Fundraising at the NBFA Christmas at Abbeyfi eld Summer 2012.pdf · NBFA held a party to celebrate...

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Transcript of Fundraising at the NBFA Christmas at Abbeyfi eld Summer 2012.pdf · NBFA held a party to celebrate...

NBFA has been increasing our digital presence (a dedicated volunteer, working remotely, helps us greatly with this):

Website -’s new website has been serving us well. There are still a lot of improvements that we will make to it. If you have any suggestions or queries please let us know.

Blog -

nbfauk.wordpress.comNBFA’s blog, our fi rst ever, started in June 2011. It provides a new way for us to communicate with

people who are interested in our work. We have already had contributions from our Chairman, Chief Executive, a report from NBFA’s fi rst ever Reunion trip, a poem composed specially for us and a recipe from Gary Rhodes! We would like contributions from as many people as possible so if you are interested in writing something please get in touch.

Facebook - now has a Facebook page which is rapidly acquiring members. We would be very grateful, if you are on Facebook if you could click ‘like’ to help support us and spread the word about our work.

Twitter - (@theNBFA)NBFA is now on Twitter. Like the blog and our Facebook page this costs nothing to run and means that we can devote as many of our resources as possible to running our free services. We have more than 600 ‘followers’ and would like even more. Twitter helps us to learn about other organisations and spread knowledge about our work.

If you don’t have a computer at home, why not visit your local library and ask to be shown how to log on?

32 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1 0RE • Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email 020 7828 0200 • Email Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email Registered Charity no 243387

NBFA held a party to celebrate both the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and our own 55th year. Baroness Boothroyd, our

President, and Dame Marion Roe DBE, our Chair, both attended, along with older people who have used NBFA’s services, NBFA volunteers and staff. A group of In-Pensioners from the Royal Hospital Chelsea also came along.

The participants enjoyed a tea with sandwiches and cakes at Westminster Kingsway College. Entertainment was provided by comedienne Pippa Evans, a former NBFA staff member, and her friends. NBFA volunteers helped to set up the room and run the event.

There was a toast to the Queen led by Baroness Boothroyd, and a message from Boris Johnson was read out: “It’s great that you are celebrating both the Queen’s Jubilee and at the same time the anniversary of the National Benevolent Fund for the Aged, which I understand is 55 years old this year...I know that the NBFA’s work is very much concerned with increasing social opportunities for older people and supporting their independence...” There was also a raffl e and even a bit of dancing! A lot of people made new friends.

A number of companies made donations for the day: Bordeaux Wine Index, Running Imp, Nandos, The London Eye, Flying Corkscrew and Davy’s Wine Merchants. There were also some kind individuals who donated.

NBFA Jubilee Party fun!

Fundraising at the NBFA

Our fundingThe NBFA raises funds in many different ways. These include applications to trusts and foundations, individual donations (including legacies) and money from raffl es, and we are extremely grateful for the support we receive. We currently get no money from either national or local government and haven’t for many years. We are always looking to fi nd new sources of funding. In the past year for example, we have started applying to companies for goods in kind which we can use as prizes. We have also started NBFA Day Trips, we use any money we make from this to support people to go on our Breaks-Away for free.

We try to keep our costs as low as possible. This includes maintaining just one offi ce with four staff for the whole of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are able to locate in central London due to the generosity of the Duke of Westminster, whose company provides subsidised rent for charities. We use volunteers to support a lot of our work. We constantly review and adapt all of our services to make sure they have the greatest impact possible at the lowest cost.

The challengeThe diffi culty that we currently have is that while demand for our services grows and grows, the adverse fi nancial situation nationally means that the competition for funds is tougher than ever. We want to be able to maintain our services in their current quantity and at their current quality but we will only be able to do so with your help. NBFA services reach out to more than 1000 older people and cost us in the region of £300,000 a year.

Stamp AppealHelp NBFA continue providing services to assist older people in the UK – join our STAMP APPEAL!

Don’t throw your used postage stamps away; the NBFA would be delighted to receive them!

Please send them to:

NBFAP.O. Box 6198Leighton BuzzardBedsLU7 9XT

All stamps should be cut or torn from envelopes etc leaving approx ¼ inch of paper around them. If possible please send Foreign stamps separate, marking clearly on the outside of the envelope ‘Foreign Stamps’.

Your help is vital in aiding our fund-raising and we are grateful for your support.

All monetary donations and correspondence should be sent to our offi ce at 32 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RE.

For economical reasons we cannot reply to all donations of stamps but please continue to send them on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support.

A Digital Update!

Summer Raffl e!The NBFA is running a Summer Raffl e to raise funds to help us continue providing our services of Emergency Alarms, TENS Pain Relief Machines, Breaks-Away, Day Trips, and Reunions. Excellent prizes are on offer, including £250.00 cash, train tickets donated by First Great Western, and Rock of Ages Theatre Tickets donated by Julian Stoneman Associates.

A book of tickets has been included with this edition of NBFA News. Please send us the stub, complete with your details, along with the money by the 3rd October in the freepost envelope provided. Please keep the large portion of the ticket safe in case you win!

If you would like more tickets please contact us and we will send them out to you. The winners will be announced in the next edition of the newsletter.

Reunion Trips

Last year we organised three Reunion Trips for people who had been on a Break-Away to help them renew friendships made and to encourage continued interaction between all concerned. This was the fi rst time NBFA have organised Reunion Trips and we hope they will become a regular part of our work.

