Full Report 2007

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  • 8/17/2019 Full Report 2007



    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 77

     Ph.D Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Anantapur





    The three-phase Shunt hybrid APF topology for harmonic mitigation in low

    and medium voltage power distribution systems consists of a VSI based three phase

    shunt active filter (SAF) and tuned passive filters (TPF) connected in parallel with the

    load. This chapter discusses the modelling of shunt active filter and design of filter

    interfacing inductor, DC bus capacitor, tuned passive filters. It also presents the

    analysis of synchronous reference frame theorem to estimate the compensation

    reference current and hysteresis current controller for switching signal generation for

    SAF. In addition the principle of operation of asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter

    used as SAF in medium voltage power distribution system and modulation strategy of

    MLI is also presented.



    The operation principle of the proposed shunt hybrid APF topology is

    illustrated in Fig. 3.1. It consists of a shunt active filter and tuned passive filters

    (TPFs) connected in parallel with the nonlinear load which is connected to ac source.

    The two TPFs are designed to absorb 5 th and 7th harmonic currents with the principle

    of series resonance and SAF compensates remaining harmonics. The SAF generates

    compensation current (if ) equal to harmonic load current (iLh) but in opposite phase to

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    it and injects in to the point of common coupling (PCC) through an interfacing

    inductor. Therefore source current (is) is desired to be sinusoidal and in phase with the

    source voltage (vs) to yield maximum power factor. The SAF is a VSI and a capacitor

    connected on the DC side acts as storage element.  

    Fig. 3.1 Operation principle of the proposed Shunt Hybrid APF.


    The basic SAF scheme considered is depicted in Fig. 3.2. Practically, it is a

    three phase AC/DC boost converter, where the main energy storage element is

     provided by the capacitor  C and the inductors L are used to control the filter currents

     by means of the converter voltages. Conversely to the case of a pure voltage

    converter, the focus for such type of device is on the currents injected into the line

    which have to compensate for harmonics generated by nonlinear loads. The capacitor

    voltage has to be constrained into a safe range while it is unimportant the shape of its

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    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 79

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    wave. The definitions, assumptions and preliminary design considerations are ;


    In Fig. 3.2, Vsa, Vsb, Vsc  are the mains voltages, isa, isb, isc  are the mains

    currents, ila, ilb, ilc are the load currents, ifa, ifb, ifc are the filter currents and

    Vdc is the capacitor voltage (DC bus) and all currents and voltages are

     balanced i.e. Vsa+ Vsb+Vsc=0,

    isa + isb + isc =0,

    ifa + ifb + ifc =0. (3.1a)

    2.  The mains voltages Vsa(t), Vsb(t), Vsc(t) are co-sinusoidal of frequency f m,

     balanced and equilibrated.

    Vsa(t) = Vm Cos (2π f mt)

    Vsb(t) = Vm Cos (2π f mt-2 π/3) 

    Vsc(t) = Vm Cos (2π f mt+2 π/3) (3.1b)

    3. The sampling frequency f s  and the PWM frequency f PWM  are supposed

    already chosen.

    4. The load currents ila, ilb, ilc are balanced and periodic of frequency f m.

    5. Mains voltages, mains currents, filter currents are balanced.

    6. The six-switches-bridge is supposed ideal.

    7. The maximum current of the devices implementing the bridge switches is


    8. The steady-state capacitor voltage must be kept inside the range

    [Vdc min,Vdc max]. The upper bound Vdc max depends on the kind of capacitor

    chosen and on the number of series connected capacitor banks. Hence, it

    can be assumed chosen before starting the design procedure. The lower

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     bound Vdc min depends on the controllability constraints.

    Fig. 3.2 Three phase shunt active filter scheme. 

