Full Cycle

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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full cycle

Transcript of Full Cycle

%NAME-Bhamare Kishor D.%MIS No.141305012%Batch:-D%Program for Full Cycle Phase and Magnitude Estimation

1) Estimation of Voltage and Phase in Normal Condition

clc;clear all;Vm=input('Enter Max magnitude=');f=input('Enter frequency=');p=input('Enter phase=');k=input('Enter number of samples=');VM=zeros(1,k);phase=zeros(1,k);t=0; d=(0.02/k);w=2*pi*f;for i=1:k;V(i)=Vm*sin(w*t+p);t=t+d;end;for z=1:ka=0;b=0;for j=1:k; theta=(j-1)*((2*pi)/k); a=a+(V(1,j)*sin(theta)); b=b+(V(1,j)*cos(theta));end a=a*(2/k);b=b*(2/k);VM(1,z)=(a/cos(p));phase(1,z)=asin(b/VM(1,z));t=t+d;end;disp('The mean of magnitude is: ');g=mean(VM)disp('The mean of phase is: ');p=mean(phase)disp('The variance of magnitude is: ');v=var(VM)disp('The variance of phase is: ');p1=var(phase)t=1:1:k;plot(t,g);xlabel('Sample Number(N)');ylabel('Estimated Value (Vm)'


The mean of magnitude is:

g =


The mean of phase is:

p =


The variance of magnitude is:

v =


The variance of phase is:

p1 =


2) Estimation of Voltage and Phase in the Presence of DC Offset clcVm=input('Enter Max magnitude=');f=input('Enter frequency=');p=input('Enter phase=');k=input('Enter number of samples=');E=input('Enter randn multiplier=');VM=zeros(1,k);phase=zeros(1,k);t=0; d=(0.02/k);for i=1:k;V(i)=Vm*sin(w*t+p)+E*randn();t=t+d;end;for z=1:kw=2*pi*f;a=0;b=0; for j=1:k; theta=(j-1)*((2*pi)/k); a=a+(V(1,j)*sin(theta)); b=b+(V(1,j)*cos(theta));end a=a*(2/k);b=b*(2/k);VM(1,z)=(a/cos(p));phase(1,z)=asin(b/VM(1,z));t=t+d;end;disp('The mean of magnitude is: ');g=mean(VM)disp('The mean of phase is: ');p=mean(phase)disp('The variance of magnitude is: ');v=var(VM)disp('The variance of phase is: ');p1=var(phase)t=1:1:k;plot(t,g);xlabel('Sample Number(N)');ylabel('Estimated Value (Vm)');


Enter Max magnitude=10

Enter frequency=50

Enter phase=0.523

Enter number of samples=1000

Enter randn multiplier=3

The mean of magnitude is:

g =


The mean of phase is:

p =


The variance of magnitude is:

v =


The variance of phase is:

p1 =


Values of Estimated voltage and Phase for Different randan Multiplier Coefficients

Multiplier of E(randan) Mean of Magnitude Mean of Phase Variance of Magnitude Variance of Phase0.1 10.003 0.5223 3.8459e-26 4.4418e-310.4 9.9116 0.5223 2.9110e-26 2.0852e-300.9 10.021 0.5227 2.0215e-26 4.4118e-301.3 10.006 0.5182 8.8725e-27 1.9741e-292 9.9277 0.5239 4.5484e-28 9.7732e-292.5 9.8812 0.5279 9.9054e-27 2.4985e-293 10.184 0.5151 1.4605e-26 6.3962e-29

3) Estimation of Phase and Voltage in Presence of DC offset

%NAME-Bhamare Kishor D.%MIS No.141305012%Batch:-Dclc;clear all;Vm=input('Enter Max magnitude=');f=input('Enter frequency=');p=input('Enter phase=');k=input('Enter number of samples=');VM=zeros(1,k);phase=zeros(1,k);t=0;w=2*pi*f;d=(0.02/k);for j=1:k;V(j)=Vm*sin(w*t+p)+5*exp(-5i*w*j);t=t+d;end;for z=1:ka=0;b=0;for j=1:k; theta=(j-1)*((2*pi)/k); a=a+(V(1,j)*sin(theta)); b=b+(V(1,j)*cos(theta));end a=a*(2/k);b=b*(2/k);VM(1,z)=(a/cos(p));phase(1,z)=asin(b/VM(1,z));t=t+d;end;disp('The mean of magnitude is: ');g=mean(VM)disp('The mean of phase is: ');p=mean(phase)disp('The variance of magnitude is: ');v=var(VM)disp('The variance of phase is: ');p1=var(phase)t=1:1:k;plot(t,g);xlabel('Sample Number(N)');ylabel('Estimated Value (Vm)');


Enter Max magnitude=10

Enter frequency=50

Enter phase=0.523

Enter number of samples=1000

The mean of magnitude is:

g =

10.0000 + 0.0000i

The mean of phase is:

p =

0.5230 - 0.0000i

The variance of magnitude is:

v =


The variance of phase is:

p1 =
