FROM THE · 2017-02-20 · NAME...

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Transcript of FROM THE · 2017-02-20 · NAME...

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17 February 201717 February 2017


Start of the School Year

Welcome to 2017 and to our firstnewsletter. I hope you and your family hadenjoyable and relaxing holiday break andyou were able to share time together inways that are sometimes not possibleduring the busy school term. I would like toextend an especially warm welcome to newstudents, parents and staff joining our Paralowie R-12community.


While our overall staffing has remained stable, there have beena few changes in the leadership structure to allow for leadershipmovement out of the school.

We have a number of contract teachers who were with us in2016 and we are fortunate to have been able to keep them withus for 2017. Teachers new to the school for 2017 are;

In addition to our teaching staff I would like to welcome thefollowing ancillary staff; Campbell Burton in our front office andLaetitia Simonet, 7-12 Special Ed Support.

2016 Success

Congratulations to our year 12 students who achieved suchwonderful results last year. We have continued to maintain ourimprovement at year 12 with SACE completion increasing to94%. Completion rates above 90% are becoming our normalpattern at year 12. This is a reflection of the student’scommitment to success and the dedicated effort of our year12 teachers to support our students to achieve at the highestlevels. Our mean ATAR score has also been graduallyincreasing over the past few years resulting in more studentsbeing offered positions at our tertiary institutions. While year12 is the “premiership” year, we must acknowledge that ourstudents are successful at this year level because of the care,support and commitment teachers have made as they haveprogressed through previous year levels building thefoundations for a successful year 12.

Facilities upgrades

2017 will hopefully see the building of our new STEM centres,one with an R-6 focus and one with a 7-12 focus. The HomeEconomics kitchen upgrades were completed over the holidaysand provide much needed updated facilities.

Positive Improvement

An important part of our work is to constantly review ourprogress in providing high level learning outcomes for ourstudents. In 2017 we will still have a strong focus on improvingnumeracy and literacy outcomes for students, increasing ourdaily attendance rate, improving our SACE achievements andstrengthening our embedded Positive Education program.

Focussing in on our personal classroom practice will againbe a key piece of work for us this year. We will continue tolook for ways to better engage our students in the learningprocess. During the course of the year we will engage in a rangeof professional learning activities geared to help us review,

• Jenn Young is the new Head of R-6

• Ben Abbott is the new Senior Leader of the MiddleSchool

• Sam Furniss is the new 7-12 MathematicsCoordinator

• Stuart Banytis is the new 7-12 Arts Coordinator

• Amanda Nottage is the new Year 12 Coordinator

• Tom Putnam is the new Aboriginal EducationCoordinator

• Liz Eckert in the Resource Centre

• Amanda Phillips in the R-6 school

• Stacey Phillips, returning from maternity leave will bein year 7

• Anna Watt teaching 7-12 Drama and English

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re-think, re-design and reinvigorate the way we deliver in ourclassrooms to maximise student engagement and learning.

I am again looking forward to another year at Paralowie andwish all our students the very best for an excellent year.


R-6 WELCOMEDear R-6 families

Hello everyone and welcome back for thenew school year.

We have had a positive start to the year withall students settling into their classroomsand working well.

I would like to welcome back our returningstaff as well as our new staff member,Amanda Phillips, who is teaching Year 2/3 in Room 6.

We have many new students enrol at our school this term.Welcome to all of these students and their families. I hope youenjoy being a part of our community.

We extend a special welcome to our new reception students,who started school, for the first time this term. Many thanksto our Support Team from the Rocket Room who have beena great help with the students during their first two weeks atschool.

I am very pleased to be the new Head of R-6 and look forwardto meeting parents and working with your children. I havecome from Salisbury R-7 Primary School where I was a SeniorLeader with a Teaching and Learning focus. I have a strongbackground in Literacy, ICT and Mathematics and I lookforward to working alongside teachers and students in class.

