FutureBrand - Thinking

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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A glimpse into the quality of our thinking (2013/2014)

Transcript of FutureBrand - Thinking



A glimpse into the quality of our thinking.


In the pages that follow, you will gain a glimpse

into the quality of thought-leadership we have here

at FutureBrand as the bloggerati in our network

of employees share trends and technologies,

observations and predictions, reflections and insights,

across a gamut of branding, innovation and design.

You’ll be rewarded with not just a wealth of

knowledge that enriches your decision-making

ability to bring tangible bottom-line benefits to your

business, but also an understanding that the inherent

power of creative strategy and expression is what

transforms brands and fuels peoples’ relationships

with brands, through loyalty, attitude, belief and even

a cultural identity.

and take your time to savour the feast of information

contained within these pages.


The brands of the future will help you consume less

Why Branding is not Advertising, and Advertising is not Branding

Iconography in Branding: The importance of getting it right

Driving brand performance through creating desire

How hard is your brand management tool working?

Managing v#content – Owned brand and consumer brand management

Five things all brand managers should know!

The power of the inner crowd: Building brands from within

3 brand lessons to learn from #fitchthehomeless

Top 10 brands “twentysomethings”cannot live without and why

American spirit in brand identity design

Tackling the war for talent

Lessons in mobile marketing

Managing resistance to change

Partnership Branding: A growth strategy

When humans – not tech, are put at the centre of the experience, everyday problems get solved

The NINJA Generation and how they’re changing the world

















Innovation sparks… innovation?

By 2014, your postman could be an astronaut

The hi-tech weddings of the future

Disconnect to reconnect! – The 1.0 holidays of the FUTURE!

In the future, our home will be a Fashion accessory

In the future, we’ll go back to school without schoolbags, but we’l still be making pasta necklaces!

Ebb & flow: How maps and big data can help us understand how diseases spread

FutureBrand at Tent London 2013

Cannes 2013 – A post-modern approach to creativity after 60 years

FutureBrand wins prestigious CLIO award for American Airlines

Corporate Philanthropy: Now more than part of the agenda Davos 2013: How companies can create a better future

The 22nd century will be the African century (and other predictions)

Future Brilliance! New brands for Afghanistan and the world

ONE way to change the world

Congratulations Solar Impulse



















“Instead of trying to blindly increase penetration and frequency, future brands will help consumers understand how much they consume, and what this means for their health, wealth and happiness.”


The brands of the future will help you consume less

by Tom Adams

Right now, companies get by through pushing more and more stuff we don’t need. But with data and personalization, they might earn our loyalty and dollars by giving us exactly what we do.

It is an article of faith in mass marketing that more

consumption is good. Marketers focus on increasing

penetration and frequency – selling to more people,

more often – as ends in themselves, and research

consumer attitudes to everything from packaging

design and pricing to the position of products on

shelves to do it. Brands help them to do this more

effectively by making things attractive and easy to

identify and playing on unconscious desire.

So we quite often consume more than we need of

the wrong things, which wastes money, time, and the

world’s resources. For example, it is estimated that

Americans throw away 20 pounds of food per person

per month, restaurants in China throw away enough

food to feed 200 million people a year and we send

hundreds of millions of mobile phones to landfill

annually. Not just that, but potato chips and sweetened

drinks, among other convenience foods, make us

more fat than any other products. So unthinking mass

consumption, and the brand marketing that drives it, has

to change before stuff runs out and we end up floating

around in hover chairs like the future humans in Wall-E.


What if brands were able to help us consume less, not more?

In the future, brands will still sell dreams, but will

also provide tools for a better reality. We have the

technology today to track exactly what we consume,

when we consume it and how much it costs –

individually and collectively. Branded products and

services are increasingly connected, as are the people

that use them, so individual brands and the companies

behind them can learn how they are being used.

Retail banks now offer services that allow you to track

your history and see exactly how you have spent your

money, which provides an unprecedented level of

insight for the banks and builds customer loyalty. Fitness

ecosystems like Nike Fuelband and Fitbit track and

share your levels of physical activity on a real-time basis.

Insurance companies have been offering telematics to

peg premiums to actual usage for years in car insurance.

Major organizations now report exactly what

environmental and social impact their manufacturing

processes and products have on the world – from CO2

emissions to waste and use of resources. And the major

global retailers that provide most of the things we buy

every day know exactly what they sell and who to, often

building sophisticated loyalty schemes around that

data. But, as you would expect, they tend to use it to

recommend more consumption to us, not less.

This fragmentation will soon be a thing of the past

and consumers will increasingly be able to join up

their diverse personal data sources – levels of activity,

spending, location, consumption – to create lifestyle

“As you would expect, brands tend to use our personal data to recommend more consumption to us, not less.”

dashboards that provide real-time information on

what they are using, where it is from and the impact

it is having on the world around them. I will be able

to measure how many soft drinks I have, how much

sugar they contain, and what this means for my calorific

intake. Combine this with basic measures of health

and well-being – my blood pressure, cholesterol,

weight, family medical history and levels of activity and

my consumption choices will start to be framed not

by marketing, but by a real understanding of how my

consumption affects me and everyone else. Not just

generally, but at the point of purchase and consumption.

This data then becomes an asset to the consumer that

they can optimize and sell to service providers.


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Where do brands fit into this?

Instead of trying to blindly increase penetration

and frequency, future brands will help consumers

understand how much they consume, and what

this means for their health, wealth and happiness.

My favorite pizza brand will know how many times

I have enjoyed its meat feast this month and let me

know if I should try a healthier alternative when I

reach my pre-agreed limits.

Instead of allowing me to overspend on my monthly

mobile phone tariff every month, my mobile brand

will calibrate my bill to my actual usage in real time,

reducing as well as increasing the amount I spend

based on personal activity not averages. My gym

brand will only charge me when I use its facilities,

but also find ways to help me exercise more based

on my personal location, levels of activity and health,

as well as connecting me to other members who can

encourage me to visit more frequently – attending

to my overall fitness and wellbeing, not just my hours

using its equipment.

“Loyalty will earn insights and a better holistic life, not just discounts that encourage more consumption.”

My favorite retail brand will build a personal

shopping cart for me based not only on what I

have bought in the past, but how much food I

have thrown away, whether food is in season and

available from local sources, as well as showing

product alternatives bought by similar customers

who have my desired body weight or health profile.

It will also help me to reduce my household waste

and environmental impact by recommending

products with less packaging and brands that have

a lower carbon footprint.

Loyalty will earn insights and a better holistic life, not

just discounts that encourage more consumption.

My favorite car brand will allow me to access any

model I like when I need it and only pay for the time

I use. And because ownership will shift from me as a

consumer back to the automotive company, it will take

care to fully recycle its machines – reusing the raw

materials that made it to create new cars, rather than

committing them to landfill.


Less will build loyalty

Brands have always been a promise of quality and

addressing personal needs and this is how they build

loyalty – people want to recreate previous good

experiences and brands help them to do it easily.

In the future, this quality of experience will depend

on helping people to understand and manage how

much they consume, not just offering pleasure,

efficacy and consistency. As they do this, not only will

they deliver the great experiences we want, they will

also help us to reduce waste, improve our health and

be more conscious of the impact our consumption

has on the world around us.

This will make us more loyal to brands, not less,

because we will depend on them as vital inputs

to our quantified selves. And it will make sure that

corporations continue to make money and grow

sustainably by providing things that genuinely improve

our quality of life, rather than just selling us too much

of stuff we don’t need.

Because it costs them more to sell things that are

wasted, and they might find that people are prepared to

pay more for less, saving them money on raw materials,

packaging and distribution that simply are not necessary

– “concentrated” washing detergents being the prime

example in mass market products today.

But the key to this future is the creation and

management of the dashboard itself. Who will we

trust to aggregate this information, interpret it and

store it on our behalf? For example, would I allow

a food brand access to my health or financial

information so it can design better food for me?

The unspoken contract between people and the

brands they love will need to be more explicit – I trust

you with my data and you have my best interests

at heart in return. If you don’t, the contract breaks

down and brand loyalty is broken. The most obvious

candidates for this kind of trust are the current

“Who will we trust to aggregate this information, interpret it and store it on our behalf?”


aggregator brands – the search engines, the multi-

brand retailers, the software service providers – brands

that exist to help us get access to multiple products,

services and information, we depend on every day,

and are increasingly personalising their services around

individual customer needs and data.

So what will our future consumption look like?

Supermarkets will deliberately sell us fewer products

in smaller packages. Automotive brands will stop

selling us cars and start selling us access to mobility

services. Financial services brands will help us to spend

less money within our means. Soft drinks brands will

sell us fewer sparkling beverages. Insurance brands

will charge us lower premiums based on our individual

behavior, not actuarial tables. All in the interests of

building the loyalty that comes from being understood

and not trying to manipulate us into using more

than we want or need. And one brand will bring it all

together to drive the balance.

The question is, which brand will you choose to do it?

“A brand is used in business to differentiate goods or services from each other and to help create associations in the minds of consumers which lead to awareness, preference and ultimately, choice or purchase.”


Why Branding is not Advertising, and Advertising is not Branding

by Chris Nurko

As the Super Bowl in the United States fades from

memory, and clients pay their bills for the mega-

spend on their ads (estimated by the AP to be $4

million for 30 seconds and exposure to an audience

of 112m viewers), it seems an appropriate opportunity

to remind everyone why Branding is not Advertising,

and Advertising is not Branding. I want to make it clear

that I am not “Advertising bashing”; in fact I am a huge

advocate of Advertising in all of its forms as both a

strategic and tactical means of creating effective brand

interest, awareness, desire and sales. However, unlike

the proverbial “chicken vs. egg” discussion, Advertising

is only effective if the brand and its strategy have

been established first and it is subservient to the brand

strategy at all times. As the debate rages over what the

“best” or “most effective” ads were for the Super Bowl –

my question is, which brands used the Super Bowl and

Advertising to the greatest effect for their overall Brand

Strategy? Before I can answer that, let’s just be clear

about what the difference and relationship is between

Brand Strategy and Advertising.

Branding 101 – defined. Branding is the term for a

company, product or service that can be recognised by

the following key ingredients: a unique name, a unique

logotype/marque or visual identity, and a distinctive

value proposition or “offer”. A brand is used in business

to differentiate goods or services from each other and

to help create associations in the minds of consumers

which lead to awareness, preference and ultimately,

choice or purchase. Brands are strategic assets that

on their own or across a portfolio, help to create

customer loyalty and advocacy thus generating a

predictive model for future income. By measuring

brand choice (today’s sales, market share, loyalty, etc.)

a brand’s owner can project future sales with a degree

of certainty and thus value. This future value of a brand

is thus dependent upon a brand being both consistent

in terms of delivery and “offer” while remaining

relevant and salient to consumers. A brand strategy

is therefore all about being consistent and ensuring

that existing and potential brand audiences are familiar

with, and interested in, the brand’s offer. Keep in

mind, when it comes to brands, consumers expect

consistency and a strong current and future brand

is reliable for its unique and defined set of qualities

and attributes that appeal and sustain a consumer’s

attention. If it is successful, a brand establishes an

image in consumers’ minds that creates awareness

and hopefully a “position” that makes it distinct,

differentiated and desired by the target audience.

In order to remain relevant and salient to consumers,

a brand must continually reinforce its “position” (versus

the competition) and build awareness and preference

amongst its audience targets.


To this end, a brand strategy is the sum total of how

the brand and its physical attributes (identity, product,

packaging, services and experiences) are associated

and identified with a set of emotional and mental

attributes (brand image, values, associations, and

unique selling points) that leads to sales. The brand

strategy is the means by which a brand as an asset

is linked to an offer of value that consumers are

willing to pay for and repeatedly purchase over time

so as to create demand. In this way, a brand strategy

for a company, a product or service is executed

and linked to the financial performance of a brand

owner. In order to be successful, the tools and

methods of how a brand communicates its salience

and relevance must be uniquely determined and

leveraged. This is the Brand Communications Strategy

and it is most often made up of Advertising, Media

or Channel Planning, Public Relations, Point of Sale

and Digital/Social or Direct Marketing. Each of these

communications disciplines must work both on their

own and in concert to create an effective “Campaign”

for a brand. This in itself means that a single theme

or series of messages related to a brand is effectively

communicated to audiences to create awareness,

recognition, preference and ultimately, choice for

the brand. A Marketing Strategy is the allocation of

resources required for a brand to be effective given

sales and marketing challenges or competitive activity.

To reinforce my point, a Brand Strategy must come

before the Brand Communications Strategy and it

must be linked to future sales and growth.

So, isn’t Advertising just the TV Ads? No, the TV ads are

only part of the equation – albeit the most expensive and

highest profile aspect of the medium. Advertising has

come to mean the collective use of all forms of Above

the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL) communications

tactics and disciplines. Advertising tends to be “Campaign”

oriented so as to reflect both the shopping/buying

cycles of consumers in any given year, and it reflects the

product or category innovation development of brand

owners. When these two

aspects are brought together, a Brand Communications

Strategy can be developed. A single “theme” or “set of

messages” are developed based on the Brand Strategy

where the objective is to raise awareness and aid

recognition of the brand and link this to the action

of purchase and recommendation.

A strong campaign helps to promote a brand’s relevance

and salience by tapping into the

consumer’s conscious and unconscious mindset.

Ideally, the campaign’s goal is to help create stronger

associations and interest in the brand, the product/

service/experience or category so as to “position’” the

brand for future consideration and purchase by the

consumer. Advertising that is well conceived and well

executed is the ultimate means of bringing a brand

“to life” for consumers by creating a link between the

consumers’ needs and wants, which in turn drives

purchase consideration and behaviour. Often, the

strongest Ad Campaigns create additional elements

of a brand’s narrative or story via campaign imagery, story

lines, slogans/jingles, mnemonics and

associations (including celebrity endorsements).

Ultimately, it prompts the consumer to choose and buy

the product, service or experience either for the first time

(trial and consideration) or for repeated times (loyalty/

advocacy). If a “campaign” is well integrated and executed

using a brand’s unique and memorable attributes, it

creates additional elements that strengthen recall and

preference, a brand gains in strength. Brand strength

means that advertising not only delivers awareness and

recall (aided and unaided) but consumers attach the

specific brand attributes to the communications which

derive from the brand’s core values, attributes and unique

selling points. A strong brand therefore is able to generate

future growth and value.


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What happens when the Advertising becomes the Brand Strategy? Ok, so finally i get to my point! If an advertising strategy becomes the brand strategy, a few things can occur:

A brand becomes associated with a “Campaign” and

by its very nature – the “Campaign” begins to take on a

life of its own. This often leads to the awareness being

high and recall strong (usually because the campaign

elements become cultural signifiers, mnemonic icons

or vernacular catch phrases) but this often fails to

translate into actual sales or differentiating product/

service or experience benefits. The brand experiences

a spike amongst consumers of media and the client

becomes hooked on levels of marketing spend which

need to be continually reinvested so as to maintain

the brand’s profile. This can often occur with total

disregard to either developing the product or service

experience or without truly engaging the consumer(s)

of the brand. The brand either becomes a “generic” for

the category, or becomes invisible as each campaign

becomes “wallpaper”. Often seen in the background

but simultaneously ignored. There are frequently no

discernible or unique aspects to the “ad” and one

could easily substitute any brand for the storyline as

long as the storyline stays the same. Conventional

wisdom also says that when the storyline becomes too

familiar, the audience begins judging the storyline of

the plot against previous “episodes” or versions of the

storyline – and this results in comments like… “it wasn’t

as good as the last ad”. Forgetting about the brand and

focusing on the ad story is never a good thing.

The campaigns often are characterised by advertising

that is disconnected to the actual product, service or

experience. They become victims to advertising that

plays to either a) stereotypes and archetype narratives

which are category generics (thus not differentiating),

or b) they become indulgent set-pieces in bizarre,

humorous or surreal executions which often leave

the consumer or viewer wondering what the ad was

about and with no connection to the product, service,

experience or brand at all. In many cases, the “creative”

metaphor is one of extreme yet familiar storylines so

that it either “shocks” or “grabs attention” yet fails

to connect with any aspect of the brand that is unique

or part of the user experience. Often these ads are

funny in the short term, but do they make you go

out and “buy” the product, or feel “better” about

the brand itself?

So, with this in mind… make up your own mind about

the 2013 Super Bowl ads… and use this as a guide

for whether the ads are good for the brand or not.

Hint – if you can’t remember the brand, or there is no

discernible difference between the brand, the product

and any other competitor – maybe it’s time to re-think

the Brand Strategy and Communications Strategy link.

