From the Pastor - St. Mark Lutheran Church · From the Pastor ... (936) 756-7109 Email...

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Transcript of From the Pastor - St. Mark Lutheran Church · From the Pastor ... (936) 756-7109 Email...


From the Pastor

“We’ve Beheld His Glory”

by the Rev. David Quail

St. John says in the first chapter of his Gospel, “the Word became flesh and dwelt

among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace

and truth.”

To the believer, the glory of God is all around us and in us. We behold it in His work of

creation as we see the new birth of spring, the warmth of summer, the beauty of fall, and the

browns of winter. We behold it in our lives as we have experienced His recreation of us

through the water and the Word of Baptism. We anticipate even greater glory on the day when

Jesus comes again.

What sad words we read, then, in John 1:11: “He came to His own, and His own people

did not receive Him.” God sent His Son to save us, but not everyone enjoys His most precious

gift. Some refuse to receive Him, rejecting the Giver and His gift. Some really haven’t heard or

comprehended the gift Jesus brought. In over 2000 years since Jesus came to His own,

nothing has changed. Some believe; some reject.

God sent John the Baptist as the forerunner to witness to the Savior. “He was not the

light, but came to bear witness about the light,” John tells us in (1:8). Some, because of John,

came to Jesus, listened, and believed. John was not the light; he merely witnessed to the true


We, too, are witnesses of the light. “We beheld His glory, the

glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Perhaps some, because of our witness, will come to understand the love

the Father has for us as the glory of the Lord shines through us.

Blessed New Year to you all.

Rev. David C. Quail Senior Pastor

Cell (936) 443-6679 / Home (936) 756-7109



From the Vicar’s Vicar Kurt Cockran

Beware of Roaring Lions That Look like Cuddly Kittens

As I learn more about parenthood, I’m discovering that all of humanity is born with the

instinct to run from things that cause us harm, and much of what parents teach children is sim-

ply what to avoid. Eventually, we also develop how to fight against those things as well.

The light-or-fight response is “a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived

harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.” (Wikipedia) We tend to do fairly well. We put our

most dangerous animals in cages. We flee north on I-45 or take shelter for the occasional hurri-

cane. We can even hold our own commuting home during rush hour. However, we’re not very

good at avoiding or fighting the one thing that endangers our lives the most: false doctrine.

In fact, false doctrine (or false teaching) when seen through the eyes of faith make a

roaring lion seem like a cuddly kitten. Recall Jesus’ words: “Do not fear those who kill the body

but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matt.

10:28) We are not to fear physical death, because physical death has lost its sting in Jesus.

What should we fear? Condemnation. Eternal death.

We have this experience in common with our first parents. God taught Adam and Eve

the one thing that would kill them. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was

the most dangerous thing in the new world. Enter false doctrine: “You will not surely die,” the

ancient serpent said, and since then he’s become all the craftier at deceiving souls away from

God’s Word.

Be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking

someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith. (1 Pet. 5:8-9)

False doctrine is dangerous because it is hidden. You can’t see the devil prowling about,

yet he is always seeking to place your trust in anything other than God’s Word. The tempter

comes when you least expect. He comes with the teaching that your flesh likes to hear, that

you can be good all on your own instead of having the righteousness of Jesus gifted to you. It

worked on Adam and Eve. It works on you. Resist this temptation. Build yourself up with the

Word of God, and pray that you will finally overcome false doctrine and win the victory through

Christ Jesus, our Lord.

To learn more about the different flaming darts of the devil in our American context and how to

take up the shield of faith against them, join us during the Sunday School hour in the library for

“The Truth vs. the Lie in American Spirituality.”

Anyone post-confirmation age is invited and encouraged to attend.


Epiphany Service

Wednesday, January 6th at 7:00pm

Epiphany falls on a Wednesday this year, January 6,

therefore we will have a service with communion on that evening at 7:00 pm.

Plan now to come to the potluck at six and stay for the service at seven.

Lydia Guild

Ruth Guild Ruth Guild will meet on January 19th at 9:00am. Ladies, how about making a

New Year's Resolution to become part of this Tuesday morning group as they gather for

Bible Study, fellowship and share in activities of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League.

We meet the third Tuesday of each month. Those interested gather all other Tuesdays for

quilting, cutting, sewing, and assembling quilts for Lutheran World Relief.

There is a place for you!

Please join us on

Tuesday, January 19th at 9:00am

New Member Dinner Sunday - January 24th

Help us welcome our newest members to the St. Mark family

with a potluck lunch in their honor!