Kindest regards


UNI/TAFE OFFERSCongratulations to the following 2016 Year 12 students whoreceived university and TAFE offers:


Daphne ALBANESE Bachelor Business(Sport/Rec)

University ofSA

Damber BAJGAI Diploma of Science/Technology



Foundation Studies University ofSA

Chris BIRT Foundation Studies University ofSA

Bethany CALDWELL Bachelor of MathematicalSciences

University ofSA


Kathleen CHARLETT Bachelor of PsychologicalScience

University ofSA


Foundation Studies University ofSA


Diploma of Health University ofSA


Bachelor of FoodNutrition & Science


Cristela DAITOL Bachelor of Sport,Health,Phy



Bachelor of Sport, HealthPhy


Bianca HARDY Bachelor of Business University ofSA

Noah HAYNES Bachelor of Media Design Torrens UniAust

Zakir IKHLASI Bachelor of EngineeringCivil/Hons

University ofSA

Emi IPEKDAL Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting)



Bachelor of CreativeArts(Visual)


Tori LINDSELL Bachelor of Education (Primary/Secondary)

University ofSA

Izabella LINKE Bachelor of SpeechPathology


Danica LUKIC Bachelor of Pharmacy(Hons)


Alexandra MAIOLO Double Degree in Law FlindersUniversity

Samantha MILLS Bachelor of PsychScience

University ofSA

Janice NOVALIC Bachelor of Nursing(Pre-Reg)



Bachelor of HealthSciences


Bridie O'BOYLE Bachelor of Criminology FlindersUniversity

Brooke RUSSELL Bachelor of ArchitectualDesign



Bachelor of Archeology FlindersUniversity

Cameron SMITH Foundation Studies University ofSA

Bianca WILLIAMS Bachelor of Visual Arts/Media Tech (Sec)

University ofSA



Jake WILLIAMS Bachelor of Eng (Hons)Mech/Aero


Alex ZAYAT Diploma of Sc/Tech andBach of Info Tech

University ofSA

Chloe O’BRIEN Certificate 4 PhotoImaging


Jacob RUSSO Certificate 3 PoliceStudies


Brittany Williams Certificate 3 NailTechnician


2016 VOLLEYBALL SUCCESSOnce again last year, Paralowie R-12 School was representedin the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup with six teams. Fromthese teams, the Open Boys were successful in coming homewith a Silver medal, (losing the Gold medal playoff to SydneyGrammar). The boys displayed some fantastic volleyball andmaintained intensity despite having one extra day of gameplay.Across the squad, all teams represented the school at a highstandard and are to be commended on their efforts, with somejust missing out on finals playoffs based on set ratios. Theresults were as follows:

Open Boys (div 2): Silver MedalOpen Girls (div 3): 7th positionUnder 17 Boys (div 1): 12th positionUnder 16 Boys (div 3): 6th positionUnder 16 Girls (div 2): 14th positionUnder 15 Girls (div 2): 8th position

Congratulations to all involved on their efforts throughout thetournament and more importantly, throughout the year. I wouldalso like to thank the staff and volunteers who made the trip,and also the parents who came across to support the teams inthe competition.

As we enter into a new year of volleyball at Paralowie, we mustfirst farewell Derek Slater. Derek has been the backbone of theParalowie Volleyball Academy (PVA) for many years, starting upthe program in 2004 taking away only one team. The PVA hasgrown to the success it is today all thanks to his hard work andefforts in providing our students with an experience that standsout as a highlight in their experience at Paralowie R-12. He willbe greatly missed and the coaching staff, volunteers, studentsand I wish him well with his future endeavours.

Trials and training for 2017 begins early this term.

Josh FarmerVolleyball Program Coordinator

R-6 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATIONIn life teamwork is extremely important, therefore as part ofthe primary school’s Health and Physical Education lessons thestudents started off the year with some team challenges. Onewas to walk from one side of the gym to the other completelyblindfolded relying completely on a classmate to direct themacross without running into any of the “treacherous” obstacles.The students were extremely diligent in this challenge and mostmade it through the obstacle course with some greatassistance from their classmates.

