

01 OR 39 _7 C Rc_r, Ideretmd, no izvo_ and _ _ be no burn.

O_ _ _0 _ CC _'I _tTe, _l laI_ IdJHr_ae tx_ct

to do omo burns; we em _ tam _l_tfori _ and we'Ll

run throl_h ioie exereiles mille the _ for that.

ol ce _o _ c o_.

01 02 l_)29 CC _I4i_I:l.-Sj_ ts Itomrt_a.

01 _ _0 33 c Go _bnIdf _h_s is Gei_.-5.

ol 02 _0 _g CC l_ler. For r_r _lton the _ is about 37_

out S_ f_at of you _t the ln_#_t tii_.

m o_ _o k3 c aopr.

al _ kO _ CC _ler, om you trtlll see the 1/_h*t'r

O_ 02 kO _R CC 0IuW_ _ _d_ _u_ vtolon teat _a_. Would you _t

7our IC8 02 I_ter to aUTO, _.

Ol(:x2klLt CC ROl_,_ie_q&t_ VOU_I_Uln_OUTECS02_O

_oar _CS o_ ae_er to I_O.

c_ 02 _1 2N c Roler_ tem_d on ...


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hallfor_ M aero# the B_ateevilX remainthe Nae.

OX 02 kl _3 C Ro_er. _deretaad.

OX _ _l _ CC Ok_r. We'veSot mother t edmmteahare;I'Ll_t stead_.


OX.02 k$ ,50 CC OeKLai-_,,this tS lavali.

01 e_ 1_355 c Oo ahead,imalt, _-5.

O1 02 1_357 CC _e _t_ed a TX to _u, ve hzfe_thln_ for you -

OX 02 _A 03 C Roger. _ you verymeh.

0X 02 _ 06 CC Gee_ai-_,thio is He_ait. Correctt_at,we have an u_xlate

for you. Read_to eo]_?

ox _ _ x6 c _.

m_x_ cc s,_ q,d.u.

OXORbk 21 C eemiai-5 ls reader to col_.

01 02 _ 22 CC RoAvr," _a.:ts ia 8-6 ...OX _a_ 17-12:00,sequence 08,

3.azp st,az. Do you oo];V'l.

OX C2 _ k_ C _s ts eeatnX-_. AffXrmt_ve.

OX 02 _ 55 CC md _ue_j_ tha_,OemAai-_?

01 Ce _ _ C Gemiai-_,a_firaative.

0X Ce _ OX CC _.

OX 02 k,5 015 CC _, what's 2our _?

C_ 0_ k_ lA C _Ma_A-_, our rt.at_ is Oreen.

OX 02 _ _ CC aoe,r.


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03L_ _ l_ O 8am ... %m c_athe rmdar ms earlJ,er. ]_?chrma(_ md

rmm_,e-ratebmmced _ {rl_o]}to mtoipm _ _ tlmem

thoa met_ down oa sero.


01 O_ _5 17 cC Gmmd.,_, _ CAP COif_ng by.

01 Oe _ 2.]. P !{al._, _um_mm. G--_Lmi-5here.

ol c_ _ 2_' cc Hov you do:tna'T

01 02 55 25 P Ye're ... ststas _.sOree_, I think ye 8or sore ipod D_

aad D-Z o_ the coon this 1ut lpmm. A_I We've been

_ the gear down BOm. We _ fou_ pictures of

the mvoa vlth each mqrJLz/_e - 12 pictures.

01 (_ 5_ k.2 CC You s_ Imu Sot four pictures of the mort and vb,at e,l._7

O1 02 55 4_ P We got four ]pictures of the _on vlth ®_h mq_o_tne.

12 lptetures total.

01 CG_ _5 P And ye're eont.tuue.l..l.y had theme RCS heater 1.tshts eom on,

mo ye're _mt turned RCS hem o_ and left them on.

01 0G _60l CC Ro_er.

01 02 _ 27 CC Oeutut-_, _sttn/-_, this 1. liouetou.

01 02 56 _ O_ Oe._-5_ 8mt_-5, Houston. ,

Ol (_ 57 06 CO _,.1.-5; Gemini-5, Houston.

O1 ¢_ _ 30 cc _-5, Rouston here.

01 0_ 58 33 P llello, Houston. Omd_-5 _tl._ up on _.1 1_o.

Pr';.! :' E_dTIA/io

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01 02 _ 37 OC Rol_'. !i_, _ you make th/. _ aero,s the C,l_e

lrlt. h '_ Ra41r Tut, we'd l_k.. 11;ob_'ve ;you ]power do_

3ro,_ hm._._l eumars md hz'inS ]rotr coqm4;er _t_ :Ln

Ca'_..b-,_ II_le.

01 02 ._8 ._ P 0_. _ Put. _ z-,4_ to Cai',ad ye'].1 _"lnS.the

... _ the ,emmz', off azl mD'kl 1,_ the

01 OR _9 02 C_ l_o6er, _ if you have _ ]_ob_m vith DeL_,aP _ghts,

ye _ _o, to tm_ the eonpoter back off _Ln, of eourR.

o1_06 P Roar. Co._uterison-__to_LnstheJe_on.

01 _ _ _k CC _ll; w're tr_n_ to kee]p the ]_war douu here, Pete, lad

the _ rein w're briuiCu_ the_ u_ 1. we c_u't

I_et t_e _ out of the raAar uu_es, we i_t the coaster up.

ol c2 ,_ 29 cc vez7

01 02 _ 3L P 3oyj It's & ]pret_y d._ out there; you cau re_ mee _JL1.

01 03 O0 32 CC 0e._-_, _4s t. Bouston.

0_ 03 O0 _ P eo _m_ aorta.

01 03 tX) 1'], CC _ don't you i_o .3_tea,d_ power u_ 'the _ rhea? I%'m

o_]_rmrquarter of .m _ md. _ you _ _t,_ out

o_ 'the raAf_e _d rage _te.

0_ 03 00 _ P Roger, we _ a eoel_t,_ _._, on i_o:l,,,n_'to the C&tch-u]p


0_ O3 00 3O CC 0_.


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0.1.03 (11.e6 P _e11, w o'_t ]passed._o_urton a ooq_e of ueonds ago..

01 03 O[ 30 CC ma ]mu see ua nye!

ol 03 o,1,32 P ... tha_ va_.t,

ol o3 ol 35 cc oki.

ol 03 o_ _ cc OesELEL-_,._ you nee the Domed Stad_un Id_en _,u ve_


01 03 01 k6 y you _ dustm 0&l.vtst;oa]J_.j 'then ere someclo_

tn _ ua Md ve*_tmoF_bof you.

aZ 03 0_ _Z CC 0b_.


ol 03 ok 07 P Rmlar loek-oL

(11.03 Ok 11 CC Very i_xxl, very Sood.

03. 03 O_ 2._ P Boy; _ you _o; radm* Loekoon alt 2_J_._ tulles.

Ot 03 Ok nO CC Ve_ _,od.

O_ o3 0_.27 P ... loekf_ r/gUt doun there &t _._8 u we leo bF the


_ o3 o_ 33 ac _mk :roU.

01 03 Ok _1 CC Do you th/ok you cea rake · letdom om_1

01 03 Ok lj_ p You bet - not oL1j. that, bat I _kah we Mda't had the

e_her lrobl_; beemme I th/nk w'd ]urve emqGht the RBP.01 03 O_ 52 CC yes.

ol 03 O_ _6 P Yea, w ,_ut vent !_ the C_e, :L66.9_.

_LO30_ _9 CC P__.-o_.

o_ 03 O_ 10 P Closer_ei_ny_eh_s 1_ mi=les.


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OX03 05 3g CC OwtM.-_i, _ you ]_re _ _'_ur radar lmm,,, ve'd

to have 3Mu turn off your ruder q&tn; turn your

ol 03 05 _ · ]_og_.

o1 03 05 55 P we're _ g_t:L_ readout - 21_8m.14m.

03 o5 _ cc _op2'.

OX03 06 03. 1_ Ropr ... Ires, lost 1c_k. '

GL 03 06 30 CC GhHILKL-5, imiltoG. G/Ye lis · cA11 vhea you get 13ovored

back dram qatn.

OX03 06 3J_ P l_oser. This to Geutn_-5. Ve're powerecl back nov, ChL]p.

Gl 03 06 38 CC Ok_. l_m. Listen, for your inforuation, ve'd _ to

have you ccmGlete that Lm'edo pass on the he,ct ]pas8aid

then it's *._e to get s_ Lleel_. Don't ;you think?

OX03 06 50 P re,earthier concur.

ol o3 o6 5_ cc Oh, _n_

O1 03 06 57 P I ilot pretty sleel_ on the lut n_i[ht side.

OX03 07 OO CC Roger, in4 if _ou're tiett_n4l s_eel_, _o ahead and catn_

atomy1 the_.

0_ 03 o7 o_ p _ aeon.

O1 03 07 06 CC Don't forBe_ the good old catnaps nov rhea you're floating

O1 03 07 LO P Oh, yes.

O1 03 07 _ CC Oe_!._]:_, Rouston here. Ii'ye the _h,*usters been uekin_

onc_m_h,_ieeto keep you a_ake?


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CO TFIDENTtA[ ,,,,41'

01 03 08 0_ P IO_ iht _ thlt _ IItaI fBI I_It mOllI, that

I was _ Iad Oordo nI r_ght, _s the N-1 F_l_ent.

01 03 08 12 CC Oh, it _ a lot of noixj huh_

01 03 08 1_ P Zei, e_e_ tim it cFcle8_ the vaZves re-lly "kafunk".

01 03 08 It_ CC Q,,eB_-_, 'the F3Lt&ht l_rs su_ot $1_r_ if you

stdur_ 1Lkinl the M-L ma_e it will put you to sleep.

O_ 03 08,56 P r I/dLe it: I LLke it:

01 '03 O9 O3 OC _t tb_t m_.'

01 O3 _:L _0 CC C.-em,'-5, Carnarvoa 0AP C01t.

01 03 5R 11 CC G4_I,n:L-5, Cea'uarvon CAPCOM.

O1 03 _ 17 P Ca_azwon, Oe_t-5.

01 03 .5219 CC Ro_er, I have some PLA amd CLA u_dates when you're

_to eOl_.

O103 _2 g6 P .We're re_,

Ol 03 _ 37 CC _pd&te _ the Pla' s.

03 _ _ i, Reiaa' to ecr_.

O1 03 _ _ CC A_e& 20-_; O1 dI_ 21 hours 1_ _L_utes _0 seconds, 8 plus 38,

1_ plu_ 09. Roll left _1. I_ollr_ht 69. The b_ok aisles

are roll 69.

22:_:28, 8 plus 19, 15 plul 39. Area 22-3, second d_,

00 houre 09 minutes 13 _eoud_, 09 plus 29, 1_ plus 28.

Are& 23-3_ second dI_, 01 hours _3 m_tes 32 seconds,

· £'J_ !/IP, E_ITIAI

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8 M.m 33, Z_ ]poua% .ires 2_-3, second dq,, o3 hours· 7 'amrt u ao seconds, 8 tn2.u l?, 15 ]pzu _. Do _ou eo]a'r

01 03 5_ 5T P you taloned t;b_t; :LMt _e uea o_-o3zlTT 20 seconds7

01 03 55 Oe CC That, 1ut, one, roger, vas 03 hou_ 1T B:Lnutes 20 seconds.

ol 03 55 09 P Rop_. ! copy. Over.

01 03 55 _T cc _der _"md u _a_

01 o3 55.1.9 cc Roetr ... tTou the Srmma.

01 03 55 56 CC _m:tat-5, Ce_r_a. _e &reu 22-3 aad 23-3 have ua.rf_n&l.

_her eoadlttou. AL1 the others, ve&ther eondttiona are


01 03 _g 11 I' Roar. Understand _ea 22-3 aaa 23-3 have _rglnal weather.

01 o3 56 z7 cc m_er.

ol 03 5T 0'7 CC Geu/_-_, we have nothing else. JUst stamdin& by.

Ol 03 5T 1,9. p Roaer, _-5 ...

01 03 _'T _ CC D/d you turl your _ offf?

ol 03 57 51 P we have eom_etely We're ;)uat drtftt_.

01 O3 57 55 CC Roger.

O1 03 58 3T CC G_t_, Flt_t advises th=t th_ have DO grest concern

over power at _h'18 polnt,

01 03 58 _k _ Roeer.01 O_ O_ O1 P _r oontrol here.

01 0_, O_ O_ CC _ helrrd eome*ta_ about Zoeak/o_ oa with the radar over

'UaeCetp. Ib_'e any success vtt, h :tt_

01 O_ O_ ID P Yen, slr; _rked very well.


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0l O_ O_ l_ CC Mea-oh_.

(11 0_ 04 23 P We're rElaX _ with the fuel cells; we tb/_k that the

8i_uctic, n ia very Gt&hle. Coolant loops are workini_ okn_,

iB _ Beetionl. _ tO be im _ Sood _.


· (il Ob,O_ 38 P To the poiat vhere we th_nk we can do moet a_rth/_ we

mt 1_o _t thls moment.

cc sou,u, 8c,ocL


el o_ 18 )9 cc _-_, Hav_i cG coil

01 O_ 19 O_ P 0o eJ_ead,R_a_i, OeEl.d-5.

Ol 0_ 19 07 CC l_oAer, I've got a F//llht piles u_hrte for you when you're

ready to col_.

01 O_ 19 12 P Ro_er.whea you vaat.

01 O_ 19 18 P Rc_aT, _o ahead.

01 0_ 19 21 CC Hc_er, S-7 first de_ Q_:0_:_3. _q_ence 03, Coma&md Pilo_

on._ fo_ immed_ vith a 0_. That's a xquenee 0_.

01 04 19 _9 P Roger, that's S-7, 01:20:0_:_3,Co_aa_ Pilot only, sequence

03, _ followed _ · Ok.

O10_ 20 O1 CC acer, _ a S-8/D-X3. FUmt d_ 18:3_:38, e_-qu_ace 03,

V&tch dom 30 degree,,, _ r_kt 37 degrees.

01 04 20 29 p Oki, 01:18:31_,'38, I_equelace 03 for a 8-8/D-13, Fitch do_

F), F_ r_ht 37.

01. O_ 2K) _1 CC R_, we hawe a la]p ulxlate on the first d_. at 19:_:_8;

under ra_arkn it's 128.1 degreesEut on rev 19.

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Puce 150


01 O_ 21 06 CC RoSer; 2uu start _our _b]a_ at the same time. It's right

asceuloa 2 hours ]plus 12 uiau_s.

01 04 21 18 P Rorer, r_ght efceu_oa 2 h_u_ ]plus 12 nin_ea.

01 Oq 21 21 CC Rooer, be advised you have · _2'-6 over the _.

O10_ 23. 27 Y Ro_er; I_F-6 over the StaMS.

O1 04 26 37 P Oke_, the voice tspe is on end the time is 18:26:_0. The

l_Otouef_r io tn-talle4. Lot's see, ... 26:_0 om da_ l.

1_o_ is instaXladin the vindov and calibrate

_osition,lookim_ at the dark hoXe ... window calibration.

OX O_ 27 17 Y Oki, nov.

01 04 27 25 P I aa resKrvl_the pho_ from the wiadov. Of course,

I'll have the sun ia _r locatioa and mark the etart.

.01_ 27 _9 C ...

OX O_ 27 _1 P Huh.

01 O_ 28 O_ P -See that gage novlng a_ all, Oordo?

OX O_ 28 06 C Yea.... peg to peg.

O10_ 28 20 P Iow how about it?

01 O_ 28 22 C No, that dida,t move.

01 O_ 26 29 P _ey, by' _oXly,I'11 do it one note time.

OX O_ 28 3_ P And the tim at the end of that one v_ 18:28:_. I'm

ec_ another o_e at 18:.29:00--

O10_ 28 51 P Mel_.

0xcA290_ p _ov_is it?

01 O_ 29 1_ C AlL r_ht, it's oka_ so far.

01 O_ 29 17 P Is it readi_ sore nmber_

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01052918 C Tu.

Ok 29 3'/' 1, Irk the end &t 16:29:_.

01 _ 29 k9 CC _-5, a_m_ cAI, _.

o3. _ 29 5T P Qo at_aa_ ga,-ms, (_L_-_.

COLO_ 30 01 CC How an Fou doinc up there?

o_ o_ 30 o_ p DoluS _i.

ol O_ 30 o6 CC o_, we're look_g _ aood b_re. We'll be stm_t_

by for you.

al Ok 30 I1 P Oki, _mk you.

O10_ 30 13 C Oki, _mk you.

01 Ok 30 17 C What do w have to do this at_eatde peas, no_

/n _o_tlon right n_e_ bee_mIe ye aren't too f_r fron it.

01 O_ 30 51 . C Oki, I'I tn node one.

O_ O_ _ O_ C oa_.

m__ P 1,2, 3, _.

01 O_ 31 PP P Mm_ I don'_ think ye're ever golng to see t%. Look a_

the clouds.

CO.O_ _L12_ C Zes.

o_ ok _1 3k P so,let _t 3_:38.


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o.t.ok _ k9 c x_.

m. ok 3; 15 ...

ol o_ 3_-2_ P _bt t,.tmT

ol ok ]2 2'/' c 33 - _.

ol o_ ._ Fi' c _ te _ _:r_htaa, right _.

at Ok32 _3 P KoLter at 3_.

o(1o_ 33 15 c 3k _.a2o _on_.

O10k 3317 P Zu, I ...

01 O_ 33 20 C l_u.

01 O_ 33 _2 p It's golag to ...

O1 Ok 33 2_ C Yei, I'B _a,td lt'm gotag to be.

O10_ 33 29 P Recor6er'e on, cott_ up oa 3_. And I don't be//e_e we'res

&otc& to see the et_. Sure ...

O10_ 3_ 29 C The_'e the Ltght _owr_ht ao_ there. There they m.

01 Ok3_ 39 C !ope, those are clouds, _y &oll_r. 2here's the t_ of the

1/Ght dowa to lead la to it.

01 0_ 3_ 03 C ! 'la I_'r_d they were r4_llht ther_ reader th&t ]dqlht, beelmBethere,s Uae town.

olo_35lo P ...prett_here...

'01 Ok 3_ :_ C See the alrfteldr/41h_there.

01 Ok 3523 P .01_% okea', _4; the _ee _. !ow,you'rerollt_ee

out of the lxteture; I e_m't see lt. Roll r_&ht.


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OX O_ 35 _6 P .,. hive the _Lrf_ hm_.

01 O_ 3_ b9 C IJ_ you're eoELB6 _Ound to it,

ox o_ _ _ p ...

OX Ob, 3_ 53 C Yea; but X thiak it vii back ia there under the clouds

... the oAFfield. Waan't ltY

03.'0_ 35 58 P _es. / ,

OX o_ 36 03 c Yes. b, it,s back in ua_er that silver cloud. There.

ox o_ 3&07 P Go_ c_-_t-5.

ox o_ 3_ xo cc eo aheaa.

O10_ 36 12 P Yes, ye eeema to have ulesed it. We eau see Corvus

all r_ht md oar yaw aaeles veren't too good that you &ave

us so t_&t the airfielA there _t Laredo pused under our

e_ee, b_t ye' d alresd_ got by throe by the flue we pieJ_ed

u_ _e ,adA-field.

O10_ 36 28 CC Oki, you vex-e _ to be quite & ve_s north of the

thing there_ Pete_ a_d it vaan't the Be_t pus. It was

the be_t _us ye had tc_j_.

_o_ _ c_qr.

OX O_ 36 _ CC 8_r, V. _zld like eom infomatlon froa your vision test.

Cai you tell ,se vh&t your scores were? You know, the

i_de _aa spacecraft visioa test.


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O10_ _ Fa P Oh, vel.t, t_ey're stored ia the vision testor, ye took

lremrd_ _al I'd have to Set them out fox. you.

lt_t m to _ t_m outt

OX _ 37 _ CC Oh no, it's xx_tneceoima_'yz'il_htmov. I'l'llie]..tyou _,_,ul_,,

f'r,mmlncm oa we'd li.lce'l_oSet;baek _ t,he aXmeejp_yc,te

W've _ in the _ _ and _ rea,l,lj,m you

iWt t;osll.rp,_.

OXO_ 37 17 C Yes, _ both logged · little c_ the lut night side.

ox o_ 37 ;2 cc s_ al_u_.

O10_ 37 23_ P We Both Sot some on the Last lat4ht side.

ox- 0_ 37 26 cc Oki, very good.

01 _d_37 37 CC Let me 82k you a quest:tol. Did you pick up any good

. acquisition aids for that Lsa_do thing?

OXO_ 37 b,_ p We have Kouston tn sight dora _ere, c_earl_.

01 O_ 37 _g P Loud end clear.

ox o_ 37 _3 c See _t r_sh_ here.

OX O_ 37 _8 C ]_r&el_'s Poi_, there, _ ia down there.

OXO_ 38 03 P Yes.

OX 01_ 38 32 CC /-_ _ _ _nl_ Wetd like a 8;_;ry of yOtZr

expn-lmnts vhich you've eeeeaplished and vhere :_outhink

we stand. We'd like to ha_e you prepare this and give it

to us st some la,er tim.

OX O_ 38 _g P Here, I em give it to hia right nov.


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4_' i _

os o_ 38 NC F 'r ua _._ it to zou rs_ am,.

ol 0_ 38 _ P I*Lt reed Nmm dom _a the ordar tlurt Foe mt them u_.

0m the f'x_t D-_' a, we de_ both th_ md _mmti.

OSO_0_ CC Z_t&_ s_tb_m_m.

0l 0_ 39 06 P _ S4's et _:OT:_ ama0_:09:_.

ol o_ 39 Il cc Pet,, m_ema_.. Imf me pt the th_me we re._ _ to you.

0_ 0_ 39 17 C _ st 7_rtda there, _uld Zou:

O0_0_ _ 20 CC Oki, _o ehe_ nov.

0_ O_ 39 22 _ _d we m_#ed the first _ _u_rk, Sot the _ _es_,

sot _ Neo_ _1_oLto _. we msNd the D-5 at


O_ O_ _ _ Ce Oki.

ol o_ 39 3_ P We mm_meedthe _ at C0,:1_,:10.

01 0_ 39 _ CC 0_, _ wes the t_e on _t e_lLm_

Ol 0_ _ _ C _here's mmv.

ol o_ 39 _ P _md _ _ot t_e D-_, oeqummceb,_. end _2_. we deleted

the I_ at O_:12:L0.

Ol 0_ _0 OS CC Oki.

01 O_ _0 03 P We deletedthe D-6 sequence13_.

o't _ _o o6 cc aos.

01 O_ _0 16 P We dXd -.-tdo _ D-_/D-?, _0, but we d/d set the _iOA

the _)_. We got the D-1 sequence O1 mad the D-_ sequence 422.


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ol ok _o 38 cc oma..

o.l.Ok_O_3 p Oot'mo_r _q_ue_ee8.


01 Ok_ 59 CC RoeS, _ lot. the 8-6 seq_ence8. I _ the first.

01 Ok kl Ot_ p '/es,l0m g_e mm a _ mtornst 01:17:/2:00 to photogrqt_


01 ok kOI.11 CC Oki, ta_w_ a S-7 there, rtt_ht_

01 Ok _1 16 P I'm sonT. I &_eu I copied it wro_. 8-7. No, 8-6.

01. 0_. _ 2_ aC Jlao_l_e_*IJL_ here, _L-,5.

0_ 0_ _1 27 P Io_ th_ wu · 8-6 ... the 8-? ts & cloud top; we h_e_'t

_c_e _N let.

01 0_ _ 32 CC ][ee_ I It1-_ n_'m_lf. We have it ll_d he_ u & D-6,

* ami I _ to sa_* 1)-6. Cam _u go _ou_h the f_rst p_t

01 O_ _ _]L P ]_e_ we de3ated the f_ D_/D-? &_;H&w_L1. We _

two 5-6 #qFoe_e 8'e at 01:07:_:26 amd 01:09:_2:_9. We

d_d lot _ the _ 2O8 the f_ t_. We _ot the _F


01 0_ k,1 1_9 P we _ the _ 8-6 Nquuce 8's &t 01:07:_8:26 and


01 0_ _1 }7 P _ d_d _o% pt the APollo 208 the first t_e.


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01 0_ _ 01 CC 0k_t [ Wot that part of it, Pete. How shout the

0-8/_-13 _ _:_

ox 0_ _ o6 P s_ qpu_

OX O_ ka 15 p sar _{sctn, Rouat, o,,. aaar _ _am_.on.

01 O_ _ 2O C I _ _ l_t th_.

01 O_ _ iLO CC R_; how I_ S-8/D-13 st 1:06:20_

01 _h. _ 31) P Oh, 'Mae v'J.U_m 'keri;.

ol ok_ 3T cc Tee./

m 0_ _ 38 P _ut w ia _ _XEIbtPUmT

01 0_ {_. hO CC Itel. ALw_Mt/J_, we _ It to the _ PLea rt4{ht 'W,

Pete; it _um't in tim prlnt_tFlight plan. I guess thou

·ee ln_tmbL7 the visie_ test_ that you d/d onboard, _ren't

· 01 0_ k3 01 P _t'! 16fi_ive. We've Jut W one of thole, A_d I

· Ld $_e ._. toBeter _w _ for the first d_F.

I _t a4d th&t befor e the Laredo l_s }ust now.

01 Ok k3 1,1. CC Oki, Fo_ &id the photomet_ window _ela, rog.

01 0_ _] 1_ P ]_el_ the first d_ _ _ewa.

m o_ J_3_ cc ot_.

o_ Ok k3 17 P {{owfor the l_o_o_{i_, we've taken about 8_ 8-5 aud 5-6

0_ Ok _3 30 CC You $_, 7ou hm tekeG about _ S-_ sad 5-6. Is that r_ht?

O1 0_ k3 hO P _oustGn, Oe_tn_-5, do you read?


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Cu,._r,[,E,.IT-I,,, _ _.50

01 O_ 43 _, CC Rot_r_ ! _n ru_/ug you _n. _ bad I_S _here.

01 O_ k3 1_8 p Oki, 1_ m m_e · m_g_tou; W_ll FOUplem_e be careful

aaa _d Lse thtup _p to ua in _i-_ order. We

lot · little fouled Ul_ That's _ we niued oN or two

of tbs.

OX0" _ _ CC Roser, ! think what hal_ned Xs that thou lut oael there

caae:_ u nort of re_la_e_ for earlier omes.

Ox 0_ _ o5 P Ok_.

OX O_ _5 06 CC _ut Z'IX telX them to get them squar_ aw_ ia ne_lueu_ieLl

oz_er, Pete.

01 O_ _ 11 P Very aQoA; w're _ right do_a the coast of South _eriea.

I_oke luwt_y lice out there.

_01Ob _i 20 P _es, q_te · fey _ thmderstor_.01 0_ _ 26 CC _aers_ vu _ot · _reat big thuaderstora in Autip_ right

OXO_ P Z_,rea_ead_that ...

O_ O_ _ _8 CC Ye,.

OXO_ _ _ P We _t · l_eture of it, _U_h. t did take a l_c_are of

tha_ bi_ _ over Antigua.

01 Ok _5 56 P _ _ is it!

O.tOkk,5_8 c ]_mb__-- ...


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oX o_ _5 58 CC _, did 7ou l_Lck up any _od landmarks near Laredo that

mi_t he_ you acquire it in the next couple of d_sl

OXO_ _ 09 P There'e · bis Xe_e c_t there. 'We set the lake shore

eishted with the Laredo Air Yield.

ox 0_ _ X6 CC _. Cmo thane that _ uiSht sort of keep ia Bind the

next tiaa you go b_ there and look at it; there'e some

roads Xeadln6 out to _as t_Aags tJmat you' m supposed to

look at _ oAd there's some co_%_A_athat yOU might

mirtaka the road for the paaels, so if you see that the

road is adeleading,_Lve us a c-_ and we'll see if we

can't,set the thing fixed up so that it doesn'tlook like

the panels.

OX O_ _ _3 P Oka_. Looks like they had about as good a weather as we

could expect there.

al O_ k6 ,_ · _3ieh vasn't very good.

O10_ _ _ P You're on picture 30-what?

0_ o__ _ c _.

OX O_ _ 39 P _h_ll,we couldn'thave run into 27, 28--

O10_ _? OX CC Geullil-_,we'd like to have you delete the aero-uedpass

over C_m-_m-von; we'lA pick it u_ c_er Haw&ti.

O10_ _? 03 C I to_k those going acroafs Florid& and--

OX O_ _7 08 P Okay, understand. DeXete the aero-ned ]pass over Carnarvonand

yack it u_ at Hawaii.

" ,IAL

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UI,_i-IUL_,_ I w_L _ .,60

ox _ _'t 3' cc noser.i

01 Oh k717 C That elda-_ _ _.

lure it right to _ _ _

ol o_ _7 _ P o_.O10_ k7 29 P' Time v_ ...

01 Ok _7 3h. C ALl ri{ih't, I Just _ afl' six eer'J.e,mfrom Flori,:b..

O10_ 47 36 P W&X_a minute. Let nm get title time, _ I'll calm ]o_J_

oz .o__? _.z c o_,

Om O_ h7 ¥k P 18:h_:O0. Okay, U. S. pus.

01 Ob,_7 _i C _1_ from Florid& on down throu6hthe Car_bbea_to


oz o_ 48 3_ P ...oki.

o_ 0_ _ 36 c o_.

oz o_ h8 _ p ...

01 04 _8 _6 C Well, I'll tell you that little nap I ha_ on that last

night 8ide re_ly helped.

O1 04 _ 51 P _es, do you waat to get the crab-top .pea. Book out? I

guess that you can read up on that.

oz o_._8 56 P ..._oo_ _ ...

O10_ %9 O0 P You've f_t that at 01:20:0_:_3. I'm supposed to go to

sleep right now ...


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O1 04 _9 22 P I'u goi_ to try right now. Okay. One rev . ..Son of a gun, _t in there.

Ol O_ _O 10 P Okay, that's stowed. Unless somethingremarkablecomes

a_ lake a--

al O_ 50 27 C About the next thing ... come along is they'll be wanting.

to ptu_ the fuel cells,

OX 04 50 32 P %es.

Oi O_ 50 36 C I SUlrpoIethat would rake you up even if I tried purging


O1 04 50 39 P I don't think you can reach them f_om there.

O1 04 50 41 C I kind of doubt it.

OX 04 50 1_ p Okq, X6 .amcamera set.... you _et · ned pass comi_ up.

You Sot the bulb; here's the exerciser.

O10_ 50 5._ C Oh, Prlr.e'l keen.

OX O_ 50 58 O I do at_reeiateit.

O1 04 51 07 P Boy, are you going to look cruaty in 8 4aye: He, he, he.

0_ 04 51 12 C You don't, ha ha, you don't, ha, ha, look so red hot keen


al 04 51 17 P Oh, abut up:

01 04 _A 27 C Ha, ha, ho, you Just _t--

OX O_ _l 38 C %x_erimeatS-7, Clo_ Top S_m_mter.

al 05 27 30 CC Geminl-_, Carnarvon CAP COM.

al 05 27 _O, P Go a_end, Carurvon, Geu_ai-5.


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Ol O_ 27 _3 CC Roger, we'd Like a lmrte on the fual ee_ section 2,

the 02 md the _. _xerc_lq the ame preeautiou on


O_ O_ 27 511.. P 2 r_gh%, _u wlelt a purse c_a eeetioa 1, 02 and H2.


O1 05 28 03 P _c_er, stud by one.

oj. o'_ 28 o_ cc l_;e.r.

01 05 28 28 P Crouover'w c_a.

C_ O_ 28 30 CC Ro_er.

05 _8 31 P _ W2_u'tt_.

C_ O_ 28 35 CC _r.

01 O_ 28 _ p l_r, _ kid a fna_ ce_ I_a P _ aect_on 1.

01 O_ 29 lk P &r_ yo_ zq_ad_for the _ lmrge?

01 0'_ 29 18 C Ro_wr_ mqWea purge rtm'tt_q; _v.

0z o_ _9 26 cc we eot _ Dekt_ P _4_t.

_ o_ 2_ _ ce st._ the _.

01 O_ 29 33 C Ra_r, we've stoVl_.

01 o_ 30 _1 c Cerurvoa, tb.'Ls t. _m1.._.-.%

olo,_ 3oo3 cc __.

O_ O_ 30 O_ C I did_l't ha_ t_e c_oseov_ oa; I woke u_ out of a sound

s_e_r_ to do the ceil. L_t's t_y It _. I d_d n' t ha_®

the cr_u_ver open.


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CF' ';: [_ r_ C _,!]-'t At

ol o5 3o x3 cc Tbat ex_%e_ns _t.

01 05 30 _6 C Stmd b_.

O_ o5f30 X9 CC Mm_.

01 O_ 3O 2O C 8tart/_ c_gen yur_.

01 O_ 30 22 CC Roar.

01 05 30 28 C The _wes_ure ts hold/ns Sood end no Delta P light.

01 05 30 3l CC Roger, we eonflru.

01 05 32 11 CC Roger, ye eOl_ 02 purp off.

01 05 32 15 P _o, it'. nat off. J_wt 3 _xls, 2, 1, Nark. That's

2 _e_tes.

01 05 32 20 P WeLl, uh_t I'm going to do t. g/ye you the shot of hydrogen

v/th the erosso_er open mud then another 1/ttle oqu/rt of

ox_ge_n, to set the rep/ato_ correctly, because I didn't

do it t:o b_!! vlth the crosoover open eithea'.

mo_ 6c Roser.

01 05 32 38 C Oke_, stsrtl_ the hTdrogen now.

o_o_ _k_ cc _oger.

O10_ 32 58 C I _t 10 _ of c_l_e_ now to 8et tho re_ul_r,

8tm_mg the ox_len ]purp nov.

01 0_ 33 1_ CC Oeutnt-_, roger. After our I_8 vtll you l_lAce _ou_ _/a

svtteh _ stamdlvy one.

01 O_33 _6 C . .. purge lo ft_abed m_[ eromm_er ts off.

01 O_ 33 31 CC Roll;er, _mZd you ]¢Leeae ;_ T_pe PZeCoack S_tteh to recycle

to the _ _oettlon.


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o_ _ _.7 _ eema_.% aeu_.-% ,_. ia Houstonhere. Over.

ox o_ _1 1_ cc Omtal..-% Oemtai-_, tais is Soust.oa here. Over.

OX05 _3 _ CC _ _._, _._, tht. t. _ustoa here.

O_O_ 53 _ C eo':alamd, Slais i. aem_t-_,

_l. _ _3 33 cc Roil, Oeu_A._, _ acre. va vere ttTIJ6 _o get 7ou

earlier. I ,:Just _ $,o ehe_ ou_ the _ug voiceloop.

we've takB ea_e of the Ol_iOL

m. o_ 53 _ c _.

ol.o_3_ cc Roe_. sm,_o_oareea,,sti,ra,_t._e_2eeix_

aX O_ _3:_ C $opr, wamd_, Oeuimi-5.

OXO_ _3_,_ cc Roea_.: _hmeTo__. 8mandX_b_ror_our


OX O_ _3 _:S C 0k_, serv_q Mood lroesuro nov.

OX O_ _ 2.0 CC _-_ thisis Kautii_. _our cuff is fulXscale.

OXOS_&d_ CC _!Hn_eaoDodbloo_p'esev,_. 91ve_ anarkvh_n2ou

he, ia lPom' e_ereime.

OX O_ _ _l C RotOr,st_A'ttn__ise nov.OX O_ _ 29 C _ ear_Ise nov, lendingblood' la'essm'e nov.

ox o_ 5_ 33 cc Roetr.

OX 05 _ hO CC Cuff is fu3Ascale.


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OX 0_ _d_ ].3 CC Keo_ F_Bo 'b3_d preaauro 'that t_e. 5tmd_nB by for your

ve_er ma o_,p _.

oxo5_2o c c_e_. omuomat. Roproat_euter. ComaatPhtoths

drunk i ounce ever 7 l_n_ and I_I_ Pilo_ hsia drunk not

quiteT, 2. ounee ove_ 6 :]po,_b.

OX05 57 0_ CC embre '_ X ounce plum 7 for Commndmlot, 1 ounce l_us

6 _.mmlm:for I_1_. If_ _t mXeel__?

O_O_ _ 12 C Rop_,-the _ hambm mm&me_here om and off. _m's

mln_teni&____ Ithink. I had at. ut

_ of ml_e]pon _ ... la.evious n_ht t_ue. _ue

]_J._d_tl 1_] _'"t_B 8_rJpeff_' t,O h,l;_'e quit _,rkJ_. We con

he er the LI._,t,.Io bott.i_ st:L_ aetu_in_ but m_Lreut_y the

.eut_m are no _ m_nf.

01 0_ 97 l_ CC Rosur, uderateod l_tot*m _-1 cuffs are aetutin_ _ut not_Bsu2_

01 _ _? 1_9 C _'_z_'m_ve.4_

ol o'_ _7 ,_ cc _lumk Tee, _-5; Rsm_ti 8ue_ out.

o_7 _ c ao_.

0.1.06 O0_[; C '_lnt.i_ be OX:_O:OI, Zxlmrbm_ vL]..],be sta_-_Insin


OX 06 _ lin8 C Lma_m mum c_ emmzlo mttxe_ _-_tll_eirTu_ cloud8 above. _utte

ox o_ ce 19 c l_ m a.%18.


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o1 o6 o8 25 e _ Ltke _ _ flskt_g wuther do_ there.

m 06 08 _7 CC __

01 06 _ 28 C lm<)_tl Like _ _ f_sh:l_ welter clovn there.

o_ 'o6 o8 33. cc Re"3_ _; _J,.a,t. _.4 .m_ of _ _mae to do ._r


O1 06 08 Jl_ CC We've i_1 morea buat_lrmZ weather ._ee we've been here.

01 06 09 O_ C Te% 1'4 Like that.

· 01 06 10 t9 t_ _._L-_, ee_-5, _ here.

ol o_ lo 23 c _m,mrtem.,'_.d.a._-5.

ox o_ _o _ cc a._e yo. _ _ s-7 _Y

o_ o6 1o 28 c _ve.

OX 06 LO 2<) CC Okl_, I'_® _t & _o_ quml+_Lonm here on _ you've

neea_tih_ ea=_ler, 1'4 like t_ knm_ if yo_ _d t_e

Cab_ Lll_l_ I_we_ _ _ thi_k 7ou had .ch_uled for

w _ for _:Ig:_g:_. ee,4. ;}u_t _*_e to kno,<

]_u dLtd thee or mot.

_.._ t_ _ = _.

OXO_ 11 Ig CC _m_. :Z,mmo.r.evea mm. that we ao'Cthat .,d.l,,ei'e to']mu,


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01 06 11 35 C _he D_ _ tr._ed, the target was obscured by the cloud.. '

01 O6 11 38 CC Ob_. _ tim wu that, Gordo!

01 o6 11 k.1. O 33:o0 _mlumee 053.

ol o6 11 k5 CC _, hc_ abowt the oM at o1:16:_6:e1_?

o1o611.58 c ... _mbeek_.

ol.o6 12 oo cc o_.

01 06 12 25 C ... th_ wu the one _ de3.a_'eatr.

01 06 12 28 CC Oki, so we d/dn't do that om either. 0k_, we,re _uat

tr_ to Set squared e_ exact_ what you had dome.

C0k_.AL _ qt_RC

01 0T 11 _ CC Gemini-§, CSq CAP C01.

01 OT 11 5X CC Roar. We have. you GO on t_e gromd tad we' d like to

get a j_omld readout of your _e quantities: Would

you 8o to your evttch Polttto_ pZease?

O1 O7 /1 58 C 0k_, sm_ vt/1. V,'ll _ ....So_ ._rough thru nov.

0il OT 12 _ CC Gemimi-_;C_Q has a FZl_ht Plan ul_ate. Are you ready to

ol o7 13 o3 O Roar. eo _1_-a.

OX 07 X30_ CC RC_ar. M_C-X time 1 _a_, 2_l:_2:O0.Sequence0_. Ead time

1 d_r, _:kk:O0. Cabin lightta_ 1 da_, 23:00:00. Booster

l_ton check, time X day, 23:32:00. The lut tvo

item o_ if it does _ot iaterr_ the Pilot's sleep.

Do _ou eClO_


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.....·', CONFIDENTIAL ,,,,.

01 07 29 13 cc aopr. We,ye 8or _r _ta froi the iroi. Ye're

cowlnl _ur Upe dII_

o.t OT_ '_8 c no_r.

al, 07 30 05 CO Giiiai-5, !_i_i CAP_C___.We're standing by.

o2.o7 3o _ c Roee_. L*verTt_n_'s O0 _ h_r_.

02. O7 30 13 CC aop_.


ca o7 38 53 cc _iini,_, _ CAFO0a.

0.1.07 38 _9 C Roler, _a_tIS, this t_ _Iini-5.

01 07 39 O_ C R_, _ riM.

01 07 39 O_ CC 0ki_, :_'re _ reel good here on the _round. _e'_

ltke _a to t_ the ECB0_ ieI_r 8vltch to the OFF

posit%on.O_ O739 u. c Roes, ZCS 0n a_r to arr,


o_ o7 _9 _3 cc aoisr..

ol 07 3916 C It,*. C!_.

o_ o7 _ _8 cc __.


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o_ o7 39 25 CC Are _ all squared a_; do 7ou meed _ at _

_ 39 29 C No, '! _'t 'l_/.'t.eve _. ! _e I'm in _t_


_o_ CC o_.

C0_TAL _

OXO8 _ 26 CC _-_, C_ C_ 00a.

ox 08 _ _X P Omodmmmt_, c_ CAP cOM. GeEt_-5 here.

O1 08 _ _J& CC' Rom_ , _1_$J_-_, _. you':re lahedttled for a Fuel Cell

_oa 2 PurSe over this aite. That's 13 Beco_ om

l_gea, 2 minutes Oxygen.

co. o8 _ _5 P Roger.

0X 08 _ 58 P ... Geai_i-5 le 00. _e Ccwmaz_ Pilot has co_euced his

aXee_ period.

01 08 _ 07 P RogaT_ the Co.linedPilot has come.aced his,sleep period.

O1 08 _§ 1X CC l_c_er, eOl_.

OX O8 _5 X9 P _-_ oa _mtro_en_ur_e.

Ol 08 _ SA P

0_ 08 _ 36-' P _ro_a.a_'a_e _o=x_ete.oemX_-_ ...o2 mr_e.

0l O8 _ _ C

01 08 _7 _0 C C_ GemiGt-_. Fuel Cell 02 Purge COmlXleteaGd no trouble.

01 08 _7 _ CC Romar,eoi_. We vouXdlikethe conditionof yourl_-I

EXl_r_ equllment.

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C0 _-_,' F..!DENTIAL


ax o8 _ 03 · c_a_. I get it runm_ q-4n ... the problm. _th theexte_ion to the auit, the--the s_ooX on the Bio-Ned

had eome ic_me and n relaX'ed it twa it's ol_ttz_ a_aln.

G1 08 k_ 17 CC Rojer; eol_. _ lAMe _he amount of D-¥D-7 _a_e used.

01 08 _ 23 P Ropr, nit oae.

08 k8 _ p We used 31 u:Lnutes and 12 se_nd.s.

OX 08 _ _ CC Co_y.

O1 08 _ _7 CC . .. l_e to _ )-our __ on the aleep cycle. They'd

_ to ue the _ mi ... D-13 and _ Z_t_ts.

OX 08 _ 0_ P _e sd_ised_h_ the Pilot _ _he short rest i_riod fully

that the Cc_aad Pilot is c_eace_ his 6 hc_ro s_ee_

l_r_d ma ochodule.

ol o8 _9 1_ c_ Rol_J', eo_.

ox o8_ _ cc ee=r,,_, em _ ,,_,,_ mG-u_r, we,re,_: oae,Lin*_

LOISaaa we're stamXta8 1_,.

ox o8 _9 _ · _-_ _ you.

ol 08 _o Do cc _at-_, cs_.

o_ o8 _o _ p oo _e_d.

OX 08 _0 _k CC I_. _ou have & critical t_e dus_ over Hawaii and advise

your li_htiag experimmt should be perfforued heads up.

OX 05 _XG1 P Ro_r.


O1 09 03 30 CC Geui_i-5, thAs is Kavali.

01 09 03 35 P Hello, _mall, Oeuini-_. Go aheaA.


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O1 09 03 37 CC Ro_er. t have · traeki_ _a update when you're re_to. co]_.

O1 O90J _3 P m_er, _t om,.

OZ 09 03 59 CO m_er.

09 O_ 08 CC _-5, this ia _. X_ update 2:00:0_ 59 degrees


01 09 O_ 30 P Roar. U_derat-._ _ _ 0_:00:0_, 59 degrees E_t.

01 09 0A 38 CC Roar. Star _fAa_e, 2._0:05, 2 bom_ kalau"_.l 1_0second.

X_ ;ou aol_

OX09 0_ 56 P 8tar 0es00:09, 2 hours _ maute8 _0 lecoad_.

O_ O9 0_ O3 CC Roar.

ox o9 05 o6 P md _ _at _e t_e _ o_

01 '09 05 09 CC _' · aff_ve.

O1 09 06 30 CO Gm_ai-_, _mimis Ruali. We'resta_liagby.

.ol o9 o6 :_ P l_o_ez, a,a/.mt._ is Oreea u_ here.

ol o9 06 37 cc aose_.

O1 09 06 _5 P OM _ Hawaii, it loo_a like our h_d_-x_gem_z_easureis

B_l_i_ u_. It's ... the _imt of fa_ or $e_-_ia_close

to it. Caa you check oa _hat?

o_ o9 o6 56 cc Roger,_e_laX-5.

O1 09 07 32 CC Ge_tal-_, ca_ you get me a readout? We hold 27_ _ouad_.

O1 '09 07 _0 P Okay. I _e_l up here that my qu_at_ty is 9_ a_ %he pressure

x, 63o.

o_ o9 o7 _5 cc _o_er, 6:3% 8_.


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COb'Ftur' "TI P,,o

0_ 09 08 _ P The pere_ vu _.

O1 09 08 20 P md you eopy, HS_l_

01 o9'o8 23 cc Oeu:J.n:L-5,this is asvxt.t, sq' ,_e:Ln.

09 08 _ P !mmtd b qmti_ m _.

o_o9o829 cc _epr. _bnfi_m4.

ol 09 _ _9 'cc _ni-.5, cmnyougetBe & _in I_ht Surve_

01O908 53 _ ms_pu_, Oem2_-5.

O1 09 O6 _ P (:_qr, I'm ia the process of doing it now.

m o908_8 cc aopr.

O1 09 09 12 CC Gemi_-5_ that pressure buildup looks ifke about, nominal.


0! 09 _ _ CC Geuin_-_, REV CAP COM. Ida h_ve no_h_g for you this pass.

Wo'I_ be strolling by if you need us.

01 09 2_ IL1 P Ro_er; g]_. Gemini-5 hero. Be _lvised that mm'_ goi_w_to

skip tho _uster Illu_Lnatlon Cheek. The Pilot is e&tln_

_mmmmmm_Pilot is mleepi_.

OOA_TA_ _ QK_m_O

O1 10 20 36 CC CSQOB the gr_m_, ve have I_$_lng for you tM8 pus.

etm_nS by.

O1 l0 20 _9 P Caq, gem,S-§. Roger.

ol 10 21 O9 P _ _,m_l-5. Our _ is Green

01 lO 21 13 CO C_Qco_.



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01 10_ 08 p _ to Nm'izon Bc&n lfoae ct th:LsttJe, _ tim tim is

O0:.TT:_, 2_1 dq'. The ][orl_n Sc,,,, _ is chatter,_L_

!ret_ _ _ on our rll_t, and ! suspect the

hoz'lmon _mAer ... _1_ time is _ _ O1 hours ZO minutes. -

10 .eeo_le. 0b. er_l mm very _ thuBdorstOZlS md


m 10 39 OZ CC _-5, _edd C,II_C_L

O1 10 39 06 P Go ahead, E_i. g_,ud_l-_ here.

O! 10 39 08 CC Roller, ge_-5, ali sTete_ ere Ore_. We'd like you

to eyele yoer qmmtdW Bead 8vlteh and I_!._e us readout-,.

01. IL0 39 15 P Okq'. We're Greea u_ here.

01 lO 39 19 CC _o_er.

03.-ILO.39 23 P 0_. RCS 02 t8 _J_ .ha th&t's re&dlRg 770.

ol lo 39 37 cc H_.

oz lo 39 _o p Fu_ Ce_ 02 is _ md t.bat's h_ rlfGht in _here at gO.

O_ lO 39 _? cC Roller.

o.1.1.o39_ P Aa4_is_, and it reads 6_O.

all 10 39 59 CC Roller; undorstead. Gordo stilt sleelpt_rt

01 l0 kO O_ P Re ;p_rt yoke up.

0.1. LO _0 08 CC · 1Num e2_m_ our congr&tuZ_o_. He Just passed his oZd record.

O_ 10 ilo 1_ P _t _ vork in tho sm ctT_!le. I have · note here in

the _ PI.aa to re_ hia coa_lo_.


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_.'.U)kO 23 _ lb*, _ to be 'lr.m_, _ee.e.We'llse. _u tomorrow.

_2,o_33 ]_ aopr, wee_ut,0wn_.

o.%ZO _ _ CC Tom,iX lm_ & uW' _ 6 OYES'tUmel_-

ov_ mw_mtv; a!._, 4., aadaRoa ,.o -U_, USa,_ 6.

oxxo_,z2]_ P m_e_. mml._ _ 6 andmx_ _s over m_V.

oz xo _ 3o c_ 3_op_.

oz xo k,3o9 o _ 0_tEt-5.

ozxo_3]2 c_ m_w_,

_.2.ok.$z_. 1, O_t,.tmba_c, _.eN.

OiiO _.32_ c_ 1_ 1'.31 live _nm · tim hack a_ k3:aO. 8_ana 'by.

X' _tve._ou one at _3:30. Or do you va_ it, &tm even

adam, s?

0.1.10 _3 28 p O_veua om the even uina_d*

ox X0 _,3 29 _ RolF_, X'X1 I:L_ i_ to _rouoB kJ_.-oo.

_L :LOk3 _ CC _m.m:t,_ Hmmii. I_o:tau Tead_ '

ol 10 k,3 _ F _e

_ zo _ oo cc ma,,r.

O1 10 58 L_) CC GtELIE_-_G.e_-_-_, t_lo ts RKVCAP(X_& Over.

OX3,0 58 2k P I1_ _d_ OOI,(JeuXM.-_. you m'meoa:Lni 4,, wu_.

ox3,o_829 o_ nope,_-_.


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C,__.1Et_ !f._,ITIAI

O1 XO,58 36 CC Oeuintf _lealai-_, tbts is I_V CAPCOM. We have Four

sFetem aC)on tJae.Sround. Wehere sow PLA ulxlsteo for

7ou. acknatbd_ vhmreed_to eo_.

01 LO 58 _3 CC Gem_lld,-5; this is U_V for a short count. X, 2, 3i _, 5,

5, _, 3, 2, 3, aov do you retail

0110_9XO F ... OO_phere.

oi 10 _9 12 CC Ropr. Are you read_ to eo3_

03. l0 _ 3._ r aeed_ _ ec_.

Ol 10 59 17 CC Ar_ 25 9Ltta, 0k:09._7, 18 l_lUS56, 23 :plu 17. RoLl. left

51, roLt rtCht 69. lr_ 26 IMlt_ O_:_k:_, 16 plus 53,

2_ _tus _ Roll left 51, roll r_ht 69. Area 2? DeZte,

o7:_-..o_,- :L3_.. 38, 3.8_tu o7. Ro_. _ 5z, roll

rXsht g*. _ _8-P., 08:58:17, 1_ l_ud _2, 16 l_US 23.

ao:u..l_"t _ _ _t 69. ,_ _--_, _o:33:_, 9

_?, zS_ _r. _ _ %, ro_ r_ht 69.

al ll al _ P _uW..Give us Area 2_ Dtlta _g_L_.

O1 L1 O1N,k, CC Rop_, :,tla,e_ 25 De3.'ta,O_=09:L'T,X8 lX%UO56, 23 _ X?.¥.

Ro_ X,ft 51, roZl rt_ht 69.

01 2.%On 08 y Oki. _ is Oe_._-5 becel ye _ot them e_l.

ol LI I_ 10 CC RoSer, b wzther _ 26 Delta aud _7 Delt_ _$'_-

AI_ oth_ ere_ _o foo_.

al LI 0_ 23 OC _' · 8_f_Jua_ve.

,_'- _',_ '_' _ ,_


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O_ Ill.OR 36 CC _M_m_-_j _m im BU OAP COL Is the Comm_ l_t't,t,


0_11(_0 P lemke_afevm_mtem m_ m_lbe'm_omebmckto role9

al 3_ OR _ CO Ito_o' _tlhIL he _ up, _'d _ to pus on our

__mm to Oordo for murpMm_l ktm l_-v_oum fl_ht


O_ 13. Ce _ P Su_e _.: amve a note or it fr_ m_ht Comu4.

03._. 03 I_ l, _l_, _-li.

az z_. 0:3 I_? cc _. lie ,oma om:t,._-5. _,,.:!.. i. I_or. i_9 P _m'm th_ rather d_ there_

OIL11 03 51 _ ge:Lt_ _'rm rocki_ mid ro_4m_.

o_ 13,03 _3 P _ ii _ positio_of_

oX 1/o3 _ Cc O_ l_o_ off Lima. _,re _ 2.1._o_b 8_.

0.1.11 O_ 08 CO _e'_ about 700 mdlmmoff the comet at the present time.

We've _ momo_e omadeck t_ to fM yo_.

01 I_ 04 _ P OkraS.Wt hit munmetm_ be_k. Thereii uo mun mh_edn_

on theII_rm_ r_ nov,mo ! doubtif you c_u mee it.

Th_ d_ mm_ t_ mm_ ua one _ over¢aram_von.

01 11 O_ _ CO I_, we maw you lamtu_t.

01 Lt O_ 29 p Oh, _ou d&d?

al. L1, O_ 30 CO _m_tive.

CONFtnF,Ti $

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0_ 11 12 29 P The t_ i s _ 13 ElJetes 20 Reoads on the sm night.

vith the tg m em__v& the LtShtm_ flashes.

Z m_so'mo'_e_ s_ ... -,.,_t,_s m_- _ on the ft.l.m.

Bm_/,me ...


01 _ ,_ L_ CC _m', _SELm-5. _ _ to mtv'lse:muthat _t hu

m _'e-4m_ _ at the I_I&Y,find _equisitton tim REV

o_:_k3:_, 9o zou _o1_

oz 2,2.56 _8 p s_ _ _ t_m _.

ol :la. _t 0_ cC k_., W _ _0o oa tho gro_d and _e _ould tike the

1PoeXCeAZ!m2_Ge Sect%on 1, t_s _.

01 11 5;7 _ P ]l_l_ _ _ U to _ over you.

oz:ia._7aO cc _u.,. j_...

01 ]2. _'7 22 P _ 1. Z0 that eor_ct!- r

(_ 1_ _7 _ CC _n _, that's arf_m_e.

o_ Ix _T_3 P _,a_,


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m._'t_ P _3mre,_. c,oinst,,,:,x:r_,,,__


O_ 12:33 55 CC Oe_-5, O4_t_-Sj .R_ ¢_ CON. We _ & t_ood oral

01 12 3_ 06 P Roar, _. Stand _ for blood ln_esure.

O1 12 3_ Oe CC Rcqpr. I'd 1EM to m_ :mu he,. the rM1 cell. pu_e is

or bow _t went over C_,

o_ _ 3_ z3 l, _wt 3ut f_m.

01 .112_ Z$ CC ltolpr.: l[_lders_, t_,m_dlBli by. for your blood pressure.

03. x_ _ 33. eC C_miBA-5, thls lo I_Y _. Your cuff is fulX scale.

Give II & _ _hen you Be&AR your exercise.

ol 12 3_ _8 Cc Oeu:t,_.-_, _ Surpon, do you read?

01 12 _ _ P lq_ loed end, c.l.ee_r &'_ thts .1pot.

OX 12 3_ 08 P St,eaA _ for the _xnreloe o_ s_ usrk.

01 12 3_ _ P _anA b7 for ...

01 12 _ OO CC Oem_t_._, 7c_r blood l_'essure euff i_ nov _ sea_e.

ol 12 _lg 31 CC Y'_ltkt,, _u:tM-_i. We here · _ood bX_od pressure and ere

_ for your food_ va_er, amd nleep rel_.

ox _ _ 38 1, n_.:...

01 12 _6 _ P ... Pl/ot.'s totaX rater intake ... 3 ·..


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CONFtDE , IiAL- _ 18o

01 12 37 C_ CC fJer tha_ e&_tn, 64milL-5.

C_ 1R 37 03 P Refer. b Conmmd Pilot's toteX uator intake '

_0 jonas 3 ounees.

01 lo 37 09 CC ! read lO ]pounds 3 oulee.

OX l_ 37/2 P RomeF. b l_Xot'e water intake 9 ]pounds 7 ounMs.

OX12 37 X7 CC Bolpr, ! nt-,d 9 lx)undl ? ounces.

01 12 37 28 P · P/J.o_ _ ·ke da_' 2, mot% A_ 3 ·-. eblek,m snndvtahes.

]k ate u_ tim bromi/_.

OX12 37 39 CC _W apAa on t_ brovates. d

ol 32 _f _ t Pre_r _ of u_..

OX12 37 _.? CC Ot:tm.1.-'_,, om the rater; em you tell us souethin4 about

the _ of the rater you're drinkinc, ]please?

OX 3.2 37 53 P- Tastes very 8cod.

ox 32 375_ cc bna _mu_

OX 12 38 O_ cc Can you _Lve us sleop report, IGeue?

G1 12 38 07 P 'Rcqpr. _he Coummd FAlot hM been .leelrlns most of the

sloop i_od. h'm _mkam up for i0 or X_ sttnut4w trice;

othe3'viN eYeryth.lJ_ is iDo_ fine. b FAlot _ot more

thor the O-bout n_ ]period alAotte6 ...

03, 32 3_ 27 cc J_ _ · 2-ho_lr Bm_ por_od, is that correct?

ol 12 38 3x P _met,e affirua_ve.

Ox_ 38_ cc Rot.

OX 32 38 _ CC OemiaA-_, W CAP CGM. We'd like for you to keep the

erTor leo_o for both you and the Coumand PiXot Ge the S-_

_t vhile y_u .have +.he tester out. You understand?


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01/2 38 k9 P y_,- _*// _ the _res mi tho 8-8 _4 we'Ll _na

t_m _ _m _ of the _.

01 12 38 _ CC Ro6ar. _'d _ to hmve· retm_ ever th_'o mta_on on

the m_t 'lMdS.

o].2_38._ l, okq'.

01 12 39 00 0C Ros_r. Wo'd _ Lt._-_ _ · wet bulb end d_

01 32 39 06 P We doa,% bawe that. _ hawe te five it %0 you next

, %1me.

ol _o 39 o9 CC Ropr..

ol _ 39 13 l, ... qr _ Cot dove to _6, oo ye act_t.Ly bmedr,ed

it bmmk q ·.. cold.

_n7 cc set q_ oet_-_.

01 12 39 29 P ! _ with two eoolmt loop _B_ our su_t teuperature

pt _ to k6 :in b _ eold position; so we v_u_l it =P

· 11t%1oblt.

01 12 39 36 CC_ Rosow. lh6eretmd. Do you have · reeord_u_ on the left

wet ma d_T bulb re_

01 lS 39 _ P Wehaeea, t takea m_.

Ol 12 39 _ CC Roller.We'Llstmd by for the nextt_mo.

o_ _ 39 _ P ck_.

0112 i_) 00 P _ae t_Lmeis d8_ 2, _:_0:_. I _urt pused Montevideo,

o_er e_ hoed like w_ m_4_t hsve Soften gtruek by ·

ufieromt, eor'J,te . Out.


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01 13 30 22 CC Oe_i._lL-5, O_I.M.-5, CSQ..

0]. _ _ _'t ? . Corn :t_ COq, _-:L_-5

0_L:1,330 29 CC Ropr, ye have you (Moa the fround end I have an upd_e

for Fou. Read_ to

03, 13 3o _ ]_ Ropr. We're 00 up he_. _t kind of m update is itt

O1,t3 30 _1 P oir_. WeLt oM.

ol 13 3l 02 F Go ahe_4,. Resd_ to eOl_.,

ol 13 31 0_ Cc RoCk'. _ update, tim O2 d_s, 03:33:15.

LoB_Ltude 9 de6roe8 k_Ft, Bev 2_. 8tar u_l_te, tiue

Ce d_p, 0_,33:X5. Remrks, 0_:01:33.

01 13 3t. _ F Rorer, Ceq, ye eol;_.

o_ 2,3 :_ _8 cc cs_ hu _n_ further, rtud2_ b_.

m 2.3 32 o_ _ aopr. vo,re on th. Y2.._shtP_.Len_ye're _u _be proeees

of trytud_ to see if ye eu do b v_ test at this tine.


01 :i3 _5 _3 _ OeEL_L-5, GeEI._'i.-5,H°urton CAP_ over.

O_ 13 _5 _ P i[-%_% !iOuoto_, Oe_!.&t-_i. Go dmea.

01 13 _5 51 aC Roser, _te. I've Sot sole uphte, on ]_riuary lmdin_

m'eu. .are rou re ad_ to eo_

01 13 _'5 58 1' I% ve..'L1_om.

02._.3 Id; 13 P Reedy to eo]_..



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· .atker b .cea.

o_ t3 k6 _1 CC _ a6;c-_ _ 4a_, 06:53:o/., a3 _ kS, a9 _ _8.

01 13 k7 _ P ]flol_r, ec_[ed ud _ _ _6 mxl 2T lDiltm.

01 Z] k7 kb CC l_llIr. _ aye bc_lt area _, bew,,r_, _ m akeut

one rev airart. WecllI_led revs r/Iht between _ teo

01 13 k7 5k eC Ce_d ! I_ a rumlmm f_I ]mu on the' IlmCeeraFt

as ]nlm I _ no_7

Of _ v/th t _ wet b_h,f_r · _, cabS. ][t'o

_ry _ a b_e inhere.

01 13 k_ 13 CC Undermam_ ?a dqr,ms, 58 _4rmm _t bulb.

O_ X3 MI _L9 · ·_N,Lm.

01 13 k8 R7 P I _ _ that our oz_ _esm_e ie bulldt_ u_.

01 13 k8 _k CC _ ]mu m _!t_g 80 on 't,l_. o_rl_n ]pressure.

' Th_t'n _ Cell, r/IhtT

O1 13 ld_ 39 Y T_'a IrffZrlItlve.

01 13 Ii_ tl_ CC II_!I_. _ _ In ICI lyIteI Itatul for you.


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ol 13 4 _ P Go_.

OX X3 1_ _1 CC 1_o1_. ][CKLr_ 02 l_eUuru has been holdin_ sMed_ at

930 ]pei. Fuel Ce3A n2 ]pressure is eontinuin_ to rime and

ye eXpe_ to start vemtJ_ 'at a G_ of 3_6hours. That's

abo_e 9 hom_ fran nov. The _ e_tviaes us that thin

W_Xvo roXleveS at 3_5 l_us or ninuS _ psi.

0l x3 _9 3x P Ropr.

ox 't3 _ 33 cc ran- eoolant l_p _nporatures have leveled out good.

All Of ]four inatruBmntation voXta4ps are steady and

nominal. Fuel Cell 02 preaoure is st_md_ and rising,

on · slow basis. Fuel cells are producing on an

' adequaAe basis for crew eonmm_tion. The quantity in

A is presently 3_._ pounds. Over.

01 13 _0 08 P Prlmm_re t_4J. catdKl 3_,._ poundB.

01 13 _0 11_ ¢C Okay. Xour G&C sTa_ are ill _ very IK_L. The

CMGI fumX _emainingil 131 pounds, and _ae _ oxidizer

_mAGtne x. l_ _w_,. C,er.

01 13 50 33 P 1_, ungherl_and131 for the fuel and 190 for the oxidis4r.

OX 13 50 37 CC That's affirmative.

01 13 _0 IK) p Do 2oG have any idea what sort of maneuveringthey're¥

folnj to have u_ do iater?

ox _3 _o _6 cc 8a_'a_aXn.

O1 13 _0 _8 P De yem-hav_ may idea what they have-tn store for ua later

ta the _ ef maeuvera_



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O1 13'50 53 CC l_o_r. _ben ! cane to uork _hie moru_ng, _ vere trT_ng

to _rk _ this 1_ to t_ the re_, but i_ looks

like · 1_%_ mnrl_nal on the data ye bad From IK_LD to

estch them _n s%x rew, and it edit be aacr_ieinA I

other thinp. _ vi have in nd_d for Fou touorrov

ii to lo _ & rell4/l_al8equonce, 8or_ off · rebe_

for t_ _ rock IMmlGI on OT-6. It'll involve I

hel4_a_t nnn_ve_ over the 8_tes, and nlxH_ee burn

._ollc_n_ that, and s_r_t_ afar that you'lL have a plane

ehAn_ m_dnavwr. Then tbltre'lJL _l Om IOrO mane&Yer _n

the vieinit7 of IZOIee; il?L1 be jan N83Ror co.el_tPtie

I_lmtv_r. Overt,

O1 13 _t Il.7 1' _.

O1 13 51 _ CC And the tot_ of thue will be abc_t 60 to 65 feet per


O1 13 _1 _ P Boeer, understand 60 to 65 feet _er oeeond.

O1 1_ 51 _8 CC We'Ll be dcd_ theu only _f _e can make uae of the plat-

form ccmlmter, ao tlmt vi can pt the z_adc_ fron you

_ter _ lmke the nmneuver.

OX.13 _R 10 F Undergtand.

O1 13 52 13 CC _lqB Ik_ wl'k_n_ on · little bit _x_ ICrJ_st_r.&tdid

z_ tel_ Iii_u puI on _ cloeeit paIe over the C_pe

tci_rroy. It'Ll Involve_i_ into the RendelYou.lk_

I_tchln_'blck out and back in o&a_n. We vInt to &et


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 184/782


mine tuo-polnt radar cmtm_t#u. Me'11 also try and

york in some base sottono reft4. It'Lt kind of 6opend

inwt_ much on boy close the map la on yOUr closest

pus over hrs.- Tho redar datu tlMt vo fo_ _od_ entimNa

tho lmOlg]_ quite a bltL. ld_'4 _ _ pi; 8 lAttlm bit moro.

01 13 _2 _k F Yes, ye wre quite _ued toe. We got the ... fanes

vitb IS.

Ol 13 53 O0 CC Bo6or, be _ that Oordo has · me_L_ piss at tho

BEV et 0_09:4.&

ox 13 _3 _o r ...

oi _ _ _n. cc. _,.

01 1_ 09 '88 CC c_mni-_, BEV CAP CON.

01 Ik 09 3& P J_, Cdmini-5, corn l_

01 1_ 09 kl CC we'ro frtdmdt_f by f_ _ Mg[peritu_ at 12_Ls tim.

01 I_ O9 _ P _ Pilot leas t_qmz_nu_ ]probe in his mouth. Are


01 I_ 09 _7 CC Roar, rtand by.

01 1_ :]LO_ CC 'l_]r, W'I_ mtaod_J_ by; BSId_ lt'O {loins to _ _p.

.Of 1_ 10 27 CC _n_-_, _V C&r _ Websve _r oru_ temj_tur_.

fJtm_ b_ fo_ b mu_s_n. -

(Fi_1_ 10 kO CI_ G_m%n%-_ Ge_!._-5_ t,blS il; _ 8urpon. We do not

blew · valid _ plmssuro. _ you repeat :Lt pl,ea_.


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01 1_ 11 03 CC Gemini-5,7our cuff im f_l scale. Give m a mark

_Wa _a be_ eza_ciee,pleeJe.

OX 1_ 11 21 O Could X um--_bat bl_oA preaBare aay _oo47

01 1_ 1X _ P _, o%artiz_emrciee _w.

O1 l_ 12 39 CC GettiaCblood ln_ma=e nov.

O1 1_ 13 09 CC Yeur cuff. ia full acale. We have a _ blood pressure.

8ta_U_ by for _.uur foo4 ,ma _]._p r_m_rt4.

01 1_ 13 18 P B_Dar. _ Ptlo_ _ mot u_ f_ &!_ut the grea_elt

porth_aof 6 h_arB of sleep. FOc_, Co.and FllQt is eatl_

_w, _he _ has ha_ _r lee1, has a/_ _ade his

food r_, or that may _. Wehav_ e re_ for y_A

olin_ vllAbilAty 't_t. Yewterda,F t_ _ PAloS, had

12 wr,m_, Pilot h,_ 8 wrong. Tcda.V the Co.and l_io't had

9 wro_, the Pilot had 7 _. On the _i&e exl_rimnt

the Ca_am_ Pilot had 93 del_eea,the PIX_t had lO0 degrees.

01 1_ l_ SO CC Gemtal-_,are either ef you expm*t_ any irrtml;t_n

or _ ia ;,Ar throat ow cheer?

ox l_ x_ _8 c beative.

O1 1_ 1_ 31 CC Gec_l. Do ;]mmhave a_Y othe_mllical 8_ at all at


OX l_ la _ C bpeAve.

OX X_ X_ X7 CC Cem_d-_, _W CAP C_K.

OX 1_ 15 _ C Ge abeam, I_V.


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01 1_ 1_ 1!3 CC ! _ l J Jim for _ to _ tile 8eorell o_ B4 for

Oll_l_ 3l C _m_r. It4for_la_r. O_nnd_Llotg, _7.

m _ 15 _t CC n_sr, ee_ 5 a_ ?. ,: . *

ct _15 _ c _ta_tve, 9a_t ?.

ox lk 15 _o cc l would LUra to lm_ _ la_tton of the o_s _ter

O1 1{I, 1_ _ C 0_ lf_tmr eJJ_tt b_qNd_r :ILJ-on.

OX 11_ ].6 0_L CC _ _ _ l_e for ]fcm _ 3_lve it _ _ posit_on.

ol l_ 16 o_ c nqer.

Ol' 1_ 16 09 CC AL1.eywteml_ _ om the _. _ don't have

else for _mu th_s {Pus.

CO_S_ _nTnY q_mnc

o_15o3_o c ... oen_n_-_, C_C_C_

ol 15 o3 _ c ... c_, omits-5.

ol 15 03 k7 Cc !!o_r, on tkts {ms. we _ _ a _ Ottl Soetion O_

l_r_e,_ a er_m_ate _t of a3_ quan_ttea.

m 15 o3 _ .c _.

O1 1_ 03 _'[ CC llle*4 ,r}dm LU_ _ 1_ ogen _ OAM6 lle_4_er eJdeeult br_r.

ol 15 ok o_ c .., _ _nt tim OA_ _ cir_tt br_k_r o_n_

ol _ ok o6 cc _ %. _tl_e..

ol 15 ok 11 cc Aha C_ hM _ou ODon t_ _nd.


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o]. :L50k 1_ C ,mr qmJ.., ceQ.

m. 15 ok I_ ec _ km,m3,m oo _mt,_ _mm,t.

01 ]._ ok.19 c _ z*tlpst, ...

0_X505_ P gBO.,*tk:tj tm*Um_ ...

O'JL1_':O_k6 · _mtv'tmd'U_m_lm:_. Nm'k,

ol 15 o6 23 x, cgq. 3,ma_ *t,_t_

ol X5 o6 30 c. moiler, m,,_,_ pm-ami the m,d.-Qmm,4_m'm ]_*,lmr o3a'ltu ,,ow.

oxxso6Jtk_ cc .omm'. m_.

ol 1_1_o650 cc _

01 15 06 _;X 1' _ mkma*t,96_, IG'mum_ Is .l,o_ 80 1.rta.

,p.,,.G _ _ z,_ ..,. th. ,m,_ t.o.01 1_ 07 al .P ALL tbs liua'ter cJ.rcult _ m off.

G1 X50l' k0 c u_r 40 _ rant alms batere of_

rmd/BS fmu tlmm. A/to, Homrton missed delete 6--7 o_

bu _ ena _. DO7uu eoiql

01 1_ 08 01 C Bol_', fi-7 on2_, _6.

m _:s_ 12. c o,apu_o _pbt, e.


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ox _5_ X_ cc _ copT.

01 1_06k) _ 0emXtLt-5,CBq,w'd XXkepm:to mD t_mmmE_?dmimmrX?_.]_

3meX_XEm_ _kmt_c _wu_ aElaXn,JCJNUm.

ollsoeJ_ c _,J_mXCe_Hmmm_m_,_l_-dT_0m, xa. m,tX_

. % ms%ox 15 09 _ cc coq c_PT.

OX l_ 09 4 CC _j, _; aboutme _ _o X_8oJ_we havenoi_img


OX x5 o9 _ c _, ?Jam__m_.

OllSk_08 c co_, IvcJ_CCK. O_a!n!-5.

OXl_kLt CC Xhm_etbe_l__ _oryou&_thXmtXi_.

ox xS_ 15 c _, _ abna.

OXX} _ Iii CC Tl_ ia D-l. The tit is the #ee_ d_, 06:_8:19.

Soq_aee lo. l_. Pitch utP_ _s. xu right

kO_eE_m_m,z'X_t_o 3.el*..

ox x_ _5co c o_.

OX15 _ O_ CC X k-ye am_cbercma. NB_-i _ da_, 07:_:00.

lo. O3u _E_mmmW_XmJ_b_ _Xu.

OXX5 _ _O c moky.

Ox l_ _5 _ cc ' I w_ta aloe lt_ to Set a food r_rt f_a _ &f_r _ou

fiaia_l the _ _ou vo_ eatt_ am _ PuMa _er tae

last Mm.


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OX 15 k5 _O C _er, I ate the _$_1e8; about half of the bite


OX15 45 _§ CC 1_. You lookreal &_d here on the gro-,mA.

01 15 _5 51 C _er, feelrealgood.

OX15 _5 _2 Cc vet7 iicod.

01 15 _6 10 CC Ge_ml-5, _V CAPCON. Which --al was this that you were


01 15 _6 17 ¢ _J wal day 2, mai A.

0115_20 CC I_V2, malA. P_er.

O1 15 _6 25 C Affirmative.

Ol 15 _7 34 cc Cemni-5, _V CAPCea.

O1 15 47 36 C Go ahead, RIC4.

O1 15 _7 39 CC We hav_ toothingeloe for you this time; we'll be standing

by till our LOS.

O1 15 _7 _1 C ClufF. Fine, thank you_

ox 15 _9 _l aa GeaAnX-_,_V su_.

01 15 _9 _ C Roeer, _KV_, go ahead.

O1 15 _9 _6 CC Could you verify the foo4 that you've eaten for us,

_a may you ate acme of day 2, =-aX A?

O1 15 _9 5_ C Tha%'m af_tive. I didn't eat las% night before goLzl

t_ aleep. I wu e_hA_ to eat whenI i_t u_ today. The

Pilot ate at that tim, that _e me/ at that time, before

I mat to sleep.

O1 15 5° 06 CC So in total, how much approx_mmtely day 2, meal A, have you



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CONFIDENTIAL1'_!o :).9'a


01 19 _e 11 C _ t,im,r-tem't_ e_ it,.

az ]._ _ 13 cc fi_, $wmdr_.

_ imOTv*_

01 17 21 .t.7 OC C.4.J._-5_,Iv CAP

01 1 7 al _ c 00 _ ll$[V,_-5./

o117_1._ ce _mu'. r4mr...-_rgums__ont_esrcuna.

01172136 cc _"5, iIL'VC_O_I. I_ _m_ldl/imt'or_ t,o lint

oz z? _ _ c _. T/x c_tb_te ...

01 17 m 53 c T/ e' p_ t,o ]ro. I nov.

O117 ;_ 01 cc l_r. _141it _ fQt' a mt.

01 17 _ 13 CC r-,_d_lL-5,_. Ve'd _ fo_ $xmto 8o to lUOOltlon]JO.2

01 17 _,o17 c B_;_,, Gedml;to _%_r_te ]k_

01 17 22 _0 cc Gmt_-'_, {1_ _ C_ 'Yo_mm tm-n tM Cal_firt_ _rlteb

O117 _,oii C ar_, It'_off.

. ]pmh w,.j_ _ __.


01%7 _ _P_ c t'ell _ t_ {IzjW,t.tm_ D-a m_ium_ee1_ vi


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 191/782


0X 17 _ ;)_ CC B_er. Uuderf_ 9-2, xquenee l_ vu _abZe to e_Gletd.

_ 17 25 _ C _k _m.

_l?_ CC kpr.


_1;17 kOk? _ _,-St timtmim Oum.t7 OiUPOCM.

01 17 ko 50 C _1_ _, _mtnt-5.

01 17 bO 53 CC ]b_er. _'re exl_ectJ_ a fuel cell pm_e _ you

mect/_ I. That'm both h_ir_en mad ox_Ben.

01 17_ 03 O l_c_'. 8eetton 1, _ and o_gen l_rge.

0% 17 _I 09 CC _t'll _tive.

ol 17 kl 11 c Roger, irtm_ by one.w

01 17_ 5'3 CC oemm/-'j; Cmmr/em, have you started your purge am yet?

01 17 k_ 58 . C 14_. Ne bravec_r i,ltch _ _; _'re gett/ng

_m_lr to start.

ol l? _3o3 cc homer.

o117 kS 36 C ,_m4r t relate m_l 3{:'1I _ _a m_--Nark.


o_ _? _ c _r_ i _ _e_ _d hsr,.o:

O0L%7 k& 39 C Cereus, cma _v_ find out _ _ _ere tb_r _nt. um

_o _ _mr O_ _drr my


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ox z? _ b9 cc .,-uK ew_ _ om.

ox IT _ 50 c {Xm3r.

03.17 k5 _ CC FiSh% d-_m8 that tim _ for turm/_ the OMISaN_er

off vu ti_t the teml_sta_ _ eml_ _ they _-*a to

oomme_ oll ]_mer.%

ox z? k5 _ c _ ..,

oI ZT _5 _ c o_m= _ off c= _ 1.

Ol 17 k5 _5 CC l_lmr. _Bmnk Fou. ]lVe_ St41l :Lo_U _ here fr_

o%17 b5 53 cc _,1.1. hm_ · _ E_m u_l. te for _.

ox 17 k5 56 c _r.

oz l? _ 58 cc Ar, _ rm_ to _

OZZT_OX c Jetta'. c,o_

0% IT !16 03 CC 0b_r, i't'Ll be & b_F Teat aS lO hours 39 ILmxt_ IlO m_la,

mmber 0_; there vLl_ be · Delta T _Lmua 5 _mutea

:LOmcooda. Bo ]nm ec_V

ol 17 _ G_' C ]$o4w_. 0o_ _im,..

01 17 _5 30 CC Clef. Ye're sot _ 30 _ left of ]Pus tim here.

O1 17 _6 _ C l_er. _m_r, we got tha_.

O1 _7 _ _0 C l_r, tha_ yo,t.


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ox l0 _5 c_ cc GeBX_iS, _ CAPCCH.

O%l0 55 le P _ C_PjCelI, t_ts is _-5.

o1.185515 cc Roller. aXX_loeaemodomthel_md. Iha_m

l_we ui4a_ for 3m_.f

01185520 l, Let ,,- _mv qdmn7e,a're rmd_ to 8o.

_. ].8 _ _,. cc aoe_-, _,, _ _we of t_ m_ _Mb,te :_ the

ox 18 55 _ %' _ rl_t, an_Gb_! eXmT

Gl 18 _ 03 ' CC Boipr. We daamt lurew &n_ else for _ this pals.

WesXX be _b7 in elwe yoG meed ul.

m m8 56 o9 · c_.

ol-LB56 l_ 1, _ _ rl_ ..._ the eirc_t brmber backma

aov Ired...em

c_JB561_ cc Boler, veeo_ed. Thank_m_

C_ 19 05 YJ' CC GEB_L-5, _tcm CAPCai, _r.

.OXX9 Q6 (]6 · _, lbutm, C4BL_-5.

mzg_o9 cc _ a_tmeou_of_tXmS__m_rfood,ma

·l_l_. _ w ummo )q)wbaYe ea_l_ _ A, B nmi C off

4m_X! hve 3,,_ _ thole?OXX9 06 co 1) lle ate. & lm'tion of Xt. I'd _y about tv_-_ of our ...

O119 _ 29 cc _Nrt'l teo-thi_ of tb#e three l#_. 'T.e_ z_tt

0_X90633 P lc, we_l, yhadtbetmmalJ_4_71. ]_utd_r2w_

osteu mmG A, about three-fourths of it, for d_y g.


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Q,I.].9_ ce ]biIe,. _Idmrm_. mIW, mi_'llmI,11,o___

o_ %9-a659 r _.


tdI_I lIlI. We m _ by.

o1191_o9 r _, _. __h._i.

m ].9 15 13 cc _. _ _ _ hire.


0il19 50 kO _ Cka_,caramw_a,C4Ilni-.5.

011950_3 CC Bolar,_lcokl_omthalpm_uml. l've_t_

_ _ _,_ _'re _ _ copy.

m 19 _o _ cc _.

01 19 _l _ CC _, Arm 30-1,Arm 30-1,al_ tbe_et.inI mare t.he imeond

_, __, __. ___ae:e

Um I. Arm _-_ 13 hours 3__ _ _ec_,

9 _ _3, 1_ _us 18. _ _-*_, 15 hou.rl o7 sUmtteI


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 195/782


_) eee_da, 8 plus k3, 1_ plus 56. A_m 33=1, 16 boors

n_mm 10 aecc_a, 8 plus 11, 15 _ _. A_e 3_-1,,

19 _ 30 ada=ret09 secondJ,9 plus 56, 17 plus 09.

The weaY_r is food _u .ll Of tlMae PLA'a. Do you coFJ'?

al.19 53 26 P Taat'e aff_*_ve.

03.19 53 38 CC (:kay,ever_ looks We're stand_ by.

01 19 53 _ P BoC ...._.

al 20 36 10 CC Oen_n_-5,Ge_nl-5, Houston CAP CCI(,over.

01 20 36 33 CC _-5; Ocm:tnt-5, lloustcm CAPCal.

Ol 20 36 _0 P _ _ _tom CAP eOM, Ge_J_-5 here. Go ahead.

01 _0 36 _5 CC S_r, cmdat-5. You're _ _ h-re on the _.

Be edvt. sed that there's a med_ data peas om the Pilot

at Cemer_s with an acquist_ic_ t_e of 10:t09:29. You

O1 20 37 _0 P Aff_tive.

01 21 57 O1 CC Amd wu _ a teazle of qu_ti_ here for you; l_tl _l]. 1J

uk yma.

01 20 3? 08 _ Pete, we're interest ha what )q_u Id_h% have seen, or whether

the I_P out and were look_ at it r_ht after putting St

out. We'd l_ke to know if you saw cool IR indications on

the O_E _%er.

01 20 37 29 P Y_j I _ I d/6, Ell:Lot, and :Lt wats fa_l_r M_ and I

dldn'% _a_.t_ lookin_a% _ until _ late in the pine.


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he4 s _ off _ _ W _t the I_P _t, whi_a

wflJL d&mcum _ _ _t back.

O1 RO _ _JL CC l%e_r. _ youed may _ _ _ _ m _ta oB it,

O1 RO37 _ P I4_kme_, mdi _tk_howmech.

01_03800 CC am_. _otberrmX_m_ Wmt_mb_tto1

acclaim hert_ w _ the _ _ ia

cJ_4me4_o_ _ ;_lmamdim:m_lm ire lr_m l_reelc_'f


m _ 38 l_ P _m_

ol 2o 38 18 CC T_my bm · _omt_ here _or _u on the _ _m.s

01 _ _ _ P !lo, I _, ]_t it o_ t_re avht_ a_ to m ]_e it mm

wo_, mad m_o, _ _ Jmm_ over · _t, vamt

ad it m to be _ the _ q_uitem bit, mo

t _.-t _ a look _t tho _ ad loft it there ...

O1 _O 38 _3 CC _km_, _ ! _mmm _et_ about tm lome _ nov.

ol _o 38 _ · c_m_,I'n __ the e_ _e_ mo. b mt _m t_.

O1 _ 39 _ OC I rmek_n.

e_e_ m__°'_o.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 197/782



03. 20 50 09 CC - OeWLn.t-,tj, th.ts _LoCanary CAP L'O(. We bare · 8ood ore].

reap. vou2.d:_._ _noort .tbe-.._ prat, up Um b2.ed _.emm:re.

Gl. 2O 50 30 CC OmJ.,wlL-5; CUm'T _ _o_,, cuff is _ ec_.

· eoo6.M.oc4 _rea_. O_lLveu. a _ _ ]n_ beii:l_

e_- ?elm.

O1 aO 51, 5_, CC Oemin.t-5, _tmu_ SurUmm. Yov.r euff lo _ scab.

OX 20 _ 23 CC We baYe · Aood blood ln,euure, frtaad:Lnf by f'or a lmter

a_d ale._ report.

O1 _0 52 30 P Roser. The Ccmand Filot is _ hie 2-hour map lmr_od

nov. The P_L_ot slept about _ boers end b,5 m_mr_ea vorth

of & 6.-}m_ perio4, very soundly, mad lt:U.{}et),_ · vet, er

_t & eecced. _ay. Tot_ for nter for tod_F oa the

Comand I_lot la 12 poun_ ,,,,,d on 'the F_lot 13. pounds

3 a_eo.

Ol 20 53 _ CC Bopr. We you,d a_so _ to f_nd out _Lf _ have cca_lete:ly

outenmo_AandB ford_yl.

O1 _0 53 19 P ]Jo, ve left a fair mount of' that, and ye're ,,I_

ro&d_ to eat - let m ese if I can FLud it - _ Aet t_u_

reed_ _ _ _ 2, _ C. .'

ol'_o '33,_- cc _er, oeae_ su_e_ _t,

0% _0 _ 00 CC C_L-_, th_e Cam_ CAP _11(. We_ about & _te and

one-*b&l.f left :in 'this ]pem_; e't'_ tsye'te_ are (30 f'rc_ the


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_. ve are _ l_bri _,u ]mve ]PueXC_! _


o4. aO5k 19 CC _.

O,t_0 _ _' 1' _]ft _o 3rogmbo_lu.u_._ mmt,ime{iro_od!

O1 20 _ 30 cc _tr, _ am _ 36o psi on t_e srouna.

ox ao M k3 1, 795.

ol _0 5k 53 oc 711_t _ that they 1HzX_t_'ethat it h_ been :e_tl_

off end mmfor the _ 3 hours.

01 aO 55 OO P C_y, z.o$_. Thudt _. I can't mrna to frick it up om


m ao _5 o7 ce _mr.


ol RI.Ok01 cc c4_t_t-_, Canmrv_ C_ ocel.

ol at. ok o6 l, Oo-dmed, Caz._rvm, _-5 here. _ to _ _t_s,

cO.21 o_ o6 cc _m_, Zhammiti_ _ Plan ua_te. It hmm't arri-ed

_t. l_t _ vi11 _ ma thia _ton to _ou. TILts

lama o_w _1_ _s _ ul_a_ _ on · _a_svoxm

· _ _ _it. _ha_r've _ four _xrna over

3 or k _ and the Lnfo vi3.1 _ rela_d to _over _he


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O121 O_ 38 P _I_. _ I _ It we're mt ptII to i_ _

D-6 _ LImdO II_ BI=III. II _It ce_t!I

01 21 O_ aw9 cc I'].1_ _ q_imat._ by.

O3.a3.O_ JV,9.CC OIl,mdl.,CezIX._e__ be mo D_ e=piI over

01 23. 4_ it,9 p Ckl_. GIILit-_ .tlI_ by, 'dlt%L1_ for _I _IteItdI


01 _ 06 _O r 'T"'r_ f2mJ .33B_ 4_A _.,G f_e.

_ alO6 _ cc _.

Gl 21. 06 Jig 1' _' fha',,_ peas, we .'1_ _,c_t eoulcl mi _ummmm.

._t_. it mu,_ at _ dp of _ cJ.m_j ,.Nm'

·to In, dir]t _.

01 El 06 [,_ CC ]Eteemr,w"m _ · 1.tilht omr_rt.

_._ P __.

__ i _, N _' _ _ Ill, _,

'_. _ th. _/9-7 _ _ w_ta UUi _.,_

_tc3_ u_ 1_, yaw _ 37, left to rillS, w_,eedla,i,

_._/G-T.o4. _S_.


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03.23.12 06 OD A_X_. We've g_ t_ 3O i_ to LOB. 8t_

01 __l X,?._ P _o4e3r.

O1 22 06 _b P ael_, Bouetmx CAP CCR, cMmzL-5. Go ebomd.

01 aa 06 4 cc 1_. _ have eoutXm_ion of _ ]_-Mht Plan end it's

· _ one.. Itt IjL take mm IrrObebl_ abo_ 8 or l0

B_m_dm to red i_ u). I*ll relmme b key &fret each

m_ if _ _ i qumJtXma_ _ bSQk E_t me

_. _?

01 _ 07 03 P Oil. Oi_nDit to me b7 the times and I'll have to turn

the pe_J too, so take it sl.ov,

O1 _ 07 06 CC . C_my. It's oequent_JLtky all the vmy. It Lucl_m ell your

exlmrtmntm plus the _ for tkXm ]phmnimmrende_oum.

c__ e7 19 P m,_.

Ol aa 07 20 cc Gk_y, al_ oet to col_

OX22 O7 23 P _. _1_ set to gm.

91 _ 07 _ CC Bog. Tho FLrot one t.e & powr up for your UHF lo. 1.

%tm :Le 13:ootoo aua .3_ tbs td.umJ are for day No. 2.


G_ _ Od'_2 1_ l_. Foq_r up 3_:(JO for U_f L


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01 22 07 b5 CC i_i_r. D-l,13:10:00.Se_uaGce_. l_m_ul, Yams.

S_d 30.

01 _o (]80e P b-1. 817 a4_ _ #q,mmce.

O1 _ C6 O? CC Oa.

·Ol _o 06 08 P Olu_. 13:00:O0,_ 0_, ¥mmm.

Ol_08Z_ CC _. S_N,130.

01 22 06 25 CC D_I. 13:20:00. Se_am_.e03. AlIp_ r_atmu_, _ 60.

01 22 O8 _2 P Ce_r.

01 22 08 53 CC D-6. ]_:kl:_6. _ 012. 14o_ 019. P_*.ch 30 degrees

dow_ 1_aw02 degreesrJ4_t. _ 1000. 8-_.

O1 _ 09 3o P Seaer.

ol 22 09 32 cc ua]' Teat,. :L3:_7:05. ae_amee 0]., Pt t,c_ _0 ua). _oll O.

]:aw13 ]Left.

01 _ 10 03 P _Ye mm taa_cae a_, plea_.

ol _ lo 06 Cc _r. _ tut. X3:_7:05. 8e_e_ce 01. l_teh _0 up.

O. _aw 1_ left.

01 _ 10 31 P Ok_.

01 22 10 33 CC 8-5 and.s-6. 1_O1:00. Dur_ At_c_m _.

ox 22 lo _6 P s_y tim _n.

O1 _ 10 _ CC That'a_ the Afr_ee_l_am.

01 _ 11 Gl P Go _M_d.

-01 22 11 02 CC (_a_, back up o_e _ :mmr T_t that ]em _e_t cop_d.

_ a l_lta T of 6 _ _.


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O1 22 11 15 P lk_er. Delta T, 6 plua _k_.

01 22 lA 17 CC !_o_er. C_r, nut reft. D-_/D-7. 1_:04:00. Sequence

_0. Over KaBo.

O1 _ 1l _0 P Roar.

OX s,_ 1.1. l_l CC B-X. 1%:_:12. _ are 'inuuHrt tXIe.

ox 22 xz 57 P X_;er.

01 22 iX 59 CC Then pover _p. This ii for _ 1_o. 2. lk:40:O0. And

thmt'I to pover _lP your platforl,

OX _ 12 15 P That'l t_e time to pover it up or the time of the test?

O1 2R 12 18 CC That ia the rise to lx_er u_ the platforL

01221221 P. Poger.

01 22 12 23 CC D-6. 15:16:59. Sequence 20. Mode 09. Pitch 30 down.

Yav 09 right;,

O1 22 12 45 P ... timepitch faded.

Ol 22 12 47 cc Pitch3O down.

O1 22 12 52 P Faded3O dovn.

O1 22 12 5_ CC Speed 60 om that last one.

ol 22 13 o_ cc Speed 6o.

OX 22 130_ CC t_ Te_. 15:21:_9. Sequence 02. Delta T, 6 plua 43.

Piteh O. Roll 139 left. Yaw O.

OX 22 X3 36 P Roger.

OX _ 13 39 CC S-6. 15:_:00. Sequence 07. NO reIirke.

ox _g 13 52 x, _.

O1 22 X3 55 CC _. ThAI II a prepara_ion for _ ii_euver_.

15:_0-00. PlatfoTM on _ BE_.


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0I ee l_ 16 P 15.,_os0o,Platrom C_e

0l _ l_ 21 CC _'bs_'sml_i_'_n%i_. !_ eme la mojls_ mumLv_rr.

16:1_.cO, __. _ _oa.

01 22lkl__ CC hx_ _mis _ _ l_tltai. 16:½5-00.

olaelgoS P _r. _mt_r_. t_kh,,ss_l.

O1 _ 1_ 13 CC That's _'lrmtive. TIN next em, is _ _1_.

16:_:17. Traaala_ fcn._Lrdta _ the I'V%'s.

ol ee 1_ _8 cc ... _9. _-_ 13_. _oae 09. Pitch 30 _. Yaw

0 as_e_s. SpNa _.

o1_e16o9 _' mawr. _Lt_u_sim.

ol ee 16 16 · Qm.v,

Oil_ 16 17 cC llextem is s _r prel_r_ti_. 17-RO:O0,

ptstferaa_, ccep_erCn. _darus_.

_ _ _6 P mmV,. _- _. 1T:_o-o_._ _om ssS'.

_r _ ool_t.

01. Re 16 _ CC _t's _ti_. _x_ is _ ed,Suet. 17:3_:_3.

fervar_ to zero tim M'e.

Ol 22 17 17 P _at _ of' a _r _ it?

0% 22 17 19 CC That's _ pheme _l,_s$.


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01 22 17 3.l P Go ahead.

01 co 18 O2 P _ abed.

01 22 18 03 CC Am_her lame_er prelmratie_ 17:.qO:O0. _e platform

_. Cc_4r CS. Address 27 001.50. Yaw 90 left.

01 22 18 32 P NameuYer i_'el_. 17:_O:00. A1Ameplatfom MD'. Address

27 O01fO. _ left 90.

O1 22 18 _3 CC That's affirmative. The next om lo a plane gamuver.

18-06-50. _ fozvardto sero the IVX'B.

ox _ x9 o9 P c_m_. _ ,he_.

OX 22 19 12 CC Okay. We have about three lore. If I don't get to the_,

ve'd like to advise 3fouto power up as neceasaryto

zLeimiAe7our ]x_er uu_e and pover down in bet_eea the

vario_ mameuve_ amd e_erim_ts. Amdwe estimate that

y_ar_ l_mer dm_l_ tam bur_ _ be abeat _0 am_.

Aad with the lalatfo_a m, only about _0 _ amd o_rvi_e

· about 20.

o_ _ 19 39 P _.,jvx_

OX _2 19 _ CC _ the_ _mu cma tu_m your platf_rB off after each

_e_t, b_t I tbimk _m'IX lee that l_ _ meq_mee. Awl

]_tatfom _] _ all the e_l_ted maMuvere amd

reBde_wu_ ezercisee.

o_._xg_ P _ ....


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O1 22 20 07 CC Oea,t_-5,, Z 'thL_ ye b_re 1,08. Zf 3r4_ ear/, ue'Ll pica:

._a 'u]poq_,r the Cuartea.

ol _ 2k 27 cc _. is Camu7 _ _

01 22 _, 29 · 6e _lhm4, CantrT. hutn_L-D he_.

01 _ _ 33. CC laser. Ide'_. e_ a pu._e aa _Xon a ,dr th. fuel

on 1_ttm .DH.. Wemn_A l_im to _ · qtaan_

:_maoRt before we _ tim ]puq;_.

ox aa ak _ · _k)m--__, _ ce_t oi! I. 9_I, md _ 8o _.ta.

ol a_ 21_55 P _ celt _ I. 9_ ad _ 8O0_t.%

oX _ 2_ il. CC cd. Xnt-_, the7 vent to lint the _di4;B IL'lan _date.

emli_ted prior 'to the purwe.

Gl 22 25 X9 P _mT. Go a!_e_, _tm.

O1 22 25 23 CC C.4M._L.._, _ton CAF C_. Do _m rud?

O1 22 25 _ 1' GO lb#4.

O1 22 25 2lB CC _ We'll pick u]_ where ye left oft _x_ the _rs.

01 22 _ 32 P _e_, ! i_t 18:06:_Op_ .amu_e_.

O1 _ 2_ 36 CC _. /m'f/Xl_tive.Zhe mxt om i. S-8/D-X_. 18:2_:_8.

Sequence 0_. Pitch 3O arum. Taw O8 right.

'OX 22 _ O1 · _4er,t,

OX 22 _ 02 CC _ext i. · .m_euver ln,elmratic_. 18:50:00. Aliae plaY,ora

mu'. coqnterO.. _2_.


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01 22 _ _ P Bogerj 18:_O:00. _ platfo_ _. C_ter (W,

0_ 22 _6 3_ CC Th_'s a_tl_. _ am $m _ eoel//_tic.

1glO:IlL _te _ to zero _ IVI'm.:

OX _ S70_ _ _.

O1 22 _q O_ CC Ami there*m a correetion ca _ _ Tewt Ho. 1, which

at 13:_?:05. Iff _ go back 4;0 lt_ I*_ Pus ]YOuthe

01 22 2'[15 P Go ahead.

01 _ 27 16 CC It*m pX%=h 90 up yi_ 20 up.

01 _ 27 _3 P _r, _tch up 9O degree.

01 _'_27 _ CC · Tm_es effir_tive. _d did you _ the rest of

tm,truct_ relative 'to keeld_ _e power down andu_

power$_ off after the _ teeth? '

01 22 27 35 P Yes. With _-4tial _tfom _er up rOIL wat 1300.

01 22 27 _3 CC _t'm _rmtive.

O1 22 27 _6 ,P _my, we _ot it. I don't know whether we*Il _wt it all

_ or m_t.

01 90 _q _0 CC _e11_ _To it · try_ _1 be *_vioo4, dO mot _uo _be _-

ftxiag _anaw_r. at _uy t_e.

OX _ _ _8. CC ror_u_ _ _r..

01_s8o0 P Thru_ _ __r._


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01 g'J 28 'Oe CC io;'_mrl_tl mml_tX_. Do m_t ue t_ fcrJma_ fiz'%_

ox _ _ o7 P kpr. b mo, use u_ f_ f$_a t_,_J_,_.

01 22._ LO CC _ale is beeauJe _ &om_% wauxtto v_e the oxygen _u the

fuel eel1 om_pn _.

ox _ sS _ P c_v.

01 22 _ H5 CC We dol't _ 'tod.l.a_ua_oit. A_ a11 the thr_t_

will be d_e with the aft-firl_ thrusters.

_t 22 28 31. P _r.

C_22_ CC ' _. _at_mob_rvet_fmelcel_O2_e_d

_tt let it drop _h at the _ power _ when you're

-_ lwmreA up a_ th_mtl_.

o1_a8_7 P camrT, _adbyf_rt_m_c__r_m_on

Seetieu 2.

ol am _ o9 cc skier.

_l 22 29 32 CC 0e_A-_, CamuT CA_ C_, We'll be umble te _aitor the

_ _rge %o c_t_ a_ coatimm to _c_tor


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01 22 _ ,53 CC Cl.d_t-§, GeBi_L-5, _ !_r,.

0_i_330_ C 0o_,_. OetL_-5.

ol. a_t3306 CC \_, _'_. _ la _.Jto. ]_re. _ m._oe

qm do m_t Imf _ to _um _ for. m_ ft_l_ tl_mter_

]ma t4 40 vttl_ ti_ eoatLtt_ol of _ oz_--_ im _

c_l_ o%_ _. rde l_l_n_ _t l_e ox_aa :La _a 1_o

ia _]w t.mmk_ _N,'_ w m _'lmmZ..l_ i_tt_ La[

_Lm, Liquid oz_el, to faa _t e_m_ r' md _

t3_m eom_rt_ug it to _ ox_._ ._l _ i. to the

_1 celt. We'&a_'t, vmrt to A:l._mz_ _ _r_'M. om of the

LOX Vithta 'theo%_en tub. Z mO. a_, _ _o _ot

to dl _ the Ro_iticm of J_e liquid _ _ the

o_ri_e_ taGIrJ;the_, vi cam v_e o_ 'theaft _L_

e_l l_teral firi_ thr_te_ mid _e 4o sot _aut to uN

the f_ fLri_ thruster,. _ 7ou _ *.!mt_

O1 22 _i, 39 C _k_ "I&_L_; _ faded _t for a _rtl=, t,b_rm.

Ol _o _ _ CC %_er. I'll _ a_ala, _e _ mbavt _ ti-- for oM.

_ore lo_ tr&m_ios here. _e thi_k that the Gx_ea

in the _1 cell _ ta_k lJ i_ _wo ld_aea, t_o l_ama,

°a_ liquid. We think that the l_quid oz_m la

_ to the hut _ _ab_ _rt_ _o

ox_eG there. We d_mot _ to _ the _elat_e


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l_sl_im of the liq_tda mil gms_ in _ fuel coL1. oMgeu

'l'b_, w do mo't vm 'to use tdao fo_ firing

· hxmrt_l. Mi 4o vl_ _o um _e aft _tn6 t_darrl.


o_35bo c a,_. m,_ur_.

o_135_m cc a,_. vozTfooa.

TAUAURIVZol i_ 1,636 cc oesd_-_, QItUi-5, _ is aour_t.

oi 22 _ _6 cc ss_k., wehey. a Bsd_Ol data ]peasover Carnarv_ umt.,.

eo_q to eeurlic_ vl_ · _ or _ e,am-lmst,. It's

,:_,It,,t up :t.u jut a fur n_mm.,, We'd 3.ih, _ h,r,'e 2,uu '

santb _im. tdAeaL datm puss ever Carnarvon a_t we' 11 do

Zt _ 'C.Ssfie..

m._ ri, _._ c sen&ma_ dau pu.

Om..22 k7 20 CC Omf. n:t-_, Gi_d.-_. _Lto .ts i_ beF.. 'l'_t la eo_t,.

8crd_ Mm 1odlcal da_a ]Pass over Camarv_ and _ _ pick

l_ up over estuaries.

01 _'_ k7 36 C _. b _ _uu 8e_. ver_ieaY, lGe on b a__lua.r

of fa. _-a.,p, tmn_ce_q u_.

m n _?:_? cc mae sped or _ u-_ ts ],/3,15.

_u_k.TM c At .bs, f-sto_?


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CONFfn, -r AL


o_224_ c Atubat f_ Over.

OX _ _8 _ C_ C_-5, C_-_, t4mi,is Heuuitomhere.=

m_ cc ns,-.m,e_,i,_,.-,,,u,u"Q,..t,_,.m.


OXII _ QI CC OlA_-_,

· _ 12 _ o_ c Go _ 'cir_we_ Cliii,m_l.-5.

0x_ cc IIol_r. __aaXve'I,a_ea_rI_mb_

Ho. t _eI41.

OX22 59 _ 1' B_er,-It'l _ _.0.

rOl_ _] 7 _ FIAtIM _ _ _ tO thiak ab_t the _aeu_erm tha_

_e _iat_ll to _m, i_l if_a bsve a_ _ they'll

· _ til! _l.Lth ]am over ti[ii _ tNl.I lmIi.

OX 23 O0 22 P _II_,tkIiIi a _-]..It'I· 1_ and _e'reu_ fLl.i

OX2306X5 CC OeminA,_mqmA'voa.Ife!liveaboutliIi_ t_L_..

stena.S._ by.


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o1233319 · mm_r. iR_-t__: _-l._C_tmur_4_

·- ee, I3tlO:_'_, _ n_ I3:23s00, to_ l_Letu_s

aL n3 n3 _z t, _ _ta tae _.


a_. 23 .tT 12 cc c,mmeL,._, _eqmu cae _ _ bT.