Christmas at Abbeyfi eldAbbeyfi eld is a charity which, like the NBFA, focuses on issues of loneliness and quality of life for older people.

They run 700 houses across the UK and 80 care homes.

This year, Abbeyfi eld is once again running the ‘Companionship at Christmas’ nationwide campaign. The organisation is inviting members of local communities with elderly neighbours living alone, family members in need of respite support and

those who plan to spend the Christmas period alone to get in touch. As part of the campaign, Abbeyfi eld will be offering Christmas lunches and overnight stays from Christmas Eve to 4 January across many of its houses nationwide – totally free of charge. Abbeyfi eld wants to hear from people who are:

• over 55 • alone over Christmas • currently living independently

Samantha Woods at Abbeyfi eld can be contacted on 01727 734107 or visit their website at www.abbeyfi

follow us...follow us...

3254 NBFA Newsletter 6pp A4 R3.indd 1 19/07/2012 15:59

Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email‘Half of all people aged 75 and over live alone’

It has been an extremely busy year for NBFA. Highlights have included our 55th anniversary, celebrating the Queens’ Jubilee through our own party, and delivering all of our existing programmes.

In particular we have been proud to introduce our Day Trips and Reunion Trips programmes. They have allowed us to reach out to those in need and target areas of the country that may not have had a Break-Away for some time. They are also a way for friendships made on the Breaks-Away to be sustained.

As ever I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the volunteers, Trustees and staff for all they bring to NBFA and to all of our funders and fundraisers for your kind support. As is outlined elsewhere in this newsletter, and to echo the sentiments of Dame Marion Roe DBE, it is a particular challenge at the moment to find the funds necessary to make sure NBFA keeps providing much-needed and valued services. We know that you feel part of NBFA and would like to involve you even more: we can only keep going with your support. If you are able to donate to us, to fundraise for us or support us in any other way it would be a great help and hugely valued.

I hope that you are excited about the range of services that are available now and we look forward to continuing to work with you to make NBFA the best organisation it can be.


Dame Marion Roe DBE

Chief Executive

Breaks-AwayDay TripsOur Breaks-Away are for five days at a lovely hotel in the UK. Bed, breakfast, three course evening meal, day trips and evening entertainment are all included for you. To qualify for a FREE Break Away with the NBFA you need to:

• Beover65yearsold • Beonalowincome • Havenothadaholidayin3years • Beabletogetonandoffacoach

Everyone is welcome – men, women, singles, couples, friends, and even groups. If you feel you fit the criteria and if you live near one of the coach pick up points below, or can make your own way to the actual destination, please call the NBFA for an application form as soon as possible on 0207 828 0200.

If you are not eligible for a free Break-Away but would like to go on one and are able to pay, you are welcome to join us. The cost for our Breaks-Away is approximately £200.00. For more information please call us on 0207 828 0200.

Subject to funding support, these are the Breaks-Away we are planning on organising: Please note the deadline for receiving applications differs for each Break-Away.

With increasing demand for our services, the NBFA identified that Day Trips for older people would make a huge difference to their health and social wellbeing. To grow this programme in the most efficient and effective way, we will be focusing on one region at a time.

Please see below details of our upcoming Day Trips. To book, please call us on 0207 828 0200. Please note – places are limited and subject to availability.

Autumn 2012 Break-Away Date Destination Pick up points

10th-14th September Bracklesham Bay Wood Green, Walthamstow, Ilford, (South Downs) Chelsea, Lambeth

APPLY BY – 27th August 2012

Date Destination Pick up points

15th-19th October Bridlington Leeds, Bradford, York

APPLY BY – 3rd September 2012

Spring 2013 Breaks-Away Date Destination Pick up points

4th-8th March Morecambe Manchester, Preston, Burnley Liverpool, St Helens, Wigan

APPLY BY – 21st January 2013

Date Destination Pick up points

15th-19th April Coleraine Belfast, Londonderry

APPLY BY – 21st February 2013

Date Destination Pick up points

29th April - 3rd May Eastbourne Chelsea, Tower Hamlets, Islington, Newham

APPLY BY – 4th March 2013

Wembley Stadium TourDate Pick up points7th September 2012 NO Transport provided Price: FREEGo behind-the-scenes at the most famous stadium in the world. Your guided tour will give you the opportunity to sense the history in the England Changing Rooms, take the England Manager’s hot-seat in the Press Room, and experience the tension of the Players Tunnel!

Very limited number of places available!

CanterburyDate Pick up points26th September 2012 Bromley, Lewisham, Croydon Price: £12.00Our trip takes us to the ancient town of Canterbury on market day. The market has over 100 stalls selling a diverse range of goods such as clothing, fruit and vegetables, flowers and Russian dolls! Price includes entry to the historic Canterbury Cathedral.

CambridgeDate Pick up points4th October 2012 BedfordPrice: £5.00Our trip takes us to the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial for a guided tour. After a brief stop at Coton Orchard Garden Centre, you will have free time to explore the city centre.

Mickie Driver’s Famous Variety Show, Wood GreenDate Pick up points10th October 2012 NO Transport provided Price: £10.00Enjoy a fun afternoon remembering Flanagan and Allen, Arthur Askey, Issy Bonn, Gracie Fields, Max Miller, Dame Vera Lynn, and many more!

