Frobel Stories 2

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Our second issue!! More sample works from the Summer Writing Workshop. We have a few horror stories here. Still an eclectic mix of essays that showcase diversity in writing and taste. Enjoy!

Transcript of Frobel Stories 2


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The Noise by Katarina Ruflo, Gr6 I lifted up the boxes and headed to my room. “You need any help with those?” my brother John asked me. “Nah, I’m fine,” I said to him. As I headed up the stairs, I looked around the house. It was bigger than our old apartment, but a bit of a fixer-upper, needing some elbow-grease here and there. I stopped in front of the first room and I set the boxes down. It was a big room, but it was dusty.

Three hours later and the room was looking good. “Dinner time!” my mom called from downstairs. I headed down the stairs and walked into the kitchen/dining room. After dinner, I headed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and headed to my room. That night, I tossed and turned. Something was keeping

me up.

Thump! Thump! Thump! I jumped up. “What was that?” I thought.

I got up. The noise was coming from the attic. Scratch, scratch.

“Something’s going on here.” I proceeded to my bedside table. I picked up my flashlight. Scamper, scamper, scamper. I hid under the covers and closed my eyes.

The next morning I told my mom. “Mom, there’s something in the attic.” “What do you mean?” she asked. “Well,

last night, something was making a noise.” “I didn’t hear anything,” my mom answered. “Really? I could hear it scampering and scratching all over the place,” I replied. I thought this was getting nowhere so I left the kitchen.

I knew there was something in the attic, so I had to get upstairs and find out what it was. I took my flashlight and headed up into the attic. “Was I really going to do this,” I thought. This was probably the dumbest thing I had ever done.

I saw the attic door. Slowly I tiptoed towards it and turned the knob gently. The door creaked open. Then, I saw it! A huge 2-foot long rat!! It ran out the door and disappeared.



!!WHAT IS FASHION ALL ABOUT? Julianne Paderanga

INSANITY Dawn Raine Dy


!DARK HOLLOW’S MS. WILLOW Cassandra Sevilla

!SUMMER LOVE STORY Therese L. Silfavan

Thump! Thump! Thump!


Fröbel Stories

PART ONE A ship begins to fly into the shadow of a gargantuan planet, towards a colossal ship, the USS Crucible, after passing through hyperspace. After a long journey, the USS Schwarzenragen finally reaches its destination.

Capt. Johnothan “John” Hey orders the crew to get to their stations. Weapons expert Nathan Keyes and pilot Lockon Tenno head to their stations in response to their captains command. However, Rebecca Noah, a comms expert from EarthGov, complains that bringing a weapons expert is troublesome.

“It’s just protection for all of you,” Capt. John answers nonchalantly.

“Well, if you wanted guns on a mission you should have made it a military operation.”

“It just makes everyone..feel..safer.” Everyone can feel Capt. John seethe through his teeth. Rebecca keeps quiet.

Soon, John orders Nathan to establish visual contact with the Crucible, which he quickly does.

Without warning, a massive force slams the ship. It wrecks the navigation systems and the pilot has difficulty orienting the ship. More objects slam the ship.

“It’s a meteor storm!” the pilot reports quickly. Capt. John quickly orders Nathan to land the Schwarzenragen on the Crucible. “With the nav-system offline, that would be suicide,” Rebecca shouts.

“If we don’t, we’re all dead anyway,” Lockon hisses under his breath. Coolly, he manoeuvres the injured ship towards the massive ship.

The Schwarzenragen lands roughly onto the massive bay of the ship. After recovering from the rough landing John orders Nathan to haul the equipment out of the ship and for Lockon to assess the damage. Nathan briskly walks to the back of the ship, the storeroom, so he can retrieve food, supplies, and their R.E.S.s. Soon after unpacking the


Dead Silence by Juan Ruflo, Grade 6 graduate

In the year 2047, October 31st, the USS Crucible, a space freighter, went dark after performing a planet crack on the planet designated P-138. After 1 month of total communications darkness, a small team was sent to investigate the cause.

It is the year 2047 on the USS Crucible…

R.E.S.s, John orders everyone to suit up and to get their M9 pulse rifle.