(11 23 _ 2k- C _ _ ]pus en 'to !macron tau_ _ _ l_llot,*s

ol a3 3'T3o cc Gamy. ]:tn nma.tns _ ver7 imor3ar. Cov3a auft about

7ouj Gat'_. _ l t, _Ln.

o_ _ 3T 35 c _. '_e Ceme_ 1,,s _t, cze, ._t re*_.c_, ho.;

tmam_ e_rto '_-_ _ effect eom of b exlM_lneu_.

o].2337k_ cc * e_a'. z4wtt_t.

_ o3 _ oe cc _. ]rea ta'_t erJ._ to _ seeo_ eZem_T

ol a3 38 Ik c_ n_m... Do _ _ mgro*Uaer_mwtiea_

01 23 38 19 C !leli_. !amtt, ia_U.eve co.

ox 23 38 _z cc- romar* _e*_ _ _ea_t by _e_.

0z_3939 ce ama.. _ou'__x_..tex_abe_oau_om_.

ol 23 39 _. c i_., _ _


01 23 k,_-01. CC r-mn_.n-t-5_ ",_o_.n*t,on here stau_Lug bT.


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OX 23 _,3 05 c i_le_, aomm_ _maeL-5. ye're burned out the e_htrwttel_ ...


ox 23 b3 1T c 1[o__ll4_t be_e a 1f_ _lk _th the fltl_r_ 1LlmmL_

We can'tI_t tam eq_Apmst larttoeetherand torn aape3_

tn_botm tbe_e pu_nS Umm_ toe,thor.

OX 23 k329 CC okay,Gor4e,t'lltube·ebeck on _hat.

of cords and utL3.:l.'q, ,h,tl.e_ tba't So _ vita 'this

fl_ht _ ia cue itemno_ the at4_t, md it'scmo of the

ceeda _!:

m 23 _3 _ c _kr.

ox a3 &'3 '_ ·cc _m.v. ! mort of _ed l_u bad.

OX23 _3 5_ cc z _ em of faa flt_t _ _ob_, oereo,

that _,re _t blee#d _JLth t_a--the rather lm not too

_e_ teaaT. Se t_efre _ to _lck tbm in _Mre

tbeyeveI_t _oodye&that,a_A Z W it's _ m

_ tm_m4_mer.

O1 03 _d_06 C X#, weA.1.,m of theme 1Aim on the hish aide there vere

_ _ ba_ r_4_t _ofe_be_,ua ve_ can't

a. u_ t_t _ _, It'srruu,_oor_nnxn_.

al 23 _ x_ cc _.

ox 23 _k l_ P _ _ _a4 ?4 _tc_ theM, _ chan_u. We'veSot ever7

mr- i ma' _,, _ _aeecmft _ 8re_d _n here

to _ up _lta it.


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OX _ l_ 23 CC R_af, _r.

at 23 _ k7 CC _, b_, Pete. eemiat-5, _ here. _ aoa't yoa

mhaa _ ceamata fer the _ .eX.

OX 2] _ _ C lhO_o _. 'We _ paH_ over _ico, _ Mexico.

O1 23 _ 10 CC Pete, _tej J_e'. _ bare. Nb_ ioa'_ l_u say _thing.

OX 23 _ 12 P RelAo qbere. _'s ali the boyw _l_?

O1 _ _t7 CC _e rots f_m.

OX 23 _ 20 P _a%'s _. We _ passed M_tere2, vhich seemd to

be m_ler the overeut. And ! tried to _et the air-i_md

a_e at _wieo a_X _t_ q_tek 1_ or it.

-; 23 k_ 29 CC _a_.

O1 23 _ 30 CC _, 1il_ you knov you miSht be sort of _ about

that _ _ a_ _t the _etber is ertl _h_ther you

ti_nk _ elm ba_k tl_t. It _ _ _'_ L].rom_ky

_ d_mJt )wu let _ kaov.J

a3 c ':

01 23 k_ _ c We _V ae_ _t this _ _ert et_er becaase we _ did


OZ 23 _ O_ CC QaLV. t_aeretaaa _z'l _ _ to lm abXe t4 do the

_F Test; la that correct!

_v_t so we cea _o i_.


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ON_irl _._, _ 2.1.6


o]. _3 k6 x.9 cc _m.y.

OX 23 I_ _. CC Omm_-5, Hm_ bm_,m. Z l_JXieve_f'you can't pt t_

it _t O_tt _ smd _lNu vbsn _ua 8mt _, eem

dmmj amd_ _fou'_,_mot.4dram_ 'meamrm_ m,ld_mw

em t!1m4_mm _ rL.mmIdmmm__ Imnz'&smmmeasmmT_ lm,

mdt_ 4dml_ll_o_mtma4Xemm, mi _dm4;timdd.t'_'e,_,nee

tim _ sm61_' _ eld _dmt _ fndteat_ _m4.


o2.2;3_7 09 o _mTa.'_ _t in _ _ q_Ldtj _ust om _ till

m,.a3 k7 l_ ce RmS.


ox 23 &dB_' · _oq,. _'re emmmmm_qi tim _ Tut nov. _*re :tn

__Nr lt!._ _ _ ilo_ md_ w'ze on tam

ol a3 _8 yi' cc nq_,-.

OXe3_6 C m_r. mm'.U.l_tO_.

o.1._p9o6 _ _Bta_r. sm_mS_._d_m_mimm_r. And.w'__'t, ho

aL 23k_ 07 ]' _ _ _me.kto Bmn't,r_. _ w're _ _'_ 'tho


o_.23 k9_6 o _rme_.n__ lk dmso.


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_ a3__ _ cc !bm_d_.

m. _ _o1:9 c _l_,_c__.

ot_5o_ P Sa_tt_t_e_tabemaV. _wattaN__

o__35o _a F r_r_ _ _ _.

ol _ _o o_ P _my,,.!_m,e _ t.o ,_ma'.

o_ a3 _o _6 z, .utt't,t_ be_ to _.

o.ta3_o_6 P char, eatrtu__. Z'_ksriasrorl0,N, em_.

Ol _391 o_ p elm_. We'_e_111 e_aaelm_,_ ed_t_ well.

e_ _3_ I_ · am_, _ to aeemaV.

0t a3 _ a6 IP e_,., _g.ire ia _r.

oxa3_ x, SkttUm_o_. z'm_f.t_tarzON_a_.01LS3 _. 0e P Be_ to !mmtarr.

o_ _ _ _3 c .we m_a_ se _e xmg w_, xt l_, my.


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ox _3 _ _ c mot _, _ mum for _o _, _ to _. '



= .

o*_ 53_ · md.t',:u_ BMrmqr.

ox23.53_6 I _ofu_a_e_lO. X.

01 23 _8 20 CC (_u_t-5, th_sXe _ CAI' COl.

01 23 _!J 23 P lieLto, C_r, r_-5, ge,

_lae on _ _ _.l_t.We wmdd 1_ te _ m laul

ox ,_ _._,3 c m,_=_-, 'me c,_mmamlot _: mett:u_ _ r',._t nm_:,_.

ama Z_Lt etart a fuel. eeL1LlWr_. om 'the-Ilo. 1 _cttm_,

crmmo_r _ o_m.

01 23 _8 _ CC l_ler, _Jnla 7ou _ u · re_Lt_ on _1_ fuel cel_ i_h_en,


ox 23 _9_t P 93_a_.

m_3_ ce atuab_,tm.t_'k?n..re_m_u_-rnooamsm,. M_x.%

CONi:iD[Ni't/ L

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 217/782

,O ,tr!ncNT

O't R359 _ P _h-OE_alatr_ eemp_. 8'&IndhyforFu_ 02lmzm xu 15 mm.

onooooon _, =mme'. J_.t.

o_ oo oo _ cc bmtr.

Il) O0 lID CO ][_'l"lI _ 'lIil"OtIb]LItlr'].{I,]It_11.t.Ibi,Ill)iiltI'ItlIIlUI"ItCIIQCL_f.


l,._'w;_ tt and_ Q,m?,o*,amlama.else.

o2oooo_ P'-

ru11 mes_ Ia nov :tS,mMdm_lLil e_ _e_oz.X._.

o2oo_o_ P _,m_o_e_ a*_e.= :

oeooOXxo cc Weli,a,,_m,___. OXvemamr_-bBYo,_

i'lmx4;_ e:Ixemism.

OR O0 O1 11_ P _ e_x%--lse nov.

02 O0 O1 1_5 CC _It'I'flJI, 1% lookl _ he had t_aitea lit.tieproble_

p_ins tam...

on oo ox _.9 P _ the e=m,'eimenov.

on oo ol ._ cc sm_tn_ *unebZood pz_emm.renov.

02 O0 O_ 06 _ Year cuff 1I f_lA s_aXe.

O_ O0 OR 06 P _ _ O2 _ _ple_, e_a_over valva cloee6.

O_O0 C_11 OC _er, _-._-ala_-o__ us a reaitn6,& _ty _qmain_

eattatl eeXl _R..


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 218/782


O_ O00_ 31 CC _ler_ Gentn/-_, voul_ you give ua a _adln_, _tit_

r_Lm oa f_l cell _ l_.,Num?

02 OO o_ 37 _ We hive · _ bloo4 ]p_m_. 8*am4/_ by for _r

_tmr {md _ r_x_-t.

02 O0 02 5k P I_rv am tlm _ep_ mmboth alept, the P/lot alJpt for

TJm mmet!m, mle_for&lp_d3bou_. Juetam/_te

mM 3{:'11 _ _mu tim _rter re_r_, her,.

o2 0o o3 la cc wmxa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e_


02 oo03 _ cc _ttt7 _ to zcs o2 plea_.

o2ooo33o c _memr,aao_rtg____*__

_ me--a8 of vast. jma _, m3_t hu _ lo _


o_0o03 _ cc c_[mX,_,_ S_m. um_ n mo_, c_

3Pilot, mi 10 Imum_ 3 ounces, Pilot. Give me -- tmU_J

of ti_ degree of dieFth of mZeep for_the Caromed Pilot.

02 oo ok 03 cc _, _ _t_t:u_ out.

o_o_o6 _ Y_m,,,,_;,,_ ..._. ___tlooa

·,,".,,_*{,,,_m,m. _ _ _''"ah',''"_"_*"-

02 CO Ok 19 CC Roemr,

0_ 00 07 3_ P _ _-k/D-7, b_O _, ,*mt _ 1_ r_ao.


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02 O0 C6 1_ P ]iow,4o _ _aat to tr7 and _t th_J zod_meal_t _

out of the w_7 or =_tT

02 (3008 19 C We're staat_f_riaht ou_o it r',4;htmow, azqm'_ _?

0_ O0 08 2k P Yea.

o__ _ _ c ve_, _.. _7 i_ _r. _ _* M ,er. _

4o th&t la%e_ Mi ia the _LHIau. Lettd 4o t_ later.

· {_ w ,,mn, t set to it,

O_ oo (38 36 P _ou dm_t kave · Sun _4_t, _ w're fuimf _o have to ;h_t '

It it, .l_d3_.

02 O0 08 _ C I'm _ to _tay off t_e _ here ...

02 O0 09 02 P au_, nd4_t aa veil stop t_urt,t_t'm _d enoch.

O20OO910 p H_m ye _m back u_ to the horisoa _.t?

02 O00_ LI_ C _t quite.

O_ O0 09 29 P We over _tor or Africa?

02 (30 0_ 31 C We're a_et Afr_cs.

02 O0 O9 3_ P Fdmo _ ahouldbe _tt_n_. ·.

o2ooo036 c _.

02 O00_ 38 c C_, b_ek u) to the ber_sca.

c_ oo o9 _ _, ALl _. CeN,_at,,l the U-k/_-? k_O at ]._.=].o:oo.


02 C_ 35 1_ CC C_mt-_, Carmu-w_ We kate ---tht_ for 7ou tblw _.;

O_ O0 3_ 2_ C All _ht, Clrmr_on, than_.


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COr, Fir'_ [\iYIAi

02 O0 35 36 C · florA4 _ n_tlfy H_ were fp:):f.,us'bm oave b Zod.i&_LX

o_ oo 35 _ cc Sayqata the e_rment.

02OO 35 t,A c z,xt,tacaXLt_t.

o_ oo 35 _5 cc _r.

02 00 35 50 C 'A"hat*s 'tho S-1 ilzl_.

0o 3559 cc FA_t .a_ Qka_.

OR OO 36 00 C AX1 right?

02 O0 36 18 CC GelMJ_I.jCarnarvon. F1J_ht advises _ If you feel you'xwe

too busy on any of _ and wa=t %o drop lt, to 8o ahead

and drop it, and _hey'll reschednle.

0_0036:_' C Okay, thank Fou.

O_ O0 kO 37 CC Plmum I_m:i by your platform po_r-up for UI_ check.

O2 O0 kO k3 1a OaeLnt-5.

02 O0 kO 58 P Roger, Platform is a_.,-t_ to vara u_.

o_ oo _l oo cc _er.

'O_ o0 5k 18 CC C_mini-5, fie_L_-5, thio is _uetc_ here. Over.

O_ O0 5_ 2_ c Go ahead, _ Oentni-5.

O_ CIO_ 26 CC _k_er, Ge_ini-5,thio is Houa*4_. I've A_t a couple of

-me_a_e8 for you. I want 'tobrief you a lltt_e o_ $Jai8

_, what _e're plamaing on doing.

o_ oo _ _ c s_v qa_.

02 OO 5_ _1 CC l_jer, I bmre _ ut,*sfm_e8 for yo_ ami I weurtto brief

you on what we're _in_ to do _ $_e rendezvous.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 221/782


oa 0o _ 52 c c_ay, se a_md.

o2 00 _ 55 CC All risht. The weather for 2vur I)-6 over Waeo io about

_XO _ covera_. You Bt4ht ha4p that ia ud_ an4 if

you me you can't mk_ it with t_t type of cloud coverage

to _ Ik/p it. B_ we d_ mat to aG_e you that there

will be about 5/10 coverase. Do yea under, and?

O2 O0 55 25 C ...

02 O0 _ 27 CC okay, I'd Xike to talk about the reticle n_. Do you

have $Jae rheostat that vas _ to the reticle to _lp

d/m it?

02 00 55 _O C Yem sir, I haven't been using it.

02 O0 55 _ CC _u_y. It'm not plu_ in then. Is that correct?

02 00 .55_ C NO, I haven't been using the r_.

O_ 00 5] 5_ CC 0k_y, we thought that if you had the rheostat plug_ in

that that might have been what failed. We wanted you to

take it out. If you don't have it ha; I guess we don't

have to wo_..¥ about that.

02 00 56 13 CC GeaAni-5,Houst_ahere again. We woul4 like to have you

bring your ccu_uteron at about 15:1_ in the Prelaunch

Mode mo that we can u_late _ur 33-1 tiBem.

02 O0 56 30 C 0kay, clmpateron in Prelaunchat 15:20.

02 O0 56 3_ CC _hJGative,15:14. That'8 15:1_:00. Ge_iGi-5,Houstonhere.

I'll 8a_ the cc_puter-out_e a_ain. It's Ncce_l day;

it'a 15:1_:00.

, ON

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02 oo 57 08 CC loller,my _a _ z,mdKmxm it'o _ _ atmrt at

:1:ba_r aaa x5 ,am_u _o ee.waeee U-

_lier. We ,,ut _ ___the .

t_; we'd. like 'to hive _ leave it, on. _ first, two

_tee for _ _ vt_ be doae through the _,

any.cham&_emwill be u_ated _ 3re.A-viavoice at · later

till. Yom' aecoz_ t;vozmmr_v_m W_ll be lent up to you

by ,mice, a_ w wit yea to put then _ tbrou_ the ]_1_.

That'wa_ vi cea e_emise the _mma_ ad also the MDPJ.

De you _re_a_A!

02 O0 _8 _0 CC GainA-5, 4i4 you 8rt that ea the remde_eous7

02 O0 58 _3 C l_eer, we _ot that.

O_ O0 _8 _ CC Okay, very _ood.

02 O0 58 _7 CC Dr. _erry wu18 like to talk to _ _er a minate or two.

o_oo_53 cc Geed_, c_.

02 O0 _ _7 CC _, _'re tr_ to _ this mloe_ a_ food pretty

e%o_ down herin,and we're hmv_ m _mmuble _etting

m_ fx_m the recor_ that we have, wha_ ]mu have V.bere.

We talked to Elliot abou_ 1_._l.lalml _ fXrgt _e _t 2_u

for, _ about 13 _ er _ in your case.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 223/782

r': n F_':iT!SI

Are _ havi]g any real feeling of fati&_e, either _u

or Pete, teda_

02 O0 _ 2_ C Berry, we're vela rested, we both slept all night last

02 OS 59 29 CC Very I_od, very good. Gordon, are you doing =ny.extra


02 OS 59 _7 CC Gomtni-5,_,t-5, this is _ouston Surgeon, do you ready

02 00 _ 51 C Yea, we read you.

02 OS 59 53 CC 1_, Gordon,are you doing _ extra exercisiagother

thaa _ee _ ca the puaee!

02 0_ O0 20 CC Gemtai-5, 'this is Houston Sur_a_n.

02 ox 0o 2_ _ Go ahead.

02 01 O0 E7 CC Osram, did 7_a read - _ vc_ld like to know if you are

4o:_ _ extra e_m2',m_l ot_er _ _ the _ _hat

are easoclatdKl vi_ · data pass.

0E O1 00 36 C Af_tive.

02 c_ oo 38 CC v_ sooa.

02 O1 OS lis CC _ on the food list, Gordon,vt hav_ do_a that you have,

are down to meal B, mal B ca _a_ 2, 'which _

aecar_ _ _he ]_ek,_l_.Ug and storagelist that you have

_ta portioas of four meals, four "sals. la _t ·ffi,_?

02 OX 01 O_ C Yes,

02 OX 01 g:_ CC Ge_ini-5, this is l_:mm't,_Surgeon. Do you read?

O_ O1 O1 28 O Yes, are you readA_gus?


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02 O1 01 JeO C_ Gee_h_t-5,_ala ia _uste_ Surgeoz_ We are mot reading


02 01 O1 _6 C _6er ...


02 O1 11 O_ CC Gmimi-_, C_a2mu CAP CCH.

0_ OX IA 07 P _ here.

0_ 0l 11 08 CC _ are l_a dol_

02 al 11 11 P ... l_latform...

02 01 11 17 CC l_, me _ you to tufa 7eastC-klalvterBeecma to the

' _ lmeitioa at $_Ltstiaa. We _ you to leave

it Om _ alw _he Im_euvera,_ Xeave it i_ tha_


02 O1 11 _ P C-Ada_e_ C_tl_u_w.

C_ Gl lA _8 CC 0k_r, _'_I_ lot nat you _o power dram f_l '_.U, eection

_.' 1.

020111 3k P _o, _e _'t.

02 O1 11 36 CC Okay. Tunl time e0a_ter on at 1_:1_:00.

O_ O1 11 iix P _, give me a mark.

0_01 11_ CC _a_r. l'llgiveyouilar_. _emt it &t__od_

at tba_ tiara. _eu _mt about 3 mina. s.

O_ OX 11 53 CC Okay, eemtag u_ om 15:12 ca _ mark_ 3, _, 1,

., CONF!OE rr,^,· _ !;,'iL

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0_ Gl 12 07 CC D/d YomiW_ It or do 1Kinw_mtm, to {live you om at, 137

Ol 12 11 P X_ _ mmtber om at: 13.

02OllJLV cc ek_. _amrkitvtUbelS-13_QO. 'fov, ptga,ouct

O20112 _ CC Stam4bY- 3, a, I,

oe_ _Qo cc

o,,m 13_ cc ee_r;_md _ e,t ,,ha_T

02 01 13 15 P Tbat'e m_L_atf_e.

0_ 01 13 19 cc A_ r_4_l_

o_ Ol 13 .% cc ck_, _ the ce_ut_ om to t_ ]Prel_mch _ et tai,

oeol lkol P c_F_ter _.

Oa01 16 32 CC Gazl:mt-5, %bli ts _ GAFCGKhere. Do m_t bother

_ _. We._mt mated to _kl _mu_'re

m_dJW, _ a DCa_.

_ _ t_ Tl's ami the retro lm_ _r _mur ea_ter.

So _u'_l _ _t_ Jam _CS l_m.

02 O1 17 21 ]P Gezr_L_, ro_.

1)-6, v_r _km't y_ gi_e us a eaU. Ye'Te _t · co_t_

off __.

0_ 0_ _ _ .C _.

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02 0.1._6 .,_k. _ We_ nl mld_ the o3.ouda_oYe 4Ld..Tooki'k 'D&X..Taa,Da3.l.aJ

IL."pov't, taunL'e.

02 01 18 _ C AffXrlatX_. _

0_ Ol Z8 _ CC cm_r, maw_m all _amet

oa ol 18 53 cc aemb_-_, _Im_ laYe _DUe_w_etmd _o_urlNwwthere?

om oz _ _7 c momBr.QQ0_Xg_ CC '(]uW. We'_ll_%t& _of_ Foryoli. NklJlnl411_

.],Xkoeto ]_'vv YOUturin %our.eQIlimter off &t th_ time.

_mt lmwer the ecq_tEr 4aum mo%_l_.

0a 02 19 10 C Ro_?, eemi_r'w off.

02 0X 1_ l_ CC Vmwe_la Like te haYe _o_ _ _mr _l_tfarm e_ after

your-t_ _. l_r _m _ Xt _ 'm'd

'_ ]eaw _:m :_r_ 'kbe P-Xa,t_ra _e _ ,kae

rmuies_ _ _a pot._ o_.

oa ox %9 _ c okay.

1_9_. So_xrmwyroll__bml_2, ImF

ml;_&, 132 _ellreew roll left.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 227/782

o2ollmi.1. P _IEFTe_I_. 2,_tti_,_bm_{{mmt_-,j.

02 c_ 22 I_5 P _ _ b,-,_.

on o_ 23 o9 r _ to lUal_er.

0_ 01R3 _ p I'ilm]F'&_forl0 _.

o_ m a_n3 P __nRn'_v.

02 o1 _ _.3 P _ to_. _v_ I _,riIlaa testeo_,..

1, 2, 3, _' 5, _, 3, 2, i.

02 01 2_ _) P Ici _ fca' 10 IeCM_lI.

02 O_ 2_09 _ Shtf*aIIte ilmtry.

O_ 01 25 _5 ID tbI_L-5'm unkeyin_ for 10 a_._m,ls.

0'_ 01 _ 09 P CdIIXl,-5'I _ on Adapter.

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Pep 2_

·o_ m _6 a6 P omm-_ mktfi_uc to bentrT.

o_ oa._6 _3 r OemU_L.-_ma.t_ 'to ammpter.

02 03. _6 5_ P Ommd_-_i hmo completed IJHF_m_ Bo. 2 at 15:27:00.

02 O1 _ 17 CC :fou sure do talk a lcd.

_ al 2T _ F 8my me_

020]LaT_ CC I os_]t_lmure dot,lit&lot.

02 O1 2Ta_ P _at d_AX _

OROl _ L_ CC e_fU_ 8ntenu.

0_0I_ P WmtdoTvuvantmtodo_ 8tng_puv&fonS!

Oe Ol 27 3_ OC Th_nk _m em?

al R'[ _ c se si_4p off key.

02 01 _/ l_ p Over th_ ocean, over tiao bled, horo*w Cdmtn:L-_

02 01 27 _0 CC 8tm_ bT, P on back to _.

02 O1 27 _ ]_ Thst's · 8omi de,_.

02 Ol _T _8 cC oct _K,_& 3ob v_th the _ _.

_m_ c _unMu ...

O_ O_ JJ_ _J P _1_ m_JL"y; _t'o an 8_ _equonee ? _Lch _ --

02 Ol _J_ 31 O_ Omf_._, oml_-_, $,b:l.m_.m]K_qzm$,_here. Over.

O_ O_ _ l_ CC (bull_L-_; OemLni:_, thio :LoJ_,_mJrtmlhere. Over.

02 01 _ _ CC Oeu_i-_, OeuS_-_, huron here. O_r.

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o2 02 o7 _8 cc C,md3at- 5, Ce_ C_I' Ca4.

0a 02 07 _ C Go allm4, Chu_,, Cle,._._,5.

02 0Q 07 _ CC EK)u the 1'_10$.have 'the Om3.... _ fo_- a

da_ l_m t.i_dLmtripT

o_ o_ _8 ol c x_ eo_t_m4 up _av.

o_02c_3J_ c B3Lcc,a__ Xm ...

_36 CC Yo,r cmf_ lm l_.U.mcm.lLe.

o_ o_ o9 1_ cc c..m:i_.._, C_ ,,3r.,,c_. 'de ]_Ye a eN4 blood

]_'essure, and ye bare · go4xi om3. count. StsaeJ_g

by _or ezere_, cm _Gr ma_.

o_ oe o9 _ c S'tandbT.

02 02 09 _1 C Ikrk.

_ _ ]J__'_ CC Y_u- eoumt lm f_].lmemLl_?

02 02 ]LO_ CC /al ye h-ye a _ second blood w_. Z eJ_

b_; I v',.X.l_tm._ma mtm- u_04mt_:Lf)_m__ it.

o_ _ _ 3_ oe _'rS, _ _'_.

O_ 02 1X _8 C _r, we 4cm't have a_r furtkerwater report aiace

we aave oae at le:C.

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''_ Page 232

02 O_ 11 _8 CC Oe_L_-S, Ctrnar_n QJOPCOM. _Omt ia your _ for

Ar,= _-l:

02 Ce 11 _ C ...GO.

O_ 02 11 _ CC no_, _'re _ _ azmaa; I'll _4wte _ur

02 02 12 _ c OImy.

OR OR t.R 1}.1, P C_a_-q_. &re you raa_ to eol_y _ f_r

the k?=_ ...?

OR o_ ]iR 9,3 CC Ro_Wr, ta ahead.

O_ O_ 1R _ P. la rud ? mare, 1_ read 7, lC rind 8, RA r_m_t6._,

_B ru_ 6.0, RC read 6.9, nn_ _ vo3.ta_ a6.R,

. _ 60, _ seoonda__-.-_oo, rtikt

on o_ ].3 o_ cc _, I ee_y.

02 O_ 13 11 P And _t data ns read Imsalng the ]_st Ceut at

about ...

O_ OG13 _ CC You _ you reed _ dat_ om the Eawt Cc_s_.

OR 0G 13 _ P I se.rd I'd Elve _u _ for %b_t d_ta ha _ a


o_ o_ x3 31 cc nn_nr.

oR O_ 13 37 P That_ readaboutl_:lS:00.

= .

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o__ _ _o- ce- _,,.,,,_,_,:_[_f'" _,?._.. , _

02 Oe ]LbL_ P ... ,'W* _ee_L_ i_, _ :

oec_3o cc OmUrt._,__. Stamdb_for_

O_ Qe 1_ 07 CC T_,', & _W_ll_ _ m_ ttm_ the7 _ _t

l_t Lt.

O_ O_ ].5 I_ C _k hd_ _ mm the mu_mm beck _r..

o_ o_ '_ _3 cc _.a._._, _ c_ c_ i a,_._, _ _ tr_b_

O_ 02 1_ 37 C We*ye bed. four umllo '_ 6s'b, end, w_'re em _ _C. '

_ $ '_1 of it; emdwe fl_L _JL_e b_ we 3u_t d_t

,me,a.._._ ss.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 232/782

' ' ==_ Pa&e 23k

02 OR16 12 CC Gm/_, Cnrmrv_ CAPCON. _tre standl_ bF.

02 C_ 16 17 C ALt rt_t, &ia _ _ %hwt _ _ the feod?

o2o2x6w cc holm,. X_a"ae_r. -_

o2 o2 3k _e cc _.

on on 3k k7 P o0 ahead, nmm.t.t, ttd. s J,s c_t_t-_.

o2o2oa P lm'*tt, omtn.t-5.

OR 02 _ 11 CC Edle_ by_ GEmJ_L-5.

o2 oR 35 _1. Cc e.,Em_, _ _ nmwii. ! have · mmeuver u_ate


o2 o_ _ 36 P c,o alaeea.

O2 02 35 37 CC Are you _maU_ by %o c_p_

o2 0_-3_ ho r Afftmmt_vw.

02 OR 3_ k_ CC Ik_er, the (_ l_ _O:k9:_6, the burn ts al.1 feet

per m_!, Eeita T _ eece_ls eewe _ 90o_, core 26

all ser_, eere 27 all serox.

O_ 0e ]16 _ P _c_er, _ m the tJ_ ef t_ b_r_ _, l_lemm.

O_ OR36 R_ CC The 'tJJe of the burn_' cerre_ to _ 't/m of the

_ la _9_ breek; t%*o ,50:k9:_',

OR 02 36 36 P TbBt*. the _, how abo_ %he

o_ o_ 36 k5 cc 'm_rt me _,, _5:k9::_7.

o20_ 36 95 cc Vid you eo_, C,meLn/-_!

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 233/782

0_02 37_ CC _l_r.

0_ 02 3T 03 · Did _ _m*. ua to _amrrt _i_t to climtarr!

O2 02 3T 05 _CC _ta_'e _fl_ve. ! e_*t _ l_a _ _ lm_

oeot rt _ P __

02 02 37 _0 CC O_L-_i, tha_'a _ve; J_t l_t Xt _u tl_ I_IU.

o2o_ 3738 cc oe_-5, u_a ts _. xs%!!__ oo_t

_ttJL br_l_ Xt _ earl_.

_ _r _ _ _, m_.

o2 o_ 37 _3 c coe_st_ ms at _a tine.

o_ o_ 38 1_ cc oEm_t-_, are _u ree_ to _ _ _ burn_

0_0_ _B CC _er, _h_e_uOO_the_wd.

cosvuter. _ need a mmmr_.

O_ 02 38 58 _ R_er, X'm Xnsert_ a_ this _.

02 02 3_ O0 CC' Ro_er.

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o2 _ k6 _; ce _. E0fm__emnV'ma-k t'f, _ 1mek6, %t _m_ be _Otk6_JEO;_ llo,c E_a_c8 ee_.

o'aoe _ k3 c _.

O_O__6.,_7 CC mae,, tlmlPa 111_ to mare,e lay 6 m th,_ 1mae,

o_o2_?_ c n_,_.

O_O_ k7 _ CC Sure _m_a-_ _b I_; :la _ m'_Lm?

ORO_ k7 ,kS c 'Jiw_ e- _ Xm _ t,he m_elam,e_etm_by

us here ,wa I have · 3J._dJs dz,l_, so I'm mm.t_ tof

_m _m_s_ns_ _o _ _ ca,eh u_.

on on _ _a cc _n_r.

02 0'2kg 3[2 CC - ·Yo_dten-_-en',_mup nov; _!

o_ 02 k81k ¢ _'e_m.

on omk9 _9 cc Os,m,.

c_ o_ 5o ,m'{, c Emi _t' buzn.o_c_ _o _ cc Ck_, I ac_aXltha_.

02 02 50 30 CC O:tv_m :recurX'Y]:reade,mi ,tta.r,t &_V.he en_t.

crao_ 50 37 l, ]teller, _'r. ,m_ ,_ro,.Is

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 236/782

i_ ' [ :i _ _ : _

02 02 50 kO CC 01my, befoz_ a_l after, rt_t?

02 02 50 k8 P {t!4_ on tke m_ey.

O2 O2 5O k9 CC _a_, wha_ _/_- be _edT

_ 02 50 53 ? Aft _r_4 thr_r_

O2 O2 5O 5_ CC _a_, _r; ao_

c_ 02 51. 02 cc ,Mrti_ _ r_ solid z'i4_mt_ mm'the Eg'o_.

02 O_ 5X 06 1' Rmmer.


02 02 51 kk C lluBa_, _, 0emiai-_. _ra is cc._le_.

02 02 51 k7 CC illin, _ you read out 80, 81 aad 82 for ua

02025152 P ... _>_oooo_.

_51_ cc _r.

02025215 P _ AmA81 _m _ro aud 82 w_ zero.-.

02025220 CC :_u{p.r, _ :,m_L.

02 02 '52 28 CC. Cb_', four zeros _ a 7.

0_ 02 52 37 C Okay, ye're .ringing her iuto 000, 8ettiug ready for

the'D_ Nquenee 13_,165,649. Is _t time still $ood?

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t_ k.,,c_J,6 ,_r,a_r.

_ sev.' . :

lure'4 to --.

02 02 57 _ P __, _tb_t the ipms:J.Sht, *,he ,f/ol_ of

c_'_ _ b_ im t_,

p_eae o_ vu_r Xooh_ X_ke ano*_ ld_ee.


_1 Q_e_rt_ lenB; but I _ cl_t Wet it off the

*Lree.k v*l'_h. _t bece_oe the X_J_X o_ YXev ifs too nsf,roy.

02 02 _ 19 CC iow a_cc_ the f_ur.-l_ telemcc_e,Pete?

O_ 02 _8 _n P. Our _ of vier 10 too _3_rov om _._.

T '_ ,I

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02 02 58 _'_ CC C_. I,.trtm, Xt_ _ am _q_ate_or you an the

timeof _ ...

020_8_ P ... sX_ht_C4rd_ms%tekX_o_himaud

then 1'4 have it.

o_o2583o cc l_ser. X'_v_am_t_m,_ryo_rnut, maeuwer.

oe-c_ _8 37 ]E, Sm_'qp:Lu,

02 02 _8 ]]8 CC X have am_ time for _mr Mxt mmuve_. Are

O_ 02 58 k9 C We're reae_ to e_j, Hmmtoa, Go akmd.

02 0_ _8 5X CC _m._. X_,s 0_:X7:_:_. X _ _ 0_:X7:_:35.

C_02_0_ C l_,md_muhm, eXe_dtMfint_ecm_ter, r_


02 02 _9 06 CC We haveloeae_the DeltaV In the cm_Aer. We haveto

tl_ t4_es by voice.

02 02 _9 15 C l_er, I umdere'_u_ that, bu_ _ou have loaded the

0_ 02 _ 19 CC _b_Wa'. Xt_l been 1_ e_ad_erXffXe_l_ _e_'L1

· the u.s. _ data and jive _mu m_V furt_ ul_ates

tkat are meesmu_ over Asce_toa.

o2 o2 _9 _o c m_..

02 02 _9 _6 CC 9ee_m_l-_,_u_rmn.

o2 o2 _9 _9 c Oo ab,e_, c.em_-_.

02 O2 59 _1 CC _ have a _ec_ion 2 ]mrje &_ this time also. Will yo_

be ableto handlethat?

· , · :4 .

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02 02 59 59 C Over Ceaetm-,rtatrt _.

02 03 O001 CC m41ht aoe.

02 O3O002 C el_'.

0_ 03 OOOk CC ]Pretty lm_lr_ final'l: try

o2 03 oo 06 c I_LT/_, _ ty for _ _ mu_.

o_ o3oo _ ac xl_tm-.

020300_ C _lm_te_. 8tamalqrtorO21mrp_

air m_k. )lar_.

o2 o3 o_ 36 c ea _a_,_ eemze_


0_ 03 11 _O CC OmdL_-_t Gmdai-_, _tol hem.

02 03 11 55 ]P Bailer, l_murtm, 0e_L_L-_ here.

0_031157 OC _. Vehan_rame_e_l_e. Areyoure*aT_


02 03 12 03 1a · Yea.

02 03 12 05 Ca Roi!err *:The _ of burn ts 0_:17i3_:31. That's 02:l?:3k:3Z.

]1_l_ V, 15.2, 15.2. _ae burn tJ_e fa 20, 20 tarot JJ. ]Plt_b

/8 O, 3my ia O, aft fJ.rtag 'tb_'em_tere aaa.tram 25 001.52. I

la_ 14_J31 IK_SS _ tll CCTV. JKl_'elm _ ie _1 z_-'os,

Add_mm__ ts e31 zero_.

02 03 13 01 P t_!e_ta_a _tme of Ira:eh0_:17:3_:3.1., Delta V 1:_.2 _ or'

burn 20 _a. Adare_ 2'_ 001_2. 26, 27 ,,_ zeros.

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02 03 1_ _ CC oemat-5, Om/at-5, Hm,mm here. _t is _t. We

1tlm to ba_ 7oa_&_dm.Iet te bm e_t h z_nUL4_LI_

ot' tJ_ mmffmm_.

o2 03 13 35 I' nei_'.

o_ 03 31+03 ? VoXee_ :tB ea. _ to bura at I?:.,_.:_..

o2 03 _ o6 c %_u_r s_;eh _ ow.

o_ 03 _k 06 P Olmr, _mu're in _iB _, _ tJmmtarr's ell, Start

buttee Xs lm_bea, _'s m aox-feet, aaez_.m80

02 03 3_ aO c ekT.

oa o3 3k _ ¢ _, k, 3, 2, 1, _.

o2 03 3k 3_ c :t_., I3, ]2 --

t_ 03 ]k ]9 F You .Im_3_t qttt &%_L if 1%',so% 6ova.

02 03 3k kl C 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, _, 3, a, 1.

o2 o-3 3k _- _' okay.

o'2 03 _. 59 P olr_, _s 80 vas o. _ 81 _s o.6 so :mu'Il

he,ye +,o'_im t.ha% o_.

02 03 3_ 13 C Okay,_ wouldbe wh_?

02 03 3_ 1_ F I_Xtone --_Sa sma tamt,,s...r14_.

o_ O3 3_ 23 c m4_

02 03 35 25 P em sd_n_.

O_ 03 35 _ C _.

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oR o3 3_ 32 _ Amther 1Xttl_ sq_Lrt.

Oa 03 35 _ 1D _ 1X_ squ._-t,

o2 03 35 _9 · _, the o_d_r _, be_k the rower _Z.

02 03 35 _ · ome,,

0,2 03 35 _ 'C We,n_mann_.

o_ o3 36 lo P one fo_ _.

O_ 03 36 1:5 P Re, that's 1 i'oot ...

o2o3363o ? _.

on o3 36 3_ l, one sm_ t_m.

02 03 36 _. I' Ghatt_.

o2 03 36 _8 c ... _ __ there.

x_ _t to take theft

O_ 03 3T 03 P _es. _m_t tire ... before Xt's eu_om_ too. _e,l_

th_ rece_e_d&tl_ th_ you d_n'% burn tn Flatfona,

becauee t_t's very alc_y.

o_ 03 37 _6 c Yes.

02 03 3T _9 P ... m can bola it ia Rate aommxl m_h nora accuratel_

tJ_a_ed_a tnthelmrtbuz_

02 03 k,1 _ P Cce_e_t f_r the _t For ranges'emro I:LBslo_ at ai_ht

c_t the _e vith the ce_ter _; the

8t_t Cc_ Lt_t is _, _ too b.rlgbt.!

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f :

0_ 03 _'5Lt la '_at'e i_'t'trmttve.oe 03 _,_!,3 cc lh_.r;

02 03 &5 I? cc Ckea'. Ye',re b_ eom _.Ouble _L'r,hyour taq_ eoumtabe].ov

tim _ _qm. At tltte tam _'& Lt,lm _ _ to mr'..teb

7ocr,4le Commx.t_ to ml_llA!_.

0_ 03 _5 32 l' _!mr. IlO-to-DC _ to mCelmA_.

o203_36 cc Beret. Aa__d_tata_]_asZt_Lo_. '_r/'l.lta1_aIl*

_a_e amlp ever the _ th_ _ aaa eve.l.ml_ i'_ al_

02 03 _'_ _ I' .l_l_r. Be e_-J._a tb_ &t, the _, or tiM, S_rt,

ve'_,,e_able 'to _ tam D-_. Ye _r_l pt, the D-._.lkl.O

Bm_o; we _ll I_t the _O7 if we ha_

o_ 03 _6 oo cc _La _ aaa,_m__ met,o7

02 03 _ 03 P No, _ elmer _ that om. We've beea tryi_ vith the\

l_:]Leaeo_eo_m- bez'ebut _mh,,,_,a't_ bna ma_eeeaf..l..

Aaa _':L1. ilo IK)"(if lX:_Lt:bl.e.

02 o3 _ l] cc .o_:r.

02 03 _ _6 O_ 0e_n_-5, Cm_mm_ C0ula _u i_LYeus an eat_mte on

h_ meh ),m_mm4 the .l.ater.,l, ti:nmm_rs? -

o_ 03 _ 36 P ve took ]. _ am_ out, m_ T ta.t_ it .u o._,teo't _.

o_ o3 b6 _d_ cc _oller.

o'a03 _ o7 c ...

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_qp 2_?

o_03_9_ P l_e. XS,d,'IW,_oL I_'t, to'UAk_tM.B

_D-?. 'Ye eou_tn't _ _ at 17;_2;00, and vt_

Bmumvvr uadaJes ecmlJ_ la G_e_ _m2vce ve did eot bavm

_-._lmt _ 40 _7_ vhich ye you,d imm been able Jo do.

lm4_ at tim rlah_ _, od so f_rt_ Ye're

lnJo _b_ wbea ye _ back. _ha_'s the r_

oe _ o8 _ cc n_dn._.--_ xmmii CA_e_.

02 Ok 09 07 0 Ro_e_. _*m bua_ vt_h tim bu_ae_ riAht nov. You'_

have Jo vai_ a _.

o_ O_ O_ 12 c

o__ 09 _ c ib.mt_, _-5.


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O20_ O9 39 CC Ge ahead.

02 O_ 09 _1 C l_oiler. Address 80 oa time turn read zero, or read

_Lmm 0000_, 81 re_L O0002j 82 rea_ 00002. We did

not take out either 81 or 82 because we did not want

to add may more forward, aftward, firing component to

the address 80. See we can't fire our forward firing


'02 O_ 10 12 CC Bo_er, ,,m_retaml,

O_ O_ 10 19 CC What was the time of the burn?

02 O_ I0 22 C' 18:06:26.

O20_ XO _7 CC _oger.

02 O_ 10 _0 CC I've got male Flight Plan updates for you whenever

you're ready to copy.

02 O_ 10 51 P I'm ready to copy. Oral t_a's goin_ in to the C_


02 O_ 10 55 CC Roger. _ title is Nap the ae,ond day 17:56:54.

Longitude 145.O East. Stand by ode, Gemaini-5.

02 O_ I1 22 P What rev is that?

020_ lA 25 CC Rev 33.

02 04 11 29 P Okay, ready for the start.

02 O_ I1 55 CC 505 eequence number 03, pitch 30 degrees down, yaw right 14.

This is an update of the previous info we passed you.

02 04 12 ll P That time was 18:25:357

O20_ 12 14 CC 05.

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02 0412 16 P P_er. 18:25:05.

02 0_ 12 _0 CC _ were your attitudel during the burn?

02 0_ 12 22 P They looked like they were right on, and we were in

flareC_and. I dol'_ know where the little Bi% got

iL We held it pret%_ t_o_.

02 0_ 12 33 CC We'd _ te kaow what your attitudes were when you

2our readout, on 80, 61 and 82.

0_ 0_ 12 39 P The_vere.oa .,m,.90_X).

0_ 0_ 12 _ CC _er.

02 O_ 13 06 CC GeBiai-Sj R-wail Surgeon. See Your attem_ at blood

pre_ are =1l invalid. Are you hav_ a _,_%le_ with

the bl_cd pre.ute {Kl_q_-.,"_'t_Y

02 _ 13 1_ P Yes. We _t had t_me O-ri_ fall o_ it. We've got sole

more ha here. We'll have to skip it this _pe_a. If we get

.m.rtberom on, we'll _ it la_er.

02 O_ iS 21 CC lt_er. Than can you give !. a water report? I copied your

£eo4 ina ileep report over Caraarv_ lair time, lo if You

_lve mm !-_orlatloa on water, that rill be sufficient.

02 O_ 13 29 P We _m_e both up to 12 pomada.

O_ O_ 1_ 03 CC _ro_reaayto copyanotherFlightPlaaulxta_e_

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o_ ok la oB cc e_T ,,eeo_ aa.v _:a6:_9. _ 03. _ 9o desrees

d_va, trolacal sto_.

02 0_ 1% 27 P Rooer. 8-7 at 21:26:49. Sequemee03. PA_chdovn

90 ae6rees,tropicalstor_ _pr.

02 o_ l_ 36 CC _pr. _ther 8-7. Seeagleay I_1:33-02. Sequence03.

02 o_ 1_ _o p Do _mu nma _m_al-_, aawail_


020_ 20 _ CC Oeuini-_, _ CAP_t(.

020_ 20 _ P 8a_ it, _, OemLai-5 here.4

020_ Ilo31 CC thy. _'re lookiagreal _ downhere. Kev are you


02 o_ 2o 3% P oo u_ here.

02 O_ 29 36 CC Okay. W_IXlet'scheckthatlastS-7u_!ateyou were

give_ _ Flight Flu by Hawaii. Let's _ake sure

g_t 1% alX. You _ _,;_r_ rut?

02 0_ _0 _'9 P _es.

o20_ 20 _0 CC C_a_. l_'sS-7,02:21:33:0_.03. l_tch90 degrees don,

tropical _, and both of the S-7's you Vere given over

Haiti a_e for one aatro only.

020_ ol 13 P 1_. ts _e_e two of the_? 0_e at 2-t_26:_97

02 O_ 21 17 CC Tha%'_ affirm.

02 O_ 2I 1_ P What _._ 'the other time, please?

020_ al 20 CC 0_ay. The first omc wasZ1:26_"9. The second one was


L ,

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o2o__n 3W P moeer.

O20_21 35 CC Okay.

02 O_ 21 _1 P (_y. 1_'l,epitch_l _ 30 ad we're ab_t to yaw r_ht:

1_ de_m_, asa I _ _ cu pick up v--e_o.

o2 o_ a_ _ cc c_y.


OR 0_ 27 30 CC Go ahma, C4_t-5, this Xo aowrtoB here.

OR O_ 27 33 P Yes. - _ Qot%_l . .. I never did pXck it up. The

_tJ_x- mm loud _ elear %_ere_ amd I JuSt d/&a't see it.

OR O_ 27 _3 CC Gka_. Tmm,e S*_ll, 1_ I mid _rdaF, there aru't

· lo_ _ ec_tmlt_ laadlm,ks. Did you _t eu_ of _e


o2 o_ z_ _o P _.

(Fa O_ _7 _ CC Was that me,afire?

02 O_ _ _ P _Mt's r_ht. Tbat'e m_t_lve. We $o'c*.hee]_ piued

but bo_, it sure la _,,rd._ lee it.

02 0'__ _9 C Yc_ _ht _ them I ca_ m 4_aefXg_rem om *,hemquarem.

. posit_ for Fete %o %e_e his _ but I eou.ld Ne

of u_ f_e_ _ute _.

o2 o_ _ _ cc o_a_.

0_ 0_ _ 19 C Ye_it_ht _ tell the_ t'..*o_t like we suspected

the a.lx'ltlmm; they i_ereue aad decrease with lisht a_le.

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- _ '_ · _- l'_e 252

m_. Is that _!

020_ _ O Ot tb fl_fl {LlWid_b{.

oe O_a6 _7 · Smpr, mo_.

_inTeur_ztn_ _m_lt. Your

_ _ are _ f_me. _m_ I've _ot an _Ixlate for

your { _c mr hers.

O_ O_ 29 O_ CC _mr. The _T of burn ia 0,?.:19:03:_. Tbmt'm 0_:19:03:h-1.

DeL{m V _m 19.8. T_a_'m 19.8. W_th · buru tim of 2_,

'bu3_ 't.Jme of 2_ eeeosdm, Your ]L_L'te'b ani].e ia _ .l.k. _.

Th_t'm m_mm 1_._. %_ is --re, thrumterm are apt. Addremm

. 25 _mo(n._,nebmt,m,,adremm25oOS_. Ad4b.,mm_6_.mooo-)o.

I__ _a_m_mO00_O. _dr_m_Timall _erom.

_aat 'm all.

o_ o_ 3o o7 · aogm_,Gm_'in _ oar_:o3:k_. _ v z9.8, a_ _ma_.

I_teh _ 1_.5, O0 o_ the _. 2_ 001_, 26 00050. 27 0000.

02 O_ 30 _ CC aoser.

02 O_ _0 _ P We I_t a, rmO. good look at Florida -,-._ Cuba and the Bahamas


O_ O_ 30 35 CC _-_, _outcn here. hy a_a_n; you were pretty _---bled

that t_le_

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Pap 253

02 O_ 30 39 P Roeer. I say we're aetrix6a good look at Florida aaa the

B_mma aha Cuba *_day.

Oa O_ 30 _ CC Roar.

02 O_ 30 _8 CC Gesdni-5. Also be a4viaedthat we will update this data

I _wt _ you over _txm _ on O.S. tracking.

02 0_ 3o 55 P nossr.

02 O_ 31 25 CC Gesial-5,this is Hovatoahere amain. You needn'tacknov_

this, b_t be advised_here's gotac to be an S-6 ]h_ertment

ce_ up before that S-7 that _ were Just updatedon, ao

be _ to put it in your Flight I_-_ ahead of the S-7.

o2o_ 31_ P m_er.

02 O_ 31 _5 CC iaother e_ent here, Ge_ilkl-5, Frc_ Houstoa. [ "ll_:!,nk that

we my have · way for you to v_e 2_ur reticle. If you get

time along the way here, you _i_ check to see that your

utility light works. A_ if it _oe_ let u_ _w and we'll

describe bow to d_antle the reticle mo that you cam use

your utlli_y light.

02 0_/ 10 P l_r. The utility Xil;htdoes work. .

02 O_ 32 13 CC Okay, very t_od. _hile we got a couple of _inutes here maybe

we can talk about it right now. If you ... there are a

couple' of _crew_ up on top of the sight _u_t underneath the

looee part that you screw into the window. If you take

those two screws out, the ligh_ c_nes off. And you may be

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..... ;. _ _ _5 _

able %0 fix 2_ur utilitylight u_ on the top to _ dawn

_the filter the_e aad oato the glass and you

have an _ preeentedthere that ahoul4 be .l_ued exactly

the ray the norml reticle vas.

02 O_ 32 _6 P _r. We'll give it a _ this eve_

02 O_ 32 50 CC Yes. It takes a little whale. Thert's two screvs that

you have t_ take off ?,Q_ _ lASt off and $_ea

there ere · couple oth_ acrmm that 7_a nmed to take off

to Set the card off, _ if you _t _home off t 2mA aay be

able $_ fix the li_t vith scm tape or _ to ._

_owatbr_h U_ _er _n_n.

o2 ok 33 o9 P Okay.

02 O_ 33 26 CC Ggt another questicmhere, GeBAzd-5. We're acheauli_ga

cm_le e_ _ _'a _ to be sleep:Lng.

We'd _ to know if the thrustershave been keeper=you

avake. Because if they have, we'll eliminatesome of those


02 O_ 33 39 P So far they haven't. On the launch sleep periodswe were

both pretty ttred and we 3uet ale_t right through it.

02 O_ 33 _6 CC OMar. _'X1 go ahead and seh_ule experimnta during that

t_e for one.-an and if the *h_ueters bother you, _urt

knock off the e_e_ and let us know about it.

o2 o_ 33 55 _ 0_v.

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Page 255

02 Ok 33 56 C Okay, there's only one thing that interrupts sleep and

that _ thm_ fuel cell lmAr_a. I can't ge_ to the fuel

cell evitcheo _ here. Amd Pete has to do all the


02 04 3_ 06 CC Okay, Gordo, we'll try to take that into account and maybe

we can rearrange the purge cycles here so that we can let

Pete sleep for the long periods.

02 04 _ 14 F Either that, orwhy don't we try ode ow- time and tee if

we can't purge both of them at ow- ttme to get back on

the 6-hour cycle.

02 04 34 22 CC Okay, we'll look into that here.

o_ Ok 34 25 P Verygood.

02 O_ _6 O1 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this fs Houston here, over.

02 Ok _ 0_ P Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5 here.

02 Ok _6 10 CC Roger, G_u4-t-5, Houston here. I have your reverse

coelliptlc maneuver update for you. Are you ready

to COl_?

02 O_ b6 20 P Readyto copy.

O_ O_ _6 PP CC Roger. Your G_r of burn 02:19:0_:O4. I may again,

02:19:0_:O4. Delta V 17.3. I say again, 17.3.

Burn time is 22. Burn time 22. Pitch angle negative

15.8, negative 15.8. Yaw t8 O, thrusters aft. Address

25 00167. I say again, address 25 is 00167. Address 26

*O00_7. I say again, address 26 is 000_7. Address 27 is

all zeros. Over.

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17.3, _'_ _- _ 15.8 l_l._ O0 _,

t_.nmte., _ 00167, _ O(X_T,ea4_.e _, 5 ..-

02 O_ kT'l_ CC loeb,, edereee 27 nm all zeros. Thuk you. Almo,

_et._mu, SectiomSo. 2, after _,_ _ rout reveree

- eoell/ptle. We're /mmet:[_t,l_, _be poee:!.bJ.11t7 of ]_u'g:b_g

02 Ok _8 12 C PurlW Seet/m_ 2 a.' eO,,ll tlrtie.

o2 o_ _ x5 cc _r. _

02 O_ 03 _6 P _y, t_e _tmm for time t4Rpe ts 1_:0_:_0. Pre_ for

the reverm eNXlt.p_ic burn et 19_:0k.

O_ O_ 03 _k C 3O seconds.

O_ 05 03 _0 P IVI'e reinsurer cc_tro/ler 0_.

02 O_ 03 _'7 C 17 feet fornrd, huh?

02 0.5 03 b9 P 17 fee_ r_.

o_ 'o5 03 _ C C_ay.

02 05 03 _7 C _aneuve__r's 0_.

0_0_0_01 C _, 3, 2, 1, _.

02 o_ _ 2_ P Om, _,;,_.


02 O_ O_ 32 ·CC - C_{Lni-_ OesdAt-_, this is _ here, over.


:' _'_ ": ? f' { ) i, f < ! ? :- ' : i ]

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o2 05 o_ 33 P cks,, Cst it ror_rd ._st a notch.

O2 05 O_ _0 P C_, _ om se_.

02 05 O_ _1 0 ]{mlJwO,_lt_m, C*mtai-5.

O_ 05 O_ _ _. l_ol_r, C_zL_-5, t-_Lts IS _t. On here. ga _ give

02 05 o_ _7 P _ot_r -- _ a mquirt.

O_ 05 O_ 57 P ._-e_ 80 Is 00001.

O2 05 05 09 P Address 81 is 0OOO!.

oR o5 o5 =. P A_tr_m _a Is oooo_.

02 05 05 a_ CC Roar, undsr_. R_er. We _o% tha_. I won't bother

rel_ti_ it. Be a_imd that we _t _u to puree

both sect!e_. I e_r,_ata_ both Mctio_ right after the

coelXil_le burn s a_l th_ ye year _ to _et _o sleep.


0_ 05 O_ 5_ P You're u_r_d_ble. I tl_m_zt l_u _l_l 'to _ bo%_

_ectimm. Is that eor,_,_?

0_ 05 o6 03 CC l_r. That is a_rlr_ive, lha_e both mctio u before

do_. Then we rant the _ to _et to sleep.

0_ o5 o6 _ P _oser, _. PurSe tam before pove_ne dovn_

P_l_t 8o t_ Lleep.

02 05 06 _i CC Afl--ye. Be advised _t we're _in_ %0 slip the

mla_ periods approximtel_ 1 hour so thst yov'll refill

_t the _ _ of sleep; vetll _uyC s_.v._ sm hour ]_ater.

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..... _ g58

02 05 06 "1 C ...

02 05 06 _ P You're umr_ble. I can hear yo_ _ _cmt _methl_

ebmrt _, but _a're uaread_Ze. Pus It u_ to the

next wtati_

02 05 06 _1 CC C_mt_-_, Oe_u/-5, ammtem here. You*re um_e_able.

We've gottam the _ m_8 actor.

02 05 06 _ P Gi_e it M ua at Carmuw_.

O2 O5 07 11 C _y, mm_m_r e_troller Is OFF ama STOOD.

02 05 O? 13 P Okay, go back to 000.

02 05 OT 18 P I'm got_ _o Imwr you down ... _ the /_el ceLLs.

o2 05 o7 g3 c o_,.

O2O5O?25 P A3_rl_ht. ParthenOn. _rec_ethe ...t

02 05 O7 30 P Ail right; Let ne mark i_ _i, Gl the recorder the

tl_ Is 19:10:00. X'a pX_ to _ bo_ mct/o_ of

the fuel eel1.

02 05 13 30 P Oki, the _ to day 2, 19:15:00. Fuel _ purAe

ccaiGet4an bo_h fuel celle tar the flrwt tile. We're

sortof b&ck in notes1 OPeration_ the Fdel eel/.

02 05 17 59 P _m_, the t_ X8 19:16:00. We have _mered back dram

to aa_a_d_atel_ 18-19 m_ eoamml_toa. Bias

pmmr t8 primary, DC l_mr /8 ACI_, _ her/zen

_mmer ia secce_a_ry_ all ye're tB Horizon Sc_n Node

a.'_er ou_ ]_r_e.* OAMBt_ell c_trd ie reading _.

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02 05 lt_ X3 CC 0e_a_ll.-5, 0m_1.-5, this is llavaLt.

o2 c_ _ 21 c Goa_ b s._, o_a_-_.

02 05 t_ 23 CC Botpr.. ! have a _ Flaa ul_hte for you _ ;you'

x_r to calfS.

oaos_a9 c _r, I_tmeaa.

02 o5 _ 31 CC l_o_r. 5-6, _,coad 4_r, 2o:oo:oo. _.ce 05. _t, on

area. 0mmead _,.Zot, mfi.y.

02 05 i_ _ CC _ler, Om/alL-5. I )_m noth_ for you. i_valt ts

mtamd_ _.

o2 05 _5 03 c l_ler. _ _ou ve_ _ch.

O2 05 4_ 21 CC oem._L-5, t,_ _ _mm/t. Co,ld I get an _ OA_

F_A2aat quantity re. out?

o2 o5 _5 _9 c _oeer. _.

02 05 1_5 31. CC Roger. _ you.

02 05 1_.51_0 C HOW&ll_tb z_ & little lnfo_tton back to the

sm-/_cm at NOC,

02 05 It5 _5 CC Go ahead.

02 O_ _557 C We fi_alAy figured out wh_ he's so confusedover our food,

The _eason is tha% we atartedeati_ the f_rst da_ on the

_mod that wa..toted in our foot_vel/ area. for launch.

Aml th/s e_t,_d us off _ then oa our seque_i_ n_be_,

m_oz,ed _ the aft locker.

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'_ Page 260

· 02 05 _ 18 CC Roger. We'll relay it to them.

02 05 _6 22 C Wehave been Nt_ _1_ and net feeliag at all bunny.

OR05 _6 28 CC l_opr_ mnderetmad.

02 05 _6 _ CC _Jal_ how did the l_rge go?

02 05 _6 _ C t_ser, lm21e ve_at very yell. No problems at all on it.

02 05 _6 _ CC Bc_er.

02 O_ _7 06 CC Wu $_at both section, Gemini?i

02 05 _7 10 C _er. _ section.

o_ 05 _7 1_ cc _r.

02 05 _7 _ CC _, dad y_u fix the O-r_ blood Preslmre bulb?

02 05 _7 29 C That's ,_fir_tive.

02 05 _7 _ cc _er.


· 02 05 5_ _, CC C_lal-5, C,_q_asCAPCae. You'releoking_oodon the

gro_. We have _thi_ for you; ataudi_ by.

02 05 5_ 29' C Roger,_mas. Fi,,- ul_ here.


O2 05 58 06 CC c_lni-_, aeaini-_. This is Houston.

02 05 58 ll C ... Ge_ini-_.

oe o_ 58 12 cc _o_er. Would_ouput your C-mindAdapterSwitchto


O_O_X7 C _.

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02 05 _ 18 CC And _-_, be-ad_dJed that there's going to be a

Minuteman launch down at the Cape here. In a co_le

_re _8 I'Ll get you a tim hack on that. You

_ht see Lfyoucan see lt.

ot 05 58 3o ¢ o_v.

02 05 _8 32 CC I've 8_t mom news for you here. It says here in the

headli_s of the u_ton l_st this mornl_ that GT-5

il _o_ tow an XmB_ mpaeecraft.

02 05 58 5o c Very8ood.

02 05 58 58 C Dtd we catch it?

02 05 _ 00 CC Yea_ I _p_emmyou d_d.

02 05 59 O_ CC Hey, Gemini-5, we'll give you a mark at 60 seconds and

at 30 _. You might look out over tovardo the Cape

mad see if you can see enythfng out that way.

O2 05 59 14 O Okay,

02 05 59 19 CC Sixty seconds now.

02 05 59 35 CC Oordo, if 2_u're fooling around at AI_ with that sight,

you might give us a call if and when you get it fixed

so that we can plan sore of our experi_nta for tomorrow.

o2 05 59 47 c Okay.

02 05 59 _B CC Mc-ua 30 seconds.

02 o5 59 49 cc Mark.

02 06 O00_ CC Fifteen seconds. Can you see the Cape at all?

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Page 262

o_ o6 oo oe P No.02 06 (:mO09 C Not yet. There's cloud cover free here.

02 06 O0 12 CC Fi ve eeeoab. 3, 2, they're holding, Gordo.

o2060023 c Okay,

0_ 06 00 _ CC C_rt_ ezcited, dl4n't vet

02 06 0027 C Yea.

02 06 00 _ CC Go. They Jut l_fte4 ofT.

o2o6oo 3_ c .o_v.

oa o6 oo 3_ cc Kaep _.

02 06 01 26 CC Qemini-5,Houstonhere. You're looking very sood froa

the _Aud. We really don't have much for you this time.

O2 06 01 31 C Okay. ! d_ntt .ee au_th_ dcvn Florida way.

o2o_ox _ cc c_ay.

02 06 01 _O C It's pretty cloudy from here.

02 06 O1 b,2 CO Okay. _'o the weatherBeen today? Have you seen

02 06 OX "7 C Quite a bit.

02 06 O1 _1 CC Hey; _t do you think about the S-_/D-I3tomorrow? Do

you thine you'vepicked up enc_ knovle_ about the area

tO help you find itt

0_ 06 0_ 00 ¢ I thlnk .o.

02 06 0_ 02 CC 0_. PlAn oa doinA 1% tcBmrrc_ such that whoever sees

it fi_t 8oea ahead and $_keo the masu_mntm.

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r -- _

06 _ 09 C Okmy.

06 02 17 C I mm _Im-tngmy _ u,l_mmmm.

06 02 21 CC Ob; vex-_r(_x_l.,very8o4xX.The caataetmor the o-,,,m ,,ibmhm-m ri.m?

02 06 02 26 o T_ b_ )_rn r_m.

oe 06 oe eS cc okay.

02 07 oo i3 cc _-}; oscboNP o_

Oe O7 O0 se C CSo.... _-9. .,

02 07 O0 _ CC _; _-5 080. _aimts a bl_ckret_--'od[_h'eulxlat,e

for _.' Are you ready to copyT

o2o7oo_2 c _. st_by_./

oeo? oo 53 c C,o_.

02 07 OO 5_ CC l_omer. Arm. _-_ 0 O; day '_j, _:36:35_, ll:Sb,, 18:36. Roll

1wit, _., _ right 69. 37-30 O, aa.7e, 23:_:36, .1.a:_.1,

18:20. _ left 51, roll right 69.

O2. 07 02 3,.2 C Good.

02 07 02 1_ CC 38-3 0 O, _ 3, 01:31:09, 12:05, 18:11. 11011left 51,

roUL_ 69.

02 O? 02 _ C Good.02 07 O_ _0 CC 3c_ 0 O, dear 3, 03'0'_:38, 1-1:_3, 18:30. 1%oll left _1,

roll rtsl_ 69.

oa o7 o329 c Check.

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02 07 03 30 CC ]%_er. Au4 i have an Ape_lo _ ulxtx_ for _xm.

Day 2. Correct_. ire _u reaay to eoF/ -_ur Apollo


02 07 03 39 C Yes, I*m rely.

02 07 O3 _l CC Oki. _T 2, a1:_5:39. Sequence 2/2. Pitch 3O down.

Yaw_ rieht, m_ you cop_

07 O_ 05 C Ye,, I _t that.

02 07 Oil.08 CC ]k_er. CSQ !ms -_,, GOoa the _<_1. If not2zin6

furt2_r; staud/_ by.

02 07 O_ 27 CC _mLmL-9,

02 07 O__. X' ... C_,.

02 07 O_ 33 CC Boeor. Be advieed that the wet*_er is _ in .ll the

previouf areas.

o2'o7o_37 c CBmy. Very_ooa, Umnk_a.


02 07 19 35 CC Gemint-_,Hamlii CAPCOM.

02 07 19 _2 P _ello, _mmii, Oe_a_/-5.

02 07 19 _ CC l_r. We've got you Green _ the grcan_ and we're

c_r_ your dump. We'd like you to cycle _r o---tity

8witch a_l _ve us readouts.

o'ao719_. P o_v. zcso_8_,78o_md..

02 07 2O O7 CO 780.

_ o7 _ o9 P 78o_la.

02 07 20 11 CC l_r.

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z Page265

02 oi' _ 15 x, r,.1,,1'_',_ o2 9_, a_t 9o _ia.02 07 20 21_ CC Roger.

02 07' 20 33 CC Roser. We vould like to _Ivime you the next time

_mu're over us om 36 Bev, we would like to ge_ your

exl_ri_nt atatus for the last 24 hourB.

02 o7 2o _ P o_v.

02 07 38 51 C _ in nov over South Amert©a ... Apollo L_dmark

eequemce Z12.


o2 o7 "3 16 cc Geu_U-5, RKV CAP COM.%%

02 07 43 22 C GO ahead, I_(V,0emini-5.

02 07 "3 2k CC Roger. All rj_tems look good here on the ground.

02 07 43 30 C Roger, So ahead.

02 07 "3 32 CC I have an orbit update for you if you'd l_ke to copy.

02 07 "3 37 C Roser, can you wait _ust a couple of minutes? I'm ...

02 07 "3 _l CC Roger. Give Be a call when you're ready.

02 07 "3 _ C okay.

02 07 _/_05 C There it is. See it up there?

02 07 _ 10 C Lake Ti%icaca shows up very loud and clear, ahead.

The lake itself is an excellent landmark. Shows quite

clearly. Bow we'll see if any pertlcular poin_ -- oh

well,tttson the southernedgeof the lake,extendsto

the eastern shore end, and I hi,_ it in view already.

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I must be · couple of hundred Itles, 250 tiles

easily. I have _ point in view and. the lake is

the big i_tveav_. A long peninsula here.

02 07 _5 27 C Late atte_ with the sun cutt_ fairly _ shadows

on the _tet_s and rugged terrain.

02 07 46 17 C Taking this picture at 1/250 and 6, because of · decrease

of light down below,

02 07 _6 46 C That was fr_e 62 and.frame 63.

02 07 _7 _3 C And fram 6_, ami we're well past it.

02 08 03 _6 C Okay, day 2, 22:01_:00, we changed the first rubber piece

on the urine device. Just prior to this · few hours a6_,

we _ and threw away our first _ towels and have

fresh ones on.

OR 08 O_ 15 C And here we sit, one defecating, one urinating. Coming

up over sunrise -- trying to fly the spacecraft and do

16 ex_erimen%s. Otherwise, it's kind of · slack time.


02 08 35 27 C Hello, CSq, Oemiai-5.

02 08 35 30 CC Currently we have you GO on the g_ound and I have ·

map update for you. Are you ready to copy?

0208 _5 35 c _r. Co a_ad.

02 08 35 37 CC l%o_er. Nap 22 plus 25 plus 00, Rev 36, longitude 77

degrees East. Star, 22 plus 25 plus 00. O1 plus 40

plus 16. DiS you copy?

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Page 267

02 08 36 12 C That's affirmative.

02 08 36 1_ CC . Boger. Amd be advised your ephemeris is now 107.8

by 168.1 nautical miles.

02 08 36 2_ C Say again the ephemeris.

02 08 36 28 CC Roger. 107.8 by 168.1 nautical miles.

02 08 36 37 c Roger.

02 08 36 _J_ C We have one slight discrepancy. We've lost the cabin

_rature gage. However, we have a hand temperature

gage to use.

02 08 36 55 CC Roger, copy.

02 08 37 23 cc Gemini-5, CSQ. Be adyised your cabin heat exchanger outlet

air te_ is 7k degrees.

OZ 08 37 33 C Roger. _--_ you.

02 08 38 18 C CSQ, Gemini-5.

02 08 38 21 CC CSQ, go ahead.

02 08 38 23 C What's your position?

O2 08 38 28 CC Stand by.

02 08 38 _0 CC Roger. CSQ's position is 21 degrees North, 125

degrees East.

02 08 38 48 C Roger. You're not in the position you were supposed

to be, are you?

02 08 38 93 CC Affirmative. That's our assigned position.

02 08 38 55 C I see. Did you move for the typhoon a little while ago?

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Page 268

02 08 38 59 CC The only Boveaent we have is some drift possibly

20 miles and then back to the ...

02 08 39 08 C l_o_er. T_t was 21 North, 125 East, right?

02 08 39 11 CC Thattl affirmative.

02 08 39 13 C Thank you. _

02 08 _0 47 CC Ge_-5, CSQ. It's about 1 minute until LOS. Have

nothing further. Standing by.

02 08 _O 52 C Gend_mi-5. l_er. Standing by.


02 08 53 19 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii.

02 08 53 21 C Hello, Hawaii, Gemini-5.

02 08 53 23 CC Roger. We'd like to advise you that you have a D-4/D-7

over this station, and would you place your Radar Mode

Switch to S_ANDBY until further notice?

02 08 53 _ CC Gemini-5, that's deleted. Pardon me. That was an

error. Do not do that.

02 08 53 49 C Roger.

02 08 53 51 CC Okay, we're ready to receive exper4w--ntal data.

02 08 53 55_ P We're not going to make it this pass.

02 08 53 58 CC Roger. Understand.

02 08 54 O0 C The thing i8 the list of 24-hour experimental data.

Would you like that Hawaii_

02 08 5_ 06 CC That's affirmative.

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02 08 _ 10 P _ll right. We've co_lete_, two MSC-1 tewtJ_ one Cabin

Lighting, _ Test 04 and 01, D-i_ that's Dog-l,

sequence 2 and 3, D-6 sequence 12, sequence 20, sequence 13_,

B-7 tropical storm, Apollo _rk _, D-4/D-7 sequence

_0, S-6 sequence 07, and we have completed two full

_a/_zines of celestial pictures on $-5 and S-6.

02 08 55 52 CC Roger, Gemini-5.

02 08 56 08 CC Gelini-5, Hawaii, we have your readingon the ground.

02 08 56 16 P Roger. We're GO up here.

02 08 56 18 CC Roger. I have a further remark; delete D-_/D-7 over

Hawaii. Pick it up over RKV-36.

02 O8 56 37 P Okay.

02 08 56 56 CC Gemini-5 is your Radar on STANDBY?

02 08 56 59 C That's negative.

02 08 57 03 CC Would you put your Radar _/odeSwitch to STANDBY until

further notice.

02 08.57 09 C Roger. You sure you want it to STANDBY?

02 08 57 17 CC That's affirmative. Radar to STANDBY, Gemini-5.

02 08 57 20 P Okay. Radar turned to STAgilY and out.

02 08 57 26 CC That'. because of your temperature, Gelaini-5. It's

getting low. They want to warm it up a little.

02 08 57 34 c Oh. Oka_r.

02 08 58 07 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii is standing by.

02 08 58 11 C Roger. Tba,k you, boys.

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O_ 10 11 55 C _ Oemimi-5.

OR 10 12 09 C CBq, Oemini-5.

02 I0 12 IX CC Ik_er.

02 10 12 _ C 0ver _8wlii, but we'll make the D-_ pas. on Bawaii

this lmU.

ozxo 35 cc mpr,

02 10 12 37 C Our rta_u_ ia Green.

02 10 12 _1 CC Houmtou mRuul_olio like to know t_e rtalmusof the

reticle repair. Over.

02 10 12 h9 C _r, we haven't ed_rted on that ye%. Little bit later.

02 10 12 51 .CC . P_er.

02 10 13 15 CC Gemini-5, CS_ h.. muthins furtherI we're etan_inA by.

02 10 1_ 55 cc Gmiul-5, csq.

o2 lo lh 57 c Go ahead.

OR i0 ih 58 CC Roger, _muBton a4vioes scrub the D-k/D-7 over Bavaii

this pall due to _ther, and you di_ copy that Hawaii

will be' a .medical da'ta loasI for the Pilot, affirm?


02 10 _ _1 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP CON.

02 10 i_ 5] ... _li.'

· O_ 10 28 5h CC Ik_er, we copy your oral te_.; stared by. We are

atamdim_ by for blood pressure.

02 10 29 03 P Ik_er, coata8 d_n.

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..... : Pa_ Z?l

02 10 30 2_ P Hawaii, did you get the blood pressure?

02 10 30 30 CC GeaAni-5,thisis hii Surgeon,we'rehavinga

ProblemvitaourT/_. We haven'tgot any data_a Fed

SO for.

O2 10 30 37 P Okay. I Juot sent it down. Went ma to go again?

02 10 _0 39 CC 8$d_d by one, Ge_ini-5.i

o2 lo 3o _ P Okay.

02 10 31 O0 CC Gewiai-5, this is _awaii Surgeon. We've got T/M now.

Could you give us your blood preaeure_'

02 10 31 O_ C B_ger.

02 10 31 07 CC Gemini'5 would you place the Radar Switch to OFF.

02 lO 31 12 P Hold still.

02 10 31 _ CC Okay, we have good blood pressure. Give me a mark when

you begin your exercise, please.

02 10 31 53 P stand by. Mark.

02 10 32 59 CC Okay; we have a good blood pressure. Pete, I understand

that you Just got up from your nap. So if you can give

us a water report, that's about all we'll need.

02 10 33 06 P Roger. The Pilot has drunk 13 pounds 3 ounces, the

Co, and Pilot, 13 pound_ 8 ounces.

02 10 33 15 CC I understand Pilot 13 pounds 3 ounces, Co_mnd Pilot

13 pounds 8 ounces.

02 lO 33 20 P ' That's affirmativet and the Cn_n_ Pilot is eating .atthis

time. /

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: Page 272

02 10 33 23 CC ' Roger, switch you over to CAP COM.

02 10 33 2_ CC Gemini-5 would you confirm that you've got your Radar

Switch in the OFF position.

02 10 33 30 P Ro_er. Radar to OFF and you want us to leave this OAM_3

Heater Switch OFF. We could put that ON if you want it

to keep the load up.

02 10 33 43 CC Negative. We got that temperature on that Radar back up

to about 42 degrees.

02 10 33 46 P Okay. How's every_ing going down there, Bill?

Oa 10 33 50 CC Not bad. I would like to get a readout before I loose

you here. Would you go to ECS 02 and hold it for about

10 seconds.

02 10 34 03 P There's ECS 02 going t° Fuel Cell 02.

02 10 34 07 CC Stand by one.

02 10 34 09 CC Go to Fuel Cell 02 .

02 10 34 13 CC - We're trying to get a computer readout, so stand by.

02 10 34 15 P Okay.


02 10 49 40 CC Gemini-5, RK_ CAP CGM voice check, how do you read?

02 10 49 44 P RKV, G_ni-5 ...

02 10 49 46 CC Roger, we have some PLA updates for you. Acknowledge

when you are ready to copy.

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02 :LO_9 52 P Rotor,_ a second.

02 lo 5o eT P _-5 reed_ to copy.

0_ 1050 09 CO 1_o_r. I'a liketo re,tadyouthat all_u_ an_les

_ the mum, that im roll left 51, roll


02 lO 50 21 P _omr.

02 10 50 22 CC Arm& kO Delta, O3:_'11, 19 plus I3, 23 plum 55.

kl C_arXie, 06:_5:2B, 21 pt_ _ 27 1_1_ 13.

Area _ DeXta, 06:11:99, 15 plus 29, 20 plus kl.

Area k3-2, 08:_6:_2, 1_ plus 07, 19 plua _6.

Area _-2, 10:21:16, 13 plum 03, 18 plus k3.

I _zcld like to tell you tha_ the _ather is good

_1_ xll IIA't_I, II ;,

02 10 52 13 P _, eopie_ th_ all.

02 10 52 15 CC Roger, Xi_e to re_Lud ymx tJaatyou have a Cabin Light

Survey over CS_ on E_v 38.

O2 10 52 21 P _a_-.

02 10 52 _ CC That time will be al_Pro_tel_ 01:k5:_8.

02 10 52 _5 CC We'd._ for you to cycle thro_ your Quantity Read

Switch fo we can get sow ground rea&lng..

o2 lo 5_ 39 P _opr, XeS o_ ON.

02 :L0'52 _3 CC Ro_-__r,utand by.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 271/782

1_ ZTb,

02 10 _3 05 Cc Willyou s

witch to ]



02 10 _3 21 P Fuel Co31 H2.

02 10 53_0 P ... C,m_tml-5.

02 10 53 43 CC Roger, we have all your system GO on the gr_,_a.

Everytblaglooks great.

o2 lO 53 _6 P GO u_ here.

02 10 55 33 CC C_e_=4-5,this is BKV, we have 2 minutesbefore LOS;

we're 8'tendins by.

O_ lo 55 38 P Roeer, r.,w_-5.

O_ _0 5_ _ C ...

02 10 55 _9 CC Can'_ read you, C_,,,_t-5;say a_ain.

02 10 56 O1 C Roger, we are not doing much now but the last couple

of orbits _ were t4aAin_to bouseML,epins.

02 10 _ 06 CC Bo_er, understand tendi_ to housekeeping.

02 10 56 13 C It was q_ite a chore.

02 10 56 16 CC That I eau understand.


02 11 _ _2 P C5_, Gemini-5. Do you read me? Over.

02 11 _ _5 CC Gem_w_-5,CS_. Read you loud amd clear.. We have you

_0 oa the ground.

02 lA _ _9 P _o_er, _'re GO up here.

02 11 _8 _3 cc cs_ standing by.

O_ 11 _ 55 P Bo_r, We're Just finishin_u_ _2e _ ...

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: = .

l',e 2q'5

02 Il..59 56 P Let's m; _he tim is 3 days 02 hours O0 _tes over

the Pacific; and off to our left ye're apottLu_ Lar_,

areas off cloudineu, vhich bother the horizon

fK_mmmrs. The hortson m_,mm,rmmem]mot melUme'timeI_l-Xmom

correctly. They contimm to pitch the spacecraft up and


02 12 25 1.l. CO Omi.hi-5; _-5, _ CAP 0(14. Com. check, how do

you rmV?

02 12 25 18 P F_V CAP C_, C4_ni-5, Read you loud and clear.

02 12 25 _ CC Roser, Be advised this ts a UHF-6 _ss.

02 ]2 25 27 P l_pr. u_-6 ...

cc r., mi-5.

02 12 25 37 P I say ECS _,-_tity is on and I'll So through $_e ECS

quauti_y, Fuel C_e!l 02, Fuel Ce].].Hydrogen ...

021225 cc Bosr. maby.

02 12 25 51 P Roger, The onboard readi_ is 88 ... 716 . .. pmi on


.02122600 CC Ieopy.

02 12 26 04 P Fuel CeLt 02 im 92 percent, 70 pmia, H._lro_n 87 percent,

800 psia.

02 12 26 18 CC l_0t_r. I Copy. You have a GO on al I sys$,e_ on the _md.!

O_ 12 26 2_ P B_er. _ are GO u_p here. Be ad_sed that _ Pilot and

th_ _ Pilot ... rt4ht nov. En_oyi_ ... spa_hetti and


(5: ('_ :f: ' :'_ '

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0_ 12 _8 58 cc R_er. ! understand _ _ are affecte4 by

$_tl _ clc_l coverm_ over the Paetftc.

02 12 29 O_ P _at'e correct.

02 12 29 09 CC _'m the ml_ttl ,LSd_tb_m?

02 1R 29 2 F It'm re,3J_ good. I nw,_r thoqht cold mlm&hettl and

mthAl_m _ tamte _ beforet but It mute doem.

02 12 29 kO CC _ I4_ etyll?

0_ 12 29 _ P Tha,t'm _ff_rmtive.

12 30 5b CO _-_, REV 0AP 0_ _ve 1 minute before LOG.

_tI1 be i_c_mding by.

02 la 30 _ P _m_r. _e're mtandl_ b_ up' here.

0a _ _ 0Z CC _r.

02 12 31 06 F Is 4_ c_tr]_amt_.m _$_ _-_u4_d4Ort?

12 31 13 P r. 4_m our _mt _mm _th you $_nt_rt?

02 12 31 1_ CC _e_ttve. _ot 39, _0, ,1 and 42 m_be.

02 12 31 20 P I keep ffor_t_lng vhem the C_m_d P_ot'm on and _'m


oa _ 31 z_ cc Eve_ c_a.v up -.,here_

00AS_AL _

O_ 13 20 17 CC _-_, CSQ CAP 004.

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·_,'L_.:_ h_ ':_ _ i _ :

02 13 20 21 P Go ahead, CSQ, Gestini-5.

02 13 20 23 CC Aoeer. We have you GO on the ground, and we'd like

yvur fuel cell 1_ status please.

02 13 20 30 P Roger. Purse fuel cell 02:.50to 02:5_.

02 13 2o _ cc Copy.

02 13 20 _8 cc And Genini-5, be advised that Pilot is expected to do

the 8-8 sequence 1 and 2 when you change sleep cycles.i


02 13 21 O1 P Yes, ... We've got it done. We;ll give you the scores

in Just a secon_

02 13 21 08 P Okay. The Command Pilot's score was 7 wrong and

-=-9was 93.

02 13 21 20 CC Copy. Co.and Pilot's 7 wrong. Say again after that.

02 13 21 25 P I_ger. The _ score was 93.

02. 13 21 3_ CC Copy.

02 13 21 33 P Pilot, 3 wrong. 100 for the _.

02 13 2_1112 CC Copy.

02 13 22 2_ CC Ge_Ani-], _ has no_hlng further. St_mdin_ by.

02 13 RR 29 P Ropr. Oelini-5 has no_ further. We're standing

by alse.

02 13 R3 06 CC Gemini-5, C_.

02 13 23 o8 c Co ahead, CsQ.

OR 13 23 09 CC No,er. Houston advises they'll give you a systesm update

over _antoa in approximately 13 minutes from now.


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02 13 23 17 C B0_ax, understand. A 8ywteN update aver Caatoa

13 _mutee from nov. _ you, Sir.

02 13 36 55 CC Cmmini-5, G_nA-5, this ia _mton. Over.

02 13 37 09 CC Geuhai'5, Gemini-5, t'_iaia _. Over.

02 13 37 27 CC Gemini-_, Gemini-5, this ia Houlton. Over.

02 13 37 53 CC Gemimi-5, Gemtn_-5, thia ia Houstom, Over.

02 13 38 ll CC Geliai-5, Gemini-5, this ia House. Over.

02 13 38 26 CC Gelint-5, Gemimt-5, this ts Houston. Over.

02 13 38 _1 C Hous%on, Gemini-5 haste you.

02 13 38 _ CC Gemini-5, Gelini-5, this ia Houston. I do not receive

_ou. 1'4 like to give you a status report on your

systems. Over.

02 13 38 57 CC Gemtl_-5, I still do not read you. Your status report

ia aa follows: Your fuel calla aeem to be adequately

replacim_ 3re)urwater coms_tion. Tank A _.=-tity ia tH5i

pounds. Fuel cella _ to be doing real well. There's

no aiguificant degradation ia either of them At present

there'o mo real comcern z_w for either the H2 or the

_ater pre.ute limiting your duration. We show your

ca,ia te_erature holding at 70 to 71 degrees. How do

read,Gea U

02 13 39 38 C * Roar, ... clear but 81i6htly weak, Houston.

02 13 39 k5 CC Gemini-5, thio is Houston. Say again.

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02 13 39 _8 c I_aSer, ve,3'e _ F:m. oe maemlt.

'02 13 39 _. CC l_aller. We _ your e_tmm_ are qu:!.te cXoN

to tbetu, eaXet, ea v'aluu. _ fuel cell ii_ :lj

e4meted to vent for al_roxi_ 80 m0ve hours. We

have _r c_l-_t +_e_ h_ldin8 mteady with the

radiator _tet te_e_ _ from 20 aei_eea on

the da_r mide to 0 deareea on the night mide. Your C_C

systems _ ma to be do_.uS qu.tte vel._. Your fuel

rE_ini_ is 79 pouz_. The oxidAzer r_aining is 1_

poum_. _h your projected exl_m, _e lrredXct/

to require _9 poua_ of ffuel; Xeaving · l_d of 20

_. Your radar averaae teaperature dropped _o 19

_Wm_m cnmr the mcr crathe 35$,1mrev. _'_m ia

z_mm_m ve m_ _u to br_ 4_ r_ to Standby.

Y_ tmm_ture Xm lmmmmmtl_ 36 de_. Over.

O2 13 _1 05 c aower. 36 de,teem_ m4_..

02 13 bl 06' CC lqDIl_. Om your l)bamtam A&mm z_dezvous to_ay, +_ remzXtm

q_te emcom_4_b_. We had _ _ert_me _thXn 2

musical Id_ee of beXn_ eoellil_tc, mud your - 0.2 aau_ea_

stt.t.e - and your aLnolleew_.t,hln 0.3 mmt:!.ea.1,mile. Thisve_ld have 4_Lve_ abotrt, · 2 SLtmt4m _LtffferE_ee in the

laitiati_ _ for teralim_ ph&eE. Many. of your experi-

m _ are _ to ae_ead on how yell _e can

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 277/782

;. °

iDettbe_t_Lcle f_m4. Bo_ do you _ to be dot_: -

cB 4blUr nmr_

o2 13 _l _ c z'a _t_ _ to %_rt m _t nm,. .

t_tm; _L_ be do_ three dtfferen_ types of

terta_ rud&r temtam, md two _mmte if_olvin_ the 11_

aha the' mrs. Could _u t41.l ua vhether either do_

tam HEP e_er_L_ or doi_ b _nm over l_m Ca_, you

obmer_Kl3_r FDI _m to be center_L_ am Fou were

trmeJ_L_q_ei4_merthe _ or tam C_pe? Over.

02 13 _ 37 O Yem, t_ey we_. Over.

02 13 ha/39 CC O'_ay. _ wIMmmt eo_t_rllm_ by our 8umsr_es on the

grmmd. _0re -_-o con_idert_ m rm_m_o_m te_

pi_ _ULm_bLLtty telrtm mYdtrt_n4_about 20 ILu_tem prior

to 8 Ltmultted /n/*/a_/e_burn and carryIJ_ on

to the brmk_ point.

z3 m ...dJ_

o_ 13 _.3 o3 CC s_r e4al_.

02 13 _.3 08 oo 0em_. -5, Hourton. h.y ae_tn.

02 13 k3 25 O We're etall readini;Houston ... not readin&Houston

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02 13 _3 37 CC Oeltai-5,bow do 2ou reed _eemtoanov?

O_ 13 _'3 39 C Booer, Itu reed.rnA a&aln.

02 13 k3 _ CC Roller. We'd like to do omo of tbeee %cora; power

pez.mmAi_b_, d=ria& _ aol-wiatew%4Epuoes. If you

have ay c_mmnt on 'whether you cart %o be occupied

OJ0e peTuon la flleep:_ wtd be w_ t,o boa/*


02 13 1_ O_ C I think we have been kept fairly buoy. It hasn't been

toobml.o fir.

02 13 _ 11 CC l_r. Th.ts would be while oM erev eeuberto flleeptaS

and b o'r,ber one ia aXtt, in&' by.

02 13 _ 18 C Roger. Of course, Nme of these things are 8o_ to

4e_-*tely wtke the other man up.

02 13 _ 2_ CC Um_.

02 13 _6 _6 P _ for tho tape r_co_r: I have to _ i_self

to f_ ou_ what it fdst_bat'sgoing _, 8_ueak, aquea_

on the right side behl_ _ head.


02 1_ 00 2_ CT C_al-_, BEV CAP eOM, CCK_C, bow do you reed?

02 l_ 00 28 C B0_er, I_V. ·Ge.AnX-_ reads you loud and clear.

O_ lk 00 32 CC BNWr. Yo_ have a _0 oa tae grou=_.

o_ la,co 3_ c _r_. _o _re.

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02 lk _0 37 CC _oser. We have a trar_Xag_eaa UlMa_e for you.

Ackm_ _ _m're read_ to eepy.

o2x ookk oetr.Goeheed.

02 lk O0 k6 CC Cab/_ Ll_, 06:2k:00,delete. Cabin LlghtJ_g,

Ok:_:a6, heads u_. ! repeat,heads up. S-7,

06._:k6, aequence1, pitch 90 Acam. Aircraft

aUFlmrt. S-7, 05:00:00,eequuce Bo. 1, delete.

Do 3_u ec/_?

O2 14 0206 C Ro_er.

02 1_ 02 11 C ...

O2 1_ O2 13 CC Go ahead.

02 1_ 02 16 C I_. We copy '...I_V.

02 14 02 19 CC ' 1_. We'd 1/Jm to advile you tha_ you have a medical

data lmae on the Co.and Pilot over CS_ on Rev 40.

I'll give you a tame oa that. b_:53:_9.

02 1_ 02 kO C okay.

o2 14 02 _3 cc _oger.

02 1_ ok 09 cc Ce_Lni-5,F_V.

02 1_ Ok 11 P ]k_ar, So ahead, I_V.

02 lk O_ 1_ CC R_er. Would you tur_ off your Qumntity Read Svltch?02 1_ Ok 17 F l_r.

02 lk o_. 19 cc Thank you.

O_ 14 Ok _1 P Thaa_ 2_u,

02 lk 06 10 CC GemZui-_, this is _XV. Ve have 1 IdJnrtebefore LOS. _e're

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 280/782

cQ,s_c _ _

02 lk 5k _' Cc 0.m_-_. c_ CAPc,e

oa lk _ 53 C oo _ CS_ C.m_-5.

02 lk _k 5_ CC _4j._. Wehave 3mmGOon tim _ and a4_tee ye ha_

· _1/4 tm_a_, standing by _or bloo4 pressure.

02 lk 5_ 02 C P_x_.8_ blood _aau_e _.g _.

02 lk _ 16 CC GemJ_L-5, _ /a C8_ _um-gmm. Your blood pressure ts

._ 1_11 aeale.

02 lk _5 22 C ]_.

·02 lk _5 _ CC G_L_L-5_ lm have a _Ll/d bloc4 ]rresem__. Give us ·

_ 7_u begin aerct_.

02 lk _ 37 C Do_ e_et_ _ov. _ bleo4 pr_ea_.

02 1_ _ _1 CC G_L,/-5, 70_ worke4 e_ _%cll ·tale. Your bloQ4 pressure

cuff is at _ seal4.

02 lk 57 22 CC Ge_L_-_, _ ls C5_ Eku_eoe. Wehave a _rlld b_

_mu_. 8tam_ by for food, wa_er and slee_ report.

O_ 1_ _7 _ C On _ s_ rel_ort the PIZot t_ aslee p nov. I _mt _t

acme _ about a_ lm_r "a a bal_, a_t two hours nd

a he3_mM'I ate. ! _ I _t a eo_le of houre

l_e_ty f_Lr _lewJp. I _tt_t em _eL1 _ov ha_ the wa$_r

report for y_u.

02 1_ _8 5_ ¢ _ ri_t, bQ_ the _l_t and the Ccmm_ _lot are 15_

]po_nd_ nl_r each.

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_ x_ 59 0a cc csQ _.

0_ l_ 59 15 cc oe/mt,5, Csq s_en.

O_ l_ 59 18 · noaer.

OR l_ 59 2o cc _oumtom SuA_eon _equestea we advlme _a that he would

like te eeilect a repert from y_A ca 2e_r food and sleep

once _ily during the :Last pa_ them have, and if _u

could be _ for that_ it woul_ be a little helpful.

02 ll_59 116 CC That mb_Ald occur on approximately_ t6&and 62.

0_ l_ 59 53 c Okay.


o2 15 3_ _l cc mm_ax-5, _mv CAP 00_.

oa z5 _ 52 F _v, _ainx-5.

02 15 _ 5_ CC _r. m_l wyatem look good here on the ground. I

have · Fli_t Plan Ul_tate for l_a. LeV, -- know when

:yom're ree_ to copy.

O_ 15 35 OR P Okay. I'm read_ _o copy.

02 15 35 03 CC: NSC-l, 07:_O:00,_ O_, as in nominal Flight PI=-,

02 1_ 3_ 2l_ CC l'4 aleo _ to get evaXuatioa of the _ in _ur

reticl_ of your ..

02 1_ 35 36 P All right. Roger. ! had it all apart, $_ls last night.

I have it repaired and vorkimg now.

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· r ;


02 15 35 _2 CC Oh, very leod.

02 15 36 08 P Theme matra ... _ puts oat plenty of e_

ax,omM _ lap I bear.

oe x5 36x5 cc _og_r.x umaersta_.

OR 15 36 i7 P We're _ abrade,a_ _ ver_ lowtat, wmraea%

m_t 4_male_ture, m new _ la botch muir, &t's st_l._

r_ 50 degrees out of matt beat e_.

02x_ 36a9 cc _z. x uaae_,_aa.


OR 15 58 21 CC 0emiDI-5, this is Canary CAP COM. I have _ fo_

at ='Ministd_e. We are d_l_i 2_Ar tal_m so wem_e

,ta_ by.

02 15 58 30 P l_6r_, Canaries, thank you. Geatai-5 here.

onx5 58 3_ cc _r.

02 16 33 33 c Ce_, _e clou_ formtlolml are icattaered to broken cumulul,

scm _rrus ... Phlll_Lue IAIAud_. The clouds are falrly

ht&hclm_ _Llau_e...a_outa 7Oto 75 aegreeangle

for the .fl_t one ... picture is about 90 for the 14 and

mli{Pm_ mr 90 for the second 1-A and all_ly rare th_n


%_at for _ uex_ lk.

_0_ K_OT VICT_

02 17 09 h5 CC Oenini-5, _ CAP C_M.

02 17 09 49 C Roipmr,I_Y CAP COM, Gem/hi-5.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 283/782


09 5

2 CCl_r. We'd li

ka _

verif2 the


of l_


Baater and 02 Kea_er c_rcui__. We'd _ for

O2 17 1D 03 C ...

are all open.e

02 17 10 X7 CC I'm x_ferA_ to the Heater cXrc_itbreaker on the

Pilot's eirc_a_tb_r 1Nmel.

O2 17 XO e_ c _. _ · _umme.

02 17 10 _5 c 0_, _mx Cell O2 ... _eater_ircuit breaker. That

02 17 10 50 CC _a_er.

_ 17 lO 5X C O_n_

02 17 10 53 CC _r. Tlm_k _. They were w_a_ag _o make sure that

we dA_a't pt any _re _ over_rd than we bad to.

0_ 17 1X O3 C _r.

02 17 11 05 CC _e_ looks real good here on the gr_u_.

O2 17 L_ 0_ C ... C_a_A-5.

02 17 1X lA C _ve_ looksx_aX _ up here.

02 17 1X 1_ CC Ro_er.

02 17 31 30 CC Geuini-5,_ ia _ CAP C_M. We are _l_ your

tape at _ present t_. We have aothiz_ for you.

We're _ by.

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i ,:_ ::__; :i!q_ Pase

02 X7 31 39 P Rower. _a_ you, Canal.

02 18 53 _ CC oeulLt-5,Ge_Lnl-5,ll_ustonCAP CON, over.

0,2M3_3 _ I, _, _toa CAP_ _U_-_.

o_5_ol cc l_oc. oemat-5. VoaXarou__raaart, o


O2 18 5_ O6 P Boser. _r coning to _A_¥.

o2 18 _ o9 cc Roller,aaa _ _t2 Read Switch to _ CeX1f

HR for about one mJ_te.

o_ x8 5_ 2o P I_opr. C_ YueX Cell _.

02 18 _ 22 CC Ros. Could 7ou give us your onboard readout, pleaae?

_,8_37 cc m_e'z. 8_,

o_ 3.8)_ 38 P ... _la.

o_ 18 _ _5 Cc . _r. 0e_Lni, sa_ your psia again _leaae?

0a X8 _ _0 · SoBer. 800 _.

02 18 _ _ CC t_. Underatalld.800. And we have an _l_latefor

2_a on sob rudar teat procedurea, ecme procedural update

and i pXa_c0m reft. 80 if you have · piece of paper ha_,

yo_ Bi_a_ 0et it out uhile I ask you another question.

o_ x8 _ _o _ CkaT.02 X8 5_ IX CC OoeJA _ gi_ .ua a littl_ dueriy_toa h_e _u

repeir_ your reticle ld_ase?

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 285/782

02 18 55 18 P _opr. I took _t -_l a{lrt, co_letely dXsmatled it,

and vis _ t_ au_ rec_Xe Ltsht _Xde

X%_ I discovered _hl% the am, receptaclJ when the

cord _s-F"Im'd out te tim clearly full; cle_l_ fu_,

extent; X% shDrted out .... f_ther I d_ecovered is

117reLY. z_c_F_cLe cord ad not the retlcle.

O_ 18 55 k7 CC Roi. _. very good_ _ou've started 8 ney

coacept tJm ln-2%l_ht mai_muce down here.

02 18 55 52 _ R_l;ht. 8o then m:vent back to it and put the thin& all

beck _r a4;a_u _ud the_ put another &,,_. receptacle

cord on mi it works Flue.

·02 18 56 O_ CC C_my. Very &_ocl. We vere Luterested in thst and It

re_J_y saves us quite a bit on the ex_rl_ents. Okay,

o_f you have a l_Per re_y; mmlot's _ot some procedures

here _ & Radar Tej't,; and ve'L], line,ss U;l) 'the t:Lmes and

th_ sequence u_ers on your next pass over _on.

o_1_6G2 P ... out.

o2 18 56 _ cc You _ to copx, Coz'doT

02 18 56 28 CC C_m_. Tb/a :Lm'a Its,dar Test vb/ch :Lo gotnf to be Tun (mn

the _mmd based I_P, There's ccmstder&bm- l.nt4JFemt

be_ _e_ted ia 'that. Looks l_ke ye my be &b_e to

pt & lot of _Mef_ gh&_&mt of it. ThJ.B 1_11 be e&]l-d

Test 9. _tion; _ as 8 plus cc_puter

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/'% · _ _ _ _-, ? ' i , f _ '


rsud_zvmm platform Orb X_rte, _i)XU address 69. Thio

IbC!ar Test Wtll be used in con_uac%ion with two platform

taste a_l _ want you to aline the platform before

a_ of the radar testa or the platform tests.

02 18 57 19 C 0kay. Coafiguretion the same as radar A except

platform _o Orb Rate, _IU to 69, and what was the

other cma?

O2 X8 57 29 C Coaster to _ZV0_.

o_ x8 57 32 c c_a_.

o2 18 57 33 cc Procedure._ad out 69 until it updates. Then switch

to CJ_CH UP FOr 1 mecoml and back to i_EZVOUS. Repeat

_ 10 times.

02 18 _ Ob, C Okay. _ out 69 until it u_te$, then switch to

CATCH UP For 1 second, then back to I_Im_VOUS, and

repeat _ 10 timej.

02 18 58 16 CC Tha_'a co_fect. _ow it will not tek, e lO0 secondm

for _ ra_e to u_te. The reaeo_ it won't is

because you switch out of t_dezvou_ into

Catch Up a_d then right Back, mo it should only take

about five aeconds before you _et an up're on your 69.

The _ _ _et 1% you switch out of _t.

02 x8 _ 55 c o_v.

02 18 _ 36 CC A_I Do l_Xlot data required on this. It's all tape

recorded daSa.

02 18 _8 _ C Okay. These are -11 platfora not realized. Right?

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02 LB 58 _,5 CC _t'i correct. And the purpose here is to see that

the coIIxe_r accepts the range memmreIen_ as

quiek_ as it should.

02 18 _ 57 C Okay. _at rev is this flor now?

O_ 18 59 OX CC They'll iIa_n it to you on the Car_rvon u_date.

o2 18 _9 05 c okay. Fine.

18 59 07 CC Okay. The platforI, the next th_ is one of the --

twoye hAYe _ p_tfolll t_eIts. The firIt one is called

Platform Test 1. Conffiguration, platform Orb Rate,

cc_uter Pre_unch, sttitude control Horizon Scan,

Questar _ 01 speed 30. Procedure, ymw 90 left,

take one l_OtO of horizon. Still read I _?

02 19 06 05 CC GeIini-5, this is C-_ry CAP CCN. You'll be given

the rest of your platform update experimental informItion

over C&zq_rvon.]

02 1_ 06 1A_ p _; fi_e. 'l_nk yOU.

02 19 06 15 cC Rog. We bare a realbusy peas coIing up here. We'd

like to _et a purge on both iections of the fuel cell.

We'd like to start out with a project quantity reading.

Would you go to ECS 02 position please? Would you give

I a readout please?

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 288/782

Lji,);,.,_it.'! i_ _ !I:_ 29e

o2 19 06 38 i:' _:,eer. 8'_, 78Opsta.

02 19 06 _5 CC Roger. Wc_ldyou go to FuelCell 02 please.

Oe X9 O6 _5 C 915 ua XOO psia.

02 19 07 O1 CC l_er. Wouldyou go to h_ro_n.

02 19 07 07 C Roser. _v_Lrogen'sabout83._,800 peia.

O_ 19 07 Ill. CC 1_. We're standing by for your purge.

02 19 07 19 P l_r.

o2 19 07 27 c Yark _n.

02 19 07 _ C End of h_lrogen on ._o. 1.

02 19 07 ]16 C l_rli Itar_ of hydropn on ,_o. a.

0'2 19 06 O0 C _ of _n on Ilo. 2.

oe ]_906 o_ cc t_,!ler.

02 19 06 1_ P _oce oxygenon NO. 1.

02190617 CC l_ser.

02 19 10 18 C (_, on NO. 2, mtand by for ... No. 1. Stand by for

cc_eocelmn% oxygen on i_o. 2. Mark.

02191029 CC tb_er.


02 19 _O 38 CC Ge_ini-_, Car_--von CAP C(14.

02 19 _0 _ P Go ahead,Carnarvon,Genial-5.

02 19 _O _6 CC Ro_er,Can_Lui-5.We'vegot a lot of updatin_to do this

pus. We'll start by updating your PLA's. Are you ready

* to copy?

02 19 _0 56 P _o_er,waitone.

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02 19 _1 60 CC AFter t_urt_ ve'll _n_sh up thia l_latforla test procedure

and _ ca to the Flight Plan update.

02 19 _1 06 P Okay. _ to copy.

02 19 _1 09 CC _r, Area kS-l. ll plus _5 plus 36. 14 plus 07,

19 plus 17. Area _-1, 13:20:_, 12 plus 59.

18 I_-uB32. k?-l. 14'55:_ 12 pluJ 09, 18 plus Q?.

Area _-1, 16 pl_ 29 plus _8, il plum _. 18 l_Ua 08.

02 19 JO. 37 CC 09 Area kg-l_.

02 19 k3 08 CC Kow far did you get with e_=t update over the Btates on

the platform teat?

02 15 1_ 13 P We _uat started the platform t_st on aline conflAuration,

on l_lstfolla configuration, colq_ut_r confi4_tr_tion and

attitude control configuration.

02 1_ 1_ 2_ CC Okay. I'Ll 8o back and start at platfor_ test 1. You

_ot _ of lt. Confft_uration ts platform to Orbit Rate.

Cc_uter Prelaunch. Attitude coatrol _ori_on _can.

_tmr mode Ol. Speed 30. And the procedure is as

foLlova: Y_w 90 le_t. Take one _oto of the horizon.


02 19 kl_ 0_ ? R_er. _aw _0 lef_c,. Take one photo of the horizon.

0,?. 19 _ 06 CC Bo_er. _. Platform teat _o. 2 conFl_zrmtion. It's

the lame ms platforn te_t 1. Procedure ia aB fOllOWS:

Point a_ _ Cross and take one photo. 5houi_ be on


,,,--.,.-,,,,,. , , , .


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 290/782

CONFI: r!TiA[Page29_


horizon. _xt, point at Pollux and take one photo;

should be Venus.

02 19 _ 38 P Polnt where!

02 19 _ _O CC P sero, _, PoJl,,= Do 2ou copy?

02 19 _ 50 P Noler. Next point at Pollux ami take one photo.

