Fthb met f BULLETIN. · Fthb met I jXjgBfx n&H In m:I 8q f BULLETIN. No. 210. HONOLULU, H. L,...

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Transcript of Fthb met f BULLETIN. · Fthb met I jXjgBfx n&H In m:I 8q f BULLETIN. No. 210. HONOLULU, H. L,...

Fthb met





8qf BULLETIN.No. 210. HONOLULU, H. L, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1882. (0 lent

Subscriptionprr llonlb.

THE DAILY BULLETINI published every morning by the

Daily Buli.ktin Puni.isnixo Co.,and circulated throughout the town, andforwurded to the other Inlands by everyopportunity.

Subscription, 60 cts. per montli.G. Caiison Kknvon, . . Editor.All business communications to be ad.

dressed, Manager Dnlly DMlletlu, PostOlllco Box No. 14.

J. G. Ci.kvioh, JIunngcr.

A Wonderful Bug.

Mits. IlAitincitr. describes a jewe-

led bug, about an inch long, belong.,ing to a 'Washington lady: "It ia

richly enameled on the tipper side indark-blu- e. ltd wings nro crustedwith diamonds, its oyes nro gems,and the slundor feelers nro delicate I

threads of light. In this form it isworn as a pendant to an Etruscannecklace. On the under side it is

of soft beaten gold, with' its legsneatly doubled up and crossed, andcan be worn, this bide up, on achatelaine as a scent-bottl- e, whichshape it much resembles. After tlioexquisite workmanship of the bughad been duly admired, a springwas touched, tho two jeweled wingsfluttered in the air, and under them,on the bug's back, was a tinywatch-dia- l no largo than a pencil-to- p,

the phantom hands pointing tocorrect timo of day, marked by theitiftnitesimul figures on the dial.This was not all of the surprises.Another spring lifted tlio undershell, and corresponding to thewatch-dia- l was a locket, or placo forthe picture of tho giver, belowwhich was tho engraved name andwords of love, dated Geneva."

A doctor having had an extensivepractice, was being buried. Thefuneral cortege was very small."How is it," asked one, that DoctorN is followed by so few of hisacquaintances?" "fiecauso theyhave all preceded him," was the1!reply.

C3T A full line ofTloy's, Youth's andYoung Men's Clothing, just rcccUcd persteamer Suez, at tho Honolulu ClothingEmporium of A. 31. Mki.mr. 202 Sw

2T A New Cutundcr Carriage forsale, very low. at Phil. Stein's CarriageShop. 201 3tU 'l .- - -I- '-

Witter Notice.Oiuce Bup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 8, 1882.A LL persons having Water Privileges

f'UTL are notitlurl that their Water Ratessemi annually, in advance,

at tho olllco of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon the 1st duv of Januarr and July ofeach year. OHA8. U. WILSON.

Hup't Water Work.S. K. Ka.i, Minister of Interior. 201


3lanufacturcr and denier in all kinds ofSaddlery and Harness. '

Orders from the other Islands promptlyattended to.

30!) Corner Fort nnd King Ms. ly


LIVES SAVED by pur.chasing your

Horse Equipments -- HLFrom W. FENNELL, jT &.

Practical 3Icchanlc, 03 King street.C3TNo Peter Funk stock hero. 200

WilHon Brothers

I &uIi jJLmu&' fccIBhL--

5V?CrfL?frJTM uFvfmK JPlXI.- -

ENEHAL BLACKSMITHS.Gl Ilor.so Shoeing n specialty,A first-clas- s man bclug specially engaged

for thut work.Ship and Wagon voik faithfully

attended to.Shop on the Esplauade, op, Hoppcr's.204

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,


All tlio Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71


A. M. MELIJ8, PvopvletoVf

Importer and Dealer in Clothing,

Dry Goods, Eancy Goods,

and Staple Goods, &o.

All the Latest Novelties by every steamer.

A., 31. 3IELLIS, 101

A. KllAVT,J E W E L E K,$tbp PT l C l AN'

Denier In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store In the "Havuillau Gazette" bulld-4- 4

ing) opposite the Bank.

Chus, 1). Gcmsch,Practical "fet) "Watchmaker.

BS? Hotel Street, oipoitu the123 am International Hotel. a

D. W. CLARK,Watch Maker and Jeweler,

Always on hand a nice stock of

fiST Watches, Clocks and Jowelry."aRepairing Watches and Clocks a Speci-alty, No. C5 Hotel Street. 32

Telephone, No. 210.

Artesian Ice Works

DELIVERED to all parts of the. cliy and subuibs at all knurs of .

Ordeis from the other Mauds prompt-h'nttend- ul

to.Olllce nt W. E. Fosir.it's, Saddler,

Fort street.Ififl Telephone No. 111. 2m

ICK MANUFACTORY.Ice delivered to all parts of the

City. Milpping Mipplled In quantitiesto milt. Telephone, No. 5S. Otlleii atWllile- - & Co.'s. 1

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Tabic ami Pie Fruits,Nice Breakfast flood, nuchas

Caudle 1'Jsh, Salmon andPit: rrk in Mb. Tins,

Sultiidle for families. For sale by00 A. S. ri.r.moiiN C.

rpHK Hawaiian Journal, " KoIIa-- X

w.wi Par Aina," owned aniledited by Kawainni IJros. ; lias nweeklv edition of 8,200 copies, anilin tholiust advertising inediuin. Of-fle- e,

No. (i --Merchant ht. 1

FEED COMPANY, A. W.UNION Manager. See uilu'itlsement on othur page. --8

Received by every steamer,

Fost street, Ilonolulu.


201 FORT 8T.

l'obrrt I.o or, , Cooke.

T E W E II S & COOKE,--" (successors to Lcwers & Dicksnn.)Importers and Dealers In Lumber nnd allkinds of Building Mntcrlals.-For- t street.llnuoiiim 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers inPaints, Oils, Nails, Suit

and Bulldlug Materials of eery kind,cor. Fort and Queen hts., Honolulu. 1

& ROBINSON, Deulers InLumbar nnd nil kiuds of Building

.Materials, Puints, OII, Nails, etc. 71

HOLL1STER & Co., Wlwliibnloami Retail DrugKlsts, and Import

ers of Fine Tobaccos and Cigars, andMnimf.ioturors of Soda Water, GingerAle, Ac, &u. 13

& PHILLIPS, PructicrnPlumbciH, ClatiKittcismid Copper-

smiths, No. IS Nuuiuiust., Honolulu.House and Ship Job Work pioniptlyexecutetl. 17

CUR. (JERTZ, No. 80 Eort Bt.Imnor'er and doalor in Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoe, andslippers. (K!