PART TWO Lockon appears on the docking bay, donning his R.E.S. and carrying his M9 pulse rifle. Lockon reports that the storm not only wrecked the nav-systems, it also broke the right wing and the thrusters, effectively grounding them.

Suddenly, the quarantine alarms suddenly blare and a glass door suddenly slides down and separates Lockon from the rest of the group.

The vents behind John and the rest suddenly burst open, revealing several grotesques human-like figures with blade-like projections protruding from where arms should be. The figures give a blood-curdling scream and rush forward towards Rebecca, John, and Nathan. John orders to open fire, and instructs Lockon behind the glass wall to escape.

Lockon runs. A vent at his right bursts open revealing one of the creatures from the bay. Lockon quickly notices that, much to his horror, the creature appears decaying, having pale pinkish flesh, stubby legs, yellow lesions in parts of its body, a disgusting unhinged maw rowed with jagged teeth that made it hang from the head, and a dangerous-looking pair of arms with two blade-like bones coming out of the palms of its ‘hands’. “They’re human, or were,” he thinks quietly.

‘It’ roars at him and begins swiping the air with its ‘hands’. Lockon shoots. The creature is hit multiple times and drops on the ground, squirming and flailing. After a while, it ceases.

“Lockon, where are you?” It was Capt. John on the radio. He briefs Lockon that Nathan died during the attack. The news leaves Lockon devastated and sad. He’s worked and fought together with Nathan for many years. “There’s no time for that,” John says over the radio, guessing what Lockon was thinking.

Lockon asks what the creatures are. Rebecca answers, saying that the creatures are, or were, in fact the crew. “The creatures only tr uly die when they are dismembered,” Rebecca adds.

PART THREE The group continues on separate searches to find a way to reunite. A creatures crawls out of the vent. Lockon, having been informed of their weakness, proceeds to shoot off the arms and legs before smashing its skull.

John radios Lockon to head to the command deck, but not before naming the creatures the ‘Rippers’.

Whilst heading to the command deck, Lockon is suddenly attacked by seven dog-like creatures. It had three tentacles protruding on its back, flinging a corrosive liquid that burns the metal around him wherever it lands. “Well, well, let’s call you ‘Flingers’,” Lockon talks to himself quietly. He dispatches the creature the same way as the humanoids, shooting of the legs then bashing in the skulls.

Just then, Lockon receives another transmission from John. They’re now in the command deck, and he sends instructions on how to get there. “Great,” Lockon replies. “That's not all,” John continues. He tells Lockon what else they had discovered in the logs of the command deck.

The crew of the USS Crucible had retrieved a chunk of rock from the planet. The scientists of the Crucible discovered a strange device which continuously released a strange gas that revived the dead in the morgue, but not long after changed their shape into the creatures that attacked Lockon and the crew now. The scientists called the creatures Nekro.

As soon as the transmission ended, a large Nekro appears and attacks Lockon. It had dark skin, with scythe-like arms. Lockon quickly dispatches it. He turns to leave and continue his way, but out of the corner of his eye he notices the creature still twitching. He turns to finish the job but then becomes aghast at what he sees. The Nekro regenerates! Lockon retreats and sprints through the halls of the ship. As he escapes, John orders him to find a way to destroy the ship and meet them at the hangar. Lockon decides to head to the grav-generators to blow it up. It should send the ship crashing down to the planet.

Arriving at the grav-generators, Lockon runs towards the controls and shuts them off. John informs Lockon that they have found a ship, and orders him to destroy the engine to finish the job. Lockon heads to the tools deck to find something to use. He finds a M-1000-Arc Cutter, powerful lasers used to cut through many types of metal. He hauls the arc-cutter and slices the main engine. A blast fills the engine room and the USS Crucible darkens. Lockon could feel the ship turn. It must be going down.

“Hurry!” John radioes in. Lockon rushes to the hangar. The ship tilts steeper and he almost lost his balance. He sees the crew has activated the escape ship and was waiting for him at the entrance hatch. He jumps in.

As they escape Lockon, looks back at the USS Crucible, the tail end where the engines were, burning. Then the rest burns as it crashes through the atmosphere. END




What is fashion all about? Everyone needs to nurture the desire of looking good. These days we have to have a style or a good way of looking. Fashion has a sense of glamour. It is about how you look, and how you dress. Fashion plays an important role in our life because it’s another way of expressing our self.