    Let , Vs(t)=[Vsa(t) Vsb(t) Vsc(t)]T  mains voltage vector;

    VfK (t)=[Vfxk (t) Vfyk (t) Vfzk (t)]T  voltage vector between leg

    centers and the node K;

    Vabc(t)=VfN(t)=[VfxN(t) VfyN(t) VfzN(t)]T  voltage vector

     between leg centers and the node N;

    ifabc (t) = [ifa(t) ifb(t) ifc(t)] filter current vector;

    isabc (t) = [isa(t)  isb (t) isc(t)] source current vector;

    ilabc (t) = [ila(t)  ilb (t) ilc(t)] load current vector;

    Uxyz(t)=[ux(t) uy(t) uz(t)]T  control inputs of the six-

    switches-bridge, where ux є {0,1}, x = a,b,c. (3.2)

    By means of Kirchoff laws it is possible to express the vector V abc as

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    Va = Vsa- L  - Ria = SaVdc - V NK   (3.3a)

    V b = Vsb- L

      –  Ri b = S bVdc - V NK   (3.3b)

    Vc = Vsc- L   –  Ric = ScVdc - V NK (3.3c)

    CdV dc

    dt  = Saifa + S bifb + Scifc  (3.3d)

    where Sa  , S b  , Sc  are the logic states of the switches, whose value is 1 when the

     positive switch is on  and 0 when negative switch is conducting. Therefore the

    following relations hold good.

    Sa = 0 → Vak  = 0

    = 1 = Vdc 

    S b = 0 → V bk  = 0

    = 1 = Vdc 

    Sc = 0 → Vck  = 0

    = 1 = Vdc

    Also L and C are the inductors and capacitor values while R is the parasitic

    resistance. Summing the first three scalar equations of (3.3) and considering equation

    (3.1a) the value of  V NK  can be recovered as:

    V NK  =Sa  +Sb+Sc  

    3 Vdc  (3.4)

    By means of equations (3.4), the above equations (3.3) can be rearranged as:


    dt   = -


    L ia -


    L (Sa -


    3 ) +


    L Vsa


    dt   = -


    L i b -


    L (S b -


    3 ) +


    L Vsb 

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    di c

    dt   = -


    L ic -


    L (Sc -


    3 ) +


    L Vsc 

    dV dc

    dt  =


    C [Saifa + S bifb + Scifc] (3.5)

    Looking at the previous equation (3.5) it is quite natural to define three new control 

    functions ua, u b and uc as:

    ua = Sa -Sa  +Sb+Sc  

    3 = 


    3 Sa -


    3 S b -


    3  Sc 

    u b = S b -Sa  +Sb+Sc  

    3  = - 


    3 Sa - 


    3 S b -


    3  Sc 

    uc = Sc -Sa  +Sb+Sc  

    3  =-


    3 Sa -


    3 S b -


    3 Sc  (3.6)

    It is worth to point out that the previous logic functions  S j represent the

    normalized voltages V jK  with respect to the DC-link voltage Vdc while the new control

    functions represents the normalized voltages V j that are referred to node  N. Looking

    at the previous equation it is possible to express the relation between logic functions

    and control functions in a more compact way as:

    uabc = uTS Sabc with

    uabc = uaubuc

      ; Sabc = sasbsc

      ; uTS =−


    3− 1

    3− 1



    3− 1



      3 −1

    3 2


    By means of equations (3.6), elaborating equations (3.5) it can be readily obtained:


    dt   = -


    L ia -


    L  ua+


    L Vsa


    dt   = -


    L i b -


    L  u b +


    L Vsb 


    dt   = -R

    L  ic -VdcL   uc +


    L Vsc

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    dV dc

    dt  =


    C [uaifa + u bifb + ucifc] (3.7)

    Substantially this last model di

    ff ers from the previous one for the di

    ff erent definitions 

    of the control vector  u instead of logic one S.



    The low voltage power distribution system of interest consists of a three

     phase, 2000 V (r.m.s), 50 Hz sinusoidal AC voltage source. The source inductor is

    considered as Ls. A full-bridge diode rectifier with R-L load is selected as the

    nonlinear load as shown in Fig. 3.3.