BROWN & CO., Importers andIn Ales. Wines and Snirlts.

No. U Merchant t.. Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engines, sugarmill, boiler, coolers, iron, brasa

and lead casting"; machinery ui everydcDcriptlon nuide to order. Particularattention paid to ship's Mucksmlthing.Job wprk executed on short notice. 1

Just Received,Per bid no Knrckn. a full linn of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino and cotton.

Pajiinm Suits, Etc.01 A. W. Richardson & co.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Worker,

Plumber, Guh Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof nil lands.

Plumbers' stoek ami metals,House Famishing Goods,

7? Clmncicliors, Lamps, &c.

Carriage (fSfe Builder.

Uugde3, CarringCH, Expreos Wagons

and every kind of vehicles


IlhieUsmi tiling, lioiRe-slioeiu- g,

uuil nil kinds repairing done.

FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.

Uco. W. Jliicfarlane. 11. R. 3Incfarlanc.G. W. MACZARLANE & Co.


Sugar Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, 02 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.AUENT8 for

Tho WaiknpuBugnr Plantation, Maul,Tim Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tho Hccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar il ill, 3Iaui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Jlnul,

. .llit.ilffl Ulm.... l.nH.ili Iln.i ...Ix uuiim kjiiuji itutivii jty iiunun,J. Fowler & Co. Sttiun Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,31irrlccs, Watson &Co'b Sugar Machlti

ery, OlaBgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Clnua Sercckclx. H'ra. O. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,Sugar Factors and Coniniisslon

Agenta, Honolulu. 1


Queen street, Honolulu. 1

CLEGHORN Co.. Imnorters.V and Uommlision Merchants, Deal- -

ers lu General 3leiclmndlc, Queen audKaahumauu &ts., Honolulu. 78

II. A. P. Carter. !. C. Jnncs, Jr.R E W E R & CO.,

Shipping and Commission 3IercliantsQueen street, Honolulu. 1

npUEO. 11. DA VIES fc CO., Import-J- L

ers and Commlsilon Slerclmnts:ngents for Lloyd's nnd the LiverpoolUnderwriters, British and Foreign

Company, and Northern Assur-ance Company. 71

TOHN T. WATERIIOUSE" Importer and Dealer In GeneralMorchundisc, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

TVT S. G R I N B A U M & CO.,'- - Impnrtcra of General- - Mur- -

olmnUi.su uiid Conimission MercliaiiiH.Honolulu. i

M. S. GRINUAUM & CO.LommlHsion AleroLiiiitfl. 124

CulifoinU street, San Francisco,Cul

L E N E II A N & C O ..-- . Imnorters and Commission Hinr.chants, Nuunnu St., Honolulu. 1

8. N. CaMle. J. 11. Attiurtnn.

O A S T L E & COOKE,bliipnlnir and rommlsion Mer.

chants. Importers and Dealers In Gen.eral 3Ierehandlse, No. SO King street,Honolulu. i

WING WO CHAN & Co.,tors and Goncinl Dealers

In KngllMi. American and Chinese Pro-Uloii- s,

Plantation Tea aud GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

Kjy" No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite31r. Afong's. 81

n.II.WillliiiiiK, A.fhun'liiDUk, n.H.nimnaWILLIAMS, DLMONI) & Co..

' Shipping and Commission Mer-chants, Union Bloek; coiner I'lne andMarket streets, San Francisco, Cul.

aounts foic1'arlflc 3Inll Steamship Company,Pacllle Steam Navigation Compjny,Cunard Roy.d Mall Stcamihlp CompanyCul. line of Packets from New York,Hawaiian line of Packets.China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Marln Insurance Co. of London. 71

M. W. MoChoBnoy & Son,Proprietors Honolulu Tannery:

Deulers in Hides, Tallow &,, Leuther,Aho, Groceries, Provisions etc.

71 Salt, etc., etc.,

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.Have reeeUed a large assortment of

Colonial Saddles,to suit nil classes of purchaser, per S. S,

181 Australia.


So favorably known throughout theHawaiian' Inlands. Sold by all

respectable dealers.No. LI Liliha st., Honolulu 71

Professionals.TVr AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney

TT and Counsellor at Law.Agent to take acknowledgments of

iiisiruiiicuiH.Kiuluimnnu st., Honolulu. 20'J



Real Estate in any paitof the Kingdombought, sold and leased, on


Loans negotiated,Legal Documents Drawn.'

No. 27 3Ierchant st. (Gazette Block),100 Honolulu, Hawaiian Island

SB. DOLE, Lawjer and Notary l'ub- -No. in Kiiuhumauu st. 11

JM. DAVIDSON, Attorney ntLaw fMerchant street. 10 ?

I?RANCISM.IIATCiI, Attorneyst. 2J

TOHN RUSSELL. Attorney at Law,tj Odlce, comer of Fort and Merchant 'streets (up stairs) HuUiu '

RICHARD F. R1CKERTON,Attorney and Counsellor at I uw.

Money to lend on Jlortgages of Flee-hold- s.

Olllco, No. 31 Meruliiuit st. 1

fjECIL BROWN, AITOKNKYnnd Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-

lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for the Island ofOahu. No, a Kaaliumanu street, Hono-lulu. 1

1LLIAM O. SMITH, Attor- -ney at Law, No. IIG Merchant

street. 73 IraM. HAGAN, M. D.,

Physician & Sui'geon,Olllce, 223 Fort stitet. Oillcc houtifrom 10 to 12 a.m.: and U to S r.i

Jiesldeiine 1S4 Nuuanu st. 101

DR. G. TROUSSBAU begs to notlfvfi lends that ho bus resume !l

practice in Honolulu. Residence andconsulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl M,opposite tlio nmknl gate of the Queen'sHospital. Consulting hours fiom 9 n.mto 12. Telephone No. 1!),1. SO lm

EMKHSON. residence and con- -sulfation rooms at No. '2 Ivukul st..

coinflrof Fort.Telephone No. HO. 59 3ui

A FULLER, Surveyor for RtiremiVeritas. 71

J. AV. Ynriiflloy,rpEACHER OF MUSIC, VIOLIN,X aud the

Cultivation ov thi: Voice.Instruction also given in Sight Reading,

Choir, Chorus and Part Singing.For particulars npplv at

201 lm WELLS' 3Iuslc Store.

