Funded in part by a grant from the City’s Special Program through the Houston Arts Alliance.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Funded in part by a grant from the City’s Special Program through the Houston Arts Alliance.

Funded in part by a grant from the City’s Special Program through the Houston Arts Alliance.

☼ Accept that the Earth’s climate is continuously changing

☼ Continue to study the science of climate change and understand what changes are coming

` ☼ Continue to find ways to adapt to climate change

☼ Continue to find ways to recycle

What can we do?

☼ Continue to find ways not to pollute the air

☼ Continue to find ways not to pollute the oceans

☼ Continue to find ways to feed the population of the world

☼ Continue to find alternate fuels and energy

What can we do?

Humans need to engage in a

grass root effort where everyone

is responsible for their piece of Earth and

start from the area they live,

to the neighborhood, to the city, to the county, to

the state, to the country, to the


Funded in part by a grant from the City’s Initiative Program through the Houston Arts Alliance.

For more information, visit the


EXHIBIT at The Weather Museum