Roast beef main course, pudding, and tea / coffee included. Vegetarian option available if requested when booking.

House of Commons TourDate Pick up points12th October 2012 NO Transport providedTour time: 10am Price: FREEVery limited places available!

BrightonDate Pick up points31st October 2012 ReadingPrice: £12.00Visit the popular seaside town of Brighton. Price includes entry to The Royal Pavilion. Built for the Prince Regent (King George IV), in stages between 1787 and 1823, the Royal Pavilion is remarkable for its exotic oriental appearance both inside and out. The Pavilion houses furniture and works of art including original pieces lent by HM The Queen and a magnificent display of Regency silver-gilt.

ChichesterDate Pick up points6th November 2012 Kings Cross area and VictoriaPrice: £12.00Our first stop is at The Fishbourne Roman Palace & Gardens – entry included in price. Visitors can see many of the remains, discovered in 1960, including 20 spectacular mosaic floors in various stages of completeness.

Following this, we stop in Chichester City Centre, where you have free time to explore the magnificent cathedral, shops, and restaurants.

Anfield Stadium TourDate Pick up pointsTBC NO Transport providedPrice: FREE

TENS Machines -“the benefits are instant. What a relief!”We provide FREE TENS Pain Relief Machines directly to older people to remain active and independent and to provide them long-term pain relief for chronic conditions such as arthritis. We continue to donate TENS Pain Relief Machine units to physio departments in hospitals across the UK. These units are loaned to older patients to see if it will help reduce the pain they are experiencing.

To qualify for a FREE TENS Pain Relief Machine you need to be over 65 years old and on a low income. For further information and/or an application form please contact us on 0207 828 0200.

ALARMS - “I feel much happier now knowing I can call for help if I need to”The Emergency Telephone Alarms represent a great help for older people to remain independent and making them feel secure in their own homes. If you are over 65 and on a low income, you may qualify.

For further information and an application form please contact us on 0207 828 0200.

NBFA celebrated its 55th anniversary this year, a terrific achievement for everyone. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement over the years.

It is good to see our long-established programmes providing such a great benefit and our newer initiatives like NBFA Day Trips and NBFA Reunion Trips enhancing the impact of our work and bringing happiness and sociability into older people’s lives. I very much enjoyed meeting a number of you at our Jubilee party and we were honoured to have our President Baroness Boothroyd OM PC in attendance.

Sadder news to report is the passing away of two of our much-valued Trustees: David Griffiths FCA, our Honourary Treasurer, and Lord Newton of Braintree OBE DL. They are much missed.

I am confident that the work of the NBFA continues to be relevant and much needed. Providing funding for our activities, especially in such adverse economic conditions is a constant challenge. Thank you so much to everyone who already makes a financial contribution to our work. If you were able to support us by providing a small, regular donation it would make a crucial difference in making sure that our services are able to continue.

Pat’s Everest AdventurePat Brolly trekked to Everest Base Camp in April, on behalf of the NBFA. The trek, which took 10 days, was an amazing adventure but a lot of hard work.

Pat wanted to find a small charity for older people that she felt was making a real difference, and we are very lucky she found us.

Pat’s efforts for the NBFA raised a total of more than £4000! This will make a real difference to the provision of our services.

A big thanks to Pat from us all!

Volunteers are crucial to the work of the NBFA, we couldn’t function without them. They support all of our services in the office and work as couriers on Breaks-Away.

Everyone reading this newsletter can help us by spreading the word about the NBFA. This will help us to reach older people who are most

in need, help us to build links with other organisations and maximise our opportunity to raise much-needed funds. If you have an idea about how you would like to help us but you need a bit of support please give us a call on 0207 828 0200.

Volunteering at the NBFA

3254 NBFA Newsletter 6pp A4 R3.indd 2 19/07/2012 16:00

Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email‘Half of all people aged 75 and over live alone’

It has been an extremely busy year for NBFA. Highlights have included our 55th anniversary, celebrating the Queens’ Jubilee through our own party, and delivering all of our existing programmes.

In particular we have been proud to introduce our Day Trips and Reunion Trips programmes. They have allowed us to reach out to those in need and target areas of the country that may not have had a Break-Away for some time. They are also a way for friendships made on the Breaks-Away to be sustained.

As ever I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the volunteers, Trustees and staff for all they bring to NBFA and to all of our funders and fundraisers for your kind support. As is outlined elsewhere in this newsletter, and to echo the sentiments of Dame Marion Roe DBE, it is a particular challenge at the moment to find the funds necessary to make sure NBFA keeps providing much-needed and valued services. We know that you feel part of NBFA and would like to involve you even more: we can only keep going with your support. If you are able to donate to us, to fundraise for us or support us in any other way it would be a great help and hugely valued.

I hope that you are excited about the range of services that are available now and we look forward to continuing to work with you to make NBFA the best organisation it can be.


Dame Marion Roe DBE

Chief Executive

Breaks-AwayDay TripsOur Breaks-Away are for five days at a lovely hotel in the UK. Bed, breakfast, three course evening meal, day trips and evening entertainment are all included for you. To qualify for a FREE Break Away with the NBFA you need to:

• Beover65yearsold • Beonalowincome • Havenothadaholidayin3years • Beabletogetonandoffacoach

Everyone is welcome – men, women, singles, couples, friends, and even groups. If you feel you fit the criteria and if you live near one of the coach pick up points below, or can make your own way to the actual destination, please call the NBFA for an application form as soon as possible on 0207 828 0200.

