^^¡??G^. NEW-YORK, JANUARY THREE CKNT ......The ease will be tried In Eclm-Durgh l^cause theKcoteh...

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Transcript of ^^¡??G^. NEW-YORK, JANUARY THREE CKNT ......The ease will be tried In Eclm-Durgh l^cause theKcoteh...

"^^¡??G....^. 14,66t NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1887. PRICE THREE CKNT&


-.E un; rai. rkvnion i.osvrnvsce,-vnc-tsc. coKKCIOS-A DKMONSTKaIIoN OF TUB USEM-

LOMM.x'lHn. 7.-It is reported that Sir Henry

Holland has kM appointed OeewtMJ for the

Colonies UN Salisbury hM informed the Queen

that he hope« the Cabinet will be completed by

fUUlU, The lYtvy Council hue been «died to

meet nt Oslóme on Wednesday, when the new

Ministers will kit* the Queen'» hand».

¡Sir Willinm Vernon llureourt, Sir George O.

nvevelvuu. Mr Morley and Mr. Chamberlain will

«peu IMI reunion conference nt the house o

Har-.n Herschcll next Thursday. Baron ?«??

Vili preside. Mr Gladstone and Mr. Chainberlaui

fee* ex. hanging friendly leite« on the subtcct.

In the rent contrary case at Dnblln to-day.Gen-

eral Boiler testilied M to the condition of Kerry.

He «aid that he had not inquired into relations be¬

tween landlord and tenant, bui he had made rep¬

resentations to some laudlorda \? to some of their

tenant.«» and had pointed oat caaes of hardship ou

the Mareiuie of Lausdowae's property. Sir Michael

Hicas-Heaoh was examined with reference to his

Blistol speeoh. He admitted that pressure was put

¦pon certain landlords to make terms with their

tenants. He declined to say whether it was moral

or physical pressure, or by whom enforced, or

whether tu any ease it was successful. He did not

IMS« a laadlord would be doing his dutv if be

evicted a tenaut for not pay ine an exorbitant rent.

"The Times," rcferrhw to the sentences Im¬

posed mou the Woodford tenants who resisted

eviction, comments on Judge l'ulles's condemna¬

tion of the exercise of the dispensing power. It

says: "We h»\e lor« refused to believe that Sir

Michael Hicks I touch is fuilirw to fulfil the pledge·lie gave to I'atlituiieiit.bul unfortunately there is

now no room for doubt that the lush exeOOtlv«lias been on the WTOBf tack. Very decided

measures will now be required to reverse the pie-

sumption rooted in the popular mind In Ireland

tnat the GovciumcuLc*^vould succumb if it was

resisted."In the West End t««-tfty crowds of unemployed

workimuncn assemblea »? front of the oflices of

the Government Hoard *nJ demanded relief. Mr

Hrtchie. president of th* board, recen eel u deputa¬tion from the crowd ««ilmrie, but, said he could

promise nothing. When the erowd were apprisedof this Uiey hooted the Government and marchedto TrnfaLnr Seiuaro. where an indignation BMCtitVwu* held and leawlHllnltl were adopted proteetinnnííainst the npathy of the Government. Manyof the residents and shopkec|ieni in the vicinityof Trafalgar Square, fearing the breaking out of

new socialistic riots, closed their shutters and

baned their doors, but the meeting rtninnatiliquietly.TBK DOMINION GOVHKVMENT TO HE BÜEDkDaMacìls tOVQBI ??? ?? hi izcm: Of an AMi:it-

10AM acwooTtaa·Ottawa, Jan. 7 isprrial). --Messrs. flormullv and

etnetalr, hamsters here. iM-tlu«; with Portland attorneys

tor one of UM owners of the Auit-rii an llsliliii: cMMal High¬land Light, recently selzoel, have ticen Instructed to tnko

IK tlon airalnst the Douitnloii Government for Illegallysci/.tug ami selling tlie vessel for \to!a!ii>K the llshlnglaw. The art under which the Mirar· was made was

passed In March hy Parliament, but Ltfd Lauildow ne,

Governor-General, refused to make t'ie act l»w by sign¬

ing the hill ami referred ihe matter to the Queen for

royal absent, in eeaoeo^taare ef this. Um eel did not ko

ink· effect until November'J7 and long after the Infrac¬tion complained of and the consequent seizure of the

WMai The only questions in the case are : If tin· royalassent to the MIL which was not »riven unti November '¿7,.? ?,MMH} before it could be put In operation, howwee it that the Highland Light wanseUed uude.r Its pro ? is

ions early In the summer months before the royal a.- cut

had teen received tA BMetlag of the Cabinet wa·» held this afternoon when

the matter UM up for diMiission. The Deputy Ministerof Justice advised a settlement of the, matter by return¬

ing the contisi »led vessel to its owner·, If such a rom-

prouil-e could bo effected. If the GoveTiinient Is foundto be liable, th ¦ the contention of Secretary Bayard u|Minthe liability or the Canadian Government to ????-?? anlisherinen for dumatrea will be pro\ed to be good in a

Can«diau Court of law.


Halifax, Jan. 7 Cpeciai)..The Newfoundland schooner

Minute, was wrecked and sunk in the liras d'or Luke on

December Ü8. Hhe was from Georgetown for rit Johu's

with a · arto of prod ice. Bke ran ashore In a snow storm

and soon tank. Captain Carew and the crew escaped mtheir Ixiat lu a half frozen condition. They fouud them¬

selves on an island, on which there were only two heateaW hile endeavoring to walk to tinse', one of the crew,

John cinturai, was frozen to death. The others com hided

tliatthev were· less likely to loet their lives In the water

tlia? out of It, and walked two miles along th»· shore Inwater to their armpit*. They managed to e.rawl to thebouses but were nearly dead from exhaustion. Nextday they found and buried th« body of tbclr comrade andwitnessed the plundering of the wreck hy people fromthe mainland. The captain owned the vessel. It was allhe had In the world, aha was uninsured. Both captainand crew go back to Newfoundland penniless.

BULGARIA AND MONTENEGRO.London. JaD. 7.- The Hulearían deputation has

gone to Pari«. " La l'aix," of Paris, says France willad< ire the deputation to reach al understanding with

Russia and Turkey.'Ihe orgaa oi Prince Nicholas, 'of Montenegro,

aays it belongs to Montenegro to ttlce the des¬tinies ot the Servian race in hand and restore

th·· gicat tesplie of K\u¿ Douchait as it existedpre ?. us to lurkuh subjugation. The ancle insupposed ?? ? xplain the extensive armament whichMontenegro has born making recently.Tne Russian Mil.tary Commlssio'n has decided to

adepta ne« rtpeatinc rifle lor use by the arrnv, andorcers for larjje numbers of the weapon ha\ e beengiven.

- ·

SUIT OFm MARCHIONlírtfi OF QUKLNSiiLlUtV.EinsniKcn, Jan. 7..The Marquis of imecnsberry, who

1» being sued for divorce, has not lived with his wife for

twelveyears. Shortly after they lieuau to live apart, theMarquis admitted another woman into his house. Illsrelation with this woman Is made the tatti foithe suit. Neither this woman nor the Marquis will denythe charge of adultery. .,,,,.,, ,,.. MaroMoeea· make·agHinrt her husband. The ease will be tried In Eclm-Durgh l^cause the Kcoteh law grant* a wife a divorce foradultery.

??????? Of LABOR AND ??? TATICAJtKomk, Jan. 7.-The Vatican is debating wheiuer the

«prder of Knight* of Labor iu America Is a nrooci orcauhaüou for Catholic« to Join.

NEWS N0TK8 FROM IX)NDON.Lonimin. Jan. 7. 18H7.

On His DeATnBKD..Sir Thomas May, of lyuusiana Islyiug at the point of death.

Victorian Ji'rii.rk..Tho lubilee of Queen Victoria'sreign will be c*lebraUyl througuo it ludiaou l'enriiary 1«.