    Fig. 3.3 System configuration with the proposed SHAPF.

    This type of load can be found in most power electronics applications, i.e.

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    switch-mode power supply, uninterruptible power supply (UPS), AC motor drive and

    DC servo drive. It is used to convert the input AC to DC in an uncontrolled manner. It

    is well known that this nonlinear load draws highly distorted current from the

    distribution source, thus a major source of harmonic distortion [9]. The proposed

    shunt hybrid APF is connected with the distribution line at the PCC through an

    interfacing inductor (Lf ). This interfacing inductor provides isolation from the

    distribution line. A large interfacing inductor is preferable because it results in small

    switching ripple. However, the large interfacing inductor limits the dynamic response

    of the compensation current. Therefore, there is a compromise involved in sizing the

    interfacing inductor. This VSI uses DC-bus capacitor (Cdc) as the supply source and

    switches at high-frequency to generate a compensation current that follows the

    estimated reference current. Therefore the voltage across the DC-bus capacitor (Vdc)

    must be maintained at a constant value that is higher than the amplitude of the source


    3.4.1 Power Circuit

    The power circuit used in the proposed hybrid APF is an universal full-bridge

    VSI as shown in Fig. 3.3. The VSI consists of six transistors, each connected to an

    anti-parallel diode. The transistors are the metal oxide semiconductor field effect

    transistors (MOSFETs). They are selected due to their superior performance

    characteristics, i.e. low forward voltage drop, fast switching times and high power

    handling capability. The logic inverters ensure that each MOSFET on the same leg

    complement each other avoiding short circuit problem of the DC-bus capacitor (Cdc).

    3.4.2 Interfacing Inductor

    The desired compensation current waveform is obtained by controlling the

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    switching of the MOSFETs in the VSI. The switching ripple (isw) of the compensation

    current is determined by the size of the interfacing inductor, available driving voltage

    across the interfacing inductor, and switching frequency. In the proposed scheme, the

    driving voltage is the DC-bus voltage (Vdc). The bipolar DC-bus voltage across the

    interfacing inductor determines the peak-to- peak switching ripple (∆Isw, p− p).The

    minimum interfacing inductor (Lf ,min) can be calculated as

    Lf.min =Vdc

    2.ΔIsw.p−p .f sw ,max   (3.8)where f  sw,max is the maximum frequency of switching ripple and ∆Isw, p− p is the peak-

    to-peak switching ripple of compensation current. The detailed derivation of (3.8) is

     presented in Appendix A.

    3.4.3 DC-Bus Capacitor

    The DC-bus capacitor (Cdc) is used as a temporary energy storage element in

    the proposed hybrid APF as shown in Fig. 3.3. Under steady state condition, the

    reactive and harmonic load currents will charge and discharge the DC-bus capacitor

    during the source voltage period. The total reactive and harmonic load current to be

    compensated is the principle factor that causes the DC-bus capacitor voltage

    fluctuation. To get a good compensation performance, serious voltage fluctuations

    must be avoided. In such cases the capacitor may have to supply real power demand

    of the load during one cycle of the utility voltage. This can be achieved by proper

    sizing of the DC-bus capacitor. The size determination of the DC-bus capacitor is

     based on the energy-balance principle which means that the stored energy of the

    capacitor should be equal to sudden change in the load energy for one cycle of supply


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    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 86

     Ph.D Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Anantapur

    Let Vdc(t)  be the DC-bus voltage at that instant(maximum or minimum), Vdc,ref

    is the DC-bus reference voltage, Vsmax is the peak value of the source voltage, ∆IL  is

    the change in peak value of the harmonic load current and T is the time period of

    source voltage. Then change in energy due to change in load per one cycle is

    ΔEL(t) =1

    2. Vsmax .ΔIL.T 

    and stored energy in the capacitor is given by

    ΔEc(t) =1




    − Vdc (t)



    Therefore stored energy of the capacitor should supply change in load energy for one

    time period.

