Friday15th May, 2015. Term Two Week Four What’s … · Camp Rock; and ; Camp Rock 2-The Final Jam...

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Transcript of Friday15th May, 2015. Term Two Week Four What’s … · Camp Rock; and ; Camp Rock 2-The Final Jam...

Greg Laird Visits

Mr. Greg Laird, President of the Port Macquarie RSL Sub-Branch, visited the school to speak at the weekly assembly on Tuesday. In his address to the students and staff, Mr Laird thanked Shannon Beck for her beautiful singing of the National Anthem at both the Anzac Dawn Service and later at the Anzac Commemoration Ceremony at the Cenotaph on Town green. Mr. Laird predicted that Shannon’s singing talent would bring her success in the future. He presented Shannon with a beautiful souvenir gift. Mr. Laird also thanked Erin Moss for the essay she entered into the Anzac competition and presented Erin with a lovely Certificate of Participation. Mr. Laird said he was very impressed with the quality of her essay and the mature way she wrote about the Anzac Legend.

Friday15th May, 2015.

Term Two Week Four

What’s happening in Week Five Monday: Yr11Mid Course Exams Thursday: Yr11Mid Course Exams Tuesday: Yr11Mid Course Exams Friday: Yr11Mid Course Exams Wednesday: Yr11Mid Course Exams

School Website:

School Email Address:

Phone: 65831844 Fax: 65841632

Stuart Jackson, Erin Moss, Shannon Beck, Greg Laird

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Science and Engineering Presentation on Assembly This week the students from our Science and Engineering Challenge team presented their “Champion School” plaque to Ms Haddon. The students were all proud representatives of our school for this regional competition. It was a chance for students to display the values of the Hastings Secondary College: Excellence – in the way students presented themselves and participated throughout the day Innovation – students were very innovative with their approach to the problem solving activities Opportunity – this excursion is offered to students in our top Year 9 and 10 Science classes as an enrichment activity Success – all groups contributed to the overall team effort to be the Champion school for the day Well done to all students who were involved. Amanda Leach Science Faculty

Half Yearly Maths Exams

Year Non-calculator and working

mathematically section - ½ hour in class

Calculator section 1 hour in the MPC

10 Thursday 21st May Tuesday 26th May 9 Friday 22nd May Monday 25th May 8 Monday 25th May Tuesday 26th May 7 Year 7 will sit both papers in the MPC on Monday 25th May

Each student will need to provide their OWN calculator for the calculator section. If your student doesn’t have a calculator they can be purchased from the school canteen for $25. Each exam will include work from the whole semester. Students can see their maths teacher for a list of topics.

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From the Principal Week 4 Naplan has been our main focus this week but we have had other exams including Science common exams for Years 8 and 10. The Cattle Team have enjoyed travelling to Wingham Beef Week to parade their cattle and enter in the judging competitions. This has been a week of diversity. College News

On Tuesday we had a college in-service afternoon with both campuses getting together to look at ideas for an alternative learning centre. The afternoon started with the presentation of data that looked at suspension rates, low socio economic data, attendance rates and student engagement. This data collation group then gave their ideas on possible alternative settings. Dr Wayne Ible the college principal outlined again the ideas we got from the Big Picture Education group and other alternatives in other places. In groups, staff members discussed their ideas for possible alternatives. Each group reported back before more discussion. This afternoon will be followed up by the formation of a committee who will consider all the ideas and come up with some proposals to present back to the staff. Secondary Principals’ Meeting

Last week I attended a Secondary Principals’ Council local meeting at Foster. The main topics for discussion were the new pay award for teachers and principals, local welfare services available to schools and the work of the police liaison officers. The new pay scales for teachers will come into effect next year for those teachers new to the service and principals newly appointed. Pay increments will be linked to the professional standards for teachers with the highest teacher pay scale only available to those who have achieved highly accomplished teacher level. I will be in- servicing the staff on the new pay scales in Week 6. Appointment of an Educational Paraprofessional

This week we have had an Educational Paraprofessional Louise Newbound appointed to our staff. This is a new step between training and teaching that aims to get outstanding graduates working in the public education system. Louise will be paid for her work here and has committed to teaching for three years in public education once she graduates. She will work in the school for two and half days a week. She is in her final year at New England University. She will not be able to directly supervise classes but will make a major contribution in terms of team teaching, programming and assessment. Louise will be working in the areas of Commerce and Business studies. She has a background in business. Louise will start work with us on Monday. It is great to be a part of this wonderful school initiative. Welcome Louise. Year 11 exams start next week.