A NciVKi.isT*e Learn RriT..William Black, the novelistPfeMaieed a verdict for *hm) daaagea aialaet How?«« for libellous assertions resetting his early life andParsimonious habiu.«now in LukoI'R..Hallway trafile Is report.-d to have

been stopped by a snowstorm in tllieele. Heavy snowsarc reported at t'loreiuo. Perugia, Venice:, UeOM andUiroughoui Piedawafc Kain at Koine ha« raised the· liberalniuui to the i>oint of overflow.RtNTS ???µ?tt??).-Tlie Duke of Bedford has remitted

Me whole amount of ihe. rents of the rannen and oilierMeati ou hi« Bedfordshire celale « for the current hulf-

Ai.MANnicRToTRAVKi.-lTlnce Alexander of Battenberg authorize» the announcement that he. Is about t»rnake a prolonged tour or Kfl pi tad th.· Last In eider top.. an end to the rumors ibat he Intends to ratura to¦aajana

AVALANCHI« IN HWtTZERfjiND.IlEKKR, Jan. 7.-Numerous avalauches have occurred

in the cautoiis of Lucerne, -chwytz and t'rt. hevernl vil¬lages havn bi'.em cut oit from eaaaaaMealMa with tii(iouter world. A uuiuber of houses have been destrow.?sud uauiy catUe kdlod.

' u'

TO BÜCCKED VON RANKE.Bkri iv, Jan. 7..Professor 'iTeitse like has been ap¬

pointed Prussian historiographer ¦ place of Professorvon Rauke.

-»... .

FRA0MENT8 OF CABLE HfftMadrid, Jan. 7. Quo« ? t;hi1«tiim has decorated the

vouut of l'aria with the Older of tho Oolden Kleee o.

Madras Jan. 7.-H Is oflieially stated that 405 personsw»re burned to death In the incendiary Un» which de«roved 1?ß icserved lueiosure lu the People's i'ark last

gfiSSRi ^ \?-> ·?*»··.7 -Ponr of the young men eonwnnert u> death recently for an outrageous assault ou awtant girl were banged here yesterday. Two other·,wao were to have been hanged yesterday, wer· reprieved.SVKia, Jan. 7«-The riiu«· of djwuaU wee aaaken by an

earthquake to-day. A number of house* fell down amiseven person» were killed und muuy hurt.


AN ASYLUM POS THi: FOR IX MONACO.Lonikin, Jan. P..The Vatican has made an arrange-

inent with the 1'riuee of Mouajo by which. In the event of

war involving Italy, the Pope, with his Ministers and the

Prefects of Congregations, ·? remove tlielr irsidcnceto the Principality of Monaco until peace iteli have betti¦notarti and MM kind of a European agreement on-

tnined guaranteeing the Independence of the Holy See InIt» dealing* with the Catholic world. A special clauseof the roiivention with Hie Prince pledge· the abolitionof the gaming table*. It I» expected that adequate com¬

pensation for the toot of revenue thus Involved will beafforded hy crowds of visitors to tho Tope, or by an In¬demnity to the Prince.

ROYAL THANKS TO THE BSD CSOM SOCIETIES.? Iti ?*. Jan, 7..Emperor William has¦written a letter thanking the Oerman

Red Cross Societies for their congratula¬tion« on the eightieth anniversary of his enrolmentIn the Russian army. In this letter he says: " Al¬though I live In the hope that efforts to maintainthe blessings of i>eace lor ihe Ottanta Nation willnot be in vain, I cannot refrain from making thefullest acknowledgment of the zeal of the Hrvl ("rosesocieties In fulfilling their task, even In times ofpeace."


TflF. FORGER HOKE HELD KOR EXTRADITION,Montura!., Que., Jan. 7..Chief Ju*tleo Dotiou ren¬

dered a decision to-day on the application for a writ ofhabeas corpus in the J. !'. Hoke extradition case, »u»·

totaotf tho decision of the Judge «ko committed Hokofor extradition. The ( hlef Justice holds lhat the tillingIn of icgularly signed draft« without authority is forgeryunder the law of England.

THE PRESIDENT INVITED TO RIDEAU HALLOttawa, Ont.. Jan. 7. .It Is said that ? pressing ln-'·'»-

tln nhas Iwen sent from Rideau Hall to President anil MrsCleveland and the members of the I'mted Mates Cabi¬net to become the lests of the Governor (.Icncral atMontica darin, ine carnival.


.THK. RISCOCI BOOM,The contest for Dotted Mates Senator was rarried on in

the eity wnli less vigor yesterday. Tho Morton head¬

quarters at the Kverett Hooat were practically dCMIteddm in« the day. At the Fifth Avenue Hotel Senator

Miller remained in hi* mom the greater pair of the duv

busy with his eonotpoOdOMO, He uns \ lotted by a num¬

ber of his (? lend*. Bernard Petera, Editor of p« Brook·lyn IimcM, called to expíes« Ins good erlabet in Mr. Miller'sbehalf. He said that he was surprised at leofwg Mr.Miller looKtuir so well. The Senator replied " I never f ·¦ t

better In p?) Ufe than I do to day. A | ear ago I weighed840 pounds and I found that I must do BOOM thing to do-trOOOt my weight. Last »pring 1 took to Iioim iuick ridIng every moridiig beton- breakfast. In Uds way I havedorrOOMd my weight by forty pOOOd·, and materiallylienetlted my health." Mr. Miller said tin· contest forthe BoOOtOnhlp wits not weighing on him in the h ttt, Mhe fully expected to be re-elected.Bturtttry Yioouiau of the Stab1 Beute came

down troni Albany in the morning and

reported thing* as looking blight tin ire*' We are not giwug out any ligure.-." Uld Mr. VlOOtOOO," noi aie n« rondili ting our lanva*« WlthobroM bondami In barreóme, bat I think when the rate· omm lo becounted it will he fmiu 1 that we h.i\e m.idc BO ¦MTtOltClSome votes are put do ? ? M doobtful and some as for Mr.Motto» whkh oro pledged to Mr. Miller, in the a-- m

bly caucus at aJbonr oroTT poroon elected woe a friendol Mi. Miller's, which shows how tho votes will standwhen tin¦)r%OOM 10 b( counted."Spooking of oteooMrgortaOi Senator Miller »aid that

he did not caie how min h his opponentstried to make out that the Dotted State«law was a failure. The more the mutter was Mined upthe better. Ihe formen knew that the law had bOMfltedthem and many of tin in wen beginhing to enquire whet lu r

or not Mr. Morton wa> opposed.to that law, as kit fundsby their course in the matter seemed to Indicate. Mr.Miller said that ok «margarine could not be sold hy adealer unless he took out o IteenoO That was tin o'n'.ywoy It could be not In the hand.-of the people. Bo faronly ".07 Iliense« had been taki ? out in the entire »tateThe Daliy (Oinuils-ioncr repotted that theOhio of oU-oifuiriraiiii« hud lieen pnuticallv slopped.There wen-numerous petitions dally preeentcd in «on

grts* asking for a réduction from s-i- (of13In Ibernarneniade forO license. This »bowed whether or not the lawwas liBvliu» anv effect. Tin· farmer- could not be fooled,Mr. Miller said, in that matter.Sheridan Shook Bold that the cativa«* for Mr.

Minion had BOW reached a tfoge Where then·was no longer nnv doubt of his «lection, liesani thur Ihe time for talk had practteall* noaeed. and hewa* now ready to back hi* opinion of tiie result withmoney.There have been two conference* held within

forty-eight hours. Ihe, friends of Mr. Molton have been together and Compared tafee,besides taking st< ps for future work. A mom; thosepresent Hi this conference were ex Speaker Erwin, Con-¡TOMQian elm t Hopkins, Theodore C TeoJo, ''· Whit taker,btate Senator Low and ex-t«euator Platt Ex-Ateerubly·man Enea W. Borneo, of WeUaville, said veaterda) thaihe was positive Mr. Morton had enough rote· to scemi.,

the election. "If he ha« not. I am greatly mtataken," headded. " and will miike no more piedlctlons tin- war Ithink Mr. lliscock might not to be oonatd) red In toe roeeat all."Aaoomblrmoa McCarthy, who ha» charge of the llis¬

cock boom, said " It Is time to urop all the old fa- tton ilquarrels. RiOOOrk is the man on whom Ihe young men

ran all unite. There are six or eicht young men In theAssembly who could make him "-matin It they would and

go theinselve-by one leap to the top round of the, |m,|itteal ladder lu this hiate. There Borer ??* been each aaopportunit) In Ihe Bluton of the ~l;iie for the young polIUclaiisto take a longatrtdc t" tiie fnint."Port Warden I laretn ¦ W Meade, who Is Watching the

cooteoteloeely,aald: "lam let woroer Miller. But llntM- no Ass« in'olj man from in) district und am tirtuullypOWOrlOOO It Isadora· light between Millet ami Moi Ion,

If HWeook was out of the way. 1 could tell yonwho would he Henator. I cannot Imagine what he Is Intherefor. He cannot get the Beitatorabip himself, if itIs a third man It Will be a dart bone. Neither Miller nor

Morton rao deUrer ala follower* to Hloeock. I doubt ifHls'ock can control bin own aeren votes after they leavehim."Both Benotet Mill· ? and Ooogn^sman Hlscoclt, It Is

said, will go to Albany on Monday.