Styles The reason why there are fashion shows is because people have an interest in fashion. They show the latest designs. The fashion today does not serve to reflect only our beauty. People change their style of clothes according to the season also.

People think of summer as hot or sunny days. So they have to make clothes that doesn’t feel warm to wear. Since it’s hot, people also go to a resort and swim. The swimsuit people wear is to adapt to the activities they do. The material is made of rubber and nylon and can be dyed in many colours so the outfit is not just plain functional.

See what the students of Froebel are wearing this summer at the next page.

Some of the pictures show that students wear long sleeves and pants to protect their skin from the sun. And others also wear

something to protect their heads.

Swag Other people wear clothes with a matching outfit. You

could match your outfit with accessories such as a cap, shades, jacket, color-matching shoes or slippers,

and more. These outfits suit the person well. Some people call it swag.

Some people want other people

t o t h i n k that they

look cool.






Insanity My name is Mike and let me tell you about this girl.

There was this girl named Sarah. She was only 17 years old, had long blonde hair and wore a white dress. Her parents left her when she was little. She was given to her Aunt. In school, she was ignored by her schoolmates and classmates. I met Sarah at the park in school; she wasn’t that talkative. She told me that she will leave the village because of the rumours people are saying about her. She said she couldn’t take it anymore.

I followed her when she left the village. She lived in the part of the woods where people wouldn’t want to go. I felt happy that I was her only friend that she could trust. But then I found out I wasn’t the only friend after all.

May 13. It was Sarah’s birthday today so I decided to check on her out in the woods. She wasn’t in her cabin that day. I found her in front of the abandoned insane asylum.

“Hello Scarlet, good to see you again.” There was no response. I saw Sarah seem to be talking to herself. I was confused why she was talking to no one in particular. “Was she talking to me? Does she know that I was looking after her?” I questioned myself. Sarah started to walk inside the asylum like nothing bad is going to happen to her in that asylum. I followed her quietly as she walked towards the asylum and went in.

“Was she talking to me? Does she know that I was looking after her?” I questioned myself. Sarah started to walk inside the asylum like nothing bad is going to happen to her in that asylum.

After few minutes, I heard giggling. I checked it out from the window outside, tiptoeing to see

through the dusty glass. Sarah was sitting in front of someone that I can't see.

“You know what, Scarlet. People used to tease and gossip about me behind my back.

That’s the reason why I left the village. Thank you for being here for me when no one was,” Sarah said and smiled while talking to her friend.

Sarah then glanced at the window towards me. I quickly hid down and ran as fast as I can back to my house. When I got home, my heart was beating so fast. I did my evening routine and rushed to bed. I couldn’t stop thinking about Sarah.

The next day, I woke up on the hospital bed. “Where am I?” I whispered softly.

I heard a quiet familiar voice, it was my mom. “In the hospital dear. You got a coma after an accident.”

Sarah didn’t exist at all. She was an imaginary person in my mind. Sarah wasn’t the insane one after all. It was me all along.



Biking as a Hobby I started biking when I was 5 years old. My father taught me how to balance on my bike. To make it enjoyable and to avoid accidents, he attached balancers into it. When I was 7, we bought some foam protection in case I fall. For a beginner, foam protection for the knees and elbows are very important. Months after practicing, dad asked me whether I want to remove my balancers and use my foam pads, or still use balancers and no pads. I continued with the balancers.

Because of my dad’s persistence and patience, I was able to bike without balancers soon after. I have bicycled to Busay, Liloan, Catmon, Mactan and Naga. I still remember my first try to cycle up Busay was an epic fail because I wasn’t used to biking uphill road. I got nauseated and dizzy. Today, I can bike uphill and downhill. I’m not scared at all. There is a saying that goes like this, “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” My passion is biking and I think I will continue doing this until I can master the art of biking. Here are some rules to follow:

Ride on the right, and share road with others.

Pass on the left, and give audible warning.

Don’t use earphones.

Use lights at night.

Wear a helmet (required by under 16).

Keep a safe interval, and when stopped, clear the path

Pedestrian have right-of-way.

