Gauntlet of Spiragos (6244886)

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Transcript of Gauntlet of Spiragos (6244886)

  • 7/23/2019 Gauntlet of Spiragos (6244886)


  • 7/23/2019 Gauntlet of Spiragos (6244886)


    An introductory adventure for the Scarred Lands

  • 7/23/2019 Gauntlet of Spiragos (6244886)


    Original Design:Rich Thomas

    Developer:Scott Holden

    Contributor:Matt Franklin

    Art Director:Rich Thomas

    Typesetting and Design:Mike Chaney

    Cover:Rich Thomas

    Interior Art: James Denton, Brian Leblanc, Todd Secord,

    Rich Thomas, John Wilson

    Cartography:John Wilson

    Gauntlet of Spiragosis 2014 Onyx Path and Nocturnal Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reference to other copyrighted

    material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Scarred Lands, Onyx Path,

    Nocturnal Publishing, and their associated logos are trademarks of Onyx Path and Nocturnal Publishing.

    Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee

    compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

    Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Inc., and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying

    Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility

    License. See for more information on the compatibility license.

    Open Gaming Content: The Open Content in this issue includes the new monsters, new magic items, and all material in

    the appendix. All other material is Product Identity, especially place names, character names, locations, story elements, and

    fiction. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.


    Gauntlet of Spiragos

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    Introduction 4

    Synopsis 4

    Background 5Preparation 5Involving the PCs 5

    Creagfort 5

    New Settlement Quality 6Getting Started:Mysterious Map 6

    Map? What Map? 6What Do the PCsAlready Know? 8

    General Knowledge 8From the Map 9

    Chapter One:

    Toward the Devils March 10Encounter #1:The Charming Songstress 10

    Combat 12Encounter #2: Knives in the Dark 13

    Combat 13Encounter #3: Ravenous Hounds 13

    The Devils March 15

    A Potential Foe 17

    Combat 18

    Chapter Two:The Chasm of Flies 19

    Vertical Adventuring 20

    What Did That Thing Say? 20Optional Encounter:Spider-Eye Goblin Scout 21

    Combat 21The Upper Chasm 23

    Climbing Down 23Spiragoss Remains 23

    The Columns 24Encounter #1:Agitated Chasm Spiders 25

    Restless Dead 25

    Combat 26Encounter #2:Spider-Eye Goblin Defense 26The Iron Walls 26

    The Fastness 27Guard Posts 28Getting Down 29

    Chapter Three: The Iron Cavern 30

    Goblin Defense 30

    Great Goblin Mound 31Second Wave 32

    Combat 32

    Chapter Four: The Iron Tunnels 34Tunnel One: Goblin Barracks 34Tunnel Two: Warriors Quarters 35Tunnel Three: Goblin Shrine 35Tunnel Four: Spider Hatchery 37Tunnel Five: Matriarchs Maze 37

    Champions Chamber 37Matriarchs Quarters 38

    Combat 39Victory 39Give Them a Hand 40The Necromancer 41

    Overstaying the Welcome 41Leaving the Chasm 42

    Appendix 43

    Spider-Eye Goblin 43

    Spider-Eye Goblin Lore 43Behavior 44

    Optional Rule: Variant Adepts 44

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    Gauntlet of Spiragos is an adventure designed for 3rd-

    level characters, although it can easily be modified

    for characters of 1st to 5th level by increasing or decreasing

    enemy hit points and perhaps also the number of enemies;

    you might also increase or decrease the difficulty DC of the

    skill-based and terrain-based challenges, or perhaps make

    it difficult for the PCs to rest, thus imposing the effects of

    fatigue or exhaustion on them. Assuming a moderate rate of

    character advancement, a party of four 3rd-level characters

    should reach 4th level by the end of this adventure.

    Gauntlet of Spiragos may serve as a stand-alone adventure,

    the starting place for a series of adventures, or as an anomalous

    quest tucked between the chapters of an established campaign.

    For more powerful PCs (those starting at 6th level or higher),

    the GM will probably need to replace the spider-eye goblins

    and spiders with more powerful creatures, such as narleths

    and deadlier types of giant spider, as well as possibly adding

    more foes and raising difficulty DCs of terrain challenges.

    To assist in expanding the story, we have raised the possibility

    of including a rogue necromancer who continually harasses

    the party after a certain point in the adventure. At any point

    where such an enemys involvement might not interrupt the

    flow of the overall narrative, and could lead to some interesting

    challenges, notes have been provided.


    The characters obtain a treasure map with an eight-armed

    symbol, strange writing, and the drawing of a chasm with

    spiders and flies in it. As well, three unique items, actually

    titanic artifacts, are illustrated upon it: a gauntlet, a ring, and

    a dagger. Whether through their own research, or simply being

    informed by a knowledgeable NPC, the players decipher the

    meaning of the map and then travel through the wilderness to

    the Devils March. The location indicated on the map is called

    the Chasm of Flies, so named because, for several generations

    after the Titanswar, huge clouds of enormous black, biting flies

    swarmed in and out of the rift in the ground. Eventually, they


    Gauntlet of Spiragos

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    attracted giant spiders, which grew fat feeding on the flies, and

    the chasm became a place of webs and cocoons.

    In the chasm, the PCs are confronted with physical and

    terrain challengesledges, dangling strands of clinging

    gossamer, cracks and crevices, with enormous webs at various

    places blocking line of sight (and also stopping some falls)aswell as spider-eye goblins and various giant spiders. They must

    find the tunnel which houses the tribal goblin matriarch,

    along with the goblins treasure, where they must defeat the

    ruler and her champion. While the players will never be able

    to gain the gauntlet, which they eventuallydiscover houses

    the entire complex, they can find the ring and the dagger

    reduced to usable sizes, along with various treasures taken

    by the goblins from raid victims and ill-fated adventurers.


    Powerful artifacts of the titans have been discovered by atribe of spider-eye goblins, who reside in a dangerous cavernous

    lair called the Chasm of Flies. The Chasm is actually a crater

    created when Spiragos, an eight-armed lesser titan known as the

    Ambusher, fought and was slain by Vangal the Ravager; during

    the battle, a lunge from Spiragos missed its mark, slamming its

    hand into the earth nearly to the elbow. Vangal then hacked

    that arm off so that the hand, forearm, and gauntlet were left

    embedded in the terrain. As time went on, the titan flesh

    rotted and attracted flies, which grew unnaturally large and

    in turn attracted giant spiders.

    Spiragos was wielding a dagger in the lost arm and also

    bore a ring on one of the fingers. These powerful magic itemsgradually atrophied and constricted in the absence of the

    titans powerful essence, and they have since been recovered

    by the inhabitants of the chasm, a tribe of spider-eye goblins.

    The gauntlet, still occupied by the skeletal remains of the

    titan, has retained its enormity and remains in the hole as

    the metal-walled fortress of the goblins.

    The bones themselves, which were not consumed by the

    ravenous monster flies, serve as primary structural supports

    of the spider-eye goblins lair. In some places, they have been

    hollowed out and used as passageways as well. The spider-eye

    goblins and their giant spider mounts and allies patrol and

    ambush invaders in the upper areas above the wrist. Below

    the wrist lie the living quarters of the goblins.


    Text that appears in a shaded field should be read aloud

    or paraphrased to the players as it occurs. The Game Master

    needs a copy of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

    and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide to

    use this adventure.

    Unshaded text boxes or sidebars contain pertinent

    information for the GM alone. Monster and NPC statistics

    are provided with each encounter or, where appropriate (to

    avoid repetition), the relevant stats from elsewhere in this

    adventure may be referenced.

    Involving the PCs

    The adventure as written assumes that the PCs have somehow

    come into possession of an old map, possibly from a previous

    adventure or encounter or perhaps inherited by one of the

    characters. See the section entitled Map? What Map? for

    further suggestions on getting the map into the hands of the

    players. The markings on the map bear investigation, which

    prompts the adventure.


    While not absolutely necessary, this adventure assumesthe PCs will set off from Creagfort, the northernmost

    civilized settlement in the Bronze Hills of the northern

    Fangsfall Peninsula, a few dozen miles south of the border

    between the Hills and the Devils March. Hewn into the sloped

    side of a tall crag, the fort comprises a small concentric keep,

    with a stout curtain wall encircling the settlement, all built

    around a lucrative copper mine. The approach from any side,

    other than the winding road leading up to the forts main

    gates, is a treacherous climb.

    Creagfort is commanded by Lady Elyn Barathos, a cleric

    of Corean knighted by Lord Killian Vrail. Her assignment

    is to protect Fangsfalls interests in the copper mines of theregion and to patrol against titanspawn incursions. She is

    served by a garrison of the Fangsfall Army, about 60 soldiers

    (each a warrior 2-4), led by Captain Zedaias Black. The rest of

    the fort is populated by support personnel for the soldiers

    and by the miners and their families.