BIVAUUfM OK TRI OffJfATI PACTfONA,AlJlANY, Jan. 7 (.»;,eri«/). Speaker II usted arrlvodhcro

from Washiiigroii late tonight, and. going to his home InColumbia .-t,, began work upon the li-t of the OBOatalttOotof the AHsemlily. It Is aaid thai the

Speaker intends to rcfu-e admission tohla dwelling to all ???????t??? and thenfriendo Ho 4eotr*o to oroM Ifeeir bBoottoaHioa for h»portant oootaatttOO jrosltlou*. In denying admls-ion to

hi* home to all persons, the Spookot imiUit** kit prae-tice a year ago. Then only live men In the Btatt wero aliloto MMfc the Inner room of the house wherehe sat nt woik on the list. Ho is speciallydeniroiiH this your of making up the list nudatili lied t>youtside influences, as the. candidai«-*) for Scualor will BOiiumIc highly nervous if the) see him jilacing tho As-em-

hlymeu in this or Unit Baadttooj with friends of the mal

cundldaU'H at hi* elbow waUhlng the work and

offering advice concerning It. The Speakerhas piomised evciy one that he will prepare the committee list without any thoughtor the candidates for Henator. That promise ¡ill the eaudldates believe will he kept, btill the managers for Missis.Morton, Miller and IIimo. k here Intend to know a

good deal about the committee list before It laan lounced. Theodore ('.'Dale, tue manager of Mr. MmIon's canvaws, Ocorge M. Sloan, the manager of SenatorMill· "- eanvasM, ami Senator llcndrii kn, the BMOMMOt ofCougicSsman lin, ?? k's <<anvass, will, it i* said, hoabotlt the only liei son* who will have free odmlaalftnlo Mpookof Dnoteore konae while ho is prepartag timcommittee list. Then· is a rumor lhat Mr. I.rw In may lie,

plaoed at tbe bead of Oommllte· on Appropriations; Mr.Raker at the head of tliel Otnmlttee M Ways and Means,and Mr. Arnold at the head ot the Judiciary ( omndttee.Ihe koodojiuulott of the candidate· for Senator were

only formally open for political work today. Nopoliticians were In town and consequently no politicalwork woe dono, Mr Teotobiiated himself with hangt.igon the wall« ol his room two handsome portraits or LeviP.Morton. The»* lachargeof the Miller headquarter· midthat they would have a iKirti alt of the Senator lu a few«lay».

FRANK UKJOCoTl REH RN To WASHINGTON.Washington, Jan. 7 (-«oootat)·.l.'oiigreaainaii Hlscock

arrived lu Wuhliingtoi. this morning. As soon as he ap¬

peared in the House he became, the centre of a group offriend*, who impiircd anxiously ubout the BOVOOOrioJ con¬

test. " How are you, Senator I " «houled half a dozen

member» in chorus."Well, I am not receiving congr itulatlons Just yet, as

the caucus has not lieen held; but I am happy, and you

want to understand that my supporters are as firm as a

rock and uot the least bit dlscouiaged at the prospect,"»w the ready reply. Mr. Ulscx» k wiu In high epliiu,and his u linearan ce, waa *umcieiil evidence Uat the con¬

test for the Scnatorsulp has not Impaired his digestion or

caused him loas of sleep. Robetiovet that he will holdtho hulancc of power when tin-cam u* meets, and thathis supporter* will be true to him to the last.

A REVKLEH8 SALVATÌOSJST BHIOADIEIt.Pittkuku». Mae·., Jan. 7..Hi igadlcr-Oeuersl Marvin

Luke, of the Halvatiou Army, wa* brought before the Dis¬

trict Court thla morning charged hy hie wife with threaten¬

ing to kill her and commit suicide. Luke came io this placea year ago with a laxly of Salvationist*, and auoceeded in

interesting a rich widow, wbo married litre and baa sup¬ported htm linee, she te«i!tled that he threatened to outoie throat with a racor aud alto took ehloral with «ulclda!

intent. ReWM discharged, M Mg BOdentOOd thatshow 111 pay bun gSOO to leave ttn· pia, «·.

e> -


BBPTOXa t? canvass riiK von: ion UBUTBBAXT·c.ovi i:\eiit. «..Mini's ABBITBABT cullisi:.

ISMAS.vlcl.is, Jan. 7 is¡,iruil) The 1. nslathc trou¬bles weft further iniuplii ateil to-day by the Hedíate. Yes¬

terday the Senat«· ailev]ded a resolution te» meet with theHouse tins MIH IIIHg to hear the Governor's message, butafter taWBHilltg toilay this action was reconsidered by a

strict party vole·, In opposition to the protests of the Re¬

publicans. Tnis action is undcrstoesl to mean that theDemocratic majority in the Kennte Is determined to take

no risk on a joint sesión for any pur¡iose, for fear that dur¬

ing its continuance the Hpeaker of theHouse milcht oiiler a ennvass of thevote for Llciitcnnnt-Govc rnor, and formally declareColonel Boberteea eleeted. in eaaeeejaeaaei tin· gov-

ernordld not deliver his inessag« orally as usual, but

Sent printed copies of it to each branch of the (»encraiAssembly.The next move of political significance was the Intro-

durtion of a resolution by a Hrpunllcen Henator, pfWfae-inir to change the re eird so fur as It relates to Hinlth, tho

Democratic! usurper of the Presidency of the- Remate,

te at te Make the record rend "Hcuatnr smith" insteadof " President Smith." But this was defeated by a

party vote. An additional complication «if the tañerle inthe· Menale whs made by the aeleiption eif a résiliation de¬claring that the body le< «ignl/iil DO Mlcnney ill the Offll ßof Lieute'iiant-Cioveiiior plieir te» the last election,and mfnalag tei Join In Ike canvass oftliu vote for the 'candidat, s for the oftle e.

Hinlth, the in« siding nlliier, arbitrarily refusedI to penult any discussion of the matter. The De-morratsthen adopted a rteolutioo deelariag tke Beaate adjourneduntil next Tuesilav morning.RepubUeans claim that the nennte ranno! again aaeeav

ble legnile except upon tke special rail of the Goren or,because the ??t rwi of nil'oummetit ? xcce·«!* th«· eonstltlltlonal limit e>f three elavs. This question was releeddurine t ß proceedings, but Bmlth, .Mumlncantkority to Meide the matt.t. mied that flnndayw:i not a legislative day. When a similar »piestion WMreleed yeeterday, be rnied tqatHuaday was ¦ |e*i*Iailveday. Jin· complication· are sin h that the MateAuditors have giren Botica te the officer· wkom Ikey willsesin siiceeeil that they will not accept in settlement anyreceipt· foi money paid oui oath.der of ike i.«yi<iai-nie· HBo· constituted,,end that they will not them* ?

pay anj claim· bavin·; tu«-ir origin with tins body·Holmen baa done murk effective woik since his aui\·1

here, and th«· Indication· io niL-ht are favorable to h s

Domination bj tke Democratic rancu· for Recetor, as a

compromise candidate. Gray Is embarraaacd by the tiL-hteiver the Lieuteuaiit-Govpriior>hlp. and McDonald's lackof loyal politi«· il support· ?. Is operating to bis dKadvantaire. The I:· puldli ans .still app. ai to he «.oiilldeut thatfceuatoi Uarrieua will be ultimately re-elected.

