GC Connexion

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December 2011

Transcript of GC Connexion

gogracechurch.com | GCConnexion

Christmas @

Christmas at Grace Church 5

Favorite Christmas Traditions 6

Welcome To Our Home 10

Grace Church • December 2011 • Volume 1, Issue 1

GCConne ion


2 GCConnexion | December 2011




@ G





?Who We Are at Grace ChurchOne of the first questions people ask about

Grace Church is “What kind of church are you?”

It’s a simple question but it can’t really be

answered with a simple response. Sure, you

can say, “We’re a church that meets in

a movie theater,” or “We’re a Southern Baptist

Church,” and both answers would all be correct.

Yet, those simple answers don’t do justice to

the life and ministries of Grace Church.

What kind of church is Grace Church?

Well, we’re a church of Christians who are

passionate about God and His plan for men

and women. We’re also a family of imperfect

people seeking to learn and grow in our

knowledge of God, one another, and His plan

for ourselves and for the world. We want to be

a place where the un-churched, the formerly

churched, and those interested in learning

more about God can connect with new friends,

learn about God’s plan for their lives, and grow

spiritually together.

Most of all, Grace Church desires to be on

mission in our neighborhoods and throughout

the nations of the World. We are focused

outward, focused on the calling that God has

placed on the church, and focused on reaching

people that need to hear the message of Christ.

Your gifts, talents, and skills can be used

at Grace Church! From the front doors

of Regal Cinemas to the Café, Nursery

or KidzStyle venues, we have serving

opportunities for everyone! Or, maybe

you’re interested in being a small group

leader or serving on the communication

team. Check it out at gogracechurch.com.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Contact us at info@gogracechurch.com and

we’ll help you find the perfect place to serve!

3 gogracechurch.com | GCConnexion

THE VISION OF GRACE CHURCH is to glorify God by planting a new church that targets the un-churched and de-churched people of the greater Hendersonville area.

Our desire is to be a place where people can gather to learn more about God, connect with new friends, and grow together spiritually.

Grace Church is a Christian church, passionate about God and His plan for men and women. We’re not a perfect family, but we are seeking to learn and grow in our knowledge of God, his purpose for our lives and his plan for the world.

Ed StetzerLead Pastor

Jimmy DisneyExecutive Pastor

Barry PetersMinistries Pastor

Jess RainerAdministration & Outreach Pastor

6 Our Favorite Christmas Traditions Visit with the Grace Church Staff and their families and find out about their favorite family Christmas traditions.

9 Jesus Is The Reason For The Season Maybe its time to take time-honored traditions and decorations and incorporate symbols of your faith in Christ. Learn how you can make your home say “Merry CHRISTmas!”

11 Welcome To Our Home No doubt your seasonal preparations and celebrations are well under way. It’s not too late to plan one more event – an Open House to share your faith with family and friends. Who knows, perhaps opening your home during Christmas will become a new favorite tradition!

12 Holly Jolly Family Fun Gather the family for our Christmas Quiz and let the grins begin! And when you’re finished, bake up a batch of Gingerbread cookies to share with friends and neighbors.

5 Up Front News Thoughts from Grace Church Staff

8 Doing Life Together Life Group News at Grace Church

14 Heard on the Streets Events and happenings from the Grace Church family




Contact us @ Grace Church



GCConne ionGrace Church • December 2011 • Volume 1, Issue 1

4 GCConnexion | December 2011

This is an exciting time to be a part of Grace Church. We’re celebrating our first Christmas together and testing the waters with GC Connexion, our new quarterly webzine!

Have you have ever been in a totally darkened room when the light was suddenly switched on? Although it takes a few moments of adjusting, something extraordinary happens. We can see! What once was dark is suddenly

illuminated and extraordinarily we are given the gift of sight and direction to see what we’re doing and where we’re going.

The Birth of Jesus was a lot like that – light shattering the darkness. When God sent his Son, Jesus Christ into the world as a tiny baby, mankind was separated from the goodness of God and walking in the darkness of sin. In this age of high-tech war, senseless violence, and degraded values,

it would seem that the world has not really changed all that much in 2,000 years. Technology has advanced and the world population has exploded, but the presence of sin and darkness still stands as a gap between man and God.

