GASTON RENARD Pty. Ltd. List 32.pdf · 2012. 2. 25. · Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 3 5...

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Transcript of GASTON RENARD Pty. Ltd. List 32.pdf · 2012. 2. 25. · Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 3 5...

  • Short List No. 32. Travel and Exploration. 2012.

    1 Amundsen, Roald. THE SOUTH POLE: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the “Fram”, 1910-1912. Translated from the Norwegian by A. G. Chater. 2 vols., thick med. 8vo (approx.; 230 mm. by 155 mm.), First U.S. Edition; Vol. I, pp. xxxvi, 392; folding tinted General Map of the South Polar Region at end, 1 other map, 57 plates; Vol. II, pp. x, 450(last blank); 2 folding charts and 2 full-page charts, 16 other maps & charts, 43 plates, 7 text figs., folding sectional diagrams of the “Fram”, 5 scientific appendices, index; original cloth (a little worn & discoloured; spines wrinkled); top edges gilt; (light marginal staining to most plates; the final folding chart to Vol. II crudely repaired with sticky tape); a good, complete set; scarce. New York; Lee Keedick; 1913. ***Spence 18; Renard 20; Rosove A9.B2. This edition consists of the sheets of the First London Edition ( first impression), with the title-leaf and last leaf in each volume replaced by cancel leaves with the U.S. details, and is identical in content to the First London Edition. #62491 A$750.00

    2 Barr, William; Editor. SEARCHING FOR FRANKLIN: The Land Arctic Searching Expedition. James Anderson’s and James Stewart’s Expedition via the Back River 1855. Super roy. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xvi, 292; frontis., 9 full-page maps, 3 full-page illusts., bibliog., index; original cloth, gilt; a fine copy in d/w. London; The Hakluyt Society; 1999. ***Series III, Volume 1, the first of a fine new series in slightly larger format than Series I & II. #63372 A$165.00

    Postal Address: Electronic communications:P.O. Box 1030, Telephone: +61 (0)3 9459 5040Ivanhoe, Melbourne, FAX: +61 (0)3 9459 6787Victoria, 3079, Australia. E-mail:

    GASTON RENARD Pty. Ltd.Established 1945

    (A.C.N. 005 928 503)ABN: 68 893 979 543

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    3 Bassett, Marnie. REALMS AND ISLANDS. The World Voyage of Rose de Freycinet in the Corvette Uranie 1817-1820. From her Journal and Letters and the Report of Louis de Saulces de Freycinet, Capitaine de Corvette. First Edition; pp. xii, 276(last blank); endpaper & 2 other maps, 24 plates (incl. map), appendices; bibliog., index; original cloth; a nice copy in slightly worn d/w. London; Oxford University Press; 1962. ***Signed by the Author on title-page. #36899 A$165.00

    4 Batty, Beatrice. FORTY-TWO YEARS AMONGST THE INDIANS AND ESKIMO. Pictures from the Life of The Right Reverend John Hordern. Cr. 8vo, Facsimile Edition; pp. 224(last blank); full-page map, 14 illusts.; original cloth; a fine copy. New Delhi; Asian Educational Services; 1996. ***First published in 1893 by The Religious Tract Society; the original portrait frontispiece was not reproduced in this facsimile. #32599 A$45.00

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    5 Beattie, William. SWITZERLAND. Illustrated in a Series of Views taken expressly for this Work by W. H. Bartlett, Esq. 2 vols., 4to, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. [iv], iv, 188; engraved (additional) title-page with vignette & 56 very fine steel-engraved plates; Vol. II, pp. [iv], 152; folding map, engraved (additional) title-page with vignette & 50 very fine steel-engraved plates; contemporary full dark blue calf, elaborately decorated in gilt and blind, spines in gilt panels with raised bands and red title- and volume-labels (some light scuffing of boards - not obtrusive); a very attractive, clean and crisp set; scarce. London; George Virtue; MDCCCXXXVI [1836]. #16137 A$1650.00

    6 Becke, Louis; and Walter Jeffery. THE NAVAL PIONEERS OF AUSTRALIA. First Edition, Australian Issue; pp. [ii], [ii](cancel title-page), [vii]-xii, 314, [2](adv.); 21 plates (incl. 1 map), index; original gilt-decorated blue cloth (spine & portions of boards faded; some foxing, especially at start; partial erasure of name from title-page); a very good copy; scarce. Melbourne; Melville, Mullen, & Slade, London, John Murray, Albemarle Street; 1899. ***This issue not in Ferguson but see 6851 for the London edition. The Hobill Cole copy, with book label. #3909 A$325.00

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    7 Beckford, William. RECOLLECTIONS OF AN EXCURSION TO THE MONASTERIES OF ALCOBACA AND BATALHA. By the author of “Vathek.” First Edition; pp. xii, 228; portrait frontis., notes; original quarter cloth, with papered sides (skilfully rebacked, preserving original spine & printed label; entirely uncut; a fine copy, housed in a custom folding box. London; Richard Bentley; 1835. ***William Beckford (1760-1844) recorded these travels in Portugal in his journal of 1794, but they are here published for the first time. Batalha intrigued Beckford and is thought to have had an important impact on various aspects of the design of Fonthill Abbey. #12594 A$550.00

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    8 Berens, S. L. The “Fram” Expedition. NANSEN IN THE FROZEN WORLD. Preceded by a Biography of the Great Explorer and Copious Extracts from Nansen’s “First Crossing of Greenland,” also an Account by Eivind Astrup, of Life among People near the Pole, and his Journey Across Northern Greenland with Lieut. R. E. Peary, U.S.N. Arranged and Edited by S. L. Berens, Cand. Phil. Followed by a Brief History of the Principal Earlier Arctic Explorations from the Ninth Century to the Peary Expedition, including those of Cabot, Frobisher, Bering, Sir John Franklin, Kane, Hayes, Hall, Nordenskjold, Nares, Schwatka, DeLong, Greely, and others. By John E. Read, Assistant Editor of the “Columbian Cyclopedia.” Profusely Illustrated. Med. 8vo; pp. [ii], 560; title-page in red & black; portrait frontis. & numerous illusts.; original pictorial cloth (a little rubbed; spine ends worn); a very good copy. Kadina, South Australia; James Johns; (Copyright 1897 by A. J. Holman & Co.). ***A curious Australian imprint of a book published by subscription in the U.S. #39489 A$250.00

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    9 [Bland, Dr. William; Editor]. JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY TO PORT PHILLIP, NEW SOUTH WALES, in 1824 and 1825. By W. H. Hovell and H. Hume, Esquires. Second Edition. Sydney: Published by James Tegg. Printed by Henry Bull. 1837. Demy 8vo in fours; pp. viii, 98(last printer’s colophon only); folding engraved “Map of Australia from Moreton Bay to the New Colonies in Australia Felix with the Discoveries of the Recent Expeditions in the interior in 1824-5 and 1835-6 Published by R[aphael] Clint, Sydney”, with the route outlined in red by hand; appendix; full contemporary dark plum roan, nicely panelled in blind & gilt; all edges gilt; unsigned and unticketed but almost certainly by the Sydney binder Kern; (the spine a little faded; lower edge of the map just shaved by the binder); a fine copy; very rare. Sydney; James Tegg; 1837. ***A special presentation binding with stamping in gilt on front board to “Coln. Perceval, C.B. from the Editor Wm. Bland.” Ferguson 2234; Wantrup 110 and page 187 (q.v.). A rare presentation copy of the first published account in book form of the first exploration into the Port Phillip district. The designation on title-page “Second Edition” is considerably misleading as the “First Edition” of 1831 (what Bland describes in his Preface to the present volume as the “first limited impression”) was evidently made up from preliminary printings in very few copies (Bland laments the lack of a supply of paper for its printing) and most of those few copies which have survived are incomplete. It is one of the legendary rarities of Australian exploration with only one or two copies in private hands, The South Australian library issued a facsimile of that “edition” in 1965 (reprinted 1971). Hume and Hovell’s exploration was of vast importance as numerous significant discoveries were made including the Hume (later renamed the Murray), Tumut, Ovens and Goulburn Rivers, the Australian Alps, and vast tracts of fertile and well-watered country. Their reports at last dispelled the notion of Oxley that the land to the south was worthless and paved the way for the exlorations of Sturt and Mitchell which followed. Bland’s work was edited from the journals of Hovell and Hume, neither of whom published accounts of their own until 1855 when Hume, stung into action by press reports which seemed to suggest that Hovell was taking all the credit for their discoveries, first published his “Brief Statement of Facts ....” [with] Bland, William. LETTER FROM THE AUSTRALIAN PATRIOTIC ASSOCIATION to C. Buller, Jun., Esq., M.P. in reply to his communication of 31st May, 1840. November, 1840. Sydney: Printed by James Tegg & Co., George Street, opposite the Barrack Gate. First Edition; pp. 18. [bound with] OBJECTIONS TO THE PROJECT OF HIS EXCELLENCY SIR GEORGE GIPPS, for Raising a Loan to be secured on the Ordinary Revenue of the Colony; submitted by His Excellency to the Legislative Council of New South Wales, 1841. Sydney: Printed by James Tegg, George Street. 1842. Pp. 20. [bound with] EXPENDITURE OF THE LAND-FUND OF NEW SOUTH WALES in the Colony, and Principally on Public Works; as a means of promoting and supporting Immigration. 1842. Sydney: Printed by D. L. Welch, Atlas Office, Charlotte Place, Church Hill. 1842. Pp. 24. Three works in one volume, 8vo, bound in a contemporary colonial binding (unsigned and unticketed but almost certainly by Kern) of dark plum roan, ruled and lettered in gilt, with attractive marbled endpapers; (spine slightly faded); a fine copy. Sydney; James Tegg [and] D. L. Welch; 1840, 1842, 1842. ***Ferguson 2922, 3364, and 3365. [with] Bland, William. SUPPRESSION OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION IN WOOL SHIPS, &c., &c., &c. Second Edition. By W. Bland, M.C. Sydney: D. L. Welch, Printer, Atlas Office, George Street, opposite the Post Office. 1845. 8vo, Second Edition; pp. x, [11]-16; 2 fine plates engraved by John Carmichael, North Kent Street, Sydney, and published by W. Bland, 1839; handsomely bound in a contemporary colonial binding (unsigned and unticketed but almost certainly by Kern) of dark plum roan, ruled and lettered in gilt (spine slightly faded); a fine copy. Sydney, D. L. Welch, 1845. ***Author’s presentation copy: stamped in gilt on the front board: “Coln. Perceval C.B. 12th Regiment. From the Inventor”. Ferguson, 3992. Ferguson lists two “First Editions” of 1843 (F. 3572 & 3573), one of six pages royal octavo, (apparently usually without plates), and another which appears similar to the present work, but represented only in the National Library copy, and notes a third edition of 1867 (which, however, he does not list). Clearly an invention of significant importance for a country dependent for its economy on the export of wool. [with] Bland, William. LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR CHARLES AUGUSTUS FITZ ROY, Governor-in-Chief of New South Wales, &c. &c. &c. From William Bland, M.C January

