Future Proof Awards 2012 Insides - Dentsu Aegis India · Future Proof is really all about bringing...

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Transcript of Future Proof Awards 2012 Insides - Dentsu Aegis India · Future Proof is really all about bringing...

Future Proof Awards 2012: WinnersFuture Proof Awards


www.futureproofawards.com @AM_futureproof facebook.com/AegisFutureProof

Welcome to the very first Future Proof

Awards. We set out to showcase and

reward best practice around our

sustainability programme, Future Proof.

We also wanted to highlight inspirational leadership

across our network.

The winners, highly commended and shortlisted entries

in this book illustrate the extremely high standard of

collaboration and innovation in all our brands. You

can imagine what a difficult job it has been to select

one submission over another. What we think every

initiative recognised in this book has in common is

that it is trying to reinvent what sustainability and

CSR mean. That’s what Future Proof is truly about:

innovative, engaging ways of making a positive impact

on our world.

Our thanks to all those who submitted an entry and all

those that have been involved in 2012.

Nigel Morris

Chairman’s Message

Future Proof is our sustainability programme. Our goal is to make

Aegis Group, its brands and its people, more sustainable and

ready for the future.

If you want to know more about Future Proof,

you can find more information on:




About Future Proof


2012 was a great year for Future Proof

and the stories in this book are testament

to that.

The great unsung heroes of our sustainability

programme are our champions, from Green Beans

to Aegis Media CARES champions. Over 200 people

worldwide help make our company, our environment

and our society a little bit better every day.

These awards are our way of saying thank you: of

putting the spotlight on the incredible collaboration

and innovation happening in our brands and companies.

We are convinced these initiatives are leaders in our

category and we hope they will inspire you in 2013.

If you have questions or comments, please get in touch

with us on: futureproof@aegisplc.com

Here are this year’s categories;

Grand Prix

Best of CARES

Best of Green Bean

Best Innovation

Best Local Partnership

Best ProBono

Reinventing the Way Brands are Built

Move the Dial

Frank Krikhaar

A Word from your Global CR Manager

2012 was a great year for Future Proof


Grand Prix AwardJudges’ Comments

The Grand Prix was chosen from all submissions to the Future

Proof Awards.

A Day was a clear and worthy winner. Meticulously planned and

prepared, it delivered spectacularly positive impacts for the charity

and reached a worldwide audience.

Not only did it deliver “pioneering out-of-home”, the network of 150

A Day volunteers in Posterscope developed new internal tools and

processes that are directly benefi cial for current and new clients.

A Day is a living and breathing case study of how we can work

together to future proof our company, our people and our world.


including some of the biggest and best in existence,

across 284 networks, working across 23 countries

and 6 continents. Over 150 people in the Posterscope

network contributed.

ImpactsThe impacts were huge. On one day, 8 October 2012,

delivering 46m OTS. On that day, there was a >2000%

increase in A Day website hits. There was an increase

of 550% on Twitter mentions and it gained widespread

press coverage, including BBC News and Huffi ngton


Future ProofPosterscope delivered the world’s largest ever digital

Out-of-Home photography exhibition. As well as this

they developed a new creative template approach to

overcome digital screen disparities as A Day featured

over 2,700 pieces of copy. They built a new process

to manage the delivery of content to traverse strict

censorship laws in some markets. And they pulled in

people across the Aegis network to participate in a

competition to photograph the actual sites of A Day on

the day. A truly pioneering campaign.



ChallengeOn 15 May 2012 A Day (a project by the non-profi t

foundation Expression of Humankind) called for

photos of everyday to be submitted. The response

was phenomenal, with over 100,000 photos from 165

countries submitted, all refl ecting personal snaps of

everyday life.

But A Day wanted more! They wanted to create a

one-day worldwide photography exhibition using 45

of the best images...with no budget. Could Posterscope

Worldwide be ready to take on this challenge?

SolutionThere was only one solution - converting the digital

Out-of-Home medium into a global gallery, using

sites as public canvasses, and for Posterscope to work

collaboratively with its entire network to negotiate as

much free space on ‘exhibition-quality’ screens from its

media owner partners as possible.

ResultsCoordinated from the United Kingdom, Posterscope

secured 85,733 screens (valued at over USD $1m),

A Day – Posterscope UKAdam Cherry; Jessica Bee, Hannah Cooper, Sophie Turner, Katie Braddon and Rob McGlynn.


$1mPosterscope secured 85,733

screens worth

Judges’ Comments

We received more than 50 submissions in this category – it was the

most popular in the Future Proof Awards.

We wanted to see examples of initiatives that clearly address

an issue in the local community; that bring together both

employees and clients, partners and suppliers; and that combine

volunteering, fund-raising, pro-bono and other ways to help.

The shortlist, highly commended and winner all displayed longer-

term initiatives that show commitment from across the business.

Future Proof is really all about bringing people together to make

a local difference and all of the winning initiatives did much more

than that.

