Post on 24-May-2020

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Transcript of FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Profession of...

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116 Commonwealth Ave., Erlanger, KY 41018 Phone: 859-727-2588

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both

now and to the day of eternity. 2 Peter 3:18


How do I become a Christian? Repent - Turn away from your sins to follow God’s new direction for your life.. (Romans 3:23; Acts 3:19) Believe - Trust in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, for eternal life. (John 3:16) Confess - Acknowledge Jesus as the supreme authority over your life. (Romans 10:9,13) Receive - Accept God’s free gift of salvation. (Romans 6:23; John 1:12)

How may I join the Church? Profession of Faith & Baptism - When you personally commit your life to Jesus Christ and would like to be baptized by immersion as a public symbol of your faith. Baptism - When you have already personally committed your life to Jesus Christ, but have not yet been baptized by immersion as a public symbol of your faith. Transfer of Letter - When you are a member of another Southern Baptist church or a church with like faith and order. Statement - When you are a member of a church of like faith and practice, and have been baptized by immersion as a public symbol of your faith. May I join a LifeGroup without joining the Church? Of course! Though this is not church membership, it is an excellent way to get to know EBC and to learn more about the Bible and God’s plan for you. When can I join the Church? At the close of the worship service, walk up to one of the ministers and tell them of your decision. A trained counselor will meet with you to help you understand your decision, answer any of your ques-tions, pray with you, and secure the information necessary for our records. Usually, this takes just a few minutes.

I still have more questions! You are dealing with the most important decision of your life-what you will do with Jesus! You are more than welcome to call any of our ministers at 859-727-2588, or fill out the Worship Registration form and place it in the offering plate. One of our ministers will contact you.

Message Rusty Ellison

The Church - The Body of Christ Text - Ephesians 4:1-6


Please continue to pray for the Pastor Search Team as they seek God's direction for our church and the man He has as our next Lead Pastor. The team is hopeful in having an Interim Pastor in place some time in August which will allow them to focus on the actual pastor search process. Butch Bowling Kathy Smith Rusty Ellis Brett Morin Donna Ledden Scott Borders Dustin Teter Jeff Barbour Pray also for the EBC family, the EBC staff, the ministries of EBC as well as Dwight and Lisa Moody as they continue to follow God's calling in Tennessee.

If you have questions, concerns or suggestions about the search process along the way, feel free to connect with any of the team members or Jeff can be reached via email at or by texting or calling him at 859-393-4418.

WEEKLY GOAL $14,009.18

Ministry/Missions Offering $ 12,700.00

Building Fund $ 100.00

Month Mission $ 325.00

Other Designated $ 650.00

Here’s What is Happening at Erlanger Baptist Church!

Sunday Attendance

10:30 AM Worship 220

Wee Worship 34

Hispanic 41




th- The end of summer is upon us! Come on

to Ms. Kaye’s house for the final swim bible study of the summer. Snacks and lunch will be provided. The new rising 7

th graders are invited to participate

as well. The fun starts at 11am and we end at 3pm. Come have some fun in the sun! Sunday August 14

th- To celebrate Promotion Sunday, the student ministry

is hosting a Welcoming Pool Party for the incoming 7th graders. Activities

will begin at 5pm at Ms. Kaye Ellis’ home. Guys bring a two liter and girls bring chips and cookies. Come for a night of food and fun as we welcome new students into the student ministry!

It’s our pleasure to invite you join us for the Counsel the Word- Confident Parenting Conference at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville on August 20th. The 2016 Counsel the Word Conference will address how to guide your children wisely in a turbulent world that requires confidence. This confidence is not ultimately in your own abilities, but in the God whose ancient wisdom keeps us grounded for the challenges of modern life. We look forward to partnering with you for this valuable event. We are offering a 50% discount if you register by August 7th. Register by filling out the form you may have received or see Judy Carpenter for a form and return by August 7th.

SonLight Preschool We are currently taking applications for the following positions in our preschool: Teacher’s assistant, substitutes and Director’s Assistant. If interested, please forward your resume to If you know of someone who may be interested in any of these positions please pass along this information to them. You may contact Kim, at SonLight, for any questions 342-2301.

Preschool Playdate Tomorrow

Our final Preschool Playdate for the summer is tomorrow. Moms... bring your preschoolers and come hang out while the kids play. We will begin at 10am at Pride Park in Taylor Mill. The fun will end at 1pm. We will provide drink and snacks. You are welcome to bring your lunch.

Wednesday Nights this Fall We will launch our Fall Wednesday Nights on Wednesday, August 24. Dinner will be served at 5pm in the CLC. Ministry Activities for Preschoolers,

Children, Students, and Adults will begin at 6pm and end at 7:30pm. There is something for the entire family so consider joining us on Wednesday nights. Let’s grow in the Lord together!

August 14 is Promotion Promotion Sunday is NEXT week! All of our preschool, children and student LifeGroups will promote. Class lists were posted today so that you know which class your child will be moving to for the new school year. Remember, if you have a child going into Kindergarten, they will move upstairs to the children’s hallway and if you have a child going into 7th grade, they will move into the Student Ministry on the 3rd floor. Please talk to Pastor Eric if you have any questions.