    Given that Creagfort is somewhat removed from its

    patron city, and does not lie along the coast, the rampant

    overpopulation by refugees flooding Fangsfall is not so

    keenly felt here. Further, the imposing landscape, constructed

    fortifications, and army garrison deter neer-do-wells and

    vagrants uninterested in honest labor. There is thus an

    appreciable degree of civility in general, especially in and

    around the central keep, where representatives of merchant

    guilds and independent miners gravitate to oversee their own

    regional interests.

    Luxury, on the other hand, is rare in the extreme. Creagforts

    primary reason for being is to serve as headquarters for a

    brigade of the Fangsfall Army tasked with policing a broad,

    rugged region. Beholden to Corean as the forces of Lord

    Vrail already are, having a cleric of that deity commanding


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    LN village

    Corruption -1; Crime +1; Economy +2; Law +4; Lore +0;Society -2

    Qualitiesdefensible*, fortifiedDanger+0



    Population145 (112 human, 33 other)


    Fort CommanderLady Elyn Barathos (LG female humancleric 8)

    Fangsfall Army CaptainZedaias Black (LN malehuman fighter 6)

    Copper Mine ForemanGramdul Stoneheim (N maledwarf expert 6)


    Base Value1,000 gp; Purchase Limit5,000 gp;Spellcasting4th

    Minor Items2d4; Medium Items1d4; Major Items

    * See Cityscapes: New Settlement Options for thePathfinder RPG.

    them has a noticeable effect on their bearing and behavior;

    Corean is said to hold compassion as the greater virtue over

    strict adherence to legal code, but any visitor who tarries too

    far from the path of the Paladin Champion risks a none-too-

    gentle nudge in a more desirable direction.

    Player characters who seek to cause trouble or even actquestionably would be well served to arrange their arrival

    under the banner of an individual or group with political

    or business ties to the area. Alternately, PCs familiar with

    Fangsfall history or who are devoted to Enkili may benefit

    from frequent and earnest devotions to that unofficial deity

    of the area. Finally, unsavory characters with no reason for

    staying in Creagsfort or who are not aware of the religious

    politics of the area are best advised to get in, keep their heads

    down, and move along quickly. By contrast, characters of a

    particularly noble mien may be welcomed to the area. Most

    likely, though, they will simply be ignored and remain free

    to conduct their own affairs.

    If they have not found it previously, while they are in

    Creagfort, the players should somehow acquire the map to

    the Chasm of Flies, about 60 miles north-northeast of the

    New Settlement QualityFortified: Whether as a result of geographic location orman-made defenses, this place is secure against armedintrusion.Economy +1;Law +1; Society +1; treat settlement as onesize larger for base value, purchase limit, and spellcasting.

    fort via rocky, inhospitable terrain, where the Bronze Hills

    fade into the sickly plains of the Devils March.

    Getting Started:Mysterious Map

    The players have come into possession of a torn and stained

    parchment, upon which are scrawled a series of symbols

    that seems to indicate the route to a cleft or chasm in the

    Devils March. The symbols include an eight-armed rune,

    strange writing, and the drawing of a chasm with spiders

    and flies within it. Three magic items are also drawn on the

    map: a gauntlet, a ring and a nasty looking dagger. Any of

    the player characters can attempt skill checks to glean all six

    items of information from the parchment.

    Map? What Map?

    How the PCs get hold of the map is entirely up to you.

    Barring events tied to a larger story, it could be that the PCs

    simply bought the map from a scholar or at an antiquitiesshop. It is also possible that they receive the map directly

    from Lady Barathos or Captain Black as part of an official

    request. As rugged and as broad the Bronze Hills are, the

    Fangsfall Army might welcome help in clearing out errant

    titanspawn threats.

    Lady Barathos is a busy woman, and it may be more likely

    that the Captain would handle business of this nature. If there

    is some need for the PCs to be granted an audience with the

    commander herself, consider the possibility that the spider-eye

    goblins have been emboldened by raids on random caravans;

    they have been making concerted guerilla attacks on mining

    operations in the Bronze Hills looking for a suitable cavernto establish a second colony.

    On the other hand, perhaps Fangsfall is dealing with an

    increase in hostilities from Dunahnae to the north and cant

    spare forces for such a relatively minor threat. For a bit of

    additional intrigue, Lady Barathos might claim such a reason,

    while in actuality she is dealing with political circumstances

    that prevent her from officially dispatching soldiers under the

    Fangsfall banner out beyond the borders of the Bronze Hills.


    Gauntlet of Spiragos

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    PCs who come on business could instead be given the map by

    Copper Mine foreman Gramdul Stoneheim as an afterthought

    once said business has been conducted. After all, the map speaks

    of a Chasm of Flies, which implies a deep hole in the earth,

    and what dwarf wouldnt want to know whats down there? Of

    course, the characters may need to finagle more informationout of Stoneheim than he means to share. Is he commissioning

    freelance adventurers as a cover for Lady Barathos? Does he know

    more about the nature of Spiragos treasures than hes letting

    on? And if so, how did he come to possess such knowledge?

    Alternately, the map could be discovered on the body of a

    thiefs victim after the PCs interrupt a mugging just outside

    the garrison walls (or on the body of said thief if the characters

    manage to dispatch the wretch). Perhaps the map is slid under

    their door as they sleep in the local inn, supplied by a mysterious

    cabal whose secret wish is to have the artifacts of Spiragosreturned to the world. This set of circumstances could easily be

    bundled with either of the official business scenarios above,

    or wrapped into something else of the GMs devising.

    Ultimately, the specific means

    by which the player characters

    come into possession of the map

    should take the general behavior

    of the party into consideration. In

    short, the method of the maps

    introduction is very flexible: It

    can be part of world-buildingby the GM, or simply a one-off


    What Do thePCsAlready Know?

    Characters trained in

    Linguistics or in certain

    types of Knowledge might also

    have a chance of knowing some

    bits and pieces of lore aboutSpiragos, the Devils March, and

    the Chasm of Flies.

    General Knowledge

    Before starting the adventure,

    wi th or wi thout the map,

    characters who are trained in

    the following skill(s) may make

    checks to determine what, if

    anything, they know about the

    Fangsfall region and the Devils

    March to the north.

    A chara ct er re ce ives all

    information from lower DCs

    as well; i.e., if a character gets

    a result of 17 on a Knowledge

    (history) check, she learns all of

    the information for both DC 10

    and DC 15.


    Gauntlet of Spiragos

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    Knowledge (History or Religion)

    DC 10: During the Divine War that ended nearly two

    centuries ago, the gods Tanil, Denev, and Corean captured

    the titan Gaurak the Devourer and plucked his monstrous

    teeth from his maw before entombing him. The titanic fangs

    crashed down, some as large as mountains, across what is

    now called the Fangsfall Peninsula; one of the jagged incisors

    smashed into the ground near the tiny city of Lambport.

    The people there took to quarrying the fine, hard minerals

    of the titans tooth in order to build their houses and their

    city wall. They dubbed their city Fangsfall in honor of the

    gods defeat of Gaurak.

    DC15:The Devils March was the site of a great battle in

    the Divine War, in which the forces of the titanic Hag-Queen,

    Mormo, and her Asaathi Empire fought against a great

    human army. In desperation, the generals of the decimated

    and embattled human forces performed a necromantic TrueRitual. All of the dead from both sides of the conflict rose

    up, shattering the asaatthi armies and wounding Mormo

    herself. The summoned undead were not all destroyed, and

    some continue to roam the March to this day.

    DC 20:While humans and asaatthi made up the bulk of

    the opposing armies, many other races, including demons

    and other infernal creatures, were also summoned en masse

    particularly by asaatthi sorcerers. The land is thus now poisoned

    by necromantic energies, titan blood, and demonic influence.

    Knowledge (Geography or Nature)

    DC 10:The Devils March is not inhabited by any of thedivine races. Twisted varieties of goblins and other titanspawn

    dwell there, primarily. But the region is also known for many

    undead creatures, and even, it is said, the devils and other

    infernal beings that give it its name.

    DC 15:The March is a blighted area that cannot support

    life. Foraging for food and water there may prove very difficult

    as a result. Travelers there should stock up well on provisions.

    From the Map

    A character who examines the mysterious map may make any

    of the following checks if she is trained in the relevant skill(s).

    Knowledge (Dungeoneering or History)

    DC 10:The area indicated on the map is called the Chasm

    of Flies because, for decades following the Titanswar, huge

    clouds of black flies swarmed around the opening and into

    the Chasm. As with most creatures corrupted by titan blood,

    these flies grew to monstrosities, raven-sized and deadly.

    DC 15:The name of the cavern has become something of a

    misnomer, however, for the Chasm is now inhabited not by flies

    but by all sorts of spiders, drawn to the flies as a food source.

    DC 20:The Chasm was created during a fight to the death

    between a lesser titan named Spiragos and the god Vangal the

    Ravager. The two behemoths battled across the Devils Marchuntil, at last, Vangal was victorious in destroying Spiragos by

    cutting off most of its eight arms.

    Knowledge (Arcana or Religion)

    DC 15:The eight armed symbol on the map is that of Spiragos,

    the lesser titan of ambushes, one of the offspring of Kadum.

    Spiragos attempted to ambush the warrior god Vangal, but was

    slain by him in what later became known as the Devils March.

