From: Richard Azar Date: Visio~ and a ...

Post on 13-Mar-2022

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Transcript of From: Richard Azar Date: Visio~ and a ...

From: Richard Azar <rlbbp1> To: "'mayorkatz@ci.portland.or.uslll <mayorkatz@ci.port... Date: 12/12/986:49pm

No on the proposed Amphitheater.

I have been an Auto Racing Fan and Car enthusiast for 27 years. I have seen PIR develop into a World Class Facility. Witnessed by CART and IMSA racing. However this facility is much more than a big time racing track. It is home to thousands of weekend racers who after the hustle and bustle of working all week look forward to enjoying the hobby that has captured their spirit and challenged their creative and competitive emotions. I was one of them, having raced Go-Karts on this track for seven years. If this Amphitheater is· built it will surely affect if not eliminate this type of amateur racing as well as club races and track days.

It appears I will be losing the Golf Course I grew up on, (Top-O-Scott), due to supposedly needed expansion. I would hate to see another recreational outlet go by the wayside because somebody had a Grand Visio~ and a lot of Money.

I am sure if we all put our heads together we can surely find a better venue for this Amphitheater.

Thank you for your time.


Richard Azar

From: "Mark J Batz" <> To: PorUand.SMTP1 ("","g... Date: 12/13/984:54am Subject: P.I.R. amphitheater proposal

Mayor Katz and council members,

I would like to add my voice in concern over the proposal to build an eighteen thousand seat amphitheater at Portland International Raceway. believe it is not appropriate to have a privately held facility inside a public park. The conflicts of interest seem many.

But my biggest concern is the possibility that the grassroot organizations that have made P.I.R. what is today will someday have very limited access, if any, to the facility. If the proposal to include cancellation rights to all weekday events is allowed, the majority of the groups would lose all use. As a current member of S.AAC. Northwest, Shelby American Automobile Club, I know that many of these clubs events are held on weekdays. Weekend dates are nearly impossible to obtain. As a former member of O.M.R.R.A, Oregon Motorcycle Road Race Association, the weekend dates we did have generally were in the spring or fall - the summer months are completely booked. Spring and fall are not exactly prime motorcycle weather in Oregon.

What would happen to the events that do (and will) bring money into the area if Paul Allen's group isatlowed the ten weekend cancellation rights they requested? The Champ Cars. the NASCAR trucks, the Historic Races, Petit' Le Mans, all these would beat risk. There groups, if unable to negotiated acceptable (and certain) dates are unlikely to come to Portland.

Since it appears that an alternative amphitheater will be located nearby in the, PortlandNancouver metro area, it seems inappropriate and unfair to take away the motor sports enthusiasts access to this facility. Otherwise, the nearest raceway is in Seattle, and frankly, it is not of P.I.R.'s caliber.

Please do not support the proposal to place an amphitheater at P.I.R.

Thank you for your consideration.


Mark and Nancy Batz 2020 SW Fairoaks Drive Sherwood, Oregon 97140

From: "Joyce Lincoln-Johnson" <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("") Date: 12/13/987:17am Subject: Portland International Racway

To the honorable Mayor Vera Katz,

I am writing to you to about the proposed construction of an amphitheater in the infield of Portland International Raceway. My wife and I discussed this issue at length and we both feel the construction of the amphitheater at PIR is not in the best interest of the city of Portland or to the motorsport community in the Pacific Northwest. We attend several races each year, notably the CART Champ car race and the Rose Cup races. I also attended the Zupan's vintage and historic race this past year. Next year we plan to attend these races again and also the new American Le Mans Series race during the August 1 weekend. We would hate to see such a fine motorsport facility be compromised by the addition of an amphitheater.

The amateur motorsport community in Portland and the rest of the Pacific Northwest have worked hard to build and support PIR. Please do not let Paul Allen ruin this racetrack. There are probably better places for Paul Allen to build an amphitheater than in the middle of a city recreation area dedicated to motorsports.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I hope you will support the motorsport community in Portland and the rest of the Pacific Northwest.

Terence Johnson Olympia, Washington

cc: Portland.SMTP1("","esten...

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1("") Date: 12/13/988:32am SUbject: An objection to the "Amphitheater Proposal"

Mayor: I know that you believe that the city of Portland is indeed one of the Gems among the cities of the world. That this city boasts the many diverse groups of people is well known. Look at the volunteers who come when an emergency presents it's self. The floods two years ago are an example. Portland is a fine city with a history and tradition.

In granting the proposed enlargement of the "Amphitheater" the city of Portland would change the physical nClture of the Portland International Raceway. Many groups would not be able to use the facility when they needed to. Many would not use the facility because portions of the layout would be eliminated.