  • 8 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 11, 1850. Sydney: Printed by T. Forster, 334, Pitt-street, North. MDCCCL. 8vo, First Edition; pp. 14; bound in a contemporary colonial binding (unsigned and unticketed but almost certainly by Kern) of dark plum roan, ruled and lettered in gilt (spine a little faded); a fine copy. Sydney; T. Forster; 1850. ***Stamped in gilt on the front board: “Coln. Perceval C. B. 12th Regiment”. Ferguson 5289. Bland comments on the financial state of the colony and the remedies proposed in England, such as a reduction of the drain upon the Land Fund from the colony, and revival of Transportation. Together, 6 works in 4 volumes, 8vo. Sydney; James Tegg [and others]; 1837-50. ***Similarly, but not identically bound in contemporary colonial presentation bindings, almost certainly executed for Bland by the Sydney binder Kern, and presented to Lt.-Colonel John Maxwell Perceval. The attribution of the bindings to Kern is based on the survival of similarly bound presentation copies of the Hume and Hovell account which contain Kern’s ticket. Colonel Perceval took up command of the 1st Battalion of the 12th Regiment in 1854, during which year it arrived at Van Diemen’s Land and served in Australia for six years. He attained the rank of General in 1874. #42475 A$48,000.00

    10 [Blaxland, Gregory]: A JOURNAL OF A TOUR OF DISCOVERY ACROSS THE BLUE MOUNTAINS IN NEW SOUTH WALES. London: B J. Holdsworth, 18, St. Paul’s Church-Yard. 1823. Cr. 8vo, Type Facsimile of First Edition; pp. [ii](limitation leaf, recto blank), 48; top edge gilt, others uncut; original half blue morocco, gilt, marbled sides; (very lightly rubbed; a few fox spots); a very good copy; rare. [Sydney; Angus & Robertson; 1893]. ***Ferguson 7134; Wantrup 103b. The limitation notice contains the text: “Edition de Luxe. A line for line reproduction of the very scarce original edition of 1823, limited to fifty-five copies ( fifty for sale), of which this is No. 35 A & R [the figure and A & R in manuscript]. Edinburgh: Reprinted by Young J. Pentland, for Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1893”. This copy carries, in addition, the manuscript annotation at head: “For Review from Angus and Robertson”. A second edition of this work was published in 1870 and a third in 1904, both of which are very scarce. This exact facsimile of the extremely rare first edition is therefore the third publication of the journal and second only to the first in rarity. An important primary account. #21741 A$3250.00

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    11 Borchgrevink, C. E.; Commander of the Expedition. FIRST ON THE ANTARCTIC CONTINENT: Being an Account of the British Antarctic Expedition 1898-1900. First Edition; pp. xvi, 336(last 3 blank), 32(adv); 3 folding tinted maps, 19 full-page plates (incl. photogravure portrait frontis.), 178 photos. in text, appendices, index; original blue cloth, lettered in gilt on spine and front board, with fine gilt illustration of the Author standing on the Antarctic on spine, and superb gilt and silver illustration on front board; top edge gilt, others uncut; (spine dull & lower edge of front board a little worn); a very good, generally clean copy; very scarce. London; George Newnes, Limited; 1901. ***Spence 151; Renard 152; Rosove 45.A1. Inscribed on half-title in Norwegian to “Oscar Loruna from the South Polar Land” possibly by the Author and with postcard discussing this matter from A. G. E. Jones loosely inserted. A comparison of the handwriting and the facsimile signature of Borchgrevink beneath the frontispiece is suggestive that he is indeed the inscriber. #29327 A$2750.00

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    12 Brassey, [Annie]. IN THE TRADES, THE TROPICS, & THE ROARING FORTIES. By Lady Brassey. With 292 Illustrations engraved on wood by G. Pearson and J. Cooper after drawings by R. T. Pritchett. First Edition; pp. xvi, 532; 2 folding col. maps, 7 small col. maps with surrounding engraved decorations and illustrations, numerous woodcuts in text, appendix, index; half morocco, preserving the original cloth sides elaborately decorated in gilt & colours; entirely uncut; (some occasional very minor foxing & soiling); a very nice copy; scarce. London; Longmans, Green, and Co.; 1885. #64109 A$480.00

    13 Brennan, Michael G.; Editor. THE TRAVEL DIARY OF ROBERT BARGRAVE, LEVANT MERCHANT (1647-1656). Super roy. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xx, 288; 17 figs., 5 genealogical charts, bibliog., index; original cloth, gilt; a fine copy in d/w. London; The Hakluyt Society; 1999. ***Third Series, No. 3, the third of a fine new series in slightly larger format than Series I & II. #63375 A$140.00

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    14 Burke and Wills Expedition: YESTERDAY. Part 1. Tabloid, First Edition; pp. [24]; numerous illusts.; original wrappers (front wrapper slightly damaged & almost invisibly repaired, without loss); a very good copy. [Melbourne; Baker Publishing Pty. Ltd.; 1970]. ***Comprising enlarged facsimiles of original newspaper accounts of notable events in Australian history including the departure of the Burke & Wills Expedition (and later the death of Burke), the Eureka Uprising, the beginning (and end) of World War I, annihilation of the Kelly Gang, etc. #62257 A$15.00

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    15 Burke & Wills: PROGRESS REPORTS AND FINAL REPORT OF THE EXPLORATION COMMITTEE of the Royal Society of Victoria, 1863. Royal Society, Melbourne, 20th August, 1863 [but 1873, see below]. F’cap folio, First and only Complete Edition; pp. [ii](letter of transmission from John Macadam, verso blank), [ii](title, verso blank), [ii](second title, with list of officers & members of the Committee, verso blank), 8(First Report of the Exploration Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria (then the Philosophical Institute of Victoria). [text follows]), 4(Second Report ....), 2(Third Report ....), 6(Fourth Report ...., last blank), 4(Special Report of the Exploration Fund Committee for 1859, last blank), 4(Fifth Progress Report of the Exploration Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria for 1860, last blank), 8(Sixth Progress Report ... for 1861, last blank), 6(Seventh and Final Report ... for 1863, last blank), 6(Appendix I, last blank), 8(Appendix II); 16(Supplementary Final Report, last 3 blank); original quarter dark blue-green wave-embossed cloth, light blue-green printed papered boards, cut flush; but for some very minor soiling of the paered boards, a fine copy; extremely rare. Melbourne; Royal Society of Victoria; 1872 [1873]. ***Ferguson 15185 (Mitchell Library copy only, with no mention of binding and miscollated); see also Renard, Fox Collection 2183 ( first issue 1863); McLaren 5530 et seq. (but all his entries are unsatisfactory); and Wantrup: Catalogue of the Davidson Collection (Part 3) 475 (a variant copy in special binding with the final leaves on white paper, see below). All pages are printed on blue paper, and the printer’s colophon “MASON AND FIRTH, PRINTERS, MELBOURNE.” appears only at the foot of the last page of Appendix II. The signatures ( first 5 leaves unsigned, B1-4, C1-4, D1-4, E1-4, F1-2, G1-4, H1-4, last 8 leaves unsigned) and unity of appearance would seem to leave little doubt that the whole, excepting the final 16 leaves, was printed by Mason and Firth. Ferguson mentions a Supplementary Final Report of eight pages printed on white paper. In this copy however, these pages are printed on blue laid paper, closely matching the blue wove paper of the earlier reports, the last blank, with the date Melbourne, 19th November, 1872 completing the report by William F. Stawell at the foot of Page 7. This is followed by a further 8 pages numbered 9-11 plus 2 unnumbered and 3 blank; these contain a List of Subscribers to the Exploration Fund, 3 pp., plus Balance Sheet and Summary of Expenditure, dated at end [Page 13] Melbourne, 7th July, 1873, and with the printer’s

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 13colophon at foot: STILLWELL AND KNIGHT, PRINTERS, COLLINS STREET EAST. The cover title reads identically to the title quoted above except for the date, which is 1872, but clearly this is a later, and final ( final, final!) issue. This is an original binding, completely undisturbed, with the endpapers of blue laid paper similar to that used for the 16-page Supplementary Final Report, but with the chain lines running horizontally. Apart from the Supplementary Final Report the collation of this copy agrees exactly with Ferguson (but for the interleaves, these obviously added, perhaps only to some issues). The front board carries a complete duplication of the ( first) title as transcribed above (that which Ferguson calls the “short title”), but for the date 1872. On Page 7 of the Supplementary Final Report it is stated that about 200 copies of the seven previous reports are [still] available and it is resolved to publish this “final Supplementary Report” bound up in one volume with these previous reports for distribution to public institutions in the colony and elsewhere. This must place an upper limit on the number of complete copies produced. Some copies are recorded with the final supplement printed on white paper, and several with varying lesser numbers of leaves to it. The configuration of this copy must however be the complete and final version, the care taken to match the paper and the unity of appearance and presence of the integral final blank surely signifying the intended finale to the whole sorry saga. It is noted at the foot of Page 7 that the last act of the Committee “has been to hand over to the Public Library and the Royal Society all their papers and documents, carefully secured in a suitable box.” #16383 A$13,500.00

