Gabriel garcia marquez

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Transcript of Gabriel garcia marquez

Gabriel García Márquez

Jimena bravo–informática

Teacher: Elihú Matto

1 sec. “d”


Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez (Aracataca, March 6, 1927 - Mexico City, April 17, 2014), better known as Gabriel García Márquez (Speaker Icon.svg listening), was a writer, novelist, short story writer, screenwriter , Colombian journalist and editor. In 1982 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

He was familiarly known to his friends as and Gabito (guajiro hipocorístico Gabriel), or its shortened form Gabo since Eduardo Zalamea Borda, assistant editor of The Spectator, began to call it that.

He was famous both for his genius as a writer as well as his politics. His friendship with Cuban leader Fidel Castro caused much controversy in the literary and political world.


Shortly after arriving in Sucre it was decided that Gabriel should begin their formal education and was sent to boarding school in Barranquilla, a port at the mouth of the Magdalena River. There he acquired reputation shy boy who wrote humorous poems and drew cartoons . Serious and not given to athletics , was nicknamed El Viejo by fellow clase.9

García Márquez attended the early grades of school in the Jesuit school of San José ( San José Institute today ) since 1940, where he published his first poems in the school magazine Youth. Then, thanks to a grant from the Government , Gabriel was sent to study in Bogota where he relocated to the National Lyceum of Zipaquirá , a town located about an hour from the capital, which will culminate in high school.

While at the house of studies Bogotá , García Márquez noted in several sports , becoming captain of the National team Lyceum of Zipaquirá in three disciplines , football, baseball and track.

After college

After graduation in 1947 , García Márquez remained in Bogotá to study law at the National University of Colombia , where he had special dedication to reading. The metamorphosis of Franz Kafka " in the false translation of Jorge Luis Borges " was a work that inspired him especially . I was thrilled with the idea of writing , no traditional literature , but similar to the stories of her grandmother style , in which " you inserted extraordinary events and anomalies , as merely an aspect of everyday life." His desire to be a writer growing up. Soon after, he published his first story , The third resignation , which appeared on September 13, 1947 edition of the newspaper El Espectador.

The family of the Gabriel García Márquez

During his student days , and when he visited his parents in Sucre, Mercedes Barcha met , the daughter of an apothecary, a dance student and then decided he had to marry her when he finished his studies . Indeed , García Márquez married in March 1958 in the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Barranquilla with Mercedes ' to which he had proposed to her from his thirteen years. “

Mercedes is described by one of the biographers of the writer as " a tall, beautiful woman with brown hair to her shoulders , granddaughter of an Egyptian immigrant , which apparently manifests itself in a wide cheekbones and large , piercing blue eyes ." And Garcia Marquez has referred to Mercedes constantly and proud affection ; when he spoke of his friendship with Fidel Castro , for example , noted , " Fidel Mercedes trusts even more than me.“

In 1959 they had their first son, Rodrigo, who became director , and in 1961 settled in New York , where he served as a correspondent for Prensa Latina. After receiving threats and criticism of the CIA and Cuban dissidents , who did not share the content of their stories , decided to move to Mexico and settled in the capital. Three years later, his second son was born , Gonzalo is currently a graphic designer in Mexico City.

Gabo is famous

The global notoriety began when Garcia Marquez One Hundred Years of Solitude was published in June 1967 and within a week sold 8000 copies. Thereafter , success was assured and the novel sold a new issue each week , going to sell half a million copies in three years. It was translated into more than two dozen languages and won four international awards. Success had come at last and the writer was 40 when the world learned his name. By correspondence of admirers , awards , interviews and appearances it was obvious that his life had changed . In 1969, the novel won the Appreciates Chianciano in Italy and was named the " Best Foreign Book " in France . In 1970 , was published in English and was chosen as one of the twelve best books of the year in the United States. Two years later he was awarded the Rómulo Gallegos Prize and the Neustadt Prize in 1971 , Mario Vargas Llosa published a book about his life and work . To counter all this display, simply García Márquez returned to writing. He decided to write about a dictator , he moved with his family to Barcelona ( Spain ) who spent his last years under the regime of Francisco Franco.

illness and death

In 1999 he was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. In this regard, the writer said in an interview in 2000 on time Bogota

In April 2014 he was admitted to the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition in Mexico City, because of a relapse product of lymphatic cancer that was diagnosed in 1999. Cancer had affected lung, lymph nodes and liver. Garcia Marquez died on April 17, 2014. President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos said that the writer was "the Colombian who, throughout the history of our country, further and higher has taken the name of the country," decreeing three days of national mourning for his death

His principals publications

His first story, “The third resignation”, was published in 1947 in Bogotá called liberal newspaper El Espectador. A year later, he began his journalism work for the same newspaper. His first works were all stories published in the same journal from 1947 to 1952. During these years he published a total of fifteen stories.

The “hojarasca”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez wanted to be a journalist and write novels; also wanted to create a more just society. For litter, her first novel, took several years to find a publisher. Finally published in 1955, and although the review was excellent, most of the editing was left in storage and the author received from anyone "not a penny in royalties." Garcia Marquez notes that "of all that was written, Leaf Storm was his favorite because it was considered the most sincere and spontaneous."