This category will recognise an outstanding Aegis Media CARES

activity with a positive community outcome. Charity starts at

work. Reading to kids in school, handing out holiday presents to ill

children, helping charities sort out their marketing, fund-raising

for a good cause – there are many ways to show we care about our

local community.

The winner of the Best of CARES award will highlight an initiative

or project that made a permanent positive community impact

either locally or internationally. Because doing good can happen

around the corner or 20,000 miles away.

Best of CARES


donate presents that are useful for the children. In

2012, a fi lm screening of animated fi rm ‘Yak, the Giant

King’ was organised with media owner SF Cinema and

Workpoint Entertainment.

ImpactsOver 80% of staff was involved in 2012. Colleagues donated

to a fund to support the kids’ education. Over 200 children

from 3 Bangkok orphanages saw the fi lm in 2012, with staff

working hard to hand out presents to treat the kids. Truly a

seed is sown for a better tomorrow for the kids.

Future ProofAegis Media Thailand’s efforts for orphaned children

in state care truly illustrate the responsible value. It’s

been a long-standing programme, that improves every

year - supported by all brands, functions and teams

in the offi ce. It is not just an internal campaign with

super high participation: media owners and clients are

involved too. The CARES team showed they listen to

children and their carers to meet their needs; but they

also managed to raise engagement and commitment

with staff and all stakeholders.



ChallengeThailand has the second highest pregnancy rate among

15 to 19 years old in the world. About 70 Thai women out

of every 1,000 aged 15-19 years already have children.

Many young girls are not physically, mentally,

emotionally or fi nancially ready for being a mother and

they often leave their children in orphanages. However,

most state orphanages are not well equipped and funded

to perform the task of raising these children. What could

Aegis Media Thailand do to help?

SolutionSince 2005, Aegis Media Thailand, led by the CEO, has

visited orphanages in Bangkok and nearby provinces

to provide a home-cooked lunch and presents for

the children. But the CARES team wanted to make

2012 even better for the kids. So they organised a fi lm

showing for 200 children.

ResultsAegis Media Thailand provides lunch for more than

1,000 children every year served by the staff. Clients

Seeds Today, Growing Tomorrow - AM Thailand

1000 kidsprovided lunch for more than

Credits: Narumon Arunvaranont; Amares Chumsai Na Ayudhya; Charnwit Saiwong & Nuannate Pitayacharoenwong


The power of footballCarat Argentina organised a

football championship in the poor

Ramon Carrillo neighbourhood of

Buenos Aires. Around 12 teams, an

average of 132 kids participated in

the tournament, where 10 Carat

employees volunteered to keep the

children off the streets.

CarathonThe “Carathon” is

an annual event we organize in

which everyone at Carat Ireland

competes with media

owners in a tournament to raise

funds for charity. This year’s

softball event raised €11,500 for

Focus Ireland, a charity which helps

to fi ght homelessness in Ireland.

Kanzlei KinderKanzlei Kinder is the brainchild

of Aegis Media Switzerland, to

support the local school with

volunteering, cleaning up the

playground, rallying the local

community and getting press

attention for local problems. It

really showed how the people in

Zurich can make a difference.



The economic crisis has left its marks everywhere – also

in Canada, where some families live below the poverty

line in cities like Montreal. Jeunesse au Soleil (Sun

Youth) is a food bank organisation that provides parcels

of food to poor and needy families in the Montreal and

Quebec region. Aegis Media Montreal has had a long-

standing partnership with Jeunesse au Soleil to help

with fund-raising and volunteering in order to lend a

helping hand.

Regularly, over the course of 2012, many in the offi ce

donated their money, food or their time to help out.

Food is collected but also sorted in the big warehouse in

Montreal, where staff donate 2 hours of their working

day to complete food parcels.

This has helped team spirit and a positive attitude in the

Montreal teams, but also had huge benefi ts for Jeunesse

au Soleil who otherwise could not manage to distribute

the packs. A great example of CARING attitude from

Aegis Media Canada.

Jeunesse au Soleil – CanadaCredits: Claudia Gervais, Karene Lefebvre, Alexandre Phanor and Patricia Laurence



Judges’ Comments

We were looking for examples of initiatives that not only had a

positive environmental impact, but showed how this had a long-

lasting and sustainable impact. Quite often this involves internal

behaviour change, but it could also be an investment in improving

the environment near us.

All the winning entries had environmental protection and

conservation at their heart. We saw many examples of engaging

colleagues to create a greener offi ce but we were most impressed

when you worked together to make a mark on the environment

outside the offi ce too.

This category will recognise an outstanding Green Bean activity

with a positive environmental outcome. Every little step helps.

Whether it’s a new recycling scheme, encouraging a greener

commute, working on better billboard materials or saving water

in the offi ce – there are many ways to show we care about the


The winner of the Best of Green Bean award will showcase

an initiative or project that made a permanent impact on the

environmental performance inside or outside the offi ce.