    16 Burton, Captain Sir Richard F. PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF A PILGRIMAGE TO AL-MADINAH & MECCAH. Edited by his Wife, Isabel Burton. Memorial Edition. 2 vols., Facsimile Edition; Vol. I, pp., [ix]-xxviii, [xxix-xxxii], 436, [2](blank), [16](last blank; list of Dover Publications); Vol. II, pp. [v]-xvi, 480(last blank); 4 maps & plans (3 double-page), 16 plates, 28 text illusts.; original stiff wrappers; a very good set. New York; Dover Publications; (1964). #16919 A$65.00

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    17 Caillie, Rene. TRAVELS THROUGH CENTRAL AFRICA TO TIMBUCTOO; and across the Great Desert, to Morocco, performed in the Years 1824--1828. 2 vols., First Edition; Vol. I, pp. x, [v]-viii, 476(last blank); portrait frontis. (a fine lithographic proof on India paper by Hullmandel); Vol. II, pp. [iv], [xi]-xiv, [ii](blank), 502(last colophon only); 2 folding maps, 5 plates (incl. a fine folding aquatint of Timbuctoo by J. Clarke); contemporary full blue calf, finely gilt, with contrasting spine labels; (a little rubbed, but a fine set); rare. London; Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley; 1830. ***Not in Abbey. An interesting and detailed account of a remarkable journey of over 4000 miles from Senegal in search of Timbuctoo. Caillie, unable to obtain finance for his explorations scraped together funds for the expedition by selling his possessions, and was the first European to reach Timbuctoo and return alive (he was preceded only months before by Alexander Gordon Laing, however he was killed). The Geographical Society of Paris made him a retrospective award of 10,000 francs. #52981 A$3500.00

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    18 Calvert, Albert F. THE DISCOVERY OF AUSTRALIA. 4to, First Edition; pp. [ii], vi, [5]-92 (but intact); 24 full-page maps (reproductions of early charts of Australia & parts thereof ), 5 plates; list of circumnavigators before Cook; appendix; original cloth; top edge gilt, others uncut; (covers a little bumped & marked; internally fine); scarce. London; George Philip & Son; 1893. ***Ferguson 7812. The maps are reproductions of early maps and charts, including several of the Dieppe maps showing Portuguese discoveries of the 16th century, and there is of course much on Cook (nearly half the book). #6488 A$325.00

    19 Calvert, Albert F. THE EXPLORATION OF AUSTRALIA. 2 vols., cr. 4to, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. [viii], 238, [20](adv. & reviews of Calvert’s works); large folding map, 15 plates (of which 13 are portraits of the Explorers); Vol. II, pp. [ii], xiv, 386, [6](adv., last 3 blank); large folding map & 1 smaller folding map (at Pp. 320/321), the latter not mentioned by Ferguson; appendix to each vol., index; original linen backs (a little foxed as often), with blue cloth sides, top edges gilt, others uncut; a very nice, clean set; scarce. London; George Philip & Son; 1895-96. ***Ferguson 7821, not mentioning the third map at Pp. 320/21 in Volume II. The two large folding maps are identical as always, and are dated 1895. The smaller map shows the proposals for the Calvert Scientific Exploring Expedition, 1896. #19452 A$1250.00

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    20 Chatwin, Bruce. WHAT AM I DOING HERE. First Edition; pp. [viii], 376(last 9 blank); original papered boards; a nice copy in d/w. London; Jonathan Cape; (1989). ***Asian travels. #13192 A$30.00

    21 Cobham, Sir Alan J. SEEING THE WORLD FROM THE AIR. Roy. 8vo; pp. 349-384; map, 36 illusts.; contained in the National Geographic Magazine, March, 1928; (lacks wrappers). Washington; National Geographic Society; 1928. ***Including also an article on Bali, Indonesia, with 16 col. photographs. #23133 A$30.00

    22 Conrad, Joseph. GEOGRAPHY AND SOME EXPLORERS. Roy. 8vo; pp. 239-274; map, 28 photos. (mostly full-page, including 16 of the Antarctic by Herbert G. Ponting, & one by Frank Hurley of Torres Strait; plain wrappers. Washington; extracted from The National Geographic Magazine, March; 1924. #46888 A$30.00

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    23 Coxe, William. TRAVELS IN SWITZERLAND, and in the Country of the Grisons: In a series of letters to William Melmoth, Esq. from William Coxe, M.A. F.R.S. F.A.S. Rector of Bemerton; Member of the Imperial Oeconomical Society of St. Petersburgh, of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Copenhagen, and Chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. In three volumes. The Second Edition. 3 vols., 2nd Edn.; Vol. I, pp. xiv, 410; very large folding map (a couple of minor tears at folds), 2 plates; Vol. II, [iv], iv, 432(last blank); folding map, 3 plates (2 folding); Vol. III, pp. xii, 420, [28](last blank); appendix, index; full contemporary calf (rebacked, with original backstrips preserved); a very good set. London; Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand; 1791. ***The third volume contains a detailed list of the fauna of Switzerland. Coxe’s travels were first published in 1779 under the title “Sketches of the natural, civil and political state of Switzerland” and published under this new title, illustrated for the first time, in 1789. Formerly a curate at Denham, near Uxbridge, Coxe became tutor to the eldest son of the Duke of Marlborough, and two years later undertook his travels through Switzerland in the capacity of travelling tutor to the son of the Earl of Pembroke. Coxe is credited with being the first to apply notions of the “Picturesque” to Switzerland, and with being one of the first to write in such a way as to open the country up to touristic possibilities (see Abbey). #12295 A$1250.00

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    24 Dampier, William. A COLLECTION OF VOYAGES - French Editions, in Five Volumes, comprising: Volume I: NOUVEAU VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, Ou l’on decrit en particulier l’Isthme de l’Amerique, plusieurs Cotes & Isles des Indes Occidentales, les Isles du Cap Verd, le Passage par la Terre del Fuego, les Cotes Meridionales du Chili, du Perou, & du Mexique; l’Isle de Guam, Mindanao, & des autres Philippines; les Isles Orientales qui sont pres de Cambodie; de la Chine; Formosa; Lucon, Celebes, &c. la Nouvelle Hollande, les Isles de Sumatra, de Nicobar, & de Sainte Helene & le Cap de bonne Esperance. Ou l’on traite des differens Terroirs de tous ces Pais, de leurs Ports, des Plantes, des Fruits, & des Animaux qu’on y trouve: de leurs Habitans, de leurs Coutumes, de leur Religion, de leur Gouvernement, de leur Negoce &c. Par Guillaume Dampier. Enrichi de Cartes & de Figures. Seconde Edition revue corrigee & augmentee d’un volume. Tome Premier. A Amsterdam, Paul Marret, Marchand Libraire dans le Beurs-straat a la Renommee. M DCCI. Pp. [xiv], 340, [4](Publisher’s catalogue, last blank); 4 folding charts, frontis. & 4 plates (2 folding); a small paper flaw to pp. 25/6 with loss of a few letters on 4 lines. Volume II: [Part I] Suite du Voyage autour du Monde; avec un Traite des Vents Qui regnent dans toute Zone Torride. Par le Sieur Dampier. Tome II. A Amsterdam, Chez Paul Marret, Marchand Libraire, dans le Beurstraat. 1701. Pp. [vi], 228(last blank), [4](adv.); frontis., 2 full-page charts & 3 plates (1 folding). [Part II] Traite des Vents alisez ou reglez, des Vents Frais De Mer & de Terre, des Tempetes, des Saisons de l’Annee, des Marees, & des Courans De toute la Zone Torride. Par le Sr. Dampier, Capitaine sur Mer. [Imprint as for Part I]. Pp. 104(incl. frontis.); frontis., 2 folding charts, 2 folding plates. [In all 4 charts & 7 plates including frontispieces].Volume III: Suplement du Voyage autour du Monde, Contenant une Description d’Achin, ville de Sumatra, du Royaume de Tonquin & autres Places des Indies, & de la Baye de Campeche. Ou il est traite des differens Terroirs de tous ces Pais, de leurs Ports, des Plantes, des Fruits, & des Animaux qu’on y

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 19trouve: de leurs Habitans, de leurs Coutumes, de leur Religion, de leur Gouvernement, de leur Negoce &c. Enrichi de Cartes & Figures en Taille douce. Tome III. Par Guillaume Dampier. A Amsterdam Chez Paul Marret. Marchand Libraire dans le Beurs-straat a la Renommee. M DCCI. Pp. [xii], 352(last blank), [40](index); 2 folding charts, 5 plates (3 folding) incl. frontis to Part I and frontis. to Part II on the verso of text Page 201. Volume IV: Voyage de Guillaume Dampier aux Terres Australes, A la Nouvelle Hollande, &c. fait en 1699. Ou l’on trouve la Description des Isles Canaries, des Isles de Mayo & de S. Jago; de la Baye de Tous les Saints, des Forts & de la Ville de Bahia dans le Bresil, &c. Avec le Voyage de Lionel Wafer, Ou l’on trouve la Description de l’Isthme de Darien dans l’Amerique, &c. Enrichi de Cartes & de Figures. Tome IV. A Amsterdam, Chez Paul Marret, Marchand Libraire dans le Beurstraat, a la Renommee. M. DCCV. Pp. 20, 274, [14](index); 2 folding charts, 16 plates (7 folding). Volume V: Voyage de Guillaume Dampier aux Terres Australes, A la Nouvelle Hollande, &c. Ou l’on a joint I. Le Voyage du Capitaine Wood a travers le Detroit de Magellan, &c. II. Le Journal de l’Expedition du Capitaine Sharp. III. Le Voyage autour du Monde du Capitaine Cowley: & IV. Le Voyage du Levant de Mr. Robert. Avec diverses Cartes & Figures. Tome Cinquieme. Traduit de l’Anglois. A Amsterdam, Chez la Veuve de Paul Marret, M. DCCXII. Pp. [iv], 304(last Errata), [14](index); 5 folding charts, 19 plates (17 folding), 2 text illusts. Together, 5 vols., including in total 17 charts (15 folding), 52 plates (33 folding) and 2 text illusts.; title-pages in red and black; full contemporary speckled calf, with red-sprinkled edges; all volumes neatly rebacked to style with raised bands and gilt lettering, endpapers restored using contemporary paper; internally generally fine, clean and crisp, with only the odd spot; a fine, very attractive set; rare. Amsterdam; Paul Marret; 1701-1712. ***Detailed collations and bibliographical information on this work are hard to come by, however we believe this set to be quite complete. The first two volumes were first published in 1698 (see Sabin 18381). These volumes did not contain the second part of the present Volume II (Traite des Ventes - see Sabin 18384) and Sabin (in his 18381) refers to a second edition of the two volumes in the same year (1698) presumably of similar configuration to the first. Sabin also refers to a third volume (“Suplement ...) and a fourth (“Voyage ... aux Terres Australes”) both published in MDCCXI (1711), but these are clearly reprints of the volumes here present (1701 and 1705 respectively). Part II to the present Volume II, with its separate title-page, is the first appearance in French of the Treatise on the Winds and clearly was intended to be bound with Part I (as indicated by the catchword on the last page of adverts. to Part I). Sabin’s 18382 refers to several editions in a rather confused and unsatisfactory manner, which may in effect include the present collection. In summary this is a fine set of the first complete edition in French, volumes III, IV and V being the first editions in French, and Volumes I and II being the first complete (augmented) editions; a rare and desirable collection, seldom encountered. #26377 A$16,500.00