02 19 _ 56 CO Ri_at. That'l it on the platform teat.

02 19 q50_ P What'l the t_ for platform t41t 1 lugl2?

O2 19 _5 O5 CC Say again.

19 _5 06 P Vba_ are the time for test 1 a_ 2?

02 19 _5 09 OC 0_a_. That's next on the FAight Plan update, Pete.

I'll mM that now.

02 19 _5 17 CO Okay. Title of thim tm Platfom. 12 hourm _O minutes

OO NcOndS. I_!arks, power up. Okay. _ext la D-4/D-7.

12:50:00. Bequeuce _o. _O_. A_eXttm, next one is Platfo_.

13 bouts 10 minutes OO secondm, l_llarkm,aline ._. Next

tm 8-8/D-13. 'Tt,_ 13:32:_6. Sequence ,_o.03. Re_ark_,

pitch down 30. Yaw left 2 degrees. £_ext--Areyou copying


0,9. 19 _6 _6 P Yes.

02 19 _6 _6 CC Okay. Nex_ medical data pass. 13:_7:01. Re_ark8:

Co.aha Pilot at Canary Islanda instead of Carnarvon.

_ext ts Platform. 1_ hours, 00:00. Aline SEF.

_ex_ ia S-1. Time 1_ bouts, 18:36. P_marks: Sunset

tim. Next is D-6. 15 hours, 08:56. That's mequence

?(_;_=_iir_c_._ _, ,,._;

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 291/782

DN!'JEl_[ _TIA/': .: UUi'_'¥,IL;[,"_II_L

No. 021, _ _o. 06. R_arks: l_tch down 30. Yaw

le_ 2 de_rees. Speed 60. We've get about 30 seconds,

Gordo, left and I've got about halfway _ ii,tmthl_g.

next _ml. D-8 ia 15 houri 13 mlnu'_em51 mon/_.

8mtmmnce _o. 13b. _ No. 08. lmltehdown 30. Yaw O.

125. Dc you eel_T

02 19 k8 55 P _'s affirsat_ve.

02 19 k8 54 CC -_. Thet,m ab_t it. We'll _ LOS any minute now.

I_I'.LI)Fle.Jz_ the _l_r.Of then next _tation.

O_ X9 1_907 C_ All _ _ good on the ground.

02 20 27 17 CC Gestmt-5,Gemt_-5, B_uten CAPCall. Over.

20 27 22 O Hel.lo__ CAP C_. _-5 here. Go ,,head.

02 20 27 25 CC I_. I have a continuation for your experiments

ul_la_. Are you ready to copy?

O22O2729 C _e_d_ te eonS.

02 20 27 30 CC 1_. The flrmt one wtl! be D-_/D-7. 1_:_9:00. Sequence

kO9, and _10 Bravo. _ext one lm a Platform. At 16:15:00.

Al1_ SEF. _ext one ia power u_ at 1.6:20:00. l__ae- and

rate _ on. Next one i8 D-_/D-7. 1_:_/:2_. Sequence

_3 Al_a. Node 08. Pitch 3O down. Yaw _ left.

Spell 60. Next one ia ca_l_r. 16:_5:00. Pm_r up.

The next one im a r_da_ teat. 16:_6:0_. Sequence 09.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 292/782

?i*4b 30 &3qm. Yav 07 left. The next, your test v_ll be

e_l_Lete at 1_:55:00. 1_-,, off. Aline 8]_'. Next o_e is

· Pla_orm test. At 17:05:00. Sequence 01. The next

one iS tim ether platform te_t. At 17:21:_3. Sequence 02.

· Amd we have a chan_ on the Btars. It will be Venus instead

of the Southern Cross, amd F_alhaut instead of Pollux.

Next one ii 5-$/D-13. At 18:16:1q. Sequence 03. Pitch

30 _n. Yaw 22 left. The last one ia a power down.

At 18.'25'00. Computer off. Platform off and rate gyros

off. Do you copy?

02 20 31 21 P _at's affirmative.

02 20 31 22 CC Roger a,_d would you turn your radar off now please.

02 20 31 30 C _oger. Radar off.

02 20 31 32 CC Okay. You look real good here on the ground. Do you

any Qumstions on the experii_nts?

02 20 31 37 C No, I'll tell you ye got a _,_l day; I hope ye get them

02 20 31 _O CC Yes, it should bunch you up a little bit so.stiles but

we try to plan them mo you have time in between. If you

have any quee%ions as you go alon_, _uat a_k and we'll

be standing by.

O22O C

02 20 31 _9 C Her's the weather back there in Houston7

02 20 32 O_ CC _ini-_, _uaton.

"-,r_ _',i ,,j i [_ r _.t-T i A 1

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 293/782

£ r'_-:iI-1I'_.I- _f !,\1

02 20 32 10 C ,' X m_rt h_'s the veat_r back there in Houston?

02 20 32 13 CC Oh, t_'o tN1 nice. J_mt hot and e---y u umml. !io

mtn li perrticularj mr7 once la a _ a little

0a 2o 3_ _ c a_r.

02 20 _ 22 CC 8ear; w'ye noticed tba_ the te_eratare uP there tJ a

11ttle ceolor than le expected. B_ 1o your comfort?

02 20 32 29 C CAI4.

(YE20 32 30 CC Cola, huh_ Have any r. tn up thereT

02 _IO32 _16 C We're _ the inlet homt off our _tt41 every once in

· _ to _m up. We've IWt A_ILI_ oo18.

02 20 32 39 CC Belier, undar_ta_.

02 20 32 kl C I vi.h _mu*d tell Joe . .. I'll have to eat crow on that.

)M_ _ suit, set down on 8 _ hot pom_.tton; ye had

both malts cloeed down a bit before and ye stllJL get cold.

02 E0 32 _T CC Relier, maler,tan4.

02 20 _ 5c) C I 4paese both. those coolant, looPe z_L_y dld it.

o2 2o 33 o3 cc _.


02 20 33 13 C Be7, "no_llta_, Ge_ni-5.

02 20 33 20 cc Oe_a:!., ilaa.t,,on. Go.

02 20 33 _' C Ro_-r. For :tour _ron_t_on, the relative )r_t&/ty has

been _ _6 to _9_.

o2 _ 33 29 cc _, uu.4errtud. 56 - :_9.

'-,,_..--,_r.-_,r-,tr t__-i-i_ i

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 294/782

CU, Rut.,,,TiALP,,_ a96

02 _'O33 36 * CC 'l'nat's nice and dr,/.

OR 20 33 _O P _fea.:

OR RO 33 _ CC we _re up there.

oa ao _ _ P s_ qatn.

02 20 33 4T CC Wish lie vere ul_ there.

02 20 33 k9 P Yes, but another day or two I'll be _lad to trade with

o2 ao 33 _ cc Tou sot · &eaT.

02 2O 33 56 CC Kew _ peanut tabes have you Sot left?

02 20 33 _8 P l_*t fouml any yet but we*re collecting em awful lot

of ei_f.

02 20 3_ 05 CC How !ech of that atui'f are you hmv'lnc left over fro. the

02 20 3_ 12 C Hey_ lnltc_t, Ge_nt-5.

02 20 3_ 15 C Whstte the deal on the h_lro_n? It .ee=- to be _oin_

down fat_rl_ fut.

02 20 3it 21 CC Yemj 1%*m ventin_ now. We expect 1% t_ be goLng 4own

pret%y fut. _'re vatchtn& it very closely. It's followin_

tbs lm_Lctea curve.

O2 20 3_ al C ao_er.

.02 2o _k. 32 cc Oeuin_-_, flus _s e_tston rJ.i&ht.

o_ ao 3_ 36 c __,_.

C_ pjc_n_ DJT_A

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02 20 _O _ CC Gelinl-S, this is Canary CAP CCI(. We have nothing for

yeu tkie pe_. _e_ looks cka_ on the groemd.

02 _O _O 51 ¢ P_r, CaMry. Geeini-5 la GO up here.

02 20_O5_ CC _r.

02 21 1_ 51 CC 6e_ini-5, Car nar you. Ne ha TM a valid oral tetp. Stand

by for the Surgeon.

02 21 1_ 57 CC Gemini-5, Carnar_n _u_eon. Standing by for your first

blood preu_me.

02 21 15 O1 C Re,er. Ccmin_ down.

02 21 15 10 OC Your cuff is acale.

02 21 15 _3 CC We ha_e 2_ar blood ]prtesureo. _ by flor your

ezer_lae on _mur mark.

02 21 15 _9 ¢ ' Roger. Mark.

02 21 16 30 CC Your cuff is full scale.

02 21 16 51 CC ADd ye have 2_ar a_nd blood pmaaure. On your food

reportj if _ cc_ld_ give it to uJ by 4ay and letter

anA_ Lf ye_A re_o_ber_ the ite_ which you d_.d mot eat

in either meal. Over.

02 21 17 08 C Okay. The ... of the water is 1_ pound_ ...

02 21 17 1_ CC _o_er.

02 21 17 16 C Ei_)rtouncea and _'m presently eating _ _A and I have

_retty well been eat__- the _tables and mot the



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o2 21 17 3o cc _ler.

02 21 17 33 cc Sleep re_ort now.

02 21 17 36 C I IleFt abeut _ hc_u_ leer _ht in hour periode and

I Lte_t about 2-1/2 on the 2-ho_r ni_ period.

o2 21 17 _7 cc I_er. _ else to rel_rtt

022117 5_ C J_l.

oa2117_6 cc _lIr. cirDi_m_s_eo_.i

02 21911_ O0 CC _ CAFllea'vOm CAJP OON. Whit il the position of

suit tee_era_ con_rolvalve$

02 _.l 18 OB C l_o_er, I _ve yo_ & IzIber _, It'i _uat off No, 8.

02 21 18 19 CC Ii it full clockvi!4? Fnll varm?

02 E1 18 23 C _o, not quite.

02 gl 18 26 CC Are you too cool?

02 _ 18 31 C We were lair night. It gets pretty Col6 in here withb

tvo cooler boosters terming.

02 21 18'37 cc _ger.

02 21 18 5'9 C Our iuit teIpera_s rem down around _t_.

02 El 18 _ cc _ser. CoFy NN,

c_ 21 18 _6 c We _c_ t_ma ru.ain_v_ aroua_ 50 rish_ nov.

02_118 _ CC ReIer.

02 21 19 25 CC Oe_doai,be advix_l if that _rature controlvalve il

in t_l ffu_ cl_ck_i_ or _,_w war_ position, it shoul_

cut off _ coo!_t.

02 21 19 _O C _es_ I think we discovered that.

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o2 21 L9 _ cc l_er.

02 21 20 IA P We're GO ulp here.

02 al 20 lk CC Roar, _. You look real. _ down here also. We

had a visual i_ of the booiter vhlch baa faU_ved

almut 8 II_u_es, about 15, 10-15 Itnutes ago.

0_ 2.l 20 26 C I_per.

02 21 20 35 CC _oere'I a correction on that, It's got 36 minutes ahead

off you.

O2212O38 ¢ Oh.

02 2-I 20 58 C HOM'I eve_J_xing _i_6 _ there? ge keeping _ou bu_y?

02 21 21 O1 CC Very bumy. Got up this morning &bout noon, The piano

player at the board got us up and we had m _eliciouJ meal

at thl ... Hotel and then came to work.

C_ 21 21 17 P Roar. Oivm _ best _o =11 _ friel_ do_ therej please.

02 21 2.l21 CC Will do, Pete. They eend you their re4_ also. They

Riaa you.

02 21 22 30 CC We're about a minute to LOS.

02 21 22 32 F B_pr. 6elini-5 s_ by.

02 21 56 06 CC Gemini-5, Ge_ini-_, Houston CAF C_4. Over.

02 _1 _7 02 CC Ge_ini-_, Gemini-5, _ouston CAP COM. Over.

o2 'al %7.06 c c,oahead, Houston. OeIini-5 here.

02 21 _7 08 CC 1_{. Yom're lookin6 _ here on f_e ground. We'd

ll_ to _rt a mmber of readouts fr_ you for correlation


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with our ?/_ data. Flrmt, could you give ut 2vur cryo-quantl4_ readout in all three pomitionm pleame7

02 21 57 _ C l_er. ECS 02, 7 percent, 790.

02 21 5? _ CC k_er. I uadeemtand 87 percent ma 790.

o2ax5?_6 c' a,_er, -,_ _ Cell Oa,91-l/a, lO0.

o_ m. _7_3 cc 91.1/2 and lo0.

0_ al 57' _7 c _ lm 82 _ereeat, ma_oe-_ a notch about that.

'Neke it _. 5 end about 785.

o2 21 58 00 cc l_oeer.8_.5 and 785. _ext coula ye _ rou.t-OA_

m.muree p_eemure and tmqmrature, pleaae?

0'_ ,!1. 58 11 C _ eom-ce la 50 and 1550.

02 21 58 15 CC l_r. 50 and 50. And. your _ regulaV_rlzeeeau._ please.

02 21 58 28 C No _ re4P_la_rl_eeeare;the temperaturets 50 and the

%mmaae_e ia 1550.

_ 58 37 _ _.. __. 5__ 5_. _ _ _ _s _ A

e_rce pre.mute and te_erature.

0_ P.I58 46 C I me_ a_ain. The OA_ source temperatureis 50; the

preaaure la 1550.

cea_ 58 58 cc _eer. 5o and 155o.

02 21 _ 02 C l_er. Go _a *_ your RCS Ring A, te_erature la 6_, 290.

0221 59 12 CC _o_r. T_emt_ 65 and290In_._me. C_a_. RCS


02 21 59 17 C 63, _.

02 21 59 2_l cc 63 a._d 265, and _ur propellant quantXt_ please.

""""" ' f_mc_Tla i: !,-iii'< ;;'__!_,t_t

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 299/782


u Fti)[NIIAL

(2 21 59 26 ¢ _0 pereent_

(2 21 59 _ CC Could we hm anotherread oa your OAIm regaXa$_d

prese_re 9leaae!

o221 c Roeer. ? 'rete ed.

(2 21 59 _0 _ Hello' Hounto_

Ce 21 _9 51 CC Oo ahead.

02 21 _9 53 C _ae 0_ re--ted _ pressure: 1550.

02 22 00 07 CC _liai, could we have your regulatorpressure, mot your

sour_ e pressure, your regulated pressure.

02 22 00 13 C Roger. Sorry. Fuel is 50, 300.

0_ 22 00 31 P An_c_ins else, Houston?

(2 22 00'33 CC Tea. ZlXAot waats to toAk to you a_out _d H2 here.

(2 22 00 37 CC Pete, I'd like to give you a little further briefing on

what to expeet on th_s fuel cell h_drogea. _ you'lA

notice,you've used about 2O percentover the past three

da_ and you can now start _ti_ a rate of a_out

83 percent per day until you _% down to about 25 percent

relLt_t_, and then the curve will flare out there md

decrease at a slower rate aridit'· a little bit ,,-_w_

at that point. _e'll kiad of have to wait amd see how it

goe_ down in there az to Just exactlywhat it will Behave

li_e. _ are venting _ amd the_'s why it is _oi_

down so rapidly.

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CO FtDE ' T' tPage 305

02 22 O1 23 P Okay. Nc_ would you give me one more brief information

on tbt$ Radar Test 09? You want us to acquire the first

time in the Rendezvous Mode or should we be in catCh Up

for acafuisition?

02 22 O1 46 CC Yom can be in Rendezvous. That's okay. As you approach

the target, you can have a readout going on 69 and it

shouldn't, aa I understand it, it shouldn't change until

you actually acquire the target and start reading out

some range; and then once you get a range readoub you can

start into you cycles.

O_ 22 02 07 P I'm with you.

02 22 O_ 12 CC Is it clear otherwise?

02 22 02 lh P Say again.

02 22 02 15 CC Is it clear otherwise?

02 22 02 18 P I think so.

02 22 02 20 CC Okay.'

02 22 02 2_ CC Good morning, Pete. Now are you this mprning?

02 22 02 27 P Fine. Who's that? Mr. Kraft?

02 22 02 29 CC That's right.

02 22 02 31 C Morming, Chris.

02 22 02 33 CC Now are you, Oordo?

02 22 02 35 C Pretty fair.

·02 22 02 37 CC You both sound great.

02 22 02 38 C Yea.


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O_ 22 02 140 P We discovered one th_m&. Gordo's beard's white.

02 22 02 47 CC Rip Van Winkle.

02 22 02 50 C That's right.

02 22 02 51 P Don"t kid him, Boss.

02 22 02 56 CC you!re do_n_ a great job up there.

02 22 02 59 P Thank you, Chris.

02 22 03 01 C Gettin_ over to these next State passes, we look like

we're awfully busy. I hope we get it all done for you.

02 22 03 0_ CC Do what you can. That's all we want.

02 22 03 11 ' P Roger.

02 22 03 13 C I wish you'd tell John Yardley I really was wrong. Boy,

those two coolant loops an there really, really cOOl

' things down.

02 22 03 21 CC Yes. That's one of the reasons we want to power up here,

see if we can't warm things up a little bit.

02 22 03 26 C That would be great. BOth of us have been sitting here

shivering all the last few hours.

02 22 03 33 CC Did rushing that suit temperature up to full warm help out

any there, Gordo?

02 22 03 40 C Barely. Got it on full warm but if you run it completelY

to f_l] warm, it shuts the flow completely off.

02 22 03 _6 CC Right. That warms it up a little bit, doesn't it?

02 22 03 49 C Yes, but aren't we apt to get a little too cool on the

radiator vent that way?


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CONr,DEi', TIALPage 307

o2 22 o3 55 cc No.

O2 22 03 57 C No?

O2 22 o3 59 cc No:

02 22 04 oo c Okay.

02 22 04 O1 P Okay. We'll turn her cleam off then.

02 22 04 09 CC They're monitoring the coolant loop temperature here on

the ground and they'll let you know if it gets too cool.

02 22 04 15 C Okay.

02 22 04 43 C You should have seem our act last night. Having all the

nuts _nd bolts and screws rebuilding _hat reticZe.

02 22 07 47 P Okay, the time is 3 days 12 hours LO minutes. Our

inadvertent circuit breaker turning off last night in O_

Regulator Control with PROP circuit breaker was probably

due to keeping the water gun fastened up there on the

overhead'. In discussing that and looking up +_here, you

see that fastening the gun up there has been chipping the

gray paill_ off the switch breaker g,_mrds. So we don't

think that's t_0 good an idea any more, and we keep the

in the holder back in the back.


02 22 15 13 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM_ I have nothing for you

this p_s; everybning looks good from the ground. We' re

stamding by.

02 22 15 21 P Roger, Gemini-5, thank you.



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02 22 20 04 P Let's see; the tame is 3 days 12 hours 21 minutes. We

are setting up for our Stateside passes, and reviewing

the flight plan they sent up, we're going to have every-

thing we own out in the cabin - trying to shuffle gear.

02 22 36 50 P Let's see; the time is 3 days 12 hours and 40 mtTmAtes.

At this particular sun angle I've got some sort of--

02 22 36 57 C Crud.

02 22 36 58 P Crud on the ineer pane of the outer windshield.

02 22 37 04 C The inside of the outside pane.

02 22 37 06 P Yes, and I can see it all over. It's all over the inside.

It's not on the outside. How about yours?

02 22 37 18 C No, mine doesn't see_ to be that bad; I've got some.

02 22 37 23 P You've got some sort of coating on there; I can see it.

02 22 B7 26 C Yes.f

02 22 37 27 P But I can't teL1 which pane it's on.

02 22 37 28 C Well, it's on the inside of the outside ... there.

02 22 37 33 P Very good, recorder OFF.

· 02 22 38 47 P 0_ the D-6 pass, on Dallas, if you can get that airfield

right in the center of that sight and track with it, it

really comes up in the Questar. Now yesterday, the Naval

Air Station in Dallas when I had it in there, only half

the runway filled the whole picture. So you can see how

big that Questar is blown up.

02 22 39 06 C Yes.


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u, FIDF_N= ,

-2 22 39 09 P So if you can really get on there in the same way with

the II_ip-,-

02 22 39 14 C Yes, but apparently the reticle is boresightt_tpretty

good, because on the _ alldstar measurem_entswe made,

When I get right on it, you're on it too.

02 22 39 21 P Oh, yes, yes, horesight seems to be very good between

the blob, the telescope, and the ...

02 22 39 30 c ...

02 22 46 09 P The time is 03 da_s 47 minutes. The IG_ power supply is

on, and we're getting ready to power up the platform and

we're _tting ready to do D-4/D-7 408 over Carnarvon.

02 22 49 59 P The time is 03 days 12 hours 50 minutes. Acquisition with

Carnarvon, platform is powered up, standing by to do the



02 22 50 ll P Hello, Carnarvon, C_,wtni-5here.

02 22 50 16 P Roger, We're GO up here. We're GO on 408. The platform

is powered up in the Cage Mode SEF, and IGS inverter ON.

02 22 50 25 P Are you ready to receive our D-4/D-? data?

02 22 50 33 P Okay. We'11 give you a mark when we've got it in the

right place.

OR 22 50 40 C It's black skY,

02 22 50 42 P It's black sky .

F:n ,,FiD[,-NTiA,_

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-i _'.i_"_ * - -'_',J_r _]: __ ',{

Page 3].0

02 22 50'49 C Okay


Daddy, we're right on the blmck aky in line

right now.

o2 22 50 P

02225o59 P ...

02 22 51 O1 P F_ night vision is getting better all the time.... on

the Milky Way. You got it? Okay.

02 22 51 06 C Yes.

02 22 51 09 P Okay, you can mark this time as the time to take data.

And I'll cycle through the Cryo Read Switch for yo_.

02 22 51 49 P Okay. Do you mind if I turn up the light? '

02 22 51 52 C No, go ahead. You can turn it up.

02 22 51 53 P Okay.

02 22 51 59 P Roger. be cryo reading onboard is 86, 790. Fuel Cell

o2 91, 10o.

02 22 52 32 P Hydrogen 815, 790.

02 22 52 38 CC Roger.

02 22 52 49 C You know: I'm really serious about one thing. That

doggone M-1 thing just bothers the heck out of me.

02 22 52 55 CC Everything looks real good on the ground.

02 22 52 59 P Roger. Well, listen, why don't I turn it off on your

next sleep period to see how mnch noise it _-_es with it

turned off.

02 22 53 06 C I think it still m_kes the same noise. I don't think--

02 22 53 09 P I don't think it does it as msny times, though.

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02 22 53 13 C Oh, it doesn't m_tter how many tim_s that it does it.

02 22 53 16 P It's Just that it does it--

02 22 53 18 C l'c's Just that every t_me it does it, it Just wakes me

up, just BAM, like--

02 22 53 35 C I'm going to put in a real strong recolmendation to Shaky

and Frank that they don't take it unless they redo that

thing, because I told those guys that I thought that it

was too noisy months ago.

02 22 53 52 P Yes, you're right; it really m-kes a lot of noise. I

didn't realize how much it made. Especially seeing how

quiet it is in here.

02 22 53 59 C Yes.

02 22 54 O4 P Even When I mumble in the mike and you're asleep, I know

it wakes you up.

09 22 54 09 C Yes, sc_etimes it does. No, not usu slly; it just depends.

Like if I'm just trying to get to sleep and can't--

02 22 54 [8 P When you've got that long spell there, 45 or 50 m_nutes

between a station, you can usually get powered down pretty


02 22 54 23 C Yes.

02 22 54 25 P There's no doubt about it, though - I thank another thing

that helps was putting these polaroid filters in the

window and cutting that sunlight down.

02 22 54 35 C Yes, those polaroid filters are really great.


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,-O, rlDrNTAL

02 22 54 37 P Because now when you keep it out of your eyes and

when you Just have the goggles on and the sun hits


yc_ face, the temperature J_ about 10 degrees om

you face.

02 22 54 49 C It sure does.

02 22 5_ 52 C We're still right in that same nice big black void.

oe zz _ 5_ ? m_v.

02 22 _ 55 P Carnarvon, C_m!ni-5. Would you give us a call at DO6

m_n_aS 1 mimlte, please?

02 22 55 O0 CC Roger, Gemini. You're about 3 minutes to go.

02 22 55 06 P Okay.

02 22 55 59 P I guess that's the southern end of Australia, isn't it?

02 22 56 04 C Yes.

02 22 56 06 P What are we seeing there? Are we seeing some Northern

Lights out there on the horizon? Look at that. I

mean not Northern Lights, Aurora.

02 22 56 16 C That's the airglow.

02 22 56 18 P Yes, but it's all jagged over here on my side.

02 22 56 21 C Un huh.

02 22 56 23 P It's not airglow. I think'it's the Aurora. Can you

see out m_ window right where my finger is pointed?

02 22'56 33 P No, you can't see that far.

02 22 56 35 C You see how bright it is out m_ne. Where you can see

how bright the airglow is out mine.

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I i rr,,TCONF,D _,',IIALPage313

0_ 22 56 40 P Yes, but thetis not'what I'm seeing over here.

02 22 56 22 C Oh, I see.

02 22 56 45 P Okay, the time is 03 days 12 hours 59 minutes. We're '

passing over Australia and I have a very Jagged liae--

02 22 57 OO CC We have 1 minute to L(_.

02 22 57 02 P Roger, Carnarvon, 1 m_-mte, thank you.

02 22 57 05 P We're going to secure the D-4.

02 22 57 07 CC Roger.

02 22 57 18 P I believe I'm seeing some Aurora, and the Aurora is

located right under Canopus in a straight line down through

the _e]l_ic clouds, and it's very bright--

02 22 57 37 C No. that's the Milky Way, isn't it?

02 22 57 40 P No, I can't distinguish any color except that it is very

bright and it's sort of a greenish color if anything; and

it's changing, it's brightening and _w_ug and it occupies

about 15 degrees across the horizon.

02 22 58 O_ C Let me yaw right and see if I can take a look at it.

02 22 58 06 P Yes.

02 22 58 09 C Yc_i've got to yaw fester, because we'll be leavln_ it

pretty quick.

02 22 58 16 P Okay, you should have_Anopus Over the nose. Can you see


02 22 58 21 C Yes.

02 22 58 23 P All right, now pitch right down fro_ there where you can

see the horizon.

. F"i -'"''''' I'CONFID.:'!

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C["_t'.!C __ _- r Page 314,Dt[ ;lIAL


02 22 58 25 C Oh, I see, yes.

O_ 22 58 28 P Yes, that's the Aurora. You see how jagged it is? You

sec how it's disrupted the airElc_?

02 22 58 35 P As a matter of a fact, that's very interesting. LoQk,

the -_r$1ow actually slopes up; I mean it gets black.

You see that?

02 22 58 42 C No, I think what it is, is that there are clouds under the

airglow elsewhere, and maybe this is just Clear right in


0_ 22 58 5h P Yes, but that's Aurora. I$'s changing. And it's sort of

gree_. Bon't you agree the color is sort of green?

02 22 59 Oh P Turn out your light. That's Aurora.

02 22 59 13 C I think that it's just that it's clear.

02 22 59 16 C I think that it's just that there aren't any clouds

·underneath the--

02 22 59 21 P No, that's Aurora.

02 22 59 23 C --airglow here. I think it's just the airglow, Pete.

02 22 59 28 P Well, it's a very umusual discontinuity, and I haven't

seen it before.

02 22 59 33 C Well, it's on the ground. That's actually the ground on

She horizon you're seeing there. I think then you're

fading on to where there are some clouds underneath this

other place, which kind of tend to take away--


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02 22 59 45 P No, now look at that: Now it's Just a amooth green

demarcation all the way across:

02 22 59 52 C Maybe you're fight. Maybe--

02 22 59 54 P Yes, that's Aurora: You see how it changes? Look, we're

passing'over Sidney right now. I can see Sidney and

Australia, and there's nothing south of here but water:

02 23 O0 06 P There's Sidney down there, bright as day!

02 23 O0 18 P Okay, now did you see the Southern Cross and Alpha and

Beta Kentaurus? They're up real well and we're not going

to have any strain--You're going to h_ve to roll left

120 degrees; _f_er that, pitch up keeping the horizon in

sight until you see Achernar, and then move up till you

pick up Grus and Fomalhaut for the S-l, next rev.

02 23 O0 42 C Yes.

02 23 OO 45 P Okay. Very good.

02 23 OO 49 P Now we're going by New Zealsnd; I can see it.

02 23 O0 54 C Yes.

- 02 23 OO 57 P That's Aurora, bigger than heck. Now it's gotten real

s_ll again, but it's still there.

02 23 O1 O1 C Yes_ I believe you're right. I think it is--

02 23 O1 04 P _md it's a very decided green, now that I got the red

'lights out and I've been adapted a little longer.

02 23 O1 ll C We're going right over New Zealand now.

02 23 O1 13 P Yes. There's a couple or three towns down there, isn't



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'-'_'"'.... '; _L Page 316


02 23 O1 t8 C Yes.

02 23 O1 21 P O_j I got the red light back on; we can get back on

the flight plan here.

02 23 03 40 C A good point here that I'd like to record, that Pete

has Just made, is that these power amd utility and

telemetry plugs are al-_st imposjible to hook up at

night. They're very miserable. They don't have a

proper detent _o lock in right, and you have to fiddle

around with them a little too _,¢h.

02 23 12 13 C TTAemain trouble with this reticle - strictly for Wall_'a

purposes here - is that the reticle picks up any kind of

light in the cock?it very badly. Just _ltiplies it by


02 23 12 25 P How's that? Does that make it any better?

02 23 12 28 C Yes, but now you've picked up m_ little red light over

here. That's the point that Pete just made; it's been

made many times before and should be reiterated. I_canse

of the poor lighting conditions and changing light condition

and also this scum and crud that is on the window, whe_

you're going into or coming out of a day or night or

vice versa, you're just completely blinded at that point.

02 23 14 42 P Okay, the computer took a full 25 minutes to come on the


02 23 14 44 C The platform.


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Page 317

02 23 14 _7 P The plstfom, excuse me, the platform took 25 minutes to

come on the line. Fast be very cold.

OR 23 15 42 P C_t for the tape. We're doing a platform aline at

night with the reticle in the window and firing the pitch

up thrusters. Makes quite a bright illuminatic_ off the

reticle there in Gordo's eyes and also I can see it quite


02 23 26 11 C Comment for the tape. We're alining the platform going

right into the sun now, and I really notice a lot of film

on _ windshield. It se_ms to be _ the inne_ side of the

outer pane. It seems to be getting a little bit worse as

the flight goes along.


02 23 27 34 CC Gemini-5, Duaymas CAP C0_

02 23 27 37 C Hello, Ouaymas, this is C_m_ui-5 here.

02 23 27 40 CC Okay, we'd like you to bring your c_ter up in the Pre-

launch Mode at this time.

02 23 27 46 C Roger, the computer is in the Prela%mch Nk_le.

02 23 27 47 CC Okay, here's what they're going to do. They're going to

update a 47-1 load in a TR over the States. Over.

02 23 27 58 C Roger, and we'll gi_e them our GO readings here after we

pass Laz_o.

02 23 28 03 CC Okay, very good.

Fff),-,rlf%r f


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b.,, _J,, tt' LPa,ge 318

_02 23 28 05 CC We'll stand by if you need amofthinA.

02 23 28 10 C Okay. The computer's up - the comp light's on.

02 23 28 14 CC_ Roger.

02 23 31 13 C Co_laent for the tape. We're coming in over bright

sunshiny land end clcmd_. I have the u_fied without

the other resistor type thing in the thing, and I'm able

to see the reticle reasonably well. It fades a little

over the bright clouds.

02 23 31 56 P Tape on, and I believe that we have the smoke generators

from Laredo site. Yes, I'm positive we do see it loud

and clear, the smoke. The next thing is: Will we see

the target?

02 23 32 L1 C Yes, we'll see it, Pete.

02 23 32 25 P Okay, what you want to do is put the sight right on the

smoke and keep pitching.

02 23 32 49 P You know, I looked right at that yesterday and I never

did see the squares.

02 23 33 O1 C I don't think that's it, Pete. No, I think it's further

over here to the right.

02 23 33 13 C Oh, heck:

02 23 33 16 P Keep pitching.

O_ 23 33 25 P Keep pitching.i

'02 23 33 29 C Between the two rivers.

02 23 33 55 C I'll be darned if I could see them that time.

t,_,., .' '_ ] ": .... m'

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O_ 23 33 58 P Haustom, Gemini-5.

02 23 3_ 12 CC C,em/ni-5, C_ni-5, Houston here. Go ahead.

02 23 3;415 P Roger, would you tell us whether the Laredo site was


02 23 34 19 CC Yes, they were planning on it.

02 23 34 22 P Ok_v, we had the smoke, but we could not pick up the

squares. As a matter of fact, we had the smoke from

about 200 miles out and we tracked right on the smoke

and never picked up the squares. Now the sun angle isJ

pretty bad for the pass although the pass was right smack

over the site.

02 23 34 25 cc Okay.

0_ 23 _ _7 P And we had no trouble tracking it. We had no trouble

picking up.the smoke, but we did not see the squares,

either one of us.

02 23 34 53 CC Okay, Pete. I'Il check and make sur_ that they had the

s_oke and I'll give you %hat information over the

Canaries. Okay?

02 23 34 59 CC As a matter of fact, we' 11 try to get it for you before

you leave the States.

02 23 35 04 P Roger, are you ready to copy our GO for the onboard


o2 23 35 06 CC Say again,

,_ lC t !

C,,,,,,ID , TIAL

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f_.'nr.,nIn T1ALP_e 320

02 23 35 08 P You read_ for our onboaxd readings?

02 23 35 11 CC Roger, go s_head. ':

02 2335 12 P QkaF, the main bus is 26.0 volts, mud the IA s_ack

current is 8.1, lB is 8.0, lC is 9-1/2. 2A is 7.0,

2B is 6.9, 2 C is 8.5.

02 23 35 43 CC Roger,

02 23 35 44 P RCS Ring A is 65 degrees, 295 is the presto,Are, RCS Ring B

60 degrees at 285, Secondary 02 Left is 5400, Right rea_ls

5300. We're GO for the 47-1, if you are.

02 23 36 ll CC Roger, you have a GO.

02 23 36 13 P Pitch down' Here's Houston, right down there'. Here,

I'll get it' Take the picture' Take the picture'

02 23 36 14 CC You're GO for 62-1.

02 23 36 20 C All right, let me get it. I'm changing the control mode.

02 23 36 22 CC Gemini-5, this is Houston here. Did you get your GO?

02 23 36 23 P Oh, excuse me.

02 23 36 25 C ... you were fiddling--

02 23 36 26 P Roger, we got a GO from you. We were just whistling over

Houston here; wanted to get some pictures.

02 23 36 33 CC Okay, I've got some other information here for you. You

don't have to bother acknowledging most of it.

02 23 36 41 CC We'd like to have you be aware that we want you to do a

medical data pass oh the Com_m_n_lPiLot over C-_a_ies.

02 23 36 50 P We've got that. Have you got an AO_ t_me?


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02 23 36 52 CC Roger, it will be at O3:t3:47:O1.

02 23 37 O1 P · Roger.

02 23 37 03 CC We'd like to know what condition y_'re in with the suit

gloves and helmets. Do you have the gloves and helmets

off or on?

02 23 37 12 P Oh, about the time you gave us a GO paros 6-4, we took off

t_e helmets and gloves and we haven't hind the_ on since.

02 23 37 19 CC Okay, very good.

02 23 37 21 P Gordo's not wearing the cuffs on his wrist, and I am, a_

that's Just because I go% used to it. _le relative huml_ty

h._8 stayed down around 5_ all the time so we feel we're

in good s_,ape that way.

02 23 37 36 CC Okay, how about the neck dams?

02 23 37 39 P Say again, Houston.

02 23 37 42 CC Roger, are you wearing your neck dams?

02 23 37 45 P That's affirmative, we've been wearing the neck d-m_ the

whole time.

02 23 37 48 CC Okay.

02 23 37 53 CC We'd 13_ke to know if you're staying warm now. Do you have

the cooling under control?

02 23 37 59 P Yes, our problem is that the temperature really doesn't

ch-_ge in here too .-,ch, but when either of ua go to sleep,

we're just not putting out too --,ch ourselves and we really

chill down.

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! r TM AJ

02 23 38 11 CC Yes, I noticed that a little too. Listen, one _hi_ I

°w_st to tell you about, don't worry about turning the

coolant off in the cockpit; we've got _ excellent T/M

on the radiator outlet temperaturem and we'll keep you

advised if they go down. So dom't wo_y a_out turning off

the coolant to the suit lOOp or t__ecabin ,loop.

02 23 38 29 P Okay. Boy, Florida is really clear $oda2; I can see

Jacksonville and all the streets in it amd the Cape and

all the way down to Miami.

02 23 38 38 CC Very good, vex'ygood.

02 23 38 40 P It's really pretty out there today.

02 23 38 43 CC Can you give us a couple of g_eral comments on housekeeping?

Are you keeping the stuff under control?

02 23 38 49 P Yes, but we're going to have a lot in the end. I'd like

to tell you right now I've got three airplanes in sight,

counted off Jacksonville.

02 23 38 57 CC Oh, very good.

02 23 39 OO CC We'll run a separate Visual Acuity Test here.

02 23 39 02 P Yes, I m_y not find that target, but we're seeing loads

·.. of other things.

02 23 39 Oh CC Roger. Roger.

02 23 39 11 P Now we're keepir_ the housecle_n!ng under control, but

it takes a great deal of time.

02 23 39 17 CC Rog.

I '.' ', ,.".!


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02 39 39 19 CC ltoy's that bag working _t behind the seat, Pete*. ·

02 23 3_ :m P zt,._u.

o_ 23 39 23 Cc Alrea_?

02 23 39 25 P Ye_, with gear that has other places to go later.

02 23 39 28 CC 0_, okaY. Be advised you've got a good 47-1 load in.

0_ 23 39 34 P Roger.

02 23 39 42 CC Are you having any trouble with those blue bags?

02 23 39 54 CC G_mini-5, Houston here.

02 23 39 56 P Go ahead, Houston.

02 23 39 57 CC How many of the blue bags have you had to use?

02 23 40 OO P One.

02 23 40 O1 CC Roger.

02 23 40 22 P Houston, C_m_ni-5. Do you want us to leave the computer


02 23 40 _l CC C-_mtni-5,Houston here. You can go ahead _ power down

the computer now.

02 23 40 45 P Roger, computer coming down at this time.

02 23 42 00 CC Gemini-5, Houston here. Do you still read?

02 23 42 03 P Read you loud and clear.

02 23 42 04 CC Okay. Has Gordo been doing any chest testing exercises

or anything Like that to keep in shape?

02 23 42 ll P He's been pulling %he bar G a couple of times. I haven't

done any other than medical passes, although I stretch

out and out quite a press between the floor and the seat

a couple of times in order to keep fit.

u r,tTi)L'_' -.. i k I ; i .

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02 23 42 28 CO Okay.

02 23 42 30 P ... ¢_gort_e.

02 23 42 32 CC You say you are comfortable?

o2 23 1,2 35 P Yes.

02 23 42 35 CC Yes, prett_ nice floating around, isn't it?

02 23 42 38 P Yes.

02 23 42 39 CC Hey, listen, you were a big singing star on television

last night.

02 23 42 43 P We did what?

02 23 42 44 CC You were a big singing star on television. You've got

requests for thousands and thousands of copies of that

song you sanF.

02 23 52 07 C I want to report on that _6 pounds and 4 ounces of water.

Last night, I had about 2 hours of sleep during _ nap

period, and about another 3 hours sleep during m_ long

s Leep period.

02 23 52 35 CC Roger, ... Csmary Surgeon. Could you give me an estimate

of the quality of your sleep? Also Houston Surgeon has

asked us to get food reports on you.

02 23 52 h6 C Roger, the quality of our sleep was better in my short

nap period than it was in mv long sleepperiod. It was

quite easier in my shorter sleep period. The food I just

ate--3A was the last one I had. 3A was the last _eai I

just had at 03:12:30:00.


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02 23 53 31 C Okay, go ahead, Canary.

02 23 53 35 CC Would you repeat that please. This il CenAwy Surgeon.

02 23 53 38 C Roger, meal BA was the last meal I had, at day 3,

that's today, t2 hours BO m_nutes OO secoIEls....

02 23 53 51 CC Roger, we copy.

02 23 54 O1 C Does that salmon ever smell strong in this s_ .c_bin-'

02 23 5q 39 CC G_mlni-5, Flight a_vises that over Laredo the mmoke w_s

at the northwest corner of the target approximately

3000 feet long.

02 23 54 53 C Roger, thank you very _ch. We saw the mmoke ...

back there and we assumed it was the northwest corner.

We were unable to see the target. I think probably due

to the sun angle.

02 23 55 05 CC Roger.

03 OO OO 23 P Notes for the %ape's time is 03 days, 14:00:00 and on

the updates from the ground on the D-6 are 15:08:56.

On the sequence 08 they sent up a time of 1/60 second

and my book says 1/i25 second, and I take that to be

more right than the update. I question also the speed

they sent up as 1/250.

03 OO Ol 06 C Now i'm going to try and get that checked out before we

do it.

03 OO 11 58 P Okay, the tape is on. Timo i$ 03 days 14 hours 13 minutes,

and we're coming right to 90 degrees and going to pitch up


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Ui_tiLJ,_iI , IhL_,_e 3z6

20 with 0 degree roll to commence the S-1 exper_t.

The S-I experiment is mounted in the window. I'm

stan4!ng by for C_:i8--

03 O0 12 27 C Watch your 8-ball now when we go ...

03 O0 12 31 P Yes.

03 O0 12 39 P ... standing by for, what's the exact time?

03 O0 12 _6 P 04:18:36 is sunset.

o3 0o 12 49 c Okay.

03 00 12 56 P Yes.

03 O0 12 58 C There ...

03 OO 12 59 P Yes, that's good ...

03 O0 13 13 P Yes. I'll tell you when you can go to red light if you

want to when this--

03 O0 13 22 C Okay, bringing my reticle ON.

o3 oo 13 25 P ok_ ....i

03 O0 13 39 P We've got--

03 OO 13 44 C I've got them right now. I can see that ...

03 OO 13 46 P 3 minutes.

03 OO 13 49 C There's scme ... there, let me _ee.

03 OO 13 51 P Can you get on them. I'm in the daylight. I can't see.

03 O0 13 52 C Yes. There it is. Right there in front of me.

03 O0 13 56 P Okay. You're on it.

o3 00 13 56 c Can you hold t_hatdaylight on ...

03 O0 13 58 P Yes, here; how's that?

C' 'P,'FiDENTiALti,¥

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O0i ..-'lnr?T!

03 OO 14 O1 C All right.

03 OO 14 03 P Okay. I'm going to start the camera at exactly 14:18:36,

which is sunset time.

03 O0 14 25 P Better d_m the scanner light.

030o 1430 c on.

03 OO 14 42 C All these p_rticies flying out.

03 02 14 4_ P Well of couse they'll disappear as soon as t_e sun's off.

03 o2 14 .49 c Oh yes.


03 OR 14 51 P My hands smell good. ?ney smell of cocoa. ,

03 O_ 14 56 C I haven't eaten my cocoa yet.

03 02 lh 58 P Oh, that was the ... d/d it, boy: T_at really hit the bottom


03 02 15 15 P Standing by. We're at about 2 minutes.

03 02 15 25 P Okay. Recorder's back on. Ne time is 14:!8:15 and the

sun is fa4ing rapidly. Boy, they had this sunset right

on the noggin.

03 OO 18 27 P 4, 3, 2, 1, merk.

03 OO 18 32 P The camera's on.

03 OO 18 34 P Okay. Took its first picture.

03 OO 18 39 C Still right on.

03 OO 18 _6 C Tell me when the red light comes on a_.

03 OO 18 49 P ?ne red light's still on.

03 OO 1_ 54 P Still on.

03 OO 18 56 P Okay, ... taking a picture.

!r'_ ._'rirIDE!,! !

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iiALP'_e 3,?.8

03 O0 18 58 P Red light's back on.

03 O0 19 03 C Okay .... on. Right on the w_ney, boy.

03 O0 19 08 P We want to go _dltil 23.

03 O0 19 13 P Red light's still on.

03 OO 19 18 P Still on.

03 OO 19 20 P Okay. It's taking a picture.

03 OO 19 34 P Red light is still on.

03 OO 19 39 P Red light is still on.

03 OO 19 _6 P It's taking _ picture.

03 OO 19 56 P Red light is on.

03 O0 20 03 P Oh yes. You're lined up beautifully. Yes, I can see the


03 OO 20 13 P Red light is still on.

03 O0 20 20 C ... h_ang on in there.

03 OO 20 25 P You want to tu_ out your cockpit red light?

03 OO 20 34 P It's taking a picture.

03 OO 20 37 P It's taking a picture.

03 O0 20 39 P It's taking a picture.

03 OO 20 42 P Okay. Re_ light's on. You can maneuver.

03 O0 RO 56 P O_-y. The red light is still an. You can maneuver.

03 OD 21 08 P Taking a picture, yes.

03 OO 21 13 P ... camera ...

03 O0 21 15 P Got enought stuff out here. Hope it all sta_s down in

the bilges.


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CONF D r ,T!aI_'Page 329

03 O0 21 25 P Still talkinga picture.

03 O0 21 32 P Still taking a picture.

03 OO 21 37 P Yes. _aat's holding good, Gordo.

03 O0 21 4_ P Still taking a picture.

03 OO 21 44 P Ok_v. Red light's on.

03 O0 21 51 P 5 _nutes when the--

03 O0 21 56 P StiLl the rea light's on.

03 O0 21 58 P 18:23:36. How am i going to'tell the time? It's pitch

black in here.

o3oo22o6 c ... 36.

03 O0 22 08 P No. 23:36 seconds.

03 O0 22 13 P Okay. It's taking a picture now.

03 O0 22 15 C The next time the red light comes on, I'll turn my red

light on and check the time.

03 OO 22 20 P. Okay.

03 O0 22 44 P Really pretty, isn't it? Southern Cross and Alpha and Beta

Kentanrus up_there. Sure is prominent down here.

03 O0 22 56 P I'm going to turn this DCS light down too.

03 OO 22 58 P The guys at C_on will be on in a minute.

03 O0 23 03 C ... red light comes on.

03 O0 23 06 P Yes. It's still taking a picture. I think we're up to

about the 2-miz_te m,rk.

03 O0 23 27 P Okay. Red Light's on.


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03 00 23 30 P You can turn on your red light. Check the tim_, Looking

for 23 minutes 36 seconds.

03 _ 23 37 C Okay. We're at it now.

03 00 23 39 P Okay. Leave your light on a sec_. Ycqaca/1leave your

light on until roll left_ 120 degrees. Here, I'11 read it

to you. Roll left 120 degrees. _ plteh up, once you

get roll left 120.

03 O0 24 27 P Roll left will put you appr-~_Jumatelyon the horizon.


03 00 24 30 P Carnarvon, Oemini-5.

O3 00 24 32 CC G_m_ui-5, Carnarvon. Go ahead.

03 O0 24 34 P Roger. We're green up here. Unleas you have s_th_ng for

us we're very busy.

OB O0 24 38 CC Roger. I'll update your TR for 62 on about midpass.

03 00 24 44 P Okay. ° Give me a call before you do it because it'll ruin

the camera in the window when the light's on.

03 00 24 49 CC Roger, will do.

03 00 2_ 54 P Okay. Now pitch up keeping the airglow in the lower left

part of your wLndmw. Pick up Achernar.

03 O0 25 20 P Now, we're just leaving the Southern Cross now, arem't


03 O0 25 22 C Yes. Okay ....

03 00 25 29 P Okay. When you get to Achernar, pitch up until y_u find


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03 O0 _ 36 P _, Gemini-5. You can report to J_u_ that the

first part of the S-1 went extr_ly well.

03 oo z5 43 cc Roger, will do.

03 00 25 _ P We'reia the processof mov;=,_%othe secondpba_eof it

right now.

03 O0 25 _8 CC Roger.

03 OO 25 49 C Coming through Nagellanie clo_. There's Aehe_.

o3 oo 25 5_ P Okay. Yaw right.

03 OO 26 06 P _ere's Cema. Beautiful, beautiful:

d3 co 21 o8 P o_. mm,.

03 O0 26 13 C roll on

03 OO 26 15 P Here, take _ quick look. Line up the Cross into Oru_.

03 O0 26 22 C ... pointed up towards Fc_altmat.

03 00 26 24 P _at's right. Where did it go? Oh, there he is_ yes.

I see him right now.

03 OO 26 32 ¢ Oh, yes.

03 OO 26'34 P ... excuse me, Hit the wrong switch.

03 00 26 37 C It'son tape.o

03 OO 26 42 C Boy, when that ec_es on--

03 00 26 44 P' Yes, C_n, can you update our TR now?

03 OO 26 h6 CC Negative. I have about 15 setbacks,then I can.

03 OO 26 49 P Okay. We are just gettt__ on it _ we will be t_w_ng

good pictures again here as s°_n as you can give us the TR.

03 00 26 55 CC Okav,aboutlO seconds.

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03 O0 27 O1 P Ok--y. We're taking a picture right n_.

o3 Co 27 o3 cc Trans ttimg TR-

03 O0 27 08 CC You got it.

03 O0 27 09 C ... we received it up here, thank you.

03 O0 27 13 P Okay. Now listen, Gordo's taking a 2-ml-trtepiclmAre

which is fouled up; so take your time, get on w_ll, even

though this picture is fouled up, because ma_e we were

still maneuvering when I started taking th_s p{cture. So

that's ruined as far as the fJ_rusterfiring goes. Boy,

that worked really well, didn't it?

03 O0 27 30 C Yes.

03 O0 27 39 P We couldn't have done it with the platform.

03 OO 27 42 · P We couldn't have done it with the platformu

03 O0 27 44 C No.

03 O0 27 56 P Okay. It's still taking a picture which is no good, so--

03 OO 28 03 C ... I'm not quite on. I was on but I drifted oft....

03 OO 28 49 P You've get plenty of time. leu'ye got better than 30


03 O0 29 10 P _at looks good from here. I dou't know how it looks from

over on your side.

03 O0 29 13 C Yes, we're right on it ..,

03 CO 29 15 P Oks_. Better than 30 seconds so you can hill the rates

down real good.

03 O0 29 20 P Still better than 30 sec_ldS.

['O'"F!F T

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03 O0 29 27 P You don't suppose this thing stopped running, do you?

I haven't seen a light for a lomg time.

03 O0 29 39 P I'm still taking a picture.

03 OO 29 l_ p There it goes.

03 OO 29 h6 P Okay. You got 30 secoz_ now and you got everything

killed drowngood and we're going to take our first good


03 OO 29 56 P Still red light. Still red light.

03 OO 30 06 P Okay. Taking a picture.

03 O0 30 27 P Boy 2 ml-utes seems like an eternity on this thing,

not being able to fire a thruster.

03 OO 30 44 C ... go on all night without an ...

03 oo 30 49 C ...

03 OO 30 53 P Trying to see if I can see the ... I guess t can't.

03 O0 31 08 C I see some kind of a light over here, but I suppose it's

the Mageklanic Clouds. .''

03 O0 31.25 P I sort of see something out here. But I can't tell

whether it's really Just a bunch of dim stars or not. I

th_nk I'm imagining it.

03 OO 31 34 P Hey, that thing k/lied down good. We're holding

right ou there.

03 OO 31 39 C Yes. Fa!rkv welt.

03 OO 31 42 P Just drifting a libtle. Boy, 2 minutes is a long time'


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03 O0 31 h9 P I'm going to shut the tape down. We've got all we

needed to k,_ off it. We're on good.

03 O0 42 51 P Okay. %Stopeson at 14:42:OO ar_ we're still taking

pictures. We have a little bit of a roll rate yet, so

we're going to fire the thrusters t_hrou_ this picture,

whatever the one is. Out.


03 O0 51 h,) CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP CQM. All _y_tems are_reen.

As soon as you've e_mpleted your S-1 expertm-nt, would

you eoataet us please?

03 OO 51 57 C Roger. Will do, Hawaii.

03 O0 53 17 P Okay. We ended the experiment at 03 days 14 hours

52 minutes, and we're going to try to get ready for our

D-6. Tape off.

03 O0 53 37 P Hawaii, Genial-5. We've done the S-1. Would you please

check the speeds with t_ camera with the D-6. I believe

they should be 1/125 secor_lr&ther them 1/60 second amd


03 OO 53 52 CC Roger. Roger will do.

03 O0 54 12 CC We want I_odelete that t)-6ar_. We'ye got a weather


03 *30 54 18 P Both of them?

03 O0 54 19 CC Negative. Delete the D-6. The time is 15:08:56.


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03 '00 54 25 C Okay_ that's the one over Texas.

03 OO 94 29 CC Roger.

03 O0 54 31 P' ... listen with this QGestar lens, tell them we're

going to pick a good site s_mevhere going across the

U.S. amd get it.

o3 oo 54 38 cc Roger.

03 OO 54 39 P Becamse we're in the proeess of rigging for it; we' 11 be

rigged for it for the one off the coast.

03 O0 54 45 CC Roger.

03 OO 54 59 CC They're working up tb_ _ettiags, C_int.

03 oo 55 03 c Right,we _%y ...sa_s Z/_5.

03 OO 55 07 CC Roger. Roger.

03 OO 56 19 P _{awaii,G_ni-5. Do you went *-bissectica_1 and 2


03 OO 56 23 CC That's affirmative.

03 O0 56 24 P Crying up right now.

03 O0 56 25 CC Roger. Give me a m-wk.

03 O0 56 28 P Roge.v .... hydrogen purge comemncin6--

03o056 34 P Nov.

03 00 56 49 P ... purge, l_drogen complete. Cc_nC_ lo. 2 hydrogen

purge. _ mY m-rk.

03 '00 56 54 P Mark.

03 O0 57 08 P No. 2 h_drogen purge collplete. Stand by for oxygen purge

No. 1.

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03 00 57 20 P Commencing No. 1 02 purge.

03 oo 57 22 P Now.

03 OO 57 36 CC O_,m'tn'_-5, we're c_-_nE up on LOS. Those settLngs for

your camera is 1/125 and 1/60.

03 O0 57 44 C Hawaii, we' 11 get them nex_ ...

03 O0 57 46 cc Roger.

03 O0 58 54 P Entry for the tape. Relind me to get these switches

cPm_ged for the next guys on the_e l_arges. About to

break m_ finger off purging.


03 ol o_ iA CC Ok,_. _ey'd like you to put in one 1/60 and one 1/125.

Can ¥_A do that, Pete?

03 O1 Ok 21 P That's affirmative.

03 O1 04 22 CC Ray. _t's what _hey'd Like fo_ you to use.

03 O1 04 34 CC Okay. '_Tmt'll be 1/60 and 1/125.

03 O10_ 39 P Roger.


03 O1 08 49 CC Gemini-5, C_m_ui-5. This is Houston here_ When you have

time give us a call. We've got some im_orm_tion for yo_.

03 O1 08 56 C Roger. Go ahead.

03 O1 06 58 CC Oka_. We'd like to have you l_Atyour Cryogenic Gaging

Switch to Fuel CeLl 02 .


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03 Ol o9 03 C Roger. Fuel Ceil Oz.

03 O1 09 06 CC Oki. Are you through with your D-6 so I can give

you some other stuff?

03 O1 09 12 C Roger. Go ahead.

03 O1 09 14 CC Okay. We'd ltk_ to have you put your CAt_brate Switch

to No. 1 position for 10 seconds.

03 01 09 24 CC I'd also 1 _ke to tell you that year t,arget for your next

I)-6 will be going up track so that ¥ weight will be do.n-


03 O1 09 34 C Roger.

03 O1 09 36 CC I've got an update for your D-4/D-7 California background

measurement whenever you're ready to copy. I also need

your GO for that over Carnarv_. I'd like to have you

tell Carnarvon whether you're ready, whether you will be

ready to do it or not.

O3 ol 09 50 c Okay.

03 O1 09 51 CC Okay. You ready to copy the update?

03 O1 09 53 C Roger. Go.

03 O1 09 54 CC Okay. First put your Calibrate Switch to No. 2 for

lO seconds. Oke_v. Here comes the D-4/D-7 update. Your

new time is O3:16:37:28. Pitch, 26 down; yaw, ]8 left.

03 O1 10 21 C Oka,v. Got *.hat.

03 O1 10 23 CC Oke_. They're updatlmg your TR over Texas an(l Berzmcla

so yo_'ll get a couple ]]CS lights and stuff.


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,._..,''t{ t Jl i,/ltf'_L

_e 338

03 o].lo 3o ¢ okay.

03 O1 10 32 CC I've got a map and star update for you also.

03 O1 10 36 C Roger. Go ahead.

03 O1 10 37 CC Okay. _ey're both at the same time. 03:16:17:37.

The map is 162.5 degrees East. _e star is O1:17:49.

03 O1 lO 59 C All right.

03 O1 ll OO P What's the rest?

O3 O1 ll 07 CC Rev 47. You can place your Cryogenic Gaging Switch to

OFF now.

03 O1 il 20 CC Okay. That's all the information I have. 'Whydon't you

go ahead with your D-6 there.

03 O1 11 25 C Okay. We got the complete set of the dark pictures to

last night side.

03 Ol 11 29 CC Very good. Very good.

03 O1 i1 31 C Worked out okay, Z think.

03 O_ _l 33 cc Good.

03 01 1/ 36 P i gave Gordo a :'welldone" for tracking test. I think

we really got some gc_)dones.

03 O1 II 40 CC Good.


03 O1 16 59 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston here.

03 O1 17 05 G Go _head. Gemini-5 here.

03 O1 17 07 CC How'd you m_%keout on your D-6's?

'-" kt C. F' a

rlt L

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03 OL 17 10 C Roger. There was quite a lot of cloud out there, and

we saw one ship with a wake. I don't really think it

was btm. We mpent a picture on it.

03 O1 17 21 CC Okay. Did you pick up anything acroas the States with

your other D-67

03 O1 17 26 C No. I_ was pretty solid undercast and it's all out


03 Ol 17 30 CC Yes. That's why we scrubbed it bec_t,__eof the t;a_l


03 O1 17 33 C Yes. It's pr_ty solid down there all the w_ fram the

coast on it. Hous_o_ was the only area that really looked

like it _as open.

03 ol 17 39 cc Okay.

03 O1 17 44 P Houston, C,_ni FLight. Do we eo_e_ anywhere near Austin

next pass?

03 O1 17 52 CC Well, looks like yo_ might be a little bit north of it


03 O1 17 58 P Okay. Ower.

03 O1 17 99 CC Why, are they open?

03 O1 Z8 O1 P Yes. They were when we went by but we were too close in

to yaw off amd get him.

03 O1 18 06 CC Okay. I'll take a look at that and _ee what we can do.

You know you're going to be pretty busy next pass anyway?

f':q,N :.'=NTiAI

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03 O1 18 12 P Flight, we'll pick them up tomorrow. M_vbe the weather

will be better.

o30l 18 15 cc Okay.

03 O1 56 10 C Okay. The tape is on and the time is 03 aaVs 15 hours

56 minutes and we're preparing to do D-4, 409, 15:59:O0

over Carnarvon.

!03 O1 58 59 C Tape is on and time is 03 days 16 hours O0 mirmtes.

Acquisition at Carnarvon and we're transmitting the 409


03 O1 59 15 P Carnarvon, Gemini-5 is doing 409 at this time. Equipment's


03 O1 59 21 CC Say ag-ln last, _Gemini. '

03 O1 59 23 P Roger, we're doing 409 at this time, equipment is on.

03 O1 59 27 CC Roger, we're receiving your FN/FM telemetry.

03 O1 59 31 P Okay, give me a mark in 4 minutes, please.

03 O1 59 35 CC Roger.

03 O1 59 52 P Be advised Carnarvon, we'll be GO for 423 Alpha.

03 O1 59 57 CC Roger, understand.

03 02 O0 22 CC We've got an update for you. They have a medical pass

scheduled on the Pilot at Hawaii this rev. Hawaii's

acquisition is 16:24.

03 02 OO 35 CC Roger, 16:24.

03 02 O0 51 C Your exercise.

C(_,,_ r i D L-F,ITi_t

LI i ! I/"_g

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,ULl'l yf/AL_e 341

o3 o2 oo 53 P Okay.

03 02 OO 55 C Still have enough to keep up with them.

03 OR O1 03 C No blood pressure count.

03 OR 03 05 P Idon't know. It just keeps on growing ...

O_ 02 03 17 P Yes. There's no doubt about it. Look out at the

horizon. That secona_y scanner does the job.

03 OR 03 27 C ... aline platform.

03 02 03 29 P Yes.

03 O_ 03 30 CC M_rk, 4 minutes, Gemini.

03 02 03 32 P Okay, we're going to go start getting 410 Bravo.

03 02 03 38 CC Roger.

03 02 03 _1 P If you're on, do you want to go to ORB Rate?

03 02 03 43 P Come right. Pick up Deneb.

03 OR 03 53 C Okay, ORB R%e,

03 OR 03 55 P Right.

03 02 03 58 C ... horizon scanner off.

03 OR 04 07 P Say, could I give you a few books on it?

03 02 04 10 C Sure.

03 OR 04 19 p ... organized yet.

· 03 02 04 19 P I'm afraid the Zodiacal Test is going to come up here and


get away from me.

03 02 Ok 29 C I think this reticle ...

03 02 O_ 32 C ... Jingle, Jingle.

03 02 04 39 P Yes. Jingling.


cn .'r ncr,jTl,,qL

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_e 3_2

03 02 04 43 P ...reedpass.

03 02 04 55 C Let's see. There's a star.

03 02 04 58 P I knew he'd be out there somewhere.

03 02 05 03 P Fairly low on the horizon.

03 02 05 05 C It's not here.

03 02 05 14 P Deneb.

03 02 05 17 C ... isn't it?

03 02 05 19 P Beats the beck out of me. I don't know.

03 02 05 24 c ...

03 02 05 26 P Yes.

03 02 05 29 C Yes .°.

03 02 05 34 C There it comes.

03_o2 05 36 P 'Where?

03 O2 05 50 P Really think you're back around over here.

03 02 05 58 P , It's Altair ... Vega ... Lyra. Right?

03 02 06 02 C ... Snmmer Triangle.

03 02 06 05 P Yes. I just don't think that's it.

03 02 06 17 C There's Altair and there's DeZphinus by Altair. There's

Delphinus right out there.

03 02 06 24 P Ok_y. If you've got it on Deneb, I'll buy it.

03 02 06 29 P You ready?

03 02 06 31 C I'm ready.

03 02 06 34 P You got him dead center?

03 o2 o6 34 C Deaa center.

CO[4F!r)Er, tI/ti

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CENF!Oi,, ,,-',LPage 343

03 02 06 36 P Okay. Four ...

03 _2 06 48 P Okay. Keep _e right on.

03 02 07 06 C Got him?

03 02 (_! 07 CC 1 minute to LOS.

03 02 07 10 P Gem_ini-5, Roger. We're doing 410 Bravo right now.

03 02 07 i5 CC _ Roger.

03 02 07 19 C ... this recording ...

03 02 07 22 P No. I'm recording up here this time.

03 02 07 36 P Okay. We started that at lt_:07:20. No, i'm scrmy. We

started at 16:_:50 _ld we'll stop at 09:50.

03 02 08 02 C ... passing over.

03 02 08 05 P I got him good in the Quester lens.

03 02 08 50 C Okay, mark.

03 02 08 53 P Yes. You can go to small end forward, and I'm going to

come on with the bright lights. All right?

03 02 09 O0 C Okay. Go ahead.

03 02 09 05 P And would you hand me the Flight Plan.

03 02 o9 19 P Okay, 16:15 aline SEF. Bring on the rate gS'ros and the

radar at that time.

03 02 12 02 P Okay. Missile measurement. 423, the reticle will he

installed on a 35_ Zeiss camera, 16mm camera and

associated whndow equipment mount_d in th(: right window.

The 3401 W black and white film, that can be used. 3401

is on.


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03 02 12 26 . C ... reticle is ...

03 O_ 12 31 P Meaaurement, 10 minutes. Rate gyros primary, rat 2 for

Br_g, tad 3 for Eollcaan, rad 2 IR on--

03-0_ 12 46 C We're on secondary scanner.

03 02 12 48 P Yes.

03 02 12 50 C ' On the SEF.

03 02 1.300 C What time is this whole shebang due, now?

03 02 13 05 P 16,38:28. At tb_t time you should be 26 down, 38 left.

03 02 13 12 C 26 down, 38 left.

03 02 13 14 P _es, yes. Oka0r.

03 02 13 38 P Okay. I've got the IR all set. The only thing I have to

do is turn on the recorder. I need to get 16mm camera

film for this.

03 02 13 48 C ... pretty smooth with the rate gyros on.

03 02 13 50 P At 15. We're not there yet.

03 02 14 04 P Oh, that mecondary scanner's doing great. I hope it's

still run_t-g 8 days from lift-off.

03 02 14 12 P Okay. Are you ready?

03 02 14 17 C Yom know that, Big Daddy.

03 02 14 19 P PrL_ea_yroll gyro. Prt,mry pitch gyro. Primary yaw

gyro. Radar to STANDBY.


CO 'FiDiT":"AL

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Page 345

03 02 l& 31 c All right.

03 02 14 32' P Would you turn up your light and read me that Radar Test

once? I think I got it. Will you fly here in Rt_DELq/OI_

get a radar reading, go to CATCH UP for one second and

back to RE_DEZVOUS_. You're just going to track it. is

that right? And I'Ll switch in and out eye_-ytime we get

a reading.

03 02 1L 50 C Yes. I'm just tracking. You _w_tch in and out. Your

readout's 69, so you get an update on it.

03 02 14 94 P Yes. MDiU on.

03 02 14 58 C Then you switch to CATCH UP for one second, then back to


03 02 L5 02 P Okay.

03 02 L5 05 P Give me a call at 16:20 so I can stick this thermometer

in my mouth and get these ?-uys off r_¢

03 02 15 IO C Okay.

03 (Y2 15 12 C Computer PJm/_DE/,VOIYZ,Fiatf'c:_ to OFaq _\T_£.

03 02 15 22 C Give you a call when?

03 02.15 24 P 16:20.

O3 O2 _5 26 C Oh.

03 02 15 29 P Okay. Have i done everything?

03 02 15 36 C Do you suppose ...

03 02 !5 40 P Rdar_ rate ps;rog--

03 02 15 4[ C You'£e suppcsed to ge% that ...

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bL,;,,ir ,f ;k l3i, ,I '.L. Page 34_

03 02 15 43 P Yes.

03 02 15 44 C Wl_ee:

03 02 15 L_ p That's why you've got to put it right on them.

03 02 17 2h P W_at did we get up update for, 62-1 or 47-17

03 02 17 36 P 6o2-1.

03 _ i7 38 C Oh.

03 02 17 43 P There's the moon.

03 02 18 38 P How do your legs feel?

03 02 18 41 C A little cramped - not too bad.

03 02 19 i1 C Next time Chuck Berry asks if I'm exercising my legs, why

don't you teL1 him, yes, I'm outside running right now.

03 02 19 43 C I'm back on the adapter doing calisthenics.

03 02 20 02 P What's my food report?

03 02 20 l0 P You got the big book down here?

03 Ot 20 12 C Yes.

03 02 20 llt P _Cny don't you ioo_ up ho_,' _u,ch water 1'ye d_k. 1(--6,

isn't it?

03 02 20 22 C No, 15-6. I'm 16-h.

03 02 20 31 P No. _fnen you Fet to here y_u're 16. This st:.rts _t O.

16-6, and you' re 17-4.

03 02 20 38 C Oh, I see.

03 02 21 !7 C Okay. First thing we get iz missile measurement, huh?

Then _at?

i'r l',j ,-'

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i!htPage 347

03 02 21 22 P Computer ON. And then at ... Pilot radar lock 30 degrees

down, yaw 7 left.

03 02 21 41 C 26 degrees down, 38 left. This is the radar.

03 02 2t 46 P No, 26 down 38 left is for the missile.

03 02 21 50 C Oh_ okay.

03 02 2[ _'3 P b_nd 30 down and yaw left 7 is the radar. I'il give you

the radar again,

03 O2 ..-.°° 10 C _md we're aiin.:d riFht, an the money, looks likr.

· _;h\H,, t., II

03 02 25 35 CC Gtmini-5, thls is l[awaLi [urFec.n. We have a valid

temperature. Cnn we h?_ve i:cur blood pressure l_,[easr_

05 02 "- ' __t, _ CC v,e have a _rood blood prfss_re. Give me a mark wh, n you

begin your exorcize pit_ c_.

':7_ t'2' 20 ;2 P Ckay.

OJ qT 2( :_ }' ,%_rk.

t3re .... Il. _ dov, T, .O[ 02' 27 _ o BLood ' ....... · '.':'.mi:,_

O_ 02 2* 16 'CC G,_mini-5, H';._[' :b_rce_n. _Mi[ sc_l_.

(93 C_' 27 50 CC We have a good olcod pr, ssurc. £ta_n_:inF i'M f)r .V:,_u' w;,t,.:'

roper t.

O3 O2 ,,97 _'-,_ P Roger., It's _t:_l[ th_ s:=me I think -':s_,'+was thi-_ mcrnirw -

16, 4 otances. I still h=v*n t eaton _n:,_hin_lsinc_ the i_sr

meal, ,_ich [th]nk wag 3C.

O'j 02 728 73 CC Okay. Real. f'ine. Are eith_,r you cf the C_Jmr.:xndP:'c*

having_ --_n:;.proolem with t. cmperat_re, n,':w? ...a-e yz,u

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 343/782


fairly comfortable?

03 02 28 17 P Yes, we're fine now.

03 02 28 19 CC Okay. Have either you or Gordo bee_ doing any shivering

on the las% few revs, or any exercies? We've noticed

just checking on your respirations here there's a few

sprinkles on it, and we were trying to figure out why that

was happening.

03 02 28 33 P We were probably shivering on this last one.

03 02 28 36 CC Were you shivering on the last rev or two?

03 02 28 48 P The last one rev has been good but several before that

we were probably shivering.

O3 02 28 54 CC, Roger. Everything else all right up there?

03 02 29 OO P Say again.

03 02 29 02 CC Everything else all right up there?

03 02 29 03 P ,Stillfine.

03 02 29 07 C _ne Pilot's working up a big appetite, I can tell you that.

03 02 29 09 CC Rea% good.

03 02 29 13 CC I have nothing else here, Hawaii Surgeon out.

03 02 29 17 P Okay.

03 02 29 20 CC This is Hawaii CAP C(i_. For your experiment 423A, there's

a Av,nll clou_ deck that extends frQm 700 up to 1100; it's

'west to southwest about 2 miles east of the site.

03 02 29 38 P Roger. We're ready.

03 02 30 07 CC They're still counting on time.

P,F1 ri /Tj lL, j FI{/F ,

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' il-' [ _'\ _iCONF,,.),_tJTI, L.Page 349

03 02 30 10 P Roger.

03 02 32 43 CC R minus 5 and counting.

03 02 34 02 P Recorder is _. The time is 3rd d_y, 16:33:25, stana_ng

by for D-4 _3 Alpha. We are pitch down 26 degrees,

yawed left 38 degrees. Questam is mounted; %he speed

setting is 1/60. The RAD 2 is on, IR power transmitter's

ON, the 1_ camera's mounted, and I can just see clouds

on the water beautifully on this Questar lens'

03 02 34 05 C ... can see this ... too.

03 02 34 07 P Yes. All you got to do, 0ordo, is stick that reticle

on it.

03 02 34 19 C . ...

03 02 34 24 P Yes, that looks like the end of the cloud deck, and I see

the California coast coming up.

03 02 34 26 C Yes.

03 02 34 30 C We just might luck out here yet.

03 02 34 4L P Let's see, what is it; 34:45?

03 02 34 44 C 3_:45.

03 02 34 52 C Radar's to STAND_.

03 02 34 53 P Okay. I'm going to bring up the computer on at 16:45.

03 02 35 05 P Let's see. We got.everything done that pass ...

03 _ 35 09 c There's the Ca/. coast coming up.


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03 02 35 14 CC C_-5, Gemini-5, Houstc_ here.

03 02 35 17 C Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

03 02 35 19 CC Roger. The cloud deck over the mite _w is solid. It

goes to broken about 5 miles to the southwest of the

site, amd it goes clear about 2 miles to the east

of the site.

03 02 35 33 C Right. We can see the cloud deck.

03 02 35 36 CC 0k_. Very good. An6 they're GO there.

03 02 35 42 C Okay. We're in .position and waiting.

93 02 35 _? Cc Roger.

03 02 35 49 P Boy, I wish we could get on it; this Questar lens is

· famtnmtie'

03 02 35 53 cc Roger'

03 02 36 O1 C If we don't get this this time, will you stand outside

an8 wave so we can get your picture as we go by?

o3 02 36 07 cc Say ag_in.

03 02 36 09 CC Oh, rog, yes.

03 02 36 10 C If we don't get this you cnn stand outside and wave and

we'll get your picture as we go by.

03 02 36 29 CC Okay, I'll be out there.

03 02 36 29 P We're there.

03 02 36 33 C What's the time he lifts off?


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03 02 36 34 P 16:37-00 is recoz_er on. 16:37:_.03 _ 36 43 P Let'8 see, he's right under f_mt clou_ c_ck, ri6h% there,

03 02 36 ,8 c Yes.

03 O_ 36 _9 P CPlveme - I got _ own count here.

03 _ 36 .5o c o_.

03 02 36 53 c 5,4, 3, Z, 1, Mark.

03 O2 37 OO p _ecorder's GW. IR power tran-mibber'_ (IN. RAJ).2.

Right film,in the camera.

03 02 37 12 P He's going to come right in under there. Get the --

03 02 37 18 CC 10.

03 02 37 26- CC Mark. Here we go. It's on its way.

03 02 37 31 P He's off.

03 02 37 34 P I see it' I _ee itl

03 09 37 48 C Where?

03 02 37 _9 P There it's ccling. See it Gordo?

03 02 37 51 C Where?

03 02 37 53 P Right through that hole in the cloud_:

03 02 37 54 C Oh yes, I got it.

03 _ 37 55 P There he comes: Bigger than beck:

03 O2 37 56 C Got him.

03 02 37 57 P You got him?

03 02 37 58 C _es.

03 O2 38 OO P Let me know when you got the reticle on it.

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03 02 38 05 C We've got lots of time.'

03 02 _ 07 P See h_ tracking 'up right through the clou4s?

03 02 38 09 C Yes, I'm on h_m.

03 02 38 12 P You' re on hill?

03 02 38 1_ C Ye.;

03 Ce 38 22 C I'm about _ lose h_m ag_-,t the eloudJ, though.

03 02 38 23 P I can still see him: He's coming out over the water'.

03 02 38 21 C Yes.

03 02 38 2_ P See him? _mere he is over the water' See him?

03 02 38 26 C Yea. I'm o_ him.

03 02 38 29 P Okay. There he goes' See h_m Wa_ out in front?

03 02 38 32 CC Second Stage.

03 02 38 36 C (_ay. I'm an hi_.

03 02 38 38 P Okay. We can see him rea/ good'.

03 02 38 40 CC Very good, very good.

03 02 38 _4 P ' Oops.

03 02 39 07 C Look at that eon.

03 02 39 12 P We can still see his con very, very clearly down there,

even against the cloud background.

O3 O2 39 14 CC Okay.

03 (2239 19 P Give us a call when you want the comFater ON.

03 02 39 2_ CC Yes, teL1 us when you get through there, we'll --

03 02 39 26 C Okay.


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03 0_ 39 27 P l_e'rethrough. Recorder OFF.

03 O_ 39 29 Ce You all cl_ _. Okay, we'll go-back to i_is other st-ul_f


03 _ 39 34 P Ob, there he go_. Up through the thing.

03 02 39 37 C _wh_-e?

03 02 39 38 P Well,you can ju6tsee a trailgoing up.

03 02 39 41 ¢ Oh,ye_.

03 O_ 39 43 P ... higher.

03 02 39 44 C Yes. We can see him going above us.

03 02 39 50 CC Xc_z.sm_'he's going above you, right?

03 02 39 53 C Right, we saw him way out going higher than the horizon.

o3 02 39 56 CC Okay,Roger....

_e eomuuter power up time is 03:16:45:00 and you c_n

power it up before then by a couple minutes if you like.

03 02 40 12 P Okay. We were hoping to find _ame_b3kr_Zdown here for

the D-6.

93 02 hO 18 CC Just a second, I'll run outside.

03 02 40 21 P (N_ay. Computer c_mt-E on to f_.EAUNCH.



o3 02 40 30 CC Ney, congrat_!ntions on that l_t o1_. I had _v doubts


03 02 40 _2 P What have you got down there - E1 Centro or yum_ or one of


_l.ji_"'U]l.''i':] I Ii'till

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l_e 354

03 02 _0 35 C It was loud _ clear.

03 02 40 _ CC Very good, very good.

03 02 40 38 P _ae *h_ E that we saw was the engine burning against

'thewhite clouds first.

03 o2 ho 42 cc Oh, yes? Were the clouds a help or a hindrance?

03 O2 40 _6 P They were ...

03 02 40 b,9 CC Say ,_,_.n. !

03 02 40 52 P They were ...

03 02 40 53 P Hey, there'8 E1 Paso right there: Can you swing right?

Or WlliteSsz_ls' W_Lt a minute, we're getting Wl_iteSands.

Get Hollomsa.i

03 o2 4o 57 c o_'.

03 O_ 40 58 P Put it right there:

o3 02 41 0o c _.

03 02 41 02 P Be_tiCul' And there's the sled track'

03 02 41 07 C Yes. Ha, h_, I'm on him, man'

03 02 41 09 P Get him, be_r' Don't let him get away' Boy, ...

Holloman right now and I can see -- The runway fills

the whole Questar ...


03 02 41 22 CC Say that again, please.

03 02 ml 2_ C . We're tracking the Hollomau _:irStrip. We're well --

03 02 41 27 CC Ohp very good. Okay, I got you. Did you get a picture

of that other thing?


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03 02 41 32 P Yes, got about six of thpm.

03 02 41 35 CC Very goo4.

03 02 41 36 P Okay, now let's pitch up q_ick and back to --

03 02 41 46 C Hey, there's another little airport there.

03 02 41 48 P Where?

03 02 41 49 C You're too late. We're alread_ past it now.

03 02 41 53 P Boy, you get somebo_ else right out in here, and

we'll nail them.

03 02 41 54 C Yes, okay.

03 02 41 56 P Hey, there's Fort Stockton and the test track down

there by it.' How about that?

03 02 42 OO C Yes.

03 02 43 05 P Listen, we could get Austin this time. _here's Lake

Austin right there.

03 02 42 07 C Yes, it sure is.

03 02 h2 09 P See if you see Bergstrom.

03 02 42 13 P Man, t_hatrunway was that big in that thing:

03 02 42 17 C How did you ltke that tracking task?

03 02 42 18 P That was beautiful'

03 02 42 19 C Nailed him:

03 02 42 20 P Xou did' That's great' That's tremendous' There's

Austin -'no, that's -- mTmt in th_ heck's .that?

San Antonio.

P D,!!E'!!']C'!_ITI/_ !

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r'N f,3 Ft', 1'"_'/_,! !i-';-_i_ i i;'_,L Page 356

03 02 42 29 C I tb_w Ammtin's going to be ri_t in under that cloud.

03 02 42 33 P Yes, I'm a_2d y_'re right. There's San Antonio.

03 02 42 43 P No, there's _erg_ram: See it out there on your right,

up? See it?

03 02 _2 47 C (Na,yes.

03 02 42 50 P Stick it right on there. Okay. Beau%iful.

03 02 42 54 C ... Pulse.

03 02 42 57 P _v.

03 02 _3 O5 C _y.

03 02 43 16 C Okay, l_latelse will we get here?

03 O_ 43 19 P Now we've got to get the radar check. Pitch right back,

30. 0ka_, we got Bergstrom that time too.

03 02 _3 27 'CC Very good. Sounds like you're getting caught up on I)-6.

03 _ 43 30 P Yes, I hob so.

03 02 43 33 P Okay, we're going to 30 pitch down, ya_ 7 left and we're

start&lng by for the radar.

03 02 43 42 CC Okay, fine. You got that procedure all squared away,

have_'t yo_?

03 02 43 h5 P Right. We'll go to Rendezvous and then back to Catch Up

after m lock-on for c_e second, and back into Rendezvous,

and keep that cycle up till we lose lock again.

03 02 43 56 CC _u_V, very good. Do you have your FDI's up?

03 02 43 59 P Affirm.


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Page 357

03 02 44 OO CC Okay, are you going to be pointing at the transponder?

03 02 44 06 P Yes, he's going to track it.

03 02 44 07 CC Okay, very good.

03 02 44 20 C That Pulse Rode isn't worth a d_rn for some things.

03 02 44 29 P okay.

03 02 44 31 C What is it now - 30 down and what?

03 02 44 35 P Yes, I'm going %o put your radar om right now.

03 02 42 38 C Okay. 30 down and whst?

03 02 4k 39 P And yaw left 7. _

o3 02 44 43 c _-y.

03 02 44 48 c Rea_.

03 02 44 50 P 0_. At 46:02, so it should be very s1_ortly.

o3 02 45 33 P Okay,we have a solid lock.

03 02 45 35 CC Okay. _tnelof keep your eye om the FDI needles if you

can az you go across _nd give us a little report on it.

03 02 45 44 C Roger. I'm reading r_e - range rate.

o3 o2 45 47 cc Okay.

03 02 45 48 C I'm locked (_.

o3 oe 45 5o cc very mxm.

03 02 45 54 P I haven't gotten anything to read into the Rendezvous

Mode yet.

03 02 45 57 C MY FDI's are locked.

03 02 45 59 CC Okay. Are they null?

03 02 46 OI° C _-'_Z.


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CONFtDEN-i1ALPage 358

03 02 46 02 CC Okay.

03 02 _ 08 P I've ... into the Renclezvous Mode. You want me to

go to Catch Up?

03 02 46 13 CC Yes. Cycle back and forth and see what happens. Did

you get %he _%RT COMP. button pushed there?

o3 o2 46 35 c Locked on goo4 but ... ,

03 02 46 39 cc Okav.

03 02 t_ 42 C ... degrees with the reticle -- it's holding lock as

we go straight across. Is it out at Merritt Island?

Ih it out at Merritt Island?

03 02 47 22 CC I don't know. Just a second. We've got the coordinates

to four decimal places in seconds, but I don't kno_where

it is.

03 02 47 32 C Well, _ radar's showing it's right on Merritt Island

down there.

03 02 47 36 CC Okay.

03 02 47 40 C I'm still locked on it.

03 o2 47 41 cc Okay.

03 O_ 47 42 P I don't understand. I'm not getting any range readout

either in Catch Up or Rendezvous.

03 02 47 51 CC Roger. You got the START C01vLp. button?

03 02 37 55 C Yes.

03 02 47 55 P Yes. I've tried everything.


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O] 02 1_7_ CC Is the IIDIUon?

03 0'248 O1 C Well over _50 miles dow_ now, ! guess.

03 02 48 06 CC Did you have the MDIU power on?

03 02 48 08 C Yes.

03 02 48 L2 cc okay.

03 02 48 14 C I'm still locked on. We're over 300, I guess, now.

03 02 4_ 20 P Yes. Well, you'll have the data on the tape though, won't


03 02 48 25 CC We hope we do. Yes.

03 02 48 28 CC Squeeze on a couple of D-6's going by there too. He

was pointing right at it.

o3 o2 48 32 P okay.

03 02 48 45 C Just broke lock.

03 02 48 48 CC Roger, broke lock at 48:47.

03 02.50 21 CC G_mtni-5, Houston.

03 02 50 22 C Go ahead, HotAsto_, C_i-5.

03 02 50 24 CC The next time we do an oxygen purge on the fuel cells,

we want to do it over a site so we get some data while

you're doing the purge. We don't really have'm_ch else

for you. We got about another 6 or 7 minutes here of

hack time.

03 02 50 40 C Oki. I might give you a little information further

·r-_-wwise. I'm getting radar rang_ and radar range


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rate imtermittentLF on my digital there. I mean on

analog there, and I don't know why it wasn't stead_,

but _ m_ _lles I had steady'lock-on ami was palling

him awa_ on the outer way on a pass.

03 02 51 I1 CC Okay. Did you get that intermittent R and R-dot

throughout the whole pass?

03 02 51 17 C A little bit, although on in fairly close it seem_d to

lock up pretty solid on the analog and hold fairly steady.

03 02 51 25 C_ Okay, so in close it was steady but at greater ranges

it was interm/tteat.

03 02 51 29 C Greater range it warn a little bit intermittent aitnough

it did seem to jump in and out a little there.

o3 02 51 35 CC _y.

03 02 52 32 CC Ge_-t-5, Houstcm.

03 02 52 33 C Go ahead,Rouzton.

03 02 52 34 CC Your atti_ control fuel useage has been up pretty

high lately and we want to ,_ke y_a conscious of the

fact that you're going to have to start taking it easy

o_ it and going mt a little lower rate than you have been

to make it thromgh the rest of the flight here.

03 o2 52 51 P Roger.4

03 02 52 55 CC As a matter of fact, I'll try to fix up a little

for you and give it to you acroGJ the States

the next t_ to let you know where you are.


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CO? Fi 'r:, TIr,,uLl'_ 1JmLPage361

o3O253O1 ¢ Okay.

03,02 53 13 CC $'_-5, tk_ here. Would you hit the START COMP

button one more time. We want to get some stuff on

·he ground here.

03 0_ 53 22 P It's in Catch Up - you want Rendezvous?

03 o2 53 25 CC It doesn't make any difference. Just go ahead and hit

the START COMP button.

o302 5329 P ok.y.

03 03 07 21 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston here. Over.

03 03 07 25 P Go ahead, Nou_ton, Gemini-5.

03 03 07 28 CC Roger. We took a quick look at the fuel here and it

looks like your a little bit below the program flight

pian fuel level for this particular time of the flight.

So we're going to have to take it easy for awhile.

03 03 07 44 P O_y.

03 03 07 45 CC We're getting _ more information now on the S-8/D-13

pass a_roas Laredo. Right now the weather is clear with

a few little Puffy clouds around less than a tenth. You're

going to have a smoke pod on th_ northwest corner again

an_ the smoke la drifting slowly out to l_he northwest. You

shoul_ be a little bit to the south and T_he sun should be

almost overhea_. So it' 11 be a lot better than tgtey were

this morning.


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03 03 08 13 P Okay, fine.

03 03 08 24 CC _m_xni-5, Gemini-5, Houston.

o3 o3 o8 27 c Go _ea,_,

03 03 08 28 CC Can you give us an oaboard readout of what your

propellant quantity is, please?

03 03 08 34 C The propellant quantity is reading 31_, over.

03 03 08 37 CC Roger. Understand 31_.

03 03 08 _O C Roger, that's about 114 pounds on m_ recording chart.

03 03 08 46 ¢C Okay, very gOOd.

03 03 09 38 P We'll run this Gape out andput a new tape in. Let's

see, we ha_ a pretty good pass _here on the radar.

Don't know what happened to the Rendezvous and never

got anv read_s on the MDIU. That didn't m-ke much

sense to me, because the MDIU was on when I went to

Catch Up. I went to Rendezvous and I never got any

aa_ess 69 readingsfrom either one. The only thing

I can think of is that it might have been some sort

of a malf_Jmctlon in the -- not the radar, because you

were getting readings,

03 03 10 31 C Yes.

03 03 10 33 P S_thing just wouldn't read from the computer to the MDIU.

03 03 10 38 P Turning it off right now.


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03 03 13 49 C ORB BATE a_d xnrizon Scan. I guess what I ought %o do

is ... Horizon Scan. I think the sun is going to ...

03 03 14 OO P Well, we're a little bit late o_ this one now. 17:13:

Taw left at 90. We've got to stop the rates and go to ORB

RATE. N_rizon Scan.


03 03 14 36 c ot_,v.

03 03 14 3'7' P Tou ready? You'ye got Horizon Scan?

o3 o3 14 25 c Okay.

03 03 14 49 P Mark. The time is 1T:L4: --

03 03 21 56 P ... time is 17:22. We're just comtng up_on Fommihaut at

this t4me.

03 03 22 l_ C Darn, that computer light is a bright scm_-of-a-gun:

03 OB 22 19 P Well here, let me get us one of th_='_. (_, it's

supposed to be in ...

03 03 22 22 C Yes.

03 03 22 23 P Ali right.

03 03 22 40 C Okay, there's Fc_a]_haut.

03 03 22 _3 P Okay, let me _ow when you have lt. Steady in there.

03 03 22 5° C How about it?

03 03 22 52 P Let me focus. You're right on it.

03 03 22 58 C I am?

03 03 23 O0 P .Okay, stand by,

03 03 23 04 P Mark. Time is 17:23:O5.


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03 03 23 15 P Okay',recorder, we did not get Platform Mode test O1 -

we'Ll have to pick It up later.


03 03 34 12 CC Carnarvon, C_mfi4ui-5.Standing by for the updates.

03 03 34 15 P Roger.

03 03 34 15 CC This is a PI_ update.

03 03 34 23 P Yes.

03 03 34 24 CC Roger. Area 50-4, 20:53:56, 12 plus 12, [8 plus 17.

Area 51-3, 32:12:40, 14 plus 05, 19 plus 13.

Area 52-3, 23:47:54 12 plus 57, 18 plus 18.

Area 53-3, 25:22:39, 12 plus 10, 18 plus 00.

- Area 54-Delta, 26:[7:24, 19 plus 56, 24 plus 4i. Do

you copy?

03 03 36 04 P Can't understand the tim, on laat two. is that 25 and

_67 Would you read the times on 53-3 end 54-Dog.

03 03 36 13 CC Roger. _ 53-3 is 25 hours 22 minutes - Okay.

Good show.

03 03 36 29 CC Stand by, I'll call it -- you think of the question on

this thing. This may be O1 hours.

03 03 36 34 P _mat's probably what it is.

03 03 36 59 CC C_mtni, Carnarvon. ·Okay, those last two 53-3 is the%

fourth day O1 hours 22:39,and 54-Delta is fourth day.

02:17 plus 2N.


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03 03 37 22 P Copy.

03 03 37 24 cc The weather is good in all areas.

03 03 37 35 P Okay. W_uld you advise Flight that we've got ever_&hing

done except the Venus photograph on the platform 02


O3 03 37 47 CC Roger.


03 04 OO 21 CO Cw_-i-5, Hawaii CAP COM. We copy your oral temp.

We are standing by for blood pressure.

03 0;4 O0 411. CC ){Ol._ _ is X-b,l l Scale.

03 04 O1 16 - CC We have good blood presb_Are. Give me ycKlr_rk when you

begin your exercise.

03 ON O1 23 C Ready.

03 O4 O1 24 C Mark.

03 04 O1 56 C E_ of exercise.

03 04 02 04 CC _ini-5, Hawaii Surgeon. Your cuff is full scale.

03 04 02 41 CC We have a good blood pressure. Standln E by for your

water report.

03 040_ 48 C Roger, I had 17 pounds 4 ounces of water and still

fixliahir_up meal 3A.

03 04 02 59 CC Say again that last,

03 04 03 O1 C _er, still eating up the last of meal 3A before I

_ve a new meal here shortly.-

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03 0_. 03 08 CC Roger.

03 O_ 03 11 CC We have nothS_g else. Thank you, Gemini-5, Hawaii

Surgeom out.

03 04 03 15 C Roger, thank you.


03 O4 11 49 CC Gemini-5, C__mini-5,Houston.

03 O_ i1 52 C GO ahead, _ou_ton, Ge_flni-5.

03 04 i1 54 CC I want _ give you a little information on your S-8/D-13

that might help you seq,,irethe target. You ready?

03 04 12 O0 C Roger, go ahead.

03 O_ 12 02 CC ' Okay, the amkepot is still at the northwest corset of

the area. It is about 1000 feet from the nearest cleared

square. _he smoke is blowing Just a_ut due north and

it's about 5 or 10 degrees wide in the -- as the smoke

co_ goes out about like that. _ere's some

scattered Cu. about 50 miles to the east and there is

some very _m_ll Cu. abo_t 10 miles to the west. It's

clear right over the target area. To the south-south-

ea$_ there's a light cirrostrat, and it's well to the

south-southeast, qdite a ws,vsout of the way.

03 12 38 c m er.

03 04 13 24 CC 'Gem_i_i-5,Houston a_. Be advised that you're going


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to be passing Just about 75 miles ground range south

of the area where the targets are.

03 04 13 36 c Roger.


03 04 15 07 P Houston, Go,mini-5. We have the smoke in sight at this

time. We're still quite a distance out.

03 04 15 12 CC Okay. Now the smoke is supposedly blowing due north

from the northwest corner of the site.

03 04 15 20 P Rog. Ne'll do our best.


03 o_ _5 22 cc oka.v.

03 04 15.52 C Have targets in sight.

03 04 15 54 _ Roger.

03 04 18 08 P Okay, we saw the targets and we tJ_inkwe might marked

about _wo of them and that's about it.

03 04 18 16 CC Okay, can you tell me what they were?

03 04 18 19 P Well, 12% me think about Which direction they are


03 o4 18 2_ cc Okay.

03 04 18 32 CC _It w_'t the big _, huh?

03 04 18 35 P wo.

03 04 19 20 P I th_k the third o_e in the second row was a 2. We

th_nk that the second row, seconcLone was a 2 mud bhe

third one was a 2 a_d that's about it. We were all

past i% before we really picked it up good.

CONF1'- -"

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03 04 19 36 CC Okay, so you think the second one snd the third one in

the second row was -- do you thil_ they were both 2's?

o3 04 19 4o P _3_at'8 right.

03 04 19 42 CC Okay, very good.

03 04 19 45 CC Now I have some other information for you here when

yo_ are ready to go.

03 O_ 19 49 P Go ahead.

03 0t4 19 50 CC We would like to have you start your purge now, and

purge both sections. When you complete your purge, we

would like to have you then power down.

03 04 20 04 P Okay, I think we'll dress tonight.

03 04 20 07 CC Roger.

03 04 20 08 P Here's a piece of information for yeu. We're pretty

sure that our prlm_ry scanner is OFF. It works all

right e_eept it _ke$ us aline the platform with the

noze at 15 degrees down.

03 04 20 24 CC Okay, youthink the spot, primary scanner is off about

15 degrees at pitch, is that right?

03 04 20 29 P Yes. The Secondary scanner works fine.

03 Ob, 20 32 CC Oki. Lis%eh, would you start the purge. We don't have

any tet_try out at Antigua, and we would like to

wstch this l_Arge.

03 04 20 43 P Bydrogen on purge down.


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Ol__jF!r, E!_i-,-!̂ '_

o3 04 2o 44 cc o_.

03 O_ 20 57 P _drogen is complete on No. 1.

o3 04 20 59 cc Okay.

03 04 21 13 CC No. 2 hydrogen is complete. Starting No. 1 oxygen.

03 04 21 16 C Roger.

03 04 21 20 CC While you are doing the purge here, I would like to

ask Gordo a couple of questions about the needles during

lift-off and the powered portion of the flight. The

question is, which one of the tank needles went O,]]

scale during powered flight?, and what time did this


03 04 21 40 C Roger, it was before staging and it was the IFS fuel

needle, second stage IPS fuel needle.

03 04 21 47 CC Roger, second stage IPS fuel needle, not the oxid/zer.

03 04 21 51 C That's right. They went -- it came right back after

staging _ then went off, -- up to the top and off

position again shortly after.

03 04 22 04 CC Shortly after staging?

03 04 22 06 C ' Affirmative.

03 04 22 08 CC Okay, very.good.

03 04 22 10 C I guess we already told you about the POGO?

03 04 22 13 CC Roger.

03 04 23 13 P }_drogen 1 uxMgen purge complete. Mark.


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03 04 23 16 CC Roger. Th--k you.

03 O_ 23 19 P Starting section 2 purge at this time.

03 04. 23 42 CC Gemini-5, Houston ag&in. _11en did you first notice

that the prima_y scanner was giving you th/s 15 degrees

pitch down?

03 04 23 51 C We noticed it yesterday, It was being very erratic a_d

the cIc_d_ were affecting it quite easily, and at every

sunset and sunrise it would go off giving ... light and

give several real erratic signals. Then it seemmd to'

' stei_ly out a little bit and do fairly well. We _witched

to the Seconclary and it was doing better yesterday, seems

like they are doing very well and today we tried the

_T_ a_ several t;mps jus t to compare it and it

definitely is very weak, and it's ho181ng the attitude

partly nose down.

03 O_ 24 29 CC ow%y.

03 O_ 2_ 31 C It has quite a wide tolerance in its attitude hold.

03 O_ 24 36 CC Okay, how about in the platform aline; does it aline

the platform properly?.

03 04 24 43 C Well, fairly well. It still is alining a little bit off

and Ithtnk over the long haul it would get it alined

all right. But the SeeonSawy does real well.

03 04 24 53 cc Okay.

CONFtD _mt: L

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o3 c_ 25 1R CC GemAni-5,would you _o to Catch Up and hit the 8_

b_t_ '_ .yourcoa_uter, lmlaa_e?

03 O_ 25 20 ¢ _r, in Cetch up hitt_-_ START _, now.

03 04 25 23 P Section 2 purge c._plete.

02 O_ 25 _5 CC Roger, seQ_on 2 Purge is complete.

02 04 25 30 P Boiler whe_ you want us to power down.

03 O_ 25 34 CC _y, we're check_ a few things cn the c_pu_ter.

We lose voice contact before we get this done. We

want you to power down and start your rest cycle. We

are going to start the rest cycle about a b__]f hour

late today so we want you to regulate your sleeping

by shifting everything a half hour baCkwards. We

would also like to have you put your Cryogenic Gaging

Switch to the OFF position now.

03 O_ 26 02 P Dkay, the cam_uter's in Catch Up. You hit START COMP,

and the fore and aft M's are just cycling through

frcu 0 to 999.

03 02 26 12 CC Ok_M. We'll look into that for you.

03 0_ 26 19 P We had this problem at the start of the REP and I

theft it was beat, and I got it to stop the first

but it sort of slipped my _nd. NOw that we're

doing this ... I remember.\

03 04 26 31 CC Okay, I understand it is still going back and forth.


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03 O_ 26 2)+ P ICes, it's going _oa 0 to 99 ...

03 04 26 29 CC Okay, it's coming up aLL the tLme, is that correct?

03 04 26 42 P Up all the time.

03 04 26 44 cc 0_.

03 04 26 49 P Not it's stopped at 79h and ...

o3oh cc

03 04 27 22 C Roger, we are 794 aft, 215 left and we're getting

_p - do'w'nreading 700, 721.

03 04 27 32 CC The up - down is 721 m%d the other was 215.

03 04 27 36 C Well, they're changing, They're ... left ... 722 down

right now.

03 04 27 44 CC Okay, we're just about to get LOS.

03 04 27 49 CC Gemini-5, we would like to .haveyou leave

on for a little %%ile mud power down your IM3Jwhen yout

get through.


03 04 38 N2 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houst_nnhere. Over.

03 04 36 47 C Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

03 04 38 50 CC Roger, Gemini-5, this is Houston. Could you tell us

what state your computer is in presently, that is,

' whether it is ON or OFF and what _ it's in?

t_l we would also like to advise you that we would

like to have you leave it in _Tmtewer eonditinn it's

in right now.

CONFIn[UFt ;i,uL

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03 O_ 39 07 P ROger, we went to Prelaunch and as soon as the START COMP

green light come c_ we shut the thing off.

03 04 39 15 CC OkaY, your computer is OFF and it was in the Prelaunch

Mode when you shut it off. Could you tell me if the

XVI 's ever stopped ccunting? ,

03 O_ 39 25 C Negative.

O] 04 39 29 CC You said negative, is that correct?

03 04 39 31 C Affirmative, they did stop counting.

03 O_ 39 34 CC Okay, they did stop counting. Nhat did they finally

stop on?

03 04 39 38 C 791 aft, 141 left and 710 down.

03 04 39 _5 CC Okay, that's 791 a_, 141 left and 710 dc_m.

03 O_ 39 53 C That's right.

03 04 3955 cc Oki.

03 04 49 32 CC O_-_ui-5, Houston here. We've got another minute or

two. We don't have any other information for you.

We'll just stand by.

03 04 49 38 C Okay.

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03 04 5i' 21 J_; r_mini-5, oemanl-5, tala is Houston. Over.

03 04 5Y 26 C ... Houston, (;emdni-5.

03 04 57 29 CC Roger, Gamin-5, this is Rou_ton. Be advised %hat we

tracked smother object you ou you_ Imss across

the States. Range ms 2 to I0,000 ymrds from the

spacecraft, fou might took around and see if you can

see anyT_hing. Un£o?tuDateiy, t can'T tell you which

direction to Look.

_ 04 37 53 _ What time is this?

03 04 57 57 CC Did you sa; what size or _.m% _ime_i

03 04 58 OO C Time.

03 04 _ 02 CC Well, it seems to be going right along wit_ _ou. So

we're tracking it ri-_ht w_t2L yo_.

03 04 3F; 13 C ,,Roger.

_3 _ _,_ :fa' _o_n4q lose you uere n[_3rtty but if you see

anj%_in_, why _J_n't )_1: l_;t,U:; _lOW at ti_e next station.

03 oh ): f:: C . Okay.

03 04 55 3i CC Th_ :_J_r retu_, _ss 9pproxi:_tely the au_ ue _,_ur,,_

r'-, ,5_ 55 5,, --: - '

'_o 05 1_ 14 _C Gemini-5, Oumlni-5, C'J_ has jou GO on the _roun,l. i_nere

is nothing for you this _ss. Standing by.

CO,,,-,:,I r,DENTIAL

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03 05 19 23 C Roger, Gemini-5. Thank you, CSQ.


· 03 05 36 03 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM. All your systems look good.

We've nothing for you this pass. We're standing by.

03 05 36 ll C Roger. Thanks, Hawaii. We're GO up here.

03 05 36 14 CC Roger.I


03 05 45 06 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston. Over.

03 05 45 10 C 'Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

03 05 45 13 CC Roger, I have a couple of questions, and as a matter

of fact I have a lot of questions and e Flight Plan

update. Are you ready?

03 05 45 21 CC ' First, the questions. Did you see any accelerometer

malfunction lights on your IMU on your last Radar Test

over the Cape?

03 05 45 32 C No.

03 05 45 33 CC No _sl lights, okay. I've got a Flight Plan update

for you. Are you ready to copy? It's quite long.

03 05 45 41 C Yes, go ahead.

03 05 45 43 CC Okay. S-7, time is 03:21:20:08, sequence number 03.

Remarks - pitch down 90 degrees. Apollo landmark time

03:21:38:02, sequenc_ 213. Remarks - pitch down 30

degx_es, yaw right 6 degrees. D-4/D-7. TAme O3:22:48:'17,

sequence numbers L_95 Alpha and 416.. Remarks - pitch down


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30 degrees, yaw right 30 degrees - volcamos. KF Test -

time 03:22:55:00, sequence number ks 01. End time ia

O_:00:25:00. S-8/D-13 time 03:O2:]O:00, sequence number

O1 and 02. Under remarks - Pilot. S-? time O_:03:20:25,

sequence number is 01. Remarks - pitch down 90 degrees.

03 05 48 13 C Okay.

03 05 48 15 CC S-8/D-13. Time 04:03:30:00, sequence numbers 01, 02.

Remarks - Co_msnd Pilot. KF Test. Time 04:04:00:00,

sequence n,,mber is 02. Remarks - end time is 04:05:]0:00,

and that's the end of the Flight Plan update. Are there

any questions?

03 05 49 22 CC Gemini-5, Houston. Did you get the Flight Plan?


03 05 _9 37 , C Stand by, Oemini-5.

03 05 _9 _ CC Gelxini-5, this is Houston here.

03 05 49 _ C Roger, you just started on the NF Test. You faded.

03 05 49 59 CC Okay, I'll repeat the _F Test. The time is 0_:04:00:02.

I say sgsin, that was a mistake. The time is O&:O4:OO:O0.

The sequence number ks 02. Remmrk - end time is

O_:05:30:00. Gemini-5, that's the completion of your

Flight Plan update. Are there any questions?

03 05 50 27 C I didn't get the remarks out of that last EF Test.

03 05 50 31 CC Roger, under Remarks, the end time for the test is



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03 05 50 43 C Okay, I got that.