Colleen Boytim • Glenard & Penny Honeycutt

The Lydia Guild would like to invite all ladies of our church to join us for Bible Study

and Fellowship on the first Tuesday of each month. We will meet on Tuesday, January 5, 2016

at 7:15pm in the fellowship hall. If you need transportation to the meeting, please let one of us

know. We come from all directions and would love to bring you with us.

January Meeting

Tuesday, January 5th at 7:15pm


Seniors of St. Mark We closed out 2015 with out annual Thanksgiving & Christmas Dinner.

We had 22 people who shared in the merriment and who also participated

in our Election of Officers. We wish to congratulate the following:

We had a small group who attended the play “Meet Me in St. Louis” at the Owen Theatre on

December 18th. It was an evening enjoyed by all who attended. Note: you don’t have to be a

member of our Seniors Group to attend the plays. Simply sign up...all are welcome!

Please join us for our 1st meeting of the new year on Wednesday, Jan. 13th.

We will be planning our schedule and list of activities for the year during this meeting.

Please bring with you ideas of things you would like to do and places you would like to go.

We will meet for a POTLUCK LUNCH in the Fellowship Hall before our meeting begins.

We wish you all a very Happy and Blessed New Year!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Potluck Lunch & Meeting

12noon in the Fellowship Hall

The Lydia & Ruth Guild Ladies

invite you to a

Baby Shower Honoring

Emily Cockran

Sunday, January 31st

After church in the Fellowship Hall

Emily is registered at Target & Amazon

Boy or Girl?...we will know in February.

Frank Hentschel:

Pastor Parker:



Harriet Graf:

Shirley Enyart:




The Busy Bee Crafters was started as a crafts, knitting, sewing and

crochet group that is committed to doing all of its work for the Vacation

Bible School here at St Mark. Currently we have 5 active members and

are open to crafters of all skill levels, and levels of commitment.

We ask our crafters to work on what they love to do; there are no assigned projects.

Each item is prayed over requesting God’s blessing on the crafter and the recipient.

Each month we meet and talk about our projects and what else we have in mind.

Love to work with different materials and yarn? Join us the first Thursday of the

month at 4pm! You do not have to participate in meetings to be a part of our team.

We accept all homemade projects from all skill levels and time commitments of others.

Contact us at church and we will help you get started.

Monetary Donations: 100% of all sales and donations go to help support our VBS

Program. We are a completely non-profit volunteer organization so all of your contributions

help. We place all finished projects up to be sold at the Spaghetti Dinner in the fall.

Materials and Fabric Donations: We can always use skeins of washable yarn and soft

fabrics [flannel and fleece.] Craft materials of all kinds can be used toward different projects.

Our storage space is limited, so please contact us if you have items to donate.

Thank You: We would like to thank all who have contributed to our little group and wish you

all a Very Happy New Year.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the talents you have bestowed upon me.

Not only do they allow me to express my creativity, but they enrich the lives of others.

Also, thank you for my weaknesses. They keep me humble and allow me to grow in Your light. Amen.

Busy Bees Crafters

Thank You The Adickes family as a whole would like to thank each and every one of our church family

for all the prayers, help & the love that you have shown through Bruce’s illness & his death.

It means so much to Evelyn & I and the kids.

In Christ,

Virginia Adickes and family

The Sunday School children have worked very hard each week during Sunday School on the

Children's Christmas Service. On December 13 the kids enjoyed a pizza lunch, practiced the

service and took home a "Joy" door hanger and ornament. We had 7 children stay for the

Christmas party. Please make sure to mark your calendar for the 2016 party. It is very

important that all children that are in the Children's Christmas Service attend the party.

There are extra gift bags in the church if you didn't get one.

In 2016 we will reduce the number of Sunday School events.

January 10 - Ice Skating

March 26 - Easter Egg Hunt

June - VBS Carnival

July - Swimming at the Gessner's house

August 14 - Roller Skating

October - Fall Festival

December 11 - Children's Christmas Party

December 18 - Children's Christmas Service

Please mark your calendars now for the 2016 Sunday School events.

Sunday School

St. Mark Nativity Our Advent and Christmas Worship Services were made even more

special through the Nativity Scene that adorned our Sanctuary again

this year. Each week we were greeted by a changing scene as the

Christmas narrative advanced in anticipation of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thank you to David & Phylis Davidson for sharing their beautiful Nativity set with the us!


Thank You! We would like to thank everyone who donated candy for our children’s goodie bags!

We appreciate your generosity!


Thrivent News

Piney Woods Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has been informed that our

supplemental funds will be cut in 1/2 for the 2016 year. If your group or organization has made

a request before, you will need to get those request turned in now (I know it is still 2015 but

you can be put on a list). The board will meet in January to decide how to divide the funds

equally among the congregations. Please submit your request to Mary Embry. If you are

interested in learning how to receive $250 for a Thrivent Action, contact Mary Embry or log onto

your Thrivent account and find out how. You can do 2 action team events a year (total of

$500). Do not let the money go to waste.

