Front-End Engineering 101

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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A quick intro to Front End Engineering in 2013. JavaScript vs CoffeeScript, JS Frameworks, Knockout.js, Backbone.js, CSS, LESS, Bootstrap, Browsers, UI Testing, Jasmine BDD, Cucumber, HTML5, Event Driven JavaScript, D3

Transcript of Front-End Engineering 101

UI 2013Milan Korsos -

Febr 2013

What’s up?

The Language Of The Web

The Frameworks

CSS is fun?!

Btw, Browsers?

QA != Farmville

Cool Stuff


No longer ‘hide-this-div-then-animate-that’

De-facto language of the web

Hard challenges for large scale apps

JS as a runtime environment?

CoffeeScript - The Awesome

Compiles to JavaScript

You can still use any of the JS libraries

Encourages good JS patterns

Makes JS code shorter and more readable

Compilation and debugging can be a pain


Provides REST-persistable models

With strong client side routing solution

Does nothing towards automated UI sync

Model, Collection, View, Router


Focuses on automated UI bindings

Developer writes the models

No routing (eg. Crossroads.js, Sammy.js)

Observables, ObservableArrays

Meteor & Ember.js

MeteorCrazy amazing framework from the future

Bridges the server side runtime with client side

Ember.jsBiggest framework with the most functionality

Ember makes all the common solutions

CSS can be FUN

LESS, SASS Meta languages interpreted to CSS

Variables, Mixins, Nested rules, Functions & Operations

An Introduction To LESS, And Comparison To Sass

Twitter Bootstrap Toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites and web apps

Btw, Browsers?

IE <3

IE6, IE7: expensive to optimize, small user base

IE8: Windows XP users who cannot update to IE9

IE9: Lack of HTML5 support

IE10: Sucks less? Still in beta..

IE Dev Tools: painful compared to Chrome, Safari or Firefox

QA != Farmville

Manual testing

Automated UI testing

UI Unit Testing

JS Runtime Error Tracking

Automated UI Testing

If a bug pops up, add as a step to a scenario

Run them daily on every browsers

Run the related scenarios before check in

Cucumber framework integrated to CI

JavaScript Unit Testing

Jasmine BDD framework

Testing the Models and Lists

Integrated to CI

Sinon.js library

Stubs, spys, faking, mocking, etc

Cool Stuff


Event driven programming

Measure all the things!



Actually there are useful and working APIs! Drag And Drop API: even IE supports it

File API: For file management. IE? Nope

History API: History manipulation. IE? Nope

Local Storage API: IE8+

Measure All The Things

Measure users, trends and performance Google Analytics

New Relic



Optimizely, Chartbeat, etc...

D3.js - The Chart Tool

Manipulating documents based on data

Tons of charting libraries based on D3NVD3.js - Reusable charts for d3.js