03 05 50 46 CC Okay, fine. We got some questions on the 8-8/D-13,


o3 o5 5O 53 c Okay.

03 05 50 55 CC These come from the experimenter, and they Jay that

they had the smoke generator and the chevron both

sit. ted at the northwest corner, end their question

is, Was there any problem in locating the pattern at the

end of the smoke columns; and, if so, do you have any

suggestions for improving the positions of the smoke


03 05 51 28 C ... however, we just had trouble locating the patterns

as we got in close. Then they weren't any giveaway

because we were coming in from such a different angle

than we had seen it before.

03 05 51 41 CC Okay, but you think the smoke column was placed in a

reasonably good position though. Is that correct?

03 05 51 47 C Yes sir, the smoke really points it out maybe s

hundred miles, a slant range of 200 to 250 miles easily.

03 05 52 02 CC Okay, fine. They have another question here. Do you

see marks in every square or in just the two that you

read off to me?

03 05 52 13 C I can see marks in several of the squares. I didn't

see them in every square, but I just didn't have the

time. We were coming at such an angle that just the


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o_e was about all that really registered. And it

appeared that Just about all that registered with

Pete was one partic,;l*r square that he saw clearly.

I say, we didn't get it located until we were already

past it,

03 05 52 39 CC Ro_er. I have a comment here +w_t says that the four

largest targets were in the northern row. I guess they

just want to point that out to you again that they keep

the largest targets in the northern-most line.

03 05 52 54 C Yes, well the one that I thought I could see the clearest

that registered on me was the first target in the second

row, which is the nearest to us when we went over. We

didn't get real close to the targets like we did the

first pass where I saw them earlier.

03 05 53 12 CC Okay, very good. So you say the one that you saw beat

_s the first one in the second row?

03 05 53 17 C Right ... I think, again, this ia one of the problems

like we have discovered in flying up ¥ere over them. It's

the light angle on the target itself.

03 05 53 30 CC Okay, now was the light angle better on the second pass

today or the first Imasa,as far as you were concerned?

03 05 53 37 C I think it was better this second pass.

03.05 53 43 CC Okay. According to our calculations, the sun was pretty

much over it for the second pass but you had to look into

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the sun for your first I_eS. We assume that the light

was better on the second one.

03 05 53 52 C And then we both saw it on our second.

03 05 53 56 cc okay.


03 06 53 05 CC Oemini-5, Gemini-5, CSQ.

03 06 53 09 C Gemini-5, CSQ.

03 06 53 11 CC Roger, we'd like to know what setting you have on your

Suit Coolant Control.

03 06 53 16 C Roger. It's aTM the way closed.

03 06 53 18 CC Umderstand full closed.

03 06 53 20 c Roger.

03 06 53 23 CC Okay. We have YOu GO on the ground and if you have

an experiment status report ready this rev we'll copy

it; if not, we'd like it next rev. Over.

03 06 53 34 C Okay, we,ll catch you next rev.

03 06 53 37 CC Very good. We have nothing on the problem. Standing


03 06 53 40 C Okay, fine. Thank you.

03 06 56 40 CC _ni-5, CSQ.

03 06 56 _3 C Go ahead, CSQ.

03 06 56 45 CC Roger. We had a visual on you this pess.

03 06 56 _7 C Very good.

03 06 56 52 C ' Brighter than the sunlight?


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03 06 56 55 CC Say again.

03 06 56 58 C Does it look brighter than the sunlight?

03 06 56 59 CC Affirmative.

03 06 57 02 C Very good.


03 07 11 09 CC Demini-5, Eawmii CAP COM. _11 systems are Green.

We're copying you_ d_. We have an onboard map

update for you.

03 07 ll 19 C Roger. .Goahead.

03 07 11 21 CC Roger. The title is Mmp 22:15:02. Longitude 71 East,

Rev 51. The star is the same time under Remarks Ol:lO:12.

03 07 ll 49 C Okay, fine. _wnankyou.

03 07 3_l52 CC Roger.

03 07 12 11 C Nawaii, Geminl-5. Could you give us the C_ time hack


03 07 12 16 CC Roger. I'll give you a hack at 21:14:00.

03 07 12 22 C Roger.

03 o7 14 55 cc Standby. 3, 2, 1,

03 07 15 O0 CC Mmrk.

03 07 15 02 C Roger, Thadk you.

03 07 20 05 C Okay, the time is 21:20:08 seconds, and I'm snapping S-7m

at 1/8. Alining it. We,re 90 degrees pitch down, at 1/4.

03 07 20 24 P Very good.

03 07 20 25 C ... We are finished with that sequence.


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, T AL 381,Jr..,(i L,

03 07 23 09 P · Okay, time is 21:24:00 ... work with our primary scanners

is just not working. So we'll go to our secondary


03 07 23 24 P Okay?.

03 07 23 25 C Yes.


03 07 3_ 08 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM. Disregard the update.

03 07 3q 32 C RIO/, this is C_mtei-5. Go ahead with the update.

03 07 34 35 CC I've been informed to delete the update.

03 07 34 38 c o_-y.

03 07 3_ 40 CC We'll be standing by in case you need us.

03 07 34 _ 8 Rog, thank you.

03 07 34 47 CC .Everything looks reel good here on the ground.

03 07 34 50 P Roger. Everything is very good here.

03 07 36 56 C,e,

03 07 37 03 P Okay, you ever taken any other pictures of them for the

log today?

03 O7 37 17 C No.

03 07 37 22 C Remark on the Apollo Landmark sequence 213.

03 07 37 29 CC Roger. I copied.

03 07 37 33 C Roger ... transmit update.

03 07 37 34 C Roger, I was putting it on the tal0e. I transmitted by


03 07 37 41 C Yea, the _ake is south ... is there.


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03 07 37 48 P ...

03 07 37 53 C .,. island out in the middle.

·03 07 37 55 P Yes, the island is not quite--

03 07 37 58 C Oh, it seem8 to me like it's too far into the left over

' there.

03 07'38 07 P That,s it, though.

03 07 38 10 C The lake is quite distinguishable.

03 07 38 12 P The island's changed completely.

03 07 38 15 C The island seems to be _lfferent. It doesn't have the

little hook on the end that they wanted the picture of.

03 07 38 27 C Any of them ... I believe they're ...

03 07 38_ . P ... grab it.

03 07 38 36 c It,s late in the evenA-g and--

03 07 38 51 P Yes, that thlng's changed considerably. The size, look


03 07 38 58 P As s matter of fact, there's an island that's not there

Any !ore.

03 07 39 03 C ... and I 'm taking a picture at 1/250 at 9.5 and 1/250

at 8.

03 07 39 19 C That's all we hive for right now.

03 07 39 27 C _t lake sure looks kind of different in--

03 07 39 29 P Yes. That map may not be too accurate. Now about that

other lake?

03 07 39 43 C NO, that'S it all right. Yes, that was Lake De Poopo

and that was the Isla de '...

?q lr ., tDENT1AI_

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o3 o7 _ oo c okay.03 07 _ 03 P Went tape oil"/

O3 o7 _00_ ¢ Yes.


03 08 26 23 CC Oe,,,t,-,_-5. C80. CAP COM..

03 08 26 28 P CSQ CAP C_, OelttJ_L-5. Go ahead.

03 08 26 30 CC Gemini-5, C_. We'd like you to place your T/N switch

to the _ TIME & AOQ_A_ l_osition.

03 08 26 37 P Piece your T/M to REAL TIME AOX.

03 08 26 49 P _t's the rotter? Couldn't you get it to turn on?

03 08, 26 51 C_ We're hawi_ a little trouble with our coamand system,

I'd may.

03 08 26 55 P Boger.

03 08 27 O1 CC Gemini-5, we have you GO on the ground. We'd like to get

eXlmeriment status and also your 0-¥0-7 tapetime used.


03 08 27 3-I P OW_y. _Wae experiments that were given to us today, we

eom_eted everythiug but the platform n,_mher2 Venus


03 08 27 2_ CC Roger, copy.

03 08 27 29 P OMmy. Now I'll give you the D-_ time in just a second.

03 08 27 45 P The D-4 tape remaining 20 minutes and 8 seconds.

03 08 27 53 CC C_py remaining tape, 20 minutes 8 aeconds?

03 08 27 58 P Affirmative.


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o3 o8 3/. 53 _ Ga:b_-5, CS_..

O308 31 55 P Oo robed.

03 08 31 56 CC Aa you were. About one =t_ute till LOS. You can _)mce

your T/M switch back to COMMAND and we,il be stending by.

03 (RS32 03 P T_ to CO!S_D.

03 08 37 _3 P The tim is 03 day 22 hours38 minutes. A Hasselblad

l_tctureof · cyclonic cloud formetlom off Jel_U. Exposure

No. 12.

03 08 38 14 P Ex]poaure/2, mag. 4.

03 08 38 33 P Listen.

03 08 39 _1 p last time we went by Hewaii earlier it was completely

clobbered in. I thi_W we're going to get it this exl_riment.


03 08 _5 _9 CC G_tni-5, Hawaii CAPCOM. A]] your systems are Green.

We're copying your dump. We're stanaing by.

03 08 45 57 P Roger, Gemini-5. It's Green up here end we're looking to

a _SA on D-_/_7.

03 08 46 07 CC Roger.

03 08 46 30 P Keeping buay _own there, Bill?

03 08 46 35 Cc Not too much.

03 08 46 _O P Us either.

03 08 46 57 CC Is Gordo al_epingY

03 08 _6 58 P NO, we ate and he right now is tracking, because we need

the reticle in the window.

,,,,FIDFr T!AL

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o3 o8 _6 59 cc P_ger.

03 08 N7 22 P He will be after this pass.

e3 08 _7 l_ cc O_ay.

03 08 _7 2_l P Okay, you pet it on the open tmlRwd of Hawaii, the


03 o8 _7 26 p oka,v.

03o8 _7 27 c very_.

03 08 _7 29 P Okay. You c_n mark your D-4 tape coimaencing right now.

We're trmcking Mmlo_ai.

03 08 _7 36 CC Roger.

03 08 _7 _0 P And the time this track started was 03 days 22 hours

_8 =t-utes_5 seconds.16wncamerais running.

03 08 _ 29 P Well the is/ands look real clear today. We can see

_onolulu reel well and can see Hilo down here on Hawaii.

03 08 _8 _0 cc You sound like a tourist.

03 08 _ 43 P Boy, it'S really a nice claydown there, isn't it?

03 08 48 46 CC I wouldn't know. I never get a chance to get out.

03 08 _ 49 P Me neither.

03 08 _8 53 CC Touche.

03 08 49 O0 C Is it about time?

03 08 49 02 P We need 2 minutes. ,

o3 o8 "9 26 P okay.

03 08 49 35 P Okay, you can _rk that the end of the tape for D-4/D-7,

and the equipment's powered down.


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o308_9 36 oC _,r.

03 08 _ 38 P And the equilment's powered down.

0308 _9_o cc _r.

03 08 _ _7 P Yes, I d_n't know why I was sitting here with my head on

mi[ rear, I ehoulcl have taken some ... Won't get · pass

that guod asain.

03 08 50 1, P okay.

03 0_ _0 26 P okay, we intend to s'_·rt our HF Test st 22:55:00.

03 08 50 38 P And that was · tropical storm, Gordo.

03 08 50 50 P Cyclonic off Jalmn, end if you had exp_aure 13--Is it

Just 13 or did yOU have some more?

03 08 51 12 P 13 or 1_, Hawaii.

03 08 .5.1.21 P Yes. Yes ...

03 o8 5x 31 P okay. o_¥ ...

03 08 .51 _3 P ' Yes_ got 5 end 6 now. I wonder what pictures were 10 and 11.

Do you have them logged anywhere?

03 08 _. 02 P .Off Japan?

03 08 _2 07 P Yes, but that's 12. You've got through 9. Oh, they're

" the two Apollo Landmarks.

03 08 52 2k P Have you logged remarks? Yes, 10 and 11.

03 0,8 52 33 P Yes, I did.

03 08 _5 16 F The recorder is on ... we have started the HF Test at

22:55:00 end I'm ready to start on the hour the first



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"'aNFiDENTIAL_j ;.7 I'Ii

03 08 _9 16 P This is (71"511, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. This is

Ur-5.... 23:00:00.

03 09 04 12 P This ia fl_-5transmitting NF; 1, 2, 3, N, 5, ;4,3, 2, 1.

03 09 O_ 2_ P This ii OT-5 transmitting HF at a _ of 23:05:30.


03 09 05 39 CC Gemini-5, _KV CAP COM.

03 09 05 _ C B_V CAP CO_ C_mLtn$-5. Go ahead.

03 09 05 45 CC Roger. We'd like to have a fuel cell purge this pass.4P

I'd like a few readouts before you Begin. Light the

lPu_iCell 02 Quantity Switch.

03 o9 05 _9 c m_er.

03 09 06 08 C. We get a reading of 90% ... be advised.

03 09 06 15 CC Roger. Go to the [52position now.

03 09 06 21 C Roger. N_ la 75.5 and about 7 feet ... psi.

03 09 06 32 CC Rog. I'd like the stack current readout please.

03 09 06 36 P Roger. The stack current 1_, 5.0; lB is 4.1; lC is 5.1;

2A is 3.5; aB is 3-5; 2C is h.6.

03 09 06 53 CC Roger. You !Y start your purge at this time.

03 09 06 56 P Okay. Turning the Quantity Read Switch OFF.

o3o9o659 cc Ro_

03 o9 o7 04 ? ... quantitr K2 _ge, Mark.

03 09 07 22 CC This is No. 2 mark?

03 09 07 36 P No. 2 is finished. C(_eneing sods 2 purge on No. 1.


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03 09 08 O1 CC I'd like t_o advise you of your medical data PaSS over

Na_li on the _nd rev.

03 09 O8 06 P Oo ahead.

03 09 08 08 CC The acquisitio n time is 00:19:O2.

03 O9O8 13 ? Okaz.

03 09 09 38 P Okm¥. Pur_ complete on No. 2.

03 o9 o9 _o cc Roger.

o3 09 09 43 P Comenclngpurgeon _o. 2 in 5 seconds.

03 09 09 52 P No. 2 eom_nci,_=.

03 o9 09 53 CC Roger.

03 o9 11 55 P Purge 2 is complete.

03 09 11 _6 CC Roger. I'd like for you to cycle through your Quantity

Read Switch again. You need not give me the spacecraft


03 09 12 19 CC Gemini-5,REVCAP COM.

03 09 12 22 P Go ahead.

03 09 12 23 CC We don't have a solid T/M at this time. We'd like to

give you some Flight Plan updates.f

03 o9 12 28 P ...

03 09 12 31 CC D-2, 00:44:10. Sequence 145. Pitch 23 up. Yaw 145 left,

right 2 left.

03 o9 12 57 P okay.

03 09 /2 59 CC D-_/D-7. O0:;4J_:lO. Sequence 145. Mode 4lb. Pitch 23

up. Yaw 145 left with recorder.


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o3 09 13 23 P Say the yaw.

03 09 13 25 cc Say again?

03 09 13 27 P Tell me yaw a_ain.

03 09 13 28 CC 145 left. I)-6,O0:4/+:10. Mode O1. Pitch 23 up. Yaw

145 left. Shutter speed 125. Do you copy?

03 o9 13 35 P ...

03 09 1_ 14 CC I couldn't copy. Say again, Gemini-5.

03 09 14 21 P Roger. ' We don't have very good communications. D-6,

00:_:10, Mode O1.

03 09 14 27 CC I_ger.

03 09 14'29 P What else.

03 09 14 30 OC Pitch 23 up. Yaw 145 left. Shutter speed 125. Do you

copy, Gemini-5?

03 09 15 2_ P This is C_t_i-5 transmitting HF; 1, 2, 3, _, 5, 4, 3, 2,

1. This is Gemini-5 transmitting HF at 23:17:OO.

03 09 19 04 P Gemini-5 transmitting HF; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Demini-5 trmnsmitting HF at 23:20:15.

03 09 25 11 p This is Gemiml- 5 transmitti-_5=HF; 1, 2, 3, _, 5, 4, 3, 2,

1. Gemini-5 transmittimg KF at 23:25:00.

03 09 29 14 P This Is Gemini-5 transmitting HF; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, _, 3,

2, 1. The time is 23:30:00.

03 09 3_ 19 P This is Dactyl-5 trmnsmltt_-g HF; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3,

2, 1. 04mini-5 tra_-gmittingHF at 23:35:00.

03 09 39 16 P This is Gemini-5 transmlttiag HF; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, _, 3,

2, 1. Oemini-5 transmitting _DPat 23:_O:00.


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03 09 4_ 28 P This is G_-5 transmitting HF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, _, 3, 2, ....

1. This is _-5 trotting HF at 23:45:00.

03 09 _9 23 P __/_tsis C_i-5 l_ttt_ HIP;1, 2, 3, 41 5_ 5, 4,

3, 2, 1. This 18 Gemini-5 tl_na_ttting tIF23:50:00.

03 09 49 50 P Anybody r_d C_mlni-5_ No.

03 09 5_ 30 P This is O_mint-5 transmitting HF; 1, 2, 3, _, 5, 5, 4, 3,

2, 1. C_-uint-5trotting HF 23: 55:00.

03 09 54 59 lb I hear music.

03 09 55 o2 C Do you really?

03 09 55 04 P Chinese music.

03 09 55 al C Yea.

03 09 55 30 P That's about right too ... sun up. We ,re coming up on


03 o9 55 _7 c _no.

03 09 56 O_ P _ey, I'll tell you what we'll do. You know that letter

we were going to write to the President7 We'll take the

page out of the Flight Plan ... where we passed the

Ruselau8 ... we,il write him · letter on that. We'll tell

him that we're matl/ng it to him in the envelope and since

... two 1-dol_ bill- to certify the record.

03 o9 56 30 P aOv,a that_

03 09 56 38 C Well, it's _t a very good envelope.

O3 09 56 }_O P Well I loaowI but we didn.t brtn_ one, did we?

o3 o9 56 _ c lo.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 386/782

OONFine.,-,.,uLl_ II:_L Pm_e391


o3o9 56_9 P I didn,t brin_ one.

03 09 56 46 C We can probably get oueon the ship.

03 09 56 50 P Well, we can seal the letter in this envelol_ ... and

put that in another envelope and mail it to him.

03 o9 57 o__ c Yes.

03o95726 P ...

03 10 00 16 C I don't know, he might feel as strong about trying to

set records es Mr. Webb does.

03 10 O0 23 P I doubt it.

03 10 O0 26 C Well I kind of doubt it too.

03 10 O0 28 P You should put the letter in your hip pocket and we'll

find out which way he goes.

o3lo0o 3o c (Laughn_)

03 10 O0 _0 C I _ink m_oe it might be the same to mail him the

reg-,lAr letter,

03 lO 01 02 P Oh, that,s what keep ... darn ... freeze to death (whistle)


03 10 O1 16 P Yes, that smells pretty good ...

03 lO 01 28 P This i8 Gemini-5 transmitting HF; l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3,

2, 1. This is Gemini-5 transmitting HF at ;;:01:45,


03 1D 05 33 P C_Q, Gemini-5on tmr_.

03 10 05 37 CC Roger. CSQCAP CON_id not monitor any HF calls. We did

not receive any _ cells.


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03 l0 05 J_8 P This is Oe_ni-5. Say again, CS_.

03 10 05 51 CC Roger. CSQ CAP COK did not receive you on HF.

03 10 05 56 P Did you not get my JIF, C_?

03 10 06 O1 CC Stand by one.

03 10 06 36 CC Ge_i-i-5, CSQ.

03 ID 06 38 P Go ahead, esq.

03 1D 06 39 CC Negative reception on your HF-_.

03 10 06 h2 P But you were getting it before transmission?

03 10 06 47 CC Say again.

03 AX) 06 _9 P But you were getting it before we tried to transmit?

03 ID 06 53 CC We were receiving IF from you some time back, well before


03 10 07 11 CC Gemini-5, advise place your T/M switch at Corem-nd position.

03 10 12 1_ P Thls ts Gemini-5 transmitting KF; 1, 2, 3, h, 5, 5, _, 3,

2, 1. Gemini-5 transmitting KF at OO:13:00.

03 ID 13 35 P Gosh, I don't know if I should use this filter here or not.


03 ID 13 40 C What film are you using?

03 ID 13 42 P ... The stars ... filter, terrestrial filter, uses like a

star ...

03 10 13 _ C Yes, ...

03 10 14 35 C Which reminds me, we've got to hold that darn white patch

in fi_mnt of the window to get one picture with that Cloud

Tol_ spectrometer of mine.


- n 'qnENTIAL

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al,tFIDEN'I'iAL 393

03 10 17 26 P This is Gemini-5 transmitting HF; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3,

2, 1. Transmitting _amini-5 and trotting t_Fat



03 10 18 50 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM. We've ooml_ your oral

temp. We,re standing by for blood pressure. _swaii has

telemetry solid.

03 10 19 03 P Ro_er. Blooel_--e_ure is coming down.

03 10 19 07 CC '_ui-9, Hawaii Surgeon. Your cuff is f_!] scale.

03 1D 19 39 CC Gemini-5, we had some _ drOl_OU%there. Could we have

one more blood pressure?

03 10 19 _ P Roger.

03 10 19 50 CC Cuff ia f_,llscale.

03 /.1320 18 CC Okay. We have 8 valid blood pressure. Give me a mark

when you begin your exercise.

03 10 20 25 P Roger. Mark.

03 10 21 05 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii Surgeon. Your cuff is full'scale.

·03 10 21 _O CC We have good blood pressure. Standing by for your water


03 10 21 hJ$ _ Boger. Water 18 pounds 5 ounces.

03 ID 21 48 CC Say again.

03 1021 50 P 18IX.mas 5 ounces.

03 iD 21 53 CC Boger. The people back in Houston would like s little

information on your sleep end on Gordo's sleep. Did he


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go to sleep right after our list s,,_t:i. _ss?

03 10 o,_ 03 P He' s sort of been e!ltmip$La&. He had. about an hour's

lq s2x_p pariod_ very deep, on this last orbit.

03 10 22 13 CC Is he asleep right now?

03 lO 22 15 P Yes.

03 lO 22 16 CC All right, and how long wa$ your nap?

03 10 22 20 P I slept about an hour and · half.

03 10 22 22 ' CC About 1-1/2 hours. Pretty good IletP?

03 10 22 25 P Yes, I don't remember anything.

03 10 22 28 CC Okay. Reel fine. Nawali Sure.on out.

03 10 22 32 P Okay, Hawaii Sure,on. Let me give you a status on these

meals. We finally got them straightened out. I Just

ate meal 3]$at 22:00:00.

03 10 22 _ CC That's 3B at 22:00:00.

03 10 22 47 P Yea. And now we've used up all the 3-day meals, we've

used up all the 2-day meals, and we ate the two packages

that were in the font well. And we have all of the first

day's meals, plus all the food in the left stowage box


03 10 23 12 CC Okay. I copy that. You used up all the 3-day meals, all

of 2-day meal, two packages in the foot well, and you

still have to go all the first day's meal and all the food

in the left stowage box. Is that right?

03 10 23 29 P That's ri&bt. Now the reason we got fouled up was because


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of the two flood packages in the foot well, which

apparently nc_V had taken a count of.

03 1D 23 39 cc Oly. Real fine. Everything else all right?

03 10 23 _2 P Just fine.

03 10 23 45 CC Reel goo_ T_ank you. Ns_mti Surgeon out.

03 10 24 OO .P Wn_ii CAP O(J_,_nl-5 still up here.

03 10 2_ 03 CC You,relookinggood.

03 10 24 33 P Ha_ii, Gem/ni-_. Have youcopied any of our HF trsns-


03 10 24 36 CC That's affirmative. We copied you going away last time

for about 15 minutes.

03 10 24 41 P Okay, you copying us now?.

03 10 24 43 CC Stand by one.

03 10 2_ _6 CC We've got an awful lot of interference on HF. We 'ye had

it for the last .10 minutes.

03 10 24 53 P . You mean my _-IF or do you mean some other interference?

03 10 2_ 56 CC It's an Outside interference.

03 10 2_ 58 P .oksy.

03 10 25 04 CC Grand Turk rea_ you last HF check.

03 10 25 07 P ky a_a_a.

03 10 25 09 CC I say, Grand Turk read you last HF check.

03 10 25 13 P Is anybody reading our voice transmissions?

03 10 25 22 CC I believe Grand Turk read your voice.

03 10 25 24 P O_y. I m not sure that I'm putting out on voice end on


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the side tone. B_t'check in on t.hAt and have somebody ...

voice or not. No _--Ae in talking if we're not,

03 lo 25 35 CC Roger. We've t_ I_. It's hard to read you, Pete.

03 10 25 51 C We _arbled everything, 1_ wise and everything else,

with that darn DF. _9_atthing viiioutlawed several

years agO. Somebody keeps ...

03 ID 26 O1 P This is Gemini-5 t.rmnsmitting HF; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3,

2, 1 at 00:27:00. Gemini-5 transmitting EF.

03 10 28 40 P We completed the HF check at 00:27:00.

03 lO 33 46 P 4th day, 00:35:00, s+_ding by for the D-4/D-6/D-2, moded

145. I can't emphasize how much we need just · ... for

this sort of stuff because, assuming very accurately, 23

degrees pitch up, l&5 degrees yaw left, pitch angle of

49 degrees, no, 39 degrees to the right.

03 l0 _3 18 P Okay, the time is 00:h3:20; standing by for the D-2/D-h/D-6.

See any stars up there, Gordo?

03 10 _3 33' P I see. Is that him going by there?

03 lo 43 _2 P Look up. Is that a particle drifting?

03 10 43 45 C How far up?

03 l0 43 47 P Well, it's up pretty far. I think it,s a particle. Yes,

it 's e particle.

03 lo _3 57 P Okay. What's our yaw angle? We've yawed off.

03 10 _40_ P Man, we ought to see a pitch-up further.

03 10 _J_18 C Oh come on, we ... end never get out of it.


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03 10 4_ 40 P _. up on 44:10. Roll right; roll more right; you're

pitching up too high. Roll rl_t and stop the pitching.

Is that him right there? No. That's Venus I guess, you

need a darn p_oz'_

03 10 _5 04 C Yes, you sure do; you're lost right here without one.

03 10 _5 09 P This darn reticle'

03 l0 46 O_ C Well, fiddle-de-do.

03 l0 _6 06 P What time is it?

o3 lO _6 13 c _6.

03 10 _6 21 P No joy.

03 lO _6 28 C ... rolled on up there, just couldn't get straightened

out ... hold the roll beeahse I was tracking vertically


03 10 _6 33 P Yes, well it didn't make any difference. I don't think

he was iLl,,mtuatedthere.

03 10 46 40 C No.

03 10 _6 _1 P Or something, because it jus_ didn't work.

03 10 46 _ C Trouble is_ he might not be i!lumimBted to us ... and he'dI

be i]]umir_ted on the other side from us.

03 10 _6 52 P Yes.

03 10 46 54 P Well, what a good show. Better call the gear down a6ain

and turn off the recorder.

03 10 47 O1 P I'll leave the recorder on for a second. You got to have

a platform to do something like that. Co_nent for the


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tape recorder. The th_r,g that _ _ hot I thought,

was the li_ en_ i1_IkeS the _int _l ] Ina burnt the

light. It's the rheostat in the l_t. It reeLly gets


03 11 37 18 CC Gemini-5,CSQ CAP COM.

03 11 37 20 O This Is Oemini-5 standing by on 3.

03 11 37 2_ CC Roger, be advised Houston will contact you over Canton.

o3 ll 37 30 c Roger.

03 11 37 41 CC Gemlni-5, CSQ hms you GO on the ground and I have landing

area block updates for you. Are you ready to copy?.

03 11 37 50 P Just one minute.

03 11 38 12 C Okay, we're ready to copy.

03 II 38 15 CC Roger, and for all of the following the bank angle will be

roll left 51, roll right 61. The weather is good in aLI


03 II 38 25 c Roger.

03 11 38 27 CC 55 Bravo, Oh:32:2_, 12 plus 05, 19 plus 29. 56 Delta,

O5:25:21, 17 plus 39, 22 plus 22. 57 Delta, O4:02:01,

15 plus 49, 21 plus 04. 58-2, 08:37-25, 14 plus 25,

19 plus 27. 59-2, 10:12:50, 13 plus 11, 18 plus 33. Did


you copy?

03-11 40 34 c Roger.

03 11 40 54 CC Gemini-5, I like to reiterate the bank eagle was roll

left 51; roll right 69. Do you copy?.

03 11 _1 04 P Got it.



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03 A1 54 _6 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston, over.

03 11 54 51 P Bello, ffouston,Gemini-5, go ahead.

03 i1 54 5h CC Roger, this is your friendly re_ous advisor. I

have a few quest!o_A for you.

03 i1 55 O1 P Say a_ln.

03 11 55 03 CO Roger, I have s few questions for you.

03 i1 55 06 P Go ahead.

03 11 55 O_ CC During the _8 or 49 Rev did you notice an Accelerometer

Nalfunction Light? On the ground we were reading some

accelerometer bias activity. Over.

03 11 55 22 P I didn't hear the first part of your question.

03 ll 55 26 CC Roger, during the 48 and 49 Rev pissing the States did

yuu notice an Accelerometer _lalfunctionLight?

03 11 55 36 P No. We've got everything powered'down Lu here.

03 11 55 40 CC Roger, this was several orbits ago. Over.

03 11 55 48 P ... You're talking about after we powered down after

leaving the States, aren't you?

03 3.155 52 CC This was just before you powered down, over.

03 Ll 55 55 P Say again.

03 i1 55 57 CC Roger, this was just before you powered down. Over.

03 iA 56 03 P We didn't have any Accelerometer Light on the platform

at that time. No.

03 11 56 08 CC Okay on your Radar Test, when you were in the Rendezvous


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Node, what was your reading in address 69? Over.

03 11 56 19 P I read all kinds of screwy thin_B from 10.8 miles to

110.4 mlleB but it never read the right mileage.

03 1.1.56 29 CC 1_, unctersl_nd. Did it contin_lly change? Over.

03 11 56 _ CC C_aini-5, Czemlnt-5, Houston. When you switched to

Catch Up Mkxle, what were your remdt-gs? Over.

03 11 56 52 P _'_ey read the same thing. They just didn't read


03 i1 56 57 CC Roger, understand. In the Catch Up Mode, were you

holding _ READ Button down continuously? Over.

03 11 57 05 P Yea, I tried both. I held it down continuously and

then I punched it up several times individually.

03 i1 57 13 CC Roger, understand. Could you give us an evaluation

of the 3-ounce drinking bag. Over.

03 lA 57 20 P Did we get what?

03 11 57 22 CC Roger, could you evaluate for us the 3-oumce drinking bag?


03 11 57 29 P No, we're not using them.

O3 11 57 31 CC Understand. Mow la the beard status coming?


03 ll 57 37 P Not too bad.

03 11 57 40 CC Understand. The Surgeon advises that -_a_ an excellent

food report. It helped to clear out a lot of things

down here. Over.

03 11 57 48 P Yes, well we've been trying to get it straightened out

n ,-,nrNTtAL

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oure_lvea. We did_,t realize where we went wrong

until we figured out the froot yell flood waan't mmrked.

03 IA 57 58 CC _oger, _ is your M-1 Erper£a_nt coming now?

03 IA 58 02 P It's worki,g away merrily.

03 i1 580_ CC Okay; How about the suit temperatures and cabin tempera-


03 i1 58 09 P We have the _mlt loops shut down _hich gives us an inlet

temperature of 54 and the cabin ia fairly warm. If you

wait a second, I'I1 give you a cabin count.

03 L_ 58 19 cc Okay.

03 LI 58 26 P Cabin temp ls 79.

03 11 58 29 CC Roger, is your Cabin _ersture Gage in the spacecraft

functioning properly?

03 i1 58 36 P No, I'm using the wet-dry bulb thermometer. The Cabin

Temp Gage la out.

03 lA 58 _3 CC Roger_ we had heard before that it was out. On your next

pass over Ganton, I'd like to be giving Gordo a briefing

on the Terminal lmmaseVisibility Test that we'd like him

to perform during the approaches to darkness on the 56

' and 57 revolution. Over.

03 lA 59 07 P Okay, understand.

03 11 59 lA cc On your EF Test we,ve had reports of about eight sites

that have been able to read you, _st of them were weak.

03 11 _ _2 P I_, clad they read both IF and voice?


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03 11 59 27 CC P_r, we have voice counts and th_ IF. Over.

03 11 59 31 P 0kay, on the D-2 1_5 - no Joy.

03 11 59 38 CC Understand, understand.

03 lA 59 _ P We need a pl-tform for stuff like that.

03 11 59 _7 CC Roger, on your stateside passes today we're trying to


figure out where most of the fUel went. Whether it vas

in the Califo_=_.iabackgroud_ measurement or in the Radar

Test. Could you clarify that any on your Attitude Control


03 12 O0 26 CC Gemlni-_, Houston, acknowledge.

03 12 00 30 P Okay, can you relay, Canton? I can read you loud and clear.

03 12 00 32 CC Boger, we can relay.

03 12 00 36 P Okay, what did he sayT.

03 12 00 37 CC He Just said understand.

03 12 OO 39 P What did he say about the stateside passes?

03 12 OO 42 CC He didn.t. Do you want me to ask him a question for you?

03 Lq OO _7 P Yes, I didn't get all the stuff about the stateside passes.

03 1200 50 CC Bog_r.

03 12 O0 52 CC Houston, Gemini-5 reports he aid not get everything with

re_ard to the stateside passes.

03 12 00 57 CC Hoger, we're concerned about the fuel usage, whether he

thought it was in the California hackground or in the

Radar Test. Over.

03 12 O1 06 CC GeIini-5, thlI was with re_mrd to California background and


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Radar Test. Over. Usage doing it.

03 12 O1 17 CC Gemini-5, Canton.

03 l_ 17 38 CC C,_mini-5,BK'VCAP COM.

03 12 18 02 P BEV CAP COM, Gemini-5, go.

03 12 18 05 CC P_ger, I'd like %o remind you, you have a medical data

pass on the Command Pilot over CSQ on Rev 54. 1,11 give

you a time. 03:/-l:00.

03 12 18 29 P Roger.

03 12 18 31 CC Roger, we would also like to have an _ source helium

pressure and temperature from you.

03 12 18 38 P Roger, wait one.

03 12 18 53 P Roger, the helium source temperature is 52 degrees; the

pressure la iIKX)psi.

03 12 19 04 CC Roger, copy. Also et this time we would like you to cycle

through your Quantity Read Switch so we could get some

ground readouts.

03 12 19 ll P Roger, ... fuel ... measure of the _.

03 12 19 20 CC All right, stand by.

03 12 19 26 CC Roger, we'd also lake to have a OAMS quantity readout,


03 12 19 32 P Roger, OAM_ quantity readout looks like 29_.

03 12 19 _O CC Say again.

03 12 19 _1 P 255.

03 12 19 43 CC Roger, understand.

· Fi[)r T1A[

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03 12 19 _6 CC Wil% you eight them to the fuel cell 02, please.

03 12 19 49 CC You got it there, don't you2 Stand by.

03 12 19 38 CC Quantity Bead Switch to F_el Cell H2.

03 lP 20 38 C Okay, can we go F_et Cell _ydrogen OFF?

03 12 20 44 CC Stand by.

03 12 20 53 CC Quantity Read Switch OFF.

03 12 21 O0 CC _light would also like to know where you used up the moat

fuel, if you have any idea, where you have the OAMS usage,

whether it vas in Callform/a background or the Radar Test

Experiment. Do you have Shy idea?

03 12 21 l0 P We used it in that pass across the States. We were using

Rate Coma-nd to track and looking for targets of oppor-

tunity and when we picked up all of this ... Houston.

We used quite .a bit on that pass across the States.

03 12 42 34 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Hous%on CAP COM, over.

03 12 42 39 P Go ahead, Houston CAP COM, Gemini-5.

03 12 42 42 GC Roger, Gemini-9, Houston CAP COM here. You're coming in

weak. We suspect the TX from the RKV did not get in.

Would you cycle your Tape Play Back to RESET. Over.

03 12 42 57 P Roger .... cycled to Tape. Play Back RESET.

03 12 h3 02 CC Roger, That's affirmative. Did you notice the DCS lights

leaving RKV?

03 12 43 20 P Yes, we got a DCS light.

03 12 43 22 CC Roger, understand you did get a DCS light.

_, L!'I I I .

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03 12 43 30 CC _-5, Houston here. We are wondering about your

Ttlruster Illu_tiom Check. We heard that you had some

cewnent that you didn't think this would be possible to

perform. Is that correct? Over.

03 12 _3 44 P ... lay a_in, you were cut out there.

03 12 43 55 CC Gemini-5, this is Housbon. We're _ble to read you.

We,ll pick up your com_nts on that over CSQ.

03 _ 4_ 03 P OmmY.

03 12 44 08 _ You're loud and clear right now. Try it 8_ain.

03 12 _4 15 P Repeat your transmission.

03 12 44 22 CC C_mini-5,this is Nouston. We,ll pick up your comments

on your Thruster !!!,_tumtion Check over the CgQ. Over.

03 _p 44 33 c Okay.

03 12 44 39 CC Your okay's are coming in loud and clear.

03 13 O1 15 C Note to the tape recorder on pressure suits. I bare three

pressure points that have been with _ all along and

alsys will be as long as I wear this suit. The inlet

hose, the outlet hose and the co_m. cable on the frontt

of it gouge, dig, and press. A_ these so-called medical

sensors that PeOl_ have worn for several weeks without

feeling have been itchy and irritating the whole fflight.


03 13 11 26 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. We braveyou GO on the ground and we have

a vulid temperature. Standing by for blood pressure.

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n DENTIA 406

03 13 2.%33 ¢ Roger.

03 13 12 07 CC Gemini-5, this la CSQ Surgeon. We d/d not get a valid

blood pressure. Could we do that once more?

03 13 12 1_ C Roger, sending it agnJ_a.

03 13 12 20 CC C.-em/_,-5, C_ Burgeon. Your blood pressure at D,11 scale.

03 13 12 51 CC Gemini-5_ this is CSQ Surgeon. We have a valid blood

!°ressure. Give us a mark on your exercise.

03 13 12 57 C Roger. Starting exercise now.

03 13 13 31 C Beginning exercise now, sending blood pressure.

03 13 13 46 CC Gemini-5, C_ Surgeon, blood pressure full scale.

03 13 14 18 CC Gemini-5, CSQ Surgeon, we have a valid blood pressure.

Stand_mg by for your water report.

03 13 14 33 C Okay. I hmve d_mk 20 pounds and 8 ounces of water.

03 13 14 43 CC Unaersta-d. 20 pounds and 8 ounces of water.

03 13 14 46 C Roger. On the vlsi-tester scores, I had seven wrong,

Conrad had three wrong ... My number was 92, Conrad's

number was 99.

03 13 15 03 cc P_ger.

03 13 15 12 C CSQ, I guess you're current on the food report.

03 13 15 16 CC Yes, Gem_-i-5, this is CSQ Surgeon. We're current and

okay on food and sleep. Thank you.

03 13 15 22 C That's all right. Thank you.

03 13 15 27 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM. I have a map update for you.

Are you readyto copy?


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03 13 15 31 · C 1%oger, go ahead.

03 13 15 33 CC You list it the same one you got at the RKV.on map,

O2:_3:05. 2.5 degrees East longi%ud_, ... 02:43:05.

1 plusOa plu_ 56. Do _ou cop_

03 13 16 05 C Roger, y_, that's ... +_m,k yOU.

03 13 16 28 CC Gemini-5, _ there's nothing further. Stand/rigby.

03 13 16 31 C Okay, everything's fine here.

03 13 21 30 C _pe's coming on, ed_ down to do 8-7 sequence 1,

03:20:_9 seconds.

03 13 21 _8 C _'d.e_reew pitch down. Camera is unstowed, ready to go ...

03 13 21 _ C There's the cloud coming up.

03 13 21 10 C Oh, come on, ... get down there.

03 13 22 51 C Clouds are basically cumulus clouds with a great deal of

cirrus among them.

03 13 23 03 C ...

03 13 23 27 c Second frame at 1/4, pitch angle is approximately 90

degrees and about 10 degrees yaw in there.


03 13 28 09 CC Gemini-5, Oemlni-5, this is Houston. Over.

03 13 28 _1 CC Gem/nj-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston. How do you rend?


03 13 28 35 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston. Over.

03 13 28 _6 C ... Houston.

03 13 28 _6 CC C_mini-Si this la Houston. I d_ not ren_ you. I have a


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br_f_ for _. _'_lSs is s _vous Tllum_t]on

Test, This experiment is to be inserted into tAe 56th

and 57th Rev. It will simulate the spacecraft pitch

attitude history during the _T-6 rendezvouo with proper

ama eleveticm an61ea. The purpose ia to det_r_ine con-

straint cmftar visibility during th_ rendezvous imposed

by sunlight and eerthlight on the spacecraft in the

v_ndov in the region of sunset and sunrise. How do you

reed? Over.

03 13 29 37 CC _O_-tnl-5, this is Houston continul_. The test requires

2_u to fly · time profile of pitch smiles uJing the

attitude indicator and record your observations of out-

the-window visibility on voice tape with time marks.

D_ the 5/_thRev the test la d0me with heads down all

the way. Wow do you read? Over.

03 13 30 10 C I rea_ about · fourth of what you Ga£_, Buz.

03 13 30 21 CC Fd_ar. I unders_-_ How do you read me now, Gemini-5?/

03 13 30 24 C I m clear right nov.

03 13 30 27 CC Oksy. This is a pitch attitude hintory profile that we

_ant you to fly that will si_,l-te the _-6 sun conditions.

The observstions will consist of the number of stare

vlslble and ldentAflcat£on, overall brl_tness, glare on

the vin_ow, reflections from the _am and earth, and the

horizon brightness. How do you rea_?


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03 13 31 51 a Roger, T got _at.

03 13 31 _ CC Roger. We'd like you to record gbia on voice tape with

time ,,ark. The crew proced,,,'es are as follows. Are you

ready to eop_

03 13 32 10 C Just a minute, B_.

03 13 32 19 c Go ahead.

03 13 31 21. CC Roger. At a _ 05:_5:00. Set event timer to 0 and

stand by. Turn on lmlatform, were up for 30 minutes,

them aline for 10 minutes, 8_ _ 06:22:00 start- event

timer counting up. At event time of 5 minutes, Platform

in ORBiT RATE, Attitude Control laJLSE. Roll O, yaw O,

:pitch to 15 degrees and begin observations. Row do you


03 13 32 28 C !e_tive, I'm not reading you.

03 13 32 3k CC Roger. _ 05:_5:00. Event timer to 0 and stand by.


03 13 32 36 C Got that.

03 13 32 38 CC Roger. Turn on the platform, warm up for 30 minutes and

aline for 10 minutes. Over.

03 13 32 _6 C Roger, got that.

03 13 32 _ CC _ 06:22:00. Start event timer counting up. Over.

03 X3 32 56 C Cot that.

03 13 32 59 CC Roger. Event timer 5 minutes. Platfform ORB RATE,

Attitude Control PULBE. Pitch to 15 degrees and begin

observations. Over.


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03 13 33 13 O Platform OKB RATE and Attitude Control PULSE.

03 13 33 22 CC Roger, that's affireative. The following are check

points for · smooth pitch change. 10 minutes, p_tch

17.5 degrees. 15 minutes, 20 degrees. HoW do you


03 13 33. C I think you better forget it; we're not reading you.

03 13 33 _5 CC Roger. Let me try omc· more. 10 minutes, pitch to

17.5 degrees. 15 minutes, pitch to 20 degrees. Over.

03 13 3_ 2_ CC Gemini-5, this is Houston. How do you read now? Over.

03 13 3_ _3 CC Gemini-5, Canton, do you read?

03 13 34 47 C I read you but he's not coming in. He's cutt_-g out

about every other word.

03 13 3_ 52 CC Roger.

03 13 35 09 CC Oemini-5, Canton. Houston reports Y°U'll get this pitch

profile over mnother station. Over.

03 13 35 15 g Okay. Thank you, Canton.

03 13 37 53 P When you have to get out some important data and you have

time such es, ·bout ... Time now is the _th day 03 hours

40 minuteI on the GT-6 pitch profile. Don't w·ste time

trying to talk to us direct; send it out to Canton by

Chris Kraft end have them read it up to us, because

remote facilities are terrible. It's just frustrating

sitting up here listening to them come through every other

word and then hear Canton come through loud and clear.


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03 13 45 51 C CInt with the tape on the drinking water. The taste

of the drinktnE water la really Quite _ood end it'I very

cold andvery tasty in that respect. However, it ia .

very full of air bubbles.

03 13 47 24 C Com_=nt on the drink gun. The new mnterinl they used

seems to really be _ing wel1. SO fir no leeks, and it

isn't bed, and reactuate time haI been very good.

03 13 _9 53 C _nt on the rehydratable food too. Where the tube that

you eat from cornelout of the Iim part of the bag where

it necks down la a reil bottleneck. Thii is where they

' fastened the pill onto and increesed the thickness of it

and the stiffneIe of it, and the food i$ very difficult

to get by there on every bag we've tried so far.


03 13 51 30 cc Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM. /

03 13 51 33 C Go ahead, RKV, Gemini-5.

03 31 51 36 CC Roger, I have some upcLntesfor you. Tracking pass update.

03 13 51 _l C ' Okay.

03 13 51 _ CC Cabin Light Survey. This is for lnformntlon. 04:40:00.

03 13 51 55 _CC Mike tlmt heeds up in_d of hmnd_ down.

03 13 52 07 C Roger, we got t/mt.

03 13 52 lO CC Okay. D-2, 0_:48:58. Sequence number 148. ,Pitch 83

degrees up. Yaw _5 4egreea left.

03 13 52 33 O What wis yaw?


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03 13 52 36 CC Yew 45 degrees left. Right to left.

O3 13 52 _ C okay.

03 13 _ _6 CC P_r. Stand by, Oemini-5.

03 13 53 o6 cc Oemt_l-5, _cv.

03 13 53 09 C Go ahead, ItKV.

03 13 53 10 CC Roger. WOUld you close your OA_ Kester circuit breeker

at this time?

03 13 53 1_ C Okay. CIAR8circuit breaker is closed.

03 13 53 20 CC Roger. I,d like to continue what Houston started to get

up to you if you're ready ,to copy.

- 03 13 53 26 C All right.

03 13 53 31 CC On this Rendezvous I1/,--irmtionTest--On the pitch profile

check points for smooth pitch changes, et 10 minutes

pitch to 17.5 degrees, at 15 minutes pitch to 20 degrees,

at 20 minutes pitch bo 25 degrees, at 25 minutes pitch to

32.5 degrees, at 30 minutes pitch to 40 degrees. At this

' time gradually drift to 130 degrees and drift to 130 degrees

by 50 minutes on the event timer. That's 20 minutes to

pitch to 130. MBintain this constant attitude of 130 until

you rend 10 minutes on the eveut timer. The uext rev at

07:52, stand by. When you read 10 minutes on the event

timer, reset the timer to 0 and stand by. Did you copy +_mt


03 13 55 05 C Ro&er.


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03 13 55 07 CC Okay, next rev at 07:52:00, start event timer, aline

the platform until 5 minutes. At t_at time roll 180

heads down. Zero yaw at 15 degrees pitch.

03 13 55 32 C Wait Just m minute. Aline the _latform at 5 minutes then

_ll 180 heads down.

03 13 55 38 CC Roger. Ze_ yaw, pitch 15 degrees. Repeat sam pitch

profile and observations accord_ to the previous time

history. Do you copy?

03 13 55 59 C Roger. ! _t that.

03 13 56 O0 CC Roger. Buz indicates the spacecraft will be pitching down

but going to a higher elevation towards the horizon.

03 13 56 07 C Okay.

03 13 56 08 CC Roger, that's it.

03 13 56 10 C Roger, thank you.

03 13 56 25 C Bk'V,Gemini-5.

03 13 56 27 CC Go ahead_

03 13 56 29 C What was that ).aw... not quite get time ... 5 by 5 ·..

03 13 56 39 CC Roger, I understand that.

03 13 57 _3 CC Gemini-5, RKV. Rave about one minute before LOS. We're

standing by.

03 13 57 48 C Rog. Thank you ...


03 1_ 45 39 CC Gemini-5, CSQ.

03 14 45 52 C Go ahead, CSQ.



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03 lk _5 .5_ CC Roger. We have you GO om the ground. We'd like to have

you go'through the Cryogenic Quantity Reed switch positions.

03 1_ 46 05 C Roger.

03 1_ 46 _ C I ... the Fuel Cell 02 position.

03 14 _7,27 CC Fuel CeA/ H2 position pleese.

03 1_ _ 18 CC Leave Fuel Cell N_ position _ere it is and we would like

you to go to CAL 1, please.

03 14 _8 25 P Roger, just fine. We're busy on the D-2 yet.

03 14 _8 29 CC Roger, standlng by.

03 14 50 26 CC How do you feel?

03 14 50 27 P Okay, go shsad.

03 1_ 50 _7 C Csl done.

03 lh _1 12 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Have you finished your HF Test yet? Over.J

03 14 51 16 C _iting list time for HF Test.

03 14 51 21 cc csQ co_y.

03 14 52 09 CC Gem/ni-5, you can go back to the OFF Position with your

Cryogenic Quantity Read switch.

O3 12 52 13 C O_ay.


03 15 26 39 cc m(vCAP COM.

03 15 R6 49 C Okay, _'V, Gemini- 5 here.

03 15 26 21 CC _r. All systems look _ood on the ground. We h_ve s

Questlcm to ask you about the HF Test sequence No. 2.

Have you started, it yet?

r,, DFFt, NTiAL

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03 15 26 _ C No, we haven't started. We've delayed it for now. Catch

it at a later date.

03 15 27 O_ CC Boger. MCC advised that if you wanted to delay it, we

could reschedule it sometime else Im the Flight Plan.

03 15 27 /_ C _, we'll pick it up later today or in the next day

or So.

03 15 27 18 cc _r.

03 15 28 19 CC _ CAP COM_ We don't have nothing else for you this

pass. We'll be stanclin6 by.

03 15 28 2_ C O_y, fine. _]mank you.


03 15 _9 19 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. We have noth/ng for

you this pass. We are standing by. Everything looks

good from the ground.

03 15 _9 28 C Okay, Canaries, G_mini-5 here. Would 2Ou tell Flight

+Mt we de/eyed the HF Test and the _bin Light Survey and

we would like to put off this light heeds-up, heads-down

light pitch program test either to later today or tomorrow.


03 15 _9 55 CC Roger, understand. Flight concurs with your delay on

the HF Test. I'll check with him on the heads-up, heads-

down ll/_tion check.

O3 15 50 05 C Roger_ You might just mention w_ kaven,$ had any sleep

yet tonight and we're e little tired.t


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03 15 50 12 CC Roger.

03 15 50 40 CC _ger, G_ui-t-5; Flight concurs. We will put this off and

reschedule for a later peas.

03 15 50 46 C Okay, very fine. Thank you.

03 15 50 48 CC Roger. We're standing by here.

03 15 50 51 C Okay, thank you.

03 15 50 52 C Very good here.

o3 15 5o 53 CC Roger.

03 17 O0 19 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM.

03 17 O0 2,5 C i_(V, C._mini-5.

03 17 O0 28 CC Roger. We would like to know if you performed your Fuel

Cell purge at 03:20:00.

03 17 O0 42 CC That was about two hours and s half age.

03 17 O1 05 C ...

03 17 O1 06 CC Roger.

03 17 O1 23 P ... we didn't purge them. Do you want us to purge them

now? Over.

03 17 O1 26 CC That's affirmative. I'd like to get your stack current

readouts, if I could, before you begin.

03 17ol 32 c


03 17 O1 1_1 CC Roger.

03 17 02 19 C ... 4, ... 5.1, ... 3.1, 3.0, and 4.0 ...

03 17 02 50 CO Roger. You _nt to start your purge at this time.

03 17 02 ,53 C Roger. Cro_ ... purging hydrogen.


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03 17 03 2O C ...

o3 z7 03 2& cc Roger.

03 17 03 25 C 30 secondm ... the purge of ...

03 17 03 32 C_ Roger.

03 17 06 05 ¢ ...

03 17 06 06 CC Roger.

03 z7 o6 15 c ...

03 17 06 l? cc RX_rg.

03 17 06 21 CC If you could turn your Cryogenic Qumntity Switch to the

ECS 02 poeition, it would help us.

03 17 06 28 C Okay.

03 17 06 29 CC We don't need a spacecraft readout.

03 17 06 53 CC Gemini-5, could you go to H2 position, now, please.

03 17 06 57 P Roger.

03 17 o7 oo cc Thank you.

· 03 17 07 17 CC Gemini-5, tais is RIO/. I believe we're going to lose

you before you complete your 02 purge. A]] your syste_

ere good here on the ground.

03 17 07 25 P Okay. Very sorry. Thank you.

o3 17 o7 27 ccooo_



03 17 23 10 CC Gemini-p, thio is Canary CAP COM.

03 17 23 14 C Go ahead, Canary, _ini-5.


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03 17 23 16 CC Roger. How did it go on that purge? They did not complete

it over the RKV.

03 17 23 25 C Roger. Purge went very well. Over. Cross over ...

03 17 23 28 CC Okay, real good. Thsnk you.

03 17 23 30 C Roger.

03 17 23 31 CC We're dumping your tape right now.

03 17 23 35 c okay.

03 17 23 37 CC Okay, would you give the Cryo readouts, please?

03 17 23 58 CC What are you reading on the ECS 02?

03 17 24 07 C Roger. I'm reading 84% st 810 psi.

o3 17 24 14 CC Rog.

03 17 24 21 C Fuel Cell 02 reading 90%. Got 110 psis.

03 17 24 32 CC Roger.

03 17 24 37 C Fuel Cell H2, 70$, and about 770 psia.

03 17 24 47 CC Roger, Thank you.

03 17 24 49 CC That's all we have for you this pass. We're standing by.

03 17 24 52 C Okay, fine. Thank you.

03 17 26 O1 CC Gemini-5, Canaries. Is the OA_ Heater circuit breaker

off at this time?

03 17 26 07 C Is the which?

03 17 26 09 CC OA_ Heater circuit breaker.

03 17 26 ll C Just ...

03 17 26 14 CC Say again, please.

03 17 26 17 C I'm just looking over to see if I can find it over here.

It's still on. Okay, the circuit breaker is closed.



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03 17 a6 a9 cc l_.., 't.t_a_ y,:,u.

03 17 26 38 CC Oh, that's okay. Oo ahead and leave it on.t

03 x7 26 ho "-¢ Oka:r.


03 18 45 28 CC Oemt.ui-5, Oemlui-5, Houston CAP COM. Over.

03 ii) i_5 31 C lteAlo, aom, tou, o",,_,,i-5.

03 18 t_5 31_ CC Rog, good evening. Every__ lng looks good here on the

grotu_t. Bow does it look up there?

03 18 45 57 CC -.o_, Houston.

03 18 k6 08 CC Oe,,,tni-5, ffouston.

03 /.8 46 38 CC _a_lni-5, Houston CAP COM. Over.

03 18 _7 _7 CC Oeminl-5, Houston CAP COl in the blind. We,ll be st_ulding

by for anythi_ you have. Evarything looks good on the


03_847 58 c _-5.

03 18 _ O_ CC Roger, read you 5-square that time.


03 18 57 08 CC This is C,_ry CAPCOM.

03 18 57 13 C Go ahead _m_ries, Gemini-5.

03 18 57 16 CC Relger,I have m _ block update for you if you are{

ready to copy.

03 18 _7 21 C Roger, Just a _tuute here.

03 3.8 58 07 C li_m_lr to go update.


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03 LB 58 08 CC _11 right. Area 60-1, 11:36:13, 14 plus 26, 19 plus 30.

Area 6a-l,13:11:9, 13 plus06, 18 plus39. Ara 6a-l,

l_:46:Ff, 12 plus 17, 18 plua 07. Area 63-4, 17:35:04,

14 plus 12, 19 plus 29. Area 64-_, 19:10:15, 13 lXlUaO1,

18 plus 37. Do you copy?

03 18 59 58 P Canaries, could I have the are8 of the first one a_ain?

03 19 OO O1 CC Roger, the first area was 60-1.

03 19 OO 09 P 60-1, 11:36:13. I have everything else.

03 19 O0 12 CC That's affirmative.

03 19 OO 18 CC That's all we have for you at this time. We are standingf

by. Ssytems are GO on the ground.

03 19 OO 25 P It's GO up here.


03 19 32 28 CC OemLui-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.

03 19 32 32 P Go ahead, Carnarvon.

03 19 32 3_ CC Roger, we've got a long Flight Plan update for you.

03 19 32 38 P Ready to copy.

03 19 32 42 CC Title: Platform. By thc way, all of these are the 4th

day. Item 1, 00:00, remarks, power up; Item 2, D!,,tfOrm

11:25:00, remarks aline SEF; next item, power up Il:hO:GO,

remarks, Rate Gyro and Computer ON; next item, bio-mad

recorders 11:51:00, remarks, No. 2 ON, No. 1 OFF; next item,

I)-6,Delta-6, 11:55:55, sequence No. 13_, mode No. 08,

remarks pitch down 30, yaw O, speed 60; next item, 11-6,


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Delta-6, 12:08:13 sequence No. 067, mode No. 08, remarka

pitch down 30, yaw left il, speed 125. How's it going so


03 19 :S5 o5 P GOt it.

03 19 35 07 CC Next is Delta-6, 12:2_:0'2, sequ_-__e091, mode No. 08,

pitch down 30_ yaw right 2, speed 60. Next lteta,plmtform_

13:00:00, remarks aline SELF. Next item S-8/D-13, 13:23:_,

sequence No. 03, remarks pitch down 30, yaw right 22.

Next item D-6, Delta-6, 13:58:50, sequence 089, mode No.

19, pitch down 30, yaw right l, speed 10OO. S-_, f-atc_

_. Kow's it going?

03 19 37 07 P Got it.

03 19 37 09 CC Om-y, next item, D-4/D-7, 14:15:00, sequence No. 41OC.

Next item, platform 1_:30:00, remarks aline SEF; next

item D-4/D-7, 14:56:50 sequence No. 424 Alpha, mode No.

08, pitch down 30, yaw left 10, speed 60, test time ,

14:57:31. Next item, D-6, Delta-6, 15:04:40 sequence

No. 134, mode No. 08, remarks pitch down 30, yaw O,

speed 125. Next item D-4/D-7, 15:19:00 sequence No. 419.

You Eot everything up to this point?

03 19 39 3.0 P Yes.

03 19 39 ll CC Okay, we're approaching LOS. I may get about one more in.

Platform 15:40:00 remarks aline .q_w;next item D-4/D-7,

16:28:O_ sequence 423 baker, mode NO. 08, remarks piteh

down 29, yaw left 3_, speed 60. Do you copy?


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03 19 39 58 P That's affirmative. ;ave it all.

03 19 39 59 CC Okay. There's two, three more items. I'll go to the next

cae. S-7, 16:37:00 pitch down 90, thundersto_ over

southern Florids. Do you copy.


03 20 16 45 CC Gemiml'5, Gemini-5, Houston CAP C($_. Over.

03 20 16 52 P Hello, Houston, Gemini-5 here.

03 20 16 55 CC Rog. You look pretty good here om the ground. Are you

reedy %o f_niah copying the Flight Platoupdate?

03 20 17 O0 P Yes. Would you wait just one seco_? I'm busy. I'll

be right with you.

03 20 17 02 CC Okay.

03 20 18 04 P Okay, Houston, ready to copy.

03 20 18 06 CC Roger. I'll pick up where Carnarvon left off, and I may

repeat part of the last one. It was S-7 at 16:37:00 pitch

90 down. Thunderstorms over southerm Florida. D-6,

16:51:25 sequence No. 065 mode No. 08, pitch 30 down,

yaw 32 right, speed 60. Power down 17:00:00. Rate

Gyros, Computer and Platform OFF. Did you copy?

0..32o .]-9o8 P Rog.

03 20 19 11 CC Okay. Did you .hnwes chance to try the second Rendezvous

Illumination Test or did you c_mcel those out altogether


03 20 19 20 P Yea. Let me explain s little hit what our problem was.


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After we left the States yesterday, we had quite a bit of

housekeeping to do, and by the time we got done restowin&

things, why it warn getting pretty late and we got into the

Check end that kept Gordo awake. The_ we got into a

bunch of things like that and the next thing we knew

neither one of us got any sleep to speak of so we ran

out of gas there and we Just knocked off everything and

tried to get some rest.

03 20 19 49 CC Okay. That's fine. No problems. I just wondered if you

tried the second one. We may reschedule it and we may not;

it depends on your _el. And do you have any partic._l_r

' _stions on the procedure or would you like to look it

over for a little longer?

03 20 20 03 P Later on today why don't you run--well, why don't you run

it by me right now and I 11 make sure I got it ell right.

03 20 20 13 CC Okay, we got some other things we'd rather talk to you

right now, particularly since we still have 24 hours at

least until we try this one again. So we'll update you

a little later on that partic,,]Artest. Okay.

03 20 20 2_ P Very good.

03 20 20 26 CC Okay. Did you get a ehance_ when you put the REP out, toi

take any pictures of it?

03 20 20 31 P Yes, we should have it on 16mm end we should have it on

the Nasselblad and when we l_t it out we had bvth the

REP and the blanket right together.


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03 20 20 41 CC Okay, understand, thank you. Okay, I have a map ul_te

for you if you're ready to copy.

o3 20 2O 47 P Okay.

03 20 20 _9 CC OWmy. The map at the time of _ dayn 11 hours 38 mt-utes

57 seconds will be 134.6 degrees West.

03 20 21 07 P Rog. Would you give me the rev and the time again, please.

03 20 21 10 CC Rog. Rev ia 59 and the time is on the 4th day, 11:38:57.

03 20 21 20 P Very good, got it.

03 20 21 22 CC Okay, and your fuel usage is getting sorts close. We

figure we need about 44 pounds to finish all of the

experiments and we h_ve about 45 pounds so be conservative

on that. Okay.

03 20 21 36 P Yea. We've been drifting most of the time here this


03 20 21 40 CC Okay, that's fine. We find that even during the slow

pesses when you're not doing anything, you use about

2 pounds or so, so we'd like to keep it down as much aa


o3 so el 5o P okay.

03 20 21 52 CC Okay. Elliot has a discussion on your radar yesterday

for you.

03 20 21 55 P Okay.

03 20 21 56 CC ... could you give me a fuel cell hydrogen quantity read

first, Pete.


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03 20 22 10 P Okay. It's 68% at 770.

03 20 22 17 CC Roger. They did a considerable computer analyIis work

yesterday and I'd like to ask y_u a couple of questions

and them I'll tell you what going to do. Did you

get any analog range indication when you were trying the

last radar test?

03 20 22 35 P Yes.. Oordo said he had range r_ad and I guess the range

scale was pegged.

03 20 22 41 CC Roger. And did you try, when you were having the problem

of reading the range outf did you try going to STAlkY

and then back to ON?

03 20 22 52 P No.

03 20 22 54 CC Okay. You probably didn't think of that because you had

a lock-on light. Okay, the MDA-Uappears to be okay by

ground analysis. I've checked out your various readings

in it. It appears that it's working all right. For your

information your first 69 readout anytime will be the last

previous readout in the Rendezvous Mode.

03 20 23 18 P Yes.

03 20 23 20 CC Okay. The range readout problem, we think, may be due

to noise interference from either Jacksonville radar or

SPAiiATS. We have to have them off the next,ireswe try

this. We would like to do another Radar Test, not today,

but tomorrow. It might be similar to the one you did

yesterday. We,ll hive to forward infornltion on that to

- CONFIDr !T.,AL.,.,,.,

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you. We'd like you to include taking Quester pictures

of the Cape. Now do you feel that you can do {his both

at the same time? I have an indication that you did

some of that yesterday, anyway.

03 20 23 59 P That's correct. I got some pictures of the Cape

xesterday with the Quester during the track.

03 20 24 02 CC Okay. Well we would like to do that again when we do

the test and the pictures will be taken when you are

directly on bore sight, and I was concerned about whether

you could operate the MDIU and the Quester at the same


03 20 24 16 P Yes.

03 20 24 18 CC Okay. Do you have any other questions about the Radar



03 20 24 27 P We would like to request that we keep everything to

a minimum in the evenings. We, for some reason, are

having trouble sleeping. One guy bothers the other one

when he's doing anything is what it amounts to.

03 20 24 _2 CC Okay, this test would be done during the day so I don't

think there would be any problem that way.

03 20 24 51 P Yes. We're not concerned about that. We just want to

emphasize ths_ it's so darn quiet in the cabin that when

one guy is trying to sleep, i'f the ether guy does anything,


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why, it makes Quite a bit of noise.

03 20 25 07 CC Roger. Pete, how about if we plan these last 5 or 6

hours before you got the Carnarvon UlXhates as a Quiet

period. Would teat work out pretty good?

03 20 25 17 P_ That's awful late. That's w_t finally happened. We

both felt asleep last night, I guess. I know I did.

03 20 25 27 CC Okay, we,ll keep it down then. Can you give us a statue

on your temperature up there and your comfort?

03 20 25 33 P Our comfort's fine and the temperatur e is fine. I tht,k

my M-1 Experiment's quit running for good now. I don't

know whether to wring it out of air or what. The problem

that I had with it before was not the same thing. The

valve's not making any noise any more. So I think it

either ran out of air or just gave up the ghost and just

Quit running.

03 20 25 53 CC Okay, fine. Understand. You guys are sounaiug better

all the time, Pete. You must like it up there.

03 20 26 OO P Say again.

03 20 26 O1 CC I said, you guys are sounding better all the time. You

_ust like it up there.

03 20 26 07 P Well, we're getting used to it.

03 20 26 ll CC Aa, ha, okay.

03 20 26 /2 CC Gemini-5, Houston Flight. Good morning.

03 20 26 16 P Morning. How are you?


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03 20 26 18 CC Great, looks like we're getting ready for another day here.

Be giving you the GO pretty moon.

03 20 26 22 P Okay, we,re standing by to power up.

03 20 26 27 CC Roger, We'll see you.


03 20 31 56 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP CON.

03 20 $200 P . Hello, Canary CAP COM, Gemini-5 here.

03 20 32 02 CC Roger, wl_have nothing for you this pass except there will

be a medical data pass on the Pilot over Carnarvon. Their

acquisition time will be 11 hours 05 minutes 34 seconds.

03 20 32 23 P Roger, the ACQ time.

03 20 32 26 CC Roger.

03 20 36 ll CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP CON. Flight would like to

know if you have recycled the valve on the M-1 Experiment.

03 20 36 20 C No, I checked it, it was still ON. I'll go ahead and


o3 20 36 26 cc Roger.


03 21 06 02 CC Gemlni-5, we have a Pilot oral temp. Stand by for


03 21 06 07 CC Gemini-5, Carnmrvon Surgeon. Observe your first blood

pressure coming up.

03 21 06 53 CC We have your blood pressure. Standing by for your

exercise on your mark.


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03 2-1 07 03 C Stand by ...03 21 07 06 eC !_er.

03 21 05 19 GC We-_ _u,r aecond blood pressures. Stand/ng by for

_er and foo_ report.

03 21 08 23 C 1_oger. Water ... 19 pound_ 6 ounces and ...

03 21 08 34 CC Bo&er. Stand by for Oarnarvon CAP C_4.

03 21 08 46 CC Geala/-5,Cammrvoa.

03 21 09 14 CC Okay. I'll give you a mark at 11 hours 10 minutes in

about _O seconds.

03 21 09 _ CC 10 eeconds to go.

03 _ o9 56 _ _, 3, a. 1. WarT,.

03 21 10 03 cc LL:iO.

03 2-110 06 C Roger. Got it. Thank you.

03 21 lO 42 CC Hit Gem/mi-5. We hive visual contact.

03 21 1D _ C Pretty _ We're tOlmpingyou right now so we ought

to be flashing at you.

o3 21 lo 52 cc Roger.

03 21 ll OO CC Got mmreport that they're having a little trouble staying

o_ with the C-band beacon t_,hle.

03 2.111 07 C The next time we come over we'll be, we'll be in the


03 21 11 l_ cc Roger.

03 21 13 22 CC We,ve got a minute t_ll LOS.

03 21 13 26 C Gellml-5. _r.


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03 21 19 J.t P Memo for the tape at _ days 09 hours O0 _i_u'ce$ ...


03 21 44 47 P Thank you, Ouaymaa ... We are at standard Oreen. Platform's

powered up. Bategyros are on.

03 21 44 54 CC Okay. I've got your switch actuation.

03 21 45 l0 CC What position is your ECS 02 switch in?

03 21 45 13 P ECS 02 Heater is off.

03 21 45 15 CC Roger. Thank you, Pete.

03 21 45 23 CC Okay. You're looking pretty good down here. How you


03 21 45 27 C Just fine.

03 21 45 29 CC Okay. We'll stand by if you need anything.


03 21 49 04 CC Ge_-i-5, Houston CAP COM..

03 21 49 08 P Go ahead, .Houston. Gemini-5.

03 21 49 10 CC Rog. Would you place your OAMS Heater circuit breaker to

open for 10 seconds please. And then close.

03 21 49 23 C It's working. We can see the amps on the gage.

03 21 _9 27 CC Okay. We wanted to check it dow_ here too.

03 21 49 30 CC How about your Quantity Read to ECS 02 please.

03 21 _9 34 P Say again.

o3 21 49 36 CC Your Quantity Read to ECS 02.

03 21 _9 _O C Roger. We noticed that the OAN_ la reading awful cold.


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03 21 _9 44 CC Boger. Amd did you have any luck with your M-1 when you

recycled the valve?

03 21 49 52 C ... Is off rate. It's just flat quit run and nothing's

making any noise any more.

03 21 49 58 CC Okay, file. Good try anyway. Could we'have a food report

from the Pilot, please?

03 21 50 13 P Roger. _ last meal was lA at 04:04:00:00.

03 21 50 _2 CC Roger. Understand. Could we have it for the last 24

hours, please? We didn't get it at Carnarvon.

03 21 50 35 P 3B at 03:22:00:00.

03 21 50 21 CC Roger. And you can turn ECS 02 Quantity Read back and I

have some information on the carrier for your D-6. It'll

be heading 255 degrees; there will be one destroyer one

mile astern.

03 21 51 03 P Roger.

03 21 53 15 C Houston, the bio-med recorders were changed at 11:53.

03 21 53 20 CC Roger. Understand. 11:53.

03 21 56 _1 C Comuent for the tape. Any time when the sun is anywhere

near the win4mw, or looking into the window, this reticle

is almost useless. The sunlight hits on the reflecting

mirror, just causing any vision on anything to be extremely


03 21 57 OO P Houston, Gemini-5, no joy.

03 21 57 03 CC C_i, Houston. _y again.


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03 21 57 05 C Roger. No Joy on 134.

03 21 5_ 08 CC Roger. UnderBtand. For your 067, the Canary's, the cloud

coverage ia 0.3 to O.4, and for the 091 D-6 the weather's


03 21 57 33 P WAlt, eee if we can't get going ... get this pitch t_ ...

03 21 57 33 c ok,.y.

03 21 57 _O P ... another one in the middle of no _lace, 091. Las Palm*s,

right on the corner of the round island ...

03 21 57 54 C Right on the east side of the little fat round island.

03 21 58 02 P Oh, 091, Mombasa Airdrome. That's right on the shoreline

' and well away over on the east coast at 12:24, so we got

lmlentyof time to study that one.

03 21 58 45 P Okay, l_aisone is yaw left 11--

03 21 58 50 C ... Las Palms

03 21 5_ 57 C Just about to power up there.

0321 59 02 P Good, ...

03 21 59 06 P _ Boy, you really palled the chain.

03 21 59 09 C Boy, I was really beatl I was tired:

03 21 59 18 P I told them to knock off this night stuff ... HF checks,

one thing or'another, housekeeping, and so forth.k

03 21 ]9 38 P ' It's so darn quiet in the cockpit when one doing

something it bothers the other guy. Okay, this is

acquired at O8:13.

03 21 59 59 C 11 degrees left yaw in it?

03 22 00 _ P _ea.


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03 22 00 02 CC Gemini-5, Houston. Place your T/M switch to COMMAND,


03 22 OO O7 C T/M to COMMAND.

03 22 O0 09 CC Roger.

03 2200 22 C What's the time on it?

03 22 O0 26 P O8:13.J

03 22 O0 28 C Okay.

03 22 O0 30 P Put it in the right place in the mRp. Look, here's the

Mbmbam Airdrome he _nts us to take a picture of Up here

instead of showing it right here.

03 22 O1 16 C By golly, you're needing s shave, bear.

03 22 O1 18 P Time is 04 days 12 hours 10 minutes O0 seconds, and we

. _t four good pictures of the airdrome at Las Palmas.



03 22 05 56 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM.

03 22 06 O0 P Go ahead, Canary, Gemini-5.

03 22 06 02 CC Roger. A reminder that there will be a medical data pass

on the _nd Pilot over Carnarvon; their A0S time is

approximately 12 hours hO minutes. '

03 22 06 16 P Roger. 12:%O.

03 22 06 20_ CC _t's elf we have for you. We're standing by.

03 22 06 2_ P Okay, that's fine. Thank you.

03 22 22 2_ P The tape is on and the time is 04 days 12 hours 23 .minutes


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. u tF[D ., TiAL Page 434

' ... seconds. We're standing by for a D-6 sequence O91

mode 08. However, the weather looks pretty bad looking

over there right now.

03 22 23 08 P Boy, it's amaming. You know, you don't notice too much

on that pulse out the window. It's amazing when you fire

the pulse how I can see t_at in the landmarks on the ground.

O3 22 23 23 C Oh, I bet.

03 22 23 24 P That lens is really fantastic.

03 22 23 %2 P Coming up on 24 in 15 seconds.

03 22 23 49 C That looks like--oh y_s, I got it, I got it.

03 22 23 54 P You got it?

03 22 23 54 C Yes.

03 22 23 57 P okay.

03 22 23 58 C In my reticle.

03 22 24 O1 C The reticle is useless coming down against those clouds.

03 22 24 11 p Okay, i got the coastline ... airfield.

03 22 24 13 C Okay, I got the airfield.

03 22 24 21 P Still no airfield.

03 22 24 25 C I got the airfield in sight. You oust to nave it in

sight now.i

03 22 24 33 P Yes. Let me know when we are approaching ...

03 22 24 37 c Okay.

03 22 24 59 P There's the airfield: Stop: Can you come left or move to

the left?

03 22 25 04 C Yes.

UtjlirfDF iIi,

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03 22 25 06 P Move a little bit left. Beautiful: Oh, don't jam:

, Oh, you son-of-a-gun: Come left a-e_ain ...

03 22 25 23 C We're well past the 90.

03 22 25 24 P Okay.

03 22 25 30 P C_ood pictures.

03 22 26 30 C 35mm camera is still Jamming at crucial times.


03 22 40 54 CC Gemini-5, Ca_narvon, we have e valid oral temp on the

Commmnd Pilot. Request the Pilot to start fuel cell


03 22 41 05 CC Stand by for Surgeon.

03 22 41 16 CC Gemini-5, C_rr_rvon Surgeon standing by for your first

blood pressure.

03 22 41 17 P Roger.

03 22 41 26 P Co_eneing hydrogen purge on my mar_. ,Mark.

03 22 41 30 P Purge complete.

03 22 41 51 P Starting cell 2 hydrogen purge.

03 22 42 O1 C Oh, he's broken another ring on the blood pressure cuff.

03 22 1_ O7 CC Roger.

03 22 42 16 CC Let's go ahead with the exercise.

03 22 42 21 P Roger.

03 22 42 27 P 02 purge on No. 1 ztarted.

03 22 42 30 CC Roger.

03 22 42 40 P F_ercise stop.

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03 22 "3 07 P Olve me a merk at ]. _Lnute of purge.

o3 22 43 10 cc noger.

03 22 l_3 1" C Exercise eoa_&ete.

03 22 _3 16 CC Roger. We'd like · food report now for the past 2" hours.

03 22 .3 2, P Noger.

03 22 _3 30 CC We've had . ..

o322.3 33 P o_y.

03 22 "3 39 C Okmy food report. Now you want all day 3? On day 3 on

Ca_aaamdPilot, I had 3C, 3A an_ 3]3.

o3 22 "3 58 cc mxUmmtand 3C, 3A and 3_.

03 22 _J+03 C _t's right. On day 4, give you day 4 here, I had lA.

03 22 44 10 CC Roger. Water report.

03 22 "4 1_ C Wster report. At present I have dx. ink 20 pounds end

3 ounces of water.

O3 22 k4 22 CC Roger. sleep report.

03 22 _ 23 C Sleep report, I just finished about 7 hours of sleep.

03 22 _ 29 CC _k_ar_md 7 hours.

03 22 _ 29 CC Mark.

03 22 _ ,_ C AfTirmattve.

03 22 _ _3 cC MArk2 minuteson 02 pur_e.

03 22 _ 35 P Roger. Sigmal when to cominence.

03 22 "_ 15 P For the tepej we broke the second O-ri_g on the blood

pressure bulb 04 days 12 hours "5 minutes.

03 22 "5 19 C Well, for the recorder_ we finally passed the GT-4 crew's


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maxk, which is a milestone, and we're still clanking

along in the old covered wagon.

03 22 45 24 CC C_i-5, CarDarvon. Flight would like to know if you

feel you need the platform for the D-6 experiment.

03 22 45 39 C I think so. I think it would m_ke it a lot better if

we could use it.

03 22 45 43 CC Roger.

03 22 _6 34 P Hydrogen and 02 purge on sections 1 and 2 complete.

Crossover off.

03 22 46 39 CC Roger.

03 22 46 42 CC Surgeon would like to know about how long you had the

oral temp_ probe in your mouth.

03 22 46 49 C I guess for a couple cf minutes.

o3 22 46 51 cc Roger.

03 22 46 53 CC Could you give us a readout of your OA_ Quantity,

pressure and reap?

03 22 47 02 P Okay, the fuel gage reads 26_, t.-mperature is 61 and the

pressure is 1350.

03'22 47 14 CC Roger.

03 22 47 30 C Would you give us C_antity Read on Fuel Cell 02?

03 22 _ 40 P Want the onboard readings too?

03 22 47 43 CC Roger, Fuel Cell 02 and H2.

03 22 47 46 P Roger, Fuel CeLl 02 90_, 120 psi.

03 22 47 55 C Nydrogen.

03 22 48 O0 P 67_, 77.

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03 22 b8 03 CC Roger.

03 22 _8 31 CC We have nothing else. Star_ing by.

03 22 _8 35 P C_i-5 standing by.


03 23 02 55 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston. Over.

03 23 03 14 CC G_m,lni-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston.

O3 23 03 50 CC C,mfimi-5, C_miui-5, Houston. Over.

03 23 03 55 C Go ahead Mouston, Gemini-5, here.

03 23 03 59 CC C_i-5, Houston. Be advised that the weather for your

S-8/D-13 is too bad and we will have to scrub your

S-8/D-13. We would like to replace it with a D-6.

03 23 03 15 C Roger, w_ replace the S-8/D-13 w_th a D-6.

03 23 O3 20 CC I have some D-6 information for you here, C_mlui-5,

for a selected Zarget. Are you ready to copy?

03 _3 03 28 P Okay.

03 23 03 33 C He's ready.

03 23 03 35 ? Go ahead, Houston.

03 23 O4 38 CC Roger, Gemini-5, Houston. Be advised that time will

be O4:13:25:30, sequence 025, mode 19. Remazks,

pitch down 30, yaw left 8, speed 1/1000, f-stop is 4.

Your weather is 2-to 3-tenths. Over.

03 23 05 28 P Roger, 0_:13:25:30, and 025, 19, pitch down 30, yaw left

8, 1000 and _.

Cr:NFiDENTiAL',J ,! -

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03 23 05 39 CC Roger. Good morning to you.

03 23 05 43 P ]-l'nw're you this morning?

03 23 05 44 CC Just fine.

03 23 05 47 P We're the same.

o3 23 o5 49 cc Ye-,7 good.

03 23 05 52 C Sa_, if I switch now I'Ll have every piece of gear

of the _pacecraft out in m_ lap.

03 23 05 57 CC Very, very good. That sounds like old home week.

03 23 06 02 C Among oiher household chores.

03 23 06 06 CC Say again.

03 23 06 09 C As well as cloingother househol_lchores.

03 23 06 11 CC Roger.

03 23 06 1_ C There's a live the moment.

o3 23 06 17 CC Roger.


03 23 17 52 CC C,-_ni-5, Guaymas C;3 CO)(,turn your T/M Control

switch to the REAL TIME & ACQ-AID position.

03 23 18 19 CC C_mtni-5, Guaymas CAP COM, turn your T/M ControlI

switch to the REAL TIME & ACQ-AID position.

03 23 18 26 CC Okay, than_ you.

03 23 18 27 C Roger.

03 23 18 39 CC How are you doing up there?

03 23 18 41 C Fine.


tt;i, , ,OL,ti}

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03 23 18'42 CC Okay, you're looking real good here on the ground. We'll

stand by if you need anything.

03 23 18 _6 C ALl right, thank you.

03 23 ,90 42 cc _ hi-5, Ouaymas.

03 23 20 4]_ C Go ahead, Ouaymas, C_m_nl-5.

03 23 20 _6 CO Put Four T/M Control switch back to the Cam_._d position.

o3.23 2o 49 c Okay.


03 23 23 19 CC Gemini-5, Houston, we have some inforw_tion for you. I

know you are preparing for the D-6 and I'1t just read it

off to you. You had a GO for 77-1 and you will receive

some RCS updates during this pass across the States for

62-1, so you'll'see a DCS light coming on and going off.

03 23 23 43 C Okay, fine. We're GO up here. Do you want the onboard


03 23 23 47 CC Yes, when you get around to it. I think you are getting

ready for that D-6.

03 23 23 54 P Okay, I'll give them to you right now. IA is 8-1/2,

lB is 8.0, lC is 9.5, 2A is 7, 2B is 6.9, 2C is 8-1/2

and the main bus voltage is 26.0.

03 23 24 19 CC Roger.

03 23 24 28 P RCS A is 70/295, RCS B is 68/290, secondary 02/5_ on

the left, 5300 on the right.



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03 23 24 46 CC Roger.

03 23 25 11 P Say, you sure th_s 025 is not under the clouds?

03 23 25 16 CC Well there was 13, 2- to 3-tenths cloud coverage there.

03 23 25 _2 P Yes, maybe in a hole.

03 23 25 2_ CC Yes, xf%ght be.

03 23 _ 33 C It's under the cload_; we'll see if we can find some-

thing else going across here.

03 23 _ 38 CC' Okly, very good. %Jeil listen, I've got some other info_-ma-

ti on for you here and --

03 23 25 48 CO Where else, huh?

03 23 _"_ 50 CC Gordo, this is Houston, I have a message for you.

03 23 _ 54 C _-y, go ahead.

O3 2B _ 96 CC Tr%_ s_Fs she would like to send her congratulations

to you for now having the most time in space. She says

that Cam and Jan are fine and that they all are very proud

of yc_Lr lm_rt of the progress that you and Pete are making

and I'd sort of like to add my congratulations to it also

and I'm sure that the Flight Director would too.

03 23 26 16 C _]aank you Milty ...

03 23 26 19 CC All right. '

03 23 26 30 CC I have some updates for you on some of your _orthcoming

experiments. The times have changed slightly. If

you're ready to copy, give me a holler here.

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03 23 26 _ P Okay, whe_ we cross the coastline, we're going to try

get one right in here someplace.

03 2B 26 _2 'CC Rog, I'I1 JuJt staad by and you can give me a holler when

you're r_.

03 23 27 16 C I might a_ right now that I'd recc*zaendto Wally that

he throw this reticle away, Milty.

03 23 27 21 CC Oki, roger.

03 23 27 23 C The reflective mirror completely blinds you when you're

working in any kind of stmlight.

03 23 27 27 CC Roger.

03 23 27 31 CC I'll se_ _ your message.

03 23 27 32 C Fine. I'd use grease pencil on the windows.

03 23 27 36 CC That'8 a fine-line grease pencil, imn't it?

03 23 27 39 c Right.i

03 23 27 41 C If I had one with me, that's what I'd be using.

03 23 27 44 cc Okay.

03 23 28 08 CC _, Chris sa_s you sound like your old self this


03 23 28 13 C Yes, I finally got a good night's sleep.

03 23 28 15 CT Yes, I got that; 7 hours, that's cheating.

03 23 28 17 P Yes, sure ia.

03 23 28 19 C I've sort of been saving up.

03 23 28 21 CC Rog.

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03 23 Z8 _4 P Okay, I'm ready for the updates.

03 23 28 47 CC All right. You have an experimemt at 14:56:50.

This is a D-_/D-7 and the time now has been changed

to 14:56:53, 3 seconds later. Did you find that one,


03 23 29 13 P Yea.

03 23 29 1_ CC Okay, under the remarks for that particular thing, the

test time has been champed from 14:57:31 to 14:57:33.

03 23 29 25 P Roger.

03 23 29 28 CC Okay, you have another D-k/D-7. This one is at 16:28:03.

The tlme _ that has been changed to 16:28:07.

03 23 29 41 P Roger. '

03 23 29 h3 CC Okay, now right after that particular experiment there's

an S-7 mad right after that is a 1)-6. You're r_ally

going to be pressed for time in between the D-4 and the

D-6 with that S-7. So try to work it through the Lef%-

hand pilot's window or something so that you don't have

to dismantle all your equipment there. And we realize

that it's very time critical there.

03 23 30 09 P Roger.


03 23 30 _1 CC Gesini-5, Houston here again. Did you get the O-rings

fixed in the blood pressure bulb?


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03 23 30 46 C Roger, we got two new O-rings in.

03 23 30 _9 CC Okay, very good. R_ve you used any of your bZ.ue bags


03 23 30 54 C Nave we what?r

03 23 30 57 cc What's the blue bag status?

03 23 30 59 C There's still just one.

03 23 31 O1- CC Very good.

03 23 31 06 C Just great.

03 23 31 07 cc Rog.

03 23 32 44 CC Geminl-_, Houston again. We would like to have you

give us a GO for your D-4/D-7 at lh:56:53 , over

Carnarvon, if it is possible.

03 23 32 55 C Roger Houston, will do.

o3 23 32 57 cc Okay,

03 23 33 07 dC Just think, you on]y have 96 hours 23 minutes e.nd

seconds to retrofire time.

03 23 33 13 P Listen, that was a momentous milestone to shift bio-reed


03 23 33 19 CC Roger, you're half_- there.

03 23 33 22 C Yes, rog.

03 23 33 27 CC Hey, is your beard getting itchy yet?

03 23 33 30 P Yes.

03 23 33 33 CC Did you take any curlers along to _url it?


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03 23 33 37 C No, but we shouldhave.

03 23 33 44 CC You cam always braid it and tie your m_ke up with it.

03 23 33 47 C Fine.

03 23 33 58 C All the sensors are itching a lot worse than the beard.

03 23 34 O1 CC Roger.

03 23 34 07 CC Gemini-5, Gordo, this is _4CC Surgeon. Do you have any

skin reaction around th,.· rest of the skin, since we did

this cleansing bit?

03 23'34 21 C _te's _ffs, the M-1 cuffs are itching him an awful lot.

03 23 34 26 CC _V, we'll talk same later on the next rev about those


03 23 34 36 CC C_grats; you guys are doing great.

03 23 34 39 C Yes.


03 23 40 52 CC Gem_ni-5, this is Canar_/ CAP COM. Would you switch

your Quantity Read to the ECS 02 position, please.

Thank you.

03 23 hi O0 P Reger.

03 23 41 02 C How are you this morning?

03 23 41 03 CC Mighty fine, and you?

03 23 41 O_ C Feel fine.

03 23 41 05 CC Good.

03 23 _l 17 C _e got some good pictures going over you awhile ago.


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03 23 41 Z0 CC Hey, mighty fine.

03 23.41 2_ CC : _a_, could we set Quantity Read %o Fuel Cell 02 please?

03 23 41 32 CC Roger.

03 23 41 _J_ CC Okay, would you switch _antlty Read to Fuel Cell H 2.

__nk you.

03 23 42 O_ CC Roger, we have it now, thank you very much, so you can

go back to OFF.

03 23 _2 09 C Okay.

03 23 42 10 CC Roger, it looks real good here on the ground.

03 23 42 12 C Roger, everything is GO here

03 23 42 14 CC Roger, we're standing by.

03 23 43 17 C What?

03 23 %3 42 CC C_ni-5, Flight just advised that during the traeWing

over the states they have reconfirmed your orbit as

107.4 by 16_.6

03 23 43 57 C 107.4 by 164.6.

03 23 44 O1 CC Eoger.

03 23 4A 03 C Roger, thank you.

03 23 54 39 P For the recorder, the t_mp is 04 days 13 hours

· 56 minutes. Platform alining preparing for D-6 089

mode 19. Recorder off.

03 23 55 3_ C One en-v,ent to make when in ... the outside the window

daytime reticle used, white lights must be used to do

any platform work in order to see it.


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04 OO OO 17 P The -{rfield at -- w_t's that airfield ...?

04 OO OO 22 C ... airfield at Maui.

04 OO GO 25 P _ was covered by clouds. We took one picture in the

lrleinityof it.

0400 OO 41 P okay, you can go to SEF and think about finding ...

O_ 00 O0 9_ C I've bee_ thinking about that for days./

0400 OO 56 P Yes.


04 OO 15 tx:3 P Helle, C_n, Gemini-5.

0400 15 31 CC G_,t-5, Carnarvon.

04 OO 15 32 P Roger, we have the com_uter in CATCH UP to keep the green

light out while we're tracking up here, and I'll leave

it there, unless you want it in some other position.

04 OO 15 %4 CC _o, that 's .11 right; leave it there. Are you GO

far 77-17

04 00 15 ]_ P Roger, and we'll be GO for D-4/_7 424 Alpha.

Oh OO 15 57 CC Roger.

04 OO 16 OI P We'll give you a call when we're tracking.

O_ 00 16'O5 CC Roger. We're GO on the ground for 77-1, I'll update

yomr TR.

04001609 P Thankyou.

0400 16 49 CC G_-i, Car--_von. Be advised that 424 Alpha is GO on

the ground.

04 00 16 54 P Roger. I haven't got year TR yet.


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04 O0 16 58 CC About i0 seconds.

04 oo 16 59 P o_,v.

o4 co 1704 cc Tramn_tt_ TR.

O_ O0 17 06 P We got it.

04 O0 17 09 CC _er, you're in sync.

04 O0 18 35 P Cs_arwom, Gemini-5.

O4 O0 18 37 CC Go aheaa.

04 O0 18 38 P Are we JlmStabout overhead you now?

04 OO 18 h6 CC In about 30 seconds.

O_ OO 18 50 P Roger. Good look at Perth.

O_ O0 18 54 CC Roger.

0400 18 55 P An_ we'll give you a call just the second tracking


0400 19 02 CC Roger.

Ob.OO 20 23 CC That time I gave you was the Mark time ... approach,

you're south of us.

04 OO 20 31 P Roger.

0400 23 06 P Cea-narvon,we're going to skip this 410 Charlie if

we can't find the proper star.

04 06 23 12 CC Roger.


O_ O0 43 22 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

O_ OO 43 25 C Go ahead, Hawaii, Gemini-5.


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04 O0 43 27 CC Roger, we've got you Oreck. We'd like you to do a UNF

, type 6 over the States. We'd also like a 222 Alpha GO

frem you.

04 O0 43 36 C Roger. You have a 424 A_pha GO. Understand a UHF Type 6

over the States.

04 O0 43 _ CC That's roger.

O_ O0 43 43 C Roger.

04 O0 _ 06 CC 424 Alpha is on schedule and counting.

04 OO 4_ 10 C Roger. gexy good. We're on schedule too.

04 O0 _ 20 CC Roger.

04 OO _ 21 C And counting.

O400 44 36 CC T minus 14 and counting.

O400 45 39 C R__ger.

04 O0 45 58 CC Roger. We have a built-in hold of 3 minutes.

O4 O0 46 03 C Roger.

04 OO 51 24 CC _i_t-5, Gemini-5, Houston.

04 OO 51 28 C Roger, Houston, Gemini-5.

04 OO 51 30 CC Roger, the weather for your D-4/D-7 is clear and

visability is very good.

04 OO 51 37 C Very good. We're on the line, right on ...

04 oo 51 4_ cc okay.t

04 O0 53 18 C We just finished off our sausage end eggs that Pete

cooked this morning, and he's making the coffee, now.

04 O0 53 25 CC Very good. Were those scrambled or over?


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04 O0 53 28 C Over easy.

04 OO 53 29 CC Okay. How is he as a cook?

04 O0 53 37 C He's a pretty good cook.

04 OO 53 39' CC How is he as an eater?

O_ OO 53 42 P But good, bu% good:

0400 53 47 CC Roger.

Oh O0 5_ O1 P We got Catalina and San Cle_ente very clear; looks like

San Diego and Los Angeles are clobbered in.

04 OO 54 09 CC Roger. How's the weather out West today; is it pretty good?

04 OO 54 16 P Yes, all across the country it is, cloud deck's right up,

you know_ from the Pacific right up to the coast.

Oh OO 54 24 CC Right. How about in the southeastern U.S.; is it pretty

clear over there or is it clouded over?

04 OO 54 32 C It's fairly cloudy over there. It looks like a _ot of it

will probably break up and it's about heavy cu_mlus.

04 OO 54 41 CC Okay, I got some information for your D-6 on the carrier

as soon as you complete that D-4/7.

04 OO 54 47 C Okay. We're coming out here over the Gulf of CaLifornia


0400 54 59 CC Roger. Our plot board agrees with you.

O_ OO 95 O1 P 53, no 56 --

0400 55 04 P Very good. Okay, we have White S_nds in sight from



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'"'NEIDENT1AL ,,5,

04 OO 55 20 CC Okay, very good. I was just going to ask you to give

me a call when you had it.

04 OO 55 24 P Yes.

04 OO 55 24 C Where is it?

04 OO 55 27 P Yes, dead ahead 12 o'clock.

04 OO 55 28 P ... is off my side. But it'll slip over to you. Ib

wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't do any pulling. Oh,

wait a minute. You're supposed to be yawed.

04 OO 55 36 C 10 degrees left.

04 OO 55 39 P No, not that much is it?

Oh OO 55 40 C Yes.

04 OO 55 41 P Yes, you're right. See it coming up? You got it in

sight? You see w%ere the clouds are?

04 O0 55 5l C Yes.

04 OO 55 52 P Left. of the clouds.

04 OO 55. 53 C Oh, yes, yes, I'm yawed off a little too much.

04 OO 55 55 CC We're still going right along with the test on the


04 OO 55 56 P Well now --

o4 oo 55 57 c ...

04 OO 55 59 C Very good.

0400 56 O1 C I guess we are in pretty good shape. I'm rolled just a

_a_; that's one thing.


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O_ O0 56 12 P Okay, what time is -- lift-off is --

O_ OO 56 20 C Track is on where, over on this side?

04 OO 56 22 P Right on the far side in the middle.

0400 56 24 C On the far slde in the middle.

o4005625 P ...

O_ OO 56 h7 CC We're still GO on the ground.

04 O0 57 06 C We're tracking now.

0400 57 08 cc Okay,verygood. We'vegotabout23 seconds. -

04 O0 _ 20 CC _Fifteen.

04 OO 57 23 C Roger, we're right on it.

O_ OO 57 24 CC Very good. 2, 1, GO. Ignition.

04 OO 57 46 P .,. rocket down the track.

04 OO 57 _8 C There' it goes. We see ir.

O_ OO 57 52 CC Okay, very good, very good.

O_ OO 57 58 C Burn out now.

O_ OO 58 OO C We're tracking right on it.

O400 58 02 CC Very good. _


0400 58 24 CC Have any comments on that particular one?

O_ OO 58 28 C Roger. We could see it visually very good. We were

right on the money. I think, tracking there.

04 O0 58 33 CC Okay. HOw about the water breaking?

04 O0 58 37 C I e_ld see something. I don't knOw if it was water

or smoke. It probably was the water.

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04 OO 58 43 CC Okay, fine. Are' you ready for your short briefing on

your D.-67

04 O0 58 48 C Roger, go ahead.

04 OO 58 50 CC Okay. The weather in the area is 0.2 to 0.3 cloud

coverage, and it's getting better, and it's completely

clear right over the carrier.

04 OO 59 O0 C Roger. Very good.

04'00 59 02 CC The carrier will be going in a very large circle with

the DD a_t 1500 yards behind, right in the wake, trying

to m_We the wake so you can see it.

04 OO 59 41 C I hope we can find them this time; we've been looking

for them enough times.

0400 59 46 CC I figured an old Navy guy like you could find the


04 OO 59 49 P I had the sake yesterday, but we lost is so th_!t we

couldn't track.

04 OO 59 53 CC Roger.

O_ OO 59 55 C The weather hasn't been too good out over the water


0400 59 58 CC I gathered that from your comment yesterday. Today it

looks like it should be pretty good there.

04 O100 03 _ Okay, I hope so.

04 O100 05 P A lot depends on the sun angle.

F!DENT!A[,..'J 1- I

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04 O100 07 CC Okay.

04 O100 lO P Say, could you get a reading for me for how many pictures

they have on this 3401 film.

04 Ot O0 19 CC On the 34017

04 O1 O0 22 P That's right. I've made quite a few pictures now,

and I'm afraid I might run out.

04 O1 00' 26 CC Okay.

04 Ok O0 47 C Passed nor%h Tm/_e Charles.

04 O100 54 C And New Orleans. We have the Cape in sight.

0_ O1 O1 04 CC Very good. You've got 70 fr_mes on the 3401.

04 O1 O1 i1 C Okay.

04 O1 O1 12 P I got plenty ]eft.

04 o_ o_ 13 · cc Okay.

04 01 02 20 CC Gemini-5, Houston. Do you have your primary scanners

on now?

04 O1 02 2_ C Negative. We're on SECONDAiWY.

04 O1 02 3! CC Could you switch over to PRIMA_f for a couple of

minutes here. We'd like to get some data off of them.

04 O1 02 35 'C Going to PR/I_?Y. That's a good idea.

04 Ol 02 47 CC Say again, please.

04 O1 02 _9 C I say, that's a good idea; we've be_mq wanting someone

to check that one.

0_ 01 02 51 CC Okay.

04 O1 03 32 P Well, we mawr have a _ew cloud problem_.

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04 0t 03 34 CC Okay.

04 O1 OB 36 P We'Ll give her a good go, though, here.

O_ O1 03 B9 CC Say again,

04 O1 03 40 P I s_f, we'll give it a go.

04 O1 03 42 CC Okay.

04 O10_ 52 P Dead ahead twelve o'clock. I cmn see it turning,

bigger than heck.

04 O1 0;4 57 P We got it ia sight at this tile.

04 O10_ 59 CC Roger, I knew an old carrier pilot could find the


04 O1 05 50 C Very good.

04 O1 05 51 P Okay, we saw him that time.

04 O1 05 53 CC Okay. According to fig_0_res,you must have been jus_

about over h_m when you saw him. Is _hst rig_t?

04 eL 06 O1 P Let's see. I'd say we were about 50 _egree pitch.

04 O1 06 05 C We got him e fair way out.

04 O1 06 07 CC Well, very good. Okay. You got some pictures of him

that time then.

04 O1 06 11 P Six of them.

O_ O1 06 12 CC Very good.

04 O1 06 15 C _lis 35mm camera is still ' '0_ incidentally.

Pete's had about four jgmm now over the last c_nxple

of days on it ...

O_ O1 06 27 CC Okay. Have you been able to clear the jam each time

without any trouble?

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04 O1 06 30 C No. He m_uaged to get it cle ar , but it still isn't -


ok, ol o6 34 cc Okay.

04 O1 07 07 CC G_mtni-5, Houston here. If you are through _ith that

experiment it would be nice if you could come up to

around a 000 attitude or either BFI_ or Sk?, so that

we could get some data off your scanner.

04 O1 07 22 C Okay, swinging around; we'll be on SEF momentarily.

04 O1 07 26 CC Okay.

04 O1 07 45 CC G=_ini-5, Houston. Could you read what was on the


04 O1 07 51 C I 6ould see the carrier, but not _hat well. It took

up about mRybe a tenth of the picture frame ...

O_ Ol 08 IO CC Okay, I think we're getting LOG.


04 O1 08 53 CC G_mi_i-5_ are you still reading Houston?

04 O1 09 O1 C (kr ahead, Houston.

04 O1 09 O2' CC I just wondered if we still had voice contact with you.

Did you ever get up to SEF or any level attitude?

04 O1 09 08 C Yes, we're coming there slowly right now. We're

Just stay_ng at FJLSE so we don't use too much fuel.

04 O1 09 13 CC Rog.

04 O1 09 15 CC Ok-_y. If we don't get this in over this pass, when you're

over (ale of the stations that has T/M, it might be aI

?'ii'i r"

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good idea to sort of fork off in a zero-zero

attiC, adjust so the horizon scanners are locked

on so that we can get ahcmt a minute's worth of data.

04olo931 c o_. mmda-be-- .-

O_ O1 09 35 C You should have gotten some data as we crossed the coast

of Florida, because we were _ilX OOO thes.

O_ O1 09 42 CC Okay. Very go:d.

O_ O1 09 5_ C Okay. We're approaching 000 now.

OA_01 09 55 CC Oks_. Very good.

04 O1 19 13- P I'd like to report the transmitter time right now,

D-4/D-7, 35 seconds.

04 O1 19 49 C That's the end of the.first _ement. Give me a

mark when c_ncing the second measurement.


04 O1 50 10 CC G_n_ni-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.

04 O1 50 12 C Rog. Carnarvon, Gemini-5.

O_ O1 50 13 CC Roger. Be advised you have a medical pass on the

Pilot at Hawaii. Your acquisition time is 16 hours

15 minutes.

O_ O1 50 24 C Roger, 16:15.

04 O1 50 27 CC Roger, and are you GO for sequence 423 Baker?

04 O1 50 33 C Roger,we are.

04 O1 51 32 CC G_mt-i-5, Carnarvon. Things are GO on the ground;

we're s%_nding by.

t,' ' FIDENT1At

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O_ O1 51 36 , C _. Very good. You might pass the word on back at

_ssi_u _trol Oe_ter that [ lined everything up

careful]F, very carefully, aaa I]_t the prlm- ry

scanner o_ and --pitched 12S down%o about 30 to 35

degrees. We're in --


04 02 15 h8 CC Ge_i-5, Hawaii CAP COM. We copy your oral temp.

You can start your blood pressure.

0A 0e 15 53 c o_.

O_ 02 16 03 CC G-m_-i-5, this is Hawaii Surgeon. Your cuff is

full scale.

O_ 02 16 _7 CC We have a good blood pressure. Give me a mark when you

begin your exercise.

O_ 02 16 90 C Roger.

0_ 02 16 51 c Mark.

O_ 02 17 36 CC C_""_-i-5, Hawaii Surgeon. Full scale here.

O_ 02 18 13 CC Now we have a good blood pressure. Standing by for

your water and sleep report.

04 02 18 25 P Roger. The Pilot's dz-3_k 20 pounds 12 ounces. Last

meal was lB at O_:lO:00:O0, and I logged about 6 hours

of sleep last night.

OA_ 02 18 _8 CC You had 6 hours sleep ta_t night?

OA_ 02 18 51 P Y_s, in pieces.


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04 02 18 52 CC Roger.

O_ 02 18 58 CC Okay, that's fine. Thank you, Gemini-5. Hawaii

- Surgeon out.

O4 02 19 O7 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP CON.

04 02 19 l0 C Go ahead, _waii CAP COM.

0_ 02 19 11 CC Roger. We'd like to know your status for 423 Bravo.

04 02 19 14 C We're GO on 423 Bravo.

O_ 02 19 16 CC Roger. We're continuing to count; however, there's

high ci,_rus clouds, may move into the area.

04 o2 19 el c 0_y.

O_ 02 19 23 CC Would you place your OAM_ Heater Switch to OFF.

O4 02 19 29 P Roger. O_MS Heater Switch to OFF.

04 02 20 09 CC We're still counting on time.

O4 02 20 12 CC Okay?


