Games and Tales Calendar 2009

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Calendar created bu children fromTurkey, Spain and Czech R.

Transcript of Games and Tales Calendar 2009

Games and Tales Calendar 2009

January Skittles (bolo vaqueiro) We put 16 skittles on a rectangular

elevated stone on the ground. 2 metres far, there is a step where we

throw the stone (called “poya”) from towards the skittles.

We make marks on the ground (usually with ropes 10 and 20 metres far respectively) so to score the throws.

We throw the ball towards the skittles sideways using our hand and wrist as hard as we can.

Every skittle which goes beyond the first mark scores 10 point and 20 points if it goes beyond the second one.

If the skittle doesn’t go over the first mark it only scores one point.

On every mark there is a stick. If you knock down them you score 4 points for the first one and 8 points for the second one.

You play this game as a team and there is no score limit

February Sacks Race

The sack race is a simple competition without a lot of rules in order to be developed.

Each participant will set the legs in a sack until the sack was set on the waist where the participant catches it and takes it with her/his hands.

People run or jump with the sack and if someone fell down he/she has to start again.

The person who arrives first will be the winner

March Gate Keeper

The game is played by at least 8 people. Two ‘it’ players are chosen by a riddle ‘Portakali soydum (I peeled the orange).

Each ‘it’ player picks a name for himself and hold arms with the other ‘it’ player. The rest of the players kneel and walk underneath the arms of the ‘it’ players by singing a riddle (open the gate, gate keeper gate keeper, how much do you charge, do you charge? may the one behind you the beloved, the beloved, 1 rat, 2 rat, trap the third).

The player who is trapped between the arms of the ‘it’ players is asked to select a name that are initially picked. The trapped player stands behind the ‘it’ player that he has chosen.

The game continues until two different teams are formed. Then a line is drawn on the ground. Each team goes to the different side of the line. Teams hold each end of a long rope and pull.

The team that falls down or passes to the other side of the line loses the game.

April The Frog

The sack race is a simple competition without a lot of rules in order to be developed.

Each participant will set the legs in a sack until the sack was set on the waist where the participant catches it and takes it with her/his hands.

People run or jump with the sack and if someone fell down he/she has to start again.

The person who arrives first will be the winner

May Plane

This is a ‘tag’ game. It is played by 7 children.

The ‘it’ tries to catch and tag the players.

The player who is tagged freezes, opens up his arms and legs and shouts as ‘Plane!’

The tagged player can return back to the game only if one of the players crawls underneath his legs.

The game ends when ‘it’ tags all the players.

June Hide and Seek

July Triangle Cheese Slices

This is a game for two players.A sheet of paper and a pencil are required.

The game begins by drawing dots on the paper.

Players take turns to join any pair of dots to draw a triangle.

To keep score, first name initials of the players are placed in triangles.

The winner is the one who draws the most triangles.

August Hopstcotch

September Beans

Team size: 2 and over Field share beans. Beans

afterwards emulate from place afflict on land marked line. Win of course this, which draw on at full blas near line.

Best strike home to line, afterwards this player take all beans past line.

If beans line run over, clar out. Winner happens player along mostly beans.

October Statues

November Jaw

December Blindsman’s Buff