Bravo to the brand strategy directors and marketing

teams who recognised the value of putting a strong

storyline linked to brand assets (icons, symbols and

unique attributes) into an emotive promotion. For

these brands, the future is one of stronger recall,

positive associations and reinforced attributes.

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“The iconography of a nation is representative of culture, patriotism, history and pride.”


Iconography in Branding: The importance of getting it right

by Chris Nurko


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Let’s explore three interesting and topical brand issues

in the news that underscore the power and importance

of Branding, national identity and design and the

powerful role they have in communications. All three

are examples of national identities derived from, and

integral to, the flags of their respective nations.


Canada and Currency

First of all, Canada has introduced a new

currency note that uses a maple leaf design

as part of the security feature across the

denominations of Canadian Dollars.

The new design includes what has been

described as a “representative” leaf as

opposed to an “actual” leaf (meaning –

a stylised interpretation of what a maple

leaf looks like based on no specific variety

of Maple Tree). However, Botanists and

Canadians are not letting this one get “spun”

– why? Because it does not look like the

traditional native Canadian sugar maple leaf,

but rather looks like an imported species of

maple tree (the Norwegian maple leaf).

One could be forgiven if the differences

were subtle, but anyone familiar with

Canadian symbolism and iconography

knows – the leaves are different and the

sugar maple is the definitive representation

of all things Canadian. So, why and how

could this happen? At the end of the day

(as suggested in the BBC news report), the

role of design is one of interpretation, and

therefore sometimes a designer needs to

take the liberty of interpretation for various

reasons. In commercial enterprise, theatre

and/or entertainment – this is acceptable

and encouraged. However, when it comes

to government, business or any aspect of

society in which a degree of trust, familiarity

or citizenship is involved it is better not

to stray too far from convention. The

iconography of a nation is representative

of culture, patriotism, history and pride. The

symbolism of a flag or coat of arms is almost

sacrosanct and needs to be treated with

respect and care, and it needs to be accurate

to previous and historic convention. I would

argue, in the case of currency – that this is a

base requirement. So – kudos for retaining

the maple leaf design as an integral part of

the currency, and embracing technology to

allow it to be integrated as a security feature

(a see through window). However, nil points

for mistaking an imported leaf species or

“stylistically blending” the Norwegian variety

with the familiar, iconic and truly native

Canadian sugar maple leaf!


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Cuba and the Union Jack

The second example is the report out of

Havana that Cubans are going “loco” for

anything Union Jack. The “bandera inglesa”

(English flag) is a popular design icon for

everything from clothes, to bags, and

tattoos! Technically – the flag is the British

flag (made up of the English Cross of

St George alongside the Scottish Cross

of St Andrew and the Cross of St Patrick).

It is officially the Union Flag but in common

parlance is referred to as the “Union Jack”.

But we are splitting hairs… to young Cubans,

it represents a cool design feature which is

now very “on trend” because of the London

2012 Olympic Games. When asked in the

BBC feature as to why they like it or what

they associate it – a young Cuban answers

that because “the country is beautiful, the

people are friendly and the women are

pretty.” Introduced last summer, the effect

of the Olympic Games and the coverage of

London 2012 has had an impact which has

translated into a commercial opportunity

for vendors in Havana. Suffice to say,

the “Cool Britannia” of the Union Jack is

evident around the world and in Britain as

well – but, to the extent that an avowed

Communist state and its people embrace

a symbol of the United Kingdom versus just

a nice piece of red, white and blue design

depends on their associations. And, in this

case – it is one not of politics but sport

and the cultural coverage from The Games.








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Therefore, one cannot approach the task

lightly. However, I believe the new American

Airlines design gets it right for several reasons.

The iconic elements of the

silver fuselage, red/white/blue,

and “eagle” have all been retained,

contemporised and incorporated

into one system that is easier

to implement and facilitates

brand recognition.

The tailfin is both dynamic and

expressive with a strong reference

to the “flag carrier” concept yet it

is abstract and not literal.

The “flight symbol” is a strong

stand-alone element that unifies

all of the components into one

that aid recognition and ownership,

making it distinctive.

The symbols of America are enduring

and strong, but also ubiquitous and to

create something which stands apart is a

tough challenge. Judging by blog forum

discussions and overall press, the consensus

is that American Airlines needed a “new”

breath of fresh air into its design and visual

identity, and whether you like it or not –

for the brand and the business it was the

right thing to do.

Preserving equity and iconic status is a

challenge, and for an airline it is vital. The

new American represents a 21st century

America and will stand the test of time!

American Airlines and the new American

The third example is that of American

Airlines. We at FutureBrand spent two years

investigating and understanding every

element of the American Airlines identity as

well as what represents “America” in terms

of symbols, icons, graphics, colors, type and

associations. The result is the new identity of

American Airlines. (You can read more about

it on the futurebrand.com web pages and

indeed, in the press).

You can make up your own mind about it

from a subjective or objective point of view.

My point in this article is to merely highlight

that when a branding or design firm is

asked to leverage symbols and icons of a

commercial enterprise (and one in which

there is history, equity and pride) you have

to be careful!

Plus, if those elements are also part of a wider

narrative or cultural symbolism (e.g. that of

the nation) you have to be extra vigilant. In

the airline business, logos and tailfins are

the glamour elements and the icons that

enter into the social and cultural vernacular.




“Building a structure within the business to encourage creativity requires the right people, processes and tools. Having these three components in place is vital in ensuring communication is centralised and teams understand the stages of an approval process.”


Driving brand performance through creating desire

by Simon Jenkinson

So what makes our brands and organisations tick?

Most would agree that it’s our people who are

responsible for driving success of the business.

Surely it’s one of the oldest corporate challenges

in the book – “How do we motivate our employees

to perform better?”. From team building days,

hanging upside down on obstacle courses to the

good old fashion cash incentive. There have been

hundreds of solutions to encourage staff to be more

productive with a view to increasing productivity

and the bottom-line.

With over 13 million Google results – who has the right

answer? Or is there even one model that fits all?

One approach I came across was coined by Whetten

and Cameron, who discuss the link between

performance and motivation by referring to the

following equation (I added the last part in the mix):

Performance = Ability × Motivationwhere Motivation = Commitment × Desireand where Desire = Creativity × Autonomy


Admittedly, this equation could go

on forever, however by using this

model it suggests that employees

must first and foremost have

desire – and to create desire,

individuals must feel a degree of

independence and/or freedom

(Autonomy), coupled with being

involved and leading challenging

and engaging tasks to achieve

shared goals (Creativity).

Dan Pink suggests a similar

approach, his book Drive

highlights: “The secret to high

performance and satisfaction

– at work, at school, and at home

– is the deeply human need to

direct our own lives, to learn and

create new things, and to do

better by us and our world.”

He also goes on to suggest that

cash incentives don’t provide an

individual with the desire to be

creative on a daily basis.

Giving individuals the freedom

to do what they please, including

making critical business decisions

sounds like a dangerous theory!

But how about allowing such

individuals to be creative with

a degree of validation from senior

members – a little more easy

to digest? Building a structure

within the business to encourage

creativity requires the right people,

processes and tools. Having these

three components in place is vital

in ensuring communication is

centralised and teams understand

the stages of an approval process.

So to summarise, if you want your

employees to perform better and

the business to thrive, start at the

bottom of the equation and create

the desire by:

Ensuring aspects of your

employees’ roles are

creativity, challenging

and satisfying and provide

them with the tools to

foster collaboration

Give individuals the

freedom to make their

own decisions – with a

level of oversight from

the top – but not too

much bureaucracy please

So as opposed to empowering

teams (which is really another

word for control), provide them

with enough scope to take control

of their own working lives and give

them purpose in fulfilling what

they already know as their role.

The outcome could quite well be

increased productivity, enhanced

satisfaction, unforeseen innovation

and in-turn creation of greater

quality products and services

for your consumer.



To disseminate

the above

even further:

performance motivationability

motivation commitment

creativity autonomy




It is about feeling

aspects of freedom

and self-control over

ones own direction.






It is all about

putting in effort.





Refers to their

drive to succeed.





It is about being

innovative, challenged

and engaged.




Seen as the level of

competence to fulfill

the role an individual

has chosen.



Seen as enthusiasm

for doing a task.



“Businesses demand more from any tool(s) they invest in, and rightly so, many tools only provide a single solution to a problem though companies today demand that a single tool solves a plethora of business issues.”


How hard is your brand management tool working?

by Simon Jenkinson

When I researched the market to compare brand

and asset management solutions about 5 years ago,

I found that a lot of the web-based solutions looked

like they’d been built in the 80s, primarily because they

were created by tech houses with little or no design

thinking applied to the interface. Of course, underlying

technology plays a key role here, but should not be

the prime focus. In order to be successful, user

adoption must be at the top of the list, meaning –

first and foremost, the intended end-user must be

able to easily use and adopt the tool with no training.

When we introduced our own brand management

tool at FutureBrand, the initial intent was for managing

and sharing brand assets and communicating one-

way brand thinking and best practice to our global

network. Shortly after launch, the adoption of the

Creative Workflow feature fell into place. The workflow

component allows for team collaboration, review and

approval of materials produced across regional/local

teams. The uptake of the tool really filled a gap around

multi-way communication; it reduced the amount

of in-bound emails and enhanced project team

alignment. Managing branded assets and guideline

materials in today’s market is a given, but having a

centralised tool that tracks performance of review and

approvals, artwork production and content publishing

really brings great insights to the table while delivering

brand consistency.

Businesses demand more from any tool(s) they invest

in, and rightly so, many tools only provide a single

solution to a problem though companies today

demand that a single tool solve a plethora of business

issues. Brand management tools are no different;

they need to satisfy more functions and departmental

requirements than ever.

From experience, other requirements typically fall

into the following areas; managing multiple brands,

creating & tracking campaigns, localising artwork,

product management, material ordering, publishing

and monitoring social network content and providing

one-to-one support to the network.


MGetting the right stakeholders on-board

at the start of the process will ensure

adoption at the end, plus gaining insights

from Marketing, Advertising, Legal, IT and

Management teams will ensure the tool

serves the purpose of the whole business.




Involve the right people at the start

Make it easy to use

Make the tool relevant in getting the job done

So here are my top-five considerations when

implementing a brand management tool:

As discussed above, the easier the

tool and the more benefits it provides

on a daily basis, the better.

Managing a whole workforce to adopt new

brand strategies and visual identity systems

is all about change management. Equipping

teams with the tools, training and knowledge

they can digest in their own time will help

alleviate the challenges they face.




Centralised engagement

Measure, measure and measure

Teams and individuals can engage with

others on many different levels and in

various ways. Providing a centralised

location to foster collaboration is key;

not just to make their lives easier but

also for corporate compliance reasons.

By identifying the current state of play

at the start of the project will allow

benchmarking success later down the line.

Tracking the performance and measuring

retention, usage, adoption, operational

processes and learning and growth metrics

can provide streamlining opportunities

and justifiable Return-on-Investment.

To conclude, if you have a brand asset

management tool, that is just that, “asset

management”, perhaps it’s time to think

about what other business benefits a brand

tool should be satisfying; one that provides

efficiencies to teams, fosters collaboration,

retains brand value and provides insights

into overall brand performance.

“Connecting both real-world physical products and digital content with the consumer experience has, and will extend the opportunity to build brand loyalty with existing customer...”


Managing v#content – Owned brand and consumer brand management

by Simon Jenkinson

As we all know, the role of marketing was once

focused on one-way communication to consumers;

the 4 Ps evolved to 7 with the 8th arguably being

“personalisation”, 9th – “problem”, 10th – “peer-to-

peer”… You get the idea. Today it’s the consumer

that predominately promotes products and brands

between themselves. According to a recent report

by Forrester*, some 70% of U.S. online adults trust

brand or product recommendations from friends and

family and 46% trust consumer (written online) reviews,

while just 10% trust ads on websites and 9% trust text

messages from companies or brands. Technology

has accelerated this change and word-of-mouth

has opened up personal opinion globally.



. <b







to combat tomorrow’s v#content

brand management challenges.

Solid rules and

foundations of a “Brand”.

Flexibile, scalable,

relevant and high

performing “Assets”.

Adaptable and compliant

“Workflow” processes.

Having these foundations

in place will allow for brands

to be successful; set, create,

approve, publish, protect and

measure the standards of owned

and consumer based campaign

branded v#content.

Of course, v#content should not

just be restricted to digital formats,

real-world products also need to

evolve… And they are… Recent

innovations in mobile and sensor

technologies allow for creating a

digital representation of almost any

physical entity and its parameters

over time at any place, deemed as

“Smart Products.^”

Technology alone is not the

solution – consumers still need

to be put at the centre of the

experience, with technology as a

supporting role, Adriano Galardi

sums this up well with the article

“When humans – not tech, are put

at the centre of the experience,

everyday problems get solved”

at page 77.

Yesterday brand management was

simply about managing assets,

PDF guidelines, self diagnosis,

decentralised touch-point silos

and logo Police. Tomorrow, the

role of brand management is

about asset performance, “Just-in-

Time” approvals and centralising

efficiencies of owned on- and

off-line branded content and the

life-cycle of such content when

adopted and personalised by

consumers. FutureBrand classifies

this type of content-collaboration

as v#content (virtual content).

I believe that the tool(s) used in the

brand management process need

to consider three key components

The challenge now becomes: How do brands manage owned brand content and consumer created/personalised brand content?





Assets Workflow

Effectiveness & Efficiencies


The plot thickens… Let’s consider

that branded content comes

in two forms:

Physically, such as

product packaging.

Digitally, such as owned

and consumer hashtag

and/or image and

video content.

Connecting both real-world

physical products and digital

content with the consumer

experience (via RFID, QR Codes

and AR) has, and will extend the

opportunity to build brand loyalty

with existing customer, while

providing a platform for said



Sources: * Forrester (2013) report based on a survey of more than 58,000 respondents^ Wikipedia “Smart Products”

customers to mobilise, connect

and activate their affiliation

with family and friends in an

on-brand way.

So, future brand management

needs to consider not just the

physical, but also virtual and social

aspects of marketing consumer

connections and the process and

tools used to create, distribute,

manage and measure the way

consumers adopt and personalise

v#content. The output will

provide greater connection and

engagement between products,

brands and the consumers’ voice.

And potentially reduce your

marketing spend while retaining

brand equity.

11 0 1

0 0 1 01 01 11 0 101 1 0 101 110 10101 010101110 010010110100011010110


Digital content

“A brand must drive its category forward in continually providing relevance and benefits for its consumers. Ideally, by innovating and continually improving where, what, and how consumers experience and derive value from the brand.”


Five things all brand managers should know

by Chris Nurko

Managing a brand is a tough job today. Not only are

there continual pressures to manage budgets and gain

more for less from your agency partners but there is

also the added complexity of managing your brand in

real time with metrics coming in from multiple on-line

sources, communities and daily web traffic reports.

Needless to say, Agency campaign results whether

ATL, BTL or Digital can be confusing – and, when

the “Boss” (insert Brand Director, Head of Strategic

Marketing, SVP Marketing or even CMO) emails you

to ask, “How is the Brand doing?”, you may be forgiven

for either wondering if your response may be a career

defining/limiting answer, or a chance to dazzle with

the expertise and data points that will demonstrate

your brilliance and importance. Either way, all too

often the responses can be either poorly constructed

or lacking in depth.

So, here I offer my top 5 action points for all brand

managers to keep on hand and know at all times

about their brand. It goes without saying, that these

5 key points should be aligned to the 5 key things that

a brand should always have at the heart of its strategy.

Of course, there could be more – however, this is my

list so feel free to add and expand! I hope it is useful for

those at the “front lines” of brand marketing and sales.


Market share is a key indicator of business

performance as it measures the “units sold” of a

product/service as a % of the total market sales.

It can also be measured in revenue, or “dollar/euro/

pound/etc market share”. It enables brand managers

to understand the competitive situation in relation

to the market’s growth, stagnation (flat line sales)

or decline. If a key target or strategic objective is

to achieve or protect “share”, a brand manager must

know the dynamics of the market and how his or

her brand is performing. This will drive the choice

of tactical brand marketing strategies and executions.

Market share

Sales figures (and sales trends)

For any FMCG brand or retail brand, knowing the sales

figures is critical to assessing performance across a set

period of time. Whether that be weekly (most common

in retail) or monthly/quarterly (consumer goods), the

Net Sales figures give an accurate indication of what

consumers are buying and at what price, which allows

a firm to calculate its revenue.

Gross sales are useful to know, however they may

not be accurate due to goods being returned or

coupon/discounting. Therefore, from an accounting

point of view Net Sales = Revenue, and for a brand

this, combined with market share gives the most

accurate indication of performance. The sales trends

are the longer term history of a brand and category

performance which involves tracking a brand, and

identifying when and where consumer buying

behaviours changed or were influenced by any

external events or marketing campaigns.