Year 11 mid courses exams start Monday. These exams have been co-ordinated across the college because of the shared students. All students have received a timetable. Students are reminded that they cannot bring mobile phones into the exam room. They should make sure they have the correct equipment for all exams and a spare pen. Students should also bring a bottle of water into the exams to help keep their brains hydrated. Students are required to wear uniform. Year 6 into 7 Night

Year 6 into 7 night will be held next Wednesday May 20th starting at 5:15pm with a cup of tea and some music from the college band. We will have some brief talks and then students and parents will get to do some taster lessons in Music, History, Science and Music. P&C Meeting

Our next P&C meeting is next Tuesday May 19th in the school Common Room starting at 7:30. Come to the front door and follow the sound of happy chatter.

We have an exciting week coming up with students performing at “In Concert” in the Sydney Town Hall on Monday night. Year 11, is I am sure excited about their exams as are Years 7 and 9 doing their Science common exams. Year 6 into 7 orientation is on Wednesday. Lorraine Haddon Principal

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Camp Rock The Musical is a Disney success story. The two movies, Camp Rock and Camp Rock 2-The Final Jam launched the careers of the Jonas Brothers and pop artist Demi Lovato. This Musical is based on the second movie and has a new orchestration of music and storyline. Putting on a large scale production in a professional manner takes a great deal of work. I would not be able to do this unless I had a solid production team. I have teamed up again with the fantastic choreographer Claire Michell and our Muscial Director Simone Berry. I have the graduate Production Designer Sam Wylie and my wife Kirsten as Assistant Director. Camp rock runs until 31st May.


Year 11 Hospitality: Kitchen Operations students have undertaken TVET Barista Courses training with North Coast Institute of TAFE : Great Lakes Campus, Hospitality staff Ken Oldfield, John Kell and Joanie Nardie. Baristas - Ken, John and Joanie brought along their espresso machines, coffee beans and supplies to train our students during the two day courses. Students learnt how to produce quality espresso shots (including videoing their shots using ipads, through an open group head then reviewing with the baristas), texture milk and then prepare a selection of coffees from the coffee menu with artistic flair. Espresso coffees prepared included cappuccinos, flat whites, lattes, mochas, long blacks, macchiatos and piccolos. Students were individually assessed on their knowledge and skills with written and practical assessment at completion of the course, to gain a Statement of Attainment in Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee. This unit is part of the students’ HSC Hospitality studies. All students who participated in the workshops developed their skills and applied their new knowledge with one- on-one tuition from Baristas Ken, John and Joanie. The students prepared espresso shots, made cappuccinos, lattes, flat whites, macchiatos, mochas, long blacks and piccolos and experimented with their own original coffee art. As a treat the students also prepared delicious hot chocolates. Many staff were tempted by the aroma of espresso coffee coming from A8 and enjoyed taste testing the students coffees which were prepared to order during recess on day 2. These valuable skills will be applied when students undertake work placement in a wide selection of local hospitality establishments during terms 3 and 4. The Barista courses were a great experience filled with the baristas vast knowledge and passion for coffee. Thank you to Ken Oldfield, John Kell and Joanie Nardie for sharing their time, experience and passion for quality espresso coffee with us. Year 11 Hospitality : Kitchen Operations Class and Ms Cowan.

The Port Macquarie Campus – Camp Rockers are: (l-r) Chris Phillips, Sam Smith, Jaxon Pollard, Shannon Beck, Miriam Woof, Tanisha Palmer, Drew Miante, Nikita Heuer, Mr. Keddie Insets Ashley Carrick, Billy Axford.