Best of Green Bean


trees were moved from the nursery into the ground in a

local conservation project. This was Aegis Media UAE gave

a strong contribution to the preservation of the Ghaf.

ImpactsThe 20 staff involved in the project enhanced their

environmental knowledge as a result of the Ghaf Tree

Planting project. The volunteering enhanced staff’s

engagement and commitment to green conservation but

also the Aegis Media network. It helped the NGO Guombook

achieve more.

Future ProofThe Ghaf Tree Planting project is an excellent example

of living the independent value. Green Bean activities

are usually focused on making the offi ce greener,

and this project went beyond to use staff to enhance

a local nature preservation project. It showed that a

business can make a positive contribution to the local

environment It established a successful partnership

with a local NGO Guombook and showed that even

in the desert there can be green shoots, like the Green

Bean teams across Aegis.



ChallengeThe Ghaf tree is an ever-green tree with light bluish-

green foliage. The tree has a deep root system (up to 35

m) which improves soil fertility. Native to the United

Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia, the Ghaf tree

has an important cultural and agricultural function –

its presence indicates water is nearby and it is the only

thing that grows in the desert.

But the Ghaf is under threat from urbanisation. What

can Aegis Media UAE do to support it?

SolutionAegis Media UAE partnered with Guombook ‘Give a

Ghaf’ Project. This project aims to converse and expand

the Ghaf tree population in the Middle East. Twenty

staff in the Dubai offi ce learnt to plant Ghaf seeds in

the Guombook nursery, and later saw their 100 plants

being put in the wild.

ResultsWith 20 people volunteering their time at the Give a

Ghaf nursery, about 100 seeds were sown. Later, 100

Ghaf Tree Planting - Aegis Media UAE

green shootseven in the desert there can be

Credits: Marlain Daniel, Antonio Chedwary and their team


Bringing Green Bean AliveIn 2012, Aegis Media Poland

provided indispensable pro bono

support to refresh the Green Bean

brand. The Green Bean was updated

and new posters & collateral was

produced. It helped engage a larger

group of businesses than before.

Sustainable SwapAegis Media Italy organized a

swap party in its offi ces to refresh

colleagues’ wardrobes, as well as

at the same time, doing something

good for the Community. After the

swapping event, we donated the

remaining items to a Charity Onlus

that helps homeless people in Milan.

Spring CleanA team of 16 employees from

Aegis Media Montreal took 4 to

6 hours out of work to clean up a

low-income housing development,

where tenants are physically

challenged. This initiative was

not only environmentally friendly

but was also benefi cial to the




To mark the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London

in the summer of 2012, Aegis Media United Kingdom

wanted to launch an initiative to encourage people to

walk and cycle to work. Focusing on personal health

and wellbeing, as well as making a contribution to the

carbon reduction target of the country, Please Cycle was

launched. Please Cycle is an innovative digital platform

on which users can register their journeys and collect

points for rewards. Over 6 weeks, 300 free coffees

were handed out for staff cycling to work. Around 76

employees participated, cycling and walking 5,138

miles. This saved 1,508kg of CO2. It was also a great

way to tie into getting healthy and fi t over the summer

in 2012.

For Please Cycle Aegis Media won the EECO Award for

“Innovation in Sustainable Travel” and got the offi ce to

participate in the great athletic feats of the summer of

2012! It created a good atmosphere and rewarded loyal

walkers and cyclists.

Please Cycle – Aegis Media UK Credits:Lucy Scales, Sophie Turner, John Owens, Hannah Battison, Tony Giordani, Jo Hand, Brandi Stevens,

Charlotte Edwards, Louise Reid, Ethan Chapples, Isabelle Baas, Natasha Mistri, Hannah McWilliam, Julie Man,

Rose Arnold and Frank Krikhaar



Judges’ Comments

Our mission to reinvent the way brands are built relies on

innovation and collaboration in our network. We wanted to

recognise that Future Proof makes a valuable contribution to

stimulating and encouraging innovation internally.

The Best Innovation category saw a high number of submissions,

which refl ect the entrepreneurial nature of our brands. Not content

to just do run-of-the-mill activities, the winners came up with new

ways of bringing Future Proof alive.

We are at our best when we think creatively and work together

to deliver the best solution. These initiatives really thought and

worked outside of the box to make improvements where others

thought they were impossible.

This category will recognise the most innovative Future Proof

activity. For our client work we operate along certain parameters,

from legal compliance to creative boundaries. But for our

sustainability activities we can be as creative as we want.

The example of Best Innovation will highlight a brilliant idea or a

novel way of getting involved around Future Proof. No matter how

small or big, the seed for innovation can yield outstanding results.

Best Innovation


the race, supported their colleagues, brought food and

fl yered to raise awareness. 195kg of food was raised

to donate to Ramon Carrillo. It raised the profi le of the

client GM and also the company!