Oh 02 25 16 CC Gemini-5, G_m4_i-5, Houston. Over.

0% 02 25 19 C Go ahead, Houston, Ge_/ni-5.

O4 02 25 22 CC Roger, we're still going along fine on 423 Bravo.

]]aere's a low deck of scattered clouds at about

500 feet. It extends down to the south and west and

is probably the stuff blown in off the water. There's

a high deck of cirrus; broken cirrus, atabout 35,O00 feet

but both of these decks are clearing off, though, so

there's at least a 50_ chance of it being ckear.


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0% 02 25 49 C Roger. We're in position, ready to .go.

0% 02 25 53 CC Okay.

04 02 26 24 CC We're still on schedule, Gemini-5.

04 02,26 27 C Roger.

04 02 26 44 p I can see an airplane to the south of us down there

contrailing just bigger than heck.

04 02 26 49 CC Roger.

04 02 27 10 'CC One m_nute.

0% 02 27 12 C Roger.

04 02 27 55 C The weather's going to be good, all right?

04 02 27 58 CC Understand the weather's going to be good.

04 02 28 OO C 'Right, breaking up very nicely.

04 02 28 03 CC Okay, we've got about 4 seconds.

04 02 28 05 C Roger.

04 02 28 11 CC Ignition.

04 02 28 17 CC It's on its way.

0% 02 28 19 P We have it, Flight.

04 02 28 21 CC Very good.

04 20 28 51 CC He's tracking right on our course.

04 02 29 19 CC Second stage.

0% 02 2922 P Say again.

04 02 29 23 CC Second stage.

Oh 02 29 40 C You can't do this in Pulse Mode.


0% 02 29 [_3 CC You can't do it in Pulse - is that right?


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_L_ _ _- Page 46]. --


O_ 02 29 45 C ' T1hat's right.

o_ o2 29,6 cC _7-

0_ 0_ 31 16 CC Have you completed your tracking yet?

04 02 31 18 P No. We never did, Gordo never did get oa him. We

never cas up with him once we saw him.

Oh.02 31 23 Cc Okay.

Ob,02 31 25 CC You now have flown for 98 hoars and 31 m_nutes and 30

seconds. And let me be the first to congratulate you on

setting a new American record for m_nned spacecraft.

040231 38 c _n_ou.

04 02 31 _ P _.ankyou.

04 02 31 41 CC Listen, I've got some other things for you, too, here.

We'd lake to know how you're keeping track of your water.

Are you as_,m_-g that one gulp is 1 ounce?

O_ 02 31 52 C _at's right. We calibrate our gulps. Our gulps are

approximately 25 cc's or approximately i ounce:

04 _ 31 59 CC _, fine. And then you're assuming that the amount of

water that you put in with the food is what's called for

om the bag. Is that correct?

04 02 3_ o5 c ° _at', right.

04 02 3,?.'06 CC G_[_y,we need this pretty accurately because we're ust_mE

it to check on the fuel cell output.

o_ 02 32 13 c e_a_.

CO"Fig, iAL

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04 02 32 11_ CC Are these: _!_ any larger than the ones you're using

c_ the ground, Gordo?

04 02 32 21 P I think we've probably been underestimating slightly.

04 02 32 26 CC You tB_-w you're drinking a little more than you're

esttw_tin_, is that right?

O_ Q_ 32 29 P Sort of think so.

04 02 32 31 C I ¥tmd of tb_nk sO. I think the gulps ma_ be a little

larger thaa the amount on the ground.

04 02 32 3_ CC Okay, becaUse of the higher pressure?

04 e2 _ 36' c m_ht.

04 02 32 S6 P Affirm.

04 02 32 38 CC _, we suspected that might be it; we just wanted to

_e !hire.

04 02 32 _ CC When you 40 this S-7, we'd like to know in which direction

you did it, and whereabouts the particular clouds were

with respect to Florida so that we can get the airplanes

to take pictures of the same clouds.

04 02 33 02 P Okay we'hl do it going in the orbital plane -- I think

is the best -- and we'll pitch down 90.

O_ 02 33 12 CC Okay. Just after you've takem the pictures let us know

where it was and we' L1 dispatch the aircraft to that

part icu/Ar spot.

04 02 33 19 C Olmy.

O_ 02 33 21 CC I'd also lt_e to r_.tnd you that we want to purge both

fuel cella before you power down. And when you dopower


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down we'd l_ke to have you turn your Horizon Scanner-,

OFF also. We'd like to get it in a pretty low power


04 02 33 32 C O*_y.

O_ 02 33 _8 CC The weather for your next D-6 stil2llooks very good..

04 02 33 5_, c (_.

04 02 _ 04 CC I _t ad_ here that we've had some pretty good


exDlana_i_s om why your M's were driving in the

win_ yesterday, so I wouldn't worry about that any

longer. I can give you an explanation if you're


04 02 34 17 C O_y. We can get it from you later.

04 02 34 18 cc Okay.

04 02 3_ 31 P Now we're pa_sing right over the top of you, right now.

04 02 _ 34 CC .Just a $ee_d. I'll run _ut.

04 02 _ 38 CC You _ we ought to put a glass ceiling in here so we

can look u_ and aee you.

04 c_ _ %e ? Yes.

04 02 _ 49 CC H_w's the weather down here today?

04 02 34 52 C I saw some thunderstorms back there.

04 02 3_ 55 cc Roger.

04 02 _ 58 C A big one down there by Lake Charles.

04 02 37 19 P Okay, Hill The only thuaderstormm in Florida are right


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at the very tip and we're just about to pass over them

now. _aey're all the way down by Key West.

04 O_ 37 28 CC Okay, very good.

04 02 37 49 CC Gemini-5, Houston.

04 02 37 51 P Go _uh.e_.

04 02 37 52 CC I was talking to Jane this morning, Pete, and she said

to tell yom everything's going along fine. She's having

am_iee time on the ground and hopes you're having a nice

time in _he air.

04 02 38 O0 P Oh. Thank you very _ch.

04 02 38 47 CC C,mmiui-5, Houston. We have another 3 or 4 minutes.

We'll just stand by in case you've got anything.

04 02 38 52 P Okay. We got the thunderstorm pictures and we're just

taking some more photographs of Cuba.

o_ ce 38 59 cc oka.v.

04 02 _ 03 C Just scenic shots.

04 02 39 21 CC Gemini-5, N_uston. How, what's the thunderstorm situation

across the southern United States?

04 02 39 29 P Well, there was some. I didn't see them in the western

part because we were recovering from having turned around

BEF following the California tracking, but just as we

came over Galveston there I saw one just north of Houston,

and then o_e about Lake Charles and then it gets better.

And there were none at Florida until you got all the way

. down to Key West.


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O_ 02 39 5_ CC Roger.

$_. (22 39'_6 CC How are they out over the ocean there? _e there

any at all out there?

O_ 02 39 59 P Oh yes, there's quite a few out here today,

o_ 02 4o 02 cc Ok_.

O_ 02 40 33 CC C_lni-5, this is Houston Surgeon. Pete, can you tell

me 8omethi_ about %h_ S interference with sleep that you

were reporting last night? Is this just due to the fact

that _ ham activities that require him to move around

·in the spacecraft? Is it Just the movement of the other


O_ 02 40 52 P That HF check where you're transmitting every 5 minutes

for an hour and a half doesn't help the other guy when

he' s sleeping.

O_ 02 _ 58 CC Okay. You're hearing everything he says, even? Are you

wearing the headset?

02 41 O0 P Actually, there have been several things scheduled w_ere

both guys had to participate during one or the other's

sleep period.

04 02 41 lO CC Okayj so it's still scheduling as well as the --

O_ 02 41 13 C ... I can't purge'the fuel cells from _ side, so I

have to wake Pete up to purge the fuel cells because

I can't reach the switches from here and I can't

bring up the platform here without cr_wling ali over


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him with the mwi_zle stick and then lighting the light over

on hie side. Things like that Just cause a lot of


04 02 _i 32 CC O_ay_ lime, Gordo. _e'll try and do some talking d°wn

here with Jerry and see if we can't wiggle this flight

plan _d some.

O_ 02 _2 27 CC C,_imi-5, Houston.

04 02 _2 29 C Go ahead Nouston, Gemi i-5.

O_ 02 42'32 CC _aat do you thAuk about the HF check frca the ground to the

_macecraft? Do you think that'lt bother you? I don!t

imagine it would, would it?

04 02 _2 38 C No, that wouldn't bother.

Ob o2 42 40 cc ok-y.

04 O2 42 45 CC I'll try to go over some of these things with the Flight

Planner before I leave today, Gordo.

04 G2 42 h9 C O_v. I think they're just kind of loa_ug down sc_e

of those night periods with things that are really

preventing sleep pretty much.k

Oh 02 42 58 CC 0kay. I th_k I know what you mean by the swizzle stick

and getting the I_ power on and those kind of things.

04024304 c Rog.

04 02 43 06 P Yes. That old platform business last night kept us

both going for awhile.


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O_ O_ 43 lO CC What did you_have the platform up for last night?

04 02 43 13 P We never did get it up.- We deeide_lagainst it. But

talking to Houston about it last night with what they

wa_ted uA to do, we had poor communications end one

thing and _nother. That made up an hour or so.

O_ 02 At325 CC Oh, rog_ I know what you're talking about. Okay. We'll

get that wtraightened out, Pete. Yes, we're working on

that now, Pete.


Ob 02 43 35 P Okay.


O4 03 t_ 37 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.

oh 03 2_ 59 cc G--a-t-5,CarnarvonCAP COM.

Ob 03 25 04 C Roger, Carnarvon. G_mini-5 reading you loud and

clear; Over.

O_ 03 25 07 CC Roger. I have a Flight Plan update when you're ready toi


04 03 25 L3 C Roger. 'gaitone.

04 03 25 2l c Okay, ready to copy.

04 03 25 2_ CC Title HF; 18:00:00, sequence n,_,ber04. R_marks, begin

test at L9:25:00. This is HF Test starting right after

Hawati's LO_. Next item is S-7, Sierra 7, 19:_:O2.

· Sequence number 03. Pitch down 90. Next item is S-7,

21:09:50, sequence number 03. Pitch down 90. Storm

Dormen. Did you copy?


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O4 03 26 _ C Roger, we got those three.

04 03 26 _ CC Okay, that's all the Flight Plan update. The PLA medical

Pass on the Command Pilot over Hawaii, their A0S time

is 17:51.

040327oo c Okay.

04 03 2? O1 CC 0kaM, and next we've got a PLA ut_te when you're ready

to copy.

04 03 27 09 C Just a eecond.

04 03 27 25 P Ready to copy.

04 03 27 27 CC Roger. ;urea 65-4, 20:45:18, 12 plus 10, 18 plus 06.

Area 66-3, 22:02.46, 14 plus 21, 19 plus 31,

Area 67-3, 23:38:00, 13 plus 09, 18 plus 41,

Axes 68- 3. This is the 5th day. 01:12:_3+, 12 plus 16,

18 plus OO. Area 69 Delta, 02:05:50, 20 plus 14, 25 plus 03.

0" "4Area 70 Delta, 3 39 3, 19 plus 31, 24 plus 13. Weather

is good in al1 areas except 66-3 and 67-3. Weather is mar-

ginal. Do you copy?

04 03 29 49 P Got them all.

040329 50 cc Verygood.

o4o330o1 cc _v_ looksgood here, standing by.

04033004 P Ourstatusis Greenup here.

04 03 30 06 CC Boger.

04 03 31 20 CC We have your Quantity Read and ECS 02. We have a go d

readout on ground.


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04 03 31 26 C 0_, fine.


O_ 03 $I _ CC C_mfini-5, Hawaii CAP COM. We copy your oral temp.

You can start your blood pre_mre.

O_ 03 52 12 CC C_"_w_-5, this is Hawaii Surgeon, and your cuff is

fall scale.

O_ 03 52 47 CC We have good blood pressure. Give me a mark on your


Oh 03 52 51 C Roger.

o4 03 53 ]2 c ... now.

O_ 03 53 49 C Eadtn_ ex_eime, now.

04. 03 53 5l CC Roger.

O_ 03 53 06 CC C,_mtn_-5, F/awlaiiSurgeon. Cuff is Cull scale.

04 03 54 51 CC We _ve good blood pressure. Staneling by for your water

a_ sleep report.

04 03 55 15 CC Standing by for water.

O_ O3 55 16 C NO sleep R_r_.e last night when I report on that. Water

report; ! have got 21 pounds and 13 ounces of water, plus

I was Just eating -- in the process of eating now, which

I have achled to that.

O_ 03 55 34 CC You are in the process of eating now. What meal would'

that be?

O_ 03 55 _3 C Just a second here.


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_: 03 55'_ C It's lB.

O_ 03 55 50 CC R_er. Understand 21 pounds 13 ounces, no sleep since

last night az_ eating lB.

O_ 03 55 55 C P&_er.

04 03 55 _ CC ThAnk you. Hawaii Surgeon out.

O_ 03 56 O1 CC Gesimi-5, Hawaii CAP COM. 0_ this HF Test we're going

to stop it for about lO minutes over the States and we'11

rem the test at 18:t_:O0.

o4 03 56 13 c _r.


04 04 O_ O1 CC G_-_i-5, Duaymus CAP COM.

04 040_ O_ C Go ahem, Guaym_s, Gemini-5.

04 04 04 09 CC How are you _ing?

O_ 04 04 10 C Roger. Doing fine.

04 04 04 13 CC Okay. You are looking good here on the ground. I'd like

a readout of your (1AMSpropellant quantity, preesure and

temperature, please.

04 04 04 18 C Roger. _ pro_tlant quantity is 20 percent.

Temperature is 75 degrees, and pressure is one hundred and

-- 1BSO.

04 04.04 _5 CC Se_ again the press_tre.

04 o_ 04 47 c 135o.

O_ (_ 04 49 CC Roger. I copy that. Thank you. I will be standing by if

you need anything else.


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04 04 04 54 C Okay, fine. _ you.


04 04 07 LO CC G_-_ni-5, G-m_nl-5, Houston.

04 04 07 13 C Roger, Houston. C_mini-5. Go ahead.

04 04 17 06 CC Roger. i have some information here for you that I'd

like to read up to you. Re is the mep and star updates.

Heady to _.

O_ 04 07 25 C Wait one second here and we will be.

04 04 07 27 CC Okay. While Mou're getting ready, I've got some

questions. Can you tell me if the Comm_nd Pilot is

clo_ the F_!-9with the Left or the right eFt-piece?

04 O_ 07 37 C With the right eyepiece.

04 04 07 39 CC Okay. I'd also like to know if each pilot is getting

five readings when you do the _--9 experiment.

o_ o4 07 5o cc okay.

(_ O_ 07 53 C They've always been the same.

04 04 07 54 CC Okay. Have you been able to get successive S-6 pictures

on guccesaive passes over the same particular piece of


O_ 04 08 07 C There are two or three times when we have.

o_ 04 08 _o cc verygooU.

04 04 08 14 CC Can you give us a film and voice tape report on what

you taken and what you have left?

040_ 08 23 C We've got lots of voice tapes yet. We haven't used much

, rn,,.,ir!D NTiA[

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bUi'iF lu , ' I;-':'Page 472

of it. We're on ou_ fifth voice cartridge now of tape.

Oh 04 08 35 CC Y_u say you have l0 left?

04 04 08 37 C We have 18 left.

04 04 08 39 CC 18 left. 'Roger.

04 04 08 4' P You've taken 2-F.

04 04 08 J$5 C We've used two full 7Omm film magazines plus about one-

third of another one.

O_ Oh 08 56 P On the D-6 pictures on the 3401, we've probably taken

50 or 60 pictures now. I'd have to add it up. But

that's the only one that we'd be low on. The 8423

we've got plenty left. Probably 55 pictures left, and on

the 3401 I think we probably have _O pictures left.

04 04 09 22 CC Okay. And you've taken two full 7Omm film packs plus

one-third of another one.

04 04 09 30 P That's correct. We completed S-1. We're still on our

first 16_ camera package. We've got three of those


04 Oh 09 42 CC Okay. You've got three 16mm packs left.

Oh 04 09 49 C We've got a question for you.

oh OL o9 50 CC Okay.

04 04 09 5] C We're in the meddle of this HF Test now sund the write-up

of the HAW Test caiis tc be stabilized in Horizon Scan.

04 04 lO O1 CC , Roger.

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04 04 10 02 C Is it desirous to use our last horizon scanner for an

HF pass like this?

04 04 lO 08 CC No, you can go ahead and just hold your attitude using the

Pulse .Mode, Gordo, and just make sure that you stay near

the zero roll and zero pitch attitude.

04 04 ]0 20 C okay.

04 04 i0 28 CC Gemini-5, we'd a,so like to have you keep your power level

down so that we don't use up too much of the reactants.

04 04 10 38 C Roger We' re completely powered down now.

04 04 lO 42 CC Okay, very good.

04 04 lO 48 P We' re ready for the map update.

04 04 !O 50 CC Okay. Ready for the raap update, here it comes. Time

for both the map and star update is 06:17:36:22. The

maim update is 134.0 degrees East for Bev 63. The star

update is 0:16:41.

(_$ 04 11 26 P Roger on the star update.

04 04 !1 28 CC Okay. Dr. Ber_ would like to talk to you here for a

couple of minutes.

04 Oh !1 32 CC Gordo and Pete, you've had 100 hours ll minutes and

35 seconds now, and we'd just like to tell you that all

the data that we're seeing down here, it looks really

excellent. Adl the rates and the pressures are still

well within normal ranges, no abnormal changes at all.

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We think you're doing beautifully as far as water intake

ia concerned. We're delighted with this. The food seems

tp be going okay, too, and we do feel that you still need

to keep pushing on that sleep, and I guess you feel the same

way, and we're going to try and help with that. Are you

still comfortable as far as the spacecraft is concerned

or are yOU having any more times when you feel cool?

04 04 12 ! 3 C Every time we are powered down at night it gets pretty

cool in here, but we'! L overcome that some way.

04 04 _2 20 CC Very good. Listen, Pete, we have checked on this cuff

business and we feel that you just run out of gas. So'

what we'd like for you to do is to turn that switch off

and then, if you desire, at your option, depending on

how much bother you're having with the cuffs, you may

try and _pmove those cuffs, if you think you can do it.

It's up to you.

04 04 L2 51 P Okay. I'm going to try and take them off because when

the heat load is up you sweat around the legs and that

makes them itch right there, very badly, and as long as

it's hot r_mning, it's not doing me any good.

03 04 13 04 CC That's right, Pete, and I think you ought to--if you are

going to--you can cut--feel free to cut through the cuffs

if you want. Just be careful when you' re using the

scissors there.

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!j,di_._. _:/L.!'i i_".'-

Page 475

04 04 13 16 P Okay. Well, I've been out of the harness once already

and back in again, 8o I can get them off all right.

I'm not worried about that.

04 04 13 23 CC Okay, fine. Well, let's try that. I think you ought to

get them off. It will be a lot'more comfortable. It's

still going to give good data, Pete, because we feel that

with the--it's still going to give us some comparison with

the four da_s that we've had.

040_ 13 36 P Okay, sorry it has run out of air. We heard it running

two or three times back during test t4w_ and told them

about it. Nobody seemed to pay _,ch attention to it,

so I guess it's been leaking now.

04 04 L3 47 CC Oh boy. We need a new gas supply. You might breathe on

it awhile.

04 04 13 58 C Are you still there, Chuck?

04 04 14 OO CC Yes sir.

04 04 14 02 C One of the problems on this sleep cycle here that--some

of our sleep cycles have been falling during the normal

East Coast daytime cycle.

04 o4 14 14 cc Rog. Okay.

04 04 14 16 C _... sleepy then. We were a little bit--you know, you just

don't go to sleep very easily then. Whereas during _he

Cape night time cycle, we always seem to get sleepy.

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04 04 14 27 CC 0_Ay. Are you doing better with these nap times now,

Gordo, as the days go on? Ia it easier to go to sleep

during the nap periods or not?

04 04 14 36 C _, I don't think we've ever had trouble with the nap

period. We power down for those periods of 30 or 40

minutes several times during the day and get little naps,

but for the long sleep periods we really had trouble

getting any length--you know, lengthy sleep.

04 0% 14 50 CC Okay. We'll check these times out pretty carefully with

Jerry. Both Jim and I want to do that after the shift

today and we'll try and get something worked out on this

flight plan and on the sleep times with him.

O_ 04 15 04 C ' Yes, well _bAt was the big thing. On the longer sleep

period there are Just too _ny interferences where you

Just couldn't settle down and sleep.

04 04 15 13 CC I think we've got that squared away now, Gordo.

O_ 04 15 15 C Okay. Real fine.

04 04 15 19 P We still look good up here. No problems.

04 04 15 23 CC Very good. We're going to keep it that w_v for the rest

of the time now.

04 04 15 28 C We feel lots better since we got our suits off, but ...

O_ 04 15 34 CC Which suit?

04 04 15 44 CC You want to check my pulse rate?

O_ 04 15 51 CC Gordo, tell Pete about ...

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P_e 477

O_ O_ 15 53 c Yea.


0_ 05 27 16 cc G,mini-5,_m,,aiiCAP COM.

O_ 05 27 18 C Go ahead, Hawaii, C_mtni-5.

O_ 05 27 20 CC Roger. All aystemm look good. We'd like a list of

experiments that you have eolpleted today; We'd like

you to re[ay them to Ouaymas.

04 05 27 30 C Okay.

04 05 27 31 CC And if you don't get all of them to Guaymas_ you can

relay them to the CSQ on the next rev.

O_ 05 27 37 C Okay, fine.

04 02 27 5_ C Hawaii, C_m_ni-5 here.

04 05 27 57 CC Go ahead.

04 05 27 58 C Roger. We completed ail the experiments that were

assigned for today except one portion of 410 Charlie,

D-5/D-7, 410 Charlie.

04 05 28 ll CC Roger.

04 05 28 12 C ... were deleted by the time we got there for one reason

of another. Due to weather.

0_ 05 28 18 cc o_ay.

04 05 28 19 C ALL that were assigned, we eompleted_

Oh 05 28 21 CC Okay.

·-_ _ _! i!.'2

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( f_i_i_-!_''''_VI_ i'f_'L

Page 479

O4 05 39 59 CC On the kth day, all right.'

04 05 40 12 C We 4i4n't get it first tlm. but we got it today.

04 05 4o 15 cc Say ag_in.

(%$ 05 40 17 C We didn't get that one the first time, but we did get

it today.

O_ 05 40 20 CC Okay.


O4 06 42 28 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM.

O4 _6 42 33 C Roger, CSQ, Ge_ini-5. Read you loud and clear.

O_ 06 42 37 CC Roger .... GO on the ground and I have some information

on a tropical storm that they'd like you to look at.


O_ 06 42 44 C Okay. We're GO here. Just a minute, let me get mY ...


04 06 43 42 C Okay, we're here. Ready to copy.

04 06 43 45 CC Roger. Weather. Bureau estimates tropical atorm Doreen

200, that's 200, nautical milea left of course SEF.

Closest approach time 21:O9:19. They would like to know

the time and distance to the e_e of the storm wl_en you

estimate that you are at closest approach. Over.

04 06 44 _9 C Okay. The time ... estimated distance to the eye of the

storm. Is that affirmative?

O4 06 _ 26 CC Roger. They'd like the time and the estlm_ted distance.


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O4 06 4J430 C Okay fine.

04 06 44 50 C Okay, I've got that.

o4 o6 44 52 cc csQ.

o_ 06 _ 55 c ...

O4 06 45 18 C Was there anythlug else, CSQ?

0_. 06 45 21 CC CSQ has nothing further. We're standing by.

o4 06 45 24 C Okay, fine. Thank you.

Oh 06 h6 O1 CC Gemini-5, CSQ.

04 06 46 O_ C Go ahead, CSQ.

04 06 46 06 CC Roger. You can open your OA_S Heater circuit breaker


O4 06 46 10 C Okay. Open 0_ Heater circuit breaker.

04 06 46 13 CC Be advised that you are showing up visually, bright and

clear again today.

O4 06 46 18 C Roger. Very good.

O4 06 46 28 C Roger. OA_ Heater circuit breaker is open already.

O4 06 46 33 CC cSQ, Roger.

04 06 _700 C ... over you on that pass.

O_ 06 h7 04 CC Say again, please.

04 06 47 06 C Did we come directly over you on that paros?

04 06 4? 08 CC 60 degrees elevation angle.

04 06 47 L1 C Roger.


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04 07 O1 O1 CC C_i-5, Ha_raiiCAP COM.

O_ 07 O1 04 C Go ahead, W_w_i, Gemini-5.

O_ 07 O1 06 CC Roger. Ail aystems are GO.

O_ 07 O1 09 C Roger, It's good up here.

04 07 O_ 09 CC I've got a map and star update for you when you're ready

to copy.

o7o2 14 c Okay. Coahead.

04 07 02 16 CC T_ is 22:04:19.

04 07 02 21 C Okay.

04 07 02 23 CC Under remarks, 65.5 degrees East longitude. Revolution 66.

04 07 02 32 C Okay.

04 07 02 33 CC The stars are the same time under r_m_rks 00:04:23.

Oh 07 02 43 C Roger. I've got that.

04 07 02 47 C Thank you very much.

04 07 02 49 CC Roger,


04 07 23 11 CC C_ni-5, RKV CAP COM.

04 07 23 14 C REV, C_m_-i-5.

04 07 23 17 CC Roger. We'd like to get your estimate of the time of

closest approach and the distance to the eye of the storm


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. Page 482

O_ 07 23 25 C Roger. I estimate the eye of the storm was 250 nautical

miles to the left of our course. At the time of closest

approach it was 21:O9:30.

04 07 23 40 CC Roger. I copy.

04 07 23 42 C And pass on to 5TC that I got both S-7 photographs and

Weather Bureau l_hotographs of it. Over.

04 07 23 51 CC Roger. I understand.

04 07 24 04 CC C_m4ni-5, we'd like for you to cycle through your Quantity

Read Switch. You don't need to give us the spacecraft


04 07 24 ll c Okay.

O4 07 24 25 CC Hold it on this one for a moment.

04 07 24 27 C All right.

04 CC 24 49 CC Okay. Fuel Cell Hydrogen.

04 07 25 lO CC Gemini-5, you may turn the switch to the OFF position.

04 07 25 16 CC Tb--k you.

Oh O7 25 17 C · Roger.

04 07 25 21 CC All syst_m_ look real good here on the ground. We have

nothing else for you this pass. We'll be standing by.

Oh 07 25 27 C Okay, fine. How's your weather doing?

04 07 25 29 CC It looks real good down here. The seas are real calm and


04 07 25 33 c Good.

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1_e 483


04 08 18 04 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP CC_.

04 08 18 08 P _his is C_miai-5. Go ahead, CSQ.

OA_ 08 18 11 CC Roger. We have you 00 on the ground_ and we'd like to

r_,tnd' you that you have a Cabin Lighting Survey at

Hawaii at heads-up attitude.

04 08 18 21 P This is C,zmini-5, roger. We're GO up here.

04 08 !8 26 CC CSQ has nothing further. We're standing by.

04 08 18 29 P ...


04 08 36 10 CC Oem_ni-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

04 08 36 14 P Hel 1o, Hawaii CAP COM, Gemini-5. Go.

04 08 36 17 CC Roger. We_ve got you Green from the ground. How are

you doing?

04 08 36 21 P Gseen up here.

04 08 36 48 CC Would you cycle your Quantity Read Switch to Fuel

Cell 02 .

04 08 37 21 CC Fuel CeLl H2.

04 08 38 15 CC Be advised your orbit is 106.9 by 164.2 and your orbit

lifetime is 14-L/2 days from now.

O_ 08 38 27 P Get serious.

04 08 38 33 P Rog. Give me the--what was it, L64--

04 08 38 36 CC It was L06.9 by ]64.2.

04 o8 38 44 P Okay. Thank you.

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Page 484

O4 08 38 57 P Bow's the weather down there today?

04 08 39 OO CC Real nice. The sum is ahtning.

O_ 08 39 03 CC Real mice. The sun ia shining.

O4 08 39 06 P We haven't bee_ able to pick up the ialan_ yet. We're


04 08 39 14 CC How are you doing on that Cabin Lighting Survey?

04 08 39 16 P Okay. I'm workin_ on it right now.


o4 08 P ...

O4 08 57 OO CC Roger. We have nothing for you this pass. All systems

look good on the ground.

04 08 57 05 P Okay. Want us to go through the ... read for you, or

- do you need it?

04 08 57 11 CC Negative. I don't believe we need it this t!_-_.

Thank you.


o4 o9 53 49 cc Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM.

04 09 53 53 C This ia Gemini-5, go ahead csq.

O4 09 53 57 CC Roger. We have you go on the ground and we'd like to

remind you that you have a medical data pass at the RKV

Acquisition time 00:31:25. Do you copy?

04 09 54 11 C Roger.

04 09 54 19 CC CSQ has nothing further. Standing by.

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_o._.,)'-: iDL _'t't ;_'"-

Page 485

o4095703 ¢ ...

O_ 09 57 13 CC Gemini-5, CSQ, you were not readable, say again.

04 09 57 17 C Ro_er, I Just said we're getting a good look at Japan

right now. It's some of the bewt weather we've ever had.'

04 09 57 25 CC Roger. Copy.

04 09 57 27 C It's very Pretty down there.


04 10 10 45 . CC C_mln%-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

04 10 10 50 C Hello, Hawaii, _mlni-5, go ahead.

04 10 10 53 CC Roger. Would you give me a readout on ECS 02 tank

temperature please?

04 10 11 04 C Roger. ECS 02, I don't have a temperature.

O_ 10 11 15 CC Roger.

04 10 11 18 P Would you check and find out _aen our next fuel cell

purge is due please?

O_ lO il 27 CC O1:00:00, you won't be over a site.

04 i0 ]_l 33 P . Say again.

04 10 11 34 P 01:00:00, purge sections 1 and 2, you won't be over a site.

04 10 11 _2 P (lk.ay.

0_ tO 1156 .P You want FCO 2 and FC H27

04 10 12 02 CC Negative.

04 10 12 59 CC Woul_ you confirm your ECS 02 Heater circuit breaker is

off, or Switch is off.

04 10 13 07 P Roger. It's off.

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/f_!_ _ _f_i T_!_''_

Page _B6

o4 lo 13 o8 cc Okaw.

04 tO 13 09 C It's ve_tl_g, it looks like.

04 10 13 24 CC We're about a minute from L06.

04 10 13'27 P Roger. We're Green here.

o4 lo 13 29 cc _er.


03 10 31 _O CC C_,n_-i-5,this is REV. We have a valid temperature.

Sta_ng by for your blo_clpre_mre.

04 iO 32 13 CC Gemini-5, thiJ is REV Surgeom. Your cuff is Cull scale.

04 lO 32 35 CC C_l-5, RZV Surgeon. We have a _ pressure.

Give me a mark _ you start your exercise, please.

04 _o 32 _2 P Standby. Mm-k.f

04 lO 33 26 CC Gemini-5, REV Surgeon. Your emff is full scale.

04 10 34 10 CC Oemlni-5, REV Surgeon. We have a good blood pressure.

Sta_ bY for your water report.

O4 10 34 20 P Roger. This is the Pilot and I've had 22 _ of water,

got a full 2 hours nap an_ I jmmt polished off meal lC

at O_:22.+OO'OOplus _mae extra g_em we had left Lying


O_ 30 34 l_5 CC That was meal lC?

04 10 34 47 P That's affirmative.

04 10 34 49 CC Roger, thank you, and back to our CAP COM.

04 10 34 54 CC Gemini-5, this is RKV CAP COM, all systems are good on the


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P_e _7

04 10 34 58 P C-,_jnt-5, GO up here.

04 10 35 OO CC Roger.


04 11 27 39 CC _-5, csq CAPCOM.

O_ 11 27 4.2 P CSQ, C_i-5. We hear you loud and clear. Our status

ia Green.

O4 11 27 47 CC Roger. We have you GO on the grca_adalso. I have a w_p

u_te. Are you ready to copy?

04 11 27 56 P Rea_ to copy.

0% 11 27 58 CC Roger. Map O2:32:13. Longitude 3 d_grees West.

Rev 69. Star 02:32:13. 00-36-00.i

O_ 11 28 35 P Roger.

11 28 37 CC Also be advised that the RIG/Pass 68 will be UHF 6 pass.


04 11 28 _ P Roger.

O4 11 28 56 CC C-_m_ni-5, I'd like to get a fuel cell purge status when

yOU have time.

O_ 11 29 Ol P Roger. We wf_repurged at 01:00.

04 11 29 07 CC ColbY.

O_ 1.1 29 15 CC CSQ has no*.hi_g further. Standing by.

04 11 29 19 P This is C._ni-5'. Standing by.


04 12 07 02 CC Gemini-5, REV CAP COM. Coma. check, how do you read?

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04 12 07 05 C Roger. I read you loud and clear. We're very fine here.

O_ 12 07 08 CC Roger, _11 syst_ are GO an the ground. I have some

landing area update for you.

04 12 07 14 C Okay. Stand by one.

04 12 07 31 C Okay, ready to copy.

04 12 07 33 CC Roger. For this update al1 bank angels will remain the

same; that is roll left 51, roll right 59.

04 12 o7 41 c Okay.

O_ 12 07 k2 CC 71 Delta, 05:15:56, 17 plus 39, 22 plus 17. 72-2, 06:52:39,

15 plus 51, 20 plus 41. 73-2, 08:2_:!1, 14 plus 25,

19 plus 25. 74-1, 09:51:11, 15 plus 56, 20 plus 50.

75-1, 11:26:35, 14 plus 31, 19 plus 33. Do you copy?

04 12 09 [0 · Roger. Would you give me the Ca_TRC on 73-2 again please?

04 12 09 19 CC Roger. 73-2, 08:28:11.

04 12 09 26 P Roger. W_copy.

04 12 09 28 CC Roger. The weather is good in all areas.

04 12 09 30 C Roger. Very good.

04 12 09 33 CC Roger. We'd like to rem_nd the Co_m_mt Pilot that he has

a medical data pass over the CSQ on Rev 69. I have a

time for you.

04 12 09 _2 C Roger.

o4 12 o9 _ cc o3:o]:07.

04 12 09 50 C Roger. 03:O1:O7.

04 12 09 53 CC Roger.

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Page _9

04 12 10 08 P RKV, C_uI-5.

O_ 12 10 11 CC Go ahead.

O_ 12 10 12 - P We just had one of our more spectacular sights of our

flight. Coming into the sunset J_ before you acquired

us, eith_r our cryo-_drogen or _mr cryo-oxygen tank

·vented, and of course it all froze when it came out,

and it looked like we had seven milli_a s%ar_ passing

by the window. It was really quite a sight.

12 10 37 CC Roger. Did you recognize any of the stars?

O4 12 10 _l P ...

O_ 12 10 _3 CC Roger. I copy.

O_ 12 11 11 CC C_w_ui-5, REV. We havejust received your tape dump.

O4 12 i1 15 C Roger. Very good.

O_ 12 11 19 C Everything looks good here.

04 12 i1 21 CC Roger. We have about 1 minute before LOS. We'll be

standing by.

04 12 LI 26 C C,_i-5, standing by. Thank you.

O_ 12 Il.29 CC You're welcome. Over and out.


04 13 03 45 CC C_mlni-5, CSQ. We have a valid t=m_erature and have

you GO on the ground. Stan&fng by for blood pressure.

O_ 13 04 07 CC Oemlni-5, we have cuff at full scale.

04 13 O_ 4J_ CC Gemini-5, we have a valid blood pressure. Give me a

mark when you start to exercise.

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Page 4_:_

04 ]3 04 50 P Starting exercise. Mark.

O_ 13 05 22 P .... exercise,

0)413 05 29 CC C_,_-i-5, your cuff ia full scale.

O4 13 06 _ CC C_mini.5, this ia thel-we have a valid blood presaure.

Standing by for your _iek report.

O_ 13 06 12 P Ro_er. I have ...

OA;_3 06 18 CC ClIinl-_, Ho_aton Surgeon. We meant your water report.

O4 13 O6 23 P Roger. 2% _ 6 ounces.

o4 13 o6 26 cc _oger.I

O4 13 06 29 P And I h_ meal lC O_:_2:OO:OO.

o_ 13 o6 _2 cc Roger.

04 13 06 _8 m ...

O4 13 _ 50 CC _-5, CSQ. Negative and we have nothing further.

Standing by.

o_ 13 o6 5b, _ Okay,fine. _nank_ou.


O4 13 41 31 CC C_tnt-5, RKV. Coma. check. How do you read?

· 04 13 _1 36 P Gemini-5, reading you loud an_ clear.

O_ 13 41 38 CC Roger. All a2_t_ GO on the ground. I have a tracking

pass u_date fox you.

04 13 41 42 P Rog. Stand by one.

o4 13 _,l 54 P O_a_r. _.


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04 13 _l 56 CC CabinLighting04:30:00,nm-_al; 8-7,04:39:56,sequence

01. _-1, 05-40:00, nominal. Apollo Landmark O7:1t$:27.

Sequence 207. Pitch 30 down. Y_w 3 right. Do you copy?

0_ 13 _3 16 P Roger. Got that.

04 13 _3 _9 CC That's it. We'll be standing by.

04 13 _3 21 P Okay, fine. Thank you very much.


oq 14 )6 26 cc G_-_-5, CSQ.

o_ lq 36 3_ P CSQ, _-5.

04 14 36 37 CC Roger,ewe'd like for you to cycle your Cryogenic Quantity

Readout 8witch through the positions, please, for about

ten seconds in eech position, and we would also like to

get your onboard readout.

04 1_, 36 51_ P ... onboard readout ...

O_ 14 36 57 CC That's affirmative, CSQ.

04 14 37 07 P Roger. ECS 02 ia 81 percent, 850 psia.

04 14 37 16 CC Copy.

04 1_ 37 20 P Fuel Cell 02 83 percemt and 130 psia.

04 14 37 29 CC Copy.

04 14 37 37 P Fuel Cell }{_-drogen55 from--stayed under 55 percent,

780 psia.

04 l_ 37 51 CC CSQ here copies.

04 14 37 5_ CC Houston would also like to know if you have purged the

Fuel cells between the CSQ and the WKV on the last LOS.

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O_ 14 38 03 P ... ttm_, Fuel cells were purged at O1:00.

O4 14 38 14 CC Roger. I_n_--mtand that is one end of Flight Plan

betwee_ CSQ and REV they thought you might have picked

up without being notified to do.

O_ 14 38 23 P Negative.

04 14 38 24 cc Roger.

04 14 38 28 P We did, however, notice the shorter C_Q last time. The

Jets goimg into flight ... very large and out of planning.

We checked the pressures and it appeared to be the ECS

02 which was up to very high vent pressure,

04 1_ 38 46 CC Roger. Copy.

O_ ]4 39 05 CC Nouaton would also like to know if the running report

over the REV ia last rev looked like 068, if it looked

like a lot of star, when it looked like a lot of ,tar..

Was that at sunset or sunrise aftex the purge?

04 1_ 39 23 P That was Just at sunset and not any time at all durtr_

... purge and what it appeared to be that we had Just

had a very large amount of venti_ going on back there,

and we m$_ that i_ was the ECS 02. They looked like

a lot of swallows ...

04 1_ 39 50 CC Roger. That's the same _ne you re_e_ted previously, right?

04 ib_ _9 5_4 P Rog .... we haven't seen it since.

O_ 14 39 56 CC Roger,copy.

04 1_ 4_ 04 CO G_ini-5, C_Q has nothing further. Stan_dr_g by.

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o4 lh 4208 P Okay. Fine. Thank you.

04 15 16 23 CC Eoger, Ail _ryst_ look good here on the ground.

04 15 16 26 P Cka_. All find here. '12mnk you.f

04 15 16 28 CC _er. We'll be standing by.

_i5 16 3o P Aiiri_t.


04 i5 16 o4 cc ... coM.

o4 15 16 o5 c Go ahead, RKV, Gem/nj-5.

04 15 16 08 OC Roger. I have a r-milder for _ to do the S-8/D-13

O1 and 02 when the Pilot awakes on Rev 73.

O4 15 16 21 C Roger. Will do.


Ob,15 38 27 CC G_mlnt-5, this is .Canary CAP COM. We have nothing for

you. Every?.h_-_looks good on the ground; we're st_ma4ng


04 15 38 36 C Roger, Canary. Thank you very much. Everything looks

good up here.

04 19 38 41 CC Roger.

04 15 38 53 P G_nt-5 is puttin_ the Acq-Aid Beacon off one minute;

purge MBC-1 Experiment.

o4 i5 38 59 cc i_Da_r, C._=tni-5.


04 16 51 53 CC REV CAP CO_

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04 16 51 56 C REV, Csmaini-5. Go ahead.

04 16 51 59 CC l_er. We don't have anything I]pecialfor you this ]:

pass. Ail ayste_e look good here on the groumd..

04 16 9_ 05 C Okay. Gemini-5. Everything lc_kJ good here.

04 16 52 12 CC Have yc_zI_ _ indications of ve_ti21gst_lcethe last

time you reported it?

O_ 16 52 18 C Negative. We haven't had any visual signs of it. We

had had a few little indications in the yaw, been

yawed off ... some ve_ting perhaps earlier.

04 16 52 31 CC Roger. I understand.

14 16 52 40 C When we get our rates killed down without ever putting ..

I mean they keep building every now and then so I think

it's varying a little.

04 16 52 50 CC Roger. I understand.

04 16 55 32 CC C,=alni-5,BIO/CAP COM. We have about 2 minutes before

LO6. Ail systems are good. We'll be standing by.

04 16 55 _ CC Roger.

O4 16 55 39 C Okay, fine. Thank you.


04 17 13 12 CC C_4ni-5, this is Canary CAP COM. We are having a tape

at this time. Everything looks good on the ground.

We are standi_ by. We have nothing else for you.

04 17 13 22 C Ok_V, fine. We're Just ... Apollo LandmArk there over


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Page 495

04 17 13 30 CC Canary, Roger.

O4 17 14 09 C We have the island in sight. Approximately straight

overhead _n about 20 aeco_ls.

04 l? 14 2o cc Roger.

.O417 15 52 C We're straight overhead.

O_ 17 15 56 CC Canary, Roger'.


OA 17 50 O1 CC Ge_[-5, Carnarvon, we have nothim_ for you this pass.

stam_u_ by.

04 17 50 08 C G_atn_-5 ... Gree_ here.


04 18 34 44 CC G_a_ni-5, Houstdn CAP CC$_.

04 18 34 50 CC G._m_ni-5,Houston CAP COM.

04 18 35 O1 CC G_m_ni-5, Gemini-5, Houston CAP CON°

04 18 35 13 CC G-m_ni-9, _o%_ton CAP C(_4.

O_ 18 35 17 C Roger, Houaton CAP COM.

04 18 35 20 CC Hello there; we'd like to give you some instructions for

Radar Test 10, Gordo.

o_ 18 35 32 c sM again.

O_ 18 35 33 CC I'd like to give you some instructions for Radar Test 10.

Are you ready to copy?

O_ 18 '35 41 C Roger. Wait one second and we will be.

o4 18 35 49 c Go ahead.

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O_ 18 ]5 52 CO Configuration - same as 8 plus following: Coa_uter

R_DEZVO_, MDIU address 69, Rate _rros ON, Scanners

SECONDA_, Quester Mode 01, speed 60 greuad, speed

30 stars. Copy so far?k

04 L8 36 30 P No, you're faa4_E in and out - start over.

O_ 18 36 35 CC Okay. Configuration - same as 8 plus Cc_uter REHDEZV(TJS, '

MJ)IUsad_esm 69, {{ateG_ros ON, Scamlers SEC(HqlIARY_

Questar Mode O1, spqed 60 groundj _peed 30 8tars. You

copy that time?

Ob,18 37 20 CC Gemin/-5, did you copy that time?

O_ 18 37 21 P After Quest= Mode 01, speed 60, you faded.

O_ 18 37 27 CC Roger. Speed 60 ground, speed 30 stars.

04 18 37 33 P You faded again. Say again.

04 18 37 37 CC Quests= Mode Oi, speed 60 ground, speed 30 stars. Copy

that time, Pete?

O4 18 37 53 P Yes, spC_-_d60 ground, 30 stars.

04 18 37 56 CC Roger. Procedure, read out 69 until it updates, then

switch to CATCH UP for 5 seconds and back to RENDEZVOUS.

04 18 38 16 P Yes.

04 18 38 17 CC Repeat throughout pass. If 69 readouts are bad, Radar-

STANE_ for 1 second, then ON. Copy okay?

18 38 37 C _Let's see, if the readouts are bad, switch to STANDBY for

1 second and then back ON. Let me write it down.

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04 18 38 5_ CC Ready flor more? _ i

04 18 38 58 P Go ahead, just a mi-ute.

04 18 39 o_ P All ri_h_.

02 18 39 10 CC Take four photos of groundwhen radar is boreeighted.


04 18 39 23 P Take four photos of ground when radar ia boresighted.

04 18 39 26 CC Roger. Aline platform before next dark. During

alinememt C_mmputer-CATCI{UP and operate radar in both

and S_. Copy okay?

0_ 18 39 51 P Okay.

04 Z8 39 54 CC That's just to cheek it, to get scm data points; you

won't actually be locking on anything. O_, further

in,tructtc_S. Point at ... Australi_ - that's near your

zenith - and take one photo. This is Just after you

get into the dark, of course. Copy okay?

0% 18 40 21 C Peint at ... Australi_ amd take one photo?

04 18 _O 25 CC _llat'acorrect. This is just af%er you get in the dark.

O_ 18 _O 27 CC Point at Canopus and take one INaoto.

02 18 40 316 C Point at Canopus and take one photo.

O_ 18 40 38 CC Roger. And this test should finish up our requirements

on the Radar Test pro_,na, we l_pe.

02 18 40 _ C Okay, this is the next night side after the one we're in.

Is _h-t affirm?

02 18 40 52 CC Next night aide after what?

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Page 1(._)

O_ 18 40 55 C I said, _h_t's the next night aide when we do that?

04 18 _O 58 CC Right following the Rmmtar Test - th&t's correct.

You' 11 get an ul_te on whe_ to do the Radar Test.

04 18 41 07 C Okay, will we get an update on whe_l to bring on o%tr

platform and radar, etc.?

04 18 41 14 CC That's correct; that'll be in your Carnarvon update

later on t_.

O_ 18 41 21 C Ohs okay.

04 18 4; 22 CC Looks like we may lose LOS here pretty quick. I've got a

couple other cluick questions. On this rendezvous illumina-

tion test that was sent up to you, I think it was probably

pretty lengthy. I'd like to boil that down to a much,

much simpler test. And do you think you could do acmethim_

like that for us in a leisure time - we'll schedule it

ahead next day or so - a leisure time and do it without

the platform. This would be to get some vis_al sightingi

type data or feasibility of a star background for GT-6

type operation.

04 18 42 03 P Yes, we'll really have difficulty doing it without a

platform. We're venting fairly badly, at least venting

enough that it keeps setting up rates on us while, you

kngw, while we're just drifting.

04 18 42 21 CC Roger.

. _-_ , · , , ."._,i

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Page 499

04 18 42 21 CC Roger.

04 18 42 23 C I think we probably wouldn't be getting anything worth-

while in that type thing; we're going to need a platform

to tell where we're at with, you know, to be able to damp

the rates.

O_ 18 _2 33 CC I see; well, we'll see how that WOrks out. I'm going to

try to write out a very sia_ple procedure tonight and

we'll be getting back with you onthat one.

04 18 _2 41 C Okay, at least I think we'll need the rate gyro with

the needles on that, if not the platform.

O4 18 42 47 CC Okay, that's a good point. Another quick con-mat - we'll

probably lose you very quickly here - the water storage

capacity is still in question. We're still working on

that one.

04 19 42 59 C On the hydrogen and oxygen?

04 18 43 02 CC No, on the water storage capacity.


04 18 47 O1 CC G_mlni-_, this is Canary CkP COM.

O_ 18 47 05 C - Go ahead, Canary, Gemini-5.

O_ 18 47 08 CC Roger, _i-5, if the Pilot is awake, we would like to

do a purge.

04 18 _7 15 c All right.

04 18 47 16 CC Okay, we'd like to start out with the Quantity readings

first. We'll need about 15 seconds in each position.

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O4 18 _7 z3 c Okay,ECS O2.

O_ 18 47 25 CC Roger. We_!4 you give me a readout?

04 18 _7 ]1 CC We'd like a _acecraft rea4_ut mi these quantities.

O_ 18 _7 _ C Roger. We're reading 8_ quantity, and we're rea_ing

8_5 psi&.

O4 18 _7 _ cc Roger.

O_ 18 47 _6 C Fuel Cell 02, we're reading _; we're reading 1_O psis.

O_ 18 45 O0 CC Okay.

04 18 450_ C Fuel Cell Hydrogen, we're reading 52_; and we're reading

770 psia.

o4 18 45 18 cc P_er.

o4 18 45 29 iCC Okay, we're rea_ for your purge.

· 04 18 h9 02 P Stand by for hydrogen on cell I - on my mark . mark.

Complete, stand by for hydrogen on cell 2 - mark.

04 18 49 12 P Okay, complete with hydrogen on section 1.

04 18 49 20 P Starting the oxygen on section 1, startiug now.

Oh 18 49 39 CC O_-y, _hile you're purging on the oxygen, Flight has

advised that they are keeping an eye on the fuel cell

water production. They should have a good hack on that

within the next day or so. They thlnk it's progressing

approw_ately normal.

OA 18 51 25 P The secti_ 1 oxygen purge c_lete - starting sectien 2.

04 18 51 31 CC Roger, C,_mt_i-5. While you're making thin purge, Flight

advises that they are keeping an eye on fuel cell water

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production. Should have a good hack on it within the

next day. Everything appears to be normal on it.

04 18 53 3L P Section 2 oxygen purge complete, crossover valve OFF.

O4 18 53 36 CC Roger. Would you switch to Fuel Cell N2 please?

04 18 53 56 CC Roger. We're about to have LO6 here, C_n/-5. Thamk you.

You cam go back to the normal.

04 18 54 02 P Rog.



· 04 19 21 26 C C_m_ni-5, Carnarvon. We have a valid oral temp. Stand

by for Surgeon.

04 19 21 42 CC Gemini-5, this Carnarvon Surgeon. We're standing by

for your first'blood pressure.

04 19 21 51 CC Cuff fUll scale.

O_ 19 22 31 CC Gemt-i-5, we have a good blood pressure. Will you give us

a mark when you begin your exercise.

Ob,19 22 37 P Stand by. Mark.

04 19 23 24 CC C_uffiB fulI scale.

Ob.19 23 56 CC We have a good blood pressure, Gemini-5. Would you give

us your water and sleep report, please?

04 19 24 07 P Roger. The Pilot's water is 24 pounds. The last meal

was 3B 05:09:00:00, and I slept about 4-1/2 hours.

04 19 24 29 CC Roger. Copy that. Thank you, Gemini-5. Carnarvon

Surgeon out.

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Page 502

04 19 24 34 CC C_aini-5,carnarvonCAP COM. We have a Flight Plan

utD4ate. Will you prepare to copy?

o4 19 2_ 38 c ... to copy.

04 19 2_ 42 cc Are you ready to go?

04 19 Z4 43 C Ready to copy.

O_ 19 2_ _4 CC Roger. Apollo Landmark. All these are on the 5th day.

10:25:02, sequence Ne. 208, pitch dawn 30, yaw lef_

8 d_es. Next item S-5, Sierra 5, 10:27:00, sequence

No. 02. Next item D-_/D-7, 10:27:00, sequence No. _1_,

do r_arkl or do while doing S-5. Next item platform.

1OI50:00, Remarks, power up. Next item rsa,_. 11:30:00. ·

Remarks, rs_? on for warmup. Next item, platform.

!1:20:OO. R-marks, aline SEF. Next item_ map update.

11:27:52. l_-_rks, Rev 74. 140.1 degrees West. Right

ascension 0 hours 24 minutes. Do you cop_

O_ 19 27 02 C Got it ali.

04 19 27 03 Ct Okay. Next item, Radar Test. 11:43:41. Sequence No. 10.

B_wks, pitch down 30) yaw right 23. Next item Delta-6)

- D-6. 12:O5:16. Sequence No. 74. Mode No. 01. Resarks,

pitch down 30, yaw right 19. Speed 60. Next item D-4/D-7.

12:O9:16. Sequence No. 415. Next item, platform. 12:15_00.

RemarkJ,aline S_F. Do you copy?

04 19 28 %2 C Affirmative.

)', I' ' !',:/ L.

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-'IDENI!ALPage 5O3


04 19 28 43 CC Okay. Next item, p_ar Test. 12:3_:20. Sequence No. 10.

RPmaTka, star Cetus. Next item, power down. 12:50:00.

R_rk_, radar, platform, rate gyros, amd c_ter off.

Do you copy?

04' 19 29 35 P Affirmative.

04 19 29 36 CC Okay, we've got about 20 seconds to LOG. We'll get the

rest of this up to you our next pals.

04 19 29 42 P Roger.

04 19 29 43 CC Everything looks good down here. We're stand4_ by.

04 19 29 46 P Great up here.


04 20 08 52 P Anybody read G_mini-5?

04 20 08 58 CC Gemini-5, Houston.

04 20 09 00 P Oh, Houston,_C_mi_i-5 here.

04 20 09 02 CC Hi. YOU look good on the ground. Got any questions?f

We' re standing by.

04 20 09 06 P No, you got anything for us after 12:50:OO?

04 20 09 10 CC Rog, but we th°_ght we'd let you get into Carnarvc_/

and get a little rest here.

O_ 20 09 15 P You guys are okay.

04 20 09 18 CC Good morning.

04 2o o9 19 P _orT_tng.

04 20 09 21 CC All set for another bright day?

04 20 09 24 P Oh yes.


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Page 50_

O_ 20 09 25 CC Good. Lo_ka pretty good down here, Pete. We've been

going over this fUel - how _,ch peter you got left cut

of your fuel cells - and we think it's cce_ aJ_ pretty

well. E_n_ of tight but you got it there.

04 20 09 45 P _. We've bee_ keep!-_ track of it here and of course

it ha_ bee_ going down pretty fast but we expected this.

O_ 2o o9 53 cc That's r_t.

O_ 20 09 56 CC Pete, it looks like your tightest constraint is going to

be the storage space for the water you prodnce.I

o_ 20._,oo5 P 0k_.

04 20 10 07 CC How'e that for a surprise?

O_ 20 10 10 p Nothing surprises me after lift-off.

04 20 10 21 CC Got any co_ents about the weather _ north?

O_ 20 10 26 P We were talking about that. I don't knc_, we're going

to take a look at it today.

O_ 20 lO 36 CC Okay. Bee_ trying to get this water aye,em settled down

to see just what our possibilities might be.

0_ 20 11 23 P Houston, have you--have the other stations been getting

all our telemetry and everything all right? We've

really built up rates, 2-1/2 to 3 degrees per minute here

when this thing vents.

0_ 20 ll 36 CC Yes, as far as I lmow they've all been getting good T/M.

o_ 20 ll _0 P _a,v.

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Page 505

O_ 20 11 1+7 CC Gemini, Nouston here. We've had a little problem with

t_ledump 'tape and ye thirdtmaybe the tape's getting a

little dirty but it 'a nothing eignifi_t,

O_ 20 12 15 P _es, gordo and I figure we've beem t_plong enough n_

that, to set that ... on reeatry to get brushe_ up.

O_ 20 12 21 CC We'll see if we can't work one in for you.

04 20 L2 2_ C Okay. Is this the real thing? I thought we were in the

sizmxlatorall along.

04 20 12 39 CC Just pretend like you're in the simxlator.

04 20 L2 _ P Th_'s what we've been dotng.

04 20 12 53 CC C_aeu you know you've got about 3 hours to go here for a

big event.

O_ 20 13 O1 P Is that what it is? We didn't know exactly what the time

was. Could you give us the

04 20 13 08 CC Yes, t think it's Just about exactly S hours froa nov.

O_ 20 13 14 CC We'll get it for you.



O_ 20 13 30 CC Gemini, Houston. T_e Ca_Tis 13:O6:OO.

04 20 13-3b_ P Roger, we eopy. 13:06:00. Thank you.

04 20 13 38 CC Do a couple rolls _ a loop.

04 20 1S 41 P We haven't got the fuel ...

04 20 13 47 C Ail we've bee_ doing ... is rolling and rolling.

04 20 13 52 cc Very good.


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04 20 14 i2 P We sure passed a big milestone todd. We got into the

left-h_-nd food box for the first tame and d/dn't find

any Chrimtw_ presents in the food.

04 20 14 22 CC Have you gone all the way through it yet?

O_ 20 14 25 P Say again.

04 20 14 26 CC Nave you gone all the way throu_ it yet?

04 20 14 29 C No, not yet.

04 20 14 3L CC Iteverknow.

04 20 1_ ]4 CC Have you _een in the pouch under the right panelT

04 20 14 38 P Yes, we have as a matter of fact.

04 20 14 40 C 'What do you think we've beem wearing?

04 20 15 40 P Houston, do you still read us?

Q_ 20 15 43 cc Rog.

04 20 15 45 P Could you give us the GMT counting please.

04 20 15 47 CC Rog. In about 10 seconds it will be 10:16:00. 2, 1,

O4 20 16 oo CC Mark.

04 20 16 0l_ P That's pretty good. I'm 2 m_onds Blow.

04 20 16 O? CC Oh, very good.


O_ 20 16 08 P Two secomdm fast.I mean.

04 20 16 12 CC Roger, I understand.


O_ 20 22 43 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP CGM. We have nothing for you

this pasa. You're [oo4ing good here on the ground.

04 20 22 48 C Roger, Canary, we read you.

_? -

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Page 507

04 20 55 5_ CC Omipt-5, Carnarvon CAP CGM.

04 20 55 56 C Go ahead, Carnarvon, Oemiui,5.

04 20 56 00 CC Okay, we got the rest of your Flight Plan update when

you're ready to copy.

04 20 56 05 C Walt c_e.

O_ 20 56 15 P Fire away.

O_ 20 56 17 CC Roger, first item, Delta-6, D-6, 13:14:23.

04 20 56 26 P _11 right, Gemini-5, we're ready to copy.

04 20 56 29 CC Roger. First item is Delta-6, D-6, 13:1_:23, se.quence

_,--her 20.

04 20 56 43 P Jumt getting YOu.

O4 20 56 _ CC Sey a_ain.

04 20 56 _6 C I lay, you're fading, we're just beginning to get you.

04 20 56 50 CC Ro6er, 1'11 start again with that first item. It's

Delta-_ I)-6, 13:1_:23, sequence number 20, mode n,,w_er

15, remmrks pitch down 30, yaw left 6 degrees, speed 30.

Are you copying okay now?

O_ 20 57 24 P Just flue, yes.

04 20 57 26 CC Okay, ne__t item. Delta-6, D-6, 13:21:_O sequence number

53, m_e number 15, remarks pitch down 30, yaw left 6

degrees, speed 60. Next item, Delta-6, D-6, 13:33:35,

sequence number 66, mode number 15, remarks pitch down

30, yaw right 7 degrees, speed 60. Next item, D-4/p-7,

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page 5o8

1_:0_:08, sequences nuBbers 410 CIMarlie smd 407. Next

item, · D-_/D-7, 1_:3_:51, sequence _,w_er 425 All--a,

pitch down 30, yuw left 03. Next ltem_ D-4/D-7, 14:_6:46,

sequence n,_er _4 Baker, mode n_her 01, re_rks pitch

down 30, yaw left 4 degrees, speed 60.

04 21 O0 13 P b_at wai the speed on the D-4/D-7, 14:34:5A?

04 21 00 17 CC Say a_aln.

04 21 O0 18 P Never mind, go ahead.

04 21 00 21 CC You got it okay?j

04 21 O0 22' . P Yes.

04 21 00 24 CC 0kJiy,on with the remarks from this D-_/D-7 at _6:46.

The teat time is 12:47:--Btand by one.

04 21 00 _9 CC Okay, that test tlme is 14:_7:_1; duration is S seconds.

Do you copy?

04 21 O1 0_ P Roger.

04 21 O10_ CC Okay, the next item is Delta-6, D-6, 14:55:_0, sequence

number 13_,node number 01, remarks pitch down 30, yaw O,

sic.ed 60. Next lteu, Sierra-5, S-5, 15:19:_, sequence

number 02. N_t item S-8/D-13, 16:22:50, sequence

number 03, remarks pitch down 30, yaw right 33- Next

i_em, S-7, Sierra-7, 16:26: 50. Nesative, that time is

-- 16:26-54, sequence number 02, l"_m_kl pt!_h c_ _0, Key

West area. Next item is Delta-6, _6:33:07, sequence

number 055, mode number O1, pitch down 30, yaw right 1

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Page _09

degree, speed is 60, D-4/D-7, 16:3;2:_, sequence n,_er

_l_. Do you copy?

04 21 03 31 P Yes, in other words, that,s just before the I)-6you Just

O_ 21 03 35 CC Right, that last one the D-_/D-7--whoops, stand by--I,ve

got a correction after that. I'll c_nge tJ_atlast one.

04 21 03 1v9 CC Okay, that last t_e is the same time aa the D-6,


O_ 21 03 57 CC Did you copy?

Ok 21 '04 02 CC Did you copy?

04 21 04 03 P Affirmmtlve, you got any more?

Ok 21 O_ 05 CC No, we,re not going to have time for the PlA update.

We'll catch you later.

O_ 21 O4 10 P Okay.J

O_ 21 O_ 13 CC Everythtn= looks good here.

04 21 04 15 P It's GO here.


04 21 34 07 CC Gemini-5, Guaymas CAP COM, do you read? Turn your T/M

Control Switch to the REAL TIME & ACQ-AID position.

04 21 34 47 CC Gemini-5, Ouaymae CAP COM.

Ok ;,l3_ _9 C cm ahead, Cmayme,, C_l-5.

04 2.1. 3_ 51 CC Okay, how are you doing?

O_ 21 _ 53 C Roger, JuSt fine. We've got everything po_recl up.

04 21 _ 56 CC . Okay, you're looking good here on the ground. I've got

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Page _10

· _ to _ur _l_t P_a,_ _,l_mte a_ _'_ 'sot

_m PLq updates. So ,let me _ _en y_*re reedy

to _y.

04 21 35 05 C Okay,valt· seco:d.

04 21 ]5 33 C Okay, ready to copy.

o4 21 35 35 CC Okay, the _t PAanuimateis D-_/_-7,sequence_4

Bravo; it _8 at the fifth day, 1_:_6:_6, change the tim

on that to the fifth day, 1_:_:_.

oa 21 35 _ c okay.

O4 21 36 OX CC Okay, the D-4/D-7, jequence 415 oB the fifth day 12:O5:16

add the remrks colmma, recorder on for 3:00 _-utes.

O_ 21 36 2_ O Ail right.

OA 21 36 2 5 CC Oki, I SOt yOIzl' PI_'[. Are yotl ready to co_

O_al 36 28 c I'mready.I

04 21 36 30 CC Okay, the weather is good in ill areas, the bank angle

is roll left 51, and roll right 69 on all caees. Area

76-1, 13:01:53, 13 plus 15, 18 plus 27. 77-1, 14:37:31,

12 plus 09, 17 plus _0. 78-4, 17:24:26; 14 plus 27,

21 plus 15. 79-4, 18:59:_, 13 plus 11, 16 plus 00.

80-4, 20:3_*:29, 12 plus 12, 17 plus _3, over.

04 2A 37 58 c Okay.

04 2,1.37 59 cc You get thSa all_

o_ _A 38 OX C _t.-

04 21 38 02 CC Okay, that's it.

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Page 511

O_ 21 38 0_. CC We'll stand by if you need mm_shl_.

0_. 21 38 06 C O_y, _ you.


0_ 21 _5 5_ c H-_-, Houston,Qemini-5.

01_'_1. 45 5'7 CC Gemini-_,Houston, Bo.

04 21 _5 59 C No joy, radar locked uP, and the needles pointed and they

pointed rlgh% at the Cape, but we never did get range

reading, and I keep breekimg lock and putting it back

_ bretking lock and putting it beck _a, but we never

got any ramge readings.

O_ 21 _6 13 CC l_ge_, t_at's what we were afraid of. Okay, try and give

the other part of the test a whirl w_ you get over to


0_ 21 46 21 C Okay.

0_ 21 49 27 CC Ge-t-i,--tlouston.

O_ 21 49 30 C Right, Houston, Gemini-5.

O_ 21 49 32 CC I_. We _ot a correction to the correction in your D-4/D-7

at 12:0_:16. We added recorder ON for 3 mi-utes to remarks.

We womld like to delete that statememt now. Copy?

o_ 2_ _ _8 c 0kay.

04 21 49 51 CC Okay, and, be advised your Canaries medical data acquisition

time is _1:55:_.

o_ 21 5o 0_ c Okay.

04 21 50 15 CC And, Gemini-5, Houston, nov you can D_oce your T/M Switch


' .:_ _L _: .: .:

,:-': ":': ,:'i

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Page 512i

to CCm_D, please.

'0_ 21 50 30 CC _Uai, B_ton.

04 21 50 32 ¢ _er, we got you.

O_ 21 50 3_ CC O_, 'fine, and t_R_A you for the ECS 02 readings.

04 21 50 39 C _ou're _.


04 21 56 41 CC Gemini-5, this ia Canary CAP CON, we have · valid oral

tewp; would you inflate your blood pressure cuff.

04 21 56 51 C P_er.

0t_ 2A 57 11 CC _-5, x-_a_ng your cuff f_ll scale.

O4 21 57 _3 CC Ge_tul-5, ye have a good blood pressure. Olve me a mark

whe_ you begin exercise.

04 21 57 _ C S_ _ exercise, mark.

O_ 21 58 22 C End_ exercise.

04 21 55 32 CC OeBimi-5, Canary Burgeon, your cuff is _,11 scale.

O_ 2.1 59 12 CC C_=_n1-5, ye have good blood pressure again. Stand_

by for your _ater, food and sleep report.

04 21 59 20 C Roger. I've now had 25 pound_ 5 ounces of water, I had

meal _B at 05:09:00:00; I had apl_m_ximateXy3-1/2 houre of

sl_p last night.

O_ 21 59 43 CC P_ger, we read all that. Is that your total sleep for

the past _4 hours? Over.

O_ 21 59 50 c 1to, Just in the last night period.

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t_;_ ! ;i ,__,'Li _ I lr'_L


oA_21 _ 57 CC _r. Canary Surgeon al;aln,w_mrton la amk_Jngif you


c_ _ us a total for the last 2_ hours. Over. '

Ob 22 O00_ C About k-l/2 hours, I guess.

Ok 22 O0 06 C Bo_r, we copy.

O_ 22 _ _ CC OMay, _'5, we have nothing _ for you. You're

lc_klng 8ood here from the ground. We have about 2-1/2

m_uutes to go of pass time.

O_ 22 00 2_ C Okay, real fine.

O_ 22 31 39 cc Genlnl-% Carnarvon.

Ob 22 31 _ P I_ger, Carnarvon, Gemlnl-_.

04 22 31 45 CC _er. 'We'd like to have you p_oe your Quantity Read

Switch a_ ECS 02'

O_ 22 31 _0 P Roger. Cax-_wan, are you mdy to copy m Little problem?

o_ _ol cc C,oth,_.

O_ 22 32 O_ P Roger. Our yaw left No. 70A_ attitude thruster is out.

O_ 22 32 12 OC Roger. I've get · contln_ou_ incllcation here on the ground

of the _ yaw left thruster.

0_ 22 32 19 P O_y. Well, lt'm not working at all and we powered the

radar down and powered down the g2roa and powered down

everything but the platform. S_u_lin_ by to see what

Flight wen*_ to do.

0_ 22 32 3_ CC Roger. You didn't do any Radar Test over Africa, then?

o_ 22 32 _ P So.

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Page 5a4


O_ 22 32 _O CC Ro_.. Would you care to FC--quantity read FC 02?

04 22 32 _9 P Carnarvon, we've _ot one other tbS-_=. The SAMS temperature

has been running really cold up here, end we noticed this

that the s_,_en vas sort of slutish all over and

as we turned the hemter back on at th/s time about 5

minutes a_.

O4 22 33 O6 CC Roger.

O_ 22 33 23 CC Be advised F/_ght copies the problem and they're taking

a _ at it nov. They,ll let you know.

04 22 33 29 P ohay.

04 22 34 11 CC Flight advises that they'll keep an eye on this thruster

problem and watch it with the O_ halter on and cee what

happens. TheY'lA advise you later.

04 22 34 22 P Okny. Well, we don,t intend to do _ w_re of the

experiments ,,-lees they want us to because we're d_m to

about 12 percent fuel.

04 22 34 33 CC l_r. I understand.

04 22 34 49 CC I'd hold off on the experiments. They'll ge_ with you

a6ain on it.

04 22 F ohay.04 22 35 08 CC C_i-i, Cae-natron. Did the thruster stick on or off?

O_ 22 35 13 P It stuck off. It would not fire and we've isolated it to

the No. 7 thruster and it will not operate.

04 22 35 23 CC l_ger.

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04 22 35 29 P Did your indlcItion of the No. 7 _Aster go off now?.

04 22 3} 36 CC It's on now. It wai on the first l_rt of the piss, went

off and came back on by the time you started talking.

O_ 22 35 _ P Okay. You uy lt'I back on now?

0Il. 22 3_ _ CC It's au now.

04 22 35 46 P Okay. I've got the circuit breaker open now.

0_ 22 35 53 CC Okay.

04 22 36 O1 CC Turn _mur circuit breaker back on. Okay, I lost indieatAem.

04 22 36 13 P It may be that one of those solenoids froze up open.

O_ 22 36 17 CC Roger.

04 22 36 23 CC wave you tried to back up electronics?

Ok 22 36 25 P Yes. We'll bring you up to date. We tried Secondary ACME

Bias Powert and Secondary Attitude Drivers and Secondary

AC_E Logic.

O_ 22 36 36 CC Roger.

04 22 36 38 P With no success.

04 22 36 39 CC I ma_erstand.

04 22 36 51 CC Flight agrees, the valve must be stuck.

04 22 36 59 CC Okay. You can burn your Q_ntlty Reed Switch to OFF.

O_ 22 37 19 P I just opened the No. 8 circuit breaker and it checked

No. 7 ISIin. When you said it went out.

04 22 37 33 CC II your platform still on?

04 22 37 35 P That's Iffimtive.

04 22 37 38 CC Okay, okay. Request you power do_a your plltform.

_[ ii

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22 3'/ · P o,,-,.y.04 22 38 17 C Okay. I/e'ze all powered down. MDI is OFF, _l_tfoz_



04 22 :]8 22 cc ?_ger,


04 23 O_ 07 CC GelLtni-_,Guaymas CAP COM. If you read, turn your T/M

Control Switch to the REAL TIME & AC_UISITIOJ position.

Thank you.

O_ 23 08 1_ C Ready when you are, Guaymas.

04 23 08 17 CC A11 right.

0_ 23 08 18 CC Stand by for Houstoz.

O_ 23 08 20 C Okay.

O_ 23 08 29 CC Gemini-5, Houston.

0_ 23 08 32 C _owcly,Houston. Oa_-l-5 here.

04 23 08 35 CC Roger. Have you got No. 7 working yet?

04 23 08 39 C megative. We're powered down and Just attti_g here lit/rig

oa you to get on the line.

Ok 23 08 b6 CC Okay. Here's what we'd like to have you do. We'd like

to have you turn off circuit bretker No. 8, and turn on

circu/t breaker No. 7 end go _o direct a_ give it · good

squirt f/mt way to see if we can knock it loose with ai

surge of power there.

O_ 23 09 O1 C All right. We already tried it once, but we'll try a61in.

0_ 23 09 05 CC Okay. _ee, I imagine you've tried everything, but we want

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Page 5A7

to do a coulml_of little tests here to see what we get.

Oh 23 09 11 C Okay. That didn,t succeed.

Oh 23 09 14 CC Okay. Now ve,d like to try and find out what theproblem

is and we're going to do a little teat here to see if

maybe the problem is one of the solenoid valves is failed,

and what we want to do is to look at the common control

bus voltage. I ye g_t a procedure here. I,IA read out

step by step. I _ant to brief you first. We'll look at

the co_n control bus voltage and we'll pulse both the

lqo.7 and the No. 8 jets one at a tJ_aeand have you watch

the common control bus voltage. Now if we've lost one of

the solenoids on "7", the drop in common control bus

voltage will be half what it Will be when you lmAlseNo. 8.

Now if both of the solenoids are working on "7" and they're

both working on "8", reldy to go through this thi_ step

by step now?

Oh 23 10 03 C Roger. We have No. 7 open nov.

04 23 AO 06 CC Okay. I'J.lreed off the steps. First we want to go to

the common control bus on the voltmeter.

Oh 23 10 11 C Roger. We're on it.

04 23 10 12 CC Okay. Turn squib--Just a moment. We're _oing to actually

do the manipulation over Texas, Gordo, but we can make

a few steps here and we'll be readerto go when we get

there. We.wouAd like to have you turn Squib Batteries

1 end 2 OFF.

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_e 518

04 23 10 34 C O_y. Squib Bmtterlea 1 and 2 c_ OFF.

04 23 10 38 CC Okay. We'd like to have YOu turn OA_ No. ? circuit

bremker--we'd like to have that closed.

04 23 10 _6 C _ou'd like to have OAMS circuit breaker No. 7 closed, i

' 0 I_ 23 1D .50 CC T_mt'e right.

O" 23 10 51 ¢ 0_.

5_ 23 10 52 CC Amd we'd like to have No. 8 ciruuit bremker open.

o_ a3 lo 55 ¢ oim_t.

04 23 10 _7 CC A_d we'd like to have you In IkLrect Control Hode.

04 23 ll 00 C Okay.

04 23 11 OT CC Okmy, Oordo. We'll stand by till we get scul/d T/M over

Te=ms mad th en we'll have _ou start mmaipm/mtiug the


O_ 23 11 14 C Okay.

04 23 11 21 P Kouston, C_mini-5.

04 23 11 23 CC Go ahead, C_mlnl-5. _ouston here.

04 23 li 26 P I don,t see ally big _blem if it e_rl out. We could

just go to pitch on the I{o11 t_le and that ought to

take care of everything es far as gettin 6 plmtfom aline

and so forth.

04 23 11 39 CC Roger. That's right. We just wanted to see if whet we

CO_C%, if this iB · heater problem or if we re_ll_ lost

Imf% of the electronics or whether _e ha4 · valve stuck.

04 23 3.1 47 P Okay.


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Page 519


01+23 11 53 CC We'll nla. on akipping that D-6 over Texas this time,


O_ 23 12 O0 C All right.

Oh 23 12 (M2 P Hey, could you give ua · readout om our OA_ fuel; is

our _ge correct? ·

01+23 12 12 CC Yea, Gemini-5, your eage ia correct.

0_. 23 12 58 CC Okay, Gemtn_-5, we'd like to have you observe the eom__

control bus voltage v?ry carefully and go ahead and move

the attitude han41e to yaw left.

01+23 13 10 C Okay. C_ing left now.

04 23 13 13 CC Okay, you Just have to make--theme can be short pulses

here. About a second or so.

01+23 13 20 CC Okay.

0_. 23 13 23 CO- Is that a O. 1+dropt

01+23 13 36 c About 1 volt drop.

191+23 13 28 CC One wear, o_Wy. Very aood. Now we,d like to have you

turn'off the No. 7 circuit breake_ and close the Bo. 8

circuit breaker.

04 33 13 43 P Okay.

01+ 23 13 44 CC '!ow, we'd like to have you yaw left a_in and obHrve the


0_ 23 13 57 P It wa-, only about half of what No. 7 _e. SuF_ose we

get a abort in there?

O_ 23 1_ 02 CC t don,t know. We,ll think about that for a_lle. Okay,

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Page 522

O& 23 17 51 P O_a¥. iA was 9.1, lB 8.6, lC 10.0, ZA was 6.9, 2B 7.0,

2C 8.2, ___ A 295, temperature 65, RCS B 290, temperature

68. Left secu_4ary 02 5300, right secon4mry 02 5300.

Those realigns were taken back whe_ we were -_ered up.

04 23 18 15 CC Roger, and will you say what that lB was asaln please?

O_ 23 18 19 P Roger. lB 8.6.

O_ 23 1821 CC Roger.

04 23 18 34 - CC And I d like to add my congrat,,lm%ions also.

04 23 18 27 P Thank you.

04 23 18 39 CC Nave you gone to PITCH on your Roll Jetta?

04 23 18 _3 P No, we haven,t.

04 23 18 45 CC You might ma well go ahead and do that, and I'm not sure _ing to h_ve any great solution on how to get this

thing to work a_aln.

0423]-8.5oP o y.

O_ 23 18 55 C I'd like to add one thlr_ in there Just for your _for_tion.

When we first powered Ul_this morning, after havi_ been

drifting for quite awhile, miX the +h_ASters were exccedingly

sluggish and we uw great globs of liquid coming out of

them and drifting by us when we were firt,_ them in Pulse


O_ 23 19 19 CC Roger. l_er. That's interesting, isn't it?

O_ 23 19 _ C And ... went to Direct to see if we could clear them out

and it didn,t seem to, and we were getting big globules

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of liquid _lng by ul but they cleared out.

04 23 19 36 CC Okay. We _re _nder_-_ about · drop in fuel here end

that misht hm_e bee_ _a_re we lost all of it.

O_ 23 19 43 C Could be, V'_11_ _ that last tracking experiment we

were having _t difficulty to get all of the Radar Test

there. We were hmv_ quite a bit of troub_ l_ldlng our

attitude m-4 c_y we're braving to 8o to Direct to get

platform aJAae, au_ rhea ye were f_-_ around try_

to find _aicb thruster it vas giving us the problem.

0. e3 o2'05 'cc P_.

04 23 20 06 P Yea, well another _s; as we do get the_e tumbling rates

pretty hi_a out of the venting hq_lxo_en so when we first

rtarted al_-t-S the platform, ye aFlmrentl_ had inter.

_ttte_t ol_rBtion on No. 7 and we'd Ottribtrte the fact

that ve'd etart drifting off too to the fact that the

hyd_gexl tank uae venting. And then we finally got _mrt

after a_hike and decided to /ook at something else.

04 23 2O 32 cC _o_r.

O_ 23 20 _ C yes, this w_ting has bee,. giving us 2 to 3 degrees rate

here for the lear half day or so.

04 23 20 _/_ CC Okay, have you noticed has it built up in just the hilt


O_ 23 20 _8 P Yes, It ae_ to have built up Just the _st half day

Or so.


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o_232o_ cc Okay.

04 23 _ 56 c ... We drifted the f_rs% night if _ou remember, and the

th/rigst4yed pretty Iow, --d last n_ht'a real_ the

first night we drifted again. We had, of e_me, stayed in

Horl_a S_a _t of the other UaAted States night cycle,,

fo _ _h t wa. the firJ_ _ we really drifted any

length of time, and it really did build u_ much hlsher.

than it did the first night.

04 23 21 20 CC Okay. Well the v_rt_g ehouXd start going down.

OA 23 21 _ CC Gemini-5, we'd like to have you power down your computer

at this t{--. We have a good loaA in it.

O_ 23 21 ,.59 P Boger. Computer coming down. t

O_ 23 22 O1 CC Roger.

04 23 22 13 CC C_-i-5_ friendly beckupe send =ou6ra_,_-tions and

Godspeed for the rest of your ml_c_.

04 23 22 21 P Thank you.

O_ 23 23 47 CC C_nmini-_,Houston.

o_ 23 23 51 P Coabra.

Ol_ 23 23 52 CC We'd like ;_o have you turn your Cryogenic Gaging system


04 23 23 _9 P Okay, coming to OFF.

04 23 2_ Ol CC Another _u_. We've watched your source pressure on

your (]A_ power from Carnarvon here to across the States.

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It's hoX6A_g nice and.etead_rso we're not usLn& aay fuel

there. Loek_ like moa% of the fuel that you used up was

ia t2mt o_e pau and it couA_a't very well _ave bee_ frma

the st_eJ_ thrusters.

04 23 2_ 18 C Okay.

0_ 23 2_ 25 CC We,re _olng to take · little look at the Flight Plan apia,

Gor_o, and _atch up the i_Ael_ With the ex__l


04 23 2_ 33 C Okay.

04 23 2_ '_0 Cc Can you &ire us one more propellla% _antlty read,u: from

your onbeard _aging system?

0_ 23 ak _6 C Roger. We are reeat-g about 12_ · rea_Ltngof the pro-

l_-limatq_tity Sl4_e.

0_ 23 2_ _? 0C O_ay. Very good.


0_ 23 31 17 CC Oe_ini-5, t_ie is Cazary CAP C01t.

s33A20 P Go camry,oea:ax-5.

0_ 23 31 22 CC ]_IaT. We'd Ill lJJte1;o_ o_ureo__tioas to you.

We have nol_ _ for you. _dJuag by. Every-

taxa& lo_k_=_ tree the _uad.

ob, 23 31 30 C O'_y. Everything's Aood here. ' _ you very much.

f- ,'-,. ? '-; r_, r i_.itl /_ !

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~ . ·

Page _6

o_ 23 ,5603 Cc, oeaS_.,,% £s Roustom. Over.

Ok 23 56 16 -CC OmUn,t-.% nous*.o_ Do _ r_4T

O_ 23 56 26 CC O4m:Lni-5,, [ouston. Ove_-.

O_ 23 _,6 30 C Go ahm4., _mumtm, here..

O_ 23 56 33 CC Roger, Gordo. We'_ like to have you merub · l_rt_n of

D-_/D-7. We'd like to have you ecrv_ t_e _ Ca2LrlAe.

Scrub _.0 Cbmrlie, okay?

Ok 23 _ 08 CC flour, on here, .traM_t_ in the blind. I_ would Like

to have _u scrub _10 Cha_lie.

O_ 23 57 16 C Roger Houston. We _t that and will scrub it.

O_ 23 57 20 CC Ik_er.

O5 00 10 06 CC C_tini, Carnarvon. Could you tell us why you had the

pla$.forn u_!

05 00 iD 10 C No, er ... when we _t t_ere, it had only seruBbe_ one

t_ and, we _ the l_latformfor _ of those others.


05 0o 1o 17 cC Roger, I understand.

O5 00 10 19 C Bo we have n_e _d. The lml_tformh6ck down.I

os00.1o 21 cc _er.

o5 O0 lo _ CC woul_ you vet&fy that the _ Jets _iteh is in the

05 00 10 35 P AfftrmntJtve.

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05 00 ID _ CC G--_4, Car_rvon. Do you have a_V other qua.ti_u at thin/

05 OO 1D 53 C leSa4_ve. I don't think mo.

o5 go 56 cc

05 O0 lA 03 C _ou mA_t lm4s on to FAight also on a nmnAA failure we bad.

Our c_erd votce _ml_ falled _ yuterday.

05001.1.11 cc k_z.

o500 _.1.13 ¢ ii_ _rve _,- _ reooz_.

05 O0 /2 55 CC GeuALt-5,lookm Like your OAMS Se_ree Presmare ia hold/rig


05 OO X3 O1 P Ohay, fane. Thank you.


O_ OO 31 29 CC Gem/hi-C,this /_ Ka_l/. We ha_ a valid temI_rature.e

by for bloo<l preseure,

05 OO 31 46 .CC Oen_i-_, +_a is _m_l_ CAPC0_

05 O0 3_ _. ? ]_otl_r. blood _reuure nov.

05 O0 31 _7 CC C_ainl-_, this As Hawaii Surgeon. Your cuff _ full scale.

05 O0 32 30 CC ]be we have · _ _Cmclblood pre_lu_e. Olve me · mar_

,_aen you begin _,="exere:tse.

05 00 _ 03 CC Rmw l_rtteularly,we,re interestedin a eumary for the

18It 211.boca,r8if we can hive .one.

05 00 3_ iD P F_r. _tt one.

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o5oo 3_]-3 cc Rog.

05 O0 34 20 P Okay. Wateria 26 pounds. I alread_pre the lastheal

:_ate, vi_leh was _ et 05:09:00:00. w-d about 6 hours

sleep over the last 24.

05 00 34 _1' CC _er, 6 hours_. On themealsyou have eaten we

have estinated from your past retort that lt'e 1D, lC

amd 38. Is this correct for the parc 24 hours?

o5 00 3_ 55 P _at sounds about right.

05 00 3_ 56 CC All right.

05 Oo 34 58 C ...put CAP CON hackon ...

05 O0 35 04 CC Okay, that should do it. Ka_li BurAeon out.

05 oo 35 o7 c okay.

05 00 35 10 CC Ge_l-5, Hawaii CAP COM. We hold _ Green on the ground.

05 OO 35 14 C Roger. We're Green here except for our _matrol System.

And we do not have · yaw left thruster. _Over.

05 O0 35 23 CC I underatan_. No left thruster.

05 O0 35 26 C That's right. We've tried it at _ and in DIRECT, and

we can see it fire a very feint fire from it in DIRECT up

here; we were getting no thrust down o_ it.

05 oo 35 39 cc v_ey--

05 00 35 1_0 C No. 8 thruster. Right. That's No. 8 t2u-uster. No. 7,

we have the circuit breaker Oleanon it.

05 oo 35 47 Cc Ro_r, I underetan _

05 O0 35 _O C And we are in--Roll Jets are in the PITCH position.

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_ge _9

05 oo 35 _ cc _r.

o500 36 18 cC OemLni, hive bo_ lo. 7 and Ilo. 8 failed nov7

05 O0 36 23 C _t iS eca_et.

,o_ oo 36 26 cc m_sr.

05 oo 36 _ cc _-_, h_ii _lng by.

05 00 36 _ C Okay. ¥er_ fine. _hank you.

05 oo _ "7 cc 'a_a_-5, ou_s cAP coM.

05 oo _3 06 cc Gemai-5, ovmyms CAP CON. Over.

0_ 00 _3 09 P 0o ahemd, Oumymms. Gemini-5.

0_ 00 _3 1_ CC O_my. Brave you tried the other attitude thrusters?

05 O0 _3 20 P Yes, we have pitch ulp__own,and rok_ rtsht and left.

05 O0 _3 2_ CC Are they _orklng nermLl_

05 O0 _3 26 P ao_er.

05 O0 _3 28 CC All rt_t.

05 00 %1,05 CC Did you _ complete aecondmry electronics on the %hruster

05 gO _ _ C _o, we havem't.

05 O0 1_ 17 CC Okay. Fii_at _y_ .1._ve it alone at this time. ·

05 O0 _ 2.1. c omar.

05 O0 1_724 CC O_a¥, you're lo,_t,_ good here on the ground, O_lnl.

O_ O0 _7 27 P O]my, very fine.

05 O0 1_ 1,2 CC _i-i-5, Houston.

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Page 530

O_O0 _, ._ CC we04_ to _,_ _ purge _.J.o_ I and 2. Start at m_y

tlme _u ItkO,now.

05 O0 _ 2J. C O_y. _ we,.L], s_rt *..he,,,ia ,Jut a --q,,u_.

05 O0 _8 27 CC X mu _ozuAto give _u aoee moreYJJ_ht Plan .tuff. We

ve_e golnt[ to scrub S-7 b_ume of the _T.h_r, but I

guava we _u't have to worry abou_ that, do we?J

05 O0 _ 3_ C W-il, t_re'Ll be _ way aroumd +...hi,.

09 O0 _ ]6 CC Yel. Say, do you vent to check your Tone Vox circuit

breaker? That powers th_ tape recorder. I wonder if it

had ]Popped. off on you.

O_ O0 _ _' C I'll check that later.

05 O0 _9 16 C C,_l over I_ and Fort Worth. Everything else seems

to be agreeable.

0_ oo _ _8 cc _o_r.

O_ OO 49 29 C What do ali the pulse people dovn there think? Do we

_m a 1Attle ... on that off stuff? ,_

05 OO _ _ CC I _k_u'tlmoe. They're still vorkl_ on l_, Gordo.

o5 0o _ 37 c OkaF. I ri_aredtaeFprobablywere.

O_ O0 _ _ CC Oor_), we _aink that the mixture ratio was off for some

rea_ma. We d_a't knew exactly _ Fet.

0_ OO _ _ P Yea, we could _ this +h_uste_ imm actu_ burning but

we ,re not Aetting _ th_ t out of it. We could see it--

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Page 531

aa a mat_cer of fast, it l_tS out · brighter flame than

the normal _ter firing.

05 00 50 06 CC Yes, that,a a pretty indication we,ye 8mt a be_ aixture

ratio em it, Did _o_ see aaythLug like that on the other

sine, or dad it just fail?

05 O0 50 15 P No, it wal just not ... It didn't do anything at all on

the other one.

05 O0 50 20 CC O_2. Yea, _e're vorkl_ on it dOun here an4, t guess',

why d_m't we just hold _he experiments Zm &be_ance until

_e got scmethZ_ figured out here.

05 O0 50 30 C Otzy. The only thing that I could think of, Jim, is last

' ni/_ht I _t to w_ere we ware just drif t_ in this hydro me_n

venting amd it _e giving us--let sm _r ri_ht--left


roll and rightyav--

O5 O0 50 49 P Left yaw sad right roll.

05 O0 50 50 C --left yaw and right roll.

o500 50 _1 P AaA ye Slant · lo_ of t_ae percheA _ t_t and then

tendency to kee_ that side out _ the front any tine and

it was fairly good. That would be the yay we were dr/ftLug.

05 00 51 05 CC Okay. You're _rttln_ le ft _w and right ro ll and you say

that side of the spacecraft was in the darkness quite · bit.

05 O0 51 10 C Yes.

05 O0 _1 16 CC Okay. That somads like a nifty e_neuver.

05 OS _ 20 P That's with this hydm'ogen ]mr_ and it Just may be from the

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hydrogen vent_n_.

O_ oo 51 23 C The hyd=-_en v_nting ...

05 00 51 29 CC I knew _u _ weren't very coordinmted but left _w and

float r_ I don;t k_ow.

05 O0 _l 35 P Got to pur_ fueloe._.s, Jhn.

o5 oo _x 39 cc _se_.

05 O0 31 _0 P Okay. We,re startH the h_ purge on _. i risht zK_w.

o5oo _ _2 CC okay.

05 oo 51 _ P no. 2 h_ _U_.

05OO _0_ CC _er.

05 oo 52 37 P no. 1 c_v_en 8oing,

05 oo _2 ._3 CC Gethmi-5, this il NCC Surgeon. How did the sleep go last


05 O0 _ _0 C Oh, we got about 3 hours each, 3-1/2 hours each, I 8ueu.

· 05 00 _2 56 CC Ye, I ham_'dthe times, but ',mmit easier? Was the Fll_at

· _ working out better last ni_h_

O_ oo 53 O_ C Little bit better.

'0_ O0 _3 07 CC Hey, did Pete get t.__te_cuffs off?.

05 O0 53 10 C Yes_ we _mt them off.

05 oo 53 13 CC Okay. _'s _e e_An now with the cuffs off?

05 oo 53 19 C Whole lots better.

O_ OO 53 22 CC _ou haven't any _re trouble aroun_ _ eensor_, C_mrdo?

O500 53 26 C Yet.

05 OO 53 28 P Hey, I see a c_rrler amd a &e_ ate_ right

_ralght ln_o Jack_maville_

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Page 533

o5 oo 53 33 cc Ve._ _.

05 00 53 b4) p Hey, the weIther uIS really elhIr acroai the U.S.:

05 O0 53 _5 CC You know _hat-_ms our troubl_ vita the 8-7. We dAdn,t

hive any eu_ay hide for you to take lmlCturee of.

o5 0o 5_ _ cc Roger.

05 00 55 39 P I think ! He there:l a recovery carrier or another large

ship raking a big _ce downthere.

05 O0 55 _6 CC You're a _ homine pigeon for these e_rcweet cerriers,

are3_ ' t you't,

05 O0 55 1_3 p Yee.

-05 OO 55 _ P If the lima was just right today and l_he a_icecrIft holds

jult right.

05oo 55 _ cc okay.

0._O0 56 06 CC How was the weather out around I4redo? Do you think there

18 any chance of neeing that S-S/D-13 target?

05 O0 _6 1_ C We are having _ fluffy cloudn out there.

05 O0 56 19 CC Okay. You tb_-_ _u can control the spacecraft, Gordo,

·o that y_ could d_ the S-8/D-I_

05 O0 56 28 C _o, we _a_ted to do it.

05 oo _6 3! cc fief e_a_n.

05 oo _; 32 c Wewrit to do s._/_x3.

05 O0 56 _ CC You _ to do 1_. Roar. _e'dlike to hive y_u do it


.,., ,i-_[ f'- _ _

uo, O NT aL

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_ge 534

05 OO 56 _7 C E_llo, l_u say can we control the IpBcecraFt to do itt

05 00 56.50 CC Yes, cam you ccartroXit?

05 dO 56 56 ¢ I don't kaov, we might be able to.

05 00 56 _ CC Ohay. Well don't _x_md a lot of _ d_hag it; _e're

tryi_ to save sc_e fuel here too.

O5OO 57 O_ C Okay.


O5 O1 39 l_ CC Oealni-% Ca_.

05 at ho O_. CC C,ealnl-% Carm, rvon. '

05 OX _0 09 P Go sheed, Caraarvon, this is C,ealnt-5.

05 Ol l_) 11 CC Roger. I have a Plight Plan update for you. Are you

ready to copy?

05 O1 ho 16 P We want ...

05 O1 40 18 CC Also be advised that Flight requests that you use no fuel

until advised. Do all experim_utB until advised.

05 01 hO 29 P Ready to copy FliSt Plan.

05 Oi 40 31 CC Roger. Item Nap 15:55:_, longitude 151._ East, Rev 77.

_ext item Star 15:55:_9, remmrkl 0 hours 19 mjzautea.

DO you copy?

05 Oi 41 08 P Roger.

05 O1 _1 10 CC Did you copy this one about the fuel?

05 O1 41 13 P Roger.

05 01 41 l_ CC Okay, amd they rant you in the powered-_ configuration

and this ts the list of items they wish you to have powered

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· u_. Votee Control Center_ one aunt flea; two colJmnt ·

]pWal_ , Acq-AId Bem_mla,' _ Recelwrar; IX_ Receiver, T_M

: Tape _eotder, Bio-Mad Recorder _a. 2, the DC-DCCoa-

verter,the _ Seateraha the RCS Seater,the WaterLine

Keeter as neceuary, the cabin li_t_. DO You

05 01 _ 24 P I _ot 911 of Xt but e_e. Voice e_Btrel, one suit fan,

tam eoo! la_ps, one AcqUit. What wis the next thing?

05 OX _ 31 CC I_ one was the _ Receiver, fol_ by ECS Receiver.

05 OX _ 38 P ...DC$,TCM _ape,Bio-MealRecord-?!o. 2, _C-t_Cenverter,

and_ ...

0:_ ox _ 47 cc I!apr. tr_n& to york up acm test on this

e$_itude $Ja_e_ l_Xaa and they he_tt _o% a_g

el _.

05 ox _3oo P okay. -

05 'OX _3 03 CC They-have eiveral thou&hfs; +-h_uster 7 and 8 are right on

the end of the manifold; it's Ix_aeibllityof

tavard the end of the manifold or it eo_ be low on fuel

or oxidizer or Both. They're vork_ _ the l_l_

o_ Ox 43 22 .P _.

O_ C_; _3 3_ CC Also Fll&ht you,d-like the 5cem_r He_tera Aeft ea.

05 OX_3 36 P oma_.

05 Ol 43 37 CC You can turn your larAmery AC_ pove_ off.

05 Ox 43 _ P _er.

O_ 01 _1_OX CC Okay. We've got your telemetry off; we got a look mt it

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Page 536

and It looks okay. We'd tran_tted It off.

O50l "% O8 P O_y.

05 Ol _ 10 CC We're st__watn_ by,

05 Ol _ 11 P Roger.


05 02 07 1_ CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP CON.

05 02 07 _2 CC Cemint-5, Balmii CAP COM.

O5 O2 O7 45 C aoger, _ii CAP 0014,Gm-tnt-5 here.

O_ 02 07 _6 CC Boger. For your power up configuration we,d like you to

add _he Horizon Scanner Heater elr_t bremker om.

05 02 07 _ C Roge_r. You--for the power up conf£&uratioa.

05 02 08 04 CC The _ay you are nov.

05 02 08 O_ C Do you want the Seaazoaer Hemter ctrcult breaker on?

05 02 08 08. CC That,s affLrm_

0'5OR 08 11 C l_ger, 1_ehave it On.

05 02 08 16 CC ALL' of your systems are CO.

05 02 08 19 c _o&e_. Tba,,,k you.

05 O_ 08 2.1 CC We're I_cand_ by.

05 02 08 22 C Okay, mighty flue.


O_ 02 22 O_ CC C_m_n:L-_, _UI_.

05 02 22 21 CC Ge_-5, Rouston here. I have a few things for you when

you get your radios ready.

· [ . i

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Page 537

05 02 22 27 C Roger, Ib_ston, Oe_-i-5 here. 1__4_o trtmmitters mrmed


05 02 _ 33 (X: Okay. How are Four veMule rates with the ventAn_ in

driftindE flASht now_

05 02 22 _1 C Oh, we've · coulee,three degrees in pitch and · little

blt in roll, mostly Just in plteh _£sht now.

05 (_ 22 51 CC Okay. Do you fln_ these rates to be obJectiowab le at all?

O5 02 22 55 C _o.

05 02 22 56 CC O_ay. I've Sot a little brief_mg on the _ aituttlon

here. The _ Heaters are OH z_v and the tester 18

co,._,_g up Gm TCA-10, which is the one that hms the

temqx_ru_ _r on it. M aA_ $_ae _ters are

o_ except 7 and 8, amd since the_e are c_ the _ _d_

of the spacecraft, they're subject to the mime kind of

ambient hoot load; they'd probebXy be sub_ecte_ to Just

about the same temperature. Also, theme particul_

thrusters are pretty far down the manifolA. _ow, if the

temperatureio a l_x_leu and we caa grt $_a _ Heaters

to bring TCA Bo. 10 temperature up to around 60 deAreea

or so, we'd like tO f/re up the AC_ a_lY_a, Snd try ? 8Jmd

8 in the Direct _ tO see if this is what the problem _o.


05 02 24 05 CC Oeut-_-5,Ho.uston.Did you get that meoaa8_

05 O_ 2_ 07 C We mAaaed your last one, over.

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05 02 2b 12 CC Okay, DJ4, dA_t you let the OA_ thruster brief inA about

, the _T

o_ on g_ _6 c _e _t that ...

05 02 2_ 18 0c Roar. o_y, _a _t that. _e _vised that we,re con-

e lot of d_x_cing fX_ht nov W _'re not

_e _t _ _ s_t, lsj z_ tn_, _ _emmt

u_e nt_os ve _et frou the _t _. ]Soy

do you reel about _ · day or tu ia _r_ft_ua f_Cht

_o uake sure that we _ot enoush fu_ for the last da; or

Jo and to keep down th e VehAcle x_ that we're _o_ng to

get from the _ Te_t.

05 02 2_ 47 C WeLl,I dcm'tknow. Hadn'trm_ ccmaidaredit.

05 02 2_ 55 CC O_a¥. Well, why don't you think abou_ it for a_hlle. It

looks to us down here that there 'm'Y be any one c_f · m_er

of 1_ wr0m_ and if we,re _ett_ low on fuel, we don't

·_mnt to run out of fuel with 3 da_s to go. We umnt to nave

Of 2e fuel to keep down _ m_l _ 1;o_ V_t_alg.

8o we don't _ to run the thing _ so far in _.

05 0_ 25 17 c ALt z_.

05 02 2_ 19 CC 8o, what you ought to l_tan on tentat_ve_ ia very few

exper_mmata, pr_ably mm experimenta for the n_, dm[ or

t_o, till we get a better _ o_ vha_ yottrfuel _rt_te

its and then oa the laat day we can expect to ]powerup and

do acme more S-8/D-13'z and t_mt type of thing.

o_ ca 2_ _0 c Okay.

C/',T,'+ r-t _ f- ?_l'"i _ I


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05 02 e5 _A CC O_a_, Oe-_-t-5. We,re going _-6, nov.

O_ _ 26 00 CC GeaAni-5, _ here. Could you t-_ us what ymlr blue

b_ ·£tuatiaa is.

05 02 2g 06 C l_per, it ·till haan't changed.

05 02 26.09 CC Oh, _ry 8_d, very good.

0_ 02 26 l_ C ' We Jumt llued over the U.S. and were drift_ slovly

_ weather i· quite pretty there today. And we

Just came over Houston Just · fe_ _ aS· aad mw

H_ quite clearly.

05 O_ 26 31 CC 0·rd·, have _u ever been able to see the Domed 9taelAua?

05 0_ _ _ C Jo, we didn't see the Domed StadAtlathis time, either.

O5o226 39 CC Hoa.

05 0_ 26 41 C Very little or mall little puffy cu overhead ... and then

we were drifting into · fairly good rate h4_retoo, which

doe_n.t give us · Steer long look at a_.

o_cee6 53 cc okay.

05 O_ _6 55 C _e Just went ow out Peat Florida. _aw Florida.

05 O_ 27 O1 P Say, one thing, Jim, I'd like y_d _ Cc_ide_ on t_e la·t

alma'· _orth of experiments; fuel permitt_ let,· not

loe_ us too bad_y, though, because _e'me _cd_g to have

quite · _, _e _e,, _ou _,.

o_ c_ FI' i_ CC a_ht, _ uaderstad that. _ mt aside 3 _ur· prior to

· retrofire for ·mr stowage. And _ took ua just +_ loag

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i_0 _ it. As a met._er o_ fact, we were · little rushed

It Ibout an hour to _o; we still had 8o_ thin_s out.

So I _tn_ probably 3 hours v_nzld be a Eood time to use


05 02 27 32 P That was our feel i_, that we needed et least 3 hours.

05 02 27 35 .CC Okay. Well, don,t vorry abou_ that. We _n't ice& you

up so you can't _et all the stuff' stowed.

o_ o2 27 l,o p very&ood.

05 0_ 27 45 C We're _45ht over Key West now. It's r-_31y · nice day

down there, too.

0.5o2 27 _ cc Bo_r.

05 02 27 _1 C Saw the airfield at Key West.

05 02 27 _3 CC Have you ever noticed Florida, the C_,1_Coast, a_d the

Atl_ic Coast outlLning those little purifyclouds like

we saw?

05 02 28 00 C Yes. It is right now.

05 72 28 0_ CC _t'a really clamiical weather, isn't it?

05 02 28 O_ C Yes, it sure is. Can also seem big storm right dovn off

the tip of Florida and the ¢-.,'_J_.

O5 C_ 28 1_ CC Rog. Say, were you ever able to see the eye of Doreen or

does it Just look like a big--

05 0_ 28 20 C Yes, got some pictures of it.

05 02 28 22 CC Is the eye ac%ual_y_ does it actually look like an open

spot or is it just all clouded over?

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Page 541

05 02 28 27 C It looked kind of like a ae_-open spot. It built up

very, very heavM and then right in the l_mdlate eye of

At _s _rt of _ · _en-in place. Kind of convex.

05 0R 28 38 CC Oh, very t_od. _l_ the storm we passed over were all

Juet flat. You could never really pick out amy cemter

to them.

05 02 28 43 C No, this one had a very well defined eye.

05 02 28 _6 CC _.

05 _ 28 47 C It looked Like the center of a big whirApool, you know.

05 O_ 28 _ CC _oger.


05 02 28 59 C Say, Jim, would you lmSe my wife · mem_.

05 02 29 03 CC I'd love to.

05 02'29 O_ C Tell her she owes me · dollnr.

05 02 29 08 CC Okay, I'll tell her that. You want to c_t it youraelf

or do you _nt me to mall it to you?

05 02 29 13 C _ I'll collect it. I Just want you to telA her that,


05 02 29 16 cC okay.

05 02 29 22 CC Hey, Dr. Berry ,aye thnt ahe'm already called u_ mad

admitted she owea you · dollar.

05 02 29 27 C · ¥ery good.

05 02 29 38 C I s_t · good look et the Ouantane_o NavaX Baae near Cuba.

O5 O2 29 _2 CC Very good.

05 02 29 58 CC Gemini-5, Nouston a_ain. Rave you been able to see anything

of A_tA_l_n yet in the _ayli_ht?

