Gardens By The Bay - Reflection

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Reflection Presentation based on the Site visit at Gardens By The Bay(Singapore) for module Creating Tropical Gardens

Transcript of Gardens By The Bay - Reflection


Gardens by the Bay

[Untitled image of gardens by the bay]. (n.d.) [Digital image]. Retrieved from

map of the gardens

Gardens by the Bay

[Untitled image of gardens by the bay]. (n.d.) [Digital image]. Retrieved from

location 1: Secret Life of Trees

Gardens by the Bay location 1: Secret Life of Trees

Gardens by the Bay location 1: Secret Life of Trees

Gardens by the Bay location 1: Secret Life of Trees

Gardens by the Bay location 1: Secret Life of Trees

Gardens by the Bay location 1: Secret Life of Trees

Gardens by the Bay

[Untitled image of gardens by the bay]. (n.d.) [Digital image]. Retrieved from

location 2: Malay Garden

Gardens by the Bay location 2: Malay Garden

Gardens by the Bay location 2: Malay Garden

Gardens by the Bay location 2: Malay Garden

Gardens by the Bay location: Malay Garden

Gardens by the Bay

[Untitled image of gardens by the bay]. (n.d.) [Digital image]. Retrieved from

location 4: Chinese Garden

Gardens by the Bay location 3: Chinese Garden

Gardens by the Bay location 3: Chinese Garden

Gardens by the Bay location 3: Chinese Garden

Gardens by the Bay

[Untitled image of gardens by the bay]. (n.d.) [Digital image]. Retrieved from

location 3: Dragonfly Lake

Gardens by the Bay location 4: Dragonfly Lake

Gardens by the Bay location 4: Dragonfly Lake

Gardens by the Bay location 4: Dragonfly Lake

Gardens by the Bay location 4: Dragonfly Lake

Gardens by the Bay

[Untitled image of gardens by the bay]. (n.d.) [Digital image]. Retrieved from

location 5: The Canopy

Gardens by the Bay location 5: The Canopy

Gardens by the Bay location 5: The Canopy