OMAR 1». CONGER'S BUCCE8SOR.«.Kl li II ?? BAJH Is li. Mue h li p? ?«, , ??ß?? si v-

Aliil: B1 mi; MI« Ule,AN 111 G? 111 IC AN«,

Lessivi,, Mich.. Jen. 7 '.<·;*·< »>?«?. frauds II. Stork-

briigs, wke win aaeeeed Omm d. ceagw as BelledStates Sena'r.r from Michigan, was born at Bath, \!?·., in

1828, Ilis lumily iiiovrd to Beefoa IB 1831 and rouuget'Cktiridce eaaw a est when a key aad el Um ae* eftwiuity was inaiiak'iug the euiiii.ee Interests of Urge

Chic igo liiinlier tlrins. In ItSU lis Meted to ??. hi.'an

.ml the great«! Part of tlintimesiueMhasli.nl si ? si a-icaroo. Mr. etoekbrictgebe· etteteite laMker latefren.t Ml. Igii.iei" ami Ulaok; lliver. and also In \l.i ;..iia«

CWeaty a·.·; is a MVMkef ol ike ataaoMiaea Rltrt Lumber

I ompany. Dels also lut« rc«stc«l in Iron ininlLg on tlie

MeaoMieee Beeee aad to several Maeafaetariae eetar·pit*«» at ??,.?.?.,?/. »?». He ts rated high suiou.' BleklgttmlllloBelrea

Mr. («toekbridgti's entry Into politics was as a eaaHdaMfor the Main LeaMlaleVt lu lsi,-. |o »Mr ? he was

eleeted and srr\«d ss a maini er la 1?0-*7??> BO e Metesenil.t. lu 1--1 he> was mentions»! fur tlin KerublieanOeteraettflal nomination not lis withdrew for persnoslreaeoea At n»t leal t-enainnai eeateetjWkea PalmerWas elfotnd, SUMl bruì.·« rt«|.p«J a«lde gracefally hatingau iiupll-d understanding that he should litio thr re-

'varl wi.lch has no«· MM· to idin. Prfseaally ByoeklnjLtao bow sta«! r ?« fat, and eiwd-BMitn-d; leutfbe aadloUes with a Palataffl ib air ami m.ik«s ffen Is with e ver ?

O».e Wlt'i Wlioiii lie· «ou,es 11 colitici. II« li.··% a Un «t ofeweedolM constantly on ta|-mi. I a droll way of te 'Ingtin in wlilili is sur« lo l»rlng deiwu in« BoU··, II« likes« a

fMt Borse, too, ami bae lutostod largely la tho uree· llugItefclM "f Uro ? u A c o. at Kalauiaiou.

DiTitiitT, Jan. 7 i.s>>«ri«/).-It I« believed tic- that thed«ffst nf .«-eiiator Conger will result in the ninne.iute

MM·Val «? bu son ri*«.li l!. c oncer, |ostionster alw'aaliliKUia, enei tu· appoloUnenl of « MliOiUau lieei.o-

erat. Jolm J. Knrijr.it, of Instruit, Don M. Iiicklnson's

chief U«iiteuaut is booked for tlie piai ··. lair II,o D«ino

erais of inn »llsliiet «111 ne lissi» to ??µ?? tlm appoint-meal of en outside men. No moveeoeoi bae eter beeemade to remote Coa*er. t· ha· always ?.? aald thattills Was In« au»e MOeltor « OBMI ?» » liairuian of III« I Hin-

Ulli··«· on l'osi 'dices .mil Ike I'os· a!er «»«net d alii1'ri'Siiieiil CioNoUud do not rule lu di.spuce him.

THE VOICE OP Noi:in CAROLINA«.II Is III.«illli IN liei! IMO IIMUSI ???,?-???'.??

·' PLAIN. l'I 'Itl.MI'l'oKY AM) I ? 11|| ,N AN 1.

?·>? ion, B, r, .tan 7\#ptamt), Etcaolutlona were la·trtHiuie'ii in tin; Home of BepreaeatadtM today byllichtiioii'l Pearson, the· Mtder of the Indcpeiidi-lifs In

th«· Legislature, Tkey come np for dlaesuacuoe t«· morrow

and will cauM prolomraed dittato and Ike Democrat·uillalUMiipt to amend tlnin. Tkey will lie supportedby th«· BepakUcaaeTkalaeejattea·declare that lavMW of the tarpitela

the lieasury Mear t-enators aad Uepiesi ntatiM· ? in c em

gress are hereby recpie«l«-'l l«> ???? th«'ir

utmost egeria t" seenni tlm peerage of

the it'alr l^lueatiolial bill, tei s«·, urn the repeal "f the

lataraal ttteeae system and to make ikeee aieaei peramount to ail otter peUtteal oawaeVleratkMM, Pooitit· and

oft repeal« d piOMMM have lion male to our p· up!e that

these great ???????G?· of relief would be· adopted w til

tin advent Into pOWM of a Ilemoitatli: Nation.U Adinlnh·ration, and the tolet cif Ninth Carolina, In letguage Hi once ¡«lain, peniniitoiy and Imllgnani, I« tea eleuiauiiing of tho DotMcralkparty the liólo st peiforui.ini eof tho-e prolni«··«. w*tfeel ikel ae r&a eotgdeatly aerar· Ike Democretiemajotitj in the- Ke deral House· of Heplivs« r)tati Vet ?..«?. if

thej bate determined to smother tke Blair nul and to

tin ? a «b-iefesr l«> all appi al« for the addition of thee In¬

ternal Beteane laxee, that pert] ma] as well abeadon ut

?,?,. dope of see-ill lug the· SIM t.iial Mil«, or Noilli Cain

Una. As between Ike two proposition« th.· repeal of tkeInternal Betea.retem tad Um reduction ef ike tariff.WO unhesitatingly prefel Ihe foriner the more ese· ?·? ? .1 r·

? iilipreii'demesi amounts of Noithern capital ale pintnow Sodio« inolit.ilil«· Investili«·!!!«. In the miii.-s and man

ofertares <>f Kertfc anilina aad ?a tkeBeljtkbotiB| Mau-1

of Virginia, Tennessee·,(¡««irgla and AlatiMina. W»beBete that ear people have lea Moek latelllceaee loclamor importuoaiely for free trade a' Ike reri timo

when Ifetf ?«·«1? U) feel Ihe llrst ?µ<???·?1?« of tlie tal ill.''m

POI imi: II.I.INOIH HKNAToP.SHIP.Chi« ci.«·, Jan. 7 ? aeriti).- Prtated tBpa wai· eBea>

lateel al Bprttgdeid today elee lining that "the man

.Botake« Lagaa'i piate Meet wear tke Oread Amybaile. ." Hits wae s.-l/.d Witti avldlly liy a certain lH>r-

tlon of tlie military element. If the sentiment e\pr« sse.l

trattile, now Ikatej Qewaiaat Hamilton has withdrawn,it Is coiiteiieled that It will exclude e\ery ealiclielate ex-

cejit lienteeeel ??tßpµt Bamttb ami CaagieeeMaa Deader«.m, anil may el raw (iovcrnor Oglesby clearly Into tin·

race. UeuleoautOoreraor bmltk, who is one of Ikemost a« tue and most uiiitiltious of all tin1 oaadldatee, laUrging mi GOtei noi '»glesby, be« ause ? ig|e-,by in tlie s« ?

ale. means tsmllh In the Kxe-cullvn Mansinu. MiouidGovernor Oglesiiy Insist U|kui serving out I is term a«,

c.ov.iu« r, It Is |M.s»ii>le· that iici.eral Hmith may bea«lnpt«-«i by the iirmid Army men its their cliampiuu.



If the nidder w hleh steers the eolil Wet« thai Is rapidlytgaraaaklag the Last does tot get emt ef order aadthrow the wave off Its course, to-day will he

one of tho ttldett sci far ???ß??ß??athis winter In this city. Tho wave Is

coming trOM the Northwi'sl, w lu r«· it ceiitercd. Hiid at

11:M a* in. y««terday an advanced arm of It came to

town. If ihe tdtteeeef the Mainel BarttM ollice are Une,

tin· liinjiernture· at that hniir tenlay will lie sixteen de¬

grees lower than it was jesti Ida). The uicmiiy WaeltlfyestiTday and did not wander far from

Its posinoli In tlie morning. The hlgnal hervbe reisnt*ii.s laiiging nom ji to ;iu abate aera At Uadaati at

3 a. m. the mere in y t.? at in and at nilelday was threenotches higher. Tneu II tugan to li ol theetteOt of the coldwave· ami «lowly lie's, enile.i unni at midnight It s.ood at

17. A In Ink wind wit« blowing, luitkliig th« air G·ß?e«ililer than It r.-aliv wtu·. iheie are no iinmeellate· prospoeta of n storm, alti.ough a local one may spring up uu


??????? 00U) IN IHK NOkHlVM>«r.Ht. Pai.l, Minn., .Un. 7.-the polar wave wh'ch

has pie\ailed for the past forty eight hours extendsover the entire Nirthwest. At Ht. Cloud »nd Allkiti,Minn this morning the thermometer was iiaytrttiat registcniR sixty below, at Albert I^-a -lo, at Mis¬marea .??, and at Mlle-a City (Mont.? ?0 below

MaaB anxiety Is expressed regarding cattle and sheep.

