
Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Futbol

In the late Middle Ages and later centuries developed in the British Isles and surrounding areas other than computer games, which are known as codes of football. These codes were uniting with the passage of time, but it was in the second half of the seventeenth century when they were the first major unifications of football (rugby, football, Australian rules football ...), which gave birth to the sport today is known worldwide as football.

The former British codes were characterized by few rules and for its extreme violence. One of the most popular was the football carnival. For this reason the football carnival was banned in England by decree of King Edward III and was banned for 500 years. The football carnival was not the only source of the time, in fact there were other codes more organized, less violent and even that took place outside the British Isles. One of the most famous games was the calcium Florentine, a native of the city of Florence, Italy. This sport has influenced in several aspects of football today, not only by their rules, but also by the atmosphere of festivity in which they played these encounters.

In the late Middle Ages and later centuries developed in the British Isles and surrounding areas other than computer games, which are known as codes of football. These codes were uniting with the passage of time, but it was in the second half of the seventeenth century when they were the first major unifications of football (rugby, football, Australian rules football ...), which gave birth to the sport today is known worldwide as football.

The former British codes were characterized by few rules and for its extreme violence. One of the most popular was the football carnival. For this reason the football carnival was banned in England by decree of King Edward III and was banned for 500 years. The football carnival was not the only source of the time, in fact there were other codes more organized, less violent and even that took place outside the British Isles. One of the most famous games was the calcium Florentine, a native of the city of Florence, Italy. This sport has influenced in several aspects of football today, not only by their rules, but also by the atmosphere of festivity in which they played these encounters.

Football or soccer (English football), also known as football is a team sport played between two sets of 11 players each and a referee who ensures that standards are met properly. It is widely regarded as the most popular sport in the world, with about 270 million people involved. [1] It is played on a rectangular grass field, with a target or goal posts on each side of the field. The object is to move a ball across the field to try to locate within the target contrary, this action is called scoring. The team scoring more goals after the match that it is the winner.

The doorman, also known as a keeper, or goalie scorer, is the player whose main goal is to prevent the ball from his goal during the game, an act which is known as a goal. The goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with his hands during the game assets, but only within their own area. Each team must submit a single goalkeeper in their alignment. In case the player must leave the playing field for any reason, must be replaced by another player, either one that is playing or a substitute. Such players must wear a dress differently from their peers, their rivals (including the goalkeeper) and the arbitral body. Usually tend to wear the number 1 stamped on his shirt

The defense, also known as a defender, the player is located a line in front of the goalkeeper and behind the midfield, whose main objective is to stop the attacks of rival team. Usually this line of players is in arched shape, leaving some defenses located closer to the goalkeeper as others. If a player is only the most backward located, is called a libero, if two or more, are called zagueros. Defenders located on the sides of the ground are called lateral, and because of its location (close to the midfield) they can make more progress on the ground if they wish. To name is added to the word zone defense: for example, a defense that plays on the right (looking towards the rival goal) would be a right side.

The midfielder, also known as a midfielder or steering wheel, the player is located in the center of the field, a line ahead of defenses and one behind the front, which aims to coordinate the game between the lines and other attending them if necessary. Like the line of defenses, players located in a middle line have names according to the place where the playing field: center, left or right. In some cases one or more players, usually the centers are located below, between his line and from the front, to collaborate with the latter. The players in this particular position are called owners, hooks, or mediapuntas. Due to the latter, the middle line can get a semblance of diamond (see third image). It can be seen as forming a diamond midfield. They are charged with helping the defense and the front of your team.

The striker, also known as the attacker, pointer, tip, gunner, killer of the area or battering ram. The player is located below its peers, a line ahead of the midfield, whose main objective is to score goals. Its role is mostly limited to attack, leaving aside the act of defending, which does not mean that in any situation of danger, the striker will become a midfielder to take a more defensive strategy. The forwards are usually the best known, as are the authors of the goals of the team. These players also are named according to the position where playing center, left or right. Sometimes the word is used far to indicate that the player is farthest from the center of the stadium (with its width): for example, a front left edge.

To maintain possession of the ball is essential to have the capability to pass in between the players nearby short of accurately and on time. The accurate long passes allow a greater variety of situations and play a more direct.

Players must be a balance in the shoot-to-door: not too often do not stop when they have occasion to try. The shots should be precise and powerful, though generally not achieved this precision and power at the same time. Choosing accuracy or power depends on the situation and the characteristics of the player. The choice of place of the goal to which firing is a controversial subject and it depends on how many players are covering it. When the player is faced with only the goalkeeper, the shot should be placed close to one of the poles. In ideal form, the draft should be directed to the squad, but is also effective and less difficult to do at ground level. When the goalkeeper is too advance, you can try a balloon.

Red card that displays a player or an umpire member of the technical team for committing serious misconduct or for accumulation of two yellow cards. It involves the expulsion of the field with the player reprimanded. Some competitions also represents a penalty of a day without being able to play. In the player reprimanded futsal with this card can not be replaced by any partner

Yellow card that shows a player or an umpire member of the technical team for various reasons, usually for minor character to the rules of mild or moderate (see rules football). The accumulation of two yellow cards is a red card or what is the same expulsion from the playing field. Also the accumulation of five yellow cards in different parties is a penalty of a day without being able to play.