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05 02-30 _ CC _-_, Houston, have you been able to See AustraXia

_a the da_Lt_at, y_t!

05 02 32 29 cc c,ktni-5,_u_taa.

05 0_ 32 3X P Go ahmd_ !_on, amiai-5.

05 02 ]2 3_ CC Dr. Be_ mi4 y_-terdmy at the press conference that

after the UN of your bAue bags, _ y_u get back we,ll

have a reel mllestcae.

05 02 32 _ P _Laht. I'm reall_ _eepAng mMeye oa Oor4o _en I may that.

O5 0_ 32 53 CC SO woul_ I, Pete, mo would I.


05 03 l_ 56 CC _-t-5, Carmrvoa.

05 03 15 06 _ C4_Lmt-_, Ceraarven CAP COM.

05 03 15 X5 P _e ahead Carmrvun, Gemini-5.

05 03 15 17 CC Roger, be advised we,d like for you to turn your

C_lt _ 2 Power SwAtch OFF o_ my cue and al_o turn

OFF that _ A ia the Secondary Loop en_ I'll 8o on to

_n _ a_ortly.

05 03 15 38 P o_ay.

05 03 15 _0 CC Stand bY on that until we get our _aum_r_ out.

05 03 15 _ CC _ha%, _ be advised we have m !edits.I,pace on the

Pilot at _bvail and thee A_ _ ia 17:ql.· I

o_ 03. _5 _ P _er. z?:_.

05 03 z5 58 .cc _.

05 03 16 13 CC Okay, would y_u go ahead end ]place _ection 2 Power Switch

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OFF and turn OFF the Pump A in Secondary Loop.

O5 O3 16 25 P Boger, P_ver Switch ia OFF. Puap on the _ry

Loop ifs OFF.

O_ 03 26 31 CC _y, wh_t we,re doing here la-=the best cowputaticms

at Hous_ on the _0 produced ia runni_ about 0.03 to

0.031 pou_d_ of water per awp-h_ar. An4 vbat this ia

_ving the_ ia it _s that Tank B will be out of

- drinking wirer et about the end of the fli&ht, based

upon the prelent power co_rmaption.

05 03 17 03 P I see. o

05 03 17 O_ CC Okly, what they're &Ding to do is bring up Section 2 abo_t

every 20 hours until the H2 stops venting. And then they'll

have · /_ok at that for one or two orbits. And if it has

stopped venting at that time they'll leave the _2, they,ll

bring Section 2 up and leave it u_ for 6 to i0 hours and

get an H2 usage rate. And they'll reccapute a water umege.

The_ _hey,ll take the _ter usage rate they had earlier in

the mlsmion before the H 2 venting--az_ithis ie what I'm

8peaking of--aad compute a new uN_e rate om the total

rater production.

05.03 .1.803 P _o_er.

09 03 18 O_ CC O_ay, we'll continue purging both sectionB on the present

_rge cycle. And FLight maid they had worked out some

power curvea for your b_tterles to. rd the end of the

LJi' I- UE.H, -

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/. t


m_sslon if necessary and they look real good. And looks

likethey're&oingto try to makeit the 8 days.

05 03 19 30 P Rog.

05 03 18 31 CC Okay, you got any queationa on that readout!

05 03 18 35 P No, I dan'tbelievemo.

05 03 18 39 cc okay.

05 03 1R 52 P Our etaatusIs Green ula here.

05 03 18 i_ CC Roger. Looks good down here also.

05 03 20 09 CC We'vej_t abouta m_ute to LOS. Standingby.

05 03 2o .1.6 P Roger.

05 03 20 28 P Carnarvon CAP COM, is the Surgeon /Aate_ingV

05 03 2o 32 CC' a,_-_, he's kt_ening.

05 03 20 3_ P Woul4.the Sar&eon peen on from the Pilot to Doctors

Biahop, _ade, {ua,:].],{urrtyAustin cur re_ _leaaeT

O_ 03 20 _I CC Roger,wil_ do.

o5 03 20 *_. P Thankyou.

05 03 _0 _9 CC We'llsee you toeorrow.

05 03 al 02 P elm/,


0.5 03 41 _0 CC' C_m/ni-5, this is Wnwaii. We have a, v,,ltd temperature;

starting by for b_ pressure.

05 O3'_ O8 CC OeeAmi-5, wnwm$t Sur&eon. Your cuff la _,l i scale.

05 03 _ _ CC Gemini-5, we have a valid blood premnure. Give me a mark

when you begin your exercise.

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05 03 l_ 56 C Mark.

05 03 h2 58 CC M_rk.

05 03 43 34 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii 8_rgeoa. Your cuff is 1%,11 scale.

05 03 43 59 CC Gemini-5, _wmil 8u_rgeon. Your cuff is D,I] scale.

05 03 h4 36 CC Oeminl-5,we have a valid blood ]zressure; standing by for

your water and sleep report.

O5 03 44 _6 C Roger, the Command Pilot has had 27 pounds 2 ounces of water,

and I just finished meal 3C.

05 03 ;44 56 CC Gemini-5, F_wail Surgeon. Could you give me some data on

your sleep?

05 03 45 O1 C Roger, I had about 2 hours of sleep in the last 7 or 8


09 o3 ;45 12 CC Roger, Gemini-5. I repeat, 24.2 pounds of water. Is

that affirmative?

05 03 45 18 c 27.2.

05 03 45 20 CC I understand, 27.2 pounds of water. Thank you, Gemini-5,

Hawaii Surgeon out.

05 03 45 27 C Roger.

05 03 ;45 30 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii CAP COM. We hold your systems

Green on the ground.

05 03 45 35 C Roger. All syste-m look Green here. Thank you.

05 03 _5 38 CC Hawaii s_anding by.

05 03 45 _0 C Roger.

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Page 5_


05 03 50 43 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston. Be advised we don't

have much.lnformaticm for you on this pass, I'm Just

transmitting in the blind; you needn't aeJcnowledge, We'll

p/ay you some music until we get Texas T/M acquisition

then we'll have you flip a few switches. You don't even

have to bother coming up on transmit this pens, Here comes

mUSiC now,

05 03 51 08 CC NUSIC (Dixieland)

o5 o3 55 _9 c SoundA_ _.

05 03 55 51 CC How do you like that, GT-5?

05 03 55 56 CC Gemini-5, Houston here. I've got _ switching posltioue

that I'd like to have you go to. You don't have to

acknowledge this. _'d like to have you put your Cryogenic

Geg_ng Switch to ECS 02.


05 03 56 39 CC Ge_i-5, Kouston here. We'd like to have you put your

Cryogenic _ging Switch to ECS 02.

05 03 56 _,5 c Ro_r.

O5 O3 56 46 CC Oh, you're u_. How dad you like the music?

05 03 56 48 C It was great.

05 03 56 49 CC Listen, if we ever get through with some switching here,

we '11 give you _ mx_re.

05 03 56 $3 c oily.

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05 03 56 57 CO Row are your rates up there nov?

05 03 57 00 P Oh, about 3 degrees I guess.

05 03 _ o_ cc oka.v, &a&e your Cr_le Oag:L_ to Feel Cell O2.

05 03 57 19 CC Okay, we,d like to have you go to PuLL Cell I_.

05 03 57 23 ¢ Okay, we get particles &Ding by fmirly frequently, so I

think we're still venting a couple items.


05 03 57 32 CC Okay, you say thin&s ere going by quite often so you

think you're still venting, right?

05 03 57 37 C Roger.

05 03 57 39 cc okay. We ... you_can go ... put. your Cryogenic Gaging

Switch hack to OFF. Be advised t_t it may be possible

for you to get another fix on the storm Dqreen.

05 03 57 c Okay.

05 03 57 53 CC On Rev 79, at approximately 19:25:O0, the center of the

storm should be a little bit to the right of your track or

possibly directly below the spacecraft, and if you can get

a fix, we,d like to have the time that you passed over it

and where you thought the center of the storm was with

respect_ to you.

05 03 58 14 C Okay, we,ll try.

05 03 58 16 P ... Jim.

05 03 58 17 cc Go ahead.

05 03 58 20 CC Gemini-5, do you have anything else for Houston?

05 03 58 25 C No, I don't believe so.

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bui ; 'Page_9


it'· at·nd·rd bank angles. Over.

05 05 0A IA C _ar. Weathergoo_. Stam_rd beaka_gle,.

05 05 Ol 1_ CC Amd _ be advisedthatif yourDeXta-Plights on

Sec_ 2 come on you should go to the crossover _omen-

tarlly, over.

05 05 OX 23 0 &ay a_in.

05 05 O1 24 CC Boger. If Delta-P lights come on in Section 2, you

should ope_ the crossover valve momentarily, over.

05 05 01 32 C Okay, wA1A do.

05 05 01 36 C W_I_ y_u pass back to MOO We have one manor little

difficulty and we think it's all right but they might

just be ay·re of it. A partial pressure of CO2 gage

starts cl/sbing, and we increased the suit flow aaa ...

the suit--decreased the suit temperature and heat flow

and rechecked if the gage went back do_m, and we have

run s ECS 02 tank test on it which shows that it is below

mm of mercury. And the _age is surprisingly back down

to zero point but they might Just want this for infor-

Itional pu_ses.

05 02 02 21 CC Roger. Copy.

05.05 o2 ,8 CC C-em··.t-5, CSO..

05 05 02 _ C Go ahead, C_. '

05 05 02 53 CC Roger_ Flight would like to know how high the ECS 02 rose.

05 05 02 58 C When we found it, iT was up Just ·bore 1 mm of mercury.

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_ge 550

05 05 03 o4 cc It what?

05 05 03 05 C ... just above 1/10 of · mercury.

05 O5 03 09 CC 1/_0 or · mm.

05 05 03 :lo c _ght.

05 05 03 I1 C But it's been riding clear down off the bottom peg so

this wa· quite · chaage, then.

o5 05 03 16 cc Boger. Copy.

05 05 03 39 CC Oe...'t._t-5, esq.

05 05 03 _-3 c oo ahead.

05 05 03 _ CC Kouston advises that that smmds normal to them.

05 05 03 _8 c ol_.i

05 O5 03 53 C Yes, I Euratom that was 1 mn - it's the first mark. It's

marked at 10, 15, and 20 cm the pge and I believe each

one of the marks is lO--is 1 mm.

05 05 04 05 CC CBq copy.

05 05 Ob, 08 C t_ was up above the first mark, any_y.

05 05 o, 5& Cc o.emxui-5, e._.

05 05 o_, 56 c Go ,,heed, CSQ.

05 05 O_ 58 CC HouSton advises that it makes them feel warm to k_ow the

'&age works properly, over.

05 05 05 O_ C P_, ha. Yes, weLL we just wanted to recheck it with t_e

tape, which kind of confirmed.

05 05 05 17 CC _-5, C_ advises go to the C01_AND position with the

T/M Switch. Over.

05 0.5 05 23 C Roger.

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Page 551


O5 05 18 18 CC CeaAni-5,Hawaii CAP COM.

05 05 18 21 C Go ahead, wawail,QeminA-5.

05 05 18 2_ CC 1_, we,d tike to run a test on t_uster 7 and 8.

_e'd like you to bring up the ACM_ in the Pulse Control

Mode am_ atabLUze with the adapter to_sxxlthe sun without

using your yaw t_asters.

O5 O5 lB 39 C Okay, _e.lA do that.

05 05 AB _1 CC Okay, we'd like you to fire the thrusters7 ami 8 in the

Direct CoatrolMode for about one ucoad each and evaluate

the performance.

O_ 05 IR "8 C Okay.

05 05 iR 50 CC We'd like you to do that at (3ua_l.

05 05 iR 53 C You mat ua to do that at G_,my_e'_

05 05 lB 55 CC That's affirmative.

05 05 iR 56 c _¥, fine.

05 05 18 57 CC Okay, and u soon ag you are finishedthe evaluationwe'd

like you to power down again.

O5 O5 19 O_ C Okay.

05 05 19 12 C We stillare al_tly ventingquite a bit because our

_ drift rates have Sottenup to around 6 degrees per _e_d

and tumbling.

05 05 19 _o cc Beget.4

05 05 21 25 CC We'd like you to start stabilizingabout now, Gemini-5.

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0905 _1. _3 CC Ge






0.5 05 2_ 32 CC _""_-_-5,Gemiui-5,Neuston.

05 05 Z_ _] CC _1-5, _-5, Houston.

05 05 2_ 57 CC Gemini-5,_miai-5, this Is Noustou, over.

05 05 25 16 CC C_-5, _-1-5, _uBtan.f

05 05 25 27 C 0o aheed, Nome., Gemiai-5.

05 05 25 30 CC Roger, have _u startedto slow down your rate _ow am_

stabilize with the adapter toward the sun?

05 0.5 25 _ C We're J_t starting.

05 05 25 39 CC Okay, ve_f good_ We'd like to have you turn em youx

T/M at 19:26. We,re going to Reel Time and A_quisitlon

ri_ now. We'd like t_ baye you turn it back to

- a% 19:]_ if we havem,t read you to do it by then_

05 0.5 26 OX C Omy.

05 05 Z6 03 Cc _aat-do you think of those tumb_ ra_eo that you've

aet nov? We,d Like your opinion of them.

05 05 26 08 C Well, they're get_imgu_p· little bit htr, but.they

aren't too bad :_e%.'

05 05 26 19 CC Okay, what do 3"_Athink you can live with, about twice

that m_.h, or _0_ mK_e, or · little bit more, or what?

09 05 26 32 P Wait a mimate, we,_e just dampl_ thing_ down.

05 05 26 33 C Just a seoamd,we,re _in_.

05 05 Z6 35 CC OW=_. How ere thou other thrusters workln_ Gordo?

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Page 553

05 05 26 g5 C _ ._m to be working all rift.

05 05 26 1_6 CC Very

05 05 26 59 P ? e_l 8 an together, or one at · tXme_

·05 05 Lv'f 02 CC We ,,_nt f,beu one a_t a t_e; 8nd we _ you to thrust for

IIb4_ one ii_cond on eseh eme and ye _nt your e_l_tion

of $_e_r perf°l_a_ew but ve'_ _ you .md te_ you


05 05 FI 20 C Okny.

05 05 L_ 29 CC OI_y_ C_m_mi-5, thia is ll_xs_c_. We,d like to have you

8o Ilaead and operate one of the +-hvumtern :tn DLree_ and

you t-_ 1 us _ch c_e you are doing.

05 05 27 1_ C No. ? is _, I'm thrumt_ on m_'.turk, 3, 2, 1, -irk.

05 05 27 52 C no Joy.

05 05 IF/ _3 CC Roger, no Joy.

05 05 27 55 CC Wa'd Ltke to have you do it on No. 8 mw, please.

0.5 05 27 59 C All right, No. 8 is oz], I'm th_a_t;J_4_ nov, 3, 2, 1, maFk.

No _oy.

05 05 28 JJ. CC Roger, no joy, on ttmt one either. We'd like to have you

to _ COMYA][D,md try. Bate Cmmmnd nov, Ge_n_-5,

. tn ;yaw left.

05 05 28 22 c noir.

05 05 28 26 C NO. 6 _l.s om nov. Ne6ltiwe in Rata Comlsud.

05 05 28 39 cc _m_, try T.

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',': ': ..:.:',Ti,,.4.L

05 05 28 _"t c Ho. 7 is on nov and nothing in _o. 7.

05 05 28 _ 'cc O_v, 7ou can Sq ahead and power beck dovn; ve,ll thi nk

_e Bore here.!

050_ 28 _ C AAA right.

05 05 26 57 CC Ikm,t for_t to geA-n _ur T/M off, Just · second, we'll

see if we need anyaore. Okay, leave it _ for · couple

of more minutes amd I'AA g_ve you another call.

05 05 29 o6 c 0_ay.

05 05 29 23 P aou___, c_-_-5./

05 05 29 a6 CC Go ahead.

05 05 29 R8 P We lmase_ ·.. 19:24:_5, 20 mile_ north,of track.

05 05 29 35 CC _o_er, 19-_k:kS, _' ,_les north of your track.

05 05 29 50 CC Ge_in_-5, louston. We,d like to verify that the circuit

brlm_ers _n% on amd stayed on vheu you placed them u_

to the ea l_sition.

05 O_ 29 _ C Yea_ they _ere and they stayed on.

05 05 _0 o_ cc o_.

O_ O_ 31 O_ CC C_-5, _oustoa, Are both of your c_Alt breakers

05 o_ 31 ok c So,er, 7 a,_ 8 cX_uXt brmkers are open at thAs tim.

05 05 31 o8 cc okay, very a_od.

05 05 31 L1. C _e are read.tn_ _o_ on fual cell hy_rva_m at the pre_ent


05 05 31 18 CC lto_r, understand _, on fUeL ¢e2.._h),dro_.

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Paae 555

05 05 31 22 C ]b_er. It's _e dram fro_. 52 to _?- s_nee ye talked to

_mu last.

05 05 31 _ CC Omy.

05 05 31 .56 CC Geu_A-_, Kouston, you can put _vur T/M Oeitch back to

CCIOM_ now.

05 05 _ O1 C O_a_, back ta CGMM_..


05 06 32 2_ CC Gemini-5, CSq.

05 06 32 53. CC Ge=_-,'-5, COqC_ CCX,t.

05 06 3:3_) Cc C,esJ.n:L-.%C80._ COM.

05 06 33 _ c cst, 04m,_-5.

05 06 33 5X CC So_r, Gem23mi-5, CSQ has you GO On the Steered. t have

· m3puydaW. Ar_ you rem_ to cOx_

05 06 33 57 C I_ger, 3raft; role second.

0.506 3_'21 C Roger, we,re read,V,

05 o6 3k _3 cc ReSet, NB_ _0:23:_, Aon_tude 83 de_ees Eas% Rev 80.

Star _0:_]'._8, GO:l_:_2. Did you copy?

05 06 35 O1 c Roger, ye e_t that.

05 06 35 06 CC Al. so Kourton advises we let you continue to conserve fuel

and. on.l_ dm_ out the rates -,me_ you feel they're beco-_ng

_CCel_Cal_l_. - f,_ you do br_ up the _4E, they'd l&l_e

_ d_o _ any alternate ]proc_s you can thank of

0.5o6 35 _5 c .o_y, f_ne.


:. ,

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05 06 3,5 27 (:C Also, there's a alight c_ on the Delta-P light on

procedure. I_ _u geta Delta-PLigh%, they'diikeyou

to turn on the Croe_ever Valve SvAtch, then perform a

lmr_e fi.SectLcm 2 to reset +?- _4_Aatorm. Over.

05 06 35 t_. C Ro_er, un/hueBtand g0 to Croesove_ aced do · short purge

O_ 2.

05 06 39 50 CC That's afflreltive, and.we'd like ma experimemt mtatu8 if

you have it read_; if not, Hawaii _ copy. Over.

05 06 36 00 C Bc_er, we'll get to Favaii.

05 06 36'02 cc cSq.

05 06 36 29 CC _s.l._, CSq has nothingfurther;we,ref,'t:an_'t-_ by.

o9 06 3T xo cc Oe,_nx-_,CS_

05 06 37 32. C co ahead,CSq,Gemiui-5.

05 06 37 35 CC i_ger, _wrt to advise you that y_a are showin_ up bright

_in _odly &% about 30 degree ele_tion angle.

05 06 37 _1 C Oh, very 8ood, thank yau.

05 06 38 13 Oc O--_,4-_,Csq.

05 06 38 16 C Go ahead.

05 06 38 17 CC aogeT. The _S would like to know if you _/d any

exerelses ex exerted yourself at the beginning of t2xe

lmm. Over.

O_ 06 38 Z7 C l_tive, did they a_k if they had scared me a little bit

.,. _ek%_ep0-

05 06 38 3b, Cc CS_, F_er.

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o5 o6 38 35 c Weboth had _ off and _ ,rp when you _re

05 o6 38 b3 cc m_,er.


05 O6 _ _ CC Camiai-9, hull CAP COIL

o_.O6 _ _9 c Go emma, _muiA. Oe,,i_-5.


06 _ 51 CC You bravea f

uel cell


rge o

verNa_il th

is p



05 o6 5.]. 56 c om_.

05 06 52 07 CC hwlil's reacLy to eop:,r.

E41$,Or,enote: Voice comments overxl,,],_n by _otae +]_.ou&b

this time: 09:O6:52:O8 to 0_:O6:_:_3

05 o6 52 _ c _,d.ro_ OFFHo. 1. a_rogen OH]Jo. 2. _ OFF

No. 2. Oxygem ON_. 1. C_on_o. lonoxygen.


'.. O:r._EemOH on _1o. 2, second. Nov. Ox_en is OFF on

aeemld. Boy.

05 06 97 1_ CC l_ger, Gemini-5.


05 07 12 _9 CC 6emtni-5, _ CAP

o_ 07 _



ni-5,_v CAP C


O_ 07 12 _ C_ 1_. Your system are all Green, OO on the ground.

O_ 07 12 h9 C Okay. ira,re on the Oreen here.

0,5 07 .1_ .5.1. CC flavex. We,d like to confirm that your _ Heater

Circuit Breaker is cloaed.

t , '' ' '. ' ":'l ' i

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Page 558

05 07 12 _7 P :il_t, · ChBrl/e. It ls closed.

O_ 07 X3 00 CC _, We'd 1/kc an experiment otstus from you at this

· j -

o5 o7 13 o5 P C_. aeed_ to _p_

05 O7 A3 O6 CC _.

05 07 13 07 P _t status am of 05:al:O0:O0. _ Test Nos, 1,

2, 3 sad 6 co_d_te. D-1 s_uence 1, 2 and 3 eo_e_.

_..2, t_t_. _6, 72 pxc_-.e,. _/_..7, *a, fo_

05 O7 1) _a cc ReSet.

05 07 13 43 P _IOA, _, 4tt, 41k, 4_0, _, 423A, _23 Bravo, _C/_,

_2_%. On D-_/D-7 we have 16 m/nutes of record time left.

05 o7 lk, lo cc 16T

05 07 1t_11 C That's afflrmtlve.

05 07 1_ 14 P T_st_n_ I)-13, COml_eted to da_e all nn_er_ F1/6ht


05o7 1_ 22 cc Ro_

05 o7 1_ 23 P On _-t l_; i. c_ete. On 8..5/6, ye,ye taken three

_zlnu' worth and have over 210 l_tet_res. On 5-7

w_,ve taken 23 pictures, which Include eight groups of

plu the c_lihratton card pic_l. 14-1 exper_ent

broke at 04._0.tO0:00, Elve or take a coup&e of hours.

05 07 15 _ CC What mm the mmber of that one e_J.a?

05 07 .1.505 P Se_ amen. ·

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_e 559

05 07 15 06 CC _ ex_rlme_ _s that?

O_ 07 15.09 Il, MI.

O_ 07 l_ Ll CC _.

O_ 07 1_ 13 P The M-3 exe2_ise_rs have only been used on _ by

the Pilot; the ez_mand Ptlot bas used t_aeu a few tLees

et_aer than tJ_Bt.

05 o7 A_ 22 c_ _:

05 07 t5 2_ P .,. 1 haB been done once on day 1, once on day 3, once

_d_. '-.

05 oT _5 33 CC 0oo_.

05 07 A5 34 P On the Apollo Iandmr_, we have photoamphed 207, 208,

m_, 213.

0_ O7 l_ _3 CC Goo4.

O_ 07 15 _ l' C_binIAah%lng, run four surveys.

O5 O7 15 "8 CC Se_ _.

O_ 07' 1_ _9 P O_ _ C_bln L_ we have rum four surveys.

05 O7 15 52 cc Oooa.

05 0_ 15 _3 P The hu-_d_ty s ensor_ we have at 1_% one reedin6 per day.

o_ Gq 16 ol cc ttol_r.

05 07.1.6 O1 CC C.ooa.O_ 07 16 02 1_ On the millimeter-camex_ we've taken one and a quarter

ma&a$ines. We have two and three quarter magazines left.

With re&etd to reearka, the D-6, we're al_st out of


O_ 07 16 2_ P Do you read?

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Page 560

05 o7 16 25 cc Bog.

05 07 16 27 P That,s lt.

05 07 16 28 CC Okay. What size fi l, was it you give me where you had

two end 'three quarter mm_zlnes lmf_T

05 07 16 36 P lb.

05 07 16 3'"/' cc niaht. _ you.

05 07 16 40 C We have also taken about 50 S-5/B-6 photogral_lS wlth the

extra 3_ fllm peck.

O5 07 16 5b CC _ger. Weal, that's the status.

05 07 17 2.0 CC Okay. CouLd you /[_ve us the scores from your vlslon test.

05 07 17 14 P Okay, Ill get you one here. _ere,s on1¥ one that you

haven ' t _tten.

05'07 I7.19 cc Okay.

05 07 17 29 P Olmy. Lalt night at 05 days 08 houra hO minutes the

C_d Pilot hid t_n wrong and on that M-9; the scores

-,,ere 95, 95, 94, 96, 96.

05 o7 17 5O CC l_oger.

O_ 07 17 _ V On the _ the S-8/D-13 were s/_: _l_Qag. )4-9 score8 were

95, 93, 9_, 98, 98.

05 07 /8 04 CC Good. We'd -1-o like to get an evmlumtiqn of the mode of

failure on the _tmpe recorder and el_f_y what time

it halsDe_ed.

05 07 18 15 P We don't have any Idem what time It haPl_ because

we Just realize d that we'd done a lot of talking on the

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Page 561

tape and hadn't gotten a record light, and it should

stop r_-_n_.

05 07 18 26 CC Roger. ___._rstand.

05 07 19 05 CC Gemini-5, _ CAP COM. We have nothing else for you

this l_Sa. We'Ll be 8tancLt_ by.

05 07 19 l0 C Okay, fine.' Thank 2_A ....


05 06 08 31 CC Gemini-5, eSQ.

05 08 08 3_ P _ais is Gelzini-5,_ ahead CSQ.

05 08 08 37 CC lqo_er,we have you GO on the ground and ltoustonadvises

on yonr _pe recorder problem. Ceafirm _at the Tm_ Vox

circuit breaker is closed and also try changing the tape

cartridge. Over.

05 08 06 _ P Ro6er, we,ve done both.

05 08 08 55 CC Boger. They'd also like to know mbmt cabin lights you


05 08 09 O0 'P ... confi_aLratlo_lright now, we have jumt one light on.

05 o8 o9 06 cc Copy. One lighto_.

05 08 09 O_ P Right, right pilot's light.

05 08 09 i1 cc Copy.

05 o8 09 59 cc Oemini-5,CSq.

05 06 10 03 CC Roger. We'd like y_ur O_ Heat4_rcircuit breaker on at

this time if it's not already on. Over.

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Page 562

· o508Ao08 P ...

05 08 lO 13 P Roger. It's been on since this _rning.

050810 X6 CC CSq _y.

05 08 lO 35 CC CI_ i_1 _ further. We,re 8tand_ by.

05 08 10 _A P ...


05 08 26 1% C_ _-i-5, w-_ail CA200V,

05'08 26 17 P 0o ah_ hil.

05 08 26 _ CC Roger, all system-sare GO. We'd lake a quantityread

of Fuel Cell _. Jura%put the switch over; you don't

have to give us a reading.

05 08 27 O_ CC Would you _ beck to gOS 02 pleam?

05 08 27 34 CC Okay, you can put She switchto OFF nov.

05 08 28 29 CC Hov are your rates doing, Ge_l-5?

05 08 28 36 CC GaAnX-5, how are your rates doin_

O5 08 29 08 P _AA, _ainA-5. DO you read?

05 08 29 :LO CC I rm_L you _l_ud and clear.L

05 _ 29 1_ IP O_y, the z_t_8 _ about 6 degrees per second.

05 08 29 l_ CC _.

05 08 29 18 P _'fmt'8 only of one axis.

05 08 29 21 CC Which one?

05 05 29 _ P WelA; the vehicle is t,--h!t_and it chan6esaxil, but

that's the_lg rotation.

05 o8 29 28 CC o_ay.

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Page 563

05 08 29 32 P It'a mowtly ia pitch wlth a little yaw.

o5 08 2_ 35 cc _oger.

05 08 _ _5 CC How do you feel about those rateo, Pete?

05 O_ _ _7 P They're ell right.

05 08 2':)_ CC They don't boomer you?

o508_ 5o P No.

05 o8 31 0o P You read,mawallY

05 08 3A o2 ce Roger.

05 08 31 03 P Nowreich electrical power do you _ov us d_ving down


05 08 31 06 CC Stand by.

05 08 31 13 CC: 15mpa onm_bus.

O5 O8 31 16 P O_Y.

1_0_ _ YlfYI_8

o5 o8 _ 43 cc Oea:L,,l.5, _ CAPC_.

05 08 _6 46 P _ aheed,NXV.

05 08 _6 48 CC I have some Fli_h_ Pla_ update_ for you. You can

ackn_wXedge when you're ready to copy.

05 O8 ii6 52 P A_I right.

05 08 _6 56 P Ge-_,',t-5, ready 'co copy.

O_ 08 46 58 CC Boger. C_binLighting,5:23:59:26.Heedsdown. 8-8/D-13,

6tOl:_O'O0,_equenceO1 and 02. _c_-_!.

o_ O8 _7 _) P P.o_r.

05 08 _7 3o cc _sc-1,6:o5:_o:oonominal.

· , , !_ [ _ f ,!

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Page 56_

05 08 47 43 P Roger.

O_ 08 47 44 CC We would 1l_e for you to open your OA_ Kester circuit

breaker for about 30 Seconds so we can get some readouts.

05 08 47 52 P l_ger. Heater circuit breaker is coming off, now.

.05 O8 "7 57 CC _oger.

05 08 1_ 13 CC, you may close the circuit breaker at this time.t

05 o8 48 17 P Roger. Close.

0.5 08 _ 19 CC Roger, thank you. .all sywtems real good on the ground.

We have nothing else for you. We'll be standing by.

05 08 _8 25 P Roger. We're stand_._ by,


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o5 o9 _+3_7 cc c__l-5, csq c_ cc_.

05 09 _B 52 P Go ahead, C_Q. Gemini-5 here.

05 09 _3 5_ CC Roger. We have you GO on the ground, an4 we'd like to

advise you to delete the Cabin Lighting &Arvey that was

aChed,led, the next schectuledone. We'd like a reading

of the number of head_-up and number of heada-clovn surveys

you've taken.

05 09 _ 11 P So far they're all either heads-up or tumbling.

05 09 _d_16 CC Roger, copy. Could you give me the number of each,


05 09 _.4 42 P Two heads-up and two drifting.

05 09 _ _5 CC Copp. And we'd almo like to r_a_nd you that you have a

medical data pass over the RKV in the next rev, the time

0Oz21:32. Over.

05 09 _5 05 P 00:21:32.

05 09 _5 07 CO That's affirm.

05 09 _5 12 P Okay, you can advise Flight that our t_lfn_ rate is now

8 degrees.

05 09 _5 19 CC Copy, fate's now 8 degrees. Is that affirm?"

05 o9 _5 g2 P Affim.

05 09 45 2_ CC loge_. We have nothing further. Stand_-by.

05 09 1{.5'29 P tk_Ser , we're standing T_y.

05 09 _'5 33 CC That's affirmative.

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Page 566



05 lO 22 04 CC We b_ve a valid oral temp. Standing by for your blood


05 10 22 24 CC Gelini-5, this is REV Surgeon. Your cuff is full scale.

05 10 22 55 CC Ge_zini-5,we have a good blood preumAre. Give me a mark

when you begin exercise, please.

05 10 23 50 CC C,mal_l-5, we have a good blood pressure. Standing by for

your water report.

05 IO 24 08 CC Gemfini-5,RX_ Surgeon, do you read?

05 10 24 21 CC Oem/_i-5, this is REV. Will you bring up your UHF


05 10 24 31 P Roger, Pal"/... our water is 27 pounds 6 ounces ...

05 10 24 41 CC Repeat, pl-___Re.

05 LO 24 _2 P 27 pounds 6 emncee.

o5 lo 2_ 45 cc Thankyou, I re_.

·05 10 24 52 P ... 3 Charlie 05:17:00:00.

05 1025 O0 CC 3 Charlie; please repeat time.

05 lO 25 05 P 05:17:00:00.

05 10 25 08 CC Roger, thank you. PXV Surgeon out.

05 10 25 14 CC C_ni-5, this is REV CAP COM. I have a map and star and

tracking task update for you. Acknowle4ge when you're

ready to copy.

05 10 25 21 P Roger. Ready to copy.

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05 10 25 _ CO l_p, 00:51:25. Longitude, 1_.5 de4_reeaEast. Rev 83.

8t_tr,00151'-25,00:O8_, S-7,0R:5 .40,sequence1,

if pommible, Do you copy?

05 10 26 17 P Roger. I have a message for you to relay to Houston.

05 10 _ _ P And you can call it power up O6:_tO:00. We powered

up the ACME inYerter, the ACMEbias power, the rate

. gyros, the FDIis for 3 minutes to kill off the 8 degree ,

r&te, and powered _ack d_m.

05 10 26 _6 CC Could yc_ tell me again what you powered up, please?

05 10 26 h7 P ACNE [nverter, AC_4Ebias power, rate gyros, the FDI's.

05 10 26 56 CC Roger, understand. Copy.

05 10 _ 20 P I_, that S-7 _ms 0R:59:_0, ia that correct?

05 10 _ _ CC __'c_t'saffirmative.

05 10 27 27 P Cb_V, we're standing by.

05 10 27 29 CC Roger, we're etaj_4_r_by here for you, Ail systems are GO

on the ground.

05 10 27 36 P Could you tell me what the radiator outlet t_ml_.eratureii?

05 10 27 11.5 CC Zero degrees.

05 lO 27 _7 P What's the ...

05 10 27 50 CC Say again.

05 10 27 53 P What is the radiator _nlet temmperature?

05 1D 28 O1 CC We're getting 31 psia, pump inlet pressure.

o5 lo28o9 P ...

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05 11 17 55 CC Gemini-5, eSQ.

05 ll 18 02 CC C_-_-5, csq. You are GO on the ground, and we areo

$tandill8 by for a I_uel cell purge. Over.

05 11 t8 09 C Roger. We're GO'up here ... purge fuel cell ...

05 11 18 17 C Stand by for I_ No. 1. Mark.

05 11 18 33 C Stand by for H_ No; 2. Mark.

05 I1 18 52 C Stand by for oxygen purge No. 1. Mark.

05 11 21 O1 C No. 1 02 purge complete. 3tancl by for 1%=. 2. l_k.

05 11 22 O_ CC Gemini-5, CSQ.

05 I1 22 04 C Go ahead, CSQ.

05 11 22 06 CC Could you give us the voltage readings on 2A, 2B and

20,please/ Over.

O5'11 22 12 . C Roger. Wait until I finish the ptlrge here.

05 11 22 34 C Roger. Ail three of them are better than 33 volts·

05 11 22 37 CC Copy above at 33 volts. And I have some information for

you to copy if you' re ready.

05 11 22 _h C Okay. Just a moment. Go ahead.

05 I1 22 h_ CC Okay. Tropical depression located 21 degrees North, 157.5

degrees East, time of closest approach 01:27:00. Like a

description, positionary report, presence of an eye and

so forth, if you are in proper attitude. Don't use anyi

fuel. Over.

05 ll 23 L_ c Okay.

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;_ i_.'_,_ _ '_


05 11 23 17 C Fuel cell is purged complete and ... off.

05 11 23 25 CC cSQ. Copy.


09 11 57 13 CC Roger. We have a PLA update for you. Acknowledge when

you are ready to copy.

05 11 57 18 P Okay. Ready %o copy.

05 11 57 25 CC Area 86-D_lta, 05:05:28. 17 plus t_8, 22 plus 31. 87-2,

06:%0:52, 16 plus 24, 2l plus 15. 88-2, 08:16:49,

L_ plus 52, 19 plus 50. 89-1, 09:39:09. 16 plus 30,

21 plus 25. Area 90-l, 41:1_:07. 1_ plus 58,

19 plus 56. All bank angles remain the same, roll left

51, roll right 69. The weather ia _ in all areas.

05 11 59 12 P Roger. Would you give us the first one? I d/dn't get

the first one at all.

05 11 59 15 CC Roger. 86-Delta, 05:05:08, 17 plus _8, 22 plus 31.

05' 5934 P Oki. Gotthemall.

05 11 59 35 CC Roger. We would like _o r-mtnd you to re_ind the Command

Pilot he has a medical data pass over the CSQ on Rev 8_.

I'll give you the time: '02:50:52.

05 11 59 50 C Roger. _ you.

05 11 59 52 CC Okay. We'd _lso like to know if you _oted any Sluggishness

in your thrusters when you were damping= out your rates up


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Page ,_/'0

05 12 OO O1 C Them didn't seem too _, but %hey 8em_ to move

fairly well.

05 li OO 06 cC Understand.Not too speedy.

05 12 O0 11 CC We'd also like t_ ]mow if you noted that tropical storm

around Wake Island.

05 12 O0 16 C Affirmative. We d_d.. It had a center eye to it.

05 12 OO 20 CC Roger. Can you describe it in any way?

05 12 OO 23 C It was quite large and ...

05 12 OO 29 CC Roger.

05 12 OO 33 C It looked like it was on the build rather than ...

It looked like it.was Just starting to really build.

05 12 O0 40 CC Understand.

05 12 O0 _3 CC Well ... _lat's all we have from here. This is REV.

We will be standing by.

05 12 OO 57 C Fine. Th--k you.


05 12 52 19 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Have you GO on the ground, and we have a

valid temperature. Standing by for blood pressure.

05 12 52 31 CC Gemini-5, CSQ Surgeon and blood pressure cuff on full


05 12 53 10 CC G_ni-_, CSQ Surgeon. We have a valid bkood pressure.

Give me a ,,arkwhen you begin exercise.

05 12 53 24 C Ready, mark.

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Pa6e 571


-_ 12 53 55 C _ exerelae,

05 12 _ 0_ CC _-5, CSQSurgeon. _ cuff is not at full scale.

05 12 51+ t0 CC G-_ui-5, _SQ Surgeon. It is at _ scale now.

05 12 5_ _ CO G_m_ni-5, SCQ Surgeon. We have a valid blood pressure.

Standing. by for water report.

05 12 5k 57 C Ro_er, we have Command Pilot has _runk 28 pounds 1 ounce,

3 pomads 1 ounce or ...

05 12 55 08 CC Roger, 28 pounds 1 ounce.

05 12 5_ 12 C ... at 17:OO_00 I hAS 3C, meal 3C.

05 12 55 R3 CC U_deratand, meal 3(:at 17:00:00.

O] 12 55 25 C Roger. Do you want the scores on the S-8/C-13/M,-9 for

the Pilot and m_selfT

05 12 55 31 CC If you'd like, we can take those.

05 12 55 3_ ' C Okay, the Pilot b-a five wrong on the S-8/D-13, and on the

M-9 his scores were as follows: 99, 97, 99, 97, 98.

12 55 53 CC Roger, that was all for the Pilot, right?

05 12 55 55 C Right. 0_ the Cce_and Pilot, I had eight wrong. _F -

m_abers on Ny.9 were 91,91, 92, 92, _.

05 12 56 11 CC Roger, understand eight wrong, 91, '91, 92, 92, and 92.

05 12 56 16 C Roger.

05 IR 56 18 CC I'11 turn you over to CAP CO_ now_

05 _ _6 2o c o_,_..

05 ].2.56 2_ CC G_at_l-5, CSQ, I have the map ut_Xate if you're reacty to


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Page 7m

05 12 56 76 ¢ ' Roger, go.

o5 lz 56 28 cc Roger. _, 05:19,09.Longi_ade54 degreesWest,Rev86.

Star_ O5:19:_09. 00-O3-20 right asee_sicm.

05 12 57 04 C _av, fine.

O5 12 57 11 CC CSQ has nothing further, standing by.

05 12 57 1_ C All right, fine. _ank you,


05 13 31 37 CC RKV CAP C(24,all zyst_m_ are GO on the grmmd. We have

no%h+_g for you this pa$s. We'll be standing by.

05 13 31 43 C Roger, RKV CAP COM, Gemini-5. Everything looks good up


05 13 31 47 CC Roger.

c_ s_ QUEBEC

05 1_ 26 _8 CC Gemini-5, CSQ has you GO on the ground. We have nothing

for you'this pass. Standing by.

05 1_ 26 55 C Roger, CMQ. I read you.


05 15 07 04 CC G-at.i-5, REV CAP C0a.

05 15 07 08 C _er REV CAP.CO_, G_m_ui-5.

09 19 07 10 CC _er. Ail systems are GO on the _round. We have nothing

for you this pass. We'll be stan4_ by.

05 15 07 15 C _, fine. T_ y_u.


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_6e 573


05 15 _/312 CC G"m{-t-5, this is Canary CAP CCN. Ye have nothing for

you on this pass. You are lo_ good on the gronnd.

05 i5 28 28 C Ro_, Canaries. Gemini-5 here. Thank you very _ch.

o5 15 e8 35 cc _.


05 16 kl _5 CC C.muai-5,E/V CAP ¢_

05 16 _ 10 C Roger, Gemini-5 here_ REV.

O5 16 _2 13 CC Roger, all aystem_ are _ on the ground. Ne have no_hiz_

· else for you at thistime. We'll be stan_ by.

05 16 b_ 18 C Okay, very fine. Thank .you.

o5 16 _ cc RoSer.

o5 16 _ _3 cc C._tni-5,mCv CAPCOM.

05 16 42 h6 c Go aheaa,_XV.

05 16 _?. _7 CC _ are your rates doing by now'/

05 16 42 50 C Roger, we Just _-_ecl them again at about 20 mim_tes ago.

I powered _p and I reda_ed and the rates went up to

about 12 degrees per second.

05 16 _3 (Fl CC Roger, una_r,tand. How did it feel at 12 degree_?

05 16 h3 iL C A little bit high. Not too bad, but I thought we'd get

better heating as soon as I start da_ them down.

05 16 _3 2_ C_ Roger, understand. I was Just curious as to just how they

felt to yom at 12 degrees.

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43'3o05 1_ C P,og_'_ I couldn't reaAly feel it specifically ...

except that a lot of this stuff floating around would get

Slu_ tO the sides of the _ockpit.

'_ i6 43 }_1 CC Ru6er, umlerstamd. _ you.

05 16 _3 k_8 C. We had to power up for about 1 minute there ... AC

power up in the adap%er ... duma and back off it.

051643 _6 cc _a_r, umna you.


95 17 O1 54 CC G_=4_i-5, _his is Canary CAP COM. We have nothing

for you. Standing by. Everything looks good o_ the


05 17 O_ 31 P Rog, canary, Gemini-5. Everyth_ is fine here.

05 1T 02 35 CC Roger.


02 17 38 09 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon CAP OCS{. I have a Flight Plan

up_te. Are you prepared to copy?

05 17 38 16 P Roger,wait one.

05 17 38 1_7 P Good m0rning, Carnar_on, O_-_ni-5 here. Ready to copy.

05 17 _ 50 CC Good morning. Okay, first item S-8/D-13 sequence No. O1

and 02. Remarks, increase to three times Aail¥ as t_,_

'" perlmita. Next item D_/D'7, 08:_1116, sequence No. 417,

4L8 and _l_. R_kS, experiment recorder on 3 m_nutes

ma._. Next item, S-5, Sierra 5, 08:_5:00, sequence

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 568/782

Pa_e 575.

No. 02. Next item 8-8/D-13, 09:1k_.06, Sequence No. Oh.

R_aa_ks, pitch down 30, yaw right 2 degrees. Okay,

continue to make visual and photo passes if possible without

uoing fuel. Do you copy?

05 17 _O 43 P ... and on the D-4/D-7 would you give =_ the time again?

65 17 _O 46 CC ROger. Time was 08 hours 41 minutes 16 seconds.

05 17 40 57 P Okay. T_at's it, huh_

05 17 50 59 CC That's it. Houston will give you more updates on Rev 88.

05' 17 41 06 P Roger. '

05 17 hi 09 CC Looks like we're going to give you a chance at this Visual

Acuity patte_ down at Woodly on next pass.

05 17 _. _5 P Ri_t.

05 17 hi 17 CC Got a beautiful day down here. Hope you happen to be\

in attitude.

05 _7 hi 20 P So do we.

05 17 43 20 CC We got about a minute to LOS. Standing by.

05 17 {%3 23 P ROger.

05 17 h3 34 P What chanee we had to look at you, we were pointed straight


05 17 _3 38 CC Oh, great. Hope you're pointed straight down next pass.

Or almost straight down.

05 17 h4 1_ CC G_{ni-5, Carnarvon. Okay. Use no fuel for the experiments.

05 17 _ 19 P Roger.

05 17 44 21 CC Roger.

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Page 576


05 18 2h 26 CC _tni-5, f_uston CAP C_ Over.

05 18 _ %2 CC Oem_ni-5, C_=_n5-5, Nouston CAP C_w_ Over.

05 18 25 04 C Hello, Houston, C_m_nt-5 here. Go ahead.

05 18 25 07 CC Roger. I have some FIight Plan ululatesif you're ready

to copy.

05 28 25 12 P Waib one.

05 18 25 14 CC Rog.

05 18 25 3l P Ready to copy.

05 18 25 32 CC Roger. The first 'one is D-4/D-7, iO:27:00. Sequence

No. 418 and 4L7. Remarks, recorder on 3 mt_utes ma_m ma.

05 18 25 54 P Ready to copy.

05 18 25 56 CC Rog. Did you crotchthat first D-4/D-77

05 18 26 05 CC G_mlni-5, Houston. Do you read?

05 [8 26 21 CC C,_m_ni-5,Houston. Do you read?

05 18 26 23 P Read you very weakly.

05 18 26 26 CC Rog. Did yo_ copy the first D-_/D-7 I read?

o5 18 26 3o _ No.

05 18 26 31 CC Roger. D-_/D-7 at 10:27:OO, sequence No. 418 and 417.

" R_arks, recorder on 3 /!inutes maximin. $-6, 11:29:00,

· sequence No. O_. S-6, 13:22:00, sequence No. 07.

05 18 27 18 P Houston, say again.

05 18 27 20 CC Roger. S-6, 13:22:OO, sequence No. 07.

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Page 577


05 18 27 38 CC 35:00, sequence No.. 02. I)-6, 14:33:51,, sequence No. 05,

Mode No. 08, pitch 30 down, yaw 06 left, speed 60. If

completed, notify ground as aou_ as possible.

05 18 28 23 P Say again after S-6, Houston. I haven't read anything until

· Just the very end-of your message.

05 18 2_ 30 CC Okay. Evidently it's too hard to copy. We'll let

Car_u_on pass them up. Okay?

05 18 28 35 P Yau're coming in loud and clear now.

05 18 28 39 CC Okay, give us about 10 seconds each on the quantity read

ECS 02, Fuel Cell 02 and Fuel Cell B2. And you don't

have to read out the onboar4_.

05 18 28 50 P O_ay.

05 18 28 52 CC And we'llget you a fuel cell purge at Carnarvon.

05 18 28 55 P O!ra_.

05 18 28 57 CC OkAy, we'll go on after the 8-6. S-5 had 13:35:00.

· Sequence No. 02. D-6, 14:33:54, sequence No. 05. Mode

No. 08, pitch 30 down, yaw 06 left, speed 60. If comDleted,

notify ground as soon as pomsible. Are you copying all

right now?

05 18 29 47 P Yes.

05 18 29 47 CC Okay. Next item. D-6, 14:36:00, sequence No. 135. Pitch

30 down, yaw 07 right. Report on observation.

05 18 30 1_ P SaY again.

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Page 578

05.18 30 16 CC On the last one it was report on your observations on

the ])-6. Did you copy the rest of it?

05 18 30 22 p I nccd the yaw.

05 18 30 24 CC Yaw 07 right.

05 18 30 31 P And report 6_ e_servation.

05 18 30 3_ CC That's affirmative. D-6, 14'.31:0_, sequence No. 21.

Mode No. 08, pitch 30 clown, yaw 07 left, speed 60.

o5 18 31 o5 P copy.

05 18 3l 06 CC S-6, l_:50:OO, sequence 06. Remarks, south of track.

S-5, 15:10:OO, sequence No. 02. D-6, 16:O8:O9,

sequence No. 05, pitch 30 down, yaw 15 left. If completed,

notify ground as soon as possible.

05 18 31 55 P What's the mode number?

05 L8 31 57 CC Negative mode number. We' 11 pass up a correction on

that when you get to Carnarvon. I don't have the speed

mm_er either.

.05 L8 32 09 P Elliot there?

05 18 32 ll CC Go ahead. Roger. Be advised we're reading.

05 18 32 14 P What's the story on the N27 I got it going off the

bottom of the peg at the end of 7 days.

05 18 32 20 CC Rog. Be advised we're reading suit tpmperatures up to

about 70. You got any coament o_ that?

05 18 32 25 P That's where they are. It's cold in here.

05 18 32 27 CC' Okay. Understand.

05 18 32 30 C Everything's freezing up.

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u,J;,-,uENIIA. _ge _9


'05 18 32 32. CC Rog. Negative sweat on the H2. It's okay. Pete,/-

the usage rate on that will level off as you go along


05 18 32 42 P ... roi J days ...

05 18 32 45 cc Say again./

05 18 32 47 P You've been saying that for days and it hasn't.

05 18 ]2 51 CC You haven't gotten to the level off point yet.

O5 18 32 54 P Okay.

05 18 32 55 CC It's lO_ above the e_timate right now.

05 18 33 O1 CC Okay, we about had L06. We'll get the rest of it up to

you at Carnarvon.

05 18 34 OL C Roger. I read you Loud and clear.

05 19 34 05 CC All right. We have no special instructions for you this

pass. We're standing by.

05 18 34 12 C Roger. We have a minute and a half to acqulsiti_.

05 18 34 15 CC Roger.


05 18 39 47 CC Gemini-5, this is C-nary CAP CC_. We have nothing for

you. Everytht-.g looks good from he,re.

05 18 39 54 P Roger, Canary. G_mlni-5's GO here.

05 I8 39 59 CC Roger.


05 19 il 08 CC G_mini-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.


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Page 58o

05 19 Ii 13 P Cole in, Carnmrvon.

·05 19 ll 1_' CC Roger. We'd like a fuel cell purge on section 1 amd 2.

We're waiting for your mark.

05 19 ll 24 P Roger. _emcing hydrogen purge on 1 now.

05 19 11 39 P Hydrogen purge complete on 1. Starting 2.

O_ 19 11 42 CC Roger.

05 19 i1 55 P Hydrogen l_Arg_ coa_pleteon 2. Co_ller_il'_ oxygen on l.

05 19 11 58 CC Roger.

05 19 12 26 CC Think yOU'11 have a chance at that Visual Acuity?

05 19 12 29 P I don't know. We're looking straight up again.

05 19 12 31 CC Roger.

05 19 14 OO P Okay 02 purge is complete on No. 1.

05 19 14 02 CC Roger.

05 19 14 03 P Just a second while we look for the target.

05 19 1_ 06 CC Roger.

05 19 l_ 22 CC They got three columns of smoke running left from the

site toward the coast.

05 19 14 29 P Okay. Sh-rksmouth Bs_ is just e_tnm into sight, but

we're pitching up again ...

05 19 1_ 51 CC Smoke is blowing from south to north.

05 19 l_ 5% P Well, m_ side of the spacecraft is towards the BEF and

we'repitching up and I just saw Sharksmouth Bay and that

was it.

05 19 15 05 CC Roger.

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Page 5_1

09 19 15 06 P C_rd_ ha_ the _moke in sight right now on his side, but

ye're pitching up and I'm afraid we'll lose it.

05 19 15 23 C I had smoke in sight but we Just pitched by--

05 lg 15 27' CC Roger.

05 19 15 32 P ... going to start purge on section 2 on mV w_k. Mark.

05 19 15 38 CC Roger.

05 19 16 21 P Visibility was really good down there. It's too bad we

weren't in the right position.

05 19 16 26 CC Roger, Pete. Yes, the weather here is beautiful.

05 19 16 39 P Is it too cold to swim?

05 19 16 42 CC They tell me a swi,-aingpoot ... _At it's a little bit

too c°°l yet.

05 19 16 51 P Yes, I keep forgetting it's winter.

05 19 16 53 CC Right. It's beginning to warm up.

05 19 17 05 P Hey, you can tell the_ that I got some 414 and _17's for

them in Africa instead of around the Cape coming over on

· . this last pa_s, on the D-_/7.

05 19 17 23 CC Roger. I got that.

05 19 17 27 P ...

05 19 17 32 CC Say again.

05 19 17 33 P I ca_ still see the smoke.

05 19 17 36 CC Okay. The site's about 3 miles east of the third column

of.maoke, inland.

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_ge 58a

05 19 17 43 P Well, we're a good 300 miles from it now, past it,

but we can still see the mm_ke.

05 19 17 48 CC Roger.

05 19 17 53 P Okay. Section 2 purge is complete.

05 19 17 56 CC Roger. We'll have another try at that site tomorrow.

05 19 18 01 P okay.

05 19 18 21. CC Everything looks good on the ground. Stand by.

09 19 18 23 P Thank you. We're GO up here. See you next pass.

05 19 18 26 CC Roger.

05 19 18 _3 CC Can you give us a quantity read on Fuel Cell 02 .

05 19 18 57 CC Fuel Cell OR .

05 19 19 05 CC And om _ mark sw_tch to Fuel Cell _.

05 19 19 11 CC _-y. Go. Fuel Cell H2.


05 19 53 23 CC Gemini-5, G_mtni-5, Houston CkP COM. Over.

05 19 53 4_ CC C,=m_ni-5, Gemini-5, Houston CAP COM. Over.

05 19 53 58 P Houston CAP COS/. C_mini-5 here. Over.

05 19 54 O1 CC Roger. You're looking good on the ground. I've got

some updates on your Flight Plan if you're ready to copy.

05 19 54 09 P Okay. '

05 19 54 11 CC Rog. If you go back bo where we started before, we began

with the D-4/D-7, then we had two S-6's. Did you copy

both of those S-6's?

05 19 54 23 P Negative. I never got either one.

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05 19 54 25 CC Okay. Did you get the D-4/D-77

o5 19 54 28 P 418 aud 417:

05 19 54 30 CC That's affirm.

05 19 54 31 P Yes.

05 19 54 32 CC Okay. The first S-6 was 11:29:OO. Sequence No. O1.


05 19 54 45 P Roger, S-6, 11:29:00, mequence No. Ol.

05 19 5]+50 CC All right. The next one was an S-6 at 13:2'2:OO.

Sequence No, 07.

05 19 55 oo P Okay. 13:_:oo, o7.

05 19 55 03 CC ]tog. Then did you get the S-5 after that? It was


05 19 55 10 P Affirm.

05 19 55 12 CC All right. Then go on down your list to the D-6 at

14:31:O2. I have a correction for that one.

05 19 55 19 P Okay.

05-19 55 21 CC The time should be 14:38:02.

05 19 55 29 P Okay.

05 19 55 30 CC An_ then on aown to the D-6 at 16:O8:O9. I have a

correction for that one.

05 19 55 36 P Go ahead.

05 19 55 38 CC The mode number is O1, the speed is 30.

05 ]-955 45 P We're not supposed to use any fuel; is that correct?

05 19 55 47 CC That is affirmatiYe.

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Page _8_

05 19 55 51 CC Okay. Then I have two more if you're readv to copy.

o5 i9 55 55 P GQ ahead.

05 19 55 57 CC S-8/D-13, 16:11:50. Sequence No. 03. Pitch 30 down,

Yaw 10 right. 70mm photos is possible. $-6 16:24:00.

Sequence No. 06.

05 19 56 29 P _mat waB this now, say again.

O5 19 56 31 CC Okay. The last one is an S-6 anR the time is 16:24:OO.

The sequencenumberis06.

o5 _9 56 42 P okay.

05 19 56 44 CC nkAy. Then on _our general Flight Plan we have a deletion

on one medical data and a substitution. Delete mealdata

· pass at the Canaries coming up and perform this at

Ouaymas with an acquisition time of 11:23:38.

05 19 57 07 P Wait a minute. Oh, oh. Say again the time.

05 19 57 11 CC Okay. The acquisition 'at Ouaymas is 11:23:38, and that

will be a medical data pass on the Pilot.

05 19 57 21 P Delete the one where?

05 19 57 24 CC At the Canary Islands on the 89th Rev.

05 19 57 29 P Thank you.

05 19 57 30 CC Okay. An_ then a general coment here during your

drifting flight in order to try to get as many of the

experiments as we can. Take any I)-6type photos that

are convenient to you. Okay?

o5 19 57 43 P D-67

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05 19 57 _ CC Right. Any D-6 that you see that lOOks good and you

have the equipment out, go ahead and take them.

05 19 57 50 P You can't do this with those big lenses, You know.

" You've got to stop this stuff on the ground.

05 19 57 _6 CC Yes. That's affirm, but if you can anticipate something

like E_. centro and you have the opportunity to take it

if you are in the right attitude, go ahead and give it a

whirl. We don't need a Iot, but we Just thought we'd

give you the free hand of go ahead and taking those things

if you have the opportunity.

o5 19 58 12 p- ...

05 [9 58 13 CC And then on the D-4/D-7 if you are over a receiving

station, and again if the opportunity presents itself,

try the following sequence numbers'. 407, 410 Charlie

and _1_ through 419 . We don't want you to use a recorder

unless we specify it in our Flight Plan updates, but if

you happen to be over a receiving station we're all set

up to receive you on the ground. Copy.

05 19 58 46 P Okay. I got 407, 410 Char ie, 414 through h19. hlaat else?

05 19 58 5_ CC Wetl, do not use a recerder unless we specify so in your

Flight Plan updates that we have given you. Unless we

give you a time to use a recorder, don't use it. All

our receiving stations are up and they are standing by in

case you happen to he able to perform it while you're over-

head. ' i_'_ _- _._ _;_

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Page 586


05 19 59 08 P Yes, okay. Well, I used the recorder here a little

while ago. I didn't get the 418's or 17's_ don't

re_-mber which, the Cape, but i got it at the east

coast of Africa.

05 19 59 _2 CC Oh, that's ok ay. That's fine because we w_nted you to

go ahead and use it on that one anyway. Okay, and on

your weather observations you've been doing a real good

job, and the weathermen are really happy with it down

here. One thing they'd like to have on the observations

is the precise time. You're way ahead of any other data

they have, and they'd like to get the time of these

observations. It will really help them in their

predictions. Okay?

05 19 59 49 P All right.

05 19 59 50 CC And I have a couple of questions on your thrusters when

you were damping your rates during the lamt few revs.

Did any other OAN_ thrusters other than ? and 8 show a

degraded performance?

05 20 GO 07 P Well, we really can't tell too well. We've noticed a

little cross coupling and that indicates %o me that some

aren't doing as well as others.

05 20 O0 20 CC Roger. Understand. Well, we're trying to figure it out

down here and we haven't got an answer yet. Were the

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 580/782

circuit breakers on No. 7 and 8 closed while you were

trying to damp the rates?

05 20 O0 32 P No. The¥'we been open ever since we were told to leave

them open except a couple of times when we took a look

at them to see if they'd come back into action because of

the heater.

05 20 OO 42 CC Oh. Well, that's what we're wondering about, if you had

them closed. Did you make any att_mp_tto fire 7 and 8,

and did you get any response?

05 20 O0 48 P No response.

05 20 OO 5_ CC Okay. Fine. Understand.

05 20 O0 56 P Now, we haven't done it on the dark side yet and of

course we noticed No. 8 w_s firing but giving no thrust

so it was firing off mixture.

05 20 O1 13 CC Roger. Okay. We understand.

05 20 Ol 15 P I've got some thoughts for you on the ground. We broke

off a piece of frozen urine, maybe 3-1/2 inches by 4,

and we've noticed an awful lot of stuff floating by the

spacecraft which must come from the medic trials.

05 20 O1 34 CC Oh, understand.

05 20 Ol 35 P I'm wondering if maybe something hasn't run into these

thrusters when we hadn't been using them or something

1ike that.

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09 20 O1 47 CC Okay. Understand your comments. We'L1 be looking into


05 20 O1 5[ P Yes. I'm not exactly sure where all the different vent

holes are on the spacecraft in relation to the thrusters.

05 20 O1 58 CC Okay. Understand.

05 20 02 06 CC Pete, in regard to your hydrogen, it looks like it will

be about 15 more hours before your curve levels off on

that, so you can expect this rate to ... level out quite


05 20 02 26 P You're sure?

05 20 02 28 CC That's what the curve says here. It's a curve that we

did not have before flight, but it's the type of curve they

do expect. After about 15 hours you will stop venting

and this will cause the curve to level off quite drastically.

We're running well ahead of it, incidentally, but this is

the shape of it.

05 20 O2 50 P Okay.

05 20 02 5l CC The fact that we are running ahead of it is why you got

another 15 hours to go before you level out.

05 20 02 59 P I see.

05 20 03 Ol CC If I understand you in regard to these chance sightings

so to speak, a;though you-might be pointing in the right

direction, your co_ent is that you would not have the

rates stopped well enough to take a picture unless you

! !_ i i? ' i!;_;'_;.;ii; ! i? ;,

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 582/782

r-, v , ?

actually stopped, then, in other words, the rates do not

decrease at all; they merely go in different directions.

05 20 03 25 P Yes. Well, in the Questar lens a 9000 foot runway up here

fills the whole lens up, and the probability of having it

pass through the Questar field of view is virtually

impossible, and even if it did, you'd never get a picture.

05 20 03 41 CC Because of the rate.

05 20 03 43 P That's true and equally true with the 20(_mm, although it

doesn't blow up quite as big.

05 20 03 50 CC Roger. I understand.

05 20 03 52 P ... don't even think it's worthwhile rigging the gear


05 20 03 56 CC Well, we weren't thinking about those rates. If they were

_airly high, you've got a good point. You Just couldn't

do it. If you were dealing with som_ fairly low rates, you

might try it and Just make the ecm_ent that you had such and

such a rate and they could kind of take that into considera-

tion when they analyze the pictures.

05 20 O_ 15 P Well, we've got plenty of pictures for the_ out of _he

Questar anyhow. Over 70.

05 20 O_ 22 CC I'll bet. Hey, Pete, next time you try your damping on the

dark side, how about checking 7 and 8 and see if you get a

glow out of them.

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C;ONFinr f, .fULi'_ ' i_ _t. Page 590

05 20 04 32 P Yes, we'll do that. The venting ,B,st have slowed down

because the rates haven't buiZt up too badly. We're

zinging along here about 2 degrees per second now.

05 20 04 _9 CC Okay. Understand.

05 20 04 5] CC O_,y. That's about what we expected.

05 20 04 54 P Very unfortunately it was a beautiful day in Australia

and we were Just not in the right position to see the

S-8/D-I_. We saw Shark_mnuth Bay, that's the Zsmt thing

we saw. We were pitching up and then we saw the smoke

Stream- 300 miles past over our shoulder. So I am sure

we would have seen it.

05 20 05 14 CC Okay. We copied the pass as you went over, and we'll

plan it again for tomorrow.

05 20 05 19 CC I lost a bet on that one, Pete.

05 20 05 22 P What was that?

05 20 05 24 CC I bet you'd be looking at it.

05 20 05 25 P We came pretty close.

05 20 05 34 CC I guess you're aware that the thing that we feeZ is the

tightest, is the water storage capacity. We're con-

tinuing to work on that, but as you know we don't have

a real good handke to work with on that one.

05 20 05 4"/ P Yes. And that's the one thing ... we have been %a_king

this whole thing over, and we're aware of all the

prob 1ems.

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·_'. _ i .... Page 591

05 20 05 58 CC Roger.

05 20 06 02 P We are beginning to feel ...

05 20 06 08 CC The effects of what?

05 20 06 IO P From being confined so long. We're getting stiff

and so forth.

05 20 06 16 CC Maybe you ought to open the door and stretch a

little bit.

05 20 06 19 P I'd bnZre like to.

05 20 06 24 CC I'm not sure we caught exactly what you said, Pete.

We understand you are beginning to feel the effects of

being cooped up. Was there any other covalent

05 20 06 34 P No other co_ents; it's just that we're getting stiff.

05 20 06 3Y CC Roger.

05 20 06 41 CC The exerciser isn't enough on that, huh?

05 20 06 _4 P No.

05 20 06 45 CC Roger.

05 20 06 47 P There's not really enough room to use it right.

05 20 06 5i CC Rog.

05 20 06 54 CC We about have LOS, We'Y1 see you next pass.

05 20 06 57 P Okay.


05 20 12 07 CC G-mini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. You look good on

the ground. We have nothing for you. You need not


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_i_ _,-_,2__'-,-_ ;_.__ Page 592


05 20 46 21 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.

05 20 46 24 C Go ahead, Carnarvon, Gemini-5.

05 20 46 26 CC Roger. We have a PIA update when you're ready to copy.

05 20 46 31 C Roger. Wait a minute.

05 20 46 46 CC They're using the end of the mission aerodynamics now to

cale-late the retrofire information, and the bank angle

bias ham changed from 9 degrees to 7 degrees on all the

ul_tem. The PLA's will be roll left 53, roll right 67

and CIA's will be roll left 83.

05 20 47 12 C Okay, we're ready to copy.

05 20 47 17 CC Did you copy that about the bank angles?

05 20 47 19 C That's affirm.

09 20 47 20 CC Roger. Okay, Area 91-1, 12:50:30, 13 plus 38, lb plus hO.

Ares 92-1, 14:25:37, 12 plus 31, 18 plus O1. Area 93-4,

17:11:48, 15 plus 08, 20 plus 19. Area 9_-4, 18:47:1j,

13 plus 46, 19 plus 06. Ares 95-4, 20:23:29, 12 plus 24,

18 plus 05. Do _u copy'._

05 20 49 14 P Nad a bm 11, thank you.

05 20 49 16 CC Roger.

05 20 49 19 CC _ulso be advised that there is a medical peas on the Pilot

at Gumymss this rev. Gua_s AOS time is 11:23.

05 20 49 29 C Roger. We got it.

05 20 49 3.1. 02 Roger.

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....... Page 593

05 20 49 32 C Gemini-5 is GO up here, standing by.

05 20 49 36 CC Roger. You're GO down here.


05 21 23 09 CC Gemini-5, Guaymss CAP COM. Turn your T/M Control Switch

to the RFAL TIME & ACQ-AID position.

05 21 23 31 CC Gemini-5, Guaymes CAP COM.

05 21 23 36 CC If you read, put the oral temp thermometer into the Pilot's


05 21 23 51 C Roger. The Pilot is busy right at %he moment.

05 21 23 55 CC Okay, while ae's doing that, why don't you answer a couple

questions for me. I'd like for you to get out your log-

hook. I want to know if you have completed three D-4/D-7


05 21 22 l0 P Okay, what do you want?

05 21 24 13 CC And you're looking good here on the ground.

05 21 24 23 C O_y, ...

05 21 24 25 CC Okay, the first one is on the 4th day, in the daytime

group is 15:19:00--it's sequence 419--nave you completed


05 21 24 38 C Wait one, we,ll check.

05 21 25 26 C Negmtive, we haven't done this 419.

05 21 25 28 CC Say again.

05 21 25 29 C We have not done this 419.

05 21 25 32 CC Okay, you nave not completed 419. Have you completed

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 587/782

,, _ _,!_ ," 7'. -.-i.' ;k · .- . , _ ._ Pag¢: 591;

sequence 415--the daytime group of the 5th day-- 12:02:007

05 21 26 02 C Hello, Gmaymas. That's negative.

05 21 26 05 CC Guaymas here, go ahead.

05 21 26 07 C I say, that's negative. We have not done _+15.

05 21 26 09 CC Okay, how about on the 5th day, 14:05:00, sequence _O77

05 21 26 18 C Negative.

05 21 26 19 CC Okay, can the Pilot put the oral temp probe in his mouth?

05 21 26 23 C Negative, you'll have to pick it up at some other station.

05 21 26 27 CC Say again.

05 2A 26 30 C You'll have to pick it up at some other station.

05 21 26 31 CC Okay, very good.

05 21 26 33 CC Turn your Real Time T/M Control Switch to the COMMAND


05 21 26 41 C Roger.


05 21 34 06 P Hello, Houston, Gemini-5.

05 21 34 19 P Hello, Guaymas, Gemini-5.

05 21 34 22 CC Gemini-5, go ahead, Houston here.

05 21 34 25 P Oh, I was just checking. We didn't hear from you.

05 21 34 29 CC Well, we're just standing by. Everything looks good on the


05 21 34 34 P What's the T R clock say?

05 21 34 41 CC 50 hours to go.

05 21 34 52 CC Do you want an exact TR?

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Page 595

05 21 34 55 C No, just joshing.

05 21 35 CO CC _y again, Genzini-5--Roger.

05 21 35 O_ P We're just p,,1] ing your leg s little bit.

05 21 35 06 CC Good morning.

05 21 35 09 P Good morning to you.

05 21 35 13 CC Getting ready to change over here again only I'm not

_nding over what I did yesterday to Chris. Looks pretty

good, Gemini- 5.

05 21 35 24 P Okay, we3.k it ought to; we haven't run anything since

yesterdmy, either.

O_ 21 35 30 CC They,re going to grind it out, boy.

05 21 35 33 P Yes, our rates sti/1 back up to about 6 degrees s_sln.

We're tumbling along here.

05 21 35 39 CC Gemini, Houston. How's the Pilot feeling now?

05 Pl 35 48 CC Morning, Peter.

05 21 35 50 P Goodmorning.

05 21 35 52 CC Beautiful day in Houston.

05 21 36 19 CC _ow's Gox_io TLnis morning?

05 21 36 23 C Just waking up.

05 21 36 26 CC Me too; hope you feel as well as I do.

05 21 36 32 C I i_gine so.

05 21 36 34 CC Very good.


05 21 _6 _7 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. We .have a valid temperature

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 589/782

on the Pilot.

05 2.1 47 02 CC You can pump up the blood cuff.

05 21 47 08 CC Gemini-5, this ls Canary Surgeon, your cuI'f is full scale.

05 21 27 5]+ CC We have a good blood pressure. Give me a mark when you

begin exercise.

05 21 _8 04 P Mark.

05 21 48 45 CC Your cuff is full scale.

05 2_l 49 22 CC Okay, we have a goc_ blood pressure; standing by for your

_ter and sleep report.

05 2-1 49 45 C The Pilot has drunk 28 gallons i ounce. Last meal was

4A, 06:08:00:00. Sleep, 4 hours.

05 21 50 08 C _nank you, Earl ... Did you copy, Canaries?

05 21 50 ll CC Roger. Canary Surgeon copied.

05 21 50 31 CC Gemini-5, this is a reminder. There will be a medlcal

data pass on the Co.m_nd Pilot over Carnarvon at

12 hours 20 minutes, that's 12 hours 20 minutes.

05 21 50 49 C Roger.

05 21 50 52 CC You're looking good here on the ground. We have nothing

further for you. We're standing by for about another


05 21 50 58 C Gemini-5, Roger. Standing by.

05 22 21 1Y CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon. We have a valid oral temp.

Stand by for surgeon.

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F" '_,!!_f_ '_ i_,

. :_ Page 597

05 22 21 17 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon Surgeon. Standing by for your

first blood pressure.

05 22 21 23 C Coming down.

05 22 21 25 CC Would you place your Quantity Reed Switch to ECS 027

05 22 21 35 CC Cuff is D,tl scale.

05 22 CC We have your blood pressure. Standing by for exercise

on your mark.

05 22 22 _0 CC Would you go back to ECS 02 on the Quantity Read Swl%ch?

Trying to get computer printout. I'll give you a cue

when to switch them next.

05 22 22 59 CC Cuff is full scale.

05 22 23 O7 CC Okay, go to F_el Cell 02.

05 22 23 25 CC We have your second blood pressure. Standhng by for your

food, water and sleep reports for the past 2_ hours.

05 22 24 03 CC Ge_ni-5, Carnarvon Surgeon. Do you copy?.

05 22 24 11 C He's going to put it down on UHF ... for just a second.

He'1] be with you.

05 22 2_ 15 P Can you hear me now?

05 22 24 17 CC Hoger.

05 22 24 18 C Okay. I've had 28 pounds 1 ounce of water, my total


05 22 2_ 24 CC Roger.

05 22 2_ 27 C My last meal was 4A at 0c:08:00:00. Had a good

8 hours sleep last 24.

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, _. _ _,: , _'i Page 598

05 22 24 42 CC Roger. Quality of sleep?

05 22 24 45 C Very sound.

05 22 24 47 CC Good. You feel rested now?

05 22 24 50 C Roger, still sleepy.

05 22 2h 53 CC Roger.

05 22 25 02 CC Okay, you can turn the Quantity Read Switch OFF. We've

got them.

05 22 25 08 CC Now the Flight Plan update. A_e you ready to copy?

05 22 25 12 C Ready to copy.

05 22 25 14 CC Roger. This is Delta 6 at 13:O2. I'll repeat that time,

13:02:02, sequence No. 135. Pitch down 30, yaw left 28.

Next item is Delta 6, D-6, time 16:10:28, sequence

No. 115. Pitch down 30, yaw left 32. Do you copy?

05 22 26 15 C We got them.

05 22 26 20 CC Okay, everything looks good here on the ground. We're

standing by.

05 22 26 24 C Okay. Thank you, everything looks good here.

05 22 26 47 CC Gemini, Carnarvon, could you give us an idea of your

present rates?

05 22 26 52 P Roger, 6 degrees per second.

05 22 26 55 CC Roger.

05 22 26 57 P It has taken us 12 hours to build up to that since the

last time we dumped.

05 22 27 O] CC Roger.

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· _ -_ -- A,- P · !

.,..,'._,_ i j ,, ,, _ !,' Page 599

05 22 27 08 P I take it back; it takes about 3 hours.

05 22 27 12 CC You say it has taken about 3 hours to build up to

6 degrees?

05 22 27 15 P Yes, Gordo damped once apparently when I was azleep.

05 22 27 19 CC Roger.

05 22 27 27 P The highest we've seen 8 degrees per second and we've

went ahead. Excuse me, 12 degrees per secon_i, and we

quit tilere.

05 22 27 37 CC Roger, u_derstand. Yes, we copied that earlier.


O_ 22 49 31 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii CAP COM. We have nothing for

you this time. We're standing by. Your systems are Green.


05 22 57 19 CC Gemini-5, GuaYmas CAP COM. Turn your T/M Control Switch

to the Real Time & ACQ AID position.

05 22 57 49 CC Gemini-5, Guaymss CAP COM.

05 22 57 _4 C Go ahead Guaymas.

05 22 57 56 CC How are you doing?

05 22 57 58 P Roger, just fine.

05 22 58 OO CC Okay, you look real good here on the ground. As soon

as we get these su-m_ries out we want to bring up your

section 2. Just hold off a second.

.l._',_ i._ ; ': z i_

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t - _ , i

"=_ i_ _ _'i. Page 600

05 22 58 20 C Guaymas, this is Gemini-5. We just Dowered up 30 seconds

to go and are damping our fete.

05 22 58 28 CC Roger, you have section-2 on?

05 22 58 31 C Negative.

05 22 58 32 CC Okay, at this time we would like for you to bring

section 2 up and your secondary coolant loop pump A.

05 22 58 57 CC Did you copy that?

05 22 58 59 C Roger, section 2, secondary pump A is on.

05 22 59 03 CC Okay, we wottld like you to bring your computer up in

the Prelaunch Mode.

05 22 59 16 C Roger, computers are in Prelaunch.

05 22 59 19 CC Roger, copy that.


05 22 59 21 C Operating light is not on yet.

05 22 59 24 CC Say again, you are kind of weak.

05 22 59 25 C My operating light is not on yet on the computer,


05 22 59 28 CC Roger.

05 22 59 33 C Now we have a green operating light.

05 22 59 35 CC Roger. _d we show good indications here on the ground.

05 23 00 41 CC Are you getting anything out of thrusters 7 and 8?

05 23 OO 45 P We haven't tried them yet but your yaw right thruster 3

and 4, one of them is real weak and we are a

lot of roll tumbling in there. _ney're both firing.

One of them is weaker than the other.

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_" f'i[ :t_'_ I f'; ': _ ',_ Page 601

05 23 OO 57 CC Which one is weaker?

05 23 O1 O1 P Whichever one would cause you to get right roll, lower

one ·

05 23 Ol 06 cc Okay.


05 23 02 3_ CC Gemini-5, Houston. Good morning.

05 23 02 37 C Good morning, Houston. How are you?

05 23 02 39 CC Fine. How are you?

05 23 02 41 C All right.

05 23 02 42 CC Good. We would like to give you a GO for 107-1. isn't

that a big n,,mber?

05 23 02 48 C Sure is.

05 23 02 51 CC We would also like to have you put your T/M Switch to

COMMAND at this time.

05 23 02 56 C It's in COMMAND.

05 23 03 03 CC How are you sack hounds Going up there?

05 23 03 05 C Pretty good. We Just damped our rates out here and are

powering back down.

05 23 03 10 CC All right.

05 23 03 13 P Are you ready to copy the Rev 90 readouts for GO on


05 23 03 19 CC We sure are. Go ahead.

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_i:i_ i_,'''__ _., _-.' !"_ Page (/)2

05 23 03 21 P Okay, we didn't have the fuel cell powered up at the

time we took the readings. They were 000, 2-A through

2-C. 1-A was 6.1, 1-B 4s ).l, 1-C was 6.5 and the

RCS A was 295, temperature TO, RCS B 290, temperature 71,

left secondary 02 5500, right secondary 02 5400, and

for some reason we didn't copy the main.

05 23 03 52 CC Okay.

05 23 03 57 P This No. 2 fuel cell is pretty Cold. it's only hauling

about one third of what the other one is.._

05 23 04 02 CC Okay, very good. It'll come on up then, we expect.

05 23 04 07 P Yes.

05 23 04 09 CC We're reading the same thing on the ground too, Pete.

05 23 04 19 CC We're going to start putting some 92-1 times in there

for you now, so you will get the DCS light.

05 23 04 27 P Okay.


05 23 06 53 CC Gemini-5, ttouston. We have s good load in and we verified

it. You are clear to go ahead and power the computer

back down.

05 23 07 O0 P Okay.

05 23 07 lO CC [low are you doing on those experiments with no fuel?

05 23 07 13 P Just about like you might expect.

05 23 07 16 CC Rog.

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_,,ai_F: Page 603·J_ ,i , !, ._

05 23 07 18 P Now we're gctting some of the S-5 stuff and some of the

S-6 stuff. I got some pretty good pictures over

East Africa last pass.

05 23 07 27 CC Good.

05 23 07 28 P But, ha ha ...... straight up ss we passed over the States

we were looking right at the zenith.

05 23 07 38 CC That's very good. You know we ended up that way when we

looked at the sky during the day-side pass and the ground

during the night-side passes. You can't think oI anytnlng

more uninteresting than that.

05 23 07 51 P Lot better than rates.

05 23 07 54 CC Roger. I guess you could say you are getting a new outlook

on the world, huh?

05 23 08 00 C Yes, that's right. Quite a new ...

05 23 08 08 CC You th_n_ we could sell that thing aa a ride at a carnival?

05 23 08 lh P I don't think you could sell this day-to-day drift in

flight as a ride anywhere.

05 23 08 29 CC Gemini-5, this is Surgeon. Gordo, what are you doing for

exercise up there now?. Rave you increased it any in the

Last day or so?

05 23 08 39 C I hold Pete's hand once in awhile and once in awhile i

use the skin cleaning towel and then ... we chew gum.

05 23 08 49 CC That ain't going to hack It, friend.

05 23 08 53 P We Rave something we want to read to you.


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05 23 08 57 CC Your poem.

05 23 08 59 P Gordon composed this yesterday after our system pooped

out on us and you can sing it to "We Were _zzn__' _': , Along."

It goes like this.

We were drifting along by the CSQ

When the radio suddenly sent

Here's word for you.

Your controls are dead

But you're not through

So here we are for three days more

With the end quite far.

05 23 09 28 CC Hey, Pete, you are doing great till the last line.

Recompose that, will you.

05 23 09 36 C We'll work on it. We have a few more that are better

but --

05 23 09 44 CC Send them dow_ in a pnebunatic tube, will you?

05 23 09 _7 C Yes, okay.

05 23 09 51 CC F_iott says we,l] give you a few more days to work on it.

05 23 09 55 C Tell him ... the blue bag and come down with pne-,mtic


05 23 09 59 CC Roger. ne Flight Surgeon would' like to know the bag

status now.

05 23 10 10 C It's 2 and t.

05 23 10 13 CC In favor of the Astros?

05 23 10 19 C I don't know whether it's the Colts or the Astros.

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.,:.._i_i!-_ULi_ i ,,-,-. ]::'age 605


05 23 11 04 P Say, Jim, do you read?

05 23 11 06 CC Roger, go ahead'.

05 23 11 08 C Row about a G_ time hacK, please?

05 23 11 11 CC Okay, on my mark it will be - I don't even know how many

days we've got here any more - it will be 13:12 on my mark.

_nat's in about 45 seconds. We've got about l_ seconds

to 13:12:OO.

05 23 11 55 CC 5 seconds, 3, 2, 1.

05 23 12 O1 CC NARK. _at wes 13:12:00,

05 23 12 05 C Roger, very good. My onboard ... has never been more

than 2 seconds off and I've only set it twice this flight.

05 23 1R 13 CC Very good. Do you have your T/M Switch in COM_I_D et the

present time?

05 23 IR P_ C _nat's affirmstive.

05 23 12 24 CC Okay, we'll send another off com_m_nd then.

05 23 12 27 C Com-_nd you'll send reel time. All right, Jim, you want

it in CO_?

05 23 12 34 CC Roger. We'd llke to have it in CO_D please.

05 23 12 37 C In CO_/TD. What's the matter? Is Guaymas CommanU system

out ?

05 23 IR _ CC Guaymas doesn't have a Co--nd System. We've got to either

commmnd it on over Texas and let Guaymes pick up the T/M,

or they have to call you and tell you to put it on.

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,jr i _t;_ !' ii;_-[. Page /006

o5 23 12 51 c Ah so.

05 23 13 02 CC Oh say, before we lose you, I would like to tell you

ttlat on your last pass, people could look up and see

you go by over Houston here.

05 23 13 09 C Very good.

05 23 13 11 cc Did you see us looking at you?

05 23 13 14 C No, I did not notice. We were looking straight up.

05 23 13 17 CC Oh, I thought that was the back of your head we saw.

05 23 13 22 C No, that was .just my beard you were looking at.

05 23 13 26 CC Gordo, is your beard longer than your aair now?.

05 23 13 29 C Yes, even Pete's is.

05 23 13 35 CC Roger. Hey, who's got the longest beara right now?

05 23 13 _l C I guess I win *_hRt contest.

05 23 13 _.3 cc ok,,,¥.

05 23 15 07 cc Gemini-5,aouston.

05 23 15 10 P Go ahead, Houston.

05 23 15 11 CC Nave you seen anything else up there orbiting around

with you since you have been up?

05 23 15 17 P No, we haven't.

05 23 15 19 CC Okay. We've got about another 10 seconds here and then

we'll say adieu.

05 23 15 31 P _11 right.

05 23 15 37 P In Texas we say, "So long, perdner."

05 23 15 38 CC All right.

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_.i._i'_: i..'._,[_i'_ !._L Page 607


05 23 55 22 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.

05 23 55 41 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon.

05 23 55 _5 C Carmmrvon, Gemini-5.

05 23 55 50 CC Roger, we're GO here for iD7 if you're GO.

05 23 55 53 C Roger, we're GO.

05 23 55 55 CC Roger, I'll update your TR clock in about a minute.

05 23 56 05 CC Transmitting your TR .

05 23 57 08 C Okay, we're getting it.

05 23 57 12 CC Noger. You're in sync.

05 23 57 18 CC Be advised Lhere's a medical data pass on _he Pilot

at Hawaii. Hawaii's AOS is 14:20.

05 23 57 29 C Roger. 14:20.

05 23 57 35 CC Did you have your experiments transmitted on over

Carnarvon last peas?

05 23 57 46 C I don't believe so but we might have. I don't think

so tho-_._.

05 23 57 50 CC Roger.

05 23 58 20 CC What are your rates at the present time?

05 23 58 25 P We dumped our rates all over the States; they're

down very low now.

05 23 58 31 CC Have you got an estimate?

05 23 58 40 C I guess we will have more t.hanhalf a degree in the

axis at l_aemoment.

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05 23 58 47 cc Roger.

05 23 58 50 C Virtually no rates.

05 2B 58 52 cc Roger.

05 23 59 06 CC Flight advises that it looks like the hydrogen is

beginning to level off now.

05 23 59 13 C Okay. You think we _zight _ke it, huh?

05 23 59 18 CC Looks like it.

05 23 59 22 CC Flight says we're sure of it.

05 23 59 23 C Okay.

05 23 59 25 CC Only one more TR update to go.

05 23 59 28 P Yes, that's right.


06 00 20 53 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

06 O0 21 O1 CC Hmwmii has telemetry solid.

06 (ND 21 13 P Roger, Nmwmli, Gemini-5 with you.

06 GO 21 16 CC Roger. 'ge didn't copy mn oral temp.

06 GO 21 18 C I'll do thm t now.

06 OO 21 21 CC Roger.

06 OO 21 47 CC We copy your oral temp; give us a blood pressure please.

06 OO 21 50 C Okay, he's pumping it now.

06 O0 21 51 CC Roger.

06 OO 21 5_ CC Gemini-5, Hawaii Surgeon. Your cu/_f is D,1] scale.

06 00 22 28 CC Gemini-5, Nawsii Surgeon. We have a valid blood pressure.

Give me a mark when you begin exercise.

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I , _ Jill. Page 609

06 O0 22 39 C Okay, getting ready.

06 OO 22 46 P Starting exercise.

06 OO 23 19 C Finished exercise. Pumping up blood pressure now.

06 00 23 34 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii Surgeon here. Your cuff D.)] scale.

06 O0 23 59 CC Ge,u[ni-5, Hawaii Surgeon. We have a valid blood pressure.

Standing by for a foo_ and sleep summary over t_e pest

24 hours, plus your water report.

06 OO 24 09 C Roger. Sleep over the past 24 hours was about 6 hours.

Water is 29 pounds and food status hasn't changed.

06 OO 24 22 CC Gemini-5, roger, thank you. Hawaii Surgeon out.

06 O0 24 26 CC We've got a Map update for you whenever you're ready

to copy.

06 O0 24 34 CC Gemini-5, we've got a Map update for you whenever

you' re ready to copy.

06 OO 24 42 C Rog. Wait one.

06 O0 24 45 P Fire away.

06 00 24 49 CC Map 14:14:42, longitude 169 East, Rev 91. _e star's

the same time, under remarks, 23 hours 52 minutes.

06 O0 25 13 C Roger.

06 O0 25 17 CC We've nothing else for you. We're standing by.

06 00 25 21 C Gemini-5 standing by.

06 OO 37 1? CC Gemini-5, Gem/nj-5, Houston.

06 O0 37 22 C Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

06 OO 37 25 CC Roger. Houston here. We'd like to have you read

us your _ propellant gage. We'd like to keep

track of the last as it gets down lower here.

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Page 610

06 O0 37 37 C Okay. We're still reading 10_.

06 00 37 39 CC Roger. 10_. We'd like to advise you to try doing

a lot more exercises the next couple of aaym here

using both the bungee cord to p,,11 on with your

hands and your arms and legs and to do whatever

isometrics that you can.

06 00 37 59 C Okay. We thought we'd start to taking long walks.

06 00 38 03 CC Well, we thought that would be 8 good idea too, but

I understand it's raining out there.

06 O0 38 11 CC Actually the Flight Surgeon does think t,hat the long

walk would probably do you more good, so --

06 O0 38 19 C We walked up and down the aisle in our big spacecrai%.

06 00 38 23 CC Roger. Say, we'd like to run an HF check here and

we're going to really run the whole next rev on H_'.

As you get just off the east coast of the States we're

going to switch over to }IF and we'd like to have you go

to JIF and UItF OFF. We'll play you music until you get

down to %he Ascension area and I'll call you on HF down

there. We've instructed the ground sites to perform all

their passes on RF. We'd like to have you go back to UIiF

for the next stateside peas, and if we,re not able to contact

you, we'd like to have you go back to US{F at lo:O&:OO.

06 O0 39 06 C 16:O_:00.

06 OO 39 08 CC Roger.

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_j_t_'l '!_:.".: _ ,r'._ Page 612

06 O0 41 33 CC I don't want you guys to go to sleep now when you

listen to this.

06 OO 41 36 MUSIC

06 OO 59 43 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston, over.

06 01 00 _/ CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston, over.

O_ Ol-O0 43 C Houston this is Gemini-5, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, j, 2, i.

Do you read us HF?

06 Ol 00 50 CC Roger. Gemini-5, Houston is reading your EF loud and

clear, now me?

06 01 00 57 C We read you %he same, we have the Houston HF at 15:59.

Just when you called you faded.

06 O1 O1 ll CC Roger. Gemini-5. We were having s little difficulty

getting shifted around so that we could get from the

music over to the talking. If you're reading the

music, would you like to have us continue it on around

to Carna rvon?

06 O1 O1 25 C Yes indeed.

06 O1 O1 29 CC Gemini-5, say again. You broke up on that last one.

06 O10l 34 C This is Gemini-5, afflictive.

06 O1 O1 40 CC Roger. Gemini-5, we're coming back on with our music

and we,ll be coming out of the Cape with the music.

06 Ol O1 50 CC And Gemini-5, this is station MCCH signing off for the

afternoon, morning I guess.


8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 605/782


06 O1 30 OO CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Carnarvon on FLF, do you copY?

06 O1 30 03 C Carnarvon, Gemini-5. Read you loud and clear.

06 Ol 30 06 CC Roger. Reading you loua and clear, also. Are you

sti_l copying the McDivitt hour on Sl_sce S_tion MCCH?

06 O1 30 16 C Negative, we haven't read t_hem since --

06 O1 30 22 P Carnarvon, this is Gemini-5. The last thing we heard

from them was "Never On Sunday" at 15:O8:OO and then

they faded.

06 O1 30 35 CC Roger.

06 O1 31 30 CC Everything looks good here on the ground. We're standing


06 01 31 35 C Say again, Carnarvon.

06 O1 31 37 CC I say, everything looks good on the ground; we're standing


06 Ol 31 _1 C We' re GO up here.

06 O1 31 55 CC Be advised that they will start playing the music again

after our LOS.

06 O1 32 03 P Roger.

06 01 5608 CC - 0o, radar to standby.

06 O1 56 15 P Roger.

06 O1 56 17 CC Radar 16:22:OO. RaOar to ON. Monitor for interference.

06 O1 56 27 P Roger.

06 01 56 29 CC Trinidad SPAI_TS will be tracking.

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{ ii

06 O1 56 37 P Go ahead, Hawaii.

06 O1 56 39 CC Next, Rz_ar 16:2_5:OO. Rsdar to OFF.

06 O1 56 52 CC Next item: S-7 16:26:00, 02. Under rem-rks:

Distur0ance will be north of track.

06 O1 57 05 CC Copy?.


06 01 57 2k CC Gemini-5, Hawaii.

06 O1 57 32 P Hello, Hawaii, Gemini-5 on _'. Go ahead.

06 O1 57 36 CC Roger, did you copy my Sierra setup?

06 O1 57 50 P Hello, H_waii, Gemini-5 on EF. Go ahead.

06 Ol 57 56 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii, --

06 O1 58 08 CC Gemini-5, this is Eswaii.

06 01 58 14 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii on EF.

06 O1 58 47 P Hello, Hawaii. Eello Hawaii. Gemini-5.

06 O1 59 25 C F[ello, Hawaii. Hello, Hawaii. Gemini-5.

06 O1 59 30 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston here. (_¢er.

06 O1 59 33 P HeLlo, Eouston, Gem/nj-5. Go ahead.

06 O1 59 36 CC Roger. California lost, Ea_mii lost their transmitter.

I'm talking to you through California. How co you read?

06 O1 59 h4 P Read you loud and clear.

06 O1 59 47 CC Very good. Did you get the information on the Radar Test

and the S-7 Experiment?

06 O1 59 57 P The only thing I got as far ss Radar, 16:2_2'00 ON.

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06 02 00 04 CC Okay. When you put it on at 16:22, we'd like to nave

you turn it tm STAi_DBY and ON end STANDBY with the

30 second period in each position for a total of 6 minutes

until 16:28:O0.

06 02 00 29 P Got you.

06 02 O0 34 CC Okay. Tnere'll be an S-7 at 06:16:26:00. Sequence

No. 02. The disturbance will be north of track.

There will be another S-7 at 06:17:4J:00. Sequence No. 03.


06 02 O1 29 P Hello, Houston, Gemini->.

06 02 O1 31 CC Go ahead, Gemini-5, this is Houston.

06 02 01 35 P Roger. Say again the sequence number on the first one and

time on the second S-[.

06 02 01 43 CC Roger. The sequence number on the first S-7 is 02. I say

, again, Sequence 02. The time of the second S-7 is 06:1y:43:00.

I say the time a_sin, 06:1'/:h3:00.

06 02 02 13 P Roger, we copy.

06 02 02 16 CC Very good.

06 02 02 19 P You want us to bring our UHF back up at 16:0h.

06 02 02 23 CC That's affirmative, and I'm going to go back to the HF music

until that time.

06 02 02 29 P Roger.


06 02 05 15 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston on U}{F.

',,Ir, _' ' ,- ? , ! ,\

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06 02 09 19 C Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5 on Lr_.

06 02 05 21 CC Roger. How was yotLr HF across the Pacific tPmt time?

I was giving you music out of California from the time

you left Carnarvon. Could you read it?

06 02 05 31 P Okay, let me give you a time, just s second. We started

hearing discernable music -- We couldn't tell w.hst Jt was

at 15:49, and by 15:50 you were loud and clear.

06 02 05 51 CC Very good.

06 02 05 57 P Is the D-6 135 still on for e 16:10:387

06 02 06 04 CC Roger, if you have the fuel available - if you have the

attitude proper, I mean.

06 02 06 09 P Did they do it the last time?

06 02 06 13 CC Say again.

06 02 06 25 CC Gemini-5, Houston, say again. I didn't understand exactly

what you said then.

06 02 06 30 P Did Sequence 135 go last pass?

06 02 06 37 CC Stand by hera, let me check.

06 02 07 03 Cc Gemini-5, Houston. Yes, they were up last time and they'll

be uP again this time.

06 02 07 09 P Okay, well about 2 seconds before they're sup_sed to be

up_ why we rolled out our W/_ite Sends view.

06 02 07 16 CC Okay. Give it e whirl this time. We'd like to have you go

to C-Band Adapter Switch to CONTINUOUS at this time.

06 02 07 33 CC Gemini-5, we'd also like a cogent on your vehicle rates.

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, - ,i _-"-'__'f'iI'.!,,. rage617

06 02 07 39 C Oh, it's about 1-1/2 degrees per second, I guess.

06 02 07 45 CC Okay. Gemini-5, there's e large storm down ol'f thek

northeast coast of South America that we'd like to have

you take a look at. it's on your chart on your orbit

map there. It sticks out to the northeast from just

about where the town of Georgetown is plotted on the

_p. We would like to know if there are any large

areas which seem %o be breaking off from the msxn body

of the storm and moving up to the north.

06 02 08 25 P Roger.

06 02 08 27 CC This is the same area where the S-7 is supposed to take

place and the time will be 16:26:00.

06 02 o8 38 P o_.y.

06 02 08 hi CC This partie,,l-r radar test we're doing is e test with the

Si_TS tracking you. I'd like to clarify again that we

want the radar to be ON for 30 seconds and then at STANDBY

for 30 seconds for the 6 mdnute period. At the end of that

period we want you to go ahead and turn it OFF, because

you'll probably be out of our sight by that time.

06 02 09 03 P O_ay.

06 02 09 13 CC Also, we're going to leave your Fuel Cell Section 02 up

now until you get to Hawaii on this next pess. When you

get over Carnarvon, we want you to purge both sections of

it, and Carnarvon will be talking to you on a relatively

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_ge _8

short pass there. Then we'll look at it over Hawaii,

and if it looks okay, we'll shut it back down a6ain.

06 02 09 33 P Okay. We're pointed straight up as usual.

06 02 09 38 CC That's always a good direction, isn't it?

06 02 10 21 CC Gemini-5, Eous%on Flight.

06 02 10 25 P Go ahead.

06 02 lO 27 CC This is the best we've been able to come back st you with:

There was a young poet from Shawnee,

Whose lines were very f_nny,

When %old this was so,

He said yes, I know,

But I always try to get ss many words in the last

line as _ possibly can.

06 02 l0 _ i_C (Many chuckles) Very good.

06 02 10 50 C We're working on it.

06 02 l0 53 P Okay, I'm looking at White Sends, but i don'% see any%sing.

06 02 l0 56 CC Okay, look harder:

06 02 l0 59 P ;Lll right ... We'il try now rotating at left yaw and roll.

If we can figure out which way taredo is, we'll try encl

get s plcttLre of it.

06 02 11 19 CC Okay.

06 02 11 21 P But I'm afraid we're not going to make it.

06 02 11 2_ CC Okay.

06 02 12 15 CC Gemini-5, _ous%on Flight.

06 02 12 18 c Go ahead, Flight.

06 02 12 20 CC You have any selections you'd like to request on the music?

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_ ;!--I '_ f . , _

_,h __ , _,:_ Page 619

06 02 12 24 C _ney've been doing very well.

06 02 12 27 CC We've made some selections down here for you tomorrow, so

you can stand by.

06 02 12 31 C Okay, very good.

06 02 13 07 C We saw the target.

06 02 13 09 CC Say again, Gemini-5.

06 02 13 I1 C Saw the visibility target at Laredo.

06 02 13 13 CC You did?

06 02 13 14 c Right.

06 02 13 15 CC You have any numbers for us?

06 02 13 18 C No we're Just rotating by.

06 02 13 20 P We're trying to get a picture.

06 02 13 24 CC That's a step forward, anyway. Here, stand by for something,

very important message.

06 02 13 29 C Very well.

06 02 13 51 C This is your Captain speaking to you, hO,O00 miles,

weather is clear.


06 02 15 44 CC Did you get our massage?

06 02 15 45 C Right, sure did.

06 02 15 47 CC Okay, put your C-Band Adapter Switch to CO_94AND now please.

06 02 16 I1 CC Do you think yo_ got the picture of the acquisition targets?

06 02 16 16 C I don't know whether we got a picture or not. We tried,

but we rotated by it pretty fast.

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06 02 16 22 P Gordo took one with the 35 and the 250 bunch, and i

took one with the Hasselblad. But [ was taking it out

of the very corner of the window; I rosyhave ell


06 02 16 31 CC Okay.

06 02 16 36 P It was sort of like trying to find it in an inverted spin.

06 02 16 42 CC Yes, I appreciate the problem. Did they have tee smoke

pots out there today for you?

06 02 16 55 P Mark, radar to STANDBY. Say a_ain.

06 02 16 58 CC Did they h_ve the smoke pots out there for you?

06 02 17 03 C I didn't note the smoke pots st all. I just found the


06 02 17 06 P I didn't see any smoke either.

06 02 17 07 CC Okay, very good.

06 02 17 09 P I had another good look at White Sands, and I didn,t see


06 02 17 13 CC Okay.

06 02 17 17 C Over Havana.

06 02 17 21 CC Ge_i-5, we'd like to have you damp your rates out now.

We'd like %o have another check on it to see if we can get

the rates damped out. Okay?.

06 02 17 29 c Good.

06 02 17 35 CC And you miEJatreport on how all the thrusters seem to be


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06 02 17 39 C Okay, we're powered up.... works aL1 right on pitch.

Have one thruster out on right yaw.

06 02 18 O1 CC Okay.

06 02 18 04 C It's not completely out; it's just weak, but it's giving

us some left roll.

06 02 18 10 CC Okay, it's giving you a left roll?

06 02 18 35 P Be advised that its yaw right No. 3 is very weak.

06 02 18 43 CC Okay, No. 3 is very weak and it's giving you left roll.

06 02 18 47 P That's affirm.

06 O2 18 5O CC Okay.

06 02 18 51 P I'm doing this by the listed method. It doesn't sound

as hot as the other one.

o6 o2 AB 56 CC Okay.

06 02 19 10 P We did it again; we're all damped out straight up.

06 02 19 14 CC Very good, you seem to have that maneuver down pretty well.

06 02 19 18 C That the reentry position?

06 02 19 23 CC Say that again, please.

06 02 19 26 C That's the way the sic,I-for sits.

06 02 19 28 CC Oh, that's right, I forgot. This is a pretty good simulation,

isn't it?

06 02 18 38 P We're trying out the thruster No. 7, No. 8, Direct now.

06 O2 19 _2 CC Okay.

06 02 19 57 C Ah ha:

06 02 19 59 CC Did you get some then?

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06 02 20 04 C We got Just a tiny bit of No. 7 and No. 8 that time.

06 02 20 l0 CC You got a little bit on each one then, huh?

06 02 20 12 C It was in Direct. There - a long burn going on - just

a teensy bit, there maybe, Just fuel.

06 02 20 18 CC Okay.

06 02 20 21 P Yes, I think we're dumping either fuel or oxidizer over-

board. I_ slows down the combustion.

06 02 20 25 CC Okay, don't do that test too often, then.

06 02 21 15 CC Gemini-5, we'd like a voice report Qn that storm there

that's off the northeast coast of South America when

you go over Carnarvon, or across the States the next time.

06 02 21 29 C Okay.

06 02 21 33 CC ECOM wants to know if you Just turned_jour radar ON?

06 02 21 38 C No, just getting ready to right now.

06 02 2_1 41 CC Okay.

06 02 21 43 C 20 seconds.

06 02 21 44 CC Roger.

06 02 22 O0 C Radar is ON.

06 02 22 03 CC Very good.

06 02 22 19 C ... nose ..., we roll up, the faster we roll the colder

everything gets.

06 02 22 29 CC You say the faster you roll, the colder everything gets?

06 02 22 33 C Right .... cockpit, we even frost over the inside of the

cockpit slightly when we roll fast, and when we stabilize

slow, everything seems to warm up.

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_;'4, ._'___ i_,_,__ Page 623

06 02 22 46 CC 'dell, that's novel, isn°t it?

06 02 22 49 P Yes, our breath would freeze on the windshiela last night

when we were rolled up, and been rolling for quite a while.

06 02 22 57 CC Roger.

06 02 23 21 CC Gemini-5, Houston. Do you think that it was just the

rotation of velocities causing the moisture to go out

toward the window, or were you actually breathing on the


06 02 24 O0 C No, we had everything shut off on the coolant list in the

cockpit and we were still freezing. So we were actually

getting a lot colder temperatures from the coolant loop

than inside the cockpit itself.

06 02 24 13 CC Okay.

06 02 24 14 C We finally had both suit circuits shut COml_ketely down.

No flow, and tbs flow on each of the suits was down

almost to zero.

06 02 24 27 CC Roger.

06 02 24 28 C I finally was freezing so bad - Pete wes finally comfortable -

that I had broke out my wrist band and put them on to stop

the flow out of the wrist area of the suit, and that seemed

to warm up my suit up to the level of his, anyway.

06 02 24 45 CC Roger. What was the cockpit temperature at that time?

06 02 24 52 C The gage has been broken ever since very early. However,

the reading, Pete has a reading here Re took with our wet

... ball.


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'_J_/_'_ _- _ ,_ ' 1.r'',-._ Page 624

06 02 25 02 P It varies about lO degrees - in the center of the cabin

it wilt go from 79 down to 72 or 71.

06 02 25 10 CC Okay. It was about 79 in the middle of the cabin and

about 71 at the wall.

06 02 25 11 p No, the temperature in the middle of the cabin will vary

between 79 and 72.

06 02 25 22 CC Okay, I've got you. I think we're getting LOS.


06 03 05 O1 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon.

06 03 05 05 P Go ahead, Carnarvon, Gemini-5.

06 03 05 06 CC Roger. Request you start your fuel cell purge.

06 03 05 15 CC Give us a w_rk when you start.

06 03 05 32 P Mark No. 2.

06 03 05 36 CC Roger.

06 03 05 45 P All right, check complete. Commencing No. 1 on my mark.

MARK. No. I oxygen started.

06 03 05 57 CC Roger.

06 03 06 11 CC Do you have anything to report on that storm off

South America?

06 03 06 18 P Roger. We saw it.