If you are not eligible for a free Break-Away but would like to go on one and are able to pay, you are welcome to join us. The cost for our Breaks-Away is approximately £200.00. For more information please call us on 0207 828 0200.

Subject to funding support, these are the Breaks-Away we are planning on organising: Please note the deadline for receiving applications differs for each Break-Away.

With increasing demand for our services, the NBFA identified that Day Trips for older people would make a huge difference to their health and social wellbeing. To grow this programme in the most efficient and effective way, we will be focusing on one region at a time.

Please see below details of our upcoming Day Trips. To book, please call us on 0207 828 0200. Please note – places are limited and subject to availability.

Autumn 2012 Break-Away Date Destination Pick up points

10th-14th September Bracklesham Bay Wood Green, Walthamstow, Ilford, (South Downs) Chelsea, Lambeth

APPLY BY – 27th August 2012

Date Destination Pick up points

15th-19th October Bridlington Leeds, Bradford, York

APPLY BY – 3rd September 2012

Spring 2013 Breaks-Away Date Destination Pick up points

4th-8th March Morecambe Manchester, Preston, Burnley Liverpool, St Helens, Wigan

APPLY BY – 21st January 2013

Date Destination Pick up points

15th-19th April Coleraine Belfast, Londonderry

APPLY BY – 21st February 2013

Date Destination Pick up points

29th April - 3rd May Eastbourne Chelsea, Tower Hamlets, Islington, Newham

APPLY BY – 4th March 2013

Wembley Stadium TourDate Pick up points7th September 2012 NO Transport provided Price: FREEGo behind-the-scenes at the most famous stadium in the world. Your guided tour will give you the opportunity to sense the history in the England Changing Rooms, take the England Manager’s hot-seat in the Press Room, and experience the tension of the Players Tunnel!

Very limited number of places available!

CanterburyDate Pick up points26th September 2012 Bromley, Lewisham, Croydon Price: £12.00Our trip takes us to the ancient town of Canterbury on market day. The market has over 100 stalls selling a diverse range of goods such as clothing, fruit and vegetables, flowers and Russian dolls! Price includes entry to the historic Canterbury Cathedral.

CambridgeDate Pick up points4th October 2012 BedfordPrice: £5.00Our trip takes us to the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial for a guided tour. After a brief stop at Coton Orchard Garden Centre, you will have free time to explore the city centre.

Mickie Driver’s Famous Variety Show, Wood GreenDate Pick up points10th October 2012 NO Transport provided Price: £10.00Enjoy a fun afternoon remembering Flanagan and Allen, Arthur Askey, Issy Bonn, Gracie Fields, Max Miller, Dame Vera Lynn, and many more!

Roast beef main course, pudding, and tea / coffee included. Vegetarian option available if requested when booking.

House of Commons TourDate Pick up points12th October 2012 NO Transport providedTour time: 10am Price: FREEVery limited places available!

BrightonDate Pick up points31st October 2012 ReadingPrice: £12.00Visit the popular seaside town of Brighton. Price includes entry to The Royal Pavilion. Built for the Prince Regent (King George IV), in stages between 1787 and 1823, the Royal Pavilion is remarkable for its exotic oriental appearance both inside and out. The Pavilion houses furniture and works of art including original pieces lent by HM The Queen and a magnificent display of Regency silver-gilt.

ChichesterDate Pick up points6th November 2012 Kings Cross area and VictoriaPrice: £12.00Our first stop is at The Fishbourne Roman Palace & Gardens – entry included in price. Visitors can see many of the remains, discovered in 1960, including 20 spectacular mosaic floors in various stages of completeness.

Following this, we stop in Chichester City Centre, where you have free time to explore the magnificent cathedral, shops, and restaurants.

Anfield Stadium TourDate Pick up pointsTBC NO Transport providedPrice: FREE

TENS Machines -“the benefits are instant. What a relief!”We provide FREE TENS Pain Relief Machines directly to older people to remain active and independent and to provide them long-term pain relief for chronic conditions such as arthritis. We continue to donate TENS Pain Relief Machine units to physio departments in hospitals across the UK. These units are loaned to older patients to see if it will help reduce the pain they are experiencing.

To qualify for a FREE TENS Pain Relief Machine you need to be over 65 years old and on a low income. For further information and/or an application form please contact us on 0207 828 0200.

ALARMS - “I feel much happier now knowing I can call for help if I need to”The Emergency Telephone Alarms represent a great help for older people to remain independent and making them feel secure in their own homes. If you are over 65 and on a low income, you may qualify.

For further information and an application form please contact us on 0207 828 0200.

NBFA celebrated its 55th anniversary this year, a terrific achievement for everyone. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement over the years.

It is good to see our long-established programmes providing such a great benefit and our newer initiatives like NBFA Day Trips and NBFA Reunion Trips enhancing the impact of our work and bringing happiness and sociability into older people’s lives. I very much enjoyed meeting a number of you at our Jubilee party and we were honoured to have our President Baroness Boothroyd OM PC in attendance.

Sadder news to report is the passing away of two of our much-valued Trustees: David Griffiths FCA, our Honourary Treasurer, and Lord Newton of Braintree OBE DL. They are much missed.