1 2








Awareness (aided and unaided) scores by target audience

Advocacy numbers

This measure is literally the number of “advocates or

fans” whose contact details, addresses or “permission

based marketing” approvals you have to engage in

1:1 dialogue. There are different means of gauging

advocacy for a brand, but the most reliable is based

on Permission Based Data (often held by the CRM

function in a firm). This translates into consumers

who have purchased and “liked” your brand enough

to give you their permission to engage in dialogue or

marketing promotions.

Whether this is on-line or via telephone/direct mail,

this data is the reservoir of advocacy from which

a brand can further engage and interact with its

consumers. Increasingly, as part of the social media

landscape, these communities and databases can be

segmented and further defined giving more detailed

and granular data about who, why, when and how

often a brand “fan” is buying or using a product,

service or experience. The use of Facebook and

Twitter often falls into this category for many brand

owners, however I would suggest that the strongest

advocacy metrics are related to those in which the

consumer has not merely “liked” or become a “friend”

or “tweeted”, but rather engaged in permission-based

data marketing linked to an actual sale or purchase.

One of the critical factors for a brand manager is to

understand and know whether their brand is “top-

of-mind” amongst target consumers and/or opinion

formers or influencers. This information forms the

basis of the Advertising and Marketing strategy

which influences the degree to which a campaign

is effective in translating into sales. The ideal and

primary objective is for a brand to have strong

unaided awareness so that when asked to name a

brand in a category, or associated with a particular

set of values or attributes, the brand is spontaneously

offered and named by consumers.

Aided awareness is recall that is prompted by imagery

or associations in order to stimulate a brand’s

familiarity with consumers. Often, this is with the

category or product/service reference in research

techniques. Aided awareness scores are positive for

a brand, however it begs the question of category

relevance and differentiation depending upon the

brand’s strategy. It often reveals that the category

is either of low interest or the brand is only relevant

in the context of the category associations. Brand

managers with a strong brand name that is only

associated with a category must be careful, for as

powerful as it might seem to want your brand to be

the “defining” brand of the category – this often can

lead to becoming an industry generic or a category

limiting boundary which restricts the brand’s “stretch”

and growth potential. Often this is referred to as the

“Kleenex” or “Band Aid” mindset, as both of these

brands have high awareness and brand recall, but

have become industry generic terms and have had to

truly fight hard to expand beyond the initial product

and category attributes.

3 4


Core brand values

Finally, the fifth most important thing a brand manager

must be aware of and intimately familiar with is the

core brand values of their brand. It seems obvious

to state, however that the core values of a brand are

the words that define what the brand is and what it

stands for, irrespective of the attributes of the category,

marketing campaigns and/or competitive pressures.

The core brand values are the bedrock upon which

the brand’s story and narrative for consumers are

constructed, and as such it needs to be clearly defined

in a short set of words or descriptions.

Many brands use credo and manifesto statements,

and they combine precise adjectives with action verbs

to define exactly what and how the brand provides

“value” and “benefit” to its consumers and advocates.

This is critical for a brand manager because the brand

values direct and guide all aspects of a brand’s visual,

verbal and experiential performance. The core values

and the visual identity equities together become the

benchmark and guardrails for the brand’s image and

identity. When combined with strong advertising, the

brand’s awareness and recall can be strengthened in

relation to consumer preference and choice.

Many a brand manager has come unstuck by

creating too much elasticity and interpretation

of a brand’s values and visual identity thus leading

to a “schizophrenic” brand persona and ultimately

consumer confusion. Brands are built upon the notion

of consistency and reliability, as well as unique points

of differentiation. In order to maintain and build a

brand’s future growth plan, the core values must be

continually reinforced and guarded from erosion or

misinterpretation. When someone says something

is “off brand”, what they are really saying is the core

brand values are either missing, misrepresented

or misinterpreted.



Has a compellingvision for the future

So, those are my 5 suggestions for what every brand

manager should know and be aware of… and, it might

be a good idea for more senior brand leaders to keep

in mind as well! It always surprises me how some of

these basic elements are ignored or misunderstood

when considering a brand’s performance or relevance

to consumers.

As I mentioned, these 5 elements must always work

and align to the 5 things a brand should always have at

the heart of its future (and present) strategy. They are:

Builds a strongemotional connection

Redefines the category

Delivers sustainablebusiness value

Creates engaging experiences at every touch point

Makes people’slives better






A brand must have a unique point of view on

the future and be able to articulate it for all

stakeholders. This is often referred to as the

brand vision or brand idea.

A brand must drive its category forward in

continually providing relevance and benefits

for its consumers. Ideally, by innovating and

continually improving where, what, and how

consumers experience and derive value from

the brand.

By doing the two points above, a brand is

truly making people’s lives better. After all,

why would anyone want a brand that

did the opposite?

If a brand is consistent at every touch point

where it engages with its consumers and

stakeholders, the brand reinforces all of the

rational and emotional reasons why the

brand is chosen or preferred.

Ideally, this then leads to the brand narrative

being seen as an “emotional” benefit and

connection for consumers and generates

advocacy and loyalty from preference.

These 5 key elements lead to a final outcome

and ingredient in creating and sustaining a “future

brand”, and that is superior commercial or financial

performance by providing value.

At the end of the day, a brand is an asset and if the

above key elements are in place, and a brand manager

understands how they relate to the task of creating,

measuring and maintaining brand strength – then, the

value of a brand is delivered and measured by the hard

numbers of market share, sales/revenue and advocacy.

Ultimately, this translates into future demand, growth

and success.

“To simultaneously create better, more authentic brands while overcoming alignment challenges, crowdsourcing internally and co-creation with employees itself is critical to all future brand creation.”


The power of the inner crowd: Building brands from within

by Sarah Reiter

We have pioneered new branding practices including

reinventing traditional brand strategy and identity

methodologies by incorporating customer co-creation

and embedding crowdsourcing with employees.

The Power of the Inner Crowd is the new approach

to brand creation – one that addresses the challenges

in branding today and ultimately creates great brands

by building the brands from within.



A. <






Here is a list of the many benefits in

harnessing the wisdom of employees:

Achieve a sound congruence

between brand promise and

corporate reality

Create a strong brand

relevancy based on a diversity

of ideas and perspectives

Empower employees and

increase staff motivation,

morale and commitment

Better integrates staff with

corporate goals and values,

through recognition of their

contribution to these

Recognises the important

work that staff do and

therefore harnesses their

commitment to the business

Discover compelling brand

stories that are ideal for

external activation and

internal alignment

Engage employees to

make them identify with

our brand and become a

desirable employer

Manage cultural variation

by building brands around

a shared purpose and

corporate culture

Develop sustainable

brands that speak of the

people and company they

proudly represent

Branding traditionally creates

static personas that bear little

resemblance with reality. It assumes

a top-down approach in which

no truth is being told and thus falls

short of achieving proactive internal

support. As a result, most brands

do not grow organically, detached

from the organisation, with

little momentum.

In contrast, future brand creation

needs to assume a holistic

perspective on building brands

based on internal strengths, core

truths, customer centricity and

experience design. And, branding

must become strongly integrated

in business strategy, product and

internal operations.

The involvement of internal

stakeholders often leads to the

discovery of hidden strengths

since employees are a rich

source of insights and ideas.

Hence, building brands on the

basis of culture and core internal

truths is more credible and

effective, and it allows the brand

to be created organically, reflect

the corporate spirit and grow

with business.

In short, to simultaneously create

better, more authentic brands while

overcoming alignment challenges,

crowdsourcing internally and co-

creation with employees itself is

critical to all future brand creation.
















7 8 9


“It matters to us that our favourite brands are managed by businesses that care about their role in the world beyond sales and profit.”


3 brand lessons to learn from #fitchthehomeless

by Tom Adams

There are 5,711,249 reasons why Greg Karber’s

#fitchthehomeless video on YouTube should be taken

seriously. His attempt to readjust the Abercrombie &

Fitch brand by donating its clothing to the homeless

in LA has provoked universal outcry. Most of it against

Abercrombie for comments on exclusivity made by its

CEO Mike Jeffries in 2006, and some against Karber

himself for exploiting homeless people to attack a

billion dollar brand.

Jeffries has taken to Facebook to set the record

straight, including a defence of the realities of

managing an aspirational brand, and asserting the

strong values of the business he runs, particularly

in relation to diversity and inclusion. But consumers

don’t seem sympathetic to this.

The short-term reputational impact of this consumer

backlash looks severe. Time will tell whether it

significantly affects sales, or changes the way

Abercrombie & Fitch is run in the long term. But the

whole affair teaches us three simple lessons about

how to manage a major brand today.


Have a clear organisational purpose Connect your purpose to the value chain

Part of the challenge Abercrombie faces is that it

doesn’t seem to have a clear organisational purpose

beyond helping young people to look great. Or at least

one that can be seen from the outside. Increasingly,

consumers want to know about the business behind

the brand, and this is often best articulated through

the spirit and commitments of its leadership, CEO

included. This goes beyond values like diversity and

inclusion – both of which are increasingly obligations

rather than strategic choices – towards a sense of your

broader role in the world and why this is important

for society as a whole. When you dig into the business,

they are clearly making some broader commitments

to helping communities and giving back – through

their mission, vision and corporate philanthropy

initiative – but this doesn’t seem to be guided

by an overarching sense of corporate purpose.

American Apparel, although much smaller, is another

international US fashion brand. And it is explicitly

cause driven. Its “vertically integrated manufacturing”

idea is strongly connected to its brand, product and

organisation – they talk about being “sweat-shop free”

and are proud of making all of their clothes in the USA.

They are also now showing growth year on year

(4% to April 2013), indicating that this commitment

does not mean sacrificing commercial success. The

more closely you can connect your purpose to your

people, supply chain and product, the more likely you

will be taken seriously by consumers when things go

wrong – which they have for American Apparel and

often do in complex businesses. Other brands like

Unilever, P&G and Virgin also embed a bigger purpose

into their operating approach in a way that is consistent

with consumer willingness to choose brands that

demonstrate they offer some kind of social good –

improving lives, building enduring organisations or

simply doing the right thing.

1 2


Prepare to be hijacked

Activists hijack powerful brands to promote their own

cause. The bigger the brand, the bigger the target.

And it doesn’t necessarily matter what the truth is.

Abercrombie & Fitch is a major global brand, with

over 1000 stores worldwide, 85,000 associates and

over $4.5billon in net sales in 2013. They also make

a significant effort to help their communities and

demonstrate their social responsibility. But this story

gets lost if it’s buried in corporate reporting, and if it

feels somehow separate from the main business

of the brand – i.e. “we are a fashion brand, but we

also do good.”

Social channels make it possible for anyone with

a smartphone and access to YouTube to attempt a

brand “readjustment” of the kind managed by Karber,

and engineer the type of instant global reach that

could only have been dreamed of by activists a

generation ago. And it’s been happening for a while –

think Axe vs. Dove from Rye Clifton as early as 2007.

The key is to know what you are going to do when

it happens, make sure that your public statements

reflect your broader purpose, are evidence driven,

and that you are making an attempt to reconcile

the contradictions that naturally occur in complex

multinational organisations. That way, you can even

use it as a platform to build your brand, rather than

just defend it.

Above all, this is a good reminder that brands are

no longer just about great advertising, product and

experiences. People want to know what’s going on

behind the models and the storefronts. It matters to

us that our favourite brands are managed by

businesses that care about their role in the world

beyond sales and profit. And when that is already the

case – as it very likely is for Abercrombie & Fitch –

we need to see it in every aspect of the brand. In the

end, it’s increasingly “cool” to genuinely care.


Karber, Greg. <youtube.com/user/gkarber>


“As generation Y evolves and utilises multiple media formats to educate and entertain ourselves, YouTube offers us an abundance of content with 100 hours of content uploaded every hour.”


Top 10 brands “twentysomethings” cannot live without and why

by Bradley Walsh


Facebook has grown under the influence of

Generation Y. Facebook was released to a worldwide

audience in 2005, and reached 100 million users by

2008. The public reception and acceptance of the

social networking service has made it an internet

phenomenon. Facebook wouldn’t be what it is without

its users – 1.15 billion of them and 699 million are daily

active Facebook users.

Facebook’s attraction to users is in how it links an

individual’s life and friends into one social circle

platform. The site has continued to innovate by


repeatedly adding more features in order to keep

users engaged and, more importantly, in order to keep

them active and returning. Facebook’s mobility is also

a factor in its popularity as it is available on all mobile

web browsers and operating systems. 62% of the UK’s

internet users are Facebook users signifying the impact

Facebook has had on our population.


YouTube is the provider of the most popular site for

user uploaded videos. Generation Y knows all too

well that YouTube is a great way of killing some spare

time. Whether it is watching video after video of your

new found favourite subject, or a humorous video

link which has been sent between friends, YouTube

entertains. As our Generation Y evolves and utilises

multiple media formats to educate and entertain

ourselves, YouTube offers us an abundance of content

with 100 hours of content uploaded every hour.

Granted, some may not be worth the individual’s

time, however, with the opportunity and size of the

catalogue available, there is surely something for

everyone which makes it one of the most visited

websites online.


Put the books away. What is it you would like to find out?

Type it in to Wikipedia and have the answer in seconds.

It really is that simple for Generation Y. Wikipedia has

brought information to our fingertips in an online

encyclopaedia which, best of all, is free for everyone.

Wikipedia is funded by donations from its users.

Wikipedia educates many people daily with its

extensive content. As the saying goes, “Knowledge

is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we

know where we can find information on it.” Wikipedia

gives Generation Y great knowledge as a source

of information.







If Wikipedia doesn’t have the answer, Google will. The

ability for Generation Y to simply type in any query and

search for the answer is nothing short of remarkable. Even

as Google expands its services, its search bar still remains

its defining feature. Generation Y is adept at saying the

phrase “Google it” when confusion looms. Google as a

resource tool is fantastically convenient for users.

Intelligent “doodles” (interpretations of the Google logo)

celebrate holidays, anniversaries, the lives of famous

artists, pioneers, and scientists; another example of the

innovation Google provides its many appreciative users.

Google does not stop at producing interesting logos:

they are relentless at providing their users with useful

applications to make people’s lives easier. Google’s

tagline is “Don’t be evil”, which is a nice touch from

one of the most influential brands of the time.


Xbox and PlayStation are the most popular game consoles

on the market for consumers. Although many consumers

are forced to choose between them at the point of

purchase, deciding between the two is very much up

to personal preference. In many ways comparable to

voting Democrat or Republican; you get two very similar

products wrapped up in different coloured boxes. So

instead of labouring the argument between which console

is best, what must be said is that these game consoles

have played a large part of a millennial’s existence.

Generation Y have grown up through the

advancements in gaming technology. Gaming has

been one of the catalysts of the technology race with

gamers demanding the best quality gaming experience.

The highly anticipated release of the Xbox One and

PlayStation 4 will, as before, have customers forming

seemingly endless queues at “ridiculous o’clock” for

the chance to get their hands on one of these decade

defining consoles in time for Christmas.


National Rail

Travelling does not come cheap and travelling by rail

is no exception. However, this does not prevent the

rail services provided being an extremely popular

and important mode of transport for many twenty-

somethings. The ability to travel around the country is

very important to a younger generation trying to find

their independence.


SkyTV is the nation’s leading television providing service.

SkyTV is responsible for supplying consumers with

hundreds of channels which include the very popular

sports, movies, documentaries, entertainment, music, etc.

SkyTV provides a great deal of choice for its customers,

and is the most coveted provider in the UK. Many

competitors have attempted to chisel away at SkyTV’s

market share and most have fallen by the wayside.

There really isn’t an alternative that competes on the

same level as SkyTV. Sports fans would be lost without

the fantastic SkySports coverage, which covers a

large volume of variety within the sports realm and

continues to produce an excellent, watchable and very

enjoyable service. SkySports is considered the flagship

package of the SkyTV bundle and I know of many who

could not even consider a weekend without it.


“If you don’t have an iPhone… you don’t have an

iPhone.” Apple sells itself within many markets. It

would be fighting for a higher spot on the list if it

was more widely available to more of Generation Y.

However, that does not mean Apple’s products are

not highly sought after by Generation Y. User-friendly,

intuitive based platforms bring the masses to Apple’s

products. Apple only makes a product if they can make

National Rail

Travelling does not come cheap and travelling by rail

is no exception. However, this does not prevent the

rail services provided being an extremely popular

and important mode of transport for many twenty-

somethings. The ability to travel around the country is

very important to a younger generation trying to find

their independence.


SkyTV is the nation’s leading television providing service.