06 03 06 20 CC What we're interested in is if you saw anything breaking

away and moving toward the northwest.

06 03 06 26 P Well there were several smaller cells breaking off from

it down at the edges, but we couldn't tell whether they

L,_,)! ,,: ti;. _ ! i

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l_ge 625

were moving completely away or not. It was a big

widespread storm. We couldn't see any eye to it but

there were some smaller cells that were sort of

sepersted from it, that were kind of out to the edges ot it.

06 03 06 49 CC Roger.

06 03 07 48 P What was that Carnarvon? TX.

06 03 07 50 CC A_fi,_tive.

06 03 07 5h P ... first section complete.

06 03 07 56 CC Roger.

06 03 07 58 P Starting purge on second section now.

06 03 09 11 CC We've got about 20 seconds to LOS. We're not going to

see all of your Section 2 02 purge.

06 03 09 17 C Okay, it's going very well.

06 03 09 19 CC Roger.

06 03 09 20 C You guys can have the rest of the day off. We'll see

you tomorrow.

06 03 09 22 CC Right. We'll be going home shortly.

06 03 09 26 C Rave a little of that Swan Lager.

06 03 09 28 CC Will do. I'll have one for you also, and Pete, --


06 03 31 11 CC Gemini-_, Hawaii CA_o COM.

06 03 31 28 CC Gemini-_, Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

06 03 31 31 P Go ahead, Raw6ii, Gemini here.

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06 03 31 33 CC Roger, we'd like you to hold off on powering down

that Section 2 until we get a look at tne data.

It,ll take us a few minutes. We'll give you a

call before LOS.

o6 03 3_ _ P okay.

06 03 32 28 CC Be advised you,ll have a medical data pass at Texas

_ on the Pilot. AOS at Texas is 17:4J+.

06 03 32 39 CC It's on the Co,mn-nd Pilot.

06 03 32 55 CC Gemini-5, did you copy that on the Command Pilot

over Texas?

06 03 32 59 P Is it the Comz_nd Pilot or the Pilot?

06 03 33 O1 CC _ud PilOt, Pete, I'm sorry.

06 03 33 03 P Okay, 17:44 on the comm_nd Pilot over Texas.

06 03 33 06 P That's affirm.

06 03 33 53 CC Ge_tni-5,Hawaii.

06 03 33 55 P Go ahead, _waii.

06 03 33 57 CC Is Gordo doing any exercising?

06 03 33 59 P I hope to shout; he's upside down in the food box for

something, to repack some stuff. ES ha ha.

06 03 34 07 CC Okay, we got you.

06 03 34 09 P As a matter of fact, we're up to our ears in garbage now.

06 03 34 14 CC Roger, roger.

06 03 34 21 CC Okay, we'd like you to power down section 2, leave the

Control switch ON, Power switch to OFF, and then turn

OFF Pump A in the secondary loop.

_, ; ll'_rli :; 1' I !'_.y%..Jl I t I _'_._, il I, .L

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06 03 34 33 P Okay, n,,mher 2's OFF and Pump A ir. secondary loops


06 03 34 38 CC Roger.


06 03 40 39 cc Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston. Over.

06 03 40 46 P Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

06 03 40 48 CC Roger, Gemini-5, Houston here. I'd like to s-mmmrize

our view of your position at the time. We'll go through

it a step at a time here. On your thrusters we feel that

the thrusters aren't working, are probably cold. And

they're not working because they are cold, and we think

possibly they're cold because those individual heaters

are not working. Of course, we don't have any exact

way of confirming this. We think that because they are,

the cold ia the problem, we would like to have you damp

your ... a little more often and start damping it before

they build up too high a rate. That way we'll get a little

more activity on the thrusters that we are using and keep

the temperatures on those up a little bit. Now if we do

have any problem with t_e thrusters that you still have

left, and we see that they're starting to fail, we have

some other procedures that we can go through that are a

little more eoml01icated, but we feel that should keep

them warm. Now on the fuel that you kmve remaining,

"_ '"- "t _,J_k: ,_t, t)_._t . ._

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 620/782

we want to still conserve it as long as the hydrogen

tank is venting because we want to be able to always damp

out the rates that you build up so that we don't get

into a reaLLy high rate setup. But we are planning on

tomorrow, we're tentatively setting up a flight plan

that will aLLow us to use the remaining fuel to accomplish

some of the experiments. And what we're thinking of right

now is that D-4/D-7 needs a few more measurements to make

it really complete, and the ones we're thinking about most

of all were the sun measurement which, of course, would be

last. Measurements of the mounta_s, land to water inter-

faces, and over land with vegetation. We also want to do

some S-8/D-13 and if the fuel's available we'll make one

pass over Woodley tomorrow and one over Laredo. That

should give us some information on the Visual Acuity Test.

We'd also like to work in the track over Mexico tomorrow

on the S-5 if st all possible so that we can get the ,..

pictures across that area.

o6 03 43 11 P Okay.

06 OS 43 12 CC _ae fuel cells, it looks like the hydrogen is starting

to -- the venting is starting %0 taper off and it's

running pretty much as predicted where you're really

going to be fat on hydrogen if it does taper off at the

predicted rate. The water production looks by all

L-L);iJ i_.JL.i'{ ; _,_,L

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 621/782

estimates now to be low enough under the rate that

we're producing it now so that it sltouldn't be a

constraint on your flight and you should be able tx)

go on to 8 days. I think that pretty much suam_rizes

our viewpoint of your position. Do you have anything

that you would like to know or that you might add to


06 03 h4 02 P Yes. What's the TR - 12:11 or 12:217

06 03 4_ 10 CC Just a second, I'i1 get ... so busy.

06 03 44 14 CC I'll give it to you in elapsed time. It's 44 hours

15 mi-utes and 19 seconds. 18, 17, 16, 15.

06 03 44 23 P Very good.

06 03 44 24 CC Okay. It's all downhill from here, Pete.

06 03 _4 28 P I'm with you .... the garbage through.

06 03 44 35 CC Oh well, you can wrap it around you and stay warm.

06 03 44 38 P The Hawaii Surgeon called and wanted to know if Gordo

was exercising. He was upside down and tried to peck

the ... down.

06 03 44 46 CC Well listen, don't get your foot stuck in the food

conts iner.

06 03 44 51 CC We'd like %o have you place the Cryogenic Geging Switch

to ECS 02, please.


06 03 45 14 CC Pete, this is Houston here. I'm getting worn out

too, I guess. Would you make sure that Oordo has

· · r D- _r'" ',...._ _ i TL

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_ c : .... Page 630! !., _,J !_ i !Y_L.

the temperature probe in his mouth. We're not

getting anything down here.

06 03 45 25 P Okay. He just got back turned around; that's our

prob tem.

06 03 45 32 CC Okay. Do you have the Cryogenic P_ging Switch to

ECS 02?

06 03 45 45 P Yes.

o6 o3 45 46 cc Okay.

06 03 46 03 CC Okay, we'd like to have you place the Cryogenic Gaging

Switch to F_/EL CELL 02 now, please.

06 03 46 20 P At D-5 we didn't get the S-7. At 16:26:00 we saw the

storm but we were not in s posltion to photograph.

and we _ave a report on what we saw.

06 03 46 31 CC Okay. We've got your report from Carnarvon and understand

you were not ebie to ta_e a picture.

06 03 46 37 P Yes, but we did get the S-7 at 17:43:O0.

06 03 46 4h CC Okay, very good. We'd like to have you take and put

your Cryogenic Geglng Switch to F_EL C_I.I.H2 now, please.

06 03 47 05 CC Okay, would you put your Cryogenic Caging Switch back to

OFF, and the Flight Surgeon would like to have a word with


06 03 k7 13 CC Gemini-5, we have a valid oral temp. We're standing by

for your blood pressure.

06 03 47 35 CC Gemini-5, your cuff is f,:ll scale.

· " - ,t:!· _ ; . _ * ' ._°

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!._: Page 631

06 03 48 23 cC Gemini-5, we have a good blood pressure. You can start

exercise on your mark.

0603 48 37 P ...

06 03 48 43 CC Say again.

06 03 48 53 CC Gemini-5, say again.

06 03 48 57 C He said he was exercishng for the last 55 minutes.

06 03 49 03 CC I believe it.

06 03 49 07 P Exercise ..,

06 03 49 l0 CC Good show. Looks good down here, Gordo.

06 03 49 22 CC Cuff fh,ll scale. Cord(>, while that's being done_ could

we get your water report?

06 03 49 38 C 29.3 pounds. We're just finishing a meal right now which

we,Il have on here.

06 03 49 ;+6 CC Roger. Gordo, do both of you feel that you're getting

enough food and enough sleep from your own viewpoint?

06 03 49 55 C I think definitely enough food and I think we're getting

enough sleep now and then.

06 03 50 O1 CC Now and then, okay.

06 03 50 03 CC Either of you having any trouble with plugging your

nose? Pete sounded a little bit that way here earlier


06 03 50 12 C Very much but I think we're better now. We had meal aB.

We just finished.

06 03 50 19 CC 41), okay.

M , \[.

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06 03 50 24 CC Gordo, ere you having any trouble with these rates? Have

you had any sort of symptoms at all with the rates?

06 03 50 31 C No, no symptoms, it's just, you know, every time jog try

and see anything out the window it's whipping by 8o fast,

and then when you let an_rthing loose from the speceeraf_

it doesn't hang there. It whips over to the side, of course.

06 03 50 45 CC Roger. Well, looking at all the data, Gordo, for this

period of time now after almost 148 hours, we haven't

seen anything in the rates _hat would concern us at all

as far as rates or blood pressures are concerned. Your

overall heart rates are tend_ to get somewhat lower.

You're tending to stabilize out at low rates, which ere

really resting rates, which is pretty well what we'd

expect. The same thing is sort of happening with blood

pressure, and we think everything looks real fine down

here as far as going the whole way. Are you having any

sort of feeling that it's more difficult for you when

you do exercise? Does it feel to be more effort now

than it did earlier in the flight?

,:./¢_ _,./t .'_ i :'_

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_,_,l"li l_J_. ii L iJ _._ ..._!ge 633


06 04 47 13 CC G*m_ni-5, CSQ CAP COM.

06 04 47 16 P Go ahead, CSQ CAP COM, Gemini-5 here.

06 04 47 19 CC Roger. We have you GO on the ground and I have a

landing area update when you're ready to copy.

06 O_ 47 24 P Roger We're GO up here. I'm ready to copy.

06 04 47 28 CC Roger. Be advised all bank angles remain roll left

53, roll right 67, weather is good in all areas

except it's marginal in area 100 Delta. Over.

06 04 47 _ P Roger.

06 04 47 47 CC Okay. 96-3, 2] :41:35, 14 plus 53, 20 plus 07, 97-3,

23:16:51, 13 plus 36, 18 plus 55, 98 Delta, 00:10:O8,

20 plus 45, 26 plus 2_, 59 De_ta, 01:41:33, 26 plus 05,

100 Delta, 03:16:]O, 1.9 plus _O, 0_:53:_3, 18 plus 06,

23 plus 22. Do you copy?

06 04 50 37 P Got them all.

06 04 50 39 CC Roger. And Houston would also like to know if the

exercises you are doing seems to be harder to do

now than at the beginning of the flight. Over.

06 04 50 47 P No, why, does it Look like that on your data?

06 04 50 50 CC Say again.

06 054 50 52 P No, why, does it look like that on your data?

06 Ol+ 50 55 CC I really don't know --

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j _ ....... _,_ Page 634

06 O4 5l OO CC Houston advises negative, it doesn't look like thst

on the data. They're just curious, I &uesz.

06 04 51 11 P Okay,. let me know if we're getting we_k ...

06 O4 51 15 CC Copy.

06 O4 51 _ CC C_ni-5_ CSQ. There's nothing, further. Stoalding by.

06 04 5i 52 P Roger. C_mini-5 standing by. Thank you, have a good


06 04 52 Zl cc Gemini-5, CSQ.

06 04 52 43 CC G_,mini-5, CSO.

06 04 52 44 P Go ahead CSQ. I put my tranamitter off.

06 04 52 47 CC Roger. Flight would like to know why the PiLot is

not asleep.

06 04 52 52 P Because the Command Pilot is occupied.

06 (]4 52 56 CC Roger.

06 Oh 52 09 P For a more accurate report, the Command Pilot is

u/lahle to come to the phone right now.

06 Oh 53 16 CC csQ eapie4.

06 Oh 54 19 CC C_mini-5, CSQ.

Oh 54 22 P Go ahead, CSQ.

06 Oh 54 23 CC Roger. Houston would like to know if the score is now

2 to 3 or 3 %0 !.

06 Oh 54 27 P It's 2 to 2 in favor of the Astros.

06 04 54 29 CC Copy.

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06 05 06 36 CC G_mini-5, this is Hawaii.

06 05 06 53 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

06 05 06 57 C Go ahead, Hawaii. Gemini-5.

06 05 06 59 CC Roger. We hold your system Green on the ground.

06 05 O70_ C Roger. Everything looks good up here.

06 05 07 2] CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii. Be advised to tu_'n on you _

HF after Hawaii LOS to RKV Acquisition which is

19:29-4l. Station _CCH will be broadcasting.

06 05 07 39 C Very good. Thank you.

06 05 09 46 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii, We're standing by.

06 05 09 49 C Okay. Fine. Gemini-5 standing by too.


06 05 31 03 CC C_mlni-5, RKV CAP COM.

06 05 31 27 CC C_mlni-5, rPKV CAP COM.

06 05 31 51 cc Gemini-5, R_7¢ CAP COM.

06 05 31 53 C Go ahead, AKV. This is Gemini-5.

06 05 31 55 CC Roger. All sensors look real good here on the ground.

06 05 31 59 C ....

06 05 32 02 CC How did you receive the HF?

06 05 32 O_ C That was great. We had it loud and clear over

Ca ifornia right along.

06 05 32 09 CC Roger. Very good. _ank you.

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r ii, I: ge 636

06 05 32 14 C You ought to try some more of that.

06 05 ]2 16 CC Roger. Sounds rea! good down here also.


06 06 21 54 CC I have nothing further this pass, stanching by.

06 06 21 57 C Roger, CSQ. We' re GO here.


06 06 4L 12 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM.

06 06 4L 16 C Roger, Hawaii, Gemini-5 here.

06 06 41 19 CC Roger. All systems look good. You need anything,

give ua a ca 1.

06 06 4] 23 C Okay, mighty fine. Things look good here.


06 07 O1 52 CC C,_a_ni-5, PJfV CAP COM.

06 07 02 03 C Go ahead, RKV, Gemini-5.

06 07 02 05 CC Roger. I'd Like to advise you that Hawaii is going

to be w_king some HF checks during the next hour. If

you hear him, Just disregard.

06 07 02 14 C Okay, fine, thank you.

06 07 02 16 CC And we'd like to get your experiment status over the

last 24 hours _f you have that available.

06 07 02 18 C Okay, I better pass that on to the next station. It's

not q_lite yet available.

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:' ;_; :' _ Page 637

06 07 02 27 CC Roger, understand.

06 07 02 40 CC Ge_ini-5, P]W. Everything looks real good here on the


06 07 02 _ C Okay, mighty fine. I&)oks real good here.

06 07 02 53 C I am powered up for a couple minutes here ...

06 07 02 56 CC Roger, we was noticing it on the ground.

06 07 O4 58 CC Gemlni-5, RKV C;_ COM.

06 07 05 OO C Go ahead, RKV, Gemini-5.

06 07 05 02 CC Were you able %0 null them out pretty good?

06 07 05 04 C Roger, have them aL1 nulled out now.

06 07 05 06 CC Very good then.


06 07 57 32 CC C_m_ui-5, CS9,CAP COM.

06 O_ 57 35 P CSQ CAP COM, Gemini-5 here. Go ahead.

06 07 57 38 CC Be advised UHF 6.

06 07 57 _ P Roger, UHF 6.

06 07 57 _5 CC Roger, and I have a 5_ap update when you are ready to copy.

06 O7 57 54 P Roger.

06 07 _ _ CC Roger. Map 23: _0:O9. Longitude 32 degrees East. Rev 97.

Star 23:LO:09, 23:39:07. Do you copy?

06 07 58 44 P Affirmative.

06 07 5_ 46 CC And CSQ is standing by for experiment status.

06 07 58 5[ P Roger, experiment status -- %his will be the status as of

what we did yesterday?

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_. ;.. · ._.i-.:imL Page 638

06 07 59 10 CC Copy.

06 07 59 17 P We did no D-6 camera work, but on the D-6 Sequence No. i35,

first pass, we were not in view of ... Second pass, we

did it to the right direction but didn't see anything.

06 07 59 31 CC CSQ copy.

06 07 59 33 P Before we shuttered we got a 4t7 and a 418.

06 07 59 1,1 CC Copy.b

06 07 59 42 P And a 6, ... and a 5 4 3 ... and a 7....... that was

mostly one sequence. Mostly D-l/4 Australia. We saw the

smoke go ... miles but we were in the wrong attitude to

observe at passing overhead ... with the ... except we

ma_ have gotten the 70-_ picture that they wanted. We

won't know until it's developed tomorrow. The space-

craft m,y have been in the way.

06 08 OO 34 CC CSQ copy.

06 (_ 00 39 P ... more photographs with the 35mm with the other ...

would be in the S-5/S-6 category. But these are not

listed as experiments.

06 08 O! OO CC Roger. CSQ has you GO on the ground. Have nothing

further _ Stand by.

06 08 O1 06 P Roger. We're GO up here.


06 08 15 26 CC C_mini-5, this is Hawaii CAP COM. We hold your system_

Green on the ground.

'_ iP._;- il _ , ' !i.ll-:_./!'ii ;L/a $1 _ iFiL,

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f ; ' : ._ Page 639

06 08 15 3Y P Hawaii CAP COM, Gpmlni-5. Go ahead.

06 08 1.5 34 CC We hold your systems Green on the ground.

06 08 15 37 P Roger. We' re Green up here.

06 08 15 53 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii CAP COM. Would you give us the cryo

quantity readout, ECS 02 first, please?

06 08 16 O1 P Roger.

06 08 16 23 CC Fuel Cell 02 now, please.

06 08 16 26 P Roger.

06 08 16 50 P Hawaii, Gemini-5.

06 08 16 52 CC Go ahead, Gemini-5.

06 08 16 54 P Roger. I heard him ask for fuel cell, ... Fuel cell.

Say, would you and FLight work up a list of stations,

we are, our ... has changed enough now th_-t we are off

the Flight PLan that we have here and we weren't

expecting to hear from you.

06 08 L7 13 CC Wilco, we'll make one up.

06 08 17 16 P Roger.

06 08 17 17 CC Roger, G-mini-5. We'll do that.

06 08 17 21 P I want the FLight Plan and maybe a littke update as to

the ACQ times that we could correct in the Flight Plan

that we have. Okay.

06 08 17 26 CC Roger.

06 08 17 27 CC Roger, we'll do that.

o6 o8 L7 28 P THank_,ou.

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· ,ii _ !1_-_ _

06 08 17 33 CC We'll give it to you at the REV this pass, Gemini.

06 08 L7 36 P Very good.

06 08 17 4_ CC Okay, Gemini-5, you can turn the cryo quantity back to


06 08 _18 12 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii standing by.

06 08 18 15 P Gemini-5 standing by. Thank you.


06 08 36 29 CC G_m_ni-5, G_mtni-5, _E1/ CAP COM, cc_ check. How do

you read?

06 08 36 50 P REV CAP COM, Gemini-5 reads you Loud and clear.

06 08 36 53 CC Roger. Read you loud and clear, also. AL1 syst_m-q are

GO on the ground. I have some acquisition times for

you if you are ready to copy.

06 08 ]6 59 P Ready to copy.

06 08 37 O0 CC Okay. Do you want these things to the nearest second,

or will minutes do?

06 08 37 02 P Minutes are fine.

06 08 37 04 CC Okay, fine. CSQ, we have knocked 97:23:32, Fd(V 97:00:11,

csq 98:O1:08, RKV 98:O!:45, CSQ 99:O2:_O, REV 99:03:19,

CYI 1OO:O3:23, CSQ 100:O&:16, REV 100:O4:53, CYI

tO1:O5:16, RKV IO1:06:30. Do you copy?

06 08 38 52 P Affirmative.

06 08 38 53 CC Roger, incidentally, your Flight Plan is lagging by

1-9 minutes.

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06 08 38 59 P Okay.

06 08 39 O1 CC We have a ... update for you. Your orbit is 107 by 160.

Flight time expectancy, 20 days.

06 08 42 24 CC Gemini-5, this is R]Cff. We have one minute before LOS.

We' 11 be standing by.


06 09 32 50 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM.

06 o9 33 07 c CSQ CAP C0M, Gn_nini-5.

06 09 33 lO CC Gemlui-5, CSQ would like to take some ground readings

of your cryogenic quantities. Would you select _ES 02

on your Quantity Read Switch, please?

06 09 33 20 C Roger. You have it.

06 09 33 24 CC Aisc, Houston advises we'd like you to null rates

before reaching the n]fV in order to warm. u? thc

thrusters. Do not use thrusters 7 and 8. They also

suggest that you null rates every 2 to 3 hours of a duty

cycle for the thrusters. Over.

06 09 33 43, C Okay, fine.

06 09 33 48 CC And they'd like to know if you've noticed any decrease

in rates and venting peeling off.

06 09 33 57 C Negative. The venting seems to be keeping on about

the same.

06 09 34 02 CC CSQ copy.

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Lj_:,. _._ _..,_.. Page 61_

06 09 _ 14 CC Fuel Ce21 02 position please.

06 09 34 55 CC G_mini-5, do you have your suit temperature control

turned down?

06 09 3_ 59 C Roger ....

06 09 35 12 CC Okay. Fuel Cell H2 position please.

06 09 _%6 06 CC Gemini-5 you can return the (_s_n%ity Swittch to OFF,


06 09 36 08 P Got it.

06 09 36 iL CC CS_ has nothing further, standing by.

06 o9 36 ,7 ? Okay.


06 10 21 06 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM check. How do you read?

06 10 Il 10 P This is Gemini-5. Head you loud and clear, pm.

How us?

06 tO 11 L4 CC Roger. We read you GO on the ground. We'd like

you to purge both sections at this time. Give me a

mark when you start.

06 lo 11 34 P Mark.

06 lO 11 35 CC On No. 1.

06 20 11 48 P Gemini is complete on 1, starting on 2.

06 10 12 06 P Okay, hydrogen's complete. Purging 02 on No. 1.

06 10 12 19 P Mark.

06 20 14 19 P No. 1 02 complete, starting No. 2

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06 [O 16 27 P No. 2 02 purge comp}etc.

06 10 16 29 CC Roger. Thank you very much, G_.mlni-5. d_:'d like to

have a propeLi_nt quantity readout p/ease.

06 lO 16 34 P Think we had LOS, YXV.

06 10 16 39 CC Say again.

06 i0 16 40 P I didn't hear your last. I thought we had LOS.

06 10 16 43 CC Negative. W_'d like to have a propellant quantity


06 lO 16 51 C Propellant quantity readout abou_ 9 percent.

06 !0 16 56 CC Roger, understand 9 percent. We'd like to re,hind

the Pilot of a medica data pass over the CSQ on

Rev 98 at el :06:05.

06 tO 17 ]3 C Roger. _"'nankyou.

06 lO 17 15 CC Fine. Flight wou!d a%so like to know how you did

on damping those rates, how the thrusters worked _nd

how effective they were.

06 iO 17 23 C Thrusters that worked were all right.

06 10 17 26 CC Roger. Understand.

06 10 17 29 C W/qat was that time over CSQ?

06 iO 17 32 CC O1:06:O5.

06 10 17 35 C Okay, fine. Th_nnk you.


06 ll 06 49 CC Co'mini-5, CSQ. We have you GO on the ground. We have a

valid temperature. Standing by for your blo_d pressure.

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_ ' . ; Page b44

06 11 06 59 CC Hoger, CSQ. We're GC up here, blood pressure coming


06 ll 07 05 CC Gemini-5, this is CS_ Surgeon We have full scale.


06 ll 07 4[ CC Gemini-5, this is CSQ Surgeon. We have a valid

blood pres_-ure. Start exercise. Give me a mark.

06 ll 07 47 C Roger. 5_rk.

06 il 08 29 CC G-m_ni-5, CSQ Surgeon. Your cuff is at full scale.

06 ll 09 04 CC C_mini-5. We have a Mai id blood pressure. _ta31ding

by for your water report.

06 11 09 08 C Roger .... pounds and just getting ready ... 04 Char_ ie.

And I have an hour and a half ...

06 11 09 29 C Do you copy?

06 11 09 31 CC CSQ copy.

06 ]1 09 34 C_ Gemini-5, CSQ. i'd like to remind you that ycu should

do the S-8/D-L3 sequence 1 and 2 when changing sleep

cycles. A-so h_ve tropical depression for you. _re

you readY to copy?

06 11 09 50 C HeadY to copy.

06 ll 09 _2 CC Roger. Location is 20 Nor%h, 150 East. Time of closest

approach, O1:_h:58. That will be just after CSQ LOS.

06 ll lO 12 C _ Roger. Do you k]low which side of the track it's on?

.... t. _.L_! ¢ _ r :_

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;r¸'!:,·_ j' -_ 'c: ' I , : Page 645

06 kl 10 k6 CC Negative. Don't hRve the track -- the ... of track

at this time.

06 ]1 lO 21 C Okay. Thank you.

06 Il tO 22 CC Okay. Don't use any fuel to iocate this, and %hey'd

like you to give your comments to RKV on this pass.

06 !1 lO 30 C Roger.

06 11 LO 3[ CC Also have a Flight Plan update. Are you ready to copy?

06 I1 [O 34 C Negative.

06 !1 iO 38 C Ready to copy.

06 I1 10 39 CC Okay. This is an S-7. To_al of 57. O2:4_:36, O1.

06 11 iO 59 C Okay. 02:48:36, O_, S-7.

06 [1 11 05 CC Roger. Sequence OL. Remarks, if possible. Second,

total 57. O4:k8:21. Sequence O1. Again, if possible.


C6 11 11 27 C Roger. This is the two S-7's.

06 ]1 Il 29 CC That' s affirm.

06 ll i1 30 C Okay.

06 i1 11 37 CC CSQ has nothing further, standing by.

06 ll ]1 40 C Roger.


06 I1 _6 56 CC Gemini-5, _KV CAP COM.

06 !1 47 07 P RICe C_3 COM, Gemini-5.

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: '..'.... - -- _ ._: .-,i _a_'---e 646

06 11 47 il CC Roger, read you loud and clear. Ail systems are GO

on the ground. We'd like to remind you that you have

s medical data pass on the Command Pilot over the CSQ

on Rev 99. i'Ll give you a time. 02:40:0[.

06 11 47 40 P Roger, copy.

06 Il 47 43 CC Okay. We'd also like to advise you that if while damping

your rates in the future if you nobice another thruster

failure or if you notice any more sluggishness than

you've noticed to the present time, to just terminate

your damping and inform the next site. But Flight has

some alternate procedures that you might try in that


o6 ll 48O5 ? okay.

06 il 48 08 CC Do you have any sort of a report over that tropical


06 ll 48 ll P I saw that we passed right over it. It is a rather large

storm with heavy cumulus activity. We could see air-to-

ground lightning even in the d_ytime. _a_d it does [lave

an eye.

06 11 1,8 26 CC Can you estimable the size of it?

06 11 48 28 P It was a couple hundred miles across, I guess.

06 11 48 3_ CC Roger.

06 11 1_ 38 P I have some M-8/D-I3 scores for you.

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i i_ · . .

O6 il 48 41 cc Okay.

06 il 48 45 P Okay. At 06:2] :20 we r_n a set and Conrad had nine

wrong and Cooper had nine wrong, but the M-9 -- Conrad

had 95, 98, 97, 98, 98. Cooper had 90, 91, 92, 92, 92.

o6 L1 49 L3 cc Okay. Got it.

06 il 49 15 P Then we ran another one at 07:01:45 and the Pilot had

nine wrong; Command Pilot had slx wrong. Co_aana

Pilot's M-9 was 91, 9!, 91, 91, 92. The Pilot'_ was

96, 97, 95, 95, 96.

06 kl 49 48 CC Okay. I copy.

06 il 49 54 CC I was putting down C for Conrad and C for Cooper there to

begin with.

06 11 49 58 P Sorry.

06 11 51 05 CC O_mlni-5, this is EKV. We have nothing else for y_d.

We'll be standing by.

06 11 5L 08 P Okay.


06 !2 41 22 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Be advised we don't hsve a va:id '_:mpera-

ture as yet.

06 ]2 42 24 P CSQ, Gemini-5.

06 12 42 27 CC Ge_ni-5, CSQ.

06 12 42 29 P Did you call?

· ,!: _ ,r , i_. i

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 640/782

_i '_ _I :¢ ' _ :

06 12 42 32 CC Roger. To advise we didn't have a va]id temperature.

We'd a_so like you to select the FC H2 ... position on

your Q_iantity Read Switch, a_d advise we do have a valid

temperature now. Standing by for blood pressure.

06 32 42 46 P ... complete.

06 12 42 47 CC We have a vaYid blood pressure also.

06 12 42 51 P Okay.

06 12 43 41 C In the next pass any ...?

06 12 43 l_ CC Ge__ini-5, CSQ Surgeon. _'Jehave a valid ... Your blood

pressure is at full scale.

06 i2 44 34 CC Gemini-5, CSQ Su/'geon. We have a valid blood pressure.

S uanding by for water report.

06 L2 44 46 C Roger. Command Pilot has drunk 30 pounds 13 ounces of


05 LZ 44 54 CC Roger.

06 I2 _ 55 C I finished meal 4C at 02:00:00.

06 12 45 03 CC Roger.

06 12 45 O4 C Had approximately one hour sleep during the last sleep


06 12 45 ti cc Rog.

06 12 45 18 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. i requL,st you _o to the OFF position

with your _,._antityRead, and I have a Map update whun

you are ready to copy.

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06 12 45 27 P ReadN to copy.

06 12 45 29 CC Your Map O3:37:44, longitude 36.5 West, Rev ...O.

Star 03:37:44, 23:34:34.

06 12 46 08 P Roger. :,tecopy.

06 L2 46 09 CC Roger. Also be advised your next pass at the :-KV will

be a UHF 6. Over.

06 12 46 15 P Roger ....

06 L2 46 19 CC Gpmlni-5, CSQ Surgeon. Your water report was for the

Code,and Pilot, was it not?

(36 12 46 25 P Affirmative.

06 12 46 26 CC Roger. Out.

06 12 46 43 CC G_mini-5, CSQ has nothing further. Standing by.

06 ]2 46 47 P ...


06 13 20 ]6 CC G-mini-5, ?J{V COM check. How do you read?

06 13 20 19 C Roger, F_[V, Gemini-5 reads you loud and clear.

06 13 20 22 CC Roger. Read you _oud and clear also. Your status is/

GO on the ground. We have some l_bA updates for you.

Acknow'Ledge when you're ready to ccpy.

06 13 20 29 C Roger. Reads' to copy. t

06 [3 20 32 CC 102-2, O6:29:21, 16 p_us 48, 2l plus 57. LO;;-8, _C_:O5:!3,

]5 plus 20, 20 p!us 29. lO_-2, O9:40:37, !3 plus :._.

19 plus 09. [05-2, ll:iA'_9, 12 plus 40, 18 olus 02.

i-,-, ii)`_,'.._ _ i _ i'_'_i:'

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:---:- '"' '_; '-; :. ' '; _ ' :'--_-- Page 650

!06-i, 12:38:58, !_4plus 03, ]9 plus 14. Bar_. angles

remain the same. Roll left 53. Roll right 67. Weather

is good in al 1 areas.

06 13 22 24 C Roger. i got it a 1. Those ... bank angles. Thra-d_you

very much.

06 i3 22 27 CC Roger. We'd like to know what sort of tremble rates you

are experiencing up there.

06 13 22 34 C Roger. We have very very slow rates now. I got them

damped down a little eariier and we're just very slowly

oscillating -- and I'm not oscillating -- Just ...

06 13 22 46 CC Understaxld.

06 13 24 28 CC Gpmini-5, kKV CAP COM. How do you read?

06 13 24 31 C Roger. Reading you loud and clear.

06 13 24 33 CC Okay, stand by for my mark in about 4 seconds or so; in

fact, right now.

06 ]3 24 40 CC Mark.

06 13 24 40 CC As of 03:24:39 you start at your iOOth Rev and eor4Era_u-

[ations are extended to both of you from all LhP flight

controllers throughout the world.

06 i3 24 52 C Thank you very much.

06 13 24 54 CC Roger.

06 13 24 55 C We just have 22 orbits to ye her(.

06 ]3 24 59 CC That's right. Okny 22.

ii 9!,%'

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' ' _' '_ Page 65l

06 13 25 06 CC Ineidentslly, if you' [1 turn on your }{F receiver following

this test, we'll send your w_y about 15 minutes of

uninterrupted _masic.

06 13 25 15 C _nat would be very, very nice. Thank you.

06 13 25 18 CC You're quite welcome, I'm sure.

06 ]3 25 39 CC Gemini-5, this is RKV. We'll be standing by in ease you

have s_vthing further.

06 13 25 4/_ C Roger. Ihank you very much.

06 [3 27 33 CC M U S I C.

06 13 33 55 CC ... this is ... transmitting ... voice ... your favorite

movie themes.

06 13 24 3_ CC M U S I C.


06 13 39 59 CC Hello, _m_nt-5, Gemini-5, this is Houston CAP C(3M.

Ca ling }{F check. Transmitting from the Cape Trams-

m/tter. Give us a call at Canaries if you read this

radio check. Tkis is MCCH, the GoJden Voice of radio,

retu_-ning you now to your favorite movie theme sgni's.



06 L3 _3 46 CC Gemini~5, this is Cana_c_ CAP COM.

06 ]3 44 OO CC Gpmini-5, this is C_nary CAP CCM. We wou!d iJk_ to

_now how mmny C-7 photos you have t-_ken so far.

: _[_u.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 644/782

_ _ _r _-_,_'_ i'_i

06 i3 44 08 C Roger, Canary, this is Gemini-5. Just a minute, then

i' 11 look.

06 13 44 27 C Canary, you read Gemini-5?

06 13 h4 30 CC Roger.

06 t3 44 3l C Rog, we didn't get the last group ... attit_dde. Over.

06 i3 _d_ 39 CC Rog, tulderstand you did not get the last group due to


06 13 44 43 C Yes, we got one more coming up here that we' ll try again.

06 '3 44 48 CC Okay, we'd like to know the total number that have been


06 i3 49 54 C Roger, just a second.

06 13 44 56 CC Okay, we would a so like to know the number of subjects

that you have photographed.

06 L3 45 03 CC On the S-7.

06 Y3 45 13 C A!i right, we've t_e_ 26 exposures on S-7, _nd approximately

9 different subjects. Over.

06 13 45 43 CC Roger, copy 26 photos and 9 different subjects.

06 13 45 50 c Right.

06 13 45 51 CC ... we have some AOS times for you if you' re prepared to


06 !3 45 57 C Okay, just a second.

06 13 45 59 CC Roger. Flight wou_!d also like to know if y_u heard thc

HF tr_nsmission-_ between _A'Vand Canaries.

06 II 46 08 C Yes, sure did. It was very nice.

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_JLJ!i_ ,__[ _.. :,i'll Page 653

06 13 46 Il CC Okay.

06 [3 46 15 C Okay, go _head on AOS times.

06 13 46 t8 CC Roger, Cana_ IsLands, Rev 102 would be 06:90. Carnarvon,

Rev 102 v/i!1 be 07 hours 26 minutes.

06 13 46 36 C Okay.

06 13 46 37 CC Canary Islands, Rev 103 will be 08 hours 25 minutes.

06 13 46 44 C Okay.

06 13 46 45 CC Carnarvon, Rev 103 witl be 09 houa's even.

06 ]3 44 53 C Okay.

(_ ]3 44 54 CC Guaymas, Rev 103 will be 09 hours 40 minutes.

o6 _3 47 03 c Okay.

06 ]3 47 04 CC Canary Islands, Rev [04 will be 09 hoists 59 minutes.

o6 13 47 _i c Okay.

06 13 47 _3 CC Carna_von, Rev iO4 will be 10 hours and 35 minutes.

06 [3 47 ]9 C All right.

06 13 47 22 CC G_aymas, Rev !04 will be 11 hours 12 minutes.

06 13 47 29 C Go ahead.

06 13 47 30 CC Canaries, 105 will be 11 hours 34 minutes.

o6 i3 47 38 C Okay.

06 _3 47 39 CC Carnarvon, 105 will he 12 houls 09 minutes.

06 13 47 45 c Okay.

06 13 47 46 CC Hawaii, ]05, L2 hours 35.

06 L3 47 52 C Okay.

06 ]3 47 54 CC Guaymaa 105 will be ]2 hours 46 minutes, and that's it.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 646/782


06 i3 48 OO C Okay, thank you very much.

06 13 48 02 CC Roger, everything kooks good from the ground here.

06 i3 48 05 C Okay, everything kooks good here.


06 1_ 54 30 CC Gemlni-5, RR_'CAP COM.

06 14 54 34 C Go ahead, ,Irt. Check ... ]:KV,G_mlini-5.

06 14 54 39 CC Roger, I have a Flight Plan update for you.

06 14 54 43 C Can you w_it for about a minute?

06 14 54 45 CC Roger.

06 14 54 54 c Go ahead.

06 14 54 56 CC MSC-t, 05:24:00 start time. End time 06:25:00.

O6 14 55 14 C Okay.

06 14 55 16 CC I'd like for you to give you a little information so

you can have ready for Canary.

06 14 55 2'2 C Ail right.

06 14 55 24 CC We would like for you to have a wet and dry bulb reading


o6 14 55 30 c Okay.

06 14 55 31 CC And we'd like for you to get a temperature of the window,

the ... around the window and t=m_erature of the

blotter, about I inch east of window.

06 [4 55 5_ C Okay.

. k_dj tl i i i s l,


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Page o5_

06 14 55 58 CC Would you cycle your Quantity Bead Switch to the

position, please.

06 14 56 12 CC I'd like to have the amount of time remaining on your

D-4/D-7 report, if you have it.

06 14 56 24 C it's, I believe, at Z6 minutes ...

06 14 56 30 CC Roger.

06 14 56 32 C We got one more sequence of Test 7 pictures, O44:18:Ol.

06 14 56 46 CC Roger, u/lderstand, one more sequence ni,mher, 7 photograph.

06 14 56 5! C Roger. That's S-7 experiment, sequence 1.

06 14 56 55 CC Sequence l, roger.

06 14 57 02 CC You may place your Quantity Switch to the OFF position.

06 14 57 08 CC We'd like a little more detailed evaluation of the HF

music from REV to Canaries on the last orbit. We would

like to know if you noticed any fading, any dropouts of

any kin_l, and if you heard voice in the background

sometimes a8 well as nmAsic.

06 14 57 26 C Naturally, we heard a little voice and then once ...

switch dow11 there, we heard a little voice and I inu_gine

there was a little bit of fading but not bad at all.

... think it was pretty good.

06 14 57 39 CC Roger. Understand.

06 14 57 45 CC Did it drop out completely at anytime?

06 14 57 49 C Yes, it finally dropped out. Not Just complete]y, it

gradually died down as well as CW over ...

'-_?',:i-_'_x_ - /_i i _ :'-?x. Ji 'j i i_,.J£._ ! i I.' _g.

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Page 656

06 14 57 58 CC Roger, understand.

06 14 5? 59 C Somebody was cutting in from CW fairly close to that


06 14 58 03 cc Rog.

06 [4 59 15 CC Gemini-5, P_fV CAP COM. t'werything looks good here on

the ground. We have nothing else for you. We'll be

standing by.

06 14 59 2; C Okay, very fine. You want that wet ,%nd dry bulb for

temperatuu'es and so forth for Canaries on this pass.

06 14 59 27 CC That's affirmative. Both the wet and bulb, wet and

dry bulb and the temperature report at Canaries.

06 ]4 59 3_ C Okay, we'll try to have it.

06 14 59 36 CC Their acquisition is O5:k6.

06 ]4 59 40 C Rog. I have that.


06 k5 18 i2 CC Gemini-5, thls is HKV CAP COM. Standing by for your


06 15 18 18 C Roger, _CJ, Everything is Green here.

06 15 18 20 CC Everything looks good on the ground.

06 I5 I8 23 C Okay.

06 15 18 29 CC And we're ready for your report any time.

06 15 18 34 C Roger. Are you ready for the temperature report?

06 t5 ]8 36 CC That's affirmative.

;_ ,! _.i .-,

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'_,_i _Li_ _ ,s,__ Page 6_7

06 t5 L8 38 C Roger. Dry bulb temperature is 74 degrees.

06 15 18 44 CC Roger.

06 15 18 _5 C Wet bulb temperature is 6h degrees.

06 15 18 48 CC Roger.

06 15 18 49 C And the best I can te! 1 the window, the window frame,

and the padding around the window are all right at temp.

74 degrees. Over.

06 15 18 58 CC Roger. Copy.

06 15 19 0'2 C Anything else you need?

06 15 19 04 CC Negative, that's about it. Thank you much. We'll stand


06 15 19 08 C Okay. Very fine.

06 15 19 53 CC G_,ini-5, this is Canary CAP COM.

06 15 19 56 C Roger, Canary. Gemini-5 here.

06 L5 19 58 CC Roger. I guess I called m_self }_KV on that first call.

06 15 20 03 C Okay. I figured that's what you had done.

06 ]5 20 06 CC ... Roger.


06 16 31 45 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM.

06 ]6 32 08 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM.

06 16 32 10 CC Roger. We have all your syst-_ms Green on the ground.

We'd like for you ... your Quantity Read Switch to

the Fue! Cell I_ provision program.

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o6 16 32 19 c Okay.

06 16 _ 56 CC Gemini-5, you may return it to the OFF position now.

o6 16 32 59 c okay.

06 16 33 06 CC W_' have nothing else for you this pass. We'll be

standing by.

06 L6 33 lO C Thank you.


06 16 39 16 CC Gemini-5, Houston CAP COM.

06 16 39 24 C Good morning, Houston CAP COM. Gemini-5 here.

06 16 39 27 CC Roger. You're looking good on the ground. I've got a

couple of requests for you. When you damp your rates,

the next time you damp them or _ any time, would you

please turn on your rate gyros so we can get some data

on the rates and the rates during your damping? Copy?

06 16 39 52 C Roger. We copy that.

06 16 39 5k CC Okay, and then you can turn the gyros off after you get

through d_anping the rates. And would yokl try to d.-a_p

over the States on the lO3 Rev so that we can get a

real-time readout on the ground as you do your damping.

If you can hold off until then we would appreciate it.

Youa- Texas ;iOS on the ]03 Rev is O9:41:45.

06 16 40 21 C 09:h1:45, right.

06 16 40 24 CC Okay, and can you give us an idea what your maximum

rates are and how fast they build up?

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' _ "'! _; :''' '_ Page 659

06 16 hO 32 C It'll vary from time to time, but we're still venting,

and if you let them var-y, they'll build on up to 11 or 12

degrees per second.

Ob 16 hO 47 CC Rog. And about how long does it take them to blli]d up

to that rate?

06 16 40 51 C It takes quite a while and all-in-all it stayed much on

one axis; of course, it was sp]it between the axes. It

won't stay with one axis purely.

06 16 41 02 CC Roger. I understand. Is it mostly yaw?

06 16 4I 06 C MDstly yaw, yes.

06 16 41 09 CC Okay. We 1, we figure that you're just about ready to

stop venting now, so if you get a stop on it you could

give us the word.

o6 16 4l _7 c Okay.

06 16 41 19 CC Do you want to continue to receive the station acquisition

times, or would a Delta T time differential from. your

Flight P£azl be acceptable to you.

06 16 41 29 C Just the Delta Time would be acceptable.

06 t6 4_ 32 CC Okay. Wel 1 right now you' re running about 19 minutes

later than your Flight PLan. In other words, your

acquisition at this station according to your FLight

Plan was about O6:i4 and you actually came over about


.-_ _ , t J ik._ k,.._l T, {iii, L.

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06 16 4] 48 C Okay, ]9 minutes then. Ail right, you want us to try

d_m_ing on the [03 Rev over the States_ right?

06 16 4t 57 CC That's affi_luative.

06 16 41 59 C Okay. We've been using the rate gyros each turn the

d=mp went ...

06 i6 42 03 CC Okay. Real fine. We can _et the data on that and

that'll he_p them analyze what the rates are doing.

06 16 42 08 C Right.

06 k6 42 41 CC C_mini-5, Houston here. Actually, I got a correction

on your Delta T. It's really 24 minutes, not 19;

24 minutes later than the Flight Plan.

06 16 42 50 C AL1 right. 24 min-ates later.

06 16 42 53 CC Roger. You were supposed to be here at 06:L4 and

you're here at 06:38.

06 16 42 58 C Okay. Fine.

06 16 43 02 CC Gordo, in regard to the radar, I understand you ran

some tests this mo_n_ng to check for SPADA?S inter-

ference. Did you get any tock-on lights when you

were operating it this morning?

06 16 43 19 C No. Not that I noticed.

06 16 43 23 CC Roger. Are you pointing toward the ground at the

present time?

06 L6 43 29 C Yes, i am.

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Page 661

06 16 43 32 CC How about turning on the radar for me right now and

just take a half a minute or so warmup and stand by and

turn it on and see what we get here. Just for a auick

cheek and then just turn it right back off. I'm

interested to see if you get a lock-on here when you

rea ]ly shou [dn' t.

06 46 43 52 C Okay. You want me to ... stand by?

06 16 43 54 . CC Just put it on STANDBY for BO seconds or so, or a

minute, and then --

06 16 43 O1 C Okay. It's in STANDBY.

(_ i6 43 03 CC Roger.

06 16 43 09 CC Okay, and after it's warmed up for 30 seconds or a

minute here we'll put it on and just see if you get a

lock-on. We' re contemplating another Radar Test today

as you come across the Cape looking at the pod on the

ground, trying to repeat the good results you got last

Sunday. We noticed that the only thing we can rea]ly

see is the difference between that and the subsequent

ones we've done is that the platform was not on that

first time, so we're planning to try to do another one

today with the platform off just to see if we get good

range readouts and to see if they will go into the computer

in the Rendezvous Mode Like we tried to do the other day

on those other two tes_.

"_-t_'_"" ' ;"_ i '.i

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Page 662

06 Z6 44 56 C Okay.

06 16 45 03 CC I think we've probably had enough war.up here now. Wqly

don't you turn it on and see if you get a lock-on light?

06 16 45 10 C I'm pointing right at the Eround now.

06 16 45 L2 CC Okay.

06 16 45 19 CC Are we still in contact?

06 16 45 22 C Negative.

06 i6 45 23 CC Okay. Do you get a Lock-on light?

06 16 45 25 C No.

06 16 45 26 CC Okay, fine. Well, when we lose IDS here, you can just

turn i_ on back off.

06 i6 45 32 C Okay.

06 L6 45 38 CC There is still no lock-on light, I presume?

06 16 45 40 C No lock-on light. That's right.

06 16 45 45 C Is the hydrogen going to last us?

16 45 48 CC Beg your pardon?

06 i6 45 49 C Is the hydrogen going to last us?

06 i6 45 51 CC Oh, yes. No problem on that, Gordo. We're well ahead.

The reason it's still coming down likethis is that we're

not using it as fast as expected, and that's why it hasn't

stopped venting yet. But we're in real good shape. '_ie

tightest thing is going to be this water storage capaciCT,

and it looks like we have a pad of about 3 to lO pounds,

something in that region, at the completion of your 8

days, so I think we're in real good shape.

- } ',! i -'L

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..... ! _- ;'_-fl ' Page _3

06 16 46 29 CC Did you copy, Gemlni-5?

06 16 _6 31 C Affirmative, Ed. Flight, we're ...

06 16 46 36 CC Roger.

06 ]6 46 52 CC Are you still there, Gordo?

06 16 46 54 C Yes, I am.

06 16 46 56 CC I was just going to say the water storage capacity is

the only thing t_at was really tight, but as I mentioned,

we're in good shape on that. We!ll have about sm extra,

say, half a day or something like that.


06 L6 51 37 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. You need not answer.

Would you place your Quantity Read Switch to Fuel Ceil

H2, please?

(]6 L6 53 lO CC Okay. G_m_i-5, you can turn the Quantity Read OFF again.

Everything else looks good from here.

06 16 53 L9 C Okay. Looks good from here too. Thank you.

06 16 53 23 CC Roger.


06 ]7 26 47 CC G-m_ni-5, Ca_narvon CAP COM.

06 17 27 L4 C Go ahead, Carnar¢on. Gemini-5 here.

06 17 27 ]6 CC Roger. I have a Flight Plan update. Will you prepare

to copy?

06 17 27 20 C Okay. Just a moment.

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06 17 27 40 C Okay. Ready to copy.

06 17 27 42 CC Roger. First item, D-4/D-7. 08:58:00. Sequence No. 419.

Remarks, use 2 minutes on recorder. Point southeast at

horizon c ouds near Perth and Geraldton. Next item S-8/D-13.

O9:03:10. Sequence No. 04. Pitch down 30. Yaw left 20.

Do you copy?

06 17 28 _7 C Roger. Got that.

06 17 28 49 CC Okay. Request you open your E-S Sensor Circuit Breaker for

about two minutes. I'll give you a mark when to close again.

06 17 28 58 C Okay.

06 17 29 06 CC Is it open now?

06 17 29 08 C Negative. You want it open now?

06 17 29 ll CC Roger.

o6 t7 29 c Open.

06 17 29 23 CC That's a:l on the Flight Plan update this tame.

06 17 29 26 C Okay.

06 17 31. 14 CC G-m_ni-5, request you close the E-S Sensor Circuit


06 17 31 21 C Roger, it's closed.

06 17 31 22 CC Roger.


06 18 12 10 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5. Houston CAP COM. Over.

06 [8 12 32 C Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

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06 18 12 34 CC Rog. Gemini, Houston here. Could you give us a fuel

cell purge on both sect ions please?

06 !8 t2 _O C Roger. Fue! ce 1 purge on both sections. Want that

right now?

06 18 12 47 CC Rog. Go ahead.

06 18 13 Oh C Purge No. 1.

06 18 13 06 CC Roger.

06 [8 i3 19 C Mark.

06 18 13 21 CC Roger,

06 18 13 22 C Purge on No, 2.

06 18 13 23 CC Understand.

06 18 13 36 C Purge off on No. 2.

06 18 13 39 CC Roger.

06 18 13 40 C Fuel on No, 1.

o6 18 13 h2 cc Rog.

o6 18 13 46 c Mark.

06 18 13 h8 CC Roger.

06 18 15 46 C Oxygen off section !.

06 18 15 48 CC Roger.

06 L8 15 5] C Oxygen on Section 2.

06 18 15 52 CC Roger.

06 18 16 20 CC Gemini, Houston. it's lookir_ good on the ground.

06 48 [7 53 C Oxygen off on section 2. Crossover switch is 0_.

06 L8 17 56 CC Rog, understand. Looks good, Everything looks good on

the ground.

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06 t8 18 OO C Rog. Looks good here.

06 _8 t8 02 CC Okay. Be advised that during your experiments use no

fuel. We don't want to use any Fuel until we look at it a

litt'_e longer. If you can perform the experiments, go

ahead, but we' tl make another evaluation on Rev 107 over

the U.S. as to Fuel us_ge. Okay?

06 L8 18 [9 C Okay. I think that's a pretty good idea because I csn

actually detect it going down in the little bit of darerlng

I've been doing.

06 18 18 30 CC Okay. About what kind of rates do you have now?

06 18 18 33 C Our rates are ... here this last orbit.

06 18 18 39 CC Okay. Fine.

06 18 18 4] C Three or four or five orbits to build up.

06 i8 18 43 CC Understand. We're going to give you a power-up procedure

at Carnarvon or either over the States duzing the updates.

We'll include it in the experiment updates, and this is

to use some H2 ;ater pm pver tje States to try and slow

the hydrogen venting down. And we'll pass it to you


06 18 ]9 05 c Okay.

06 18 19 07 CC And we have a workout today. I'll give you the procedures

now and we' 11 give you the go ahead on performing it prior

to the test. It'll be done in the 106 Rev and it will

require fuel, so do not perform it until we give you the

go ahead.

B,..;i i; [,..;Li_ i i/',L

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. ,i_ , ,r_,_ "_ Page 667


06 [8 [9 35 CC Test No. tl. Configuration.

06 [8 19 39 C You're cutting in and out.

06 18 1_ 40 CC Rog, understand. We're about ready to get LOS here.

We'll have Carnarvon pass it up to you or else we' L1

catch you on the next pass around the States.

06 ]8 19 48 C Okay. Fine.

06 18 1.951 CC Wq_en you get to Carnarvon, the weather doesn't look very

good at Woodley Ranch. So if it looks bad down there, go

ahead and spend more t ime on that D-4/D-7.

06 18 20 45 CC Gemini, Houston.

06 ]8 20 48 C Go ahead, Houston, Gemini-5.

06 18 20 50 CC We' 11 try and have Canaries pass that Radar Test up to

you_ so if you've got a pad and pencil when you get over

there they'] 1 read it to you. Okay?

06 18 2] O0 C Fine.

06 ]8 26 06 CC Geatini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. Would you place

your Quantity Read Switch to the _ position? Thank


06 ]8 26 ]7 C Roger ....

06 t8 26 _9 CC Roger How do you read?

06 18 26 2] C Reading you loud and c'_ear.

06 ]8 26 23 CC Okay. I'll give this Radar Test No. ]1. Are you

ready to copy?

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' '_"' "_ :'-_'_ ?age 6_

06 18 26 33 C Roger. Go ahead.

06 t8 26 _6 CC Okay. Configu:ation S_T.te OS 8, plus Computer to

FJ_NDEZVOUB, MDIU address 69, [_ateGyro is ON; Platform

OFF, Procedure, read out 69 and tell us update. Then

switch to CATCH UP for _ seconds Back to RENDEZVOUS.

Repeat five times. SC 69 readout bad_ Radar to SFA/_DBY

for ] second, then ON. CLocking accuraey not criticaL.

Minimize fuel. At comptetion, Pkatform ON. Do you


06 18 27 4: C Roger.

06 1,827 49 CC Okay. That's ail of it.

06 [%J27 56 CC Okay. You can switch your Quantity Read back to the

OFF position.

06 1.8 29 i8 CC Gemini-_, this is Canary CAP COM. Did you get an onboard

reading, of fuel cell H2 while you were in the read


06 18 29 27 C Roger.

06 18 29 29 CC What was it?

06 18 29 3[ C I want to make sure.

06 L8 29 34 CC A_i right.

06 18 L_3 4[ C I'm reading 17 percent. 17 percent,

06 1_ 29 47 CC Roger. Copy 17 percent. Thank you. That's ail we

have for ](ou. You're looking good on the ,ground. We' kl

stand by.

',' .... ?i_ i_i

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Page 669

06 18 29 56 C Okay.

06 18 32 17 P Canary, G_mlni-5.

06 18 32 28 CC Gemini-5, this is Can-try. Do you read?

06 ]8 32 30 C Roger. Read you loud and clear.

06 18 32 33 CC Did you ca _17

06 18 32 3h P Yes. Have a check this D-4/D-?, 419. Check the

caiibration. Do they want us to do that .,.

06 18 32 _6 CC Gemini-5, this is Canal7 CAP COM. Tran_itting in

the blind. We've had LOS here and _lid not copy the

last of your transp_ission.


06 i900 3_ CC Gemini-5, C_rnarvon.

06 19 OO 38 C Go ahead, Carnarvon. Gemini-5.

06 19 OO hO CC Are you in attitude for the D-5/D-77

06 19 OO 46 C Right. %!e have our trgu]smibter on and we're ... attitude.

06 19 O0 5l CC Roger. _,.J]lenyou've completed D-4/D-7, let me know. I've

got a Flight P!_mnupdate.

06 19 OO 58 C Geraini-5.

06 19 02 32 C ... they were coming it over Woodley or heading

toward_ Wood ley now.

06 19 02 41 CC Roger. The last report, was c_oud coverage over Woodley.

06 ]9 02 47 C Oh, is that right?

06 19 02 50 CC it may break -- we may be lucky. It may break over Woodley.

I d_,n't know.

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Page 670

06 [9 02 55 C We' 11 take a took at it if we drift into the right

att irude.

06 19 02 58 CC Roger.

06 l9 03 08 C We're reader for the Flight Plan update.

06 19 03 t0 CC Roger.

06 9 03 12 C First item: Warmup 11:30:00. Remarks: Primary Coolant

Vaive circuit breaker open. Radiator flow to BYP_%_S.

Secondary Coolant l_amp B ON. Next item: Power_ 12:OO:OO.


06 19 03 36 C ...

06 19 O] 58 CC Say again.

06 19 03 59 P P,ead the first set of remarks again.

06 19 04 02 CC Okay. The Primary Coolant Valve circuit breaker to open.

Next, lqadiator F'ow Switch to EYPASS. Next, Secondary

Coolant Loop Pump B ON. _qlat we're trying to do is warm

up your secondary loop.

06 k9 04 28 P Okay.

06 19 04 29 CC Without bypassing the pr_mmry on radiators. Okay, next

item, power up: _2:OO:00. Remarks: Fmdiator flow to

FLOW. Primary Coolant Valve circuit breaker closed.

Fuel Cell Section 2 purge. Section 2 power on. Rate

Gyros, Platform and Computer ON. Did you copy?

06 i9 05 26 C Roger. We got that.

06 !9 05 28 CC Okay. Next item, D-4/D-7: £2:10:OO. Sequence No, 407.

_:'""'_ i'"__''_= !

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Page 67J

Next item, D-k/D-7: 12:50:46. Sequence No. 424 Bravo.

Load No. 15. Remarks: Pitch down 30, yaw left 22.

Speed 30, test time 12:51:35. Duration 8 seconds. Next

item, Delta 6, D-7: 12:52:OO. Load No. IS. R_mnrks'

Pitch down 90. Eight genera[ photos across U.S. Next

item, S-5: 13:23:00. Sequence No. O1. Did you copy?

06 19 07 18 P Yes.

06 19 07 19 CC Okay, next item, D-6: 14:22:47. Sequence No. 05.

Load No. 08. Re_ark_: Pitch down 30, yaw left, Ol.

Speed 60. Okay, we're approaching LOS. Did you copy up

to that point?

06 19 07 55 C Right. We got it to that point.

06 19 08 59 CC Okay. I'll read the n,_xt one to you. Radar Test 14:30:45.

Sequence ll. Remarks: Pitch down 30, yaw right 02,

Platform off. Do you copy?

06 19 08 22 P We've got it.

06 L9 08 23 CC Okay. We'll get the rest of it up to you over the States.


06 19 3(3_4 CC Gpm_ni-5, Guaymas CAP COM. Turn your T/M Control Switch

to the REAL TIME ACQ position.

06 !9 40 06 CC Ge_m_ni-5, Ouaymas CAP COM.

06 19 40 08 C Go ahead, Guaymas, Gemini-5.

06 19 40 il CC Okay. You' re Looking good here on the ground. How are

you doing?

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06 19 hO 17 C Looks good here.

06 19 40 18 CC Okay. I'd like to finish that Flight Plan update if

you've got your book out.

06 [9 40 22 C Okay. We're ready.

06 19 40 24 CC Okay. _ne first one is D-6, ;4:49:36. Sequence 68.

Mode 15. P,pmarks: Pitch 30 degrees down, yaw 13

degrees left. Speed 60. 5-5, 14:59:OO, Sequence O1.

S-8/D-13, 16:OO:40, sequence 03. Remarks: Pitch 30

_3grees down, yaw 15 degrees iel't. S-7, 16:12:00,

sequence 02. Remarks: Pitch 90 degrees down. Iwo

exposures, Storm Betsy. Power down 16:DO:OO. Remarks

Rate Gyros, Platform, and Computer OFF. Okay, did you

copy all that?

06 19 42 14 P That's affirmative.

06 19 42 16 CC Okay. Be advised on the Flight Plan update that you got

at Carnarvon and %he rest that I just gave you here, you

are to use negative rue]. Over.

06 19 42 23 P Affirmative.

06 19 42 24 CC Roger.

06 19 42 26 P This is miracle man.

06 19 42 28 CC Say again.

06 19 42 29 P I say we' re the miracle men and use our self-survival.

06 19 42 33 CC A3 ! right,

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06 i9 43 34 CC Gemini-5, Houston.

06 19 44 03 CC _Gemini-5, Houston.

06 19 44 41 CC Gemini-5, Houston CAP COM.

06 i9 44 44 C Go ahead, Houston CAP COM. G_nini-5.

06 19 44 47 CC Rog. We've got a slight chance in this power-up

procedure on the fuel cells if you' re ready to copy.

06 19 44 57 C Okay.

06 19 45 59 CC Okay. Instead of turning the Rate Gyros, Platform,

and Computer ON at L2:00:O0, we would like to turn

them on at _2:40:00. And this will give the mode a

chance to stabilize before you turn them on. Copy?

o6 19 45 20 C Okay.

06 19 45 23 CC Okay, and your D-4/D-7 over Carnarvon last time, that was

correct. That was the time that we wanted to perform

the experiment. So you were okay on that.

06 i9 h5 33 C Okay. We got some readings for them on that.

06 19 45 36 CC Okay, real good. We want to change your medical data

pass at Canary again. You have one on the Pilot at

Canary on this pass. ,_ewou_d like to change that to

Ouaymas, and the acquisition time of Ouaymas is 11:12:O9.

06 19 46 07 C Okay.

06 ]9 46 II CC C,_mini, Houston here. We got a change on a change. We

want to leave the one at Canary. Okay? _%nd the acquisi-

tion time on that is (_._:59:34. Okay, we want to change



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bU,/t[ il)[.l'i t i_L. Page 671_

the one that was supposed to be at C._rnarvon on the

Command Pilot on the next rev after Guaymas. We want to

move that back up to Guaymas at 11:12:O9. You got it


06 19 h6 22 C Roger.

o6 ]9 46 _.3 cc oki.

06 19 46 46 C You got all the ca'lbrators going down there on the


06 k9 46 5_ CC Watching it iikea hawk, Gordo. We're watching it

real close and we're expecting it to stop venting at

any time, but even if it doesn't, projected curze at

the present rate would show you cammpleting your

mission with about h percent remaining.

06 t9 47 12 C Okay. It hasn't stopped venting up here yet.

06 19 27 15 CC Roger. You still notice it slowing down, you think?

06 19 47 L9 C No. It seems to be going just as fast as ever.

06 19 1,7 23 CC Roger.

06 [9 47 25 P The curve that [ have, Elliot showed it leveled out.

Then this morning on the neX_ pointer I put on it, it

showed it turned down again.

06 _9 47 38 CC Well, we show that for the last 15 hours or so it's

been a rekative!y straight Line, and if you project

that to the completion of the mission, you' 11 have

about 4 percent Left. And we' re watching it carefULky.

,-.-,.;.:!r,c t ,,-

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_"J' ' _ ' '-_' ..... _'__ Page 675

We're expecting it to quit venting at any time, and that

would level it off even better.

06 19 48 04 C You've been expecting it to stop venting for two days?

06 19 48 14 CC We l, actually, it's supposed to stop venting at about

!5 percent quantity remaining, and that's about where

you are now.

06 19 _B 22 C Yes.

06 19 48 24 CC If you can believe it, there are so many charts and

graphs down here that I think Elliot has the display


06 19 48 30 P I can beiieve it.

06 19 48 33 CC It's true. Boy, you've never seen so many.

06 19 48 55 CC Just a point there, Gemini-5. The curve that we were

working with at the start of the mission would have

shown us a considerably lower at the present time,

down around 7 percent, so you would have really be_n

sweating it out if that had been the ease, even -_re


06 19 49 16 C Yes.

06 19 49 21 C That's the curve we've been working with.

06 k9 49 24 CC Beg your pardon?

06 19 h9 25 C That's the curve we've been working with.

.,'.,,_, IL;[ '4 _?,[_

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_ !,% _.._ _;.L:% _'_ i_ i i i _

_ _'_- Page 676

06 19 _9 29 CC i didn't think you had that one before the flight, the

one with the curves in it. That is the one with the

expected venting rates. I thought that only was drawn

'here after you got launched.

06 19 _9 45 C We had some advance data.

o6 ]9 49 48 cc very good.

06 19 49 59 CC Based on your advanced information, when do you think

it's going to stop venting?

06 19 50 06 C Never.

06 !9 50 09 CC Well, if you notice, if you really do 'have this curve,

you'll notice that it actually breaks at about

L5 percent, and that's when the venting should stop,

and that's Just any time now.

06 19 50 22 C Okay.

06 19 50 30 CC _ I see it, your tightest thing is your water s%orage

capacity, and right now it looks like you' 11 have some-

thing like 6 pounds remaining at the end of your

mission. _l_at's about a third of a day pad, something

_ike that. Half a day pad, maybe.

06 19 50 5_ C ... water readouts you've gotten from time to time?

06 19 50 58 CC Beg your pardon, Gordo.

06 L9 5] OL C That's based on the water readouts you've gotten from

time to time or just 8_.estimated water production


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_i,.;_ _ i ..... Page 677

06 19 51 08 CC That's based on the water readouts plus the tank A

readings we get by tel emetry and because those give us

the most pessimistic calculations, the production

rates based on the preiaunch values are running con-

siderable higher than that. But we think probably

these water calculations might be more accurate. Ag

least we've got to believe them because we don't

know ,_z_vthingbetter than that.

06 19 51 34 C Yes.

¢_6 _9 5 37 CC You might give me a water readout at the present tLme

for both of you if you happen to have one --

06 ]9 5l _5 CC -- both at the same time rather than staggered.

06 19 51 49 C It's right around 61 pounds for both of us.

06 19 51 53 CC 61 pound_ at _he present time. Roger. Thank you.

06 19 51 56 C That's conservative. I'm sure we've drunk more than


06 19 52 0'2 CC Tilt. You say you have drunk more than that?

06 19 52 07 C Yes, I say that we're being conservative on our drinking


06 19 52 12 CC You mean you think your numbers are low or high?

06 19 52 !6 C Probably a tittle low. I think we probably have

d_unk s:ightly more than what we have here I bhink our

sips have been bigger ... increased pressure with thc ...

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; , ,i_r_i_ ,J tt_ Page 678

06 i9 52 27 CC Well, that's interesting. How much have you been

markin_ for each bulp?

06 Ig 52 32 C We've been marking i olulce per gulp.

06 l9 52 _8 CC Well, when you measured it back at tile Cape you were

running 0.83 ounces. Do y.m think that l ounce is

about correct?

06 19 52 48 C That might be pretty close.

06 19 52 49 CC Okay. That's what we've been counting on. You shook

us up for a minute. Just for your informazion we

feel that even if you ran out of water storage capacity,

you could go for about 13 hours. That's partially

extending the fuel cell usage until the membranes are

drowned out and then going onto batteries after that.

So I think we' re in real good shape.

06 19 53 36 c Okay.

06 19 53 4: CC Just remember where that parachute switch is.

06 19 53 44 C Got it marked.

06 19 53 52 CC I understand there was _ bee in the window at lift-off.

Have you even seen az]y more of him?

06 19 53 59 C No, but there's been ... between the panes here.

06 19 54 03 CC is he still flying?

06 19 54 05 C Yes, he's still flyin_ but he's not very alive, I

don' t think.

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· · , _-7,_-!_ __ 679

06 L9 54 12 CC Very good.

06 _9 54 20 CC You're iooking real good down here, Gordo.

06 i9 54 26 C Very good.

06 t9 54 34 CC Understand they a'_l ready played our music for you.

06 _9 54 37 C Right. We got tha_ down in the remote region Last

night. Sounded real good.

06 L9 5a 43 CC I was saving that for the GO/NO GO today. We might

give you another shot on it.

06 L9 54 47 C Okay. We can a_ways stand a little shot now and then.

It didn't come through too clearly, so we'd just as

soon have it again.

06 [9 5_ 56 CC Okay. _,_e']lburn it up extra loud.

06 19 55 05 CC Pete, will you have a c _hance to get ready for your med.

data at Canary on this one?

06 19 55 10 P I believe.

06 t9 55 i3 CC Okay, good. Thank you.

06 19 55 45 C You want us to go ahead and do that rate damping here

with the gyros working...

06 19 55 53 CC You're too far out now.

06 19 55 55 C Say again.

06 ]9 55 56 CC I say you're too far out at the present time. We'll

have LOS in about 30 seconds here. You m/ght try them

the nexb pass over if you can.

06 19 56 O1 C Okay.

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,.,viii luLi_ t ll_L [:_t,.':.e6(30

06 20 GO 30 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. We have a valid

oral pass. Would you give us a blood pressure, please.

06 20 O0 37 P Blood pressure coming.

06 20 O0 47 CC C,eminl-5, Canary Surgeon. Your cuff is I'ullscale.

06 20 O1 16 P Canary, Gemini-5. How about a C_ time hack.

06 20 O1 22 CC Roger, Gemini-5. We'll give you a G_ time hack

at 10 hours and 02 minutes.

06 20 G1 ]3 P Okay.

06 20 O1 34 CC About 30 seconds.

06 20 Ol 35 P Roger.

06 200l 38 CC We have a good blood pressure. Give me a mark when

you begin exercise.

06 20 G1 43 P Okay, let me catch the time hack.

06 20 O1 46 CC Rog.

06 20 O1 57 CC 3, 2, 1,

06 20 02 O0 CC MARK. That's l0 hours 02 minutes O0 seconds.

06 20 02 08 P Roger, very good. Thank you.

06 20 02 12 CC On my mark it's --

06 20 02 56 CC Your cuff is l_,llscale.

06 20 03 33 CC we have a good blood pressure. Standing by for your

foo_, water and 24 hour sleep report.

06 20 03 40 P Roger, water is 31 pounds 6 ounces. Last meal was

4C at 07:02:00:00, and sleep in the last 24 hours -

about 6.

',.C/iii IL,, L__i',, [ '_F'_L_

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L,,JJ'_lii_,_.'- _ ,_t Page 681

06 20 04 04 CC Roger, we copy. Can you give us an estimate of the

quality of your sleep.

06 20 04 09 P Okay, was good.

06 20 05 33 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. You're lookinu good

here on the ground. We have nothing :luther for you.

We have about a minute left.

06 20 05 41 P Roger. We're Green here and we just passed directly

overhead. It looks like you guys are going to _ve s

good day at the beach tocLsy.

06 20 05 48 CC Okay, thank you. We'll enjoy it.


06 20 35 20 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon. I have a PlA update when you're

ready to copy.

06 20 35 25 P Roger. Ready to copy.

06 20 35 27 CC Roger. Area 107-1, 14:14:44, 12 plus _3, 18 plus 04.

06 20 35 53 CC Next area, 108-4, 17:00:17, 15 plus 33, 20 plus 37. Next

area log-&, 18:35:54, 14 plus 08, 19 plus 19. Would you

place your Quantity Read Switch to FUEL CMIJ.H2.

06 20 36 42 CC Next area 110-3, 19:53:52, 16 plus 42, 21 plus 52. Next

area 111-3, 21:29:46, 15 plus 13, 20 plus 19. Weather

la good in all areas; bank angles are roll left 53 and

roll right 67 for all areas. Do you copy?.

06 20 37 37 P Roger, we copy.

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06 20 37 _ CC Okay, we can turn your Quantity Read Switch OFF.

I have a Flight P/an update for you when you're ready.

06'20 38 O_ P Go ahead.

06 20 38 05 CC Roger, stand by one.

06 20 38 15 CC Okay. Our Flight Plan update. First item.

_p 11:03:51, remarks longitude 150.6 degrees West,

Rev 104. Next item_ Star, 11:03:51, re.marks 22 hours

26 minutes. Do you copy?

06 20 38 59 P Affirmative.

06 20 ]9 O1 CC Okay, and one more item. We had m medical data pass on

the Command Pilot at Guaymas; the AOS time is 11:12.

06 20 39 12 P Say again the AOS time, please.

06 20 39 14 CC Roger, i1 hours 12 minutes.

o6 20 39 2O P Okay.

06 20 39 36 CC Nave you got writer's cramps?

06 20 39 40 P Yes, we're doing an awful lot of writing for not much


06 20 39 _3 CC Roger.

06 20 39 55 C Can you see us out there today?.

06 20 39 58 CC Negative. We've got overcast, almost complete overcast


06 20 40 03 c Okay.

06 20 40 09 CC You can try it had been clear.

06 20 41 28 CC We have about a minute to LOS. S%andting by.

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.... j _....

F_ge 68_

06 20 42 07 P GeuLini-5,standing by. We'Ll see you next pass.

06 20 42 lO CC Roger.


06 21 ll 56 CC C_'mini-5,Guaymas CAP COM. Turn youm T/M Control

Switch to REAL TIME and ACQ position.

06 21 12 16 CC Gemini-5, we have a valid oral temp. Stand by for


06 21 12 Pi CC Gemini-5, Guaymas Surgeon here. We're standing by for

your blood pressure.

06 21 12 37 CC Your cuff is ih_]1 scale.

06 21 13 13 CC We have a good blood pressure. Standing by for your

mark when you begin exercise.

06 21 13 33 C Mark.

06 21 14 O1 C Through exercise.

06 21 14 Oh CC Roger.

06 21 l_ 13 CC You_ cuff iS i'ullscale,

06 21 1_ 43 CC We have a good blood pressure. We're standing by for

your food, water and 24 hour sleep report.

06 21 lh 52 C Roger. Water, 31 pounds and 7 ounces of water. On food,

at 07:02:00:00 I had meal 4C, and last 24 hours, I've had

approximately 3 hours of sleep and I'm due for my next sleep

period now.

06 21 15 39 CC Roger. We copied 31 pounds plus 7 ounces water, meal _C

at 07:02:00:00, and 3 hours of sleep in the last 24.

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Could you give us an esti,_te of the quality of


06 21 15 58 C Very good.

06 21 i1 O1 CC Roger. _nk you very much. Guaymes Surgeon out.

06 21 16 04 C Roger.

06 21 16 05 CC Gemini-5, Guaymas. You're looking good here on the

ground. Will you turn your T/M Control Switch to

CO_ position.

06 21 16 l_ C Okay.

06 21 17 09 C ... firing up our MI)i, we'll take our rates down


06 21 17 14 CC Roger. Understand.

06 21 17 56 CC Gemini, Houston. We haven't got anything for you. You

might give us a cou_nent on your rates when you get

them damped down.

06 21 18 O] C Roger. They weren't too high. We just thought we

would go ahead and damp them out.

06 21 18 07 CC Okay. Thank you. Appreciate it. You're looking

good on the ground.

06 21 18 ll C Roger.

06 21 18 18 CC Gemini-5, Houston CAP COM. We're doing some more

discussion on this hydrogen here, and the latest thought

is that the venting may not stop until we get down to lO_

on the gage. But I'd like to reiterate that even if it

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 677/782

_ _ _ ' _--! -% 7' ._?4_ _ !._V,_ ._.,,_._ _ !_! . Pace _5

continued without _eveling off' any more at all, we would

be in good shape. At the end of the mission we would

still have some 4 or 5% re_ining. We're continuing

to n_onltor this very closely and we c_o expect it to

level out somewhat here as soon ss it stops ventinG.

_lnaelatest estimate is tb_at it may be as low ss 10%.

06 21 19 12 C Okay. Ignore it.

06 21 19 15 P Our status, in regard to experiments, is still no

fuel expenditures. _s that correct?

06 21 19 20 CC Thst's correct.

O6 21 19 22 P Okay.

06 21 19 28 CC You understand the reason, don't you, Pete? That we're

trying tx)make certain t_at we have fuel available to

stop these rates as long ss we need %o do so. Once we

get to the point where we don't h_ve any rate buildup

due to venting, then we will be free to use the rest of

the fuel for experiments.

06 21 19 48 P Yes, okay.

06 21 19 53 CC We'll give you a decision on that Radar Test on the

next round ss you go by, on the fuel usage.

06 21 2O O0 P Okay.

06 21 20 07 P This system is plenty sluggish now, I think. It Just

doesn't seem like it's putting out what it used %0.

06 21 20 13 CC Rog. Understand. I

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k>'-.Jl_a t,_,,;. :¥ '. t,j*,,Ll_,ge 686

06 21 20 26 CC Pete, do you feel that there are any other thrusters

tending to go out at this time, or dR) you feel that

it's a general sluggishness of the system?

06 21 20 35 P Well, they very definitely have degradation o_' several

thrusters because we have, I think, more cross coupling

than we should have. As s matter of fact, roll _has

started to couple into pitch now, which it hadn't done

before; and right yaw has been coupling into roll, wluich

it's still doing. But I just think the genersl pert'ormance

is Just dropping off and dropping off.

06 21 21 10 CC Roger.

06 21 21 12 P It could be that when we fired up for good that if

we -_ke a good shot st Direct ell around or something,

we m/ght liven things up, I don't know.

06 21 21 21 CC Are you doing all your damping witch ]%Alse?

06 21 21 24 P That's correct.

06 21 21 26 CC There may be a lot of t_mt. You're Just not clearing

the system up and you hsven't been for a long time.

It may be Just needing s good snot of cleaning out. But

we don't want to do that.

06 21 2l 38 P We're right smack dab overhead t{ouston, it looks like,

right now. I can just make it out as the front's coming


00 21 21 46 CC Very good. Everybody's outside looking for you.

b.¢_li i'_._ .i¢ iii1._

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06 21 21 51 P You ought to be able to see us because the sun's

s,hining on us and no% on you.

06 21 21 56 P Yes, we see Clear lake ....

06 21 22 OO CC We have had some reports of sightings.

06 Zl 22 ]1 p Yes. We're powering down all our ACME and so forth.

06 21 22 17 CC Roger.

06 21 22 09 CC Gemini,Hoes%on.

06 21 24 13 P Go ahead, Houston.

06 21 24 14 CC When you mentioned that the pitch slid roll coupled

and the yaw and roll coupled, which d/faction of

roll was that? Can you give us an idea_

06 21 24 25 P Let's see. Right yaw coupled it to right roll, I guess.

06 21 2h 32 CC Okay.

06 21 24 34 P If I'm correct, I think it says that the No. 3 )_w %h_ster

is the weaker of the two.

06 21 24 40 CC Roger. How about the pitch?

06 21 24 43 P The roll, the right roll, excuse me, tile left roll

coupled it to pitch up.

06 al 24 57 CC Okay. Understand. Incidentally, as you went by, you

were extremely easy to see, and I think just about all

of HOUStOn saw you.

06 21 25 10 C Very good.

06 21 25 16 P Wha%'s our ... now?. Still 1077

06 21 25 19 CC Stand by.

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06 21 25 20 P Huh?

06 21 25 21 CC Stand by.

06 21 25 29 CC 107.4 by 159.0.

06 21 25 33 P Roger.

06 21 25 42 P What's the weather outlook for the recovery area


06 21 25 47 CC Oh, I think it all looks pretty good. I'll get a

detail on it.

06 21 26 28 CC Gemini-5, t{ouston.

06 21 26 32 P Go ahead.

06 21 26 34 CC The way it stands right now, 122-1 is acceptable,

about 500 downrange is not so good. lP)-I is clear

all the way. I

06 2_1 26 44 P Roger.

06 21 26 48 CC We're watching it real close down here.

06 21 26 52 P Okay.

06 21 26 54 CC You might notice that one of your experiments is passing

over Betsy, and you might give us a good 1oo_ on t_mt as

you go by. I think you've got a couple of pict'_lresto take.

06 21 27 03 P Yes. Okay.

06 21 27 05 CC Good morning.

06 21 27 06 P Good morning. How are you?

06 21 27 08 CC Great. You're looking pretty good.

06 21 27 13 P You're not up here looking at them.

· .

_,.k._,t 'Jt [[_Jl.i.'l [ li*,L

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Page F_

06 21 27 19 CC Gordo,

this is Houston CAPCOM.

If youwant to take

a nap at this time , don't hesitate. Don't 'worry

about these experiments; you really h_ven'% got much

capebility to do them any_ay with the fuel limits%ions.

A/_d the thought is t.hat you cer*_inly shoutld /'eel free

to go ahead and sleep if you want.

06 21 27 41 C Okay. We might catch a littte sleep today if ...

o6 21 27 45 cc 0_y.

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06 21 29 19 CC C_mlni, Houston.

06 21 29 24 C This is Gemini-5, did you call, Houston?

06 21 29 ]6 CC. C_ini-5, Houston.

06 2! 29 39 C Go ahead Houston ...

06 21 29 40 CC Be advised your wife saw you Co by then.

06 2L 29 _6 C What did you say?

06 21 29 h8 CC I said Trudy saw you go by.

06 21 29 50 C Oh, is that right? Very good.

06 2_ 29 02 CC It sure is early in the morning down here.

06 21 29 06 C Yes, it's early in the morning up here too.

06 2i 29 15 C Early for several mornings.

06 21 29 19 CC Say again.

06 2l 29 21 C I say it's been pretty early for several mornings.

06 21 29 Z3 CC I don't doubt that.


06 21 35 07 CC G_mini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. I have nothing for

you this pass so need not reply. Everything looks

good from the ground.

06 21 35 14 C Roger, this is C_m_ni-5. Be advised that we started

the power-up procedures for the No. 2 fuel cell.

06 2i 35 26 CC Roger, understand.

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'_,_J_'__ tJ6J_ ! i. ,u 691

06 21 35 42 CC Gemini-5, would you put your Quantity Read Switch to

the FC H2 position. Thank you.

06 2i 36 29 CC Gemini-5, wou_d you give me an onbos.rd reading on

your _L27

06 2[ 36 34 C Roger. Read !5 percent and 7OO and about 75 psi.

06 21 36 4_ CC Roger, copy. 15 percent, 775 psi.

06 21 36 53 C Affirmative.

06 21 36 55 CC Roger.


06 22 lO O0 CC Gemini-5, this is Carnarvon. Place your Quantity

Read Switch to ECS 02 position.

06 22 iO 3] P Ca_matron, G(_nini-5 here. We have the No. 2 fuel

ceil powered up on the line.

06 22 iO 37 CC Roger.

06 22 10 38 P And it went on at about 12:03.

06 22 ]0 43 CC Roger.

06 22 12 59 CC Okay. Would you go to FC 02 on Quantity Eead?

06 22 i1 15 C Carnarvon, this is Gemini-5. We noticed a lot of

venting again coming into the dark side this trip,

but we presume it's PCS 02 this time.

06 22 li 25 CC You say you noticed a lot of venttng?

06 22 11 27 C Yes. Couple of times.

06 22 il 30 CC Roger.

i'{"C. _f "i7. _.i_': '

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I;,.:: _ i ...... _t,_. Page 692

06 22 11 43 CC Okay Would you place your _antity Read Switch to

the Fuel Cell H27

06 2_2 L20_ CC Did that venting up there give you rm3ch rate?

06 22 12 il C Oh, it's picked-it up a little bit but not much.

06 2Z 12 15 CC Okay. FLight advises that they don't suspect ECS 02

venting will give you much of a rate; there's not

nmch moment on that. it's in the CG.

06 22 12 26 C We!l, we think that that's probably what it was that i

was venting here.

06 22 12 43 CC Gemini-5, were you estimating that thing on a basis of

rates or visual?

06 22 12 50 P Visually.

06 22 12 52 CC Roger.

06 22 12 58 CC Okay. Would you place your Quantity Read Switch to the

OFF position?

06 22 13 33 CC Everything looks good here on the ground.

06 22 i3 36 C We're GO up here.

06 22 16 21 CC We've got about a minute to LOS. Stand by.

06 22 16 25 C C_m_ni-5, roger. Standing by.


06 22 ]6 k7 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii CAP COM.

06 22 36 50 P Hawaii CAP COM_ Ge_mini-5. Go ahead.

06 22 36 52 CC We have nothing for you. Hawaii standing by.

06 22 36 _5 P Roger, Gemini-5 standing by.

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,. · _; ,',, t _,-:_ Page 693


Q6 22 _70l CC G_mlni-5, Gemini-9, }{oustcn.

06 _ 47 IO CC Gemini-5, Gemini-b, Houston.

06 22 47 25 CC Gemini-5_ Gemini-_, Houston.

06 22 47 39 CC C-=m_ni-_, GPmini-5, Houston.

06 22 47 _2 CC Gemini-j, Gemini-5, Houston. We'd like to have you

put yoltr C-band Adapter Switch to CONTINUOUS if you


06 22 48 03 P Roger. C-band to CONTINUOUS. I'm reading you loud

and cIear.

06 22 l_ 08 CC Okay. Very good. I'd like to tell you that if you can

see Hol]oman when you go by, they'll have 13 flashing

red lights along the track %0 help you find the track.

You'/1 probably be pointin_ the other was' if i know

you. They' 21 have 13 flashing red lights and the

weather is clear.

06 22 48 32 C Before ...

06 22 _ 35 CC Yea, it's at the no fuel D-4/D-7.

06 F2 48 38 C Okay.

G6 22 48 43 CC It would be nice to know though if you could see the

lights if you were pointing in that direction at all.

06 2'2 l_ 1_8 C Roger.

G6 22 48 53 C W, have pureed second fuel cell on the Line per acheduTe_

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 686/782

', , :,' '- ' . , -_1:_'e _..-_a

06 22 48 59 CC Roger, very good. Do you have your computer up and in


06 22 49 02 C Computer is up in Pre'aunch and platform is up and

Cage SEF.

06 22 49 09 CC Okay. ;.re'il be sending up some ])CS updates for area iO7-1.

06 22 49 14 c Okay.

06 22 49 25 CC Gemini-5, Houston. We'd also like to have you bring up

your H_' receiver so we can play some music as you leave

the States here.

06 22 49 33 C Very good.

06 22 49 48 CC Gemini-5, Houston. We'd like to have you place your Bio-med

Recorder Switch to OFF now and we'd like %o save the rest

of the tape until just prior to retrofire.

06 22 49 59 c Okay.

06 22 50 O1 P Okay. Bio-med recorders 1 and 2 are both off.

06 22 50 04 CC Okay.

06 22 50 21 CC Gomtni, Houston. The big blue team gives you a GO for

!22-i. Press on.

06 22 50 29 P Roger. We're pressing on.

06 22 50 33 CC Good show.

06 22 50 39 C As Pete would say, Over the ocean, over the blue, from

Gemini-5, we thank you,

06 22 50 47 CC Okay. Now that we're discussing po.mR here, I was

ta_king to bcth Jane and Trud.y this morning. They both

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,,4 _--' ' -- _ i

..... '",' Page _-_5

went outside and saw you, and Jane sent up a little

poem_ here, Pete. It goes:

T%'inkle, twinkte Gemini-5,

How I want you back alive,

Up above the world so hi_h_

I saw you today as you went by.

Twinkle, twinkle Gemini-5,

Tomorrow you take a great big dive,

Leaning towsrd the ocean blue

Smd I send my love to you.

06 22 5l 25 P Tell her I thine that's really great.

06 22 5_ 28 CC Okay. I'll do it.

06 22 5t 30 CC Okay. We've got about 5 seconds for the Holloman test.

06 22 5_ 38 CC Light up.

06 22 5_ 39 P Okay. ! see the track. I do not see the red _ightz,

but I do see the track.

06 22 51 46 CC Okay. Do you see the rocket?

06 22 51 48 P Not yet.

06 22 51 5! CC Okay. It should be burning.

06 22 51 59 P I don't see the rocket but I do see the track.

06 22 52 03 CC Okay. Well, it should'ye been burned out by now.

Let me check with Flight.

06 22 52 2_ CC It should be b: inking right new, Gemini-5.

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( ['_,r,:';_ _!7!,_I','-.. ;:_. ' ."- Page 696

06 22 52 57 CC G_mini-5, Houston again.

06 22 53 16 CC GfmzLni-5, Houston. You can turn your C-band AdaFter

Switch back to COMMAND.

06 99 53 24 P Roger, to COM_gYND.

06 22 53 28 CC Here comes your DCS load now.

06 22 53 4'. P Okay. We got it.

06 2"2 53 43 CC Very good.

06 22 54 02 CC Gemlni-5, Houston. I'd like to give you a little

briefing on our Flight Plan for today. A_-e you ready

to copy or ready to listen i guess.

06 22 54 t0 P Ready.

06 22 54 ll CC Okay. Most of the things that we've got on the schedule

today are a 1 to be done with no Due], so if you haopen to

get pointed in that direction, fine. if you can't, well

that's too bad. We would like to have you do your dampinE,

though, so that you can take advantage of the fuel _,hnt

you're using for damping, ending up pointing in a direction

that would be usab! e to you. And especially so on the

Daredo S-8/D-L3 pass, which is supposed to occur at

16:00:40. We might even expend a littie fuel on that to

place the spacecraft in the right di_-ection so %hot you

can see the targets. Okay?

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_ _i;iL _i'"'-t!r I _,...... Psge 697

06 22 54 52 P Fine. We can do it.

06 2'2 54 55 CC Okay. We're still conserving the f_el. I just _ot

here as ELliott was brief[n_ you on the venting and

when it may stop, but we wou]d ]_ke to _et that Laredo

S-8/D-13. Now for tomorrow we have o couple oth_:r

things that we want to dc, one of which is to do the

D-4/D-7 pointing at the sun. And another one is to do

an S-8/D-13 at the WoodJey Ranch if possible.

06 22 55 22 P Fine.

06 22 55 23 CC Okay.

06 22 55 25 P What's the weather outlook tomorrow? We have overcast


06 22 55 2_ CC Rog. Ue had them scheduied for today and then scm_bbed

them. We don't really _ow what it's ¢oing to be

tomorrow yet, Pete. i haven't gotten a forecast for


06 22 55 39 C _,q_atwere you saying, the day before yesterday? It was so

1clear down there you couldn't believe it.

06 22 55 44 cc Rog.

06 22 55 53 CC Gordo, Houston. As I mentioned on your last pass, Trudy

saw you up there without too much trouble at alt. She

sends you her best wishes and she says that she got the

gir s up quite early this morning. They all went out

and saw it and they certainly enjoyed it.

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"-....... _-'!..'_. ':'._ !59ge 098

06 22 56 13 C Very good, thank you.

06 22 56 16 CC She says you put on a good show.

06 22 56 23 P Nobody can know that ._nybetter than we can.

06 22 56 26 CC Roger. Oh, also, Pete, Jane said that Gemini horoscope

for today in the paper said that you shou[d get your

house in order and the evening ;;as good for dinin_ out.

In case you' re interested.

06 22 56 40 P Okay.

06 22 56 45 CC Geatini-5, this is Houston FLight.

06 22 56 47 C Go, Flight.

06 22 56 49 CC With regard to these recovery areas, we're going to

take a look a% the weather for the rest of the day

as you come up on this thing. Our fee_ lng at the moment

is that we will go to i22, but we w_!l also be prepa:'ed

in ]21.

06 22 57 O4 C Okay. Very good.

06 22 57 17 CC The other thing is that it looks from here cc the end

of the mission that we've got no problems with water

or with the hydrogen we have left, and that you c_n

average quite a bit higher am_s than we would expect

you would so that's no problem.

06 22 57 33 C Okay, fine.

- - : w ·

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06 22 58 18 CC Gemini-5, Houston. Have you got the H}' up?

06 22 58 23 P Roger.

06 22 59 24 CC Okay, ste_nd by.

06 22 58 32 CC M U S I C.

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Page 700


06 23 44 06 CC Gem/ni-5, Carnarvon.

06 23 4_ 09 P Go ahead, Carnarvon, Gemini-5 here.

06 23 44 ll CC Okay. We,re GO on the ground for 12P-1. Are you GO?

06 23 44 16 P GO up here.

06 23 44 17 CC Roger. i'i1 be updating your TR shortly.

06 23 _J_ 20 P Roger.

06 23 _ 39 CC Transmitting TX . There's your TX .

06 23 44 46 CC Roger.

06 23 45 09 CC Transmitting T R-

06 23 45 15 P Roger. We got it.

06 23 45 17 CC Roger and you're in sync.

06 23 45 28 CC Okay. Flight advises that before States to remind you to

power down your platform. Computer ON, Radar ON. Damp

out your rates so that you're pointing down and that if you

want to pulse a couple of times to get pointed at the Cape

to go ahead.

06 23 45 53 P Okay.

06 23 46 02 CC Flight advises they do not want to track.

06 23 46 06 P ...

06 23 47 28 CC That's the last TR except for correction perhaps over Houston


06 23 47 33 C Okay. Thank you Very much, Carnarvon.

06 23 47 37 CC Roger.

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Psge 701

06 23 47 42 P We've been wsiting for it for 7 days.

06 23 47 43 CC Ha, ha. So have we.

06 23 47 >1 CC Our con_ratu_katio_s.

06 2_ _7 _5 C Thank you. Same to you. C,ood snow _town there.

O6 2._ _7 59 CC 5_nk you.

06 23 _8 29 CC Are your suit temps confortable?

06 23 48 32 C Yes. Why? What _re you reacting on the ground?

06 23 _8 36 CC 52.

06 23 '48 38 C Yes. _e read aoout the same; as a matter of fact, we

real _0 up here.

06 23 48 &2 CC Roger.

Os 23 _) _2 CC Z 'il bring you a con of Swan Lager 0ack to Houston.

06 23 _9 45 C Very good. That's the spirit.

06 2_ _0 Ii C Be sure and give our best to all of tno_e fine people over


06 2_ _0 Ii* CC Will cio,Gordo.


07 O0 ll 15 CC Gemini-b, Hawaii CAP COM.

07 OS Il i8 P Hel_o, Hawaii CAF CON, Gemini-5 here. Os ahead.

0'_ 0(3 11 21 CC AJ] your systems are looking good. We're standing by.

Of O0 11 2& P Computer platform's down ane we're going to warm up the rsc_r

at tnis time.

07 O0 iA 27 CC Roger.

07 O0 12 45 CC It looks like yob_r hydrogen is not venting.

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Page 702

07 O0 12 50 P We concur. The pressure has dropped to about 7_0 the last

time t looked.

07 O0 12 55 CC Roger.

07 OO 12 57 CC By the _ay, you've pessed through 24 hours. You're now

at 23 hours and 50.

07 O0 13 O1 P Oh boy .... count down tomorrow.

07 O0 13 ll CC I'm practicing.

07 O0 13 14 P So are we.

07 O0 1_ 31 CC Which direction are you pointing in at the moment?

07 O0 14 35 P We're sort of pointed about 30 degrees nose up, about

30 degrees yaw right.

07 O0 15 O1 CC Do you have any rates?

07 O0 15 04 P Relatively low right now. We just flipped it a time or

two to just gently start her back down so that we,re

already pitched down by the time we hit Florida.

07 OO 15 13 CC Roger.

07 O0 16 16 CC We're coming up on LOS minus I minute.

07 O0 16 20 P Roger. Five standing by.


07 OO 21 22 CC Gemini-5, Guaymas CAP COM. Show you Green on the ground.

We're standing by.

07 O0 21 27 P Guaymas, Gemini-5. Green here. Standing by.

07 O0 26 39 C Hello, Houston, Gemini-5.

07 O0 26 _5 CC Gemini-5, Guaymas.

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Page 703

07 O0 26 46 C Oh, Roger. We're still with you, huh?

07 O0 26 _8 CC Yes. Looks like they let me talk to you for · bit.

07 O0 26 51 C Okay.

07 O0 26 54 CC Do you need something?

07 OO 26 56 P No.


07 O0 27 52 CC Gemini-5, Houston here. Over.

07 OO 28 02 CC Gemini-5, Houston s_anding by.

07 O0 28 20 CC Gemini-5, Houston.

07 00 28 24 P Hello, Houston, C,em.ini-5.

07 OO 28 26 CC Roger. We're standing by. How's your drifting? Are

you drifting in the right direction?

07 O0 28 30 P ... we're pitched down in very g_od shape. We're yawed

Just slightly off to the left. Seem to be in pretty fair

shape, I believe.-

07 O0 28 39 CC Very good. Very good.

07 O0 30 40 P We have a lockon but the rates are not reading right at

69 yet.

07 O0 30 %4 CC Okay. Keep us surprised at what happens.

07 O0 30 49 P Okay. I'm going %o go to Catch-Up once, quickly.

07 O0 30 52 CC Roger.

07 O0 30 59 P Still not reading right. Going %o Standby.

07 00.31 Ol CC Okay.

07 O0 31 10 P Still not reading right.

,' _i_l ! :- -/?

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Page 70_


O7 oo 31 12 cc Okay.

07 O0 32 08 P Okay. We're well past the Cape and we're well pest the Cape

on look angle, and we just broke lock.

07 OO 32 14 CC Roger. Just broke lock.

07 OO 32 17 P Yes. And we never did get the proper range indications.

07 OO 32 19 CC Roger.

07 OO 32 23 P So we'll go ahead aha bring the radar off at this time.

07 OO 32 26 CC Roger.

07 OO 32 30 CC We'd also like to nave you bring the platform back up now,


07'00 32 35 P Okay, platform's gone to Cage.

07 00 32 42 CC Gemini-5, it looks right now that we're never going to be

able to spare the fuel to aline the platform while we're

doing this, so if you ever pass through OOO and you'd like

to go ahead and uncage it, go ahead.

07 OO 32 58 P Okay, we'll try to get some semblance of that.

07 OO 32 O1 CC I sort of figured you were.

07 OO 32 1_ CC Gemini-5, do you think you'll be able to do this selected

drifting and do any good over Laredo?

07 OO 32 20 P Yes. The cost of a couple of blips of fuel, why it didn'tt

cost us too much. We came pretty well across the country

with the nose down that time.

07 OO 32 29 CC Okay. Very good. So the next pass will be over Laredo,

and we'd like to have you use this sert of technique to see

what you can do with the Visual Acuity target.

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,,.l_-,..i: -.

Page 705

07 00 32 38 P It's okay for that ... it's impossible for D-6. They,ve

been asking for this Questar _bde and you absolutely have

to track.'

07 O0 32 46 CC I know that, Pete, and I've already talked to them about

that. It's not ... I think there's probably one chance

in a million you might get a picture.

07 O0 32 55 P That's just my feelin 6.

OY OO 32 59 CC We'd be more than happy if you just see the targets at

Laredo, and I think that would be a pretty successful day.

07 OO 34 07 r Okay.

07 O0 35 30 CC Gemini-5, Houston. We have a couple more minutes here

before we lose you. We don't have any more information.

We'll just stand by.

07 O0 35 39 P Okay. We'll try and get a look at Betsy, and get the S-y

photographs. We got six ... S-5 photographs across East

Africa and the time they _ave us for the 8-5 _lm for

East Africa, and the mode was for Mexico, and I presume

that it was East Africa that he wanted.

07 0o 35 59 cc rog.

07 OO 36 04 CC ia there any ln_ollnation that we cou_ fuxlliah you that

you think would be of use to you?

07 O0 36 /2 P No. We had a couple ideas about alini_ ?.he pJuatform

tomorrow - basely, we didn't know whel_er to try her off

the RCS and put cma ring on the line and close off all

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 698/782

, i!-:! i, '? ', _ '_

l_e 706

the circuit breakers but the yaw left and use it Direct

or expend fuel out of 7 and 8, which are not burning but

are giving some thrust, and use it to aline.

07 00 36 41 CC Roger. _e're working on that rl_t now. Can you see the

weather right below you right at this time?

07 O0 36 46 P Yea sir. It's a nice round circular storm with a bunch

of key clouds in it.

o7 0o 36 5A cc Okay.

07 O0 36 5_ P It's circ,,1Ar. It doesn't really have a defined center as

such but it's open in the center with a couple of very large


o7 0o 37 o6 cc Okay.

07 OO 37 08 P And it's three or four hundred miles across.

07 O0 37 11 CC Okay. We know which storm that is.

07 OO 37 15 P Say again.

07 O0 37 17 CC I say, we know which storm that is. We were a little more

interested, Pete, in the weather that was behind you there

over 122-1.

07 O0 37 29 P Loud and clear.

07 00 37 32 CC Roger.

07 00 37 3_ P It looked like it was all scattered all the way.

07 O0 37 38 CC Okay. The thinking right now is treat we'll arm both the

RCS rings and then use one of the rings to do the platfom

alinement. You might think about that for awhile.

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Page 707

07 O0 37 51 P Well, why not start out with them. We'll try the OAJ_.

If we can get it in aline with that, we're just that much

fatter; if not, we use the RCS.

07 OO 38 OO cc Okay.

07 OO 38 06 CC We're workin6 up a good sound set of procedures right now

for all the contingencies that we might have, and we'll

relay them to you later on in the day and have you take a

look at them and see what you think.

0700 BaAS P Okay.

07 00 38 33 CC Gemini-5,Houston.

07 O0 38 34 P 00 ahead, Houston.

07 O0 38 36 CC We have a medical data pass on the Pilot at Carnarvon next

time, and the AOS is 15:17:50.

07 00 38 .6 ? O_-y.

07 OO 39 33 CC Gemini-5, Houston. Do you still read?

07 O0 39 37 P Just barely.

07 00 39 39 CC Roger. Can you give us an idea what the drift rates are

without the hydrogen venting.

07 (MD 39 48 P Less than a degree per second.

07 OO 39 5t CC Okay. We'd like to eee if they build up at all without

the hydrogen venting.


07 OO 47 48 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston. Over.

07 O0 47 53 P Hello, Houston, Gemini-5 here.

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Page 708

07 OO 47 55 CC Gemini-5, Houston. We're interested in what kind of

accelerations yolA're getting out of your spacecraft now

t_t the hydrogen isn't venting. So we'd like to see if

the rate has built up at all without any thruster activity.

We'd like to have you do this for us long enough so that

you can see if there is any significant increase. Would

you sort of keep this in mind so you can inform us the

next time you talk to us.

07 O0 48 21 P Okay. Got questions for you.

07 OO 48 25 cc Shoot.

07 O0 48 28 P Any reason why we're using a secondary coolant pump B

rather than A?

07 OO 48 34 CC It's abutt 0.6 amp more efficient than the other pump.

07 O0 48 38 P Ah so _ea' Ks.

07 00 48 42 CC There's a little piece of infor,mtion for you.

07 OO 48 59 CC We've got about 3 or 4 more minutes here. But we don't

have any other infol-mstion. We'll just stand by.

07 O0 49 O1 P Okay.


07 O1 18 30 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon. We have s valid oral temp. Stand

by for Surgeon.

07 O1 18 36 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon Surgeon. We observe your cuff is


07 Ol 18 43 CC Cuff is full scale.

_...;_.... t_ :_L

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 701/782

,_,.' '::,Y}L}L:IAL,

o7ol19 lo cc ...

07 O1 19 19 CC We have a valid blood pressure. Wi]1 you give ue · mmrk

when you begin your exercise.

07 O1 19 24 P Roger, mark.

07 01 20 07 CC Cuff is 1%11 scale.

07 01 20 39 CC Roger, Gemini, we have · valid Blood pressure. Would you

· Ul_te us on your water status, please.

07 O1 20 51 P ... and 10 ounces.

07 O1 20 58 CC Say again, Gemini, on the water.

07 O1 21 O1 P Roger .... and 10 ounces.

07 O1 21 O? CC Say again pounds.

07 012109 P ' 32.

07 O1 21 11 CC l_r. We got it.

07 O1 21 13 CC Than_ you, Gemini. Surgeon out.

07 Ol 21 17 P Esting meal SA.

07 O1 21 20 CC Okay, SA.

07 O1 21 25 P That's affirmative.

07 Ol 21 27 CC Tbmn_ you. Surgeonout.

07 O1 21 34 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon CAP C OM. Would you turn your Bio-ned

Recorder No. 2 ON and leave it ON for duration of mission.

07 O1 21 44 P Roger. Bio-ned Recorder No. 2 ia back ON.

07 O1 21 54 CC Flight would like to know if you have any rates you can

give us since the H2 stopped venting.

07 OX 22 09 P They're very, very, very, iow. It looks llke don't have

C ,?rlUtNt IAL'

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Page 7'lO

anything in roil and ma,t_e a quarter degree or leas in

yaw and about the Same in pitch. Very slow draft rate.

07 O1 22 24 CC Roger.

0701 22 37 CC Flight wants you to be advised they're standing by for

Laredo test on this pass.

07 01 22 45 P Roger, radio test.

O70l 22 49- CC Leredo test.

