Freedom - Beschreibung engl..pdf · Freedom This is the thought behind the Octopus....

Post on 04-Aug-2019

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Transcript of Freedom - Beschreibung engl..pdf · Freedom This is the thought behind the Octopus....

Freedom anyone?This is the thought behind the Octopus. Inde-pendent from your disability, your surroundings can easily and in an active way be controlled.

Thanks to the flexibility almost all problems can be solved. A nod with your head or a minimal movement with your finger is already enough. the Octopus has different extendable functions like:• mobile phone• Z-wave environmental control• acoustic voice feedback• music• etc.

Some of these functions require to couple an extra device. In other words, the electronics can be adjusted so the needs of the user are fulfilled resulting in a personal adapted Octopus wheelchair. Through advanced technology abilities appear. For a lot of people with disabilities, the Octopus makes the difference between doing it your-self or ask for help.

We put you in control

Problems can be solved

HMC International NVE3-laan 89 - 9800 Deinze - BelgiumTel: +32 (0)9 381 09 50Fax: +32 (0)9 381 09

No limits - freedom for everyone!

Make it personal- with the all new easy Octopus!To develop a link to life

First there was the Easy Rider, something really good, but it could get even better. Engineer and product manager Marijn Lamers at HMC tells us the story behind the Octopus.

- Our users wants to be able to do daily things and not depend on their handicap, and why shouldn’t they? We saw that there where much more to todays technology then what was being used in all the products on the market. So we decided to take it to the next level.

Tell us, what is better with this new Octopus?

- This has an extended configuration, you can really make it yours. Choose your own look, menu structure and there are so many new features added like Z-wave, you can play your favorite music, watch videos and pictures for example.

What is your favorite feature?

- I would say the Integrated mobile phone function and the Text to speech device. It might sound like a small thing, but it can really make a huge different for a user.

For whom did you develop it? Who can use it?

- All people who want to get more out of their lives. People who can not use daily costumer electronics for whatever reason.

You say one can make this Octo-pus really personal, in what ways?

- For example you can have your own background, choose icons, menu structure. Your contact persons are stored in the contact list and you decide how you want to control it.You play your music whether the others like it or not!

The Octopus is your obvious link between your powered wheelchair and your surroundings.

Let Octopus connect you with friends, wherever they are.

24/7 for everyone

Yes, the Octopus is with me all the time and it will work for you as well. Whatever possibility’s you have of movement, there is a solution that will fit you to.

I’ve seen the latest movie – have you?

Being a media machine, the Octopus keeps you updated on those special movie moments.

Music moves me

Select the right tune to accom-pany across your day. Put your favorite music on a flash drive and play it for all of your friends.

Communication says it all

With the Octopus speaker and synthetic voice you have the feasi-bility to make your opinion heard. Stay in touch with your friends and tell someone you love them.

I control my surroundings

A powerful IR learn/transmit unit and Z-wave function (radio frequency controlled) will put you in control. Navigate your way around your home and master your TV, computer, lights, doors, oven or stereo. The possibilities are endless.

My link to my life

The Octopus is flexible in so many ways. Handheld or mounted on you chair, whatever fits your needs.Whether you mount it to your bed, your chair or wear it around your neck. The Octopus will be a link to your life.

My Octopus follows my mood

The configuration let’s you stylish your Octopus with pictures an colors that you like. This your device!

Don’t call me – I call you

With the built-in mobile phone function you will find a new voice. Talk on the phone, when you like to or use the text message function. And with a full day use on one battery charge you can feel safe that you can always stay in touch.

Octopus model 4-series

My daughter loves school and being able to communicate with her during the day knowing she is fine makes me relax and I can focus on doing my things as well.

Marijn Lamers // Product manager


Door opener



Hand transmitter




Rolling shutter

Mobile phone




OvenCoffe machine

Garage door

An Easy optionThe Octopus enables you to control your environment with the same joystick or input device.

It puts you in control of your environment by using infra red, radio frequency or direct wired connec-tions. With The Octopus you can make and receive phone calls but also send and receive text messages. Have short conversation using short messages and get acoustic feedback from the position in the menu.

Why is it so good?The octopus is easy to handle and adapt to your own wishes. It puts you in control!

I´m the king of my castle


Octopus 400The 400 uses the latest technology to let you control your environment in the way you want.

You can control it using the touch screen, the joystick of your wheelchair, buttons, USB keyboard or mouse, etc. And you control your environment through infra red signals using menus that are made on your requirements.