    DC 20:Spiragos wielded multiple magic items wrested from

    those it had ambushed. These included magical gauntlets,

    rings, and weapons. The titans and gods are known to have

    adjusted their body sizes to fit any given situation; the titans

    generally favored enormity, but the possibility nonetheless

    exists that even the enormous equipment of a titan might

    shrink to accommodate a human or other smaller being.


    DC 15:The writings are an odd, debased form of Primordial

    runes that spell out, The Gauntlet of Spiragos and Found

    in the Devils March.


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    Although the length of the PCs journey can vary depending on their route

    (particularly if the party sets out from somewhere other than Creagfort), it

    is roughly 60 miles as the crow flies from Creagfort to the Chasm. Given the

    rough terrain of the hills and the lack of roads and scarcity of even simple

    game trails, the journey should take 5 to 7 days in total (assuming the

    PCs dont get off track or entirely lost in the wilderness).

    During the journey, the following optional encounters can take

    place as indicated at the GMs discretion. Of course the GM should

    feel free to introduce other encounters as necessary. Dont forget

    that in the world of Scarn, and particularly on the continent ofGhelspadwhere the chaotic energies of the defeated titans still

    warp the landbizarre weather effects and terrain challenges can

    be as deadly as any creature encounter.

    Encounter #1:The Charming Songstress

    This encounter should take place 3-4 days before the PCs

    reach the Devils March. As the PCs awake in the morning,

    read the following to the character with the highest Charisma:

    Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see movement in the brush.

    You rub the sleep from your eyes and look again, briefly catching sight

    of a lithe, naked form, probably female, running away through the

    trees and behind a small fold in the landscape. Its behavior suggests

    the figure was frightened by the presence of the party, but somehow you

    get the feeling that it was intrigued by you as well.

    The stranger quickly disappears in the shadows. Straining to see in the

    darkness, you are not able to determine exactly where it is, but you feel

    almost certain that you are once again being watched from a distance.


    Gauntlet of Spiragos

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    NE Medium fey

    Init+2; Senseslow-light vision; Perception +11DEFENSE

    AC14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1natural)

    hp10 (3d6)

    Fort+1, Ref+5, Will+6


    Spd30 ft.

    Meleedagger +1 (1d4/19-20)

    Special Attacksenthralling song, suggestion

    Spell-like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +6)

    Constantspeak with animals

    3/daycharm animal (DC 14),magic fang

    1/daysummon natures ally I, tree stride


    Before CombatIf she expects combat and has time,the dananshee uses magic fangto buff her charmed orsummoned animal allies.

    During CombatWhen she has successfully used hersuggestion ability on a creature, the dananshee usuallysends that victim to her lair, where she slays and devourshim with the aid of her animal companions. However, if she

    is threatened by other creatures, she may instead direct thevictim to defend her.


    Str11, Dex15, Con10, Int14, Wis17, Cha16

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+1; CMD14

    FeatsAlertness, Dodge

    SkillsAcrobatics +8, Bluff +9, Escape Artist +8,Knowledge (geography, nature) +8, Perception +11, SenseMotive +5, Stealth +8, Survival +9

    LanguagesCommon, Sylvan


    Enthralling Song (Su)All creatures within 90 feet whohear a dananshees song must succeed at a DC 14 Willsave or be fascinated by her. Initiating this ability is a full-round action; the dananshee may maintain her song eachsubsequent round as a standard action. Creatures that fail

    the initial save may remain fascinated for as long as thedananshee remains within 90 feet and continues to sing. Acreature that succeeds on the save against this effect cannotbe affected by that dananshees enthralling song for 24hours. This is a sonic, mind-affecting ability.

    Suggestion (Su)As a swift action, the dananshee canmake a single suggestion (as the suggestionspell; Will DC15 negates) to any one creature she has already fascinatedwith her enthralling song. A creature that succeeds onthe save against this effect cannot be affected by thatdananshees suggestion for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting ability.

    If the character makes a DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check,

    he recognizes the running form as that of a dryad. On a result

    of 20 or higher, however, he also recalls that some dryads are

    known for luring travelers to their deaths.

    If the character makes a DC 20 Sense Motive check, he

    realizes the running shape seemed to be trying to lure him

    away from the party.

    Assuming the PC seems ready to rejoin the party rather

    than follow the running figure, the dananshee begins singing

    in order to draw him toward her. Whether the PC follows

    alone or gathers the rest of the party, read the following ifthey follow her trail:

    The trees open up into a hollow in the hills; there the fleeing figure

    waits, half crouched with her back to a thick tree. She appears

    diminutive and vulnerable, but an evil intent is immediately

    apparent in the grin she casts in your direction. Her hand, already

    reaching down, ruffles what you mistook at first as a shadow. The

    shadow bares its fangs, a black, shaggy-coated wolf, growling as it

    pads forward. As the wolf launches itself toward you, you hear the

    shriek of a hunting bird from above and behindthen the woman

    steps backwards into the tree itself and disappears. A sound like

    the laughter of tinkling glass disperses into the leaves.


    The dananshee uses tree strideto teleport from tree to tree

    and thus keep her distance from the PCs; as she does so, she

    uses her suggestion ability on any PCs that appear physically

    powerful. The wolf tries to flank other characters and pull

    them down, while the falcon uses its slashing dive attacks to

    harry lightly armored enemies.If both pets are slain, the dananshee tries to teleport away with

    tree stride, if she still has any uses of that power left. Her interest

    was a quick strike against a single target, not a fight to the death.

    Encounter Level 4 (1,200 XP)

    Dananshee (1): hp 8

    Albadian wolf (1): hp 17

    Scythe falcon (1): hp 9


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    N Tiny animal

    Init+3; Senseslow-light vision; Perception +5DEFENSE

    AC15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)

    hp9 (2d8)

    Fort+3, Ref+6, Will+2


    Spd10 ft., fly 60 ft (average)

    Meleewing slash +6 (1d6-1/18-20), 2 claws +1 (1d3-1)

    Space2-1/2 ft.; Reach0 ft.

    Special Attacksslashing dive, powerful charge (wingslash +8, 2d6-1/18-20)


    Str8, Dex17, Con11, Int2, Wis14, Cha7

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+2; CMD11

    FeatsWeapon Finesse

    SkillsFly +8, Perception +14; Racial Modifiers+8Perception


    Slashing Dive (Ex)When flying, the scythe falconcan take a move action after making a powerful chargeattack. It provokes attacks of opportunity from thismovement as normal.



    N Medium animal

    Init+3; Senseslow-light vision, scent; Perception +5DEFENSE

    AC14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)

    hp18 (2d8+9)

    Fort+6, Ref+5, Will+1



    Spd50 ft.

    Meleebite +3 (1d6+2 plus trip)


    Str15, Dex15, Con16, Int2, Wis12, Cha6

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+3; CMD15 (19 vs. trip)


    SkillsPerception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +1 (+5 whentracking by scent); Racial Modifiers+4 Survival whentracking by scent

    Treasure: Scattered among the roots of several trees are

    skeletal remains of those unfortunates the dananshee has

    succeeded in luring to their deaths. The PCs can discover

    500 gp worth of equipment, trade goods, and/or loose coins,

    depending on their needs and the GMs discretion.

    Encounter #2:Knives in the Dark

    This attack should take place during a moonlit night,

    sometime before the PCs reach the Devils March.

    During the dead of night, the player characters can make

    a DC 25 Perception check; their assailant is supernaturally

    stealthy. Anyone who fails this check is surprised.

    Read the following:

    A faint sound disturbs an already dreamless, uncomfortable sleep.

    You awake with a start, trying to see what made the noise, but the

    moons are hidden by dull, gray clouds. Out of the corner of your

    eye, you think you see a dark form creeping among your fellow party

    members, but when you turn to see, nothing is there. Nonetheless,

    a faint sense of dread washes over you. Your drowsiness gives way

    to alarm as you start to rise, fumbling for your equipment. As you

    lurch to your feet, you hear the unmistakable sound of a blade

    being drawn.

    CombatThe belsamaug uses surprise and the shadows to strike and

    retreat through the scrubland. It will neither surrender nor

    retreat. If the PCs somehow manage to capture or incapacitate

    it, they may learn that it does not want them to reach the

    Devils Marchbut it gives away no more information than that.

    Encounter Level 3 (800 XP)

    Belsamaug (1): hp 18

    Encounter #3:

    Ravenous Hounds

    This encounter should take place on the first day into the

    Devils March. Read the following to the players shortly

    after they leave the Bronze Hills:

    While this area first looked like rocky plains with stretches of

    verdant, healthy grass, the rank smell of decayed flesh calls for

    immediate reconsideration. The grass is patchy, with large swaths

    toward the devil's marc

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    NE Small outsider (goblinoid, native)

    Init+2; Sensesscent, see in darkness; Perception +7DEFENSE

    AC17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1dodge, +1 size)

    hp22 (4d10)

    Fort+1, Ref+6, Will+4


    Spd30 ft.