Another challenge the students were faced with was to maketheir way in small groups of 7 – 10 across “Adelaide River fullof crocodiles” i.e. the gym, without touching the ground usinglimited resources. Although there were a few groups who didan amazing job and got across successfully, what impressedme the most was the teamwork shown by all students andthe persistence to keep going. The children were told thatwhenever anyone touched the ground, the whole team hadto start all over again and although some students got a littlefrustrated, they kept going and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

It was extremely pleasing to see the children showing theschool values during these lessons as honesty and integritywere extremely important in order to achieve success duringthese lessons.



Please download the calendar here. Copies will also beavailable from the Front Office if required.


STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICESChildren and young people who need extra help are oftenreferred to the Student Support Services team by their teacher.

Student Support Services include social workers, behavioursupport coaches, psychologists, special educators, speechpathologists and provide support to children and teachers instate schools and preschools.

If your child’s teacher feels that your child or their class as awhole is having difficulties they may engage with the StudentSupport Services team regarding these difficulties. Your teacherwill discuss this with you and obtain you consent before makinga formal request for support is made for your child.

For more information, speak with your preschool or school orvisit the link below.


Year 6 Graduation 2016

Congratulations to all our 2016 year 6 students who celebratedtheir graduation in December last year.

Year 9 Graduation

Congratulations to all our 2016 year 9 students who celebratedtheir graduation in December last year.


Annual General MeetingI N V I T A T I O N

Tuesday 7th March 2017, at 4.30 in theCommunity Centre



Attention R-6 StudentsEarly Bird Reading in the LibraryTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

8:20-8:40amEveryone is welcome! Come and read to an adult,

read independently or complete a Lexile quiz!

See you there.Miss Carlee

NEWS FROM TIRKANTHINaa marni! (Hello, how are you?)

Firstly, welcome to 2017 and we're excited to be supporting allthe amazing Aboriginal students at Paralowie!

We have a slightly different Aboriginal Education Team thisyear, which includes: Tom Putnam (Aboriginal EducationCoordinator), Desi Philippou (Assistant Principal), MargyBaluch (High School ASETO), Steve Newchurch (SAASTAACEO), and Donald Tanner (Primary School ACEO). We wouldlike to take this opportunity to wish Cheryl the best of luck in hernew role as a Year 2 Teacher, and thank her for her work overthe past 3 years in Aboriginal Education.

We are now located in the Annex of the Resource Centre,as the previous room will become a new STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Maths) Centre. You are welcometo come in and visit us and the morning drop-in group isWednesday mornings from 8am. Also, with this room changecomes a slight change of name... we recently found out out'Tirkandi' is the old spelling and the updated way the spell thisword is 'Tirkanthi'. So from now on our Aboriginal Educationroom will be known as 'Tirkanthi'! which means ‘learning’, theway to pronounce this word is: Terk-un-dee.

Included in this article are some photos of James Manhire,Jorjia Kranz-Hill and Hope Helmons receiving their awards fromthe Deadly Awards last year.

Paralowie R-12 School has just become a SAASTA Academyfor Year 10-12 students, and this will be organised by DesiPhilippou and Steve Newchurch, so please contact them if youhave any questions.

We would like to congratulate Kaneisha O'Loughlin, see photobelow, for being offered a position at The Centre for AboriginalStudies in Music (CASM) at Adelaide University, and also to


Phil Bottrell, who has commenced work at Westpac through aschool-based apprenticeship. Well done to both of you!!!

If you have any questions for an Aboriginal staff member, pleasecontact Margy (Year 7-12 students) or Donald (Year R-6students), and if you have questions about your child's learningand development, please contact Tom Putnam.

We're looking forward to a great year and hopefully we'll seeyou at our next community evening!

Nakutha! (See you later)


LEARNING RESPECT IN SPORT AND LIFEIn the first week of the year our students from Years 3 – 7 werefortunate enough to be visited by some players from the NRLclub, the Sydney Roosters.

Nat Butcher and Liam Knight came over from Sydney to talk tothe students about respect and to promote their upcoming NRLgame in Adelaide against the Melbourne Storm on Saturday,June 24.

