FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Coolum State High School · I would like to take this opportunity to introduce...

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Transcript of FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Coolum State High School · I would like to take this opportunity to introduce...

Havana Road East, Coolum Beach Qld 4573 Phone: 07 5471 5333 Fax: 07 5471 5300 Email: Web: CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

ISSUE 3 – MAY 2017

From the Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and outline my thoughts for continuing to build on the great work being done in the school to maximise the learning outcomes for all students. My recent history includes Principal at Kilcoy State High School for the past four years and before that, Deputy Principal at both Deception Bay State High School and Morayfield State High School. Firstly, can I say how excited I am to have been given the opportunity to be the Principal of Coolum State High School. Coolum State High School is a great school with a dedicated and passionate staff, and an engaged and vibrant student body. The school is clearly well regarded by the community and I look forward to continuing the work needed to ensure improvement this year. As a Principal, I believe in being ‘Visible, Explicit and Deliberate’ and the value of setting high standards in and having high expectations of, everything I do. I also believe this should translate into the way the school operates as a whole, staff and students, right through to individual classrooms and the way learning is designed.

Visible refers to having a presence and being transparent about our intentions and interactions.

Explicit by being very clear about how we will do business. Explicit about our expectations as a school, and explicit about the way we design and deliver learning, and

Deliberate and consistent in our practice ensuring our actions are measured, thought out and achievable.

Moving forward I would like to encourage your support and enlist you as partners in your child’s education. The school values of Care, Respect and Excellence need to be at the heart of all that we do and need to be worked on every day. The explicit improvement agenda of the school this year is focussing on –

Continuing to engage students in reading and developing the skills necessary to be effective and discerning readers

Ensuring we are effectively catering for the needs of all learners by designing learning which provides the opportunity for all students to improve, and

Continuing to build teacher capacity to deliver quality teaching in every classroom In conjunction with this ongoing work I am going to also focus on maintaining and/or raising the standards and expectations around attendance and uniform. Punctuality and presentation are key companioning skills to high quality learning. It is important that we encourage and develop these skills in our students in preparation for the next phase of their life. ‘Every Day, Every Minute’ is a phrase the students will get to hear from me regularly. Students need to be at school every day possible and make the most of every minute of learning. I am looking forward to working with you all to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students. Chris Dench Principal

Mon 15 May P&C Meeting Wed 17 May Year 11 Physics Excursion Thu 18 May Musical Performance Fri 19 May Musical Performance Sat 20 May Musical Performance Mon 22 May Year 7 Immunisations – Round 2 Mon 12 June School Council Meeting Mon 12 June – Thu 19 June Assessment Block Fri 16 June Nambour Show Holiday Mon 19 June P&C Meeting Thu 22 June Report Cards Emailed Home Fri 23 June QCS Practice Mon 26 June – Fri 7 July Semester 1 Holidays Mon 10 July Day 1 of Term 3 Mon 17 July P&C Meeting Tue 18 July Parent Teacher Interviews Thu 20 July – Fri 21 July Athletics Carnival

Keep up to date and informed with what’s happening at Coolum State High School by

liking our Facebook Page

For Appointments outside of

these hours please contact

Linley on 07 5471 5337

Senior Secondary News Ms Julie Weber, Acting Deputy Principal – Senior Secondary

The first week back from holidays saw our Senior team interview all Year 11 students regarding their progress from Term 1. The structure and purpose of these interviews were to ensure that Year 11 students have settled into Senior Secondary and are on track towards receiving their QCE at the completion of Year 12. All students attended with their own tracking and led the discussions with their Interviewer on their performance and effort throughout first term. These interviews will occur again in Term 3. Data conversations regarding student’s performances have been occurring in all year levels over Senior Secondary. These conversations between our class teachers and students allow students to gain feedback around their progress and how to improve their work before our next assessment period starts.

Recognition of the hard work our Senior students have put in has been recognised on year level assemblies. Mr Blair, Head of Year 10, and Ms Siegert, Head of Year 11, recently presented our high achievers with certificates of recognition and awards. It was great to see the large turn-out of our school leaders from Years 7 -12 at the Dawn Service in Coolum on ANZAC Day. Zak Duggan, School Captain presented the local schools with his personal speech on ANZAC, and the impact that this has had on his family. Our

own ANZAC Ceremony was held on Monday 24 April, with our entire school paying respect to the servicemen and women who have lost their lives representing our country. This year we were part of the Coolum Peregian WW1 Link; students wore name badges of soldiers from our local area and remembered them at our flag pole. As the cooler weather has arrived, it is important that school jumpers are worn. Students need to ensure that as part of our uniform process, if the incorrect uniform is worn, they present themselves to the Student Services Hub to be issued a pass for their uniform or to have access to the correct uniform.