    Meleedagger +7 (1d3/19-20)

    Rangeddagger +7 (1d3)

    Special Attackssneak attack +2d6


    Str11, Dex15, Con11, Int10, Wis10, Cha10

    BaseAtk+4; CMB+3; CMD16

    FeatsDodge, Weapon Finesse

    SkillsAcrobatics +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge(planes) +7, Perception +7, Stealth +15, Survival +7 (+15

    tracking by scent); Racial Modifiers+2 Stealth, +8 Survivalwhen tracking by scent

    LanguagesCommon, Goblin

    SQinvisibility, meld into earth, recall daggers

    Gearmwk studded leather, 10 daggers


    Invisibility (Su)A belsamaug is invisible, as the spellimproved invisibility, in all but one circumstance: Only inareas of dim light resulting from moonlight is it visible.

    Meld into Earth (Su)With the sunrise, a belsamaug meldsinto whatever earth or stone it is standing on, leaving only a Tinybasalt stone to mark the place of its passing. When moonlightagain touches the stone, it vanishes and the belsamaug risesonce again to hunt. This power is automatic (it cannot be resistedby the belsamaug), and it takes 2 full rounds for the belsamaugto meld or to rise. During this time, the belsamaug is dazed. Thisability otherwise functions as the spell meld into stone.

    Should a belsamaugs basalt stone ever be destroyed, thebelsamaug is killed instantly. The stone has AC 7, hardness 8,20 hp, and break DC 26.

    Recall Daggers (Su)As a move action, a belsamaugcan recall any or all of its lost, thrown, or otherwise missingdaggers to their sheathes on its person. This ability functionsas the spell instant summons.

    of blighted and unnatural growth, which does indeed belie your

    initial impression.

    You hear the baying of hounds in the distance.

    As the PCs head deeper into the March, read the following:

    The charnel reek continues to assault your nostrils and seems less

    a product of recent corpses than a curse arising inherently from the

    ancient mounds of the dead. Half-buried in the straggling grasses

    and scrub bushes are the odd bits of rusted metals too deteriorated

    to still be called weapons or armor, along with the occasional ivory

    flash of long-dead bone.

    You still hear the baying of hounds. Sometimes you think they grow

    fainter, but on the whole, they have definitely moved closer to you.

    The PCs begin to enter a rockier, more broken part of the

    March. Ravines and gullies are part of the landscape in every

    direction, and huge, tilted rock slabs periodically rise out of

    the ground. Eventually, at some point, the PCs will find that

    their path unavoidably must take them through a ravine, its

    sheer cliff edges rising on either side but opening wider and

    growing flatter as they progress.


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    The Devils Marchsoil grossly poisoned with blood and an atmosphere swimming with evil spirits, Devils March supports littlelife in what, to all appearances, seems an hospitable, grassy plain. The March marked the front line for some ofthe largest battles of the Divine War. Regardless of the conditions of the plain, though, the peoples of Ghelspad

    best be wary, for it seems the titanspawn population of this region grows bolder by the day.Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Ghelspad

    Devils March is all but incapable of supporting life. From a safe distance, the plain appears grassy and healthy.However, everything down to the grasses [is] blighted. Nothing that is natural exists on the March; much of whatdoes is undead. It is not until travelers are less than a days journey away that the smell begins. Virtually nodivine races call the March home, although merchants from Fangsfall sometimes traverse the westernmost portionin order to shave off both time and shipping costs..

    Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Ghelspad

    The region known as the Devils March is a blighted, inhospitable place. While the scope of this adventure doesnot extend into an exploration of the March beyond a quick journey a day or two in, the GM should stress the illreputation and the hostile nature of the March.

    Plant life here tends to be sparse, coarse, and naturally defensive; thorns and toxins are common. Characterstrying to forage or hunt for food or find potable water on this journey will be sorely disappointed. (In game terms,all Survival checks made to find food or water here suffer a 10 penalty; the character can find food or waterfor one other person for every 3 points by which this check exceeds 20.) For the purpose of tracking, generallytreat all areas of the March as either firm or hard ground.

    Following rain storms, flash floods are also a possibility, and travel near streams or between steep walls ofstone increases the relative danger. For more information on environmental considerations, see Weather inthe Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. While not required, we also recommend referring to ChapterOne: Badlands in Wilderness & Wasteland: Scarred Lands Encounters.



    CE Medium undead

    Init+2; Senseslow-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., scent;Perception +7


    AC15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 natural)

    hp14 (2d8+5)

    Fort+1, Ref+3, Will+5

    Defensive Abilitieschannel resistance +2; Immuneundead traits


    Spd40 ft.

    Meleebite +4 (1d6+3 plus disease and paralysis)

    Special Attacksfrightful presence (howl, 60 ft., DC 12),paralysis (1d4 rds, DC 12, elves are immune)


    Str17, Dex15, Con, Int6, Wis14, Cha12

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+4; CMD16 (20 vs. trip)


    SkillsAcrobatics +3 (+11 jumping), Perception +7, Stealth+6, Survival +2 (+6 tracking by scent); Racial Modifiers+4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival when trackingby scent


    Disease (Su)A humanoid or a canine animal that dies ofghoul fever rises as a ghoul or a ghoul hound, respectively,

    at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul inthis way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. Itis not under the control of any other ghouls, but it hungersfor the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal ghoulin all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises asa ghast.

    Ghoul Fever:Biteinjury; saveFort DC 12; onset1 day;frequency1/day; effect1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage;cure2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based.

    toward the devil's marc

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    A Potential FoeThe half-elf warrior slain by the ghoul hounds is the lastsurvivor of an adventuring band that was set upon by a

    rogue necromancer. This foul wizard (who only entersinto this adventure if the GM so desires) sent a pack ofghoul hounds and a pair of acid shamblers after thehalf-elf and his party, and the hounds have since beentracking down the scattered survivors.

    As mentioned, the necromancer plays no explicitpart in the rest of this adventure. To aid the GM inintegrating such an enemy, however, additionalnotes have been provided when his or her suddenappearance or influence would not interrupt the

    overall flow of the story. The necromancers favoritetactic is to animate any creatures the party has killed

    and send them against the PCs once more. (Simplyapply the zombie or skeleton template to any suchcreatures, as needed.)

    Be judicious with this extra threat, of course; the partymight be overwhelmed by effectively having to fightevery creature they encounter twice from this pointforward. Remember also that the necromancer has nodirect connection to the Chasm of Flies or to the spider-eye goblin tribe inhabiting it, and he or she would be justas unwelcome there as the player characters themselves.


    Female or male human necromancer 6

    CE Medium humanoid (human)

    Init+1; SensesPerception +5


    AC12, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 deflection, +1 Dex)

    hp35 (6d6+12)

    Fort+4, Ref+3, Will+5


    Spd30 ft.

    Meleemwk dagger +4 (1d4/19-20)Rangeddart +4 (1d4)

    Special Attackspower over undead 4/day (DC 14,command undead only)

    Necromancer Spell-Like Abilities(CL 6th;concentration +10)

    6/daybolster(+2 bonus)

    Necromancer Spells Prepared(CL 6th; concentration+10)

    3rdgaseous form, lesser animate dead (x2),ray ofexhaustionN(DC 18)


    (DC 17), blur,detect thoughts(DC 15), silent charm person(DC 14)

    1stcause fearN(DC 16), color spray (DC 14), ray ofenfeeblement (DC 16), sleep (DC 14)

    0 (at will)detect magic, light,resistance, touch offatigue(DC 15)

    Nnecromancy (undead) school, bonus spell;Opposition Schools:conjuration, evocation


    Str10, Dex13, Con14, Int17, Wis10, Cha10

    BaseAtk+3; CMB+3; CMD15

    FeatsCommand UndeadB, Greater Spell Focus(necromancy)B, Scribe ScrollB, Silent Spell, Spell Focus

    (necromancy)B, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (ray)SkillsKnowledge (arcana, history, religion) +13,Intimidate +7, Linguistics +8, Perception +5, Spellcraft+12, Stealth +7

    LanguagesAbyssal, Common, Goblin, Infernal, Zathisk

    Combat Gear5 darts, potion of cure light wounds,scroll of false life, 3 onyx gems (100 gp each); OtherGearmwk dagger, ring of protection +1, spellcomponent pouch, scholars outfit (black robes)

    Spellbook All prepared, plus 0all cantrips exceptthose from evocation and transmutation schools;1stalarm, unseen servant, vanish; 2nddarkvision,invisibility; 3rdundead anatomy I

    Read aloud:

    The tiniest sound echoes off the walls of the ravine. Your

    imagination, unsettled by the ever-present hints of necrosis

    throughout the March, fills your head with all sorts of sinister

    possibilities regarding the source of those sounds.

    Suddenly, ahead of you, a battered and bleeding humanoid

    form lurches through a gap between some shattered boulders and

    scrambles toward your party. A noise somewhere between a call

    for help and the raving of a lunatic bleats from its throat. As

    it flails desperately up the sloped ravine wall in your direction,

    you realize it is a man, but a man in dire straitstorn, bloody,

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    and staggering. Dry bones crunch and scatter across its path.

