Fulbright.state.gov Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Fulbright.state.gov Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs...


Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State

Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs


Administered by:

Institute of International Education (IIE)


Fulbright ProgramFulbright Program

About…About… GoalGoal

• 1946: Created by U.S. Congress

• Student Program administered in U.S. by IIE

• Administered overseas by bi-national commissions and U.S. embassies

Senator J. William Fulbright


To increase mutual understanding between people of the U.S. and people of other countries through exchange

For more information, visit:


U.S. Student ProgramU.S. Student Program

Two Types of GrantsTwo Types of Grants

Research/Study Grant•1,000 awards•8-10 months•~150 countries•Independent research, study, or arts projects abroad

English Teaching Assistantship (ETA)•800 awards•8-10 months•~70 countries•Help teach English and U.S. culture in the classroom

For more information, visit:


For more information, visit:



• U.S. Citizen

• At least Bachelor’s degree or equivalent by start of grant

• Not a PhD, MD, or other terminal degree

• Proficiency in language of host country (varies by country)

• Success rate: average of 1 in 6 (varies widely by country)

• High level of academic and/or professional achievement

• Demonstrated leadership ability

• Sufficient language proficiency (varies by country)

• A well-developed project

General QualificationsGeneral Qualifications

Research / Study Grants Research / Study Grants

For more information, visit:


For more information, visit:


English Teaching AssistantshipEnglish Teaching Assistantship

• New countries each year!

• Improve students’ understanding of English & U.S. culture

• Assistant teach 20-30 hrs/wk

• K-12 or university/college

• Language requirements often lower

For more information, visit:


Application Components Application Components

1. Basic Personal Data2. Essays

• Statement of Grant Purpose Research/Study: 2 pages ETA: 1 page Personal Statement: 1 page

3. Reports / References• Foreign Language Evaluation• Three (3) References

4. Transcripts5. Other

• Arts ONLY: Supplementary Materials• Research/Study: Affiliation Letter(s)

Letters of AffiliationLetters of Affiliation

• For Study /Research Only• Signed letter (on letterhead)• Host country contact who will advise

and/or mentor you• Professional at a university,

laboratory, library, community org., etc.

• Requirements vary by country• ETAs DO NOT secure affiliations

For more information, visit:


How to ApplyHow to Apply

For more information, visit:


Currently-Enrolled ApplicantsCurrently-Enrolled Applicants

Applications are submitted online using the Embark systemApplications are submitted online using the Embark system

• Must apply through campus Fulbright Program Advisor

• Campus interview required

• References & Lang. Report submitted by your referrers

• Letters of affiliation scanned & uploaded by you

• Transcripts (unofficial) uploaded by you

All UI applicants will submit a hard copy of their application to Academic Programs & Services

UI Alumni/aeUI Alumni/ae• have the choice of applying: “at-

large” (without the opportunity of a faculty interview) or

• through the UI

Grant BenefitsGrant Benefits

• Round-trip Airfare• Monthly Stipend *• Limited Accident & Sickness

Benefits• Other Possible Benefits *

Support For Dependents Research Allowance Tuition Language Lessons Enhancement Activities Disability-Related Accommodations

* Varies, depending on grant and host country

For more information, visit:


• Filmmaker, author, from NY

• Explored history and future of tiny Indo-Jewish community of her ancestry

• Wrote The Girl from Foreign: A Memoir and created documentary film In Search of Bene Israel

Sadia Shepard – India Sadia Shepard – India 2001-022001-02

Grantee Profile - ArtsGrantee Profile - Arts

For more information, visit:


• Public health, from Oberlin College

• Sought to understand why South Africans diagnosed with HIV/AIDS refused treatment

• Pursuing PhD in Cultural Anthropology at Rutgers U

• Alumni Ambassador

Chaunetta Jones – Chaunetta Jones – South Africa 2008-09South Africa 2008-09

Grantee Profile - Social SciencesGrantee Profile - Social Sciences

For more information, visit:


• Biomedical engineer & medical doctor, from Univ. of Michigan

• Working at University of Tartu to create cheap, portable cataract diagnosis tool

• Whitaker International Scholar

Eric Tkaczyk – EstoniaEric Tkaczyk – Estonia 2010-11 2010-11

Grantee Profile - STEMGrantee Profile - STEM

For more information, visit:


• Anthropology, from CUNY – Hunter College

• Studied labor issues – illegality & marginalization – at Observatorio de Migraciones Madrid

• Currently a writer in Oakland, CA

• Alumni Ambassador

Aurora Almendral – Aurora Almendral – Spain 2007-08Spain 2007-08

Grantee Profile - HumanitiesGrantee Profile - Humanities

For more information, visit:


• From Colby College

• As a result of Fulbright, now pursuing teaching as a career

• Graduate student in inclusive education at Teachers College, Columbia U.

• Alumni Ambassador

Billy Fong – Billy Fong – Taiwan 2008-09Taiwan 2008-09

Grantee Profile - ETAGrantee Profile - ETA

For more information, visit:


Grantee Profile - ETAGrantee Profile - ETA

For more information, visit:


• From University of Louisville

• Worked with University of South Florida’s Youth Impact Program

• Founded Louisville Grows, promoting sustainable urban agriculture

• Alumni Ambassador

Paige Battcher - Paige Battcher - Thailand 2008-09Thailand 2008-09

• Alum from Univ. of Connecticut

• Post-Fulbright: created digital literacy curriculum: “One Laptop per Child” pilot in Piraí, Brazil

• Studying comparative & int’l education at Teachers College, Columbia U.

• Alumni Ambassador

Mark Beasley-Murray - Mark Beasley-Murray - Brazil 2008-09Brazil 2008-09

Grantee Profile - ETAGrantee Profile - ETA

For more information, visit:


For more information, visit:


UI Application Timeline 2013UI Application Timeline 2013

UI Campus Deadline

IIE Application Deadline for non-UI apps.National Screening Committees

Commissions/Embassies Foreign Scholarship Board

Final Notification

January - September

Sept. 13

Oct. 17Nov. / Dec.

Jan. - May

Mar. - June

On-Campus Interviews Sept. 23-27

UI Final Submission Deadline Oct. 3

Design Project,Prepare Application

INTERESTED IN A FULBRIGHT AT THE UI? UI undergraduates who will have their B.A. by September, 2014 will apply


Kelly Thornburg, Fellowships Director

Honors Program

431 Blank Honors Center


UI graduate and professional students and alumni will apply through:

Karen Wachsmuth, Academic Programs and Student Services Administrator

International Programs

1111 University Capitol Centre




General Application TimelineGeneral Application Timeline

Design Project,Prepare Application

Campus Deadline

IIE At-Large Application Deadline

National Screening Committees

Commissions/Embassies Foreign Scholarship Board

Final Notification

January - September


October 17

Nov / Dec

Jan - May

Mar - June

For more information, visit:


UI Fulbright Recipient,Luke JuranGeography-India

Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State

Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs


Administered by:

Institute of International Education (IIE)



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On FacebookOn Facebookfacebook.com/fulbrightfacebook.com/fulbright

Google+Google+Search “Fulbright Program”Search “Fulbright Program”

VideoVideovimeo.com/fulbright vimeo.com/fulbright youtube.com/fulbrightprogramyoutube.com/fulbrightprogram

Webinars & PodcastsWebinars & Podcastsus.fulbrightonline.orgus.fulbrightonline.org

Applicant BlogApplicant Blogblogs.fulbrightonline.org/usappblogs.fulbrightonline.org/usapp