Report crashes.

Here are some other information I found about bicycling:

There are many benefits of bicycling. It is one of the easiest ways to exercise; it builds strength and increases muscle tone; builds stamina; improves cardiovascular fitness; eats up calories; improves heart health and whole body coordination; and finally it reduces stress.


On my first day in my new school, Dark Hollow Elementary, my teacher, Ms. Willow, was giving me the creeps. She had the classroom decorated with dolls; not those thin ones but those short chubby ones that were dressed like children. I had tried to ask the girl next to me, Melissa Doberman, why Ms. Willow acted weird around us students.

But I think she was really weird around me the most. And by weird I mean it literally. She would pat our heads

and treat us like her children.

Melissa didn’t answer me clearly; she just told me that, “Nothing was wrong”. I wondered why I was even allowed to get transferred. I got transferred to a new school for Fifth Grade because my parents bought a house that was quite far from my old school but would have still been okay to drive to. But it was decided that I would be studying in a new one. But now I’m asking why of all schools did they pick Dark Hollow?

I believed Melissa and just made sure I was doing well in my studies, even though I couldn’t quite concentrate. Over the weekend I tried to forget it and I did. The only

part I thought something related to school was how to make friends at Dark Hollow.

When it was Monday again I managed to be friends with a girl named Molly Gilbert. She looked pretty decent and she wore her hair in braids. In fact she wore it differently every day. We talked during lunch break and managed to catch up with each other’s stories. I liked how Molly answered all the questions I asked her, even if they were about her or school or our teacher. She was funny, too,

and she gave me a candy bar during recess. That’s how we became friends, when she gave me a candy bar.

When school was over I decided to stay late to do my homework at school so I could just study for the Science test at home. Four other students decided to stay late, too. When I did finish it was just around five o’clock. Although my house was just two blocks away but I still thought of taking the bus. When I was about to leave, Ms. Willows stopped me and talked to me.

“Clarisse, I’m glad you’re friends with Molly,.” she said. “Uhhh…Okay, I stammered, surprised at the comment.


Dark Hollow’s Ms. Willow


“I...uh..have to go home, Ms. Willows,” I answered, thinking up a polite excuse to leave.

“Well you can’t go without saying goodbye. C’mon, give me a hug goodbye,” she said, extending her arms then embracing them around me. That just scared me more! i froze. Then finally she stopped and I ran out while saying goodbye. But not fast enough. She called out again and I stopped.

“Clarisse, how about I walk with you to your house?” she asked. “No need, Ms. Willow, I can take the bus,” I replied. But she insisted. I tried to reason out but she wouldn’t let me. After five minutes both of us were walking side by side on the street. I didn’t talk because I was scared of her now. Gladly, nothing else weird happened and I finally reached home. I rushed in to the house.

I told Molly what happened the next day. Molly listened carefully. “Clarisse, can you keep a secret?” Molly finally asked me.

“Sure, what is it?” I answered.

“You’re my only friend and I hope I can trust you. Ms. Willows is weird around us students because she used to be a m o t h e r .

S h e u s e d t o h ave a

husband and a daughter named Claire 12 years ago, before we were born.”

“And??” I asked eagerly.

“Well, her daughter died, or was said to have. Anyway, she died because she dropped her doll by the school parking lot, and when she ran to get it she got hit by a bus. That’s it,” Molly continued.

“ S o t h a t ’ s i t ? O u r teacher is

weird and creepy because

her daughter died so she now has an obsession for children and dolls? Well, no

wonder!” I answered with a sigh of relief.

“Yup, and after her daughter died her husband wanted a divorce because her husband believed it was her fault why their daughter died,” she explained further.

“She seems like a broken-hearted lady, I’ll try to be nicer to her,” I said. Molly stood up. “Hey Clarisse, I have to go now. See you tomorrow. And don’t walk home alone, okay?” she said as she ran away.

As I was lost in thought sitting alone by the swing set, I felt someone touch my shoulder! I let out a scream and was shocked to see who was behind me. Ms. Willow asked if she could talk with me. “Uhh...Okay, I guess.” I replied. “Do you mind if I call you Claire? Since your name is Clarisse and it’s too long maybe I can give you a nickname,” she asked me.