I, and I hope you and the city council will take in to consideration that by displacing these participants and changing the blend forever would be deleterious to the area. It would be the same as putting this size of facility at the "Rose Garden" It's on a hill and the view of the city is magnificent. Or use the new area across 1-5, the new ballfields. They only use them in the summer anyway.

Portland is in the same place as Los Angeles was 50 years ago. For the sake of "progress" an affirmative vote would put us closer to in time to them. It doesn't matter if we displace a few people or groups.

Respectfully your servant James Dowden President JD Enterprises NW Inc.

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("","esten... Date: 12/13/989:51am Subject: Portland International Raceway


The Honorable Vera Katz Mayor Portland, OR 972104

Dear Mayor Katz,

My name is Joel Edinburg, and I am President of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club. We are a national organization with 45 local chapters, including a large, vibrant chapter headquartered in Portland.

Our'local President, ·Char Sommers, has advised us of the current debate over proposals for alternative uses for Portland International Raceway. Our national organization has an interest in this issue because we are currently scheduled to have our National Convention in Portland in the summer of 2000. When the Portland Chapter made their proposal to host the convention, there were competing bids, but the strength of their proposal won over a majority of the Directors, and Portland was selected. This will be a return visit for us, and we are looking forward to it.

A significant part of the attractiveness of the Portland Chapter*s proposal was the use of Portland International Raceway (PIR) for the site of ourTime Trials racing. The facility is one of the more attractive venues in the United States, and it*s importance in attracting organizations, such as ours, to come to Portland, cannot be over-estimated. PIR is a unique asset of the City of Portland, and I*d encourage those participating in the deliberations, to protect it and guard it*s future exist~nce. It brings Portland great exposure and income, from organizations with large audiences, like CART, to smaller national clubs like the Alfa Romeo Owners Club; and of course local organizations like SCCA and our local chapter.

PIR*s unique ownership provides a way for Portland to give back to it*s citizens. It*s an asset much like an historically significant property, which we choose to protect for future generations.

I wish the Council good luck in their deliberations, and hope PIR*sunique place as a motor sports venue will continue.

Very truly yours,

Joel Edinburg President Alfa Romeo Owners Club

c: Council Members, Char Sommers

916 Oregon Trail Wyoming,OH 45215


From: "Matt Townsend" <> To: Portland.SMTP1("") Date: 12/13/9810:03am Subject: Anphitheater

Hi Mayor Katz, . Forget the amphitheater. Paul Allen already owns enough of Portland's entertainment We have one of the premier race tracks on the west coast. Don't let it become a second rate venue like Seattle Int'I Raceway. I live in North Portland. I don't want anymore noise and traffic. Keep racing, build the theater somewhere else.

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("") Date: 12/13/98 12:02pm Subject: PIR - Proposed Amphitheater

Dear Mayor Katz,

I am concerned that the proposed amphitheater at PIR is not is the best interest of the neighborhoods and current users of the PIR facilities.

It is obvious that you will decide either in favor of money and pressure from Paul Allen, or decide in favor of the desires of the neighborhoods and the current users of the race track.

PLEASE, reject the amphitheater.

Daniel Shrader and Marilyn Czerwinski Members Cascade Sports Car Club

From: "Robert W. Spreen" <> To: Mayor Vera Katz <> Date: 12/13/9812:16pm Subject: Portland International Raceway use

Although a resident of Bellevue, Washington, I am a frequent visitor to Portland. most of the dollars I spend in auto racing(as a participant and a spectator) are spent in the Portland area. Our family expenditures average about $13,000 per year for racing, 80% of it in Portland, and most of it as a participant in amateur racing at PIR.

I ask that you uphold the recommendation of the Portland Planning Commission is their turning down the proposal for a 20,000 seat amphitheater at PIR. The development of such a facility will inevitably lead to severe restrictions on the use of PIR as an auto racing facility. While restrictions already exist in order for PIR to be a good neighbor, the use and date demands of the proposed amphitheater will effectively crowd-out amateur racing, ~md perhaps professional racing as well. The reduced number of available dates, and the cancellation rights requested by the amphitheater developers will destroy PIR as a racing venue.

PIR is a true gem. It is a safe, well-run operation which has, due to the foresight of the City of Portland, little impact on the surounding residents. There really is no other place for racing to go, yet there are good alternatives for a proposed amphitheater. It makes no sense to destroy a unique, successful operation in order to satisfy the developmental interests of a few powerful entrepeneurs. There are other places for an amphitheater...there is no other home for PIR.

Please turn down the proposal for the amphitheater.