    ∴ ΔEc(t) = ΔEL(t)1

     2Cdc Vdc .ref 2

    −Vdc (t)2 = 12 . Vsmax .

    ΔIL.T  (3.9) 

    Therefore three capacitor voltage values are obtained on the basis of the following

    three situations:


    When there is a sudden increase in the fundamental load current (Cdc1):


     2Cdc Vdc .ref 2 − Vdc,min 2 = 12 . Vsmax .ΔIL1.  T

    where Vdc,min is the minimum value of DC bus voltage.

    ii)  When there is a sudden decrease in the fundamental load current (Cdc2):


     2Cdc Vdc.max 2 − Vdc,ref 2 = 12 . Vsmax .ΔIL2 T

    iii)  Reactive and harmonic currents of load current during steady state(Cdc3):


     2Cdc ΔVdc .2 − Vdc,ref 2 = 12 . Vsmax .ΔIL3 T

    where ΔVdc is the maximum or minimum value of Vdc.

    The largest value of Cdc1, Cdc2, Cdc3  will be selected. For compensating

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    harmonics and reactive power Cdc3 is selected in this thesis. Therefore the

    size of DC-bus capacitor is determined by

    Cdc ≥  Vsmax ΔIL TΔVdc 2−Vdc ,ref 2  (3.10)3.4.4

    The objective the control strategy of the proposed three-phase shunt hybrid

    active filter is to produce appropriate gating signals for the switching transistors of

    VSI. The control system consists of synchronous reference frame theorem based

    compensation current estimator, hysteresis current controller for gate signal

    generation and a Fuzzy logic controller to maintain the DC bus voltage constant. Compensation Current Reference Estimation Using d-q-0


    In this work synchronous reference frame (SRF) theory is employed to obtain

    compensating current reference signal. In this control strategy three phase load

    currents are sensed and transformed from a-b-c reference frame to d-q coordinates

    which are DC components using park‟s transformation. Passing these d-q components

    of load currents through low pass filter, the low frequency fundamental components

    only will be passed through and harmonic component is stopped. By subtracting

    fundamental component from non-filtered signal will result in harmonic component in

    load current. Control signal from Fuzzy logic controller is added to this signal to

    obtain the reference compensating signal in d-q reference frame. By transforming

    these components in d-q reference to a-b-c r eference frame using inverse Park‟s

    transformation, the information about harmonic current component in a-b-c reference

    frame is obtained.

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    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 88

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    Suppose the three phase source currents are Isa,  Isb,  Isc,  the nonlinear load

    currents are ILa, ILb, ILc and active filter compensating currents are Ifa, Ifb, Ifc for phases

    A,B,C respectively. The load currents in a-b-c synchronous reference frame

    components can be converted in to d-q reference frame components using Park‟s

    transformation as shown in equation (3.11).

    IdIq =  2

    3cos θ cos θ− 2π3 cos θ + 2π3 sin θ − sin θ − 2π

    3 − sin θ + 2π



      (3.11)These currents can be decomposed into fundamental and harmonic components as

    shown in equations (3.12).

    Id =Iddc + Idh, Iq = Iqdc + Iqh (3.12) 

    The fundamental component of load current will appear as DC quantity in d-q

    reference frame. Therefore Iddc = Id1 and Iqdc = Iq1. The harmonic component of load

    current is obtained by subtracting high frequency harmonic current signal from total

    load current.

    Idh = IL-LPF( Id), Iqh = IL-LPF(Iq) (3.13)

    These reference currents are transformed into a-b-c coordinates by applying

    Inverse Park‟s transformation to obtain reference currents in a-b-c coordinates.

