Game reading-slide

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Game reading-slide

Game designDefining Play Defining Games Defining Rules

Salen Zimmerman


I am FUNMonday, March 5,

You think of an item and another person

has to ask yes/no questions about it and

try to guess what it is. If they haven't figured it out within 21 questions, they lose.

21 questions

"Is this a living thing?" "No"example

Monday, March 5,

Constituative rules-core mathematical rules of gameep. tick tap toe chess

Operational rules-instruction and rulebook

Implicit rules: -unwritten rule -etiquette and behavior

Defining Rules

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,

Monday, March 5,