Robert W. Spreen DDS

cc: Jim Francesconi <>, ...

From: "Iarry.cirotski" <> To: Mayor Vera Katz <>, Cou... Date: 12/13/98 12:57pm Subject: Oppose Paul Allen PIR Amphitheater

We oppose the amphitheater proposed for the Portland International Raceway facility.

This long standing facility has a fine record of serving the needs of the metropolitan area auto enthusiasts. We enjoy many events at PIR throughout the year. From the Rose Festival Grand Prix to SCCA racing events, club racing, driver training, the Historic Races, etc.

Paul Allen's proposal would change the way PIR is used to a Concert Venue from motoring events.

The, Amphitheater would curtail many events and use of PIR during the probably frequent demands an extensive concert schedule would place.

Portland may need another concert amphitheater, but it should not be placed at PIR. Let Paul Allen & Associates buy and develop their own property at another site that would not inhibit the long standing tradition and enjoyment of PIR.

Please preserve PIR by not supporting an Amphitheater there.


Lawrence & Laura Cirotski

10305 SW Hoodview Drive

Tigard, OR 97224

(503) 624-4926

From: "LeRoy A. Schoot" <> To: "James Francesconi" <jfrancesconi@cLportland.or.u... Date: 12/13/98 1:09pm Subject: Paul's Palace at PIR

Please vote against further consideration of Paul's Palace at PIR (AKA The Ampitheatre)

Reasons of noise pOllution, air pollution, congestion, increased crime, vandalism, panhandling, are all certainly valid.

Additionally, however is the impossibility of building a world class Musical Venue under the Flight pattern of a major International Airport due to ambient noise generated during take-off of heavily loaded commercial aircraft.

Impossible because no world-class performers will stand for ompetition from Aircraft Engines.

Only local, and regional musical wannabes desparately needing a gig will end of performing at Paul's Palace at PIR.


LeRoy A. Schoot

cc: "Vera Katz" <>

Froll1: Richard Ellmyer <> To: Portland.SMTP1("","stevedui... Date: 12/13/98 1:33pm Subject: Congratu lations

Hi Steve and Jeff: Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! You both got it right. Your articles in the Sunday Oregonian and Columbian were rigorously researched, insightful and well written. It is such a joy to know that there are still professionals in the news business. Walden Kirsch, KGW, and Jim Hyde, KPTV, did a good job for TV news. But, their presentations could not compare with the mature understanding you brought to your print stories.

Jim Francesconi made a move in the right direction last week. But he didn't go far enough. To walk through the "smaller" amphitheater door that Francesconi has left ajar is a trap. The room you enter will have the same players and the same conclusion. No amphitheater, of any size, is the only acceptable position. Only Paul Allen benefits if you open that door. We know it, you know it and so does everyone else.

I have logged 120 volunteer hrs on this project and there is very little that I don't know about it. I have toiled in the political vineyards for more than twenty years. I recognize that it is often a prudent choice to withhold one's position until the roll is'called. However, you do not get nearly as many points as you would by taking a leadership role Before the vote.

The Clark County Commissioners get lots of points. Jim Francesconi gets some points. Time is running out for the rest of the Portland City Council to score.

One is either blowing in the wind or one IS the wind.

More often than not your colleagues in the media let us down. But you two rose to the occasion. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Richard Ellmyer 9124 N. McKenna Ave. portland, OR 97203 503289-7174

cc: Mayor Katz <>, Jim Fran...

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 (lgkafoury@cLportland.or.usl ,"esten... Date: 12/13/98 1:47pm Subject: Please! No ampitheater, please!

I am writing in response to Paul Aliens' millions and his slick lawyers. I beg you-please agree with the Planning Commissions' recommendation to do away with the Amphitheater Proposal.

Firstly, I am angry that Aliens group has a virtual monopoly on what the City of Portland can do as far as entertainment venues, his StrongArm tactics are practically blackmail. How'd THAT happen? Secondly, I am tired of funding his extravagant schemes to make More Millions for himself at my, no-OUR expense!

PIR is a MAJOR reason I moved to Portland. I am definitely not a professional racer, or even an amateur, but in addition to attending some races, I do take my two cars to the venue 6-8 times a year for car club (Shelby American Auto Club, SAACNW) sponsored Open Track Events, High Performance Driving Schools and SCCA Autocrosses. These are the type of small-time events that will be the first to go if Big Money gets its way-and make no mistake-if Aliens group gets its way PIR's days are numbered, of THAT, I have NO DOUBT whatsoever- he can make far more profit than PIR can ever hope to generate.

What's wrong with that? Well, Portland has the only Major Road Racing course on the West coast that is actually within the City limits. It is also the ONLY major road racing venue North of San Francisco. SIR is nice, but hardly world­class.

