Full circle around 360 degree feedback May 2012

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Transcript of Full circle around 360 degree feedback May 2012

Full circle around 360 degree feedback

by Toronto Training and HR

May 2012


3-4 Introduction to Toronto Training and HR5-6 Definition7-8 Giving great feedback9-10 Typical issues11-13 Questions to ask14-17 Rationale for 360 degree feedback18-20 Central principles to adopt21-23 Questionnaire wording24-27 Benefits of online 360 degree feedback28-30 What does a helpful feedback report look like?31-32 What can it achieve?33-34 Cultural attributes that support the use of 360 degree feedback35-36 Transparency37-38 Benefits of asking for feedback39-41 Dos and don’ts to make the most of feedback42-43 Challenging perceptions44-47 Selecting a system48-49 What’s so good about 360 degree feedback?50-51 Selling 360 degree feedback to senior

management52-53 Drill54-55 Conclusion and questions

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Introduction to Toronto Training and HR

• Toronto Training and HR is a specialist training and human resources consultancy headed by Timothy Holden

• 10 years in banking• 10 years in training and human resources• Freelance practitioner since 2006• The core services provided by Toronto Training and HR

are:- Training event design- Training event delivery- Reducing costs- Saving time- Improving employee engagement &

morale- Services for job seekers

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What is 360 degree feedback?

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Giving great feedback

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Giving great feedback

Be honest, clear and specificDo it oftenGive it the time it deservesDocument it……but make it about more than filling out formsDo it in privateGive credit as well as criticismSet out clear plans and benchmarksChoose your words carefully

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Typical issues

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Typical issues


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Questions to ask

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Questions to ask 1 of 2

To what extent does the organization value people development in general?How important is feedback within the organization?What is the organization’s attitude to risk-taking and failure?How open is senior management to the concept of 360 degree feedback?

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Questions to ask 2 of 2

How would 360 degree feedback help the organization achieve its goals?How would the process fit with other HR and performance management systems?What processes would be put in place to promote training and support feedback givers and receivers?

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Rationale for 360 degree feedback

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Rationale for 360 degree feedback 1 of 3

360 degree feedback can become a powerful organizational intervention to increase awareness of the importance of aligning leader behavior, work unit results and customer expectations, as well as increasing employee participation in leadership development and work unit effectiveness

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Rationale for 360 degree feedback 2 of 3

360 degree feedback recognizes the complexity of management and the value of input from various sources-it is axiomatic that managers should not be assessing behaviours they cannot observe, and the leadership behaviours of subordinates may not be known to their managers

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Rationale for 360 degree feedback 3 of 3

360 degree feedback calls attention to important performance dimensions that may hitherto have been neglected by the organization360 degree feedback can overcome biased appraisals because the organization is not relying on one person’s view and the inherent prejudices he or she may have

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Central principles to adopt

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Central principles to adopt 1 of 2

The questions set are short, clear and relevant to the person’s jobThe respondents are credible to the recipient (in many instances recipients choose the respondents)respondents are given guidance about the information they should be providing, for example asking for specific examples of certain behaviours or only providing comments that can be supported with evidence

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Central principles to adopt 2 of 2

Feedback is only given by individuals trained to give it

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Questionnaire wording

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Questionnaire wording 1 of 2

Questions should be relevant to the recipient's jobIf they are not, the recipient will not be motivated to change or indeed understand which changes are requiredEach question should be concise, use plain English, and omit qualifiers, such as ’when appropriate‘ and ’as necessary‘Vague, complex questions rarely produce clear feedback

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Questionnaire wording 2 of 2

Each question should relate to a clearly-defined competency and follow a uniform structure, as muddled competencies make for muddled feedbackQuestions should set clear and appropriate standards, for example ’makes decisions‘ is a poor criterion as the decisions made could be unclear, late, autocratic or wrong

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Benefits of online 360 degree feedback

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Benefits of online 360 degree feedback 1 of 3

Recipients can choose the competencies on which they wish to receive feedbackConfidentiality is improved, as questionnaires and reports can be protected by passwordsAccuracy is enhanced as online system settings can ensure that essential data is provided

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Benefits of online 360 degree feedback 2 of 3

Data entry settings can also improve the quality of feedback by, for example, requiring that a minimum number of questions are answered and stipulating minimum percentages of critical and positive feedbackReports are available online; answers can be collated instantly, so reports are immediately available and up-to-date, while they can also include comparison with previous feedback

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Benefits of online 360 degree feedback 3 of 3

The amount of administration required is much reduced as individuals can be responsible for managing their own feedback, requesting feedback and chasing late questionnairesDemographic information can be collected and fed into the production of summary reports

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What does a helpful feedback report look


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What does a helpful feedback report look like? 1

of 2Are concise and simple to understand – lengthy or complex reports simply add to employees’ workloadAre visual – they use graphics to make findings stand out, and make it easy to see patterns and to explore differences between questions and different respondentsAre self-explanatory – they need almost no explanation or interpretation

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What does a helpful feedback report look like? 2

of 2Avoid averages, statistics or factors – they focus instead on provide the ratings and written comments given by individual respondents (as averages may hide important information)

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What can it achieve?

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What can it achieve?

Identifying differences between the way individuals see themselves and how they are perceived by othersEstablishing differences between the perceptions of different groups of respondents (for example, do the recipient's direct reports have a different view to his or her line manager?)In so doing, helping to make performance management a more objective and fair process

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Cultural attributes that support the use of 360

degree feedback

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Cultural attributes that support the use of 360

degree feedback Open communication and widespread sharing of information Employee involvement in decision-making A high level of accountability for performance A high level of trust and openness

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COMMUNICATE TO ALL PARTICIPANTSThe purpose of the processHow the feedback data will be usedWho will have access to the results

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Benefits of asking for feedback

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Benefits of asking for feedback

Identifying your strengthsSeeing into your blind spotsMeeting your goalsPreparing for advancementBecoming more effective

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Dos and don’ts to make the most of feedback

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Dos and don’ts to make the most of feedback 1 of 2

Do choose just one or two areas to work onDo focus as much on your strengths as your weaknessesDo save your feedback for a specific time set aside for review and reflectionDo seek further detail and clarification as neededDo take notes and explore your observationsDon’t choose too many areas to work on

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Dos and don’ts to make the most of feedback 2 of 2

Don’t focus on the “bad stuff”Don’t just skim the feedbackDon’t hold feedback against the people who gave it to youDon’t put the feedback in a drawer

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Challenging perceptions

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Challenging perceptions

The feedback on an aspect of behaviour is the opposite of what the recipient expectsAn aspect of behaviour is shown to be more (or less) important as an explanation of individual performance than the recipient perceives to be the caseFindings can highlight specific relationships between aspects of behaviour

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Selecting a system

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Selecting a system 1 of 3

Manage the systemUse trained personnelThey aren’t the same!

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Selecting a system 2 of 3

POINTS TO CONSIDERIs it reliable and valid?Is the system easy to run?Do you have some flexibility?What’s important to the role?Can confidentiality be guaranteed?Are comparison reports available?Can you easily obtain an executive summary?

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Selecting a system 3 of 3

POINTS TO CONSIDERDoes the system allow written comments?Are effective coaching and development programs available?How much does it cost?

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What’s so good about 360 degree feedback?

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What’s so good about 360 degree feedback?

Increased productivityIncreased training ROIImproved communicationIncreased leadership effectivenessImproved retention

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Selling 360 degree feedback to senior


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Selling 360 degree feedback to senior management

Leaders need feedback urgentlyLeadership training is not proving effectiveMeasuring how engaged the workforce is

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Conclusion and questions

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Conclusion and questions