The players shared their experiences and taught our childrenthe value of respect, not only in sport but more importantly inlife.


Below is a list of the sports students are able to participate inthroughout the year. Students can represent Paralowie R-12School in any of the following sports by keeping an eye onthe student bulletin and then putting their name down in thesecondary gymnasium.

Secondary School Sport – Blue, SAPSASA – Green, Knockout- Yellow

Term 1 Term 2

Weekly Sport: Handball(Yr 8 – 10)Dates: 21/2, 1/3, 9/3, 14/3, 20/3, 31/3.27/2 OpenBoys Indoor Cricket 31/3Para Districts SAPSASA4/4 Open Mixed UltimateFrisbee Beach VolleyballSAPSASA (TBC)

15/ 3 Open Boys T20Blast

17/3 8 – 10 (Boys andGirls) Tennis & Swim

22/3 Open Boys and GirlsEuropean Handball

23/3 Open Boys and GirlsBeach VBALL

29/3 NE/NZ Athletics

5/4 Ten Pin Bowling

7/4 SSSSA Athletics

6/4 Yr 8/9 Boys IndoorCricket

All year levels BeachVolleyball (TBC) (Volleyballprogram students only)

Weekly Sport: Netball 19/5Cross Country SAPSASA 24/5Yr 8/9 Boys 5-a-side Soccer26/5 Girls Soccer SAPSASA31/5 8/9 Girls 5-a-side Soccer29/6 or 30/6 Korfball SAPSASAKnockout Netball (TBC)

Dates: 12/5, 18/5, 23/5, 30/5,9/6, 14/6.

19/5 Rock Climbing

26/5 Boys Netball SAPSASA

20/6 8/9 Boys & Girls 9-a-sideFootball

27/6 Open Boys & Girls9-a-side Football

29/6 Senior Badminton

Knockout Volleyball (TBC)

• Open refers to students in Years 11 and 12. SomeYear 10’s may participate to fill numbers. Wherethere is no age group next to the sport; all year levelstudents (8-12) can attend. Year 7’s can only attendSAPSASA events.

• These dates are subject to change however, can beused as a guide. Knockout Sports are to be playedby a certain date and therefore are currentlyunknown.


Term 3 Term 4

Weekly Sport: Soccer 4/8 GirlsNetball SAPSASA 9/8 Yr 8/9Boys Basketball

Dates: 1/8, 10/8, 16/8, 24/8,30/8, 5/9, 14/9.

2/8 Open Boys Basketball

4/8 Boys Football SAPSASA

11/8 Open Boys & Girls5-a-side Soccer

18/8 Ten Pin Bowling

25/8 Boys Netball

25/8 Girls Football SAPSASA1/9 Girls Netball 21/9 or 22/9Tag Rugby SAPSASAKnockout Basketball (TBC)

25/8 Boys Soccer SAPSASA

4/9 Junior Badminton

13/9 Table Tennis

19/9 Girls Basketball

Knockout Soccer (TBC)

Knockout Volleyball (TBC)

Weekly Sport: Basketball

24/10, 1/11, 7/11, 17/11,21/11, 29/11.

10/10 (TBC) CricketSAPSASA 27/10 Yr. 10Boys T20 Blast VolleyballBeach SAPSASA (TBC)

31/10 Yr. 8/9 Korfball

2/11 Yr. 8/9 Boys BeachSoccer

3/11 Yr. 8/9 Girls BeachSoccer

13/11 Yr. 8/9 Frisbee

22/11 Yr. 9/10 EuropeanHandball

1/12 Yr. 8/9 Boys T20Blast

3/12 – 8-12 AVSC

Knockout Volleyball (TBC)

FINANCE NEWSTHANK YOU to those families who have made paid Material &Services Charges, or have put arrangements in place for 2017.

Payment options for those still to make payment are as follows:

If you believe you are entitled to School Card 2017 forms anddetails are available from the Finance Office.

If you require assistance, or have any questions regardingMaterial & Services Charges please contact Vicki via the frontoffice.