You and the council will see the slickest and most persuasive presentation ever on Thursday, and I URGE you to hold the line and vote against Big Money. Portland would be a poorer place without PIR, and that ultimately is what this is all about.

Thanks for your time, Russ Rainforth 4694 NW Buckboard Dr. Portland, OR 97229

(503) 533-2214

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("","e... Date: 12/13/9810:55pm Subject: (no subject)

I am opposed to the "Rose City Amphitheatre Project" which is being proposed to be built at Portland International RACEWAY.

1. Portland already has a world class location for musical performances - the Rose Garden Arena. It has exceptional accoustics. This is one main reason why so many performers who normally passed by Portland now look foward (I have read) to entertaining here.

2. P.I.R is already being used by motor sports enthusiasts to peek capacity. It is these same enthusiasts who converge every year to make Portland International RACEWAY the site of the largest attendance during the Rose Festival. .

3. The communities surrounding P.I.R. already deal with more than their fair share of traffic congestion, noise, and general disruptions that most families in Portland do not endure.

4. A similarly sized outdoor amphitheater will be built at the Clark County Fairgrounds. This amphitheatre is BEYOND THE PROPOSAL STAGE - it will be built. If a "World class" performer visits this site I am sure many, if not all Portanders, would not pass up the opportunity to attend just because they would have to drive an extra ten to fifteen minutes.

5. Let's not forget one obvious detail. Use of the outdoor amphitheatre would be limited by the weather. Let Clark County handle rained out performances. When the rain falls at P.I.R. the Indycars still race (1997). Can the same be said for the performers?

6. Last and maybe least important. Don't permit Paul Allen's deep pockets, and greedy interests to influence this region. Paul has a bottomless pit of money to throw at almost any cause he chooses. If the users of P.I.R. could afford to dump money into full page ads in the Oregonian to promote their interests can you imagine how many more responses similar to mine you would read?

Do not allow this Amphitheatre project to continue! It is wrong for many reasons. I assure you my vote, and many others in future elections, will be influenced by your decision.

D.M.D Mark G. Mullenbach

From: Kevin Goldsmith <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("","gkafoury@... Date: 12/13/98 2:55pm Subject: NO New Amphitheatre please

Hi, my name is Kevin Goldsmith. I live in the Kenton area and am responding to the add which the Rose City Amphitheatre Project people took out in the Oregonian listing all the city commissioners E-mail addresses. Please, vote NO on this project. North Portland will suffer more traffic and the quality of life will go down in my neighborhood. This is a very bad idea.

Thanks Kevin Goldsmith 3705 N. Baldwin Portland,97217

From: Betty Smith <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("") Date: 12/13/98 3:24pm Subject: Amphitheatre

Dear Mayor Katz and Commissioners,

NO! NO! NO! I was born in Portland and grew up in North Portland (Mock's Crest). The Last thing needediri Portland is another poorly sited venue for eccessively loud noise which would have restricted use because of weather. The traffic problems on 1-5 and other feeder roads are already incredible and I doubt the group wanting to inflict this thing on us are ready to enhance all the highways to meet the need. Their track record on the Gorge area amphitheatre they already control is not the best. There is no way the claims of this development group that "it won't cost the taxpayers a dime" can be true - the taxpayers will pay for all the collateral damages to roads and neighborhoods that this will bring.

In the 1950s there was a vocal argument against the'placement of Memorial Colosseum. Even as young as my high school classmates and I were, we could see it would be an access nightmare and destroy east side neighborhoods. But the business interests in Downtown wanted it there ­close to them - and there it went, beginning the whole Rose Quarter disaster. Please don't make the same mistake over again and shove something we don't need and that does not fit into an area where it DOES NOT belong.

Thank you for your time. Betty Ann Smith

cc: Portland.SMTP1 ("","gkafoury@...

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("") Date: 12/13/98 3:40pm Subject: PIR Ampitheater

NO Ampitheater atPIRI Civic Stadium or some other site, but not PIR. 13 Dec Oregonian says it all. Warner Lowe 697-9641

From: <> To: Portland,SMTP1("") Date: 12/13/98 3:55pm SUbject: Proposed amphitheatre


To: The Rose City Amphitheatre Project

SUbject: Morality

This letter is being written to emphatically state my personal opposition to your planned use of PUBLIC LAND at West Delta park for PRIVATE, for PROFIT, COMMERCIAL enterprise. .