Junior Secondary News Terry Proctor, Deputy Principal – Junior Secondary

NAPLAN for Years 7 and 9 students The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing occurred last week for students in Year 7 and Year 9. These tests were held on 9,10,11 May; with a catch-up day on 12 May. Students were assessed on Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, and Numeracy over the three days. Results will be provided later in the year. Year 7 and 8 Camps Students in Year 7 and 8 recently had the opportunity to go on school camp. Students in Year 7 visited Maranatha Recreational Camp; students in Year 8 went to the Currimundi Recreation Centre. Everyone involved had a brilliant time. Thanks to Mrs Ford and Mr Francey for their work in organising these opportunities for students. Cross Country Well done to our students for their efforts in the Cross Country. We look forward to our school team doing well at the district trials. Thanks to Miss Denning for convening our school event. Student Dress Code As the cooler weather is starting to arrive, please ensure your child has all the uniform items needed. A reminder that the only jumper that can be worn is the school jumper. Students can better self-manage their uniform compliance by seeing their Head of Year before 8:30am each morning to resolve any dress code issues.

Business Services News

Nolly Griffiths, Business Services Manager

Welcome back to a busy Term 2! By now you should have paid at least half of the Student Resource Scheme (SRS) fee. If you have not made any payment towards this fee it may impact on your child participating in extra-curricular activities. Please contact the Administration Office immediately to ensure you are up to date with your payments. Before a student can be considered for participation in an optional school activity, a parent is expected to have:

fully paid all outstanding fees or

paid the Student Resource Scheme and other outstanding fees up to and including the term in which the school activity takes place or

made regular on-going payments towards these fees, as previously arranged with the Principal or Business Services Manager

been exempted by the Principal from paying all or part of these fees As per our standard processes, we will email a statement of account in week 6 which will detail your amount owing. A Statement of Account titled Debtor Statement is a standard accounting term and is the term used by Education Queensland’s financial accounting system. A negative amount appearing on your statement indicates that you have been credited that amount for an activity that your child did not participate in OR it is a credit balance on your account. If you have changed your email address since last term please contact the office so we can update your details. Email correspondence is our primary method of communication with you and it is important we have your correct details so your child is not missing out on important information and events. I have had a number of parents asking about invoices by email and not knowing what it is for. Unfortunately the system does not attach the letter and consent form to the invoice when it is emailed. The letter and consent form will come home with your child, and whilst we make every effort to have these happen simultaneously, it is not always possible. If your child does not participate, the invoice will be adjusted after the event is completed. We are pleased to advise that construction on our two-storey building is underway. The building will include 8 new classrooms, a service lift and an undercover area which will later be built in as enrolment numbers increase in future years. The RE3 building is now complete and we are very happy with the modern, open-plan room which will provide a great learning space for our students. The building has been architecturally designed to accommodate outdoor learning programs. We are grateful to the Griffith University Collaboration Innovation Fund for the grant we received to build it. Students can now also access more seating around the school as we have just installed 20 more bench seats and 5 tables around the school.

English Ms Kathleen Weston – Head of Department

Welcome back to all families after our Easter break. All of our Senior Students are busy finalising their studies for their second unit of work in English. Year 11 English Communication, Year 12 English Communication and Year 12 English assessment was due last week. Year 11 English will be sitting their exam for “The Crucible” in Week 7. For our Junior students, work has begun on their second unit and their next assessment piece is due by the middle of the term. As always, if any student requires an extension for an assessment item throughout this term, they must see the Head of Department prior to the due date. There will be a number of fantastic extra-curricular opportunities to engage in this term, with some fantastic prizes to be won. The English Teachers Association of Queensland, in conjunction with the Independent Education Union, is running a literary competition for all students from Years 7 to 12. Students can choose

from a genre to write within their age group. Interested students need to see Ms Weston in the Humanities Staffroom. Entries close 21 July 2017. Mrs Webber will also be giving out further information on public speaking and debating opportunities throughout the term.

National Grand Finals UnYouth Voice Mika Joyce-Mangschou – Year 9 Student

My name is Mika Joyce-Mangschou and between the 18 and 22 of April this year, I went to

Hobart as a Queensland delegate to the UN Youth Voice Competition, to participate in the

national round of the competition.