But, like fireworks bursting overhead and punching bright holes in the darkness of sin, the coming of Christ brought light to a somber, needy world and bridged the gap to forgiveness and salvation. It’s a light that still has relevance today, guiding those who believe on the path of God’s perfect plan for their lives. It is a light that keeps us from stumbling on the journey and keeps us in the center of His will. Full of hope, it packs more power than a Star Wars light saber – his light chases the darkness away!

Turns out that Christmas is more than just a story of a baby in a manger – it’s a light event! Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World.” I hope every time you see the twinkling lights of the season, you’ll be reminded that Jesus is the light of love and forgiveness.

Kathy Chapman Sharp Communications Director

Step into the LightI John 1:5 tells us that God is light. Jesus is the light from God, sent to light the way to authentic life. Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we live in darkness and cannot know God. But, by accepting Jesus as our personal savior and acknowledging that God sent Him to die on the cross for our sins, we can walk in the light. Walk in the LightTo walk in the light, we must not only acknowledge Christ as our Savior, we must ask forgiveness of the sin in our life. I John 1:7 assures us that if we walk in the light as God is in the light, the blood of Jesus, his Son purifies us from all sin. Spread the LightWhen you walk in the light, you become a beacon of God’s love and forgiveness to all those around you.

Jesus encouraged us in Matthew 5:16b to let your light shine before men so they might see your new life and be open to God’s life-changing light. God wants you to have a glorious life walking in the light and offers you a transforming gift – Jesus Christ. You can have his light in your life by praying a prayer similar to this: “Dear God, I know I’m a sinner walking in darkness. I believe that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, sent to forgive me of my sins. I accept your gift of eternal life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and taking away my darkness. Thank you for my new life. Today, I choose to follow you and walk in the light. Amen.” If this expresses the prayer of your heart, Grace Church wants to help you grow in your Christian walk.

Contact us at info@gogracechurch.com – we’ll be in touch!

Seeing Things in a Different Light

Light has always been a representation of that which is good, true and holy for mankind, while darkness has symbolized that which is evil and false. The Bible tells us “Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light …” (John 3:21a). Jesus Christ invites us to see things in a different “light.”

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HERE’S A CHRISTMAS FACT: For every Christmas tree that’s cut down, two to three seedlings are planted in its place. With those kind of numbers, it would appear that Christmas trees are a good business to be a part of — especially during the final two months of our calendar year when the industry comes alive. While most Americans start their Christmas decorating shortly after Thanksgiving, there are a few that start even earlier.

But no matter when you begin, most everyone starts with the same decoration — the Christmas tree. And, it really is the Christmas tree that signals the start of the holiday. During the first weeks of December, we’ll see more and more Christmas trees shining through windows of the homes on our streets.

It wasn’t a tree, but a star that indicated the start of the first Christmas season. Matthew 2:1-2 tells us, “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east arrived unexpectedly in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him” (HCSB). The birth of our Lord and Savior was the beginning of a ministry that is still being carried out today. Christ came into the world knowing that He would ultimately lay down his life in order that we might have eternal life. The story of the Wise Men continues in Matthew 2:9-11: “After hearing the king, they went on their way. And there it was —the star they had seen in the east! It led them until it came and stopped above the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed beyond measure. Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother, and falling to their knees, they worshiped Him.

Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” After traveling for countless days and immeasurable miles, the wise men finally found the Savior. Their response was to fall on their knees and worship Him.

The star was the signal of the birth of Christ, but the first action of the Christmas season was to seek Christ and worship Him. As we celebrate our first Christmas season as Grace Church, I want this to be our action. I want us to seek Christ and worship Him. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of the season and become consumed with trivial matters that don’t make a lot of difference in the long run. That’s why it’s important for our Grace Family to focus on celebrating the birth of a Savior who entered the world so he could save the world. That’s what Christmas @ Grace Church is about — celebrating the birth of our Savior! Remember the Christmas fact above? Two to three seedlings are planted to replace every tree that is cut down. Well, Grace Church is in the planting business, too. Our church was planted in order to make Christ known, but it takes more than planting a church to make Christ known. It takes the people in the church to make Christ known. Christmas @ Grace is about celebrating the birth of our Savior. But Christmas @ Grace Church is also about planting seeds in people’s lives so they may come to know the Savior.

