GD NT Lesson 41: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine Lesson 41

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Transcript of GD NT Lesson 41: MeckMom LDS Gospel Doctrine Lesson 41

“I Have Finished My Course”

GD NT Lesson 41: 1&2 Timothy, Titus

Introduction“Bring Him Home” song

Where is Jean Valjean in his life?

What is his message? Love, hope, testimony

Paul has ministered 30 years. He uses his last epistles to teach and bless Timothy & Titus

He message is one of love, warning, testimony

IntroductionSpencer W. Kimball said:

“I have a great admiration and affection for our brother Paul, our fellow apostle. He was so dedicated, so humble, so straightforward. He was so eager, so interested, so consecrated. He must have been personable in spite of his problems, for the people hung onto him with great affection when he was about to leave them. I love Paul, for he spoke the truth. He leveled with people. He was interested in them. I love Paul for his steadfastness, even unto death and martyrdom. I am always fascinated with his recounting of the perils through which he passed to teach the gospel to member and nonmember.” (Conference Report, April 1969, Afternoon Meeting 29 - 30.)

Historical contextThe books aren’t arranged in chronological order, they are arranged by length

Written following Paul’s imprisonment in Rome (63 AD), 2 Tim written just before his execution in Rome (he talks of being cold, lonely, and about to die)

Pastoral letters (written by pastors for pastors)

Timothy was an area authority in Ephesus, Titus in Crete

Gnosticism was rampant

Gnosis (knowledge, secret knowledge)

Against everything physical (sexual relations, eating, pleasure)

Believed in sub-deities (worship of angels)

Salvation comes by secret knowledge

Learn and teach true doctrine

Signs of Apostasy

1 Tim 4:1-3

2 Tim 3:1-7 (summarize)

How are these signs evident today?

How can we ensure our learning brings us to a knowledge of the truth?

What is the antidote?

2 Tim 14-17

How does regular scripture study guard us?

Mana in the wilderness had to be gathered daily. Why?

Responsibilities of those who teach

Who do we teach? We are teachers always, what we are teaching is entirely up to us.

ATOT: Hannah’s Instagram post about coffee. She thought she could control which part of her example they would follow

1 Tim 4:6-7, 13-15, neglect not the gift

2 Tim 2:23-25, meekness = ultimate power under ultimate control

What do we gain from good teaching?

D&C 88:78

1 Tim 4:16

Boyd K. Packer“True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. … That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1986, 20; or Ensign, Nov. 1986, 17).

How can we be sure what we teach is true doctrine? (next slide)

Dallin H. Oaks"Teachers who are commanded to teach 'the principles of [the] gospel' and 'the doctrine of the kingdom' (D&C 88:77) should generally forgo teaching specific rules or applications. For example, they would not teach any rules for determining what is a full tithing, and they would not provide a list of dos and don'ts for keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Once a teacher has taught the doctrine and the associated principles from the scriptures and the living prophets, such specific applications or rules are generally the responsibility of individuals and families.

Well-taught doctrines and principles have a more powerful influence on behavior than rules. When we teach gospel doctrine and principles, we can qualify for the witness and guidance of the Spirit to reinforce our teaching, and we enlist the faith of our students in seeking the guidance of that same Spirit in applying those teachings in their personal lives."

Joseph B. Wirthlin“God has revealed everything necessary for our salvation. We should teach and dwell on the things that have been revealed and avoid delving into so-called mysteries. My counsel to teachers in the Church, whether they instruct in wards and stakes, Church institutions of higher learning, institutes of religion, seminaries, or even as parents in their homes, is to base their teachings on the scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1994, 101; or Ensign, Nov. 1994, 77).

Be…an example of the believers

1 Tim 4:12

How have you been influenced by ‘an example of the believers?’

Word: Do we gossip? Are we uplifting in our speech?

Conversation (conduct or behavior): How do we act under stress?

Charity: Love must be our motivator

Spirit: Are our daily actions guided by the Spirit?

Faith: Are we easily discouraged or depressed? Do we trust in the Lord?

Purity: What types of media/influence are we allowing in our homes?

“Follow after righteousness” and deny ungodliness

1 Tim 6:9-10

How is THE LOVE OF money the ‘root’ of all evil?

What do roots do?

feed the plant, give it stability/permanence, they are hidden from sight, they can stay alive beyond the foliage

Why do we crave money? It gives us false security

How do we protect ourselves?

1 Tim 6:6-8, be content (state of satisfaction, peaceful happiness)

Jacob 2:17-19, share

Dallin H. Oaks“There is nothing inherently evil about money. The Good Samaritan used the same coinage to serve his fellowman that Judas used to betray the Master. It is ‘the love of money [which] is the root of all evil.’ The critical difference is the degree of spirituality we exercise in viewing, evaluating, and managing the things of this world” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1985, 78; or Ensign, Nov. 1985, 63).

God hath not given us the spirit of fear

2 Tim 1:7

“spirit of” state of mind brought by the Holy Ghost

“power” = faith, “love” = charity, “sound mind” = self-discipline

Bible Dictionary, two types of fear

Godly fear: reverence, humility

Sinful fear: unworthy of a child of God, something that perfect love casteth out

“Sin destroys that feeling of confidence God’s child should feel in a loving Father and produces instead a feeling of shame and guilt. Ever since the Fall God has been teaching men not to fear, but with penitence to ask forgiveness in full confidence of receiving it.” Bible Dictionary

When have you seen perfect love cast out fear?

Paul’s counsel to live righteously

1 Tim 6:11-12, fight the good fight (he ministered for over 30 years)

Which fights are not ‘good’?

1 Tim 2:22, “youthful lusts”

Gordon B. Hinckley: drugs, profanity, deceit, word of wisdom

Titus 3:9, foolish questions

What are the risks of foolish questions?

They distract us from finding/practicing pure doctrine.

ATOT: Preparing my lessons…studying for complex answers to gospel doctrine questions. I spend hours on the unimportant.

ConclusionJoseph B. Wirthlin

“Enduring to the end means that we have planted our lives firmly on gospel soil, staying in the mainstream of the Church, humbly serving our fellow men, living Christlike lives, and keeping our covenants. Those who endure are balanced, consistent, humble, constantly improving, and without guile. Their testimony is not based on worldly reasons—it is based on truth, knowledge, experience, and the Spirit” (“Press On,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2004, 101).