WRAY TAYLOR. Teacher of Piano--'' forte and Organ. Tuning In allits branihes. 46 (lm

W E. HOWELI Consulting anilTT Constructing Engineer; otllea

38 Merchant street. 80 2m

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

lfcO lv


Agent to tuke Acknowledgments toLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Otllce. In Makee's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahunmnu streets. Honolulu. 21

"J17"ILLIA3I AULD, Agent toTT lake Acknowledgments to ("on.

tracts for Lobor for tho District of KonaIsland of Oahu, at the ofllce of tho Hono.lulu Waterworks, foot pf Nuuanu st.

180 tf

TOIJN A. HASSINGERV Agnt to take Acknowledgment InContractu for Labor. Interior Office,llonoluln.

T C.AKANA, ."""

il 1 Chinen'itnd HttwailauTrann.Intor and Interpreter,

No. 48 King Hreet, 'lonolulu.Translations of either of the abme.

Inusuagcn made with accuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209 ,



$P fliiilj. ultdi.i.



Kolilcr's "Waxwork : 10 a.m. to 10


Women's Board of Missions: at 3.

Evr.xisu.Bible Class at Lyceum, 7:36.Kxcclsior LoiUc I.O.O.l-'- . 7:30.

KAiOLANIPARK.In a letter in our issue of Sept.

13th, it was insinuated that theCommittee of the above Associationwere handling the money appropriat-

ed for the improvement of the Park,and delaying calling a meeting toavoid accounting for it.

Deeming the matter of sulllcicntk public importance to warrant an in-

vestigation, we made inquiries andfinally visited the Park personally tosec with our own eyes what had beenilono. It is true, of course, that we

cannot state the precise amount ofImprovement, as wc had not seen itin its pristine state of barrenness andsand. But judging from the natureof the soil in the neighborhood notimproved and the nature of the im-

provements, wo can form a prettyfair idea of what has been done.

Some six years ago the land wasbarren. Little or nothing grew there.The soil was sterile, the sky nnpro.pitious, the water scarce. Kvery- -

thing seemed combined to make thespot a most unsuitable one. for apublic Park. The Association tookthe matter in hand, and in the shorttime that has since elapsed theybavc drained the soil, planted grassand trees, made an excellent race-

track, built pavilions and stands,and laid out the grounds in so neatan arrangement that it is one of theplcabantest drives wo have : and alltills, mind you, 'on 82,500 a year.They employ a luna and six menunder him, to keep everything inorder and to do the woik necessaryto follow out the scheme of improvements so well begun. This alonecosts them over S2,000 a year, andwith the balance they have to buyagricultural implements, timber forbuilding aud fencing, etc.

No reasonable man will, after areview of what has been and what is,ii( 1'iise the Committee of spendingtins- - money improperly. To ourminds, judging from the standard ofother things in this country, it is theonly creditable piece of public pro-

perly there is.J u reference- to the narrow road

bordered on each side by water we' are decidedly of the opinion of our

' correspondent of the loth, that it is

too narrow for safety, as the road israised so high above the water. Butw.' aie assured that to obviate dangera strong railing be fixed at eachhide of the road, and with the per-

formance of that projniso we thinkdrivers will be content.

We trust that the next Legislaturewill bee fit to increase the appropria- -

' tion voted for this purpose, to allowof further, and better Improvementsto be carried out.

Kohala Notes.(Frum'oiiruwnC'oriuRiiundont.)

Queen Emma and party arrivedhere from Ililo to-da- y by steamerand rail. Sho was received at the

depot at Ilalawa by quite a crowd

of natives, who cheered, as well asnatives know how to cheer, which,however, no people can do as well

03 Ihe Anglo-Saxon- s. The Queen

uuyed for lunchat the house of Sir.Henry Hook, a well-to-d- o half-cast- e,

and pioceeds this evening lo Niulii,where it is reported extensive pre-

parations have been made lo enter-

tain her during her stay.


miwn'WMWmvmMM'wmtmr n

The weather has lately been quitwarm and very dry. The roads arcdusty, the guichus dry, and plantersarc beginning to talk of a droughtlike that of last year. But the proper season for rains Is about to be-

gin.Enrlv risciH have been enjoying a

sight of tho comet the past week.ialives declare it was tlio morning

slar which had burst.Some forty odd thousand pounds

of sugar were sold at Ilalawa millyesterday, on foreclosure of. inoit-gag- c

by Smith & Johnson to Tisdule.Xo. l" brought i cts. peril)., anddark grades at 3'cts.

A singular story comes to yourcorrespondent's ours to-da- y. It isto the effect that some two or threemonths ago, in this district, a nativeman died suddenly after eatingheartily of poh Tho poi was thrownout when some ducks, ate of it, andsix shortly after died. But the manwas Imrie'd without any investigationheld'. Further inquiries broughtout the statement that the deceasedwas possessed of certain property,which somebody elso wanted, andwhich they arc now in a fair way toget. The story is here given as pub-

licly told. Such things ought cer-

tainly to be enquired into by Mar-shal Parke's subordinates.

Kohala, Sept. 29.i1.1 i l ..rsa

Maui.(From our own Cnrrrii(k-it.-

Lahaina plantation, it seems, is tobo a very different place in thefuture from what it has been in thepast. Already the South Sea isl-

anders aud some of tlflfrllnwniiaushave gb'eu way to C'liiiir.-s- laborers.Mulct ial is coming in for the newrailwav, which fa expected to reachfrom Olowalu to Kaauapali. Thistogether with the extensive improve-ments which are making in tho millwill give quite a diffeient appear-ance to the whole plantation. Thecane appears to be in line condition,aud promises well for the comingseason.

Schools arc-- all in a nourishingcondition, so far as I know.

SHIPPINGirOTES.The Martha Davics leaves to-da- y

for Hongkong.II. B. M. S. Sappho will leave for

Coquiinbo this evening.Tiik Anna leaves on

for San Francisco.The bktne Jane A. Falklnbcrg,

Capt Forbes, arrived in San Fran-cisco on Sept 18 10 days passage.

The Kosario, 19 days passage, ar-rived at S. F. on the 18th ; and theUncle John, 19 days from Kahului,on the 19th.

Bark Caibarien sailed on the 19th,and the 1). C. Murray on the lGth,for this port.