While I was there, I met some of the nicest and most interesting people I could ever hope

to meet. The experience was one that I will never forget. Listening to other perspectives

on current social issues was fascinating, and my own perspectives were challenged and

broadened considerably. We also listened to speaker panels on issues such as accessibility to education and

health care, by professionals such as lawyers, nurses, university professors and United Nations


We, the students, had been selected because of our unique solutions to

current social issues. The competition is designed to challenge Australia’s

next generation to think innovatively about prominent social issues, and

approach them with their unique perspectives. It does this by asking youth

to choose one of three topics, and provide their own innovative solution to

it in a series of rounds within their state. Those who make it to the national

level of the competition are then asked to provide another solution to

another issue with only a month to prepare this speech. Both speeches

are presented in front of three judges, whom are judging based on three

sets of criteria; how innovative the solution is, the quality of the public

speaking, and the structure of the speech. I provided my solutions to the


"How can we promote equal access to education across Australia"

"How can we create a fairer justice system, for disadvantaged


I had an amazing week in Hobart. I really want to give special thanks to Miss Webber, for being an amazing

teacher and public speaking coach. I really couldn't have done this without her. I also want to thank all the

teachers of Coolum State high school who supported me, and my sponsors; the Sunshine Coast Council, Bill

Evans Optometrists, Coolum Beach Accountants, In-TanDEM, Whites IGA Mt Coolum and Coolum State High

School P&C.

Year 7 to Year 10 – 3:00pm until 4:00pm

Year 11 & Year 12 – 3:00pm until 5:00pm

Students have the opportunity to work as a collective every Wednesday in the Library.

A cross-section of teachers attend each week to assist students with homework and


Students should make sure their parents are aware that they will be attending and plan transport home before making

the decision to stay until 5:00pm. This is especially important in winter when it gets darker much earlier.

Creative Arts News Ms Emma Clarke, Head of Department

Recently, the cast and crew of the 2017 Coolum State High School Musical 'Champions' came together for intensive rehearsals. These rehearsals signalled the countdown to the 3 performances of this original musical script. The story follows the campers from two opposing performing arts summer camps. A competition for the Lance of Performance Champion is the prize for the winning camp. The story is interwoven with comedy, betrayal, romance, revenge, and of course the acting, singing and dancing talents of our fabulous cast. Tickets for ‘Champions’ are now on sale from the Administration Office. Adults are $15.00 and Concession tickets (students and pensioners) are $10.00.

Performances will be held on Thursday 18 May, Friday 19 May, and Saturday the 20 May. All performances begin at 7pm, however we ask that you arrive at 6:30pm to be seated. Refreshments will be made available from the canteen during interval and before performances. We hope to see many of our school community at the performances supporting our fantastically talented and creative students.


Mr Paul Olsen, Head of Department

Campaign for Science and Engineering (CASE) CASE is led by Mr Jim Bailey of Kawana Waters State College after being introduced by Mr John Holden who first trialled at Chancellor State College in 2014/15. This was undertaken by Mr Neil Gordon (formerly of the UK) who had utilized in his previous school overseas. This is a pedagogy that strives to develop the thinking skills in a STEM context through 30 individual science lessons. It has received tremendous support from Science teachers and Head of Departments on the Sunshine Coast. To date, 7 Sunshine Coast high schools are delivering this program to over 2000 students. Coolum State High School first trialled CASE towards the end of 2015 in select Year 7 classes. At the end of 2016, 13 lessons had been undertaken (total 30) with the Year 7 cohort and approximately 5 with the Year 8 cohort. In 2017 the Year 7 cohort will undertake 10 lessons (1-10); Year 8, 2018, lessons 11-20; Year 9, 2019 lessons 21-30. We are very excited about the program as it is at the basis of STEM which requires students to employ thinking skills which historically have not been explicitly taught in schools. We are hoping that the skills that CASE develops will transfer across to other curriculum areas and standardized testing (ie. NAPLAN results).

Photo by Kyle Dobie

Photo by Kyle Dobie

The ConocoPhillips Science Experience Year 9 and 10 students are invited to participate in The ConocoPhillips Science Experience. Programs will be held in September 2017 and January 2018 with two program options being available - 3 day program, registration fee of $150, or 4 day program, registration fee $200. Please note the registration fees DO NOT cover any transport, meals or accommodation costs. If you would like further information, or would like to register for this awesome opportunity, please contact Mr Olsen, Science Head of Department via email - Be quick to avoid missing out!