Merry Christmas Ed, Donna, Kristen, Jaclyn, and Kaitlyn Stetzer

UpFront News Ed Stetzer, Lead Pastor

Christmas @

6 GCConnexion | December 2011

The Disney FamilyPutting up the Christmas Tree is our favorite tradition. Over the years we’ve settled into our different roles. Robin typically begins the process on Thanksgiving weekend and the day begins with Christmas CD’s being loaded into the stereo. After the music is turned on and playing softly, I am responsible for carrying all the storage containers with trees and ornaments to their proper places. At this time I’m allowed to disappear for several hours. Of course, I might be called on a few times during the day to deal with stubborn lights that were working perfectly last year, but have now decided to no longer blink, light-up, or whatever it is they’re expected to do. (The soothing Christmas music is important for this part of the day!) At last, when the long day’s work is almost complete, I’m called to the room to participate in the crowning moment of the day. Ceremoniously, I climb upon the ladder and place the Christmas Angel on top of the tree. Afterwards we turn off all the house lights and sit together enjoying the tranquility of the Christmas music and the sparkling tree lights. The Christmas Angel sitting gracefully atop the tree always reminds us how blessed we truly are.

Merry Christmas,

The Disney’s

The Peters FamilyAs a young boy, we always gathered as a family to attend our church’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Each year, on this special day, we would have a family dinner with extended families from other states attending. In addition to the delicious food, there was also gift exchanging taking place amongst all the kids. After presents were opened, it was time to pack the car up and head to the candlelight service. I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled about going but I always knew what was coming next! Immediately following the service, it was time to head back to our home and enjoy the Peters family Christmas tradition. On Christmas Eve we were allowed to choose and unwrap any Christmas present under the tree that we wanted — with one stipulation — it could only be one gift! It was a blast every year choosing which gift to open. And, every year we were never let down. One year it was a lollipop, another year, a bike. It was hard to know what was under that gift wrap! Laura and I look forward to continuing this Peters’ family.

Favorite Christmas Traditions

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The Rainer FamilyI love Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year. Every year, Rachel and I have the debate about when the Christmas decorations should go up. I tried to put them up before the end of October this year, but that proved to be just a little bit too early for Rachel! This will be the fourth year we have put up Christmas decorations as a married couple and as each year has passed, we find ourselves developing our own traditions. We have certain ornaments that have to go on a certain place on the tree. We play the same Christmas music throughout the season and we have a traditional model train that circles the base of the tree. We hang the same stockings on the wall and savor chocolate fudge that seems to always disappear way before Christmas Day! We are finding a way to repeat much of the holiday season year after year. But there is one Christmas tradition that always takes priority. Rachel and I love the Christmas Eve service. For me, its the time when all the busyness of the holiday stops and a time when families come together, perhaps for the first and only time that year. Most of all, it is a time to reflect on what Christmas is really all about -- a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord. While I know that some traditions will come and go, celebrating Christmas will always include celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Eve. This year will be special as we look forward to starting a new tradition by spending our Christmas Eve with the families of Grace Church. We look forward to sharing Christmas Eve with you.

Almost every family has a favorite Christmas tradition. Why, for some, it wouldn’t be Christmas if they didn’t take an annual family portrait in pajamas, carefully select one gift to open on Christmas Eve, attend the Nutcracker ballet, or sit down to a supper of Cajun Jambalaya! We thought you might enjoy hearing from some of the Grace Church staff about their favorite traditions.

Merry Christmas from your

Grace Church Staff!

8 GCConnexion | December 2011

Doing Life Together

“Gimme, Gimme, Gimme,” and “Wrap it up in a nice package!!” Isn’t it sad that our culture conditions us to always think that way? What’s even sadder is these thoughts and feelings often trickle into our Christian lives and even our church! In fact, this article was almost about all the great things you would get when joining a lifegroup (community, great studies and homemade goodies to name a few) but instead, I think we need to reflect a bit more on what we can GIVE when joining a Grace Church Lifegroup!

First, you definitely give by giving of yourself. Your coming to a lifegroup isn’t just about you; your presence helps create the group and your participation contributes to building community. And that’s not all, your example of becoming involved in a lifegroup may just encourage someone else to join a lifegroup and get connected to learn and practice Jesus’ teachings.