The Golden. Wedding.Yesterday was an eventful day in

the history of Honolulu, being thefiOth anniversary of the wedding ofDr. and Mrs. Lowell Smith. Byhalf-pa- st three o'clock Nuuanti Ave-nue was dotted with carriages goingami coming with guests for the cere-mony. Much of the icjoicing wascalmed on account of the lamenteddeath of C. T. Dillingham, but theoccasion was still one of generalcongratulation to the couple who,for fifty years, have braved life'sstorms and enjoyed its suushine to-

gether.On arriving at Nuuanu cottages

the guests speedily made their wayto the room in which the happycouple were standing, under a greenarch studded with with golden stars,from which depended a beautifulmarriage bell of floweis typifyingthe happiness of thecvont. Behindthem, on the wall, was1 a beautifullloral basket, on either side of whichwere two crimson velvet shields,bearing in golden figures IK.'W ami1882. After congratulating thevenerable doctor and his wifethe guests seated themselvesto have a cosy chat or admire thebeautifully decorated ropms. Taste-ful bunches of flowers and wreathsof fetus and ipalle were afllxed toevery spot where they could beautifythe scene. Many old reminiscenceswere called to mind by the differentfaces who met together on' this occa-sion. Amongst them wo noticedDr. Baldwin who came befoie themand Mrs. Parker who camo withthem. One of the plcasantest fea- -

turcH was the sight of the numerous

BM'mijimmiwrmtm WWMUMIi lirnwtt-Mf- l WWW l!WBUIiM

former pupils of Dr. and Mrs. Smithsome of mature manhood, othersjust in bloom of youth and otherstiny childien and nil- proudly wear-ing a badge npccially printed in goldon while ribbon for tho occasion.At l:1.r im. lie reading of thocorrespondence by Dr. llyilc began.

(We will continue the account ofthe ceremony contentiugourselves for the present with njjuinwishing a further lease of a happyand useful life to tho venerableDoctor and his wife.)

Holder's waxwork exhibition wasa great success last evening.

Tub receipts from the concertmay be estimated as about 400.

Who got drunk a week ago andlost their jewellery and got a thrash-

ing into the bargain?

Two small tidal waves at tho FishMarket on Saturday. No greatdamage done.

At tho next Alaska Concert wchope moro care, will be taken to pre-

vent drunken sailors from enteringthe gallery.

Wc again return our thnnks to J.W. Kobcrtson & Co. for their court-

esy in supplying us with files of thelatest papers. i

IIott.j. street between Foft andRichard streets is in a disgracefulstate of ir. It is one con

tinued chain of ruts and holes

We are glad to notice EmmaSquare is being attended to. Benchesare repaired, pipes mended, and thowhole placo is getting cleaned up.It only wants a lamp on each sidelighted every night for the conveni-

ence of travelleis.

Wk can confidently recommendgourmets to go to Bush's grocerystore for all the preserved meats anddainties they want, as all parts ofthe globe have been laid under con-

tributions to gratify the daintiesttaste in that line.

Wk learn that Mr. D. W. Clarkwatchmaker on Hotel street, is goingto San Francisco by next steamer tolay m a now stock of goods. Dur-ing his absence Mr. T. Taunatt willcarry on his business.

Meks. T. R. FosTr.it & Co. havehad photographs of theof their steamers Makoc, Iwalauiand Bishop taken by Mr. J. Williain. They are now on view at hisparlors on Fort street.

Wi: notice In the atelier of Mr. J.'Williams, Photographer, on Fortstreet, a superb portrait of II. II.Ruth Keclikolani. It is enlargedfrom a carte-d- i -- visile and is a trulyremarkable likeness. It is, we think,the best he has done yet in this line.II is well wot lb seeing.

We noticed on the scales in dailyuse in a large grocer s snop aspider's web completely covering theopen hiiacc Yesterday morning. Thisweb was spun between Saturdaynight and Monday morning.

Wk notice that that well-know- n

and genial nitist, Mr. Furneaux,has shifted his studio from the (lov- -ernment building to Dr. Whitney'sreception room over Goo Kim's Fortstreet store. Mr. Furneaux goes toKohala to-da- y for a fortnight tomake sonic new sketches there.

Tin: meeting at Kauiiiakapili onSunday night was unanimous. Theplace was densely packed, and allgave in their adhesion to the principle of total abstinence. Ihe speak-ers were Chief' Justice Judd, Dr.Hyde, Itev. A. Forbes, Rev. K.Bond, D. Aiwohi, J. U. Kawainui,J. Sheldon, J. Kalnrna, and P. C.Jones, jr.

Tub managers of the Alaska Con-

cert desire to apologise to those whodid not get their reserved scats. Itappears the seat-manag- originallyeliosen was taken ill and had to ntnyon board the ship and fo everythingin that lino went as best it could.However we think everybody gotseated comfortably enough.


Thk following conversation waaiinadvci tently overheard on the wharflast Sunday afternoon: (Hono-- Ilulu llesiclont.) How Is the fight'getting on? (Passenger just ar-- lrived.) It is all over Ajabi whippedand taken prisoner. (H. It.) OhI dou't mean that pieayuno affair, Imean the San Francisco election.(Refrain.) What do you take mefor? (at tho same time making anindent in the front part of his hat.)

Meeting: Notice.rpiIE Annual Meeting of the WallukuJL Supir Company will be held nt theolllca or C. Hie wit iVCo., on TUESDAY,October 10th, at 10 o'clock a.m.

210 lw AVM. W. HALL, Scc'y.

Princeville Plantation Co.rptIE Annual Meeting of tltePrluee- -

i. vlllu Plantation Co. will bo held atfie ofllee of C. llrcwcr & Co., on TUES- -u, uet.. itii, 18S2, at iu o'clock n.m.

210 1 w P. C. .TONES, Jit., Scc'y.

VTOTICK. HimuAitu&Co. have tillsJ.N day disposed of their drayain1 anilexpress business in this city to Asiii.kvSi Co.. who will continue the LuhIiiivs.Thankful for the patronage of the public in lac past wc liopo the same will liecontinued to our sucecnsors.

IIKMIAHD & Co.Honolulu, Sept. 0, 1882 209 lw

NOTICE. W.(I jUfVV.I-l- . n AtiTT"pmiit.m

llm firm nl Athlfl' .t !n ilnltiir n .

age ami express liiiithirss in Honolulu.'ACTfTTH' X. n

Honolulu, Sept. 10, 1882. 20'J lw

' . " r '




WAItE-ROOM- Xo8. 50 and 03


m largest and hqsi complete


FURNITUREIn the Kingdom

which will be

Sold at the Lowest Bates.




Made to order at short notice. ,



f hv4 . Agent.

Telephone No. 72. ' :,r -- 207



201) lw II. Uucklcld & Co.