I am confident that the work of the NBFA continues to be relevant and much needed. Providing funding for our activities, especially in such adverse economic conditions is a constant challenge. Thank you so much to everyone who already makes a financial contribution to our work. If you were able to support us by providing a small, regular donation it would make a crucial difference in making sure that our services are able to continue.

Pat’s Everest AdventurePat Brolly trekked to Everest Base Camp in April, on behalf of the NBFA. The trek, which took 10 days, was an amazing adventure but a lot of hard work.

Pat wanted to find a small charity for older people that she felt was making a real difference, and we are very lucky she found us.

Pat’s efforts for the NBFA raised a total of more than £4000! This will make a real difference to the provision of our services.

A big thanks to Pat from us all!

Volunteers are crucial to the work of the NBFA, we couldn’t function without them. They support all of our services in the office and work as couriers on Breaks-Away.

Everyone reading this newsletter can help us by spreading the word about the NBFA. This will help us to reach older people who are most

in need, help us to build links with other organisations and maximise our opportunity to raise much-needed funds. If you have an idea about how you would like to help us but you need a bit of support please give us a call on 0207 828 0200.

Volunteering at the NBFA

3254 NBFA Newsletter 6pp A4 R3.indd 2 19/07/2012 16:00

Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email‘Half of all people aged 75 and over live alone’

It has been an extremely busy year for NBFA. Highlights have included our 55th anniversary, celebrating the Queens’ Jubilee through our own party, and delivering all of our existing programmes.

In particular we have been proud to introduce our Day Trips and Reunion Trips programmes. They have allowed us to reach out to those in need and target areas of the country that may not have had a Break-Away for some time. They are also a way for friendships made on the Breaks-Away to be sustained.

As ever I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the volunteers, Trustees and staff for all they bring to NBFA and to all of our funders and fundraisers for your kind support. As is outlined elsewhere in this newsletter, and to echo the sentiments of Dame Marion Roe DBE, it is a particular challenge at the moment to find the funds necessary to make sure NBFA keeps providing much-needed and valued services. We know that you feel part of NBFA and would like to involve you even more: we can only keep going with your support. If you are able to donate to us, to fundraise for us or support us in any other way it would be a great help and hugely valued.

I hope that you are excited about the range of services that are available now and we look forward to continuing to work with you to make NBFA the best organisation it can be.


Dame Marion Roe DBE

Chief Executive

Breaks-AwayDay TripsOur Breaks-Away are for five days at a lovely hotel in the UK. Bed, breakfast, three course evening meal, day trips and evening entertainment are all included for you. To qualify for a FREE Break Away with the NBFA you need to:

• Beover65yearsold • Beonalowincome • Havenothadaholidayin3years • Beabletogetonandoffacoach

Everyone is welcome – men, women, singles, couples, friends, and even groups. If you feel you fit the criteria and if you live near one of the coach pick up points below, or can make your own way to the actual destination, please call the NBFA for an application form as soon as possible on 0207 828 0200.

If you are not eligible for a free Break-Away but would like to go on one and are able to pay, you are welcome to join us. The cost for our Breaks-Away is approximately £200.00. For more information please call us on 0207 828 0200.

Subject to funding support, these are the Breaks-Away we are planning on organising: Please note the deadline for receiving applications differs for each Break-Away.

With increasing demand for our services, the NBFA identified that Day Trips for older people would make a huge difference to their health and social wellbeing. To grow this programme in the most efficient and effective way, we will be focusing on one region at a time.

Please see below details of our upcoming Day Trips. To book, please call us on 0207 828 0200. Please note – places are limited and subject to availability.

Autumn 2012 Break-Away Date Destination Pick up points

10th-14th September Bracklesham Bay Wood Green, Walthamstow, Ilford, (South Downs) Chelsea, Lambeth

APPLY BY – 27th August 2012

Date Destination Pick up points

15th-19th October Bridlington Leeds, Bradford, York

APPLY BY – 3rd September 2012

Spring 2013 Breaks-Away Date Destination Pick up points

4th-8th March Morecambe Manchester, Preston, Burnley Liverpool, St Helens, Wigan

APPLY BY – 21st January 2013

Date Destination Pick up points

15th-19th April Coleraine Belfast, Londonderry

APPLY BY – 21st February 2013

Date Destination Pick up points

29th April - 3rd May Eastbourne Chelsea, Tower Hamlets, Islington, Newham

APPLY BY – 4th March 2013

Wembley Stadium TourDate Pick up points7th September 2012 NO Transport provided Price: FREEGo behind-the-scenes at the most famous stadium in the world. Your guided tour will give you the opportunity to sense the history in the England Changing Rooms, take the England Manager’s hot-seat in the Press Room, and experience the tension of the Players Tunnel!

Very limited number of places available!

CanterburyDate Pick up points26th September 2012 Bromley, Lewisham, Croydon Price: £12.00Our trip takes us to the ancient town of Canterbury on market day. The market has over 100 stalls selling a diverse range of goods such as clothing, fruit and vegetables, flowers and Russian dolls! Price includes entry to the historic Canterbury Cathedral.

CambridgeDate Pick up points4th October 2012 BedfordPrice: £5.00Our trip takes us to the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial for a guided tour. After a brief stop at Coton Orchard Garden Centre, you will have free time to explore the city centre.

Mickie Driver’s Famous Variety Show, Wood GreenDate Pick up points10th October 2012 NO Transport provided Price: £10.00Enjoy a fun afternoon remembering Flanagan and Allen, Arthur Askey, Issy Bonn, Gracie Fields, Max Miller, Dame Vera Lynn, and many more!

