Gazette feb 2012

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Gazette feb 2012

Page 3

Page 4 Nurse Supervisor FARRAH LIM distributes hand-outs to participants of the

Diabetes Information Drive.

Dr. LORA MAE ARCANO, dentist, talking about tooth

cavity prevalence and prevention during the Oral

Care Awareness lecture held at SEHI Retro Hall.

Page 5

QUALITY TEAM. (Front row, left to right) Documents Controller Reyconrad Racosas, HRD Officer Benjamin Torrijos, Marketing Officer Joann Sienes,

Hospital Administrator Marcelino Dospueblos, Corporate Planning Officer

Antonio Veneracion, Research and Development Officer Czakei Lardizabal,

Quality Assurance Coordinator Desiree Joya Go, Hospital Training

Coordinator Efren Catimbang Jr., and Safety Officer Ronald Limon,

together with the participants of the Quality Circle Seminar Workshop.

(Above) Dr. JERRY RAFAEL, with his team, actually performing Lapa-

roscopic Cholecystectomy at the SEHI OR Complex.

RIBBON-CUTTING. Medical Director Jesus C. Veneracion, MD with his spouse

Angelita Veneracion officially opening the SEHI dormitory to employees.

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Whenever somebody tells us about work, we easily

think of something tedious, tiresome, or even

unpleasant. In fact, the idea isn’t exactly novel. Thus,

love and work are not topics we necessarily talk about

together. However, if we are able to let it work can be

a wonderful way to express ourselves.


And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half a man’s hunger. And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils poison in the wine.

“Work is love made visible.”

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PNP female officers handing out long-stemmed

roses to an elderly patient as a way of sharing

love this Valentines.

CARLOS P. MATELA talks about love and marriage in a two-hour

lecture held at SEHI Retro Hall Training Center.


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