WANTED By a tlrstclass Account'Correspondent, a position

ns KOOK.KEEl'EE. Address X. Y. 'A.

Ul'i.m.tin office. 20 1 h

WANTED Anvono having a ropybook'" Laiokuwal" to dii.

po"0 oT will plciuo call at '201 liu .1. W. ROHERTSON & Co'

N(OTICE on and after tho.Ut dav ofOctober nc.vt, all Outstanding Ac.

oiiuuts will hit presented at the end ofinantli,

N.J5. Cash Hides of over n.00 will ie.celve tin i siial t of 1! per cent.

A.M. MEI.MS, 101 Fort St.Wlonolulu. S'.'pt. t, 18S3. 185



the 2nd October.

Kolilcr's Grand Wax WorksExhibition,

And Promenade Concert.The Exhibition consists of

100 Life Size Figures!of some of the most ct'lebrtited

Kind's, Queens tf lnteinen,l'lilhuitioplilsts, &c., Ac., of the ago.

The Australian Electric Youth.Edison's Talking JInclilno.

The Holder Brothers in their (liimilDucts (in musical Instniiuimta

Mr. "Walter Hydcs, Solo Pianist.Adinbulon, fiOcls.; Children, 23 cts.

Children umlcr 10 halt pike.See day Mils for further particular;.

Open from 10 n.iu. to 10 p.m.200.

N. FOLDI,(llcprchciitlni; Holmting & Co., Sydney,)

having nrrtw-- per City of NewYork, Is now ready for


Jewelry, Diamonds,Saddlery and

General Mcrclinndbe,Sample Jlooni, Brewer's Jiloclc.

(upstair, next Dr. Whitney.)JSrWholouhi orders solicited. 209

JxiHt Arrived

P6rHO days from Liverpool,

Invoices of

Assorted Goods,including

Several New LinesNever before utiwwti h Honolulu.

. Small profits iitul quick returns, at

202 lm J. T. Wnteriiouse'sJ'

EST Port perfect lltting Oent's Suit,you'll do well to call at the HonoluluClothing Emporium of A. it. MuxtR,104 Fort street. 202 2w

1 x 12ANU

Tongued. and GroovedNor' West.

CAKGO N0"W LAUDING:Kx blctnu KIlMtat,

Also, a Full Assortment of

Lumber of all kinds,FOlt SALE BY

20-- i lm Lowers & .Cooke.

For Stile.i.") full metal, oval front, and 1mj upright walnut, metal corner


The above will be Hold cheap. Applv toD. CLAlUv,

207 lw No55. Hotle Rticet.


Ev " Suez,"

Garnet Chilo and Early RosqPotatoes,

In Hag, and Crates, iu lots to ult, cheapSOa'lw LANE d Co,

New Zealand Potatoes I

Ex City of New York,' ' ""For Side by

SOUw II. MAY & Co.

171 OK SALE, it M ULK (.'ART.Apply to,;

102 11. Hnckfehl & Co

'"PWO OFFICES TO LET, on the sec- - '

1 oiid Hour of the building occupiedbv J. W. Rpberthoii &. Co " l.TO

rpo KENT A' Furnished Idiom, flvoX minutes, walk from tho Post Otlice.

l!M - Apply to J. M. Oat & Co.

rpo , E T ONE 6 O T T A (1 E ,.1 ciniinbilii 7 room, with

mid u civ convenience, idtuiited on IhePlains, about 1 mile from town. Waterlaid on. For puiiicularrf apply to

A. FERNANDEZ,lUa lm At E. O. Hull i: SouSi.




TELEPHONIC.Dlinotiil Head, Onl. l, (Jf.JO n.m

Calm in the Channel.Nothinj; in sight.

Arrivals.Oct. n

Stmr Iwnlnnl from Konn and Kim

Departures.Oct. 2

Schr Kliukui for "WainlimSclir Vnioli for MnlikoSclir Kalnna for LnlmitmSchr Marion for IliitnnkuaStmr C. R. Bishop for KauaiStmr Lcliua for Muni ami Molokai.Stmr Mokolii for circuit of, Onliu.Sclir Klnikai for Wnlnlun. '

crVessels Leaving this day.

Stmr Kilanea Hon for KalitiiniStmr Likelike for windward ports1I.R.M.S. Supplio for ColiuhnboBk Martha Davies for HongkongSclir Emma for WainluiiAm sloop Spoil on tin Wave.Sclir Kaida for KoolanSchr Halcakala for l'opeckeoSchr Wnilclo for HaikuSchr Lenin for KoliolnlclcSchr Mantiokuwai for KauaiSchr Nettie Merrill for LahainaSclir Uilaina for llnnalci

Passengers.For Syduey, per Australia, Oct. 1

llanchcttc, R Rosencrautz.For Maui and Molokai, per Lclum

Oct 1 D A Smith, Knuka Rika, WOust, Mr MeColgnn, dipt Jackson,mm .to iiecK.

For .Kauai per C R Rishop, Oct. 1

R Smith, 1) ILUiock, A A Billo.' AUifnn, Miss Hardy, A McHrydc, WCoulter, G C Chesman, Mrs Hewitt,nnd IS "deck.

From Maui and Molokafj Oct 3Miss Rose, C A Aliona; R Hall,Miss Hall, W Thonson, G N Ka-pa-

and CO deck.

Vessels in Port".H. H. M. S. Sappho, ClarkU. S.S.-Alaska- . Of E. HclknapArh hark Martha Davis, Benson.Or bk. Adolph. KoppehuaimRaw brig Xlulto, (,'amcroullr bk Gleugabcr,Am bktnc Klikitnl,Hr linrk Lnily Lninp'.on, Marstonllnw lk Kale, .

Schr Aniiii,

Vessels Expooted.ItlK Nanus Fnm DuoHI; Kinina, Irom Pugct Sound, Aug 18Haw bk IolnnI, from Ihcmcn, Oct 4Schr Dakota, fin Newcastle, Oct 2Hk Forest Queen, fm Pt Gamble, dueHktne Emma Augusta, fin l't Oamble for

Ktihuliu, Oot T

Hk 1) C --Murray fin S F., . Oct 4Schr Ida Srhnauer fin S F, for lllloRk Unlmrien fin H F. -

Ocl 4Nor bk Imaeos, fm Xew York, Oet17Hrlt Mm Sue., Doild, fm S. F. Oct 17

R M S Australia, from Svdney, Oct ZiStmr Cilyof Xew York from S. F, Oct "0Hr bk Ullock from Liverpool, I)eeHk Aber Amiiii, from Glasgow, beeHk Revere, from Fori HIakcleyBk C'nindcn, from I'mret SoundHrit ship UrltNh Ambassador, XC.NKWLktnc Amelia from Porr Ulnki-tc-

Hark Bucnn VKtu from Port GnmbloJSark Kit Sap from Gort GambleGer bk l'elho, fui Hongkong


TO LEASE.A very pleasant C room Coltngc, on

Xuuanif street, near Lyceum, to rent.20 a month.A good Building Lot on Xuiiauti

Avciiuh, to sell, near 1st Hrldgc.On J mill street, near Lililia St., a lease

of 8 years on . acre of Ground. Rent$80 a year. 11ns a 4 room cottage, sta-

ble, barn, water, &e. SeJI for iJiWO agood bargain.