Roast beef main course, pudding, and tea / coffee included. Vegetarian option available if requested when booking.

House of Commons TourDate Pick up points12th October 2012 NO Transport providedTour time: 10am Price: FREEVery limited places available!

BrightonDate Pick up points31st October 2012 ReadingPrice: £12.00Visit the popular seaside town of Brighton. Price includes entry to The Royal Pavilion. Built for the Prince Regent (King George IV), in stages between 1787 and 1823, the Royal Pavilion is remarkable for its exotic oriental appearance both inside and out. The Pavilion houses furniture and works of art including original pieces lent by HM The Queen and a magnificent display of Regency silver-gilt.

ChichesterDate Pick up points6th November 2012 Kings Cross area and VictoriaPrice: £12.00Our first stop is at The Fishbourne Roman Palace & Gardens – entry included in price. Visitors can see many of the remains, discovered in 1960, including 20 spectacular mosaic floors in various stages of completeness.

Following this, we stop in Chichester City Centre, where you have free time to explore the magnificent cathedral, shops, and restaurants.

Anfield Stadium TourDate Pick up pointsTBC NO Transport providedPrice: FREE

TENS Machines -“the benefits are instant. What a relief!”We provide FREE TENS Pain Relief Machines directly to older people to remain active and independent and to provide them long-term pain relief for chronic conditions such as arthritis. We continue to donate TENS Pain Relief Machine units to physio departments in hospitals across the UK. These units are loaned to older patients to see if it will help reduce the pain they are experiencing.

To qualify for a FREE TENS Pain Relief Machine you need to be over 65 years old and on a low income. For further information and/or an application form please contact us on 0207 828 0200.

ALARMS - “I feel much happier now knowing I can call for help if I need to”The Emergency Telephone Alarms represent a great help for older people to remain independent and making them feel secure in their own homes. If you are over 65 and on a low income, you may qualify.

For further information and an application form please contact us on 0207 828 0200.

NBFA celebrated its 55th anniversary this year, a terrific achievement for everyone. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement over the years.

It is good to see our long-established programmes providing such a great benefit and our newer initiatives like NBFA Day Trips and NBFA Reunion Trips enhancing the impact of our work and bringing happiness and sociability into older people’s lives. I very much enjoyed meeting a number of you at our Jubilee party and we were honoured to have our President Baroness Boothroyd OM PC in attendance.

Sadder news to report is the passing away of two of our much-valued Trustees: David Griffiths FCA, our Honourary Treasurer, and Lord Newton of Braintree OBE DL. They are much missed.

I am confident that the work of the NBFA continues to be relevant and much needed. Providing funding for our activities, especially in such adverse economic conditions is a constant challenge. Thank you so much to everyone who already makes a financial contribution to our work. If you were able to support us by providing a small, regular donation it would make a crucial difference in making sure that our services are able to continue.

Pat’s Everest AdventurePat Brolly trekked to Everest Base Camp in April, on behalf of the NBFA. The trek, which took 10 days, was an amazing adventure but a lot of hard work.

Pat wanted to find a small charity for older people that she felt was making a real difference, and we are very lucky she found us.

Pat’s efforts for the NBFA raised a total of more than £4000! This will make a real difference to the provision of our services.

A big thanks to Pat from us all!

Volunteers are crucial to the work of the NBFA, we couldn’t function without them. They support all of our services in the office and work as couriers on Breaks-Away.

Everyone reading this newsletter can help us by spreading the word about the NBFA. This will help us to reach older people who are most

in need, help us to build links with other organisations and maximise our opportunity to raise much-needed funds. If you have an idea about how you would like to help us but you need a bit of support please give us a call on 0207 828 0200.

Volunteering at the NBFA

3254 NBFA Newsletter 6pp A4 R3.indd 2 19/07/2012 16:00

NBFA has been increasing our digital presence (a dedicated volunteer, working remotely, helps us greatly with this):

Website -’s new website has been serving us well. There are still a lot of improvements that we will make to it. If you have any suggestions or queries please let us know.

Blog -

nbfauk.wordpress.comNBFA’s blog, our fi rst ever, started in June 2011. It provides a new way for us to communicate with

people who are interested in our work. We have already had contributions from our Chairman, Chief Executive, a report from NBFA’s fi rst ever Reunion trip, a poem composed specially for us and a recipe from Gary Rhodes! We would like contributions from as many people as possible so if you are interested in writing something please get in touch.

Facebook - now has a Facebook page which is rapidly acquiring members. We would be very grateful, if you are on Facebook if you could click ‘like’ to help support us and spread the word about our work.

Twitter - (@theNBFA)NBFA is now on Twitter. Like the blog and our Facebook page this costs nothing to run and means that we can devote as many of our resources as possible to running our free services. We have more than 600 ‘followers’ and would like even more. Twitter helps us to learn about other organisations and spread knowledge about our work.

If you don’t have a computer at home, why not visit your local library and ask to be shown how to log on?

32 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1 0RE • Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email 020 7828 0200 • Email Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email Registered Charity no 243387

NBFA held a party to celebrate both the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and our own 55th year. Baroness Boothroyd, our

President, and Dame Marion Roe DBE, our Chair, both attended, along with older people who have used NBFA’s services, NBFA volunteers and staff. A group of In-Pensioners from the Royal Hospital Chelsea also came along.