In 1959 I worked hours, days, weeks and months with shovel, rake, hoe and hands, alongside untold numbers of plain folks, to clear the rubble from the Vanport Flood so that the first Sports Car Road Races could be held at what was then simply "Delta Park' to us. Where were you then? Where were you during the ensuing years of struggle, labor, and personal expenditures on the part of hundreds (if not thousands) of hardworking, common, ordinary, everyday folks who wanted something good and hopeful to come from the tragedy that was Vanport. Something thatwas designed to be self-supporting and NOT abusively usery of the public lands and funds that are so precious to the citizens of this city and state.

IF you want to have a money making, privately held commercial enterprise within the bounderies of this city, county and state, then do what I and thousands like me have had to do BUY THE LAND WITH YOUR OWN DAMNED MONEy!!. don't take the land that I and so many others like me have worked a lifetime to develop and maintain and support with our labor, our love, and our continued patronage. You have NO RIGHT to usurp PUBLIC land for your PERSONAL PROFIT!

Stop throwing your seemingly endless supply of money at those who oppose your plan by offering to "contribute" to their specific areas of interest (behaviour that is not unlike that which created the scandal that now surrounds the 10C site selection committee). It smacks of political "soft money" contributions.

With all of your monetary and technical resources, with little or no effort, you could do so much good with this project without threatening or damaging the good that has already been done. Find a new, private site, buy the land, build the Amphitheatre, reap the profits, plow some of them back into the community without a profit motive behind the largess, and DO THE RIGHT THING!

If the above suggestion is beyond your comprehension, then please stop taking us, the common working men and women of Portland and Oregon for saps and dunderheads. can insult the intelligence and integerity of the people of other cities in your thrall, but it simply won't play here. If you choose to ignore the best interests of the very people whose money you seem to so eagerly want, then I respectfully suggest that you pack your carpetbags, climb back aboard the "Huckster Unlimited" and ride it back to your native petri dish.

I remain,

C. Robert Dunsmore

cc: internet.AOL(Racegracy,Gxthree),internet.Teleport(...

From: "Ronald Tate" <> To: Portland.SMTP1(") Date: 12/13/98 4:22pm SUbject: Rose City Amphitheater

I would like the City council to proceed with the planning of the Rose City amphitheater. thank you, Ron Tate

From: "Bill Macfarlane" <> To: Portland.SMTP1 C'","gkafour... Date: 12/13/985:23pm Subject: Amphitheatre


I would like to express my opinion on the amphitheater project currently in the public eye for you consideration this Thursday. I'm for it, but with reservations. I believe it would be of great benefit to Portland to have an amphitheater as described in the literature that is currently barraging us from the Paul Allen camp. I'm concerned, however, that Paul and his companies already have too tight a grip on entertainment in Portland. Paul and his camp have pushed us around for longer than I'd like to see (by "us", I mean Portland residents and fans of music and sports). I'm particularly unhappy with his strong-arm tactics to force the city to partner only with his organization for this amphitheater by invoking his "non-compete" clause. However, I think in this case the benefits outweigh the risks. Portland very much needs this venue. I've been to a number of shows at the Gorge amphitheater, and it's a great experience. I'd really like to see something closer to home. I've lived in Portland all my life, and I've always hoped for something like this here. It would really put Portland on the map for great shows. I've been involved in the local music scene, as well as local motorsports. I know I'm breaking with my motorsports friends when I express my desire for this deal to go through, but again I believe the benefits outweigh the risks. What I ask, however, is that you proceed with caution. Please take into consideration the concerns of the neighbors and the motorsports community if you decide to partner with Paul on this. Pay very close attention to the details of the agreement, lest we get ourselves into another loophole like the now-famous "non-compete" clause from the Rose Garden Arena. If the agreement can be structured with no strings attached, I think it would be great for Portland. Although I know that this is unlikely, given that billionaires like Paul didn't get wealthy by building free amphitheaters, I trust you will try to strike the best deal for the city. That's what we elected you to do. Again, I'd like to state that I'm for the project, but be very careful when dealing with Paul Allen.

Thanks for taking the time to read this opinion. Bill Macfarlane 923 SE 26th Avenue Portland,OR97214 230-1338


From: <DStarrDMD@aol.,com> To: internet.AOL(K7NT),Portland.SMTP1 ("gkafoury@ci.por... Date: 12/13/98 8:54pm Subject: Portland International Raceway Amphitheater Idea

Dear Mayor Katz,

I would like to address the idea of putting an amphitheater in the middle of a world class race track. Have followed this proposal primarily from news on Kink FM 102. I fail to see any logic in placing this kind offacilitY,at PIR. With Clark County going ahead and building a fine facility, it would be most short sighted and politically charged to take a cut of their market. A broader regional good must be kept in mind. I am sure many of Clark county's people support events and facilities in Portland. The magnitude of wealth and power behind this idea of a PIR amphitheater is very impressive. I am sure you must sense it. I support the Portland Art museum,OMSI,the Zoo, Japanese Gardens and many other organizations. My wife and I support local artist, often attend live music and buy their CD's. We go to our local neiborhood meetings and we vote. Our appraisal of Paul Allen's group and it's amphitheater idea is that both are found sadly lacking. They should focus on beefing up the economic viability of the area around the Rose Garden. We should not compete with our neighbor's to the North, nor be bullied by a billionaire.