SkyTV is responsible for supplying consumers with

hundreds of channels which include the very popular

sports, movies, documentaries, entertainment, music, etc.

SkyTV provides a great deal of choice for its customers,

and is the most coveted provider in the UK. Many

competitors have attempted to chisel away at SkyTV’s

market share and most have fallen by the wayside.

There really isn’t an alternative that competes on the

same level as SkyTV. Sports fans would be lost without

the fantastic SkySports coverage, which covers a

large volume of variety within the sports realm and

continues to produce an excellent, watchable and very

enjoyable service. SkySports is considered the flagship

package of the SkyTV bundle and I know of many who

could not even consider a weekend without it.


“If you don’t have an iPhone… you don’t have an

iPhone.” Apple sells itself within many markets. It

would be fighting for a higher spot on the list if it

was more widely available to more of Generation Y.

However, that does not mean Apple’s products are

not highly sought after by Generation Y. User-friendly,

intuitive based platforms bring the masses to Apple’s

products. Apple only makes a product if they can make







it better. By using this method as a filter by which they

develop products, Apple will always be pushing to be

the market leader.


Convenience is a desire for many consumers in

this modern age. The times of supporting the local

butcher, bakers etc., have been sacrificed as a result

of Generation Y’s thirst for efficiency. It is now almost

taboo that one would not do all their food shopping

for a week under the one roof with the ease of

shopping at Tesco. Tesco have become the most

effective producer of convenience, feeding many

individuals and families on a daily basis.


Many individuals love to travel the world and

Generation Y is certainly no exception. However,

these price conscious individuals cannot perhaps

afford the luxurious getaways older generations

can. EasyJet provides an excellent service that gives

individuals the opportunity to fly and explore the world

whilst removing the barrier of price. Flights abroad

can be cheaper than trains across the UK. Without

EasyJet many consumers would not have the ability

to do something as exciting as travelling abroad.

Many individuals recall their favourite memories

having occurred whilst on holiday. EasyJet will be

continuously appreciated by the public as long as they

continue to provide people with the opportunity of

flying at a reasonable, transparent price.


“ When we design for a global American company, it’s important to know these associations and take advantage of them. America’s sense of optimism, especially, can be a strong selling point for any American brand – no matter where it goes.”


American spirit in brand identity design

by Sven Seger

I’ve noticed a strong shift in the associations people

around the world make when they think of America.

Our research indicates that, today, the world

values America for its technology, social media,

entertainment, optimism and its cheerful service

culture. Other countries love these new-American

qualities and values.

When we design for a global American company,

it’s important to know these associations and take

advantage of them. America’s sense of optimism,

especially, can be a strong selling point for any

American brand – no matter where it goes.

This is the American spirit that the world loves, and it

should be emphasised over the old post-war themes

that associated America with size, politics and power.

Today those old associations can tend to make others

see America as over-aggressive or bullying.

Many companies manage to very successfully

incorporate and live the new-American spirit,

including Harley Davidson, Apple, Nike, Facebook

and Levi’s. Each finds ways to communicate America’s

sense of freedom, opportunity and optimism in its

branding and advertising.


There are even people in politics who manage to

accentuate these new-American ideals, in spite of the

strong pull of old-American associations in the political

world. A good example of this is Michelle Obama.

While she is not an elected or appointed official, the

world sees her as part of the American political scene,

and she is seen as accessible, inclusive and optimistic.

Even her fashion sense has become an emblem of the

new-American spirit.

New-American associations point the way to a huge

opportunity within the branding and advertising worlds.

While many seem to think that American companies

need to appear to be “beyond a country” in order

to make themselves more attractive in the world

market, there are strong American themes that are very

credible in the global market that can give an American

company a great competitive advantage.

When the personality of the company is a match, the

right competitive approach may well be to incorporate

these new-American themes into the brand. Given

how highly so many people in the world value these

qualities, the American origins of a company can now

be a highly positive differentiator in the global market.



The number one strategic issue regional CEOs and leaders cite to me is “the war for talent” as they seek counsel for how their organisations can attain the coveted status of

“employer of choice”


Tackling the war for talent

by Sarah Reiter

“The Singapore Ministry of Defence’s attempt to attract female recruits to the service by sending out army green eye shadow attracted the wrong attention. Recognising the challenge of War for Talent, what MINDEF needs is a more relevant, meaningful and sustainable strategy.”

The campaign by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF),

advertising the 2013 Army Women’s Seminar, took a

surprisingly tongue-in-cheek approach in order to

gain traction with young women in Singapore. And

while there is a time and place for levity in campaigns,

dealing with military recruitment most probably isn’t

one of them.

In protective services, such as military, intelligence,

policing and security, women play an equally critical

role, often providing unique insights and skills

necessary for these types of organisations to be

contemporarily effective. When servicing the country,

society and community, accenting facial features is

certainly not a female officer’s main concern but this

is how the campaign from MINDEF sends the wrong

message from the outset – painting an improper

image of the role women play in protecting the nation.



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Singapore’s protective services are facing an uphill

battle in attracting and retaining high-performing,

values-driven employees — regardless of their

gender. Recent research, as conducted by my team

in Singapore, has revealed that young Singaporeans

search for professional opportunities where they can

pursue their passions, develop professional skills that

are in high demand, as well as achieve recognition for

the unique individual contributions they make.

In fact, the number one strategic issue regional CEOs

and leaders cite to me is “the war for talent” as they

seek counsel for how their organisations can attain

the coveted status of “employer of choice”. Through

our work with many top organisations in Singapore,

we have identified universal principles to becoming

an employer of choice. They are:

Strong & accessibleleadership

Develop careers & individuals

Strive beyondcategory standards


Engaging workplace

Nurture a healthy lifestyle

Reward fairly & recognise creativity

Whether operating in the public or private sector, each

principle requires full organisational commitment, for

delivering long-term outcomes of effectively attracting,

optimising and retaining top talent.

Needless to say, to give meaning and distinctiveness

to candidates and employees, how organisations

follow and apply these principles should be directly

driven by a brand strategy — developing a clear and

distinctive employee value proposition that addresses

the needs of both the employee and the organisation.

Choosing a career is a life-changing decision, and in

the context of providing protective services, it is often

a “life or death” decision. Many officers and employees

put themselves in harm’s way to protect our nation,

our communities and our people. Therefore, a

respectful understanding of their needs and ambitions

are simple hygiene factors.


Think about your smartphone for a moment. Of all the apps you have downloaded, how many are “branded,” i.e. mobile apps created by a brand you like or admire? Now ask yourself something else: in the last three months how many of these apps have you used more than once? Does the answer surprise you?


Lessons in mobile marketing

by Dan Dimmock

The importance of mobile as a marketing channel

has experienced substantial growth recently but its

effectiveness as a means for brands to create valuable

and lasting relationships with customers has, to date,

been utilised by only a few. By following several key

strategic steps, some brands have discovered ways of

using mobile technology to deliver real customer value,

building brand loyalty.


Recent statistics indicate that while the landscape of

mobile applications is indeed vast, the usage rate of

each of these apps is much lower than expected.

This not only speaks volumes about the lack of

customer value provided by these apps but also paints

a poor picture for the brands that are trying to build

a consistent relationship with their customers.

The size of the mobile app market is indeed impressive

when you look at the statistics. In June this year, Apple

celebrated 50 billion downloads on Apple App Store.

In addition, their largest competitor, Google Play,

recorded a higher number of downloads in the last

quarter achieving a 10% margin over Apple for the

first time in history.

Looking a little deeper at the Apple App Store, we

can draw some conclusions about the competitive

landscape of the mobile apps industry. Presently, there

are over 500 million active Apple App Store accounts.

Therefore with 50 billion downloads, we can then

assume that each user has downloaded approximately

100 apps, on average, onto their mobile device (in

the case of Apple). For both the Apple App Store and

Google Play, games dominate the share of revenue at

75% and 80% respectively. This is closely followed by

Market research

Communications, Social Networking and Music. With

such intense competition for customers’ attention, is it

any wonder that brands find the mobile app landscape

daunting, challenging and increasingly competitive?

More interestingly, according to Deloitte, 80% of

branded apps have been downloaded less than a

thousand times, with only 1% actually eclipsing a

million downloads. Again, comparing this to Apple

App Store’s 50 billion downloads, branded apps are

failing to attract attention. While the picture painted is

specific to mobile apps, it reflects the state of mobile

marketing as a whole – ripe with opportunity but an

ever-growing graveyard of failure.

Regardless of whether they choose to leverage or

invest in the newest technology, we have found that

the few brands that have managed to achieve app

success share one simple characteristic: customer-

centricity: adding tangible value to peoples’ lives in

seamless and consistent ways.

Adopting this approach requires two critical shifts as to

how brands must and should view mobile engagement

with their customers.

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Case study: Domino’s Pizza

Mobile marketing efforts are valuable in using

innovation to, not necessarily pioneer the use of

new technology, but, recognise human behaviours

to solve simple and pressing daily dilemmas,

frustrations or inefficiencies.

One recent example of this is Domino’s Pizza

who reinvented the entire pizza delivery experience

by creating not just another order placement

alternative, but a real-time tracker that enables

customers to follow their order from the assembly

line down to the exact delivery time. Coupled with

an interactive and customisable menu, a built-in

game to amuse the customer, and mobile coupons

for them to redeem against their next purchase,

the application proved to be a success, providing

the customer with an enjoyable distraction while

awaiting delivery of their order.

Thanks in large to the advances of mobile capabilities,

the once inconvenient activity – searching around

for a menu, being held in a queue on the telephone,

combined with the uncertainty of the time taken

to deliver your purchase – is now a seamless and

enjoyable customer experience.

Lesson 1: Change the focus from generating transactions to fostering relationships.

Daily transactional issues were not only addressed

and refined, but a useful customer tool was created,

bringing both tangible and emotional value to the

overall customer experience.

Domino’s Pizza adopted a tailored strategy that

focused on attraction, engagement and retention.

They provided a convenient and intimate experience

centred around their customers’ needs without

deviating from their brand mission; shifting from

“the quickest pizza delivery service on Earth” to “the

quickest delivery of pizza that’s made with care”.


Case study: American Airlines

From booking a flight, to arriving at the airport, checking in and boarding a plane, until landing and eventually sharing experiences online, travellers are continually evaluating their experiences with airline brands. These soaring customer expectations continue to put pressure on airlines to deliver a standard of service throughout the entire airline travel customer journey: from booking to beach.

Borne out of the recent brand revitalisation programme, American Airlines created a unique concierge journey, embodying the American spirit, as it is perceived today

– one of progress, entertainment and technology.

Lesson 2: Evolve from selling a lifestyle to serving a memorable experience.

Leveraging off American’s positioning, the airline embedded the role of mobile in the overall customer experience consequently heightening service standards throughout the customers’ experience.

This resulted in the creation of a complementary mobile app that addressed customers’ needs as they progressed through crucial milestones of the flying experience – from travel booking and flight detail tracking, through to providing a virtual boarding pass, entertainment, and finally into the airlines’ customer loyalty programme.


Great brands view mobile as just one of the means to make peoples’ lives better.

Developing a mobile strategy in isolation from the brand inevitably results in wasted opportunities for connecting with customers in meaningful and valuable ways. How brands effectively respond to what people want today and need tomorrow requires marketers to stop thinking of mobile as a lone channel or initiative and recognise it as one of the many touch-points within a customer’s ecosystem of brand experience.

When businesses think more about the long-term value to their customers, future brand success will be attributed to responding to people in smart and engaging ways. Today’s generation thrives on connectivity, and a needs-centric approach to innovation in mobile marketing can give fresh perspective on how to avoid the pit so many brands have already fallen into.

Successful brands will be those that create a better future for their customers, resolving tensions between what people want today and need tomorrow. The implication is that mobile does not connect brands to potential customers; rather, mobile connects people to experiences that leave a positive impact on their lives.

Mobile devices are and will continue to be inextricably linked to human experience. As such, to be a successful brand requires the implementation of strategies that focus less on short-term gimmicks and more on long-term, sustainable and commercial creativity.


“After all, transformation means change. And change hinges on a vision and faith in what will be.”


Managing resistance to change

by James Cockerille

“While people are engaged in creating a totally different world, they always form vivid images of the preceding world.”

This isn’t one of Marshall McLuhan’s most prescient

statements, but it is an articulated one and addresses

a paradox of any organisational change program.

It highlights both the fundamental barrier and a

reliable solution for moving a group from one way

of doing things to another.



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The context I’m thinking of is that long journey

organisations make (often as unwitting participants)

as they move from an existing brand strategy and

brand experience to a new one. In such a situation, it

is rare to avoid hitting the cultural inertia that change

inspires. It doesn’t matter if it’s a huge intercontinental

effort or a small, local enterprise shifting into another

phase of growth. Individuals start asking… Why

change? Will it be good for me? What caused this?

How much is this going to cost, anyway? What are

the guarantees? The important differences, however,

will be the scale of that inertia and what resources

are available to offset it.

So on the one hand, it’s frustrating to think you’ll

need to pry a company’s cold dead hands from their

old positioning, logo or ways of going to market.

It’s daunting to watch as formerly compliant voices

come forward with crisp, fact-laden portraits of

a past that may not have been perfect but are

demonstrably working.

This is one meaning of McLuhan’s quote: the barrier.

After all, transformation means change. And change

hinges on a vision and faith in what will be. But the

counter-arguments will be based on facts, things that

have happened. There never seems to be enough

case studies, comparable statistics or credible

experts to sway a person or group accustomed

to acting on scripts and data alone. It isn’t even

the point to compare the past to the future, but

inevitably this is what humans try to do. It is the crux

of the transformer’s challenge. You would think it’s

just another example of kooky branding people

persuading more rational clients to do something

that isn’t good for them. But oddly enough, some of

the most analytical people I know, financial reporters,

wave a similarly mystical flag: Past performance is no

indication of future results.

But what if the resistance to change carries a secret to

how we can lock-in acceptance of something new?

What if the “old way” was in fact the “new plan”? Could

we then simplify the journey and accelerate buy-in?

This is the second wisdom in McLuhan’s observation.

It is the solution in the form of a paradoxical reading

of what only seems like a dilemma.

Specifically, it suggests putting the new intent

forward as part of something already underway.

This will probably involve the use of rhetorical /

negotiation techniques like anchoring, framing,

scenario depiction, migration paths, or other

approaches that effectively shift the perception

of risk outside the change itself.

By putting the new intent forward as part of

something already underway, we rally an individual’s

urge to resist and create “vivid images” as a way to

lock-in what’s strategically important, and beneficial

for their group. It’s admittedly the use of red herrings

but these birds aren’t meant to deceive. For example,

instead of speaking to the “newness” of a logo at a

company unveiling and asking everyone what they

think of it, you would talk of “refinements” or “further

proof of our evolution” with emphasis on the markets

changing demands. It’s a subtle shift of emphasis,

but more productive. The red herring in this example

(the marketplace) provides a more useful reference in

assessing one’s ROI for a change, than the end goal

can by itself. Karate instructors do this when they

suggest aiming beyond the board before trying to

split it with your fist.

That’s the concept anyway. But using the concept

involves a bit of forethought and staging. And this

is where it helps to have partners who’ve travelled

the terrain. Like a magician who leads the eye one

place in order to lead the imagination elsewhere, we

have to credibly shift the emphasis toward a greater

change that sits beyond the one you’re campaigning

for. This is like the sailor navigating toward a buoy

or lighthouse or similar landmark outside of the

intended path. Or another way to think of it is the

skier plodding atop a mogul slope. If the skier moved

slowly, celebrating each dip and ascent, the mogul

would seem a disorienting and fatiguing challenge,

but taken together these single bumps blur into a

single, rapidly dissolving texture.

Show how the new direction, identity,

value-set (etc.) delivers on a long-established

promise to the audience. You asked for it,

and now I present…

Point out how the content is a single solution

for a mess of problems. With this one move,

we’ve managed to reduce the negative impact

of four areas of poor performance.

Introduce a new, less precious change

initiative at the same time as a current

(but strategically important) one is unveiled.

Steve Jobs never ended a presentation

without saying “And oh yeah, one other thing…”

De-emphasise the first step of change by

placing it into a multi-stage plan. This is so that

the riskier perception of change seems way

down the line. This is just the beginning…

Place the key elements of a solution within

a holistic package. The content needn’t be

assessed in isolation. “The importance of

this initiative demanded a thorough,

systemic approach…” And always remember…

If you want people to embrace something,

just tell them it’s about to change!

All metaphors aside, here are a few examples of how to shift the focal point of change away from short-term content and thereby enhance the chances of adoption in your next change initiative:





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“Waiting for opportunities to come to you is not a strategy. You must have a clearly defined plan to proactively pursue in order to drive real, long-term value.”