At ¡St. Paul th!» morning the tbermoniekT was 8*

below at | p. m. II bn.ow, aud at ? p. m. 'JO below.

Pr.TH.oiT, Jan. 7.-Reports from this Htat-e are to tho

effect that the mercury Is almost everywhere aiming the

minus fWjures. At Three Hivers this morning It was Id*below xero and the water works were frozen up. The

pipes burst near the pump house Wedaeaday Ugat, andthe damage ìimm not ye; been repaired.


nto.Ptxrjra ma blamb por tre disastkr.Ciivi:i*M>, Jan. 7..The Inquest Into the causes of

the Maininole and Ohio wreck at Republic. Ohio, wasbegun at ·.' o'clock this afternoon at Titilli. A disiateli to7 Ac/.mo·*·;· says that tho City Hall, where the Inquestwas held, was crowded. Tho first witness examined wasI. F. Fletcher, conductor of the freight train. He Bald :¦· Id Kilor was engineer of the freight, and W. J. Culllson«teman. We ran from Tillin to the Seneca siding alwutthree and one half mile* east of hero and side-trackedfor the Eott-hotJod express. After this train pas'-ed wehad forty live minutes In which to make the Republicelding. Wo left thla placo with 140 pounds of steam.After going two miles I noticed that the train was slack¬ing. I went foi ward over tho cars, eighteen In number,to the engine to sec what was wrong. I found that thosteam had run down to forty pounds. I opened the doorof the furnace und looked at the tiro, »hen looked at mywatch and saw that wc hail hut four minutes until No. (5,the eiistboutid express, was due. I took a rwl-and-whitelantern and ran ahead to flag her. I got about one hun¬dred yard« ¡n the curve and signalled to stop. As thoexpre-s approached I noticed that the ongincer hadreversed hi» engine. In the meantime tho freight hadcome to a atoad and the engineer hail shut off steam andJumped off when the collision occurred. The engineer hadbeen drinking. I «aw him take two drinks of whiskeyat Illootndale and two at Postorla. While I saw wo hadhut four minutes to make the siding at Hepubltc, thoengineer did not seem to rcall/e the danger ahead. Itried to get passenger* out of tho burning cars. One man

was jammed between the smoker and ladies' cai·. I triedto get him out, but the flames drove me eway, and he hadto hum. I heard no ihrlokt or cries of others In tho burn¬ing care."W. ,1. CtllHaon, fireman on the freight, was next called.

He aaid that he wo· a farm hand, an«! had been on thePBOd onlv three weeks, and never knew anything aboutthe botine·· before. Desoíd, rWe bad trouble In keep¬ing up the fire. Wo ha/1 110 pound· ofsteam on when we left the Seneca sid¬ing. The train tan four or five miles when tho¦team wotdown to elxtj pounds. We were then goingabout three mile· per hour. 'l'In· conductor came in amilooked at the tir- and said It was all right. When the eon-doctor went ahead to flag and saw the express coming hoveiled hark for na toJump. After the eolllalon occurredI tri si to gei perenni out r aaw person* in then burninghut I w.i- -o excited I could fell but little about It."Charlee Hnyder, of Columbus, Oh», woa front brake-

nian on the freight. He said: " I was in the cab of thoengine and noticed thai tin·, had hut.gauge of water,when they should have at least three. I was going aheadto flag, lud ih,· conductor grabbed the lantern and went.I knew nothing alami either tin· conductor or engineerdrinking. At the roUlaloO I BBW a man hangingabout half-way out of the einoker who calledto me for find'* sake to help himout. 'Ho· m.m w:im MBpoaed M be ?. ?. Polka, or\\ aahlngtnn. I beard no one on the inside of the smoker."Thomas K, rieskett, of Wheeling. W. Va., conductor of

th. oxpn·«« on the night of the eolllalon, te»tided " Theaspre·« waa three minutée late al Republic. 1 had aboutslxt) passenger·, fourteen or fifteen m ihe smoker, ofthat number uve raraped fmm the smoker, two by beingthrown out of th.· top of the car uninjured and threesomewhat Injured. I think there were not mon ih«" binkilled. I have in mj poaaeeslon caïd- thrown from the.iroker bearing the name of H. H. Parks. Woahlugton.P. c. Tin-re we· writing on the eeld Which a brother of

II .111 G· og!ll/ei|,"Of the number killed the nomee of seven are known.

It. J. fiale, of Rowan, Ind.. wo· tho rear brakeman onthe fi.-iv.-i.» IU.| ,???,?? the olll-lon occurred In« took a lan¬iera and went to the rear oirout a mtlo to flag any otherti.iin that mlghl be omlng.Ike inquest will he returned In the morning.

- ?

WRECK OS THE ??????? AND WESTERN,linca, Jan. 7. Lati ? eoiog Ike i>eihi expnte

(rum I'tic» on the New-York« Ontario and WeitemKollrood, «bite running up the Delhi branch at therate of thirty Ilvo miles an hour struck a brokenswty-h at HOVerty*· ffc>«ring mill, atout BOO mile (run

.Vaironi and WO« Known from th» trarli. 'Ih« engin«,.,? loto I 'ir load of -t. el nils on ttn< switch andt e mnder »as thrown thirty feet up the lank. Ikeunii vas partially demoltaked by the eon running,.!,, ,? ·||.- h.rw.irl end of the fir*1 pOOMOgei car

was st,,· e in. hut th" BOeeeBgon :<ll tBCOped »ith a

-l.il.mg up and a few l rtu-s. UMO, ???,???.-? .-

REBUFFED i;v t??: ?????8?.IMF. All AMA (¡ATK til Y GUARD IUHM.I. PER·MI-mv m pass G?????? BROUoR TERRITORY.imm jan. 7 op».ojí.'.-TI o Btltkih Oovetnmcat

lia* refusisi ??p??».?m u> the (illUi ( It) I<nald uf Allantato pott through Ils territory. Tim (.ate ( ity (¡uaru was

argooitod many yean heroic the oar. In which it¦erred with distinction, it was ono oftho tlrst military companies In the South to

reorgoolao when hoatllitlea wen over. Under commandof Captala J. P. Bnrkt,oboot six yean ago,It madetoni uf New Volk and tho BeW-Englosd Mates, meetingwith t oattering reception. Throe yean ago the compaayentertained 1.<mh) men belonging torartoiu military or-

ganiXOtlOM who came dOWl In re ou au-'.t. Loot yearCaptain Borkt com Ired the Idea of taking his companyob a trip tkroagh the Bnnpeon capitals, under the im-

preetton yiat permiaalon for that purpoet was amero

mutter of form. When tho midnight mail tratetbrought the Information from Secretary Bayard that tinluiu-ii ????? ? nu ? at would not allow a foreign militaryoroouUaUou to euter lu territory, II created deep indig-nation .imoug (he member« wbil had lingered III theni o.oi ) haiL The ?? reapoudence dux loaed the fa< t thatthe principal objecttOU U tho mhUI leaturo of thoMolt. Privates as well as otllcers would have to lie?...i-i. d, which would be repugnant to Rnguoh Ideas **

ni;.iids th. n lailunaklp which should e.\i-t betweenmin eis and the lank and ill·· It Is Bald to night that slm

liar advice· have been received from Uormooy and tpain.This action, however, will not Interféra with the excur¬sion, as the memben can go. without their aims andBccoutrauientt,

MB8. EMMoyya delusioxs.


WaOHIPOVOII, .l.»n. 7..Tho liimu y proceedings Institut¬ed by Professor BottSOai agofmt his wife WON contin¬ued today. Toon wot su.h aprotinn for adtttttoootthat the Oeputy Marshal was Obliged to close the door al

an early hour. The examination of Mrs. I».· Cormls, whowas Mis. Botatone*· tiavclllng companion on her recent

trip to Europe), wog ended without eliciting anything of

importance beyond a detailed recital of Mrs. F.mnioiisS¦.cientrldUeo, The next witness was Dr. Walter Eeap-M. r, w ho Ini met Mrs. ?????? M DeotBlhor 24) 1885,through a card from Dr. Marion Mms, of New York. Ifttwas then quiet and lad) like, hut incoherent in In rape« h.

