Post on 19-May-2015

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Paulina Garcia

MFA Fine Arts

“broken babies”


Hybrid Worlds - DT - Prof. Victoria Vesna

My project consists in a translation and de-contextualization of scientific studies of embryological diseases and disorders in fetuses and infants. This consist on the study of the embryology book “Langman’s Medical Embriology”, and a further selection of images and representations of babies, embryos and fetuses, that will then taken to the field of sculpture, specifically, to sculptures made of toys.Those sculptures, deal with the manipulation, dismemberment and processing of toys that represent infants, with the aim to illustrate the disorder or disease in the object. This practice is made through the inclusion and use of different materials, such as clay, play-doh, among others, as well as the work and process of the rubber of the toy.This is for now a long-term project that intents at the end to include all the photographs illustrated in the book, as well as the information that is relevant to the image. These (images of the toys and information) will be presented in the form of an artist book, which intends to be interactive, for that the book will include sampling of the toys as well.


The subject matter of this work is based on the idea or notion of the grotesque. The images of malformed infants, somehow presents a grim picture, and the study of these implications from a scientific side, show the need to understand the non-normality and monstrosity (as it is called in medicine the incompatible with life), on another words, the need to understand the otherness. From an artistic side, the manipulation of toys and representation of the grotesque, relates to the notion of transforming the familiar into the unknown, or in other words, in the sinister or uncanny. The sinister is explained as the process in which the familiar becomes strange, and thus, this concept is reflected in the transformation of the toys in unexpected ways. The toys usually represent adulthood, in a simplified manner as the details are summarized, generally to a character or appearance should be (or pretend) to be attractive to children. So the manipulation of the toys embodies the uncanny.


My interest in this project starts on my subject matter in my artistic practice. Usually, my work begins with the collection of objects, mostly toys or objects that are intended to be used by children. In a more intuitive way, my relationship with the objects is one of necessity, a build up desire on owning them. Mainly because owning them implies the possibility of bringing them to my studio and of explore them. The toys that I bring in to my workspace frequently capture my attention and sensibility, some of them because of their bizarre nature, some of them because they don’t seem to be for the use of children and some of them because of the way they represents the world. There is were my interest in the miniature exist; the way how they represent the adult world without hierarchies between animals and humans is something that I find fascinating, also in the same way I wonder what the reasoning behind the creation of toys is and my need for appropriation.On another hand my interest in science has been present in my work, but the particular interest in diseases started through this class, after seeing works such as Kathy High’s practice. In that way, I see this project as an opportunity to combine both interests, and thinking how toys can be part of a practical and scientific practice.






For now, I started the testing on the toys. The manipulation of the material is extremely important, so I’ve been able to do around ten images. My goal is to complete this project during the summer break and the fall semester. The main piece is going to be an artist book, that is going to have samplings of the toys that way the audience can interact and play with the babies. I see this becoming an art piece, and the beginning of the merge between science and art in my practice.


• Olalquiaga, Céleste. The Artificial Kingdom. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2002. •Sadler, Thomas W., and Jan Langman. Langman: Embriología Médica : Con Orientación Clínica. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2007. Print. • Stewart, Susan. On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collection. Durham: Duke UP, 1993. Print.