ImpactsThrough the Ramon Carrillo shelter, around 250 families

were given much needed food. Aegis Media employees

were healthier and fi tter when they returned to work. And

the company was promoted amongst all 3,000 runners,

some of whom brought food to contribute.

Future ProofThe 1km=1kg initiative embodies the Future Proof

mission. It addresses two social issues in one go: food

poverty for some families, a sedentary lifestyle and

obesity for others. It did this in partnership with a

client, promoting our work in the progress. The project

wasn’t just internal, it involved all 3,000 runners,

and raised the profi le of the company and its services.

It mobilised the offi ce and showed how a simple and

innovative idea could have huge impacts on the ground

for all involved.



ChallengeOn 27 October 2012, General Motors/Chevrolet organized

a marathon in the centre of Buenos Aires. 3,000

participants joined to “Stay fi t. Stay out of your car.”

With obesity a growing problem in Argentina, Aegis

Media wanted to do something to support their client

and address the issue that some people were gaining

weight, whilst there are still people in Buenos Aires who

do not have enough food. What innovative idea could

they come up with to help out?

SolutionFrancisco Delgado came up with a campaign to

support GM/Chevrolet’s marathon. For every kilometer

run by an employee of Aegis Media, they would donate

1 kg of food to the Ramon Carrillo shelter for the poor.

This encouraged employees to stay healthy while

addressing hunger.

Results29 employees (half the offi ce!) ran the race on 27

October, reaching 195km in total. Staff that did not run

1km = 1kg - Aegis Media Argentina


encouraged employees tostay healthy while

Credits: Silvia Barreira, Rodrigo Pafundi, Leonardo Mattiangeli and Francisco Delgado


Going for GoldGoing for Gold was the name of

the Olympic initiative of Aegis

Media United Kingdom. It brought

more than 1,500 people in London

through a 10-day endurance

challenge, Olympic parties,

decorated desks competitions and

the world’s fi rst interactive gate-

entry system.

Underground ArtThe Aegis Media Melbourne offi ces

were spruced up by graffi ti artists in

2012. In the underground car park,

various local young artists were

invited to decorated this previously

functional and un-used space.

Raising the profi le of Aegis Media,

the project stimulated local arts.

Electric car charging pointIn their new offi ce, Aegis Media

Netherlands became the fi rst place in

the network to have a charging point

for an electric car. The car of our

client General Motors is driven by

one of our employees and contributes

towards our carbon reduction goals

in Holland and beyond.



iProBono was born out trying to solve a problem:

many new starters at the company complained that

its process of induction through working on dummy

accounts was boring and demotivating. There was no

simulation of external client contact and it was just

a paper-based exercise. The senior team of iProspect

wanted to come up with a more engaging and worth-

while method of training. They hit on this with the

iProBono initiative.

Many teams across iProspect now get trained through

iProBono. It links new starters to local charities that

benefi t from their assistance based on the SEO services

of iProspect. The charities were never able to afford

these services, and really benefi t.

New people at iProspect immediately get exposed

to real live briefs and see the impact of their work,

interact with real people in a safe environment, and do

good to boot! Charities and iProspect both benefi t from

the work and the exposure.

iProBono – iProspect USACredits: Robert Murray, Brian Kaminsky, Lauren Borjon, Melissa Gerber, Rachel Ross, Molly Wilkinson, Keri

Miller, Kym Hannaford, Stephanie Robinson, Jordan McManama, Casey Thornton, Megan Fediuk, Eric Kanner,

Lyndsey Jones, Lisa Pollick, Corey Nocco, Colin Guidi and Lesley Ross



Judges’ Comments

Working together with partners such as charities, NGOs, clients,

suppliers and government we can have a much bigger positive

impact on the world around us.

We wanted to see partnerships that have tackling an issue at their

heart. This goes beyond making a fi nancial donation – it is all

about helping the charity be better, reach more benefi ciaries, get

more exposure and rally civil society.

The best submissions tackled issues that are close to our heart

and bring together “what we do best” with volunteering and

fundraising. That way we are future proofi ng not only Aegis

Media, but also charities and the society around us.

This category will recognise an outstanding project or initiative

where Aegis Media partnered with a charity or organisation. Aegis

Media isn’t set up to save the world – we work with charities

around the world to help them deliver social good. A good

partnership is indispensable in delivering Future Proof.

The Best Local Partnership engages employees to fundraise,

to donate in-kind, and to share iProBono time. An outstanding

partnership focuses on what Aegis Media does well to help the

charity do their job better.

Best Local Partnership


– including the CEO – to make the advent calendar

together. The project gained the Kanzlei team radio

interviews, online buzz and twitter mentions.