“You don’t have to Ms. Willow. I like my name the way it is,” I answered forcefully. “Claire, listen to me!” she said angrily.


“No! I’m not Claire! I know you miss your daughter but she’s not me and I hate dolls and you’re scary! Leave me alone you freaky lady! Go find another girl that can pretend to be your dead daughter!” I shouted at her as I ran towards the bus station. I didn’t look where I was going and I didn’t see the bus come around the corner. I stood there petrified and then something hit me and everything went black.

When I woke up I saw my mom’s face and dad was next to her, then I hugged them and told them what I remembered about the bus. My mom told me something. “You’re all right, dear. Nothing’s wrong with you. Just bumps and bruises. The doctor said you’ll be fine.”

I was surprised. “I was going to pick you up from school since I was on my way to grandma’s. There was bus in front that stopped. Then I saw you on the ground. And I saw a lady too. But the lady was all bloodied so I called an ambulance for both of you. Luckily you are alive,” my mom told me while crying.

“It’s okay mom, but where is the lady?” I asked her. “She’s in the room next to yours, I’ll take you to her if you want,” mom offered. “Thanks mom but I think it would be better if I go alone,” I replied.

After a few minutes I walked up out of the room. I knocked lightly but no one answered. I let myself in quietly and saw a lady sleeping.

“Ms. Willow?” I asked.

“Claire! You came back, I knew you would, but why did you leave?!” she said.

“Ms. Willow, I’m sorry for your loss. But not accepting the fact that Claire is gone will make you crazier. Claire is gone and she won’t come back. She’s dead. Please stop calling me Claire,” I told her.

“But you are Claire, you just have to remember. You look like her, you sound like her and you act like her,” she told me. Then it hit me. I knew how to cure her. All I needed was to pretend I was her. So I needed to act.

“Ms. Willow, if I am Claire then tell me about the day I died,” I told her.

“I knew you’d remember one day,” she said then she hugged me which hurt because of the wounds on my arms.

“The day you died was your birthday, May 15. Your dad and I bought you a doll, the one you always wanted. We

gave it to you at breakfast and you wanted to bring it to school. We didn’t have a car so we took the bus. We lived far from Dark Hollow so the ride from the bus took time. You fell asleep and when we had to go down you left your doll. You only realized it when we got off. When you told me I got mad because the doll cost a lot of money and you just left it. You looked scared so you ran after the bus. I was still so mad at you so I didn’t run after you.

Then I heard you scream so I ran and I saw you on the ground, bloody and dead. I wanted to be dead as well. Ever since you died I bought dolls for you. I missed having a daughter and someone calling me mommy so I continued teaching and pretended my students were my kids.

When you ran towards the street again I couldn’t let it happen so I stopped you, I saved you,” she said tearing up.

I walked slowly closer to her. “Mommy, I’m sorry I left it and ran after the doll. And I’m sorry I can’t be a perfect daughter. But I can’t stay in this world anymore. I have left this life and someday you will, too, and we will meet again. Goodbye,” I hugged her and then got up to leave.

I didn’t see Ms. Willow again. We left the hospital earlier than Ms. Willow because she had to stay there for months. I missed some school because it took time for bruises to heal and til I could walk properly. Then my parents bought another house in London and it was time to move again. They sold the house near Dark Hollow Elementary and we left, never to return. Before leaving I did say goodbye to Molly and told her that maybe one day we will meet again.


It was a bright and sunny day outside. I was walking in a place I've never been before. It has tall trees and beautiful flowers everywhere.

"Hi there!" I was stunned by a voice just behind me. I

couldn't move an inch, I felt numb. The voice sounded friendly and warm but the voice also sent shivers down my spine. So I slowly turned my head

t o w a r d s t h e stranger behind me. Then I saw his face. My jaws fell down to the ground. This guy looked nothing like an assassin or some kind of stranger at all. He looked more l i ke a n a n ge l f r o m h e av e n . “Hi...," was all I

managed to say to him. I was speechless.

I was suddenly being shaken, then it stopped. Now there was a warm, soft hand stroking my hair. “Hey, sleepy head. Wake up. You're already late. Get up!” I gradually lifted my head and opened my eyes. I dreamt that same dream again and again. I have to get ready. It’s my first day of my summer class.

