Fundamental positions of arms and feet in Folk Dance

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Fundamental positions of arms and feet in Folk Dance

Raised arms to a circle in front of the chest

Bring heels close to touch, toes apart

Open up arms sideward, raised below shoulder level with a graceful curve.

Bring feet apart sideward.

Raise one arm overhead while other arm remains in 2nd position.

Bring the heel of one foot to touch the instep of the other foot.

Raise one arm in front of chest in a half circle, while one arm remains overhead.

Bring one foot in front of the other foot to walk strike.

Raise both arms overhead in a graceful curve.

Bring the heel of one foot to touch the toe of the other.

1st Position

2nd Position 3rd Position

4th Position 5th Position