Future of news

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Future of news

Future of newsnovakdav@gmail.com

Corporate strategies grew from military models It may be essentialbut not only one corporate strategy

Military models evolved from trivial market situations with very limited know-how to secure prosperity

Typical symptom of "direct confrontation" mindset is giving enormous emphasis to competitive benchmark in strategic decisions

Where everyone follows what everyone do, human brain creates its own virtual market boundaries

Deadly arena with limited resources to fight for

Your network influence you much more than you would think.

market pressure

In low market pressure situations, competitive benchmark slows down the innovation cycle that leaves opportunity window for unexpected challengers.

Driven by fear as market pressure grows competitive benchmark spins unwise moves

becouse what others do is treated supperior to what customer needs

Challengers have open doors again.

What if all major players give more emphasis on competitive benchmark instead of customer experience?

Grow lazy Get crazy

How to exit market boundaries

Do you plan to close or incease the gap with your competitors?

Internet is changing media landscape

Dead of deadlines. Readers want online information anytime they want it. Old news are old. Publishing stories become continous process.Glocal reach. A Squirrel dying in your front yard may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa. Driving performance. Reducing the gap between thought and action. Improving specialisation due direct access to specific content. Low loyalty. As cost of distribution is almost zero, oversupply of information and simple switching decrease reader’s loyalty. Aggregators, not content providers grow now.Readers turning in content providers. More points of view are available to more people than ever before. The marketplace of ideas is bigger.

Searchable web

Search box with direct access to broader range of content brings more effective exploration of the online world.

Decade was defined by rise of search giants and the searchable web. Content publishers create content around top keywords.

Suited as a universal reference, but hardly a personal experience. The unbeatable page rank failed.

Amount of content change the internet Connected web

Triggered by tsunami of accessible information, trivial link became obsolete.

More complex relations between elements evolved and became more important than documents itself.

Relevance indicators now defines unique network structure to each user.

Alive, moving, proactive, and intimate experience leaving the traditional document as buried artifact. You can reach it, but someone (something) have to give you a clue.

Web knows who we are, wherever we go, threads our relationships and delivers richer experiences.

Catalogue web

First technique to organise growing amount of internet content adopted from analogue world.

Scaling limitations made catalogue obsolete and closed era of walled garden portals.

How internet is changing society

In the past, the print media had total control over published content They only accepted articles from people with quality writing skills from widely acceptable sources Public opinions were created and formed by these white collar people.

Now blue collars from all social levels can publish their opinionsand easily find readers in the networkInternet users get used to authentic and firsthand experiencesNews written by their peersThis leads into a culture revolution and crisis of education.

Magnifier of official institutions? Carefully publishing widely acceptable messages?Balanced? Unbiased? Uncommited?

Where could traditional publishing house possibly win against blue collars?

Quantity? Millions smartphone users connected to the internet.

Journalist is a person who knows how to make articles. Real people knows how to make real things.

People walking in the streets.Ready to capture any encounter and share it to the web.

Quality? Speed?




Infiltration, asimilation, confrontation: All these strategies could bring strong benefit, but all share the roots in military mindset .. the same mindset that slowly gravitates corporates into "grow lazy" or "get crazy" situations..

And how react your fellow colleagues?

Facebook integrationIntegration into FacebookBuy MySpace

Murdoch says $580 Million MySpace Buy was a "Huge Mistake"




Media experience of the futurePersonal edition anywhere you go, available on any device. It will know what I have already read or viewed, including how deep was my engagement with particular topics.

Understanding my preferences and interests based on tracking every bit of my activity for many years. Featuring powerfull recommendation engine capable to predict what major news and events I do not yet know about, but I should.

Offering various level of detail on broad range of topics justified to my personal taste - ranging from afternoon grandson's fotball photos to molecular structure of new protein just discovered in Australia.

As the information overload will continue, new indicators of what should I pay attention to must emerge to fit growing speed of live.

Role of content creators and such aggregators might separate as each of them features different disciplines.

But in connected web overloaded with generated content, those aggregators controlling information flow and developing value to readers will become the new media.

New influencers Magnet for advertisersthat will dismiss traditional advertising model

In order to achieve happiness, humans' choices result from trading off its percieved value with sacrifice.

Value management understands, that the enterprise needs to focus on providing a better value proposition than competitors.

Customer's willingness to sacrifice (spent time, tolerate advertising, subscription) is given by overall value that product generates. Minus opportunity costs.


What you think is outcome of equation

Brain teaser

And here are the milion dollar questions!

When will be readers willing to pay for content? Brain teaser

When will be readers willing to pay for content?When its total value can outweigh the money.

Brain teaser

Why they do not generate more pageviews? Brain teaser

Why they do not generate more pageviews?The opportunity cost grows over time.

Brain teaser

Why you still read the presentation? Brain teaser

Why you still read the presentation?Your brain realised that value you can get

is worth the few minutes of sacrifice.

Brain teaser

What are the overcrowded "red oceans" and what are the unexplored "blue oceans"?

Example of value proposition in content creation.

Alternative content sources

In-house creationFree lancersPartnerships

Crowd-sourcedAdvertising partners


Online education

Education provides positive impact on media brand.Allows to achieve higher levels of specialisation (remember the 12-years hackers)

Brings new business partnerships and opportunities Accounts for $34 billion business with government supportValueable content people are even willing to pay for(which is not true in case of traditional online outcomes)

75% of public learning institution have online education in long term plans By 2020 it is projected that more than 50% of classes thougt will be online Education-Specific URL will be submitted to search engines soon


All what matters is value to a reader The more he remebers from your article, the more value is being generated. It determinates success of typography and inforgraphics.

The better he understands the causes and consequences

The more relevant content (topic selection, location, age) you can expose to him.

The more he can personaly benefit (earn, save) from consuming your


The more he can personally contribute to your content.

Don't just serve informations, but guide how to use them or even help to use them.

The better you recognise his activity and drive actions

around it.

The more you can overdeliver on his expectation.

The easier he can access the content on various platforms.

The more point of view he will consume, the better his mind can evolve.

The better you help him render experience

Encourage him to better decisions the more valuable he will feel it


Sofware agents tailor search results, setup facebook page

and control content flows

We encounter only what we "Liked" in past not what we need to see and we enjoy it so much!

We are trapped by reminiscence of our past identity and the death squirrels could easily

replace the democracy

of personalisation

Ultimate mission

Everyone wants to be someone who saw latest play by Vaclav Havel, but now he wants to see Spiderman for the third times.

Let's fight an epic battle for our future aspirational selves versus our present spontaneus ones.

If media fails on being unconfortable, challenging and bringing opposite perspectives, over time, it will be very hard for human to accept informations that have not been tailored for them.

Official authorities are loosing control over information flow Decide on strategy how to reborn as connected web Future generations must not remember your brand as the white collars club

Focus on core related value innovation as it is the only strategy that makes a whole more valuable than sum of its parts

You want invest limited resources over time to end-up with this.

...and not to end-up with this, which is destiny of your persuers,

who do not have the plans of engine.

Embrace the online education as single biggest "blue ocean" opportunity for traditional media.

Product that will greatly benefit from global recession

as growing number of connected unemployed readers will seek the opportunity for tapping new resources

Answer the awaken demmand for authentic storiesRendering experiences

and development