Gateway Bike and Ride Grant Application

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Transcript of Gateway Bike and Ride Grant Application

  • 8/8/2019 Gateway Bike and Ride Grant Application



    Please read directions before completing this application.

    Part 1: Basic Requirements for Project ConsiderationApplications will be screened for further consideration based on the requirements below.


    1. Project meets FHWA requirements for eligibility and funding requirements for the STP Program.2. Project is sufficiently developed to be ready for construction or for implementation if a program, service, or

    planning project and can be obligated by 9/30/11. (Construction projects should be shovel ready.)3. Applicant is a governmental entity eligible to receive STP funds.4. The funding level requested is within the range identified for this program. Minimum project size is $50,000

    (federal share excluding match) maximum size is $2.1 million (federal share excluding match).5. Applicant has identified the required minimum 10.27% match for FHWA funding.6. Project demonstrates local political and financial support.7. Project clearly and effectively plans for and/or addresses a critical system need or gap.8. Expected results are achievable and, where appropriate, quantifiable.


    Part 2: Applicant InformationAGENCY NAME

    City of Portland Bureau of TransportationCONTACT PERSON NAMESarah Figliozzi



    1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 800FAX

    503-823-7609CITY, STATE, ZIP

    Portland, Oregon 97204E-MAIL

    Part 3: Project InformationThe request for funding will be evaluated and scored based on answers in this section; 100 possible points.PROJECT NAME

    Gateway Transit Center Bike & Ride SCORE1. Project description

    a. Indicate the type of work envisioned (i.e., Transit, TDM, Bicycle and Pedestrian) and (10 points)

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    yp ( , , , y ) ( p )

    The facility will be interoperable with existing TriMet Bike & Ride facilities in the region aswell as those under construction. TriMet will be responsible for maintenance andadministration.

    b. Amount of request:........................................................... $450,000.002. Explain how the project meets each of the program criterion categories in Part G of the directions:

    a. Connectivity, integration and overall benefit to the transportation system. (20 points)Please limit your response to 500 words or less:

    The Gateway TC Bike & Ride would provide a multi-modal link between regionaltransportation facilities: the I-205 multi-use path and the Gateway/NE 99th Ave transitcenter, maximizing the region's investment in both the multi-use path and transit networks.The transit center is served by three MAX light rail lines and six bus lines: 15-Belmont/NW23rd, 19-Woodstock/Glisan, 22-Parkrose, 23-San Rafael, 24-Fremont, and 25-Glisan/Rockwood bus lines. With the existing Park & Ride facility at capacity, building bikeparking is a more cost-effective way of improving access to the station than expandingstructured parking garages.The introduction of a secure bicycle parking facility enhances the bicycle-transit connectionby giving all Gateway transit center users an opportunity to securely store their bicycle with24 hour a day access. Unlike assigned rentable bicycle lockers, Bike & Ride facilities are

    available to anyone who purchases an access card. Compared to assigned parkingsystems, a Bike & Ride can serve 5 to 7 times more cyclists each year. Security measuresinclude lighting, video surveillance, and key card access.

    b. Sustainability. Please limit your response to 500 words or less: (20 points)

    The Gateway TC Bike & Ride improves sustainability by providing alternatives to drivingusing minimal space and without creating additional impervious surface area. The Bike &

    Ride will occupy approximately 850 sq ft, about 10% of the area it would take for an equalamount of surface car parking. It will be built on existing hardscape and incorporatestormwater treatment for runoff. Rather than charging a membership fee, dynamic pay-per-hour pricing will fund the operation of the facility at minimal cost to users without impacting

  • 8/8/2019 Gateway Bike and Ride Grant Application


    at peak load points, where trains are simply too crowded to grow bike capacity at peakhours when most want to travel. Although buses and trains accommodate bicycles,passenger capacity limits the number of bicycles that can be transported onboard. Asshown by European and Asian transportation systems, secure bike parking optionsmaximize the investment in both modes.

    Bike & Ride access cards can be used at TriMet's other existing and planned Bike & Ridefacilities, including the Sunset Transit Center, Beaverton Transit Center (opening early2011), and Gresham Central Transit Center (opening early 2011). This inter-operablesystem also creates opportunities for users to store a bike at their destination station inorder to travel between station and ultimate destination. This 'station bike' options transitusers an affordable, efficient, and healthy transportation solution to their 'last mile' problem.Currently, 15% of TriMet bike locker renters store a station bike a bike left overnight atthe station and used to ride from transit to work or school. Since passenger loads limit

    capacity for transporting bikes on transit, last mile gaps can be bridged by encouragingmore passengers to use a station bike.

    3. Identify and quantify project benefits and costs: (10 points)

    The Gateway TC Bike & Ride will leverage existing investments in both the transit and bicyclenetwork. An accessible and visible Bike & Ride provides an attractive parking alternative tobringing bikes on-board, alleviate concerns regarding theft, and increases potential ridership radius

    by two miles, or a 10 minute bicycle ride. Gateway is one of the busiest transit centers in the regionwith 7,790 passenger boardings each day (bus + MAX combined).Total project cost: $450,000Potential reduction in VMT each year: 251,000 milesPotential total annual savings from reduced VMT: $339,000See attached Project Benefit Calculations.