    25 Davidson, Allan A. JOURNAL OF EXPLOR ATIONS IN CENTR AL AUSTRALIA, by The Central Australian Exploration Syndicate, Limited, under the Leadership of Allan A. Davidson. 1898 to 1900. South Australian Parliamentary Paper No. 27, 1905. Introduction by Valmai Hankel. Adelaide, Government Printer, 1905. Adelaide, Friends of the State Library of South Australia, 2004. 2 vols., 8vo, Reprint Edition; Vol. I, pp. xl, 232(last 2 blank); frontis. & 2 illusts., small folding map at end; Vol. II, matching folder containing 5 large folding maps (3 col.); original cloth; a fine set. Adelaide; Friends of the State Library of South Australia; 2004. ***Edition

    limited to 300 sets. An important exploration journal, here first published since 1905, including, at end, a Lecture by C. Winnecke, F.R.G.S., given before the Geographical Society, Adelaide, on Mr. Davidson’s Explorations in the Northern Territory of South Australia, 1901. #35646 A$75.00

  • 20 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    26 Davis, John. TRACKS OF McKINLAY AND PARTY ACROSS AUSTRALIA. By John Davis, one of the Expedition. Edited from Mr. Davis’s Manuscript Journal; with an Introductory View of the Recent Australian Explorations of McDouall Stuart, Burke and Wills, Landsborough, Etc., by William Westgarth. First Edition; pp. xvi, 408, 16(adv., dated June, 1863); large folding map (in pocket), 14 tinted litho. plates, 1 text illust.; (tears in 4 leaves of text and margins of a few plates neatly repaired without loss; map strengthened at folds); a very good, complete copy in the original cloth (rubbed, but quite sound); a very good copy; scarce. London; Sampson Low, Son, & Co.; 1863. ***Ferguson 9005; Wantrup 180. John Davis was a member of McKinlay’s South Australian Relief Expedition which journeyed almost to the Gulf of Carpentaria in search of Burke and Wills. The expedition then made for Port Denison on the Queensland coast. The journey is vividly described in Davis’s journal and is preceded by a summary of inland exploration, 1858-62, by William Westgarth. #16298 A$1500.00

    27 de Pinedo, Commander Francesco. BY SEAPLANE TO SIX CONTINENTS. Cruising 60,000 Miles, Italian Argonauts of the Air See World Geography Unroll, and Break New Sky Trails Over Vast Brazilian Jungles. Roy. 8vo; pp. 247-301; 2 maps, 60 illusts.; contained in the National Geographic Magazine, September, 1928; original wrappers. Washington; National Geographic Society; 1928. ***Includes Australia. #22767 A$45.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 21

    28 Dodge, Ernest S. BEYOND THE CAPES. Pacific Exploration from Captain Cook to the Challenger 1776-1877. Med. 8vo, First U.K. Edition; pp. xvi, 432(last 3 blank); endpaper map & 3 other maps, col. frontis., 58 illusts. (mostly full-page), 5-page table, bibliog; index; original papered boards; a fine copy in d/w. London; Victor Gollancz Ltd; 1971. #9384 A$95.00

    29 Eckener, Dr. Hugo. THE FIRST AIRSHIP FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD. Dr. Hugo Eckener Tells of an Epochal Geographic Achievement upon the Occasion of the Bestowal of the National Geographic Society’s Special Gold Medal. Roy. 8vo; pp. 653-688; 37 illusts.; contained in the National Geographic Magazine, June, 1930; original wrappers. Washington; National Geographic Society; 1930. #21687 A$30.00

  • 22 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    30 Forrest, John. EXPLORATIONS IN AUSTRALIA: I.--Explorations in Search of Dr. Leichhardt and Party. II.--From Perth to Adelaide, around the Great Australian Bight. III.--From Champion Bay, across the Desert to the Telegraph and to Adelaide. With an Appendix on the Condition of Western Australia. Illustrations by G. F. Angas. Demy 8vo, First Edition; pp. viii, 354, 40(adv.); 4 folding tinted maps, portrait frontis. & 7 illusts. by George French Angas, appendix; contemporary half morocco, with cloth sides, gilt, and marbled endpapers; (margin of one plate a little dust-soiled and reinforced at foot); a very nice, clean copy; scarce. London; Sampson Low, Marston, Low & Searle; 1875. ***Ferguson 9681; Wantrup 200. This copy inscribed and signed by the Author. #44467 A$2750.00

    31 Fryer, John. A NEW ACCOUNT OF EAST INDIA AND PERSIA. Being Nine Years’ Travels 1672-1681. Edited with Notes and an Introduction by William Crooke. 3 vols., Facsimile Edition; Vol. I, pp. xlii, 354(last blank); 2 maps, 5 plates (2 folding) & facsimile of title-page of original edition of 1698; Vol. II, pp. viii, 374(last 3 blank); full-page map; Vol. III, pp. x, 274(last 3 blank); folding plate, bibliog., index; original cloth; a very good set in d/ws. New Delhi; Asian Educational Services; 1992. ***A rather crudely produced facsimile of The Hakluyt Society edition of 1909; first published in 1698. #32342 A$145.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 23

    32 Gsell-Fels, Th.; Dr. med. DIE BADER UND KLIMATISCHEN KURORTE DER SCHWEIZ. Mit 1 Baderkarte der Schweiz. Cr. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xxxii, 524, 40(adv.), [4](adv.); large folding col. map, smaller folding map (some tape repairs), 17 plates (2 folding); original cloth (slightly worn); a very good copy; scarce. Zurich; Verlag von Caesar Schmidt; 1880. #17578 A$65.00

    33 Guarmani, Carlo. NORTHERN NAJD. A Journey from Jerusalem to Anaiza in Qasim. Translated from the Italian by Lady Capel-Cure. With introduction and notes by Douglas Carruthers, Gold Medallist of the Royal Geographical Society. 4to, Facsimile Edition; pp. xliv, 136(last 2 blank); facsimile title-page (of original Italian edition), 2 maps (1 folding), 7 plates, glossary, bibliog., 17 appendices, index; original vinyl; a fine copy. [Amsterdam; N. Israel; 1971]. ***Argonaut Press No. 16. First published (in this form) in 1938. #9132 A$110.00

  • 24 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    34 Guillemard, F. H. H. THE CRUISE OF THE MARCHESA TO KAMSCHATKA & NEW GUINEA. With Notices of Formosa, Liu-Kiu, and various Islands of the Malay Archipelago. With Maps and numerous Woodcuts drawn by J. Keuemans, C. Whymper, and others and engraved by Edward Whymper. 2 vols., med. 8vo, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. xx, 284; 5 tinted maps (1 folding), col. frontis., 10 engraved plates & 42 engravings in text, 2 appendices, index; Vol. II, pp. xviii, 400(last blank); 8 tinted maps (4 folding) & 1 full-page engraved map, col. frontis. & 18 engraved plates, 7 appendices, index; old half calf with contrasting morocco labels; (moderate foxing, pretty well throughout; the folding maps laid down on linen); a very good sound & complete set; very scarce. London; John Murray; 1886. ***This first edition, much superior to the one-volume second edition, is now very seldom found. The two coloured frontispieces (not in the second edition) are of birds by Keulemans, and there are also many engravings of birds of paradise and other species. There are numerous notes, descriptions and observations on the birds of the areas visited, including new species and an Appendix in Volume I on the birds of Kamschatka. The birds of New Guinea are well noticed, and lists of the birds collected in the various areas also are included. #1273 A$450.00

    35 Harrison, W. H. THE TOURIST IN PORTUGAL. Illustrated from Paintings by James Holland. First Edition; pp. xii, 290, [2](adv.); engraved title-page (additional) with vignette & 17 full-page engraved plates; original full dark green morocco, gilt, all edges gilt; (corners slightly rubbed but a very nice, clean copy); scarce. London; Robert Jennings; MDCCCXXXIX [1839]. ***Jennings’ Landscape Annual for 1839. #11816 A$250.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 25

    36 Heber, Reginald. NARRATIVE OF A JOURNEY THROUGH THE UPPER PROVINCES OF INDIA, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824--25, (With notes upon Ceylon,) an account of a journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826, and letters written in India, by the Late Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D. Lord Bishop of Calcutta. In Two Volumes. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. xvi, [4](List of Subscribers, etc., last blank), [xvii]-xlviii, 632; full-page map, coloured in outline, 5 plates, 21 wood engravings in text; Vol. II, pp. viii, 516; 5 plates, 4 wood engravings in text; contemporary full calf (nicely rebacked; considerable foxing to plates & adjacent leaves, with small waterstain to several plates in Vol. I, but otherwise clean); a very good copy; scarce. London; John Murray; MDCCCXXVIII [1828]. ***Posthumously published by his widow Amalia, Heber (1783-1826) was a prime mover of the missionary work in India, completing the establishment of Bishop’s College, Calcutta and travelling widely throughout all parts of his diocese. He arrived at Calcutta in October 1823 and in 1824 crossed India to Bombay, via Dacca, Benares, Allahabad, Lucknow, Delhi, and Agra. He later visited Ceylon, and sailed to the south and Madras, where he died in April 1826. Heber’s journal is valuable for his description of the rivers, mountains and people of India and observations on their culture. (Lowndes (1858 edn.), Vol. II, Page 1030). W. R. Crocker’s copy with his signature on front endpaper. #15242 A$1250.00