International Student News Ms Terri Shine – ISP Homestay Coordinator

This term we have international students from Chile, Austria, Germany and Italy studying with us. The enthusiastic group of students are joining Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 and are already enjoying the natural environment, friendly community and school activities. The students are catching waves during surf lessons, playing local sport and making friends with other students. We thank our Homestay families and parents for providing additional support to the students and ensuring they feel welcome. The ISP Program offers our students, families and community an opportunity for cultural exchange with students from other countries, and developing global connections and friendships. Of course, we also have the privilege of showing off our wonderful part of the world. Our Homestay families are really excited to host the international students and walk them through their journey of living the Australian way of life. From 7 – 21 August 2017, Coolum State High School will be welcoming Taiwanese students aged 15-17 years. We are currently looking for Homestay families. The school provides an expense allowance to host families to assist with the cost of meals, utilities and other additional expenses. If you are interested in obtaining more information, please contact Terri Shine on 5471 5303 or 0418 185 809. Exciting times ahead!

Read All About It! Year 8 Camp Mr Lee Francey, Head of Year 8 In Week 3 over 60 Year 8 students attended the ‘Be Strong’ Camp which was held at the Currimundi Recreation Centre. The purpose of the Camp was to build resilience and coping skills by focusing on the development of an individual’s confidence and self-awareness. Students participated in numerous individual and team based activities. These included Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Archery, Rock Climbing, Body Boarding, Catapult-making and several team building skills activities. Night activities included ‘Trivia Awesomeness’ which was run by the teachers. Skills needed included a knowledge of Australian facts, sports knowledge, Who Am I guessing and musical tunes knowledge. In addition to trivia, students showed their acting skills through charades as well as physical prowess through a dodge ball competition.

Students were outstanding at throwing themselves into every activity with eagerness and passion. A special thanks to Ms Fawcett, Mr McHugh and Mr Anderson for giving up their time and making the camp a possibility.

Year 7 Camp Ms Tracy Ford, Head of Year 7

On Tuesday 2 May, Year 7 students headed to Maranatha Recreation Camp. Upon arrival, we were straight into activities, including: Possum pull, Mid ropes, Abseil, Raft building, Tower of Terror and Challenge Trail. The activities, and the instructors, were both well received by the students. During the evening session, the students played a version of Minute to Win It before retiring to bed. At this stage, it became apparent that some of the students suffered from insomnia! At 5.30am teachers had the pleasure of waking up some of these students to get ready for more activities. Students participated in two more activities before having some well-deserved free time. Most pleasingly, during free time a game of beach volleyball sprung up, a game of tennis, a game of basketball and a group of students just chatted. A mobile phone could not be seen, it was a pleasure to watch! After lunch the students had access to the pool for 30 minutes before they had to get ready for the bus. Water temperature seemed to be an issue and when the time was up, only a few students were left in the pool. Teachers of each group were asked to choose a student who demonstrated Care, Respect and Excellence from their group. I also had the pleasure of choosing an overall student. Below are the names of the students who receive the awards on parade, congratulations! Mr Dwyer – Saxon Jeffcoat Mr Richardson – Jena Filmer Mrs Johnstone – Kobi Higgins Miss Denning – Jasmine Stagg Miss Puncheon – Brayden Baldwin Ms Ford - Overall Student – Zane Pederson

Blended Festival Mr Sam Ashton-Martin – Youth Support Officer

Three Coolum State High School students recently participated in the Blended Festival, at Tickle Park in Coolum Beach. Blended was a free National Youth Week event celebrating the gifts, talents, resiliency, skills, innovation and fun spirit of the young people on the Sunshine Coast. The festival included a full line up of popular bands and soloists performing from two stages.

Year 12 student, Reid Lewis, is an aspiring MC with an amazing talent for lyrical expression, who performed an original piece. Ashton Anderson, Year 8 student, blew the crowd away with an acapella item; Ashton is a naturally talented singer with a great future ahead of him.

Year 11 student, Mason Dearing, had a market stall showcasing his own clothing label ‘Sunday skate co’.Mason designs t-shirts and is an up and coming local entrepreneur. Well done boys for positively representing Coolum State High School in the local community, we cannot wait to see the amazing things you achieve in the future.

For further information: Coolum State High School Havana Road East Coolum Beach Qld 4573 Telephone: (07) 5471 5333 Facsimile: (07) 5471 5300

Care Respect Excellence