Another way you give in a lifegroup is by serving and loving others. It’s true that our lifegroups come together to learn and grow, but that’s not all we do. Jesus modeled how to serve and love others and that’s what we try to do by feeding the homeless, racing for refugees, helping a neighbor move, or supporting a hurting family (just a few examples of what

we’ve done in our lifegroups this year!). This Christmas season will bring great opportunities to serve and love others. In fact, we’ll have another great giving opportunity by providing toys for families that will have nothing for Christmas otherwise. These are sweet sacrifices.

Finally, lifegroups allow you to give the gift of making a difference in someone’s life through prayer. We pray for the mission of Grace Church and for God to be glorified in all the Nations. We pray for each other as well as the unreached, unengaged people groups of the World who haven’t heard about Jesus. Let’s face it, making a difference in someone’s life is more meaningful than the latest episode of Revenge.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “I’m not sure I can fit this ‘giving’ stuff into my schedule.” I know. There’s school, kids, sports, practices — our schedules are filled with a lot of extra-curricular activities. In fact, we’ve stuffed our schedules with so much, we’ve become a hurried society. Here’s the deal. Why not set your DVR, rearrange your schedule and put Lifegroups as a priority for a while and see if, with all the giving you’ll be doing, you don’t find yourself unwrapping a few gifts yourself. Merry Christmas.

John Mills, Life Groups Coordinator

9 gogracechurch.com | GCConnexion

I’m not sure who came up with the jingle, “Jesus is the reason for the season,” but it’s one I’ve quoted often over the years. That catchphrase can become even more meaningful when it ceases to be a jingle and becomes the template of your home holiday decorating. A small touch here, a nativity there – it’s amazing how you can create opportunities for sharing your faith by simply telling the true meaning of the Christmas season through your holiday decorations.

Whether your decorating style is lavish and formal or whimsical and fun, create an atmosphere that celebrates the true excitement, wonder and love of the of the Christmas season. Take your time honored traditions and decorations and incorporate the symbols of your faith in Christ. Simply start with what you have and look for opportunities to add a personal message. No doubt you’ll find lots of places to tuck in something with special meaning that expresses your Christian faith.

Sharing your faith can begin at the front door. Capture the sincerity of the season by including holly on your door decorations. In many countries, holly on the outside of the door signifies that Christ resides within the home. That’s because legend says the crown of thorns was made of holly and that the white berries turned red after the crucifixion. Then, as you open the front door to friends and family, greet them with a stunning nativity display and a Bible that is opened to the Christmas story found in the second chapter of Luke. Everyone who walks through your door will be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

Make a Nativity Centerpiece Decorate your home with a beautiful centerpiece built around the nativity theme. Grab a basket and head outdoors to discover an abundance of Nature’s own decorating treasures. Look for pinecones, evergreens, magnolia branches, berries, twigs and mistletoe. Combine these ingredients with the natural beauty of fresh fruit in a simple, old-fashioned way by filling a pitcher with evergreen, berries and twigs. Overflow a vintage bowl with fruit and pinecones and place it next to the pitcher. Now, nestle in your nativity set. Don’t forget to use mistletoe in your nativity centerpieces. Known as a symbol of love, the mistletoe gives us the opportunity to share about the greatest love that man has ever known – God’s love, and how He sent Jesus Christ into the world to show His love for us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (NIV)

Use nativity centerpieces throughout your home, customizing colors and size according to location and décor. For extra warmth and glow, add votive candles in clear, sparkling glass holders. Full of fresh natural scents that warmly welcome family and friends, your decorations will be lovely to look at, but more importantly, they’ll send a message that clearly says what Christmas is all about for you and your family.

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

10 GCConnexion | December 2011

Ah, Christmas! It’s a most wonderful time of the year. Just say the word and visions of sugarplums begin to dance in my head. Actually, it’s the hustle and bustle of the season and the smell of evergreen and cinnamon that invades my thoughts. Okay, I confess. I’m also remembering the last minute shoppers crowding the mall and tearing open a beautifully wrapped gift last year to find a fruitcake that I’m quite sure I gave away the year before. No matter! The busy Christmas season has arrived! Regarded as the family occasion of the year, decorations go up, treasured ornaments are hung on the tree, and baking marathons begin in warm and cozy kitchens across Hendersonville. And, truthfully speaking, we can’t wait! We’ll spend too much, eat too much and love every minute of it. After all, it’s tradition! Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the season for the wrong reasons, isn’t it? Even Christian homes can lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Yet somehow, in spite of all our self -indulgences, the meaning of that very first Christmas quietly played out in a lowly stable in Bethlehem will still find it’s way into our hearts. Why? Because the babe in the manger has made a difference in our lives. We believe.