ImpactsThe profi le of the Kanzlei neighbourhood and its issues

was raised. Many people from the neighbourhood came to

watch the calendar. The kids benefi ted from a better and

safer learning place. The engagement of staff at Aegis Media


Future ProofThe Kanzlei Kinder project is the best example in

2011 of a local partnership that delivers results and

impacts for all parties. It is the start of a long-standing

partnership: it helps employees build team spirit,

enhances the local neighbourhood with the help of other

stakeholders, and helps improve the learning of kids

in Kanzlei. The simple but effective idea of the largest

advent calendar in Switzerland provided a great hook

for the launch and showed the strength of a simple idea

in doing good.




ChallengeThe offi ce of Aegis Media Switzerland is based in the

“Kanzlei” area of Zurich. It is a multi-cultural area used

by many people (e.g. pétanque players, cinema goers,

bar visitors) who forget that the area in which a school

is located belongs to the children.

The school is opposite the offi ce and the local park.

Christof Kauffman, the new CEO in 2010, wanted to

engage the employees, to build a team spirit, and to

make a real local impact where it was needed. How

could Aegis Media help Kanzlei?

SolutionAegis Media Switzerland developed the “Kanzlei

Kinder” project. The project rallied the local

neighbourhood. Aegis Media used its media expertise

to get attention for the situation in Kanzlei. Its

employees volunteered in creating a big advent

calendar to act as a huge OOH billboard.

ResultsAll Aegis employees in the Zurich offi ce (many of them

recent starters) joined in the volunteering with the kids

Kanzlei Kinder - Aegis Media Switzerland

better & saferlearning


kids benefi ted from a

Credits: Christof Kaufman, Maja Kuhn , Simone Doehring and Catia Mancari





Learning For LifeLearning for Life is the flagship

reading scheme at Aegis Media

Australia. In the Melbourne and

Sydney office, employees read up to

1 hour per month with local school

children to help them improve their

confidence and literacy. This year,

over 25 employees were involved.

Children’s Aid SocietyThe Aegis Media office in New York

has a long standing partnership

with the Children’s Aid Society.

They run a number of initiatives

throughout the year, from raffles

and toy drives to speaker events.

This year, over $7,500 was raised

with two scholarships provided to

college bound teens.

Kinder- und JugendhilfeFounded in 1999 the Kinder-und

Jugend-hilfe association, that

supports long-term sick and disabled

children, is the longest-running part-

nership in Aegis Media. Apart from

financial support, the personal contact

with the children and their families

through a voluntary mentoring

programme is a fundamental pillar of

the association’s work.

Aegis Media Austria set out in 2011 to become more

sustainable, over the long-term by reaching out to the

community and engaging all employees. They chose

‘Integration’ as a thematic focus, for the power of

media. Lebenshilfe Wien (LHW) was selected to be the

community partner as it helps disabled people integrate

into daily life. In 2012, 7 activities with 42 (more than

50% of the office) employees taking part took place.

The team led pro-bono media planning, buying, creation,

and implementation for the ‘Inclusion’ campaign for

Lebenshilfe in 2012. The campaign in print, radio,

online and OOH media had a gross value of €329,225

with around 665 working hours donated by staff.

Aegis Media Austria also delivered 13 PR articles for

LHW, and the client Adidas sponsored T-shirts for one

of the community activities. Positive feedback and

participation lent a great sense of team and belonging

that made this a great local partnership.

Lebenshilfe – Aegis Media AustriaCredits: Diana Meleckova, Andreas Weiss, Karin Traunmuller , Heidrun Hasler, Livia Gmoser, Sabina Semsovic

Walter Hassler and Wolfgang Kindermann






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Judges’ Comments

Sharing “what we do best” is the most impactful thing that we

can do. Helping small and medium-sized charities improve their

communications capability, access better media and communication

ideas, and gain wider exposure and a bigger audience.

The best pro bono projects are driven by a dedicated team and

combine innovation in media planning and buying with other efforts

to support the charity – all to deliver positive impacts on the ground.

The winners in this category really built an all-inclusive approach to

iProBono and it helped them boost new business and external profi le.

This category will recognise an outstanding initiative or project

that focused on leveraging our expertise, knowledge and skills

in our people. One of Future Proof targets is about sharing 1% of

our people’s time to “do what we do best”. Our consumer insight,

audience work, marketing advice and communications planning is

highly valued but not everyone can afford it.

Your project will have enabled your colleagues to share their

expertise, knowledge, skills and contacts to push a community or

environmental issue up to the agenda. The Best pro bono Initiative

showcases the insight and skills that make us famous.

Best Pro Bono



BEST Pro Bono W I N N E R

achieving 1,067 likes. This raised funds to help another

7 kids to get cleft surgery. Together, the Cape Town

offi ce ran and cycled more than 700km to raise GBP

£1,000 in two days.

ImpactsHealth and fi tness levels at Aegis Media South Africa

increased due to the fi tness challenge, and David Grier made

a positive impact on people’s attitude to work by giving an

inspirational speech about his many adventures. Smiles

were delivered in the offi ce, at the charity and with kids.

