Games to explore the molecular world

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Games to explore the molecular world

Games to explore the molecular world

Games4Change 12/12/17

Antoine Taly

From the lab to the crowd- UnityMol- RNA-folding- DocMolecules- Pangu


With an haptic arm

With Oculus and leap motion

With Hololens

HireRNA- Arcade- RNA folding contest

Doc Molecules

PANGUA story of life

To use this application, be sure to get molecular models to place on a white background. You will build molecules and then virtualize them using the camera on your mobile device.

Virtualisation réussie !

Molécule d’eau et d’ammoniacLiaison entre un hydrogène et un oxygèneFormation de l’ion ammonium NH4+ en solution

Acknowledgements/ReferencesUnityMolDoutreligne, S., Gageat, C., Cragnolini, T., Taly, A., Pasquali, S., Baaden, M., & Derreumaux, P. (2015). UnityMol: Simulation et Visualisation Interactive à des fins d’Enseignement et de Recherche. GGMM 2015, 118.Lv, Z., Tek, A., Da Silva, F., Empereur-Mot, C., Chavent, M., & Baaden, M. (2013). Game on, science-how video game technology may help biologists tackle visualization challenges. PloS one, 8(3), e57990.Mazzanti, L., Doutreligne, S., Gageat, C., Derreumaux, P., Taly, A., Baaden, M., & Pasquali, S. (2017). What Can Human-Guided Simulations Bring to RNA Folding?. Biophysical journal, 113(2), 302-312.

RNA-foldingLiuba Mazzanti, Sébastien Doutreligne, Cedric Gageat, Philippe Derreumaux, Antoine Taly, Marc Baaden, Samuela Pasqual (Biophysical journal 113 (2), 302-312)

DocmoleculesC. Couzelin, Espace Des Sciences de RennesSociété Polymorph (Montgermont, 35)M Baaden, O Delalande, Philippe Derreumaux,,N Férey, S Pasquali, A Taly

PanguAnne Lautrou, Garry Williams, Benjamin Frydman, Judicaëlle Live Lun S Pasquali, A Taly