    Ifa∗Ifb∗Ifc∗  = 23

    cos θ sin θ

    cos θ − 2π3 − sin θ − 2π


    cos θ + 2π3 − sin θ + 2π


    IdhIqh  (3.14)

    These reference currents are applied to hysteresis current controller which

     produces required gating pulses to switching devices of VSI. Since it deals with

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    mainly DC quantities and computation is instantaneous this theory is considered in

    this thesis for estimating reference compensating current.   Hysteresis Current Control (HCC) for Switching Signal


    Fig. 3.4(a) shows a single phase VSI with terminal voltage (Vf )

    connected to a sinusoidal voltage source (Vs) through an equivalent

    inductance L and resistance R . Fig. 3.4(b) shows it‟s HCC.

    Fig. 3.4 (a) Single phase VSI and ( b ) Its hysteresis current controller.

    To control APF output current (if )  and to track certain reference current if *,

    according to Fig. 3.4(a), the instantaneous voltage equation is:

    Ldi f 

    dt  + if  R = Vf  - Vs  (3.15) 

    When the APF output current is equal to refer ence current if ∗, the correspondingequation will be


    f ∗

    dt  + if 

    ∗ R = Vf ∗ - Vs  (3.16) 

    where Vf ∗  is the reference VSI terminal voltage corresponding to if 

    ∗. If APF current

    tracking error Δif   = if ∗ - if  , then it is clear that when R = 0,

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    L∆if dt 

      = Vf ∗−Vf (3.17)

    where VSI terminal voltage Vf  =Vdc

    2  when S=1

    = -Vdc

    2  when S=0

    Here Vdc  is the DC bus voltage of VSI and S is switching state of the

    solid-state switches. When Δif   is greater than 0 and beyond the tolerance, S is

    controlled to be at lower level i. e S = 0 and therefore (Vf   - Vf ∗) 

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    applying a “defuzzification” process, arriving  at definite conclusions. The block

    diagram representation of a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is shown in Fig. 3.5.

    The FLC mainly consists of three blocks

    • Fuzzification

    • Inference

    • Defuzzification

    The details of the above processes are given below.

    Fig. 3.5.Block diagram of FLC 

     A. Fuzzification

    The fuzzy logic controller requires that each input/output variable which

    define the control surface be expressed in fuzzy set notations using linguistic labels.

    The membership values of each input and output variable divide its universe of

    discourse into adjacent intervals to form the membership functions. The membership

    value denotes the extent to which a variable belong to a particular level. The process

    of converting input/output variable to linguistic levels is termed as fuzzification.

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     B. Inference

    The behavior of the control surface which relates the input and output

    variables of the system is governed by a set of rules. A typical rule would be

    If x is A Then y is B

    When a set of input variables are read, each of the rule that has any degree

    of truth in its premise is fired and contributes to the forming of the control

    surface by approximately modifying it. When all the rules are fired, the resulting

    control surface is expressed as a fuzzy set to represent the constraints output. This

     process is termed as inference.

    C. Defuzzification

    Defuzzification is the process of conversion of fuzzy quantity into crisp

    quantity. There are several methods available for defuzzification. The most prevalent

    one is centroid method, which utilizes the following formula:

    μxxdx μxdx   where μ  is the membership degree of output x.3.4.5 Tuned Passive Filter Design

    The proposed shunt hybrid active power filter consists of tuned passive filters

    connected in parallel with the load to absorb specified harmonic currents. The

    common types of passive harmonic filters include single tuned, double tuned and high

     pass filters. However for simplicity single tuned filters are considered in this work.

    The basic shunt passive filtering principle is to trap harmonic currents in LC circuits,

    tuned up to the harmonic filtering frequency, and to eliminate from power system. A

    single tuned 1st

     order filter configuration consists of RLC elements in series as shown

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    in Fig. 3.6.

    Fig. 3.6 Design of Tuned Passive Filters.