Future ProofThe Miles for Smiles iProBono project is an inspiring

example of what Future Proof is all about. It shares

“what we do best” for free with a worthy cause, and it

does so to great effect, with more than 1,000 likes. But

the challenge is also taken up internally, involving all

brands and employees, to raise additional funds for

the cause, Operation Smile, by running more than the

distance David ran in his UK challenge. This helped

deliver an outstanding and engaging initiative in 2012.

ChallengeEvery three minutes a child is born with a cleft — often

unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. Often, their

parents can’t afford to give them the surgeries they need

to live a normal life. Operation Smile is an international

medical charity that fi ghts facial deformities like cleft.

David Grier, a well known South African personality,

was challenged to run the length of the UK, of Ireland

and then of Hadrian’s Wall to raise funds. What could

Aegis Media do to support him in his challenge?

SolutionAegis Media South Africa challenges its people to plan

and develop a social media application that helps

engage people with David’s race challenge. Secondly,

they were inspired to get going themselves with their

own 2-day running challenge, involving all brands and

fundraising as they went.

ResultsThe Facebook app ‘Miles of Smiles’, developed by

isobartrigger, would prove indispensable for David;

Miles for Smiles - Aegis Media South Africa

£1000 in2 days


Credits: Dawn Rowland, Yanic Smit, Lerina Bierman, Anine de Wet, Nicky Holvick, Tanja Gschliesser, Stayce

Rehbock and Gerrit Visser


Don’t Drink and Driveageisobar in Brazil collaborated

on a Pro Bono campaign to ask

people to stop drinking and driving.

Hard hitting images of wheelchairs

were used to remind people of the

consequences. It helped illustrate the

national day to remember victims of

drunk driving in Brazil.

#givingtuesdayGiving Tuesday is a new day to

follow Black Friday and Cyber

Monday, when holiday shopping

begins in the US. Posterscope

USA supported a campaign to

encouraged people to donate to

good causes instead of buying more

things. More than USD $1m in

assets was given..

Lincoln Park ZooiProspect wanted to increase traffi c

for Lincoln Park Zoo in its iProBono

initiative. They increased traffi c

by 44% and also increased positive

referrals through working on key

words and a content gap analysis.

More and more people can now fi nd

Lincoln Park Zoo’s site easily.



Movember is a long-standing worldwide campaign

in the month of November to ask attention and raise

funds to support prostate cancer and male mental

health initiatives. Men (Mo’Bros) participate by growing

a moustache and women (Mo’Sistas) lend support

with fundraising. 2012 saw an amazing Aegis Media

network effort but two countries really stood out in their

commitment to supporting Movember also through p ro

bono contributions: Canada and New Zealand.

Together, these teams arranged for more than USD $3m

in prime media assets to raise the awareness, and they

also formed successful fundraising teams themselves.

Mo’Bros and Mo’Sistas raised over USD $10,000.

With the entire network raising just over USD $75,000,

Canada and New Zealand contributed enthusiasm

and a great example, but also rallied the whole of their

countries to get involved. New Zealand even challenged

the entire industry to beat them!

Movember – Carat Canada & New ZealandCredits: Christopher Thompson, Caroline Gianias, Katie Atkinson, Genevieve Guay, Ben Li, Louis Philippe

Charland, Ashley Snowden Coles, Van-Lang Cao, Devin Jeffrey, Sherri Delgrosso, Jonathan Sorensen,

Dae Chun, Raquel Bennett and Nivin Sewpershad.



Judges’ Comments

Recognising the power of a good idea lies at the heart of Reinventing

the Way Brands are Built. CSR and sustainability can often provide

fertile ground to appeal to consumers and to stand out in the market.

In this category we received many outstanding examples of greener

media and greener messaging. The best submissions were those that

used consumer insight to drive messaging and content delivery in

media, whilst having a positive environmental or community benefi t.

The winning entries show that Future Proof makes a contribution to

innovation around work for our clients and that CSR & sustainability

help deliver marketing objectives.

This category will recognise an outstanding campaign or piece of

client thinking that combined CSR & sustainability with delivering

on marketing objectives. In the converging media landscape,

sustainability can be useful content to connect consumers and

brands. In addition, many of our clients have set ambitious

sustainability targets themselves to reach a new generation of

greener and ethical consumers.

Your campaign or piece of client thinking combined a CSR

& sustainability angle with a marketing objective for the

(prospective) client. In this way your project made a contributing

to showing how Aegis Media Reinvents the Way Brands Are Built.

Reinventing the WayBrands are Built


green wall in the centre of Milan. Combined with

activation events dotted around Milan, this brought

consumers together to experience Peugeot’s ion

approach to fresh air.

ImpactsThe green wall was a huge success for the full 365 days -

the longest running OOH campaign in Milan in 2012. The

campaign earned Clownfi sh and Men-company the ‘Best

Green Event’ award in the BEA Awards. It raised the profi le

of the client, and both companies.

Future ProofThe Green Urban Areas project for Peugeot showcases

the power of a simple, single idea communicated

through sustainable means. The green wall became a

permanent feature to improve the local neighbourhood.