    You realize with a start that the gravel littering the floor of the

    ravine is actually pulverized bone and animal detritus.

    As you watch, aghast, from perhaps a hundred feet away, roiling

    blisters fester, burst, and reform on the poor mans flesh. The

    noises he makes are little more than wet, choking gasps, and yourealize that part of his face has melted away, as if eaten by acid,

    leaving a mask of blood and raw tissue.

    Then, seemingly from nowhere, two great hounds leap from the

    rocks to either side and smash the man to the ground, quickly

    ripping whats left of him in pieces with violent jerks of their

    thick necks. Fortunately, you have the impression that there was

    no kinder fate your party could have offered him at this point.

    The hounds look balefully up at you as they crouch over their prey,

    bits of gore spilling from their diseased jowls. You feel yourself being

    sized up as they coldly, mechanically chew their kill. Now, given a

    moment to reflect, you can see the glint of bone jutting from obviously

    undead flesh. They raise their heads and howl in discordant unison.


    The ghoul hounds soon leap to the attack if the PCs do

    not attack them first. They fight until destroyed.

    Encounter Level 3 (800 XP)

    Ghoul hounds (2): hp 14, 13

    Treasure:At the GMs discretion, the body of the slain man,

    actually a half-elf warrior, can possess any sort of minor item

    the party may need; if one or more PCs have been infected by

    ghoul fever, consider having them find a potion of cure disease

    or two on the body.

    Any attempt to identify the unfortunate man is simply

    unsuccessful: the damage is too severe. The ragged state of

    any equipment on him that wasnt mangled by the hounds

    suggests he lost his gear in a panicked flight and has been

    fleeing through the Devils March for at least a day or two.


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    The Chasm of Flies is a ragged slash cut into a torn and

    rocky area of outthrust tors and low hills. During Spiragos

    attack on Vangal, the Ambusher miscalculated an opportunity

    for a killing stroke, and struck violently at Vangal with one

    of its eight limbs. The force of the blow was such that, when

    Vangal dodged aside, the dagger smashed into the earth and

    Spiragos arm sank in up to its elbow.

    As Spiragos struggled against the earths grip, Vangal slashed

    through its forearm and rained several punishing blows down

    upon the crippled lesser titan. The tide of the battle was thus

    turned in the favor of the Ravager, and the Ambusher was

    driven across the March. Spiragos hand was thus left buried

    deep in the hole it had carved through the living rock, and

    Vangal, caring nothing for the spoils of war, moved swiftly

    on to further acts of carnage.

    As the flesh of the titan grew foul and turned to rot, flies

    feasting upon it gave rise to colonies, breeding millions of

    their maggots in the cool, dark chasm. Over the next several

    decades, though no other area of the March offered sufficient

    nourishment to sustain even a flys life, the putrid titan flesh

    warped and perverted the insects into ravenous, hawk-sized


    Even the flesh of the titanic arm could offer only a limited

    supply of sustenance, however. In time, the buzzing denizens

    of the chasm found themselves suddenly without a viable food

    source. Within a relatively brief period of time, something

    akin to natural order began to reassert itself. Although no

    common arachnid would have survived one hour against the

    beastly flies, grown fat on titanic essence, a breed of giant

    spiders moved in and the flies gradually lost ground to the

    superior predators. In nearly as few decades as it had taken

    to clean away the flesh of Spriagos, the flies themselves were

    devoured or driven off.

    Other than occasional wanderers or headstrong adventurers

    seeking artifacts of the Divine War, no sentient living creature

    laid eyes upon the bottom of the Chasm of Flies for nearly

    a full century after the fall of Spiragos. So it remained until

    a small group of spider-eye goblins descended from a tribe

    loyal to Spiragos found the chasm; they tamed, or, at least

    overpowered the giant arachnids that dwelt there. These

    goblins made their new home in the chasm and now use it as

    a base for their raids into the more civilized lands to the south.

    Several generations of the goblins have now occupied the

    chasm by the time the party arrives, each generation fortifying

    the entrance to their stronghold in Spiragoss gauntlet with

    rubble and traps.

    Read to the players this description of the upper area:

    As you work your way around a great tor of broken boulders and

    slabs of rock, you see before you an enormous rift torn in the earth.

    Surely this is the so-called Chasm of Flies. Two tattered rope bridges

    sag across the gaping expanse, while a third hangs from one end

    into the chasm below. As you approach the ledge, an acrid updraft

    wafts skyward from the depths. Peering down into it, you can see

    ragged stone walls that drop away into the shadows below. You

    can just make out tattered swaths of massive spider webs hanging

    from the walls or stretching across the chasm in layers further down.

    At this point, or as the PCs examine the chasm, each may

    make a Perception check: Read all applicable results to the

    player of the character with the highest result.

    the chasm of i

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    DC 9:From what you can see in the first 30 or 40 feet, the

    rock walls look very rough and pitted, with crevices, holes, and

    chimneys that might aid in climbing. Of course, those holes

    could also hide enemies or dangerous creatures of various sizes.

    DC 13:A rank odor arises from the chasm, but there isalso a hint of cooking fires wafting up from below. One of

    the intact rope bridges is composed, at least in part, of thick

    strands of spider silk; it looks like you can traverse the thing

    without fear of getting stuck.

    DC 17:Some of the swaths of webbing below seem to move

    against the more general air currents; something other than the

    wind appears to be moving them. Just poking through the webs,

    perhaps 15 or 20 feet below, you see what may be the tops of

    large stone columns or perhaps massive stalagmites jutting up

    from deeper in the chasm. You glimpse a brief whiff of smoke

    wafting upward around one of them, but it quickly dissipates.

    DC 21:But for the wind, the place is dead silent. For a

    moment, though, you are certain you heard a skittering

    sound, as if some great clawed or spined legs were scrabbling

    against stone.

    Vertical Adventuring

    The Chasm is an unusual place to explore in that its

    primarily a vertical space. This situation provides unique

    challenges to the PCs, as detailed below, but also for the GM

    and players as all parties try to orient themselves on the map.

    Weve provided both a standard, top-down map of several

    cross-sections of the Chasm and also side view maps to help

    place the characters and their challenges.

    Both players and GM alike are advised to review theAcrobatics and Climb skills and all rules for climbing,

    balancing, hanging, swinging, and so on, and also the rules

    for fighting while undertaking these actions.

    Be aware that falling down the Chasm is actually much

    less hazardous than it might sound, since anyone falling will

    almost certainly be caught, eventually, by spider web sheeting.

    However, not also that characters caught in this manner are

    likely to alert the Chasm inhabitants, or at least the spiders

    who built the webs.

    What Did That Thing Say?

    The spider-eye goblins speak a debased dialect of Goblin,

    blended with a smattering of Titanspeech and some crude

    words from the Common (Ledean) tongue. Their speech is

    also punctuated with odd clicks and hisses. In combat, they

    have evolved a clicking and chittering battle language, but

    also enjoy taunting their opponents in their nasty version of

    Common phrases and insults.

    Interacting with the spider-eye goblins (whether fighting with

    them, fleeing from them, watching them flee, or whatever else


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    may occur) might allow the GM to divulge tactical information

    to characters who understand the language. This also allows

    for the possibility of expanding on the lore of the place if

    any player characters wear markings of certain gods or call

    upon those deities for their blessings while within earshot

    of an opponent.In particular, Chasm inhabitants hate Vangal outright, for it

    was he who maimed and then eventually slew Spiragos. They

    might also loathe Belsameth, who fatally wounded Spiragos

    commanding titan, Kadum. Only advanced loremasters would

    be able to discuss intelligently the titanic genealogy of the

    spider-eye goblin, but the physiological similarity to Spiragos

    and the fact that the titan effectively created their dwelling

    is an obvious connection.

    As noted in the appendix under the description of spider-

    eye goblins, any PC who is trained in Knowledge (nature) can

    make a DC 15 skill check to learn that spider-eye goblins aregenerally known to worship the goddess of vengeance, Sethris.

    Or at least it has been that way since the end of the Divine

    War. Closely tied to spiders and arachnid symbology as she

    is, this makes sense.

    Later on, however, the party will discover evidence to suggest

    that this particular tribe worships Spiragos itself, and not

    Sethris. Is it possible that these goblins actually sprang from

    Spiragos himself, or were twisted into their current form by

    him during the long centuries before the Titanswar? A lone

    goblin tribe shifting from a living goddess to a long-dead

    lesser titan might have some major religious ramifications.

    Further, how likely is it that Sethris would respond to

    invocations or repentant appeals from her prodigal sons and

    daughters? Would the party benefit from invoking that cruel

    goddess herself while interacting with the goblins below? These

    are questions mainly for the party to debate amongst itself, if

    indeed they are keen enough to pick up on the information

    as it becomes relevant.

    The decision to draw upon and develop the theological

    considerations of the goblin tribe in a mechanical way is, as

    always, up to the individual GM.

    Optional Encounter:Spider-Eye Goblin Scout

    If the GM desires, as the party first surveys the Chasm, they

    can be confronted by a spider-eye goblin warrior mounted

    on a giant spider. The warrior is heading out to scout the

    surrounding countryside.

