Future of Xtext

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Future of Xtext

The Future ofSven Efftinge, Sebastian Zarnekow

first commitMay 2008

Most Innovative Eclipse ProjectMarch 2010

Version 0.7June, 2009

Version 1.0June, 2010

What happened so far…

Version 2.5December 2013

Version 2.0June, 2011

Version 2.3 (Xbase)June, 2012

Version 2.6May, 2014

XtextCONMay, 2014

Version 2.7Sep, 2014

Version 2.4March 2013

So what’s next?

Version 2.8

Over 250 Bugfixes 1263 commits

2.443.791 lines added 2.030.058 lines removed

Total 5.747.523 Lines Of Code 27.539 occurrences of @Test


Whitespace Sensitive Languagesaka python-like languages

New Formatter APImore possibilities with

New Formatter APImore possibilities with

New Formatter APImore possibilities with

Improved Responsiveness

Interrupted Builds UI-updates in background

stored resources several minor improvements

Grammar Language Enhancements

Configure Errors & warnings

Improved Content assist

Generator Options

@Suppresswarnings on/off (Xbase)

@Generated ON/OFF (Xbase & Xtext)

HAve your own copyright headers (Xtext)

Generator Options 2: Target Java Source Level

Java 5 no changes

Java 6 @Override

Java 7 switch over strings, readable numbers

Java 8 Java Lambdas

(Xbase / Xtend)

More IDE Enhancements

Always on: Duplicate Jvm types

Open Generated File

More IDE Enhancements

Convert to Xtend

Convert to Xtend

What else?


May 2015


More Future Plans

More PlatformsTell us what you think!Online Survey


11:15RepreZEN DSL:

Pushing the limits of language usability with Xtext Ted Epstein, Tatiana Fesenko

13:30 DSLs on the JVM - An Introduction to XbaseHolger Schill

14:15 Scaling XtextLieven Lemiengre, Hendrik Eeckhaut

15:00 Scoping, Linking and IndexingDr. Jan Koehnlein

16:15 Using Xtext to build billion transistor chips and IoT devicesJeremy Chan

17:00Lightning Demos with

Game Object DSL - Tony McCraryLightweight Diagramming - Hendrik Eeckhaut

17:40 Panel