The client benefi ted from the practical connection

between green advertising and events, and their new

electric car launch - raising their profi le in the process.

The award win helped our businesses showcase the

power of a simple idea well executed.



ChallengeIn many congested urban areas, like Milan, fresh air is

at a premium. Nowadays consumers are increasingly

concerned about the environmental and pollution

impacts of their daily lives, and connect certain

behaviour like car driving with negative associations.

Peugeot wanted to draw attention to the launch of their new

electric city car, ion, and ensure that their most valuable

consumers connect fresh and healthy air with a Peugeot car

and a greener way of living. How could we help?

SolutionSpecialist agencies Clownfi sh (sustainability

communications) and Mencompany (outdoor and event

marketing) developed the idea of communicating the

launch of the Peugeot ion through the creation of oxygen,

our most important resource in a busy city like Milan.

ResultsIn conjunction with the Municipality of Milan,

Clownfi sh and Men-company developed a vertical

Peugeot: Green Urban Areas

awarded in the BEA Awards

Credits: Mencompany Italy and Clownfi sh Italy

Best Green Event





A DayA Day was a worldwide campaign

supported by 35 Posterscope

markets to ask attention for daily

life around the world as 84,000

screens displayed 45 photographs

made by ordinary people. Over 46m

people saw the campaign and raised

awareness with press and OOH


Toyota YarisGlueisobar in the United Kingdom

picked up the top prize in this year’s

Art of the Outdoor campaign for its

idea to use the energy of passersby

to power the billboard advertising

the electric Toyota Yaris. An

innovative treatment mixing CSR

and brands.

Unlocking the GridThis work done by visualjazzisobar

uses digital and social media to help

the people of Melbourne plan their

commute better. Overall, this led to

a decrease in traffi c congestion and

improved the local environment.

The Unlock the Grid has positive

environment and fi nancial impacts.


This year a charity, Ortus, asked Aegis Media Poland

to participate in the “MediaLab”. From Aegis Media,

Daniel Grzesiuk, Hypermedia Isobar, and Radosław

Brzuska, led a four-day workshop on unlocking the

power of media and technology to create a better

world. Soon they came up with the idea of “Miasto

Udomowione” (City Domesticated): a social project

encouraging people to reclaim their streets by putting

their furniture in it.

The campaign quickly took off with likes, followers and

photos. When the team convinced former President

of Poland Lech Walesa to sit down on their sofa, they

gained widespread recognition for their cause.

In the fi rst 40 hours, the project had 748 fans and

reached over 5000 fans. Thanks to a wide media

coverage in participating cities and with zero media

budget today’s reach is over 300k Facebook users and

1,280 active fans.

City Domesticated - Aegis Media PolandCredits: Daniel Grzesiuk, Jadwiga Jadziewicz and Radoslaw Brzuska




Judges’ Comments

There are over 200 champions worldwide and their contribution is

essential to helping Aegis Media reach its 2015 Future Proof targets.

Move the Dial is for them – for those that had an outstanding impact

on the CSR agenda in 2012.

The winners and highly commended champions and executives in

this category share one thing in common: they have gone above and

beyond to make a positive impact on the offi ce and their colleagues.

We had many nominations from across the network and we wanted

to give all of them an award for their work. But the winners showed

that they are practically unmissable in delivering Future Proof locally.

This category will recognise two outstanding individuals for their

contribution to the Future Proof and Aegis Media as a whole.

Without our champions, nothing would happen. We have one Move the

Dial Award for an outstanding champion, a Green Bean or an Aegis Media

CARES champion, who personally drove Future Proof forward in their

offi ce, brand or country. We’re looking for those individuals that everyone

in the offi ce knows, who always bangs the drum, and who never stops.

Management is crucial to create the space for Future Proof to

work. We have one Move the Dial Award for an outstanding

member of management, either in an offi ce, a brand or a country,

who is always supportive of CSR initiatives, who get his or

her hands dirty, and leads by example. We’re looking for those

individuals that use Future Proof to bring our values and vision

alive, and engage staff and clients alike.

Moving the Dial




What was your biggest challenge in ‘movingthe dial’?The biggest obstacle is fi nding enough time and money

to do everything you want to do! Getting it off the

ground can be the easy part, because employees

want to do this stuff. But fi nding someone in a local

leadership role to pave the way is critical. Then you

must create a platform and then enable employees to

run with it.

What do you want people to know about your involvement with Future Proof?With the iProBono, we created the platform where we

could meet two needs: enable our employees to give

back to local charities and provide real-life training

environments for our employees at the same time. It is

truly a win: win.

What are you proud of in 2012?

The Future Proof award we won. It’s an

acknowledgement of the amazing programs and

initiatives that our teams have created. They have

created something more than just a one-time initiative

- it is an ongoing movement.