    37 Heber, Reginald. NARRATIVE OF A JOURNEY THROUGH THE UPPER PROVINCES OF INDIA, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-25. (With notes upon Ceylon,) an account of a journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826, and letters written in India. By the Late Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D. Lord Bishop of Calcutta. Second Edition. In Three Volumes. 3 vols., Second Edition; Vol. I, pp. lxviii, 450; 17 wood engravings; Vol. II, pp. viii, 564; 7 plates; Vol. III, pp. viii, 528, viii(memorial to Heber); 4 plates; contemporary half calf, with marbled sides and fully gilt spines; (some occasional mild soiling); a very nice set. London; John Murray; MDCCCXXVIII [1828]. #26515 A$1250.00

  • 26 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    38 Hibbert, Christopher. AFRICA EXPLORED. Europeans in the Dark Continent, 1769-1889. Med. 8vo, First Edition; pp. 336; 16 maps, 24 plates, glossary, bibliog., index; original papered boards; a fine copy in d/w. (London); Allen Lane; (1982). #30822 A$85.00

    39 Hides, J. G. PAPUAN WONDERLAND. First Edition; pp. xx, 204; endpaper maps, 24 plates, notes, original cloth; a very good copy; scarce. London and Glasgow; Blackie & Son Limited; (1936). #2428 A$195.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 27

    40 Howgego, Raymond John. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXPLORATION 1850 TO 1940. The Continental Exploration. A comprehensive reference guide to the history and literature of exploration, travel and colonization in Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas from 1850 to the early decades of the twentieth century. Thick demy 4to, First Edition; pp. xii, 1048(last blank); numerous bibliogs., index of persons, index of regional articles; original cloth, gilt; multiple marker ribbons; a fine copy in d/w. (Potts Point); Hordern House; (2008). ***An ESSENTIAL reference for anyone interested in exploration, this fourth and final volume of this remarkable work contains about 950 major entries and index entries covering nearly 4000 names of persons noted in the text. The articles cover major expeditions, explorations, and travels from 1850 to 1940. There is extensive biographical information on the travellers themselves as well as their historical background. The text is fully cross-referenced and in addition, each article contains a bibliography of both primary and secondary sources (in many cases quite extensive). Much of the information is here published for the first time in English and there are numerous entries covering obscure persons and expeditions which would be extremely difficult to research without this invaluable tool. #47500 A$295.00

    41 Huxley, Elspeth. THEIR SHINING ELDORADO. A Journey through Australia. First Edition; pp. [ii], 382; 1 folding & 6 full-page maps, 20 plates, bibliog., glossary, index; a nice copy in dustwrapper illustrated by Donald Friend. London; Chatto & Windus; 1967. #34645 A$35.00

  • 28 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    42 King, Phillip Parker. NARRATIVE OF A SURVEY OF THE INTERTROPICAL AND WESTERN COASTS OF AUSTRALIA. Performed between the Years 1818 and 1822. By Captain Phillip P. King, R.N., F.R.S., F.L.S., and Member of the Royal Asiatic Society of London. With an Appendix, containing Various Subjects relating to Hydrography and Natural History. In two volumes, illustrated by plates, charts and wood-cuts. Vol. I [Vol. II]. London: John Murray, Albemarle-street. MDCCCXXVII. 2 vols., First Edition; Vol. I, pp. [ii](half-title, verso blank), [iv](title-page, verso colophon & dedication, verso blank), [v]-xl(last blank), 452; folding chart, 7 plates, 5 wood-cuts in text (incl. title-vignette), Errata slip (at page 1); Vol. II, pp. viii, 638(last blank); folding chart, 6 plates (1 folding), 3 wood-cuts in text (incl. title-vignette), Errata slip (at page 1), 13 appendices (10 on meteorology, & navigation & geography), also list and description of natural history objects collected, geology & native languages; entirely uncut in early twentieth-century hard-grained morocco, with papered sides & marbled endpapers; (some foxing to plates of second volume & to margins only of some text leaves of both volumes); a very good, attractive set; rare. London; John Murray; 1827. ***Ferguson 1130; Wantrup 84b; Abbey 573. Inserted before the half-title in Volume I is an unrelated 16-page publisher’s catalogue from Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, dated January 1827. This is the second issue of this work, as usually found, with the cancel title-pages. A very few copies were issued with the date 1826; these are of the greatest rarity. The work is of great importance: Phillip Parker King (the son of Governor Philip Gidley King) was born at Norfolk Island, and became one of Britain’s leading hydrographers. His work considerably furthered the geographical knowledge of the Australian coasts. His charts were very accurate and his extensions and additions to those of Flinders on the Northern and Western coasts of Australia were for many years in practical use by the Admiralty (well into the twentieth century). He was made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1824. #43380 A$6500.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 29

    43 Leahy, Michael J. EXPLORATIONS INTO HIGHLAND NEW GUINEA. 1930-1935. Edited by Douglas E. Jones. Foreword by Jane C. Goodale. Med. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xvi, 256(last 2 blank); full-page map, several illusts., index; a fine copy in d/w. Bathurst; Crawford House Press; (1994). ***The diary of the often controversial Leahy, recording his five years spent in the pursuit of gold in the New Guinea highlands, and the human discoveries he made there. Leahy’s encounters with the Highlanders in the 1920s and ‘30s, and his often extraordinary photographs of them provide a broad and rich contribution to world enthnography. #49231 A$95.00

    44 Letts, Malcolm; Editor. PERO TAFUR. Travels and Adventures 1435-1439. Translated and Edited with an Introduction by Malcolm Letts. First Edition; pp. xvi, 264(last 3 blank); double-page map, 8 plates, notes, index; title-page in red & black; original cloth (slightly worn; name stamp of former owner at foot of a couple of pp.); a very good copy; scarce. New York and London; Harper & Brothers; (1926). ***The Broadway Travellers Edited by Sir E. Denison Ross and Eileen Power. #31950 A$85.00

  • 30 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    45 Letts, Malcolm; F.S.A. THE PILGRIMAGE OF ARNOLD VON HARFF, KNIGHT from Cologne, through Italy, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Ethiopia, Nubia, Palestine, Turkey, France and Spain, which he accomplished in the years 1496 to 1499. Translated from the German and edited with notes and an introduction. First Edition; pp. xxxvi, 328(last 3 blank); 47 illusts. (several full-page), bibliog., index; original cloth, gilt; (top of spine a little worn); a nice copy; scarce. London; Printed for the Hakluyt Society; 1946. #34109 A$165.00

    46 Lindbergh, Col. Charles A. TO BOGOTA AND BACK BY AIR. The Narrative of a 9,500-Mile Flight from Washington, Over Thirteen Latin-American Countries and Return, in the Single-Seater Airplane “Spirit of St Louis”. Roy. 8vo; pp. 529-301; map, 98 illusts.; contained in the National Geographic Magazine, May, 1928; original wrappers (spine crudely repaired). Washington; National Geographic Society; 1928. #22799 A$45.00

    47 Lindbergh, Col. Charles A.: SEEING AMERICA WITH LINDBERGH. The Record of a Tour of More Than 20,000 Miles by Airplane Through Forty-eight States on Schedule Time. By Lieutenant Donald E. Keyhoe, U.S.M.S. (Retired). Roy. 8vo; pp. 1-46; map, 47 illusts.; contained in the National Geographic Magazine, January, 1928; complete, with original wrappers. Washington; National Geographic Society; 1928. #23395 A$40.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 31

    48 Lindsay, David. JOURNAL OF THE ELDER SCIENTIFIC EXPLORING EXPEDITION, 1891-2. Under Command of D. Lindsay. Equipped solely at the cost of Sir Thomas Elder, G.C.M.G., for the Purpose of Completing the Exploration of Australia, and placed under the Control of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia - South Australian Branch. With Maps. First and Only Edition; pp. 208(last blank); original wrappers; two very large folding maps in separate folder of original thin printed boards; the wrappers a little chipped & soiled; a couple of folds to the maps neatly strenthened; a nice, clean copy; very scarce. Adelaide; C. E. Bristow, Government Printer, North-Terrace; 1893. ***Ferguson 9409a; Wantrup 208. Only 500 copies were printed. The work consists of the final report of the expedition by David Lindsay (14pp.); Mr. Lindsay’s Journal (pp. 15-160); the Journal of Mr. L. A. Wells, the surveyor and later Second Officer (pp. 161-192); and a Vocabulary of Words and Phrases, with Translations, collected from the “Pidong” Tribe at the head of the Murchison River, W.A. Of the two very large folding maps showing the track of the Expedition, one has the geology of the country traversed shown in colour and compiled by Victor Streich, geologist to the expedition. The expedition, although not achieving all its objectives, owing to the severe drought obtaining at the time, covered over 2700 miles of unexplored territory, and explored & mapped 80,000 square miles of hitherto unknown country in Southern W.A. and South Australia. #27329 A$1950.00

  • 32 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    49 Livingstone, David. THE LAST JOURNALS OF DAVID LIVINGSTONE, IN CENTRAL AFRICA, from 1865 to his death. Continued by a Narrative of his Last Moments and Sufferings, obtained from his faithful Servants Chuma and Susi. By Horace Waller, F.R.G.S., Rector of Twywell, Northampton. Tenth Thousand. In Two Volumes.--Vol. I [ONLY]. Pp. xx, 360; very large folding map in pocket at end, 7 plates, 18 text illusts.; original cloth; uncut; very scarce. London; John Murray; 1880. ***Volume I only, but complete in itself, including the large map. #14476 A$175.00