    4. Provide a timeline for project construction/implementation; can be in phases:(5 points)

    Advertise and award design build contract: Spring 2011Final design and permitting: Summer 2011

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    Points total: 0

    Part 4: AttachmentsCheck to indicate if the following support documents are attached:1. Letters of Support .......................................................................................................................... Yes No NA

    2. Letter from the Applicant agency Financial Officer identifying match amount/availability............. Yes No NA3. Map(s)............................................................................................................................................ Yes No NA4. Project Cost Estimate .................................................................................................................... Yes No NA5. Project Conceptual Design ............................................................................................................ Yes No NA6. Copy of the TSP or other planning document (Project applicable page(s) only) .......................... Yes No NA7. Calculations, graphs or tables demonstrating project benefits...................................................... Yes No NA8. Other supporting material .............................................................................................................. Yes No NA


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    1. Letters of Support

    TriMetBicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA)

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    2. Letter from the Applicant agency Financial Officer identifying matchamount/availability

  • 8/8/2019 Gateway Bike and Ride Grant Application


    November 12, 2010

    TO: ODOTFlexible Funds Program

    FROM: Ronald W. GeasonBusiness Services Manager

    RE: Local Match for ODOTFlexible Funds Applications

    The Bureau of Transportation has identified the match available for the five applications beingsubmitted today as described below:

    1. Going to the RiverTotal cost: $2,330,372Grant request: $2,093,372Match = $240,000 from existing SmartTrips budget

    2. SE 122 nd Avenue Complete and Green Main StreetTotal cost: $3,353,260Grant request: $870,000 [ROW cost)Match: $2,483,260 ($1,483,260 from HB2001/Sidewalks on Arterials TR29 and $1 millionfrom the Portland Development Commission)

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    3. Map

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    G a t e w a y

    T r a n s i t C e n t e r B i k e &

    R i d e : F a c i

    l i t y C o n n e c t i v i t y


    Proposed Gateway Transit Center Bike & Ride

    I-205 multi-use trail & bike network

    Bus lines serving Gateway TC

    MAX Light Rail Lines

    15 minute travelshed by bicycle

    2 mile (approx 15 min ride)radius around Gateway TC

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    4. Project Cost Estimate

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    Gateway Bike & Ride est costAll project phases


    Phase I: Design $40,000Phase II: Construction $400,000Phase III: Outreach $10,000

    Total project cost $450,000

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    General Contractor (GC) scopeFlagging/Ped Control HR 24 55.00$ 1,320.00$ If neededConstruction and Safety Mgr HR 160 115.00$ 18,400.00$ Same as STC; BTC = 240 hrsProj Mgr HR 100 100.00$ 10,000.00$ Same as STC BTC = 180 hrsQC Mgr HR 30 115.00$ 3,450.00$ Same as STC; BTC = 120 hrsQC Testing PS 1 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ STC = $1.5K; BTC = $7KBldg and dev permits if needed PS 1 12,500.00$ 12,500.00$ Same as BTC Bike & Ride bidDesign Support During Construction PS 1 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ Structural calculations for seismic requirementsGeneral Provisions PS 1 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ Portable restroomMileage PS 1 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$Fed Reporting HR 20 131.82$ 2,636.40$

    GC subtotal 62,806.40$GC Fee 5.00% 3,140.32$

    GC total 65,946.72$

    Construction Subtotal 347,886.25$Contingency 5.00% 17,394.31$

    Agency Proj Mgmt 15.00% 52,113.75$

    Construction Total 400,000.00$

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    6. Copy of TSP or other planning documents

    Transportation System Plan:Policy 6.23 Objective E:

    Provide short term and /or long term bicycle parking in commercial districts, along main streets, in employment centers and multifamily

    developments, at schools and colleges, in industrial developments, at special events, in recreational areas, at transit facilities such as light railstations and park and ride lots, and at intermodal passenger stations.

    Regional Transportation Plan:Regional Transit Network & Regional Bicycle Network: Gateway TCisidentified as a future Regional Bike Transit Facility

    TriMet Transit Investment Plan (TIP)Regional Bike Parking Projects 2010 11: Gateway TCis identified as afuture Regional Bike Transit Facility

    Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030Bicycle Parking recommendations 3.4.A:

    Provide sufficient quantities of secure bicycle parking at High CapacityTransit stations.

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  • 8/8/2019 Gateway Bike and Ride Grant Application










    C C

    Hil l sboro


    Wilsonvi l le

    Tuala t in

    Oregon Ci ty


    Por t land

    St . Johns

    TanasborneCedar Mi l l

    Ra le igh Hi l l s



    Fai rv iew


    PleasantVal ley


    Lake Grove


    Fores t Grove


    Troutda le



    Tuality Hospital/SE 8th

    Orenco/NW 231st(design complete 2011)

    Beaverton Creek MAX

    Beaverton TC

    Sunset TC


    Tigard TC



    SE Bybee

    SE Tacoma

    Park AveClackamasTown Center

    Lents/ SE Foster Rd


    E 122ndRuby Jct

    Gresham Central


    Rosa Parks

    Lloyd CtrPSU

    Portland City Center/ Goose Hollow


    Clark College

    Portland International Airport

    Regional Bike Parking Projects

    TriMet Bike & Ride Project

    Non-TriMet Bi ke Parking Project

    Future Regional Bike-Transit Facility

    !! Near-Term Priority

    Electronic Bike Locker Pilot 2010

    Current TriMet Service



    Frequent Service Bus

    Regular Service Bus


    Future TriMet Service


    Urban Growth Boundary 0 1 2 3 4 5


    Regional Bike Parking Projects 2010-11 TriMet Transit Investment Plan (TIP)

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    7. Calculations, graphs or tables demonstrating project benefits

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    8. Other supporting material

    Regional Transportation Plan Environmental Justice Analysis

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    2035 Regional Transportation Plan Update Environmental Justice in MetrosTransportation Planning Process

    Page 19

    Figure 11

    Regional Transportation Plan Environmental Justice Analysis