The participants enjoyed a tea with sandwiches and cakes at Westminster Kingsway College. Entertainment was provided by comedienne Pippa Evans, a former NBFA staff member, and her friends. NBFA volunteers helped to set up the room and run the event.

There was a toast to the Queen led by Baroness Boothroyd, and a message from Boris Johnson was read out: “It’s great that you are celebrating both the Queen’s Jubilee and at the same time the anniversary of the National Benevolent Fund for the Aged, which I understand is 55 years old this year...I know that the NBFA’s work is very much concerned with increasing social opportunities for older people and supporting their independence...” There was also a raffl e and even a bit of dancing! A lot of people made new friends.

A number of companies made donations for the day: Bordeaux Wine Index, Running Imp, Nandos, The London Eye, Flying Corkscrew and Davy’s Wine Merchants. There were also some kind individuals who donated.

NBFA Jubilee Party fun!

Fundraising at the NBFA

Our fundingThe NBFA raises funds in many different ways. These include applications to trusts and foundations, individual donations (including legacies) and money from raffl es, and we are extremely grateful for the support we receive. We currently get no money from either national or local government and haven’t for many years. We are always looking to fi nd new sources of funding. In the past year for example, we have started applying to companies for goods in kind which we can use as prizes. We have also started NBFA Day Trips, we use any money we make from this to support people to go on our Breaks-Away for free.

We try to keep our costs as low as possible. This includes maintaining just one offi ce with four staff for the whole of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are able to locate in central London due to the generosity of the Duke of Westminster, whose company provides subsidised rent for charities. We use volunteers to support a lot of our work. We constantly review and adapt all of our services to make sure they have the greatest impact possible at the lowest cost.

The challengeThe diffi culty that we currently have is that while demand for our services grows and grows, the adverse fi nancial situation nationally means that the competition for funds is tougher than ever. We want to be able to maintain our services in their current quantity and at their current quality but we will only be able to do so with your help. NBFA services reach out to more than 1000 older people and cost us in the region of £300,000 a year.

Stamp AppealHelp NBFA continue providing services to assist older people in the UK – join our STAMP APPEAL!

Don’t throw your used postage stamps away; the NBFA would be delighted to receive them!

Please send them to:

NBFAP.O. Box 6198Leighton BuzzardBedsLU7 9XT

All stamps should be cut or torn from envelopes etc leaving approx ¼ inch of paper around them. If possible please send Foreign stamps separate, marking clearly on the outside of the envelope ‘Foreign Stamps’.

Your help is vital in aiding our fund-raising and we are grateful for your support.

All monetary donations and correspondence should be sent to our offi ce at 32 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RE.

For economical reasons we cannot reply to all donations of stamps but please continue to send them on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support.

A Digital Update!

Summer Raffl e!The NBFA is running a Summer Raffl e to raise funds to help us continue providing our services of Emergency Alarms, TENS Pain Relief Machines, Breaks-Away, Day Trips, and Reunions. Excellent prizes are on offer, including £250.00 cash, train tickets donated by First Great Western, and Rock of Ages Theatre Tickets donated by Julian Stoneman Associates.

A book of tickets has been included with this edition of NBFA News. Please send us the stub, complete with your details, along with the money by the 3rd October in the freepost envelope provided. Please keep the large portion of the ticket safe in case you win!

If you would like more tickets please contact us and we will send them out to you. The winners will be announced in the next edition of the newsletter.

Reunion Trips

Last year we organised three Reunion Trips for people who had been on a Break-Away to help them renew friendships made and to encourage continued interaction between all concerned. This was the fi rst time NBFA have organised Reunion Trips and we hope they will become a regular part of our work.

Christmas at Abbeyfi eldAbbeyfi eld is a charity which, like the NBFA, focuses on issues of loneliness and quality of life for older people.

They run 700 houses across the UK and 80 care homes.

This year, Abbeyfi eld is once again running the ‘Companionship at Christmas’ nationwide campaign. The organisation is inviting members of local communities with elderly neighbours living alone, family members in need of respite support and

those who plan to spend the Christmas period alone to get in touch. As part of the campaign, Abbeyfi eld will be offering Christmas lunches and overnight stays from Christmas Eve to 4 January across many of its houses nationwide – totally free of charge. Abbeyfi eld wants to hear from people who are:

• over 55 • alone over Christmas • currently living independently

Samantha Woods at Abbeyfi eld can be contacted on 01727 734107 or visit their website at www.abbeyfi

follow us...follow us...

3254 NBFA Newsletter 6pp A4 R3.indd 1 19/07/2012 15:59

NBFA has been increasing our digital presence (a dedicated volunteer, working remotely, helps us greatly with this):

Website -’s new website has been serving us well. There are still a lot of improvements that we will make to it. If you have any suggestions or queries please let us know.

Blog -

nbfauk.wordpress.comNBFA’s blog, our fi rst ever, started in June 2011. It provides a new way for us to communicate with

people who are interested in our work. We have already had contributions from our Chairman, Chief Executive, a report from NBFA’s fi rst ever Reunion trip, a poem composed specially for us and a recipe from Gary Rhodes! We would like contributions from as many people as possible so if you are interested in writing something please get in touch.

Facebook - now has a Facebook page which is rapidly acquiring members. We would be very grateful, if you are on Facebook if you could click ‘like’ to help support us and spread the word about our work.