OPEN NIGHT 2017Families of prospective Year 8 students for 2018

are invited to Open Night on March 21st.Starting at 5.30 with a BBQ, followed by

an Information Session in the Resource Centre,then a tour of the school.


SCHOOL POLICIES REMINDER.UNIFORM: Some students occasionally wear jackets or othernon-school uniform clothing to keep warm. Whilst this is areasonable idea to and from school, it does not fit into ourschool uniform policy. Once on the school grounds andespecially in class, all students need to be displaying fullschool uniform. Students and parents are reminded that navy,black and blue denim are the only colours permitted as thelower part of their uniform e.g. jeans, track pants, shorts andskirts. NO leggings are permitted at all.

HATS: As part of our Sun Smart Policy, ALL students inReception to Year 6 are required to wear a hat in the schoolyard, if they are not wearing a hat they will be directed to ashaded area. Hats are available in the front office for $11.50.

MOBILE PHONES: All student phones must be turned off inall classes starting with Home Group at 8.40am. Students canturn their phones back on for recess, lunch and straight afterschool. This ensures students and their teachers maintaintheir focus on teaching and learning. Parents are welcome toring the school on 8182 7222 if you urgently need to contactyour child.

AEROSOL SPRAYS: Students are reminded that allAEROSOL SPRAYS are BANNED at school. They are a healthhazard to students and staff when sprayed within schoolbuildings. Students spraying aerosols has resulted in staff andstudents requiring urgent medical treatment. This can lead tohospitalisation in the case of severe asthmatics. THERE AREALTERNATIVE ROLL-ON PRODUCTS THAT CAN BE USED.Any student bringing AEROSOL SPRAYS to school will havethem confiscated.

SCHOOL BANKING PROGRAM 2017Paralowie R-12 is excited to offer the Commonwealth BankSchool Banking program to all students again in 2017.

School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for youngAustralians to learn about money and develop good savingshabits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaveraccount through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens,which they can save up and redeem for exciting rewards.

The rewards available during 2017 are:

• Direct Debit (forms available from the school)

• Direct Credit – Paralowie R-12 School BSB: 065-122Account No: 11026365 (REF: family code)

• School Card Application 2017

• Credit Card via telephone/mail

• Cash/Cheque/Money Order/EFTPOS

• You MUST fill out a form EACH year and submit it tothe school.

• You MUST fill out a separate form for EACHSCHOOL your children are attending.

• Cyber Handball

• Colour Change Markers

• 3D Chalk Set

• Tablet Case


Getting involved in School Banking is easy!

All you need to get involved in the School Banking program isa Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account. You can open anaccount for your child in one of two ways:

1. OnlineVisit the website and click on the link to open aYouthsaver account.

2. In branchVisit a Commonwealth Bank branch with identification foryourself and your child, like a driver’s licence and birthcertificate.

If your child has an existing Commonwealth Bank Youthsaveraccount they can start banking straight away. They just need tobring their deposit in every week on School Banking day usingtheir Dollarmites deposit wallet.

School Banking day is Thursday of each week in the RescourceCentre from 8.30 – 9.00 a.m.

A 2017 School Banking program information pack has beendistributed to students. If you would like more informationplease contact Vicki Steel, School Banking Coordinator or visitthe website.

SCHOOL BELL TIMESSchool commences at 8.40am

Recess commences at 11.05 and finishes at 11.25amLunch commences at 12.55 and finishes at 1.35pm

School finishes for the day at 3pm


Provide before and after school care

Please ring Riverdale Out of Hours School Careon 8182 4916, if you require out of hours care

for your children.

Students are dropped off at Paralowie R-12School before school and collected at the end

of the school day.


This edition includes:

Download the newsletter from the following the link:

• Smiley Emoji Keyring

• Volt Handball

• Pencil + Tech Case

• Epic Earphones

• Bicycles with combustion engine - Outlawed

• Top 5 Distractions whilst driving

• Warning & Regulatory signs

• Top 10 tips for emergency breakdowns

• Hypo + driving can kill!