One of the most beautiful Cottages onFort street, to rcU House rontalus C

rooms, bath, He., stable, ample ground,shade trees, &o. Relit, $'10 n mouth.

A line cottugo containing', 5 rooms at1'uiiiiii valley, (Punchbowl street), situ-ate on .an. aero of'groitnd. A largo ele-

gant bum and stable, water, runningbrook "and everything convenient forraising poultry .or dairy business.Rental i'.T0 a year.

Small neat cqttngc to let on Queenstreet abovo Piuiehbowl street, contains

, 5 rooms. Wnter bath S.e. furiilturo tosell on the premises. Ront.il 81- - amonth.

Another tine cottage on Llllha Streetto let, and ulso several others abouttown andsiihiubs.

Property for sale In various parts ofHonolulu. ,

Partner wanted in the Blacksmithbusiness.' Booms In all parts of the city to rent.

General Olllee, business transacted..1. K. WISEMAN.

Real Kstnto" Broker mid EmploymentAgnnt, 27 Merchant st. S01


TO UN A. HASH FN GUI!," Asci'I to take Ackumvleilgimiiit toContracts for Labor. Interior Olllee,Uouoiuliit



The Fine Hark

Martha Davis,Benson, Muster,

Will nail for the above porlOn or about Jst October.

For freight or.pamiige apply I"o. HiiKW):u & Co., Agents- -

Oceanic Steamship Oomp'y.

5&3ss&Iron Steamer Suez,1011, - - COMMAKDKlt

Will leave HonoUihi


For freight or passage, having superioraccomodation!', iiply tol'--4 W.u. 0. InwiN & Co., Agents.

, Stoamor Likelike,ifi Tn.. ...........

SaSKi ""Kf ."uiilt.leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at

4 p.m., tDiiuliir.fr at Lnlinlnu, .Mun-lae- n

Hay, MoVeim, Mnliukmm,Lnupnhoclioc and llllo.

Returning, vill touch at all tlinalovc ports, arriving tit Honolulueach .Sunday a.m. .

fedSfe. PACIFIC MAIL Steamship Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,The Splendid Steamship

Zealandia,Webber, - . Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about Oct. 2!t.

FOIl SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of Now York,Cobb. n.n commander,

On or about Oct. 2'J.For freight or passage apply to

JI. Hackkki.d &' Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'s

Line of Steamers

The Iwalani,Bati:k, Commander

Runs regularly to Kona atid Kan,as per following Thins Table:

Lkaves Honolulu at ! p.m. onThursday, Oct. 5 Monday, Nov. 27Mondav, 0't. 10 Thin sifay, Dec. 7Thursday, Oct. 2(1 Monday," Dec 18.Mondav, Nov. (J Thursday, Dec. 28Thursday, Nov. 10

Ai:kivi:k at Honolulu:Friday, Oct. IB Friday, Nov. 24Tueihy, Oct. Ml Tucsihiv, Dec. 5rridiiv, MoV. II Friday,' Dec. lfiTucsifiiy, X.PY-1-- Tuesday, Dec. 2(1

The C. R. Bishop,Berry, Commander

Lbavks Honolulu i:vkbvMonday, at ft p.m., for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Klcclij, and Waiinca, Kauai.

Ri.TntsiNri Li:Ar.rtNawiliwili every Friday evening.

: 'v

Tin: i'ast saii.ixojB&yk

Schooner EhnkaiWill inn icgularly

TO WA1ALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning oh Thursday, weather

.permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or to181 A. F. Cooni:, Agent.

Schooner j "Emma,"Will lraw 'Honolulu EVERY TUES- -


Rcturiilnj; Saturdays.For freiclit or passage, having superiorcnbin acconuniidalloiis, apply to theCaptain tin board.

(1,r)-- l


Ofllcc, corner Nuiinuuand f)ucen streets,Ilonolul i. II. I.,

Agent for tlo following Packets:Wallcle, , , jj-x-

. Wnloll.Walnliii, Arm Valinnlu."Malolo, --4xSSMtij Rah'na,.Mima, j2tcSEL .liilia,

ICn Mol, and Ehukai.

Ecd Flag, with Whito Ball.1KI

8305-REWARD- -3305.

''pilE undcHgiied will pay the aboveL reward for theDETECTION AND CONVICTION

of the paily or pintles who

. Poiconsd his liars " Lizrio,"on the night of Auu-- l !!0!b.Sept 7. (lB'J) Fi. M. NORDHKRO

ADDITIONS to our formerC1HKAT ex Suez, Kalakaua, and Cityof Sydney, of

Ship Chandlery & Ship Stores:( ?(irdtlirn1uitiit Alillitln ntttnli illlplr A

Flnx canvas, llax sail twine, beeswax,Blocks, oars 8 to iil ft; (hackle,Dales of oakum, hooks and thimbles,Club blocks, snatch block, row-lock-

Iron strap block", mnit bead, shieves,Mctallncnnd patent hushing,Stockholm tar, pitch, coal tar, tar oil,Hrlght and black varnishes, whe i ijiging.Marline, seizing housclluc, ratlin, ,

Spunyarn, caulking iron, copper tacks,Iron tack, connecting links,Miullii spike, caulklii'; mallet,Mat hoop- -, hand spikes, pitch mops,Tar brushes, fm.Paints and Paint Oil, a full assoitmcnt

of all kinds and colors;Pacific Rubber Paint, a new lot, Includ

all the various color.-- ;Hrushes Paint, arnish, pencil, "white-ah- ,

paste, artist, slioe, scrub, andsah a j;ood assortment of each;

Axes and hatchets, wood and shingling;Ship lanterns und side-ligh- t' the Regu-

lation article.