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("") Date: 12/13/98 10:00pm SUbject: Amphitheater location

I read in the Oregonian recently that Paul Allen is considering putting an Amphitheater in the infield section of PIR. Why would he pick such a lousy location: The traffic to and from the PIR area during an event is major gridlock! Coordinating Race days, Amphitheater days, and Expo Center events would be

an exercise in futility! One organization or another is going to lose out.

I urge you to find a better location. Look at the future impact before making a decision.

Randy Lonsdale

From: "Evan Waymire" <> To: "Vera Katz" <>, "Jim Fr. .. Date: 12/13/98 10:29pm Subject: PIR amphitheater

Regarding: Amphitheater at Portland International Raceway as proposed by Paul Allen's company

I am writing to you tonight to express my opposition to this amphitheater and to urge you to oppose it, too. This amphitheater does not have the best interests of the City of Portland or it's citizens at heart. Some points I ask you to consider during your deliberations:

1.. Ifthis were such a good idea then why must it be built on City of Portland land? Paul Allen can certainly afford to purchase private property to build an amphitheater on. it's unfair to ask the citizens of this city to subsidize a multimillionaire in his efforts to operate a·profitable business. If it doesn't make sense on private land then it doesn't make sense on public land.

2.. PIR is the only local venue for wheeled sports, including: auto racing, motorcycle racing, bicycle racing, and public skate and bicycle ride days. These dedicated constituencies have no where else to go and Paul Allen's proposal will limit their access to this unique facility. If this amphitheater were to prove successful it will only be a short time before Allen's company is back before the City Council requesting more dates for concerts and further limiting Portland citizen's access to the track for wheeled sports. These same constituencies have poured time, effort,and private funds into making PIR what it is today. They are dedicated people who are passionate about their sports and have no local alternatives.

3.. Noise: A tenuous agreement has been reached between the PIR racing community and the North Portland neighbors which has been successful for many years. Adding five more weekends per year of loud concert activities (at least as loud as the CART races) will shatter the peaceful truce with the tack's neighbors. I know Paul Allen's company says they have a noise abatement plan for their amphitheater. I was a North Portland resident for 24 years and am quite familiar with the effects of wind direction and weather conditions on transmitting track noise into the neighborhoods. I have zero faith in their noise abatement plan.

4.. Portland Civic Stadium: Our stadium is currently being used as a viable outdoor concert venue. It has the advantages of being an existing, underutilized facility, is ideally suited to concerts, has great service by light rail, and all of the income goes to the City of Portland. If Allen's group builds an amphitheater at PIR they will make sure that all Ticketmaster shows go into their facility so Allen's companies will profit from the event, not the City of Portland. Concerts at the Civic Stadium will vanish, along with their revenue stream to the City. This will reduce funds available to maintain and upgrade the Stadium.

5.. Finances: Prior to the construction of the Rose Garden, all large indoor shows were held in the Memorial Coliseum. Revenue from these events not only paid for the operation of the Coliseum, it also subsidized operations of the Civic Stadium, Civic Auditorium, Expo Center, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, and Portland Center for the Performing Arts. When the Rose Garden opened Allen's company took over operation of the Coliseum, along with receiving the revenue streams of the Coliseum and Rose Garden. The Stadium, Auditorium, Expo Center, Schnitzer Hall, and PCPA are now suffering under budget cuts caused by this agreement. If Allen's company builds an amphitheater at PIR I predict that all concerts will be moved out of the Civic Stadium and the funding crisis at the Stadium, Expo Center, PCPA, etc. will be exacerbated. As long as we can keep major concert events in the Civic Stadium we ensure some significant revenue to fund Portland's public cultural centers. Thank you for considering my points. I hope you agree with me that this amphitheater is not in our City's best interests.

Sincerely, Evan Waymire

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("","g... Date: 12/13/9810:34pm SUbject: amphitheater :-(

Mayor and Commissioners,


I have just received my SECOND telemarketer call, hired by the amphitheater sponsors, urging me to call and tell you to vote to proceed with the planning process. Call me provincial and reactionary--which I do not ordinarily call myself--but I find it heavy-handed and inappropriate to "buy" public opinion in this way.