Ro ookod her a great many questions, hut her answers

wer·· wandering and often irrelevant When she beganto m,mi.est roaüceanee·, he i.>oi. hi» leave.On the following day he called agalli. Min had set up a

CbrUtoioa tree, tnmuted with all tort· of rubbiab, tucfia- old shoes, a broken thermometer, tin·, inner springs ofan opera hat. etc. 1 he thermometer, she said, representeddisjointed allccilou. (" lil.-iolnted llddlcntli k." Utter-po-ed Mis. ? iiimous audibly), Witness continued hisM-it- up to Mar. h 2, lssti, ??,,? found that Mrs. Bmmonali.ol it iiuiiihcr of delusions. He mode Bome rein irk withregard lo her loneliness, when she declared thut tOO WasHot ariani, I.e. au-e she had a dagger which, when warmw.is in adi), but when cold. Inert. This dagger she showedhim, and It prored to tic a shawl pin. Hhe said sho hadHe. Mentally pinked lier check with this dagger, andknowing lhat 11 wus poisoned, she took ouioiis and lnuk0a an antidote, and recommended the same to him.After referring to many utner ecrentrlcttie· on the part

of Mrs. I.inuion-.. Including a refusal to cat because ofsuspicions that all liei rood was poisoned, Or. Keinpster?. si ¡¡??. that Mis. hiumoua had slated to hlin that shewas wealthy, that abe «as an author. and pootoot andalso an architect, ami hail mad" $°,.r> hy touching her pento some plans. BOO also declared (hat her biishatidwanted to get rid of her. Or. Keinpster staled timi ho¦at Dr. Lincoln on February 28 In consultation. TheyWon to peile, t accord 00 to the ueccsslty tor tho ?p????-diatc removal of Mrs. Kiniiious.

.1 WOMAN WOBBBD TBBMM ???? TM i TEAM,An outrage hy a trnmp occurred in Newark on Wednes¬

day aiteruoou, hut the partlcuUrs were not diatlOltd hyHie police. James Van Honten, a boks ma-sou, live· at

No, 111 IhrrdOOet Ills wife ItdoBeOtO On Wednesdaya burly tramp rreeeated htmeelf at a sido door and motMr». Van Honten, win. was alone. Th« trump asked for¦«-lltall e and ? 4. Van I lout.in started hack to go lo thep.iliU) foi some food, w lieu the fellow steppedInsidi! and remarked that he wanted money,i ho woman replied thut suo hud no mono) for hi ut.

" Von ila," exclaimed the trump "I woe In the Bouorand l heard you loll )oiu boy thui you had nothing le«Uimii a leu dollar hill. I wuut thai»As he siH.ko the tramp Bottai the terrified woman,

tluew a large, coarse handkerchief over tei head ana

tripped her to the tloor. As she lay prostrate he took thoten dollar bill rrom lier pocket and quit tho house. Mrs.Van Honten ??G?a?? "»' trampseUed her und then

Ohe .ame unco,,-, .oils. Ill which coudllion she Wttfound bj her -on upon his return home, ihe police werenotliicd. Inn no «net hit* been made. Mrs. \ un Heulenwas ooaottlted a root ago in her house. In much (botarnew B] I>) a tramp, und lout months ago sh« WO· robhod or

?a which she huü luid u*idc to buy a present for he.

husband.^ _

VittiAH BMitM OMQM-MXi ?????When the ease of l.illlau ."mlth was called at Iho Kssex

Market Court yesterday there were a large number Of

fashionahly dressc.l women prcTut who were attractedthere hf the .ase and who w anted to Mt ^¡!J^L<^.ac.u-e,i or hclng u thief Mis. I.iuda < ill beri.the prtt.r's f.ieml, was M OOOd lo look, so rar us lu OBf_fWWtr.afts-r the young gil It ii.u-rceu. Lillian wat ttWtt«BllamHied on Uie ^clreumslance· atUiudliig her orieal.Hhe te«tlri(vl to what she knew and w hat sMdidn't know about ·-«JALâïbobiCBhe described bar viali U> th« Harlem IkeaMWK· «n.

Hinllti. who told her " loltjeh to her and BaWWOB^WOtjlrighU" Allwit Miilth, the huslmnd of Lillian · UBM«ar.

SS aleo upon the stand and tcstltied to various mat er.

J^aí¿?mv«rüuicc. Tito child wot »eut to Ute öodeljr

for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the casewas adjourned until next Wednesday.



Tue only new feature of the coal trimmers' strike attVcehawken »M the arrival yesterday of fifty men fromRondoutto take the place of the strikers. Before theirarrival Sheriff Holntzo hai! been informed that troublewas expected and he sent six constables to the piers, bottheir services were not needed, for as soon as the Romloutmen learned that there was a strike they refused to go towork. The strikers are determined to hold outThere wua no change In the situation of af¬

fair· at Port Johnson. About one hun¬dred barges have ticen towed to stakes near thopiers and made fast there, pending the settlement of thedifficulty. This Is done to save wharfage. Several trainsof empty coal ears were taken from tbo yard and piersami were sent buck to tho mine«. All the side tracks inthe yard and tho track* on the piers are «lied withloaded ears. An official of the Lehfgh and WtlkesbarreCoal Company has estimated that there are at leastdo.ejOO men out of employment. 5,000 of whom are miners.alltJinroiiipany'suilneshavlngshutdown. He said that tboofficials of the company w«r« determined not to yield.The striker· are keeping rpitct and stand about the streetcorners in Rayonne discussing tho situation. A detach-ment of them are on duty at the piers all the time, guard¬ing, as they assert, the Companys property, but Itlsal-leged hy one or two of the official* that thoy are there to

prevent other men taking their places, not by force, buthy moral suasion. The strikers are confident that thocompanies will bo obliged tei yield.The retail dealers of Tlrookly? have advanced the price

of coal'J5 cents a ton. owing to the strike. If th« troubleis not soon ended the price will advance still inore, as thestock of oal on hand Is not Urge. Consumers are advisedto uso as sparingly as possible for fear of a famine lucoal.

l'ETìSECTTEI) ?? A CARPENTERS' UNION.Joseph Conipton appeared in Justice Ncttleshlp's court

in New ark yesterday with another man, and said thatthey were carpenters ami that they wanted to take sonio

action «gainst local Union No. 119 of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners to restrain Itfrom annoying him and his companion and frompreventing them from getting work. Compton explainedthat he Joined the t nlon last summer to avoid troublewith his fellows, and w oiked on Miner's Theatre. Howas asked to do night work to hasten the contrait,

and ho did so. Ho then received a peremp¬tory summons to appear and answer to charges l>foroBtriboaal COMpoood of officers of the t'ulon for work¬ing more than nine hours a day. He did not payany attention to the summons and the tribunal fine«!him Uve ddUera and trn-n expelled him from thounion. On'crs were Issued that no union menshould work with him and he found It Impossibleto get. employment for tke support of his family andhe had no either means of UviIIIicshL Compton said 11

I «lnn't want to «to thes« msn any lnturv. as th«y all hav«fanillli s to support, but | woctld like) to have ti em bound otrtto keep th« prs« « and ]«·*»«> tin· to earn my living unmolested.Justice Nettlesblp said that it could not be shown that

the peace had been lltolllllied. but he addeel:If th« statement be irne II.at ties.· m«n have acted together

to prevent you lioin earning a living at your tratta,they bate ? omniitted a sel loas offene« ag.m-ttbo laws of this MBM lor they havo notat¬eti t!.,· law agatasl eoaapnscT« If you «an prove youri.i? ·? jnii csii lisve them iu.Ue.ted fur this Clime. Tbore isno other ours« open to you.Compitai reit« rated that lie did not desire) to resort to any

curvine: iMsette aad only created to be ut algue.

PUSHING THE 'LoNiiMHOKKMEN'.-t STRIKE.The· "longshoremen tMM determined to push tho lw>y·

cott against th.· Oid Dominion Ht« auislilp Company to thobitter ead. Bad bate iafatMed tho steamship companiesthat tkey will not handle freight that comes from the OldI'.ri.iiion pier. They ha\e establish« 1 a system ofBMketa by which ail fredght from the objectionable coin-

pay is ·' spotted '' and as s«hui as this Is dono the 'loug-sboremea working wkere the freight goes refuso to touchit. There· li a strong poaaibUlty that the strike willspread and It may bOOBM· general. Th« men say litttkey Will make no fui tuer atbunpt to see th« compati)·,litey beve eetabllaked headquarter· at No. 123 WeitHo >toii st. and say that when the compuuy wishes totn at with thi-iu its representatives may call at theiroline.Tke managers of the various «t.atnshlp lines are In-

censed ?·· «? ti«· action of the unions. Tkey say that Ifthe 'longshoremen h.v\ renai «ted them Bot to renew unycontraéis with the ciiel H minion I.In«, so long asthestrike laated) tkey might have wasidcred It favorably.hut ih«) aie uot Inclined to boycott th« Obi DotuiuiouI.in·· so f.ir as existing eouttacts are con.i-rned. as IIWould involve« tb.jin In tinaia lai ?·-.???11-.??.1 litj-. A BMM>lug of the managers of Ilio foreign UBcM will be held to¬day te· take a<.tiou on the prescut trouble*.