07 O1 22 51 P Oh, Laredo, roger.

07 O1,23 12 P What,s the weather .. give down there for tomorrow at

the Carnsrvon mite?

07 O1 23 18 CC We don't know the weather as yet for the Woodley S-8/D-13.

Is that what you're referring to?

07 Ol 23 31 P Thst's affirm. -'

07 Ol 23 48 CC It's still overcast dowl_ here st this time. _ey think

it might clear.

07 O1 23 56 P Roger.

07 O1 25 ll CC ... LOS standing by.

07 O1 25 15 P Gemini-5, Roger. Standing by and see you tomorrow.

07 Ol 25 18 CC Roger.

07 O1 25 2h CC Must be a pretty good map you got.

07 O1 25 47 P Did you say nap.

07 Ol 25 49 CC I say map; your orbital map.

07 O1 25 5_ P Why is that?

07 O1 25 54 CC Now'd you know this is our last pass?

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Page 7ilI

07 01 25 56 P Oh, well, yes, we keep the map up to date.

07 01 25 58 CC Right.

07 O1 26 01 P Actually, we've been so nominal on the orbit that we've

been on_the original Flight Plan from lift-off_ ss far

es stations go. And we slipped 24 minutes is all on the

station passing ...

07 Gl 26 15 CC Roger.

07 O1 26 18 P That's not bad for 7 days.

07 O1 26 19 CC No, it isn't.

07 O1 26 22 CC Flight sa_s that all tha_ was due to the maneuvers we did.

07 O1 26 29 P That's affirmative.


07 O1 46 19 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii CAP COM.

07 01 46 25 P Hello, Hawaii CAP COM, Gemini-5 here. Go ahead.

07 O1 46 28 CC Roger. We hold you Green on the ground.

07 O1 46 31 P Our status is Green here.

07 O1 46 33 CC Roger. I have a Flight Plan update when you're reedy to


07 O1 46 _2 P Ready to copy.

07 O1 46 _4 CC Roger. Map 15:31:24, longitude 140.7 Ems%, Rev 107.

07 O1 47 04 P Roger on the Map.

07 O1 47 06 CC Star 15:31:2_, 23 hours 20 minutes.

07 O1 47 15 P Roger on the star.

07 O1 47 18 CC Okay, and Gemini-5, we have a little information for you

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Page 712

here. The laser is going to be up in White Sands, then

they,ll be ready for that. And they're set up for Laredo,

and Flight would like to have a Iww fix during the flight

over the States.

07 O1 _7 _4 P Okay. Very good.

07 Ol 47 _6 CC Gemini-5, we have nothing further. We're standing by.

07 O1 47 49 P Roger, Gemini-5. Standing by.


07 O1 53 37 CC Genzini-5, Gemini-5, Houston.

07 O1 53 50 C Go ahead, Eouston, Gemini-5.

07 O1 53 52 CC Roger, G-mini-5. The weather in Laredo is very good. Be

advised that they will have four smoke pots there today.

There will be one on the northwest corner and two on the

northeast corner and another one about three-fourths of

the way between the northwest and the northeast corner so

that you should have e nice line across the northern border

of the acquisition targets. Be advised that the wind is

blowing from the south-southeast, so that the smoke should

be blowing away from the target. We hope they should

provide adequate visibility for early acquisition.

07 O1 54 36 c okay.

07 Ol 54 38 CC We also would like to inform you that the laser will be on

at White Sands, but it has no priority compare d 1;o the

Iaredo l_SS. We're mostly interested in the Laredo pass.

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Page 713

07 O1 54 50 C All right.

07 01 54 52 CC We'd also like to have you bring your C-band Adapter Beacon

up now and we would like to have you place the switch to


07 O1 55 33 CC G_mini-5, t{ouston. We woul_ also like to aclvise you that

we will be updating and loading your TR over Texas. We'd

like to get · bias check on your TR so you'll get some DCS


07 01 55 44 C Okay, fine.

07 O1 57 40 CC Gemini-5, are you drifting around in the proper direction


07 O1 57 45 C Gemini-5, affirmative.

07 O1 57 _7 CC Very good.

07 01 57 53 CC When you've completed the B-8/D-13 pass, give us e call.

We have some other information for you.

07 O1 57 59 C Okay.

07 O1 58 b,_ CC Gemini-5. We would like you to place your C-band Adapter

Switch to CO_$_%NDat this time.

07 O1 58 50 C ... Gemini-5. Go ahead.

07 01 58 55 CC Roger. This is Eouston. We would like you to place your

C-band Adapter Switch %o CO_.

07 O1 58 59 P Yes. We did that. Somebody else was calling us.

07 01 59 O1 CC Roger.

07 Ol 59 07 C Texas and White Sands in sight as we go by.

07 O1 59 lh CC .Roger. You see WlaiteSands. Do you see the laser?.

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_ r- _ _ _ _.

Page 714

07 O1 59 17 C I see the sled track. I guess that's still at 'WhiteSends.

07 Gl 59 20 CC Roger.

07 O1 59 28 C Negative. ! don't see any light at all there.

07 Ol 59 33 cc okay.

07 O1 59 34 CC Gemini-5. NASA 902. Read me?

07 O1 59 38 P Hello, NASA 902. Gemini-5 reads you weak but clear.

07 02 O0 05 P We have Laredo in sight .., the smoke ... very clearly.

07 02 OO ll CC Okay, Does the smoke outline the northern boundary for

you? Does it help with your orientation in which direction

the targets run?

07 02 O0 20 P Yes. I can't see the targets yet because of the sun angle.

07 02 O0 23 CC Okay.

07 02 O0 2_ P I don't think I 11 be able to see them mt ill. Gordo will

probably be able to see them because we're not ... over

the left yaw.

07 02 O0 29 CC Okay.

07 02 OO 35 CC Gemini-5, do you reed NASA Jet 902?

07 02 00 38 P Jet 902, Gemini-5 reads you.

07 02 00 50 C I have the targets in sight.

07 02 O0 52 CC Roger.

07 02 O1 08 CC Hello, Ge_L_ni-5. Do you read NAS_ Jet 902?

07 02 G1 51 P Okay Houston. Oeraini-5. We got a _ and a 1 on the first

row. _ud then we lost track because of our yaw.

07 02 02 O1 CC Okay. You got s 4 and s 1. Were those the first one or

the second one, or were there some ether ones in that


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first row?

07 02 02 09 P First snd the second.

07 02 02 10 CC Okay. Very good.

07 02 OR 17 P NASA 902, Gem/hi-5, do you read?

07 02 02 28 CC Gemini-5, Houston. We're all set to send up the TR time.

07 02 02 34 P Roger.

07 02 02 36 CC CoUld you look at your stowage for reentry and sort of give

us a quick appraisal of what you plan on doing if you plan

on doing something different than your preflight plan


07 02 02 50 P The only thing different that we may do is we may have to

have one or two food bags in the foot well. We'll have

the two helmet bags with a food package ... in the right

foot well. And I believe that we will make it into the

proper place with just 8bout everything else.

07 02 03 16 CC Okay, fane. If you have any real drastic changes, let

us know as soon es you can so we can fi_e it into the CG.

07 02 03 23 P Okay. I 'don't reslly think so, Jim. We're in pretty good

shape, andwe're going to work on that this afternoor_.

07 02 03 28 CC Okay. Very good.

07 02 03 30 P There is one thing we will take out - the little bit of

gear in thc wing boxes - and carry it on our person and

use that as extra stowage sram for foo_ bags.

07 02 03 44 CC Okay. Very good.

"-;-. _: ... i__ _ _,_L

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Page 716


07 02 04 06 CC Gem_ini-5, Houston again. We'd like to remind you to

purge the fuel cells before you power down.

07 02 04 Il P Roger. We're still planning on powering down at 16:20:00.

07 02 04 16 CC Roger. We'd also like to b_ve you reed out you/' propell-nt

quantity gage to us at this time.

07 02 04 23 P Okay. Stand by.

07 02 O_ 26 C Roger. The propellant quantity reads about 7_.

07 02 04 30 CC Roger, t_. We want to do some radar tracking with Pretoria

on this peas, and we,d like to have you turn your C-ben_

Adapter Beacon on and off a_ these times. Are you ready

to copy?

07 02 04 44 P Roger.

07 02 04 27 CC Okay. We want you to go to COR_iNUOUS at 07:16:_-_1:00.

We want you to go back to COI&_IANDat 07:16:42:00.

07 02 05 04 P Roger. i copy 07:16:31:00 CONTINUOUS, 07:16:42:00 back

to CO_ND.

07 02 05 13 CC Roger.

0'_' 02 05 17 CC Be advised aiso that we would like to run another HF Test

out of Houston test range antennas, so after we've com-

pleted the ststeside pass here, we'd like to have you go

to HF; and we'll start the music up agsin t and we'd like

to see if we can compare today's result with yesterday's.

We found that it's probably the best HF Test we have done

so far.

_ '.._i : _ '.ii _,

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iiiPage 717

07 02 05 40 P I think you're right. And we'll mnrk the time down that

we lose the sigr_l.

07 02 05 45 CC Okay. We're going to he going out of the Cenaveral

enters,a, and then we're going to shift down to A_tigus

antenna, and tr.en we're going to leeve it at Anti_um until

you lose it.

070205 54 P 0 y.

07 02 05 57 P We'll give you a call on either RKV or CSQ tonight after

we get this stowage all done.

07 02 06 04 CC Okay. Very good.

07 02 06 07 P And we're going to take a little nap and then go to work

on it.

07 02 06 lO CC Okay. Very good_ and we're nllowing you between 3-1/2

and 4 hours for )-our stowage tomorrow prior to retrofire.

07 02 06 17 P Well, we're going to have all the hard articles stowed,

the only--

07 02 06 40 CC Gemini-5, Nouston.

07 02 06 42 P Go ahead.

07 02 06 44 CC Okay. You cut out. You say you're going to have all the

hard articles stowed before %hen. Is that right?

07 02 06 47 P We're going to give it a try.

07 02 06 '49 CC Okay. Very good. Will you put your Cryogenic Caging

switch to OFF_ please.

07 02 07 10 CC Gemini-5, Houston s6sin.

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Page 718

07 02 07 12 P Go ahead.

07 02 07 13 CC We definitely want you _o be UEF over the CSQ. You have

the acquisition time there?

07 02 07 18 P Were you supposed to give it to us?

07 02 07 20 CC Right.

07 02 07 31 CC The acquisition time there will be 07:1(:02:42.

07 02 07 40 P Okay.

07 02 09 07 CC Oem/ni-_, Houston. We have about another 4 m_nutes here.

We'll just stand by in case you have anytaing.

07 02 09 26 C Okay. it stirs is a pretty day down over the Caribbean here.

07 02 09 31 CC Say, would you llke to describe some of the color of the

waters down there? Do you see any shelves that go from

green to blue or anything?

07 02 09 38 C Yes, I 11 say: Some reel brilliant greens, and a bright,

bright blue as we came over Cuba, South America ... very

cles rly.

07 02 09 51 CC Roger. Can you see any real sharp breaks in the colors

down below the water?

07 02 09 55 C Yes, very clearly.

07 02 10 13 C We're coming in over South _erica now.

07 02 10 16 CC Roger. Can you see the storm out there at all?

07 09 l0 22 C Yes. Just down to our left.

07 02 l0 28 CC That,s Betsy in case you haven't been told about it.

07 02 12 2 3 CC Gemini-5, Houston here. We're just getting LOS and

Antigua will come on with the }IF Test at this time.

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l_ge 719

07 02 12. 55 Muslc


07 03 03 23 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM.

07 03 03 28 C Come in, CSQ CAP COM, Gemini-5 here. And good morning

to you.

07 03 03 32 CC Roger. We have you GO on the ground, and Houston would

like for you to remain on U_'.

07 03 03 41 C Roger. We're on UHF, end could you ask them what do they

want to do. Look mt our fuel cell over Ha_ii and then

shut it down.

Oy 03 03 51 CC Say again concerning f_ei cell.

07 03 03 53 C Ask them whet they went to do about shutting No. 2 fuel

cell down.

07 03 03 58 cc Roger.

07 03 04 33 CC Gemini-5, CSQ.

07 03 04 35 C Go ahead.

07 03 04 36 CC Roger. Houston edvises to shut Section 2 down at this


07 03 0_4 4O c Okay.

07 03 04 46 CC And CSQ hms nothing further; we're standing by.

07 03 04 49 C Al1 right, Gemini-5 standing by.

07 03 05 04 CC Gemini-5, Houston now sdvises lesve Section 2 on.

07 03 05 19 C Roger. We have it hack on.

07 03 05 29 C Okay. We got our transm/tter back up now.

.... F '_ i i/4

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..... _-_, _d.' _

Page 't20

07 03 05 33 CC Roger. Copy.

07 03 06 _O CC Gemini-5, CSQ.

07 03 06 47 C Go ahead.

07 03 06 48 CC Okay. H,_uston now advises to leave %ne Section 2 fuel

cell on and they'll advise you _hzrther at Eewaii. Over.

07 03 06 55 C Okay. Thank you.


07 03 20 37 CC Gemini-_, Hawaii CAP COM.

07 03 20 39 P Go ahead, Hawaii, Gem/nj-5 here.

07 03 20 41 CC Roger. You're looking good. We'd like you to place

your Quantity Read Switch to Fuel Cell H2.

07 O3 20 49 P Roger.

07 03 20 50 CC And leave it there for Gua_mas.

07 03 20 52 P Okay.

07 03 20 5_ CC Now we've got a medical data pass scheduled on the Core--nd

Pilot. is he asleep or is he _ust about to go to sleep?

O7 03 21 O0 P He's asleep. Do you wunt it?

07 03 21 03 CC No, we don't want you to wake him up. We'll scrub that

data pass if he's sleeping.

07 03 21 07 P Yes, he's asleep.

07 03 21 28 CC I've got an update for you if you're ready to copy.

07 03 21 34 P Ready to copy.

07 03 21 37 CC N_C-1. 17:20:00. i've already passed it by, Pete.


Place your _ Sensor circuit breaker to open and hold

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Page 721

it momentarily.

07 03 21 54 P Do what?

07 03 21 56 CC Turn the E-S Sensor circuit breaker to open and hold it

momentar ify.

07 03 -_P02 P Okay.

07 03 22 l0 P Okay. It's open. Do you want it closed?

07 03 22 13 CC Roger. Close it.

07 03 22 14 P Okay. Have it closed. How's that?

07 03 22 20 CC That's okay.

07 03 22 2h P You Just _anted one orbit on that, don't you?

07 03 22 28 CC Roger. That was on this rev.

07 03 22 38 CC It wes on this rev, Pete.

07 O] 22 44 P Okay. I got something for you to copy.

07 03 22 47 CC Go ahead.

07 03 22 49 P Okay. We lost F.F at O7:16:27:O0.

07 03 22 57 CC Roger.

07 03 22 59 P And I'll give you Gordo's. He ate a meal 5_ at 07:15:00.

07 03 23 09 CC Roger.

07 03 23 13 P And his total water is 32 pounds 8 ounces.

07 03 23 20 CC Roger.


07 03 28 02 CC Gemini-5, H_uston.

07 03 28 05 P Go ahead, Rouston.

07 03 28 07 CC On that lss_ pass over the States it looks like you might

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Page 722

have tried to start up your th_xsters No. 7 and 8, from

the T/M data. if you did, we'd like to know how they


07 03 28 20 P Samo, Samo.

07 03 28 22 CC Or.ay. Got you. The Flight Surgeon would like to talk

ti3 you for a minute here. Then we'll release you to

Guaymas, and taey'll f£nisn up the pass.

07 03 28 32 CC Hello, Pete. I'd like to check with you a minute about

this stowage that you' re going to do this after_Joon.

Would you be sure and check on that reprogremmer and

make sure you have that out someplace where you can get

a hold of it rapidly on the '_ater when 'you're planning

your stowage. Secondly, I'll talk with you tomorrow

morning and give you a briefing again on how we're going

to get the DP's, and we're checking that out down here

now, how we'll do them during the retrofire and landing

sequence. I' d lii(e for you and Gordo to both be thinking

about this business. We'll imve to do some discussing

about whether you feel ti_ere's any need to use any of the

Item B. So you might consider that between now and

tomorrow. Depending on how things go we'll sleep the rest

of the time. Do you know of anything that's really been

bothering Gordo with trying to get sleep like last night?

07 03 29 38 P No. We're just busy, that's all.

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· :l _W _ge 723

07 O3 29 43 CC Okay. Pete, your water intake has been down some too,

both of you. We're not concerned about it or anything,

but it has gone down some from whet you've been doing the

rest of the fli_t. It's gone down some in the last 24

hours. You both might watch that some too.

07 03 30 O_ P Okay..Things have been running fairly cool in here, and

as you noticed, we've actually heated the suit loop up.

We discusses that also, and I think that's the reason.

07 03 30 14 CC Rog. ! think so. Another thing, you still sound like

you're pretty well plugged up. Do you feel t_mt you are

up there?

07 03 30 23 P Oh no. It's just I00 percent oxygen, that's ail.

07 03 30 29 CC Okay. List eh, here's snother one you could consider.

You consider this, you and Gordo both, that between now and

entry if you both feel that you are pretty¥1ugged up, you

ought to consider this business about Item E for this

stuffiness, and we can look at it later this afternoon

or this evening and check again.

07 03 30 53 P Okay.

07 03 30 55 CC Very good. Everything looks good down here, Pete, as

far ss your data. All of the sensors are still working

very well. The data is as clean as it was prelaunch.

It looks real beautiful. Your rates and things are level-

ing ou% pretty well, and we have no concern from s medical

point of view down here.

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Page 724

07 03 31 17 P Okay. We feel real fine.


07 03 31 43 CC Gemini-5, Guaymas CAP COM.

07 03 _l 46 P Hello there, Gumy_ms, Gemini-5.

07 03 31 48 CC You're looking pretty good down here. How _u doing?

07 03 31 50 P Oh, we're GO here.

07 03 31 51 CC Okay. We've _ecided to leave the Section 2 on for the

remainder of the flight.

07 03 31 58 P Okay. Very good.

07 03 32 O0 CC Roger.

07 03 32 52 P Gua_nss, woula you tell _ouston that we didn't come close

enough to ... to get an S-7 run. It hsd moved quite a

bit east of our track.

07 03 J3 03 CC Come close enough to where?

07 03 33 05 P It had moved east of our track.

07 03 33 09 CC okay. Understand.

07 03 34 27 CC Okay. Turn your Quantity Read switch OFF at this time.

O7 03 34 32 P Roger.

07 03 34 33 CC Okay. We've done it.

07 03 36 13 CC What kind of rates are you having now?

O7 03 36 15 P Very, very, very low.

07 03 36 18 CC Sure does snow up on the telemetry. Real good.

07 03 36 21 P They say what?

07 03 36 22 CC Really are giving us much bet%er telemetry.

f ,,aIF_,-_,"'"'""AL_i, ?,'*" ,Fh) Ii , +' i*', '_ 4 : I1711% I

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_:i_?tF_ - _ r i_. ,_ . ertl '

Page 725

07 03 36 25 P Oh yes, we're har:iiy moving at all, now that timt hydrogen

has stopped venting.


07 03 36 56 CC Gemini-), Houston.

07 03 36 59 P Go ahead, Houston.

07 03 37 O1 CC Pete, we're sort of looking at the preparation for retro-

fire for tomorrow_ and it :ooks like the _ost atreignt-

forward w_y is to ar._ the RCS and have you do the platform

alinement in RCS. And 'unless you have some objection to

tha_ we'll go ahead and sort of plan on that as far as

the procedure down here.

07 03 37 21 P No, we concur with t.hat.

07 03 37 22 CC OKay. Very good. W'e'll look into it and try to get a

time on it. Looks like it really won't make ._.uchdifference

from TR minus 30 on ao._, and we'll just do a few things

from about T R minus 2 hours dowi to T H minus 30.

07 03 37 38 P Okay. TR minus 30 is over Carnarvon, or pest Carnarvon,

that's r_gnt.

07 03 37 44 CC Just a second. It's over Carnarvon.

07 03 'J7 _1 CC Did you get that? It is over Carnarvon et TR minus SO.

07 03 37 55 P Yes, I got that.

07 03 37 57 CC Okay,

O7 03 38 04 P About the only thing I can see is when we go through the

power up chec'_off list after the platform warms up, we

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Page 726

go a[_ead and arm the RCS early, that's ali.

07 03 58 12 CC %lnat's r_jj_t.

07 03 38 14 P And otherwise, it ought to be about the same.

07 03 3o 16 CC _nat's ri_%. That's what I say, there are very few

things that are different. We're just trylng to line

it ell up here to _,_ke sure; if there are any differences,

we'll let you know about them.

O] 03 38 23 P Okay.

07 O_ _8 27 CC We were !clanning on just, telling you a little sum-_ry of

what we have here and w_'re going to figu_c it alt out.

We shoul_in'% have any changes at ail except for that one

little thing we've already mentioned.

07 03 38 36 P Okay.

07 03 38 41 P Th-t, by my calculations, ought to be somewhere around

08:ii:25 or so.

07 03 38 48 CC Rog. I think we've got you over C_rna_on at 08:13:33:00.

is t_t what you're talking about?

07 03 38 05 CC Are we still talking to you.


07 04 35 42 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM.

07 04 35 45 C Go ahead, CSQ. Gemini-5 here.

07 04 35 48 CC Roger. We have you GO on the ground and be advised

Command Pilot has medical data pass at Hawaii. Acquisition

time 18:54:11. Do you cop>_.

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Page 72'/'

07 04 36 06 C Roger. 18:54:11. Medical pass. And who's that for?

07 04 36 l0 CC That's for the Command Pilot.

07 04 36 _2 CC i also have a Flight Plan upoate when you're ready to


07 04 36 32 C Wait one.

07 04 36 46 C Go ahead.

07 04 36 48 C .,Roger. D-h/D-7 sequence 426. It's to be done when both

crew members are a_ke. Do it in drifting flight and

use the recor_zer.

07 04 37 12 CC Dud experiment. _D_pend re:_inin_ filrdon features of

opportunity. Do you copy?

07 04 37 20 C Roger.

07 04 37 28 CC CSQ has nothin6 further this pass. We're standing by.

07 04 37 32 C Okay, stan_izng by, here.

07 04 38 _5 P C_Q, Gemini-5.

07 04 38 37 CC CSQ, go ahead.

07 Oh 38 39 P Roger. We were supposed to do an _C-1 at 1/':20:00 and

we were doing something and the time got by us. And could

you check with _{ouston experiments please and get us

another time later to_ay to do it?

07 O4 38 _4 CC M_qC-1, _s that affirm?

07 04 38 57 P It's al'['ir,m.

O! 04 39 04 CC Gemini-5, _ouston is checking on a new time for that.

07 0l* 39 10 C Okay.

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Page 728


07 04 5_ 25 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii. We _o not _mve 8 valid temperature.

07 04 5_ 38 CC C,_minl-5, _waii C2%P COM.

07 04 5_ 41 P Go ahead, Hsw_ii.

07 04 55 42 CC We do Dot tumve a valid temperature yet.

07 04 55 45 P it's coming.

07 Oh 55 46 CC Roger.

Oi' 04 57 i3 CC Gemini-p, Hawaii Surgeon. We nsve valid blood pressure.

Give us a nmr_ when you begin exercise.

07 04 57 20 C .Roger.

07 04 58 i2 C ... exercise ... bloom pressure.

07 04 :_ 24 CC Gemini-9, cuff full scale.

07 04 5<J 59 CC Gcmln_'-_, 'we have a vaiia _lood _,ressure. Standing by

for your water and sleep rcporm.

07 04 59 O_ C Roger, _4 pouch,ds 4 ounces of water. Sleep, _ just nad

an hour ana a hmlf of sleep.

07 04 97 L_ CC Roger, Gemini->. UrL(lers*.ana)a pounis 4 ounces water,

!.5 houz_s of sleep. Is ti:at affirm?

07 04 59 2_ C Roger_ 1.5 hOUrS of slee_ today.

07 04 59 28 CC Tt_ank _rou, Gemini-5. Hawaii Surgeon ou:.

07 Oa 59 30 C )A at i_:O0:00.

07 Oh 59 37 CC Un.lerstand meal )A at _::50;00.

07 Ol+ 59 41 C That's 8ff_.'_.;_tive.

07 04 P7 42 CC Gemini-), t:mnk you. i{a'_aiiSurgeon out.

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Page 729

07 04 59 44 CC Gem/ni-5, this is Hawaii CAi° COM.

07 04 59 47 C Roger. Go ahead.

07 04 59 48 CC _!mt was your approximate sleep cycle between the Come, nd

PiJ_ot and the Pilot?

07 04 59 55 C Now when was this?

07 04 59 56 CC What do you plan on doing, you know, to get your rest?

07 04 59 O1 C Oh well, we're going to try to follow our sleep cycle

further ... flight plan, but it doesn't always work out

that way.

07 04 59 08 CC Roger. Understand.

07 04 59 15 CC Gemini-5, just let _s know when the Pilot is going to be

awake, _uld you, please?


07 05 18 l0 CC G_mini-5, _7_ CAP COM.

07 05 18 13 P Go ahead, lt_.

07 05 i8 15 CC Roger. We'd like for the Pilot to be a_ake if possible

over CSQ and Hawaii on the llO Rev.

07 05 18 28 P Okay, what's that?

07 05 18 29 CC That's CSq acquisition is 20:f_]. 20:09. T_mt's your

upcom/ng rev.

07 O_ 18 38 P Okay. I'll be up.

07 05 18 39 CC And w_mt we'd like to _o, we're going to perform a thruster

check and we want to give you the instructions on this rev

over the CSQ and Hawaii and perform the test the next rev

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. : _', i i :.! 7'_J ,i ._"_L_

Page 730

over CSQ and Hawaii.

07 05 i8 54 P OkBy.

O( 09 18 56 CC We 'nave all your systems real good here on _he ground.

Everything looks fine.

O'f 05 19 O0 P Okay. We're GO up here.

07 05 19 02 CC Roger. We have nothing else for you. We'll be standiag


07 05 19 05 P Okay.

07 05 20 53 CC Gem/ni-_, R_2_ CJkP COM.

07 05 20 _5 P Go ahead1.

O'f 05 20 56 CC Flig_t advises that if you wan% to sleep for the next

rev, you can go ahead and the Comamand Pilot can take down

the instructions, and then you cou.[_ be awake %o do the

tes t, Botn the swatches are on your side of tae cockpit

is the problem.

07 07 21 10 P Okay. Well listen, we're working on storage and 8 lot of

thirj_s rigjlt now, so we'll pro'_tiy bot}] be awake for the

next couple oi'revs.

0'[ 05 21 i7 CC Roger. undersvand.


07 06 lO 15 CC Gemini-_, CSQ CAP COM.

07 06 10 2'[ C Roger, CSQ, Gemini-5 here.

07 06 l0 _ CC CSQ has you GO on the 6round and I _ve quite a bit of

infom_%ion for you to copy this _ss. Let me know when

;- j..,!i-_li

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Pa_e 731

you're rea iy to copy. First of all, Flight Plan update.

07 06 IO 52 C CSQ, ready to copy,

07 06 10 _4 CC Roger. b_C-1, 20:33:00, M_SC-1, 04:00:00 and re,x_rks, if

Co_,_nd Pilot is a'_akc, turn E-S Sensor circuit breaker

switch (o open, hold momentarily, return C/B to closed

position. Do you copy?

07 06 11 30 C Roger, wc got ti_t.

O_ OJ 11 32 CC Okay, I have a ._.'ttpupdate.

07 06 11 35 C Okay.

07 06 11 36 CC M_p lp:58:59, coc,r,linate 2.3 degrees East io_itudc_

Rev ilo .... i hour 5S:59, 23:11,:42 ·

07 06 12 15 C 23:i4:44.

07 06 12 18 CC _:_at's affir:_tive.

07 06 12 21 CC And CC4_ also tms another long procedare for checking

tk_usters 7 and _. Let me know when you're ready for that.

07 06 12 29 C Ail set.

07 06 12 33 CC O?_y, I'd like to ... attempt the heat up and possibly free

the thrust chamber assemblies 7/8 by the following pro-

cedure, it's scheduled to start 5 minutes prior to the

next CSQ acquisition. That Gt-_ is 21:40:_0, Rev lll. Do

you cop_

07 06 13 OO C Roger.

07 06 13 O1 CC Okay. We'll attempt to contact you on EF a% 21:35:00.

It is a monitor test.

07 06 13 16 C Okay.

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: . : !__ , lJ !T /

l_ge 732

07 06 13 18 CC Okay, I have a list of 20 steps for switch positions,


07 06 13 25 C All right.

07 06 13 26 CC Okay, No. 1-Rate Gyros are PRIMARY.

07 06 13 36 C ALl right.

07 06 13 37 CC Squib Batteries 1 and 2 OFF.

07 06 13 %9 C Okay.

07 06 13 44 CC OAM_ TCA circuit breaker No. 7 end 8 closed on.

07 06 13 52 C Roger.

07 06 13 54 CC OARS TCA circuit breaker Nos. i through 6 open off.

07 06 14 O1 C Roger.

07 06 14 02 CC DC Power Switch ACME.

07 06 14 08 C Okay.

07 06 14 09 CC ACME Power Switch PRIMARY or SECOI_Y.

07 06 14 15 c ...

07 06 14 16 CC OAMS Propellant Motor Valve Switch OFF.

07 06 14 22 C The ACME Power Switch, either PRIMARY or SECONr_ARY.

07 06 14 26 CC That's affirmative, and following that is OARS Prope]l-nt '

Motor Valve Switch OFF.

07 06 14 31 P Okay, wait one.

O7 06 14 46 C OAMS Propellant Valve OFF, that right?

07 06 14 50 CC That's afflrmetive, OFF position.

07 06 14 56 c o_y.

07 06 14 57 CC OAMS Power Switch ON.

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_'_i711''rI_ !

Page 733

07 06 15 02 C _ Power ON.

07 06 15 04 CC OAMS Attitude Control Motor Switch DIRECT.

07 06 15 08 C DIRECT.

07 06 15 11 CC Next procedure is hold Attitude _nd Controller to yaw

left position for 10 minutes.

07 06 15 20 C Okay, hold Attitude Controller to your left yaw for lO

lllJ. nute S.

07 06 15 2h CC That's affirmative. Release Rand Controller.

07 06 15 32 c okay.

07 06 15 33 CC Squib Batteries 1 and 2 ON.

07 06 15 38 C .Roger.

07 06 15 39 CC OAMS Prope11-nt Motor Valve Switch ON.

07 06 15 _4 c Okay.

07 06 15 _6 CC TCA No. 8 circuit breaker open, off.

07 06 15 52 C Say that again slower, ...

07 06 16 04 C ... Propellant OFF, OAMS Motor Valve ON.

07 06 16 l0 CC And Propellant Motor Valve Switch is ON, did you copy


07 06 16 14 C Yes.

07 06 16 15 CC Okay. Next is Thrust Chamber Assembly 8 circuit breaker

open off.

07 06 16 21 C Okay, leave the No. 8 open off.

07 06 16 24 CC Attempt to fire No. 7 TCA in Direct Mode. If successful,

try e Pulse Mode also.

07 06 16 34 C All right.

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Page 73_

07 06 16 37 CC TCA 7 circuit breaker open off.

07 06 16 44 C All right.

07 06 16 46 CC TCA 8 circuit breaker closed on.

07 06 16 51 C Okay, repeat the procedure.

07 06 16 54 CC That's aff£_tive, and attempt to fire No. 8 TCA in

Direct. tf it's successful, try Pulse also.

07 06 17 Ol C Okay.

07 06 17 02 CC Okay, that last, let's see, _mp any rates, then power

down the AC_Z system.

07 06 17 09 C Okay.

07 06 17 13 CC Okay, then do a test ... monitor the co,m_n control bus

voltage, if it drops to 20 volts or less, discontinue the

test immediately.


07 06 28 42 CC Gemini-5, this is Nawei£ CAP COM.

07 06 28 45 C Go ahead, Rswail, Gemini-5 here.

07 06 28 47 CC Okay. _n your pass over CSQ you missed a little bit

there on this test. Are you ready to copy?

07 06 28 56 C Roger. Ready to copy.

07 06 28 57 CC Okay. _ If you see the common control bus drop below 20

volts at any time, stop the test i_mediately. And remember

that fuel shortage. Flight wanted us to remind you.

07 06 29 lO C Right.

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· . , · z

Page 735

07 06 29 13 CC Okay. We have one more here. When you close the prop

valves holding the hand controller, you' re probably going

to get all the fuel out of the manifold, so you'll have to

watch that. It ,]1 give you a slow start on your next try

with motor valve open. Watch it for any big bunches of


07 06 29 36 C Okay.

07 06 29 39 P Do you have any Dl_ns to continue what you said there?

07 06 29 _3 CC Oh, okay, Pete. If you see, when you're holding the hand

controller open, if you see fuel coming out, it's just

evacuating it between the motor valve and the opening. So

the next time you try to start i%, get it heated up and it

will start. It's going to take a time for it to start

because there's no fuel in the lines. Okay?.

07 06 30 I1 P Yes.

07 06 30 12 CC All right. O_ay, I've got a block update for you on PLA.

07 06 30 20 P Okay, wait one.

07 06 30 21 CC Roger.

07 06 30 A1 P Ready to copy.

07 06 30 43 CC Roger. Here we go. 112-3, 23:05:05, 13 plus 54 , 19 plus

08. _ bank angles are roll left 53, roll right 67.

07 06 31 13 P Got it.

07 06 31 14 CC 113 Delta, 23:58:5b, 26-negative, it's 20:26.

07 06 31 27 P .I think it's 02.

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Page 736

07 06 31 30 CC 20:26. The next R_'fRB would be then 26 plus 13. Got

that? I'll read it back if you haven't.

07 06 31 43 P Okay. _"nat's the GM_RC?

07 06 31 45 CC Rog. That,s 23:58:5_.

07 06 31 49 P What was the GN_RC of Ares 112-37

07 06 31 54 CC 23:05:03.

07 06 31 57 P Okay.

07 06 32 01 P I'm ready for ll4.

07 06 32 03 CC Okay. 114 Delta. This is Day 8, 01:29:4% 20 plus 19,

26 plus 02.

07 06 32 25 P Okay for ]-15.

07 06 32 28 CC 115 Delta, 03:05:12, 19 plus 35, 2_ plus 00.

07 06 32 44 P Okay.

07 06 32 46 cc 116-2, o4:_0:33, 18 plus 3k, 23 plus 44.

07 06 33 O_ P Okay.

07 06 33 05 CC Okay. You got them al&, Pete?

07 06 33 07 P Got them all.

07 06 33 08 CC All right.

07 06 33 22 CC You got any questions, Pete, on that test while _ou're

still around?

07 06 33 26 P No, we don't. It looks pretty straightforward.

07 06 33 29 CC Alt right. Radii standing by.

07 06 33 33 P Roger, Gemini-5 standing by.

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_ : i; -i_i_-: i _:_

Page 737


07 06 50 20 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM.

07 06 50 30 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAF COM.

07 06 50 33 P ... RKV, Gemini-5 here.

07 06 50 35 CC Roger. We'd like your experiment stetu_ to date, if you

have it.

07 06 50 41 P Okay. Just a minute.

07 06 51 28 P O_sy. The experiments given to us today. We got the

two S-5's over Africa and we saw the ... +_ar_ts, the

S-8/D-13. We got no D-6's. The S-7 was to photograph

storm Betsy. Betsy was too far east of our track when we

passed over it at tile proper time .... got ... your

track ....

07 Oo 52 02 CC Rog.

07 06 52 O_ P That,s about it.

07 06 52 05 CC Okay. Thank you.

07 06 52 06 P We're standing by to do D-4/426 whenever we just . ..

07 06 52 ll CC Roger. All systems look real good here on the ground.

07 06 52 17 C O_ay. Mighty fine.

07 06 52 57 CC Geminl-5, RKV CAP COM.

07 Ob 52 59 C Go ahead,

07 06 53 O0 CC Did you turn your ACQ Beacon circuit breaker off over us?

07 06 53 03 C Yes, we did. We were Late on that one.

07 06 53 06 CC Okay. It was on when we got acquisition; then it went

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Pa e738

off during our pass. We were wondering if you were

conducting your b_SC-1 or what happened.

07 06 53 17 C Right. We're in our MSC-1 right now.

07 06 53 19 CC Roger, understand, Thank you.


07 07 46 02 P C_Q, CSQ. Gemini-5.

07 07 46 05 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Read you loud and clear. We have you

GO on the ground.

07 07 46 ll P I guess apparently you didn't hear us.

07 07 46 13 CC Negative. All we got was a louder noise on HF.

07 07 46 16 P Okay. We're in the mid_le of the test and we're really

building up some horrendous rates, but we'll damp them out

when we get done.

07 07 46 24 CC Roger. CSQ copy.

07 07 46 38 P ... 23.1.

07 07 46 49 CC Gem/nj-5, CSQ. Say agaLn.

07 07 46 51 P Roger. Out ... control is holding a% 23.1,

07 07 46 55 CC Roger. Copy.

07 07 47 35 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Request you place Quantity Read Switch

to %he Fuel Cell H2 position.

07 07 47 42 P Roger.

07 07 48 09 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Did you turn OA_S ymw Circuit Breaker

on and off?

07 07 48 15 P Yes, we did and we have no negjative results,

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i Page 739

07 07 _8 18 CC Very good.

07 07 50 03 CC Gemini-5, CSQ. Remind you that Pilot has medical data

Imams at Hawaii, and you can place the Quantity Read

Switch OFF.

07 07 50 12 P Roger. Do you have acquisition of Hawaii, please?

07 07 50 15 CC Roger. 22:02:46 and we'll be monitoring HF.


07 O_ 03 07 CC Gemini-5, this is Hawaii CAP COM.

07 08 O3 lO C Roger, Hawaii° Gemini-5 here.

07 08 03 lB CC We have a _alid temperature. Stsnc[ing by for blood


07 08 03 16 C Okay.

07 08 03 27 CC Gemini-), Hawaii Surgeon. Your cuff is full scale.

07 08 02 02 CC Gemini-p, we have a valid bloO_ pressure. Give me a

mark when you begin your exercise.

07 OO 02 07 P Mark.

07 08 04 49 CC Gemini-5, [{a,_aiiSurgeon. Your cuff is full scale.

07 08 05 23 CC Gemini-5, Hawaii Surgeon. We have a good blood pressure.

Standing by for your w_ter report only.

07 08 05 30 P Roger. Wait one.

07 08 05 38 P 34 pounds8 ounces.

07 08 05 46 CC Roger, Gemini-5. Thank you. And happy landing to you

and Gordo tomorrow. Hawaii Surgeon out.

07 08 05 53 C Roger. Thank you.

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_! ,iI _ ,

Page 740

07 08 05 5_ P Roger. Thank you.

07 08 05 56 CC C_mini-5, Hawaii CAP COM. I'd like a readout on your

onboard quantity, source pressure, and source temperature

for the OA_4S.

07 08 06 05 C Roger. Our onboard quantity is about 6%. The temperature

is 50 degrees and source pressure is 1000 psi.

07 08 06 21 CC Roger. Understand.

07 08 06 24 C You wsnt a result of our little test we did?

O7 08 06 27 CC That's affirmative. We'd lake to know what you did there.

07 O8 06 30 C All right. We followed a procedure to the letter, and

first thing we did was roll up pretty good when the gas

started going out through the left yaw thrusters ....

pretty good rates all set up fine. We held the thrusters

on for _mw left for l0 minutes and we went through the

other procedure of rea._ning and trying them, and we still

had no thrust.

07 08 06 59 CC Roger. Understand.

07 08 07 02 C In the meantime, we've discovered that we don't have--

couple more thrusters are out. So we're getting down

with just very few thrusters left on the t_% system.

07 O8 07 15 CC Do you happen to know the numbers of the ones that have

fa iled?

07 08 07 17 C No, we were unable to get any left roll with the roll jets

and the Yaw Logic.

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Page 741

07 08 07 29 CC Roger. Understand that.

o7 05 o7 33 c Just a minute, let me recheck that .... roil.

07 08 07 37 P Yes, it was Roll L,gic in, t[mt's right, left roll only

with Roll L_gic Switch in tne PITCH. And then no right

yaw. Then right yaw only with %_e Roll L,gic in the YAW but

no left roll in that position.

07 08 07 54 CC Roger. ,_derstand.

07 00 07 56 C And the yew is feeding through into the pitch, which' indicates

a very weak thrust on the right ysw also.

0y o8 o8 06 cc Okay.

07 O_ 08 25 C Other t.han that. it's a pretty good system.

07 08 08 3_ CC What are your rates now, Gemini->; are you pretty well

damped out?

07 05 08 36 C Roger. We .?mnaged to switch beck and forth, work our few

left remaining th_asters and we have our rates damped

prett_ weLL now.

07 06 08 44 CC Roger.

07 08 08 57 CC Okay, Gemini-5, we have nothing further. Hawaii is stancling



07 08 28 03 CC Gemini-5, this is RKV comm. check. How do you read?

07 08 28 07 P RKV, Gem/ni-5. Read you loud and clear.

07 08 28 09 CC Roger. Would you close your ACQ Beacon circuit breaker?

07 08 28 15 P Roger.

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Page 742

07 08 28 16 CC Okay, and we'd also like you to bring up the Platform

at this time. The reason for this is we might start

venting H2 and we want to prevent this. Right now

hydrogen and oxygen pressure is GO.

07 08 28 4J4 P Okay. Platform's ON at this time.

07 08 28 47 CC Roger.

07 08 28 50 P What are you going to want us to do?

07 08 18 57 CC ... in the powered up position right now at the present

time. We don't want you to do anything.

07 O8 29 O4 P Okay.

07 08 29 12 CC We'd like to pass some information to you. They're going

to cancel the medical data pass on the Comnmncl Pilot over

the CSQ on Rev t_44.

07 08 29 27 P ...

07 08 29 29 CC Okay, and the Surgeons recommend that both of you con-

centrate on water and sleep for the next 10 hours.

07 08 29 36 P Roger.

07 08 29 44 P Have you got the hack time for the psss on CSQ?

07 08 29 49 CC Roger. CSQ on llh is 02:28:26 and that medical dsta pass

has been deleted.

07 08 30 O1 P Oh, you want us %o sleep?

07 Ob (X)03 CC That's affirmative.

07 08 O0 04 P We thought you wanted ... _Okay.

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Page 743


07 09 20 47 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP CCk_.

07 09 20 57 P CSQ CAP COM, Gemini-5, over.

07 09 21 OO CC Roger. We have you GO on the ground. Also we'd tike

you to place your Quantity Read Switch to the Fuel Cell

Hydrogen position, please.

07 09 21 11 P Roger. Going to Fuel Cell Hydrogen now.

07 09 21 12 CC Okay. Houston advises they feel that possibly you' Il have

insufficient time to fill the line to the thrusters. They'd

like you to power up again, and go to PULSE Mode, TCA Circuit

Breakers 7 and 8 closed, Rate Gyros OR, and again check your

thruster z. Over.

07 09 21 37 P You mean the other thrusters that are working, or 7 and 8?

07 09 21 43 CC I believe he means 7 and 8. I'1i check it.

07 09 21 45 P Okay.

07 09 22 05 CC Gemini-5, advise all circuit breakers on the thrusters closed.

Check all the thrusters.

07 09 22 12 C Okay.

07 09 22 34 CC Also, Gemini-5, Houston advises there is sufficient hydrogen

for remainder of flight, and no problem with water. Over.

07 09 22 42 P Ok.%y. And you want us to leave the platform up all the

time, is that correct?

07 09 22 45 CC That's affirmative. Leave the platform ON and after your

thruster check, turn the Rate Gyros back OFF.

07 09 22 52 P Roger.

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Page 744


07 10 OO 43 CC Gemini-5, Rkq/ CAP COM, comm. check.

07 10 OO 49 P REV CAP COM, Gemini-5 here, read you loud and clear.

O7 10 OO 53 CC Roger. Read you loud and clear also. All systems are

GO on the _orouzld. We would like to advise you, you

have a iJ}un*-6over CSQ on Rev 113.

07 10 O1 03 P Roger. We have ]13, and be advised that we went back

through the thrusl;er checks again and ran them in Direct,

and ran them in Pu]sc, and wh_t we c:illed them before,

it's still the same.

07 IO O[ 15 CC Roger, unaerstand.

O7 [O O1 _ 'CC We'd like to have the fuel purge at this time.

O7 kO Ol ",2 P Roger.

07 £O Oi 33 CC Give me a mark.

07 10 Ol 39 F Roger, stand by. Mark, _vdrogen ... Mark, hydrogen No. 2

on my mark.

07 10 02 Oi P Mark.

07 i0 02 23 P Stand by for oxygen on No. 1.

07 lO 02 29 P Mark.

OY 10 04 31 P No. I purge complete, eom_encfng No. 2.

O7 iO 05 15 CrC Gem/ni-5. thtI i8 RkO. We'd like to knov your pk&t£:)rm

position please. When you can give it.

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page 7_5


07 l0 54 34 CC Gemini-5, CSQ CAP COM.

07 10 54 39 P Go ahead, CSQ. Gemini-5.

07 10 54 42 CC Roger. Be advised this is a U_-6 and we'd like you to

place your Quantity Read Switch to the Fuel Cell Hydrogen

position, please.

07 lo 54 51 P Roger. It's in _(_1 Ceil H_drogen at this time.

07 lO 54 55 CC Also be advised that due to bad weather in Area 121-1,

Flight has decided to come into 121l-1. We'll be updatin_

your T R time.

07 10 55 06 P Roger. Understand 121-i is the recovery area.

07 10 55 15 CC That's affirmative. I also have the coordinates if you're

ready to copy.

07 _0 55 25 P Roger. Wait one.

07 10 55 38 P Okay. Ready to copy.

07 10 55 41 CC Roger. 29 degrees 43 minutes North. 68 degrees OO minutes


07 l0 55 57 P Roger.

07 lO 56 06 CC End transmitting TR.

07 10 56 17 P Do you have the C2FfRC?

07 lO 56 22 CC Geln/ni-_, say again.

O7 LO 56 24 P Do you have the C_RC at £2!-2, please?

07 l0 56 28 CC Roger. Stand by to copy.

07 lO 56 32 CC GMTRC O1:29:45.

: , . i .

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P_e 746

O7 LO 96 _ CC RET 4OOK, 20 plus 24.

O7 10 56 59 P I thought ... Would you give me the (R_RC 121-17

Or/ 10 57 07 CC Disregard what I gave you. The GMTRC ia 12 plus 27 plus


07 LO 57 20 P Okay. 12 plus 27 plus 39.

07 10 57 24 CC Thgt's affirmative. R_ i_DOK, 1_ plus O8..

07 10 57 32 P ... we cut each other out. Say again.

07 10 57 36 CC Roger. RET 4OOK is [4 plus 0_.

07 iO 57 45 P Okay. I got it.

07 IO 57 47 CC RETkB, i9 plus 20,

07 10 57 54 P Roger. 7_Jldcould you tell us what the recovery source

is? Will the carrier be there?

07 10 58 03 CC AffirmativE. Carrier will be there and I have expected

weather in that area. Over.

07 10 58 11 P Ready to copy.

07 10 58 13 CC RoEer. Cloud cover 5/lO, 2000 foot scattered, lO miles

visibility_ wind 230 degrees ... 12 knots. Wave height.

2 to 3 foot, water temoeratuJre 82 deg_rees.

07 lO 58 41 P Sounds very good to me.

07 10 58 23 CC Roger.

07 10 58 50 CC Gemini-5, we'd still lake to know your Pi_tform Mode,


O? 10 58 _5 P Roger. We're in ORB Rate.

07 10 58 58 CC Copy. Orbit R_te.

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Page 7_7

07 10 59 33 CC Ge_ni-5, advise we have our TR in sync.

07 10 59 43 C And you cmn advise Flight that we'll be ready for 21-1.

07 lO 59 49 CC Roger. Copy.

07 10 59 57 CC C__mil%i-5,you can return to the OFF position on yollr

_unntity Read Switch.

07 ll O0 03 P Roger.

07 11 O0 12 P Could you give me G_fr time hack, please?

07 11 OO 15 CC Roger. On my mark it will be Ol hours OO minutes 25 seconds.

2, 1,

O? 11 O0 25 CC Mark.

07 11 OO 31 CC Would you like a longer one?

07 11 O0 33 P Yes, just give it to me on the even m_nutes, please. Just

on the minute is fine.

07 11 OO 39 CC Okay. We'll be com/ng up at 0 hours Oi niinu,desOO seconds.

·.. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

07 11 O100 CC Mark.

07 ll O1 03 CC That was O1 hours O1 minutes OO seconds.

07 11 O1 O8 P Roger, we got it. Thar.k you.


07 11 35 49 CC Gemlini-5, PJ(VCAP COM. Cotton.check, how do you read?

O7 11 35 52 P Fu!fV,C,emini-5 reads you loud and c_ear.

07 11 35 55 CC Roger. Have a map update for you. Acknowl_;dge when

you're ready to copy.

07 11 36 O0 P Ready to copy.

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Page 7h9

07 £2 28 54 C Roger, CSC. Gemini->.

07 i2 28 56 CC _.Roger, we have you GO on the grcund. We would like

to get a ground readout of all your cryogenic quantities.

Wili you select ECS 02 on the Quantity Read Switch, please?

07 12 29 05 C Okay, it is.

07 12 29 1i CC And we'd also like to obtain the total water consumption

of beth ... please.

07 L2 29 23 C Wait just a second.

07 12 29 43 C ... the Comm_nd Pilot h:ls had 36 pounds.

07 12 29 48 CC Copy.

07 12 29 1+9 C And Pilot has had 34 pounds h ounces.

07 12 29 54 CC Roger, copy.

07 12 29 58 CC Would you select _ei Cell 02, please?

07 12 30 OO C That's 35 pounds k ounces on thc Pilot.

07 i2 30 05 CC Roger, 35.d.

07 12 30 07 C Roger.

07 12 30 k8 CC Gemini-5, would you select Fuel Cell H2, please?

07 12 30 52 C Roger, have it.

07 i2 31 49 CC Gem]_i-5, you can return to the OFF position on the

Quantity Read Switch.

07 12 32 h5 CC Gemini-5, CS_.

07 12 32 48 C Go ahead, CSQ.

07 12 32 50 CC Roger, this is your last pass. It's been nice having you

come around. Hope you'Ll have a nice landing; we'll see

you in Houston.

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Page 750

07 12 32 55 C Th&nk you, thank you for all your help. Thank all the

troops down there. You did a real fine job for us.

07 12 33 OO CC Thank you.

07 12 33 02 C Nice to work with you.

07 13 lO OA CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM.

07 13 iO 07 P Go ahead, kKV, Gemini-5.

07 13 IO 09 CC Roger, everything looks real good h_re on the grcuu,.d.

I have some landing area updates for you. Acknowledge

when you are ready to copy.

07 13 10 19 P Okay, just ,)ne second, we'll be ready.

07 13 IO 22 CC Roger.

07 13 10 3;4 P Okay, we're ready to copy.

O7 13 10 36 CC Roger, the weather is good in ail areas. It is day 8, the

bank angle rCz_mins the same for yaw, roll !eft 53, roil

right 67.

07 13 10 50 P Okay.

07 13 10 51 CC Area 1_17-2,06:17:03, '-7plus 07, 22 plus [[.

Area 118-2, 07:52:49, 15 p[us A2, 20 plus _7.

119-i, 09:_5:18, 17 plus 12, 22 plus 16. i2--

120-2, il plu£ Oh, 18, 12 plus 52, 18 plus i6.

121-i, i2:27:39, 1_ plus 0(3, 19 plus 20.

07 13 12 24 P Roger, we got all of them.

07 13 12 26 CC Roger.

07 13 15 28 CC _Gemini-5, R/C_ CAP COM. We' LI be standing by for the

remainder of the pass.

i!_ !

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07 13 15 32 P Okay, mighty fine. Thank you.

07 13 15 38 C We'Ll catch you on_ more time tonight, won't we, PA1;?

07 13 15 43 CC That's affirmative.

o7 13 _5 45 P ek_r.

CA_& ?Y iSL_/(D

07 13 32 02 CC C_m!ni-5, this is C_._naryCAP COM. We have nothing for you

this pass. Everything looks good from here. And good


07 13 32 13 C Roger. Good morning to you. Everything looks good up


07 13 32 L8 CC Roger.

07 13 33 OO C Hello, Canaries, Gtmini-5 here. Are we on Rev il5 or

li6 now?

07 i3 33 06 CC You're on Rev 119 at the present time.

_7 13 33 10 C Roger. We just strutted 115, did we not?

07 13 33 13 CC That is affirm;_tive. You've just gotten a start on 1i5.

07 13 33 16 C Okay, mighty fine.

07 13 33 17 CC Roger, and we'll be with you for, up until Rev 120.

07 13 33 23 C Okay, real fine.


07 14 _3 38 CC G_mini-5, REV CAP CGM.

07 1_ _3 46 CC Gemini-5, RKV CAP COM.

07 i4 43 57 P Roger, RKV. G_mini-) here.

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Page 752

07 14 43 59 CC Roger. We'd like to purge your fuel ceils, both sections,

on hydrogen and oxygen this pass.

07 14 44 O4 P Okay.

O7 14 4_ 06 CC We're ready when you arr.

07 14 44 09 P All right here. Transformer do_l.

07 14 44 25 P ... section 1.

07 14 44 28 CC Good.

07 14 434 36 P ... section 2.

07 14 44 57 P Purge 2 hydrogen complete.

07 L4 44 58 CC Roger.

07 14 45 13 P No. Y ox_rgen complete.

07 14 45 16 CC Roger.

07 14 46 05 CC Gemini-5, if you'd switch your Quantity Re:Rd Switch

to }{2 it wouid speed us up a little bit. Thank you.

07 14 47 14 P Oxygen complete and on the way.

07 14 47 16 CC Roger.

07 14 47 21 P Oxygen on No. 2.

07 iL, 47 22 CC Rog.

O7 14 48 05 CC Place your 'w_uantityRead to FUEL CELL 02 please.

Thank you.

07 14 h9 19 P ...

07 14 49 20 CC Roger. Thank you.

07 14 49 21 P Transformer OFF.

07 14 49 22 CC Roger.

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Page 753

07 14 49 36 CC You can put y_ur Quantity Bead Switch in the O._T

position now.

07 14 49 52 CC Gemini-5, REV CAP COM. Everything Looks real good here

on the ground.

07 ih 49 57 P Roger. Ve_ good. Thar_k you.

07 14 50 O1 CC And all %he people here on the RR_V would like to pass

along their congratulations, and we'li see you back in


07 14 40 08 P Okay, fine. _llank everybody for all the great job they

did for us.

07 14 50 11 CC Roger. It was our p]easure.

07 ih 50 13 C Yes, _J_, we thaz_k you very much.


07 15 O5 15 CC Gemini-5, this is C_uary CAP COM. I have a single

Flight Plan item update for you.

07 15 05 26 P Roger, wait one.

0'7 15 05 29 CC Roger.

07 15 05 54 CC Gemini-5, would you switch Qu'_ntity Read to ECS 02, please?

Thank you.

07 15 06 17 P Okay, hand up Flight Plan item.

07 15 06 z_ CC Roger. It's UHF Test, time 06 hours 26 minutes 55 seconds.

Sequence 5, Remarks, if it interferes with sleep, delete it.

Do you copy?

07 15 06 h5 P Roger.

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Page 754

07 15 06 47 CC Okay. Would you give us Fuel Cell 02 please.

07 15 06 54 P Roger.

07 15 O{ 21 CC Would you switc_ to Fu_i Ceil 02 please. _nsnk you.

O[ 15 07 25 P Csn you reswitch ... take place. Over.

07 i5 08 05 CC Gemini-5. You carl switch to Quantity Read to the

0_} [ositlon.

07 15 08 12 CC And I just got a reading from Flight. It will be

over A_itig'_a.

O7 15 08 17 P AL1 right.

07 lj 08 21 C:U Everything's looking rtal gocxi here.

o7 15 08 23 P ... mighty fine here.

07 15 08 £_ CC Roger.


07 16 27 _ CC G_?m_nl-5, Gemini-5, H:_uston CAP COM. Over.

07 1_:27 18 CC Oemini-5, Gemini-Q, Hc_uston CAP CO;'. Over.

07 16 27 "_' P Go ahead. Houston CAP COM, Gemini-5.

07 16 _-_'_;2_, CC Roger. Youre looking good here on the ground. We

have a number of things to pass up to you now ancl if

you can copy them down we'll try and be quiet the rest

of the w_y. First, we'd like you %o place your reentry


07 16 27 43 P Roger. C-band CONTI_JOUS-.

C:7 16 27 _6 CC Rog. Now ! have some updates on your PtA's if you're

ready to copy.

07 16 27 pl P Roger. A _or,_nt.

? ,

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Page 755

07 16 27 54 CC Okay.

07 16 28 O1 P Okay, we're ready.

07 16 28 03 CC Roger. Area 122-1, 14:O?:24, RET 4OOK is 12 plus 58,

18 plus 17. Roll left 53, roll right 6.7. Area 123-4,

_6:47:98, 15 plus 50, 20 plus 5_,. Roil [eft 53, roll

right 67. Copy?

07 16 28 55 P Roger. Got those.

07 16 28 57 CC Okay, and now some general instructions. 'When you get

to Carnarvon, set your event t_mer to 27. I say, 27

instead of 36. Capy?

07 16 29 [0 P 27 instead of 36. Roger.

07 16 29 13 CC Roger. ._ud the weather in thc recovery area is improving.

_e forecast at present for your landing is 2000 scattered,

LO miles. The winds 230 degrees at lO knots, the sea about

2 to 3 foot waves. Thc temperature is 82 and you have

about 5/iO coverage.

07 16 29 40 P Okay ...

07 16 29 41 CC All right. On your m_.dical data passes w_ would like to

delete the Canary medical data passes on Rev 1/9 and i20

and add the followhrkK if you're ready to copy.

07 16 29 57 P Okay. Ready.

07 16 29 59 CC Rog. Medical data on the Pilot at the Canaries acquisition

time O8:13:Z_. Medical dat_ on th,_ Corm_nnd Pilot at

Carnarvon, acquisition time O8:_:!O.


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Page 756

07 16 30 25 P Say again that Carn_rvon time.

07 16 30 27 CC Roger. Carnarvon is O_:Jaz:iO.

07 16 30 38 P Go ahead.

07 16 30 39 CC Okay. In general your acquisition times according to

your Flight Plan are _ m_nutes later. In other words,

the flight acquisition is j8 minutes l'ater than you h_ve

on your F_ight Plan for the rest of the mission.

07 16 3C 53 P Okay.

07 16 30 54 CC Okay. Elliot's got some procedures on your retro checklist


07 16 30 59 CC %'ne first thir_q I w_nt to discuss with you is proposed

Fuel Cell test. 'v,%lat%h,y'd like to do is have you take

all your koad on section 2, and the pu/?ose is to see if

a section which has been down for a pretty fair a_aount of

time c-21 carry the full load before retrofire. Now this is

proposed to be done only for about an hour, and then we'll

turn it back on. H'._wd_es th_s sound to you gu_s?

07 16 31 41 CC Let me go ahead and give you the procedures for it and

then you c_n continue to think about it, because you've

got awhile before it should b(_ done. Are you reading me,

C_mini- 5?

07 16 31 52 P Roger, we're reading you.

07 16 31 54 CC Okay. The procedures would be as follows: Time day 8,

O8:13, purge bo_h fuel ceils. Would you put your reentrTf

C-band on, please.

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Page 757

07 16 32 21 CC Would you put your reentry C-band on C%,NT]HQTJOb_Splease,

Gemini- 5.

fff 16 32 25 P It is.

07 16 32 26 CC Okay. The next item is _!:0_._:57,section i, power switch

OFF. We do not want you to shut down the pri_ coo[ant

loop. Repeat. Ik) not shut down the prLmary coolant

loop. At time of d_.y 8, 09:57, section I power switch ON.

During this period you should be carrying about 32 anrps,

which we think will bring you dc_u_ to about a 23-volt

main bus voltage. How does this sound to you? You can

be thinking about it, _nd as far ss I'm concerned if you

have arty stronr_ object_.ons, it's up _o you whether you do

it or not. We wcuid like very much to do it if it's okay

with you f_ays. Now Ses Lab 2 is standinE by and they're

ready to talk tc you at this time.

07 16 33 25 P Okay.

07 16 33 29 CC You can Co ahead and call them.

07 16 33 31 C Hello, Sea Lab, Gemini-5 here.

07 16 33 37 CC Roger. Sea LaD 2 tr_;ns_itting from _00 feet down. We're

off Hawaii. }{ow do yo_ re_d, C_rdo?

07 16 33 46 C C_od, how you doing, Scott?

07 16 33 49 CC I read you_ C<Jrdo. You're d_ing a great job. We almost

missed you this time. We were just brought down this

afternoon and the Lab would get .achance to teil you what

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a great job that you guys are doing. Hope you have a

very pleasant reentry shortly. Over.

07 16 34 08 C Right. Very shortly.

07 16 34 i2 CC Roger. I gun,ss ... ever.

07 16 34 20 C Good to hear from you down there. Hew are things going?

07 i6 34 24 CC Roger, C_)rdo. Things a2'e going very w,,il. We just

occupi_'d Sea Lab aorut 6 ...

07 16 34 55 C He's fading out _--ndi can't hear him.

07 16 34 59 CC Have about 20 seconds to IDS, Oordo.

07 16 35 Oh CC Gemini-5, Houston here. Would you check and make sure

your Reentry C-band is cn and ycu_' Adapter C-band is

off please.

07 ]6 35 i3 C You want Adnpter C-band off?

07 16 35 i6 CC On COM_jkrD. Adapt_-r on COrdeD and Reentry on CO_rI2fOoUS.

07 16 35 25 C Houston, G<._minl-5here.

07 16 35 _7 CC Go ahead.

07 16 35 33 C Houstcn, G__mini-5.

07 16 35 38 CC Go ahead, Gemini-5.


07 16 .38_ CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. C._nfirm that the

Reentry C-band Beacon Switch is in the CC4%_rtNUOUS_position.

Adapter C-band Bracon Switch in the COI_g\ND position.

07 16 39 03 C Okay. We just put the Adapter to CO_II_aNDand the Reent:.w

C-band is in CONTiN"JOUS.

_il _ _ ._' i_ _ _

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Pa_e 759

07 16 39 09 CC Roger. _r_uk you.

07 16 39 13 C Didn't quite get from H mston which way they wanted

the Adapter when we left _hem at LOS.

07 16 39 19 CC Roger. l_mt's about wha_ we thought.

07 16 39 28 CC They would also like t_ have you place the Antenna Select

Switch to the Reentry p3sition.

07 16 39 34 C _d ... _uel cell.

07 16 39 42 CC Say again, Gamini-5. i _ucss I cut in on you.

07 16 39 45 C Roger. 1- said would you tell H(mston that we'll do

thc fuel cell test if we like the voltage that we get when

we sprat the other fuel cell down.

07 16 39 55 CC H,'_ger. Underst,_d.

07 16 40 14 CC Roger. C_nini-5, Flight concurs.

07 16 hO 17 C Okay.

07 _.6 40 [9 CC Roger. Would you plac_ _ne _mtenna Select Switch to the

KEk_"_i_fposition please.

O7 16 40 26 C It's in RE_qTEY now.

07 t_ 40 28 CC Okay. Real good.

07 16 40 46 CC Okay, Gt'mini-5. You're looking real good from the ground

here. We have nothing else for you. We're standing by.

07 16 40 52 C Roger. We're GO up here.

07 16 44 29 CC Gemini-5. This is Canary CAP COM. A reminder from

Flight. The computer should be off during_ the fuel cell

test. The ccmputer shculd be off during the fuel cell

test. Do you copy?

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Page 760

07 16 44 41 P Roger. It will be.


07 17 15 46 CC G_m_ni-5, Carnarvon CAP COM.

07 17 _5 49 C This is Gemini-5. Go ahead, Carnarvon.

07 17 15 52 CC Roger. I have a Flight Plan update when you're prepared

to copy.

07 17 15 57 C Ready to copy.

07 !7 16 O0 CC Title Map. 09:21:34. Remarks, 132.8 degrees left.

Rev 118. Next iteM. Star. Same time, O9:21:34.

Remarks, right asc_:nsion 22 hours 59 mlnutes. Do you


07 17 16 41 C Roger, copy.

07 17 16 43 CC That's it. You're looking good down here.

07 17 16 45 C We're GO up here.

07 18 OO 10 C Houston CAP COM,

07 18 OO 13 CC Gemini-5, H_ust_n CAP COM. Everything. looks good on the

ground. You've got about 14 hours _aud 27 ndmutes to retro.

We reco_nend beginning s+_owage and are standing by. Go


07 18 O0 24 P Roger. We have a question for you.

07 18 OO 27 CC Go ahead.

07 t800 28 P Has anybody thought of what is the effect of the RCS probe

on the scanners?

07 18 OO 36 CC Stand by.

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· i

Pa6e 7{ !

07 i8 (K_ a3 CC Are you wonderin_ nbcu! using t'mum for platform a]lnemcnt.


07 N5 tX) 47 p Affirmab[ve.

07 _0 (JO 49 _,u We'll check t.hnt or;e _ut. ior MOt'.

07 18 OO _2 P Ok:_y.

C7 18 O1 ('_, C,'J G_minJ, ti:.ust.:n. ;,'_ 'ye get an uF4ate un your F_id_t P!-'.n

_ -,rOU _b_r;,. 20 C',!'y '., riOh' _r WU C:t/_ p_SS _% t') '_r©l/ ir]

C:trnnrv_n. ,'nd w,.':-cc_,.-ckin_-the thrusters _md thc

£c:'_n(-rs OUt f':r you.

_;; ir' Ol il ,' },,:'re rcndf/ % c y

07 kO O] Ii, divy. C _rr,_n:- ,,r_

'(', O[ _:.' _. (/k:;_,', i', Lt . _J' 'v' i_ i© _q llPS ['7 _"%_fll_l.( _ iL)_.'o? U[ '2h,:ck]121,

'_'i+.,h _ ll,_ ?h':Nf'_ . 1: _c_''.-S (_I_ O('f:_l'f2 C In[il ,f'F th, _]tnFt

Prerctro Chcr'kllet. C',:oM?

07 18 O[' ,ri5 F' Okay. ,.v;:;L,tF'/. _'wet wp t,q,crkJist. Nat{:,!Wrcs ,:n b[fort-

C 'F, DI2 t (' r .

07 ,c CP _0 CC - . ,__ -.

(}7 lO O[ _ Id, '[.'C Ok'!:/, Dlti [,rr'U Pf't %_.t L t.:_m: ? ._r:L was 1( : 'i and (_3 f,n

4,._i¢' f'; C F, :f ,

OY NJ 02 i'4 ;': ...

07 ld t}f' ;'( Ok:r:. " '_ ....... ( '_"':' ' . .. , . , ] ,.> _. fi, _ii!21;L-S !Ix,, L_f · D.'.,'_. t _'_ ?c;xS(!? [iW_*'I2._. .

.......... %iq,.n ai.i.qe t_l"'[.,"I' ._tC_ .ri,, _D(2 '"' . K [ ];' O: rp_t.!: rq

i'.,r_ u£-n7 :;k . _bc:y_u c ,:,y?

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 754/782

Page 762

07 18 02 51 P Okay. O8:11:00. Power switch OFF .... and activate

RCS ,_gldaline platform with RCS.

07 18 03 04 CC Right. That was 11 h(_rs. It's da_v 8, !1 hours. Okay.

At day 8, 11 hours _ minutes OO seconds, which is

approximately T H minus 1 hour. RCS Power switches OFF.

Evaluate OAM_ in D-root. l_at's to check it out as

thoroughly as you can. 'fell whatever you can at this

point about its operation, whether it's just blasting

it out pretty good in Direct, we're cleared out or

whether we're ess_ntia!ly out of f_e!. W]len completed,

fire tho O_3_Z re_lat_,r squib, comp fete Preretro Checklist.

A_ld RCS switches will h_!ve to come back on, of course,

because you'll be pretty close to being out of O_.

07 18 04 1'7 P Okay. We got it. Go ahead.

07 18 04 19 CC Okay. And at day 8, ]2 hours--stand by a minute.

07 18 04 58 CC Pete. 'Onthe las% Carnsrvon pass before retrofire, which

will be a time of 11 hours 57 minutes, report Preretro

Checklist complete _n.d continue nominal Flight Plan. _k._

you copy?

07 18 Ob 27 P That's affirm..

07 18 05 33 CC 'mat's all we have. We're standing by.

07 18 05 37 P Okay. Well cive us a reading on the scanners, which as i

see, we h_'_vea ni_ht retrofire. Is that correct?

07 18 05 43 CC's affirmative.

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Page 76.3

O7 18 05 45 P And we will not hsve a coun%do,_n from Hawaii. Is that


07 18 05 52 CC We plan that you will have 8 countdown frr_m Hawaii.

07 18 05 57 P We have that much acquisition tLm¢ with them. on Orbit 121,

huh? I mean 120) huh?

07 i8 06 03 CC That's correct.

07 18 06 05 CC Rog. Acquisition at Hawaii on Rev £20 is 12:23:22.

07 18 06 14 P And when do we .Lose them?

07 18 06 16 CC Okay. LOS is _2:3G:_W.

07 18 06 23 P Okay .... we' I1 make out pretty well on that.

07 18 06 30 CC Rog. They oug/_t to bc able to get your rVI's and attitud_,s

·end eYerything.

07 18 06 34 P Okay. Very good. i_d if you ¢_n answer the questions on

what the RCS will dc to the scanners, we're very happy.

(37 18 06 _2 CC Ok_y. We' 11 check it _Jld get it to you at Carnarwon.

07 18 06 47 CC We'll get some info cn 5hat to you as ?uickly as we c_n.

07 18 06 51 P Okay.

07 18 06 54 P Incidentally, _.s a matter of information, our 0_3_5 prop¢,iian_

gage has bl_n_ on down to below zero.

07 18 07 04 CC The O;_S quantity gago?

07 [8 07 06 P Yes, the prop quantity gag_e ...

07 18 07 08 CC Roger.

07 18 07 13 CC it's no prcbLem if in th_s exercisin_ you just run it on

out of fuel.

07 18 07 19 P Fine.


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Page 764

C;dt_Tf ISL_JfDS

07 18 14 06 CC G_m_ni-5, this is C_.nary CAP COM. We have a valid oral

temp. Would you give us blood pressure please?

07 18 14 19 CC Gemini-5, Canaries Surgeon. You have a cuff full scale.

07 18 14 52 CC We have a good blooa pressure. Give m_ a m_rk when you

begin exercise.

07 18 14 56 P Mark.

07 18 16 OO CC We have a good blood pressure. Stanching by for your water,

food and sleep report.

07 18 16 07 C Roger. Water is j6 pounds and we ate our last meal about

2 hours ago, which was 5C, and got 4 hours sieep.

07 18 16 24 CC Was that 4 he%uts sleep?

07 18 16 26 C Confi._n.

07 18 16 2>7 CC What wss the quality of that sleep?

07 18 16 29 C Fine.

07 18 t6 31 CC Roger. Surgeon out.

07 18 17 OL CC Gemini-9, we're showing y:u in the Quanti_y Head to the

ECS 02 position. Was there a reason for that or not?

07 ]8 17 10 C Roger, Flight.

07 18 17 12 CC All right. How's it lo_>k up there?

07 18 17 16 C Fine.


07 18 49 i0 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon. We have a good oral temmp; stand

by for Surgeon.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 757/782


07 18 49 16 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon Surgeon standing by for your first

blood pressure.

07 i8 49 19 C Roger.

07 18 49 30 CC Cuff is full scale.

07 18 49 35 CC Would you place your _hzantity Read Switch to Fuel Cell

H2 and leave it there for remalnder cf mission.

07 18 50 06 CC We have your blood pressure, stsnding by for exercise

on your mark.

07 18 50 15 C 2, i, mark.

07 18 50 47 C End of exercise.

07 18 50 59 CC C_uff is full scal_.

O7 18 51 25 CC We have your blood pressure. Standing by for food, water

and 24 hour sleep reports.

07 18 51 31 C Roger. I've had 37 pounds 4 ounces of water, 08:07:00:00.

Had meai 5C. I've had 2 hours of sleep just recently,

very sound.

07 18 51 51 CC Very good. How are you feeling in general at this time?

07 18 51 55 C Fine.

07 18 51 57 CC Thank you, Gordo, and if you're feeling as good as you

look on the ground, you're in good shape. Carnarvon

Surgeon out.

07 18 _2 02 C Thank you.

07 18 52 05 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon CAP COM. Flight advises that for your

OA_ thruster check at il hours 26 _nutes to use attitude

thrusters oniy. Do not use maneuver t_rusters.

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Page 766

07 18 52 23 C Roger.

07 18 53 29 CC Gemini-5, Carnarvon. Flight advises on this RCS ...

affect on scanner, there should be no affect. He said

that they run tests on the GT-3 aud found no problem.

07 18 53 43 C Okay, mighty fine. Thank you.


07 19 26 55 CC Gemini-5, Ou_ymas CAP COM. Turn your T/M Control Switch

to REAL TIME & AC_-AID position.

07 19 27 03 C Roger.

07 19 27 28 CC C_mSui-5, Ouaymas CAP COM. Turn your T/M Control Switch

to REAL TIME & ACQ-AID position.

07 19 27 34 C Roger. Ouaymas CAP CCH. It is there now. Do you read us?

07 19 27 39 CC Roger. Read you loud and clear.

07 19 27 40 C Okay.

07 19 27 43 CC How're you doing?

07 L9 27 52 CC How you all doing up there?

07 [9 27 55 P Jus_ fine.

07 19 27 56 CC Okay, we're showing you real good here on the ground.

07 19 28 02 C Roger.

07 19 28 22 P Ouaymas, Gemini-5.

07 19 28 23 CC Co ahead.

07 19 28 24 P Would you advise Flight that we tried the No. 2 fuel cell,

and at the time we had 35 amps, which gave us about 22.9,

so we went back on both fuel cells.

i i !: , _ m : ! ;

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Page 767

07 19 28 35 CC Roger. Understand.

07 19 28 51 P And advised that they'd like to get some data off it.

We'll be glad to go back on it for a short period of tLme

if they want to look at i%.

07 19 28 57 CC Roger.


07 19 30 36 CC Gemini-5, Houston CAP COM.

07 19 30 39 C Go ahead, H_uston CAP COM, Gemini-5.

07 19 30 hl CC Roger, you're iooking good on the ground. Have you

performed a purge since you passed the Canaries last


07 19 30 48 C Yes, we have.

07 19 30 49 CC Roger. Understand. Would you please turn OFF Section

No. I Power switch.

07 19 31 OO C Roger. No. 1 Power going OFF.

07 19 31 02 CC Roger.

07 [9 31 12 C G_tting that data?

07 19 3i 13 CC Roger.

07 19 31 17 C 22.9 volts.

07 i9 3l 20 CC Same on the ground. That's just about 'what we expect,


07 19 31 26 C Okay_ well as soon as you get it, we're going back on both.

07 19 31 29 CC Okay.

07 19 31 42 CC Ge_i, we concur, you can bring it back ON.

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Page 768

07 19 31 45 C Okay, _urn it back ON. Lights got bright.

07 i9 31 51 CC Rog.

07 19 31 52 C Incidentally, ,just for your information - I guess you had

telemetry - we're running ECS 02 again.

07 19 31 58 CC Roger. Understand.

07 19 32 _ CC Gemini, Houston here. Would you place your T/M switch

to CO_ please, and we' ll be standing by.

07 19 32 29 C Roger. CORQ_.


07 19 37 il CC Ge_mini-5, Houston.

07 19 37 14 C Go ahead, Houston, C*-mini-5.

07 19 37 16 CC Good morning to you.

07 19 37 18 C Good morning. How are you?

07 19 37 20 CC Fine. Would you like to have me review what the initial

downrange needle deflections mean as far as the bank angle

for you for this particular orbit, or are you pretty

familiar with it?

07 19 37 34 C As far as 30, 60, 90.

07 19 37 36 CC Roger.

07 19 37 41' C I'm very familiar with it as far as--60 degrees is the

nominal with the footprints and 30 degrees would show

you're beyond your footprint. A deflection of 90 degrees

would show that you are targeting the thumbwheeLs down

towards the heel.

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F_ge 769

07 19 38 03 CC Roger. What I was referring to exactly wn.s that for your

initial downrange def!ecsion on your needle, if it

deflected full scale up, it would require zero bank angle

to get there. If it shows no downrange deflection, it's

roughly 45 degree b_d_gKangle; and for full downrange short,

it requires about an initial 75 deg_rees bank angle.

O7 19 38 35 C Okay, those are lower scale readings, rig_ht?

07 19 38 38 CC Roger, and that's pretty nominal. It's just about right

in the middle of ail the other lines on the graph.

07 19 38 43 C Right.

07 19 38 53 C Retro time still !_2:37--12:27:397

07 19 39 OO CC That's affirmative.

07 19 39 02 C Okay.

07 19 40 15 CC C__mini-5, this is Surgeon, Good mourning, Gordo.

07 19 40 19 C How are you?

07 19 40 22 CC I would like to check with you. Accordi_ to the records

here you both have had som_ sleep during the night. How

do you feel about any aid here as f_r as coming in for


07 19 40 34 C Make a house call.

07 19 40 35 CC Yes, could I do thst?

o7 19 4o 39 c ... up.

07 19 40 42 cc Say, incidentally, Trudy asked me to tell you _Leppy

Anniversary this morning.

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P_e _O

07 19 40 48 C Will you return the wishes tc her?

07 14 40 51 CC Will do.


O? 19 49 08 CC Gemini-5, this is Canary CAP COM. Eve?ything looks okay

on the ground here; we have nothing for-you this p_s.

O7 19 49 i5 P Roger. We're GO up here.

07 19 49 17 CC Roger,

07 19 49 29 C You can report to Flig_t that we've just completed our

stowage and we'rc putting our helmets on and strapping

down at th]s time.

07 19 49 29 CC Roger. Understand. Copy, Flight?


07 20 24 15 CC Gemini-5, Ca_narvon CAP COM. You look good on the telemetry;

we're stranding by.

07 20 24 20 C Roger, Carnarvon, we're ...

07 20 29 O1 CC Have you blown RCS?

07 20 29 05 P That's affirmative, Carnarvon.


07 21 OO 17 CC Gemini-5, Ouaymas CAP COM.

O7 21 O0 19 C Go ahead, Ouaymas, Gemini-5.

07 21 OO 22 CC Okay. We show you GO here on the ground; how do you do?

07 21 O0 24 C Roger. We're GO here. Everything's just peachy-keen.

07 21 O0 27 CC Okay.

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_e 771

07 21 OO 30 C Nice to have a control system again.

07 21 00 32 CC I imagine it is.

07 21 O0 41 P Say, Guaymas.

07 21 OO 44 CC Go, boy.

07 21 O0 45 P We sure appreciate everything you did for us. We'll see

you on the ground.

07 21 OO 49 CC Okay, Peter.

07 21 O0 50 C Yes, thank all the people there for all the fine job they

all did.

07 2_ OO 53 CC We sure will. I think you all have done a real great job.

07 2i OO 56 C Thank you. We couldn't have done it without you folks.

07 21 O1 08 CC Give me your status on that OAMS at this time. What a_e

you doing with it?

07 21 O1 11 C We're in RCS. The O;d_S is pooped out.

07 21 O1 14 CC Okay_ did you run that 0A_ check?

07 21 OL 19 P We didn't have enough OAMS system left to run it. We

tried a little bit and if you'll stand by, I'll go ahead

and blow the stick Just to see if I can hear it, but we're

in RCS.

07 21 O1 29 CC Okay.

07 21 Ol 38 P No, I blew the stick but I couldn't hear it.

07 21 O1 40 CC Okay, very good.

07 21 O1 46 CC I'm not showing any O;d_S lights at ali on my console.

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Page 772

07 21 02 08 C Our whole OAMS system is pretty well shot, there aren't

many thrusters left, and those that are left are pretty


07 21 02 15 CC Roger. Got that.

07 21 02 18 C We're also indicating below zero on the quantity gage,

so I expect everything's in pretty bad shape, generally.

07 21 02 25 CC Roger.

07 21 02 38 C We're all set with the platform all alined, and all ready

to fly around once more and follow along.

07 21 02 45 CC Here we go.

07 21 02 49 P And we even get everythia_gstowed.

07 21 02 52 CC Now you're talking of a real accomplishment.

07 21 02 54 C Yes, it is, but we started 12 hours ago.

07 21 03 12 CC Your RCS seems to be holding real well.

07 21 03 15 C Yes, it's a real fine syst__m.

07 21 03 20 P We're using Ring A and we'll use it ail the way around.

07 21 03 23 CC Say again.

07 21 03 25 P I say, we're using Ring A _nd we'll use it ail the way

arcur_dfor the alinement.

07 21 03 29 CC Roger.

07 21 03 32 C We'll also start our--we'll use two rir4_sfor retrofire, and

then we'll use Ring k for reentry until we need to bring on

the other ring if we run out or need additional damping.

07 21 03 45 CC Roger. Copy that.

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'-. ,,C, r-,C i.j[, ,__i__l: Ilmh

Page 774

07 21 07 31 CC Roger. Your altimeter setting for the recovery area

is 30.lO.\


07 21 07 50 CC Gemini-5, Houston again.

07 21 07 52 C Go ahead.

07 21 07 54 CC Be advised that by some calculations your water t_xnk for

your fuel cells is approaching the full point, and if you

get a Delta P light, we advise you not to worry about it,

because we've run some tests that indicate that there's

plenty of time on the order of 20 hours after you run the

tank full that the fuel ceil will still operate properly.

07 21 08 18 C Roger. So, no sweat.

07 21 08'21 CC Okay.

07 21 08 29 C Those fuel ceils have done very well, haven't they?

07 21 08 32 CC They sure have. We've run all kinds of tests on them,

haven' t we?

07 21 08 36 C Yes, we have'

07 21 08 39 P Listen, on the OAMS syst_3n. It was just so sick that there

was no sense working with it. I got the information down

what was coupling into what, so you can figure which thrusters

were bad.

07 21 08 49 CC Roger.

07 21 08 51 P And I blew the squib and couldn't hear it, but I did pulse

the regulator and it worked.

07 21 08 56 CC Okay, very good. You have a good DCS load for 121-i and a

good T_R time.

/'i%iFI f%r',.'_IT!_',i

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 767/782


Page 775

07 21 09 05 P Roger. We'll put the Computer to REENTRY at this time.

07 21 09 08 CC Roger.

07 21 09 25 CC Gemini-5, this is bh_rgeon. I want to check again for sure

that we' re in agreement that we will not use Item B.

Is that affirm?

07 21 09 36 C Tell them we took one for the road.

07 21 09 40 CC One for the road. Okay. Gordo, I ws_mt to co_firm again

this blood pressure for Pete's use on reentry. We've

checked the times here, and we see that the only time that

we'll be over a site whcre we could get any blood pressure

prior to the time that you' re on the water would be over

Ouaymas, Pete. This will he between 12:35 and 12:40 over

Ouaymas. That would be after re%to over Ouaymas, so if

you can get one blood pressure at that time, then get the

programmer in as soon as you're on the water, and be

prepared to switch it back and forth then. _e other item

is in postlandin_; remember that if y_l, do have any sympt_m_

at all after bridling of the chute or on the water, be stu_e

and pump those calves and get your feet elevated, slide

down so that your feet are above your head.

07 21 10 44 P I've got the blood pressure roll installed and I have the

programmer in my pocket. All I have to do is put it on

and pump up the blood pressure, and it goes on the recorder.

07 21 10 53 CC Rog, correct,

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07 21 11 07 CC G_ini-5, Houston. Be advised everybod_ ran out,

looked up, and there you were.

07 21 ll 12 C Very good.

07 21 Il 14 CC They want me to tell you it looks like you're moving fast.

07 21 ll 19 C Yes, we're really whistling'.

07 2L Il 21 P Did you see that we're BEF?

07 21 ll 25 CC Well, it looks like you're about 3 degrees off in yaw.

07 21 11 30 C No, that's wrong.

07 21 11 32 CC Okay.

07 21 ll 3h C ...

07 21 11 35 CC Must have been the sun angle.

07 21 ll 37 C What it was.

07 21 il 4g CC Did Dave Scott mention to you the fact that you're going to

have a lighted horizon at tgDO,OOO feet on your reentry?

07 21 ll 52 C That we're going to have what?

07 21 i1 56 CC Just about as you get to 400,000 feet you should have a

lighted horizon.

07 27 12 O1 C Roger.


07 21 12 28 CC Gemini-5, Houston again.

07 21 12 30 C Go ahead.

07 2! 12 32 CC The ships that witl be in your landing, area will be the

"Lake Champlain" and two deztroyers, the "DuPcnt" and

the "Waldren". The con_ander in charge of airborne

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 769/782

Page 777

operations' call sign will be Airborne, and the

helicopters will be called Recovery 1 and 2, and

Search !, 2, and 3.

07 21 12 99 C Okay.

07 21 13 OO CC And as you're coming on down, I'll give you the call sign

of the closest one to you _nd who you should try to contact.

07 21 13 O7 C Roger.

07 21 13 12 P What's the call si_=n of "Lake Champlain"?

07 21 13 15 CC Call sign is Night Hawk, but I think it'Ll be referred to

as the "Lake Cha_rplain".

07 Z1 13 24 P Okay, we just wanted to call her to get a Charlie time and

a Fox Corpen.

07 21 13 29 CC Roger. Do you still remember those paddle signals for

c 'am.lng aboard?

07 21 13 36 P You betcha:

07 21 13 _3 C ... Pete's goin_ to coach me.

07 21 13 46 CC Say again.

07 21 13 48 C Tell ... that Pete's going to coach me.

07 21 13 55 CC Listen_ I don't know how you log time like that.

o7 21 i3 59 c ...

07 21 14 06 CC C,_mini-5_ Houston here. Be advised since you've changed

microphones, you're pretty difficult to read. It would be

better if you talked a little bit slower.

07 21 14 16 C Roger. We ... headsets for the entire fli?)_t till about

15 minutes age.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 770/782

iv /i

P_e 778

07 21 14 23 CC Okay, very good. They're a lot better. You seem to

be picking up a lot of background noise when you're


07 21 14 31 C Okay.

07 21 14 33 CC What kind of headsets are those, Gordo?

07 21 _4 37 c ...

07 2t 14 40 CC Think I've heard of that before.

O7 21 14 42 C Roger.

07 21 lh h5 P Houston, Gemini-5, we'd like to report the Preretro

Checklist is complete.

07 21 14 49 CC Roger, understand. Preretro is complete.

07 21 15 02 C Houston, cOUld you give us e _ time hack, please.

07 21 15 O) CC Roger. C_ time hack on my m_rk it will be ll:16:OO and

that'll be about 50 seconds. I'd like to remind you again,

G_mini-5, that your event timer should be s_t up at 27

minutes over Carnarvon rather than the 36 that was in the

Flight Plan.

07 21 15 22 P That's Charlie.

07 21 t5 44 CC Okay, in 15 seconds, approximately, it' il be 11:16:OO.

5 seconds, 3, 2, l,

07 21 16 O0 Mark; '-1:16:00.

07 21 16 04 C Roger, we're on.

07 21 16 12 C I'll have to trade this _ccutrcn in. I've bad to change

it 4 seconds now th_-oughout the flight.

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u i'¢!-iLJL ['

Pa,ge 779

07 21 16 21 CC Roger, Gemini-5.

07 2t 16 31 CC Gemini-5, let me caution you on your microphone again.

We're going to need the iVi readings over Hawaii and

we're not going to have a lot of time, so try to give

them slowly and distinctly.

07 21 i6 44 C Okay, it that better nom'?

07 21 16 46 CC Yes, it is. Did you put the faceplate down?

07 21 16 h9 C No, I moved the microphone further away.

07 21 16 51 CC Okay.

07 21 16 58 P How do I sound now with %he faceplate do_?

07 21 17 O1 C Okay, bow's that now?

07 21 17 02 CC That's a little better.

07 21 17 O5 P Okay.

07 21 17 14 CC It looks like we' [1 have a_lequate coverage across the

States so that we shOUld be able to provide you your

backup guidance quantities before you go into blackout.

07 21 17 23 C Very good.

07 21 18 04 P Houston, Gemini-5.

07 2l 18 06 CC Go ahead.

07 21 18 08 P Where would you like the No. 1 Bio-Ned Recorder put on,

what time?

07 21 18 14 CC Right now woudd be a good time, right now. Did you get

that, C,=mlnj-5 ?

07 21 18 21 P I say, what time would you like the Bio-Med No. 1 Recorder

on? It is not on %he checklist.

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Pa_e 780

07 21 18 29 CC Roger. Put it on now. Put it on now.

07 21 18 32 P Roger.

07 21 /8 33 CC We're just coming up on LOS now.


07 21 23 29 CC _mini-5, this is Canary CAF COM.

07 21 23 34 C Go ahead, Canary CAP CObi, Gemini-5.

07 21 23 37 CC Roger. We would like to confirm that bio-reed recorder

No. 1 is OFF.

07 21 23 h4 P Roger. It's OFF.

07 21 23 47 CC Okay, and what computer mode are you in?

(37 21 23 51 C Reentry.

07 21 24 09 CC Flight would like me to get another reading on the bio-

med tape recorder N_. 1 status.

07 21 24 16 C Roger. It is ON, No. i _nd 2 are both ON.

07 21 24 21 CC Roger. I copy No. !, 2 both ON.

07 21 24 45 CC Gemini-5, we'!l give you a time hack on TH at 1 hour. That

will be 60 m'nutes.

07 21 _ 36 CC Gemini-5, Cmnary CAP COM. i'll give you a ti_ hack on TR in

roughly I minute.

07 21 26 44 P Gemini-5, Roger.

07 2! 27 36 CC 3, 2, l, mark. You're 60 minutes.

07 21 27 42 P Roger. It's ri./;hton the button. 60:00.

_[ 21 _7 g8 CC Roger. We'll have LO_ in about 30 seconds. Everybody

here at C_.nary Islands w_uid like to ex_end their congratulations.


rrna, F;yl[' k'_r_-,_[ t _'.! : , · !

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Page 781

07 2L 27 56 P Thank you very much. We'd like to say the same to you

for your wonderful help.

07 2L 28 OO CC Roger. Our pleasure.

07 21 28 02 P See you in Houston.

07 21 28 04 CC Roger.


07 21 57 44 CC Gemini-5, Carnmrvon CAP COM.

07 21 57 48 P Go _J_ead, Carnarvon_ here.

07 21 57 50 CC Roger. I'm going to update you with a n¢.w preretro load

and a n_w TR tLme. I've also got the backup guidance

qu_'mtity. /a-e you prepared to copy?

07 21 58 03 P Ready to copy.

07 21 58 08 CC Transmittin_ your TR.

07 21 58 19 CC You got a TE, you're in s)_nc, transmitting your load.

07 21 58 23 P WaLt a minute. It's not transmitted y_t.

07 21 58 24 CC I'll transmit the Load.

07 21 58 28 P Okay, go ahead.

07 21 58 3l CC Roger. I got a hack--let me give you th_ back-up cuid_ance

quantity preview and then we' [£ cheek a couple of the cor£s

in the 5fDIU.

07 21 58 44 P Read it.

07 2[ 58 45 CC Roger.

07 21 58 46 CC GMTRC, 12:27:53; RET 4<K)K, i4 pius L2; RETRB i9 plus 21;

bank l_f_ _3, bank right, go right 67. Copy?

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 774/782

?w6e 782

07 21 59 21 P Copy.

07 21 59 22 CC Roger. Ckay, let's check core 03 ... 03.

07 21 59 35 P 52192.

07 21 59 40 CC Roger. Stand by one. Okay, read out core 10.

07 22 O0 03 P 02955.

07 22 OO 06 CC Roger. You've got i_.

07 22 O0 09 P Good. Good.

07 22 O0 10 CC I'll give you event timer countdo%_n time hack a_ 27 rMnut(s

OO seconds.

07 2° OO 21 CC ... about 20 sec_n¢!s.

07 22 O0 34 CC 10 seconds. 4, 3, 2, 1,

07 22 O0 43 CC Mark.

07 22 O0 46 P Got it.

07 22 OO 47 CC Okay, I' il rive you CeMT time hack at i2 hours Oi minute in

about 5 s,accnds.

07 22 O0 58 P Rog.

07 22 O0 59 CC 2, 1,

07 22 O1 O0 CC Mark.

07 22 O[ 03 P Okay, we'r_ right on. V_.ri_' the computer is in Reentry.

07 22 O1 09 CC Roger.

07 22 Ok 17 P 1 don't quite underst;xnd wlkv i didn't get a DCS Light on

eith,.r of the TR's, but i 6_a,ss Jt went in.

Of 22 Ol 2L CC Roger. We _,_otthe mm_:s,back. And thos( c(_rc read<.uts you

gave me ch_ ck out with r_ _;Tmcss_e.

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_._i'_ ,3 ? _,:'-_

Page 783

07 22 Gl 30 P Give me a TR at 26.

07 22 Ol 33 CC Roger. iO sccond.s to go.

07 22 Of 38 CC %,, 4, 3, 2, 1,

07 22 Ol 43 CC Mark.

07 22 Oi h8 CC Did y_u g_t it?

07 22 Ol >O i' Okay, we're rit_ht on the bu[%on, Csmnarvon. _n_/Lk you

very much. a- appr,:ciat,? ail your h_Lp :md we:' LI see

you back in H-.;ust'-,n !:rid s_.y h-:ilo to e'¢cryb-_¥.

07 22 O1 59 CC Roger. ;,,'illdc.


07 22 18 O4 CC Gemini-9, G,m!n[-5, Hcust_,n h_:r_. St:mdlng by.

07 22 19 _6 CC Gemini-5, 'Grmini-_, Houston h_:re. _¢'re stan_inc by in

c:_$e you need ar?thinf.

O7 22 19 54 P Houst _n, Gemini-5. Did you call?

07 22 19 57 CC Rogtr. H:ur,t n h_-re. W_.'re just standing by in cttsc you

n_._d ar4ithin_7.

07 ;22 20 02 P kcger, i;w._ryL}_inf'z finf_.

07 22 20 05 C_' V_'-Wf g:od. Very Kood,

07 .'2 z:, :.h CJ C_mlnL-'L, H'w-.i.; (iAi' CfM.

07:2 f'_ 1:7 ."' J_'_d you ;_ud _:nd c:'.':_r, .:_,wt;.i. OtandLr;_- hZ.

'_" :' ' ,'_ "9 '-:? kcc-r, i'. I ?i'z_: :./,:u r_ mark r:t .; m'nat_ s,

L.'i' _': [:4 U::' T. it,,_e :'.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 776/782

rl'N r,,r,:

P_e 7_

O, 22 24 38 CC £tand by. 3, 2, L,

07 22 Z4 43 CC -Mark.

07 22 24 47 P We're right on.

07 22 2h 49 CC Roger.

07 _°_ 2_ 43 CC Mark. _"minutes.

.,_ ,. 47 P Ro_er. We're right _n.

07 22' t/o ¢3 CC Mark. One minute.

07 22 26 51 P SEP O_24S, SEP ELEC_'iC, and SEP A/_\PT.

_ c._,.,_22 £_ 54 _ Roger. Aa_AP'i_ ;3EP.

07 22 27 08 CC We' il pick up the cunt at TR minus 10 seconds.

07 _(-_°27 L1 _. Roger.

07 22 27 13 CC 30 seconds.

07 2,2 27 33 CC lO, 9, 8, 7, 6_ 5, 4, 3, 2, [,

,37 22 27 43 CC Retrofire'.

07 22 27 44 CC Auto-mxmual retrofire.

07 22 27 50 CC Rocket 3 fired.

07 22 ._ 5_ CC Rocket 2 fired.

07 _°_'28 OO CC i{_wcket4 fired.

07 _ 28 O3 CC V( .-_ alt rctrcs fired.

07 22 28 05 P AL1 four retros fired.

07 22 28 08 CC R_cer. Standinc by for IVI readouts.

07 22 28 lO C 269 aft. 00'3 left. L_i down.

07 22 28 16 CC Say agin the first.

07 22 28 17 C 269 aft. OiO ]eft. 181 down.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 777/782

;'_ I I Li__l_l !;4, L

P_e 785

07 22 28 32 C Retropack is jettisoned.

07 22 28 34 CC Roger. Retro-jettlson.

07 22 29 38 CC H_' were the 8ttitudes?

07 22 29 39 P Attitudes looked pretty good.

07 22 29 42 CC Roger.

07 22 _) 49 CC I'Al give you mark at TR plus 3 minutes.

07 22 30 40 CC 3, 2, l,

07 22 30 23 CC Mark.

07 22 30 45 CC Hawaii has LO_.


07 22 33 03 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston.

07 _:2 33 25 CC Gemini-5, Gem_ini-5, H_ouston.

07 22 23 29 P Hello, H_uston. (_:mini-5. Read you loud and clear.

07 22 33 31 CC Rocor. I'm reading you loud and clear also. I'll have

your backup guidance qu-_ntities for you at about 15.

07 22 33 38 P Oh, roger.

07 22 33 40 CC Enjoy the view.

O7 22 33 43 P It's dark out her_.:

O7 22' 33 4_ CC Ch, th'_t's richt.

07 22 34 1_ CC Gemini-5, Houston. Your weath_:r remains the same. It's at

2000 foot scattered. Visibility 10 males. Weather is good.

Winds are only 8 knots. _i_e alt_eter remains the same_

and the wave height's only about 3 feet.

07 22 34 27 P Very good.

.CF'_f ;,Z_F-£ ,%Iri_tk3\?iil _'LJL i_ i ,,',t

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 778/782

?_e 7_

07 _'_'34 i5 P _orry('I can' t report_a ... package but it w_s pitch

b]ack outside.

07 22 34 51 CC _ere's your niKh,%v!sicn?

07 22 34 54 P We got the li/_]lt$ of('like the sJA_lllator.

07 22 34 57 CC Roger, roger.

07 22 35 18 CC Gemini-5, you can give us thc blood pressure any time now.

We've got good T/M on you.

07 22'35 25 P One blood pressure ,..

07 22 35 42 CC Cuff full scale.

07 22 316Ok CC Ok:Ly. We got a valid blood pressure %here on the Pilot.

07 22 36 05 P Say atlain.

07 27 36 07 CC Your blood pressu!'e_s valid. Th:u'tkyou.

07 22 36 09 CC Gem!nj-5, your time to 400,000 of 14 plus i2 looks good

r'romour data.

O7 22 36 L8 P Vcr"ygood.

07 22 36 58 CC Gemini-9, H_ust.on. If you've got time, you mi_ht tell

us when you can see the light of the horizon.

07 22 37 05 P Okay. The sun is shinLng on the spacecraft now, but we

have no horizon yet.

07 22 37 lO CC Okay. You should get the lighted horizon just slightly

before 400,000.

07 22 37 18 P Roger,

07 22 38 04 P This is a very fealtasticsight out here: I don't know

what all the stuff is, I guess pieces of the retro-adapter

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 779/782

,.j,.l_'_.r lb. __ _ I-_ _

R_e 787

or whatever is following along with us, but it's all

lit up in the sunlight into a complete black void.

07 22 38 19 CC Roger. C?_nyou see the retro-adapter back there at ail?

07 22 38 22 P No.

O? 22 38 24 CC O?my.

07 22 38 32 P Okay. I'm beginning to see the horizon straight be]ow

us. We're across the terminator now.

07 22 38 32 CC Okay.


07 22 39 10 P Okay. We have a good horizon now.

07 22 39 13 CC Roger on the good horizon.

07 22 40 06 P Okay. We just passed W_ite Sands.

07 22 40 09 CC Roger.

07 22 40 15 CC We should have you_ backup uu_dance q_ntity for you


07 22 40 18 P Okay.

07 22 40 21 P ...

07 22 40 2h CC Okay. I _guessyou're cleared. You know the control

zone only goes up to about 60,000 feet, so you're safe

till you get down to there.

07 22 40 31 P Okay.

07 22 41 12 CC Gemini-5, Houston. We'll get blackout around 16 plus l&.

07 22 41 22 P Roger. Understand !6 plus 14.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 780/782

ii ·:,t;:_'_i : ,[J£_P:r'""/ i i i.

Page 788

07 22 4i 25 CC Roger.

07 22 41 26 CC Gemini-5, Gem!ni-5. Houst_,n with your backup _Zuidance.

07 22 1_2 O0 P Go ahead.

07 22 42 02 CC Roll left 54. Roll right 68. Time to reverse b_nk,

19 plus 25.

07 _2 42 13 P Okay. Understand. Roll left 54 and roli right 68,

and reverse bank 19 plus 25.

07 22 42 21 CC That's _'firme.tive. Yr:u'll b( in the blackout at

approy_3nately ]6 plus ih. Out of blackou_ at approximately


07 22 42 32 P Okay. In at i6 plus [4; out at 21 plus 20.

07 22 42 37 CC Roger.

07 22 42 57 CC C_,mini-5, your time f_r %he dro._ue chute is 22 plus 05.

For main 23 plu_ _'_%.

07 22 43 09 P Roger. Drcgue is 22 p_us 05. Main is 23 plus aS.

07 22 43 14 CC Roger,

07 22 4_ 17 P Just passed thc Misslgsippi.

07 22 43 33 CC You're coming up on b]ackout n_, Gemini-5. }lave a nice


O7 22 43 .36 P Thank you very much.

07 22 45 58 CC Gt_ini-5, Gemini-5, Houston calling in the b:.ind during

blackout. Gemini-5, Hcust_.n calling.

07 22 46 45 CC Gemini-5, __minJ-), H._uston tr._namitting in the blind

during blackout.

8/7/2019 Gemini 5 Air-Ground on-Board Voice Communications Transcript 781/782

CON_Jt_t '_ t ..,_


07 22 47 L4 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Houston here. CAP trr_nsmitting in

the blind during blackout at 19 plus 37.

07 22 47 45 CC Gemini-5, C_mini-5, Houst:m transmitting in the biind

during blackout at 20 plus 0_.

07 22 47 14 CC Ge.m/nj-5, C_mini -c , Hf)_t_ln tr_sm/tting in the blind

during blackout at 20 plus 38.

07 22 48 48 CC Gemini-5_ Gemini-5, Hcustc:n here transmitting now. Do

you read?

07 22 49 09 P ...

07 22 49 lO CC Gemini-q, C-_rinL-h, H _;st_n. Y_:u were unrc_adt.ble th:t

tLme. Can y:_u [live mc your guidance informa%ic_n?

07 22 49 1.7 P I don't think we r/t L?ai_an¢'¢.

07 22 49 29 CC Roger. Underst-_nd. Gemini-5, Gemini-5, Hou_t_n. Can

you tel1 me what you are flying?

07 _"2 49 37 P ... bank angles, i think we're a Little bit short.

07 22 49 41 CC Roger, Und._rst_md y_u're flying bank .nng[es :-nd .V(_u'chir_,

you're a little short. Dc you have _R-uids-nceat ail?

07 22 49 47 P Yes .... We have the cLroFue o_t.

07 22 49 55 CC Roger on the deodar.

07 22 50 53 CC Gemini-5, Gemini-5. If you read, give us a call when

you put your main out.

07 22 50 58 P ... on the dzo/mc at ... ]5,CK)O.

07 22 51 02 CC Roger. Understand you are still on the drogue.

07 22 5] 09 P ...

,j_t_, ',U(.:'',' ·

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Page 790

07 22 51 39 CC Gemini-5, G,-mini-5. Do you have your main out yet?

07 22 51 50 CC Gemini-5, Gemin}-5, Houstcn. Do you have your main

chute out yet?

07 2° 5l 56 C ... on the main. We're in landing attitude.

07 22 52 OO CC Roger. Underst._nd your main's out and you're in landing.

attitude. Have a nlce l:_dinr.

07 22 52 04 P Th,xnk you. Do you _nnow wh(re we are?

07 22 52 08 CC It looks Like you're a little up-raise. We've got s,_me

radar tracking from the destroyer, and it looks like you're

a iit%lc bit up-tahOe from hi_,. [{ow do y.'_ufeel,

Gemini-5? How do you fe_,l?

07 22 52 22 C ...

C/_ 22 52 2h P ! fee! fine, too.