Partnership Branding: A growth strategy

by C. Gunnar Jacobs

Companies are always looking for ways to increase

awareness and grow the value of their brand, but

partnerships are often overlooked or underutilised as

an effective approach for achieving these goals. There

are many different types of partnerships (e.g. ingredient

brands, sponsorships, co-marketing, joint ventures,

etc.), and all can be used to drive tangible results.

Opportunities will come up for an organisation

to enter into a partnership and that tends to be

how they are managed as well – opportunistically.

As a result, partnerships are looked at as a one-off

occurrence to achieve more tactical, short-term

objectives. There is no doubt that this approach can

have a positive impact and provide a brief boost in

awareness, but over the long-term this does little

to truly grow your brand.

Instead, when managed more holistically and

proactively, partnerships are a strategic tool that can

help to strengthen and even re-define your brand in

the long-term. When dividing the benefits into tactical

vs. strategic, it is easy to see why partnerships can be

a powerful method for building brand equity when

thought about over the long-term.

Tactical benefits:

• Increasemarketingexposureandvisibility

• Createefficienciesandcostsavings

through shared resources

• Reachnewaudiencesandchannelsthat

were not previously accessible

Strategic benefits:

• Reinforcecurrentpositiveassociations

that drive preference and loyalty

• Expandperceptionsbeyondwhataudiences

currently give the brand credit for

• Improvetheoverallvalueofofferingsand

the company through expanded capabilities

• Buildstronger,emotionalconnectionswith

audiences through associations with other

brands they love

While the benefits may be numerous, the number

one rule to keep in mind is that you must protect your

brand. Partnerships are inherently riskier since you

are associating your brand with something you don’t

have complete control over. With the risks involved, it

is surprising that more companies don’t have a clearly

defined partnership strategy.


Here are a few tips to help develop or

strengthen your partnership strategy:

Use your brand strategy to guide your partnership strategy

Evaluate your partners

Ensure partnerships are tied to business results (ROI)

The first step is to have a clear picture of what your

brand stands for. In order to effectively grow your

brand, audiences should be able to easily understand

the connection between partners – there needs to

be the right fit. Without proper alignment with the

overall strategy, you are only able to achieve some

tactical benefits, and you also increase the risk of the

partnership in general.

Most people wouldn’t marry someone they just met,

and you also shouldn’t enter into a partnership without

getting to know them better. You may not always

have access to appropriate research to do a proper

evaluation, but a simple Google and media search can

go a long way in finding out more about a company’s

reputation and any potential causes for concern.

You should be able to measure how any

partnership is generating tangible results. Whether

it is increased traffic to a microsite or a boost

in market share, monitoring the success of

partnerships will ensure that all efforts are truly

adding value to your brand in the long-term.






Institute a partnership governance process

Identify partnership opportunities and create an action plan

Just like your core branded-assets, all activities

related to partnerships should be carefully managed

and monitored. Tools such as decision trees

and guidelines help to ensure consistency and

effectiveness. Depending on the size and complexity

of your company, you may also want to consider

a Partnership Committee that reports to the Brand

Council (if one exists). Regardless if the tools you

decide are most appropriate for your company, given

the visibility and potential risk involved, governance is

a critical aspect of any partnership strategy.

The key to becoming more strategic than tactical

is to create a clear plan of action to proactively put

your partnerships to work. The first step is to define

the key areas that the organisation wants to be

known for, that align with and support the overall

strategy and positioning. Perhaps a company wants

to become more known for sustainability efforts, or

become better known in a certain market. Once these

parameters are defined then it is easier to identify the

partners that will help you achieve your goals. Waiting

for opportunities to come to you is not a strategy. You

must have a clearly defined plan to proactively pursue

in order to drive real, long-term value.



“Once the problem has been identified (and confirmed as being a real problem and not just one affecting you), that’s where the tech can come in to solve it, or at least reduce the pain involved in the process.”


When humans – not tech, are put at the centre of the experience, everyday problems get solved

by Adriano Galardi

Today’s space race is all about tech, with a global battle

amongst start-ups all trying to be the next big thing.

And for good reason too. Success stories emerge on

an annual basis now highlighting the new American

dream – from garage start-up to sell out in 2 years for

seven to eight figure sums.

However, whilst I mentioned in a previous post

the merits of this new “system” for economies still

struggling with youth unemployment, it is important

to note that tech for the sake of tech doesn’t work, at

least not in the long term. The only way to succeed in

today’s tech world is to put the consumer at the heart

of the experience, and use technology to enhance

it. Another way of looking at it is by asking yourself

“what problem am I really solving here”, and more

importantly “is it really a problem?” This often happens

when people start to challenge the status quo by

questioning “why”. Why can’t we… Why do we have to…

Why should we be constrained by… and so on. Once

the problem has been identified (and confirmed as

being a real problem and not just one affecting you),

that’s where the tech can come in to solve it, or at least

reduce the pain involved in the process.


A recent example of this is Tile, whose aim is to make

sure you never lose your keys (or anything really), ever

again. Their solution is a small Bluetooth enabled

device that can be attached to almost anything. The

guys behind Tile have clearly started by identifying a

problem that affects us all, then turned to technology

to find a simple solution. Interestingly enough, though

they’d received an initial round of funding, they turned

to a crowd-sourcing site to request funds to finance

their production. With a goal of $20,000 and current

funding level of just under $2 million, they have clearly

identified a problem that affects us all.

Tile aren’t the only ones solving basic problems with

even more basic solutions, nor are they the only

ones turning to the masses to prove and fund their

concepts. A year ago an interesting project by the

name of LIFX appeared on KickStarter with the aim

of revolutionising one of the greatest inventions of all

time – the light bulb. Phil Bosua decided it was time

for a change after being frustrated with fuses blowing,

the high amount of power being consumed, and most

of all, having to get up to turn on (and off) the lights -

despite the TV remote control having been invented

for the exact same purpose over 60 years ago. His

solution was a Wi-Fi enabled energy-efficient light

bulb that can be screwed into any standard socket.

The bulb comes with a free app allowing the user

to control their lighting from their smartphones.

So did he identify a nuisance felt by many? Having

asked for $100,000 and receiving just under $1.5

million, it would appear so. The list continues with Nest

who solved the problem of complicated and energy-

wasting thermostats, Yves Behar’s August smart lock

that manages who can and can’t enter your home,

without any keys, and so on. This is what I mean by

putting the human, or at the least the problem at the

centre of the equation.

Turning to KickStarter or any other crowd funding

website seems to be a good way off assessing whether

or not you’ve stumbled on a real problem, rather than

just a personal one.


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“However with all death comes rebirth and as always, extreme situations force positive change.”


The NINJA Generation and how they’re changing the world

by Adriano Galardi

When Gordon Gekko is released from prison in the

2010 sequel Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, he sets

about giving talks to peers about his rehabilitation and

preaches the failing “greed is good” model he had

once coined as his mantra. In one particular talk to a

group of college graduates, Gekko refers to the group

as the Ninja Generation, an acronym which stands for:

No Income, No Jobs, no Assets. As amusing as it is,

the phrase is actually quite accurate in describing the

dire situation that awaited twentysomethings following

the global economic meltdown of 2008.



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So, as hundreds of thousands of young adults were

graduating from top universities across the world,

promises of top jobs, high salaries and glory were

replaced with no jobs, debt and definitely no glory.

Some risk takers decided to weather the storm by

entering Masters programs, hoping to emerge into a

bright future with employers waiting with open arms.

Sadly, this never happened, and graduates found

themselves waiting after school for parents that had

clearly forgotten to pick them up.

Others, in desperate need of revenue to start paying

back their student loans, took any work they could

find – often in low-end positions well beneath their

level of education and expertise.

However with all death comes rebirth and as always,

extreme situations force positive change. The period


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that followed saw a startup boom and the beginning

of a new era. For many, launching a business is a

dream come true but is also extremely high risk. The

risk of failing and losing everything is strong enough

to keep the world of entrepreneurs small and intimate.

But this changed. Whilst the risk of failing is still as

prominent (if not more so) today, the NINJAs have

nothing to lose, literally, there is nothing better waiting

for them. The rest just fell into place really, starting with

a massive pool of (cheap) talent, all desperately willing

(didn’t have the choice really) to believe in the startup

model hoping to build the next Facebook.

And then there was the money. As the number of

startups grew, so did the number of angel investors

and VCs. Because just as every startup was hoping to

be the next Facebook, every investor was hoping to be

the one that got them there. By pumping money into


startups, investors allowed them to stay afloat whilst

they were losing money, allowing them to concentrate

on building the next big thing.

So what was the next big thing? The innovation

we’re seeing coming out of the San Francisco Bay

Area, Portland and New York is rather disruptive, with

common everyday problems caused by “the system”

being solved with clean, efficient, user-friendly and

intuitive solutions that are so simple, we could (and

should) have come up with them ourselves. The ideas

are often revolutionising the way big industries work,

providing easy boutique alternatives for consumers

demanding change.

Square for example, has revolutionised the way

payments are being made with a simple dongle that

can be attached to any smartphone or tablet, allowing

users to pay with credit cards without the hassles of

the standard credit card reader. The device also comes

with a polished app allowing users to track payments

in a beautifully designed UI.

AirBnb is another gamechanger allowing users to rent

out a spare room or their entire home to travellers

seeking a hotel alternative. Simple is a bank for the

modern user that doesn’t want a bank. Offering a sleek

credit card and app, Simple is focusing on offering a

few services that users really care about, and getting

rid of the rest.

These are just a few of the people out there who have

understood that the world is changing but services are

yet to catch up. What’s more, this trend is still growing

with more and more startups launching every year. All

of this innovation has made people wonder – will the

next big thing come from a Fortune 500 company?

Probably not, but before we go ahead and quit our

day jobs, let’s not forget that for every successful

startup that makes it to the big screen, thousands are

failing. Many are questioning the sustainability of this

model in the long run – people saying it’s just a matter

of time before this bubble (yes, it probably is another

bubble) bursts and we move onto the next big trend.

Only time will tell.



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“It seems that working with visionaries – the type who see opportunities where most see barriers – can spark similar pioneering tendencies amongst others.”


Innovation sparks... innovation?

by Adriano Galardi

The knock-on effect of start-up philosophy.

Starting your own company is a dream to many, and

who can blame them? The chance to be your own

boss, carry out your dream, define the vision, (fail), try

again and eventually, maybe, with a bit of inspiration

and a lot of perspiration (1 to 99 ratio to be precise),

your baby is born. It definitely isn’t for everyone,

which is why many prefer to simply join startups (that

have received funding of course). Here, there is the

chance to be part of something at an early stage,

contribute ideas (flat hierarchy), work in a fun and

young atmosphere, and be well-paid with good health

benefits. You don’t need to be a visionary or a pioneer;

just talented and “fun”. Obviously, this appeals to many.

What’s interesting though, is the effect that working in

a start-up has on its employees.

It seems that working with visionaries – the type who

see opportunities where most see barriers – can

spark similar pioneering tendencies amongst others.

However the bird doesn’t leave the nest straight away.

This tends to happen when the excitement of working

with a startup has worn off (often because the startup

has grown and is being run by somebody else), or

when the opportunities to advance or progress are

diminishing. And that is when the bird decides to fly

the coop. Often they leave with a fellow co-worker

who is similarly searching for new adventures and has

also been influenced and inspired by visionary leaders.


A perfect example of the bird

leaving the nest scenario is

British duo Mike Stevens and Dan

Shrimpton, who left the pioneering

and beloved Innocent Smoothies

to found Peppersmith – a premium,

all natural and locally sourced

chewing gum company.

Stevens and Shrimpton applied the

natural goodness philosophy that

Innocent has commoditised to

an industry largely dominated by

synthetic, mainstream brands.

Nest is another example of this

trend, though this time the visionary

leader was no small startup; it was

Apple. I wanted to include Nest

as an example because Apple,

as big as it is, may as well have

“innovation through good design”

as their mantra. They build

products that aim to make life

easier and more efficient, whilst

looking great at the same time.

This is the philosophy that many

startups run by; Nest being one

of them. Tony Fadell and Matt

Rogers left Apple’s iPod and iPhone

division in 2010 after a realisation

that thermostats remained an

unexplored opportunity for

innovation in today’s world.

They set out to revolutionise them

by making them simple, more

effective, and attractive (see the

Apple philosophy?). This duo has

managed to make a thermostat

desirable – a feat no one had

accomplished before (I was sad

to discover I do not have a

thermostat in my home and

therefore won’t be honoured

with a beautiful Nest on my wall).

As working in a startup increasingly

becomes common practice, we

can expect to see a lot more of

this can-do attitude rubbing off

on employees; encouraging them

to leave the nest, setting out on

their own – a good thing no doubt.




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“The dream of dancing among the stars has enchanted us for millennia. But now, this year, space is truly within reach for everyone.”


By 2014, your postman could be an astronaut

by Alicia Fowler

In the 41 years since man last set foot on the moon,

a new generation has been preparing its own route

to space. But this path will democratise, and likely

commercialise, space travel in far reaching ways.

In fact, your postman could count his name among

the likes of Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin.

Three factors — policy, infrastructure, and culture —

are aligning to make consumer space travel a reality

before the end of 2014.

First, public policy is not only favourable towards

private space travel enterprises, it’s downright

encouraging. Companies like SpaceX transport NASA

cargo to the ISS for a fee, and states like New Mexico

invest millions of dollars in commercial spaceports.

All the while, legislatures are determining how

to protect consumers and companies alike as we

begin to navigate this brave new world.

Second, the infrastructure supporting consumer space

travel has grown in size and sophistication, and will

continue to do so. Private enterprises engaged in

spaceflight are getting savvier; their vehicles are getting

safer, and more predictable. Just this April, Virgin

Galactic’s newest ship, SpaceShipTwo, broke the sound

barrier. And, adjacent industries, from insurance to

fashion to entertainment, are adapting their offerings

to support both the travellers and companies alike.

Third, and perhaps most significantly, is that the

culture is ripe for consumer space travel. Nerds have

gone mainstream. Science fiction heroes, like Captain

Kirk and Doctor Who, will enter their 50th years of

popularity this decade, with more allure and fandom

than before. And science, real space science, is more

accessible than ever. We can watch experiments

telecast from the ISS captain, via Twitter. We can

discover — and comprehend — extraordinary theories

with the help of world-renowned physicists like Brian

Greene. Space is near. Space is here.

The dream of dancing among the stars has enchanted

us for millennia. But now, this year, space is truly

within reach for everyone. And as we ascend into the

great beyond, the culture, infrastructure and policy

that enable our flight, will themselves forever change,

leading to new products, new experiences, and new

forms of commerce.


in G


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“Far from being a sanitised experience, the hi-tech wedding will be ultra-connected and interactive. Couples will share their joy live on the internet. Once married, the happy couple can rely on technology to help them in their everyday married life.”


The hi-tech weddings of the future

by Barbara Viana

“Twitter and Tinder are delighted to announce the marriage of Lulu63 and Vinz22 on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 16h00 GMT on the internet. The virtual wedding reception will take place afterwards on the Social Network.”

Some of us have found love on the internet. In the

future, we foresee we’ll be getting married on it!







e. <










August, the wedding season, is probably a month

studded with quaint country weddings with their

never-ending receptions, long-winded speeches

and improbable outfits.

Enjoy it for now! Because tomorrow, weddings like

these will be a thing of the past.

Before we get married, we have to find our soul mate.

There’s no lack of internet dating sites, but when you

see that more than 5 million people a month logged

on to dating sites like Meetic or AdopteUnMec,

we understand the problem of too much choice.

Tomorrow’s dating sites will be increasingly specialised,

sophisticated and geo-localised.

Take Tinder, the new dating app that matches you up

with interesting people around you, that everyone is

talking about in the US. Love stories will have different

beginnings: “Mum, what app did you meet Dad on?”

Tomorrow, it won’t be luck, but technology that will

help us find our soul mate!

Asda Dating, the dating site of the eponymous online

supermarket proposes that you “shop for your dream

date”, comparing baskets as you shop.

It’s smart and practical; normal.

It’s English.

Some take technology even further and propose

donning a cat’s tail before the penguin tails!

Intrigued? The idea is to attach a “neurowear”

cat’s tail that connects to the wearer’s brain patterns.

The tail responds to the wearer’s mood and indicates

the degree of enthusiasm s/he’s feeling. So if your

contact is wagging his tail, it means he likes you!

It’s weird and scary; normal.

It’s Japanese.

Tomorrow, we won’t even have to talk before mating.

And the actual wedding ceremony? Virtual, naturally.

French United for Equality Association recently hit the

headlines when it associated with Google+ Hangout

to create France’s first social network wedding.