One hundred years of solitude

Gabriel García Márquez took eighteen months to write One Hundred Years of solitude.on Tuesday May 30, 1967 went on sale in Buenos Aires the first edition of the novel. Three decades after it had been translated into 37 languages and sold 25 million copies worldwide. "It was a real bombshell that exploded from day one. The book was released to bookstores without any advertising campaign, the novel sold out its first edition of 8000 copies in two weeks and soon became the title and his magical realism in Latin American soul mirror. "One Hundred Years of Solitude has influenced almost every major novelists worldwide. The novel chronicles the Buendia family in the village of Macondo, which was founded by José Arcadio Buendía. It can be considered a work of magical realism.

Awards, honors and tributes

García Márquez received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, according to the laudatory of the Swedish Academy, "for his novels and short stories, in which fantasy and reality are combined into a tranquil world of rich imagination, reflecting the life and conflicts of a continent. "

His acceptance speech was titled The Solitude of Latin America. It was the first Colombian and Latin American quarter to win a Nobel Prize in Literature, after which said: "I will have the impression that in giving me the prize have taken into account the literature of the subcontinent and I have given as a way to award of all this literature. "

some of their Prizes, awards and honors

Premio de la Novela ESSO por La mala hora (1961).

Doctor honoris causa de la Universidad de Columbia en Nueva York (1971).

Premio Rómulo Gallegos por Cien años de soledad (1972).

Premio Jorge Dimitrov por la Paz (1979).

Medalla de la Legión de Honor de Francia en París (1981).

Condecoración Águila Azteca en México (1982).

Premio cuarenta años del Círculo de Periodistas de Bogotá (1985).

Miembro honorario del Instituto Caro y Cuervo en Bogotá (1993).

Gabo journalist

García Márquez began his career as a journalist while studying law at university. In 1948 and 1949 he wrote for El Universal in Cartagena. From 1950 to 1952, he wrote a "whimsical" column under the pseudonym of "Septimus" for the local paper El Heraldo de Barranquilla. García Márquez noted of his time at El Heraldo. During this time he became an active member of the informal group of writers and journalists known as the Barranquilla Group, an association that was a big motivation and inspiration for his literary career. He worked with the likes of José Félix Fuenmayor, Ramon Vinas, Alfonso Fuenmayor, Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Germán Vargas, Alejandro Obregón, Orlando Rivera "Figurine" and Julio Mario Santo Domingo, among others.

Gabo in the cinema

García Márquez developed a particular interest in film and television, participating as a writer, patron and allowing the adaptation of his work. Already in his youth in Barranquilla, together with artist Enrique Grau, Álvaro Cepeda Samudio writer and photographer Nereo López participated in the realization of the surreal short film The Blue Lobster (1954).

Gabo in the theater

García Márquez recently ventured directly into the theater, because only the monologue Diatribe of Love Against a seated man, first mounted in 1988 in Buenos Aires and re-released on March 23, 1994 at the National Theater of Bogota known.

His work in the theater were mostly adaptations of his novels. In 1991, Juan Carlos Moyano adapted and directed a theater of street and public square called Memory and oblivion Ursula Iguarán, based on the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, which appeared in the International Theater Festival of Manizales in 1991 Iberoamerican Theater Festival of Bogotá 1992. in 2000, Jorge Alí Triana released the theatrical version of Chronicle of a death Foretold adaptation of the novel, with great national and international success.

his literary influences

In his youth, to join the group of Barranquilla, Gabriel García Márquez began reading the works of Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and, more importantly, of William Faulkner who receives a transcendent influence explicitly recognized by himself when in his speech on receiving the Nobel prize mentions "my master William Faulkner." In the work of Gabriel García Márquez called Nabo, who made the black angels wait published in 1951, and appear similar to those of Faulkner as the deliberate ambiguity and an early painting of loneliness elements.

Gabo and Mario V.

Hace poco se publicó la edición conmemorativa de “Cien años de soledad”, en la que se incluyó la reseña antigua de Mario Vargas Llosa sobre el famoso libro y algunos especularon sobre la posibilidad de una reconciliación entre éste y Gabriel García Márquez, pero no se dio.

La pelea entre dos de los escritores más importantes de Latinoamérica fue sorpresiva para todos. No sólo la frontal con violencia física, sino la que siguió después.

Ha habido diversas versiones sobre los motivos de la pelea y cómo se dio, incluidas las de otros escritores como Carlos Fuentes.

Gabo cartoons

Some critics of Gabo

Some critics argue that García Márquez lacks adequate experience in the literary arena and only write about their personal experiences and imagination. Thus, say their work should not be significant. In response, García Márquez has said that he agrees that sometimes inspiration comes not from books but music. However, according to Carlos Fuentes, García Márquez has achieved one of the greatest features of modern fiction. That is the release time, through the release of an instant from the moment that allows the individual to recreate yourself and your time. Nevertheless, nobody can deny that García Márquez has helped rejuvenate, reformulate, and recontextualize literature and criticism in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America.

Gabo in the politics

Politics plays an important role in the works of García Márquez, which uses representations of various types of societies with different political forms to present their views and beliefs with concrete examples, whether fictional examples. This diversity of ways in which García Márquez represents the political power is an example of the importance of politics in their works. One conclusion that can be derived from their work is that "politics may extend beyond or short of the institutions of political power."