Groceries and Provisions.A full iisHHtuicut of fine groceries,

some choice varieties ofcanned goods:

Table pie fiuits, jams nnd jellies, a newiiitlclc, put up by a new firm, andwe can liiglilj" recommend thctn nsbeing something really nice;

A new lot of Tea, Including sonic supe-rior Japan varieties;

Sugar Hrltued and law;Hams, bacon, lard, smoked beef, In tins,

new lunclc;Curried fowl, curried oysters,Pium pudding, kits salmon bellies,Kits mackerel, kits tongues and sounds,Codfish, cheese, Oxford sausage, in tin:Halsins, in K, and i boxes;Raisib, in tin; currants in 4 & 71b tinsPickle, in 1 gal., 4 gal., ts, .t 5 gal kg-Co- rn

starch, tapioca, vermicelli,Macaroni, dried apple:., prunes, plums,

peaches and pear.FLOUR AND HHKA1).

Golden Gale extra family, Eldorado,Golden City, Giuliani, oa't nnd com mealMedium bread, ii'oiteil cracker,Ginger snap?, tally, saloon pilot bicad,Soda bicuits, rice ami collec,wuaic ami sperm on.Sperm candles, 4s and ('.

otir, afmi-- e iclll ba sold at theJicst Murket Jiittcs,

Buyers are most respectfully invited tocall and examine our slock.

105 B0LLES & CO.

EiS" Gent's Evening Ores Coats nndSuits to be bad at the Honolulu Clothing Emporium of A. M. Mklmh, No. 101Fort street. 202 2 w



OFFER FOR SALE, pood receivedbark Oberon, and other recent


Coal, Sugar, & Eice Bags,

Coffee Bag, Hessians,Ruriicll's patent ..pointed HarbWire,Smooth Fencing 'Vvire annualed;I. R. Garden Ilo-- e,

Omamontal Wator Sprinklers, now,

Brussels Carpets Rugs and Mats,Chtnn Mattinc, Cocoa Mntting,Bru-d- : Mats, India Rubber Mats,

Jfurine Field & Opera ClassesPhotograph Albums,Colored Wrapping and Printing Paper,

I Upright Cottage Piano, of AuehcrFrcrcs, Paris.

1 Superior Square Piano, of RichardLlpp & Son, Sttiltgmt.

sum mm m other wines,

Liquors anil Liqueurs,GciiHinc Manila Cigars,

Fu-th- to arrive, per bai 1; Kale, duo hinil September, a fresh

Supply of Pilsoner Beer,

In quarts and pint".Finthrr to airive, per bark lmiicos, from

New York, due this month,

Household Sowing Machinso,Kero'-en- Oil,

Mutches, in tin, &c, &c.For talc by



IROM ROOFING,21 mid 2fl Gauge,

0, 7, 8 and 0 Tect lengths.


Eaftern Clear Squat c Edged

WHITE OAK PLANK,From 1 to 4 In. in llilckues',

Received ev late nnlvals, and for sale inquantities Insult, byC03 lm ALLEN & ROBINSON.


.nLiLintiLiLiLirjg HATS






M RS. A.101






J "rVTTir 0"D17TVr ? TTfSTCiTSTrtmTAT.T

-- AT

Mrs. BI. Mollis' Millinery and Dross-makin- g

.81 Establishment. 104 strcnt. Honoluluwwjnnmvm rrn rmtuLmm

7 Jwttn hihiihhhiii



Nos. 105 and 107 Fort Street.WE ARE HERE !

And -- ve don't want your money,if we don't give you value !

Mnthushek Orchestral PianosMiitliiishck Grand nnd Square Pianos!

Mnthushek Parlor C!i and and Upright Pianos!Fives makes of German Pianos!

Fivo makes of Amcriran Organs!

General Musical Merchandiseof every description.

German Pianos, 3250, more or lessWc direct, nnd will cheaper than any other importer.

"Parlor, Bedroom & Drawing-roo- m Furniture,Latest Designs jut received.

Pictures, Paintinrs, HraeJtets,Japanese Good in great variety.

Plain and Fancy Picture Frames of ewrv description made tooidcr on the shortest notice.

" WELLS' MUSIC STORE.Honolulu, Aug. 1882. (177)

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufactur-

ing Jeweler,Nos. 113 nnd

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated Jewolry,Elcijaht Gold and Silver Watches.

Sllvcr.Plated Ware, &c, &c.








Established lHiO.

115 Honolulu.


adapted for tho use , .

J. W. ROBERTSON & OX,(succr.ssoits to u. m. wnrrxr.v.)

Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.PUJ3LTSHBKS,

Printers and Book-Binder- s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant strcot,

The Largest, asid CheapestStationery Establishment hi the Kingdom.

Keep on hand a large assortment ofRlauk I'onks, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Lcfral and Rill Cap,Journal and Trial Ralancc Papers,

Lliifn Paper and Envelopes, nil sizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and coneB. -

Mucilage in all sizos, especially adapted to tills climate;Drawing Paper ami Pencil?,

Trnc'Inr mill f'lntliTransit Books, Field and Level Books,




of .Surveyors and Engineers;Jlemorandum and Pa'--s Jl oks, iSliver and Pcrlrra.ed Card Hoard,

Shipping Tags, Shipping Iteceipt Hooks and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt Hooks,

And numerous other articles in our line to he found in a well kept stoek


AVe have made arrangements, with our Music Agents, as will ennblouihereafter to keep on hand n full assortment, and also to ircelve the latest pieces athey arc publhlied. Any special order will receive our best and prompt iitten.Hon. I8!i

PHIL STEIN,Carriage Makeh,

Nos. U8 and fin Fort street,(above Hole.)

New Carriages of all kindfon hand and built to order.

llep.ilrhig, Painting and Trimming7T promptly executed








Ladies' Silk Hose,, in Ruby, Navy, Pearl, Drab, Cardinal, Sky Pink, &c.

Al-.i- t Ladies' Lisle-Threa- d Uoo Lace in

8ky Pink, Ecru, Pearl, Cardinal, &c.

iAlso, the smiic line of goods Embroidered.

Ladies', Misses' and Children's " Balbriggan " Hose.I.Hilii'-'uMi8s- and Children's Cardinal Hose,

Ladies', Misses' and Children's Plain and Fancy IIoso In great variety

Z3T Every pair warranted A 1 Goods J3Honolulu, Sept. Oth. M. McINERNY.

ty laiiit luiWi.uTUESDAY, OCTOBERS, 1832.