When I reached school, I ran up the stairs as fast as I could that I even stepped on my untied shoelaces. I tripped.


I closed my eyes, waiting to hit the ground. Instead, I felt warm arms around me. I opened my eyes gradually so that it won't be obvious that I was embarrassed. But when I saw the stranger’s face in front of me, I almost

had a heart attack. It was him, right here before my very eyes! The same eyes that a couple of hours ago…the man in my dream.

"Are you okay, Miss?" He looked worried, as much as I can see in his eyes. "Miss, Can you hear me?" I cannot say a word but in my mind I screamed out loud. “My hero!” He helped me gain my balance but there was a l i tt le problem. I sprained my ankle. Since I couldn't walk to t h e c l i n i c , h e carried me all the way there. I was shocked when he did that.

O n o u r w a y there, I f e l t eyes


Summer Love Story

I closed my eyes, waiting to hit the ground


watching our every move. That kinda crept me out so I hid my face in his chest. The nurse checked my ankle and she said that it wasn't really that serious so I was allowed to go join the class that day.

At class, Mr. Welch, our Art teacher assigned us with a partner. We were paired by our last names. When he called my partner, I nearly fell off my chair. I couldn’t believe what I saw. My heart started to thump very fast, the feeling was almost like I was not only going to have a heart attack

but I’ll be in a coma. “Oh no, h e ’ s h e r e ! What should I do?!”

“Hi! Um...we met y o u r f o o t o k a y ? ” H e sounded shy b u t v e r y s i n c e r e . I d i d n ’ t k n ow

what to say. Please brain, work!

“Hi! Nice to meet you and, oh, yes, my foot is better now. Thank you for that earlier,” I replied. “By the way, my name is Tiffany D. Thumbelina, but you can just call me Tiffany. And you are?” I really don’t know where I took the courage to ask for his name but honestly I couldn’t wait for him to give it. “My name is Jhosh C. Tennise. You can call me Jhosh”.

Our friendship started and I realized he’s really funny. He knows how to make other people laugh without trying so hard. I can’t stop thinking of him! We got closer and closer every single day. We talked about random stuff, about ourselves, and that’s why sometimes I can’t finish my work since I’m just looking at him the whole time.

“Hey, Tiffany!” I heard Jhosh calling me. So, I turned dramatically so that my hair swayed a full turn. He stopped right in front of me, our faces were very close that I could already smell his breath. “Yes?” I asked, acting as if the distance wasn’t affecting me at all. “I just wanted to ask if you’re free Saturday night.” OMG! Is he asking for a date? “Um...I’m not sure!” My heart was beating rapidly. “I’ll send you a message on Facebook if

I’m free.” He wanted to say something else but instead he said, “See you tomorrow!” “See you too, Jhosh!”

“Ahhhhhh!!!” I can’t believe it, he’s asking me out this Saturday. Unbelievable!!! Is this some kind of dream come true? YESSSS!!!

Saturday night - the date. When we got there, the house was crowded by famous people. I really don’t like parties, so we milled around. At midnight, Jhosh took the stage and told everyone that he has a special announcement. Everyone settled down.

“So tonight, as all of you know, is my mother’s birthday, but I’m planning on making it more special.” While he was making his speech he was looking at me like I’m the only one there alone with him. It made my heart skip a beat. Then my favourite music played and the spotlight was on me. The crowd split up to give way for Jhosh.

The next thing I knew he was standing in front of me. Then he knelt down. “Tiffany D. Thumbelina, I haven’t been sleeping for days now since I couldn’t stop thinking of you and your precious smile. That day when I saw you running up t h e s t a i r s , I c o u l d n ’ t s t o p admiring your beautiful looks, but when I got t o k n o w y o u better, I didn’t only like your l o o k s b u t I started liking you the way you are. Tif, will you b e m y g i r l ? ” OMG!!! I didn’t know what to say! I was s p e e c h l e s s . Then I realized tears were starting to flow down my cheeks.

“Yes! YES!! I want to be your girl!”

He lifted me and then laid a kiss on my forehead. I know my own love story is about to start. It will be promising love-filled days of forever. And what more could I ask for? END