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Careers News Mid Coast Careers Market On Tuesday of this week Year 10 and 11 students from Port Macquarie Campus attended the Mid Coast Careers Market at Port Macquarie Racecourse. The Careers Market was a hands-on expo providing students the opportunity to engage with local industry and education representatives to discover a wide range of career and study choices. The day provided an opportunity for students to gather useful information (as well as lollies and pens) about a range of career options, assisting them in making an informed decision about their future career path. Regional, State and National industry bodies including representatives from TAFE, Centrelink, Defence Force, Police, Financial Institutions, Council, Apprenticeship Centres, Service providers and community organisations exhibited at the expo. Below is range of photos showing the students engaging in the expo.

Mr White – Careers Adviser

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Year 10 Debating

Port Macquarie Campus hosted round one of the Year 10 Debating Challenge on Thursday 30th April. Taree High School’s team were the opposition to debate the topic: ‘That CCTV cameras should be used in all areas of the school where students congregate.’ The audience was Year 10 class ‘P’ who were well entertained by both sides. Mr. Rogers kindly agreed to adjudicate and found the winners to be the negative team, Taree High School. Our team consisted of Ashley Carrick, Billy Axford, Shaun Wilson and Aisha Green. The chairperson Ambrose Kranitis and the time-keeper Lachlan Byron both carried out their duties very well. Congratulations to everyone involved. Mrs J. von Schoenberg.

Collaborative Art Making

Selected Year 8 and 10 classes have worked in collaboration with Years 5 and 6 students at both Port Primary and Hastings Primary schools to create a vibrant artwork that has been entered into the Operation Art Exhibition for 2015. The artwork, called Message birds, was

drawn together by year 8 student Tayla Dures. It displays birds in a mass of patterned band aids. The birds represent message birds of hope for the children in hospital that this artwork has been created for. The band aids that years 5 and 6 students painted form a pattern in the background creating the brightness required to meet the design brief of this exhibition. This artwork will travel NSW and come to the Port Macquarie Glasshouse as part of The Operation Art Exhibition for 2015. It is the first collaborative artwork created as part of the Arts Enrichment Program that sees Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie Campus working with their partner primary schools to increase Arts opportunities for our students.

Positive Spot It was great to read about the 90 kids volunteering for Ironman. There were others that actually started at 4.30am who helped with the water safety and have done for the past four years. Lachlan Hawkins was one of them and as a SLS IRB crew member, assisted with transferring a lady from the water back to the medical tent as she was unable to complete the course. Well done Lachlan and all you early starters. Your school is proud of you.

Ashley Billy Shaun Aisha

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Public Speaking

The plain English Speaking competition is held annually throughout Australia for students who are turning 16 or over. The Regional Final was held at Great Lakes College, Forster and our school representative was Shaun Wilson from year 10. He spoke convincingly about the importance of vaccinations in his prepared speech. The three minute impromptu speech was titled “ Disaster” and was worth 50% of the mark. Shaun performed very well in both categories practiced. He was praised for his outstanding factual knowledge.

Dear Parent of a Year 6 student, You are invited to attend our Year 7 2016 information evening for Hastings Secondary College, Port Macquarie Campus. This evening will provide an opportunity for prospective students and their parents to view the excellent range of programs and resources on offer. Our information evening will be held in the library on Wednesday 20th May from 5.30 to 7.00pm. There will be demonstration lessons, general information, as well as opportunities for questions to be answered. The Hastings Secondary College Concert Band will be playing with light refreshments provided from 5.10pm. A sausage sizzle at the end of the evening will enable you to meet other parents and carers. Details regarding Year 7 scholarships and the wide range of support services we offer will be presented. We look forward to meeting you and discussing the outstanding educational options available for your child at our College.

Dr Wayne Ible Lorraine Haddon Executive Principal Principal Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie Campus

The adjudicator Judith hall with Shaun

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