    As noted further into this chapter, goblins and spiders can

    also attack at virtually any point during the PCs descent.



    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Male or female spider-eye goblin warrior 1Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +8


    AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1size)

    hp13 (2d10+2)

    Fort+3, Ref+4, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +5 (1d3+1), bite +5 (1d3+1 plus poison)

    Rangedjavelin +5 (1d4+1)STATISTICS

    Str13, Dex14, Con12, Int6, Wis11, Cha7

    BaseAtk+2; CMB+2; CMD14 (16 vs. trip)

    FeatsWeapon Finesse

    SkillsClimb +13, Perception +8, Ride +8, Stealth +12;Racial Modifiers+4 Perception, +2 Ride, +2 Stealth


    Gear4 javelins


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 12; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Dex; cure1 save.


    The spider-eye goblin and its steed use the terrain to great

    advantage, attacking from above and then climbing up beyond

    reach whenever possible.

    If it is clearly outclassed or should its mount be killed, the

    warrior attempts to flee and hide until it can creep back down

    to its tribe below and warn them. Strangely, it does not call

    out to alert its comrades immediately upon engaging or being

    engaged by the players, nor will it make any more noise than

    absolutely necessary when fleeing. Creatures here seem to

    have elevated stealth and ambush attacks from mere tactics

    and strategy to almost reverent virtues.

    Encounter Level 3 (XP 800)

    Spider-eye goblin warrior (1): hp 12

    Giant wolf spider (1): hp 17

    the chasm of i

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    Spiragoss RemainsIt is up to the GM when to reveal the fact that the columnsare Spiragoss bones, and ultimately that the spider-eyegoblin fastness is actually inside the titans sunken gauntlet.

    The descriptions here are worded so that the mystery ofjust what these structures are can be maintained until thevery end of the adventure, if desired. At this point, thebones are literally all thats left of Spiragos, and any titanblood or marrow was devoured by flies, carved awayby goblins, or simply dried up long ago.

    If the GM wishes, however, it could be that small pocketsof ichor still exist somewhere deep inside the Chasm. Thismight add a bit of flavor when setting the scene for aparticular encounter, or it could offer devious players achance to acquire valuable and dangerous titans blood(see Relics & Rituals,page 208). The hazards that doingso would bring down upon their heads is, of course, left

    to the GM to decide.

    now form narrow passageways that the spider-eye goblins use

    to travel up and down.

    As the PCs approach the iron walls of Spiragoss gauntlet,

    roughly 100 feet down into the Chasm, unless the goblins

    below have been alerted to the intruders presence, the thin

    smoke of cooking fires wafting up from below should become

    readily apparent.

    Climbing Down

    The difficulty for standard Climb checks in the Upper

    Chasm begins at DC 10 for the first 50 feet, then increases to

    DC 15 for the second 50 feet, as the holes and rough patches

    in the walls grow further apart.

    Characters climbing down using a rope tied off above can

    do so with a DC 5 check.

    The GM should adjudicate the relative difficulty of any

    other methods of descent.

    As the players begin their descent, however they go about

    it, read this:

    The light from above, diffused by layers of thick webbing, dimly

    reveals two immense columns that angle down deeper into the

    shadows of the Chasm. You think perhaps they might be petrified

    tree trunks, although they are truly massive: about 25 feet in cross-

    section! Webs are strung everywhere, running from these massive

    columns across to the walls of the Chasm.

    Here and there you spot swollen, bulbous masses of silk dotting the

    great tangled webs. The exposed, rusted corner of a battleaxe poking



    N Medium vermin

    Init+3; Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;Perception +4


    AC14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural)

    hp16 (3d8+3)

    Fort+4, Ref+4, Will+1

    Immunevermin traits


    Spd30 ft., climb 30 ft.

    Meleebite +2 (1d6 plus poison)


    Str11, Dex17, Con12, Int, Wis10, Cha2

    BaseAtk+2; CMB+2; CMD15 (27 vs. trip)

    SkillsAcrobatics +11 (+19 jumping), Climb +16,Perception +4, Stealth +7 (+11 when stationary); RacialModifiers+8 Acrobatics (+16 jumping), +16 Climb, +4Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 when stationary)


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 14; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Str; cure1 save.

    The Upper Chasm

    Except during the day time in the very upper reachesthe

    first 30 feet or sothe Chasm is dimly lit at all times;

    the billowing sheets of webbing stretch across, blocking the

    sunlight from above. In any case, given the high walls of the

    chasm, sunlight shines down directly only at noon. During

    any time of day other than for a few hours around high noon,

    treat the entire shaft as being dimly lit.

    The walls are less rough and cracked as one descends than

    they were right near the chasms upper edge, yet the rock

    walls in this section (i.e., before reaching the upper edge of

    Spiragoss gauntlet) contain more large holes and crevices

    at random. Climbing should thus become suitably harderwithout ropes and other climbing gear. Running at an angle

    down deeper into the Chasm are two massive stone columns

    roughly 25 feet thick.

    While the players will not realize it unless they have sufficient

    knowledge or insight to do so, these columns are actually

    the severed forearm bones of Spiragos. The bones, which

    continue down through the wrist, hand, and fingers below,

    were hollowed out after the Chasm flies had been purged or

    driven out and the giant spiders had been mastered. They

    the chasm of i

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    out from one such bundle bears testament to the remains of ill-fated

    wanderers who came before you. Well outside your reach and long

    decayed, their names and deeds are forever lost to history. You consider

    a silent prayer that the webs choking this place hold less tightly to lost

    souls than to bodies. It then occurs to you that the departed could

    not have progressed much farther than you already have.

    Following one web with your eyes, you notice that the nature of

    the walls has changed as well. They are smoother and probably

    harder to climb, with large holes and crevices appearing randomly.

    The surface of the columns looks to be pitted and may be easier

    to traverse.

    The Columns

    As the PCs descend, if they are within 20 feet of one of the

    massive columns, they may each make a DC 15 Perception

    check to notice one or more openings in the columns that looklarge enough for a Small creature to fit through. These openings

    have been carved out of Spiragoss stony bones, allowing the

    goblins to enter and exit them, using the bone shafts as tunnels

    to climb unnoticed up and down the chasm.

    Any time the GM decides goblins are moving up or down

    the bones when the PCs are within 20 feet of such an opening,

    allow each character a DC 20 Perception check to notice

    movement from within one of the holes.

    The holes in the walls are used by chasm spiders as nests.

    The spiders wont attack unless their nests are invaded or a PC

    spends at least 2 full rounds on the same stretch of webbing

    outside a nest. Depending on how frequently these holes

    are encountered, and how hungry or aggressive the spiders

    are, the players may find themselves unable to stop and rest.

    Note too that if the players are unable to rest for a significant

    period of time, the rigors of the descent may eventually make

    them exhausted or fatigued (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

    Core Rulebook, Conditions).

    If at any point a PC enters one of the columns, read this:

    The surface of these stone columns is rough and pitted. It seems

    likely that they would provide easy hand and footholds naturally,

    but the insides consist of tunnels bored through a petrified poroussubstance. What you once thought might be the mineralized forms

    of ancient tree trunks now appears to be a material not unlike

    sea coral. Tightly woven webs have been draped along some of

    the passageways, but you can divine no readily apparent purpose

    for them.

    Within each of the columns lurks a grim puppeteer spider

    that serves as a sort of guard dog for the spider-eye goblins;

    while not fully tamed or trained by the goblins, they do dwell



    N Medium magical beast

    Init+3; Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +10


    AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)

    hp26 (4d10+4)

    Fort+5, Ref+7, Will+3


    Spd30 ft., climb 30 ft.

    Meleebite +6 (1d6+2 plus poison)

    Special Attacksgrim puppetry, web (+7 ranged, DC15, hp 8)


    Str15, Dex17, Con12, Int6, Wis15, Cha11BaseAtk+4; CMB+6; CMD19 (31 vs. trip)

    FeatsAbility Focus (web), Skill Focus (Bluff)

    SkillsBluff +9, Climb +18, Perception +10, Stealth +11(+15 in webs); Racial Modifiers+4 Bluff, +16 Climb, +4Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in webs)


    Grim Puppetry (Ex)The grim puppeteer uses its webstrands to manipulate the bodies of its slain victims asif they were marionettes; in addition, the puppeteer iscapable of mimicking non-verbal human and animalsounds to complete the illusion. A character viewing thispuppetry may make a Sense Motive check opposed to

    the grim puppeteers Bluff check to determine that thereis something unnatural about the puppets movement orsounds.

    Grim puppeteers use corpses in cunning and appropriateways: a female humanoids corpse may be used to lure ayoung male hunter of the same species, or a jungle catsfavorite prey animal may be dangled to get the felinewithin range of the puppeteers thrown web. The grimpuppeteer knows instinctively how to best use its puppetto fool a passerby, so an animal corpse will appear lame,an easy target for a hunter or predator; or a humanoidbody might make moan as if in pain and make vaguegestures, or perhaps it might appear to hide furtivelybehind the puppeteers tree.