    In single-tuned passive filter, the reactance of inductor is equal to that of

    capacitor at resonant frequency f n. The relationship among L, C, R, Q values are

    given in Eqn.(3.18)[4].

    Cn = 1/Ln(2πf n)2 ,  R n=Ln(2 πf n)/Q




    where f n=frequency of harmonic component, n=order of harmonic,

    Q=Quality factor, R n=Resistance of nth harmonic filter, Ln=inductance of n

    th harmonic

    filter. In the proposed hybrid filter the shunt passive filters are tuned to absorb 5th and

    7th harmonic currents and other higher order harmonics are to be suppressed by SAF.

    Hence burden on SAF is reduced resulting in reduced rating of SAF and effective

    filtering of higher order harmonics. Therefore source needs to supply only

    fundamental component of load current.

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    Fig. 3.7 Simplified model of the proposed shunt hybrid APF.

    Fig. 3.7 presents an equivalent circuit of the proposed shunt hybrid APF for

    harmonic filtering, where  ZTP  is the equivalent impedance of TPF and Zs  is the

    equivalent impedance of distribution source assumed to be a simple inductor (Ls). The

    shunt APF is assumed to act as an ideal current source which produces the

    compensation current that follows the compensation current reference, while the

    nonlinear load is considered as a harmonic currents source. Since we are only

    interested in the system performance with the harmonic components, the source

    voltage can be neglected. This is because the source voltage is assumed to contain

    only the fundamental frequency component.



    The proposed SHAF configuration for compensating harmonics in medium

    voltage system uses ACSLI as shunt active filter and single tuned passive filters as

    shunt passive filters. The design of shunt passive filter is explained in section 3.4.5.

    The operation of ACSLI SAPF is discussed in this section. The basic structure of a

    three-phase Y-configured multilevel inverter with „n‟ series-connected H-bridge cells

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     per phase is shown in Fig. 3.8.

    Fig. 3.8 Circuit diagram of a three-phase cascaded multilevel inverter.

    A phase voltage waveform is obtained by summing the output voltages of the inverter

    cells as in Eqn.(3.19).

    Va(t) = Va1(t)+Va2(t)+…..+Van(t) (3.19)

    If DC voltage sources of all H-bridge cells are equal, the maximum number of levels

    (m) of phase voltage is given by Eqn.(3.20).

    m = 2n + 1 (3.20)

    On the other hand, if at least one of the DC voltage sources is different of the

    other ones, the multilevel inverter can be called as asymmetric multilevel inverter.

    Thus, considering the lowest DC voltage source (V1) as base value for the p.u.

    notation (V base =V1), the normalized values of all DC voltage sources must be natural

    numbers to obtain a uniform step multilevel inverter, i.e.:

    V j є N ,  j = 1, 2, ..., n. V j=normalized voltage of DC source j. (3.21)

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    Moreover, to obtain a uniform step multilevel inverter, the DC voltage sources

    of the H-bridge cells must also respect the following relation given in Eqn.(3.22):

    V j ≤ 1+2  −1=1 ,  = 2,3,…… . . ,  (3.22)It is also considered that the DC voltage sources are arranged in an increasing

    way as in Eqn.(3.23).

    V1≤ V2≤ V3≤ ...≤ Vn  (3.23)

    Therefore, the maximum number of levels of output phase voltage waveform

    can be given by Eqn.(3.24).

    M= 2σn + 1 where σn = Vjnj=1   (3.24)From Eqns.(3.20) and (3.24), it is possible to verify that asymmetric multilevel

    inverters can generate a larger number of levels with the same number of cells. Hence

    in this thesis asymmetric cascaded inverter with two H-Bridge cells (LV cell and HV

    cell) in cascade is used as shunt active power filter for harmonic mitigation in medium

    voltage distribution system. On the DC side of HV cell 3kV DC supply is connected

    and on LV cell a capacitor is connected as storage device. Fuzzy logic controller is

    used for maintaining LV cell capacitor voltage constant. The FLC design is explained

    in section

    Carrier switching frequency subharmonic PWM is used for producing

    switching signals for ACSLI. For m-level inverter this technique uses (m-1) triangular

    carrier signals with the same frequency, same peak-to-peak amplitude and same phase

    which are disposed such that the bands they occupy are contiguous. The sinusoidal

    modulation waveform is centered in the middle of the carrier set and is continuously

    compared with each of the carrier signals. If the reference is greater than a carrier