Theme song‘I’m Shipping up to Boston’ by the Dropkick Murphy’s

Robert Murray has recently been promoted to Global

President of iProspect, leading over 1,200 people in 25

countries. In 2012, Rob pioneered a new approach to

induction that has signifi cant fi nancial and community

benefi ts by creating the ‘iProBono.’

Why is important that we give back as a global agency?

I believe we all have a responsibility to the communities

we operate within and in fact at my very fi rst job, I was

the organizer of all of our local charity efforts.

In my opinion, enabling employees to give back

fosters a much more collaborative and enjoyable work

environment. But creating an environment where

people are encouraged to give back is not easy. You

can’t mandate that people volunteer. All you can do is

empower them to drive a social agenda at the local level.

Our social committees in each offi ce defi ne what it is

they want to get involved in. Typically, 99% of the time

when we do something in the area of CSR, they have

brought it to us. I love to attend and participate

in the events and initiatives when I can because it

lends a sense of camaraderie and shows people that

management values something more.

Robert Murray – Global President, iProspect

win:winIt is truly a




What was your biggest challenge in ‘moving the dial’?

The biggest challenge was fi nding the right partner for

our CSR activities. We wanted a project that had a

long-term perspective, was reasonable to manage and

which also fi t into our business. Integration quickly

became the key value, which we sought to implement

into our project.

What are you proud of in 2012?

I’m proud of the Inclusion campaign of Lebenshilfe

Wien which was realized in cooperation of three Aegis

Media agencies – thus proving our commitment to

integration as a group but also in our CSR activities.

Aegis negotiated free media space in value of €

329,225; Carat did the media planning and pjure

isobar created and produced the campaign layouts. We

spent approximately 665 working hours to realize this

campaign. The results were great and the feedback we

received overwhelming!

Champion Team

Champion Team: Heidrun Hasler, Livia Gmoser,

Sabina Semsovic, Karin Traunmüller and Wolfgang

Kindermann. created something more than just a one-

time initiative - it is an ongoing movement.

Theme songMichael Jackson’s ‘Man in the Mirror’


Diana Meleckova is the Junior Controller of Aegis

Media Austria. She is based in Vienna but is originally

from Bratislava in Slovakia, which is only around 30

min by train.

Why is important that we give back as a global agency?I guess one has to remember that our responsibility

is always twofold: on the one hand we are a profi t-

oriented company. On the other hand, however, we’re a

part of the society. We cannot just make profi t and not

care about anything else.

Society’s problems are our problems too. They infl uence

our lives, they infl uence the way we do business or sell

products, and in the end affect our profi tability.

What do you want people to know about your involvement with Future Proof?

That I defi nitely would not be able to manage all this

on my own! We have a designated CSR team in Austria

and a great project with Lebenshilfe Wien we focus on.

They all invested a lot of time into our project and I’m

very grateful for their ongoing enthusiasm, ideas and


Diana Meleckova – Aegis Media Austria

the keyvalue

Integration quickly became




Why is important that we give back asa global agency?

CSR is important because businesses are based on trust

and foresight. As a global company our responsibility for

that trust is even greater. We also need to think beyond

what’s affecting us and our clients today to what’s going to

happen tomorrow. This isn’t just about addressing changes

to technology or the needs of customers, but also taking

into account developments in media and communications,

as well as social, environmental and governance issues.

What do you want people to know about your involvement with Future Proof?

From personal and work point of view, it is a pleasure for

me to participate in CSR activities. As a responsible father

I want to give good example to my kids. As CEO I want

our staff to know I deeply support social responsibility

and sustainability. I’m not just their CEO, but the person

who is trying to live responsibly and consciously.

What was your biggest MTD challenge?

In CSR establishing and keeping trust with employees

isn’t simple and can be easily damaged or lost. But the

most important for us was to have open dialog with

employees and honest feedback from every action, which

resonated in greater support and real trust we’ve received

from them, and really enabled us to move forward. We

have broadened people experience beyond single brand

and incorporated new formal and informal procedures

which are helping us better collaborate and save our time.

Slawomir Stepniewski, Aegis Media Poland




Why is important that we give back as a global agency?

Companies are becoming more aware about their

social and environmental impacts and responsibilities

both inside an outside the levels of their fi rms. The new

vision about economic development is, and must be,

associated with the human and social advancement

and environmental responsibility. This is why today,

companies must have an integrated vision of three

dimensions: environmental, economic, and social.

Without a sustainable environment, we can not protect

future generations.

What do you want people to knowabout your involvement with Future Proof?

We believe that the more people know about our work,

the more involved they will become in future initiatives

and actions.

What are your proud of in 2012?

We are very connected to the Ramon Carrillo

Neighborhood, we started a football championship

for wayward kids, hosted an event around national

Children’s Day, provide support classes and work on the

GM marathon – all very successful initiatives.

Theme song - U2 ‘Walk On

Rodrigo Pafundi, Leonardo Mattiangeli, Francisco Delgado & Silvia Barreira, Carat Argentina