Basking in the warmth of our festivities and customs we sometimes forget that not everyone shares our meaningful interpretation of the Christmas season. As followers of Christ we live daily with his joy and happiness in our lives. We’ve experienced His promise of peace and know His unconditional acceptance and love. We celebrate His purpose-filled birth. Yet, for many families, perhaps even the family living right next door to you, Christmas is no more than a party season and buying spree that will leave them feeling empty and broke when the New Year rolls around. Isn’t it time that we opened our front doors and invited the world to come in and experience the Christ and Christmas we know and love? If you’re thinking yes, then why not start a new tradition this year and host a party with a purpose – an Open House.

Steps to a successful Open House The traditions of the Christmas season and Christian hospitality blend naturally into the opportunity to welcome friends and neighbors into your home. Like any social event, success comes with planning. Buy a notebook and put your plans on paper. While there are many reasons to host an open House, perhaps the most significant one is the opportunity you’ll have to share your faith with friends and neighbors in a warm, friendly

setting. The casual come and go format will also afford you the chance to build relationships with the folks you wave and smile at everyday. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to meet and welcome new families to the community.

Choose a Date and TimeNo doubt, office parties, family get-togethers, school presentations, and Church festivities are already flooding your calendar, but look closely. Surely there’s an open spot. Depending upon the number of guests you decide on, you will want to allow at least 2 hours for your open house. If you invite a large crowd, you may wish to allow more time. Guests tend to linger and talk more when a crowd is present. Choosing a Saturday or Sunday will give you more options in selecting a time. Many people choose Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon because of the extra preparation time it allows over the weekend.

Make Your Guest ListThere’s no doubt about it! Hectic lifestyles allow little time to build relationships in our communities today. And, if your neighborhood is like mine, the for-sale signs go up on a regular basis when transfers are announced in December and June. That translates into a lot of new neighbors. Who will you invite? How many can comfortably move about in your home? Prayerfully, construct a list of neighbors and acquaintances. Be sure and include new families on your street as well as those you’d like to know better. You may also want to include casual acquaintances on your guest list; all those Moms and Dads who kept you company on the bleachers during soccer and little league baseball last season; and don’t forget the parents of your children’s friends at school.

Select the MenuA menu made up exclusively of finger food is the best choice for an open house. Plan for a buffet; they’re family-friendly and won’t require individual cutlery. And since open house guests generally come and go at their leisure, you can set it up on your dining room table for fast and easy serving. Remove chairs so that guests can pick up a plate and napkin at one end and move toward an open area filling their plates along the way. You’ll also minimize crowding if you place beverage options on another table in a different location. Make sure your table is kid-friendly. Though you might plan to use china, crystal, and silver serving dishes on the buffet, it’s perfectly okay to use disposable plates, napkins, and cups. With the wide variety of beautiful, festive patterns and bright colors available at your local discount store or card shop, you’re bound to find one that enhances your decorating scheme.

Welcome to Our Home Kathy Chapman Sharp

“Isn’t it time that we opened our front doors and invited the world to come

in and experience the Christ and Christmas we know and love?”

11 gogracechurch.com | GCConnexion

Christian life is best lived with others on a journey. That’s why we put so much value on small groups at Grace Church. In fact, we’re not a church with small groups — we’re a church of small groups. If you’re not already involved in a Life Group, it’s not too late. We’re saving a seat for you at one of these Life Groups meeting in a neighborhood near you!

WOLFE - Sunday at 6:30pm108 Trail Ridge Drive., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome STETZER - Sunday at 6:00pm114 Stoddard Street., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome

RAINER - Monday at 6:30pm160 Bradford Circle., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome

DISNEY - Monday at 6:30pmWired Coffee Company699 Complex on West Main Street, Hendersonville, TN Singles Life Group

TOWNES - Tuesday at 6:30pm169 Ervin Street., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome

HAY - Wednesday at 6:30pm1019 Whispering Wind Way., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome

MILLS - Wednesday at 6:30pm102 Millbrook Road., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome

SHARP - Thursday at 6:30pm102 Danwood Court., Hendersonville, TN Coed, all ages welcome