    50 Lucas, Ian F. M. THE ROYAL EMBASSY. The Duke and Duchess of York’s Tour in Australasia. With forty-six illustrations and a map. First Edition; pp. xii, 252, 8(adv.); endpaper map, 31 plates, index; original cloth; a nice copy in d/w. London; Methuen & Co. Ltd.; (1927). #12580 A$65.00

    51 Mandeville, Sir John: THE TRAVELS OF SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. The version of the Cotton Manuscript in modern spelling. With three narratives, in illustration of it, from Hakluyt’s “Navigations, Voyages & Discoveries”. 4th Impr. (in this form); pp. xvi, 390, [2](adv., last blank); glossary and index; original cloth; (inscription on Contents page; some foxing); a very good copy; scarce. London; Macmillan and Co., Limited; (1923). #57548 A$100.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 33

    52 Marchant, Leslie R. FRANCE AUSTRALE. A study of French explorations and attempts to found a penal colony and strategic base in south western Australia 1503-1826. Med. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xvi, 384; 8 col. plates, 72 illusts & maps, 30 appendices, footnotes, bibliog., index; original papered boards; a nice copy in d/w.; scarce. (Perth; Artlook Books; 1982). #5188 A$165.00

    53 [Maslen, T. J.]. THE FRIEND OF AUSTRALIA; or, A Plan for Exploring the Interior, and for Carrying on a Survey of the Whole Continent of Australia. By a Retired Officer of the Hon. East India Company’s Service. Illustrated with a Map of Australia, and Five Plates. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xxiv, 428, [4](last 3 blank); large folding map, 5 fine and attractive double-page handcoloured aquatint plates, appendix; contemporary half calf and marbled boards, marbled edges and endpapers, spine with raised bands and gilt in compartments, spine label renewed; (binding a little rubbed; some occasional mild marginal foxing); a nice copy; very rare. London; Hurst, Chance, and Co.; 1830. ***Ferguson, 1379; Wantrup, 117a. An important book, printed in an edition of only 250 copies, this is the most detailed of the proposals for exploration of the Australian interior which was at this stage still virtually unknown. Some optimistic assessments as to the fertility of the interior are combined with detailed suggestions for the equipment and organisation of expeditions and the future of the country. The plates include a proposal for a new flag for New South Wales, a specimen plan for new townships and beautiful illustrations for the conduct of expeditions. A second “edition” comprising the unsold sheets of the First Edition with a new title-page and preface was issued by Smith, Elder in 1836: this is equally rare. #20287 A$13,500.00

  • 34 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    54 Moll, Oscar. EUROPEAN HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESORTS. A European tinerary: Specially compiled as an impartial, independant, and trustworthy compendium to the Prettiest Spots and Health Resorts of Europe. Cr. 8vo, 2nd Edn.; pp. xxiv, 590; large col. folding map of Paris, several illusts., index; original printed cloth; (a few unobtrusive stamps of the Eastern Telegraph Co. library); a very good copy; scarce. Cologne; M. DuMont Schauberg; 1900. ***First published the previous year. Covering Germany, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, France, Switzerland and Holland. #17576 A$110.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 35

    55 Park, Mungo. TRAVELS IN THE INTERIOR DISTRICTS OF AFRICA: Performed in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an Account of a Subsequent Mission to that Country in 1805. By Mungo Park, Surgeon. To which is added An Account of the Life of Mr. Park. A New Edition. In two volumes. Vol. I. TRAVELS IN 1795, 1796, AND 1797. With an Appendix, containing Geographical Illustrations of Africa. By Major Rennell. London: Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street, by William Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row. 1816. 4to, Second Edition (of this complete version); pp. [iii]-xx(lacking half-title), 360, [2](Postscript - A Negro Song, followed by double-sided plate of music), [363]-458(Major Rennell’s Appendix); portrait, 3 folding maps, 5 plates, vocabulary, etc.; half calf, with marbled sides (spine faded); top edge gilt, others uncut; (stamp on title-page & verso of first map); a very good copy; scarce. London; John Murray; 1816. [with] Park, Mungo. THE JOURNAL OF A MISSION TO THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA in the Year 1805. By Mungo Park. Together with other Documents, Official and Private, relating to the same Mission. To which is prefixed an Account of the Life of Mr. Park. The Second Edition, Revised and Corrected, with Additions. London: Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street, by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James’s. 1815. 4to, Second Edition; pp. [iii]-[xx], 374(last blank); folding map, 6 appendices; half calf, with marbled sides (spine faded); top edge gilt, others uncut; (library stamp on title-page & verso of map; a small marginal defect to the map just affecting border); a very good copy; scarce. London; John Murray; 1815. ***The first volume was first published in 1799, the second in 1815 (this being the revised and corrected edition of the same year). The two volumes together, although mixed editions, comprise the complete work, and are not uncommonly found thus. This set is uniformly bound and notwithstanding the slight defects noted is an attractive, complete set, with the signature of W. R. Crocker, Australian ambassador in the front of each volume. #15240 A$2750.00

  • 36 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    56 Parry, J. H. THE DISCOVERY OF SOUTH AMERICA. Cr. 4to, First Australian Edition; pp. 320; 120 illusts. (incl. numerous maps); refs., index; original cloth; a nice copy in slightly torn d/w. Melbourne; Oxford University Press; (1979). #9232 A$100.00

    57 Perham, Margery & Simmons, J. AFRICAN DISCOVERY. An Anthology of Exploration. 3rd Edn. (?); pp. 280; 11 maps, 16 plates, list of books, index; original wrappers. London; Faber and Faber; (1963). #11004 A$25.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 37

    58 Peron, F[rancois], & Freycinet, Louis. VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES. A complete set of the First Edition of this work, including the very rare text and atlas volumes of Navigation and Geography, as detailed hereunder: VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES, execute par Ordre da Sa Majeste l’Empereur et Roi, sur les Corvettes Le Geographe, Le Naturaliste, et la Goelette Le Casuarina, pendant les Annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804; Publie par Decret Imperial, sous le Ministere de M. de Champagny, et redige par M. F. Peron, Naturaliste de l’Expedition, Correspondant de l’Institut de France; de la Societe de l’Ecole de medecine de Paris, des Societes philomatique et medicale de la meme ville. Tome Premier. A Paris, de l’Imprimerie Imperiale. M. DCCC. VII. Med. 4to, pp. [iv], xvi, 496, [2](Errata du Tome Premier et Atlas), iv(Contents to Tome Second, last blank); these last two leaves being the projected list of contents for Volume II (which was not, in the event, published until 9 years later) are very rarely found and comprise, in effect, a Prospectus for the second volume; very fine and clean; contemporary full marbled calf, gilt. VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES, execute sur les Corvettes Le Geographe, Le Naturaliste, et la Goelette Le Casuarina, pendant les Annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804; Publie par ordre de son Excellence le Ministre Secretaire d’Etat de l’Interieur. Historique: Tome Second. Redige par feu F. Peron, et continue Par M. Louis Freycinet, Capitaine de fregate, Chevalier de Saint-Louis et de la Legion d’honneur, Correspondant de l’Academie royale des Sciences de Paris, de la Societe des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rochefort, de la Societe philomatique, &c.; Commandant du Casuarina pendant l’expedition. A Paris, de l’Imprimerie Royale. 1816. Med. 4to, pp. xxxii, 472(last blank); frontis. portrait of Peron, 2 folding tables (pp. 342bis and 346bis); pages 458-464 comprise corrections and additions to Vol. I, pages 465-66 corrections to Vol. II, page 467 corrections to the Atlas (see below), page 468 a Supplement to the errata to the Navigation and Geography (see also below) and pages 469-471 is a table of contents to this Volume II, these differing from those in Volume I (see above); fine and clean; matching contemporary full marbled calf. VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES execute par ordre de S. M. l’Empereur et Roi. Partie Historique redigee par M. F. Peron. ATLAS par MM. Lesueur et Petit. Dirige par J. Milbert. [Engraved title-page]. Super roy. 4to, pp. [vi](engraved title, verso blank & Contents, 4pp.); 40 very fine engraved plates numbered II to XLI (2 folding), including a plan of Sydney, and 23 of which are finely hand-coloured; (but for very slight occasional foxing and a little dust-soiling of last plate, fine and clean); [bound with] VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES. Historique. ATLAS deuxieme partie. Redigee par Mr. L. Freycinet, Capitaine de Fregate, Commandant le Casuarina pendant l’Expedition. Paris.