Ill \^F.S Of THF. LAHOR QCF.STION HERE.A lockout of about ??? paper ruler» took, phico

;n Bda itj on Thursday. Some time »go the paperml· r« formed a un.on and about two weeks ago made

·.email·! for u luniorni scale of OflMjM of ÍH nml.«.Ji a w«efe for d.fferent grades of work. After a

short strike tlictr demands were granted and th«y.1 en b.nk. 'Iheir mptogen Informed them

.n Wednesday, however, that uul«s.» they made a

third rat«· of §1.» a w««k th««)- would bo locked out.

Ibej tefoeed, and on Thursday the threat ui tho

employer« was carrieel out.ihe lateraettonal Ctganaakan have taeeeeded in

inducing Kaufman Hiothers «fc pondy to alter the.rdcteniunatlon to go back to the manufnrure of cigarsm tenement hniis««. Tkey tM hopelul uow thatthe nth«r manufacturers will tuUo similar uct.ou.1 tt«i trouble will be averted.

Tke rtrtte of tke braMworkete atmlm-r. an akHMaaIn t!:·* hours of labor has been settled. ??<5 men

hace goii« back to vori; on the tenus of the. bosses.Tke trouble among the· leather workers in Bewarft was

renewed yesterday w hcu tho employe« ol A.Lobeuberg anil K. Q. Haloinou Hoppedwurk. about irto men going out. Itwa« thought that strikes weald ?ß?? in two other factor-les today. Tke men llamead signatures t«> a «choduloadopted by the Knights of Labor. Most of the tnauufa« l-urers have already sign··«! the Kthodale.

SETTLING STREETCAR TROUBLES.The situation on the Hrooklyn roads la again a«"iumlng

a threatening aspect though it Is hardly probable thatthere will bea lie up. Messrs. Uruhutn and Best, of tho

Executive Hoard of District Assembly No. 75, called e>n

President Lewis vesterday and had a long talk with Inniabout the BOW nine table. No ih'liiiite agreement WMreached, bui Prealdeat Lewi· ekowed a conciliating spirit.od the trouble will probably be settled. The situationon the Broadway, Hrooklyn. lines is also somewhatstrained, but it is hoped that the conference·« which takes

placo with President Uecrs today will siraightcii mattersout.The Executive Hoard will in all likelihood «ee Presl-

d«nt Thompson of th« Broadway, New York, linn to-day.It Is not probable teal a settlement will be reached on

this line without trouble.

MORE DYNAMITE EXPLOSIONS PROMISED.Han Eha.n· is« o, Jan. 7. A k Met la this morning's Ex·

ammer signed " August Howlit/," «tates that the persons

responsible for this rcccut explosions of dynamite are

member· of a pow erful organization a hlch originated In

Chicago directly after the Haymrket riots, and that the

d\ nainltcrs have no «onnei tloii with the Cnrnieii's t'uion.Ilia letter says in conclusimi: "We have a programmeUbi oat lor e serle· of dynamite explosions aad shall goforward la ears«·! if tho roed· insist in re/aaiaglaecanucu thUr just light.·.."

WJMMMALl SALARY BMLPMDTO MATE UIÌI.CilicAfJi), Jan. 7..James Acheson, manager of the

hotel Florence at Pullman, pleaded guilty to the chargeof embezzlement la Judge Anthony's c.uirt today. His

shortage Is somuthlug like $'.',000. Acheson fled to Can¬

ada when his guilt was discovered, and his abiding placewas uot known till he wrote a letter to "Tom" iHlieeely,brother of "Pat" Hhoedy, the sjsirtlng man, asking for

money. 8hecdy sent liiiu *l00 which Acheson gambledaway in Detroit where, trying his luck one night. Matt

Pinkerton found him in a gambling koaea ?? beeoa was

brought iiack and frleuds «ct to work to get him out oftin· trouble, oue circumstance lu his Tavor was that thoPiiilmaus only paid nini $01» a mouth to manag.· theirhotel latereeta Mr. Pullman recomuended Acheson to

mercy, lie wa» sentenced to live mouths «aid ¡frico imo.


TUF. MUMDMMMM OF OODMAW BELO FOR TRTXT..Uo.siue, Jan. 7..Juuios Edward Nowllu, the murderer

of Oeorge A. CcMliuau, was arraigue«! lu tue Seuucrvillo

police court tills morning and pleaded not guilty. He

was committed without bail for trial, which will probablynot lake place for six months.

'ihe mlaslug lctt U-gof c odiiian was found to-day in a

Held near where the murderer had thrown It. From a

number of gashes on the knee II Is evident that the mur·

«Uni attempted to divide ike limb at that place, bai suu-

sceiurtl) gave, up the Idea. (Oilman's father arrived Iroui

New Hampshire today and will take the body homo forburial as a.uu as it is released by the authorities.


MMADJ TO VKOIX MIT IX WOÊTÙÏÏ.W\s|iiM.r«>N, Jan. 7..Tho Ooverntuent expects to be¬

gin preliminary proceedings against tho Hell TelephoneCompany In Boetta before the middle of next week. Tho

counsel will no District-Attorney (Stern, of Boston, andMis-t«. Chandler, Whitman and (¡nenie·. The counselheld a meeting this evening at th« Dcpurtincut of Justice.

micini-: Of ?????? AWDÊOÏÏ.The IhhU of William Karl was found hanglug to

a ratter m ono of he bams In t'ulon, Union

Couiiit, N. J., on Tlnirsday. He was w«ll knowntliiniigliont the mat* as the proprietor of Isrge eider millswhich were establish«! by hue father. Vox ·..-v.-ml monili«Mr. Karl liad iii«i with r«vernü«« «Ul« h It Is MMMMi uusejllleiahis m ui.l. Ill» mili, ? met tu» elejalh in a siuiUar luauuur.

YOUNO AMEBICA IN THE SOUTH.Br. LOOM Jan. 7..A dlspateh from Jsrkson. Te.nn., to

7?« l\>tt Impatcti says that sentt piekler. ar« ?».·?·. Isstm btibot and kill«! c.'hssvar Oexiet, sg« too, ibe son ol ayr»m-liisui résident ot that town. 1 tin two bad guarrslled ov«r

.???ß trivial matter. I'n* oldw buy «ot the worst of It. »·

went boni», nudiires-uriuga shol#uu, souaht out hue




Property-owner* in tho tRB,.| ?????? ~P^ed themselves as satisfied yesterday that th«new Park Commissioner 'to be appointed byiMayor Hewitt to succeed Henry K. BcetannBwould be a resident of tint pait of the city northof the Harlem River. The new comniisaioner. itwas said positively, would be ex-iVneivsenunWaldo Hutehins. The name of Mr. Hutehins wowgiven In ?pe ???ß??e several davs a?? oo «possible appointee, with .Ionian L Mott, FordhomMorris and Henry L. Morris, nil of whom amresidents of the Annexed District. The Tax¬payers' Association of tho Twenty-third andTwenty.fourth Wards at a meeting on Mondo*nislit appointed a committee that culled on MayoeHewitt and presented the claims of those «rani·for representation in the l'arie Hoard. Anotheadonation from tho West Side of the AnnexedDistrict presented a similar petition.No names were mentioned by either ,leiejratio*.·

hut it was stated that any one in the distri«*who was satisfactory to the Mayor would bo aoceptahe. What WOO desired, a member of one of.the delegations said, woo that th.· district shouldbo represented. A great deal of improvement ho»been ß???« on beyond th.! Harlem River withintwo years ani the population is increasing herowith great rapidity, but the work there has hardlyMgUR. 'Die territory is as lanre as the whole ol.Manhattan Island, and where so much is at stoltosome one was wanted in the l'ark Hoard whowould have a personal interest in twine, measurescarried out that would be to the ad\ anlau'e of theentire region.