Tltu tliiovos in China havo a custom of anaesthetizing occupants ofrooms into winch their business takestlieiu. They prepare a compositionoi'homi! medicated ingredient, sup-pohi'- ri

to bo aconite, nnd, lighting it,blow it into tho room to be robbedby ine.tns of atubo through a hololion-i- l in tho wall or door. Tho in-

mates, if not entirely stupefied, areut loist deprived of tho power ofHjice.-l- i and locomotion, and althoughthuy beo tho thieves at wirk areimnlilo to intorferc. It is said thatviator absorbs the poison, and formis purpose it is quuo common lorwealthy people to sleep with a basinof water at their heads.

Tn'outting tho jambs of the mostwestern of the south windows of thenoiith aisle in tho parish church,Vainwortli, the workmen have comeupon a littlo case of lead, uponwhich was stamped, "Open mo, andvon shall see what was done in178V and the name "Pnnton,"who is believed to be a plumber ofthat time. The case contained adocument, written in a bold hand,m hich is very much decayed. It isnow in the possession of Mr. A. A.Ckiyson, of Albert Road, who isendeavouring to decipher its contents.

A big dog went to church atTaiuwortli last Sunday, and as soonlis tho collection commenced, ho sattloivn by the lccteiu and commenceda prolonged howl. At this momentUiiO people stampeded from theKucrod edifice. They were so cfruidof the dog.Pi.l i.TT"

Srew Millinery !

'Now Millinery!

New Millinery !


CHAS. J. FISHEL'S172 Popular Store.

Elegantly Furnished KoomsTO LET,

170K FAMILIES or SINGLE QENJT TLEMEN, with all the convcnleniuj and comforts of a home, with

Use of Parlor.Booms are largo and well ventilated,

Terms, Strictly Modorate.MRS. SCHRADER.

Corner of Hotel nnd Alakea streets.173 3m


Colonial f ndiesJust rS. i.

A. S. Cleghoiv & Co'b,31 per S..S. Australia.

Just Kecoivod, per Sue,From San Francisco,


FELT HATS,.Trimmed and Untrimuicd,

Alio in Straw and Hough Plush.

Beautiful Plumes and Flowers.




Ladies' UnderwearAND

Children' a Clothing.MRS. AVILKINSON,

181 ly 10:i Fort street.


A Largo Assortmentor Tin:


Fine Wall PapersAND

'BORDERS!Just received, and for salo by


C&. Call and examine. 147


begs to notify to the public of Honolulu and travellers to and from

nil foreign ports that

Ho has Purchasedthe Business and Stock in trade of tho

Honolulu & San Francisco Exp;;:; &

Transfer Company,

And that he proposes to carry on thebusiness in good style; in' fact

everything wlll'he done"Up to the Handle!"

All persons requiring furniture, hag.gagoorgood of anv description shift-ed, transferred or shipped will find It totheir advantage to apply to hlm at hisoillce, King street,

Telephone No. 130,as low rates as possible. 187

rOU SALE, a Xo. 3

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from S to 10 toiis per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all la goodordcrt can be run by steam or hor.sepower, just tho article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Hurley, "Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.r nun k y i a tnt-f- t. iiiinia j.V4tv iz iiiiu uiiiwvi'iiar60 LAINE & Co., 34 Fort st.

DILLINGHAM & CO.Importers and Dealers In

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, VarnisboB, &o.

Have made large additions to their stock of goodsTo which they Invito the attention of buyers. -

"Weston's Biflorential DPwlloy Blocks.TRUMAN'S IMPROVED IRON CHEAPEST & BEST.

HARROW I r''fJVJ&JhPTium 4 J

60 5-- 8 Steel Teeth.New styles of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, &c., &c., &c.

A full line of Tinware, and many Novelties, new so this market, too nuraorous to mention.

Call and examine our stock. (177) DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street.

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1838.

Hakt Rnos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up In llr&t-elas- s style at all hours

Open from &U. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &o. Also,

Iced HDviiilis !75




Beaver Eefreshmerit Eoom,Finest Brands of Tobacco,

Cigars, Cigarettes, etc,

Always in stock-Ic- e

cold Sodawater and Ginger Ale.

II. J. NOLTE,209 tf Proprietor.



Elite Ice Cream ParlorHAKT imOS..

177 Propi ictora.

JUST RECEIVEDPrimcst 'Westphalia llarns,

Preserved Meats, in tin",

Liver and Trulllo Sausages,

Tongue Sausage,

Kagout of Yeal,

Soups, &c, &c.

ST. PAUL 1JEEK,Kni.se Beer, Cannon Ber,

Andreas Midler's Lager Beer,

Crystal Beer,

EugliNli Ale and Portor,

champagnes.Cli. Farro,

Medscck Dry Monopole,

For salo by

II. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. 2nd


.Ax 10 a Coid.Apply to


137 P. M. S. S. Wharf.

JffgffRG- - II. ROBERTSON,.agfatftJ?J.wA. Drayman best team-- ,

in town. Telephone No. (IS. 15


-- A1

Cartwrlght. M

Four Complete!





Union Feed Company--CARRIES THE

Largest and

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, and guarantees to keep a full supply

constantly on hand.

02 IJgTSend orders "W.


For at

W. Go's

are prepared to orders Paper or MagazineY T ed In California, the States, Canada, and Europe.

At tho present time we by every mail over one hundred and fiftydifferent Papers and Magazines, published in the French, German, andScandinavian

As our subscription list is large, wc are enabled to the Papers andat i low rate of Subscription.

rrv&?rzr?TzvBT&Km. n tij i x in i'iij 'jam"u irnT


and Builder,1 mHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Framed, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnMi. Turning, Scroll and BandKawhm. All kinds of Sauing aad Planing, Morticing and

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is.lands solicited 21

French Calf Skins.i LARGE INVOICE of the

"Fisher & Lovoy Brand"All Females I All weight", 10 to 18 kilo

Direct ImportationEx City of Sydney,

C&'Goand sec thorn,at 42 Queen Btreol.

101 1m M. W. McCHESNEY & SOV

Os Medium Bread,ex C.iib.ulea, for sale In

auipitllies to Milt bylit A. S. Cixtmoiui & Co.





-- ii'iiiS. Lueo. A. W. Buh.

Best Stock

to A. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.



liiRiKmwwm Jki HI

salo25 A. W. lliciiAnnsoN'8



F. HORN, Practical ConfectioneryPastry Cook uud Baker.

No. Tl Hotel st. Telephone 5974.


Subscription Department"X7"E rccelvo further for any publish;



furnishMagazines 182