Ogilvy PR Worldwide. <youtube.com/user/OgilvyPRWorldwide>


In the throes of the gay marriage debate, a Belgian

mayor celebrated a same sex marriage by using

live streaming.

No more bad DJs who insist on imposing their

personal taste on the dance floor. Tomorrow,

we’ll entrust Spotify or Deezer to stage-manage

the evening intelligently. Does everyone desert

the dance floor on Magnolia? Time to shelve

Claude François and move on to something else.

As for frozen snapshots by professional

photographers? They will be put away too. With

more and more sophisticated wedding photo apps,

tomorrow the guests will be the official photographers.

Wedding apps like Yapp keep guests informed of

events during the day, provide directions to the venue,

newsfeed and also let you upload photos in real time.

Far from being a sanitised experience, the hi-tech

wedding will be ultra-connected and interactive.

Couples will share their joy live on the internet.

Once married, the happy couple can rely on

technology to help them in their everyday married life.

RunKeeper, the Personal Trainer in your Pocket,

acknowledges your sport sessions, shares them on

Facebook in order to encourage you to follow your

fitness regime.

Full of good intentions and good advice, these

apps reward good deeds with a points system –

version 2.0 of the famous English Brownie points.

Three bunches of flowers per month – that’s worth

at least 5 Brownie points!

Symbolic objects are not forgotten.

As everyday objects are becoming more intelligent,

the engagement ring follows suit with a useful

feature, a memory! The ring heats up to remind

you of your anniversary!

In the meantime, enjoy the wedding cake and best

man’s speech with jokes in bad taste – they are an

endangered species!






















“Tomorrow’s 1.0 holidays will teach us about changing the rhythm. Slow food, slow life, slow beauty are already surfacing concepts. Welcome to Slowlidays – holidays based on time, not space.”


Disconnect to reconnect – The 1.0 holidays of the FUTURE

by Barbara Viana

Booking a guaranteed WiFi-free hotel, holidaying in

your neighbour’s apartment, taking 15 hours to make

Bordeaux to Paris – the holidays of the future will be all

about taking it slow.

So you cracked for the iPhone 5? You’re thrilled with

the new fiber-optics in your apartment? Your Xperia

tablet is your new baby?

Great! But we foresee that tomorrow, you’ll be paying

to be disconnected.

With technology, like everything else, enough is

enough! The principal motivation for taking a

holiday is to relax and take it easy. But FOMO

(Fear of Missing Out) ensures that Homo Connectus

can’t keep away from reading his textos and his

Facebook page – stress!


But relax! Tomorrow, following Kit Kat’s lead with its

“Have a break – Have a Free No WiFi Zone!” campaign,

Homo Connectus can book a hotel room guaranteed

without internet access. He can entrust his beloved

iPhone 5 to a babysitter or to a safe to which he won’t

have the code (otherwise, it would be too tempting).

We’re always hearing about the bridge between real

life and virtual life, but tomorrow we’ll pay to learn to

separate them.

In 1623, holidays were defined as “the period when

freedom is restored to students.” Tomorrow’s

holidays will restore idleness to us, eaten away by

new technologies that devour whole minutes of our

precious free time.

Equipped only with a ballpoint pen and the Day &

Night Romain Jerome watch that doesn’t tell the

time, the future Homo Deconnectus write postcards

from home! Holidays 1.0 will teach us how to

appreciate a change of scenery from the exoticness

of our own home.




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Aviation fuel is a luxury, and while low cost flights

will be with us for a while to come, he will have to save

for longer to be able to go away. But he won’t want

to wait forever to go travel.

Tomorrow, he’ll go local. He’ll take a “staycation”

spending his holidays at home. He’ll use room service

every day in his own bedroom or if he feels the spirit

of adventure coming on, he’ll rent his neighbour’s loft.

Today, life is speeded up to the max. Tomorrow’s

1.0 holidays will teach us about changing the rhythm.

Slow food, slow life, slow beauty are already surfacing

concepts. Welcome to Slowlidays – holidays based

on time, not space.

The latest Airbus, the new A350, maximises the well-

being of passengers by placing a bar in the front of

the cabin. They’ve understood that personal comfort

makes a luxury experience. Tomorrow, the foot is off

the accelerator and on the brake! Paris-Bordeaux in

15 hours – a dream come true! London to Florence

in 5 days – perfection!

Tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating the Orient Non-

Express. Jeep is on the right road with its “GPS to Get

Lost”. Losing time is gaining freedom. All that remains

is to brand the design of this new experience of

suspended time.

Marcel Proust was already running round in search

of lost time. The holidays of the future have found it!

It was a close call…



s. <






“The home of the future – the reflection of our identity – is set to become the IT fashion accessory of the 21st Century. Today’s young interior designers will become tomorrow’s Home-Fashionistas, and our interiors, the must-have designs!”


In the future, our home will be a Fashion accessory!

by Barbara Viana

In fashion, there’s the art of dressing and the art of

accessorising. Can you imagine yourself all dressed

up in jeans, tee-shirt and a jacket – but barefoot?


The same rules apply to our “Home Sweet Home”.

Once the bed and the fridge are in place, we turn to

the fun part – decorating, selecting the furniture and

fixtures that let the world know who we are.





t. <







And we won’t let austerity stand in our way! According

to a recent IFOP poll, home decor is the primary

source of household spending in France. In the current

climate of technological, social and ecological change,

our home is at the centre of our existence. Feeling

good in our home is fundamental to our well-being.

And tomorrow?

The home of the future – the reflection of our identity

– is set to become the IT fashion accessory of the 21st

Century. Today’s young interior designers will become

tomorrow’s Home-Fashionistas, and our interiors, the

must-have designs!

Like any self-respecting Home-Fashionista, the home

must be well equipped. To be truly cutting-edge, the

home of the future will also be interactive!

Following Living Tomorrow’s “Carehome” project, the

Home-Fashionista’s future home will be the last word

on infotech (before anyone else’s!). After an exhausting

day, she’ll start her housework on her trip home using

the MyHOME app.

She can turn on the heating, draw the blinds and start

cooking dinner so that she returns to a warm, cosy

nest. As soon as she steps over the threshold, PaRePO,

her home robot, will ask her if she’s had a good day. In


A. <










her spare time, she can share her latest tips with the

home networks and organise live Deco workshops

from her living room.

A SmartHome – of course! But that’s not all! Our

Home-Fashionista will elevate her home into a

temple of customisation.

As a militant eco-warrior, the Home-Fashionista

proudly wears DIY (Design-It-Yourself) fashion.

Even more than flea markets or reusable packaging

(produced by the Dutch Joolz brand, for instance),

her ultimate eco-weapon in realising her flights of

fantasy will be the 4D printer. The fourth dimension

is transformability. The 4D printer will allow her

to express her creativity by creating 3D objects in

evolutionary materials that self-assemble or reshape

themselves over time!

Smart technology prevents our Home-Fashionista

from making any expensive faux pas. Using IKEA’s

increased reality app on her tablet or smartphone,

and her Google Glasses, she can have a virtual

sofa pop up in her living room and test her choice

without having to take out her credit card!

To keep her aesthetic sense honed, she’ll select

some of the world’s most beautiful home designs

through Spootnik.com.

As she won’t have an unlimited budget, the Home-

Fashionista will be creative in acquiring the latest must-

have for her home. Using the Revolushion e-shop,

she’ll hire the sofa of her dreams for a fortnight,

changing it again whenever the mood takes her…

an effect guaranteed to impress her friends!

And because her home will become as much an object

of desire as the It-bag at its height, photos of her

“personal touch” will be on display on TheSelby.com!

As the ultimate accolade to her expertise, she will be

invited to participate in TF1’s new TV program (on

the French channel) “An Almost Perfect Deco” (the

real name is still under wraps) and invited to redesign

candidates’ homes like a professional interior designer!

Customised, interactive and eco-friendly… let’s make

a toast – to the fashion accessory house of the future

that has more than one trick up its sleeve!


“Gone are the heavy files, the dusty slates, the bulky books, and the bulging pencil cases filled to bursting with erasers, scissors and pencils.”


In the future, we’ll go back to school without schoolbags, but we’ll still be making pasta necklaces!

by Barbara Viana

Torn between the return to the traditional and the

arrival of the hi-tech in teaching methods, the school

of the future will be hi-tech, but not too much…

School ain’t what it used to be. That’s why a smart

television programmer had the idea of creating a reality

show based on the school of yesteryear – “Back to the

Boarding School” that broadcasted in September 2013






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on M6 (a French TV channel). It proposes a ’50s style

boarding school to 24 teenagers to let them discover

how their grandparents were educated (just without

the corporal punishment).

This vintage reality show will end with awarding

successful students with a diploma of the era. It

goes without saying that the candidates will leave

their smartphones and sneakers behind and don

the inimitable blue blouse to pass their “certif’’.

Gen Z will learn about “Our Ancestors the Gauls”

and the imperfect subjunctive in this retro utopia.

Viewer ratings assured!

While the 50s style boarding school is a fascinating

subject for TV, it’s a different story in real life. Far from

the accepted traditional methods, making handwriting

optional is the current subject of lively debate.

Don’t worry; it’s in the US, where joined-up writing

hasn’t been taught in school for the last two

generations. The 45 states that are considering

abolishing handwriting argue that learning to write

on the keyboard is a priority, and manual handwriting

is no longer of any practical use to students.

Terrifying for some, inevitable for others, this prospect

raises the question of the evolution of learning

methods in schools, and more specifically at this

time of year, the future of school supplies.

Gone are the heavy files, the dusty slates, the bulky

books, and the bulging pencil cases filled to bursting

with erasers, scissors and pencils. School children’s

little fingers now get busy on the Qwerty keyboard

and ultra-sensitive track pad of this portable laptop.

Tomorrow, the traditional heavy schoolbag may

disappear for good!

Still further away, it’s the touch screen tablet that will

invade classrooms.





V. <





BiC, already a well-known brand to primary school

pupils for its pens (and to secondary school pupils

for its lighters…) launches its digital slate. The chosen

term is important: slate. No more authentic slate for

the chalk purists, no more whiteboard for the more

modern; the slate is about to be digitised.

In the video presentation provided by the 01net site,

a BiC Education Project Leader says: “This tablet is

very technologically sophisticated and permits better

teaching of handwriting through a stylus.”

This should reassure the advocates of manual

handwriting. The tablet is connected to the teacher’s

computer. The teacher can submit exercises and

monitor the students’ work from his or her post.

But in a paperless/cloud classroom, might our children

be missing out on something?

BiC Education. <bic-education.com>Lesnumeriques. <lesnumeriques.com>

Every action has a reaction, even more so in this

paperless world that gains a little more ground every

day. So when the students of tomorrow learn to read,

write and count on a digital device, we can offer them

in return a wide range of leisure activities, from arts

and crafts, to cooking classes or DIY.

And we can go back a long way. This is the case in

Finland, where sewing and woodwork lessons are part

of the primary school curriculum for girls and boys,

giving an opportunity for putting tangible skills back

into this digital world, and give voice to talent.

Because learning also involves handiwork and mothers

of the future will always need a pasta necklace and a

papier maché vase.


“Of course, mosquitoes don’t respect international boundaries, and it becomes more and more important to try to predict how the disease might move back in. One way of doing this is to look at the migrant human population...”


Ebb & flow: How maps and big data can help us understand how diseases spread

by Stephen Barber

Maps and mapping, way-finding and navigation have

always fascinated mankind. Ever since we started to

move around our planet, we’ve striven to document

it in some way – to try to understand the relationship

between where we were, where we are now, and

where we’re going.

Maps are an imperfect way of describing the layout

of our environment. Anyone trying to reflect in

two dimensions that which naturally needs to be in

three will find themselves scratching their heads and

making compromises in all sorts of ways. Our planet

is spherical (actually much more like a rugby ball) and

this makes for a hard translation onto a single piece

of paper. To get to a reasonable semblance of what

an atlas of our world looks like, we use projections

to convert the sphere to the plane (in fact, we use

a projection that was created in 1569 by Flemish

cartographer Gerardus Mercator).

Nowadays we almost all use maps on a daily basis to

get us around – and they’re even more prevalent in

our lives thanks to the omnipresent mobile devices

we use. When was the last time you got lost going


somewhere? We carry sophisticated global positioning

devices wherever we go, and it’s easy to forget that

navigation used to be something that was much

harder to do. And of course, because our phones are

all connected to networks, there’s much data that

exists about where we are at any particular moment.

One person who is very interested in using maps to

make sense of some of the issues facing some of

the poorest areas on earth is Andy Tatem. Andy is a

professor at Southampton University, and director

of a number of organisations that are attempting to

correlate any vectors between how people move from

one location to another, and the spread of disease.

We were fortunate enough to have Andy come talk

to us about the work he’s been doing, and give us the

lowdown on how maps have evolved over the ages.

He started by talking about the history and uptake of

mapping as we know it – from the oldest known map

(created in the 6C BC) through a number of other

iconic and interesting maps; including one that shows

the number of heavy metal bands per capita across the

world (hint: you might consider moving closer to the

Nordic parts of this world if you’re a fan).

Then we looked at how our sense of scale has

changed over the generations. Not so long ago, our

grandparents would have considered a trip to the next

town or village a major outing – but nowadays we’re

all very much comfortable with the idea of hopping

from place to place; from continent to continent.

This has been driven by the growth of our transport

networks, and the availability of relatively cheap travel

prices – and has led to the unforeseen consequence

of the creation of comprehensive data on our

movements. Every airline, for example, keeps a record

of passenger data, including who has travelled, when

and where.

Speed of movement was a theme that came up again –

this time in the context of the speed at which diseases

have spread through populations over the ages. In the

middle ages, it took 16 years for the bubonic plague to


move from China to the UK – in contrast to the recent

outbreak of Swine Flu, which took just two weeks to

circle the globe. It’s this pace of change, driven by

human networks, that has both enabled viruses to

navigate our planet, and also empowered us to use

technology to try and understand how and where it

happens. For example, malaria can be spread through

our shipping networks by stowaway mosquitoes laying

eggs in waterlogged tyres on container ships – which

provide the perfect habitat for breeding mosquitoes.

In many countries across the developing world,

malaria is slowly being eradicated – thanks to the

efforts of governments and organisations like Malaria

No More – but often it can easily spread back in from

adjacent territories. Of course, mosquitoes don’t

respect international boundaries, and it becomes more

and more important to try to predict how the disease

might move back in. One way of doing this is to look

at the migrant human population – specifically the

infected human population – and extrapolate from

that the risks based on the numbers of people likely to

move at particular times of year. Using this knowledge,

relief organisations can prioritise and organise their

efforts to try to counter the most high-risk locations.

To get an understanding of how people move across

borders, from place-to-place and country-to-country,

Andy and other researchers have had to get hold

of lots of data – really, really big data – which, until

relatively recently would have been derived from

population censuses, and therefore would have been

out-of-date very quickly. These days, each of us

carry something with us pretty much all the time that

knows where we are, and regularly communicates

this without us having to think about it – our mobile

phones. Our phones tell the nearest mobile phone

mast where we are, and triangulates our position so

they can more effectively help us to communicate

with one another – but this information is stored

and logged by mobile phone companies. By talking

to the phone companies then, it’s been possible for

researchers to get hold of data that they can use to

correlate the movement of individuals, and map this

onto recent data of malarial outbreaks.

Of course, this does open up all sorts of privacy

questions – especially in light of the recent NSA

revelations – but it’s the data at scale that’s useful,

not the movements of single individuals, nor is any

personal data ever shared. That said, it’s hard to

persuade phone companies to part with this data –

understandably – as they have valid concerns about

the confidentiality of the information. And often, this

is not something that the individual customer of the

phone company can opt into.

Andy’s talk gave us an interesting insight into how new

technologies can be used to help the world. More and

more of our daily lives are being recorded, plotted

and mapped across social networks and physical

locations – often without us even knowing. Frequently,

it’s harder to opt out of these initiatives than to opt in,

especially for those who’re not quite so comfortable

with technology.

The UN’s innovation initiative Global Pulse have

started to talk about these issues and more – but

especially the real value of the data that is locked

away by commercial organisations, and the different

ways in which it might be used. They’ve been building

awareness around their term “data philanthropy” as the

way in which large business can start to act almost as

real-time sensors for early warnings into mass changes,

be they job loss, disease, or natural disasters.

At FutureBrand, we’re interested in how this field will

develop – through our work with Malaria No More we’ve

seen the need for society to use all the weapons at its

disposal in fighting against the spread of disease. We’re

interested in the role of data in predicting the future, and

we wholeheartedly expect that people like Andy Tatem

will be at the forefront of this new kind of behavioural

insight, as we track more and more of our lives.