    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 15; frequency1/round for 5 rounds; effect1d3 Str; cure2 saves. The saveDC is Constitution-based; the grim puppeteer receives a+2 racial bonus to this DC.

    in harmony here. The grim puppeteers use the corpse or the

    skeleton of a fallen adventurer as a puppet to attempt to fool

    the PCs into believing there is a living member of the divine

    races cringing in fear just around the corner. Once the players


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    Restless DeadIf the rogue necromancer responsible for the ghoul houndsback at the ravine has become a factor in this campaign,and if he or she is still alive, the GM may consider

    reanimating some of the dead goblin warriors or giantspiders to harass or simply unsettle the party. This is onlyrecommended for higher-level PCs, and even then onlyif they are finding the challenges already laid out to besomewhat lacking.

    Aside from goblins, skeletal warriors might suddenlycut themselves free from the webs, drop all around theparty, and then rise to the attack with ancient, rustedweaponsor they might simply remain stuck in theirwrappings, writhing and rattling, bemoaning their fatesand grasping futilely in the direction of a random PC.

    For added suspense, perhaps a member of the party issuddenly clutched by a bound, hanging skeleton, whobeseeches the character for help in a faint, reedy whisperthat attracts the attention of nearby chasm spiders, orworse. (Assume that only one of the skeletons handsis free and thus grant the PC a +5 bonus to escape thegrapple.) The skeleton itself is unlikely to inflict any actualdamage, as it remains encumbered by the webbing.

    There is no particular benefit in attempting to free theremains of fallen adventurers from the webs. In alllikelihood, at worst, they would only tumble down, getup, and attack the party as mentioned above. Everythingthat resides in the Chasm of Flies for an extended periodof time cannot help but be influenced by the essence of theAmbusher. Any valuables would have been scavenged

    by the goblins long ago.Again, all of this is entirely optional, as the roguenecromancer need not necessarily appear in theadventure at all.

    have been fooled, the grim puppeteer focuses all its efforts

    against whichever PC first attempts to assist the puppet.

    If the rogue necromancer has been persecuting the party

    (see Restless Dead above), characters might believe the

    puppeteers corpses to be animated undead. If so, run with it

    and let them find out the hard way what is really going on here.Grim puppeteers (1 per column): hp 26 each

    Encounter #1:Agitated Chasm Spiders

    Once the PCs are about half-way through the upper chasm

    and into the webbing layersroughly 50 to 60 feet down

    from the surfacethey must each make a DC 10 Stealth check



    N Small vermin

    Init+2; Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;Perception +4


    AC14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)

    hp11 (2d8+2)

    Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+0

    Immunevermin traits


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Meleebite +2 (1d4 plus poison)

    Special Attacksweb (+5 ranged, DC 12, hp 2)


    Str10, Dex17, Con12, Int, Wis10, Cha2

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+0; CMD12 (24 vs. trip)

    SkillsClimb +16, Perception +4 (+8 in webs), Stealth+10 (+14 in webs); Racial Modifiers+16 Climb, +4Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in webs)


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 14; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Str; cure1 save.

    the chasm of i

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    in addition to any Climb checks (as appropriate) to move

    through the webs carefully. If a character fails this check, but

    not by 5 or more, then the spiders in the area are alerted to

    the PCs presence, but they do not yet move to attack.

    If any character fails by 5 or more, the spiders scuttle forth

    to attack.


    Chasm spiders swarm toward the least stealthy PC(s), using

    their climb speed to outmaneuver climbing or balancing PCs

    and to attack from multiple directions.

    Unlike the larger mounted giant wolf spiders, these creatures

    do not seem terribly involved in the lives of the spider-eye goblins.

    While they serve as a convenient security system, they are naturally

    reclusive, silent, and either wild or feral. Thus, there is no fear

    of a desperate chasm spider running away to alert the goblins.

    They are only interested in eating and defending their nests.

    Encounter Level 3 (XP 1,000)

    Chasm spiders (5): hp 16, 13, 11, 7, 5

    Encounter #2:Spider-Eye Goblin Defense

    The agitation of the chasm spiders never goes entirely

    unnoticed by the spider-eye goblins below on the

    guard post level (see The Fastness in the next


    Once the characters reach this pointjust

    above the top edge of the iron gauntlet, roughly

    80 or 90 feet into the chasmthe disturbance

    prompts several spider-eye goblin

    defenders led by a mounted goblin

    raidmaster to circle upward and

    attack the PCs.

    Encounter Level 5 (1,800


    Raidmaster (1): hp 19

    Spider-eye goblins (4): hp 10,6, 6, 4

    Giant wolf spider (1): hp 21

    The Iron Walls

    When the PCs have

    descended just a little

    over 100 feet into the chasm,

    the material of the walls changes very

    suddenly from natural stone to a dark grey, barely glinting metallic

    surface. It is almost entirely devoid of pock marks or blemishes and

    as hard as iron.

    Climbing here, due to the sheer nature of the walls, is

    much more difficult. The base Climb DC is 20, although

    characters using ropes or climbing along the sticky webs willhave an easier time, with a Climb DC 5 (although the latter

    may find themselves moving extremely slowly as they get stuck

    repeatedly and have to pull themselves free).

    Because the walls here are of iron, it is almost impossible

    to benefit from using climbing pitons, and thus ropes must

    be attached above the top edge of Spiragoss gauntlet.

    The Fastness

    Having now descended to roughly 100 feet, well beyond where

    the mouth of the Chasm is obscured by webbing above, the

    PCs are now surrounded by almost complete darkness. Light isvisible above, but it makes no difference here, where it is almost

    impossible for a human to see her own hand in front of her face.


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    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Male spider-eye goblin ranger 2Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +9


    AC17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +2natural, +1 size)

    hp19 (3d10+3)

    Fort+4, Ref+7, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +7 (1d3+1), bite +6 (1d3+1 plus poison)

    Rangedjavelin +6 (1d4+1)Special Attacksfavored enemy +2 (human)


    Str13, Dex14, Con12, Int7, Wis11, Cha6

    BaseAtk+3; CMB+3; CMD15 (17 vs. trip)

    FeatsMounted CombatB, Weapon Finesse, WeaponFocus (claw)

    SkillsAcrobatics +7, Climb +13, Perception +9, Ride +9,Stealth +12, Survival +5 (+6 tracking); Racial Modifiers+4 Perception, +2 Ride, +2 Stealth


    SQtrack +1, wild empathy +1 (vermin, not animals)

    Gearleather armor, 2 javelinsSPECIAL ABILITIES

    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 12; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Dex; cure1 save.



    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +8


    AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1size)

    hp5 (1d10)

    Fort+0, Ref+4, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +4 (1d3), bite +4 (1d3 plus poison)

    Rangeddart +4 (1d3)

    STATISTICSStr11, Dex14, Con10, Int8, Wis11, Cha9

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+0; CMD12 (14 vs. trip)

    FeatsWeapon Finesse

    SkillsAcrobatics +3, Climb +8, Perception +8, Ride +4,Stealth +8, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers+4 Perception,+2 Ride, +2 Stealth


    Gear4 darts


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 10; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Dex; cure1 save.

    Once the party passes the metal rim lining the stone wall

    above, the diameter of the place also seems a little reduced,

    being somewhat wider open above. The strange stony columns

    still descend through this entire area; here, they have been

    used by the spider-eye goblins as struts for a series of crude

    wooden structures built out over the edge of the metal rim

    running in a perfect line around the chasm.Extending across the area and thus connecting the small

    wooden buildings are makeshift platforms and ramparts that

    close off the lowest reaches. As elsewhere, spider silk strands and

    spider webbing has been used to glue the supports and planks

    to the metal walls and seal the gaps in the woodwork. Thus, only

    the interior of the columns allows access to the deeper areas.

    This is the entrance to the spider-eye goblins fastness.

    Because of the multiple wooden structures, support ropes,

    webs, and web sheeting, the PCs are unable to see the extent of

    the metal funnel extending for another 130 feet or so below.

    When the PCs reach the wooden platforms, read the following:

    The chasm grows narrower as you descend. Through the thick sheets

    of webbing, you note the glint of metal along the tightening walls;

    a metallic tang fills your nostrils, and every sound seems to echo

    dully from below, as if from the inside of a church bell.

    Just below, a network of roughly hewn logs and scavenged bits of

    wood radiates out from the stone columns, forming what can only bedescribed as a tremendous platform filling the chasm belowalthough

    calling it a platform is perhaps generous. The wood is lashed together

    crudely with ropes spun from spider silk, and here and there pieces

    of wagons and other worked wood, small boulders, rope ladders, and

    sheets of spider webbing have been added in no particularly organized

    fashion, block the view and hindering access to the areas below.

    Once youve read the description above, allow each PC to make

    a DC 15 Perception check to notice movement on the lattice of

    the chasm of i

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    logs below. If any character gets a 20 or higher on this check, he

    or she also notices a tiny, rough wooden structure connected to

    the platform against the nearest chasm wall; inside, the character

    notices movement of some small creature, probably a goblin.

