FunctionsSkillsListeningDictationSpeaking Unit 3 Telephone Calls In this unit, you will: A. Review...

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Transcript of FunctionsSkillsListeningDictationSpeaking Unit 3 Telephone Calls In this unit, you will: A. Review...


Unit 3Unit 3 Telephone CallsTelephone Calls

In this unit, you will:

A. Review telephone numbers.

B. Learn and understand conversations over the telephone.

C. Learn how to make and answer telephone calls.


Telephone NumbersTelephone Numbers

Section A

Directions: Listen to the

sentences below and then

repeat, paying attention to your

pronunciation of the telephone


1. My telephone number is


2. His mobile phone number is


3. You must have dialed the

wrong number. Please dial 114 for information.

4. Please call her at 53278919

before you go to see her.

5. The number of the Holiday Inn

is 35458960. You can find it in

the Yellow Pages.

6. The country code is 001 and

the area code is 202.

7. My cell phone is 13777900001.

8. You can call the Grand Hotel at

010 43001234.


Telephone NumbersTelephone Numbers

Section BDirections: You will hear eight sentences. In each sentence there is a telephone number. Listen to each of them carefully and then write the time down as quickly as you can. The sentences will be spoken only once.

1. Sally Green is our new teacher. Her telephone number is .

2. Mr. Clinton is in his office now. Please call him at . 3. Mrs. Webb is on a trip at present. Her mobile phone number is .4. For further information, please dial .5. My telephone number is . Please ask her to call me back.6. He is at the Grand Hotel in Guangzhou. The hotel’s phone number is . 7. You have dialed the wrong number. Anna’s number is . 8. He’s in the office now. You can reach him at .



Telephone Numbers Telephone Numbers

1. Sally Green is our new teacher. Her telephone number is 45269720.

2. Mr. Clinton is in his office now. Please call him at 68682468.

3. Mrs. Webb is on a trip at present. Her mobile phone number is


4. For further information, please dial 77694052.

5. My telephone number is 33795357. Please ask her to call me back.

6. He is at the Grand Hotel in Guangzhou. The hotel’s phone number is

020 29961234.

7. You have dialed the wrong number. Anna’s number is 13521780102.

8. He’s in the office now. You can reach him at 53449256.


Basic Skills Read each question below twice, practicing the different intonations. Then listen to the tape and practice again.

1. Are you selling something or advertising? Are you selling something or advertising?2. Should I call back tonight or tomorrow? Should I call back tonight or tomorrow?3. Does he have your phone number or mobile number? Does he have your phone number or mobile number?4. Is Susan or Jill there? Is Susan or Jill there?5. Can you take a message or just have him call me? Can you take a message or just have him call me?


Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: Listen to the conversation. Then mark the answer you think is best. The conversation will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:

Words & Expressions

sound like fun 听上去很有趣cafeteria n. 自助餐厅


Listening Comprehension

1. Where do you think Frank and Anne are talking? a. Inside on the phone. b. In the school cafeteria. c. Out on the street. d. At the office.2. What relationship do you think Frank and Anne have? a. Teacher and student. b. Brother and sister. c. Boyfriend and girlfriend. d. Employer and employee.3. What is Frank inviting Anne to go to? a. A concert. b. A movie. c. Dinner. d. A party.4. When does Frank want to go out? a. Sunday. b. Thursday. c. Saturday. d. Friday.5. What time will Frank pick Anne up? a. At 5:30 p.m. b. At 6:30 p.m. c. At 5:00 p.m. d. At 6:00 p.m.

Tape Script Key


Listening Comprehension

[Phone rings]

Woman: Hello?

Man: Hi! This is Frank Wilcox. Is Anne there?

Woman: Hey, Frank! This is Anne speaking.

Man: Hi, Anne! How’re you doing?

Woman: Doing great, thanks!

Man: Hey, are you free this Saturday evening? I have two movie tickets.

Would you like to go to the movies with me?

Woman: Oh, that sounds like fun! Sure, I’d love to go!

Man: Great! I’ll pick you up at 6, then.

Woman: Sounds good! See you then.

Man: See you! Bye.



Listening Comprehension

1. Where do you think Frank and Anne are talking? a. Inside on the phone. b. In the school cafeteria. c. Out on the street. d. At the office.2. What relationship do you think Frank and Anne have? a. Teacher and student. b. Brother and sister. c. Boyfriend and girlfriend. d. Employer and employee.3. What is Frank inviting Anne to go to? a. A concert. b. A movie. c. Dinner. d. A party.4. When does Frank want to go out? a. Sunday. b. Thursday. c. Saturday. d. Friday.5. What time will Frank pick Anne up? a. At 5:30 p.m. b. At 6:30 p.m. c. At 5:00 p.m. d. At 6:00 p.m.