I've worked for many candidates, and am a fan of most of you, so I knwo how important "getting out the vote" is, and it is, of course, free speech in a~ion. However, in this case I surmise that there must be an awful lot of money to be made by Paul Allen & Associates here, and I'm not impressed!

Regardless of the relative merits of the proposed project, I urge you to vote for the good of ALL the citizens of the City (you know the issues better than I do). Please DO NOT vote to approve just because they spent a bunch of money on a phone room this week!!!!!

Marie Morgan 3138 SW Fairview Blvd. Protland OR 97201 228-2820

From: <> To: Portland.SMTP1 C'","chales@ci... Date: 12/13/98 11 :35pm SUbject: Amphitheater

As an Arbor Lodge NA board member, I want to offer my sympathy at the deluge of outpouring concerning the amphitheater that you are dealing with. I hope we can soon put this behind us.

However, I want to emphasize that a large majority of the people I encounter in activities here in North Portland do not support any size amphitheater located at PIR. Frequently these are people who are not into neighborhood associations, do not send letters, etc., to to city commissioners, sometimes are not aware of the implications of issues happening in city government. They are however beginning to learn of implications to their neighborhood livability thanks to columns like Steve Duin's. It sure paints a different picture than the slick publications put out by Agean extolling the pleasure of laying under the stars listening to world class music.

I feel that any amphitheater will reduce many of the things I value in my neighborhood.

Thanks for your listening.

Jerrie Johnson 6336 N. Campbell

From: Phillip W. Hurley <> To: Portland.SMTP1 ("","gkafoury@... Date: 12/14/98 2:40am SUbject: Ampitheater

I wanted to express my desire for you to continue the planning for the ampitheater at the Portland International Raceway. From what I understand, this would be a fine addition to Portland and provide another avenue for performing arts in our fine city. *********************************************************

David Douglas School District #40 (503) 252-2900



1993 -1998

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,;.0..l' :-; 'I" :00 to 5:00 ;- ~\. ' '''? , L. ~~SSO MUSIC CENTER

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Special Events * arm Calliope • Childrens Play Area

Hay s • Inventure Place's Camp Invention Story Teller· Irish Band • Ragtime Pianist Live Country Band • Live Polka Orchestra

Marlowe The Magic Clown New Orleans Stompers • Classic Car Show Fire Safety House & Sparky The FireDog

Para-Hawk Powered Parachutes Pig Ankle Jug Band • Goodyear Community Choir

Appalachian Music & Dance • WKSU Brass Quartet • First Aid Provided by

Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital

Interest For All .Ages! Rain Or Shine!

See You There!

B;oss~ Action Council



BLOS~,. . Action Council

FALL family



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MUS Ice E N T E R.


. December 15, 1998

To: Commissioner Jim Francesconi

From: David Carlucci, General Manager Blossom Music Center

Re: Amphitheater Programming

Your office asked Universal Concerts to provide information about what happens in a typical amphitheater season. As general manager of Blossom Music Center, which is owned by the Cleveland Orchestra and operated by Universal Concerts, it is my pleasure to respond.

The accompanying material offers you "a year in the life of Blossom Music Center" - a look at a full year of our concerts and community events at an amphitheater.

Please don't hesitate to phone me if you or your colleagues would like further details about Blossom Music Center - or any of the other amphitheaters operated by Universal Concerts.

cc: Mayor Vera Katz Commissioner Charlie Hales Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury Commissioner Erik Sten

Post Office Box 1000, 1145 West Steels Corners Road, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223,330-920-8040




Overture" with fireworks JULY 4 BLOSSOM CONCERT BAND: Featuring Sousa favorites and "The 1812

Overture" with fireworks JULY 5 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Jahja Ling conducts "Capriccio Espagnol" and

other music In a salute to Spain with fireworks after the performance JULY 7 YES JULY 8 METALLICA JULY 10 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Brahms Symphony No.4 JULY 11 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Brahms Symphony No.4 JULY 12 AN EVENING WITH GARRISON KEILLOR JULY 14 SPICE GIRLS JULY 16 MICHAEL BOLTONIWYNONNA JULY 17 PRETENDERS/B-52s JULY 18 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto JULY 19 THE CHAPEL (RENTAL) - Sunrise Church Services JULY 19 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Russian Masters - Rachmaninoff & Prokofiev JULY 21 H.O.R.D.E. JULY 22 BACKSTREET BOYS JULY 24 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Beethoven's Emperor Concerto JULY 25 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Bravo George Gershwinl- Celebrating the career

of legendary genius with fireworks after the performance JULY 26 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Bravo George Gershwinl- Celebrating the career

of legendary genius with fireworks after the performance JULY 28 DAVE MATTHEWS BAND JULY 31 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: The Romantic Era - Dvorak & Wagner AUG 1 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: John Williams conducts music form his film

scores and other Hollywood greats. AUG 2 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: John Williams Salutes Broadway, Disney and the

films of Steven Spielberg. AUG 5 ROD STEWART AUG 6 LILITH FAIR AUG 7 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: FeatUring "Sheherazade" and Mozart's Piano