"That was «11 thai w¡»e asked for," i-onf intierithe taxpayer mentioned. "A new citv l^-vetlimn New-York its.lf is startin« up, and New-York ought to give if, every efeBRek. Wt have*BU other axe to grind, loidliam Morris, who hueextensive property interests, would be acceptableto us, but neither he nor his cousin. ? bui ? L,Morris, can give the necessary time ha ||.. office.Jordan L. Moti declined because his health hai·loen feeble of ImI.· ami his physi-ian odTittd in innot to take the office They were all consul!ed,I understand. Mr. Hutehins was not inclined tonennt the appointment at ilrst, but is now, Ibelieve, willing."

Commissioner Crinimlns was n.slto.1 (f he knewnn.vthiug as to Ihe appointment ·>? Mr llutcitiu*.but he declined to toy whether «r not it hadbeen made known to him. "I think." be added."ttgtf. the new commissioner is likely to bo fromthe Annexed District, und I inn sur.· the appoint¬ment will he satisfactory to the Hoard. Mr.llutcliius would ho a good appointment."

Mr. I'uwers w.ail.l not pjgr who lie thought!would be tiie new commissioner, but be l>· lievedlhat the new man would not join issues with Ummembers ol the Hoard opposed t» himself.

Mr. Hcckman was poked if Mayor Hewitt, whoiv.-as not in the City Hall yesterday, had decided>.n on appointment, and he replied; '"The ap¬pointment will probably be uindo lo mori ow obun Monday, if Mr. Hewitt is not able to com«down until then He hp* yet acnt no name to tintollice as my successor."

Mr. Hutehins is a lawyer ani has an office abNo 69 Wallst.: his home is in Kin ¦sbrid-.O. Hewas formerly a Republican. He became a LiberalRepublican and supported Ilota.·· fìrcley for»lYtttdtRt. In 18d0 he was nominated by tlioI'eniocrats for OonRtooa, from tho Xlllh. now* theXlVth Pistricf, and was elected. He was re-

elected in 1HM2, but since his term e\| ire.l has notttoken an active part in politics. He is ? mem¬

ber of the Counts· Demo. racv. No a. lion it tosaid, will be taken by Mayor Hewitt on Mr.(."riiumins's resignation for the present·

???? FATE <>F THE WAMTMt WILLVE crtEW.Has Kuascivo, Jan. 7..The crew of the ship Harvey

Mills, which foundered at sea while on a voy.-we front

Bealtle, Oreiron, for thi· port, numbered tweuty-four. Thos-.i vh.irs s iv tli.it when all hope of saving the ship wao

loit, tho captain find thro« men attempted to leave her inii small boat, but as soon as they left the -hip's sido thel>oat was capsized by a heavy »ea. It Is believed theywerodrowued Four others took to a raft, hut have not.luce been heard of. Mate CoahtaM and threo of thecrew also left the ship on a raft, but ln-iore they wora

picked up one ??'the men went cra/.y and lump«··! over¬board. The other twelve of the erew atoeh to too «hip.and. as the survivors saw her go down, all on board musthave petUUed.

The Harvey Mills has been an unfortunate vessel sinceshe vu built, and this is said to be due to liei having beenlaunched on Friday, fho was a vessel of 2.077 tona

capacity, owned by Mill*. O'Brien A Co.. of Tbouiaidon,M... where ehe was built to 1876. While lying at i'urtBoyal, 6. C in Marcii, ls77, sho was portlj dotttoyot1 brtire and was then brought to Bew-Votk uit.l icpalrod-1.,-aving Liverpool in December, is«?, she was rtaiiiBtjonby collision in the Kn^-lish ('hutinel and had to put backfor repairs. She tolled 04fOln It January, 1893, ood waedlamoatod In ß hoñieone lo too Entilan Ckonoei Sheonce more pot back to Liverpool ¡«ud niter receiving newspan and notti airain put to sea and was so long a UrneIn reaching port that It was feared she was !.>.st.

AM ONMIOM ADTMMMM TO BARBED WIRE IEXCB.Tkknto», ?. J. Jan. 7. .ihe law of anifcoi wire

fonce has been laid down for the first BjM In this

country by a compcteut authority in an opinion ofJustice Magie, of the New-Jersey Supreme Court, Ut

the caso uf Karl lolah, a will known New York busi¬ngs* man résident at i'l.uulMd. BT. J.. against Carolineand sa.nuol Hudson. Tho Hudson» had a latici wirefence and Mr. lo.alt had a lino colt, 'ihe fence andthe colt cumini; iato violent contact. Injuries wero

¡allietisi which made it ueeceary to kill the colt.Mr I olatt - ii·--1 for the salue ol the annual. Justice

Magie laid down the law as follows: "The rightof th" owner I* to put up a suitable and proper bar¬rier to prevent tho incursion uf bis U(iglib..rs ..a.mala

aud to keep within hi' owu inclosure bis own animal*.Hut that light 1» subject to the duty which thoOWRtfi in lomnion with every one else, owes to hitneighbor that duty ? to so use his own otooontff eo

to do M injury to the property belonging to another«Tho plalntitf is eutitlod to ro<o*ei against the defend¬ant- although he bad bailed the colt to the adjoiningowner to keep to pa-ti:re; and although that adjoiningownof knew of the eat*tenet of too wire"

It I» »aid that th« issue will be further contestedby the barbed wiro manufacturen».

-?¦- -¦


PirrsHt.'U... Jan. 7. (dpWtaoB,.A numlier of Navy De·

portment officers composing a special Hoard on National

Oldlnonot Flunt visited ttvorol steel nulls tkU aftercoon.

Tliey wereappointed a month ago by Secretary Whitney.The board w«u ordered to submit plans and estimates for

a plant at Hie Washington Navy Yard for tho uiauiifaet·ure of larice steel non Those guns will be finished at

the proposed new plant, which will be more properly o

üuishiug department. Lieutenant Hradbury said:" Pittsburg Is tho first manufacturing city that we havevisited. The proposed plant can BO built in two year·.Whcu finished the bWfOOt stool guns that can be madewill boot tUtOon inch calibre. They will bo forty livefeet long aud will weight 110 tons."Another member of the board said: "I have in my

pockets bids from two ttrins who claim lhat steel guns can

Uei-aaluudwheuili.islicdwiUco.it bit twenty tanti O

pound. The UOTOtnnwnt is ready to adopt Ike·· irons sa

.oou as itls demOBrtroted that tUoy can be made without

aflaw." The board will leave here to-morrow atttnotjtor Alliance, < Uno. and on their returu ttuonjb IViimyl·vuiua they will Intjtttt the maniifatiuroa at tic rantoli.

W7fF MRS. ni'KLBVUT WASTS A DIVORCS.NcwroRT, R. I., Jan. 7.-Tito celebrated Bow-Yotb di¬

vorce case of Klla Q Hurlburt aitaiuet Henry C. Hurl-

burt.Jr., came up in the ¡Supreme Ctoit here this niorn-

iui{. The ehoCfOt were uuu-euppnrt «ud drunkenueea.

Depositions were read from seventeen persous. sei ? anta»friends and intimate associate· of the family, all testifiedto the drunken habits of tho respondent. The couuaalfor the resinimi» nt sought to elicit testimony lo show that

the petitioner came to Hhode Ulaud for the purpose of

obtaining a divorce for caii»ea which would not hold la

Bow-Yon, but the petitioner said thatshe came here »lut-

ply becauee New-York wa· lUsUaU-'tul to her after her

marriage eiperioiieo there.In the afternoon Mrs. Huriburt was on the staud and

testified, tibe acknowledged that eho had itcei ved gen¬

erous »import from tho respondent previous to the al¬lei ed desertion in 1«83. fhe had a house, tKKK> a monthfor her personal excuses, horses and carnage» and ooins name polit y ou her husband's Ufo for ir.l...0<H>. or If

»iirreudeied worth ftO.OOU. The ci-o.ss^xaminnnoBbrought out the fact that the separation took place Justafter Mr. Hurlburt's failure in buslue«·.Three detiosltlous were road by counsel for the totntnt/

ent. to tho efiect that wltue·· bod not seen the respond,ent drunk for Hve or »ix >eaw. ??.. Hurlburt hiiiiseUtbeu took tho stuud. He denied that he hud been habita·ally drunk, but failed to reuieinber »evoral occaaioo»cited by witnesses for tbe other side.


Paaaenger train No. »1 on the Pennsylvania Hoed,from Jersey City to Ncw-lirunawlck, Jumped the track a

Linden. N. J., yesterday mornlnK, coueiuf O dolo}-of ?low hour·. No one was injured,