Twitter - (@theNBFA)NBFA is now on Twitter. Like the blog and our Facebook page this costs nothing to run and means that we can devote as many of our resources as possible to running our free services. We have more than 600 ‘followers’ and would like even more. Twitter helps us to learn about other organisations and spread knowledge about our work.

If you don’t have a computer at home, why not visit your local library and ask to be shown how to log on?

32 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1 0RE • Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email 020 7828 0200 • Email Telephone 020 7828 0200 • Email Registered Charity no 243387

NBFA held a party to celebrate both the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and our own 55th year. Baroness Boothroyd, our

President, and Dame Marion Roe DBE, our Chair, both attended, along with older people who have used NBFA’s services, NBFA volunteers and staff. A group of In-Pensioners from the Royal Hospital Chelsea also came along.

The participants enjoyed a tea with sandwiches and cakes at Westminster Kingsway College. Entertainment was provided by comedienne Pippa Evans, a former NBFA staff member, and her friends. NBFA volunteers helped to set up the room and run the event.

There was a toast to the Queen led by Baroness Boothroyd, and a message from Boris Johnson was read out: “It’s great that you are celebrating both the Queen’s Jubilee and at the same time the anniversary of the National Benevolent Fund for the Aged, which I understand is 55 years old this year...I know that the NBFA’s work is very much concerned with increasing social opportunities for older people and supporting their independence...” There was also a raffl e and even a bit of dancing! A lot of people made new friends.

A number of companies made donations for the day: Bordeaux Wine Index, Running Imp, Nandos, The London Eye, Flying Corkscrew and Davy’s Wine Merchants. There were also some kind individuals who donated.

NBFA Jubilee Party fun!

Fundraising at the NBFA

Our fundingThe NBFA raises funds in many different ways. These include applications to trusts and foundations, individual donations (including legacies) and money from raffl es, and we are extremely grateful for the support we receive. We currently get no money from either national or local government and haven’t for many years. We are always looking to fi nd new sources of funding. In the past year for example, we have started applying to companies for goods in kind which we can use as prizes. We have also started NBFA Day Trips, we use any money we make from this to support people to go on our Breaks-Away for free.

We try to keep our costs as low as possible. This includes maintaining just one offi ce with four staff for the whole of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are able to locate in central London due to the generosity of the Duke of Westminster, whose company provides subsidised rent for charities. We use volunteers to support a lot of our work. We constantly review and adapt all of our services to make sure they have the greatest impact possible at the lowest cost.

The challengeThe diffi culty that we currently have is that while demand for our services grows and grows, the adverse fi nancial situation nationally means that the competition for funds is tougher than ever. We want to be able to maintain our services in their current quantity and at their current quality but we will only be able to do so with your help. NBFA services reach out to more than 1000 older people and cost us in the region of £300,000 a year.

Stamp AppealHelp NBFA continue providing services to assist older people in the UK – join our STAMP APPEAL!

Don’t throw your used postage stamps away; the NBFA would be delighted to receive them!

Please send them to:

NBFAP.O. Box 6198Leighton BuzzardBedsLU7 9XT

All stamps should be cut or torn from envelopes etc leaving approx ¼ inch of paper around them. If possible please send Foreign stamps separate, marking clearly on the outside of the envelope ‘Foreign Stamps’.

Your help is vital in aiding our fund-raising and we are grateful for your support.

All monetary donations and correspondence should be sent to our offi ce at 32 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RE.

For economical reasons we cannot reply to all donations of stamps but please continue to send them on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support.

A Digital Update!

Summer Raffl e!The NBFA is running a Summer Raffl e to raise funds to help us continue providing our services of Emergency Alarms, TENS Pain Relief Machines, Breaks-Away, Day Trips, and Reunions. Excellent prizes are on offer, including £250.00 cash, train tickets donated by First Great Western, and Rock of Ages Theatre Tickets donated by Julian Stoneman Associates.

A book of tickets has been included with this edition of NBFA News. Please send us the stub, complete with your details, along with the money by the 3rd October in the freepost envelope provided. Please keep the large portion of the ticket safe in case you win!

If you would like more tickets please contact us and we will send them out to you. The winners will be announced in the next edition of the newsletter.

Reunion Trips

Last year we organised three Reunion Trips for people who had been on a Break-Away to help them renew friendships made and to encourage continued interaction between all concerned. This was the fi rst time NBFA have organised Reunion Trips and we hope they will become a regular part of our work.

Christmas at Abbeyfi eldAbbeyfi eld is a charity which, like the NBFA, focuses on issues of loneliness and quality of life for older people.

They run 700 houses across the UK and 80 care homes.

This year, Abbeyfi eld is once again running the ‘Companionship at Christmas’ nationwide campaign. The organisation is inviting members of local communities with elderly neighbours living alone, family members in need of respite support and

those who plan to spend the Christmas period alone to get in touch. As part of the campaign, Abbeyfi eld will be offering Christmas lunches and overnight stays from Christmas Eve to 4 January across many of its houses nationwide – totally free of charge. Abbeyfi eld wants to hear from people who are:

• over 55 • alone over Christmas • currently living independently

Samantha Woods at Abbeyfi eld can be contacted on 01727 734107 or visit their website at www.abbeyfi

follow us...follow us...

3254 NBFA Newsletter 6pp A4 R3.indd 1 19/07/2012 15:59