STUDENT 7/12 - Tuesday at 6:30pm169 Ervin Street., Hendersonville, TN Student Life Group, Grades 7 -12 Please note that groups may periodically meet at alternative locations. To make sure a group is meeting at one of the locations above or for more information, please contact us at info@goGraceChurch.com

Authentic CommunityA Core Value of Grace Church

Details Make a DifferenceRemember that food and decorations are just a small part of your open house. Christian hospitality and the opportunity to share a positive testimony of your faith are by far, the most important elements. In the days approaching your open house, prepare your family for the important task ahead. Using your guest list, pray for each family and family member by name during your family devotions. Ask God to help each member of the family be a reflection of His love and hospitality and that your home would be a place of acceptance, comfort and unconditional love.

Now, the only thing left to do when the doorbell rings is open the door and say, “Welcome to our Home!”

SUBTLE WAYS TO SHARE THE GOSPELChoose one of these suggestions for sharing the Gospel at your open house. Read the Christmas Story -- Gather your guests around you and ask them to share a Christmas tradition. Invite the children to sit on the floor around your chair and read Luke 2: 1-16. Afterwards, share a short testimony of what Christmas truly means to you and your family. Emphasize the reason why God sent Jesus to the earth and end by reading John 3:16. If your family has a nativity that can be handled and picked up by the children, you may want to set it up near your chair so that you can reference the characters as you read the story. Prepare a Birthday Cake for Jesus – Prepare and decorate a birthday cake for Jesus for dessert. As you light a candle on the cake, read John 8:12. Share a short testimony about how having the light of Jesus has made a difference in your life. Invite the children and their parents to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus before you cut the cake. Sing Christmas Carols – Choose carols that specifically share the story of God’s love for man through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, to be their Savior. Introduce each song with a bible truth and end with prayer thanking God for His precious gift. Suggested Carols: Away In A Manger, Joy to the World, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, O Come All Ye Faithful, and What Child is This?

12 GCConnexion | December 2011

Fill in the Blank1. In those days a decree went out from ________________ A. Papa John B. Caesar Augustus C. Judge Judy D. Abraham Lincoln

2. And Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called ________________ A. Samaria B. San Jose C. Bethlehem D. Hendersonville

3. Mary wrapped Jesus snugly in cloth and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them at the _________________ A. Motel 6 B. Hospital C. Streets of Indian Lake D. Inn

4. The Shepherds were out in the field keeping watch over their __________________. A. Flock B. Leapfrog Leapster 2 C. Soccer Ball D. Campfire

5. Then an ______________ of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them. A. Ambassador B. Angel C. Emissary D. Instructor

6. The Shepherds hurried off and found both _____________ and the baby who was laying in a manger. A. Laurel and Hardy B. Mary and Joseph C. Simon and Garfunkel D. Laverne and Shirley

MatchingMatch the phrase with the correct song and then sing it together as a family!1. “The hopes and fears of all the years” A. O, Little Town of Bethlehem B. I Saw Three Ships C. Frosty the Snowman

2. “Please have snow and mistletoe” A. Christmas in Killarney B. I’ll be Home for Christmas C. Up On The Housetop

3. “There’ll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting” A. The Night Before Christmas B. The Twelve Days of Christmas C. The Most Wonderful Day of the Year

4. “The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head” A. What Child is This? B. A Child This Day is Born C. Away in A Manger

5. “Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie and we’ll do some caroling” A. Holly Jolly Christmas B. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas C. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we get so caught up in the holiday season and it’s countless activities that by the time Christmas day rolls around, we’re ready for the whole thing to be over! Why not make your family a priority this year and plan to spend more time focusing on family fun and the real reason for the season.

Just as we love to hear our children laughing and playing, God loves to hear his children celebrating and laughing together, too. To make sure that happens, you can block off days that are focused only on family activities and celebrating Jesus together. Kick off the season by taking this Christmas Quiz with your kids. Make sure you have marshmallows for the hot chocolate and plenty of yummy cookies!

Christmas QuizHolly Jolly Family Fun

13 gogracechurch.com | GCConnexion

Gingerbread Nativity Cookies Do you like making cookies at Christmas for friends and neighbors? Why not try Gingerbread Nativity Cookies. They’re as easy as 1-2-3 – Joseph, Mary, and Jesus in the manger – and you can decorate them as simple or as elaborately as time permits. Check out the Nativity Collection cookie cutter at http://bit.ly/tCipFx or create your own templates on heavy card stock.