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    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 97

     Ph.D Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Anantapur

    signal, then the active device corresponding to that carrier is switched on, and if the

    reference is less than a carrier signal, then the active device corresponding to that

    carrier is switched off. This method is also known as sinusoidal pulse width

    modulation. D-q-0 theory is used for estimating reference compensating current of

    SAPF which is described in section

      Multilevel Inverter Modulation Strategy

    A generalized modulation strategy has been presented in [62], which

    incorporates stepped voltage waveform synthesis in higher power H-bridge cells in

    conjunction with high frequency variable pulse width modulation (PWM) in the

    lowest power H-bridge cell. However, to synthesize a voltage waveform modulated at

    high frequency among all adjacent voltage steps, switching at high frequency only the

    lowest power inverter, the DC voltage sources must satisfy the following equation:

    V j ≤ 2  −1=1 ,  = 2,3,…… . . ,  (3.25)Therefore, if eqn.(3.25) is satisfied, the output voltage harmonics will be

    concentrated around the frequencies multiples of the switching frequency of the

    inverter with the lowest DC voltage source. Consequently, with this topology and this

    modulation strategy, the spectral response of the output voltage depends on the

    switching frequency of the lowest power inverter, while the power processing

    depends basically on the inverter with the highest DC voltage source. Fig. 3.9 shows

    that the reference signal of the hybrid multilevel inverter is the command signal of the

    H-bridge cell with highest DC voltage source (Vn). This signal is compared with a

    voltage level corresponding to the sum of all smaller DC voltage sources of the hybrid

    multilevel inverter (σn-1). If the command signal is greater than this level, the output

    of the inverter with the highest DC voltage source must be equal to Vn. In addition, if

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    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 98

     Ph.D Thesis submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Anantapur

    the command signal is less than the negative value of σn-1, the output of this cell must

     be equal to −Vn, else the output of this cell must be zero. The command signal of the


     cell is the difference between the command signal of the inverter j+1 and the output

    voltage of the inverter j+1. In this way, the command signal of the jth  cell contains

    information about the harmonic content of the output voltage of all higher voltage


    Fig. 3.9 Modulation strategy of hybrid multilevel inverters [62].

    This command signal is compared with a voltage level corresponding to the

    sum of all voltage sources until the inverter j – 1 (σ j-1). In the same way that presented

    for the inverter n, the output voltage of this cell is synthesized from the comparison of

    these two signals. Finally, the command signal of the first inverter (lowest power

    inverter) is compared with a high frequency triangle carrier signal with amplitude V1,

    resulting in a high frequency output voltage. Consequently, the frequency modulation

    index (mf ) of the hybrid multilevel inverter is defined as the ratio between the

    switching frequency of the lowest power inverter (f s) and the frequency of the

    reference signal (f r ).

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    Chapter 3 Modelling of Three-Phase Shunt Hybrid active Power filter 99

    Ph D Th b d J h l l N h T h l l U A A


    This chapter explained the principle of operation of proposed SHAF topology

    and modelling of basic three phase shunt active filter in detail. The overall topology is

    highlighted to give an overview of the work. Then, the design of each main block

    namely power source, interfacing inductor and DC bus capacitor followed by tuned

     passive filter. It also presented ACSLI based SHAF operation, component design and

    its control strategy. A larger number of levels can be obtained with the same number

    of power devices of the conventional cascaded multilevel inverter, minimizing the

    THD of output voltage with ACSLI.