Tape Script


Listening Comprehension

Notes for Language and Culture

1. This is Frank Wilcox. 我是弗兰克 · 威尔科克斯。用英语打电话时,首先做自我介绍是非常重要的,做自我介绍时,习惯上不说 “ I am …”, 而应说“ This is …” 或“ This is … speaking.”

2. sound like fun seem to be something that you would enjoy 听上去很有趣

e.g. The weekend away sounds like fun.



Listening Comprehension

Section B

Directions: Listen to the conversation. Then decide if the sentences below are true or

false. Mark the correct answer with a “√”. The conversation will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:

Words & Expressions

come by 路过,从旁走过sometime ad. 在某一时候in case 万一


Listening Comprehension

1. Jennifer went to see the doctor when Kate calls. true false

2. Jennifer and Kate are studying math in the same class. true false

3. Kate will lend Jennifer her notes from math class. true false

4. Kate wants to visit Jennifer sometime this weekend.

true false

5. Jennifer will probably call back later. true false

Tape Script Key


Listening Comprehension

Girl: Hello! This is Kate. Is Jennifer there?

Man: I’m sorry, Kate. Jennifer isn’t in right now.

Girl: Do you know when she’ll be back in?

Man: I’m not quite sure. Probably sometime tonight. Would you like me to give her a message?

Girl: Yes, that would be great. Could you please tell her that I’d like to borrow her notes from math class today? I missed class to go to the doctor’s.

Man: OK, one minute … let me get a pen!

Girl: Oh, I’m sorry!

Man: No problem … OK, now I’m ready.

Girl: Please ask her if I can come by sometime this weekend and get her notes from today’s math class.

Man: Shall I have her call you back?

Girl: Yes, that would be great.

Man: Does she have your number?

Girl: Yes, she should. But in case she’s lost it, my number is 55346791.

Man: OK, that’s 55346791.

Girl: Yes, that’s right! Thanks so much!

Man: You’re very welcome. Bye!



Listening Comprehension

1. Jennifer went to see the doctor when Kate calls. true false

2. Jennifer and Kate are studying math in the same class. true false

3. Kate will lend Jennifer her notes from math class. true false

4. Kate wants to visit Jennifer sometime this weekend.

true false5. Jennifer will probably call back later.

true false


Listening Comprehension

Notes for Language and Culture

1. Jennifer isn’t in right now. 珍妮弗现在不在。在句中, in 用作副词,意思是 at home or at the office 在家里或是在办公室里。

e.g. Most evenings we stay in and watch television.


2. sometime at some unspecified time 在某时,有朝一日


Listening Comprehension

Section C

Directions: Listen to the short passage and answer the following questions. The pass

age will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:

Words & Expressions

company n. 公司contact v. 接触,联系rush n. 匆促repairman n. 修理工


Listening Comprehension

1. Why did Bill use a pay phone? Because he ________________ at home.2. Where was the pay phone? The pay phone was ________________.3. What did Bill do when he discovered the phone was broken? He asked ________________ to repair it.4. Why did the repairman come so quickly when Bill reported the last time that the phone was broken? Because Bill told the telephone company that the money paid for each call was being _______________.5. How soon did the repairman arrive? The repairman arrived _____________.

Tape Script Key


Listening Comprehension

Bill had no telephone at home, so he often used a pay phone at a popular truck stop. One day Bill found the phone was broken, so he called the telephone company and reported the problem.

Repeated requests for repair brought only promises and no results.

After several days, Bill contacted the phone company again and told them that there was no longer a rush. The phone was now working fine except that all the money used for making each call was being returned to the caller at the end of each call.

A repairman arrived within the hour!



Listening Comprehension

1. Why did Bill use a pay phone?

Because he didn’t have a telephone at home.

2. Where was the pay phone?

The pay phone was at a truck stop.

3. What did Bill do when he discovered the phone was broken?

He asked the telephone company to repair it.

4. Why did the repairman come so quickly when Bill reported the last time that the phone was broken?

Because Bill told the telephone company that the money paid for each call was being returned to the caller.

5. How soon did the repairman arrive?

The repairman arrived within the hour.

Tape Script


Compound Dictation

Section A

Directions: Write down the sentences that you hear. The sentences will be spoken

three times.

1. ____________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________



Compound Dictation

1. Hello, may I please speak with Sarah?

2. I’m sorry, but she’s not in right now.

3. Could I leave a message for her?

4. What’s your name and phone number?

5. My name is Jack Black, and my phone number is 90818421.


Compound Dictation

Section B

Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The pa

ssage will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:

Words & Expressions

introduce v. 介绍detailed a. 详细的identify v. 说明身份,认出information n. 信息


Compound Dictation

When you make a telephone call, it is always ___________ to first introduce yourself before asking for the person who you want to talk to. If the person who you are looking for is not there, do not ask too many ___________ questions about where he is and why he goes and so on. It is usually polite to ask, “When do you think he’ll be back?” but not much more than that.