You saw nice wallpapers? Well, choose one and put it as back-ground on your 400.

Octopus 420The 420 goes one step fur-ther that the 400. It gives you access to the mobile phone, Z-wave (RF) environmental control functions and it lets you record sounds.

The built in solution of the mobile phone ensure the reli-ability of that function in case of emergency.

The Z-wave environmental con-trol gives you all the flexibility you need to control your devices at home or at work.

Record fragments of the concert you are attending, who wouldn’t want to do that.

PossibilitiesWith one integrated control system, you can not only independently control your wheelchair but also effective control your communication and environmental devices. All with one display.

Available on wheelchair foradults and children.

The plug & play system enables an easy and quick adaptation or change in input control. All with the same system

Since there is a large choice of input devices like mini joystick, finger joystick, scan-ning, etc., there is a solution for everyone of us.

An easy and flexible configu-ration (set-up) enables youto setup the Octopus according to your needs.

ScanFlowStore trial version.

You can easily control your Octopus by use of a displaywith text, icons, speechfeedback and a straight-forward menu structure.Available in 11 languages.

You can control your environment using infra red or Z-wave. For infra red, you can choose from a pre installed library of IR codes. For the Z-wave you can use the configurator.

The built-in infra red trans-mitter can learn all the infra red codes you need. This will give you access to your environment.

Different options and accessories are also available. They make the Octopus the most complete system on the market.

Reusable because of standard and extended installation package.

Parameters are easy adjust-able by the user and/or dealer.

The graphic display of theOctopus can also be usedindependent (stand alone),separated from the wheel-chair. This saves you a secondseparate environmentalSystem


Buddy Button Green

Order code: 7000-7002a

Long Gooseneck Switch - 1.3mCable

Order code: 0063-7001a

Touch Contact on Battery

Order code: 0037-7003a

Gooseneck Switch Cable 1350mm - Jack 3.5mm

Order code: 0035-7012a

Easy Phone Advanced

Order code: 0007-7002a

8 Channel IR Receiver

Order code: 0050-7002a

IR Remote Sen-sor for 8 Channel IR Receiver

Order code: 0050-7005a

Easy Mouse USB, infra red mouse simulation, USB

Order code: EASYC-106


Plug In Switch, French

Order code: 0061-7001a

Plug In Dimmer, French

Order code: 0061-7002a

Plug In Switch, Schuko

Order code: 0061-7003a

Plug In Dimmer, Schuko

Order code: 0061-7004a

Relais Switch Wall Socket

Order code: 0061-7005a

Superdimmer Wall Socket

Order code: 0061-7006a


Window Blind Wall Socket

Order code: 0061-7007a

Switch Cover, Polar White Glossy,System M

Order code: 061-7008a

Dimmer Cover, Polar White Glossy,System M

Order code: 0061-7009a

Window Blind Cover, Polar WhiteGlossy, System M

Order code: 0061-7010a

Outlet Polar White Glossy, SystemM, Schuko

Order code: 0061-7011a

Outlet Polar White Glossy, SystemM, French

Order code: 0061-7012a

Mounting Frame 1x, Polar WhiteGlossy, System M

Order code: 0061-7013a

Mounting Frame 2x, Polar WhiteGlossy, System M

Order code: 0061-7014a

Mounting Frame 3x, Polar WhiteGlossy, System M

Order code: 0061-7015a

Environmental recievers

With the standard package (Octopus 400) you can• Control the Octopus in different ways: touch screen, buttons,

joystick of your wheelchair, etc.

• Change the wallpaper to one you like.

• Adjust the size of the buttons, small, medium and large.

• Learn the infra red codes of you devices and control them.

• Choose your menu structure.

• Connect USB device like flash disk, USB mouse, etc.

• Make phone calls using an IR telephone

• Manage you contacts

The extended package (Octopus 420) allows you to:• Do the same as the Octopus 400

• Make a phone call using the mobile phone function

• Control your environment with Z-wave technology

• Record sound and voices to use them later on.

Next to these 2 packages you can upgrade your Octopus with following options:

• TTS (text to speech) feedback; gives you feedback of your position on the screen.

• TTS messenger; all thing you type are spoken out.

• Media player; play music, video and show pictures.

• Different voices; depending on the language you want.

• The Octopus remains reusable when you use the differ-ent packages and the options.

All the things you can do!You want to do more with your Octopus?  Well, new features can be added very easily using the extension packages.