Concerto No. 20 AUG 8 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Jahja Ling conducts Beethoven's Symphony

No.3 AUG 9 CULTURE CLUB AUG 14 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Leonard Slatkin conducts Tchaikovsky AUG 15 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Featuring composer/performer Randy Newman

performinghis music to "Toy Story" and other hits

AUG 16 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Saluting the 50th Anniversary of Israel ­sponsored by the Jewish Community Federation.

AUG 17 MATCHBOX 20 AUG 21 DEEP PURPLE AUG 22 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Leonard Slatkin conducts Mahler's Symphony

No.1 AUG 23 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Featuring mezzo-soprano Frederica Von Stade AUG 25 SHANIA TWAIN AUG 26 PEARL JAM AUG 28 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Robert Shaw conducts Mozart's "Requiem" AUG 29 ENDFEST '98: Over 9 Up & Coming Alternative Bands perform In a day long

festival - sponsored by local radio station WENZ, The End. AUG 30 CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA: Baroque Masters - Featuring selections from

Bach & Handel 0

SEPT 5 CINCINNATI POPS: Broadway & Henry Mancini's Greatest Hits with fireworks after the performance

SEPT 6 CINCINNATI POPS: Broadway & Henry Mancini's Greatest Hits with fireworks after the performance

SEPTa HANSON SEPT 20 A DAY IN THE COUNTRY - Five popular Counrty performers in one show SEPT 27 FALL FAMILY FESTIVAL - Community wide celebration featuring arts &

crafts, food and family activities



Mothers Against Drunk Driving


October 10, 1995

Blossom Music Center 1145 W. Steels Corners Rd. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223

Dear Blossom Music Center,

Thank you for your sponsorship of our "Teens vs Cops" Skills Driving Benefit. I am very pleased to report that our program was a huge success! Your generous donation of use of your parking lots for the training of our teens by MasterDrive helped achieve that success. You have shown the community involvement that will help us to reach our goal of making Summit County streets safe and sober for everyone!

Thank you once again for your support in this event. I am looking forward to working with you in the future.


J/[Lf'v~(\.- [}-~Jc Gloria E. Buwala, President Mothers Against Drunk. Driving Summit County Chapter

P.O. Box 3128 • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 • (2_16) 945-5801

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(330) 920-8040 IN AKRON


BLOSSOM TEEN CHOICE FEST '96 Saturday, May 4 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Blossom Music Center is pleased to present this educational festival of teens teaching their peers how to make responsible decisions. There will be informational booths, each manned by a different high school, and hands-on activities to help teens understand the importance and severity of such topics as drinking and driving, seat belts, sexual issues, and drug abuse. There will also be live music starting at 3:30 PM. (Bands to be announced).

Admission to Teen Choice Fest is free, and open to the public. Those wishing to attend, please call Blossom Music Center for more information.

Blossom Music Center. P.O. Box 1000 • Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio 44223 • (330) 920-8040 • Fax (330) 920-0968


, . \



1. TRAVEUNG MEDICINE SHOW-o group of teens running ·sklts· ot how teens make cholses that affect their lives.

2. VEHICLE BACKING-an opportunity for teens to learn how to back-Up a car successfully, also through the state maneuverability course.

3. ROLL-oVER·CONVINCER-a demonstration of how seat belts protect the occupants during a roll-over situation.

4. HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM..-Information on how drama teams deal with car croshes.

5. AUTO MAINTENANCE/REPAIR--demonstratlons on how to check your 011 to change a spore tire. This booth will have a vehicle cut-awoy for show and fell.

6. AUTO MART--0 collection of -new· vehicles for all to check out for '96

7. BLOSSOM ACTION COUNCIL-where teens can redeem theIr '96 ·fest cards· for a free t-shlrt and lawn tickets. All cards must show competitions.

It~ ~,

8. MADD-mothers against drunk drivers will host a booth for parents to educate them on the Ohio laws of underage drinking.

9. SUMMIT COUNlV SHERIFFS -demonstration on field sobriety check points.


11. AKRON POUCE-undeclded

12. FREE CLiNIC-Information on cholses teens make and how to be Informed.