    Guard PostsThere are actually eight such buildings around the

    circumference of the chasm, located about every 60 feet along

    the outer edge of the gauntlets iron rim. These are the goblins

    upper guard posts. Because of the webs strewn throughout

    the area, it is virtually impossible to see more than one guard

    post at a time visibility here, even with a bright light source, is

    effectively about 30 feet, maximum. Anything beyond 15 feet

    has concealment.

    Each guard post contains 1d3-1 spider-eye goblins, with a

    total of 9 goblins in all. (If the PCs encounter and defeat all

    nine of them, then the rest of the guard posts are empty.)

    The rest of the tribe dwells below, in the lower caverns.

    Encounter Level (Varies) (1800 XP total)

    Spider-eye goblins (9 total): hp 5 each



    N Medium vermin

    Init+3; Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;Perception +4


    AC14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural)

    hp16 (3d8+3)

    Fort+4, Ref+4, Will+1

    Immunevermin traits


    Spd30 ft., climb 30 ft.

    Meleebite +2 (1d6 plus poison)


    Str11, Dex17, Con12, Int, Wis10, Cha2

    BaseAtk+2; CMB+2; CMD15 (27 vs. trip)SkillsAcrobatics +11 (+19 jumping), Climb +16,Perception +4, Stealth +7 (+11 when stationary); Racial

    Modifiers+8 Acrobatics (+16 jumping), +16 Climb,+4 Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 when stationary)


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 14; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Str; cure1 save.

    Getting Down

    There are two ways the PCs can get down past this level,assuming they either sneak past or slay the goblin guards here.

    Trapdoors:A character who searches the platform (DC 20

    Perception) notices that some of the patches of webbing conceal

    hidden trapdoors. These doors are held shut by masses of

    webbing, and each requires a DC 23 Strength check to wrench

    open, or 15 points of damage (hardness 5) to smash through.

    Columns: As noted previously, the chasms two massive

    columns have been hollowed out to create a series of vertical

    tunnels for the spider-eye goblins. Characters of Medium

    size may find these tunnels uncomfortably tight, but they are

    able to squeeze through. Larger characters cannot fit into thecolumn tunnels.

    Note that characters who enter the tunnels here will have

    bypassed the grim puppeteer guardians above, but those spiders

    are quite cunning, and if they sense a disturbance in the columns

    below, they may move downward to investigate. Failing that,

    they may be lying in wait for the PCs to come back up through

    the columns.


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    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +8


    AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1size)

    hp5 (1d10)

    Fort+0, Ref+4, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision

    OFFENSESpd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +4 (1d3), bite +4 (1d3 plus poison)

    Rangeddart +4 (1d3)


    Str11, Dex14, Con10, Int8, Wis11, Cha9

    BaseAtk+1; CMB+0; CMD12 (14 vs. trip)

    FeatsWeapon Finesse

    SkillsAcrobatics +3, Climb +8, Perception +8, Ride +4,Stealth +8, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers+4 Perception,+2 Ride, +2 Stealth


    Gear4 darts


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 10; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Dex; cure1 save.

    the chasm of i

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    If the player characters make enough of a commotion as they

    approach or pass through the guard post level, it is entirely

    possible that the goblin guards will have sent a runner below

    to warn the tribethat is the guards role, after all.

    This is the main living area of the goblin tribe: a huge,

    metal-walled space dominated by an immense pile of boulders

    honeycombed with narrow passages. If the players have not

    already guessed it, the upper levels of the Chasm were largely

    unpatrolled and left to the wild chasm spiders. The PCs

    have now pushed through what amounted to a passive early

    warning system and are now in a heavily engineered maze,the result of long term, deliberate engineering by titanspawn

    who clearly do not wish to receive guests and for whom the

    art of ambushing is not only a survival skill but a religious


    Every goblin and spider from this point on will be actively

    and intelligently working to distract, disorient, and dispatch

    the party.

    Assuming the PCs look down into this area from above

    and have a light source bright enough, read the following:

    Pausing briefly to look down, you see only darkness with occasionalreflected glints far below. By that evidence and the cavernous sound,

    youd guess that the space below is vast, perhaps 100 feet or more

    down. The only light is your own, although a dim radiance reflects

    from the metallic walls themselves. If there are torches lit below,

    you cannot see them.

    Through drapes of spider webs, you can see that the walls are made

    of the same iron as the walls of the checkpoint above. While the

    subtle metallic tang you noticed earlier still permeates the air, the

    rank odor of goblinoids combines with the dry, foul stench of their

    pet spiders to overpower your nostrils.

    You can see some knotted spider silk ropes nearby that dangle

    down into the darkness below. As above, the entirety of the upper

    chamber is filled with thick layers of webs. These pulse and shift

    occasionally, suggesting the movement of the grotesque spiders

    within them.

    From below, you hear a mix of primitive chittering and Goblin-


    Amid the boulders below, many small, irregular sleeping

    chambers have been fashioned between the fallen and partially

    hewn stones, wherever space permits. The children and other

    noncombatant members of the tribe hide within these crevices,

    ready to clamber out through the roof passage and escape into

    the chasm. Several giant wolf spiders are trained to aid in just

    these sorts of evacuations, and those bearing precious young

    goblins avoid combat unless attacked directly.

    Goblin Defense

    The combat-ready adults and warriors of the tribe harry

    intruders with darts and javelins as they descend. The descentfrom the guard level to the tip of the boulder pile below is

    75 feet in total.

    In order to climb down to the top of the boulder mound

    using the goblins knotted ropes, the PCs must make DC 5

    Climb checks. While climbing, characters lose their Dexterity

    bonus to AC (if any) and cannot use shields. If a character

    takes damage while climbing, she must make a new DC 5

    Climb check to avoid falling.


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    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Male spider-eye goblin ranger 2Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +9


    AC17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +2natural, +1 size)

    hp19 (3d10+3)

    Fort+4, Ref+7, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +7 (1d3+1), bite +6 (1d3+1 plus poison)

    Rangedjavelin +6 (1d4+1)Special Attacksfavored enemy +2 (human)


    Str13, Dex14, Con12, Int7, Wis11, Cha6

    BaseAtk+3; CMB+3; CMD15 (17 vs. trip)

    FeatsMounted CombatB, Weapon Finesse, WeaponFocus (claw)

    SkillsAcrobatics +7, Climb +13, Perception +9, Ride +9,Stealth +12, Survival +5 (+6 tracking); Racial Modifiers+4 Perception, +2 Ride, +2 Stealth


    SQtrack +1, wild empathy +1 (vermin, not animals)

    Gearleather armor, 2 javelinsSPECIAL ABILITIES

    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 12; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Dex; cure1 save.



    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Male or female spider-eye goblin warrior 1Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +8


    AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1size)

    hp13 (2d10+2)

    Fort+3, Ref+4, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +5 (1d3+1), bite +5 (1d3+1 plus poison)

    Rangedjavelin +5 (1d4+1)STATISTICS

    Str13, Dex14, Con12, Int6, Wis11, Cha7

    BaseAtk+2; CMB+2; CMD14 (16 vs. trip)

    FeatsWeapon Finesse

    SkillsClimb +13, Perception +8, Ride +8, Stealth +12;Racial Modifiers+4 Perception, +2 Ride, +2 Stealth


    Gear4 javelins


    Poison (Ex)Biteinjury; saveFort DC 12; frequency1/round for 4 rounds; effect1d2 Dex; cure1 save.

    Note that, while descending, the PCs do not enjoy the same

    protection from falling damage here that was afforded them

    by the copious amount of webbing in the Upper Chasm.

    Here, the webbing hangs only in the uppermost sections of

    the cavern, on the bottom side of the guard platform.

    Aside from taking falling damage, a character who fallsassuming he or she survivesis also separated from the main

    group by a considerable distance and thus vulnerable to being

    swarmed by goblins.

    The value of afeather fallspell here cannot be overstated,

    and a good GM might even suggest to the players that taking

    the time to prepare for the descent is a wise choice. But there

    is danger in landing safely, yet alone, among a dozen or so

    goblins as well.

    Encounter Level 5 (XP 2,200)

    Raidmaster (1): hp 15

    Spider-eye goblin warrior (1): hp 14

    Spider-eye goblins (6): hp 8, 8, 8, 6, 4, 4

    Keep careful track of what goblins survive here, for they

    will assault the PCs again soon.

    Once the PCs make it all the way down to the floor of the

    chamber, the remaining goblins retreat to the tunnels, hopingto draw the PCs in after them.

    Great Goblin Mound

    The great mound in which the majority of the tribe dwells

    takes up almost the entirety of the lower floor of the cavern,

    rising nearly 50 feet from the floor at its highest point. It is

    made up not only of massive boulders, but other smaller rocks

    from the chasm and pieces of debris and detritus the spider-

    the iron caver

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    NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)

    Init+2; Sensesall-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.;Perception +8


    AC15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)

    hp5 (1d10)

    Fort+0, Ref+4, Will+2

    Defensive Abilitiesall-around vision


    Spd30 ft., climb 20 ft.

    Melee4 claws +4 (1d3), bite +4 (1d3 plus poison)

    Rangeddart +4