  • 38 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 1811. [Engraved title-page]. Super roy. 4to; pp. [vi](engraved title, verso blank & Contents, 4pp., last blank); 2 large folding charts (numbered 1 & 2), 24 other maps & plans (on 12 plates, numbered 3-14); fine and clean; contemporary quarter calf, with marbled paste-papered sides to match the text volumes (above). VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES, execute sur les Corvettes Le Geographe, Le Naturaliste, et la Goelette Le Casuarina, pendant les Annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804; sous le Commandement du Capitaine de vaisseau N. Baudin. NAVIGATION ET GEOGRAPHIE. Publie par ordre de son Excellence le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies; et redigee Par M. Louis Freycinet, Capitaine de fregate, Chevalier de Saint-Louis et de la Legion d’honneur, Correspondant de l’Institut de France, et de la Societe des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Rochefort, &c.; Commandant du Casuarina pendant l’expedition. [3 line part quotation from the Aeneid]. (Avec un Atlas.) A Paris, de l’Imprimerie Royale. 1815. Med. 4to, pp. xvi, 576, [2](Errata et Additions); 90 pages of tables; (some occasional minor foxing & browning); recently bound in full leather; uncut; very rare. Paris; Imprimerie Royale, 1815. VOYAGE DE DECOUVERTES AUX TERRES AUSTRALES, execute Par Ordre de S. M. L’Empereur et Roi Sur les Corvettes le Geographe, le Naturaliste, et la Goelette Le Casuarina, pendant les Annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, & 1804. Publie par Decret Imperial sous le Ministere de son Excellence le Vice-Amiral Comte Decres, Grand Officier de l’Empire Inspecteur General des Cotes debla Mediterannee, Grand Aigle, chef de la Xeme Cohorte de la Legion d’Honneur, ayant le Departement de la Marine et des Colonies. PARTIE NAVIGATION ET GEOGRAPHIE. Redigee Par Louis Freycinet, Capitaine de Fregate, Commandant le Casuarina pendant l’Expedition. ATLAS. A Paris, 1812. Folio, First Edition; pp. [iv](title-page & Table of Charts, versos blank); 25 double-page & 7 full-page charts, finely engraved; modern half morocco, with marbled sides; (some foxing of several charts, but not severe; No. 29 with a little surface damage near upper edge from drops of candle-wax and its subsequent removal, with only the slightest loss of printed image to upper frame and a tiny portion of the representation of the River Hawkesbury; otherwise generally fine and clean); very rare. Together 3 vols. text, 4to, 2-part atlas in 1 vol., royal 4to, and Navigation atlas 1 vol. folio. Paris; Imprimerie Imperiale [et] Royale; 1807-1816. ***See Ferguson 449 (Historique), 536 (navigation atlas) and 603 (navigation text). Both the text and atlas of the Navigation and Geography are very rare and complete sets of the entire work are seldom encountered. The charts in the Atlases (both to the Navigation and to the Partie Historique) are mainly by de Freycinet, and the fine illustrations are by Lesueur and Petit. The plates consist of 5 coloured coastal views, natural history subjects (9 coloured), topographical views, native weapons, canoes, habitations, etc. (some coloured), and 10 portraits (4 coloured) of NAMED Aborigines by NICHOLAS PETIT. One of the folding topographical views is a fine plate of Sydney by Lesueur. Francois Peron (1775-1810), naturalist and historian, was first intended for the priesthood, but with the Revolution joined the army. He served on the Rhine, was wounded (losing an eye), captured, and on repatriation in 1794 was invalided out of the army. He studied natural history and gained an appointment in Baudin’s expedition to the South Seas. He worked tirelessly in amassing specimens and information relative to the animal life of Australia and its environs, thus making a significant contribution to Australian zoology. On the return of the expedition Peron undertook the compilation of the history of the voyage; but ill-health forced him to abandon it half-way through, and it was completed by de Freycinet. Louis de Freycinet (1779-1842) was an hydrographer and cartographer in the French Navy. As a result of his highly creditable work in the Baudin expedition he was appointed to the command of a circumnavigatory expedition (in L’Uranie and La Physicienne) from 1816 to 1820, during which voyage he again visited the Australian coasts. The expedition was commanded by Nicolas Baudin, who died at Batavia on the way home. The purpose of the voyage was the thorough examination of the western and southern coasts of Australia, and especially to investigate a belief that a strait existed linking the southern sea with the Gulf of Carpentaria, thus dividing New Holland into two large islands. A six months’ stay at Sydney is fully described by Peron, embodying a valuable account of life in the early years of the settlement. Despite the failure of the expedition to complete its allotted tasks and the untimely death of its commander the scientific achievements were outstanding and many hundreds of plants were illustrated and described and in addition a collection of over eighteen thousand Zoological specimens was amassed, together with observations on numerous subjects - all this with a complement greatly reduced (both in scientific staff & crew) by desertion and illness! #13976 A$110,000.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 39

    59 Phillip, Captain Arthur: THE VOYAGE OF GOVERNOR PHILLIP TO BOTANY BAY. First Published in 1789, reprinted, with amendments in 1790. Now reprinted with 7 Charts and 48 Plates including 31 fine coloured plates from the deluxe version of the first edition reproduced at enlarged scale. Melbourne; Edition Renard; MMVII. Folio, Deluxe Limited Edition; pp. xl, 230; title vignette & 55 plates & charts reproduced from the original copperplate engravings, comprising portraits of Phillip, King, Shortland and Watts, 7 charts, 19 plates of birds, 9 of mammals, 4 of fishes, 1 plant, 4 of aborigines & their artifacts, 1 reptile & 6 views (incl. Botany Bay & Port Jackson), 4 additional illusts., plus additional suite of 31 uncoloured natural history plates, appendix containing list of all the convicts who came with the First Fleet, historical and bibliographical notes, additional set of 7 charts folded into pocket in rear board; original full red-burgundy polished morocco, gilt; all edges fully gilt in genuine gold. Melbourne; Edition Renard; 2007. ***Edition limited to 75 numbered copies (of a total of 212 numbered copies). This edition includes 31 coloured plates from the rare deluxe issue of the First Edition. These have never before been republished. This deluxe version of our edition contains an additional suite of 31 uncoloured plates from the original uncoloured edition. All the views and natural history plates are enlarged from the originals to splendid effect. #23917 A$3850.00

  • 40 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    60 Pinkerton, John. MODERN GEOGRAPHY. A Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Colonies; with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles; in All Parts of the World: Including the Most Recent Discoveries, and Political Alterations. Digested on a New Plan. By John Pinkerton. The Astronomical Introduction by The Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. and Plumian Professor of Astronomy, and Experimental Philosophy, in the University of Cambridge. With Numerous maps, drawn under the direction, and with the latest improvements, of Arrowsmith, and engraved by Lowry. To the whole are added, a Catalogue of the best Maps, and Books of Travels and Voyages, in all Languages: And an ample index. In two volumes.--Vol. I [II]. London: Printed by A. Strahan, Printers Street; for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, Strand; and T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row. 1802. 2 vols., med. 4to, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. xvi, cviii, 666; double-page map of the world in hemispheres & 21 full-page maps, 4 appendices; Vol. II, pp. viii, 836(last errata); double-page world map on Mercator’s projection, folding map of Central Asia & 20 (of 21) full-page maps [i.e. LACKING the map of Cape Colony, this apparently never bound in], bibliog., index; contemporary half calf, with marbled sides (spines a little rubbed; some marginal foxing of maps, but generally fine and clean); a very good set; scarce. London; T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies [etc.]; 1802. ***Forbes 341. Apart from the two world maps there are two other maps of significant Australian interest, one showing Australia just before Flinders’ discoveries and the other of the Pacific including the Australian continent. A compendious and interesting work with information compiled from travellers and navigators from all parts of the globe, and with historical summaries of the progress of geographical knowledge in the different regions. #12597 A$950.00

    61 Ralston, Kathleen. A MAN FOR ANTARCTICA. The Early Life of Phillip Law. Med. 8vo, First Edition; pp. x, 236, [2](blank); 3 text maps, frontis., 12 plates, notes, glossary, bibliog., index; a fine copy in d/w. (Melbourne); Hyland House; (1993). #40813 A$65.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 41

    62 Riviere, Peter; Editor. THE GUIANA TRAVELS OF RICHARD SCHOMBURGK 1835-1844. Volume I: Explorations on Behalf of the Royal Geographical Society 1835-1839. Volume II: The Boundary Survey 1840-1844. 2 vols., roy. 8vo, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. xiv, 406, [4](blank); 3 maps, 13 figs. incl. portrait frontis.; Vol. II, pp. xiv, 266; 3 maps, 12 figs. incl. portrait frontis.; original cloth; a fine set in d/ws. London; Published by Ashgate for The Hakluyt Society; 2006. ***Series III, Volumes 16 & 17. #41804 A$250.00

    63 Roth, H. Ling. THE DISCOVERY AND SETTLEMENT OF PORT MACKAY, QUEENSLAND. With Numerous Illustrations, Charts and Maps, and some Notes on the Natural History of the District. Cr. 4to, First Edition; pp. viii, 114, [2](recto adv., verso blank); frontis., 2 folding maps & charts, 1 double-page map, full-page town plan, 82 illusts. (a few full-page), 4 appendices (incl. an account of the Aborigines of the district, & notes on natural history), index; original blue patterned cloth (part faded & spine ends a little worn); top edge gilt; a very good copy; rare. Halifax, England; F. King & Sons; 1908. ***A note on the title-verso states: “This book is limited to one edition of 250 copies for sale in the British Islands and Abroad.” #22974 A$850.00

  • 42 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    64 Shackleton, E. H. THE HEART OF THE ANTARCTIC. Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-09. With an Introduction by Hugh Robert Mill, D.Sc. An Account of the First Journey to the South Magnetic Pole by Professor T. W. Edgeworth David, F.R.S. 2 vols., thick cr. 4to, First Edition; Vol. I, pp. xlviii, 372; Vol. II, pp. xvi, 420(last blank); very numerous plates, maps and other illusts. as detailed below, 10 appendices, index; original silver-decorated cloth (slight waterstains to lower edge; spines faded & joints cracked; some foxing & occasional small waterstains to lower margins of some plates); still a very good, sound set; top edges gilt; scarce. London; William Heinemann; 1909. ***The Appendices contain the scientific notes and technical data of the expedition. The maps and illustrations are as follows:- Vol. I: photogravure portrait frontis., 6 full-page col. plates with titled tissues, 77 full-page b/w. plates, 24 b/w. plates with two illusts. per plate & 1 with 3 illusts.; 3 double-page b/w. plates & 11 illusts. in text; Vol. II: 3 folding maps in pocket, 2 panoramas on large folding sheet in pocket, photogravure frontis., 6 full-page col. plates with titled tissues, 51 full-page b/w. plates, 37 b/w. plates with 2 illusts. per plate, 4 b/w. plates with 3 illusts. per plate and 1 with 4 illusts., 1 double-page b/w. plate & 38 illusts. in text. The collation of this work is notoriously tedious (though quite straightforward) but the number of plates etc. given above have been thoroughly checked and can be regarded as definitive ( for this First, London, Edition only!). This copy contains in addition an Errata slip to Volume II, not always present. As with all books we offer for sale, this work has been collated in detail, and is absolutely complete. Spence 1097; U.S.N. 23-59.21; Renard 1446; Rosove 305.B1.a. #16471 A$1100.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 43