“ ...it didn’t matter what was being displayed, the most compelling stalls were the ones which displayed a single minded brand experience – from the way the product was experienced, to the way the visitor was greeted by the stall owner, to the giveaways that we took home with us.”


FutureBrand at Tent London 2013

by Stephen Barber

The end of September saw the London design

community wake up after the summer holiday season,

and step up a rather well-considered gear. The London

Design Festival, a nine day event showcasing the best

that design has to offer in the capital and beyond, is an

eclectic and wide-ranging view over many different

design disciplines – typography, interiors, furniture

design, product, digital and many more. It really is

possible to lose oneself in the breadth and depth

of events that take place – one look at the Festival

web site will show you an overwhelming array of

opportunities to learn about, to play with and to buy

design from a mix of individual designers, and new

and established businesses.


t Lo



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FutureBrand was proud to play a part in the Festival

by hosting one of the Super Brand London talks

which was at Tent London in Brick Lane. In the midst

of the many talented designers and companies who

were exhibiting, we spent some time talking about

how brands help us make choices and decisions

every day, and how the responsibility of those

brands is increasingly to help us make positive

change in our lives.

One thing struck us as we walked around the different

floors at Tent: it didn’t matter what was being displayed,

the most compelling stalls were the ones which

displayed a single minded brand experience – from

the way the product was experienced, to the way the

visitor was greeted by the stall owner, to the giveaways

that we took home with us. And Tobias Gutmann, with

his Face-O-Mat, seemed to get it more than most!

If we had a slight criticism, it was that we didn’t see

too many examples of designers using new tech to

connect product to service to experience – but we

also know that we’re in the early wave of adoption

to this kind of innovation. We expect to see more of

this in the future, as future brands connect the dots

between their products, new services, and the people

who engage with them.

Our talk was divided into two parts: the first explained

how our belief is that brands can help us make day-to-

day choices as we go through life, and therefore they

increasingly need to contribute to a future which is better

for us, better for the planet, and better for their business.

We talked about the context that brands operate within,

and how new technologies can create new value and

intimacy between brands and “brand users”.

And finally – speaking to an audience who understand

the concept of “product” more than most – we

talked about the need to think about product and

service ecosystems as we go forward, and not to think

about products in isolation. This was our segue into

our favourite part of the session – the bit where we

encouraged our audience to get together and create a

bunch of new product and service ideas based on their

own experience.

Our thought before the event was that we’d be able to

tap into the energy and creativity of designers, design

industry specialists and other interesting people during

the second part of our talk, and we were fortunately

proven right.

Just to make sure – we provided beer. And the

workshop that we hosted did manage to get out some

genuinely interesting concepts despite the short time

we had together.

My highlights:




All told, the group that took part enjoyed themselves,

and hopefully learned something of brand, and the

power of branding to help us make better choices

in our lives.

The Harley Davidson connected helmet that

streams music directly to me, but adapts the

playlist depending on which classic road I’m

driving along.

The Pampers map of changing facilities in

London, showing parents which restaurants

and buildings offer private space for baby

changing (and give Pampers the opportunity

to sell more diapers).

The high energy tea, served in a Nike teapot

for athletes to enjoy and improve their

performance with.

113Volume 1 F



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“...Clients have the power today and not the Agency world of yesterday, which represented the early years from which Cannes Lions first was born.”


Cannes 2013 – A post-modern approach to creativity after 60 years

by Chris Nurko

Yes, it’s the 60th year of the Cannes Lions awards for

the best of Global Creativity. 2013 was busier and

more crowded than ever before with events, content

and presentations covering the full spectrum of

marketing. This year there was more evidence of

client presence as attendees, sponsors and speakers.

Google, Twitter, GM, Coke, Unilever and Heineken

were very visible and the themes of social media

connectivity, creativity and measurement were hot

topics. So too was the discussion around “big data”

and the need for a balance of creative “emotion”

with commercial “rationale”.

Contemporary marketing requires consumers to

“engage” and work harder than ever to contribute,

share, comment and “buy” into brands, products,

content and services more than ever before; which

means brands now have to work very hard! Not just

to get their message across but to involve consumers

and sustain their involvement. So, as “consumers

call the shots” for brand communications – who is

“calling the shots” on strategy? There is no doubt that

the era of crowdsourcing and web-enabled creativity

has arrived, which begs the question; do clients need

agencies any more?

After all, clients can now go direct to creators of

content film, scripts, design and executional ideas

through either a competition initiative or a loosely

brokered “open source” call for entries. Combine this

with the new powerbrokers of media and distribution

(Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc) and you can

see a pattern emerging. Clients are calling the shots!

And against a backdrop of Agency networks trying

to stay as relevant as possible.

The fact emerges; Clients have the power today and

not the agency world of yesterday, which represented

the early years from which Cannes Lions first was born.

The buzzword titled exhibition “Game Changers”

at the side entrance of the Palais was an almost

historical homage and “Origin of Species” display of

how Mad Men have become Creative Commercialists.

An interesting reflection of how Advertising changed

the world (yes, really!).

While we are talking “buzz words”, the North

American terms in vogue at the moment are “pivot”

and “transform”, which reflects the nature of creative

commercial strategy in marketing.


Surprisingly there were very few international brands

present with a definite bias towards North American

brands. One would be forgiven for thinking it was a

Northern European/North American brand roster with

primarily Brazilian and Latin agencies attending – such

is the power and fame of The Lions in the Americas!

The Asian presence was more subdued this year except

for the “China party” on the beach that certainly won

plaudits for the theme and popularity! And a special

mention must go to Scarfe’s illustration of the Lion

which adorned the festival “branding” and passed the

“t-shirt” test for most participants who could be seen

sporting the design from the Gutter bar to Le Suquet!

My personal take on this year versus previous years’

content is that Storytelling, Emotive Engagement,

Purpose and Brand Effectiveness are the topical points

we will be seeing the 2014 Cannes agenda being built

around. There was a more visible acknowledgement

of the importance of social issues and conscious

capitalism, and certainly a shift towards how non-

traditional media has triumphed.

Apart from the obvious celebrity quotient being

represented in creativity (Jack Black, Vivienne

Westwood, Sean ‘Diddy’ Coombs, and legend – Lou

Reed) the best session I attended was that of Conan

and Anderson Cooper who, in a post-modern and

surreal conversation, admitted to “having no idea what

Cannes was about nor why they were there!” Cannes is

about understanding the zeitgeist of global marketing

and branding, and as clients become more involved

and powerful in direct to and through consumer

marketing, Brand Strategists must pay attention!

Interestingly, this year many of the entries crossed

categories and were submitted in multiple categories.

As always, a particular complaint of mine is the

submission in the design category of “work” that is

really just internal and “self serving” pieces of print

or “ideation”. But hey, that is Cannes… not based on

commercial challenges nor results but rather creative

inspiration and execution. Note to self – must submit

more work like that next year!

Looking forward to Cannes 2014!


The “Legendary Journey”, part of

the “Open Your World” campaign,

encapsulates Heineken’s approach

to asking its drinkers to live beyond

their boundaries, inspiring men

across the world to seek new

experiences. The campaign was

developed in partnership with

Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam.

Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches”

initiative employs a forensic

sketch artist to illustrate to women

the differences between their

perceived and real beauty. The

campaign, led by Ogilvy Brazil São

Paulo, is part of the brand’s Real

Beauty campaign launched nine

years ago with the goal of changing

the way people perceive beauty.

The “Oreo Blackout Tweet” is

an off-the-cuff response to

the 30-minute blackout at the

Superdome, from 360i and Oreo.

By focusing on relevancy and real-

time content within its active social

communities, the brand stood

out during the day that was most

saturated with advertising.

Heineken – Legendary Journey

Dove – Real BeautySketches

Oreo – SuperBowl Blackout Tweet

Best works:

360i. <360i.com/work/oreo-super-bowl/>

Dove. <www.realbeautysketches.dove.com>

Heineken. <heineken.com>


“Wonderfilled”, by The Martin

Agency, is a commercial that

explores whimsical possibilities!

It focuses on the positive change

that the simple act of sharing an

Oreo can create, tapping into the

universal human feeling of wonder.

“Wonderfilled” captures the feeling

that kids are naturally so good at,

yet adults need to be reminded of:

a sense of wonder in the world.

The “Whatever’s Comfortable”

campaign celebrates and inspires

the awesome attitude of people

who are completely comfortable

with themselves. The film “Beach”,

created by Wieden + Kennedy

New York, features a man walking

casually down the beach, totally

owning his self-comfortableness.

Oreo – Wonderfilled

Southern Comfort – Whatever’s Comfortable, Beach

An inspiring and powerful film,

“Meet the Superhumans” is from

the team at 4Creative. It features

a multitude of Paralympians

each with their own life story

and highlights the herculean

efforts that have gone into their

preparation for the Games.

London 2012 Paralympics ad for Channel 4 – Meet the Superhumans

Channel 4 Paralympics. <youtube.com/C4Paralympics>

Oreo. <oreo.com/wonderfilled>

Southern Comfort. <youtube.com/user/southerncomfort>


Launched by DDB New York and

Water is Life, the “Hashtag Killer”

campaign was created by gathering

various “first world problem” tweets

and having people in Haiti to recite

them in an anthem video – and, in

the process, raise awareness about

serious developing world issues.

“Dumb Ways to Die”, created by

McCann Melbourne, is a morbid

but memorable campaign to

promote train safety by featuring

colourful cartoon blobs that die in

crazy ways, such as swimming with

piranhas, to highlight that, indeed,

the stupidest way to die is to be

unsafe around trains.

Water is Life – Hashtag Killer

Metro Melbourne – Dumb Ways to Die

The “Small World Machines” is

an uplifting Coca-Cola film that

shows what unites us is stronger

than what sets us apart. Linking

strangers in two nations divided

by more than just borders, the film

features Indians and Pakistanis

interacting with each other, via the

machine – waving, touching hands,

drawing a peace sign or dancing –

before sharing a Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola – Small World Machines

Coca-cola. <youtube.com/user/cocacola>

DDB New York. <youtube.com/user/DDBSocialCreativity>

Metro. <dumbwaystodie.com>


“...the goal in creating a clear brand foundation with new verbal, visual, environments and cultural toolkits was to help serve as a guide and inspiration for the continued changes that lay ahead.”


FutureBrand wins prestigious CLIO award for American Airlines

by Jack Arrowsmith

It’s always gratifying to be recognised for doing work

you believe in. This year, FutureBrand was honored

to receive a CLIO award for the new American Airlines

identity, marking the first time an airline has won

in this category.

While the CLIOs recognise agencies and organisations

working across a wide range of creative disciplines,

from advertising to innovative media, there is something

especially unique about a win in the design category.

Design CLIOs highlight “creative work that conveys

brand and product messages in a way that not only

functions for the client, but also compels and inspires

the consumer.”

For corporate identity to be included in this segment

is a testament to the ability of world-class creative

thinking and expression to serve the practical needs of

businesses and influence the decisions that consumers

make each day in a way that is visceral, compelling and,

of course, memorable.


Just as importantly, the win also supports our belief in

the inherent power of creative strategy and expression

to transform brands — and peoples’ relationships to

brands — in incredibly positive ways. Our work with

American Airlines has been built on this premise. The

transformation of such an iconic brand — the first since

1967 — can only be approached with the intention of

driving substantive and positive change. Our goal was

not simply to update the look of the brand — our goal

was to reflect the very real progress the company and

its people are making throughout the company.

Further, the goal in creating a clear brand foundation

with new verbal, visual, environments and cultural

toolkits was to help serve as a guide and inspiration

for the continued changes that lay ahead. From the

design of airplanes and airports, to mobile apps, menus

and uniforms, to policies and procedures, well-formed

brands can help guide the myriad decisions that can

make the difference between a great customer or

employee experience and one that is simply acceptable.

We are incredibly proud of this recognition. It’s the

result of our 2-year collaboration with American

Airlines and entirely representative of the great efforts

that the company has made to modernise just about

every aspect of the airline.



“Numerous corporations today are making the shift towards creating a ‘purpose beyond profit’ and ‘the triple bottom line’ – people, planet and profit.”


Corporate Philanthropy: Now more than part of the agenda

by Chris Nurko

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein by way of Marc Mathieu

Each year on the fourth Monday in February, the

corporate community celebrates International

Corporate Philanthropy Day (ICPD) and comes

together to build awareness and inspire ideas of how

big business can move the world forward. This is

facilitated by FutureBrand partner, CECP.





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Today, more than ever, companies must look to “give

back” and add something to the world beyond what

is often their core business. Many buzz-words and

acronyms are thrown around – such as CSR, CRM,

Corporate Science, Social Performance, Responsible

Business and so on – but the truth is, what unites

all of these terms and what they all stand for (giving

something back) has never been more important

than it is today.

Companies large and small – if they are to succeed

today and have a future tomorrow – need a “purpose

beyond profit” today. Businesses should find a

reason(s) to exist beyond bottom line profit and

shareholder value; of course, these are key and core

aspects of any successful and functioning business

and have been and will continue to be metrics and

measurements for success, but the world is changing

and business too, must change along with it.

At the core of everything we do at FutureBrand

is the resounding principle of “Future Positive”.

This emanates through who we are, how we act (with

one another and with our clients) and how we approach

our work and the future. We believe that tomorrow will

be better than today and we believe this because we

feel that brands (formed and developed correctly)

have the opportunity to create a more positive future.

We work with brands every day and that’s why our

purpose is to create a more positive future.

Many organisations are now changing their thinking

to solve today’s problems, and in turn are changing

the mindsets of others. These businesses don’t make

Corporate Philanthropy part of their business; they

make social change their business.

Take Method for example, a California-based company

creating cleaning products for the home (and for

personal hygiene), that clean as well as any traditional

bleach-based product, but are made from all natural

ingredients and do not harm the environment or its

people. They are using new thinking to solve old

problems and help create a more positive future.



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Numerous corporations today are

making the shift towards creating

a “purpose beyond profit” and “the

triple bottom line” – people, planet

and profit. It is being increasingly

regarded as the only direction

for companies to head in, large

and small. It affects everything

from the way they are perceived

in the press, to who wants to do

business with them, who wants to

be employed by them and so on.

Look at Unilever, for example, and

their Plan for Sustainable Living.

This “ten year journey towards

sustainable growth” is applied right

across Unilever’s value chain. An

audacious and highly admirable

goal, that “aims to double the size

of the business while reducing

our environmental impact”. This

is the next level of Corporate

Philanthropy, set to inspire the next

wave of businesses, entrepreneurs

and social advocates. Unilever are

setting a fantastic example, and

I salute them! This highlights the

fact that brands must make positive

change part of their overall brand

and business strategy (for it to be

taken seriously and acted upon by

those within and doing business

with the organisation).

Here are some of the greatest

innovators, leaders and

organisations of our time who are

seriously taking on this challenge

and making it a core part of their

businesses and business agenda:

• CannesChimera

• GatesFoundation

• ClintonFoundation

• D&ADWhitePencil

• UnileverPlanfor

Sustainable living

• UnileverWaterworks

• Oxitec

• SeeChangeHealth

It is imperative for me to stress

the importance of Corporate

Philanthropy (and all of the above)

in helping move us all towards a

more positive future; more positive,

more sustainable, and in turn, more

profitable (as a by-product of doing

everything else right).

These types of programmes must

be embedded into the heart of

future organisational business

strategies; they must be intertwined

into the fabric of an organisation

and its people (by being adopted

from both the top down and

bottom up), so that both the

organisation and its people can

become vessels and advocates for

social change… and thus, a more

positive future. So let’s change our

thinking. Let’s reaffirm the agenda.

Let’s heighten the importance of

this new facet of business and let’s

move forward to make a positive

change and positive future for all.



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“A Future Positive attitude to WANT to change, and to leverage corporate brands and their resources is a good place to start – and the world is tweeting about it!”


Davos 2013: How companies can create a better future

by Chris Nurko

As this year’s World Economic Forum ends, it is

interesting to note what is on the mind of the world’s

leaders, movers, shakers and opinion formers, and

compare that to what the world’s public-at-large

are thinking! One quick look at the KPMG “tweet

cloud” (see below) shows you one interesting and

fundamental overlap – VALUES and BUSINESS.







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It is not surprising, after all – following on from a

global economic recession and collapse of trust

in all of the institutions of capitalism; a global

movement of anti-corporate capitalism (e.g.