If you are a Thrivent member you may have choice dollars that you can donate to the

church or some other organization that is near and dear to you. We have 58 members in our

congregation who have choice dollars. Only 17 of those 58 have designated their choice dollars

to an organization this year. That means 41 people have not designated where they want their

choice dollars to go. This year St. Mark members (17 of the 58) have designated $2,235. You

have till March of 2016 to designate your 2015 choice dollars. Log onto your Thrivent account

or call Thrivent to see if you have choice dollars. If you do not choose where your money is to

go, Thrivent will make the choice for you.

The Secret Pals from last year were revealed at the Ladies Christmas Party.

There were surprises as to who had their names because they just knew it was someone else.

The new “2016 Pals” were drawn, even though we are few in numbers I am hoping for a

fantastic time again keeping your Pal guessing who you are. Remember to acknowledge your

new “Pal” on their birthday, anniversary, holidays and just a note to remind them someone ca-

res. Small gifts from the heart are the best or a note slipped into their mailbox in the

Narthex helps to make their day.

“May each day of the New Year bring happiness, good cheer and sweet surprises…

to you and all your dear ones have a Happy New Year!”


Volunteer Opportunities

THRIFT SHOP: We are in DIRE need of people to help staff our Thrift Shop.

Dire really doesn’t describe it…this is an urgent plea! We need your help if we are going to keep

the doors open. All we are asking is ONE DAY PER MONTH. We serve so many people in our

community by providing clothing vouchers and affordable clothing and housewares. Please

prayerfully consider volunteering just one day a month from 9:30am-2:00pm; Wed thru Sat.

You can pick your day!

Contact Evelyn Adickes, Frances Beutow or the church office to volunteer.

SEWING: WE NEED YOUR HELP! We sew simple quilts for Lutheran World Relief.

The sewing is simple and straight forward but we need a few people to lend a hand. This is the

perfect opportunity to learn to sew as the sewing is very simple! We have jobs for sewers and

not sewers. No experience necessary; just a willing heart! They meet on Tuesday mornings at

9:00am and are usually finished by 11:00am. Please contact the church office for all the details.

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord's people

but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.

2 Corinthians 9:12

We are in need of Elders, Communion Assistants, Usher, Altar Guild and Acolytes for

2016. Signup sheets are now posted in the narthex on the bulletin board in the side hallway.

Please stop by and sign up! If you are an Elder, please remember to sign up for Elder duty

and Communion Assistant. Thank you!

NOTE: The Altar Flower Chart for 2016 is also posted. If you would like to sign up for a special

Sunday, please do so. We have places for 2 sign for each week or you may choose to provide

both vases or both plants for that special Sunday. Please take time to sign up now to ensure

you have the Sunday you want.

Sunday Volunteers Needed for 2016!


Marketing Committee

On December 12th, St. Mark had a float in the Conroe Christmas parade. The weather was

very questionable. We had a nice drizzle before the parade, but the rain held off until after the

parade was over. Phyllis Davidson, Dana Pyle, Nichole with her three children, along with

Jewell and Kyle participated in the parade. Thank you John Walling for driving the truck and

Justin Holiday for donating a trailer. I really appreciate the people that attended the parade

this year. The streets were filled with people watching the parade.

The next marketing event is: February 20 - Go Texan Parade

Please plan to attend the parade.


John Walling

Vice President

Don Beutow


Dennis Umlang


Jay Storms

Financial Secretary

Victor Schultz

Board of Missions

Vernon Embry

Pastor Graf

Tom LeBlanc


Don Beutow

Mark Dube

Melvin Gessner

Chris Laurence

Dana Pyle

Ralph Schuette

Philip Schumpe

Danny Shannon

Dennis Umlang

John Walling

Board of Christian Education

Russell Frosch

Chris Laurence

Dana Pyle

Philip Schumpe

Financial Review Committee

David Hinterberger

George Hughes

Victor Schultz

Nomination Committee

David Hinterberger

David Pyle, Sr.

Finance (Stewardship) Board

David Davidson, Sr.

Melvin Gessner

Victor Schultz


David Davidson, Sr.

David Pyle, Sr.

Robert Sander

Danny Shannon

Jerone Theiss

2016 Church Officers

Thrift Shop News After many years of faithful service, Merlette Dottei has retired as the bookkeeper for the

Thrift Shop. We thank you so much for all the work that you have done for the Thrift Shop!

Mary Embry has graciously volunteered to accept that position. Thank you Mary!

