From Docker to Production - ZendCon 2016

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Transcript of From Docker to Production - ZendCon 2016

ZendCon, October 2016 1

From Docker to ProductionChris Tankersley@dragonmantankZendCon 2016, October 2016

ZendCon, October 2016 2

ZendCon, October 2016 3

Subliminal Advertisement

ZendCon, October 2016 4

ZendCon, October 2016 5

ZendCon, October 2016 6

ZendCon, October 2016 7

ZendCon, October 2016 8

ZendCon, October 2016 9

ZendCon, October 2016 10


ZendCon, October 2016 11

How does your app handle storage?

ZendCon, October 2016 12

What does your build process look like?

ZendCon, October 2016 13

How well does your app handle scaling?

ZendCon, October 2016 14

Does it make sense?

ZendCon, October 2016 15

The Build Process

ZendCon, October 2016 16

Start Small• Build your application• Run composer• Run npm/bower• Build JS/CSS

• Use the compiled output to build an image with docker build• Push full image to private registry

ZendCon, October 2016 17

docker build• Additional options to look at• -f, --file – Specify a different filename for the Dockerfile• --no-cache – Don’t use a cached layer• --pull – Always pull a new version of the image

ZendCon, October 2016 18

Sample usagedocker build \ --no-cache \ –f docker/php/phpserver.dockerfile \ –t prod_php /opt/builds/20161010

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phpserver.dockerfileFROM php:fpmRUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysqlCOPY ./ /var/www

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Docker Compose

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Very Good for Small Deployments• Can be used to augment your dev environment• Works well with Docker Machine

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Create a machinedocker-machine create --driver digitalocean \ --digital-ocean-access-token [token] \ zendcon2016

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Switch to the remote node• Run docker-machine env zendcon2016

& "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker-machine.exe" env zendcon2016 | Invoke-Expression

ZendCon, October 2016 25

Set up docker-compose• Docker Compose allows multiple config files with -f• Have a base docker-compose.yml for Production• Add a secondary one for Development

ZendCon, October 2016 26

version: '2'volumes: mysqldata: driver: localservices: nginx: build: context: ./ dockerfile: ./nginx.dockerfile ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 phpserver: build: context: ./ dockerfile: ./phpserver.dockerfile working_dir: /var/www/public mysqlserver: image: mysql environment: [redacted] volumes: - mysqldata:/var/lib/mysql


ZendCon, October 2016 27

version: '2'volumes: mysqldata: driver: localservices: nginx: image: nginx volumes: - ./output_dev:/var/www/public:ro - ./app/nginx/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf - ./ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl/ phpserver: build: context: ./ dockerfile: ./phpserver.dockerfile working_dir: /var/www/public volumes: - ./app:/var/www/ - ./vendor:/var/www/vendor mysqlserver: image: mysql environment: [redacted] volumes: - mysqldata:/var/lib/mysql

ZendCon, October 2016 28

When doing developmentdocker-compose \ –f docker-compose.yml \ –f \ up -d

ZendCon, October 2016 29

When doing a deploymentdocker-compose up -d

ZendCon, October 2016 30

Other Alternative – Variable Substitution• Docker Compose allows variable substitution inside the file• Wrap variables in ${}• image: ${DEPLOY_VERSION}_php

ZendCon, October 2016 31

When doing a deploymentdocker build –f […] –t 20161010_php /opt/builds/20161010DEPLOY_VERSION=20161010 docker-compose up -d

ZendCon, October 2016 32


Daycamp 4 Developers - Ops for Devs 33

Rancher and RancherOS

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Manages your Containers

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Manages your Hosts

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Allows you to monitor containers

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Allows you to manage your applications

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Allows you to deploy your applications

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Allows you to deploy your applications

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Supports Docker Compose

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Blue-Green Deployments


App v1 App v2

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Blue-Green Deployments


App v3 App v2

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Blue-Green Deployments


App v3 App v2

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Add rancher/server to the master

docker run -d \ --restart=always \ -p 8080:8080 \ –name=rancher \ rancher/server

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Add rancher/agent to nodes

docker run -d \ --privileged \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ rancher/agent:v0.7.9 \[hash]

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All Done!

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Deploying with Rancher CLI

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What is it?• Rancher has an API!• Small executable that interacts with Rancher API• Kind of like a custom docker-compose

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Get an API Key

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Get an API Key

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Download Rancher CLI

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Export Stack Config

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Two Config Files

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Deploy ScriptACCESS_KEY="C4F407CE1D8C59EB53BE"SECRET="daNENHR241Jzm5Z9iw6VsujD9hWfjHWrDzkKmKiA"RANCHER_URL=""

./rancher-compose --secret-key=${SECRET} --access-key=${ACCESS_KEY} --url=${RANCHER_URL} --file=docker-compose.yml --rancher-file=rancher-compose.yml -p phptest up --upgrade -d

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Edit and Deploy

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Edit and Deploy

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Finish Upgrade

ZendCon, October 2016 59

Thank You!• Software Engineer for InQuest• Author of “Docker for Developers”•

• Co-Host of “Jerks Talk Games”• http://jerkstalkgames

••• @dragonmantank