Occupy!) and the increasingly ineffectiveness of

governments to create jobs and forward economic

momentum – is there any reason to doubt that

there is a gap between “values” and “business” in

the world? And what we mean specifically, is

that the social contract and role of business in

playing a “force for good” between the public

and communities, governments and shareholder

seems to be broken. Essentially, people of the

world distrust how and by whom decisions get

made, and the motivation and impact of those

decisions on everything from the economy (i.e.

jobs/employment) to the environment. If we add to

this the relentless march of “people power” not only

to force governmental change, but also corporate

governance, product pricing and profitability – we

see a fundamental shift in the world. Consumers

and citizens now expect companies (yes – business

organisations) to have a new role in society. A role

based on ethics and morality, and which harnesses

the “good” of capitalism for the benefit of all NOT

just the perks and payouts of the few. VALUES

based leadership and capitalism has now arrived

on the C-suite agenda.

Future Positive Social Impact

People – as consumers, investors, employees and

citizens now want a force for change and for good.

The license to operate for companies and their brands

now comes under scrutiny 24/7/365 in a digitally

connected and transparent world. Companies

no longer can just placate the masses and their

“audiences” with messages and PR initiatives.

Corporate brands must now link their purpose

and profitability to value creation that is more than

just profits. Happiness, meaning and quality of life

are words that are being discussed and espoused

by corporate boards all over the world, and being

included into the business strategies of the world’s

most successful companies. The public is demanding

new levels and actions that demonstrate transparency,

collaboration and capitalism.

Issues the world is interested in include Equitable

Opportunity and Distribution of Wealth, Anti-corruption

in business and government, Sustainability and Low/

No impact on health and the environment as well as

Ethical/Values-based leadership in working cultures and

business practices. In short, business has to “catch up”

to a maturing world-view that basically says…


“Hey, big businesses and brand-owners – start behaving

like a good company! Don’t be corrupt, don’t pollute,

hire and pay employees fairly, pay your taxes and don’t

just BS us with PR or marketing. Yes, YOU heard us!

We mean it – be good or we won’t let you succeed!”

A few stats below help support this view…

In a national USA survey conducted for 18-24 year-

olds, 63% identified one of the biggest problems in the

country has to be the fact that not everyone has an

equal chance in life.

In 134 out of 183 countries in a 2011 survey, people

expressed the belief that they lived in a country that

was significantly corrupt; 72 of them were ranked

as very corrupt.








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According to the 2011 National Business Ethics

Survey, the share of companies with weak ethical

cultures also climbed to near record levels of 42%,

up from 35% in 2009.

So, what does all this mean? I have to reference here

two great books that were recently published, which

go a long way to helping frame this discussion and

provide insights for leaders (and concerned citizens/

consumers!). One is “GOOD WORKS!” By Philip

Kotler, David Hessekiel and Nancy Lee. A cracking

read on how Corporate Initiatives and Philanthropy

is changing the dynamic for companies that want

to commit to “Causes”; and the other is “Conscious

Capitalism”, by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia. A

brilliant summary of how Conscious Capitalism is

now driving the success of many of America’s most

successful, innovative and admired companies. What

both books highlight, and which answer the topics/

tweets/attention of Davos leaders and the public-at-

large is that corporate brands and organisations are

now accountable to doing more than just being a

good company, being profitable, hiring employees,

and not polluting. On every level, and based on

ethical standards and values-based leadership, the

future will belong to organisations that not only

aim to have a future positive impact, but more

importantly – want to! Yes, they WANT TO! They

may need to (in order to have a license to operate,

in order to avoid consumer boycotts and employee

labour disputes), but more importantly, they are

motivated by their purpose that is at the heart of their

organisation and their reason for being in the world.

They WANT to and so do their employees, and their

investors. The communities and consumer public

WANT them to succeed, and value their role in the

world. And, guess what – the company’s products

and services, and brands are more popular and

successful for it!

So, back to the World Economic Forum – and, what

does this all have to do with the topics covered?

Well – if you put aside the discussions on economic

growth (austerity versus government aided stimulus);

the debate on the UK and if it is “in” or “out” of the

EU (a referendum of confidence or collaboration?);

the search for energy (Fracking) or innovation (digital

technology) – what you end up with is the over-

arching theme of our world’s FUTURE. Do we want a

FUTURE that is better than today, or yesterday? And,

if we do – what role does business, government and

science/technology play in making the future better?

How can corporate organisations drive future growth,

and a better social contract?

The challenges touched upon beyond just Corporate

Values and Governance can be found in some of the

quotes from the sessions and leaders –

“Companies need to wake up and smell the coffee –

customers have had enough” – David Cameron

“Forty global companies have more fortune than all

the governments” – Shimon Peres

“Water is the new Oil” – V Nasr, SAIS School at

Johns Hopkins

“In the worst climate scenario, my kids will live in a

world without coral reefs, with acid oceans and with

wars fought over the water.” – Jim Yong Kim,

President of the World Bank

All of these issues are inter-related, and the future

needs to be determined by what and how businesses,

governments, the public and social interest groups

respond to the world’s challenges. A Future Positive

attitude to WANT to change, and to leverage corporate

brands and their resources, is a good place to start –

and the world is tweeting about it!

See you in Davos in 2014!


“... it is important for international businesses to continue managing a balance between global standardisation and local relevance.”


The 22nd century will be the African century (and other predictions)

by Tom Adams

Tidjane Thiam made a bold prediction at the IOD

Annual Convention held in London on 18 September

2013. If the 21st century is now officially the “Asian”

century, the CEO of Prudential PLC argued, the 22nd

century will be the African century. All because, as

he puts it, “demographics are destiny”. The numbers

supporting the Asian century would now seem to

be inarguable. Not only does Asia constitute 40% of

global economic output, but for the first time ever,

emerging economies combined are now bigger than

their developed counterparts. The middle class in

Asia alone, now estimated to be 525 million people,

is larger than the whole population of Europe and is

set to treble by 2030. By contrast, the largest growing

demographic in the west are people over 85 years old,

and by 2030 there will only be 2.5 people of working

age for every pensioner in Europe. The current

median age of Europeans is 41, compared to 27 in

Asia and 18 in Africa. And the rate of growth in China

dictates that it will create what is equivalent to four to

six “Germany’s” over the next twenty years to surpass

America as the world’s largest economy. In this context,

he argued, it is important for international businesses

to continue managing a balance between global

standardisation and local relevance. For example,

Prudential has 13 million customers in Asia across 30


markets, each with its own unique set of products –

like those attending to the Islamic faith in places like

Indonesia. “The man from the Pru”, he joked, is now

a woman on a motorbike meeting customers in a

Vietnamese café with her iPad. Critically, though, he

also talked about the need for consistent values in

the organisation – that shape its growth, culture and

ways of doing business.

Insurers are in the business of accurately predicting

the future, and Mr Thiam’s thoughts emerged in the

context of some other predictions from a thought-

provoking line up of leaders at the convention.

Simon Walker, Director General of the IOD, talked

about the need for a future European Union that

allowed for greater liberalisation of trade that

would allow SMEs (who represent over 80% of the

European economy) to deliver more cross-border

business – particularly in the service sector.

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, cautiously

predicted an “economic renaissance” in the UK,

powered by its most successful brand “London” and

building on the success of London 2012, technology

and infrastructure investment, the finance sector

and growing exports to countries like China. One

particular case in point: the success of Jaguar – a

British brand whose cars now sell in their tens of

thousands in India and China because of the quality

of its products, not their price or nostalgia for a

bygone age of Britishness.

Ana Botin, CEO of Santander UK, talked about

creating the future of business success today by

providing more capital investment for entrepreneurs

and capturing the UK’s spirit of enterprise,

innovation and ambition, and that banks can make

a positive difference to society – a powerful and

encouraging statement from a leader who can

make that possible in the banking sector.


George Osborne, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer,

was cautious about the UK economic recovery, saying

it had “turned a corner” (although no green shoots of

recovery yet…), and predicted that China as a market

for our exports and source of tourism would be a

powerful force in this recovery. Not least because

Chinese investment in the UK has increased by over

90% since 2011.

Joanna Shields, CEO of Tech City and former Silicon

Valley entrepreneur predicted an 8% growth in the

Internet economy in the UK in the next five years.

But she also talked about the power of technology

to positively disrupt businesses, sectors and markets

– something we have talked about at length here

– and that every business can create its future by

“thinking like a start up”. And closed by saying that

entrepreneurship is now recognised as a legitimate

career path by young people in the UK.

And Dan Cobley, MD of Google UK and Ireland,

stressed the need for business to move from “10%”

thinking to “x10” thinking – shifting from incremental

improvements to groundbreaking ideas that change

everything – and how this continues to power

Google’s extraordinary growth and innovation in

everything from driverless cars to Google Glass. Above

all, he reminded us of a favourite FutureBrand saying

that the best way to predict the future is to create it.

The IOD event hinted that business, technology and

political leaders in the UK and beyond are united

around the need to create a more positive future

around ideas, technology and brands. There seems to

be a spirit of cautious optimism in the air, and a sense

that collaboration, openness and adapting to change

are the secret to that future.

We couldn’t agree more.


“Conscious capitalism is a key mindset that nations and commercial organisations must adopt in order to maximise shared value for stakeholders, citizens and the consumer at large.”


Future Brilliance! New brands for Afghanistan and the world

by Chris Nurko

As London Fashion Week opens for 2013, we

are proud to say we have contributed some of

our “future positive” thinking and creativity to help

create a brand and strategy to succeed something

that truly deserves recognition!

Future Brilliance is a not-for-profit organisation

founded by the inspiring Sofia Swire. Its purpose

is threefold and inter-related:

To help the artisan women of Afghanistan (and

other post-conflict nations) to be educated and

engaged in commercial activity, thus creating a

more stable home and economic basis for activity.

To do so via training, education and support that

can help achieve positive change in their lives and

those of their communities.

To ensure that the cultural and commercial craft of

jewellery and other hand-made goods survives and

returns economic benefits to those closest to the

origin of the goods and economic chain.





Why this is so vital is that in a country such as

Afghanistan, the economic stability and survival of the

nation depends upon the women and craft economy

to flourish in the face of political and economic

challenges to self-sufficiency in 2014. It is a model

that could potentially be extended to any post-conflict

nation or group of citizens who need support in

training, education and commercial knowledge. For

Afghanistan, a country rich in gemstones and with a

heritage of craftsmanship in jewellery and hand-made

goods – this is seen as a first line of defence against

those who seek to undermine the legitimate economy

and stability of the nation, and the rights and freedoms

of women in particular.

Future Brilliance has created a jewellery brand,

“Aayenda“ (which means “Future” in Dari, the lingua

franca of Afghanistan), and through partnerships with

experts and multi-national organisations, hopes to

create a commercially viable supply-to-retail chain

that delivers profit and value to those involved in





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training, education and creation. The key stakeholders

to be benefited being the women of Afghanistan,

who are creating beautiful jewellery and designed

handicrafts using the gems of the land and the cultural

tradition of the craft. Famous designers are lending

their expertise, as well as academic institutions so

that students in Afghanistan under Future Brilliance’s

auspices and tuition can learn, engage, create and sell

their skills and work via Aayenda.

By launching at New York Fashion week and London

Fashion week, Aayenda aims to bring more awareness

and quality crafted jewellery to an international

audience. In concert with the brand “Afghan Made“,

which applies to the wider crafts of carpets and

cashmere products, Aayenda is a prime example of

how commercial and community minded initiatives

can work in harmony to great effect and results. One

of the key ingredients is to enable the connection

between expertise and those who are in need of

the knowledge. Future Brilliance has pioneered the

use of Solar Powered laptops to bring 21st century

technology in an affordable and practical manner as

the vehicle for content dissemination. To start, it will

be focused on the craft and artisan skills but rapidly

can be expanded to include any form of knowledge,

data or training. The opportunities and the benefits are

enormous, and are a prime example of “future positive”

in action. That is why FutureBrand has done all work

related to Future Brilliance as a pro-bono initiative and

will continue to support its success and promotion in

the years ahead.

Conscious capitalism is a key mindset that nations

and commercial organisations must adopt in order

to maximise shared value for stakeholders, citizens

and the consumer at large. The new brand launched

at London Fashion Week hopefully will be a “brilliant”

example for the category, the women of Afghanistan

and the nation of Afghanistan in the future!


“This truly is Future Positive in action and is why we are proud to be a part of this movement and are 100% committed to helping make the event a success.”


ONE way to change the world

by FutureBrand

FutureBrand has been working with Nokia and ONE

to help form an effective partnership for global, social

advocacy. ONE – the grassroots advocacy and

campaigning organisation focused on eradicating

poverty and preventable disease – wanted to utilise

its power and influence ahead of the up-coming G8

conference in Northern Ireland to help drive awareness

around major global issues and social change. In order

to do this, they corralled a group of the world’s biggest

musicians (including Bruce Springsteen, Ed Sheeran,

Jessie J, Tinie Tempah and Allison Moyet to name

a few) to support their “agit8” event by singing their

favorite protest songs from history.

ONE Future T-shirt


FutureBrand client, Nokia, was brought in as the

campaign’s image partner, to help raise awareness

and advocacy for the movement (in real time).

The partnership was a great fit as Nokia has always

been focused on “connecting people” and ONE’s

drive for this event was not about money or

financial investment but about using community

manpower as a method to empower people to

influence government decisions.

FutureBrand is a supporter and partner of the ONE

organisation and the agit8 event, held at the Tate

Modern in London, in June 2013.

As a precursor to the G8 event-taking place in

Northern Ireland – the agit8 event seeks to amplify

the power of protest songs to have an effect on

mobilising public support and opinion to change

the world for the better. Specifically, to end Poverty

in our lifetime in Africa and to create a more open,

free and humanitarian world. This truly is Future

Positive in action, and it is why we are proud to be

a part of this movement, and are 100% committed

to helping make the event a success. With Bono

behind the idea – many of the world’s leading

recording artists and singers either sang live or

recorded a video singing a famous protest song

that helped to change the world. Accompanied by

a film shot by Richard Curtis and with the support

of leading actors, chefs and politicians – the ONE

organisation has put a stake in the ground to

change the world!


Congratulations to all those involved in helping move

the world forward through this powerful movement.

It doesn’t end here though, please check out the event

online and show your support via the channels below:

Website: www.one.org

Twitter: @ONEcampaign

Facebook: facebook.com/ONE




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“We are true advocates and supporters of Solar Impulse and what they, as a movement, stand for – creating a more sustainable future through renewable energy and technology.”


Congratulations Solar Impulse

by Jack Arrowsmith

They say “the main thing is to make history, not to write

it”. The team at Solar Impulse has truly made history

and others (including myself) will be writing about it.

On 7th July 2013, the Solar Impulse plane completed

the final leg of its “Across America” mission, flying day

and night soley with the power of the sun. Originally

starting in San Francisco in May 2013 (where the plane

was reassembled, after being taken apart at the team’s

HQ in Switzerland in order to transport it to the USA)

the team and pilots (Andre Borschberg and Bertrand

Picard) flew from city-to-city making stopovers in

Phoenix, Arizona, Dallas, Texas, and St Louis, Missouri,

including others, culminating in the final leg of the

journey – the flight from Washington D.C. to New

York’s JFK airport. The plane set off at 04:56 (08:56

GMT) on Saturday from Washington DC for the final

leg of its journey, and landed at about 23:15 (03:45

GMT Sunday) in New York. A Statue of Liberty fly-pass

had to be cancelled, due to a 2.5metre (8ft) tear in the

fabric of the left wing.

Thankfully, the pilot managed to complete the journey

without incident. FutureBrand has been working with

Solar Impulse since 2012 to help form its future brand

strategy and partnership offering, ahead of the “Flight

Across America” and eventual “Flight Around the World”

initiatives. We are helping to take the company to the

next level as a brand and as a movement.

We are true advocates and supporters of Solar Impulse

and what they, as a movement, stand for – creating

a more sustainable future through renewable energy

and technology. The team and all they have achieved

so far are a true personification of “future positive”.

We are excited to continue to work with Solar Impulse,

to help them to achieve their goals of flying around the

world and ultimately using their achievements in the

plane to be a catalyst for change and a proof-point for

how we as society can create a better future.

Borschberg and Picard and the whole Solar Impulse

team have practised the FutureBrand principle of

“Foresight”, by imagining the believable future they

want to see and taking steps to create it. “We want

our solar airplane to be an example of how new ways

of thinking can inspire people to reach goals many

consider unachievable”. I think this successful flight

is a huge step towards achieving this future positive

ambition. Congratulations Solar Impulse and good

luck for 2015!


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FutureBrand is the creative future company.

With a future-focused methodology,

combined with incisive strategic thinking

and creative visualisation techniques,

FutureBrand co-creates and delivers to

clients a believable future for their brands to

achieve desired strategic goals.

In the highly competitive and complex

cultural landscape of Asia, we work with

various organisations, private and public, to

strengthen their brand for competitiveness,

helping them to grow, extend, and defend

their market position.
