Gathering stories Task

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Gathering stories Task

AS MEDIA.G321 Coursework – Gathering


By Sasha, Lydia, Connor and Jack.

Sasha’s story:Headline:Update: Man found with head injuries in Grimsby remains in hospital.

-Update: A man was found with head injuries in a Grimsby street remains in hospital.-A man who has been identified as Jake Miller, lived locally around the Cooper Road and Ladysmith Road area. He was found by police in the early hours of the morning, around 4am, outside Betfred bookmakers. He is currently in hospital, Hull infirmary, in critical condition.-I chose this story for the radio broadcast because I thought it would give the listeners some serious information, it will make them aware of the crime happening in the local area and help them to look out for their safety.-Negativity is the main news value in this story, as it was an upsetting and traumatic past event. It would have affected local people such as the surrounding neighbors, and of course the man’s family and friends. This negativity is included in this story because it then shows how severe and serious it was to the members of the public. It is there to shock you and raise awareness.-The news story is first in the broadcast because it seems to be the most important, as it is a crime story. It shows the breaking news, the serious story first to get the bad news out to the audience as soon as possible.-I could perhaps interview a member of the public, someone who lives locally to where the even happened. I could ask them about how the situation affected them at the time. I could use a vox pop for this interview because the interview would be a short clip of dialogue.-The representations that could exist in this story are people from this area are violent, and like to cause trouble. It shows that this area is rough and full of crime, portraying Grimsby as a negative town.-Legal issues in this article would be crime and assault, as someone or somebody has caused physical harm to the victim. The police are involved, this makes it an official document that has been through the police’s body.-The ethical reasons: this story has issues which are morally wrong. The actions performed on the man was aggressive and very offensive. It would be considered as abuse.-This could be avoided by making it a little brighter, telling the public that the man will get better etc. I will not give my opinion on what I think about the issue, just inform what has happened by stating the facts. I’d make sure I wouldn’t talk about the gory details too much, so I wouldn’t upset the audience or the people who is familiar with the man.

Connor’s Story: Skint

· Skint in Grimsby: Episode 2 of Channel 4 documentary the least viewed programme on main five channels.· The people of Grimsby and people who pay attention to the viewings. It is about how the viewings have dropped from ‘Skint’ from their first episode to second episode featuring Grimsby. The views have dropped because people may have found it uninteresting, not to mention the fact that ‘I’m A Celebrity: Get Me Out Of Here’ was on, this was the most viewed show on the five main channels.· I chose this story as it was a story fit for a local station, as it is a local station we are broadcasting for then why wouldn’t we chose an article that directly affects the local area?· Meaningfulness is a big news value that is present, this article is meaningful as it is directly about our local area and affects our local people. Another thing would be unexpectedness, this is because the first episode saw an audience of 1.1 million, then dropped by 4%.· It is second in our news broadcast because of how much fuss it cause in the media from local people, slating and slandering the show. However it is not our first story as it is not impactful enough.· We could potentially interview a boy at college called Aaron Spencer, whose family featured in the show. We could also interview the general public of Grimsby.· To interview Aaron in the studio as he is a student at Franklin. But to interview the public it would have to be a vox pop.· The residents are worried as they believe that because ‘Skint’ takes a look at the lives of the ‘less fortunate’, then the general public could be worried that they will get ‘tarred with the same brush’ so to speak.· I know that the people of Grimsby have a mixed view on this programme, some people find it hysterically funny, others think it is an appalling representation of the town/town folk.· When speaking about a character from ‘Skint’ I must make sure that what I am saying is true as then I could be sued from ‘decemation of character’.· These issues can be avoiding by maintaining factual and not specifying any character in the show, as the story I have chosen shows that there is no need to mention anyone.

Jack’s Story: Sacha Baron Cohen’s Grimsby.1. Sacha Baron Cohen’s new film ‘Grimsby’ angers residents for it’s poor portrayal of town.2. Popular actor and filmmaker Sacha Baron Cohen has received criticism from residents of Grimsby after his film, currently in production

and named after the town has given the town a poor representation, despite not being filmed in the town itself.3. I chose this story because it is very closely related to the town and would be fitting for a local broadcast since we would be broadcasting

mainly to the town and it’s closely surrounding area.4. This story has quite a large threshold since the film will be a worldwide event and it also affect the entirety of Grimsby through negative

portrayal. The story is also negative as it doesn’t benefit many people in the town. It’s also fairly unambiguous as there aren’t many ways to interpret the event.The story focuses a lot on the people who have reacted negatively but also on the filmmaker and actor Sacha Baron Cohen. It would also be appropriate since it is culturally close to the town where it would be broadcasted locally.

5. My story is the third out of four stories, this is because the stories start of with the most hard hitting one which features violence and is very close to the town, and they gradually decline in how shocking they are.

6. I could interview various people on the street on their views of the town, ranging from different ages and different types of people.7. I’d probably interview them via a vox populi method.8. The residents of Grimsby are worried that the film will negatively stereotype them as chavs and tramps as the film is setting out to

present the town as such.9. The representation could change depending on who is interviewed by interviewing someone who wasn’t from the town, an article on this

particular story said that people from Tilbury, where the movie is being filmed seemed less concerned with the representation than people from Grimsby are.

10. I’d have to make sure not to insinuate that the portrayals of the town in the film were accurate as this could cause offence, defamation of character or slander as this could result in negative repercussions such as being sued.

11. This could be avoided by ensuring that I make sure to express that the views of stereotypes or negative portrayals aren’t my own.

Lydia’s Story: The docks FM Last story- Positive end

Headline: Lapland’s sparkling snow fantasia left brave children spellbound on When You Wish upon a Star charity trip.Overview: 81 sick children were sent to Lapland. 24 were from the surrounding area in Lincolnshire. They went on the 3rd of December. It took a year of fundraising to send them. They were sent by the When You Wish upon a Star foundation. It is a charity that provide once in a lifetime experiences for life limited or dying children.I chose this story from my new broadcast because not only is it to do with the local people, it is a heart-warming story at Christmas time that shines a nice light on the community and ends the news real on a happy note.News values:

· Frequency (this is a short time article meaning it is more likely to be reported as people prefer them. It is like a quick fix news story at the end of the news to close things.)

· Unexpectedness (unless a person was privy to the fundraising this story is like a happy little surprise. It isn’t a pressing story so it is a nice change from crime.)

· Personalisation (this story is a human interest story and scene as people are interested in people it is a good story to keep people interested and positive).

· Composition (this is to give our audience a balance in the news. Our previous stories are mainly negative. A positive story is presented to give people that balance and heighten moral towards our station.

My story is at the end of our news real for composition and so that we end on a happy note to keep people interested.For this story we could interview somebody from When You Wish upon a Star foundation or one of the parents of the children

from the local area.I think a studio interview would be beneficial so as to clearly get the opinions and knowledge of our interviewee.The representation in this story are the kind hearted people that pun in all the time and the thankfulness of the families. If we

interview a fundraiser the representation will be of the charity mainly where as if we interview the parents the representation will be more focused on the local area and the people who live here, putting a good focus on the local people.

Ethically the issues that we could encounter is showing terminal and life limiting illness in a positive light which could offend people or give them the wrong idea. To avoid this we have to make sure we only talk positive about the fundraising and the experience of the trip while ethicizing the severity of these people situations. We also must be careful in relation to the data protection act to only reveal information that is safe to and that we have permission to share.