Gingerbread Recipe 1-cup light corn syrup½ cup firmly packed brown sugar½ cup vegetable shortening4 cups all-purpose flour1 T. ground ginger1T. ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350. In a small saucepan, heat corn syrup, brown sugar and vegetable shortening over medium heat, and stir until smooth. In a large bowl, combine the flour, ginger and cinnamon. Mix well. Add corn syrup mixture, stirring until dough forms. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface to a ½ inch thick rectangle. Cut with cookie cutters and place 1 inch apart on baking sheets. Bake 10-15 minutes. Place on racks to cool slightly before removing cookies. Cool completely before decorating.

Decorator IcingFor 3 cups1 box (16 oz.) confectioners’ sugar3 T. powdered egg whites6 T. waterIn a large bowl, combine the sugar, egg whites, and water. Beat with mixer until thick and fluffy – about 3 minutes. Spread or pipe the cookies with white icing.

1. From what direction did the wise men travel to Jerusalem? A. North B. South C. East D. West

2. What sign did the wise men follow to find the Christ child? A. Smoke Signals B. Rainbows C. A Star D. The Sun

3. What did the Wise Men do when they saw Jesus with his mother, Mary? A. Turned around and went home B. Knelt down and paid him homage C. Flew a kite D. Ordered Pizza for everyone

4. What gifts did the Wise Men bring to baby Jesus? A. A Ring, Bracelets, and Crown of Silver B. Bagels, Donuts and Scones C. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh D. Jelly Beans, Candy Canes, and Caramels

The Three Wise Men Multiple ChoiceRead Matthew 2:1-12 together as a family and choose the right answer to the questions below.

14 GCConnexion | December 2011

Heard On The Streets Where Has Your Grace Church Shirt Taken You?

One of the core values of Grace Church is global missions. God has called His people to join Him on mission. That’s why we seek to be a missional church engaged in the purposes of God. Our mission will be evidenced as we are engaged on mission in our daily lives. In order for us to be a part of global missions, we need to be on mission right where we are. If you’ve served in a volunteer role at Grace Church, you’ve received our volunteer t-shirt. Throughout 2011, there’s been a lot of you wearing your Grace Church t-shirts while serving the Hendersonville community. Throughout 2012, we’ll be taking photos and videos of you on mission and sharing your stories. So, as you serve on mission in Hendersonville, Nashville, Tennessee, the United States, Brazil, Turkey, or throughout the World — be on the lookout! And, be ready to answer when we ask, “Where has Your Grace Church Shirt Taken You?”

Sara Hay lends a helping hand at the recent Pumpkin Patch Festival at the Streets of Indian Lake.

World Relief Christmas Project Santa will be helping Grace Church collect goods and toys. Bring new, unwrapped toys and household items on Sunday, December 11 at 10:00am.

Free photos with Santa Before and after the service, all children as well as families will be able to get their photo with Santa! Photos start at 9:30am on Sunday, December 18 at 10:00am.

Special Missions OfferingWe have the opportunity to collect a special offering that will go directly to help missionaries around the world on Sunday, December 18 during the worship service.

GC Christmas Bash Everyone is invited to attend our First Annual Christmas Bash on Sunday, December 18 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Country Hills Clubhouse on Saundersville Road. We’ll enjoy a night of great desserts, drinks, and coffees. Come and be a part of music, games, desserts, and fellowship.

Student Christmas Party Do you have a student in 7-12th grades? If so, then you and your entire family are invited to the Student Christmas Party hosted at the home of Barry and Laura Peters, located at 117 Waters Edge Lane (just off Sanders Ferry Road near Sanders Ferry Park). Join us on Tuesday, December 20 from 6:30-8:00pm for some games, appetizers, and desserts. This will be a great place to meet students and their families as well as our adult volunteers.

Celebrating Christmas @ Grace ChurchChristmas Eve Service, Saturday, December 24 at 7:00pm Christmas Day Service, Sunday, December 25 at 10:00am Join us at the Regal Cinemas at the Streets of Indian Lake for worship as we celebrate the Messiah’s birth. Invite friends and bring them with your family. Childcare will be provided for 6 weeks - 2 years old.









15 gogracechurch.com | GCConnexion

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