    65 Shelford, Frederic. PIONEERING. A Series of Four Articles contributed to “The Engineer.” Revised. Cr. 8vo, First Edition in book form; pp. [ii], vi, 88(last 4 adv.); 14 figs.; original cloth; a nice copy; scarce. London; E. & F. N. Spon, Limited; 1909. ***Including camp equipment, clothing, medicines, surveying instruments, interaction with natives, hints to travellers, hints on health, food, cooking, etc. #11311 A$125.00

    66 Stanley, Henry M. IN DARKEST AFRICA, or the Quest Rescue and Retreat of Emin Governor of Equatoria. With Two Steel Engravings, and One Hundred and Fifty Illustrations and Maps. 2 vols., First U.S. Edition; Vol. I, pp. [ii](blank), xiv, 550(last 3 blank; portrait frontis., large folding col. map & typeset letter (in pocket), 17 full-page illusts., 57 text illusts., appendix; Vol. II, pp. [ii](blank), xvi, 540, [2](blank); portrait frontis., 2 folding maps (1 large & col.) in pocket, 1 full-page col. plate, 26 full-page illusts., 46 text illusts., 4 appendices, index; original gilt pictorial cloth (slightly rubbed; hinges cracked, but sound); a very good set; scarce. New York; Charles Scribner’s Sons; 1890. #18023 A$750.00

  • 44 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    67 Stoddard, John L. JOHN L. STODDARD’S LECTURES. Complete in Ten Volumes. 13 vols. (incl. 3 supplementary volumes), med. 8vo; pp. in total well over 4000; with very numerous illusts. (many col., incl. plates); indices; original half leather with marbled sides, top edges gilt, attractive patterned endpapers; (bindings worn or rubbed, but generally sound; internally clean); a good, sound set. Boston; Balch Brothers Co.; 1905. ***Attractively produced. Stoddard’s lectures were very popular and many times reprinted in various editions. They cover most parts of the Old World, the major countries of Asia, the United States, Canada and Mexico, with fine illustrations and descriptions of the countryside and inhabitants. A fourth supplementary volume was later published. Not collated in detail, but internally fine and clean and apparently quite complete. #12586 A$75.00

    68 Stokes, J. Lort. DISCOVERIES IN AUSTRALIA; with an Account of the Coasts and Rivers Explored and Surveyed during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, in the Years 1837-38-39-40-41-42-43. By Command of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Also a Narrative of Captain Owen Stanley’s Visits to the Islands in the Arafura Sea. 2 vols., First Facsimile Edition; Vol. I, pp. [ii], xvi, 522(last blank); 3 folding charts, 15 plates, 15 text illusts., 5 appendices; Vol. II, pp. [ii], x, 544(last blank); 5 folding charts, 11 plates, 13 text illusts., appendix; original vinyl; a fine set; scarce. [Adelaide; Libraries Board of South Australia; 1969]. ***Facsimile of the First Edition, London, T. & W. Boone, 1846 - refer Ferguson 4406. Australiana Facsimile Editions No. 33. Fewer than 800 sets (including a reprint of over 400 copies) were printed. #2264 A$650.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 45

    69 Strachan, John. EXPLORATIONS AND ADVENTURES IN NEW GUINEA. By Captain John Strachan, F.R.G.S., F.R.C.I., of Sydney. Cr. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xvi, 300, 32(inserted adv.); 3 folding col. maps, portrait frontis. with facsimile signature, 9 plates; uncut in original cloth (spine faded & a little rubbed; some foxing); a very good, sound copy; very scarce. London; Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington; 1888. #6463 A$550.00

  • 46 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    70 Sturt, Captain Charles. NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION INTO CENTRAL AUSTRALIA, performed under the Authority of Her Majesty’s Government, during the Years 1844, 5 and 6. Together with a Notice of the Province of South Australia, in 1847. Vol. III, ONLY, i.e. the folder containing the large folding map in two sheets by Arrowsmith; original vinyl; a fine copy. [Adelaide; Libraries Board of South Australia; 1965]. ***Facsimile of the first edition of 1849: this large folding map was separately issued in the original edition and in that form is very rare and seldom found. #40831 A$150.00

    71 Sturt, Captain Charles. NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION INTO CENTRAL AUSTRALIA, performed Under the Authority of Her Majesty’s Government, during the Years 1844, 5 and 6. Together with a Notice of the Province of South Australia, in 1847. 2 vols., Facsimile Edition; Vol. 1, pp. x, iv, [5]-418(last 2 blank); folding map; 8 plates, 11 text illusts.; Vol. 2, pp. vi, 308, 94(appendices, last 2 blank); 8 plates, 4 text illusts., 5 appendices, Errata; original cloth; a fine set. New York; Greenwood Press, Publishers; (1969). #32535 A$350.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 47

    72 Temple, Lt.-Col. Sir Richard Carnac. THE TRAVELS OF PETER MUNDY, IN EUROPE AND ASIA, 1608-1667. 5 vols. in 6, First Edition; Volume I, Travels in Europe, 1608-1628, pp. liv, 284, [4](Errata, last 2 blank); 3 folding col. maps (Mundys Route in Turkey; Mundys Route in Italy; Mundys Route in France), 3 plates (2 folding), folding genealogical table, 7 appendices, bibliog., index; Volume II, Travels in Asia, 1628-1634, pp. lxxx, 440(last 3 blank); 2 maps (Mundy’s Routes between Surat and Agra, 1631 and 1633; Mundy’s Routes: Agra to Karanbas 1631, Agra to Patna, 1632), 29 plates (5 folding), 5 appendices, bibliog., index; Volume III, Travels in England, India, China, etc. 1634-1638, Part 1, Travels in England, Western India, Achin, Macao, and the Canton River, 1634-1637, pp. l, 316; 6 maps (Mundy’s route to India, 1636-1637, route from Bhatkal to Ikkeri; Mundy’s route, from Achin to Pulo Condore, and vice versa, 1637-1638, Old and New Straits of Singapore; Mundy’s Route, from Pulo Condore to Macao and vice versa, 1637-1638; Macao and the Canton River, 1637; Macao and the Taipa Anchorage, 1637; The Boca Tigris, 1637; The First Bar, 1637), 15 plates (5 folding), 2 text illusts.,; Volume III, Part 2, Travels in Achin, Mauritius, Madagascar, and St Helena, 1638, pp. viii, [317]-578(last blank), xl(adv. & index to Hakluyt Society publications); 6 plates (1 folding), 2 text illusts., 5 appendices, index; Volume IV, Travels in Europe 1639-1647, pp. xlvi, 280, xlviii(adv. & index to Hakluyt Society publications & list of members of the Society); 2 folding & 2 full-page maps (General Map showing the extent of Mundy’s Four Journeys 1639 to 1647; Mundy’s Petty Tour in England and his Tour round the Coast; Mundy’s Journeys in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark; Mundy’s Journeys Inland from Konigsberg and Wehlau to Thorn and Warsaw), 15 plates (1 folding), 6 text illusts., 4 appendices, bibliog., index; Volume V, Travels in South-West England and Western India, with a Diary of Events in London, 1658-1663, and in Penryn, 1664-1667, pp. xxviii, 226, [2](colophon, verso blank); full-page map (The Malabar Coast), 3 plates (1 folding), 11 text illusts., appendix, bibliog., index; original cloth, gilt; a very fine set, with the last vol. in d/w. Cambridge [later London]; Printed for the Hakluyt Society; 1907-1936. ***Hakluyt Society Second Series, Nos. 17, 35, 45, 46, 55 & 78. A fascinating and detailed travelogue with a wealth of information from 17th century Asia and Europe, covering not only land travels, but also voyages between various ports. From Temple’s Preface: “Peter Mundy began writing an account of his many travels in Europe and Asia as early as 1620, and continued his narrative at intervals thereafter up to 1667, compiling a huge MS. volume full of valuable matter of all sorts, and of exceptional interest to students of geography and history. It is therefore a matter of considerable surprise that his MS. should have remained practically buried from that time to this.” Mundy’s experiences “would have afforded sufficient excitement for a lifetime to the ordinary individual. Not so with our author. The more he travelled the keener became his thirst for knowledge and his desire to extend it.” Fortunately for us he chose to record it all. #23980 A$1350.00

  • 48 Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books

    73 Thomson, Joseph. TRAVELS IN THE ATLAS AND SOUTHERN MOROCCO. A Narrative of Exploration. Cr. 8vo, First Edition; pp. xvi, 488, [8](adv.); 2 folding col. maps, 4 text maps, , 31 plates, 37 text illusts., index; original cloth (faded & a little worn; some foxing; name on half-title); a very good copy; very scarce. London; George Philip & Son; 1889. ***Important English explorations in northern Africa. #28791 A$650.00

    74 Waterton, Charles. WANDERINGS IN SOUTH AMERICA, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in the Years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824. With Original Instructions for the perfect preservation of Birds, Etc. for Cabinets of Natural History. New Edition. Edited, with Biographical Introduction and Explanatory Index, by the Rev. J. G. Wood. With one hundred illustrations. Cr. 8vo; pp. [iii]-xvi, 520, 42(adv.); numerous illusts., index; original cloth (marked & a little worn; lacking half-title). London; Macmillan & Co.; 1880. #35020 A$75.00

  • Gaston Renard Fine and Rare Books 49

    75 [Whyte, Duncan]. SKETCH OF EXPLORATIONS BY THE LATE JOHN M’KINLAY IN THE INTERIOR OF AUSTRALIA, 1861-2. Being a paper read before the Cowal Society, Oct. 28, 1878, and published at the Request of the Society. [Illustration captioned] M’Kinlay’s Boat on the Alligator River. Any Profits arising from this Publication to be Devoted to the Relief of Widows and Orphans connected with the Society. Cr. 8vo, First Edition; pp. 48; wood-engraved portrait as frontis., and illust. on title-page as noted above, full-page sketch map of M’Kinlay’s route, & 1 further illust. in text (M’Kinlays monument); original cloth, with gilt title on front board; a very fine, bright copy; very rare. Glasgow; Aird & Coghill; [1881]. ***Ferguson 18514; Wantrup 181. One of the conspicuous rarities of Australian exploration, this interesting work includes a brief account of M’Kinlay’s early life (he was a native of Cowal) and dated extracts from his journals. #10154 A$7500.00


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