We are in EXTREME need of Thrift Shop Volunteers!

Please contact Evelyn Adickes, Frances Beutow, or the church office if you can help. a

Thrift Shop Meeting—Tuesday, January 12th at 9:30am


Jan. 6 Epiphany Service 7:00pm May 22 Voters Meeting & Potluck Lunch

Jan. 10 Sunday School: Ice Skating June 19 Father’s Day

Jan. 24 New Member Dinner July 11-15 Vacation Bible School

Jan. 31 Baby Shower for Emily Cockran Aug. 6 St. Mark Garage Sale

Feb. 7 Super Bowl Sunday Aug. 14 Sunday School: Roller Skating

Feb. 10 Ash Wednesday Aug. 28 Voter’s Meeting and Potluck

Feb. 20 Go Texan Parade - Conroe Oct. 15 Spaghetti Dinner & Auction

Feb. 28 Voters Meeting & Potluck Lunch Nov. 20 Voter’s Meeting & Potluck Lunch

Mar. 26 Easter Egg Hunt Nov. 24 Thanksgiving

Mar. 27 Easter Sunday Dec. 4 Ladies Christmas Party

April 20 Confirmation Questioning Dec. 11 Sunday School Christmas Party

April 24 Confirmation Dec. 18 Children’s Christmas Service

May 1 Church Picnic Dec. 24 Christmas Eve (7:00pm)

May 6 Mother / Daughter Banquet Dec. 25 Christmas Day (10:00am)

May 8 Mother’s Day Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve (7:00pm)

Church Events 2016

Just some of the things we have in store...others will be added as they become available.

Lutherans for Life - Bus Trip to Austin

Sunday, January 23rd

9th annual bus trip to Austin for Life! Cost is $10 per adult. Charter bus departs

from Our Savior Lutheran Church at 8:00am and will return by 7:00pm.

To learn more visit

Overnight Youth Trip to Austin! There is also a special youth bus

for 9th-12th graders. Transportation and lodging is FREE, but you

need to bring money for meals. Reserve your spot today by

contacting Pastor David Vandercook: 713-290-9087 #209.

Wedding Anniversaries

Baptismal Birthdays

3 Campbell Dube

Mary Ann Laird

Art Stamm

Ethel Stark

6 Weston Aden

Judy Gessner

8 Dianne Jones

Daniel Sample

9 Camaryn Ward

10 Lorie Duplantier

Erin Stephens

Patricia Trenary

11 Michele Scheler

12 Emily Miller

13 Shirley Enyart

Courtney Martin

Ken Starr

14 Michelle Klein

15 Victoria Shaw

Pat Stavinoha

16 Aria Quail

17 Bert Schulze

18 Eric Fossler

22 Robert Lindgren

Pastor Parker

23 Dean Gunder

Grady Harrell

24 Gloria Hunt

25 Kris Ward

26 Stacey Aden

28 Rebekah Schumpe

Zakariah Shannon

29 Denise Bernard

30 James Lamendola

3 Mark Parker

Art Stamm

4 Meghan Clancy

6 Amelda Sump

8 Guage Savage

9 Kyle Steen

10 Craig Sample II

12 Christopher Thorn-


13 Randy Ahrlett

Malcolm Enyart

14 Bobby Sander

17 Virginia Hendrix

18 Bert Schulze

22 Betty Hardy

23 Alvarine Neumann

24 Kelcie King

Sarah (Quail) Le

26 Aria Quail

27 Danny Shannon I

Ashley Walling

30 Emily Miller

4 James & Helen


5 Tom & Paula


10 George & Bonnie




Our Response to God’s Love in Christ...

as shown by our interest in His Word and Communion since the last newsletter:

Jan. 3 - Poinsettias

Jan. 10 - Poinsettias

Jan. 17 - Available

Jan. 24 - Philip & Carol Schumpe in celebration of Rebekah’s 7th birthday.

Jan 31 - Vernon & Mary Embry in celebration of Larry’s birthday.

Nov. 22

Divine Service

Nov. 29 Divine Service

Dec. 6 Divine Service

Dec. 13 Divine Service

Church attendance 148 155 151 113

Partook of Communion 114 114 117 87

Bible Class Attendance 16 15 16 13

Sunday School Attendance 13 8 12 9

General Fund Offerings $4,674.00 $7,751.00 $6,310.86 $4,841.25

Voters Meeting

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Please plan now to join us.

St. Mark Lutheran Church

2100 Tickner Street • Conroe, TX. 77301

Church Office (936) 756-6335 • Fax (936) 756-3796

Fellowship Hall (936) 756-5434 • Thrift Shop (936) 756-5388

Email • Website

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33