When you are answering the telephone, you do not need to ___________ yourself until after the other person has introduced himself, but you may if you like. If the person who the caller wants is not at home, it is always polite to offer to take ___________. After writing the message down, repeat the ___________ back to the caller to be sure you get it right.

Tape Script


Compound Dictation

When you make a telephone call, it is always polite to first

introduce yourself before asking for the person who you want to talk to.

If the person who you are looking for is not there, do not ask too many

detailed questions about where he is and why he goes and so on. It is

usually polite to ask, “When do you think he’ll be back?” but not much

more than that.

When you are answering the telephone, you do not need to

identify yourself until after the other person has introduced himself, but

you may if you like. If the person who the caller wants is not at home, it

is always polite to offer to take a message. After writing the message

down, repeat the information back to the caller to be sure you get it



Follow-Up Speaking

Section ABefore you listen and practice, learn the following words and expressions:

Words & Expressions

fantastic a. 极好的,了不起的


Follow-Up Speaking

I. Listen In and Speak Out

Directions: Listen to the conversation and repeat it sentence by sentence.

Girl: Hi, this is Lily. Is Ted there?Boy: This is Ted. (1)Girl: Hey, I want to invite you to my brother’s birthday party. It’s this Saturday.Boy: Oh, that sounds like fun! (2) What time will it be?Girl: It will start around 1 p.m. Can you come?Boy: Yes, I think so. Can I bring anything? (3)Girl: No, thank you. See you Saturday then, goodbye!Boy: Bye!


Follow-Up Speaking

II. Practice Directions: Act out the conversation using the following expressions.

(1) This is Ted. This is Ted speaking. This is he. Speaking.(2) That sounds like fun! will be great will be fantastic will be fun(3) Can I bring anything? help with anything

come early to help help you with anything



Follow-Up Speaking

III. Sample Conversation

Girl: Hi, this is Lily. Is Ted there?Boy: Speaking.Girl: Hey, I want to invite you to my brother’s birthday party. It’s this Saturday.Boy: Oh, that will be great! What time will it be?Girl: It will start around 1 p.m. Can you come?Boy: Yes, I think so. Can I help with anything?Girl: No, thank you. See you Saturday then, goodbye!Boy: Bye!


Follow-Up Speaking

Section BBefore you listen and practice, learn the following words and expressions:

Words & Expressions

organize v. 组织plan n. 计划engagement n. 约会,订婚arrangement n. 安排seminar n. 研讨会attend v. 出席,参加training n. 训练,练习


Follow-Up Speaking

I. Listen In and Fill OutDirections: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the missing words, consulting the useful expressions in the box if you have difficulty.


Follow-Up Speaking

Bill: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Fred White, please?

Fred: This is he. ①Bill: It’s me, Bill! Listen, I want to let

you know that our company is ② a business

lunch next Tuesday at 12:30 p.m.

Fred: I’m so sorry, but I already ③ on that day!Bill: Ah, well, that’s OK. We can do

lunch some other time!Fred: Well, I hope !④Bill: Thanks. Bye.Fred: Bye!

(1) May I ask who’s calling? Who am I speaking with? May I ask for your name, please?(2) planning organizing preparing to have(3) have lunch plans have a previous lunch engagement have made arrangement for lunch (4) you have a good afternoon you enjoy your day you have a good day

Tape Script


Follow-Up Speaking

Bill: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Fred White, please?

Fred: This is he. Who am I speaking with? ①Bill: It’s me, Bill! Listen, I want to let you know that our company is

organizing a business lunch next Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. ②Fred: I’m so sorry, but I already have lunch plans on that day!③Bill: Ah, well, that’s ok. We can do lunch some other time!

Fred: Well, I hope you have a good day !④Bill: Thanks. Bye.

Fred: Bye!


Follow-Up Speaking

II. Practice

Directions: Act out the conversation by using the following information.

1. Professor Han

our school is holding an English

teaching seminar Monday morning

I have classes Monday morning

talk about teaching

have a good seminar

2. Mr. Bob Smith I have two tickets for the film Titanic tonight I have something else to do tonight see the film together enjoy the evening3. Mr. Mike Green I’m going to fish in the country this Sunday morning have to attend a training program on Sunday morning we can fish together catch a lot of fish



Follow-Up Speaking

III. Sample Conversation

Bill: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Bob Smith, please?

Bob: Speaking. May I ask for your name, please?

Bill: Hey, this is Bill. I have two tickets for the film “Titanic” tonight.

Bob: I’m so sorry, but I have something else to do tonight.

Bill: Ah, well, that’s OK. We can see the film together some other time!

Bob: Well, I hope you enjoy the evening!

Bill: Thanks. Bye.

Bob: Bye!

